#i 👏 love 👏 her 👏
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robertsbarbie · 9 months ago
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homoangel · 2 years ago
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when has sam or dean ever done it like her
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blood-starved-beast · 9 months ago
We need to talk more about Melinoe's more impish characteristics cause they're understated but they're there. Nevermind that she's a witch brewing potions in the woods, growing her own reagents and picking mushrooms in the rain, and doesn't wear a bra and no pants. She also canonically takes people out into the woods for a lay and likes battling half naked enough to suggest that Nemesis ought to do the same. She manages to draw in all kinds of woodland creatures and the souls of deceased ones follow her post run. She's got thoose fae woodland princess vibes and somehow that meshes perfectly with the war child who sleeps with a sword under her pillow and is confused when asked if she's well cause being a tool for vengeance is her Purpose.
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yourockthebeatofmyheart · 8 months ago
And you know what else I love about MAWS? They didn't do that thing where the main couple finally gets together and then they're immediately forced apart/made to suffer to create Drama. There's no pointless misunderstanding, no jealousy, no petty arguments blown out of proportion. They do reach a breaking point, but in a way that feels natural and sincere (Lois thinking she's not good enough for Clark, Clark thinking he's too alien for Lois) and while they're apart they realize that they were wrong about themselves but also learn to accept the things they resented before. Lois isn't bothered by Clark not being human, she loves him because he's a good person; Clark doesn't think Lois is inferior to him, he sees her passion and courage as extraordinary. And in the end it makes their relationship even stronger I have to stop typing bc there are literal tears in my eyes this show is so good!!!
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recurring-polynya · 5 months ago
Bleach Returns 2024 - Day 6 - In Another Life
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Bleach Pilot, but it goes on long enough for Renji to show up and find out the his girlfriend captain's sister is now only three apples tall
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virgothozul · 1 year ago
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Ok. I have listened to the people. I have watched the thing. It is very wholesome.
Kazu comes home. He is hopeless and tipsy. And he swings between excited and wasted.
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mjtheartist04 · 1 month ago
Posting this here becuz I need to post something- (and also becuz I really LOVE how it came out♡)
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A lil sumthing for my wife becuz I love her😌💗💗💗
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sparxyv · 7 months ago
I want you to know that I have scrolled through your page after coming back to HL brainrot, and I have deviously fallen in love with Mousey. Like seeing your artwork of him makes me so giddy to the point I swing my legs and twirl my hair. 😭🫶 I love your art and page sm, the only thing that I look forward to.
it makes me so ecstatic that people love my art AND my characters?? i swear it makes me feel like i'm living 13 year old lukas' dream 💜
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ANYWAYS.. i see that the people like mousey 🙏 and mousey LOVES the people.
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if mousey was able read these messages, he would be beyond happy.
mousey LOVES being loved, being popular, all of that.
that being said.. it would 100% go to his head.
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he can't shove it in sebastian's face though 😔💔
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momentomori24 · 1 month ago
I really hope people haven't forgotten that Grace is actually pretty smart and helpful during class trials. Like this woman spent half the time brain dead from getting zapped (a third time) and then woke up to drive the trial forward along with Wolfgang and Damon. She was the one who guided us to the answer of how Cara was killed through the bucket mechanism, and was even the reason we realised there was a mechanism used for the murder at all. She's very much capable of coming up with logical deductions on the spot and actually be correct, as well as remain relatively calm and composed while doing so.
When she immediately latches on to the first person with even a crumb of a chance to be the killer, when she disrupts the investigation by unintentionally hiding potential clues, when she immediately resorts to hostility over being suspected herself and allows that grudge to cloud her judgement later-- that's not her at her A-Game, nor is that her just being stupid. That's her reasoning being shaken by grief. Her erratic behaviour during Chapter 1's trial contradicts her behaviour during Chapter 0's trial, and that's because this time the victim isn't a lifeless doll based on a person she's never met and has no connection to; the victim this time is the man she's grown the closest to, the first person in our group she met and someone she allowed herself to be vulnerable with in a way she wouldn't be with anyone else. The one to give her hope in her moment of paralysis induced by her near death experience and the only one to actually reach out to her in a way she'd actually reach back. The person she thought was vulnerable, unable to leave his bed, and who she had to find dead after walking out the door and leaving him behind despite it all. She's not stupid or incapable of making rational deductions, nor is she bad at making sound arguments or reasonable accusations-- she's literally just guilt-ridden and grieving.
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embrace-your-illithid · 4 months ago
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my Thirsty Sword Lesbians ttrpg character.... Scoundrel class aka slutty disaster thot 😘
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good-beansdraws · 3 months ago
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For @naoreco in the arscuffle secret santa! (Secret santa scuffle?) I loved your oc Rosetta, and hope I could do her design justice! She's really interesting (and really pretty 🥺)🌹
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I really wanted to see it in screenshot-form but realized I didn't know what their supports were actually about 😅 Feel free to let me know if there are any specific lines/topics and I can easily make more canon shots! :D
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acourtofquestions · 4 months ago
She had come for him. She had found him.
