#i <3 heartshipping
watermelonieowo · 1 year
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Heartshipping comms from a while ago!!
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basicallyjaywalker · 11 months
It's hilarious to me that almost all of the M/F ships in Ninjago do the typical portmanteau of names while M/M and F/F ships get cool as hell names
Like you have Kailor and Pixane
Then you have Plasmashipping, Oppositeshipping, Amberphoenixshipping, samuraishipping
It's just fascinating
The exception is Jaya but even then people (including myself) usually refer to them as Jaya and not the infinitely cooler shockwaveshipping or stormshipping (I've seen both)
What im saying is we need cool names for Kailor and Pixane or at least Pixane (I am not biased at all) so if anyone knows of one send them to me
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koutone-moved · 2 years
If you ever have the time, I’d love to see heartshipping in your style ;3; love your art so much!!!
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URGHHH I LOVE LOVE HEARTSHIPPING ❤️❤️ I took inspiration from this wonderful comic by @amarcia for this bc I love it so much... ;-;
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justapalspal · 8 months
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So here is my self-made fic reading and commenting challenge bingo card. Categories will also be listed under the cut lol
I tried to make this as specific to my fic reading track record as possible given that, well, it’s a challenge for me, but if anyone’s interested in me making a spruced up version for others to use just let me know!! Also feel free to make your own version custom-tailored to your own reading habits and read along with me (when I get to reading) because, as they say, it’s free real estate :)))
You’ll notice that many of these categories could overlap with each other, which I did on purpose as a way to encourage me to read more instead of less (I might get discouraged to read something if, say, it doesn’t get me a bingo) which I think with this selection reading more is possible to achieve!!
As for the technical aspects of this, I originally came up with 26 categories and then used a random number generator to determine placements (the two categories that didn’t get used, surprisingly, were Tendies and Malik Ishtar Centric) and put a free space in the middle because oh golly we love us a free space don’t we <33
I’m thinking of either doing this as a two week, four week, or 31 day challenge… will just have to see what I end up projecting I have time for!! But for now, at least I have a card mocked up
TLDR Bingo time here we come (soon!!)
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spideyladman · 15 days
For the ship bingo: Artistic Jokes/Art Shitposts and........ The Pink And Green mentally ills (Derres and Kee) >:]€ (they popped into my head second lol-) (if you don't want that, maybe Gyro and Lunaris :3)
Artistic Jokes/Art Shitposts here!!!
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Then the Pink and Green Mentally Ills!!! (I forgor to add that and I always thought of Derres as ouple- 💀)
(Also didn't add the tick on the content one because. Youre the creator of their illness and I talk with you all the time i know these mfs like they're my neighbours lmfao- 😭😭😭)
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And now for Galactic Heartship!!!
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koutone · 6 months
What are your fav things about your top 3 ships?
Like, a specific thing or dynamic that you notice in the ship that makes it so special to you
OOO i love this question!!!
for thief and vex i can immediately point to the DRAMA and the chaotic result of putting two characters that would normally hate each other in a room and then adding the x ingredient of "but what if they ALSO wanted to kiss" to the mix and just sitting back and watching that unfold. I just love enemies to lovers so much man. thats just what initially attracts me to them--ofc theres a LOT more that makes me want to really sink my teeth into them individually. i like ships where the characters' feelings for the other take a while to develop and usually take a slow but noticeable shift from one thing to the other as a result of each of them learning to respect the other and seeing them as "worthy" in a way... i also love when one of them is a tsundere lil shit so much LOL
heartshipping is erm. NONE OF THAT LOL so it's a special case. i think the one quality it shares with the other two is that the two characters are in opposite sides of a conflict (although not really by choice) and that makes for good angst. heart is just a feel-good ship for me and i think thats what i like about it? there's this mutual understanding between them about what they've been through, they're looking out for each other and care deeply for one another and they have a good time together. i think thats sweet.
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millenniumringg · 10 months
Was tagged by my beloveds @justapalspal. and @yuusaris to do the "share a few paragraphs from your WIP" tag game :3 I've been kind of radio silent on my fics lately so here's my chance to prove I've been working on stuff LMAO
If you wanna do this, DO IT!! I don't know who to tag off the top of my head cuz tired... but DO THIS IF U WANT!!! YEAH YOU!!!!
So, here are some bits from some of my WIPs :-) there may be spoilers for some fics like Ghostbusters and Clean Sneak, but nothing too detailed ;)
From Ghostbusters! A Yugioh AU
(From the unfortunately delayed final chapter (im so sorry its gonna come i swear) where Ryou and Yugi are desperately trying to figure out how to solve the current Ghost Dilemma that is rapidly consuming Domino)
Ryou held the phone out between himself and Yugi. They waited, holding their breath in hopes they might actually get someone to answer the phone.
