#hypnotism whump
loonybun · 2 months
I like to imagine faerie magic that’s used on humans has similar vibes to the myth of the lotus eaters if that makes any sense. Just a divine sense of sweetness and peace that makes you forget any worries you’ve ever had. In fact, it makes you forget a lot of things. Why go through the trouble of thinking when you don’t need to? You’re at peace now, after all.
This would probably be specifically after giving a faerie your name, not before. They can only really start to affect people based on how much power they hold over them, after all. And if they want to put your mind at rest, there’s no better way to do it. You feel taken care of, safe, and blissful.
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oliversrarebooks · 1 year
listen to my Voice, hero
TW: mind control, hypnotic induction, intimate whumper, restraints, corruption
Are your bonds comfortable, Hero? I wouldn't want to cause any damage to your precious muscles and nerves. You are the city's shining hope, after all. Or at least, you have been until now.
Good, now we can have a proper chat. You can just listen carefully to everything I have to say. 
Oh, don't glare at me like that. How many times have we clashed now? And every time you manage to resist my lovely compelling Voice just enough to stop my plans, just enough so that I must escape by the skin of my teeth. You must have known it might come to this eventually, a time when my compulsions are too strong for you to fight, a time when my Voice finally brings you to your knees.
I've been training, dear hero, training especially for you. Training for you, because you're really the only one in this city worth controlling. You're better than all of them. We both know that. And I know how you feel about me, because I've seen the look in your eyes when my compulsions take hold of your pretty little mind.
No, no, be quiet. Be quiet.That's it, there you are. Oh, the delicious expression on your face when I use my Voice on you. I'll never get enough of it.
Most heroes look terrified, you know, to have their thoughts pulled out from under them, to find their body out of their control. Terrified, angry, defiant -- that's how the other heroes look. But you're different. In that moment when I weave my spell on you, when you feel your mind go hazy and your body stop obeying your commands, I see something else in your eyes. I see relief. Deep, unmistakable relief.
No, don't try to deny it. I've tangled with you too many times to be wrong about this. You're relieved when I compel you. You'd never admit it, not even to yourself, but you long for the way it feels. You long to have your choices taken away. You long to not have to make decisions. You long to not have to fight any more.
But every time, you fight. Every time, you break free of my Voice. And I can see the toll it takes on you. That's why I've been training so hard, Hero. So that you couldn't resist my Voice, wouldn't be able to break free. So that I could give you what you want more than anything. 
I've seen you, Hero. I've seen you at your best and at your lowest, haven't I? I understand you better than anyone else in the city. You know it's true. And I can see how exhausted you are. How you've been worked to the bone. How you never get to rest, never get a vacation. I even tried cutting back on my evil schemes in the hopes that you'd take a break, but all you did was pursue other villains twice as hard. 
There are deep bags under your eyes, Hero, marring your beautiful face. There's resignation in your tone that was never there before. I can't stand it, can't stand the way the city treats you. You're destroying yourself to save this ungrateful, useless population and all they do is criticize you. It makes me sick.
And I know what you do once you've defeated me and I escape back to my lair. I know you return to your cold, empty apartment, and curl up on the couch with some convenience food, trying to relax. I know how you toss and turn at night, wondering if you're doing the right thing. I know how lonely you are, Hero. I'm lonely too, you know.
I wish you could see how glassy and dazed your eyes are right now. It's beautiful. Listening to my Voice is so nice, isn't it? Yes, that's it, just relax.
Oh, your hair is so soft. I bet you haven't had a tender touch like this in a while. I saw you lean into it before you caught yourself. Let me run my hand through your hair, there's a good, relaxed hero. Is that a sleepy little smile I see? You like that, don't you?
In fact, you like all of this, don't you? You like having no choice but to relax and listen as my compelling Voice weaves a spell around you. You like the feeling as I slowly hypnotize your vulnerable mind, how your resistance slips away little by little. You've thought about this on those lonely nights, haven't you? What it would feel like if I won. What it would feel like to succumb to my hypnotic compulsions. What it would feel like if you stopped fighting and let me take charge of your mind completely.
Oh, don't struggle. Don't struggle. Relax.There it is again, that relief. My Voice feels good, doesn't it? It feels so good to have the fight taken out of you. Don't deny it, it's written all over your face.
You don't need to pretend you haven't thought about it. You somehow manage to always be the first hero on the scene whenever I try anything. Almost as if you're willing to drop anything to see me, isn't it?
But you were scared. I'm a villain, after all. I don't deny it. You must think I might hurt or humiliate you. Well, you can put all of your fears to rest, because I have no intention of that. I respect you far too much. I'm going to take good care of you, Hero. I'm going to give you the treatment you deserve. I'm going to help you relax. I'm going to take all your worries away.  It's going to feel amazing, Hero, I promise.
I'm sorry, were you trying to say something just now? Still trying to fight it? You'll have to speak up, it's too hard to hear you when you're so out of it.
"It's wrong"? Is that what you said, Hero?
No, what's wrong is how little reward you get for everything you do. That's why I had to do this, had to train my Voice to be strong enough to be irresistible even to you. Now I can reward you. I can give you everything you want, everything you need, beginning with the beautiful, relaxing oblivion of total and complete obedience.
You'll get other rewards, too, of course you will. Together we'll share in the riches of the city, bend everyone in power to our wills. It's what we both deserve. But this is your first and most important reward -- obedience. Nothing is more calm, relaxing, and peaceful than knowing you have no choice, than having every decision made for you.
And all you have to do is listen. 
I'm too strong for you now, Hero, my Voice too compelling. You're almost entirely under my spell, aren't you? I can see how drowsy you are, how my compulsions are putting your conscious mind to sleep.
Yes, that's it. You're too exhausted, Hero. Too tired. Too many nights with too little sleep. You need to rest. You need to stop fighting. You need to surrender.
