#i *knew* we werent rich but now????
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ambrosykim ¡ 7 months ago
i never realised how poor i was until i got a job lol
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ilovesjamesbb ¡ 11 months ago
Please Don't Leave Me (Pt. 21)
Bucky x Reader
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“Bucky. I’m sure she’s fine. Maybe she just needs a little space. A lot has happened.” Steve said. 
“Steve. I know her. She doesn’t do space.” I told him. Why was no one concerned. 
“I think your protective boyfriendness is clouding your judgment. Y/n’s a badass she can take care of herself.” Sam said. 
“It’s been three days. She hasn’t called or texted. Her phone is off.” Nat said to Steve. 
“Okay. If she’s not back by tomorrow we will worry about it.” Steve said. I slammed my hands on the table and walked out. Why was no one worried? This was so out of character for y/n. Things were going well. Why would she leave? Christian. I went to the conference room and tried to figure out how to use the screen. She must have found out about the photo. That’s the only thing that could have made her do this. She must be looking for him. She’s gonna try to find him on her own. I’m going to find him first.
Meanwhile in the Upper East Side
We made it to a hotel across the Met and I knew that Jamie was right. Chrisitian was one for the dramatics and he used to go here for galas all the time. When I thought he was the CEO of that big company we would always go to functions here and that's where he did business. Always talking to some rich investor. 
“There’s a gala tonight. That’s probably where he’s gonna be.” Jamie said as he set a suit bag on the bed. 
“One problem. We werent invited.” I sighed. 
“Wrong. I’m a Valentino, I’m always invited.” He smirked. 
“Jameson Valentino. You are a saint.” I lowered the binoculars and stood up from the window. 
“I had Becca pick up a dress for you. It’s black tie.” I nodded. He really had thought of everything. 
“10 sharp.” I looked at my burner and it said 8:30.
I spent the next hour getting ready and we headed to the Met. Jamie made sure we could get our guns in by talking to some security guard that used to work for him. 
“Are you ready?” He asked as he led me to the ballroom.
“Yes. We find him and then get the fuck out.” I said as I reached for the bottle of champagne.
“There's a private office upstairs. We need to get him there.”
“Are you sure this is going to work? We have one shot and I don’t want to mess this up-”
“Stop, stop. Y/n you’ve got his. Based on what you’ve said, Christian is obsessed with you. He’s not going to expect it, he’s predictable.” He said with his hands on my shoulders. We walked around the gala and Jamie introduced me to like 40 people and I couldn't tell you any of their names. I was on my third glass of champagne and I have seen Christian not once. 
“I don’t think he’s coming.” I said from behind Jamie. He turned to me and went to talk and that’s when I saw him. All the air left my lungs. 
“Y/n, what is it?” I just kept staring at the man that was staring at me. He lifted his glass and smiled. A devious smile. Jamie turned around and he saw him too. 
“Brother. I didn’t think this was your scene.” Christian said as he walked over. 
“Manhattan called. They needed me back.” Jamie said.
“Ah. Of course they did. One Valentino wasn’t enough.” He grabbed Jamie's shoulder and I couldn’t move. 
“Y/n. One Valentino wasn’t enough for you?” 
“The first didn’t satisfy me, so I had to try the other.” I said from over my glass. He looked amused. 
“Why are you really here? Not that I don’t love this little family reunion and all.” He held up his hand as if he was trying to not offend anyone. 
“It’s been 2 years, Chrisitan. I wanted to see my brother. Why don’t we take this somewhere private.” He gestured to the stairs. 
“Yes. Let’s.” We started walking and we were stopped by two guards. I looked at Jamie confused. 
“I know you have weapons,” I sighed. I pulled up my dress and gave him the gun that was concealed in my thigh holster and Jamie gave over his gun. 
“Your other one.” He looked at me, smirking. I rolled my eyes and pulled up the other side of my dress giving him the other gun. 
“Now that you are both disarmed, let’s talk.” He opened the door and walked over to the unlit fireplace. I kept knives in the corset I was wearing and in the heel of my louboutin’s. 
“Let’s just cut to the chase. Why are you following me, Christian.” I crossed my arms. 
“Can’t an ex boyfriend check in on his ex girlfriend?” He laughed. It sent shivers down my spine. 
“Fine. You caught me.” He poured himself another drink.
“That’s not why. You tell me why you’re here and I’ll answer your question.” He said nonchalantly. 
“Enough games Christian.”  Jamie said, stepping between us. 
“Why don’t you give us some space brother-”
“Why? So you can beat her again? Absolutely not-”
“Its okay, Jamie. I’ll be fine.” He turned to me and he hesitated. He gave in. 
“Fine but I’ll be right outside.” He turned back to Chrisitan. 
“Don’t do anything stupid, brother. I’ll make you regret it.” He left and shut the door behind him. 
“Now where were we?” 
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“I want to put an end to this. I’m tired of your games.” I tried to remain stoic but I was scared. He kept getting closer. 
“I thought you liked games, y/n” Another step. 
“Not when you are the one playing.” Another step.
“Oh no that’s not what I remember.” Before I knew it I was backed into the wall. His breath hit my face. I reached for my knife and plunged into his side. He growled and I ran to the door. It wouldn’t open. I started to panic. I heard a clatter as the knife hit the floor. I felt a rush of air and he grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. 
“You think you can run from me? I’ll just find you again.” He pushed me so my head hit the door with a bang. 
“And again.” His hand went around my neck.
“And again.” This time veins formed under his eyes. My eyes went wide. 
“Are you scared, sweetheart?”  I nodded. 
“You should be.” I whimpered as he hit my head against the door again. 
“What is wrong with you?” I tried to get out as the hand around my neck got tighter.
“You don’t like my new face?” The veins went away and his eyes returned to normal. 
“What are you?” He dropped his hand. 
“What do you think? You really thought I didn’t enhance myself the second HYDRA gave me the chance?” He backed away and I kept my hand on the doorknob, hoping it would magically open. 
“I’m a vampire.”
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discar ¡ 11 months ago
HZD Terraforming Base-001 Text Communications Network
Chapter 20 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
DIVINER: Beta, I have a question.
DIVINER: But you don't have to answer if you don't want to!!
β: what
DIVINER: What was life like with the Zeniths??
β: i already told aloy
DIVINER: No, I know! I know you didn't really meet the Zeniths at all, that wasn't what I meant.
DIVINER: Sorry, I meant more, what was APOLLO like?? The source of all knowledge, personally teaching you?? It sounds grand!
β: it was
β: fine
β: i barely know what to compare it to
β: it was like having two teachers who would sometimes forget about me to argue with each other
β: apollo was designed to teach teenagers so they knew to engage with me which is why i was able to grow up with a reasonable amount of social development
Zo: Oh dear.
β: but the lessons werent designed for just one student
β: sometimes they would order me to start a group project and glitch when they realized there was no one else
BoyNextDoor: What about books and stories? You said something about... watching plays? Did APOLLO act those out for you with holograms?
β: you people have been studying archives for weeks if not months how do you not know about television
DIVINER: Isn't that kind of a good summary of a show, though? Someone acting out a play for you to watch?
β: well
β: i mean
β: its not terrible
DIVINER: Varl, basically imagine television as a recording of a play that someone already acted out! It doesn't involve holograms.
β: usually
DIVINER: Oh? My people haven't found a single actual hologram story! I mean, they're called "holo-dramas" and so on, but we're pretty sure that's just a linguistic quirk?
β: they tried some 3d hologram shows near the end where you could walk around and interact with it like a diorama
β: they werent very good
DIVINER: Oh that's too bad!
β: the word is shows
β: and yes
DIVINER: Much of the Old World was fascinated with shows and series! It was considered the normal way to pass the time during leisure hours!
DIVINER: Yes, actually!
DIVINER: Now imagine that every single person, from the poorest laborer to the highest king, had access to the same entertainment! That they could all watch these stories and enjoy them in their own homes! I can't even imagine the level of common, shared culture that would create!
DIVINER: Imagine being able to walk up to a Carja noble and strike up a conversation about the new drama that just started!
FlameHairSavior: I thought Avad put a stop to that.
FlameHairSavior: I've been to the Meridian markets. Being weird in public is not illegal.
BoyNextDoor: Case in point: Erend is captain of the Vanguard.
DIVINER: [KelsoBurn.gif]
Zo: Ha! I actually understood that one!
DIVINER: But Beta actually made a good point!
β: what do you mean actually
DIVINER: How have you not encountered any shows yet in the archives?? I know they're there!
ADMIN [GAIA]: High-resolution videos take longer to restore. Furthermore, most of them are not immediately relevant to the current mission. With the exception of Erend, no one has searched for any entertainment media besides books.
DIVINER: Movie night!!
FlameHairSavior: AFTER we save the world. We can't waste time on having fun right now.
FlameHairSavior: That's...
FlameHairSavior:  Totally different.
MARSHAL Kotallo: I agree. Strike is a contest of skill, teaching strategy, forward-thinking, and patience. It is important training.
DIVINER: No, a movie night is totally important!!
DIVINER: It's, uh...
β: context
DIVINER: Yes! The Old World's entertainment provides valuable context for their culture, thus making it easier to understand the full meaning of any educational materials we might come across!
Zo: Hm, that's a good point.
BoyNextDoor: I still don't see the appeal of a stuffed animal, so I'm probably missing context all over the place.
FlameHairSavior: [IGiveUp.png]
FlameHairSavior: Fine, I'm not going to stop you.
FlameHairSavior: ...tomorrow night at the latest. There's a vista point I'm hunting.