“Kaiba Corp, how can I assist you?”
Ryou and Yugi stared at each other. They weren’t really expecting an answer.
“Um,” Yugi quickly spoke up, “Yes, um, is Seto Kaiba available?”
“I’m sorry sir. Mister Kaiba is very busy. I can take a—”
“Busy with what?” Ryou challenged. “Listen lady, I don’t know if you’ve been outside, but it’s like night of the living dead out there. Get Kaiba on the phone and tell him it’s the Ghostbusters.”
“The Ghostbusters? I… I’m not sure if he—”
Yugi groaned. “Please just get him on the phone. He needs our help and we need his. It’s an emergency!”
The woman on the other line made a distressed hum. She seemed nervous, but Ryou and Yugi knew there was no time to lose.
Eventually, the woman sighed. “Please hold.”
When the line went quiet, Ryou grinned at Yugi.
“Oh my god, I can’t believe that actually worked.”
Yugi nodded, but his excitement quickly faded. “That was the easy part, though.”
From The Clean Sneak
(Continuing from the train capture gone awry, Yugi, Atem, Mai, and Isis must come up with a plan to get Amir away from Ryou)
“I promised to look out for my brothers, Mai.”
“Isis…” Mai hummed with uncertainty, for she recognized that determined look in Isis’ eyes. “What are you doing?”
“I’m saving Amir from himself.” Isis pushed her rifle into Mai’s hands before reaching behind herself to pull out a revolver. The handle was wooden with beautiful, delicate pearl designs embedded into it. She opened up the cylinder, counting the bullets inside.
“Three shots Mai,” She continued, but Mai wasn’t convinced.
“Three shots and what? You’ll shoot him and drag him off the train?! Isis, you’re not thinking straight. We have to—”
“We have to save Ryou. I’m saving my brother. My family.” Isis opened up the sleeper car door, her revolver in hand. “I’m just going to talk to him.”
“Talk to him?!” All three of the others in the train car exclaimed, looking at Isis in shock.
“Sweetie, I don’t think he wants to talk anymore. I think you need to think this over a little more—”
From an untitled Heartshipping ficlet
(I'm currently working on something for @ninjam117 's birthday... so here's a snippet of that >:) )
Thinking about it made Yugi blush. He put his head in his hands, angry at himself for having such… tainted thoughts about a stranger. About an alluring young man. A pale, green-eyed, white-haired angel. 
Yugi groaned to himself. He was hopeless. The man wasn’t coming. It was well past midnight. Probably 2am. He should get some rest already. He was sure the young man had better places to be anyway. 
With a heavy sigh, Yugi straightened up. He tilted his head toward the moon in the distance, gazing at it and the stars momentarily before forcing himself to turn away. 
With his head low, Yugi quietly shut the balcony French doors. He shut all the curtains, then crawled into bed, not even bothering to take his party garments off. 
The sheer curtains over the French doors did little to hide the moonlight. It bothered Yugi, for the light was so pale and magical. A perfect night to experience something… new. Something fantastic.
Yugi’s eyelids grew heavy. His blinking slowed as he stared at the edge of his bed, at the elegant night sky. 
It was quiet. Peaceful. 
Eventually, Yugi shut his eyes, sleep having taken him over.
From Cornered 2 title pending maybe
(Yes I'm making a sequel, yes I'm insane. First snippet is from chapter 1)
It didn’t take long at all for the two to peel their clothes off. They’d done it countless times before. It was almost as routine to shower together as it was to work out together.
The water was running. Malik and Ryou were kissing, holding each other almost unbearably close.
“We’re going to be late,” Malik murmured between kisses, but Ryou was relentless. He held onto Malik’s head and kissed him over and over again. Eventually, Malik had to pull himself free to laugh.
Ryou groaned. He leaned his head into the crook of Malik’s neck, his arms wrapped around his lover’s body.
“Fine.” But Ryou didn’t move. He closed his eyes, reveling in the peace that came with being close to Malik.
Malik hugged Ryou back. They stood under the running water for a while, content to remain in the embrace for as long as possible.
“I love you,” Ryou whispered, not wanting to ruin the peace by speaking too loud.
Malik smiled. He held Ryou tighter and kissed Ryou’s head.
“I love you, too.”
Ryou pulled away. He looked at Malik, thankful his face was already red from the run so Malik couldn’t see how much he was blushing. He felt over Malik’s shoulders, trailing his hands down along his chest and to his sides.
