#i already got the statue and fountaine
gh0st1ybunny · 4 months
nothing quite like 100%ing the entirety of the sea of bygone eras in a couple hours
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j4gm · 1 year
Here's a bunch of stuff I spotted. Feel free to add more.
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During the anime girl hero dream Fionna mentions Hans Brinker, a character from a novel which introduced speed skating to the United States.
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The BMO style alarm clock has BMO's voice.
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The ducks that steal Marshall Lee's money look like one-headed versions of the two-headed duck from the original Adventure Time title sequence.
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Cheers is a real sitcom. Simon previously sang its theme song in the episode Simon & Marcy, and now it seems to have manifested in the human AU due to his connection with it.
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Fionna says "stop acting crazy" to Cake with the same meter as Marceline said "stop acting crazy" to Ice King in the episode I Remember You.
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We all spotted this in the trailer but there's a Magic Man hat in this shot. Magic Man's hat was most recently seen being worn by Betty.
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The Betty statue also suggests that Simon's psyche has significant influence over this world. The fountain includes frogs, a symbol of change that was previously also used in Temple of Mars. And Fionna mentions the statue underwent renovation twelve years ago, which is the same amount of time that's passed in the prime universe since Betty's amalgamation with GOLB.
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It would seem Mrs. Abadeer runs a vacuum cleaner company as well as being Fionna's landlady. And Queenie runs an accounting business as well as the tour bus.
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The stickers on Marshall Lee's guitar case are all references to real life punk rock bands. X-Ray Pex = X-Ray Spex, Daikini Kill = Bikini Kill, PM might be a reference to AM as in the Arctic Monkeys. I'm not sure what Las Crudas and Dark Eyes are references to. Perhaps someone more familiar with punk rock can let me know?
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In case you were wondering, the credits confirm that this is human genderswapped Fern. It's a bit more obvious now that we can see all her green clothes and backpack, and given what she said about her dreams being super messed up. I'm not gonna go through the rest of the cameo characters in this episode because most of them are pretty obvious or already got figured out when the trailer dropped. That said, if anyone knows who the bus driver is meant to be please let me know.
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The sword in the window of this games shop looks very similar to Fionna's sword from the original comic series.
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The latte that Gumball - ahem I mean Gary - makes in this scene features PB's swan.
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Okay one more cameo mention because I feel like it might become significant later. This is Ice Queen.
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Fionna and Cake are dreaming about their apartment block in the credits of this episode, but it has a roof like the Tree Fort and the same little boat with a telescope and parasol.
Episode 2 to follow!
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msnihilist · 2 months
Idea for a fic I just had, sharing it because I will probably never write it:
During "Lost in Fairy World," Hazel and Dev stumble upon Timmy's old Chosen One statue, of himself holding the White Wand. Hazel is intrigued to see a statue of a human in Fairy World, and wonders if he was a godchild, like them. Dev doesn't really care, and is exceedingly jealous of whatever this human did to get himself memorialized this way.
When Cosmo, Wanda, and Peri catch up with the kids, Hazel asks about the statue. (She's already got her own amazing story written in her head, lol.) Dev says something to the effect of, "What did this loser do to get a statue of himself?"
Peri immediately takes offense to that, snapping that Dev isn't allowed to call him a loser. "Well, why not? What's so great about him?" "He's my brother."
Wanda and Cosmo are very uncomfortable with this conversation and visibly saddened. But they tell an abridged version of the story since the kids are curious and Peri didn't really remember it all, since he was a baby at the time.
Through the story, Wanda and Cosmo get caught up reminiscing, getting stuck on the funny little details and wishfully recounting their misadventures with Timmy. It's clear that they love him very much. (Hazel isn't jealous. She isn't.)
Hazel asks where Timmy is now and doesn't get an answer. After the five of them get back to Earth, Cosmo and Wanda retire early for the night and Peri is quiet with Dev, too.
Dev thinks that they should track this "Timmy Turner" down. (He wants to prove that he's better than this guy, but doesn't want to admit to himself why he wants Peri's love/attention like that.) Hazel thinks they should leave well-enough alone, because talking about Timmy made their fairies so sad. (Sad like how she gets sad about Antony, but at least she can call her brother. None of the fairies spoke about Timmy in the present tense.)
Dev convinces her by saying that it'll make them happy if they can reunite the fairies with Timmy. Hazel reluctantly agrees.
It's pretty easy to track Timmy down. Turns out that he lives in the city, and his buckteeth are the same as they are on the statue. Dev and Hazel immediately clock him. They come up with an excuse to talk to Timmy by stealing his wallet and then "kindly" returning it to him. After which, Hazel insistently talks about anything and everything to Timmy, because what's he gonna do? Tell two kids to fuck off?? No, he's a polite adult and he endures this weird interaction.
Except Hazel and Dev then keep following Timmy around, learning his schedule so they can keep talking to him. Hazel needles little details about Timmy's life out of him, and realizes that he's lonely and clearly missing something. This makes her determined to reunite him with Cosmo and Wanda (even though a part of her desperately doesn't want to share). Dev is still convinced that Timmy is a loser. He speculates that there's no way this guy saved the planet, and Cosmo and Wanda were probably just talking him up.
Either way, Hazel slowly forces Timmy to be friends with her. He is an adult, so he's slow to admit that he's lonely enough to be friends with a ten-year-old, but Hazel reminds him of a kind girl he used to be friends with as a kid wears him down and he grows to tolerate and then even enjoy running into her around the city.
Hazel eventually arranges for Timmy to meet her at the fountain, and also asks Cosmo and Wanda to be there in their human forms. She's super excited for them to finally meet again!! (Dev doesn't tell Peri about this — he doesn't want to admit that he's worried it will go too well if they do meet up again.)
Except that when Timmy arrives, Cosmo and Wanda aren't happy to see him. They look completely devastated. Timmy greets Hazel and awkwardly introduces himself to Cosmo and Wanda. Cosmo bursts into tears and flees. Wanda sticks around long enough to mumble an excuse and then also leaves. Timmy is confused, and Hazel doesn't know what she did wrong.
When she finds Cosmo and Wanda, they confess that they have been keeping an eye on Timmy. How could they not, you know? But it hurt too much to see him living his own life, doing fine without them. They started godparenting Hazel in part to have a distraction, so that they aren't thinking about Timmy and aren't watching him. Seeing him in person brought those ten-thousand years of hurt to the surface.
They also explain to Hazel that Timmy doesn't remember them at all, and that's the worst part — that all of the love they had for each other ended up meaning nothing at all, that they got too close to a godkid and paid the price and there's nothing they can do about it.
Hazel is crushed, but also not giving up. She tells them that Timmy does need them, he's an adult but his life is still empty. No one ever really stops needing their parents.
Wanda, tearfully, says, "But we're not his parents." That's the reality of their situation, and they have to face it no matter how much it hurts.
Her plan a bust, Hazel leaves Wanda and Cosmo alone and goes to talk to Dev about what happened. She wonders how awful Peri must feel, sympathizing that she wouldn't know what to do with herself if she just woke up one day and Antony didn't remember her.
Dev (who is getting really fed up with hearing about Timmy) can't and refuses to empathize. He says that he's always been fine as an only child, and if he's supposed to be a "distraction" for Peri, then the least he could do is act like Dev is a priority instead of moping about someone who doesn't even care about him all day.
Hazel asks where all of this is coming from, Dev sneers that Peri hasn't been the same since they visited the statue. Peri doesn't talk about it, but it's clearly about Timmy. Hazel tells him that Peri is obviously hurting, and Dev snaps that he's hurting, too, and Peri should be doing his job. (Why do people only care about him when its their job?)
Hazel simply asks Dev why he's hurting, and Dev freezes. He doesn't really know how to articulate all of his upset and anger, and that forces him to pause and quiet himself. He then admits to Hazel that everyone is so obsessed with Timmy, even she's been hanging out with that loser more than him. And Dev just. Misses them. Wants attention. He wonders if anyone will care about him if he were to disappear, the way that the fairies care about Timmy.
Hazel assures him that she would care. She'd cry over him for 10,000 years at least! Which makes Dev giggle, even though he's still trying to be upset. Still, Hazel apologizes. She was trying to make everyone happy, and she didn't realize that she was failing him. Dev brushes her apology off, saying, "It's not your job to make me happy — it's Peri's. He's just been slacking."
Hazel also admits that she's jealous of Timmy, too. She feels bad for being jealous, but that doesn't mean that she's not. She knows that Cosmo and Wanda love her, but she also knows that she'll never replace Timmy for them.
The fairies finally reveal that they were listening the whole time. (After they left, Cosmo and Wanda went to Peri to tell him about what Hazel and Dev were doing behind their backs. Peri is at first upset that Dev kept Timmy a secret from him, but also acknowledges that he isn't really surprised. Dev is a complicated, hurt kid, and he needs more than what Peri has been giving him, especially lately.)
Cosmo assures Hazel that she can't replace Timmy, but no one could replace her, either. She's wonderful all on her own, and Cosmo and Wanda adore her — they wouldn't want her any other way.
Peri apologizes to Dev for not doing his job. Dev awkwardly accepts, then tells Peri that his job is to grant wishes, not "care" about Dev. Peri teases him by saying, "If that was my job, I would be working over-time." He says that Dev isn't a "distraction," at all, and that if Peri didn't want to be with him, he could leave at any time. Reaffirming that he's here because he wants to be spurs Dev into hugging Peri, albeit only briefly.
With all of the apologies and hugs out of the way, Dev asks to see Da Rules. He flips to the section about losing your fairies and says, "It says here that a godchild must lose memories of their fairies and all things magic... But it doesn't say that another godchild couldn't wish those memories back."
The fic ends with Timmy at the fountain again. Hazel approaches with Dev, and the fairies in their human forms. She asks Timmy if he remembers the three of them. Timmy confesses that he doesn't. Hazel grins: "I wish that you did."
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mysteryshoptls · 2 months
SSR Kalim Al-Asim - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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­­­­[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Kalim: Woah! I've seen this artist's work before. I think we have a bunch of their stuff on the walls back home.
Kalim: So, the Land of Dawning's National Museum of Art's gottem on display too, huh. Hehe, that's pretty neat!
Vil: Oh, this… I think this is a painting of the moment when the beloved princess and the impoverished, yet kindhearted young man were set to be married.
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Kalim: Yeah, that's right! The guy on the left is the sultan, and…
Kalim: Just so the princess could marry who she wanted, he went and changed the law for her.
Vil: Oh, hello, Kalim. I wasn't expecting you to know the particular details of the tale.
Kalim: The attendants back home would read me books with their stories. I really like the ones that have happy endings!
Kalim: Oh yeah, and did you know? The sultan here loved to collect miniature models.
Kalim: In his room, he had carriages large enough even a kid could ride in it, and statues of horses with wings…
Kalim: He even had a model of the royal palace! Apparently he'd always be playing with it.
Vil: Mhmm. Quite the childish hobby for a country's ruler to have.
Kalim: Oh, is playing with models childish? I'm always playing with mine whenever I go back home.
Kalim: Once, I mentioned to my dad I was curious what our home looked like from above, y'see.
Kalim: So then, he went and made a miniature model of our whole estate and a special room to put it in.
Vil: He made something like that just because you asked one thing… I suppose I shouldn't expect anything less from the Asim family.
Vil: But if it had its own room… How big was this model, anyway?
Kalim: Uhhh… I think at first, it was about the size of a magic carpet.
Kalim: Back then, it was just the estate buildings, but before I knew it, the land had been tacked on as well.
Kalim: And every time we added to the house, the model got an addition too, so it just got bigger and bigger.
Kalim: Whenever we'd buy new furniture, the stuff in my room, or my siblings' rooms would move around and change, too…
Kalim: There was always some kind of change whenever I looked into it. Sometimes I really couldn't tell what changed, though. Ahahah!
Vil: Even your furniture is a part of the model? Well, isn't that ridiculously elaborate…
Kalim: Yeah! That model is super awesome! The small clocks and furniture actually function, and…
Kalim: The roof and the walls of the model are made of the same stuff as our actual home, so it looks just like it.
Kalim: Water'll actually come out of the marble fountains, and even the trees and lawn are apparently made of real moss.
Kalim: Anyway, since it's a perfect replica of my real home, it really lets me feel like I'm a giant!
Kalim: Oh yeah. And on the ceiling of the room with the model, there are monitors and sprinklers…
Kalim: So night can turn into day, or it can rain or whatever.
Kalim: If the switch next to the model is pressed while in nighttime mode, the whole model lights up and it's so pretty!
Kalim: Also, we'd get miniature elephants and camels on parade…
Vil: Enough already! You've already convinced me just how special your personal miniature model is!
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­­­­[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Vil: This is a painting of the Lord of the Underworld and his men.
Vil: From what I hear, the Lord of the Underworld's subordinates had the power to change their form and voice at well, and even could take on the appearance of children.
Kalim: Woah~ They must've been amazing. Oh, that reminds me, I once turned myself into an adult, y'know.
Vil: You turned yourself into an adult…? Do you mean you disguised yourself as one?
Kalim: Yeah! When I was little, my family and I went to go see a play and there was this one scene where a ruler dressed up like one of his servants.
Kalim: I wanted to try the dame thing, so that night after the play, I put my plan into action.
Kalim: Like, if I were to wear the household attendant's clothes and wear shoes with bigger soles, I'd look just like an adult, right?
Kalim: And then I even put on a huge hat and covered my face with sunglasses, too.
Vil: You really seem proud of yourself… And you're saying no one realized it was you?
Kalim: They didn't even call my name, just said stuff like, "Perhaps it is time for bed, my young, esteemed colleague?"
Vil: They absolutely knew. No one in their right mind would tell their colleague to go rest in the middle of their duties.
Kalim: Eh? …YOU'RE SO RIGHT!! You're amazing, Vil. I never even realized before you said that just now.
Kalim: But then, how did they even figure out it was me?
Vil: I wouldn't call what you did a disguise or anything. All you did was wear your attendants' clothing.
Vil: Your behavior and speech were the same as usual, weren't they? Then there was nothing disguised. It was no different than you changing between your school or dorm uniforms.
