#i STILL don't know what my deal is. i dunno what it is ppl remember me for
mars-ipan · 3 months
every now and again i wonder why izuru assigned me hajime kin so damn hard it came true like how did this motherfucker know everything like that. and then i remember the section of my pinned post asking that people please not use the word "talent" if they want to compliment me bc i have a rough history with the idea of inherent talent. and how that is a genuine fact about me and something that has deeply influenced who i am as a person. and that that has been in my pinned post for longer than i've been a danganronpa fan. and i understand
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
I dunno if you talked about this yet, but very few ppl are talking about s5 since the dub hasn't come out yet so I'll just put a thought I had here (and again, if you've already talked about this, sorry!!)
This isn't really a theory, bc the "evidence" is flimsy, more like a gut feeling, but like:
You know how 9 (I think that's his name) asked Macaque "who did you make a deal with to get these powers?" and Macaque seemed genuinely confused?
I think Wukong might have been the one who made some sort of deal.
Again, this is mostly speculation, I'll honestly have to rewatch the LBD storyline just to ensure that it doesn't contradict this, but idk, for me this would explain certain things fans were pointing out before- I'll just get to the point tbh:
1) It would explain Wukong's lack of confusion at Macaque's first appearance.
Macaque died, plain and simple, and as far as we're aware, this was the first time they had seen eachother. Wukong is definitely not happy to see him, but he certainly doesn't look confused. He never questioned it, actually.
I don't remember if he was surprised with him working with LBD, but I do remember that despite everything, he still affirmed to MK that Liu Er was not a bad guy. And coming from Wukong, especially at that point in the series, that's not something small.
2) Wukong clearly regrets Macaque's murder.
It's difficult to tell what happened when Macaque died, since we only have some vague screenshots and (now) a small audio that might have or might have not have actually happened (since Wukong's memory might have been very biased). But what matters is that we now know with 100% certainty that the murder HAPPENED. It wasn't mind control (or at least doesn't seem like it), it wasn't an illusion by a third party that tricked Macaque, and Wukong certainly KNEW that Macaque was dead.
This is important bc the main conclusion lots of fans got from the whole "Wukong didn't seem confused about Macaque being alive" thing was those theories. Which now seem pretty much impossible.
For a character to do something in a story, 2 things need to be true: they need to have a reason AND they need to actually be able to do it.
Considering desire alone, it seems like a Wukong thing to do. He clearly didn't wanna have anything to do with Macaque (seeming at least annoyed and at worst angry with his presence at the beginningof the story), but he also just didn't want him dead. It wouldn't be out of character for him to revive Macaque if given the chance, but also simply not look for him.
If he can do it? I don't know. He has alot of artifacts, and he's known for breaking rules to get his way, both in JTTW and in lmk. Whatever it was, it probably had to do with chaos magic, but (although not the the lmk's team fault, it's clear that this was mostly bc of complications in production) the season's plot was kinda rushed, they had litte time to tell their story, so I can't be sure.
3) Wukong's conversation with Macaque at the start of the season.
Okay, so this is the main one (bc it can make or break my entire point, which I'll explain real soon), since this WHOLE season had alot of references to past events AND alot of the first episodes' scenes were brought back in some way by the end.
And their conversation felt a little... idk, out of place. Kinda Chekhov's Gun-y.
Bc this wasn't a season focused on how their old enemies came back. Heck, it wasn't focused on Wukong at all! Sure, the poor guy was the season's punching bag (or in this case, more like a squishy stress toy lmao), but the vast majority of his scenes were focused on his bond with MK (be it with the fact both of them came from the same stone, or just his general love and care for the kid, to the point where he was willing to die in his place if it meant keping MK and the world safe.)- and those that weren't were glimpses with Macaque.
Okay, so why can it make or break my point? Because it's gonna entirely depend on weather or not Wukong is being honest in that conversation.
Now, Wukong is a big, fat liar. We all know this. The Samhadi Fire thing happened ENTIRELY bc of his lies. This man is not honest, and he loooves passing the blame to someone else when he can, especially to Macaque.
And I think he's lying in that conversation. I genuinely think he's lying. Why? Because he said he didn't know what MK was before he chose him as his sucessor.
