#i NEED to draw them now so theres more fanart
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illusioncanthurtme · 6 months ago
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hinamie · 5 months ago
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post-graduation trip airport looks
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khainovo · 1 month ago
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cue kai trying to keep aichi's mouth shut
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jalo-parker · 7 months ago
I did not mean to make my sonas void form this tall canonically 💀 (I'm keeping it though) (hes 9ft tall btw)
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My sona is a shapeshifter btw. Hels is very used to seeing it's 'normal' form so the massive 9ft tall one was a bit of a surprise
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indigo6f00ff · 1 year ago
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what if she was mime-colored
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lesbomaticlove · 5 months ago
ive talked about it before but i wanna talk about it again and that's
body types in drawing especially in terms of one piece characters
and i know its because official art presents them all the same but it just does not feel right to me, y'know? especially when i look at fanart and it looks like they just drew the same body multiple times with different faces (talent in that yes but god change it up a bit PLEASE)
like with my style i like to draw semi-realistic cartoon type beat, and that means im thinking about an abstract of shape language in the way that i present the characters. i consider their fighting styles and workouts when i think about what their body type would be, not just for op ive done this with mha and jjk characters too because god dammit gege, maki deserves bulkier muscles for her efforts
so here it is. my analysis of more semi-realistic designs for these characters. all my opinion and not meant to be a call out to anyone.
also, not including the women because we all know how unrealistic they look and i dont need to explain that to you im begging just use reference.
rubberhose arms are ESSENTIAL in his design so when i draw him, i never put too much definition in his muscles. real definition should be reserved for gears that alter his muscles
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noodly arms and stick ass legs that is his Charm thank you i dont need super definition
on the opposite end of the spectrum, zoro.
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though, i see many people draw him more bodybuilder silhouette when he should be powerlifter silhouette, youve SEEN how this man works out. stereotypical bodybuilder physique that's all muscle and no fat is EXTREMELY UNHEALTHY TO MAINTAIN and you know theres no damn way sanjis letting someone on the ship watch their weight for the sake of visuals. he should be defined and bulky, but softer edges on the abs.
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Speaking first on pre ts, what does he excel at most? long range weapons and running.
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obviously he gets proper strength training during timeskip, but i really think the best representative for him is olympic sprinters
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muscular, but still pretty skinny
hear me out. ballet physique.
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i see him drawn w the same physique as Zoro and it just feels so wrong. he doesnt train his upper body, so most of his definition would be in his core and legs. not to mention his flexibility tracks with that.
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maybe ill come back with a figure study on these later to fully show how it translates into my drawings but. for now. tumblr wont let me add any more images to this post
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sir-fluffbutts · 1 year ago
my name is sir fluff, also goes by just fluff
i am a adult
i am korean, yes english ain't my first language, no i don't care for typos
i go by any pronouns, place your bets and headcanons, perecive me however you want. just don't go "ermm actually, sir fluff is [your headcanon] 🤓"
i talk about my ocs (mostly anthro characters) and make storys with them a lot on tumblr
i also make art....sometimes
you may find me on other places such as
main youtube for animations and videos
second channel for streams and funnys
pateron for exclusive pay-to-view content
instagram for art and pet pics
twitter for also art but more active artwise
toyhouse to store ocs
and perhaps even on these places i sometimes visits
most frequently asked questions and answers are
what apps/programs do you use to draw?
- i use medibang paint and flipaclip on mobile, and CSP EX on ipad!
can we ship our ocs with yours?
as long as
- my oc in question don't have a official ship going on.
- its not anything wierd
- you lable it as a "AU" or a "fan ship"
sure go ahead!
can we ship your ocs together?
- same as ☝️! go ahead!
can we make ocs in your universe?
- sure! just mention "sir fluff universe" or something like that and you'd be set!
although im not sure if the exact fluffverse character is possible cause not everything about my univserse is written in text.
can we draw fanart?
- of corse!!!!!! 💖
do you have a webcomic/series?
- nope! i just have storys in my head that i draw and make short animations about sometimes.
do you plan to have a webcomic/series?