DIVINER: [FangirlSquee.gif]
DIVINER: Okay, okay, Beta, where should we start?
β: i have no idea what anyone will like
DIVINER: Ummm... Star Trek?
β: are you trying to confuse them
DIVINER: Fair, fair... MLP? Gen 4, of course!
β: what
β: no that would be worse
β: no cartoons
β: moving pictures
β: no
DIVINER: What about early MCU?
β: should probably just throw out any sci fi or fantasy for now
DIVINER: Yeah, I suppose you're right...
DIVINER: That's literally 99% of my library, though.
β: the archive has to have thousands of episodes of police procedurals
DIVINER: Do you REALLY want to start teaching them Old Ones culture through Law and Order: SVU?
β: fair
BoyNextDoor: Are you actually naming real things, or just throwing out random words and letters to make us feel ignorant?
DIVINER: Oh, I've got it! Psych!
β: you want to confuse them with psychic powers
DIVINER: FAKE psychic powers!
β: do you think that will be better
DIVINER: [Pout.gif]
DIVINER: Fiiine.
MARSHAL Kotallo: This does not seem productive to me.
DIVINER: ...Love Actually?
β: …
β: maybe
DIVINER: [VictoryFistPump.gif]
BoyNextDoor: Aloy, you've had your Focus for years. What was your first... show?
FlameHairSavior: Just one Focus takes a lot longer to restore a video. Sometimes years. I barely had a handful by the time I left the Sacred Lands, and I hadn't even watched all of them, because I didn't really understand them, and sometimes they were still too corrupted.
BoyNextDoor: But you did watch a few, right? What was your first?
FlameHairSavior: Something called Hunger Games.
β: …
DIVINER: That explains so much.
β: yeah
BoyNextDoor: So we'll start there?
β: no
FlameHairSavior: Yeah, no.
MARSHAL Kotallo: I vote for Love Actually.
β: you dont know what it is
MARSHAL Kotallo: It's a swift resolution to this problem.
DIVINER: That's fair.
β: fine
ADMIN [GAIA]: The 2003 British romantic comedy Love Actually is not currently in the archives.
DIVINER: What?? But I saw it!
ADMIN [GAIA]: That was only a restored copy of a synopsis.
DIVINER: [Exasperation.gif]
DIVINER: Fiiine.
DIVINER: ...Psych?
β: no
FlameHairSavior: ...I have a feeling this is going to go on for a while.
Chapter 20 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
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megaaceofspades ¡ 2 years ago
God i love your point about the privilege cause its like- Tim (to me) is white bi jewish guy and while two of the things werent canon while majority of his story was written, so much of it is him hiding who he is and being hurt about it, he has to hide that he is robin from his father and he has to hide that he is Tim Drake from his friends, and thing is he is safe because he is privileged with not only being white but also rich and he knows it and he knows that there are so many people who arent and he's trying so hard to help them, but he also has separated his own identity from himself because he can do this
Meanwhile Duke is a black kid and a meta, and he can not hide who he is, so he has decided to fuck it i will still fight. He is fighting in broad daylight, he gathered people to protect his community and started a movement, he trained himself as a kid to solve riddler's puzzles. He can not hide and he will not hide and he will protect the people who need him out in the sun despite being a bat (i think there's genuinely a lot more to it than this but i am not well read enough in the comics to do it)
oh my god i wish i knew who you were so we could be mutual or something because when i was thinking FOILS i thought all of this as like the obvious stuff, except of tim being jewish (ik bruce is) but now that i think of it is kind of interesting narratively. i like the theme of duke knowing he can’t hide and therefore refusing to for control of the narrative and tim being a lying liar who lies, you totally get it.
love this anon, would love to hear more from you.
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letmeoutofthebasementt ¡ 9 months ago
Thats why I would be so conflicted even if you think you could be xyz idols type its got to be so rare to genuinely meet them at the right time when they are in a non crowded environment and to not seem deluded either. I think you cannot force these thing if it dont happen it dont meant to be, but san situation seem really sad and tbh you shouldnt need 100s of others to feel happy in life but he got something going for him with his talents and that all that matters in the long run, if he do or dont date as we cant go around playing cupid so it shouldnt matter.
These idol groups get so popular that they reallt just have to either embrace it or accept it some way or other they simply not going to be seen nor treated as a normal being yet that doesnt mean they cant find genuine romance in their life. Nothing is impossible. Plus it not like it got to happen right this moment it could be next year he meet his fs or year after.
I would genuinely love san more than his money or name or image yet I realise I do not fit into that lifestyle of his thats why most their fs are probs already rich and famous, good for them yaknow. A lot of ppl still dont get the ins and outs of all that goes on again I would give san all my love and support... if I knew there werent going to be crazy knetz or dispatch or kq preventing it from going public in a healthy way. In fact with social media being this crazy I dont know why they would want it to be so public in the first place yet privacy will be rare for them and bts and many other group.
There still has to be more to life than fame and money. Anyway these just my observations! I wish more celebs could be like cillian murphey he perfect example imho of celeb who can still be in public but he have and keep private not everything has to be online for parasocial relationship, he just going about his life without needing to be kept up to date bruh didnt even know he was a meme.
Older idols said smth interesting how they had more rest time and less social media so they could solely focus on one task at hand yet puts into perspective how reliant society has become on a made up online world. I dont think internet fame is a legit thing its just something thats been made up. now every other person and their granny is an internet star so its hard to not want to fall into the trap of being constantly online even if u only use one platform like tumblr theres too many rabbit holes to go down. that includes kpop idols and their fs. we all need to yeet ourselves into space or something to get real break from constantly being connected online yet disconnected from ourselves.
I think if there were less online celebs then it would eventually inspire others to be less online but as most celebs are still online it only encourages all the wrong behaviour of their fans, or an overattachment to them, even if they do date in private, ppl still going to poke and dig or be a nosy mf or want to be their idols fs and so on. it never ending cycle. Yet I too find myself getting so interested in someone elses personal life bc it seem the current thing to be doing yaknow it a literal trend.
sorry for my long ramble.
I know it’s near impossible to meet an idol unless you have connections and even then it’s hard not to seem like a weirdo. But that’s also something that’s not new? Celebrities are kind of like our modern day aristocracy. Beneath the people elected to rule, yet wealthy enough to have immense sway. And you couldn’t just meet aristocracy.
And it’s not really about wanting it to be public. It’s about the fact that people are insane nowadays and need to calm tf down.
And it makes sense celebrities would be with other people who are rich and famous. There’s a lesser likelihood of being used, you’re at a similar place in life so there’s little power imbalance, you can relate to one another, you know they can keep up with your lifestyle, and they’ll understand certain things the average person can’t understand.
Again, celebrities are like modern day aristocracy, and you know for a fact aristocrats always married other aristocrats.
And while I think kpop idols should definitely distance themselves more from online platforms, I also understand why they don’t.
They can talk to fans, connect with them, promote music, etc. many groups wouldn’t have a lick of fame if they weren’t on the internet, or they’d be below nugu nugu groups. And I can admit that.
Social media has also helped with the spread of KPOP to the west, showing them to broader audiences. Nowadays, social media is important to an idol’s career
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pollstuck ¡ 2 years ago
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It is the perfect crime.
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Looks like Pooplord came through. He wires you his measly BOONBUCK. It's not much, but it is immediately funneled into the pipelines of your various investment scams, and quickly begins paying dividends.
The figures are tight. You have this shit on fiduciary lockdown. The economy belongs to you.
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-- gallowsCalibrator [GC] began trolling turntechGodhead [TG] --
GC: H3Y 1NSUFF3R4BL3 TG: hey TG: have i made enough money yet GC: OF COURS3 YOU H4V3 GC: MOR3 TH4N W3 COULD 3V3R POSS1BLY F1GUR3 OUT WH4T TO DO W1TH TG: so are we done making money yet or what GC: OH 1 DONT KNOW GC: T3CHN1C4LLY W3 W3R3 4 LONG T1M3 4GO TG: yeah i kinda figured GC: BUT 1TS 4 FUN W4Y TO STR3TCH OUT TH3 T1M3 YOUV3 GOT L3FT, 1SNT 1T? GC: >:] TG: im not complaining TG: but you said there was something specific we were working toward here GC: Y3S, NOW 1S TH3 T1M3 GC: YOU MUST W1R3 YOUR BOONDOLL4RS TO MY 4CCOUNT TG: ok so this was your game TG: to get rich off me GC: Y3SSSSSSSSSSSS >8] GC: BUT S3R1OUSLY 1TS 1MPORT4NT! GC: 1T 1S CR1T1C4L TO 4LL OUR PL4NS TG: alright well its not like i even have a problem parting with this useless bullshit money TG: how much do you need GC: 413 BOONBONDS TG: thats all TG: i can afford to give you a fuckload more than that TG: how bout i give you an even boonbank GC: NO!!! GC: 1T MUST B3 3X4CTLY TH4T 4MOUNT TG: ok just to be clear TG: thats 413 TG: not "aie" GC: Y34H GC: J3RK >:P TG: whats up with that number TG: ive seen it around GC: TH3Y 4R3 TH3 NUM3R4LS OF TH3 BL1ND PROPH3TS TG: whats that mean GC: 1 DONT KNOW >:? TG: ok awesome GC: 4LSO GC: 4T TH3 3X4CT 3ND OF TH1S CONV3RS4T1ON GC: YOU MUST W1R3 TH3 MON3Y TO MY 4CCOUNT 3X4CTLY 6 HOURS 4ND 12 M1NUT3S 1NTO TH3 P4ST GC: MY P4ST! R3L4T1V3 TO MY PR3S3NT MOM3NT 4S OF TYP1NG TH1S TG: you mean i can do that TG: then TG: why werent we just wiring money into the past for these investment escapades instead of doing all this time traveling GC: B3C4US3! GC: TH4T W4SNT TH3 PL4N GC: W3 H4D TO PL4Y 4LONG W1TH TH3 ST4BL3 T1M3 LOOPS W3 W3R3 PR3S3NT3D W1TH GC: YOU KNOW, M4K3 SUR3 4LL THOS3 1NSUFF3R4BL3S RUNN1NG 4ROUND 3X1ST3D 1N TH3 F1RST PL4C3 TG: oh yeah TG: i knew that its just frustrating sometimes its like paradox space makes you do everything the hard way GC: Y34H T3LL M3 4BOUT 1T GC: BUT H3Y 1TS B33N FUN PL4Y1NG 4LONG, H4SNT 1T? TG: sure GC: W3V3 GOT TO K33P B31NG D3L1C4T3 W1TH T1M3 GC: 1F YOU ST4RT B3ND1NG TH3 RUL3S 4ND T4K1NG SHORTCUTS GC: TH4TS WH3N D34D 1NSUFF3R4BL3S ST4RT P1L1NG UP GC: D34D 1NSUFF3R4BL3S 4R3 TH3 3N3MY! GC: 4S D3L1GHTFUL 4S 1T 1S TO SM3LL TH31R SW33T C4NDY BLOOD 3V3RYWH3R3 TG: yeah TG: hey boonbonds incoming now TG: brace yourself six hours ago
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You are suddenly the troll girl.