And, okay, he might not have known the full story, but that man knew SOMETHING. We see in flashbacks that he had been observing MK far before he found the staff. He might not have known that MK came from the same stone as him, but c'mon. He is not that stupid. Also, the body language might be a bit harder to read bc of the budget cuts, but he did not seem honest at all. His first instinct as he said it was to avert his eyes and then TURN THE OTHER WAY, angry.
"Okay, anon, but your whole argument was about Macaque's revival, not MK's birth-" I'm getting to it.
What I'm trying to say is that we should take Wukong's words here with a massive grain of salt. Him and Macaque seem to be working together to discover more about MK, but that does not mean that Wukong is gonna be 100% honest with him.
Which comes the juicy part of this conversation: when the topic switches to Wukong's old friends with grudges returning. More specifically, Macaque mentions Azure Lion.
M: We still don't know who released Azure Lion. All of your old friends are back at once. You don't-
W: What about you?! You came back all of a sudden too!
Wukong's body language was really weird here. Like he was angry that Macaque was questioning things. Maybe it's just him being nervous about it too and letting his fear show off as anger, but it's still weird. This could be him just immediately throwing this at Macaque, because it's easier, with something along the lines of "What about you huh?? You came back too!" as a response for having his methods questioned, but again, it feels really weird.
Especially since this is not the thing you do when you're willing to be honest. Even when you're not willing to be criticized.
This might be a language barrier thing, since the subs I watched with weren't the best, but it was unclear to me wether Wukong was trying to lump Macaque together with everyone else that returned OR wether he was trying to differentiate him from the rest. With the eng dub it'll probably be clearer, but I genuinely couldn't be sure wether this was a "You came back too, just like the rest of them." or a "It wasn't JUST them, you came back too" meaning. This could also be attributed to him possibly being the only one who might have actually died before his return, instead of just "imprisoned", but idk.
And then Wukong looks down, with this weird conflicted look, until he mentions that someone might be manipulating MK, which makes him blink up and immediately pin it all on Macaque again, despite him definitely knowing by this point that Macaque would not do this.
As if he felt like it was a personal attack over something he did.
Which makes me feel like he was involved in some way with at least SOME of these returns, and not just in a "the ppl I messed with came back with a grudge" way. Since the topic of a deal was specifically mentioned by this season's villain, (which Macaque, again, didn't really seem to know about) it might have been that.
4) Lady Bone Demon.
So, I'm really gonna have to rewatch her entire story to be sure about the details, but this woman is the definition of opportunistic. She knows quite alot about destiny, and at some points, even the future.
She was sealed and became a whole lot stronger, sure, but the power to bring others back from the dead? Lmk is not very accurate to JTTW, but she was legit just a skeleton demon with the power of illusion from what I've managed to find. Heck, before she tricked MK into releasing more of her power, she was pretty much stuck with the Spider Queen.
And this was AFTER she supposedly brought Macaque back from the dead.
This woman is powerful, but not THAT powerful. Not at that point! Wukong supposedly defeated her with ease before according to the show, and even he had troubles with the underworld. Also, out of all of Wukong's past foes, it feels weird that she'd willingly choose Macaque to be the one to be revived- the guy with a conflicted past with Wukong that, considering everyone else he's faced, is pretty avarage in terms of power. Also, again, this man has a huge grudge, but he also has a really big past with Wukong. Even IF she could just bring someone back from the dead like this, she'd be smart enough not to choose Macaque. The risk of disobedience was far too great (since he's pretty smart + would likely not want to put up with her bs for long) and his strength is simply not great enough to justify that decision. She had to constantly check on him, threaten him, and even THEN he still found a way out of it.
Sure, maybe Wukong could go easier on him compared to other foes, but that's still not a good bet. Wukong killed him, after all, likely bc he was a danger to his JTTW friends based on previous scenes- so who's to say he wouldn't do it again?
So all of this: the flawed logic of choosing to revive macaque; the likelihood of her being able to just bring someone back from the dead WHILE weakened; the fact that she clearly didn't trust Macaque like she did the totally not a mayor guy; how her biggest strategy has always been to wait for an opportunity instead of doing the work herself... It makes me question wether she brought Macaque back at all.