Kalim: So if they figured it out 'cause of my behavior…? So then, I shouldn't've talked like I normally do, right?
Vil: Yes. Think back to the mannerisms of the attendants in your estate and how they treat you.
Kalim: Their mannerisms… Hmm…
Kalim: Oh, I think I got it! So I should've tried to speak more polite-like!
Vil: I wasn't really talking about something as minor as that, but… Well, I suppose that's a step in the right direction.
Vil: If you are going to disguise yourself as another person, you cannot just mimic them. You must completely change your mannerisms, speech, everything.
Kalim: I got it. Thanks for the advice!
Kalim: I know what I have to fix now, so… I gotta try again as soon as I can!
Vil: You're going to try again…? Here? And who exactly are you planning to disguise yourself as?
Kalim: Obviously, one of my family's attendants! This time for sure, it'll be the best disguise ever!
Vil: I think dressing up as an Asim family attendant would just be too conspicuous… But I do look forward to seeing how you pull it off.
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­­­­[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Kalim: Woah! Look, Vil! There's a painting of a tea party.
Vil: According to legend, this tea party was ridiculously strange…
Kalim: It's super cool, don'tcha think! This is one of my favorite displays.
Kalim: It had teapots whistling along to songs, and plates that could be eaten after being doused in tea…
Kalim: On top of that, there was a cake that would fly up into fireworks as soon as its candles were lit!
Kalim: And their large table was just completely covered in all those tableware and foodstuffs! Awesome, right!?
Vil: …You look at that tea party and genuinely think it 'awesome'? It looks as though we have completely different tastes.
Kalim: Oh, you don't think so, Vil?
Vil: Mhm. That's because I like enjoying a quiet teatime.
Kalim: They say that the girl in the tale didn't even have time to drink her tea, so it sounded pretty fun to me.
Kalim: If I ever get to attend a tea party that's this chaotic, I'd totally be down!
Kalim: Ooh, or, should I throw a tea party myself? We can act out this specific scene.
Kalim: I bet it'd be fun to sing along with my dormmates as the teapots jammed.
Kalim: Oh yeah! Don'tcha think everyone'll be surprised if the teapots also danced and leaped around with the rest of us?
Vil: Yes, I'm sure they would be.
Kalim: Yeah, I can't just try to imitate the legends. It should be an even grander extravaganza!
Kalim: I'll have to prep a lot of edible plates… And a buncha different teas they can use to dip the dishes in…
Kalim: What's left… Oh right, the cake!
Kalim: I should make it a much larger cake than what the girl in the tale got.
Kalim: That way there'd be even bigger fireworks, and it'll get everyone real excited!
Vil: I can absolutely picture your dormmates running around so loudly.
Kalim: Right!? After that… Hmmm. Vil, you got any good ideas?
Vil: You shouldn't ask me, but instead ask your dormmates for their opinion.
Kalim: Yeah! Of course, I'll definitely check with them.
Kalim: But, I want to invite you too, Vil. So tell me, what kind of party do you want it to be?
Vil: [sighs] …I just told you. I would rather enjoy a quiet teatime.
Vil: Thank you for the invite, but I'll have to decline. Bye, now.
Kalim: Okay…  Then you definitely gotta come to the next party I throw!
Kalim: All right, which painting should I check out next? Ooh! Is that…?
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Kalim: Yeah, just as I thought! It's artwork that shows the young man marching in a parade on an elephant's back!
Kalim: There were 75 golden camels, 53 peacocks, and a bunch of other animals and dancers following him...
Kalim: Looks like he was trying to entertain the whole country on the way to visit the princess.
Kalim: He went through all that effort just to make everyone happy… There's no doubt about it.
Kalim: This guy is definitely an awesomely good guy. I'm a real good judge of character, after all!
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Requested by @starshiningsirius.
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supercap2319 · 6 months
"Wait a minute. You're telling me that Stefan... this Stefan. Stefan Antonio Salvatore, king of the brooding, jumped naked in the Trevi fountain and got drunk on the torch of the statue of Liberty?" Y/N asked.
Lexi smiled. "That's just the beginning. He was a real wildcard this one." She ruffled Stefan's already messy hair.
"Really? What else did he do?" Y/N smiled as he leaned forward.
"He snuck into a brothel house. Participated in a burlesque show. There was also the time I caught him making out with the Nobleman's son and the ship's cabin boy." Lexi said.
Y/N looks at Stefan, who's red from head to toe with embarrassment. "Wow. I didn't know Stefan was capable of doing such fun and reckless things. Are you sure it wasn't Damon in a wig?" He jokes.
"Believe me. Damon would have been a bitch about it."
"I'm shocked to learn that Stefan Antonio Salvatore has a fun side. I think I might faint."
Stefan rolled his eyes with a faint smile on his face. "I did it once. I'm not that big of a stick in the mud."
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nincompoopydoo · 7 months
Hey love! How are you? Happy valentine's day!! Can I please send in a request for your valentine's celebration? Can it be with loki laufeyson and the prompt "only the deepest love will persuade me into matrimony"
Thank you so much!❤️
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PAIRING: Loki Laufeyson x Reader WORD COUNT: 1.5k [again! I got carried away!] SUMMARY: During the celebration of Frigga as the Queen of Asgard, Loki finds himself slipping away from the events to the palace courtyard. To where you unfortunately found yourself stumbling towards an escape from your parents. A/N: i’m sorry i took so long with this one! Things came up and had to delay things a little but here we are with a regency-esque fic. It’s a little cringe to be frank but gentle!princeloki makes me want to eat my heart out [in a good way]. thanks for the request and more to come! WARNINGS: tooth-rotting fluff. reader is being forced to find suitors, much to her dismay. PROMPT:  "Only the deepest love will persuade me into matrimony" [from this prompt list] MASTERLIST
A cavernous, opulent hall, the Royal Palace of Valaskjalf’s interior gleams golden under ornate chandeliers set ablaze, and intricate gilded carvings adorn the structure of the extensive hall. The marble floors glisten under the sparkle of Frigga’s aureate train – it sweeps behind an intricately embellished gown. The goddess of marriage stands bejewelled beside Odin, clad in armour, delicate hands in his own, and the crowd swirls around her elegance in awe.
Today marks a celebration of Frigga as Queen of Asgard, bringing the nation to the palace grounds. 
In all gilded elegance and dazzling opulence, pleasantries through the evening were beginning to conjure up a sense of restlessness, constantly trailing behind his mother, Odin, and Thor as the royal family presented themselves to the crowd.
Every passing minute makes his jaw tick, and when the crowd disperses into dancing in full swing, he takes the opportunity to slip away, in need of some air.
Outside the hall extends a courtyard flanked by Corinthian mahogany columns stretching across a mosaic pathway. In between, hedges grow at extensive heights to reflect the majestic nature of the palace. The path leads to a fountain, a golden statue at its centre that shines in all its regal glory.
Loki ambles along the path with the intent to seek some silence by the benches, a place he often sought throughout his childhood. The streaming gentle waters calm the nerves – a place for contemplation. 
He sits there in his quietness as the stillness of the night revolves around him, though the sounds of distant music carry through the area. Here, he is reprieved from the many eyes that follow him throughout the night. Here, he is himself, alone in his thoughts.
That is until he hears footsteps approaching.
Loki whirls around to see the appearance of a stranger – you, up until now, oblivious to his presence. You abruptly halt in your step, eyes now wide.
“Prince Loki!” your voice bursts out in a panicked tone, dropping into a hurried curtsy.
Loki frowns. “What are you doing here?”
His words carry a tone of irritation, evident in his expression, and he immediately regrets it the moment it leaves his lips. He doesn’t mean to, and you appear to be on the verge of tears.
Forgive me. I did not mean to be here. I was merely seeking a place away from the hall. I…I’ll leave right away –”
You’re already whirling around, desperate to go, when he hears himself say, ‘Wait!“
You stutter in your step, turning to him once more.
A swallow constricts his throat. “It’s…alright. Please, join me.”
In truth, he doesn’t want to be alone. He just doesn’t want to be around under his family’s watchful eyes.
He sees the uncertainty in your expression and how your fingers writhe with your own, a motion to your subtle and controlled restlessness and anxiety about the situation. Unsure as to why there’s a tug in his heart at the sight of your reaction, his expression softens as he vaguely gestures towards the space beside him on the bench.
Well, this is a first.
You stand there for a moment, eyeing him. You’re trying to get a read on him, unsure why a prince of Asgard just casually invited you to sit by him. Yet, you glance back to the hall, the crowd manoeuvres in an elegant twirly of dancing and drinking, and you feel your heart sink at the thought of returning under your parents’ watchful eye.
So, you take a step and shyly sit next to him, hands clasped on your lap.
A guarded silence settles between you, and Loki decides his curiosity will get the better of him.
“Have you come here to contemplate as well?” he asks, eyes shifting to you. Your eyes immediately fly to him, seemingly surprised by his question.
“More to avoid… certain people.”
“My parents, to be specific.”
Loki hums and nods, amused.
A beat. Loki carries on. “And why is that?”
He knows he’s prying – he doesn’t mean to. Although he hates to admit it at this very moment, he’s finding any way for you to stay a little longer, to prolong your presence beside him.
Your lips part to form a response, but you pause, eyes flicking away from him, fingertips thrumming on your lap as you bow your head bashfully. Almost as if you had to remind yourself who you were speaking to.
“Well, I must admit I do not enjoy occasions like these, but my parents insisted I attend. And the first hour had been filled with introductions to… suitors.”
Your voice is quiet as you articulate each word carefully. He watches you press your lips together, and there’s a twist in your expression. It shows in the slight downturn of your mouth, and your brows furrow.
Your eyes cautiously flick to him, gauging any reaction. Whether your words mean anything to him. Whether there’s any ounce of aggravation on his face.
But he watches you patiently, with an unwavering gaze. It sends an anxious thud of your heart.
“There is an expectation that I would catch someone’s eye tonight in hopes of matrimony within a year.”
“A year?”
“That is the deadline.”
A deadline until marriage. A deadline to your freedom.
Before he can stop himself, the words slip from his lips, laden with a curiosity he hadn't anticipated.
“And have you caught…someone’s eye?”
Though you already seem a little upset, his words stir a profound sense of conflict in you. He sees it in how you hunch a little more and your eyes seemingly caught in a distance. A world elsewhere from here.
Though, you don’t catch the true intentions behind his words.
He clings to every word.
“None, thus far, though I confess I do not wish to fulfil my parents' wishes for a marriage of convenience.”
A beat. A small smile graces your lips like a thought has just struck you. It lifts your posture, and you finally turn to him. 
“I am determined that only the deepest love will persuade into matrimony, which is why I will end up an old maid.”
He cannot help but feel the corners of his lips twitch at your words. It’s the sincerity of your voice that reflects his surprise at your casual vulnerability as to how you have sworn to be the very defiance of your parents and society’s expectations. 
It’s how you trust to show the authenticity of your sentiment in his presence that alights a warmth in his chest.
“I must say, as wise as you are, you underestimate your beauty and intelligence. Surely, someone must have taken an interest in you.”
Little did you know…
It almost makes you laugh loudly, but you settle for a snort in derision. It’s unflaterring, especially in the presence of a prince. It reminds me of where you are and how you had never seen him up close. His blue eyes and the creases it leaves with his charming grin. 
“You are too kind, but I believe my mother says that my intelligence contributes to my brashness.”
You laugh again, but it isn’t the same, hinting at a wryness. Loki catches it.
Then, the air shifts. Silence settles again. But then, you speak.
“What about you?”
He’s met with your gaze again and feels himself turn unnaturally nervous.
“Me?” he stutters out.
“Why have you come here to contemplate?”
It’s his turn to offer a wry laugh. You catch it as well.
You hum, and the conversation ends. You don’t pry anymore as you return to face the cascading waters of the fountain. Its gentle flow hums against the distant music from the hall, gleaming under the soft moonlight.
Then, he hears the music transform to a familiar tune, and it’s traditional – a ballad, slow and inherently romantic. One where everybody knows the steps.
It’s not entirely clear what’s come over him tonight when, without any apparent cue, he rises from the bench. His gaze locks onto you as he extends his hand to you.
“Dance with me?”
Loki doesn’t say anything. You know he means it.
You hesitate but take his hand, your fingertips in his delicate touch as you’re pulled to your feet.
You feel yourself begin to move with each careful step, eyes trained solely on his. Fingertips brushing, hands clasped on your own, gentle twirls around the expanse of the courtyard. Your feet aren’t trained for dancing, and it carry you with an occasional stumble. But Loki doesn’t scowl like the other men; instead, he smiles – it’s genuine. 
Now, a hand on your waist. His touch burns and the dance draws you close to him to when you can make out the green flecks in his eyes. You see how his gaze drops to your lips with a flicker that you almost don’t see.
He wants to kiss you.
But the music comes to an end, and as the final notes linger, your steps come to a halt, though Loki’s touch is still heavy on the curve of your waist.
Then, laughter, in a distance. People are nearing. Your reality awakens, and you move away from his hold. The air shifts, the moment forever sealed and lost to you as the two of you just… stand there.
Regardless, you bring your lips to a smile. It’s timid. He cannot help but mirror it.
Perhaps you might have caught someone’s eye tonight.
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mochiroreo · 11 months
There’s a bite to it
Modern!Eddie Munson x Vampire!reader
TW: MDNI 18+, Blood (not too graphic), blood loss, P in V, fingering, squirting, cream pie, soft smut.
Author’s note: (this is fic NOT beta’d 🥹) Well hello there and welcome! I know, I know its been a while. A lot has been happening these days but thank you for staying! Now starts the drop of my halloween specials, sorry it took this long! As always, Minors go awayyy. This is the first time I’m attempting to write this type of tropes 💀 thank you for reading!💖
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“Oh fuck off Gareth! What? You think I’m too “scared” for this dare?” Eddie stomped on the cigarette butt, his black boot squeaked at the pressure.
“No, but I’m just saying you can back out. We’re not gonna tease you for it.” Gareth looked at Jeff, silently asking for help to stop Eddie and just back out. “I mean yeah—“ Jeff started, scratching his nape while he thinks how to persuade Eddie to back out. “Look dude, you heard about the rumours. Some did not come back from entering that creepy mansion for the same reasons, a dare. It was just all for fun.”
