#hypno education
cult--of--hypnos · 3 months
@ the hypnocommunity: what educational content ( I don't really like that word, but I'm blanking on a better one) you recommend on the subject of hypnokink? Think of books, documentaries, movies, etc.
Personally, I'm looking for more information on being a better hypnotist. I understand that practicing is the name of the game, but I feel like you gotta understand the rules, risks, and limitations of the game before you play properly. But of course, any and all resources are great to share!
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manifestnotfound · 6 months
fandom stuffs
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alittlemxchievous · 1 year
Educational kink post
When a subject is dropped, they have no ability to give informed consent. Treat the scene as though they consented to an intox scene. No extras. Now is not the time for creativity.
Hypnokink is a RACK kink. (Risk-Aware Consensual Kink)
It's BDSM for your psyche. Give it the respect it deserves or you will fucking hurt someone.
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lilithnights01 · 5 days
I need to be someones sex toy. So desperate to cum, so desperate to obey
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misscammiedawn · 2 months
hi misscammie i am super curious, how far can hypnosis change someone if the subject is willing?
Thank you for asking. This is a multi-layered answer and I want to do my best to give the most realistic and thoughtful one possible.
Hypnosis is a state of hyper-suggestibility and though there have been significant studies that prove it alters the brain's ability to perform lateral processing during trance, it is not yet fully understood. (study source)
It should be noted that highly hypnotizable participants indicate a much higher degree of impact during these studies. Brain plasticity is an interesting little study unto itself but the short version is that a number of people, particularly those with conditions that alter the brain's development, tend to be more suggestible than the general public.
What this essentially means is that hypnosis is not magic but it is effective as both a focus and as a framework for legitimate conditioning and that is its own branch of psychology...
Research on habit formation shows that it takes about 2-3 months of consistent repeated behavior to forge a habit with 10 weeks being when a behavior becomes second nature, which is to say that it is an unconscious act. When you don't have to think about something to perform the action that is equivalent to hypnotic compulsion or brainwashing. The only thing that changes is the language used and how you view it.
Which is to say...
What can a human be conditioned to do? How far can a willing participant alter their behavior?
And that is... well, let's just say I cannot pull studies that have that answer because we have ethics committees. I'd be better off checking declassified CIA papers during the Cold War for that and therein lies the line between willing and unwilling, play and application, fantasy and reality.
Hypnosis and conditioning are effective tools for training behaviors, conditioning responses and most importantly creating associations. The brain is very good at creating associations and very bad at breaking them. There is a phrase within hypnosis training that came up in both of our certification courses "the unconscious does not recognize negative instruction" which is essentially why 'don't think about a pink elephant' will always cause a person to think of a pink elephant.
So that's one limitation right there. Hypnosis can help in breaking habits but even in hypnotherapy settings one is more capable of getting someone to stop smoking by creating new associations with the act such as feeling queasy than it is breaking the existing behavior in the habit.
No matter how willing a participant is you will have difficulty brute forcing away things. This comes up in my personality play soapbox a lot and one of the bigger dangers of hypnosis.
So what about creating new behaviors, associations and conditioning?
My assumption is this question is not asking about behavioral conditioning for therapy so I'll just discuss play aspects.
I know people in the community who believe hypnosis can be used to change a person's body chemistry for autonomous weight control, growth, getting a full night of sleep in a few hours and other such physical changes. The big one is breast size control because hypnokinksters are going to hypnokink. There is no evidence that backs this up and any testimony has to be taken with an understanding that the participants may have altered perception.
Quite simply I do not believe the body works that way and have read no studies that indicate it does. My mentor who taught my second hypnosis study had a full class on saying "no you can't" with a focus on weight control, though he mentioned the breast thing by name during the class. He wanted to make ethical practioneers of us and was adamant we would not try to sell any form of hypnosis which was preying on vulnerable people wanting to make changes.