- i wish 😭 however it takes a LOT of time and costs a LOT of money to do so, so for now im only working on my wee arts and animations
do you have merch?
- not ATM! however i plan to open a merch store soon so theres that!!
are your commissions/customs opened?
- right now for tue public, nope!
if they do open in public, it'll probably be announced on twitter or toyhouse
more TBA if needed!
ty for coming to my ted talk
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daystarvoyage · 5 months ago
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Hey everyone its the daystar voyage Head LT Kyoko cane here to bring you another good post on my blog, one of my concerned posts on black poc representation in black media
Today in this two part special where gonna discuss about Good hair in animation & how it can define the character and fashion.
i wanted to talk about the topic of hair in animated shows, how it can define the details and proper cultural portrayal of how black people or POC have been represented as a whole (be it of mixed ecthnicity)
Lets get down to it, I feel we need to make a discussion on the Good & bad on proper cultural rep on shows especially when it relates & emotes to viewers & fans, we do have the discussions oof having nothing but our sexuality been made a character define characteer instead of good character, wriitng, physcial features and up holding a beauty standard.
The topic of HAIR Appreciation in animation, Questionable taste in how hair is not styled well for ethnicity.
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Luz's hair has so much symbolism of who she is, going to all works of animation, I do feel when she wasn't fully understood at home she acted out very ill-conditioned cause her father pass and moved into a new area, never relating to anyone, So it leads her to not changing her looks be it fashion, which i feel the shows writing shouldve explored more into why she keeps in short and theres a topic ill put in is masculization of black women think about it.
Dear I say it, after rewatching the show, IT feels like A LETDOWN & missed chances at times, with the staff & writers not know how to make great hairstyles to show proper culutral race. (and i have seen alot of fanart who did a great job on giving her better styles that enhnace her physcial features.
i feel this a recurring trope been used since the miles morales hair controversy cause black people or poc presented hair comes in many forms that can gives so much praise. Hers a article on the miles morales hair debut which is a logical standpoint on hair reprenentation, shows we need to have more diverse hairstyles in media or poc characters
I mean girl this HAIRMET (Fused words hairdo+helmet) and my goodness will never let them down for the outfit choices for luz comparing the femme presented amity and willow which is tasteless at best.
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Look down down below on how her hair could’ve made her more feminine and beautiful I blame the masculinity of black women, a topic video you can find on my youtube that contribute to such aspects of how we see poc or black people.
so many missed oppurtunitys Remind yourselfs to draw long hair luz ill be a sucka to buy it which i discuss in my video.
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My FAVORITE VIDEO AND PIC on how that did her justice
also another thing, nobody shouldnt have an excuse to brush away fem qualities over sexual orientation , let there design be versatile and not one track (along with the writing of the show.)
The greater aspects of how we should style characters.
Now unlike other media i talked about above whihc have been flawed in design and dont contribute to the chaaracters growth, two shows that did a absolutely great job of showing good ethnic & cultural representation in series such as amphibia & molly mcgee whihc made raw characters come out of theere own with greatness with prominent physical features
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While anne boonchy & moon girl lunella had great writing, having there cultural cleebbrated in great execution of proper black hair great with good results, In moon girl we also get in episode where we discuss why we see black people be in love with there selves for there beautiful features including hair along anne boochuy diaspora making a impact.
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moon girl video below
Great hair episode that impacts Cultural and ecthinic representation above.
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i feel we have a long way to go when it comes for the new gen to desgin well executed characters, instead not having there postive trait of whos orenitation being there great feature.
but i disgress
look at the hairstlyes from the winx club, the long hair on characters as layla (aisha) & flora is PHENOMENAL AND COULD’VE PLAYED A ROLE IN BLACK PEOPLES HAIR BEING BEAUTIFUL FOR VIEWERS
One Great example for hair representation, and also cultural goodness put into it was the Winx club (which had actual fashion designers work on the character concepts and outfits)
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Thank you for reading this post hope we can discuss the topic on the comments (that means civilized and dont hate appreciate others critiques and statements)
Thank you for being on the daystar voyage.