In a different game session.
In the past.
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Hey. Someone just wired you some money. That's odd.
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Huh. 413 boonbucks. The numerals of the blind prophets. A sign, perhaps? A secret message? But from who? This makes no sense.
Wait… those are not boonbucks. Some of the digits are obscured. You need to take a closer look. Which is to say, a closer lick.
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413 boonbonds???
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This is an absolutely preposterous amount of money.
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buffa-z ¡ 8 days ago
ep 17
return from hiatus recap
this dramatic ass intro
neoonnnn yippeee shes a natural at this
"quiz king" but unemployed out of university hmmmm
"the fastest woman in human history" is crazy
the amount of women loudly rooting for her...
sae immediately: you again? the fuck are you up to
tycoons intro going on in the bg while the drama begins
daichi doing the anime hand to glasses pose
cannot believe neon forgets keiwa omg i would die. tsumuri reinforces it tho which is fucked
school game - everyone starts with their match buckle except geats who gets boost
"ojosama" translated as "rich girl" is. interesting. anyways. ladies?????
lets get right into the fighting
now see one small problem. our returning competitors dont do teamwork
geats off in the corner like why is everyone fucking around
everyones faces when tsumuri says they will be staying at the dgp
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new game master, same freaky mask
CAMERAS we got hidden cameras in the lounge. where theyre gonna be staying!!!
the personal lives of Kamen riders will "now" be part of the show...... like they werent before
honestly tho its a very salient point about the celebrity tabloid industry and increasing pressure to offer yourself to the panopticon in order to succeed, esp in a hyper-digitized world. or at least it would be if this arc went anywhere with it.
chirami also pointing randomly at players is funny
"this isnt some pleasant little commune" thats right we're adding leftist infighting to kamen rider
hard cut to an incredibly cold shot of michinaga waking up in the greenhouse
"Could've sworn that I died" is certainly a way to put that
his voice is so shot, its really good
michinaga is furious at archimedel for growing the jamato. but then archimedel asks him about his wish to crush kamen riders, and michinaga realizes that on the outside, it looks like hes on the jamato's side
sara: but you never stay at someones house?
keiwa: well ill be crashing here a while
sara: is it a girl?!
keiwa: (looks at tsumuri for an answer)
tsumuri: (viciously signalling no)
"yeah i shouldve known" DAMNNN LET HER LIVE
just daichi and his gay little books
keiwa thanking tsumuri for her work despite everything is nice
tsumuri: yeah you cant watch the dgp in your world
this scene is tricky for transfem!keiwa, bc per my timeline, she doesnt know shes a woman yet so it makes sense that this happens, and also becomes an inciting kernel of gender discrepancy that leads to her coming out. but it also sucks on rewatch bc it just looks like transmisogyny from the only canon lesbian. but all of this can be true alongside the fact that the showrunners dont know keiwa is a woman either. so it goes etc etc
i fucking hate daichi sorry its a personal feeling but i hate how he talks and ive personally bludgeoned guys like him for less.
daichi: ace is a master of deception and a suspicious genius
ace: (just wandering around the sponsor lounge)
ace imeeeeeediately doesnt like ziin. he is so fucking mad like the rage radiating off of him in this scene is so visible. you cant watch him swallow it down in real time as he tries not to immediately alienate/maim the guy that gives him OP buckles
and of course there were cameras there the night tsumuri went to help ace in the garage. and you watch ace realize that too
daichi reciting everyones wishes ok "just a bit of deduction" no you watched the last series "the slightest actions can provide great insight into someone's motivations" YOU JUST WATCHED THE SHOWWWW hes such an asshole for no reason. like him and ace are both jackasses in similar ways but at least ace knows when to keep his fucking mouth shut
daichi: the only person whose wish i dont already know from a previous season is ace.
ace: yuppp i wish to be the game master. now what.
the fact that he told the wish means he doesnt want it filled. seems pretty obvious.
ace is too kind not to just bring up how daichi must've just watched the prev season. but it helps serve his kitsune trickster vibe so whatever
the dramatic ass sting?? ace is playing with the cameras while everyone else is normal
samas that is a good question. why did the producer allow ace's wish
producer: if we let him run free, he'll expose himself in time
OR you already signed off on the jgp and you know damn well Nobody is getting their wishes this time
also him saying "why does he insist that his mother is Mitsume?" and samas saying "true, it shouldnt be possible" and niram hesitates and makes a face before saying "It's just a fox telling lies, that's fine" etc
^ me when i totally dont know exactly how it happened
does niram really not know ? or is he playing at not knowing to absolve himself of suspicion or guilt?
back to the game
lets fucking goooo lopoooooo
shes so fucking good its like nothing to her. she doesnt care. shes the fastest woman in the world
ziin when i get you
nadge-sparrow and geats working together on the secret mission. why suddenly the teamwork?
yeah i wouldnt expect that either. if i was geats and i was operating under the assumption that the whole revice x geats movie was a weird grief-induced psychotic episode, and thru this buckle found out it was actually real, i would find that interesting too.
he says his catchphrase like he doesnt even give a fuck. "koko kara ga (yawn) hairaito da"
we have to build the principals office
she really knows how to use the claw
powered builder is so op esp with boost oh my god. needlessly violent even.
now lets vote on who we like the most!
this chart only makes sense if its calculating views per screentime second. theres no shot daichi is winning a popularity contest over sae (who did the most fighting in the round). daichi just happened to talk the most, esp at the beginning of the episode, thus has more views per screentime second.
ohhh so now we choose desashin based on audience popularity. curious.
the people are sick of ace
tsumuri trying to sell this chart like half the cast doesnt know damn well its not accurate in the slightest
michinaga is just following archimedel around asking questions
rook said its own name like a pokemon? and turns into shiro
that actor has a great role and looks like hes having a lot of fun with it lol
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sanchoyo ¡ 1 month ago
been playing ac again (stopped bc my switch broke a year or two ago and after I got it fixed my island wasnt backed up so I basically had to start over before my first island was even done :( ) and my current villagers are so funny. bring u island gossip from peachvilla:
julia and azalea are late 30s lesbians who are dating. julia didnt realize she was a lesbian or a girl until her late 20s but azalea has been Knowing since she was a lesbian since she was a young teen so. shes taking things slow with julia. they are like. rich high class high femmes and they are the kind of ppl u expect to be gossiping but they NEVER start drama on the island because they are actually angels. like they still like to know the tea but they dont start shit yk. I love them. its really sweet to see how often they hang out. also they just look PRETTY together.
gala works a 9-5 at a bank on one of the happy home islands, so she goes to work with me (I do also take pietro with me, just because he likes to Hang out with me at work and Vibe on the Beach) :D shes also an older lady whos way good at numbers but also enjoys crafting in her free time. shes been looking for love but shes SHY. ike recently moved in (YAAY IKE!!!) and the two of them have been sitting very close very often and talking...its really cute but hes new so I Will Keep an Eye Out. i am a Bit Worried he might upset her because she is My Sensitive Girl and hes ex military, but so far hes been a Niceys to her..I think he might be too awkward to make the first move, so she might have to... also he seems like the type to Not Trust Banks and she Loves her Bank and her Numbers. So. there MIGHT be tension bc of that 👀
judy is NOT interested in romance beyond watching telenovas and gossiping about other people's relationships, but she is obsessed with attention, and ed keeps flirting with her but she is 100% stringing him along and picking fights so he feels bad and sends Gifts. I know this is problematic of her but shes slaying and I support her because I keep catching ed creeping around her house at night like hello?? stop??
judy and pietro also have a weird contention?? pietro is my bestie and judy tried to pull the same thing with him and I stopped it so I feel like she lowkey has beef with ME now. she also got pissed because I said peitro should be villager b and with me being villager A in our Hypothetical Play and we should be overthrowing the Princess (her) which like. viva la revolution girl get with the times!! (no but shes a diva and I love her. but literally go after any OTHER dude on the island baby not my littol clown, ok. the three of us COULD be besties and be a trio, but we arent there quite yet..but I see the vision..)
julien and judy are THEE shittalkers. julien is lowkey trying to ursurp me as mayor, but if he knew how much WORK i put in he would NOT want the job. hes cute so I Allow it. we have a friendly rivalry because we r Too Similar sometimes ngl
im currently trying to get ed out because I already have julien and they are just Too Similar. but ed is a Go Girl Give us Nothing version of julien. sorry but true. im at least civil to him while hes here, but lowkey searching for a replacement already.