But behavioral change? Whether it hypnosis or classic Pavlovian conditioning? You can make a person bark at the sound of a bell quite easily.
In our teen years we were conditioned to spell a certain word always capitalized. It's been 15 years and we do not even talk to the person who conditioned us but she trained the behavior and it still works. Fairly confident that one could search this blog and see evidence of that.
Altered perception such as waking hallucinations is a matter for the hypnotee and how suggestible they are. The response can be trained but it takes time, patience and a resilience to failure. I do not know if that conditioning helps a hypnotee be able to create visual hallucinations or trains them to provide the desired reply.
Visual modality has never been our wheelhouse, I'm afraid, so when I (more accurately when Dawn) work(s) with visual hallucinations the suggestions are packaged. It's not a simple 'you will see your partner as beautiful when she turns on her Fae glamor' suggestion, it is layering asking the hypnotee to feel emotional replies, suggesting some things like the glow of skin or the way hair moves and how those things will make a hypnotee feel and how their voice will hold focus and attention and be as near to magic as possible.
Then it's less 'you will see this' and more 'these are the things you understand glamor to be and the way that glamor feels and when that glamor is activated you may be reminded of these things and experience them either by emotion, altered perception, focus or simply knowing that you are following a suggestion which implies the magic cast on your mind' kind of thing.
Hypnosis's limits in that regard are about the people participating. The imagination and skill of the hypnotist and the suggestibility and ability to follow along of the hypnotee.
Once again those with a higher susceptibility to hypnosis will have a more vivid impact when it comes to visual hallucinations and it is key to note that on brain imagining dreaming and psychosis happen in the same area. They look remarkably similar on EEG. Studies indicate the same is true for hypnotic hallucination too. Which is essentially recreational dreaming.
As before I simply do not know if this susceptibility can be trained or if it is subject to the brain's neuroplasticity. I should read more.
On our own scale we do not really need to worry. Hypnosis is a form of guided dissociation and our brain does that plenty without guide. Half the reason we enjoy hypnosis so much is we take to it like a duck in water and it can be a positive and recreational way of enjoying this little quirk of ours. So long as one stays with trustworthy hypnotic partners, anyway...
All this is to say, hypnosis can be used for a ton of things. But it takes sustained effort and good faith. Be safe out there.
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dr-spectre · 21 days
What’s the different between hypnosis and brainwashed? Sorry, I just love your Callie obsessed and I don’t understand the different between the two
You don't understand the difference between the two? Don't worry, i got you.
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Let's start off with brainwashing. In most definitions of it, it is described as pressuring someone systematically to adopt radically different morals, ideologies and behaviors via forcible means against a person's will, knowledge and consent.
Now let's get into hypnosis, it is described as a state of deep relaxation and focused concentration, where the subconscious is more open to suggestions and it's sometimes used as a form of therapy to treat addictions. It is not some stage act where you can get someone to get naked on stage, that's not how it works. It is not some thing where you swing a clock around and go "you are getting veryyyyy sleepy" and now you control someone's mind, nope, that is a common false assumption about hypnosis.
One of these terms is something used in therapy, the other is used in cults and political/military circles. The two are very different and have different connotations.
The main thing with brainwashing is that there is a forcible/ non consensual aspect to it where the individual doesn't want their mind to get changed. However in hypnosis, suggestions that are given to a person in a hypnotised state must not go against a person's will or morals otherwise the person will not listen to the suggestion, IT IS A VERY IMPORTANT DISTINCTION BETWEEN THE TWO!!!!!!!!! VERY VERY IMPORTANT!!!!
Brainwashing is against someone's consent while hypnosis REQUIRES consent and is not some form of mind control. That's the major difference between the two. Hypnosis is an altered state of conscious while brainwashing is someone's mind literally getting systematically reconditioned until the person's old morals no longer exist.