“Do you want me to wash your hair?” Malik asked. Ryou closed his eyes, took in a deep breath and nodded.
Ryou turned around and let Malik do his wonders. His hands were so gentle. So warm and kind and never malicious.
“Is this okay?” He would ask frequently and Ryou would reply, “Yes. Perfect.”
“I think you might be due for a trim soon,” Malik commented. “Your hair is getting longer.”
Ryou hummed. “Yeah. Probably.”
Malik gently tilted Ryou’s head back to rinse the soap out. Then, of course, as always, Ryou did the same for Malik. 
“Do you remember when we first did this?” Ryou asked, keeping his eyes fixated on the lathering task. “And we cried.”
Malik let out a thoughtful hum. “Of course I do.”
Ryou smiled a little. The memory was bittersweet, but felt more sweet as time went on.
“...Is everything okay?” Malik asked, hesitance in his tone.
“Everything is just fine,” Ryou replied, tilting Malik’s head back to rinse the soap. He hummed happily.
From Cornered 2... But some time later in the fic
(Another taste of what's inevitably to come in Cornered 2 but THATS IT no more sippies ... maybe)
Ryou forced his legs to back away. He forced his eyes to tear away, but nothing seemed to help. The gym spun around him. Voices that weren’t there were on a loop, getting louder and louder. 
He hurried to the locker room, bumping into one or two people along the way. His shoulders were tense, his hands balled up tight.
Unfortunately, the locker room did not provide the solace Ryou, for some reason, thought it would. 
Stiffly, Ryou sat down on the bench, holding his head in his hands. 
He wanted this to stop. He wanted the voices to stop. He wanted the panic to stop. 
But thinking such things only made it worse. It wasn’t going to stop. It was never going to stop. These things already happened to him. Ryou couldn’t go back in time and fix it. He couldn’t go back and… and…
You’re never going to forget me, you know.
“I know,” Ryou said aloud, answering the voice in his head. 
Every time you sleep, you’ll dream of me.
“I know,” Ryou said louder. 
Every time you close your eyes—
“I SEE YOU!” Ryou shouted abruptly, rising to his feet. 
“I see you every day! I hear you every day! Shut up! Be quiet! Just be fucking quiet!”
Ryou wanted to punch the lockers. He wanted to throw all of his things and roll on the floor and sob, but the only thing he could bring himself to do was stand in the middle of the locker room and yell.
“Fuck you,” Ryou said aloud again, smashing his hand into his locker before pulling it open aggressively. “I’m in control. I’m in control. I AM IN CONTROL!”
“Are you..?”
Ryou nearly screamed. He jumped, not expecting Jounouchi’s voice to be so close. 
Oh god. Ryou had forgotten he was in public. The locker room wasn’t empty. Dozens of eyes were staring at him. 
Ryou thought he might throw up.
“Hey, Touzoku, it’s okay—”
Ryou shoved Jounouchi’s hands away. He didn’t know why, though. He could really use the comfort. 
…The only comfort he wanted, though, was the only comfort he couldn’t have.
“I-I…” Ryou swallowed. He searched for words that weren’t angry or rude or frantic, but it was hard. “I’m leaving. I need to go.”
Jounouchi frowned. He stepped away as Ryou chaotically shoved things in his gym bag and walked out of the locker room.
“Where are you going? Let me drive you.”
“I can drive myself,” Ryou said through gritted teeth, though he didn’t want to. He didn’t want to be mean to Jounouchi at all, but right now that was all he could give him.
“Please, Touzoku,” Jounouchi urged, following Ryou outside. “Something is wrong. You’re not—”
“Of course something is wrong!” Ryou practically screeched, whirling around to glare at Jounouchi. “Something has been wrong with me for four fucking years, Katsuya! I can’t get away from a man in prison and my fucking fiancee is in a fucking coma!”
Ryou was out of breath. People in the gym were gathered by the front door, watching the commotion. 
“Jounouchi,” Ryou breathed. “I..” He put a hand up in the air, shaking his head. “I can’t. I need to see Malik. That’s all I want to do right now.”
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bakawitch · 8 months
I see that you ship Casteshipping, then you also ship Klepto, Heart or Fragile? What are your opinion of them?
Yep, Caste/Kingshipping is in my top 3!
To be completely honest, Klepto is a bit weird for me... like I don't hate it, but I'm not crazy about it either. I don't really have any real issues with it, it's just not for me, I think. I know many people who consider this their bread and butter and good for them! (All amazing people, btw.) I can see why people would be really into this ship. It definitely has potential, and I've read a couple of fics about it, and there are some amazing fanart of them circling around. I really love most ships under the Trapship umbrella, but for some reason, Klepto/Bound in a monogamous relationship just doesn't really work for me? And I literally dont know why! I guess I just I prefer these two together in polycules, lol.