I have gayle, and I had her on my previous island... my story is currently like, my old island, peach reef, got destroyed in some kind of disaster (volcano?? storm?? who knows) so all my villagers had to relocate. pietro and gayle both came with me to this new one, but there werent immediately resources for everyone so we all got split up and some ppl had to move away from the islands entirely.
after this, pietro is still my bestie, but gayle for some reason cannot stop getting into fights with people which is insane to me because shes usually nice to me but every other day shes asking me to give forgiveness gifts to people?? I think she probably is just dealing with the move poorly unlike me and pietro who make the best of the bad situation...im interested in how this will develop for her. will she want to move away again?? if I can replace ed with one of our old friends will she chill a bit or will it bring back painful memories having them return to the island? she doesnt seem close to anyone on the island and that makes me sad...baby ur covered in hearts. ur lovecore. try remembering ur loving heart... or u may also get the axe with ed but id hate to do it...
I'd LOVE to get maple back, she was one of my favs and I have a headcanon that ike is her uncle so having two family members join would make a really interesting new dynamic. I also had mint on my first island and loved her a lot, but I already have 2 green snooty lesbians. I dont have any peppy, lazy, or jocks, and the first island had flora, snake, and rosie and i miss them DEARLY. i also saw reneigh the other day at work makin vaction houses, and got to make her a vacation home and almost cried FR because on my first island I had her as the punk girl gravekeeper and I LOVED hanging out with her. and she asked for a polished place where she could host dinners?? one of my old besties has grown up and is throwing FANCY dinners like WHAT?? ToT I still gave the place a dark gothic aesthetic tho. shes still wearing her cute piercings afterall!!)
but ALSO I do feel like it would make the new villagers feel a Certain Type of Way if it seemed like I, as the mayor am abusing my power to get all my friends back and kick them out. like I need to be Fair. this is a New Island. but I do want to honor peach reef...
just today Quinn moved in and I really hope she can fill the reneigh shaped hole in my heart since shes also sisterly, I am really interested to see how she will get along with everyone on the island as the new girl?? maybe she can befriend and help gayle? Im going to have quinn manage the outdoor theater and ike is her neighbor, helping her learn that since he manages the campsite right next to it. so im really hoping they can be friends and he can be a mentor to her.
anyway I think everyone should make up little stories as u play ac, its really fun 10/10 would recommend
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junglehomo ¡ 2 months ago
i just got to sing again
theyve been quieter lately
i like to sing to stim
it's one of my things
vocal stimming
i like screamo songs and i like r n b
i love singing along in the car i love karaoke even if its bad
its like you cant be 100% sad or mad singing something
i like to practice it until I remember the words if it's a song i really like or if its fun to sing it
i really wanted to start a screamo band when i was a kid
but nobody wanted to do it or nobody really knew drums lol
people were jealous and didnt want to put me on to anyone
i used to want to start a music channel too where i just did covers because
not to toot my horn, but a lot of screaming these days is ass
like kids are getting it wrong ? or idk
like mixing 90's punk with what they want to be 2006 hardcore
and they just butcher it and sound like grandmas on ventilator
it took me years even through transitioning to
get there
my biggest idol was Oliver Sykes of bring me the horizon
his style was the best to me also his voice
but up until...2015 to me
i stopped listening after thats the spirit.
before he had to alter his style to save his vocal cords
I'm very good at the whole album of Count Your Blessings it's like my bible
I really like death metal but not as familiar
suicide silence is another good point of reference for me
but i have yet to find people who also live in that decade or era
i dont know anyone who is mentally still in 2008 lol
to get that ssound im talking about that mood
the partying the drinking the weird emo emulation of "70's 80's rock n roll glam rock hard core" like really weird
people wanted to be aerosmith but
were doing emo and screamo but it was so dope it was so cool and all the genres mixed too
like people werent so stuck on clothes like they are now.....
the type of music u listened to through your headphones and what blared outside the plastic to the person next to you
was what made you cool and was the accessory
i had to walk to the mall or bike
to go to hot topic and buy the cd's in real life with my hands and with cash
that was the aesthetic
bc it was harder to obtain it was all for the love of the genre and music and the bands
not "i wanna look like" "where to buy"
people did want to emulate models back then or what we now call "influencers"
they were on myspace
ndyou had to go on the PC or Apple clam shell if ur rich or dell hp whatever
and go on myspace . com
and friend them and post your photos of yourself you downloaded from your digital camera
which you plugged into the computer or laptop via usb and dragged the file onto desktop to post to myspace or facebook
going home was part of going on social media
until Ipod touch and Blackberry
then it kind of changed but you still needed wifi public wifi which wasnt as available or good
so it would tale hours to post sometimes lol
the new music would be found on youtube thru a music video the artist posted or audio version etc
to be fair , there was "hype" brands at the time for scene and emo people. Like DROP DEAD and i think SKELANIMALS Lmao SANRIO . but not as over saturated as it was today
also not really represented on TV at all much
there was Tila Tequila ashlee simpson MTV
the aesthetic was in cartoon network shows like
adventure time
it's "quirky" it's "random XD"
this is where i go in my mind when i listen to this music lol
i am a millenial. I am RandomxD
these people dont understand I dont get these serial killer ipad children..............
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3liza ¡ 1 year ago
these criteria are especially bad because they define the condition by how much you fuck up at things that most people without significant cognitive disability can learn to do, and have no qualifying language allowing for that possibility. i spent my childhood riding horses (we werent rich, my family bartered for riding lessons for me) and doing community musical theater, and animal therapy and collaborative music lessons are apparently considered the two most effective interventions for autistic kids currently, which i didnt know until today. i knew ABOUT those therapies i just didnt know they in particular had so much research behind them. makes sense. anyway my brain is still fucked up and different, but according to these criteria i couldn't be diagnosed because i learned in improv class how to talk to people. that doesnt make sense.
the verbiage in ALL diagnostics should be qualified, and by that i mean: if someone doesn't get their ehlers-danlos syndrome examination and beighton test until they're 45, which is really common, the diagnostic criteria should be "can you now or have you ever been able to put your palms flat on the floor while you're standing with your knees straight" because EDS people, same as everyone else, become less flexible as they age.
smart doctors and smart organizations have already started moving towards changing this diagnostic verbiage for EDS, but a lot of doctors still think, apparently, that all syndromes are unchanging and unmodifiable by environment or experience. i went to children's theater for eight years and learned to be around people and even though i still have autist brain i no longer have most of those symptoms. even if these are the childhood criteria, i dont think i ever had diagnosably-bad levels of trouble socially because i was already doing theater and dance stuff in preschool and theater kid stuff just fixes that for you. you're still weird, but you sure as shit aren't shy or awkward anymore.
i spent my entire childhood climbing rocks and monkey bars and drawing and now my grip strength is crazy and my hands dont fold into a pretzel, but all my other joints are still fucked up because i still have a congenital collagen disorder. a lot of doctors wont diagnose EDS if your thumbs dont bend back to your wrists though, which is stupid.
you guys ever read the DSM-5 "levels of autism". theyre real stupid
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stealingyourbones ¡ 2 years ago
Hello, first I would like to greatly apologize for any spam of likes I have sent your way because my brain decided to obsess randomly with Dp x Dc crossovers for the past few days. I'm not even into Dc comics, and I only watch Danny Phantom when I randomly it exists and the fandom pulls me back into its clutches until I'm able to finally escape only to be pulled back in a few months later. I write this to you at 1:30 am with a bag of shittily made popcorn with my cat accompanying me because my mind has decided to fall in love with Danny being taken care of by the Bat family and it's mostly you're fault. I hope you're happy. I want to kiss you so bad you have no idea. I've come up with so many scenarios and have the balls to share them with you cause I really like the way you write and since I'm not a writer I have no idea what I'm doing but here I go:
Danny and Dani are basically travelling the world, Danny would call it running from the cops but that doesn't have as nice a ring to it. (Situation can be up to you, bad reaction from parents, was framed, anything for Danny and Dani on the run with Danny having protective older brother vibes)
They end up in Gotham for a few nights to rest easily and its snowing cause I said so and theyre starving at this point. Danny's like "We need to hide and need shelter" and Dani's like "Dude look over there at that creepy mansion :D" And they have no idea that its not only very much inhabited, but a bunch of rich people live there (And the Bat family but who cares about that part)
Danny is obviously on the fence cause 1. He doesn't have a good history with rich people so why their houses and 2. They dont know whats in there what if a bunch of weirdos are staying there but they decide they're cold and need a place to rest so they fly in and luckily land in the kitchen.
The lights are off and they're to focused on finding food to notice two figures standing in the middle of the kitchen just watching them.
Dani pulls out a box of the shittiest cereal you can think that shouldn't be counted as cereal all happy "Danny, they have my favorite cereal!" And poor Danny's horrified, "Have you even ever had cereal before?"
They start rambling and then someone turns on the light its Alfred he was in the middle of boiling midnight tea for him and Tim.
And there's just 2 GLOWING awkward teens FLOATING, one's holding Bruce's 'cereal' clearly not assesing the situation and the other has a horrified expression on their face, and looks like on the verge of passing out.