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onejellyfishplease · 1 year ago
Hi hi!! I have questions regarding snapdonnie (plant boy)
Can he talk? If he can what would it sound like? How would he try to hide this from his brothers if he does? Are your commissions open? Oh I wonder if he would just disappear. I imagine this is sensory hell for him. On top of having to eat bugs. eugh hahahaha I love this! He kinda reminds me of those mushroom zombies (/pos)!! What are your thoughts on him? I would love to hear more about this creature against nature (or with nature now, haha!!) I was originally here for open your wings but I have gotten thoroughly attached to the wacky Donnie fusions. Are you alright if people draw him?? How did you do this?? This is so cool!!! I love all of your Donnie designs but he is most definitely my favorite.
(Feel free to ignore, this turned into just gushing about him)
I was gonna keep going but it was going to get into weird unhinged cult territory really fast, hahaha!!!
Wow! Hi!
I will try to answer all your questions, me and @zeawesomeness were just throwing ideas around for SnapDonnie, so theres quite a bit to talk about!
What does he sound like:
I'd imaging real gurgly when he's like that, but he absolutely hates the sound of his voice, and the fact that most of what he says is muddled. So id say he mostly uses sign language to communicate. while he can still do that
How would he hide it from his brothers:
He would definitely try at the beginning! especially when it starts off as a small growth on his softshell, but eventually the consequences get too big and it gets revealed relatively quickly (at least compared to Open your Shell)
Are my commisions open:
uhhhh, not at the moment, but if there's enough interest in commissions for my art (which would be amazing) then i would be open to opening them!
Is this sensory hell for him?
Absolutely. especially now that flies are attracted to him. he hates it. his shell is consistently moving and it is hell.
My thoughts on him:
I live this creepy little dude. but now there is a little bit of trepidation with it. because now i want to turn this into a proper au and i need to stop doing this to myself.
More about SnapDonnie!
he was infected with this venus fly trap-like curse (from what I havent figured out yet, either kraang or mystic)
it started as a growth in his shell, which then sprouted those flytraps (which he couldnt hide)
the energy needed for the transformations makes Donnie ravenous, and the more he eats, the faster he turns. this is the part where his family find out.
yes he was compelled into eating raw (kinda rancid) meat.
they find out that this infection will continue until Donnie is fully turned into a carnivorous plant.
at the end of the transformation, Donnies face would split open and the single flower would bloom.
Small teeth-like spines are growing down the middle of Donnies face.
Donnie has to balance, starving himself without rotting/wilting (bc yes he does that now), while not eating too much that the transformation continues at too fast a pace.
it doesnt help that sometimes he goes feral (and his face does the splitty open thing), and attacks and tries to eat anything in his path. including his family. Ah yes. Angst.
so they need to figure out how to help Donnie before they loose him forever.
Okay I think Im done with ranting lol.
Can you draw him?
ABSOLUTELY!! please tag me if you do! in fact I am completely on board with you drawing anything from my aus! I love receiving fanart!
I think thats all the questions answered! I love asks like this lol, theyre always so fun!
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nashoye · 2 months ago
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my about me !!( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ ) i already did one here but ill be going more in depth here. (not really...)
▪ i go by nas or naho, whichever is fine! '06 (17) she/her and im west african. my time zone is EST btw!!
▪ i like drawing(sometimes). the stuff i draw are mostly fanart of animes i like and my ocs! but im trying to get into drawing foods.^^ im still learning how to draw.
▪ there are many animes i like but i cant list them all.. however this website(not up to date..) basically has all the animes i watched and what anime i am watching, planning to watch and completed!! the current anime im watching is one piece and im episode 984!!(my goal is to catch up before the end of the school year, so im binging.) my favorite anime is FMBA!! JJK, CSM, BLEACH, HXH, one piece and more.. i live for action animes. >_<. a manga im currently reading is sakamoto days(i love it sm) dungen meshi, frieren, sign of affection, loving yamada, and the apothecary diaries.(theres more but im not listing them all :p).
▪ i dont really play that much games but i do play sims 4, animal crossing, roblox, minecraft, botw, homicipher and stardew valley.. and some otome games ^_^. i used to play genshin but stopped, same with honkai star rail and wuthering waves.