Eddie scoffed at Jeff’s reasoning. Yeah, he is a ‘bit’ afraid, but his pride really won’t let him back down from a dare, let alone his friends’ dare. What started as a usual night for hellfire ended up with drinks and other games, resulting to Eddie losing continuously in a rock-paper-scissors game.
He sucked at the game so badly that he was practically the one that dug his own grave to protect his ego, asking for another round before the group decided to give him a dare for losing so much, which is to enter an abandoned mansion in Hawkins that is famous for all the kinds of rumours and urban legends surrounding it. From poltergeists to disappearances to murder. Making Eddie’s friends regret that they have mentioned it to him as a dare.
“I’m fucking getting out of that mansion alive. Jesus, what could happen in just one night?”
“Exactly! There is a LOT that could happen!” Gareth reasoned out, frustratedly gripping his hair. Eddie had the audacity to cackle and grab the bag that he packed for his dare, looking at his friends one last time before flicking his middle finger up to them. “You’re overthinking this. I have my phone with me so I’ll just call you or message if something happens y’know.” Turning around quickly to walk towards the eerie mansion, Eddie gulped. His prideful facade falling off when he faced the mansion. He is now feeling the cold autumn air, the crunching of the leaves as he walk towards the gate without looking back his friends.
If Eddie can hide how scared he is earlier, his sweaty palms and goosebumps can’t hide it now. He knew about the rumours and all the possible occult rituals that apparently happened inside the said mansion, he was such a big fan. But now that he’s in a dare he really don’t want to be in, he can’t help but curse the place for being at Hawkins.
He felt his jeans pockets if he brought his phone and power brick with him, making him sigh in relief when he got both. He really cannot afford to leave something, knowing how scared he already is. The old metal gate creaked, the wind blowing a tad bit harsher when he pushed himself in which made his skin pricked with goosebumps. He immediately walked inside, not having a single moment with the broken angel statues near the huge fountain at the garden (he watched too much Doctor who, thats for sure.)
Eddie let out a sigh, before looking around the place. He expected the mansion to be run downed, broken glasses,debris or blood everywhere. Maybe even cigarette butts and empty caps of syringe. But no, the place is immaculate and in pristine condition. The drapes where carefully folded, the sofa looking as if its new. Everything was black though, and he is liking how this mansion is styled.
He looked around before deciding to explore the second floor. He carefully walked upstairs as if someone can hear him, his boots creating a dull thud sound in every step on the carpeted floor. Eddie was met with a long hallway and dozens of doors scattered throughout yet he was intimidated with the one at the end, the biggest one that seems to be calling him. His eyes landed on a series of painting adorning the hall, a portrait of a woman that slowly loses her smile as he kept on walking towards the biggest door. It was as if every portrait was a different woman. A different nose, lips, eyes— as if all the artists that is trying to paint whoever the woman is does not know how to draw.
Eddie grabbed the brass knobs of the massive double doors, opening it slowly. His eyes twinkled when he finds out its a well-kept bedroom. The fact flying over his head, not thinking that someone must be living here for this to be this clean. Sighing, he took his leather jacket off and draped it on the chair, putting his bag down as well. He removed his shoes excitedly before plopping down at the soft mattress. “Holy shit. Why are people afraid of this house, this is such an awesome place to live in.” Eddie took a deep breath before sighing in relief. He yawned, not noticing the pair of red eyes that seemed to be watching him ever since he stepped inside.
“Well, it is indeed an awesome place to live in. I try to keep it clean. Have I done a good job?”
“Oh yeah you’ve done a won—“ if his eyes were closed earlier, now its as wide as saucers as he look around to find where the voice came from, before landing on the chair near the vanity mirror. Eddie gasped, his mind turning into a mush and his heart beating so fast that he knows its trying to jump out of his rib cage. “U-uhm— I just got dared—“ he tried to explain, sitting himself up on your bed. You looked at his nervous expression and find his stuttering adorable which made you laugh loudly. Eddie stopped explaining himself when he heard you, finally taking the time to look at you more closely.
It took him no time to notice that you are the woman in all of those portraits, yet they did not do you justice. You are ethereal, he thinks. Maybe that’s why the artists kept on changing things cause they cannot fully grasp your existence and just how beautiful you are?
You’ve noticed that he had gone quiet, making you tilt your head. Its been a while since you’ve had a human in your house. Have you already taken it too far? You leaned in a tad bit, moving the chair closer towards the bed. “Are you alright? Perhaps I’ve taken it too far?” You asked him, eyes tracing every inch of his face and oh. Oh. He looks downright delectable and delicious. Also adorable with how he is openly ogling your whole body. Dressed in a white dress that hugs your curves in a sinful way, not too thin yet not enough to hide all the things Eddie wanted to see.
You leaned forward, resting your head on your palms. The scent of Eddie wafted throughout the room, your eyes gleaming in delight. He smiles like smoked sandalwood and citrus which was an odd combination but made you more attracted towards him. It has been a while indeed since you had a taste of something that seemed so.. fresh. Eddie noticed the way your eyes raked over him, snapping him out of his desires. “I’m good I’m just trying to explain my situation cause I would really love not to get a lawsuit for breaking in someone’s house— I really thought this was abandoned.” He sat comfortably on your bed, eyes noticing the slightly longer than normal canines when you had given him a toothed smile before looking around your room.
“Well.. that’s what you, humans, say all the time whenever you enter this room and gets caught.” At this time, you have already stood up in front of the corner of the bed where Eddie is. “Said they they are just lost, curious, got dared..” you positioned yourself in between his dangling legs at the edge of the bed, loving how his breath hitched when your body is so close to his crotch, jaw tightening as if he is fighting himself to hold you. “But have you noticed something..” you drawled out the end of your sentence, cocking an eyebrow for him to say his name. “Eddie.. wait what do you mean us humans—?” he whispered. You did not pay any attention to his question, continuing your teasing. “Eddie, what a fitting name for your adorableness. But yes, Eddie, have you noticed something?”
Eddie just continued to stare at you, brown eyes locking in with your red ones, which he just noticed, his face filled with confusion. “If my eyes can’t give it away then- Look at that small vanity mirror, tell me if there is something wrong.” He quickly looked behind you to stare at the said mirror, immediately noticing that you don’t have a reflection. Sirens rang inside his head, yet he cannot move his body to run away from you. He watched enough horror movies to know what type of creature are those that live without a reflection. “V-vampire..?” He muttered, his face slightly paler when you nodded. You used your powers to turn the vanity mirror away, shutting the curtains, making Eddie jolt in shock with how quick the darkness engulfed the room.
His eyes slowly adjusted to the sudden lighting, it wasn’t too dark that he cannot see you, but definitely not bright enough to make him think clearly and think of a plan to escape. Denying inside his head that he is attracted to you. Your cold touch on his cheek made him jump, his hands landing on your hips which made you moan at the warmth. The sound definitely woke Eddie’s cock, and when he tried to remove his hands, you stopped him. “Its okay.. its okay. I’m not gonna hurt you.” You whispered softly, one hand cradling his cheek to make you look at him upwards while the other plays with his soft,curly hair. You usually don’t promise this to most of the humans that wanders on your house as they always end up being eaten anyway but to him,its different. “God, it’s been a while since I’ve smelled something as good as you. What a bonus that you are also a cure for sore eyes.” You chuckled in delight while Eddie gulped. Your eyes are definitely redder now, yet all Eddie felt was you putting more pressure to his crotch with your thighs while you move closer.
You duck your head, grabbing his nape to expose his neck for your soft,pink lips to latch on which had taken him aback. “Fuck” he muttered under his breath, hands tightening on your hips which made you inhale his scent deeply while sucking his pale skin harshly. “Please.. will you let me have a taste?” You whispered on his skin, trailing wet kisses all over while Eddie is slowly losing control on himself.
God, what did he walked into? Poltergeists, ghost, and cults, they said. Turns out, a fucking vampire lives in the mansion. He is not sure what scared him more, the fact that a vampire might suck him dry and die or the fact that even though he might get suck dry, he does not mind dying in such a way. Not trusting his voice, he gave you a small moan, craning his neck further. You pushed him onto the bed, red eyes now gleaming in delight. Eddie watched you with curiosity, definitely getting harder on his jeans when he watched your fangs grew longer. You leaned down to his neck once again, straddling him with ease.
Your plush thighs trapped him underneath you, hands holding his arms which made him feel trapped and wanted. “It might hurt a little but you’ll enjoy it, I promise you. Thank you for the meal.” Sucking in a breath, Eddie prepared himself before feeling your fangs prick his skin. He held your waist that you are pretty sure will give you bruises, not that you mind. In such a short time, you were completely smitten with how he smells divine and how he looks like he is meant to be with you. And with the taste of his blood, you weren’t sure how to let him go.
His taste was more than what you have expected, smooth and addicting. You sucked harder, blood filling your mouth. The hunger that was asleep for centuries re-igniting inside of you. No one has tasted this good. No one has made you feel intoxicated this way for ages. You almost lost yourself if not for the way Eddie caresses your hips and thighs after his bruising grip, lips forming into a lazy smile as if he is high. He is indeed high. Never had he expected for it to feel this.. good. If he’s going to die this way, might as well go all out, right?
The thought gave Eddie the confidence to moan loudly when he felt you suck harder again. One of his hand move to your back, tracing gentle circles while the other held your nape. “Yes. Take it, take what you think is yours. Does it taste good? I’m happy to give you more.” His words made you swoon, voice low and husky as he urge you to take more of him. Your hips now rutting on his clothed cock which made his eyes roll at the back of his skull. It’s too much for him, he just wants you to continue to use him. You continued to hump him, eager for a different type of release. Unlatching your mouth from his neck and licking it clean to close the wound. Eddie watched you sigh in bliss. His blood smeared at the side of your lips, which you licked, making sure you’re not wasting a drop of blood.
“Fuck, sweetheart—“ he choked out in pleasure, guiding his hands to your breasts and giving it a tentative squeeze. and giving it a squeeze. You gave him a toothy grin, retracting your fangs. You traced his bottom lip with your thumb, only for him to suck with while maintaining eye contact. The action made something snapped inside you, precautions flying out of the room. You slowly unraveled yourself, taking off your dress, your body now bare for Eddie. He looked at you in awe as if time froze before pulling you down for a searing kiss.
The kiss was hot,sticky, and messy from his blood. You cannot help the soft sighs that escaped your mouth when his lips found yours, his teeth tugging on your bottom lip before giving it a soft suck. Your knees buckled, weak with Eddie’s ministrations. He continued to kiss you deeply, playing with your nipples that made you pull away and bury your face on his neck. “Oh sweetheart, you’re so fucking beautiful.” He growled on your ear, before flipping your positions. He was now on top, straddling you as he look down. Taking off his shirt, it was your turn to run your hands on his lithe body. He isn’t bulky but holy fuck was he well defined on all the right places. And by the looks of it, his cock probably won’t disappoint as well.
Your mouth watered at the thought of his cock inside of you, taking you. You do not mind giving him the power over you, as long as he let you taste all of him. Eddie took of his clothes one by one, standing up quickly to remove his pants and boxers before going back to straddling you. Your eyes widened at his size. Not massively long but the girth of him makes you gulp. Your mouth watered but you cannot help but ask him one thing. “Well fuck me but— would that fit?!” The slight crack of your expression made him laugh, lightly stroking his length as he bury his face at the side of your neck to press wet kisses. “Oh it will fit. We will make it fit, don’t we?” His mouth slowly goes down to your breasts, sucking your pebbled nipples in delight. He continues to do so when you felt his hands cupping your bare pussy.
The action made you release a breath cause finally his hand is where you want it to be. The feeling of his warm palms and his cold rings just made you want more, bucking your hips slightly to ask him for more. He moved away to look into your eyes, rubbing your pussy gently and feeling how wet you are. “You’re soaking wet, jesus.” He mumbled, your eyebrows furrowed with just how his touch is making you lose yourself. “Other than it has been a while, you are the first human that made me feel this insatiable hunger again.”
Your statement made Eddie smirk, before inserting his finger deep to your cunt. The intrusion made you gasp loudly, his finger going in and out to slowly loosen you. Eddie felt you try to grind on his fingers, urging him to add one more. And another, his thumb rubbing your clit as three of his fingers slide in and out of you with ease with how wet you are for him.
He felt the rough patch inside of you, aiming and hitting your sweet-spot over and over again. Eddie can feel that your getting closer with how your breath quickens and how you kept on squeezing his fingers. “Ahh, I-I’m close— please Eddie, please.” This prompted him to go faster. You asked him politely, how can he say no? He watched the way your eyebrows scrunch, mouth open with a silent scream as you let go. You saw stars dancing underneath your eyelids, Eddie still thrusting his fingers and rubbing your clit making you extremely sensitive.
“Eddie— Eddie stop—“ you looked on his face that is holding a wide grin while you try to hold his wrist and stop him. “Ah ah, let go sweetheart, come on. You can give me another one, can ya?” Your hips cannot stay still as he continue to abuse your cunt. He quickly took notice of your tears that are bound to fall soon “I’m— I’m—“ stuttering as you try to warn him, a loud moan erupted from your chest as you get hit with your climax harder. Eddie continued only to slowly stop when he felt you squirt. “Well aren’t you a generous house host?” He teased, licking his fingers clean, letting your juices coat his mouth. His comment made you giggle before positioning his length, nudging his tip on your puffy cunt. “Why yes, I am. Though I am pretty sure I can give you more.” You cockily said, pulling him closer.
His lips found yours once again while he slowly pushes inside you. He swallowed your moans, before he moved away to groan. You might be a vampire but fuck, your cunt was so warm and tight for him that it made his eyes roll at the back of his skull. His thickness made your back arch, nails dragging down his back as he slowly build his speed. He watched you with hungry eyes, bare chests pressed while he try not to crush you with his weight. Your connection with him felt like a dream, in all the centuries you have lived, you have forgotten what it feels like to feel this desired, this wanted.