No one will think any less of you. They'll see how powerful I've become, how easily I can command even the strongest and smartest. They'll realize you had no choice, that it was out of your hands. You won't need to feel guilt or shame. Everyone will know this wasn't your fault, that there was nothing you could do to prevent yourself falling under my villainous control. 
And the fact that you actually enjoy this, the fact that you long to give in so badly and fall under my hypnotic trance? That can be our little secret, Hero.
There we go. That's it, just a little more. Look into my eyes. Look nice and deep into my eyes while I stroke your hair and talk you down softly. Just like you've always dreamed of. No more fear, no more pain. Only sweet restful sleep and deep hypnotic trance. 
That's it, Hero. It's too late. You're too tired, too drowsy, too captured in my Voice to fight it. There's nothing to do. Nothing you have to do. Just feel yourself growing oh so dazed and sleepy as I weave my Voice around you. So comforting. So right. Exactly what you wanted. Exactly what you needed. Exactly where you belong. 
Tell me, Hero, tell me you want this.
That's it, that's it! Oh, how I've longed to hear those words from you. Tell me how my Voice makes you feel. Be honest.
Oh. Oh, my. That's... that's even better than I expected. Far, far better. You love my Voice that much? Oh, Hero, dear Hero, why didn't you say so before? You could have had this any time. I would have been more than happy to bring you to my lair and give you the hypnosis you deserve. You could have been listening to my Voice all day.
Well, it doesn't matter now, because now you can have my Voice all you want, stronger than it's ever been. Isn't that nice? Oh, look at you bob your drowsy head. I don't even need to compel agreement out of you. You're so deeply hypnotized, aren't you? Good, good. Good hero. 
My hero.
Now, why don't you go all the way under? Just keep listening and let your eyelids grow oh so heavy. Let those heavy eyes close. Don't open them again. That's a good hero. So obedient and docile. You're so, so beautiful to me, my drowsy, docile hero. 
Yes, docile. That's what you are, deep down inside. All your strength, all your determination to do the right thing, all of that is a mask that conceals who you really are. A docile and obedient little lamb. And no one needs to know that but me. I'll fulfill your deep craving to be hypnotized and controlled, and you can still be every bit as strong and determined when you're working under my orders. Doesn't that sound just perfect for you? 
All the way under, now, deep into hypnotic trance. Let your resistance fade, my hero. Let your mind fog. Let your mental defenses fall.
Surrender. Surrender and submit. Submit to me, just like you've always wanted.
You can finally feel that relief. You can finally take that rest. Because I have you now. You're mine. I'm in complete control now, my docile little hero. 
And I order you to feel nothing but bliss.
If you like this, you may like "the defiant princess" for more gentle, slow induction on a resisting subject.
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whumpsoda · 3 months
wb marsh going into the ‘polite boy’ thrall stages for the first time much to evangelines surprise
“Well isn’t this just a delightful little surprise!” The vampire exclaimed, clapping her hands in delight.
Marshall’s body swayed along with the weight of his mind, pulled by the gravitation of her magnificent spell. “Wh- um, what… isss…?” He asked, brows furrowing in the immense confusion rattling his brain as he intensely studied her nearly shocked expression.
“You’re such a nice little one all enthralled! I never would have guessed!” Tenderly, she  scritched at the underside of his chin, blissful touch that only scattered his thoughts further.
“R… really…?” Any semblance of praise strangely blossomed warmth through his chest, a sensation he’d rarely ever felt.
Patting him atop the head, the vampire’s power filled him to the brim with bouncing bubbles and cotton candy clouds, drool falling right from his parted lips. “Oh yes, my dear. All that kicking and screaming seems to fly right out the window when your brain goes along with it. Who would’ve thought that under your feral state there still lies a gentle little boy who only wants to please?”
“Uh, um… s- sorry, I… um, can’t-,”
“Poor thing,” she pouted, “your brain is so heavy right now that you must be having much trouble understanding all my big words and fast speech. Don’t worry your pretty little head about it, though, thinking is not your job. You just be all sweet and polite while I get you ready.”
He nodded along, no clue what he could be agreeing to. Marshall simply craved more of her approval and enthrallment that did so well at squashing his head to mush. “Mmm… okayyyy…”
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abhainnwhump · 11 months
Whumpee is locked in an empty dark room with a metronome. It ticks back and forth at a steady pace, 24/7. It never stops. Whumpee has no idea what time it is, how long they've been there, or even when they are fed. They can't even find the source of that metronome, it's like it changes places. Soon enough, they start going mad.
Another metronome prompt:
Whumper uses a metronome to hypnotize Whumpee and make them repeat every cruel, messed up word they say. The ticking never leaves Whumpee's mind.
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avvail-whumps · 10 months
ok so i just saw the prompt that you reblogged on your other account and.. i was wondering if you ever had the time would you write something about a hypnotized whumpee?
content warnings: intimate whumper, hypnosis, conditioned whumpee, non-con touching (not explicit), mentioned non-con (not explicit)
“Aren’t they just so pretty?”
The caretaker says nothings. It’s obvious by the grim expression on their face that they don’t particularly want to encourage the whumper’s behaviour.
The last time they had seen the whumpee, they had been kicking and screaming. Putting up a fuss any chance they got, making life as difficult as they could for their captor. They had this fire in their eyes that didn’t seem to be dying out any time soon.
But now?
They’d almost been surprised by the quietness of the house. The whumper would usually have them restrained in some way, and they’d be writhing and kicking up a fuss, making lots of angry noises.
Instead, they observed their quiet, stiff form on the sofa. There was something eerie about their eyes; blank, unfocused, hardly even blinking. Even when the whumper carded a hand through their head, there wasn’t even a flicker of emotion on their face.
The caretaker was in awe at how complacent they were being.
“What did you do?” They find themselves asking absentmindedly, unable to tear their eyes away. Because they are genuinely shocked.
The whumper hums softly under their breath, scraping the hair away from the whumpee’s forehead. They’re devoid of usual cuts and bruises - the caretaker wonders how long they’ve been like this.