The world went quiet. The pain in his body faded into nothing. Into something secondary. Lorcan slid his other arm around Elide, bringing his mouth close to her ear as he said, "You have to let me go."
Elide didn't shift her focus from the keep ahead. "No."
That gentle quiet flowed around him, clearing the fog of pain and battle. "You have to. You have to, Elide. I'm too heavy-and without my weight, you might make it to the keep in time."
"No." The salt of her tears filled his nose. Lorcan brushed his mouth over her damp cheek, ignoring the roaring pain in his body. The horse galloped and galloped, as if she might outrace death itself.
"I love you," he whispered in Elide's ear. "I have loved you from the moment you picked up that axe to slay the ilken." Her tears flowed past him in the wind. "And I will be with you ..." His voice broke, but he made himself say the words, the truth in his heart. "I will be with you always." He was not frightened of what would come for him once he tumbled off the horse. He was not frightened at all, if it meant her reaching the keep.
So Lorcan kissed Elide's cheek again, allowed himself to breathe in her scent one last time. "I love you," he repeated, and began to withdraw his arms from around her waist. Elide slapped a hand onto his forearm. Dug in her nails, right into his skin, fierce as any ruk. "No." There were no tears in her voice. Nothing but solid, unwavering steel.
"No," she said again. The voice of the Lady of Perranth. Lorcan tried to move his arm, but her grip would not be dislodged. If he tumbled off the horse, she would go with him. Together. They would either outrun this or die together.
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eyes-of-nine · 5 months ago
Karolina Żebrowska once again saying the quiet part aloud
also bc I have personal experience with immigrating to a more "big name" country and no one bothering to get my surname right. no classmates, no teachers, no one except for one guy who I sat next to me on the school bus. you were a real one.
if I had to learn two new languages in the span of one semester, you should be bothered to learn ONE word
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rebouks · 1 year ago
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Darien: You’ve got two options; a shitty flight that’ll take over twenty-four hours with two stops, paid for by yourself, or I’ll pay the difference for an eleven hour one. Brynn: The shitty one. Darien: Alright… Brynn: I not think I have enough money yet. Darien: You just didn’t know where to look. Brynn: Thank you. Darien: It’s fine-.. are you excited? Brynn: Not really. Darien: About the baby…
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Brynn: Oh, yes! I always think about having babies one day. Darien: With Wyatt? Brynn: Not in the beginning, maybe. Darien: I’m sorry-.. for everything. Brynn: Is okay, I have also trodden on other people to get ahead sometimes. Darien: You seem pretty understanding about it all. Brynn: Life is too short for grudges and regret, no? People change. Darien: I suppose you’re right. Brynn: You know he is called Kaito now? Darien: I know, where’d you think he got his paperwork from?
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Brynn: Ohh, you are very clever. Darien: It’s who you know, not what. Brynn: That is true. Darien: Okay, your flight’s booked for tomorrow night at eleven thirty-four. Brynn: Is already tomorrow. Darien: Tonight, then. Brynn: Ough, I am nervous now! Darien: He might take it.. okay-ish? I feel like I don’t know him as well as I used to. Brynn: In a good way though, yes? Darien: Yeah, I think so.
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tojiscrack · 1 day ago
Omg I actually don't know why I'm so nervous to write and send this ask because it probably won't even be seen- idk- I'm just in the presence of such awesomeness rn 🤧
ANYWAYS, I'm literally such a HUGEEE fan of LL 🥹 It's my whole life and I love the way you write 🫶 Your characters, your story, just everything is pure perfection ❤️ I ACTUALLY CONSUME ALL THE FAN WORKS TOO like you've created such an amazing community I swear and everyone seems so lovely - it's honestly delicious.