Tim is way to sleep deprived thinking they're hallucinations and sits down, also on the verge of passing out, while Alfred just keeps boiling his tea.
Danny is sweating trying to figure out how hes gonna get them out if this situation and Danis just, munching on dry crappy cereal.
Albert like the God he is just fucking opens the fridge, looks Dani in the eye and asks "Would you like some milk with that, my lady?" And thats all I got out of me FOR THAT SCENARIO.
The other is I fucking forgot I took 30 mins to write all this I forgot what else I had Im so sleep deprived OH FUCK I REMEMBER IT WAS ABOUT DRUGS
Ok so tw for drugs (weed):
Ok so Danny's a teen he's stupid right, knowing him in the show he'd be the kid to decline drugs but then take a hit when his crush says "i KnEw YoU wEreNt coOl" yknow? Delicious social pressure.
Well he's like pretty much adopted by the Wayne's at this point so he's just chilling on the couch about to light a joint and Jason being the noble man he is snatches it out of Danny's hand like "Nono, bad small child dont do drugs" half joking and smokes it instead.
Danny's now panicking, silently following Jason to make sure he's alright and not dead or reacting badly to it.
"Yeah why wouldn't I be fine?" And the high kicks in.
The thing is is that it was ghost weed. And Jason for once feels completely calm, he doesn't feel a single bit of the pit its silent.
He's crying and Danny's like "Omg are you ok???" Thinking he poisoned his family/lover/whatever the fuck they are.
And Jason's just "This is some real good shit" silently sobbing, not even thinking about where Danny got it or why its doing this he's just happy.
And you can turn this into extreme angst by making him codependent or a comedy by him making high jokes
Ok thats it again I'm so sorry I just really had to tell someone this
Homie you, me, behind the Bat Burger; We shall marry at dawn. Man, it makes me so happy that you enjoy the stuff I write that much I’m really proud that I could bring you that much joy! Be sure to give your kitty some pets for me :).
Oh also, “not a writer”?! You spin a web of lies. This is incredible!! Sure it’s rambly, but that’s because you’re writing in a way that’s unsure of yourself. (It’s also very much so how I write so I feel you homie.) I still feel like my writing is equivalent to a middle schooler's but I do my best to shake that off. I don’t write fics because I’m bad at dialogue, I’m workin on it though! You simply just have to try and believe in yourself. You’ll reread it later and go, “Damn, did I just write that?!” And feel proud of what you accomplished. You absolutely have unique and brilliant ideas so take a shot at writing some stuff! I’m sure you’ll do great! :D
Also bro your: "what was I talking about? oH YEAH DRUGS!" was so unexpected. it made me laugh so hard so thank you for that :)
Danny and Dani are fucking floored that this stoic-ass old British man just rolled with seeing the two. Dani's eyes light up as she accepts the milk from the British guy. Snatching the fancy glass milk container, she haphazardly pours the milk into her bowl causing bits of cereal to ricochet the milk out of the bowl and flying absolutely everywhere.
Tim just stands still and stares at the two very much so Not Human entities that are currently in his house. The tired vigilante rummages around in his pocket for his phone and takes a quick photo of the scene in front of him.
Tim double takes glancing between the kitchen and his phone. At first he assumed they were hallucinations because no figures were present in the photograph… the floating bowl of cereal and spoon says otherwise.
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mostlysignssomeportents ¡ 2 years ago
SVB's investors will get $2b in public bailout money
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We were told that the Silicon Valley Bank bailout wasn't a bailout: in a bailout, it's the investors who get public money; but with SVB, it was the depositors. But, of course, the owners of SVB were also depositors in their own bank. All in all, SVB's owners are entitled to $2B in public money.
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
When Biden said, "investors in the banks will not be protected.  They knowingly took a risk and when the risk didn’t pay off, investors lose their money.  That’s how capitalism works," he was ignoring the fact that this isn't how the law works.
Writing on Credit Slips, the incomparable Adam Levitin - the best source on bankruptcy law writing on the web today - breaks it down: "creditors of a subsidiary have no claim on the assets of a parent." That means that the FDIC has no claim on the assets of the now-bankrupt holding company that owned SVB:
Which means that when the FDIC makes all the depositors at SVB whole, they will transfer $2b to the "investors" whom Biden promised "will not be protected." If you're interested in the minutiae of this, Levitin's piece is short and clear - there's no automatic tort-based claim that would let the FDIC get the money back from the investors, because SVB isn't classed as a really big bank (a "G-SIB").
As for Dodd-Frank's "source of strength" doctrine, it "doesn't create any concrete financial liability—it's just exhortatory."
Bankruptcy law does give priority to regulators seeking capital to keep depositors whole, but that applies only when the bank makes "a specific promise to do so." All this means that "the FDIC seems to have accidentally guarantied $2 billion for the creditors of SVB Financial Group without any offsetting claim."
No source has been better for understanding the SVB debacle than Credit Slips, asking questions and raising issues that no one else has even noticed - like, why didn't SVB use CDARS or another reciprocal deposit service (where banks stash money on behalf of depositors with one another to keep balances below the insurable limit)?
I first found Credit Slips thanks to its outstanding coverage of the bankruptcy of the Sacklers, the intergenerational crime-family that made billions by starting and fueling the opioid crisis, and managed to keep those billions thanks to a series of breathtakingly corrupt, extremely complex legal maneuvers:
SVB's owners are attempting their own bankruptcy law hack, and Credit Slips is on the case, analyzing the bank owners' claim that SVB is actually a Manhattan company, despite being based in, you know, Silicon Valley:
In its filings, the company claims its "principal place of business" is its modest offices at 387 Park Avenue South (and not the massive headquarters building it maintained in Santa Clara, which SVB lists as its HQ on its "Bank Holding Company Report, Systemic Risk Report, Consolidated Financial Statement, and Parent Company Only Financial Statement for Large Bank Holding Companies."
SVB isn't incorporated in NY, it has no bankrupt NY affiliate and does not keep its principle assets in NY. Despite the obvious absurdity of its claim to being headquartered in New York, SVB's officers swore to it on penalty of perjury.
Why would they do this? They're judge-shopping. They evidently believe they'll get a better deal from a judge in the Southern District of New York than they would in the Northern District of California.
Like, maybe they think the SDNY will let them protect the $2b the FDIC has promised them.  
SVB lobbied for lax regulation - including lower reserves - and failed to take basic steps to protect their depositors that comparable banks engaged in. They suborned their regulators, evading the prudent supervision that would have prevented a bank from taking shares in 3,000 of their depositors' businesses and building a balance sheet whose deposits were "90-100% uninsured ‘hot money’ deposits by venture capitalists to bet on unhedged long-term bonds":
As Matt Stoller writes, SVB extended below-cost loans to insiders as part of its "white-glove" service, promised depositors personal audiences with top tier VCs each time they deposited $100m. All of this created the utterly foreseeable, absolutely preventable systemic risk that the public is now bailing out, to the tune of $175b.
Weighed against that $175b price-tag, the $2b that we're about to shower on the architects of this collapse may seem like small potatoes. But as the old saying goes, $2b here, $2b there, pretty soon we're talking real money. 
This Monday (Mar 20), I’m doing a remote talk for the Ostrom Workshop’s Beyond the Web Speaker Series.
[Image ID: An old fashioned corner bank. Its sign has been replaced with the SVB logo. Peeking above the bank is an ogrish caricature of a capitalist in a top-hat, yanking on a golden, dollar-sign-shaped lever. He holds aloft a $100 bill, which he has plucked from a bouquet of C-notes poking out from the bank roof. Below him is a weeping, shattered Humpty Dumpty, sitting in a pool of tragic yolk.]
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huhrizon ¡ 4 years ago
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sex money feelings die . yumeko jabami
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synopsis. having multiple girls under your control at every second wasn’t able to satisfy you entirely however getting to marry the pretty yet crazy compulsive gambler was enough for you to fantasize about her puffy pussy.
a/n. yumeko jabami is so hot her tits are huge holy shit.
w. dubcon, pet play if you squint, using panties as a gag, size difference, pussy spanking, belly bulging, dumbification !lowercase intended!
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the feeling of winning was always something you loved however, as you won against an intense battle with the infamous compulsive gambler you couldn’t fight the grin that made it’s way onto your face.
as soon as she placed the ‘kitty’ necklace on, apologising sweetly for not being able to pay her debt, you instantly told everyone to escort the room leaving yumeko alone with you.
“we should play something else don’t you think?” you mused making her eyes sparkle delightfully. “yes we should senpai! blackjack? poker?” she rambled on as you could faintly see her panties getting wetter each time she talked about gambling.
you shut her up by pressing a finger against her clothed clit, rubbing circles against the soaking fabric forcing a soft mewl out of yumeko’s mouth. “we’re playing a different game, jabami.”
yumeko knew exactly what you were capable of— being kirari’s rich step brother, you had made the quite the reputation for yourself— praying on naive little girls (skilled or not) and turning them into your kitties.
“you must really enjoy taking advantage of girls like me, y/n-kun.” yumeko teased not expecting you to reply with a stern ‘yes’. you definitely knew what you wanted and you would do almost everything in your power to get it.
keeping a bruising grip on her waist, you lifted her onto the oak table with ease. ripping her panties before shoving the soaked fabric past her parted lips.