“I tried a new method,” the whumper answers vaguely, steely eyes staring into theirs. “This way, I can’t get bored.”
The caretaker doesn’t realise their confusion flickers in their expression, but the whumper notices it, as observant as they are. They gently run a finger under the whumpee’s chin, who still has that blank, half lidded gaze. Like a China doll.
“If I want them to be an eager little thing that serves to please me, then I can make it happen with just one word,” they hum, snapping their fingers in front of the whumpee’s face, as if to prove a point. They don’t even blink. “I like it when they put a fight, too, but too much noise, and I can simply admire them like this.”
They tilt the whumpee’s head back, just enough to admire their slack expression. “Isn’t it perfect?”
The caretaker’s mind swims. “So, you hypnotized them?”
A cruel smile appears on their face, squeezing the whumpee’s shoulders.
“Yes,” they answer. “Yes, I did.”
They slowly nod. That explained the sudden change, but seeing the whumpee like this, so dazed and so relaxed, they can’t help but shudder. There’s something really eerie about it. That the whumper holds their mind in their palm of their hand, triggered only by simple words.
“Was it hard?” They find themselves asking. The whumper smiles.
“They’re a stubborn thing,” they chuckle, tilting their head. “You know that. But I can programme them to do whatever you or I want.” Their voice drops dangerously. “You can take them to the spare room, if you really want.”
The caretaker immediately cringes, and they shake their head. They feel more disgust towards the whumper than ever before, and they don’t want to imagine what the poor whumpee’s been through already. If they remember it...
“No, thank you,” they grumble. The blank stare is unnerving them. “I’ll pass.”
The whumper chuckles, still running their fingers through the whumpee’s hair. They stop to observe their face, before a crooked smirk spreads across their lips. They tap their nose gently, cupping their cheeks as though they would with a lover. The whumpee does nothing back.
“Your loss.”
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ashintheairlikesnow · 2 months
“Is that your real name?”
Bones in the Ocean Masterlist
CW: Siren song mind control, captivity, memory loss, mind manipulation, siren whump
20 years before present day
"Areyto... pretty. Is that your real name?" Guilford Wentworth the Third, who went by his mother's maiden name, Iryn, let his legs drift in the water of the little pond in the center of the garden. Warmed by the sun earlier, it still felt almost like a bath on top where it lapped playfully around his bare calves, but cooled down where the tiny fish in the pond nibbled at the ends of his toes. All the water would go cool soon, now that the sun was setting in a blaze of oranges and reds.
It turned the woods all around the Wentworth estate to black shadows, the suggestions of trees painted by the gods' hands, not the real thing.
The fish nibbling at him tickled, and Iryn had to stifle a laugh as he kicked lightly. Water splashed and the little fish scattered, silvery-white and orange scales flashing as they vanished.
The beautiful young man with the dark hair and eyes stood off to one side, watching him. The last glimmers of yellowed sunset moved over the shimmering silk of his blue robe and against his brown skin.
The young man - Areyto - watched him. There had been some sort of singing inside, and just after Areyto had appeared, and Iryn knew this should be alarming, but he felt himself relax. Nothing to worry about. It was normal to see him here. It was normal to see the young man and his beauty.
Nothing to fear.
Nothing to remark upon.
Nothing to fear.
Had that been the words in the song? Odd. He couldn't quite remember.
Areyto's face held no expression at all, but something burned in the depths of his eyes that made Iryn shift, and his own try at a welcoming, friendly smile begin to fade.
"Was that impolite to ask? My apologies, it's only that I've never heard such a name before-"
"It is not my real name." Areyto frowned at him, then moved forwards and sat a few feet away, shifting his robe so his own long legs could slide into the water, too. He hummed, and the sound was soft and yet somehow filled the air around them.
Iryn's flicker of nerves settled, soothed almost immediately. He watched the young man undo the robe's tie and shift it off his shoulders, leaving it a puddle of cloth as he slipped, naked as the day he was born, into the water.
"The pond isn't for swimming," Iryn said, but his voice came out odd. Strained, but without emotion. He knew he should be bothered by this, offended even, but the feeling was... so far away.
"The pond is mine more than yours," Areyto answered, and there was a hint of an accent at the edge of his words, something sibilant and soft, but an accent Iryn had never heard before. "I feed here. Why are you here now?"
"You feed here? On what?"
Areyto blinked at him. He hummed again, eyes closing as he moved to float on his back.
Iryn couldn't remember, suddenly, what he'd been asking about. So instead he watched the other man float, his breath half-caught. Every detail was more beautiful than the last. "I'm being married in a week, you know," He said after a long moment. "A suitable young lady from a good family, all that, and it's all going to happen here, and I'm just... well. It's a lot, isn't it? I've only met her once."
Areyto didn't answer him. Instead, he drifted in the water, floating effortlessly on his back as the moon's soft light began to overtake the last vestiges of the sun. Iryn chanced a look, and then just as quickly had to look away again. The young man's body was as much a marvel as his face, half of it painted with markings Iryn knew vaguely as magical.
The song Areyto hummed seemed tailormade to comfort Iryn's fears. He smiled, knowing that if the man asked, he would swim, too. He found himself moving to undo the buttons of his shirt, absently.
"I'm afraid, actually," He confessed, after a long moment.
Areyto watched him, head turned where he floated aimlessly like a leaf on a lazy river. "Why?" He asked, without feeling.
"I'm afraid that I won't like her at all, that we'll hate each other and be miserable forever. That she'll hate me, and leave, and I'll end up alone. That she'll decide she'd rather die than bear my children, and you know how my father feels about that... I'm actually... afraid of my father."
Areyto was quiet. His song faded, and Iryn found his hands hesitating at the last few buttons.
Why had he been about to remove his shirt?
"My father is... a violent man," Iryn said, voice low. This felt like confessing to someone else's sin, and he had no idea why he was doing it, but the words kept spilling out anyway. "He has beaten me so many times, but I must live here, and take on the duties of running the household, and what if-... what if he is cruel to my wife, as well? To our children? What if I am cruel to our children?"