Heartshipping, on the other hand, is really cute! King of Games Yugi and his "I'm what's known as a gamer" boyfriend Ryou is just a really sweet and wholesome couple. Just imagine the hijinks they can get up to together! ninjam117 has a really cool mermaid heartship fic with amazing illustrations, and I'm just obsessed with it XD. It's not exactly my favourite ship, but I definitely ship them!
Fragile, I can go feral about any day, though. It's not my top ship, but I just really like it somehow? I don't even have a real reason for it. I just think they're neat. They have both angst and fluff potential, and that's more than enough for me. <3
But yeah, I also like trapshipping. It's really fun to put these 4 in a box and see what happens.
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sesshy380 · 1 month
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
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I got TWO?!?! @puzzl-d sent theirs while I was still typing this one up, so cheating and just screen capping theirs and throwing out a tag (hope you don't mind)
I am going to totally shock everyone and not self rec TWoF (longfic), mainly bc I'm at a point right now where I am wanting to abandon my current progress and start on a rewrite to make things smoother and more cohesive in the earlier chapters.
White Lady - I can't tell you how many times I've re-read the Bakura backstory for TWoF. The fact that it can be read stand-alone is even better.
Returned - The Gemshipping 'TKB catches a cold' fic that is another one I have re-read no less than a dozen times.
Our Scars remind Us that the Past was Real - The TKB 2nd chance fic that is still ongoing (I swear it's going to get finished, I just have to get brain to cooperate. Once I get current chapter to play nice, it won't be long before Atem comes back into the picture).
An unhealthy Obsession - The post-DSOD toxic Tendershipping fic. It's only been posted 3 months now and I've probably re-read it at least 6 or so times.
The Lion and the Mouse - This is the Malik (Yami Marik) backstory for TWoF. This one can also be read stand-alone. I do enjoy re-reading this one, but I have to re-read it directly from my docs to avoid the anxiety of seeing only 4 guest kudos when I get to the bottom. I've recently fixed a few of the tags to clarify that Malik and Safiya are in no way related in this AU (Safiya is the OC name I've given to Mrs. Ishtar).
(Friendly reminder: Please read the tags and warnings. If I forget an important one that you think should be there, please don't hesitate to reach out)
Bonus (since I got two of these):
Going to list of my 5 fave AU's that are just chilling in the Rabbit Hutch (what I call my bunny docs lol) that I find myself randomly going back and scanning over
Deathshipping AU aka. 'Running into Mister Tall, Dark, and Handsome...with a car' (unrequited angstshipping at the start)
WereKat AU (I really need to come up with names for all the weird and convoluted ships I throw Kat into lol)
NB TKB AU (this is actually the ongoing RP with @resuri-art)
YGO-WoW crossover (basically World of Warcraft with YGO characters; hinted heartshipping at the start, eventually becomes puzzle/blindshipping and gemshipping. Potential for whatever you call Yugi/Ryou/Atem/TKB polyship)
VRMMO AU (recently added to docs, but been thinking about it on and off for at least a year now; basically FFXIV meets SAO with YGO characters. Potential caste/king/darkshipping (no idea if TKB or Yami B flavor of Bakura yet))
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bastetwastaken · 2 years
ygo prompts: #8 with heartshipping? (post-canon, roommates, pining ryou, hesitant yugi, maybe a lil one-sided angst bc of puzzles)
Oooooo! Heartshipping! So much potential for sweetness and angst with these two. Thank you for choosing such a sickly sweet prompt <3
Here's a little thing about their new Friday night ritual they've developed through living together, wine, pizza and horror movies. Sounds great.
(Post DSOD, characters are 18+ and in the UK you can legally drink at that age.)
Ryou smiled as Yugi filled his glass again with the wine they both loved. This had become one of their Friday night rituals since they’d started living together. They’d get some wine, order pizza, watch bad horror movies and talk. 
He loved these nights, well, he loved any opportunity he got to spend time alone with Yugi. He wasn’t sure of the moment he’d realised that what he felt for him was stronger than friendship, but he’d embraced that feeling all the same. 
As of yet he hadn’t found a way to voice his feelings, but he was sure he would eventually…maybe. He sipped his wine. 
It may have been a long time since the spirit of the ring left along with the Pharaoh to the afterlife, but he still struggled with that feeling of loneliness which came with having so much room in your head to fill with troublesome thoughts. 
Yugi felt the same, and so it had made perfect sense for them to move in together, to become roommates in an effort to comfort each other and stave off that loneliness they both felt which no one else in their group of friends would ever really understand. 