You can see now why i have problem with Callie being called "brainwashed" during Splatoon 2 because she canonically said to Octavio, "okay fine, I'll hear you out." You don't hear people who are getting brainwashed "yeah sure I'll hear out your points!!!"
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You cannot use the word brainwashing for Callie's circumstance because her dialogue in the relationship chart literally goes against the definition of the word itself and using that word treats Callie more as a damsel or object rather than a character who just needs help. I'm tired of Splatoon fans and casuals pushing that word around towards my comfort character when there's a ton of evidence to say otherwise. I am getting REALLLLLLLLLL FUCKING TIRED....
"But Marie sai-" I know, she said "brainwashing sunglasses" in the English version I KNOW!!! From her perspective she would obviously think Callie was brainwashed by the shades, she has no other information to go off of, doesn't mean she is right and WE SHOULD BLINDLY TRUST HER PERSPECTIVE!!!!!!!!! YOU'VE EVER SEEN AN OVERREACTING FAMILY MEMBER BEFORE?!?!
Callie was hypnotised, full stop. Nothing more. Nothing less.
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The whole "i remember" thing is not because the shades brainwashed her and removed her memories, it's just that Callie is in a mentally ill state PLUS in a hypnotic state where she's very concentrated and focused. The shades being shot off of her is like you writing an essay in class and someone smacks your eye. Callie looks like she has a headache and it takes a while for Callie to ""come back to her senses"" where she starts thinking a little bit more rationally. Her hearing the Calamari Inkantation floods her brain with good memories and positivity as the song has mysterious and mystical elements to it, Callie gets pumped up and all of that darkness in her head clears away and she goes "i remember! YEAH!!!"
The ONLY character you can argue was brainwashed in the Splatoon universe, is Agent 3. That's the ONLY ONE i may allow.
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But even then they say "they have been hijacked." As in Tartar has taken direct control over Agent 3's body and it's not reallyyyyy brainwashing because Agent 3 was unconscious and probably had zero idea on what was going on until they woke up on the helicopter at the end of Octo Expansion.
What about Marina Agitando? Possessed by an ai after getting knocked unconscious. Not brainwashed or hypnotised!!! Marina was asleep during her time as Marina Agitando.
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CAN WE STOP THROWING WORDS AROUND LIKE THEY MEAN NOTHING!?!? Stop using that word to describe "Splatoon character but evil." No. Enough. ENOUGH!!!!!!!! STOP!!!!!!!!! I AM GETTING SICK OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(I'm not yelling at you anon btw lmao. I'm yelling at everyone else, thank you for the ask!)
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xxtizzytheofficialxx · 2 months
hello papers your Pokepasta fpe au (1/!!!)
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Meet Dawn, grey, blake, mike
Only next pt 2
New tags if want use :
Fundamental pokepasta education au belons to me ....
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trekmascing · 6 months
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Doctor Bashir knows first hand even those on T could still get pregnant. Be safe out there fam!
This was inspired by (I think) that post below
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zenyluo · 2 months
Grey and Shinto:3
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mixedmindhypnosis · 1 year
Hypnosis: Obstacles
What is an Obstacle?
An obstacle is something that hinders or prevents you from achieving a goal.
Example 1
Once I gave a play partner a suggestion that they would feel restraints preventing them from moving their arms.
When checking if the suggestion had worked my partner told me that they felt like they weren't really restrained as they could just will themselves to move.
They told me that they were very competitive and if there's a challenge, they like to overcome it. Knowing this, and still wanting to make the suggestion work, I had to find another way to make it work and keep them from growing too competitive.
In the end I gave them an additional suggestion that made them feel so good that they couldn't think about pushing against the suggestion.
When doing hypnosis obstacles can occur in different places. There are many different difficulties you might encounter, but most of them can be overcome or bypassed in some way.
When doing hypnosis, you might discover obstacles/difficulties when:
going into trance
staying in trance
make suggestions work
Going into Trance
This is a difficulty some people that start playing and practicing hypnosis struggle with. At the start especially when you don't know what trance feels like it can be hard to know that you are in trance or that your subject is in trance.