Areyto exhaled, eyes closing. Water lapped along his body, but Iryn no longer felt entranced by the sight. His fears had overwhelmed him.
"What if there is no happiness for me? Ever?"
Areyto didn't open his eyes, but he spoke. "There is happiness for no one here," He said, finally. Each word dropped like stone, rippling outward but not disturbing a thing otherwise. "You will be held as firmly as I am, but with different bonds."
"Well, you know, it's not quite like that-"
"It is. You just don't know it yet. But you will... you should hope that your wife will hate you. That she decides not to marry you, or have your children."
"Why?" Iryn asked, blinking. Something in him chilled. Areyto's voice felt like ice trickling down his spine. "Why would I want that?"
Areyto sighed and opened his eyes again, staring up at the stars, as if marking the constellations. "Because," He said softly, "You will live longer that way."
Then Areyto turned his head, looked at Iryn in a new way, no longer hostile but with a sadness, even... compassion.
Or something like it.
"It will hurt you more to know," Areyto said, seemingly to himself. "It will hurt so much more to be like me, to know that you cannot escape, that this is where you will live and die. It will hurt more to know that he will be the one to end you when you are no more use to him."
Iryn's eyes widened. "He will-... are you saying my father will murder me?"
"Yes. Once he has children to raise as his own."
Iryn's breath hitched. "Oh, gods," He whispered. His heart raced. "But-"
"I will help you," Areyto said, gently, and he began to sing. The notes spilled out from his open mouth and wound around Iryn like a caress, touched him like a kiss. He was happy here. He had never been so happy, as he was with the idea of his marriage.
His father would be proud.
His wife would be beautiful.
His children would make the Wentworth name stronger than ever before.
What a beautiful future he had before him.
Iryn smiled, absently thinking of a book inside he would very much like to read, and pushed himself to his feet. He wandered back inside, servants looking askance at his undone shirt and rolled-up pants. Buoyed by the song, he sat down in his room and sighed, contented.
Iryn Wentworth opened up his book, began to read, and he didn't remember a thing.
Taglist: @grizzlie70 @burtlederp @finder-of-rings  @theelvishcowgirl  @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @bloodinkandashes @squishablesunbeam @mj-or-say10   @apokolyps   @wildfaewhump   @shrimpwritings @there-will-always-be-blood @latenightcupsofcoffee @angelsproject @loony-whumptoons
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warrenposts · 2 years
George Karim + Mirror Symptoms
Hypnotism, Obsession
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Irritability, Paranoia
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serickswrites · 8 months
Vampire whumper and human whumpee
Vampire hypnotized them into following commands, but it's worn off sooner than later. Now whumpee is in their bed longing for them to return because they're addicted to the hypnotism. Whumper returns to find they cried themselves to sleep. They're not supposed to be in whumper's bed.
Hello, Anon! I can definitely write this for you.
Warnings: hypnosis, hypnotism, biting, blood, vampire
Whumpee was in ecstasy. Whumpee was in pure pleasure. Everything around Whumpee was pure joy. The world was soft. The world was warm. The world was amazing.
That was how Whumpee felt every time Whumper caught them. Every time Whumper caught Whumpee's gaze. Every time Whumper hypnotized them. Whumpee knew distantly Whumper did this so they could command Whumpee. So that they could have Whumpee be still and give into their bite.
But Whumpee didn't care. They couldn't get enough of the feeling. Couldn't get enough of the high Whumper gave them. And so Whumpee eagerly awaited Whumper's return tonight. Whumper would be sure to visit them this time. Whumper had skipped over them the last several nights. But not tonight. Whumpee was certain that Whumper would find them.
Whumpee could barely keep their eyes open. It was getting late--or would it be early--and still Whumper had not come for them. Surely Whumper would come. Whumpee let their eyes close, just for a moment. Whumper would wake Whumpee when they arrived, Whumpee was sure of it.
Whumper crept into their own bedroom, ready to tumble into bed after a long night. They wanted nothing more than to curl up as they felt the early moments of dawn begin. Whumper froze as they opened the room to their underground bedroom to see someone was already in their bed. Someone who wasn't supposed to be there. Someone who Whumper had been avoiding because they were addicted to Whumper's gaze. Someone who Whumper didn't want to see ever again.
Whumpee. Whumpee was curled up beneath the sheets in Whumper's bed. And Whumper didn't know what to do next.
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whumpy-gems · 2 years
SCI Mystery Whumplist!
Chinese Drama
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Whumpees: Zhan Yao (navy) played by Ji Xiao Bing and Bai Yutong (white) played by Gao Han Yu.
Synopsis: The story of a life and death contest between justice and evil. Some people try their best to resist the darkness; while others openly embrace it. Are the shadows and temptations in your life an illusion? Reality? Or is it the murderous whisper of a man who seems to control individuals with an invisible spell? Bai Yu Tong and Zhan Yao lead SCI to unravel the mystery of a psychopathic killer who always seems not one, but several steps ahead. (Heavily based around hypnosis)
Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Psychological, Crime, Bromance. ❤️Notes: Because it’s been so long since I watched this drama, I am not sure if there are any specific TW. I’m pretty sure it’s ok though! Also this is my first whumplist!!! 🤩 Dunno if I’ll make more, as I made this one on a whim for a friend interested in the drama. Sooo maybe… Anyways, the style is mostly copied from @love-me-a-lotta-whump, because their lists are absolutely freaking amazing, and idk how else I could possibly make a whump list! 💖 Thank you, and criticism or nit picks are welcome!❤️
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Zhan Yao almost hit by car. Hurt his wrist.
Zhan Yao knocked out
Bai Yutong very worried
Zhan Yao almost drowns
Bai Yutong performs cpr and is very worried
Zhan Yao not feeling good after seeing a pentagram made of blood. Kind of hypnotized.Dizzy, tired, fever
Bai Yutong takes care of him.
Zhan Yao gets accidentally knocked out while escaping.