Because maybe she just saw an opportunity and took it, maybe she just tricked him into thinking that she was behind his revival- as to make him obey at least somewhat- so she could lock him in a deal. Maybe it wasn't Wukong, maybe it was someone else, but the fact that the chaos magic thing along with the word "deal" wasn't immediately attributed with LBD (the only one we know to have made a deal with Macaque at some point till now) was just really weird to me.
Anyway, wow this was long! Sorry about that! Again, I don't truly believe this is the show's intention, I might just be overthinking/misinterpreting things, but idk. I thought it was at least an interesting enough hypothesis to bring it up fhdhdhhdhd
gawddam anon 👀 that’s quite a theory
also here’s a link of what Nines said to Macky (also there seems to be a new ship between the two and i, for one, suggest that their ship name should be called SixNine :D )
idk i agree with Wukong being the one who struck the deal but you do bring up a lot of hood points 👀✍️ Wukong lying about only having a “feeling” when he met MK (even i could smell the bs), Wukong’s “and what about you!” being more of a misdirect from what Macky wanted to talk about -> like these things i def thought were fishy but you bring up a new perspective 🧐
time will only tell!
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how do I not be jealous of someone
it's even harder cause she is legitimately a bitch
how do I deal with ppl like that without being a bitch myself
Alright, well. What are we dealing with?
Romantic jealousy? If it's that, you gotta remember that everyone has a type, and some people like bitches. I can't explain why. Maybe some Taylor Swift "I need pain to feel like I'm in love" thing, I dunno.
Me, I have somewhat of a Save-A-Ho complex, where if I see someone who's cute and seems like they have a lot of problems in their life, I will jump in and try to help them fix it. Or if someone is super lonely, I'm like, "Aww, you deserve love, and I will understand you and give you that love."
That's a bad habit and it leads you to date fucked up people sometimes, because sometimes people who seem like victims are just very good at their own spin. Or they're unable or unwilling to learn how to be a better person, in the end.
If it's professional jealousy, like maybe somebody is getting promoted ahead of you, consider why they're getting there.
Are they actually aggressive and straightforward in the way they interact with people, and that can come off as "bitchy" to people when it's actually just being blunt and honest?
Or are they genuinely undercutting others in order to attempt to showcase their own perceived skills or expertise? Do they talk nice about people to their face and then talk shit behind their back with no intent of ever talking to the person in question? Do they imply or state that others are incompetent or inconsistent when they're not? Do they take credit for things they didn't do?
Do they lie, in other words?
That can figure out whether you're dealing with someone whose manner might just be more abrasive than you prefer but who actually has leadership skills you might want to study...
...or someone who you may want to document and discuss with a superior.
I know I'm a forgiving person, but that's Me, because it is literally My job to forgive. A huge part of My role is to understand where people are coming from, help them heal a hurt, and understand how and why they hurt others. Then I can forgive them. Because I'm Divine and I have special psychic gifts that let Me see into the depths of a human's soul.
You are not. You are... Probably human? Or mostly so? If you're a demon, you wouldn't be asking this question, and if you're an angel then come off anon and I'm happy to help you figure out your specific workplace issue. But I'm assuming you're one of about eight billion other people with the same problem on Earth.
Your job is to make life better for yourself and the people around you. Sometimes that means telling someone off or getting them out of you hair.
If she's a family member or somebody in a general friend or social group, that's a little bit more complicated. I guess the question is, what does she have that you genuinely want? And are there ways of getting what you want that use your own strengths instead of competing with hers?
There's also still the question of how she's affecting other people. If someone is making you feel bad about yourself on purpose, you're probably not the only person she's doing that to.
And the answer is that you can't beat her at her own game. Don't compete. See if other people feel the same way about whatever behavior of hers is making you feel bad about yourself. Call it out. Be open and very, very honest.
A lot of people sit there and stew about feeling bad about feeling bad, like you can fix your problems by just changing your attitude. And sometimes that can work, but you can't just will your way into not feeling bad. You have to do some genuine mental work about your point of view. Sometimes you have to unlearn assumptions about what makes you or anybody else valuable, valid, or right.