He leaned back against the cushions of their sofa, laughing at the current scene playing out on the screen. 
Yugi moved to lean against him, Ryous' arm draped around his shoulders automatically. This was what Yugi was like when they drank, very affectionate and cuddly and he never minded that. 
He’d take any opportunity he could to be close to this man who had claimed his heart so completely. 
“I think about him a lot, ya know?” Yugi said suddenly, a slight slur to his sad words. 
Ryou took another sip of his wine, nodded, and then remembered Yugi couldn’t see him. 
“I know.” He said. 
“I never asked…” Yugi paused and turned his head to look at him for a moment. “Did you ever have what I had with Atem with…yours?” 
Ryou hummed, he knew what Yugi had with Atem. After everything that happened with Diva, Yugi had told him that he saw Atem again, that it broke his heart even more because it was just confirmation that what they had really was over. 
When he’d told Ryou what had happened when Atem was a spirit in the millennium puzzle he hadn’t been all that surprised. He knew the two were close, so that they had formed some kind of physical relationship beyond host and spirit didn’t shock him. 
“No.” He said after a moment. “Bakura had a lot of pain and anger in his heart, he had no room for me… anyway, I don’t even know how it would have worked…” 
Yugi nodded and turned away from him, finishing the wine he had in his glass and sighing as he placed it on the table next to him. 
“It was an accident for us.” Yugi said. “Well…not an accident…um, anyway, you know the word I mean.” 
Ryou hummed in agreement, but he had no idea what Yugi meant. 
“Anyway!” Yugi said loudly. “I just…when we realised we could talk properly face to face in the Puzzle, we spent a lot of time there and one day I just… I looked at him and I was like ‘I want you to kiss me.’ You know?” 
“Uh… yeah?” He said quietly, finishing the rest of his wine too. 
“And he did and it was…” Yugi stopped and sighed happily. “I should move on really… but like, have you ever looked at someone and just…really wanted them to kiss you?” Yugi asked. 
Ryou sighed softly, shrugging as he looked down at where Yugi's head was resting against his shoulder, untamed spikes brushed against his cheek as he moved. 
“Not that often.” He said. 
Yugi looked up at him and Ryou found himself breathless for a moment. Yugi's cheeks were a delicate pink from the alcohol, his eyes so soft and relaxed but full of curiosity as he moved again, sitting up and turning to face him. 
“Ryou?” Yugi asked, tilting his head to the side like a curious puppy. 
“Yeah?” He replied, shifting to put his glass on the table next to Yugis, intending to reach for the bottle again. 
“Has anyone ever kissed you?” Yugi asked him. 
Ryou bit his lip and looked to the side, his alcohol clouded mind trying to consider the possibilities of this conversation and where it would get him and why that really mattered at all really. 
“I’ve never really wanted someone to…” He said awkwardly, looking back at Yugi who was waiting patiently for his answer, his eyes moved down to Yugi's lips without his permission and he understood what Yugi had said earlier about looking at someone and wanting them to kiss you. 
“No one?” Yugi asked, his voice a little disappointed. 
“Well I guess if anybody were to kiss me,” He paused and shrugged. “…I would want that person to be you.”
He was so glad to have said something finally after months of living with Yugi and having to learn more about him and realising that what he wanted from him wasn’t just friendship. 
Without the confidence the alcohol had given him, he probably wouldn't have said anything for years, if at all.
Yugi smiled at him, a soft laugh falling from his lips as he moved a little closer, his leg pressed against Ryou’s as he simply looked at him and he wasn’t quite sure where to go from here. Luckily Yugi seemed willing to show him. 
He found himself leaning closer when Yugi did, his heart in his throat as a gentle hand came to rest against his cheek and hold him still. Yugi was so warm, and he was so close… but there was hesitation in his actions, he was waiting for something. 
His eyes moved to Yugi's lips again slowly. He wanted Yugi to kiss him so desperately. 
Yugi laughed quietly then moved forward, eyes closing and Ryou followed suit. His lips were so soft and warm as they pressed against his slowly, gently, and despite the haze in his mind from the alcohol Ryou felt his stomach fill with butterflies as the reality of what was happening hit him.
Yugi was kissing him, he was kissing Yugi, and it was better than he ever thought it would be. 
He sighed happily when Yugi moved away, their lips parted but he didn’t pull away completely, his eyes opened briefly, catching Yugi's questioning gaze and he smiled, moving his hands to Yugi's face and pulling him closer again. 
Each gentle kiss seemed too short, questioning and searching but Ryou was happy to reassure Yugi that this was what he wanted, that this was so much more than okay with him. 