Bai Yutong helps carry him and brings him to hospital.
Bai Yutang shot. Faints in to Zhan Yao’s arms (😆) Taken to hospital.
Bai Yutong gets beat up a bit
Zhan Yao kidnapped. Beaten with a stick because he is “bai yutongs weakness”. Unconscious after hit to the head. Won’t respond. Taken to hospital.
Bai Yutong gets captured trying to help Zhan Yao. Screaming for the attacker to stop. Extremely worried about Zhan Yao. Apparently he cried??? (Wasn’t shown😢)
Zhan Yao attacked. Hand gets hurt. Saved. In explosion, saved by Bai Yutong.
Bai Yutong arm hurt in explosion. Treated
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justletmereadmycomics · 7 months
sometimes I forget not everybody's aro ace or aroace and I say something like "man I love [kinda kinky thing]" or something around someone and instead of being like "yeah they cool :]" the person is either like "....eXcuSE mE" or "hur hur yeah I get so turned on by that" and I just go "ah fuck ive done it again"
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daxwritesstories · 1 year
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Drawing of Cyra up on my wall that inspired the ending of Dire. Done with color pencil.
My little celebrity whumpee cult member 🥰🥰 I love her so much lol
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oliversrarebooks · 11 months
the defiant princess
TW: hypnotic induction, mind control, restraints, belittling language
Ah, hello, your Majesty. It's so kind of you to grant me an audience. I hear you put up quite a fuss while my henchmen tried to make you comfortable in those ropes, but really, it was the only way I could get you to hear me out.
Don't worry, I understand. I know how busy you are. So many important decisions to make, wars to avoid, criminals to pardon, and peasants to help. It must be so, so... tiring to be so noble, wouldn't you say?
A witch? Yes, your majesty, I am a witch. An enchantress, to be precise, a very powerful one, and I'm only here to help advise you.
Oh, my, what language! That's the spitfire princess I've heard about! So brave and defiant. So admirable.  That's exactly what I wish to speak to you about, your Majesty.
You see, I'm ever so worried about you. All of that defiance must take a toll on you. A bratty, headstrong princess like you needs a firm guiding hand. Someone to help them rest and sleep. Someone to help them be more docile and obedient, just like a good princess should be.
It's so cute to see you struggle against those bonds. I assure you they're quite tight. And I can also assure you that there's no fighting what's about to happen to you. Soon, you're going to be far too drowsy and entranced to resist anything I say.
You don't want that? Well, what would you think if I showed you the gift I brought you? It's a lovely crystal pendant, a rare piece fit for a princess of your temperament. You could practically say it was made just for you. See how perfectly its facets catch the light as I spin it? So lovely, isn't it? So hard to tear your eyes away.
Here, let me help you, let me move it closer to your eyes, so that you may see it better. Oh, were you trying to look away just now? I think you'll find that's quite impossible. No, don't struggle. There's nothing to fear, nothing to worry about. Just a beautiful, captivating crystal. Just keep looking, keep watching the way it sparkles in the light, as I slowly swing it back and forth. Back and forth, in front of your eyes. So beautiful. So perfect. That's it, your majesty. 
I love the way the crystal looks reflected in your glassy, dazed eyes. I love the way your struggles against your bonds have become weak and lifeless. I love how I see you trying to tear your eyes away, but they keep flickering back to the crystal. 
Trying to hypnotize you? Your majesty, I'm not trying to hypnotize you. I am hypnotizing you.
You've probably realized this by now, but this is no ordinary crystal. It's a crystal that has the power to put people to sleep, even the most bratty, defiant princess. It has the power to make you docile and weak the more you watch it. No, don't try to look away. Keep looking, and let the crystal steal your will away. 
Doesn't it make you feel so very quiet and docile, the way your eyes keep following the crystal back-and-forth? Doesn't it make you feel weak and compliant, when you just can't seem to look away? 
Yes, very good, your majesty. Let the crystal drain your willpower, let it replace your strength with a slow, delicious drowsiness. Keep watching. Watching the crystal will make you feel sleepy, and you're already too docile and weak to do anything about it. Oh, no, don't argue. I think even you realize that you're falling under my spell. The crystal's light is making you so sleepy, so drowsy. And it's so hard to be defiant when you're so sleepy, isn't it?
With every slow swing of the crystal, you can feel its sleepy, hypnotic power tugging at your eyelids, making them so heavy, gently coaxing them to close. The crystal's light is soothing you to sleep, dear princess, easing you under my hypnotic spell. The more drowsy and dazed you become, the easier it is for my words to slip past your defenses. Your mind is getting so, so tired, so tired of struggling.
Oh, you say you aren't sleepy? Awww, poor sleepy princess. You don't sound like a brave, defiant woman any more. You sound like a sleepy little girl protesting being put to bed. Look at that cute little yawn. I think you are sleepy. I think you are very, very sleepy.  I think it's so adorable to see your heavy eyelids blink so slowly as you try to keep yourself awake.
It's okay, sweet princess, just keep watching the nice sleepy crystal. It's your gift, after all, a pretty little gift that will help put you to sleep, a perfect gift for a drowsy and docile princess who needs someone else to do all the hard thinking for her. 
What's that you said? I can't understand your groggy little mumbles, especially when you keep yawning like that. You're not going to fall under my spell? Your majesty, you have already fallen under my spell. There's no use in trying to resist. You're already half-asleep and so dazed and obedient. 
Yes, obedient. Look at how your eyes are still following the crystal, just as I told you to, even though you're so very drowsy now that you would love for your eyes to shut. It's hard to keep them open, isn't it? You'd much rather close your eyes and sink deeper under my power, but you can't stop watching the crystal, the crystal made especially to put bratty little princesses to sleep. It's almost like you want to be put into a deep, entranced, hypnotic sleep.