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angebaby · 3 months
Intoject Ask Game
1. What's your name and source?
Ange, and I'm Angel Dust
2. What type of introject are you? (Fictive, factive, etc.)
3. How connected do you feel to your source?
i guess id say very connected
4. Do you have any exomemories? What's your favourite one?
my memories are vague and hard to talk abt and describe. but im thinki g abt times i had w cherri.
5. What do you think of your source's fandom?
I enjoy it mainly for all the great art and smut!!!
6. Do you have any sourcemates in your system?
well i dont rly know if we share the same canon, but we have an Alastor <3 do also have a Husk but I don't know him v well yet
7. Have you ever met any sourcemates outside your system?
yea! again not sure abt canons but, yea!!!
8. Have you ever posted/sent a sourcecall anywhere? Did it help you find sourcemates?
no havent felt the need to,, yet
9. What do you think are your biggest differences from/similarities to your source?
im a transfem dyke so yea that DOES change things but i didnt look different (or want to look different, i liked how i looked!) and i mean im not necessarily 100% exclusive to women but i prefer em fer sure (and i love women with weird and fucked up genders <3) OH another thing i guess I MUCH prefer topping. I mean 4 my job i just did what i had to do but I rly love being a dom top (there are instnaces/w certain ppl id prefer subbbing tho)
10. Do you like being compared to your source?
yea I do as long as ppl arent weird abt me being a real person
11. What's your favourite thing about your source?
hmmm. I guess I like. i dunno! the songs are fun
12. What's your least favourite thing about your source?
well one thing i dont like is that its so short lol. ik theres gonna be more seasons but. snot enough!
13. Any funny exomemories?
hmmm nothing coming to mind. damn i wanna think more abt memories....
14. Does your appearance differ from your source's appearance?
i dont think so
15. What other role, if any, do you have in the system?
I honestly dont know shit abt that
16. If you could go back to the life you had in your exomemories/source, would you?
UM NO. as much as I miss ppl, I'm ok not being in hell
17. Does this universe differ at all from the one in your exomemories/source?
umm yeahh lolll. cuz like, i do t ely have any memories as a living person, only rly remember hell
18. What's your favourite clothing item/accessory that the system owns?
we got some fun pink heart glasses! in general we need more fun clothes tho i dont like our stuff
19. Do you have any merch of your source?
Angel poster signed by blake roman!! we cant rly hang it up but its tucked away in onuv our sketchbooks
20. Do you ever get homesick? If yes, what do you do to deal with it?
I do. not really for any of the places, but I miss the ppl...I dunno what I do. just wallow? well I am in a fictive and kin server and I can talk about it there with other ppl who understand ao that. Helps
21. What songs remind you of your source?
I think keshas album gag order, like the WHOLE ALBUM reminds me of it.
22. What activities/things remind you of your source?
ummm flirtingg and having sex
23. Do you like engaging with your source/content about it?
I do, most of the time! I like rewatching the show, even ep 4. actually, I specifically like rewatching the first half of ep 4 the most. comforting, somehow??
when it comes to other hazbin stuff outside of the show, I honestly dont know as much about it. we didnt follow the pilot or any of the stuff before the show. but i do wanna start dipping my toes into that stuff, to see what still holds true fer me
24. Have you ever created content related to your source? (Art, fanfiction, etc.)
we've been drawin a bit! haven't posted most of it but DO plan on posting stuff on our twitter. I actually started a valangel piece today.
25. How do you feel about doubles?
I actually LOVE doubles, cuz I feel like they Get it, yknow?
26. Talk about anything you want, relevant to rhe rest of the questions or not!
i wish i has more memories but everythin is way 2 vague,,, but. um! oh well!
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scrawlingskribbles · 7 years
Its cool if you don't wanna share it and feel uncomfy, but why bring it up in the first place if you didnt want anyone to know?