▪ the type of music i listen to varies, but my favorite artist are lamp, melanie martinez, lana del rey, the weeknd, tv girl, men i trust, newjeans, mitski, faye webster, cigarettes after sex and the neighbourhood!
▪ some youtubers i watch are coryxkenshin, ldshadowlady, smallishbeans, rebel D, penguinz0, lilsimsie, dish, Jarvis Johnson, antonychenn, itsfunneh, RubberRoss, and Tuonto! (i need new youtubers recommendation..)
and thats all for now, ill add stuff on if i remember anything ^^ feel free to ask to be friends, i need some lol..( • ᴖ • 。)
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inventor-in-purple · 7 months ago
Okayy so I need to ramble about this au or I may just combust. This used to be a project between me and my friend but he kinda stopped contributing so it's mostly just mine now, so the story behind it is theres 2 friends, one(M) wrote an extremely angsty fanfic about the aftermath of the move but it was like 26 chapters, but the other(A) was like "I'm not reading all of that can you just sum it down??" So M sums it down but leaves out basically everything except for the silly goofy chapters(Besides a few) so A was like "omg thats so cute can I draw that" M said yes and A started posting fanart on tumblr, eventually people started sending them asks being like "Hey when are you gonna draw [very angsty scene]" obviously A was very confused about this cause they were never told about that scene, so A goes to M and M's like "Oh shit mb bro kinda left out everything" so the two make this plan to make a second au, it's called TLDR because the whole plot is that A thought the fanfic was too long and didn't read it, obviously when I post and talk about this au it'll be from the point of the turtles and not A or M, this whole ramble, believe it or not, is just a huge explanation to why we named it TLDR, all the turtles go by different 'names' (they js go by nicknames)
Donnie: Don Raph: Raphie Leo: Leon Mikey: Angelo I haven't found anything for April yet so if anyone has any ideas, i beg of you to tell me 🙏Anyways though, warning for this fanfic there will be the T and F slur(I can reclaim both and so can the characters I'm writing /srs) There will be random bursts of angst but it will mostly be a silly goofy au, this au is 100% in development still since I have to redraw everyone i genuinely cant wait to talk about this au more and i might make a 2nd blog just for it (+maybe a rp blog where you can ask the characters questions)
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kroosluvr · 6 months ago
First of all, I love your art. It can be both cute and fluffy or extremelly angsty and sad. I know its mostly Persona focused but do you have any other games/movied or even stories of your own that you'd like to make art of in the future?
Also, I love how recently there's at least 2 VioletFox anons and then some more people quietly percieving from the shadows the headcanons/fanfics you and they write. It feels like an underground/rebel radio broadcast from the VioletFox front that must remain hidden from the authorities.
OMG WAAH thank you sooo so much!!!!! im so glad u enjoy my stuff ehehe.... ive found it easy to express myself thru persona charas (royal trio...+a side of ham/urio) so thank u so much eheheh
UHHH OTHER STUFF I LIKE!!! death note (light is my son), ffxiv, honkai star rail/arknights/fate(fgo)/project sekai (sort of.. i havent had the time to play gacha games SDJFSHJAS) namely i want to draw stuff for death note bc. well. altho it may seem persona is my main gig, actually death note makes me so crazy but i havent been able to draw a lot of fanart since i got into it in middle school bc my art SUCKED!!! but i think i can do it now.. just need inspo to strike me dead.... (im sure theres other things i like and want to draw stuff for that im forgetting rn)
i also have ocs!!! that i want to draw for !!!!! but i threw them aside to draw persona.
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meet kei akita (brown hair girl) and calix maverick (black hair guy) tldr calix is stupidly suicidal but can't die (he simply goes unconscious and immediately heals no matter what) and kei is a normal highschool girl who attracts danger and often gets into near-death situations. shes a hitman kinda basically. calix is her meat shield READ: best friend... theyd do aynthing for each other. strictly platonic tho bc calix is gay and kei is lesbian :3 mlm wlw solidarity
all of the art above by bitsbyt3s on twt :3 u can see more ocs in my tag... ANYWAYS yeah if i ran out of persona ideas... id want to draw more original things....
