#hypertension cause
How to manage Hypertension and Diabetes?
This article is originally published on Freedom from Diabetes website, available here. In this huge population, many peoples are suffering from the diabetes. It is good if you know the importance of controlling your blood sugar level properly. Uncontrolled diabetes is often a result of poor lifestyle choices. But you have to be aware about another problems also. Sedentary living, unhealthy diets, and high-stress lifestyles combine to trigger a condition known as insulin resistance.
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This is when your body either produces insufficient insulin or the insulin produced doesn’t have the necessary effect, i.e. glucose from food is unable to enter the cells and accumulates in the bloodstream. Over time this high blood sugar level (BSL) damages almost every organ in the body. Like hypertension. You should know about the diabetes symptoms such as Frequent urination, Insatiable thirst, Fatigue, Excessive hunger, Slow healing of wounds, Blurring vision, Fatigue etc. If you notice any of the above symptoms, get yourself checked immediately. And try to get reverse from this asap.
Now lets discuss about what is the connection between Diabetes and hypertension.
High blood sugar can cause by plaque to build up in your arteries due to high LDL cholesterol. This makes the arteries narrower and harder, which makes your heart work harder, leading to high blood pressure. Diabetes and high blood pressure have a some same causes such as Inflammation, High oxidative stress, Weak immunity, Obesity, Smoking, Excessive alcohol consumption, Unhealthy diets, Imbalance in sodium & potassium intake. If you are suffering from both then it increases the risk of heart damage, kidney disease and other serious issues Vision problems, Kidney damage, Heart attack, Stroke etc.
Prevention & Treatment for diabetes and hypertension
1)Daily exercise:
Physical exercise has been seen to good effect on both BP and BSL. This exrcise include running, jogging, cycling, dancing, yoga, tai-chi. These types of exrcise will defenitly helpfull for both BP and BSL.
2)Clean up your diet:
Improving your food habits is very important to regulate both BSL and BP.
You have to eat variety of fresh vegetables and fruits. 2.More high-fiber foods
Less salt
Avoid foods with a high glycemic index (foods that quickly raise your blood sugar) and fried and fatty foods
3) Stop smoking:
Smokers with diabetes have been seen to be at high risk of developing a number of serious complications, such as Kidney disease, Heart damage. You have to Reduce alcohol consumption. Alcohol is high in calories. It triggers weight increase, causes thickening of arterial walls, and high BP. If you must keep it to a minimum or, even better, switch to sparkling water.
By following these treatment and prevention tips, you can manage diabetes and hypertension effectively. To read more about this, please visit our Article. Also please connect with me on my website, Facebook page, and YouTube if you want to stay in touch or give me any feedback!
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Hypertension and Diabetes: Risks, complications, and treatment
Diabetes & hypertension disorders are triggered by metabolic syndrome, which also puts them at high risk of heart disease and many other complications. So it is important to understand if you are at risk and what you can do to protect your health.
Read more to know risks, complications and treatment: https://www.freedomfromdiabetes.org/blog/post/hypertension-and-diabetes-risks-complications-and-treatment/2930
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blakbonnet · 7 months
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mossy-paws · 6 months
my summer vacation is gonna be WILDDDDD this year oh my god. First I have 2 week and a half long vacations with my dad because my brother is getting married. THEN. I’m going on a cruise with my mom and THEN at the end of summer I’m getting knee surgery because apparently I have like 3 different somewhat serious conditions going on all at once IN 1 SINGLE KNEE what the HELL MAN 😭😭😭
anyways yeah art is probably gonna be slowing down a LOT over summer and I don’t think I’ll be able to participate in artfight this year. Maybe a little but if I do then I’m gonna be focusing on close friends only really LMFAO
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l3irdl3rain · 2 years
Could you do a fundraiser for the medicine for Mac?