He met Yugi's testing kisses with his own, soft sighs left his lips in between those gentle kisses and eventually the short kisses grew longer, Yugi pressed closer to him then shifted away for just long enough to clumsily slide into his lap. 
Ryous hands slid down to his hips, holding them firmly as Yugi's lips found his again.
----------- Want to send an ask?- Have a look at the list and what's okay here ^.^
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mihrsuri · 9 months
Tagged by @holy-ships-x-red-lips <3333 - thank you kindly.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?: I have :gulp: 232. Bear in mind this is over a number of many years though - I had some on my ff.net account that I deleted and some on AO3 I deleted and also some that just live on LJ/DW or on tumblr (trying to get the ones on tumblr posted to AO3 even if they are just tiny little things)
3. What fandoms do you write for? Tudors, TWW (had a resurgence!), Grishaverse, Hunger Games (also had a resurgence), Tortall/Emelan. But I’m a multifandom person - I have written for Band of Brothers, Doctor Who, Narnia (mostly little bits and pieces - I wrote a Narnia/West Wing fic once), Harry Potter, Law and Order UK, Spooks, A Little Princess…a lot of things. Also one (one) Rings of Power fic.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Undertow [Criminal Minds] - cowritten <3.
It’s Not Because Of You (It’s Because Of Me) [Ted Lasso]
Five Times Out Of Many David Rossi Realised He Was Happily Doomed [Criminal Minds]
To Dwell In Enchantment [Criminal Minds]
If I Could Go Back [Criminal Minds] - cowritten <3
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I do my absolute best - I love and treasure all the comments I get (the kind ones) but sometimes my brain/spoons do not allow it but I am working on! And I absolutely treasure all of them.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hope Deferred Maketh Something [Criminal Minds | West Wing apocalypse fic starring Jason Gideon and Toby Ziegler] - it’s actually not without hope, though not for the character in question. I really don’t write things without any hope - or at least it’s very ‘the fall matters’ about it.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? The entirety of the Tudors OT3 verse is just me going ‘what if alt history was actually ‘we end up with the kindest possible world partly because of the butterfly effect of bi poly secret marriage’ and I refuse to apologise for it.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I got one that made me want to stop writing/stop living once tbh. Which is partly why I’ve done the comment moderation/have anon asks turned off - because I know that if someone sends me hate it will, bluntly get to me. But I really don’t get much at all.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I did and now I don’t but also I do. For trauma brain reasons all kink is for me, profoundly triggering which is not a kink related judgement at all (consensual kink is awesome) just a Trauma Bullshit Poison thing. And also so is sex. But uh, I do write it because Tiny Fictional People (or Fictional Versions Of Historical People) in my brain give me the story. Also last year I wrote knife kink and it was weirdly healing despite it remaining one of my biggest triggers (I think sometimes that writing people finding joy in a thing has helped a lot with realising how wrong what happened to me was even if it’s still triggering? If that makes any sense?)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I write many many crossovers. I will do it again. I will write crossovers with crossovers. I will write AU crossovers. I think maybe the craziest one was, no wait that was an AU. I think it was probably the Sherlock/Pundits me and @bibliothekara threw back and forth. Although the Thick Of It/LOUK is pretty cool tbh. Oh and @maevedarlings and I throw crossovers back and forth like ‘listen Band of Brothers and Wonder Woman though’
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? From memory I would say no.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes and it was delightful (I co-wrote with friends a bunch and had the best time and we do still throw shared universes back and forth).
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? Oh gosh so many. But my ultimate OTPs are like: Beren/Luthien and Eowyn/Faramir. Heartships.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Maybe one day I will finish (by which I mean significantly rework and rewrite) Into The Fire. Maybe.
16. What are your writing strengths? AUs. I am very good at AUs I think - world building them, coming up with them.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? DIALOGUE. UGH.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? One day I will become proficient enough in Hebrew to do this I swear (I’d want to know the meaning of what I was writing before I did - mostly now I’m like ‘I’m going to have them say ‘murmured an endearment in [language] which is helpful because I am currently writing three language nerds who know at least three languages each)
19. First fandom you wrote for? Online it was The Bill. Offline I did in fact write Arthurian OT3 fix it fic and also The X-Files. And The Scarlet Pimpernel. I made up a lot of stories about those.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written? Such A Time As This (aka the Jewish Anne Boleyn Esther Retelling) - it is so personal to me as a Biracial Mizrahi Jewish Woman (specifically a Persian Jewish woman) and I am genuinely proud of myself for getting over my ‘am I X enough though’ to post it.