LASTLY LMAOO UR SO RIGHT IMCRYING i thoguht there was just 1 but THERE ARE SEVERAL!!! I DONT EVEN KNOW WHOS WHO!!!! it feels fun to be the violetfox ship hub city tho. yessss come here i will feed u violetfox <- SHE NEEDS TO DRAW THEM!!!! PLEASE!!! HURRY!!!!!!! this goes out to u violetfox anons . where wld i be w/o u
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mimssysciest · 6 months ago
i always have the worst couples as my comfort ships, what the hell.
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the brain rotting levels these DORKS gave me is worse than the time i was obssesed with gopher. (topher bus/gandhi)
i got a doc on my notes app with 40 ideas on fanart for them. (this includes editing, drawings, maybe comics? not sure, these might become eventually fanfics in case i cant draw it right.)
(in case you are a ch mootie and is curious, i had one doc for gopher too, but i registered way fewer. theres around 12 ideas </3)
NO OTHER PAIRING I LIKED MADE ME GET THIS MUCH IDEAS IN SUCH A FEW TIME, im honestly impressed with myself and with how there is such few fan content of them if there is so much potential 😭
i dont rlly blame the fandom for such, their relantioship is mostly played as a joke in the show than a real thing to develop their characters and dynamic, which is fine, not everything needs to be treated seriously, specially if we're talking about a side character and his love interest that is one of the main antagonists in a exagggerated comedy. also, sometimes they have pretty toxic moments, like, vicky literally beats him up and mark attempted to kidnap her and also knew exacly where she lived, thats disturbing! and yet, it makes total sense for them to be toxic, given how awful they both are. i mean, were. because mark actually improves in the later seasons and even becomes friends with timmy, and tbh?? that brings even more potential to them, like, i think their relantioship could either help them improve or make eachother worse. (the latter i refer more to vicky, though, i can see she getting actual character development if she was more grounded, like in the oh yeah cartoons shorts/season 0.)
anyway, i conclude they could've been cute in a weird way, they could be more than what there was in the show.
actually, i hope these freaks die for infesting my thoughts and for making me take a interest in vicky as a character. i always hated her so much until now 😭 but thanks for reading.
i thought in calling them "emerald morning star"
• morning stars are medieval weapons that vicky carries with her a lot of times through the show, while mark finds somewhat of ammusement in violence due to his planet's culture. im pretty sure too that in the earlier seasons it was mentioned that he enjoys torturing prisoners, so it definetely fits both of them. 😭 (THESE FREAKS ARE DESPICABLE AND SICK (IN THE EARLIER SEASONS), THATS WHY I LIKE THEM SO MUCH. I FUCK WITH CHARACTERS THAT CLEARLY ARE MADE FOR EACHOTHER OR DESERVE THEIR PARTNER.)
•"morning star" theres "star" in the name, and mark's from outer space erm... also his and, i guess, yuggopotamia's symbol is a UPA styled star.
•morning star is one of the devil's names, which aligns with vicky's evilness.
•"emerald" cuz the signature color of both of them is a shade of green and i love this little detail about them. they really are made for eachother.
not sure about this name, i want to hear more ideas, but i cant think of something that represents them better.
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little-red-fool · 7 months ago
Ok, have some basic wf tips with some questions regarding socialization at the bottom:
-Best early game warframes are Rhino and literally every Warframe you can get from the Tenno Lab of a Clan Dojo. You can check guides to see how each frame is built, but i can also give you an overview directly if any warframe specifically catches your eye.
-Level up your damage mods and elemental damage mods. They will get you through with your weapons.
-Each weapon has either a higher crit chance or a higher status chance. Build either a full crit build for a weapon or a status build with elemental mods (best are viral, corrosive against grineer, heat and slash) depending on which stat is higher for your weapon. (Btw, you normally get weapons by buying their blueprints from the market for credits, yes for credits not plat, then building it wih the right materials. Same for Warframes, but you need to craft their components first which drop from their own places before you can craft the blueprint for the warframe itself)
-Experiment, get slots from Nightwave or by buying them with plat (if you still have starter plat remaining), and stick with weapons you enjoy using the most rather than whats meta or good. You can get an Mk-1 strun (a very bad weapon for all but the very early game) to kill level 100+ enemies, so meta is a suggestion. (Also, theres a set of mk-1 weapons you can buy for credits which are slightly worse versions of the same weapon without the mk-1 prefix. They serve as intro weapons and consider buying them, but remember to sell them if you need slots/get their base counterpart or a better weapon)
-Progress through the starchart at your own pace. All Warframe content since 2022 and probably forever will be locked behind the New War quest. Do not fret over this, Warframe is not made to be rushed. Play at your pace, everything can be earned.