Because it’s mostly hyperbole anyways lmao~ xD ((It’s part of a convoluted system of me bullying myself into overcoming my anxiety about stuff lol. Which sounds weird when I word it that way, I know, but if that’s what works for me to get over/through stuff then, Well,,;;)) 
Also because I’m… not trying to advertise it specifically? xD Like, if people stumble across it then cool whatever, but I’m not trying to specifically hide it either? I brought it up just bc I remembered that someone had asked ages ago if I had a nsfw blog or not, but I wasn’t expecting ppl to like. actually make as much of deal about it as apparently it’s doing???? I dunno lol
tl;dr I keep forgetting/am still not used to people actually being this interested in/paying attention to stuff I’m doing & saying so I’m still learning how to actually handle myself in situations like this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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heero-yuy · 7 years
About Keith probably starting things w Lance at the Garrsion, I don't really think Keith likely just not noticing/ ignoring him is a legitimate reason for any of Lance's antagonism. I get that for Lance he might have taken being ignored by someone he respected/ looked up to personally, but that's actually fairly immature for him to have held onto that feeling for so long. For Lance he thinks he's known Keith since before Voltron, while for Keith Lance was a stranger -two different situations.
gnotblue replied to your post “I know Lance can put his bias towards Keith aside when their's an...”
disagree. maybe as leader it's Keith's responsibility to encourage Lance, but as peer? whatever happened in the garrison, Keith doesn't remember- & Lance just doesn't stop picking him as target for his personal attacks. Keith reacts and sometimes starts it, but he also tried to get out of their pattern more than once. s. the bonding moment.
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I already said this before, but I think if Keith didn’t remember Lance, Lance would be lying on the floor together with the doctors in seconds, for trying to interrupt Keith back there and get his hands on Shiro.
Like, Keith is not the most trusting person, you know... He’s like super suspicious of everyone at first and is very careful, no matter how harmless or friendly the strangers might seem. (And Lance didn’t even look friendly when he walks in on him, he literally goes “nonono you’re not taking Shiro”)
Which makes me think Keith not only clearly remembers Lance, But he also trusts him. (with Shiro, his “most prized possession” haha, so that means alot.)
I really don’t think Keith would let them come along with him to his secret hideout with a guy he just stole from the Garrison, if he didn't trust them. 
So he probably knows alot more about them than he lets them believe.
(Also unlike Shiro, he could have totally recognized Pidge as Matt’s sister right away, maybe even at the Garrison, maybe he even somehow knew about what she was doing to find out what happened on that mission, because he might have been doing the same thing, and then just kept quiet about her identity because he wanted her to reveal her secret when she was ready)
Bottom line, if he was ok with taking them with him, he probably knew all three of them well enough to really trust them. (Or maybe even just trusted Lance enough to also trust his friends)
And this line “oh I remember you, you’re a cargo pilot”
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Like it sounds so freaking condescending. And I don’t think Keith is someone who looks down on people’s jobs or has some “I’m a fighter pilot” ego thing. 
That’s a clear jab at Lance. Why? because he knows Lance really wanted to be a fighter pilot and ended up in cargo. And Lance walks in there all like “nononono IM saving Shiro” like trying to one up Keith and not like actually just give him a hand, so Keith gets pissed and is all “new phone, who dis?” cuz he knows it would piss off Lance and will kinda get him off his high horse. But also it might totally go a bit deeper than that.
Because I think it’s like Keith always pretends like he dun care about this rivalry thing. BUT HE DOES. 
Lance gets to him. 
No matter how many people say their rivalry is just in Lance’s head and he’s the only one that pushes this rivalry on them. It’s not. 
I think Keith wouldn’t respond to him like that or try to get back at him and annoy him if there wasn’t something to it.
This wouldn’t have happened if it was just in Lance’s head:
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Keith would’t crash his lion there, he would play along and just let Lance crash his lion. But he obviously was really serious about showing Lance who’s the better pilot or that he’s just as daring as him.
And like when they are training, he makes Lance walk into walls and a dead end on purpose!!! And is all “why you’re not listening Lance??”
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He doesn’t exactly tries to be the bigger man, he gets back at him for everything! Keith picks on Lance just as much as Lance picks on him, he’s just kinda more sneaky about it, so he doesn’t gets caught on it, so it wouldn’t appear like Lance actually gets to him. 
Or I dunno, maybe he does it cause its just fun to annoy Lance.