He fits you perfectly. His cock hitting the right places as his thrusts grew faster and harsher. You were a moaning mess underneath him, drool slightly building up at the side of your lips while your tears threaten to fall. Eddie’s fringe is matted to his forehead as he slam himself in and out of you like a wolf in rut. “S-so good. Ah,ah,ah” you mewled over and over, pulling him closer and wrapping your arms and legs on him to be as close to him as possible. His rhythm never stuttered, bringing you pleasure more and more.
Feeling your teeth scrape the side of his neck, he knew you were on the verge of cumming the same as him. Yet he knows you wanted more, needed more. “Do you want another taste? Come on, you can feed on me.” Tears were now flowing down your cheeks as you chant over and over while your fangs grew longer “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you.” You were squeezing him, talking to himself inside his head not to cum yet but when your teeth sank on his skin, his hips stuttered.
The moment his blood hits your tongue and flooded your taste buds, you gave in. Your body convulsed as if you were hit by such a strong wave, while Eddie lets out a loud growl, filling you. Your senses were blank, pleasure taking over as you take and take. He had never felt so high and filled with pleasure. Is he seeing spots now that you kept on sucking his blood while he just cummed? Yes. Is it the best climax that he ever had in his life and was it worth it? Yes. He smiled drunkenly to himself as he feel his strength slipping away, softly combing your hair with his fingers. You felt his breathing slowly get softer before snapping out of the trance from his blood, his whole body crushing you when he passed out.
“Oh fuck—“
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Eddie woke up with a headache, feeling lightheaded. The curtains were drawn and the moon shining down through the huge window, illuminating the room alongside the lamps. You quietly sat down beside him, shyly handing him an apple and orange juice box. He took the juices with a lazy smile before bursting into laughter when you covered your face in embarrassment. “I am so sorry.” You mumbled, taking a peek on his reaction. This made him laugh even harder, clutching his stomach. He finally stops and removed your hands covering your face. “Hey, its okay, you literally took my breath away. You should be proud of that.” He teased, making you scoff at him which made him chuckle.
“You know.. its been centuries since I felt this type of connection towards someone.. Will you visit me again?” Holding his hand tenderly, you press it close to your chest while looking at him with pleading eyes and a pout. Eddie could not say no with how adorable you look at him compared to when you just met him. He was planning to tease you but the swelling of his heart made him do otherwise. “Of course! As long as you let me paint you AND hang it on your hall of fame.” “Hall of fame?” You asked him while chuckling, only to be met with a firm nod. “Fine fine.” you took his hand that was on your chest and kissed his palm with tender eyes that were looking at him with affection, the action making him blush. And making his cock hard.
“Sweetheart, you really need to stop making me horny at this point. I almost died the last time.” He joked, both of you laughing at his silliness.
If someone told Eddie that he would meet and sleep with a vampire, he would have probably laughed and punch the person who is clearly out of his mind. But now, doing both, he does not mind doing it again. Meeting a vampire AND having the best sex of his life? Deal.
And for some reason, as you watch Eddie drink both of the juices you gave him, you cannot help but stare intently at his face. Everything seemed to be so oddly familiar that your heart feels like you know him for the longest time which made your eyes slightly water.
Because, maybe you do.
After all, he looks exactly like the only lover that you had and loved two-centuries ago.
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miharuki · 1 year
hello!!! may i request second part of "once upon a time there a blue love"? thank you
(i think it would be cute if you included small moments between reader and Felix because they're cousins and I'm curious about how their relationships are and if reader told him about her and luka and their separation yk in episode where he was introduced as Argos. I'm also happy that you wrote moment from season 5 about Luka moving away because i can barely find any Luka x reader that catched up to season 5)
feel free to ignore this request and this suggestion. i just wanted to say that i appreciate your work and that you're doing great writings. take care!!!
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I'm replying to these two messages, this one took a lot of work Thank you for liking my content, I worked hard on part 2 (3864 Words ) Again remembering that my English is not the best, it is not my original language ;P
Your requests are an order!
(angst, fluff at the end, Gabriel is still the worst person, Félix already knowing things without you needing to say it, Marinete and Adrien dating, season 5 spoiler)
(Part 1:)
𝕺𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖀𝖕𝖔𝖓 𝖆 𝕿𝖎𝖒𝖊 𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖆 𝕭𝖑𝖚𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝕻𝖙 2
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Once upon a time...
There was an elegant house with noble people They lived rich, rich in black hearts At the top of that mansion, there was a room, a room with a window, a window with a marvelous view, but it belonged to a lifeless room, a room where a person who loved too much was imprisoned, you, Oh, poor girl, she saw from her window everyone else being free, while she stayed and lamented not being good enough for her beloved, who is far away and with whom you can no longer converse, And all because her father is concerned about her status, so concerned that he didn't think twice before imprisoning his daughter, like Rapunzel in her tower.
"—And how is she doing?" Nino asked as he placed his hand on Adrien's shoulder, who was approaching the circle of friends.
—My father still says she's sick, and she doesn't seem to leave her room when I'm around," Adrien said, sighing sadly as he remembered how, after the events and Luka's trip, she was practically "isolated" in her room, which according to her father, claims she's too ill to leave. This raised suspicions among some friends, especially Marinette and Ayla.
"But we haven't seen her in a week!" Rose said, hugging Juleka, causing Adrien to sigh.
"I know, but from what my father told me, she got sick during one of the rehearsals and now needs to rest, especially because he doesn't want me to get sick too."
Now, this seemed even more suspicious to her friends. Marinette looked at her phone, seeing her friend's list of unanswered calls. She then glanced at Adrien, noticing how he seemed a bit down, and approached him. Despite her feelings for him, she placed her hand on his shoulder, making him look at her.
"Don't worry, I'm sure she'll be fine," Adrien smiled at her, while everyone else agreed, not wanting to make the situation sadder."Have you tried calling her?" Ayla suggested, looking at her friend Marinette, who was frantically using her phone as if trying desperately to get in touch with you."No, my father told me she dropped her phone in one of the fountains while landing, and that's why she got sick"Something is definitely wrong.
Meanwhile, you were locked in your room, unable to leave your eternal "punishment," still not understanding why things were this way. You realized that your father was making you feel lonely again as you looked around the messy room. You got up from the bed and looked under it, spotting a decorated and locked box. Pulling it out, you removed a key that was attached to your necklace, along with another one that Luka had given you in the past. You used the key to unlock the box, and you smiled upon seeing the various items it held—a small Viperion plushie that Luka had won and gifted you during one of your encounters, numerous song lyrics, and a few other objects given by your friends, the ones your father hadn't confiscated.
You realized how much you resembled your past self, feeling empty, lonely, and above all, with no one to talk to or confide in. You closed the box and locked it again, tucking the key inside your shirt as you climbed back onto the bed. You clutched your blouse and felt the other necklace Luka had given you, hearing the door open behind you without even looking back.
"Your father told you that you will return to modeling again, and this time he expects you to comply," Nathalie said as she fiddled with her tablet."By the way, your dinner will be delivered to your room again. I hope you eat this time," Nathalie turned to leave without waiting for your response, closing the door behind her, and you could hear the door being locked. You sighed sadly, then walked over to the window, looking out at the landscape that thankfully hadn't been taken from you. You gazed at the distant Eiffel Tower and the starry night that adorned its background, thinking about how beautiful the night was despite being alone in your locked room. You prayed that Luka was okay.
"I've already talked to Luka about the situation," Juleka said as she joined her group of friends. Marinette, being the great planner she was, was trying everything to make things calmer. "He told me to send his regards to her and that as soon as she can, she should call him."
"I still find this very strange!" Marinette said as she got up from the sofa in her room and started pacing in circles. "I mean, after Luka's sudden departure, a few days later, Adrien says that (name) is sick? There's something wrong here."
"Look, this time I even agree, but it could also be true. Don't you guys remember it rained last week? And do you remember the photo in the magazine that day, right? It's clearly (name) in the rain posing, so obviously, she would get sick!" Ayla said as she tried to ease the situation.
"Yes, true, I saw it!" Rose said while standing beside Juleka, making her nod in agreement too.
"But still!" Marinette said before a hand was placed on her shoulder, making her look back to see her friend Ayla.
"Look, that's enough, Marinette. I think you should put this aside, especially since you have a date with Adrien tomorrow."
"Yes, that's true!" the girls said, making their friend Marinette blush, while she tried to speak but gave up.
Meanwhile, (name) put on her fakest smile as she continued to pose at certain locations. "Yes, perfect! Very good!" the photographer exclaimed as he continued taking photos, with you striking every pose and wearing a cute outfit. Finally, the photo shoot was over. "Break time," he said, and you sat down, your smile fading, returning to your sad expression. You spotted Nathalie approaching with her tablet.
"You're doing well, because of that, you can choose what you'd like to eat," she said, looking at her tablet without leaving your side.
"I-I think... I'd like some (your preferred food) from Dupain-Cheng Bakery, please," you said, looking at the ground before turning to Nathalie.
Nathalie gave you a quizzical look before sighing and going to her driver, who then got into the car. Nathalie returned to your side, looking at her tablet and tapping away. You let out a tired sigh, sitting down, swinging your legs and looking around to try to pass the eternal boring time. In the meantime, you glanced up at the blue sky, watching the birds fly by and catching a glimpse of a red and black blur streaking across the sky, heading somewhere. "Here you go, eat while you still have time," Nathalie said as her bodyguard and driver handed her the Dupain-Cheng Bakery bag containing the food you had requested.
"Thank you..." you said in a low tone, almost like a whisper, looking at the school and smelling the sweet scent of the bakery where your friend lived.
"Tomorrow is the Diamond Ball, so after your session today, we'll take you to the studio to order your dress. Your father wants you to look good," you only nodded, listening to Nathalie go over your schedule.
Since you returned to modeling, your father refused to let you be alone, so you were always accompanied by Nathalie, who, although she seemed fine, you couldn't help but glance at the equipment on her legs, wondering if something had happened to her.
"Come on, show me a look of comfort! A look of longing, as if you were reminiscing about seeing these flowers!" the photographer said as he asked you to hold a bouquet of red roses, sitting on a picnic blanket with flowers all around. "Not like that!" he said, looking at your expression. "Show more emotion! A little happiness! See how beautiful these flowers are!" he pointed at the bouquet. Looking at the bouquet, you saw a blue dragonfly land on a rose, and a faint memory of a garden you went to with Luka came back to your mind, making you miss him. You gave a small smile as you buried your face in the roses, inhaling their sweet and fragrant scent, smiling at the memory of the day he asked you out.
"Yes! Perfect! Very good! Keep going!"
"Would you like any roses? A ribbon or some colorful embellishment?" asked the seamstress as she took your measurements. "No need for color, just white will do. The outfit Mr. Agreste designed only requires adjustments elsewhere," Nathalie replied as she tapped on her tablet. You watched as the seamstress took your measurements to add to the dress. And of course, you were also looking at the shoes, which your father had also designed, but for some reason, he wanted everything to be perfect.
"Welcome, Mrs. Agreste," the guard said as he allowed you and your father to pass. Your gaze remained melancholic, though not enough for anyone to notice that you were sad; it simply showed that you didn't want to be there, which clearly you had no choice in. Sitting on a sofa, you waited and watched everyone there enjoy themselves, not letting on as some tried to talk to you or somehow get your attention. All you did was divert your gaze until you reached the soft white couch.
"You look sad, did something happen?" a voice asked, and you looked to see what appeared to be your brother."Hello to you too, Félix," you said as you closed your eyes and leaned back on the couch."You always know how to identify me no matter what," he said, almost laughing if he didn't see your tired expression. He approached and sat beside you."What happened? You're usually more lively," he said as he looked at you, prompting you to release a tired sigh.
"My father..." Félix sighed with his words, but before he could say anything more, looking at Gabriel in the distance, a voice came to your rescue.
"Hello, (name)!" You opened your eyes, seeing Kagami. You blinked as she sat down on your other side, and you straightened up. It had been a while since you talked to any of your friends."You haven't been to school anymore. I heard you were sick. Are you feeling better now?" You looked away, glancing at Gabriel in the distance, almost choking."Yeah, of course, I was kind of, you know, sick... you know, now I'm better!" You said, not wanting to know what kind of lie Gabriel had told Adrien for him to be able to tell the others like this.
Before Kagami could ask another question or say anything else, you suddenly got up.
"You know, I'm going to grab a drink or something to eat, be right back!" you said as you almost ran away. You didn't want to talk about anything, but what could you say? Tell them that your father didn't approve of relationships and that he had put you on indefinite punishment for lying, running away, and breaking the one rule he gave you? How could you talk about this situation?
Near the food area, you grabbed some sweets to try to occupy your thoughts and emotions. As you looked at the dance floor, you saw your cousin, who resembled your brother, dancing with someone. Not wanting to say anything, you simply ignored it.
You entered the bathroom after eating some sweets and looked in the mirror, observing your well-groomed and elegant figure, your perfectly done hair, and your fancy dress. This wasn't you. The only thing you saw that truly belonged to you was your necklace, which you had hidden under the dress. Pulling it out, you looked lovingly at your reflection in the mirror, seeing the necklace that Luka had given you.
"Luka..." You never stopped loving him, even though your father had locked you in your room. You never stopped missing him. Crouching in the bathroom while looking at your necklace, you caressed it, hoping that someday you would find him again.
"Adrien!" you heard someone shout, looking out of the plane window. You saw Marinette running towards the airplane stairs with Adrien following behind.
Ah yes, it seems you weren't the only one with a forbidden affair. You watched Marinette and Adrien kiss before the bodyguards separated them. A wave of déjà vu came over you when you saw this scene, which felt so familiar. You saw Adrien being dragged onto the plane and placed in his seat, looking out the window while crying.
You averted your gaze and saw the plane starting to move to take off. You lay down, holding your blouse and feeling the necklace underneath it. You prayed and wished that you could find Luka.
"This will be your room," Nathalie showed you the hotel room. You saw that the view was nice, but it wasn't anything special. It was just another room where you would be confined. You leaned on the balcony railing, looking at the horizon and feeling the wind tussle your hair.
"It's only for a few days..." you commented, resigning yourself to the situation, holding the necklace that Luka had given you once again. You sighed with sadness.