No, you say? Your futile struggles really are so cute. It's so funny to think of how you normally are, bellowing orders left and right, and here you are with me, so hypnotized and sleepy, mumbling out your tired little protests. This is so much better, isn't it? It feels so nice to be so, so hypnotized and sleepy. It feels so nice to feel yourself slipping under my spell, knowing that when I've completely hypnotized you, you won't have to worry about anything any more. 
Shh, shhh, princess, hush, it's okay. It's okay. It's okay to let yourself be hypnotized. You're so tired, aren't you? As endearing as it is to watch those pretty eyes glued to my crystal, I think you need to rest them now. Just for a minute. Your eyelids are so, so heavy now, as though they have little lead weights attached to them. Just let them shut. You'll feel so much better. Yes, that's a good princess. That's a good girl. That's a good little girl, a sleepy, docile, and dazed little girl.
Just relax now. Just keep your eyes closed. Are you still trying to fight sleep? Aww, you're such a cute little brat. You know very well you're too drowsy to resist. You're going to feel yourself beginning to slip off into dreamland. The beautiful hypnotic crystal and my soothing voice are going to send you to a lovely, sleepy place where you'll feel so docile and relaxed that you won't ever want to leave.
The part of your mind that wants to resist me is sleepy, too. It's falling asleep, little princess, I'm putting your resistance to sleep. You can picture it in your mind, the strong, defiant princess you normally are, sitting on her throne and commanding her servants. You can see her yawn, her eyelids droop and flutter. You can see me cradling her in my arms, carrying her off to bed. She's falling asleep, dear girl, that strong-willed part of you. There's nothing left to resist me with. You're too sleepy, too hypnotized.
Yes, just go to sleep, fall deep asleep, and let the hypnotic spell seal around your tired little mind. Your free will, your personality, your desires, all will fade away as my hypnosis locks you into deep, sweet sleep. It feels so, so good that you won't ever want to resist it. You're meant for obedience and sleep, princess. Your usual personality was just an act, wasn't it, an act to conceal your true nature as a docile, helpless girl. 
Here, let me fasten that crystal right around your pretty neck. It looks so perfect on you. It's going to keep you weak and docile and hypnotized. As long as you have this on, you'll be able to walk and talk and do your daily tasks, but your mind will secretly be completely asleep. You'll be able to hear my words no matter where you are, and my words will become your thoughts. As long as you have this on, you will obey me and only me, do you understand? Only my words will control you, no one else's.
Yes, princess, you want to remain asleep, you want to remain hypnotized. It feels good, doesn't it? Yes, so good. That drowsy little smile of yours says it all. You won't ever take the crystal off, will you? Of course you won't. You need the crystal to help you stay asleep. You need the crystal hypnotizing your docile little princess mind. You need it more than anything.
And you won't let anyone else take it off either. No, that would be awful. You don't want that at all. Even if some idiotic hero tells you the crystal is dangerous, you need to keep wearing it no matter what. If someone tries to take the crystal from you, you'll resist them with all your might, won't you? Yes, that's right. 
And this one is very, very important, my sleepy little princess, so I'm going to need you to listen carefully. You can't tell anyone else about the crystal, or about what happened here. You'll keep the crystal hidden under your dress so that they won't question you. You can't let anyone know you're asleep and hypnotized. They won't understand. They'll try to wake you, try to steal your crystal, and you can't have that happen. If you ever try to tell someone about the crystal, your mind will feel so hazy and foggy that you can't get the words out. But you won't even try, will you? Of course not, you're too docile and obedient. You'll only show people the crystal if I want you to.
What's that you're trying to say? Who will rule the kingdom? Why, you will rule the kingdom, of course you will, there's nothing to worry about at all. You're a docile, helpless princess -- of course you can rule the kingdom while fast asleep and completely hypnotized. It will be so easy, so much easier than it's ever been, because my voice will advise you on everything you need to do. Yes, it's so much better to rule the kingdom while hypnotized. No more difficult decisions or boring state dinners or ministers clamoring for attention. You can sleep through it all. Isn't it wonderful, to be under a hypnotic spell?
Yes, it is, isn't it? It's just so right to be a sleepy, hypnotized princess, trapped in the spell of a witch, just like in the fairy tales you love. But unlike the foolish little girls in those stories, you know better than to want to be rescued. You understand that princesses like you are meant to be in a deep hypnotic trance. That's why it feels so very good.
You love your witch, your darling enchantress who whispers in your ear and makes you oh so drowsy and captivated. You love being obedient and entranced. You love it all.
And wouldn't it be just so lovely if more people were under my spell? Wouldn't it be ideal if everyone in the castle were under the influence of my lovely, sleepy, hypnotic crystal? Don't you want them all to be as contented and obedient as you are?
Yes, that's an excellent idea, your majesty. Let's hypnotize the entire court, one by one. You're so brave and intelligent, so good at ruling the kingdom, the best princess the land has ever known.
Here, let me take care of those ropes. You've been bound up so long, but you're not going to foolishly try to fight me any more, are you? No, of course you aren't. You're as sweet and docile as a kitten, a drowsy little kitten waking up from her nap. You can open your eyes now, princess, and remain completely asleep. There you go. Aww, that adoring look on your face is so delectable!
You will kneel before me, won't you? Sleepy, hypnotized princesses must kneel before their new mistress. Yes, that's a good dear. Oh, you look so cute, looking up at me and blinking slowly, still so dazed. You've had quite the nap, haven't you, princess? You must feel so refreshed, now that you're finally getting the sleep you need.
Now, your majesty, do you see that sweet young woman in the corner? Yes, your chief handmaiden. You've been best friends with her for your whole lives, isn't that right? She tried so hard to protect you, so brave and loyal. She's been trying to wriggle out of the ropes and shout through her gag this entire time, poor thing. Does that upset you, dear princess? Don't you think she needs to relax? Don't you think she needs to get some sleep?
Why don't you go to her, soothe her, and focus her pretty little eyes right on that hypnotic crystal? Why don't you hypnotize your friend into lovely, submissive sleep? Then you'll both be under my control, isn't that perfect? Yes, that's right. Good princess. You're following my suggestions so well. Let me guide you, let me help you put all of your subjects to sleep, one by one.