"that'll keep your pretty mouth shut for now." whispering proudly you ran a finger between her sopping folds before landing a harsh slap to her pussy.
yumeko jolted at the action, throwing her head back with a loud moan as she felt the stinging sensation on her sensitive clit. the wide grin on your face only made her wetter, and with each time you abused her cunt spanking her swollen folds over and over again.
you could see the younger girl's legs shaking wirh desperation, the pride in your chest swelling as you thumbed at her red little clit. "ah, you were close werent you?" teasing was your forte, and it clearly irked the woman splayed out on the table, pussy twitching out on display like a whore.
"y/n-san... please.... i need to cum!"
"ah ah, good kittens don't order their masters around." you feigned mock hurt with each word that dripped past your sinful lips.
yumeko whined, "master-- i'll be a good little kitty!"
the desperation was clogging your senses and soon enough you were plunging your fat cock in yumeko's tight cunt, dragging the shaft along her clit with each hard and rough thrust.
"aw fuck-- you like that kitten? like it when i tear your pussy apart like a feral animal? yeah i bet you fucking love it bitch!"
indeed she did, you could tell by the way she was moaning indignantly, her juices coating your shaft clenching around your hard cock as if she was trying to milk you of your cum.
"a-ah! ma-aaahng- sta--!" incoherent babbles were the only sounds leaving her lips and the bulge in her stomach didn't help in calming your insatiable lust down.
"you're my cute little gambling kitten yumeko." a grunt followed suite, "master's gonna take good care of you."
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placebogirl7 ¡ 4 years ago
Kinoshita: Ren's assistant and "voice of conscience"
I decided to make an analysis about one of the most underrated character in Nana (also because he doesn't appear that much) but who I appreciate so much. Prepare yourself for a very long post to read because my beloved Kinoshita deserves it! ;) Kinoshita has been introduced as Ren assistant: his role is to drive Ren home when he's too tired, to remind him his schedule, to help him with whatever he needs. Kinoshita is also a big fan of Ren, so he's excited to have the opportunity to work with his idol. When we first see him in the manga, he's driving Ren home after a long day work. He's fashinated about Ren's expensive car and when Ren tells him that it's just a car and he doesn't matter about apprearance unlike Takumi, Kinoshita says to him that he's very talented and rich but he's not ambitious despite this. He also says that he let Takumi have control even his music and that it's when he plays punk music that he gives is best. Kinoshita is firmly convinced that Ren soul belongs to punk and that's the kind of music he should do. Probably in the old days he would have been a huge fan of former Blast! XD He sees the potential of Ren and he's aware that Takumi is "suppressing" it asking him to write songs more suitable for Reira's voice (which is definitely not punk).
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At first Ren laughs about Kinoshita's words, because they just seems the words of an excited fan, but later he realized that maybe those words werent' that stupid. In fact, during a talk with Takumi, the latter says something that immediately make Ren remind of Kinoshita. Takumi basically confirmed what Kinoshita himself said before: Ren shows his best when he act like a rebel punk and he plays punk music. Can we just spend one minute looking at Ren's face expression in the last image of the panel below? He's smiling, but there's a sad expression on his face after he realized that Kinoshita's words were right. I think in that moment Ren realized what he had left behind and the fact that he's not free as he was in the past. He has to play the role of Trapnest's guitarist and he can't be anymore just Ren Honjo. Suddenly Takumi's kingdom was not so bright anymore compared to his own one little kingdom he abandoned.
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So we can say that Kinoshita is the first one who really realized Ren's real potential and he has no fear to tell him directly.
Another thing that I appreciate about Kinoshita is exactly that he doesn't have fear to tell what he thinks and he has the courage to do it even about Takumi. Despite his evident bad attitude, nobody in Cookie staff has the courage to rebel against Takumi: they just wait for hsi orders and obey to them even if they don't agree. But one day, while talking to Ren, Kinoshita finally expresses what in my opinion is the thought of everyone: they are just little soldiers at the service of Takumi. He respects him and he recognize that he's an excellent business man, but he's not good when it comes to treat people in a decent way. He lacks of empathy and of other things on a human level. Even if Ren doesn't seem to appreciate this, I think Kinoshita was totally right and also I love how he feels at ease to confess to Ren his thoughts and opinion: he doesn't seem to simply consider Ren as an idol or a person he has to take care of but as a sort of friend to whom he can feel free to talk.
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Later in the story, Kinoshita starts to re-evaluate Takumi after he found a solution to stop the scandal between Ren and Reira. He understands that Takumi actually cares about the band and its members and he carefully thinks about everything to avoid bad situations or loss that may bring damages to Cookie Music. Also, he doesn't see himself anymore only as Ren's assistant (like he has done until that moment) but he starts to see himself as a "vassal" of Trapnest, embracing Takumi's vision that he had criticized before. Ren is very happy to know that, look at his smile.
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And now let's talk about Ren's drug addiction and how Kinoshita reacts to that. Of course Kinoshita knows about Ren's problem but he also knows he can't do a lot to be helpful. When Ren tries to get rid of all the cocaine he has but then starts to suffer from withdrawal, while they are driving to Cookie Music, Kinoshita notices that Ren doesn't feel good at all and tries to convince him to go to the hospital instead of going to work. Ren won't listen to reasons and yell at him to bring him at Cookie Music (knowing that Narita will give him drug). In the end Kinoshita obey to his order, but since he's really worried and not satisfied he later decided to call Takumi and inform him about Ren's conditions. Despite he doesn't like Takumi, he knows that he's the only one he can ask for help because Takumi has something he lack of: the power to find a solution even to the most complicated things. The binomial hate-admiration that Kinoshita has for Takumi is evident from the beginning to the end of the serie. I won't put images of the above mentioned scenes because Tumblr allows you to put only 10 images per post and I need to reserve the space for other images of more important scenes, but I'm sure you all remeber both the scenes I mentioned.
Another thing I want to point out is Kinoshita's vision about Nana and Ren's relationship. We can say that he has always been very considerate about their relationship and he never doubted even for a second that Nana wasn't sincere about Ren. He had understood from Ren that they truly loves each other and he sincerely wanted them to stay together. The little panel below is an example of this: Nana and Ren were having hard times and they rarely met each other. They had just found a new house but they couldn't spend time together in it and Kinoshita seemed to be very sorry because he saw how much Ren needed to stay with her.
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Another scene were he demonstrates he cares for Nana and Ren's relationship is when Search publish that scandalous article and all the media start to talk about this, inventing fake things. Ren doesn't say a word and Kinoshita encourages him to do what he want, telling him that if he wants to spend good words about his girlfriend in front of the reporters, he won't prevent him from doing it. He says to Ren "follow what your heart tells you to do", which is the same thing that Yasu himself had told him in the bathroom during the Trapnest Vs. Blast show, when they spoke about Ren's drug addiction and Nana's hyperventilation attacks. Again, Kinoshita is acting like a supportive friend to Ren and not only as a mere assistant. When Ren refuses to do it and defines his old band members and friends (including his girlfriend) "old thrown away partner", Kinoshita seems shocked by that reaction. I personally was shocked too when I read it, because Ren really acted like a jerk in that moment. He put his career and Trapnest above his love and realtionship and friends, acting like Takumi would have acted, and so for Kinoshita (who in that moment still didn't appreciate Takumi for this) it must have been disappointing to see him acting in that cold way towards his lover and friends who were being accused.
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Later, while Trapnest are in London, Ren realises that he acted like he didn't care and he reminds of Kinoshita's words (exactly like it happened when he told him he gave his best when he played punk music).
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When Ren and Nana separate and Ren refuses to go fetch her because he feels ashamed to meet her and tell her about his drug addiction, Kinoshita takes the initiative and decide that if Ren needs to be encouraged to go to Nana, then he will be the person who will encourage him. He knows that Ren needs Nana and he hopes that reuniting with her could help him to feel better and convince him to stop taking drugs. While they are in Ren's car driving towards Cookie Music and Ren is talking about this with Hachi on the phone, Kinoshita asks him where Nana is in that moment and when he answers "Osaka", Kinoshita immediately change direction and starts to drive towards Osaka.
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Again Kinoshita brings out his rebel side and affirms that he can't do what the staff expect him to do or follow Takumi's orders: he's convinced that he's doing the right thing (and he was definitely doing it in my opinion). He blames again Takumi and his way of handling the situation, knowing that what Ren needs is professional help and a break to recover, but Ren suddenly brings out the reality of the fact: he's not disappointed by Takumi or the staff, he's disappointed by him, his own hero, the idol he estimates so much. Kinoshita doesn't know what to answer, he doesn't want to hurt Ren and probably he doesn't want to admit to himself that Ren is right. In the last scene of the panel below, Kinoshita's expression is very sad because he realized that there's nothing he can do anymore to help Ren. He did his best but he failed. I think it must have been hard for him to realize that.
I think we can make a comparison here: Kinoshita has always idealized Ren exactly as Nobu did. They both saw Ren has an invincible hero, a perfect creature to admire and they wish to be like him, but then they realized that not all that glitters is gold and that Ren wasn't as perfect as they saw him. He was actually more fragile then them and they feel powerless because they knew they couldn't do anything to help him. When you idealize a person so much and then you discover that person isn't as you saw him/her, then you feel disappointed and that's what happened to both Kinoshita and Nobu.
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Last but not least, after Ren's death Kinoshita tries his best to complete what Ren has left incomplete. His thoughts aren't for Trapnest's future or Cookie Music or for his work: his thoughts are for Nana, just like the last thoughts of Ren were. Kinoshita's mission is to be a sort of "emissary" who has to bring to Nana the feelings Ren was going to express her, his last words, his thoughts for her. The scene below is so sad but I love it, it's one of my favorite in the manga. Looking at Kinoshita crying while saying that "Please, accept it" breaks my heart evry time. He's literally begging Nana to take that present which Ren wanted to give her but didn't manage to, he wants Ren to be happy wherever he is in that moment, knowing that his wish has been fulfilled.