I tag (if you want to): @lorata @theladyelizabeth @boleynecklace @shes-a-voodoo-child @jackironsides @ruffboijuliaburnsides @gen-is-gone
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girl-of-ink · 2 years
For the ask game: Yugioh, Komaeda x Hajime, and L Death Note! Feel free to do more also, I think you should do bakugo also for the character one just 4 fun ❤️❤️
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character:
Yugi!!! he's my blorbo i love him so much i'd kill 4 him
Least Favorite character:
umm yami marik scares me. his duel against mai in the manga is utterly terrifying
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
PUZZLESHIPPING! the ship ever. soulmates. they ARE canon to me i'm sorry
wishshipping! nothing like some good old yuujou <3
dragonshipping, very underrated in my opinion, atem loves jou so fucking much
would it be cheating so say feathershipping here? puzzle + wish + dragon, what's not 2 like?
heartshipping. they're cute :)
Character I find most attractive:
mai <3
Character I would marry:
Character I would be best friends with:
i wanna hang out with yugi so bad, yuugi mutou are you free this friday let me know if u want to hang out this friday when i am free
a random thought:
nobody understands atem actually. there are like 3 fic authors who Get Him and everyone else is wrong i'm sorry
An unpopular opinion:
yugi IS a better duelist than atem. some of you know this and are correct, but many people out there are blind to the truth.
My Canon OTP:
very funny to me that there are literally no canon ships in yugioh. takahashi was like "ok i'm gonna set up the barebones for some ships" and then he just. never came back to them ever. the peachshipping scene in duelist kingdom is so cute and then it just never happens again. iconic. in my mind puzzle is canon tho so i'll go w/ that <3
My Non-canon OTP:
it's still puzzle! they're everything 2 me. in theory i like lots of other ygo ships but i only ever actually read or care about puzzle sorry
Most Badass Character:
i guess it's atem? but that's not the side of him that i like the most, i prefer him when he's just a guy
Most Epic Villain:
thief king bakura is kinda sick not gonna lie. his intro when he breaks into the castle w/ atem's dad's mummy is so cool and sexy of him
Pairing I am not a fan of:
prideshipping can never work tbh i'm sorry. the only acceptable prideshipping is insane pining kaiba and atem just being like. okay. can i go home now i want to see my partner. dude just literally does not care
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
kisara girl in another world i KNOW you would have fucked so hard
Favourite Friendship:
...it's still puzzle. am i boring you yet?
Character I most identify with:
this is kind of a hard question. i don't think i'm that similar to any of them actually. but i guess atem is my uwu sadboy that i can project on sometimes
Character I wish I could be:
tbh i want yugi's life where's MY magic jewelry that has my soulmate inside it
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them:
tbh immediately upon starting the game. during their first conversation i was like. yeah i'm not gonna be normal about this
My thoughts:
they're in love and they're really so very bad at it <3
What makes me happy about them:
island mode is so funny actually, komaeda is a horrible guy to date. anywhere you take him there's like a 50/50 chance of him being like. god this sucks i thought you liked me but i guess you hate me goodbye forever. and then hinata shakes it off and goes out with him again. over and over. obsessed with the unpredictability of this man. he is SO bitchy and high maintenance and yet we cannot stay away
What makes me sad about them:
komaeda's attitude change post-final dead room is really both funny and very sad to play. one day he's your insane bestie who loves you so much and the next day he's like actually i hate you, you are a worthless little worm with no talent and i can't fucking stand being in the same room with you. :((((((((( bestie don't say that
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
you can't make komaeda normal. please god you cannot do that to him. i'm so utterly obsessed with everything that's wrong with him that if you try to fix him, i will simply not read it
Things I look for in fanfic:
i really like it when fic writers are able to turn the funny repeated voice lines like "THAT'S WRONG!!!!" or "I AGREE WITH THAT!" into plot-relevant and emotionally affecting moments
My wishlist:
i want them to make out and be weird and fucked up together idk
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
tbh i don't think komaeda could be with anyone else. hinata theoretically could go out w/ other characters, esp chiaki, but i wouldn't really care. hinanami is far too normal for me, it's the insanity of komaeda that really draws me in, so hinata could definitely go out w/ nanami, i simply would not read it or care about it
My happily ever after for them:
i guess they cure komaeda's cancer and get him to a more functional but still insane mental state and then they hang out and bother each other forever. they get married someday and komaeda still says the usual komaeda shit about "wow i'm so happy right now, i wonder who's going to die because of this :)"
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character:
he's SO cool and awesome and i like him so much.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character:
yeah it's just light.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:
we barely see this, but i do like to imagine L's relationship w/ the other wammy kids.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
DO NOT, i repeat, DO NOT make him normal or nice or sane. you cannot sadboy woobify this man into being a sympathetic romantic lead. he is absolutely just as insane and unethical as light and this fact must be acknowledged
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
i wish he & light had angrily made out at least once before L died. they really both needed it so bad
Favorite friendship for this character:
i guess maybe naomi?