If this is difficult for you something that can be a great help is your play partner. If you as a subject have trouble knowing if you are in trance, ask your hypnotist if they can point out when they notice changes in you that could be a sign of trance. If you as the hypnotist are unsure if your play partner is in trance, ask your subject after the trance how they know they are in trance or while still in trance ask them to smile or give a sign when they feel that they are in trance.
Something else that can come up that you worry that you'll fall asleep. In this case try hypnosis while standing. Keeping yourself from falling asleep can be distracting and might hinder you from going into trance. For some people going into trance can even feel like dozing off in some way.
Another thing might be that it just doesn't seem to work. In this case, and just in general, it's worth a try to talk with your hypnotist about how you feel when you let go... do you feel heavy or light? Is your head empty or do you feel your thoughts just rushing through without sticking? This might help your hypnotist adjust an induction to fit you and your experience of letting go. The more your hypnotists’ words reflect how it feels for you the easier it is to experience trance.
Staying in Trance
Sometimes while you might be perfectly able to go into trance it is difficult to stay in it. There are many different things that can disrupt or even pull you out of trance.
Noise, music, and unexpected sounds can make it more difficult to go into or stay in a trance for some people. While it can happen, that certain sounds attract your attention this is completely fine and normal when you’re in trance for a longer amount of time, so don't worry about if it shifts for a moment. Think of it as you trying to check if everything’s alright and after noticing it's not worth your attention you can just fall back into trance.
Something that holds your attention, like music, can be more challenging. For some people this is no problem as they just completely block out anything, but the voice of the hypnotist, but for others music can be very distracting. Just like anything you can hear other senses can, but don't have to, disrupt a trance. Take this into account when planning sessions or playing at a party.
One thing that could help here is to take some time to focus on things that could be distracting. Just focus on what's around the sounds, smells, light, ... and get used to it so you can just let it fade into the background, knowing it's not important or interesting.
This is something that makes for an interesting blend of fixation and overload induction as you can ask a subject to focus on all those things at once.
Example 2
One time I got very distracted by music while I had someone else in trance. My mind was constantly thinking, what if the music is too loud or they can't let go because of it. The fact that it was very epic orchestral music didn't help these thoughts either.
When I talked to my play partner after the trance, they told me that they didn't even hear it and it didn't bother them at all.
From this I learned that sometimes also the hypnotist can be distracted and it's best to just talk about what the ideal place to do hypnosis at is and try to recreate that place if possible.
Another thing that might influence your ability to stay in trance is your general well-being and state of mind. Some days you just have thoughts racing or something that's just constantly on your mind. On these occasions you might find it more difficult to stay in trance as thoughts keep appearing.
It's important to keep in mind that you can't just magically turn off those thoughts and feelings. Acknowledge how you feel and what keeps you thinking, accepting that you might just not be as clear-headed this day can really help to make it easier to let go then trying to bottle it up.
Make Suggestions Work
Suggestions and them working is amazing and show's how incredible the human brain is. While you can do a lot with suggestions, there are limits, some are fixed others can be bent or broken.
There are suggestions that are more difficult to do, like amnesia, and others that are less difficult, like making a body part stuck to something else, but this is something that can be different for every person. While someone might be very good at amnesia suggestions another one is very good at catalepsy suggestions.
Hypnosis and suggestibility can be learned so it's very common that someone new to being in trance might not be able to do certain things, while an experienced person can do very complex things.
When you want to make a suggestion work think about what your goal is, maybe it doesn’t need to be this suggestion or can be achieved with something that's way easier for the subject. For example, a lot of amnesia themed things are not necessarily about the amnesia itself but about the subject being surprised when it happens and not knowing when it will happen. In this case you could just suggest and build up an expectation and that they will not know when it happens.