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So, after all this recap of Kinoshita's moments, I think we can say that he's not only a mere assistant for Ren, but he's also a friend. His feelings for Ren are sincere, he doesn't praise him because he wants to keep his work, he praise him because he sincerely admire him. Kinoshita knows Ren needs and try to help him as much as he can, not only with his work but even more with his personal life. And if we consider all the times he has said something and Ren hasn't taken him seriously, but later realized how much he was right, we can say that Kinoshita's role in the story is to be Ren's "voice of conscience", that voice we all have inside us that says to us what is the right thing to do (but we often ignore it like Ren did). Kinoshita is a sort of mixture between Yasu and Nobu: he gives Ren the same advices as Yasu would have given him and he admire him like Nobu did. I think this is a good thing for Ren, because now that he's not a member of Blast anymore he doesn't have much time to see his old and true friends (not that Naoki and Reira aren't his friends but...well, in my opinion they can't be compared to Yasu and Nobu), so having Kinoshita near is like having a part of his friends with him all the time.
I hope this super long post hasn't annoyed you and I hope now we can all love Kinoshita together because he deserves a lot of love for what he did ♥.
Nana Week 2021 Day 1 Prompt: side character
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moonlit-imagines ¡ 4 years ago
Headcanons for being Tony Stark’s stepkid
Tony Stark x Potts!child!reader
warnings: alcohol mention
a/n: i rushed these so bad i just wanted to post dhhshsnsna
prompt: y/n is pepper’s kiddo!
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it was just you and your mom for a long time
pepper and y/n potts
she couldn’t keep up with you sometimes, too busy dealing with the manchild that was mister anthony edward stark
speaking of—
“uh, who’s this?” -tony, pointing at you
“mr. stark, i am so sorry, the school closed because some kid set fire to the science lab and i didn’t have time to find a sitter—”
“no, it’s fine, no need to apologize. hey, kid, you wanna sit in the boss’s chair? i’ll let you run the company for the day!” *cue you nodding* “sweet, would you mind that, ms. potts?”
“oh? no, not at all” *mouthing* “thank you”
“so, uh, what’s your name? no, don’t tell me: ketchup.”
*giggling* “y/n”
“no way! that was my second guess!”
tony wasn’t used to being around kids
he had no idea that he was actually kind of good around them
despite a few minor hiccups
“you sit in my chair and im gonna spin you around, sound like fun?”
he spun you around WAY too fast and you were diiiiizzy, also you fell off the chair
“don’t tell your mom that we did that. she may be my assistant, but she scares the shit out of me. also, don’t say ‘shit’”
dude he just thought you were a cool kid!!!
“hey, you know, ms. potts, you dont really need to hire a babysitter anymore. y/n’s doing just fine hanging out here”
“how am i not surprised you befriended an actual child?”
she still took him up on his offer, you seemed pretty happy
when your mom worked late, you passed out in tonys office
tony and you had your own little secrets (like falling off the spinning chair), tony showed you around stark tower, and you practically lived there
“i got you a happy meal from mcdonalds!” -tony every day after your school
in all honesty, you weren’t the “popular” kid at school...not even close
but tony made up for it
“y/n! i found this old racecar toy in a box of old stuff, you wanna hold onto it for me?”
you kind of grew up in stark tower tbh? it was pretty cool
and as you grew up, you started to notice more
“mr. tony, do you have a crush on my mom?”
“do i what? no, no, i do—who the hell am i kidding? you caught me”
“called it!”
after that you did everything to try and get them together
when your mom was talking to tony, you would stand behind her and wiggle your eyebrows and just taunt tony endlessly
no! tony cannot remember your mom’s birthday for the life of him! you are his calendar now
“dude, why dont you just ask JARVIS to remind you?”
“i may be a genius, but that doesn’t mean i have common sense”
“wise words, sir” -JARVIS
when tony disappeared for 3 months you were so sad???? like you were not okay at all
and when he came back, he literally exited the plane saying “WHERE’S ‘T-POTT??’”
(your wonderful nickname. ‘t’ for ‘tony jr.’ and ‘pott’ for ‘potts’)
“my mom missed you”
“oh, i bet she did”
“you turned my child into you, tony. i will never forgive you for this”
“well, at least y/n was here to fill in for me, huh?”
tony wanted to show you the arc reactor but he was actually afraid of scarring you lmfaoooo
but he did let you in on the iron man secret (he knew you wouldn’t snitch)
and just to make sure:
“if you dont tell anyone, i’ll buy you a car when you turn 16”
“man, that’s like, forever away”
“good, maybe you’ll forget by then”
ur mom kinda maybe sorta found out abt iron man :/ she told you that tony was a bad influence
“mom! no, tony’s cool! he’s like a superhero”
“no, sweetie, he’s a rich guy with issues. we’re leaving”
that didn’t last long
not long at all
and soon they FINALLY got together
“jeez, i thought you two would never stop pining after each other”
“couldnt have done it without my wingman” -tony *fistbump*
“as thanks can i have my own iron man suit?”
“yes.” *pepper glaring at him* “no.”
sooner or later your mom and you moved into tony’s house and you got a really big room!!!!
it was completely decked out
king sized bed, flatscreen tv, mini-fridge, microwave, computer, your own bathroom with a smaller tv, a poster of tony??? (you vandalized it and put it in his workshop), and more!!!
okay you were spoiled
“do you like it here? are you sure i made the right choice?” -pepper
“are you kidding, mom? this is awesome! plus, you’re happy, i’m happy, tony’s happy, i think JARVIS is even happy!”
“i am, mx. potts. simply ecstatic” -JARVIS
pepper was really happy!! it was a pretty cool family
you started giving your school tony’s number if you ever got in trouble, you knew he’d cover for you
“mr. potts, is it?”
“your child, y/n, punched another student in the face today. we’re very disappointed in their behavior”
“why’d they punch the kid?”
“well, the other student punched y/n first”
“HAH! thank you for wasting my time. send y/n back to class and call me back if something important comes up”
he literally gave you a high five when you got home
“i gave him a black eye!”
“i couldn’t be more proud. i mean, i dont condone violence, but self defense is a whole other story”
a little help in the workshop, tony asks you to hold the flashlight
“why don’t you get one of your robots to hold this for you?”
“are you kidding me, you’re complaining? we’re having stepdad/stepkid bonding time! and dum-e can’t do anything right, i dont trust him”
youve had a few theme park trips as a family ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
also tony has 100% told you to wait in the car and then left you alone for 2+ hours
“i’m not like a regular dad, im a step-dad. want some beer? you can have a little sip. i’d rather you do it in the house”
your mother actually does love how he actually cares about you!
“y/n is 12% my responsibility” -tony
“tony, you are impossible” -pepper
no avengering for you! pepper said no!!!!!!
disappointed but not surprised
iron man 3: y/n potts is put through the wringer
Text Message to Mr. Tony: bro you better come get your girl, me and happy are watching this other guy flirting with her. he’s showing her pics of his ‘big brain’
Mr. Tony: HE WHAT
Text Message to Mr. Tony: Tony he looks creepy i don’t want him to be my new stepdad do something!!!
anyways ur house kinda blew up and ur mom and you kinda got kidnapped and u were right abt that guy being creepy and thankfully no experiments were done on you but like your mom kinda almost died and her and tony were fine!!! all good in the end
you met mr. col. james rhodes that day
“aw, you’re the kid ive heard so much about” -rhodey
“you mean the coolest kid in the world?check.”
“you cant tell me you aren’t tony’s biological child, good god”
you got to meet the avengers later on too! (you’d already met natasha tho, only briefly)
“i know it can be a little overwhelming, right? meeting all these heros, legends even—” -rhodey
“oh, my god, is that thor? thor!!” -you, leaving rhodey in the dust
literally why does pepper trust you around tony something always goes wrong there were literally robots attacking, you were only at avengers tower bc your mom was busy with the company and she thought you’d be safe with the avengers. the AVENGERS.
“please dont tell your mom that i created a bad robot that tried to kill us. the robot will be the least of our problems” -tony
he made happy pick you up and you had to miss out on FUN and it sucked a lot
“it’s okay, y/n! i’m fun, too!” -happy
then your mom and tony took a break and your life got mega-boring for a while, but they weren’t separated for that long. you try not to think about it. it was brutal
Mr. Tony: Does she miss me?
New Message to Mr. Tony: I think so. Either that or she’s crying and drinking wine in the dark for no reason.
Mr. Tony: Damn it, now I feel bad. I miss her a lot. Oh, also, the Avengers say ‘hi,’ I’m in Germany with some bad news, I’ll explain later if you don’t see it on TV first, and I found you the perfect friend! His name is Peter and I think you’d like the school he goes to, it’s in Midtown. Smart kid school.
New Message to Mr. Tony: I’ll look into it, thanks. Also, I don’t like how those all connect. Please update me asap
watching the news to see several avengers arrested, cap on the run, and more!
“maybe it was good i didn’t fall in with the avengers”
tony and pepper finally got back together and you actually transferred to midtown high! peter and his friend group accepted you quickly, it was great. you and flash unfortunately had the most in common
you’d literally text happy right next to peter and he’d immediately reply to you. it hurt peter’s feelings
Momma: Sweetie! I’m working in the office late, leftovers are in the fridge, hope you have a wonderful day at school! 💕
👉👈the vulture tried to kill you for being tony’s stepkid, tony made peter promise to protect you
“y/n, you gotta stay out of harm’s way. mr. stark gave me an actual mission and it’s terrifying, i have to make sure you stay safe”
legit why the fuck was this old man tryna kill you bro grow up
anyyyywayssss your mom and tony got engaged!!