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Like this shit here, was totally uncalled for (and this was after "bonding moment”). And Keith started this one.
There’s like alot of little things he does to annoy Lance for no good reason... And the only time he kinda tried to reach out to him and put a stop to this I think was in the comics, when he says “Good job, Lance!” 
(The bonding moment was Lance reaching out to Keith, by kinda showing him what he is really hoping for, for them all to be a good team and for him and Keith to kinda be you know “space ranger partners” and not rivals I guess). Keith just smiled approvingly but then he was back at picking on Lance again!)
I don’t think Lance is the kind of person who is looking for strife. He’s super friendly and he really wants to get along with people, so I really have my doubts about him starting this whole “not getting along with Keith” thing. I feel like he most likely just responds to Keith’s attitude towards him. 
And you know, I don’t think Lance was lying there in the first episode when he said “You know, Lance and Keith, neck and neck.”I dun think Lance is a bad pilot. I think he’s a reckless pilot, a daring pilot, but I think he’s not as bad as the team makes it seem in terms of skills.
So my theory is that Keith finally had someone who caught up to him in flight school, and he didn’t really like that. (probably liked Lance, but not the fact he can potentially be a better pilot) I think Lance challenged him, and that was the source of their totally real rivalry. (And why Lance would be the perfect person to take over Red)
(I mean Keith and Lance are kinda similar after all, they both sometimes do reckless things and act like hot heads and then kinda get at each other for doing the same things..)
And like I have to say that I personally think Keith and Lance have the most brotherly, sibling like relationship if there ever was one (no, it’s not Keith and Shiro, I actually find it odd so many people see THAT relationship as brotherly because I literally have never met two siblings or bros that act like that..)
Like to me Keith and Lance are like siblings that have like a year, two years or so apart. And Lance is kinda like the younger sibling that can’t quite catch up to or really get back at the older one, And Keith is the older sibling that just has fun teasing the younger one all the time but really wants him to succeed and yet still gets super annoyed if the younger one beats him at anything.
And like since I’m sure it’s very important for both of them to get recognition and praise from Shiro (who’s gonna be the parent figure in this case), So Lance is kinda like the child that always feels like Keith is the favorite and dad always takes his side..
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(Even tho space dad does love all his kids equally.. I think Shiro deals with Lance in a good way, I hope Keith learns from him)
Like I mean, the drones thing was such a siblings thing to do! Like Keith just pushes Lance’s drone out of the way and is all “Sorry! Gotta be quick" and they start fighting
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And Dad is all “Knock it off, you two! Play nice!”
And Lance is “KEITH STARTED IT!!!"
I dunno, if you have siblings (im not sure how its with sisters tho) but if you have brothers who are close to you in age I’m sure u can understand exactly what I’m talking about here.
So I dunno, it’s very clear to me they both really love eachother and care for eachother. And will show it, but won’t actually like, admit it to eachother.. 
Like even the bonding moment
Keith did not punch Sendak.
Lance did not shoot his arm off.
So I think it’s safe to assume Keith didn't actually cradle Lance in his arms at any point.
This is them still bonding by just making shit up and teasing eachother. It's not as serious as ppl make it out to be. It’s a very friendly exchange, a blossoming bromance. (and yes, so far it does seems like just bromance to me, ofcourse it might change in the future, but so far these two seasons that’s all I’m getting form them)
They both know they kinda bonded back there and had this very uncharacteristic tender moment and are kinda backtracking on it but in a sibling kind of way, like “ew I would never get along with you” but I’m sure they both know they are just messing around there.
Like Keith and Lance to me are the epitome of your common sibling relationship.
They are the “I love you to death and would die for you, but I would never admit it toyour face, and i'll only talk shit to your face but will beat anyone else whodoes, and will only say good things about you behind your back”
Like, it’s clear Keith and Lance really like eachother. Keith doesn't actually hate Lance and Lance doesn't hate Keith. They’re just you kno... bros in the making. And they both act like idiots sometimes.
But for them to get along better, Keith (as the person who’s kinda in the position of the older sibling the younger one really admires and wants to be friends with) has to stop doing this shit where he purposely insults and picks on Lance, yes. Specially as the team’s leader.
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