SO I actually really wanted to share some hcs for your LL OCs because I love all of them, they're so mwah! BUT I PROBABLY GOT THEIR CHARACTERS SO WRONGG SO THAT'S...NOT 😀 BUT I JUST FELT LIKE I HAD TO HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS ON THEM ANYWAYS 😢 (I am so sorry. I actually cannot write anything to save my life)
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OK AND ALSO I see all these incredible artworks and I would honestly contribute BUT I can't draw 😔 AT ALL. And I feel like your fic is too good for that. But I would absolutely LOVE to do a silly cosplay of Kai or something BECAUSE I JUST LOVE HIM AND I FEEL LIKE THAT'D BE SO FUN but I wasn't sure if that was okay?? Idk maybe I'm just super worried for no reason but I just had to check because I want to be respectful and I don't want to share/post anything without asking first 😓
(why does this feel so short and long at the same time- I WILL WRAP THIS UP)
ERM- So do you think it'd be ok to cosplay him and put it on TT or I can put it on Insta if you prefer??? I really don't know sbsj
I THINK THAT'S REALLY ALL 😀 But GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR EXAMS I FULLY BELIEVE IN YOU 🙏 Make sure you don't forget to take breaks and eat and sleep whilst you're busy studying 😢
‘don't know why I'm so nervous to write and send this ask because it probably won't even be seen-‘ — well you must be new here 🤨 i never ignore any of my asks, it does just take me some time to get through them all 😭
but we’re here now 😋
‘I'm just in the presence of such awesomeness rn’ — i know 😋
but i’m soooo pleased you like LL as much as you do 😩 i love writing it and answering asks and talking and AKISJSJS, you’re the sweetest person ever, truly
the works that the community have also provided are amazing, you’re so right about that 😋 i’m so glad you’re part of it now, welcome! <3
‘you've created such an amazing community I swear and everyone seems so lovely’ — firstly, THEY AREEE, idk how i got such a beautiful community of people all at once, it’s genuinely so refreshing like idek how to describe it
but i have to correct you. i didn’t create this community. i made LL, that’s for sure, but the community being its wonderful self is ALLL them (and now you! 🥹). i’m so thankful you have no idea, like UGHHH 😩❤️
‘SO I actually really wanted to share some hcs for your LL OCs because I love all of them, they're so mwah!’ — 😧
let’s go through them <3
#1: Half of Miss B's wardrobe is either in #ab06d4 OR #ab868 EITHER OF THESE SPECIFIC COLOURS
miss b, just in case anyone was wondering, isn’t exactly a LL oc. she’s the baker girl from nanami’s memory in canon, but gege hates putting names to the women he introduces (aHEM mamaguro 🤨) so i had to just give her a cute little nickname 😭
so honestly, this hc passes bc i’m not gege and have no idea what miss B would wear HAHA ✅
#2: Either Kai's parents are super supportive or they're "it's just a phase" people
random kai lore (i see how you used the name he prefers HAHAHA, he’d love you for that) but he doesn’t have a dad 😀
i don’t… know… if… it’s telling… but…
you can probably imagine why he left. and his mum initially thought it was a phase, till it just kept going. now she’s an exhausted woman who just wants a normal son 😭
#3: When Y/N's dad leaves for work, when he looks at souvenirs he's like "yep, I just know [character] would love that" and does those dad chuckles to himself YK WHAT I MEANNDJJSJS
pretty sure it was mentioned in one of the chapters before (can’t remember which one) but he brings back souvenirs from his trips and brings lots of stuff for megumi - since they both have a common interest: animals.
you depict him so well in ur mind, i’m thankful 😭
#4: When Chad is "popular" with the girls (because yk average jock core or whatever) but he always plays it down and he's way too nice about it even if he's not into them
this hc passes as canon too! ✅
we’ve established how he’s not the typical mean-guy-chad we see in those 2000s films, which mc loves commenting on. he’s just a chill guy 🤷🏽‍♀️
#5: All the kindergarten teachers/staff are still recovering from Y/N like they still tell the mini mercupine tales sometimes (but....in a less traumatising way)
oh i hadn’t thought of this…
✅ LL canon :)
they definitely think of mercupine at times. and i have a rough draft of an interaction they have in the future…
but the mercupine tales? absolutely. they’d be examples to the next generation of kindergarteners
#6: At some point one of the characters that probably wouldn't ever (e.g. Y/N's mother or Miss B) have actually referred to Megumi as "porcupine", just because of Y/N calling him that, PURELY ACCIDENTALLY AS WELL just a slip of the tongue or somethin
it could’ve been any of the characters tho, since ‘porcupine’ is so commonly used. but just wait till it’s used by the wrong people…
#7: Oliver is always out of some kind of loop. He's that one person that doesn't check their phone enough or something and misses HALF of the stuff going on
i didn’t have a story background for oliver, honestly. my main ocs are mc, mc’s parents/family, chad, malakai, and any frequently-mentioned extras you might meet later on.
so whatever you wanna depict oliver as, it’s ✅ canon to me too 😋
‘I see all these incredible artworks and I would honestly contribute BUT I can't draw AT ALL’ — honestly, don’t even sweat it, drawing is a SKILL that only the most patient people have 😭
‘I would absolutely LOVE to do a silly cosplay of Kai or something BECAUSE I JUST LOVE HIM AND I FEEL LIKE THAT'D BE SO FUN but I wasn't sure if that was okay??’ — GIRL IT’S FINE??? 😭
this is the first time someone’ll ever cosplay a LL character anyway and i’m ??? like levitating and so overwhelmed bc i didn’t even think of this being a thing? 😧
GO FOR IT OMG, and if you don’t mind, tag me too! <3 i’d loveee to see how you do it (i’m sure you’ll nail it, he’s just a typical crazy emo HAHAH)
you can post it on any social you want. tho if it’s on any social other than tumblr, you’re gonna have to drop by and lmk you’re user bc i don’t have a tt that’s not my private one haha 😭 and now it’s my time to ask if you’d let me link it on the LL q&a page here. it’s where i attach all the community stuff for the fic :)
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buckypascal · 1 year ago
Kahhori is simply the most badass woman to ever exist
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