“wow, i thought the day would never come!!” -you
ppl told you tony isnt your stepdad bc ur mom and him werent married but who tf asked
why is the earth always in fucking danger
you and peter were just vibing on the field trip bus and all the sudden: space donut
“go! i’ll cover for you...FRIDAY, call tony”
“...hi there, little one”
“what the fuck”
“oh, so you see the aliens, too? well, at least im not crazy”
tony stark has left the atmosphere
you and your mom were kinda......not chillin tho
she and you didn’t sleep for a few nights, then ppl just straight up disappeared
plot twist: you survived the snap and your family was lucky to be alive, you even got a little sister who became a big handful!
only bad thing was all your friends dusted and you were pretty lonely
but watching morgan grow up kept you busy
“ahhh, shes so big!”
happy times in bad times
bad times!!!!! bc after five years thanos came back as thanos from like ten years ago. outdated thanos. obsolete thanos.
but you made your first and only appearance in the suit tony actually designed for you many years ago
you should have just stayed home tho bc that fight didnt pass the vibe check
“please dont tell me he...no, no, no, no, no”
you and your mom latched onto each other in tears, tony was one of the best people in your life, he made you and your mom two of the happiest people on earth
best stepdad a kid could ever ask for
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedgiantfavs // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm // @ofthedewthesunlight //
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ginanosakka ¡ 4 years ago
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The Scars You Hide
We Meet Again | Next
Summary: After your meeting with Bakugou, you get an unexpected call to meet with someone else from your past. Is it possible to mend a relationship you weren’t sure was even there?
“Hey Mina, does Bakugou ever talk about me?” You asked, skimming through the clothing rack next to her with that wide smile you always seemed to have.
Her hands were filled with clothing items, and at your question she seemed to almost drop them. Her pink skin seemed to pale slightly as you watched a small sweat begin to breakout on your face, and in your heart you knew the truth. You couldn’t help but let your smile drop ever so slightly, but you gave a light laugh to calm her down and bring the mood back up.
“It’s okay, I know he probably doesn’t talk about me. . It was just worth a shot to ask.” You giggle falsely, feeling not a trace of humor in the feeling you got in the pit of your stomach. “Let’s go pay, my treat!” You repeated the words you said every time you went out with any one of your friends, the return for spending some time with you.
It was weird with Mina though, whenever you offered to pay it looked like she was conflicted. Her yellow eyes would soften like you spilled some said truth, but you never questioned it. That look scared you with the fear that she might be tired of you, so you’d ignore it for as long as you could. . .
“Ryu, how many times do I have to tell you not to use your quirk in the house!” You yelled to what seemed like thin air as your son clapped once again with another crayon in his hand.
When his little hands met, a small explosion went off that burned the crayon to ash and he sheepishly looked up at you from his spot next to the coffee table. Ryu was so much like his father that it bewildered you, he managed to be a carbon copy of someone he never even met. Not only did he steal most of Katsuki’s physical genetics, he acted nearly identical and had a variation of his quirk. You wondered if being quirkless was the reason all your genes seemed to fail to make the cut, but how could you be mad at that when you loved everything about the blonde little boy?
It would have been nice if he had a little less of Katsuki’s temper, though.
“Honestly, it’s like you want to see me go gray early,” you huffed and continued on your way to the laundry room with your basket full of clothes.
Seven years ago, doing laundry would have been a funny joke to you. There were maids that were perfectly capable and paid to do it for you, so there was virtually no point in learning. The only time you lifted a finger was for makeup and eating, that’s how your father preferred you to live. It was a big contrast to now, where you stood in leggings and an oversized band t-shirt doing every bit of the cleaning and laundry, for not only yourself, but also the six year old son that was never in the plans for your future. In fact, no part of the life you created for yourself was apart of the original plan.
Your phone rang as you finished putting in your first load into the washer, and you answered it without looking, propping the phone between your shoulder and your ear as you put on the proper settings. The unfamiliar voice you heard nearly made you jump since only a handful of people had your number.
“Hey,” the woman said with uncertainty clear in her tone.
“Hello. Who is this?” You asked straight to the point, still continuing your chores as you went from the laundry room to the living room where Ryu was now coloring peacefully and began picking up his mid placed toys.
“Oh it’s Mina. . Sorry for calling you out of the blue, but I was just wondering if you’d like to talk?”
You froze in place, immediately going into mental hyperdrive over all the things she could want to talk about, but none of them seemed reasonable. Neither of you had any contact after Katsuki told you the truth about everyone, you completely went off the grid and she went on with her life like everyone. It would make sense to come up with a bullshit excuse to get out of it. . . but then again it would be much easier to clean with someone entertaining Ryu.
“I’ll send you my address, we can talk here.”
“So. . he really is Bakugou’s kid.” Mina sweat dropped as you both watched him stand on top of the couch with two hero action figures in hand, one of them being Bakugou, yelling nonsense about how he can’t be beaten.
“HAHA! Not even Dynamight and Ignenium can stop this villain, but I will be victorious!”
‘Honestly, that whole strive for victory mindset could be Katsuki or my dad’s genetics.’
“Carbon copy with some tweaks,” you shrugged and continued on your way to your bedroom with your basket full of laundry.
Mina followed you through your small — but well decorated due to your mother — home looking as troubled as she was hesitant as she always did around you. It still bothered you like when you were just a dumb rich girl, and you were must less keen on ignoring it to keep the peace. You were strangers now, after all, not friends due to business.
“So,” you started as you dropped the basket on the ground in front of your queen with a loud ‘plop’. “I know you didn’t come here to just get a peek at the bastard child of your friend, and you certainly aren’t here to rekindle our fake friendship, Ashido. . Spill it.”
You stared at her with accusation, stance showing that this easily could shift from a friendly encounter to a hostile environment depending on her next choice of words. Mina was a hero now, she most definitely could tell that this wasn’t the time to play pretend and get straight to the point like she would in the face of a real villain. She may be more of a commercial hero, enjoying the occasional spotlight and taking down many villains for a camera, but you remember that she looked death in the face the moment she got on the hero track.
The atmosphere in the room became tense as Mina was taken back by your commanding attitude, one that showed that what she suspected about you was true; this wasn’t the same Y/N she met as a kid. Your eyes were colder, uninviting and daring her to take a step too close into your world. Your posture even deterred her from thinking she was anything more than a stranger you invited into your home. Everything about the way you acted was a clear indication that the worst case scenario she had thought of after you contacted her had most likely come to fruition.
“What. . happened to you, Y/N?” Mina asked hesitantly, and you blinked at the question with your arms unconsciously reaching for your right side, something that didn’t go unnoticed by Mina.
After a moment of silence you explained, “I had him. My father didn’t like that. . and he told me not to go through with it, that it would be a shameful mistake. When I refused, he kicked me out onto the streets saying I wasn’t his daughter. I had nothing and no one, my pregnancy was high risk, and I had just been told that everything I knew wasn’t real, but we made it just fine.”
The answer was so vague beyond being disowned that it didn’t take a genius to figure out what happened between being on the street and now wasn't something you’d be willing to tell just anybody. Especially not the girl who was only her friend in hopes of getting an up on life in her future. The fact that you told her that much was a privilege she should never expect to receive again. Mina could only frown and think of how lost and heartbroken you must have been, all because she couldn’t bring herself to stand without the herd and tell you the truth. You probably didn’t trust anyone now, and the fact that Katsuki probably thought you were living an easy life on your father’s money didn’t sit right with her when you did everything for yourself now, and obviously lived a modest life with his son.
This was her chance to redeem herself for her first failure as a hero, and she wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.
Mina looked you dead in the eyes with determination that you’d never seen before and said, “I want to help you take care of Ryu.”
Your brows furrowed at her declaration, “I don’t need help-“
“You do, and I’m going to be here for you. I don’t care if you hate me now, but I’m going to make it up to you for being selfish.” Mina pressed, her bouncy pink hair jumping as she bounded closer to you with a grin that used to always make a smile come on your own face. Her smile widened and her eyes closed as she made her words sink in with you. “I want to get to know the real you, Y/N, and I’m not going to miss the opportunity of seeing how you managed to keep a little Bakugou alive.”
You didn’t know what to say, no words were good enough to express every emotion she made you feel after six years of doing everything on your own. There probably weren't any words that could sum up the feeling of someone wanting to see who you really were after being someone else your whole life. You werent fully convinced — you couldn’t be, this not only affected you, but your son too — but there was a simple statement that would let her know that this meant something.
“Thank you.”
A/N: I hope you like this Mina x reader moment! I know there wasn’t much Bakugou and Ryu action, but more to come soon. Also, Ryu’s quirk is explosions that are activated by contact with his hands, meaning that he has to touch something to let out an explosion unlike Katsuki who can just let them rip at any time!
Taglist <3 : @fandomgirllover @cloudsgathering @that-bipolar-renegade-romantic @jazzylove @that-chick212 @bonbonthedragon @hawksnugget @misssugarless @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @bakugous-bakahoe @pinkykookie17 @byakuyaswifee @animexholic @arielting @samkysnks @simpforeveryone @saucey-kneecapzz42020 @liznoonz427 @damnirina @fireworkemoji102 @deneuves @tsumuuumiyaaaa
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