My crossover ship:
tbh i simply do not have any crossover ships for anything. ships stay in their canon for me
How I feel about this character:
i literally cannot stand him. he may be one of my least favorite fictional characters ever written. he sucks so bad that he drives me completely insane every second he's on screen. i would kill him if i saw him irl
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character:
kirishima, i guess? but i don't like care about it bc that would involve caring about bakugo.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character:
like. bakugo & going to therapy? bakugo & staying dead this time ???
My unpopular opinion about this character:
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
i wish he would die❤️ or at the very least he should go to therapy, apologize to izuku, and then never show up onscreen again
Favorite friendship for this character:
i don't care
My crossover ship:
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uniasus · 1 year
Worked on Chess Child on a plane today (the women next to me were like, are you an author? and i was like ...yeees...😏). Pushing 15k now, and as I'll be home again soon I'll be able to post ch 3 in a bit.
That's when the Puzzleshipping angst really gets going,
Man, I restrained myself on the plane. No smut flashback for you all in chapter 5. Still debating about an onscreen heartshipping scene in chapter 6 though.
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justapalspal · 7 months
Tumblr media
I’ve left two (2) comments on two oneshots that add to my “five under 10k fics” and “five post-canon fics” tallies!! AND one of them checks off my “heartship shenanigans” category!! Ergo,
FIVE UNDER 10k FICS — 1/5 -> 3/5
That’s two squares we have checked off now!! Ever closer and closer to a chance at that bingo!!
I also read and commented on one chapter of the longfic I’m currently reading, which is a nice, relaxing pace to be reading at. Manageable, for now. We’ll see when I start binging again 😂😂
Yesterday’s Comment Total: 3 comments
Overall Comment Total (So Far): 7 comments!!
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dominonary · 2 years
Love your arts very much!! They are such joy to see every time I logged in here <3 Do you have other pairings you like aside from Rivalship?
thank you so much!! i adore your art and content too, i actually found you on pixiv first and then on tumblr and was delighted both times <3 i'd love to do art trades someday if you want!!
yeah, i have a lot of ships, haha! rivalshipping is probably my biggest one, with flareshipping and prideshipping up there as well. wishshipping and dragonshipping as well, plus thiefshipping and angstshipping. i've been getting more into puzzleshipping and heartshipping recently too, plus powershipping!
honorary shoutout also to shrimpshipping, buddyshipping, coinshipping, fataleshipping, mobiumshipping, tornshipping, and battleshipping. honestly i could probably see myself getting into more ships as well if i found content that works for me, i'm an unrepentant multishipper DSJKGFDKSDGKF
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bonjourxrenae · 2 years
Back from a Hiatus (Sort of!)
Hey, y'all! What a crazy couple years it's been...
Hope everyone is doing well! <3
Just wanted to give some mutuals an update, now that I'm in a much better headspace/living condition to be writing in...
First of all, some goals for next year:
HWS: Finish all multi-chapter fics I have been working on: (Your Horizon [10/??], Seal Lord [2/??], Shape of the Beast [1/3])
HWS: Begin writing Nyo!Lietpol Utena AU <3 <3
HWS: Begin writing LietBel Ghost Hunter AU
HWS: Finish ChuLiet fic
HWS: Begin writing Chocolatier AU
YGO: Start publishing multi-chapter Puzzleshipping Utena AU (YES I AM WRITING TWO OF THESE AUs??? I MIGHT BE INSANE)
YGO: Collaborative AUs with my partner (they're writing an angsty Heartshipping Ghost Hunter AU, and we have another one we maaaay just have to collaborate on in the future :3c)
YGO: In general, it's been like TWENTY YEARS since I last wrote fanfic for Yu-Gi-Oh! DM, but clearly Quite A Lot has happened in my life since I was, idk twelve?? so I'm gonna try some character study drabbles and see where I end up!
Cosplay wise, I'm not sure if I will ever get back into Hetalia... I do still have most of my Nyotalia cosplay lineup, and I hope to maybe have some legit photoshoots with them in the future...
I definitely have a YGO cosplay lineup (see: new icon) and honestly I'm ... kind of excited to get working on them??? (Considering how daunting YGO hair is, I'm surprised????)
But anyway, that is... what I'm up to, and where I'm at!
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