"Can I stay in the park for a while, please?" you asked your bodyguard, who was currently looking after you while you posed for photos since Nathalie had fallen ill and couldn't make it. You looked at him, waiting for a response, and he saw the sadness and emptiness in your eyes, so he nodded in sympathy. You smiled weakly as you hugged your bodyguard. "Thank you..." He just patted your head and pointed to a bakery nearby, and you nodded. He would be in the bakery while you stayed in the park.
You watched your bodyguard's back disappear as he entered the bakery, and you smiled as you sat on the park bench, feeling a sense of freedom being away from supervision. However, a sad sigh still hung on your face, as if you were feeling trapped.
"A smile suits you better," you choked when you heard someone speaking, a familiar voice. Looking at the owner of the voice, you couldn't believe what you were seeing.
"Luka..." you said softly in a whisper, getting up from the bench. Your hands trembled. The boy with blue-tipped hair smiled as he approached slowly. He was nervous, hoping it wasn't a dream. He hugged you when he was close enough, burying his head in your neck.
"I missed you so much!" he said as you returned the hug, feeling the tears you had held back for so long, also feeling the boy's tears staining your clothes.
"You didn't call me anymore, I had no sign from you. I thought something had happened. But then Juleka told me you had gotten sick, but that's not true, is it?" Luka looked at you, asking for confirmation, but all you did was bite your lip and turn your face away. "Why are you hiding, love?" Luka asked as he placed his hand on your cheek, caressing it.
"I..." You didn't want to talk. You didn't want to burden Luka. He wasn't at fault. You didn't want to speak; all you wanted was to be with him now.
"Please, (name), you can tell me," he said as he hugged you, stroking your hair.
"It was him, wasn't it?" You lifted your gaze to Luka before turning away again.
"I won't force you if you don't want to..."
"Someone told my father about our relationship. He doesn't accept the fact that I'm dating someone who isn't 'famous' or a friend of my father's. He took away all my technology so I couldn't talk to you or our friends. He thinks me leaving was a terrible idea. I'm sorry..."
"It's not your fault... it never was..." Luka placed his hands on both your shoulders.
"B-but! It was my fault. I didn't follow my responsibilities; I was careless, and I couldn't talk to you either... It's my fault... I just... my father, he just...!" Suddenly, an irritated expression crossed Luka's face.
"It doesn't matter!" You looked shocked at the boy as he wiped away your tears and put on a gentle smile.
"No matter what your father says or what the media wants, you've made me the happiest boy on the planet, and I've missed you so much since we were apart. You keep being the song that plays in my mind. I don't care if others see; I love you, (name)!" With that, Luka put his hand on your cheek, pulling your face closer to his, and finally kissed you. Not a peck or just any kiss—it was a kiss of love, one that showed how much you both loved each other. Amid that romantic moment, several people stopped to look at both of you.
"(Name) Agreste, Adrien Agreste's twin sister and Gabriel Agreste's daughter, kissing a boy in a public park." That's what people thought as they passed through the park, and some took photos.
"I love you, (name)," Luka said as he rested his forehead against yours.
"I love you too, Luka..."
"It seems that it wasn't enough," Mrs. Tsurugi commented as she listened to the latest news report that Gabriel was speaking in.
"Your children are being disobedient, unlike my daughter. Yours are out of control," Gabriel groaned in frustration as he looked at the screen, seeing the photo someone had posted. The photo itself wasn't particularly striking, just a girl taking a selfie with you and Luka kissing in the background. Similar photos like this ended up in some local newspapers, especially in the fashion industry, which only added to Gabriel's irritation. As if it wasn't enough to have to punish you, Adrien followed suit, and now just when it seemed like you were behaving, you go and kiss some random boy...
"It's not working... I think I'll have to proceed with the plan," Gabriel said as he looked at another screen, watching the cameras showing you, Adrien, and Kagami lying in white beds in a room that resembled a sanitarium.
"Let's begin..."
"(Name)!" Luka called out, running to you. You looked at him sadly, and he stopped, now concerned, as you turned.
"(Name), my love, what happened?" He placed a hand on your shoulder, seeing your back.
"Let's break up..." The boy's expression was shocked when he looked at you.
"What do you mean, (name)?" He seemed to want it to be a lie, hoping it was a lie. You had met again just a few days ago, and now you wanted to break up. Didn't you love him?
"(Name)?" You pulled away from the boy.
"Let's break up! I don't want to see you anymore!"
"(Name), if you can explain to me what's wrong, I'm sure we can find a way..." he said, trying to hold onto some hope.
"I don't like you, Luka. Why can't you understand that? I don't want this anymore!" You said angrily to the boy, who looked at you with sadness. He tried to reach out to you, but you simply pulled away until another random boy appeared, taking you away, leaving Luka shocked.
Upon waking up, Luka realized it was just a dream. He brought his hand to his face, wiping away the tears, and sighed, feeling his heart calm down. He reached for his phone, checked the time, and saw his wallpaper—a happy photo of both him and you. He smiled, knowing it was just a nightmare, and that as much as it seemed real, it wasn't. You loved each other too much for something like that to happen.
He held onto the necklace you had given him on his birthday and looked at the ring on his finger—a ring that symbolized your relationship.
That is until...
"Bring back Adrien and Kagami!" Luka didn't know what had happened, but suddenly, everyone started getting akumatized. He knew it had something to do with the nightmare he had because his father and the secretary had reported having extremely heavy nightmares and couldn't stop thinking about them.
"Let's go! We need you!" Bunnix said, opening a portal for them to pass through.
"Thank you, Luka," you said as you leaned against him, watching your friends having fun in the pool at your house. You couldn't remember anything, and all Luka remembered was that suddenly, while fighting to break the akumatized rings, there was an explosion in the sky, and then he woke up, noticing you beside him. He wished it wasn't a dream now, and that you could be together.The look Marinette gave him was enough for him to know that you were now by his side, to stay.
"I should be the one thanking you," you looked at him confused, while he chuckled and gently kissed your lips, leaving both of your faces blushing and happy. "I'm lucky to be dating an amazing girl like you, (name)!"
"I love you, (name)!"
"I love you more, Luka!"
Applause came from some friends who were nearby, watching as you kissed again, but this time, it was to confirm something you both already knew— that you loved each other.
It took me 2 days to finish!!! And I finally finished!!!! Amen! I hope you liked it, if you want I can do another part :)
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10 for Rise. Gimme warcrimes duo >:]
Donnie didn't realize just how much Witchtown hated him until he wound up in front of the majority of the town at Hidden City court.
Witches of all kinds shouted over each other, listing crimes that Donnie most definitely had NOT committed.
"--trampled my mushrooms!"
"--released the kraken into our town fountain!"
"--totally demolished my self esteem!"
"--ATE MY CAT!!!"
"-- and destroyed the statue of our great founder!"
Okay that one he actually had done. In his defense, he hadn't meant to blast it with his tech bo. Defense, however, was something he was missing.
He glanced over at the judge. "I don't know how Hidden City trials work but isn't there supposed to be someone on my side? I mean, ahem, with my superb knowledge of everything I could absolutely provide my own defense but, uhm..." I don't really want to do this all on my own, he finished in his head.
All of Donnie's knowledge of courtroom proceedings came from a show he and Raph used to watch together. Raph loved watching the good guys solve crimes and fight bad guys. Donnie loved the mysteries and collection of evidence. Neither of them found the legal stuff super interesting, so they'd discussed the real life logistics of the crime (whether Donnie could commit it, whether Raph could catch him, and how they'd avoid getting caught) during those scenes. Donnie wished he'd payed more attention.
The doors flew open with a BANG.
Donnie blinked.
The jury all looked at each other like she'd made a brilliant point, muttering and nodding along.
The judge stroked his beard. "Good entrance. One point to the defense."
There were very few times that Donnie didn't have at least SOME idea of what was happening. Now was, unfortunately, one of those times.
Casey seemed to appear right next to him. "SO! Got yourself in trouble with Witchtown, eh?"
Flustered, Donnie could only think to say, "I didn't do it! Their accusations are entirely--"
"HEY! That's MY job!" She cleared her throat. "As I was saying, Witchtown is tough, but I'm tougher! You're lucky I took this case, otherwise you would already be rotting in Hidden City prison."
"I-- Casey why are you a lawyer in the Hidden City?" Things were spiraling entirely out of control.
Casey grinned her insane grin. "I love yelling, fighting, arguing, squabbling, debating, etc. Passing the exam was super easy, too! The laws here aren't any more complicated than the Foot Clan laws. You know, normally I'm on the offensive. But I am Hamato Clan now! I WILL NOT BETRAY MY CLAN!"
Donnie couldn't help but be impressed. "Huh. What a strangely fitting career choice for you."
"INDEED! And the lawyer to politician pipeline is extremely fast. I shall build my way up to becoming a mayor, senator, and eventually I shall be the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! Junior has already signed on to be my vice president. Our slogan is either going to be: 'Jones and Jones: we'll feast on your bones' OR 'Vote Jones squared and your lives will be spared'. Catchy right?"
Donnie's mind was already buzzing with how his Genius Built brand could be expanded by personally knowing the president. "Casey," he said, putting a hand on her shoulder, "I will personally help fund your presidential campaign."
"Excellent! Now, we are in the middle of court so we can discuss that later."
"Oh yeah." Donnie had actually forgotten that he was literally on trial. Casey has the effect of being extremely distracting. "I need to tell you my alibi and--"
"Pffft, no need. What kind of court do you think this is?" Casey cracked her neck, and stretched her arms above her head.
The judge banged his gavel, which sent a shockwave across the room. The ground rumbled and the seats all slid back to open up a wide space in front of the stand. "We are now in session. Let prosecutor Gilby Gilbert of Witchtown and defendant Casey Jones of the Hamato Clan enter the ring."
The what?!
Gilby Gilbert, whom Donnie vaguely recognized from the Witchtown episode leapt into the ring. "That turtle is GUILTY!"
With a running leap, Casey Jones flipped into the ring and kicked him squarely in the chest. "Mr Hamato is more innocent than you and your corrupted, black market, embezzling town will ever be!"
The jury gasped.
"Flair, solid hit, AND a plot twist! Three more points to the defense!" the judge ruled.
Donnie was now very glad he had not been the one to plead (punch?) his own case.
"Turtle boy is against everything we stand for!" Gilby choked from inside a headlock.
"Since your treasury records show illegal trade with criminals AND many Witchtown officials who have been pocketing those funds, I'd say it's a good thing that Mr Hamato stands against you, you LOWLIFE!" Casey released the headlock, only to kick her opponent to the ground and curb stomp him.
Donnie was no longer worried.
In fact, as he watched Casey continue to kick Gilby (who had curled into a ball), he actually smiled. Perhaps the answer to science vs magic was brute force.
He had decided that when this trial was over and he and Casey had officially won, he was going to make her a fashionable Genius Built lawyer suit. He'd make it easily torn away to give her more points in style.
It was the least he could do.
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newbornwhumperfly · 3 months
through the frightening door...
oof, so this was an angsty one, folks. 😢😢😢 i went and made a sad prompt - @whumpmasinjuly day six: left behind -  even sadder than it already was and in the process, i penned a big part of my boy morja’s backstory, so i’m gonna tag the story crew on this one. 🥺🥺🥺
CW: Grief, death of a loved one, dehumanization, just…big sads in this one, folks.  
title insp. by the poem “my dead friends” by marie howe - “billy’s already gone through the frightening door, whatever he says, i’ll do.” 
Diathésimós don’t have graves. 
The fallen must pay for a grave, or their families must, and graves are, they say, costly. Plots of land which could hold a house or a slot of gardened flowers or a new statue does not need to hold a patch of dirt and a stone. The ashes are poured into the wind, as disposable as they were in life. It is rare that a family, if the dead still have one, can afford to pay for the body’s return. It is rare, indeed, for one to ask. 
That doesn't mean their deaths are not marked by those who knew them. 
There is a stone, innocuous and small, where the dead are honored. Some write names down on the stone. Others don’t bother. 
There is one marking, one stone, Morja waits to visit. Part of it might be that he doesn't have to leave until he does this thing he must not neglect. 
It’s more than just the stone, of course. It would be silly to think of that only. There are places Morja won’t see again where she would go. Where she took comfort. And not seeing these places anymore will be the drag of a knife out from where it lodged. And he will pack the spot with rags to stop it from bleeding, field medicine, how well he knows how to do that. How to plug up a wound and keep walking. Don’t stop. If you stop, you’ll fall. 
But there’s…a way only she could find something pretty in this place. Like, there was a spot by the fountain in the courtyard where a stubborn plant grew. And it would get ripped out, an eyesore, nobody intended for this little purple flower to grow between cracks in the base of that marble foundation. But the dirt underneath was strong, Morja supposes, and Roe encouraged it, is the thing. She kept nudging aside the little shiny seashells that surrounded the root - decorative, ceramic, gleaming, imported from some shop to look more perfect than real shells, no sharp edges or rough surfaces. Morja remembers what a real seashell feels like. No, he doesn’t. But his maybe-memory is rougher than the shells in this courtyard. He knows this, at least, in the way he knows when an opponent is about to strike. 
But the purple stays caught in a sunbeam, is the problem. The shaft of daylight through the pillars hits the water as it sparkles and it hits the flower too. The water from the fountain falls on the patch of land bared by Roe’s hands. Somehow, it stays and stays. Somehow, it outlives her. Everything else has, after all.
This is, of course, where Roe’s stone lies. 
Where else would Morja have put it? The dead are dead, of course they are. Gone is gone and bodies are bodies, hollow bullet casings, no powder, no spark. Useless to collect, more useless to hold onto. But Roe wanted a stone. She would have wanted a stone, probably, certainly, yes. 
It is past the alcove with the missing statue where Roe perched, sweat-drenched from long training, or bleeding from a hit, tucked into the space once filled by the bust of a marble head. The space has stayed hollow, still, and on a dark night like this, Morja could imagine, if he were to try, that the black lines of her body melted into the hole in the wall. That maybe she were there, long-limbed and tiny, clambering up in there to nap. 
He told her so often not to. 
What if she got caught?
Her bright, black eyes would shine and she would say that until the statue took her place, this was her spot. 