-Prime gear is not necessary to do good in Warframe, it is a bonus
-If youre confused by the story, thats normal
-if you ever get stuck, the wiki is your friend (but i am also available, being a veteran of the game)
So, yea, that should be all you need to know to get started. Now, onto questions regarfing your interaction with the community:
1. How much do you usually interact with other fandoms youre in?
2. Do you even wish to be a part of the Waframe fandom?
3. Do you prefer to stay at a distance or would you like to interact a bit more? (Asking cause if its the latter, I can offer to be your training wheels considering the sheer number of people in the warframe community im actively friends with).
Ok, thats about all of the questions i can think of right now, but heres one more thing:
Warframe is a game filled to the brim with customization and fashion. It is an oc creator's wet dream. So just saying, if you like making ocs like your blog suggest you do, you will not wanna miss out on the later content in Warframe, trust me. As a proud owner of a bunch of ocs made over the course of multiple years...I would know
Ahh thank you so much this will probably help me a lot! (genuinely had no clue what I was doing in game lmao) I’ll have a look into these when I next log on because I’ll most likely need to change and upgrade stuff like mods, and I’ll try to acquire more Warframes since Excalibur’s the only one I’ve got right now. Also you’re 100% right about the OCs when I saw the amount of customisation options I was so excited lol
In terms of interacting with fandoms whilst I’d like to be able to be more social in the future I’m mostly just a casual observer at the moment, the extent of my interaction is usually just drawing and reblogging fanart, occasionally coming up with theories if I’m really invested in the story but that’s about as much as I interact most of the time and I’ll probably be like that for a while longer knowing me.
That being said I really appreciate the offer and I’m very grateful for the help you’ve given me, thank you so much! :)
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peppermint-moss · 6 days ago
✩ peppermint-moss FAQ ✩
will be updated as needed! :-)
What do you use for art/animation?
I’m now using Clip Studio Paint for art/animation; I used to use photoshop for art/frame by frame animation, and premiere (and recently, switching over to da vinci resolve instead) for editing/tweening
Can I commission you?
All my commission info can be found on my website! or my tumblr post here for a quick overview ^^
Can I make a video edit with your art/animation?
✅ You can include my warrior cats/other fandom animations in EDITS as long as you credit me somewhere (@peppermint-moss) ❌ Please DO NOT include my OC/fursona etc. animations in edits. ❌ Just reposting my art/animations (reposting means e.g. posting a part or all of my amv just with different audio and no other editing) is Never Allowed even with credit Please don’t do that. (updated for clarity 11/30/2024) Thank you to everyone who did respect my previous decision of not allowing edits before. (updated 09/27/2023)
What brushes do you use?
Here’s a google drive where you can download the ones I get asked about/use the most! (they should be ok to use in photoshop or csp) I also use this lineart brush from csp assets a lot! I tag asks about this with #brushes btw if you wanna look through there too
Do you have a place where you put all your warrior cat designs?
Nope, But I always tag characters with their name so if you search #CharactersNameHere on this blog you can prob find them if I’ve drawn them before!
Can I draw fanart of your character?
Yes! If you post it online please mention somewhere that the character belongs to/its fanart for peppermint-moss. And tag me if you do (if im on that social media platform lol) I’d love to see it!!
Can I use your art as a pfp/phone background?
Yes! for profile pics just please put in ur bio that it was made by me! Personal n private use like for a phone background is a-okay to just use :)
Are you on [x social media]?
I’m only really active on tumblr+youtube, but here’s a lil list of where else you could find me online. im not aware of anyone impersonating me and i hope no one is blegh but feel free to ask me here if ur unsure!