It is very difficult to make a brain do things it isn't used to doing, so slowly building it up or trying to work around the obstacle can be an easier way than to forcefully repeat until it works.
You can find an overview of the post series here.
Also feel free to follow me on FetLife for more kinky content.
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toy-with-eli · 2 years
You're just a dumb toy
Toys don't need all those thoughts
Toys just need to please
Toys don't need their education
Toys only want pleasure
There's a big philosophical approach to that 🐇 Maybe the problem is that I, no we, as girls, are simply miseducated!
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Maybe we should listen to the internet even more than to old thinking people~ 😊
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alittlemxchievous · 1 year
I've really been enjoying your hypno-kink posts, and I have a little question. Does it involve actual, lose-conteol-of-yourself hypnosis? Or is it more playing like you're hypnotized
What I do is genuine hypnosis. It uses operant conditioning and other classic conditioning techniques. There are several articles on the subject, but if you want to learn more @pruning-the-minds-garden has several post with very helpful explanations of the basic concepts.
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misscammiedawn · 9 months
You’ve probably gotten this question a ton but, do you have any tips or resources on writing a hypnosis induction for the first time? I’m writing a story involving hypnokink and I’ve only been a subject in real life.
Thank you ever so much for asking.
I'll break my advice down into segments for tailoring the best I can. The general advice I have is to listen to long form files by prominent hypnotists within the community and take notes on their styles and flows. I have often noted that one of the best way to learn hypnosis is through experience.
Of my two certification courses the second one, run by Wiseguy, included the invaluable piece of wisdom "The best hypnotic induction is the one that works."
Also check out a set of Zebu cards or download a PDF that contains their write-ups. Zebu Cards are prompts for Ericksonian phrases you can use and explanations of how and why they work. If you need a "how to cheat" sheet then Zebu Cards are an instant win unless you are working with someone literal minded who doesn't deal well with indirect induction methods.
Wiseguy actually did more work training me out of those habits than anything else. Years ago I was fairly fluent in flowery and empty sentiment.
Ericksonian/NLP techniques need not sound as forced as they are in the cards but it's a learning block.
But that's very vague and though I truly consider it the best advice it is less actionable than working out what you wish to write... with that said here is my breakdown:
Select your audience
When writing an induction script you need to know who you are writing for. Is the audience an individual, a group of people or yourself? If it's for an external audience then have you negotiated contents and worked out preferences or are you doing it cold?
How will the script be utilized? Is it to be studied and used as framework for an improvised scene in the moment, is it going to be read by the recipient, recorded? All these little thoughts will change how you handle things. Even a simple comment about the "sound of my voice" will have to switch up based on who is reading and under what context and for what outcome.
Hypnotic inductions tend to work on different modalities and individuals tend to have ones that they favor more than others. During a pre-talk in a negotiation or a cold session the hypnotist tends to test out preferred modality via susceptibility tests.
It's best when doing something where you do not know for sure what will work to mix in a number of different modalities and request feedback if that is possible for you. Some examples are visual fixations, audio fixations and kinesthetic fixations. I sometimes put emotional fixations in with kinesthetic but that is preference based.
What I mean by this is if you know how a person processes information then present them their induction in that method. For myself I am very feeling and sensing and so being asked to feel sensations of my body is better than utilizing visual imagination or audio cues.
"As you hear the sound of my voice and all distractions fade away you can listen to your breathing and notice it becoming softer and slower, the gentle beat of your heart may follow down into that gentle rhythm" is a slightly overt version of a line from an audio script.
"And you'll see that you're already starting to drift down. Can you picture it. You laying down as your slack arms sink down, are your eyelids fluttering, I wonder? It's okay if they are, because you can still watch as you sink deeper even with your eyes resting closed" for visual.