Hers. Like she’d laid claim to it. So stupid. Nothing was theirs, she could never understand that. 
Past the alcove, still empty, Morja’s quiet steps go past the vine full of berries he was never brave enough to eat. Never disobedient enough. Of course. She got hit for taking the berries and she got more careful at taking them. Those berries weren’t hers to take, just because she watered the vines. 
The rows of women (goddesses, Morja was told) tall and imposing and cool to the touch, their eyes looking down to keep watch on the garden, on its dwellers, and Morja would shiver sometimes when he was younger, passing by them, because what if they saw him misbehave? What if their marble fingers pointed at him in accusation? 
Roe looked up and tilted her head, one foot angled like the goddess with a bow and an arrow, elbow crooked just so, Roe so good with her aim, as good a shot as Morja, even so young. Her palms swipe sweat off, passing over the flat expanse of her torso, tugging at the close-fitting training shirt, and twisting it to match the ripples in the fabric. 
It will wrinkle, Morja fretted quietly.
Do you think I could pull off a look like that? Roe asked, 
The marble’s paint is fresh and gleaming, blue cloth draped elegantly over one shoulder, baring the breast beneath the other, her body small and yet powerful, royal, gold glinting on the folds of her skirt and the twists of her sandals. 
I don’t think we could ever wear anything that…nice, Morja had answered. 
Of course she could have. That’s what he should have said. He didn’t want to raise her hopes. He didn’t- she would have looked royal and powerful as Athena. 
The huntress looks down at Morja, out when he should not be, and he doesn't shiver anymore. He doesn’t quail before imaginary eyes as he kneels at the base of the fountain, the moon shining silver on the purple petals. Other hands have pushed the shells aside since- since the stone was placed behind the blossom. The crude shape of an animal drawn with a shaky hand, white paint on a black rock, traces the outline of tiny hooves, spindly legs, the body of a deer. 
Morja doesn’t know who drew it. It’s beautiful. And he cannot take this stone. This is- it’s tradition and he has to respect it. It would feel wrong to move this stone as stones are not to be moved. 
But he looks at it for a long time. Kneeling on the cold stone, the mist of the water landing on him and wetting his face, taking the role of the tears he cannot shed. The stone and the flower blur before his eyes but that’s just because he’s tired. He’s so tired. 
Maybe…maybe the alcove did belong to her, in a way. She was the one who used it. Maybe the fruit on the vine was hers to sit under, to eat from, unafraid. Maybe this flower was hers because she’s the only one who gave a damn about it. 
Morja doesn’t want to leave the stone. The flower. The alcove and the statue. Fuck, he doesn’t want to leave this stone. What should I do? Who will- nobody will tell me to go. Nobody will, they never will, how can I go when I’m going on my own, when nobody has sent me? How can I leave this behind? How can I leave her behind?
But…she isn’t here. And Morja can’t be, either. Can he? He can’t take this stone. And he can’t stay and watch over it. 
Morja stands, every muscle in his legs protesting, sharp and tingling, at rising. It hurts as much to stand up from kneeling as it does to kneel. But he stands anyway. Leaves the stone under the fountain, behind the flower. 
Roe has gone. 
It is time for him to leave the stone and go as well.
oof, i hope y'all enjoyed this important piece of juicy tragic backstory, this glimpse behind the curtain. 😢😢😢💔💔💔
taglist: @haro-whumps @much-ado-about-whumping @whump-tr0pes @whumpthisway
@i-eat-worlds @redwingedwhump @straight-to-the-pain @wolfeyedwitch @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight
@whumpzone @whatgoeswhumpinthenight @whumpster-draganies @lave-whump @whump-me-all-night-long
@suspicious-whumping-egg @tears-and-lillies @kixngiggles @scoundrelwithboba @stoic-whumpee
have a very merry whumpas y'all! 💖💖💖💖
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ily-sunghoon · 19 days
The Omen of Sterling | CHAPTER II
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Pairing : vampire!enha x fem!oc (sunoo moments appear a lot in this chapter)
Genre of this chapter : vampire, fluff if you squint
POV : Author’s
Words count : 3.9k
WARNINGS : food, blood, slight manipulation, sunoo dad is handsome and funny (lmk if i miss anything)
Note : the masterlist almost hitting 300 notes... im very grateful, thank you for liking my works guys <3 it feels like a dream :( feel free to ask if you have confusion about the world building! and feel free to correct any grammatical mistake, im also still learning english!
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TAGLIST : @nshmrarki @capri-cuntz @millieinyourarea @strxwbloody (let me know if you want to be added)
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“Can I come with you?” Sarco asked Jestel who’s ready to go to Idris with Jusarlie, Saine, and of course, Iolana.
“No, you have to teach today.” Jestel knows Sarco’s schedule.
“But they have to teach too?!” Sarco pointed at Jusarlie and Saine with his chin.
“They have substitutes. You don’t.” Jestel shortly ended it.
“Ricardo can—”
“Ricardo is still one of your students, Sarco.”
“Ugh! You’re annoying.” Sarco unexpectedly sulks.
“Isn’t our bet about Jusarlie? Why is Sarco becoming grumpier than him?” Saine chuckled.
“He’s very nosy.” Jestel shook his head. “Let’s go.”
They headed to Cairneye’s Mansion. Jestel had contacted Idris beforehand, saying that they would show up with a surprise guest. Cairneye’s Mansion is beautiful. It has a wide yard, beautifully decorated with flowers, bushes, fountain, and some statues. They head straight to Idris’s workshop that usually opens every day for people who need guidance. He made an exception today, because he’s feeling like he’s going to be exhausted after Jestel’s visit.
Stepping into the workshop, Iolana can’t help but observe her surroundings. The workshop gives her a cozy feeling. Warm lights, a tall armchair, some books that were left open on the desk, potions, herbs’ scent, incense that is burning in some spots, ritual candles. It’s just very homey. Judging by his workshop, Iolana has a feeling that Idris is a warm person.
“Papa, where are you?” Saine calls to his father.
Iolana continues to observe her surroundings again. She found a table full of framed pictures. Her eyes are staring at a picture of Saine and a guy, they’re smiling so sweetly with their eyes too. Saine is holding some flowers, Iolana assumed they’re canterbury bells based on how they look.
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“I always have a panic attack whenever I heard you looking for me, Saine.” Saine’s father suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
“Can you stop scaring us, Uncle?” Jusarlie scoffed.
“Keep hating your own son and see where it’ll take you! Ugh!” Saine scoffed as well. Idris is such a cute silly man.
“It’s fun.” The said man smiles, his eyes are smiling too, looks like Saine got it from him. “Oh, hi! A girl. Human even. A sweet scented one.”
“Hi.” Iolana said shyly. Idris is incredibly handsome. His fashion taste is no match too. An elegant white top with black trousers, and even the touch of a man’s corset on his waist, or more like a wide belt? Iolana doesn’t know. Is it the outfit or his face? Iolana doesn’t know that either. Cairneye are so blessed, that’s the only thing that she knows. Best physical appearance combined with predicting future skill? Iolana immediately feels the need to have whatever they have. What a strong gene.
“Do a full test on her.” Jestel orders the older man around.
“Your name, Child?” Idris asked Iolana softly.
“Iolana Sterling.” Iolana is still shy.
“Holy Amadeus!” Idris is definitely surprised. “Welcome back!”
“Thank you…” The shier she gets, the more she hides behind Jusarlie. Jusarlie found it adorable, he feels warm because Iolana is already comfortable enough to seek for his protection.
“Alright, let’s see what you’ve got.” Idris nods and prepare his bowl.
“Papa, let’s use the pool.” Saine told his father. More like a warning, to be frank.
“Oh.” Idris immediately knew what his son meant. “Excuse me for asking this, but are you perhaps the last Sterling alive right now, Iolana?”
Iolana nods, “That’s correct.”
“Well, the pool it is!” Idris listened to his son and brought some bottles of potion with him. His feeling was right, he will be exhausted today.
They walked together to the pool, Idris took off his shoes and socks, then sat by the pool.
“Sit next to me, Iolana.” Idris told her with a smile on his face. How could she say no?
She took off her own shoes and socks. Saine, Jestel, and Jusarlie immediately looked away. 1700s is so funny. When she sits next to Idris, they’re looking at the pool again. Flustered.
“Have you… take off your socks?” Saine is confused. Under the dim light, Iolana looks like she’s still wearing her socks.
“She’s just almost as pale as Sarco and you, Saine.” Idris chuckled.
“Oh, I’m so sorry.” Saine is flustered again.
“Now, Iolana. Shall we begin?” Idris looks at Iolana again.
Iolana nods calmly, showing that she’s ready.
Idris begins the ritual. He poured two bottles of his potions into the pool. He touched the pool and stirred the water to the right. “Could you tell us what you see?”
“A dining table?” Iolana is confused.
“Can you tell us what’s on that table?”
“Five empty plates and one apple in the middle of the table.” Iolana explained.
“Five? Wow! Do you see any marks on the empty plates?” Idris asked again.
“Yes. Lion, snowflake, cat, sun, and a broken crown?” Iolana is so confused.
Oh, the four of them hit the mind links together.
Idris stirs the water to his right again. “Now, what do you see?”
“The apple cut in half. It’s flying over the plates, it looks confused.”
Idris laughs. It is indeed funny. He stirs the water again, “How about now?”
“It’s changing every second, I don’t know.” Iolana frowned.
“Do you want to explain it to us?”
“One second, it’s on the snowflake plate and the cat. Next second, the snowflake and the sun.”
“Ah! Does the apple have one frequent destination?”
“I don’t think so, the apple is really confused.”
Idris laughs again. “You’re adorable.” He stirs the water again.
Iolana doesn’t have to be told this time. “I see five love letters.”
“Okay, I can understand now. How about now?” Idris stirs the water to the right again.
“I see Saine crying.” Iolana still looks confused.
“Do you know why?” Idris is kind of surprised.
“I lied, it’s actually Jestel.” Iolana giggled. She’s in a goofy mood.
The four of them are dumbfounded. The last time Idris successfully lied to was when they were having pioneers’ dinner, and the very person who lied to him was Tearle Sterling. Yes, Iolana’s father himself.
“Why am I crying?” The said person is as confused.
“I’m not sure, you look very… devastated?” Iolana is concerned.
“That’s odd!” Idris stirs the water again.
“There’s a throne.” Iolana answered.
“Who sits on it?” Idris asked.
Iolana remains silent.
“Iolana? It’s okay, you can say it.” Jestel said softly.
Can’t you read her mind? Jusarlie asked Idris through mind links.
I swear on Roberto Cairneye, I can’t read this little girl at all, Idris answered.
“It’s Jestel.” Iolana finally answered. “…or me.”
They’re definitely surprised by that.
“And that’s also my omen of Sterling.” Idris giggled. “What a coincidence, right?”
“It’s just a possibility, right? I would never do that to Jestel.” Iolana is worried about her own future.
“Yes! Don’t worry, Iolana.” Idris’ smile is so reassuring. He stirs the water again. “Do you see something?”
“Few things. Sword, crown, herbs, map, books, potions.”
Saine’s jaw dropped at that one. Idris just nods, not wanting Iolana to feel uncomfortable.
“Before I explain your results, let me talk with Jestel first. Are you okay with that, Iolana?” Idris asked her.
Iolana nods at the question, “Can I wear my shoes back?”
“Of course, Iolana.” Idris chuckled, he dried his feet with a spell and put his shoes back. “Let’s go, Jestel.”
Iolana gets her feet out of the water, Jusarlie and Saine immediately look away again.
“Hey, Saine. Could you do the spell that your father just casted for himself?” Iolana asked at Saine.
“Is it okay for you—you know…” If Saine is a human, he’s blushing pink right now.
“Yeah, of course!”
“Excuse me, Iolana.” Saine said before looking towards Iolana. He swings his hand above Iolana’s bare feet while casting the spell.
“Wow, you should teach me that!” Iolana is amazed. “Thank you, Saine.”
“N-no problem.” Saine looks away again.
“Just to let you know, it’s okay to look at me. I grew up being okay with my feet on display at home.”
“It’s just… we feel like a pervert…” Saine admitted.
“I wonder what’s the limit of dressing here in Krashoviel.” Iolana laughed. “I’m done. You are safe to look.”
Jusarlie and Saine hesitantly look toward Iolana again. They feel relieved when her feet are fully covered with her long skirt and shoes again.
“The girls are usually covering their feet, that’s why we act that way earlier.” Jusarlie explained.
“I want to be controversial and show my ankle to the streets.” Iolana giggled.
“No, no, no!” Jusarlie and Saine panicked. “Arms are okay, but ankle? Wow, that’s pornographic.”
“That’s confusing.” Iolana nods. “What about chest area? How far can the neckline go?”
“Chest area is okay, as long as the breasts are not like… full on display? Ankles, however, is a big no.” Saine explained. “I feel like invading your privacy earlier when casting that spell.”
Iolana laughed. Krashoviel is so funny for her, when it’s just her who doesn’t even leave her house before going to Krashoviel. She’s lucky she’s easy-going and pretty.
“Drink this, don’t you feel tired?” Saine hands her a glass of questionable drink.
“Not really.” Iolana accepts the glass. “Oh, what is this?”
She smelled the drink, and it smelled like strawberry! She drinks it without hesitation until the last drop. “I like it! What is this? Strawberry juice?”
Curiosity kills the cat!
“Our bloods.” Saine grins.
“Oh?” Iolana is concerned. “What would that do? Whose blood?”
“Three of us. It can give you strength! And you can summon us anytime you want when you need it. You can also talk to us through telepathy.” Saine explained excitedly.
“Summon you? How?” Iolana is interested in this.
“Just say our name and say you need us. For example, Jusarlie I need you.” Jusarlie explained further.
“Oh! I get it.” Iolana nods. “But why? Isn’t that… personal? Don’t you think I need to gain your trusts first?”
“You already did.”
It feels too fast for Iolana, but she accepts it as it is. She’s grateful that they care about her a lot, but are they?
“Jestel, that was the most entertaining reading that I ever did. I thanked you for that.” Idris is giggling non-stop.
“Elaborate, please.” Jestel is frustrated.