Yes, that's a good little princess.
If you like this story, you may like "listen to my Voice, hero" for more gentle, slow hypnotic induction on a resisting subject.
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whumpsoda · 6 months
Coming Back to Bite You Part 1 - Swept Up
Finally putting this out there, hopefully I continue it :) updates will probably be pretty slow and gradual!
cw: vampire whumper, kidnapping, hypnosis, alcohol use, mention of death
He was going to throw up. 
Marshall gripped the can of beer in one calloused hand, taking an aggressive swig of the beverage, still cold droplets of liquid dribbling over his fingers. His throat bobbed with each continuing gulp, and his stomach churned in a boil of acidic bile. The bitter taste of alcohol coated his mouth, swishing off his tongue and dancing down his throat, until he realized he was going to choke. Marshall’s moist lips released the can with a weak gasp. 
He lazily dropped it to the concrete with a clang, the last sip of liquid slipping And seeping into the cracks of the concrete. With a groan he dug his trembling hands into the skin of his flushed face, bits of dried and cracked blood still crammed in rings underneath his crooked nails.
The sour smell of gore still tainted his runny nostrils, infecting the scent of his several tossed away and half finished drinks. Begrudged tears pricked at his eyes, leaving his vision glassy and wet as he desperately tried to wipe them gone.
He should’ve be used to it. Five plus years of vampire hunting experience should’ve prepared him, but it didn’t. It never did.
Marshall choked back a soft sob, brushing at his face roughly in an attempt to rid the tears stained with embarrassment. He didn’t know why he did it. Why he had for five years, and why he continued to. Why he still didn’t quit after seeing yet another young newbie die a gruesome death at the hand of a monstrous creature, with nothing to do to stop it.
How pathetic.
“Something wrong?”
His limbs froze rigid, the sharp, close words cutting through the nightly silence. He shifted, gaze meeting with that of a small woman seated neatly beside him. 
Her face was shadowed by the light shining upon her back, but he could still clearly see her soft grin and glittering eyes. 
“Um,” he sputtered, gears turning to catch his mind up with his mouth. “Leave, leave me alone.”
She grinned, eerily soft and sweet, tilting her head a smidge. The essence of a mother speaking to her child. “I’d love to help.”
Help? Puzzled anger bubbled bigger in his belly, only strengthened by her audaciousness. “I said,” he snarled, face twisting and seething, his crooked teeth bared in likeness to that of the creatures he was trained to kill. “Leave me alone.”
“Driving home?” 
Marshall groaned, sickly, taking a peek at his tattered old truck sitting in the empty lot. His vision shifted, rolling down to the can he’d placed beside his foot, previously filled with alcohol.
He gritted his teeth, grabbing the can once again and lifting it to his lips as the stranger watched. “Yeah? So what?” He spat, taking a petty sip. 
The woman sighed, her smug grin never so much as faltering. “Just thought I’d remind you.” She huffed, holding back a chuckle.
“Why don’t you just mind your own business?” Marshall grumbled, glaring sharply at the stranger. She simply giggled, dripping with condescension, waving him off. Was it so hard to get five minutes to himself?
“Oh, you are very funny, dear. A bit temperamental as well, I see.” She chuckled again.
What was her problem?
That was it. It was not the time. The stranger obviously didn’t have anything better to do than irritate someone crying in the middle of nowhere covered in grime and vampire blood, and seemed to be having a good time with it. Marshall, on the other hand, was no short of seething.
He pushed himself to his feet, wiping his cheeks of sweat and tears and adjusting his coat. Without another word he stepped to leave.
To his surprise, shocking strength wrapped around his wrist, holding him back and leaving him unable to walk off.
“Oh, please don’t go. I didn’t mean to upset you. Sit back down with me, won’t you?”
Marshall stared back in bewilderment at the woman firmly clutching his wrist. What? Confusion was boggling him, poking at his brain. Was she crazy? Who was she to think he would follow her request? After she’d been practically taunting him when he was obviously distressed?
He paused. He had meant to snap another insolent response, but nothing came out. Why did he-
His vision swiftly glazed over blurry, fogging up his eyes as they turned glassy and unfocused. Marshall wobbled in his spot, legs buckling and shivering with weakness. The ground spun under him, dizzying his head and coating his mind with wretched nausea. His fingers reached out for something to grab, something to stabilize him.
He needed to sit, he needed to sit, he needed to sit, he needed to sit, he needed to sit-
He lazily stumbled back, nearly tripping over his own feet, plopping right back into his seat. This time, he was a smidge closer to the woman. Marshall’s head lolled into his hand, catching himself from such dizzying disorientation.
Why was he… back on the bench? Was he not just about to leave? Was she touching him?
Lightly she rubbed in circles over his back, a motion he almost took no notice of. “Sorry about that, dear. It’s alright now.”
“I… what…?” Marshall slurred, his mind still a thick sludge that desperately gripped the walls of his, hopeful not to slip further into befuddlement.
He… he’d felt similar. Before. Marshall knew the sensation well, the sensation of his brain slipping through his fingers like water, liquified and stolen right out from his own control. Stomped to mush.
No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no-
“Very pretty rings you have. Mind if I take a look?” She held his hand between both of her gloved ones, fingers trailing over silver that glimmered in the light.
Not waiting for an answer, the stranger swiftly slipped each ring off each finger, holding them oh so carefully. “Very nice. Very.” She inspected them for a moment, right before turning and tossing them in a garbage bin behind her.
With widened eyes he sputtered, lazily trying to claw for them a second too late. She swept right back into his personal space, forcing him to retreat back with distraction. “Hm. And what might that be?”
She pointed to his pocket.
To his wooden stake, a necessity for vampire hunters.