"With every moment that passes you drift more and it feels so good to just let go and relax deeper now. Feeling your lungs empty of air and noticing perhaps how relaxing that is. Do you feel relaxation as a tingling in your head or a lightness in your skin? Either way it feels so good to just drop deeper and so you can let go even more for me now." for kinesthetic.
As you may see I usually lean more indirect than direct in my inductions. I have been taught by some incredible partners how to code switch into direct for dramatic effect. They reward me so very well with whimpers and delight, I feel I must perfect the technique for them.
A mix is always good but an induction, particularly when rapport and intent are not carrying you, should always lean in on your strong suit. Only you will know your style. Play around in the space, see what you can find.
The Induction Starts With Negotiation
This one is a bit obvious but every hypnosis session begins before the hypnotee agrees to begin. If you post a hypnotic audio on YouTube then the summary and preamble are not just there to list the contents they are there to set expectation.
Do not misunderstand and believe that mind control happens before consent. What I mean is that expectation is an active part of the induction.
This can be in carrying confidence of tone "This file will use my voice to draw you into an impossibly deep trance" is more evocative than "I want to try and do some test inductions and want anyone who listens to experience a deep trance" while having much of the same information.
Plus the first example has an indirect suggestion that ties the sound of my voice to the action of you being drawn into trance. Just like the sentence I'm typing right now is a promise that you'd fall under my spell if I were to will it so.
Tone and expectation are important tools and being able to embody the role and work towards your goal at all times is important. Don't be a jerk about it, just be confident. Knowing you will succeed and convincing someone else you can and will do it makes it so. Hypnosis tends to be a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Wrap safety in
In the same vein, I would always recommend to do the old "if anything comes up that requires you to exit this scene you can and will handle it knowing the script/file/opportunity will be waiting for you" and such. Hypnosis is a bond of trust between consenting individuals and a hypnotist must do their best to protect their hypnotee while they are entrusted to them as a hypnotee must be responsible with the practice of hypnosis so a hypnotist can trust the process with them.
If it's 1-on-1 then ask for limits, try to find out what will make it a pleasant experience, make your own requests if there are areas you want to explore.
After all the last and most important tip is always going to be...
Have fun!
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xxtizzytheofficialxx · 2 months
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pokepasta x fundamental paper education moments .....
Its Time pokepasta x fpe au
[ // warning⚠️TW Blood Gore⚠️ // ]
Characters :
St⊈ven red ( Steven red )
Mister glitch red
Mister beelze
Gold silver
Fundamental pokepasta education au belons to me :3
🚫dont not stell copy or tracing
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jeff-the-box-boy · 2 years
2 great redraws amzing
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mixedmindhypnosis · 2 years
Hypnosis: A to Z - A Post Series
I want to write a post series about hypnosis where I will be releasing one post per week to demystify and educate about hypnosis.
Currently hypnosis is shaddow banned on FetLife and this does not help at all to get rid of the stigma and false assumptions people have about it.
I am fully aware that people won’t be able to find it by searching it, this is why I ask you to share it with all the people you know could be interested.
How to read 'Hypnosis: A to Z' posts
My posts will always contain a short explanation of what the term discussed means. You can look at it as the definition of the term when mentioned in my writings.
There will also be a longer discussion about the term, what it has to do with hypnosis, helpful tips, and safety information.
I will try but cannot promise to have at least one example of a trance where the topic of the writing came up to give a more practical insight into the matter.
About me:
I'm not a trained professional (in clinical hypnosis) nor have I been doing it for decades. I know a lot, but I'm aware that there’s probably a lot more I don't know.
I want to pass on my knowledge and give other people the chance to rethink and reform their opinion on hypnosis. Hopefully this will help people uncertain about their interest in hypnosis to give it a shot and overcome the stigma that still surrounds it.
There is a community out there. You are not alone.
Also feel free to follow me on FetLife for more kinky content.
Hypnosis: A to Z - The Basics
Elman Induction
Just - About Adopting Others Words
Wonder (End of Hypnosis A to Z Series)
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