“You will fight your best friends.” Idris started off so strong. “You, Saine, Jusarlie, Sarco, and Hiael.”
“Why?” Jestel asked, still oblivious.
“You’re going to fall in love with Iolana. All of you.” Idris stated. “Some of you already did, I checked my son and he’s already blooming for her.”
“That doesn’t make any sense.” Jestel shook his head.
“Love never makes any sense, Jestel.” One thing about Idris is that he hits hard with his words, accidentally or not. “Especially the throne for her vamp host. You’re going to fight really dirty for that. I can see it.”
“Nonsense.” Jestel scoffed.
“I won’t help you if you cry someday.” Idris threatened him. Scares him for sure, where will Jestel run to for advice if not Idris?
“What should I do about this?” Jestel is stressed out.
“Accept it.” Idris calmly told him.
“What can I do to make her choose me?”
“That remains a mystery.” Idris doesn’t know either. “I’m more surprised you’re not bringing up anything about the throne. You already fell for her, don’t you?”
“No. I just trust her.” Jestel explained himself.
“You gave her your blood, along with Saine and Jusarlie.” Idris points that out.
“She’s a human, Idris. I just want to protect her.”
“Sure, sure. Protect her. When we all know it’s special and intimate.” Idris mocked him.
“It’s not that intimate.”
“Imagine she chose Sarco as her vamp host.” Idris immediately puts a scenario.
“Fine, it is intimate.”
“Best of luck, Jestel.” Idris taps his shoulder a few times. “It’s going to be anything but easy.”
“She’s not capable of wiping out the whole Sinflame, right? She’s lovely, she would never do that.” Jestel asked Idris for reassurance.
“Not yet. However, if I was you… I would never get on her wrong side. She’s a complicated girl.”
“Your father is so majestic.” Iolana admitted. Truly smitten by Saine’s father.
“You think I’m ugly?” Saine acts like he has been hurt.
“I never said that.” Iolana is still giggling over Idris.
“Don’t feed his ego, Iolana.” Jusarlie scoffed.           
“Get over it, Jusarlie. She thinks I’m handsome.” Saine is being cocky right now.
“Your father reminds me of a pine tree.” Iolana sudden words silenced them.
Jusarlie and Saine is so confused. There’s no way she just said that like it’s a normal thing to do.
“I can’t believe we lose you to Sarco’s species.” Saine faked a sigh.
“Species is insane.” Jusarlie laughs. “Why a pine tree?”
“Tall, look good, calming, I don’t know? He reminds me of it.”
“Bloody hell, she really is a Sarco’s species.” Jusarlie couldn’t believe it.
“Why Sarco?” Iolana is curious.
“He’s odd. Just like you. I don’t mean it in a bad way, it’s creative. Sometimes we just… don’t understand.” Saine explained. “He did that a lot, saying I look like the lamp near south’s stairs and so on.”
“You should show me the lamp later.” Iolana is invested now.
“Hey, small question, but if you don’t want to answer it’s fine. What happened to your hair? Did you get punished?” Jusarlie suddenly hits Iolana with a personal and nosy question.
Iolana expects this with her a little bit over the shoulder-length hair. It is unusual for a girl to have hair that short, at least in their era.
“Well, it was an accident. It got cut by my brother when we were practicing sword, so my mom cut it all to this length.” Iolana explained. “I’m waiting for it to be long again. It’s troublesome, I can’t tie it properly, yet it’s annoying enough to be left undone like this.”
Jusarlie and Saine nod in unison.
Idris and Jestel went back to the pool area. Jestel looks stressed, while Idris looks happy. What a weird combination.
“Iolana, do you mind if I ask you to lend us your power?” Idris asked.
“Huh? I have power?” Iolana is confused again.
“Bigger than you think.” Idris giggled. “We are also testing it out.”
“Sure, if it’s for a good reason…” Iolana is totally unsure.
“We are going to search for Jestel’s long lost brother, Holstein.” Idris explained briefly.
“But I don’t know what he looks like?” Iolana is still questioning him.
“You will, if you succeed.” Idris smiles warmly. “Would you do it?”
Iolana nods after a few seconds of hesitation. She sits between Idris and Jestel, making half of a circle.
“Saine, Jusarlie, let’s go.” Idris points at the empty seats.
“You need us as well?” Jusarlie questioned but obeyed.
“You were just doing nothing, so why not?” Idris is an entertaining man for sure.
They held each other’s hands. For the first time ever, Jestel could understand what the romance books were talking about. The electricity and the butterflies, he feels them now.
“I seek upon Holstein Sinflame whereabouts,” as Idris said those words, there is a big cloud forming over Cairneye’s mansion. Thunder begins to growl, lightning begins to show.
They close their eyes, focusing on the name Holstein Sinflame.
They begin to see a vision. A palace, but not Krashiovel’s palace.
“Whose vision is this?” Jestel asked.
“Iolana.” Idris answered.
“Have you found the girl?” Holstein asked them.
“She killed herself along with her father, Your Highness.”
“Did you see her face? Is it really her?” Holstein asked again.
“No, but there is no way she could run away. We’ve blocked all the access.”
“Tearle is the smartest vampire that I’ve ever met. She could be in Krashoviel now with my stupid brother.” The Prince of Slevado is furious.
“That would be the same as suicide, her blood smells so fucking sweet.” Holstein chuckled. “Where is she?”
“Holstein, you must come back to Krashoviel and fetch that girl.”
“Unnecessary, I think she’s gone.”
The vision turns black again, the clouds are nowhere to be found, the thunder is no longer roaring.
“Wow, he’s a traitor.” Saine couldn’t believe what he just saw.
Idris was the only one laughing, he couldn’t contain it. “It’s so funny, you’re swapping brothers.”
Iolana holds back her giggle, she doesn’t want to be rude.
“Thank you, Iolana.” Idris has stopped laughing. “We wouldn’t make it without you, we’ve tried for hundred years to get a vision of Holstein.”
“I didn’t do that much, I’m glad I could help.” Iolana is still oblivious about her real power, buried deep down under that human form.
“Here’s your test result, make sure you read it alone without them lurking.” Idris intentionally whispered loudly.
“I will lurk.” Saine smiles.
“Have some class.” Idris faked a sigh.
“We’ll head out, Idris. Thank you for your service.” Jestel stood up, the others followed.
“Bye, Papa.” Saine waves at his father.
“Don’t come back.”
“You see? He’s not as handsome as you think, Iolana.” Saine used that as a way to show her his father’s teasing habit.
“Forgivable if he has that elf type of face.” Iolana giggled.
“Aw, you flustered me.” Idris chuckled at Iolana. She has a sense of humor too!
“Let’s go.” Jestel is not having it. Well, at least now he knows that he truly fell for her.
Saine is being told to look after Iolana while the others held emergency meeting for the third time today, of course he enjoys this! They’re currently putting Iolana’s clothes into the wardrobe.
“I think you have good eyes for apparels. I want your wardrobe.” Saine adores Iolana’s taste in fashion. “Ah, the trousers! Where did you get these?”
“Come on, Saine. Those are just my casual and practice clothes. I got it from my human maids.” Iolana chuckled. “I love my pretty dresses, but I barely get to wear it.”
“You will wear it more often now, there are so many events that we usually have to attend.” Saine informed her. “Ah, you don’t have any ball gowns! Do you want to go to Charson? You’ll need some gowns for royal ball and Jestel’s birthday.”
“Is it far?” Iolana asked.
“Not really, but we need to cover your scent.” Saine chuckled. “I’ll put some spell on you. It could last for two hours, at least.”
“Don’t play with me, Jestel. What do you mean Holstein is a traitor?” Sarco shook his head.
“That’s what we saw.” Jusarllie admitted.
“They must’ve brainwashed our Holstein,” Odelia, the queen on the throne, scoffed. Clearly annoyed.
“Hiael betrayed his nation by his own will, it is not an impossibility if Holstein ever do the same.” Idris shrugged his shoulder. “However, this Sterling girl…”
“What Sterling girl?” Raphael, the queen’s brother, is shocked.
“She came with this letter.” Jestel gave them the letter that Tearle wrote.
“She’s back? Here? In Krashoviel?” Sullivan, the queen’s father, is puzzled.
“She could end your bloodline.” Idris said without any burden.
“I’d rather be dead than to fight back, it’s no use.” Sullivan chuckled. “Oh, Sterling.”
“Are Sterling that dangerous?” Wilhelmina, Jestel’s niece, is too young to watch how frightening Sterling can be back then in the war field.
“I’m really scared of them, take that information as you wish.” Sullivan said to his great-granddaughter.
“Oh!” Wilhelmina is surprised. “Is she beautiful?”
“Very.” Jestel answered. “I would do anything for her.”
“In front of your queen aunt is just insane, Jestel.” Idris laughed at his son.
“I don’t blame him.” Jusarlie stands with him.
“They fell for her charm,” Sarco scoffed. “I would ne—”
“Careful, now.” Idris warned Sarco. “You will fall for her too. I saw it.”
“Who else?” Odelia asked her son.
“Saine and Hiael. The five of them will fight to be her vamp host.” Idris informed them.
“This is ridiculous, let’s just kill that girl.” Raphael is furious. “She will tear us apart.”
“If Sinflame is no longer worthy of the throne, then just let it be.” Odelia is calmer than the others.
“What on earth are you saying, Odelia?” Raphael is getting more furious. What an old grumpy man.
“Grandma Odelia is not wrong.” Wilhelmina is against his father.
“Father, look at this—” Raphael seeks Sullivan’s support.
“I’m not going to say anything.” Sullivan is busy cleaning each of his gemstones.
“That girl won’t do it by herself, right? Who are the potential traitors?” Raphael asked Idris.
“Have you ever done a friendly practice with Tearle?” Idris questioned him back.
“No, why?”
“Then you are not in the place to say that.” Sullivan makes it clear. “One Sullivan equals five Sinflame. Train her as hard as you can, give her the best facility, and don’t you dare to let other nations have her.”
“Yes, Grandpa.” Jestel nods.
“When will you sit on the throne, Jestel?” Odelia asked, she’s tired of the kingdom’s bullshits.
“As soon as possible, I’m still preparing myself.” Jestel feels a heavy weight on his shoulders. He can’t control his feelings toward Iolana, that is what bothers him the most right now.
“Mr. Cairneye! Oh, my vamp, close the shop!” The receptionist panicked when he saw Saine smiling at him.
The workers immediately temporarily close the shop, the other guests who are waiting outside are getting used to it now. Must be one of the pioneers making some sudden appearance.
“How can we help you, Your Highness?” The shop workers are ready to serve him.
“I’d like some ball gowns for this cute little girl.” Saine pushed Iolana slightly.
“Of course, we’ll measure her.” Two of the workers quickly measured Iolana, while the others asked Saine about the gown’s details.
“What’s your favorite color, Iolana?” Saine questioned her. “You can name five.”
“White and pink. As for the others, I’ll leave it to you. I trust you.” Iolana is never failed to make Saine feels so… flustered.
“White, pink, blue, red, and purple.” Saine told the worker.
“Which shade, Your Highness?”
“Actually… make it six. White, violet, navy, sky blue, maroon, and pink. Maybe a bold pink like this one? Iolana, do you like it?” Saine asked her again.
“Loves it.” Iolana stares adoringly at the color that Saine just showed her. It’s almost fuchsia, just a little less bold.
“Pardon me, Your Highness. She looks unfamiliar to me, is she a new citizen? I’ve never seen her before.” Jeremy asked Saine, trying to be as polite as possible.
“Yes, she is. She’s Iolana Sterling, Jeremy.”
“S-Sterling, Your Highness?”
“She has a perfect body proportion.” One of the measurement workers said to the other.
“Thank you.” Iolana whispered to them.
“We apologize, we didn’t mean to…”
“It’s okay. I love your compliment. You’re being genuine.” Iolana smiles. “I’m done, Saine.”
She walked to Saine as he smiled at her proudly.
“Payment should be here by tomorrow morning. Thank you for your service, Jeremy.” Saine informed the owner of that grand boutique.
“Always happy to be at your service, Your Highness and Lady Sterling. Thank you for trusting us.” The workers and Jeremy bow a little to show their respect and devotion towards the pioneers.
They walked out of Charson and went home instantly. After they got back to Iolana’s room, Saine seemed confused.
“Are you not going to ask anything about them referring me as… you know?”
“Jusarlie told me about the royal family’s tree. I was a little surprised, I’m so sorry I interacted with you so casually.” Iolana admitted, feeling a little guilty.
“No, no! Keep being casual, we’re equal.” Saine quickly reassured her. “No one dares to challenge a Sterling, not even the oldest Sinflame alive. You’re still a part of the pioneers.”
It sounds incredibly weird for Iolana, but deep down in her heart… it feels just right.
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wonik1ss · 1 year
Play Love Game — Eunchae
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pairing : non idol!eunchae x reader
song rec : not your girl - ive
summary : kyujin has a plan to get her friend eunchae the chance she wants with you
a/n : go check out JAY & Y/n smau!!! NOW
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“Where out there Romeo?”
“Wrong lines Y/n!”. Eunchae giggled while you glared at her.
“Sorry Mrs. Kim”. As you and Eunchae went over your part again Mrs. Kim smiled and ushered you to your seats.
“Oh we’re so gonna fail..”
“Eunchae!”. You nudged the girl as she giggled again.
You and your bestfriend Eunchae had been tasked with recreating ten minutes of Romeo and Juliette for your theater class.
“I mean I guess this is what we get being theater kids..”. Eunchae nodded as she pulled out her pocky and you put your hand out waiting for one.
Instead of giving you one Eunchae put one end of the treat in her mouth and wiggled her eyebrows. Annoyed you rolled your eyes bitting the other end as Eunchae blushed.
Eunchae loved to tease you but for some reason would get all shy when you did it back. Little did you know it was because of the little crush your long time friend had on you.
“IM A GENIUS!”. It was now lunchtime, while you and Eunchae were best friends you usually jumped from table to table during lunch. So now she was currently zoned out staring at you at the other part of the cafe.
“I GOT IT”. Eunchae sighed as Kyujin started to write on a paper and then showed it to her lovestruck friend.