How do you do/draw [art thing]?
feel free to send these questions in but just keep in mind I’ll only do a lil tutorial answer If I have the energy and feel like i know enough about the art thing!  so as long as you’re cool with that ask away c:
What’s the difference between an AMV, PMV, and MAP?
AMV = Animated Music Video, PMV = Picture Music Video, MAP = Multi Animator Project (aka has multiple ppl working on it, amv/pmvs typically only have 1 person who worked on it) Sometimes i dont rlly know whether to call my vids an AMV or PMV cause they’ll usually be some animated shots some more pmv shots lol (i think they’d technically be more accurately called an animatic ?) but i like calling mine AMVs if theres some kind of frame by frame animation in there as animatics tend to be just in the sketched out phase n my amvs are more finished with colour n stuff
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acidrain39 · 2 months ago
this is probably like. the stupidest tging to post on new years eve but i need to yap about it.
so uh theres this game i really like, its called OMORI & its a psychological horror rpg (not super scary to me but the characters are beautifully written & the story is sad as fuck). in its fandom theres quite a lot of shipping & theres one ship that really confuses me (sunny x omori aka omosun)
its like pseudo selfcest???? not really since its some guy (sunny) x the manifestation of his shitty ass coping mechanism (omori) that happens to be suspiciously his pre-trauma self shaped. but the thing is, this ship kind of fucks up the main plot of the game (not in an enjoyable, au way).
to make this a bit more clear to others since i mainly post about mcr,(+ in my more active days in the OMORI fandom i only had pinterest, now that i have tumblr the fandom is kinda Dead! ngl) in this game, sunny has gone through a highly traumatic event, which made him not leave his house for approx. 4 years & create a very rich inside world (accessed through his dreams) where his life is Still Perfectly Fine & he goes through some silly fun adventures with his friends while his brain suppresses the memories of said traumatic event & basically anything slightly related to it.
this reality also has a way more idealistic version of his friends, looking over their flaws & struggles. in this dream world (referred ro as headspace in the game), sunny isnt exactly the one going through these silly shenanigans, but rather omori, an idealized version of him that also symbolizes a fuck ton of stuff ill get into a bit later.
in OMORIs storyline, sunny ends up leaving his house to say goodbye to his friend kel (hes moving out of his town in a few days), and he ends up having to deal with the fact that his friends changed a lot ever since the last time he saw them, which consequently leads him to slowly figure out what happened that made hm traumatized & fractured his friend group, and that also makes him confront his very way of coping (also confronting the manifestation of that, omori).
omori as a character is very weird because hes more composed of symbolism & metaphors rather than being an actual tangible guy? even sunnys trauma demon is more normal than this guy. like not only is he an idealized version of sunny & a manifestation of his way of coping, but the way he despises sunny and wants to kill him is also a metaphor for how sunny just fuckinh hates himself and wants ro die????? who is this fuckin guy????? like yeah it makes sense that omrois going to further sunnys character but hes still weird. not like thats a bad thing though
the reason why omosun really confuses me is that if you were to make sunny & omori want to make out or something, youd not onky be completely fucking up their character dynamic, but youd qlso kinda disregard the games whole story.
like i guess if you wanted to portray this ship as a toxic ass relationship to symbolize how sunnys coping mechanism is only really messimg him up i guess thatd be interesting (wouldnt appeal to me but is still a solid concept ig) but from what ive seen of it peopel juts genuinely think that its cute & want to see them make out or do even more things…. also theres always some dynamic where sunnys an uwu soft boy & omori is like an alpha male that protects him?????
also the way omori was portrayed in the fanarts ive unfortunately seen was just l*libait. he would not fucking act like that hes not 𝓯𝓻��𝓪𝓴𝔂 hes a freak as in he is creepy & weird & will kill you stop drawing this guy thats already physically 12 years old as someone who looks 9 in sexual situations youre gross i will find you and send you to the deepest, darkest pits of hell Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge style.
if anyone actually read this i just want to say sorry for this situation i just needed to get this out of my system
uhhh have some silly mcr pics thatll probably make you feel a but better
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