It couldn’t be-
“I- you, that’s-”
Before he could so much as react, she slipped it right from him with her impossibly quick and nimble hands. “A wooden stake? Silly, silly.” She tisked, ignoring his growing concern and tossing it to the floor. It rolled a few feet away, and with drowsy, draped eyes Marshall watched it crawl out of reach. “You won’t be needing that.”
Please, no-
“You! You- you’re-!” Voice rising with muddled heat, his brain’s realization was catching up with his mouth.
Oh, God-
“Relax. I’m just here to help you. Calm down, dear.”
“N-no… you’re-! Get off me!” He swiped at her outstretched hand, feebly slapping it away.
How could he have been so foolish? How could he have let a vampire so close? How? He’d been so distressed and out of it from that nights job he hadn’t even noticed. What a fool, what a fool, what a fool.
He recoiled, jumping right off the bench and running. With his brain already such a mangled mess he nearly fell over, only catching himself with one hand and pushing himself back up.
His steps were slow and drowsy, swaying arduously and dramatically on his weighted feet. Nonchalantly the stranger stood behind him, taking her sweet time to catch up.
“Go-! Go away! Go away!” he hollered, stumbling around in a growing daze toward his truck, slipping over nothing several times. Her follow persisted. “Go away!”
Her vampiric aura strengthened by the second, taking hold of his susceptible mind and pushing him back into a distant, fuzzy haze. His words were tumbling and quieting, his movements gradually decreasing.
“N- no… no… leave…! Go…”
Soon enough subtle fingers trailed swiftly down his spine, stopping him in place. “Shhh, shhh… relax, dear. Just allow your limbs to go all numb and sleepy.”
His shoulders buckled, jaw falling slack under the immense weight of hypnotic force. Even still, infected by disgusting pleasure, his stomach tensed with sour acid. “Nooo…”
She walked around him, meeting his gaze with sweet, mind melting eyes. “I know you must be scared, little one. My apologies for messing with you, I just couldn’t help it. I’ll be nice now, okay? So be a good boy and just sleep.”
Easy. She’d overpowered him, so easily. Five years of practice and he’d lost just like that. Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic. How could he not hate himself? How could he not detest the world for such a fate he never deserved? Five years of service and he was going to lose his life at the hands of a vampire?
He’d been so careful.
“Just calm, oh so calm. Your mind settles, all sleepy and exhausted. Just let go for now. I won’t hurt you.” She soothed, cupping his face in her palms.
“Nuh… no… go…”
He didn’t want to let go. He had to escape. He wanted to escape. He wanted…
He wanted…
“Let… go…”
She smiled, warmth spreading through his belly, a blissful, distracting sensation that scattered any coherent thoughts clawing to the edges of his mind. “Good, good. Let go, dear. Just for a bit. You’ll have a very nice nap, okay? It’s all dark out here, which means you must be very tired. And nighttime means you sleep, doesn’t it?”
Marshall yawned, head lolling and body melting. He’d like a nap. He’d been working so dreadfully hard, he deserved one, did he not? A nap would be just wonderful.
“Aw, how cute. You’re so drowsy. Just falling asleep right in my arms, huh? Lovely. An easy catch, weren’t you?” He hummed in agreement, her words flowing through one ear and out the other. He was swiftly floating into unconsciousness, head gradually falling forward into his chest. “Shh… so very relaxed, sleep just holding your putty like mind in it’s hands. Just let go to the call of sleep and exhaustion. I know you want to, dear.”
It was strange, how delightful it felt. He’d been enthralled before, but never so deeply and thoroughly. His brain never so overridden. Why had he ever fought it? Why had he ever rejected such heaven? Marshall couldn’t so much as think of an answer.
Or, think at all, really.
Placing the kind pressure of her hand on the back of his neck, she easily guided the exhausted Marshall’s slick with sweat forehead into the nape of her neck.
“Good boy, good boy. Just let all your worries go. I tried so hard to make this easy on you, I know how easily fussy you humans can get. But everything is fine and calm. Calm and sleepy. Sleepy and relaxed. The darkness of the night makes you oh so exhausted and ready for bed.”
He shivered from the sound of praise, as well as the vampire stroking down his arms and stirring more pleasant feel as he drifted, brain coming to a stop. It felt better than it ever had to fall asleep. He smiled, and so did she. Even in the middle of winter, he’d never felt so pleasantly warm.
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head.” She whispered sweetly, rocking him gently like a small child into an entranced sleep. “I’ll take great care of you, dear.”
Taglist- @softvampirewhump
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abhainnwhump · 11 months
Whumpers who use musical stage performance to hypnotize their audience and Whumpee. Meanwhile Caretaker is immune and horrified over the whole show as they try to snap Whumpee out of it.
Inspired by this video:
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Weapon Prompt 3
Sensory Deprivation
Blindfolds, entrapping Whumpee in darkness
Gags, all whumpee can do is muffle mixed sounds, not being able to stop Whumper
Maybe it keeps their mouth open, ensuring they dehydrate fast, or perhaps the opposite, trapping something intrusive in their mouth
Headphones, playing blaring music making whumpee go deaf
Or perhaps repeating a soft mantra, slowly hypnotizing whumpee into to submission
Perhaps they play a loved ones blood curdling screams, bonus if their live and whumpee knows it
Those strap suits they use at mental hospitals, but instead whumpee is hung upside down in one for hours
Plugging their nose, forcing them to open their mouth or they pass out, then shoving the intrusive object in your mouth
Feeding yourself can become a privilege, feeding tubes, through nose or mouth become medical whump.
When using the bathroom becomes a reward
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whump-on-a-string · 2 months
I'm so weak for soft/comfort whump with childlike whumpees. My traumatized ass brain loves that shit.
Whump where whumpee is drugged/hypnotized/brainwashed by whumper to be easier to handle and work with, but also to keep them like their new pet or kid to take care of. Maybe carewhumper. Whumpee can be comfy and have lil toys and treats when they're behaving and be a good bean & not worry about normal adult life shit.
Slightly potentially fucked up/soft escapist comfort whump. o|-<
Like pet whump but in a more "human respectful" soft flavor.
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