“Just go the the kids scene! You said she doesn’t know the play like that so then you can just sneakily kiss her!”
“That seems.. a little-“
“Do you want to find out if she liked you or not?”. Eunchae nodded and listened in as Kyujin went into her plan.
STEP 1 : Be Nice
As said before Eunchae loves to tease you. But to get you to let her choose the scene she had to be nice to you.
“What’s this?”
“You favorite milk”. Eunchae said as she smiled and sat next to you in bio. It was three days later and Kyujin’s plan would now be put into effect.
“Thanks I guess?”. Eunchae laughed and started to get to work as drank your milk.
STEP 2 : Pester
By pestering you about the play Eunchae woulf be able to persuade you to just let her pick since the play was old and probably boring.
“Hay Y/nnnnie”
“Hi Eunnnnnchae”. You mocked the taller girl as she stuck out her tongue at you.
“You know how we’re picking our scenes today..”. You nodded continuing to walk to your next class.
“I was wondering if I could choose the scene.. I skimmed what miss Kim sent us and I found one that looks pretty easy to do..”
“Ok sure see you in the theater”. You said bowing to Eunchae as you walked into your next class.
STEP 3 : The Big Finally
Like the schemer she is Kyujin new that most of the kids in the class wouldn’t want the kiss scene. So all Eunchae had to do was pick last and she would and did end up with the scene.
“Oh shit..”
“What?”. Eunchae said looking over your shoulder to see you were looking at the kissing scene.
“We practiced everything but-“
“Ok group three come up!”. You and Eunchae looked at eachothers shocked it was already your turn. As you got on stage and started to act; the two of you got closer and closer during the kiss scene.
While Eunchae was happy she also noticed the fact a bunch of other peoples eyes were on her. So instead of going for a really meaningful kiss she basically gave you a six second peck.
The students hollered as you stood stunned. You weren’t supposed to like that.. right?
“Is Y/n ok?”. Miss Kim asked as stood as still as a statue.
“Um.. I think she just needs some water.. I can take her!”. Miss Kim nodded as Eunchae took you to the water fountain outside of the auditorium.
“You o-“. Eunchae was surprised as she felt you kiss her.
“K?”. Eunchae stood in a daze as you bit your lip waiting for her to say something.
“You know I don’t really like playing this love game”
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thedivineart · 2 years
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in this pac reading were going to take a look/ know who is secretly admiring you, images that used are not mine and i'm only saved this images from pinterest so credits to the rightful owner.
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♡︎ M A S T E R L I S T ♡︎
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ᵒⁿᵉ ᵗʷᵒ ᵗʰʳᵉᵉ
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𓇽 P A I D S E R V I C E S 𓇽
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i see that mostly who pick this pile, their secret admirer are 18 to 32 of ages and this individual is someone who is mature than you or simply just older than you. a very calm, well expeirenced and wise individual they are, they are serious person who is ambitious in life and quiet powerful person they are maybe somewhat popular in school, work, or in your surroundings-someone who have quiet influencial around others. I see here that there will be something might happen in this winter time. Also this person is a sexual appetite but is a cold person, who doesn't seems to know how to show their emotion and they have dark haired -doesnt matter if dye or not or this person have sexual fantasies about you. I think some people here who pick this pile already know who is this individual or you have hint who are they. Yeah, this individual is somewhat famous too in where society they belong, i feel they been admiring you for a very long time but may fear of acceptance, they also have romantic feelings for you. They has a hobby of writing maybe a book or jounals or fixing their schedule or something related to those things, a creative person with soft features or round face and admiring you brings small amount of joy inside of them. They might be your friend or friends of your friend or they are friendly person or someone who you familiar with like heard their name before but don't actually see who are they. They are a private or typically lonely person like they like to be lonely most of the time, they are also tall or can be taller than you as well being intellegent and well diciplined individual. They may also came from high status family or in their surroundings their alot of influencial people.
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this pile got the happiest energy, i do feel that this person loves to laugh or smile often, they may also loves to joke around or make others smile. they might be also popular maybe in school, or work, or in neighborhood since this individual is too friendly in others, they may have dark hair- dye or not and very good looking/pretty people. I'm also sensing that this person may laugh out of nowhere cause s/he remember something funny in his/her mind, they also good at cheering and uplifting people- a naturally gift from them, they may also love attention but in a good way like i said joking around, making others comfortable. If you knew this person, you never see them having a sad face cause it's like they always have smile on their faces. They seems always in public eye, they know alot of people and people know them too and there is also people who envy and called this person a 'attention seeker' which probably far from it's truth. This pile got all positive cards, so this person is always positive in their life as well caring/generous to their time or anything that they can give, mostly who choose this pile this is your 'soulmate', they may came from quiet well-off family and water is very significant to them maybe its their zodiac sign or simply just loves water like the beaches or fountain etc. Even though they are good looking people or not, still people who surround them find them really attractive and idk what makes them nervous sometimes maybe when you are near? and they naturally experience ups and downs in life like a normal human being or they are well balance individual.
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it seems this person loves to write letter or they are one of the people who you chat online or irl, they are type of people who is always curious to anything or everything, naturally an active individual who maybe join in some activities in daily life such as sport etc. also they good at communication and knows how to balance every conversation or they give light and open aura for any communication they been through. Though they experience some difficulties in life that turns to a real life lesson to them, they still manage to stand up for the sake of their supreme goals and also you can feel the sadness around this individual maybe the reason why is that they suffer alot from so much burdens into their life. They are also someone who quick temper, aggressive or an authoritive person, mostly prone to vindictiveness or lies or they are someone who suffer in mental illnesses. Okay, i know there's alot of negative energy for this person-well that's their energy as of now, this pile is so opposite of pile two but i do sense that this person they are good person, they care for their family or friends, they also responsible and actibe individual. They also have the characteristics of be able to adapt things easily or to any situation occur in their present time, they may probably taller than you or naturally taller or have long legs, they also someone who value their reputation, hobbies and their everyday affairs.
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lafeeverte-sims · 1 year
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🐘 4t2 picturesque keramikos fountain 🐘
happy songkran! i wanted to convert something splashy but i guess i already did that splash pad set from growing together; however, i did find this elephant fountain in my wips and figured it's also appropriate :)
i had to resize it down from its original ts4 size to fit the fountain effects in ts2, the water isn't perfect but i think it's good enough, it's animated and has two subsets (the elephant and the bottom basin). then i decided i also wanted it as a fountain that's placeable on water, so i got rid of the basin and made another fountain on a floating pedestal (also two subsets, elephant and the pedestal). and then i also did a bigger statue without any fountain effects (same subsets). finally, i also converted the flowers as water plants (ofc you can place them on terrain with cheats too). fountains and sculpture in buy > deco > sculptures (around $600-610), flowers in build > garden > flowers ($2); they probably require university and mansions
lmk if anything is broken!
💦 download: 💦 merged [SFS] [MF] 💦 unmerged [SFS] [MF] 💦
credits: ea
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
Oc-tober Day Seven – Cupid Au
Yandere Incubus – C.C
Word Count: 700
You stumble through the empty city streets – slightly buzzed and utterly done with the romance game. Tonight was the fifth date that month that bailed on you before the evening. No explanation, no apologies – just disappearing off the face of the earth and leaving you alone again on a Friday night. At this rate you suspected you’d never find a partner, and were slowly coming to terms with that cruel fate.
Taking a shortcut back to your place, you walk towards a park’s main gate. Bulb lights were wrapped around the trunk of each tree; a bench placed between every other one. The branches hung low – giving the area a sort of secluded feeling. The night was still young and the weather at the perfect degree where it was neither too hot nor too cold. The perfect place to take someone after a nice date. Your chest hurts.
You slump down by the fountain; arms cradling your head as you stare into the clear water. Fuck, this sucks. Are you really meant to be alone like this for the rest of your life? Why did everyone leave without giving reason? Were you so unlovable? You take a deep breath and just breathe. You can’t be thinking so negatively. No matter how much it hurts, someday you’ll find love. For now, you had the cherub statue reflecting in the water to keep you company. You’d head home, clean yourself up, and try again another day. 
“I can’t give up so easily. Someone’s got to like me enough to stay eventually.”
A single white feather floats across the still water.
“There already is….” 
A plethora of feathers fall around you as wings flap overhead. Turning to face the cause of the anomaly, you find a male standing behind you. Pearl color robes loosely fit his frame that stop just below his thighs, a garter belt baring a heart strapped to his left. Fluffy, light pink hair that reminds you of the statue behind you blocks you from making direct eye contact – but you can tell he’s looking at you. An arrow bag sits on his back, nestled between a pair of white, angelic wings that reach from his shoulders to lower torso. The tip of one drips with a red liquid. He twists the handle of the bow in hand, smiling shyly. 
“Uh, hi there. My name is CeeCee, your assigned Cupid Angel. It’s nice to meet you.” 
You stare at him for a moment, completely at a blank. You may not have been feeling the best that night, but you weren’t delirious. “huh?”
CeeCee stammers, wings growing stiff as he rambles. “I know this is the most appropriate way for me to make my presence known, or that I shouldn’t have at all – but I just had to meet you and apologize.” 
“Apologize for what?”
He continues to play with his bow. “For all the pain I’ve caused you. I accidentally shot your date with an arrow while they were looking at someone else… May not have been  very much of an “accident” since I’ve done it to all your past love interests.”
Your confusion skyrockets to anger. You stand up, teeth clenched. Even if this was a figure of your imagination you’d give him a piece of your mind. “You did what?” 
“I’m s-sorry! I really am, it’s just that… I like you too. I’m in you, in fact. It’s against protocol, but in the time I’ve spent watching you, I started to fall for you as well. None of those people were right for you… Soulmates are actually chosen by my kind, and since you don’t have one, I was hoping I could be yours?”
You look at this supposed angel, still fidgeting as he awaits your answer. His golden eye becomes visible through his bangs as he shies away from your gaze. They were gorgeous – like amber honey. There’s something behind his stare that you can’t read, but you're bewitched by their beauty. It wouldn’t hurt to try, would it?
“Can we start with just a date?”
CeeCee instantly perks up. “Yea, totally! You won’t regret it, Y/n. I have to get myself ready, but I’ll come pick you up soon. Don’t worry, I already know where you live. I love you so much, I’ll see you soon.”
CeeCee extends his wings, flapping them a few times before shooting off into the sky. He couldn’t take you out on a date like this, especially with the sweat he worked up earlier. As a red soaked feather falls to the ground, you wonder if you made the right choice by accepting his offer. 
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novemberwasgrey · 2 years
Wenvier headcanons
Become official after two months of dating because, quoting Wednesday, "relationships are a source of unnecessary gossip that is none of people's business except our own". But because she's a good bestie, she allowed Enid to be the first to spread the news on her blog.
They aren't dating "just because". As artists, they actually understand each other on an intellectual level and love to debate. Their favorite subject is the Renaissance and they can talk about it for hours.
Museum and library dates.
They're both pretty jealous in the relationship. We already saw Xavier's reaction to Tyler but that's nothing next to Wednesday when some girl hits on Xavier. Most of the time, before Xavier can even politely states "I'm not interested, I already have a girlfriend", Wednesday will be right behind him glaring at the girl until she cowers in fear and flees.
On top of that, we know Wednesday's very competitive. Before they started dating, she'd heard Xavier tell Ajax that Bianca made the best brownies he's ever had when they were together. She got so worked up that she spent the entire night making brownies and just shoved them in his mouth without a word, the next day.
Other than English, Wednesday can speak Spanish, Italian and German. And she who claims to hate pet names, she can't help but call Xavier some in foreign languages. In fact, she used to call him pet names in Italian very often but what she didn't know was that Xavier could speak Italian (his mom was Italian) and understand everything she was saying. He played along for a while then one time, he just replied with a perfect accent. She was mortified. Xavier laughed for an hour until she got enough and pushed him in the fountain.
(Even then he was still cackling soaking wet)
Since then, they got into this thing where they speak Italian when they're in public and only want the other to understand.
One time, Xavier called her 'cara mia' like her dad to tease her. She didn't talk to him for the rest of the day. Eventually, the only pet names she grew to tolerate are 'Wens' (Enid's the one who started to call her that) and 'love'.
...is there a tiny possibility that they love to dirty talk in Italian? yup
Xavier challenged himself to make Wednesday laugh as much as possible. He'd come up with lame jokes that never work and annoy her. Until this one time he tripped over his own feet and he heard her giggle. "Are you serious, me making a fool of myself is what makes it for you?!" "Exactly."
I established that several times already but obviously, Xavier loves Wednesday's family and they love him just as much. His dad and him were never close especially since his mom's passing so he's so touched by how quick the Addams make him feel like one of their own. Morticia and Gomez just love how much he cares for their little viper.
Grandmama Addams was thrilled to see her best friend's godson after years.
and oh, Pugsley and Xavier are thick as thieves, like seriously they love each other.
...which annoys Wednesday to no end bc now she can't even have a minute alone with her boyfriend without her brother barging in.
(On another note, Pugsley and Eugene get along great btw).
Xavier and Enid literally act like siblings and that's the cutest thing ever. Because they're dating each other's bff, they made it their mission to make Wednesday and Ajax get along. These two were the type to be awkward around each other (well, mostly Ajax around Wednesday, she used to give him the creeps). Eventually, they were able to bond on one undeniable fact: anyone who dares to attack Enid and Xavier will have to deal with them.
Someone *talking shit about Xavier and Enid*
Wednesday: I'll get the rope, you get the shovel.
Ajax: Better. I will take my beanie off and you smash their stone statue in pieces.
Wednesday: Impressive. I'm in.
Xavier's the only one allowed to touch Wednesday's hair. I support @foolinlove99 headcanon that she lets him braid it.
Wednesday loves his hair. Really much. Xavier realized it at some point as she always pets it unconsciously or tugs on it during sex.
Xavier's love languages are physical touch and gift giving, Wednesday's is acts of service.
People like to say Xavier fell first and Wednesday fell harder, but that's not even true because he falls for her more and more everyday and so does she and basically their relationship is a competition of who loves the other more. I'm sure they'd fight about it.
Xavier Thorpe centric headcanons here
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