I appreciate this so much but it’s only partially about the cost. With senior/hospice pets at some point you have to accept that it’s time to stop chasing after things. He still gets his other medicines obviously but there are some things where the cost/benefit factor just isn’t in its favor. And that includes financially, other medical risks, and discomfort for the animal.
I’m comfortable with what I’m doing, Doc is comfortable with what I’m doing, and Mac is still happy and comfortable. He’s just extra sleepy and likes to snuggle under blankets because he gets cold. Neither of those things are terribly uncomfortable, and frankly it’s pretty normal even for a much healthier older cat.
What is going to happen with Maccready is he’s slowly going to fade. He’ll eat less, he’ll sleep more, and he’ll either go in his sleep or it’ll just be time to euthanize. We could have a week, we could have months. It’s not likely to be real long unfortunately, but I’ve had him much longer than I ever could have hoped.
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pochapal · 5 months
developing a pretty bad side effect from one of my meds. uh oh!
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salt-baby · 6 months
I think the take-away from my near death experience is that I am simply unkillable
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apologeticaugur · 22 days
my body hurts all over :'<
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also transphobes who go “They making *us* responsible for their mental health, to force us to use their pronouns can you believe it” yeah dickhead. Your actions have consequences. If you treat people like shit it is your fault when they feel bad, is this your first day on planet earth? Have you interacted with a human before? If you want I can call you Delila H Buttsmell every day of your life until it catches on let‘s see if you blame me for your bad mood then. It would be no problem at all I’m happy to help
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cat-a-holic · 6 months
Ya know it'd be great if my body could freaking thermoregulate for once.
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donuts4evry1 · 1 year
Why do you want to be stung by a jellyfish it hurts so bad 😭 it basically feels like you're getting burned and itches so bad
maybe I just want to who knows why
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neuroticboyfriend · 1 year
me: i can't do this because i'll overheat
mom: well i have hot flashes and im doing it
dad: oh you mean you're pushing through and getting the job done?
me: but its also not just overheating, my heart rate and blood pressure get really high too
dad: yeah well i have afib. stop making comparisons.
me: ?? i'm just telling you what i experience, you're the ones making comparisons
*is ignored*
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tj-crochets · 1 year
Hey y’all! Weird question time!  Can getting an injection that includes something you have a food allergy to* make you more sensitized/reactive to that thing, or to your allergies in general, for a while afterwards? I’m allergic to acetic acid, and there’s acetic acid in the Moderna vaccine (and booster). I still got the vaccine (and boosters), even though I had an allergic reaction every time**, but some things with tiny amounts of acetic acid I used to be able to eat were an issue for a while after each shot*** Oh wait side note: same question but for taking the thing you are allergic to as in inactive ingredient in pill form (found out the hard way that some inactive ingredients in pills are made from acetic acid! still trying to figure out if that’s the thing I was allergic to in that pill, or if I’m just separately allergic to one of the inactive ingredients in it) *like, not those desensitization shot things allergists can do, but as an inactive ingredient in a different thing **it was kind of a “better the devil you know” situation. The allergic reaction I had to the Moderna one was unpleasant but handleable. I have no idea if I’m allergic to the Pfizer one, or how bad the reaction would be ***generally not a good idea to eat a food you know you’re allergic to, but I’m on a lot of antihistamines and sometimes you just want refried beans in your burritos even though you know vinegar is on the ingredients list. It’s the last ingredient on the list, and vinegar is only like less than 10% acetic acid, so I can usually tolerate it just fine
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
i have returned from the void that was my dark bedroom hello
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malxshrine-a · 2 years
#hahaaa so quick update on rl situation#started a new job at a factory and already the area ive in has been goving me a static charge that has me being shocked#on EVERYTHING / ANYTHING metal and ive got to use buttons that have electricity running through them#one button doesnt even have a proper plastic cover on it so to turn it on i have to stick my finger inside it to actually hit it#imagine that. imagine getting shocked for my entire shift EVERYWHERE in little doses and by these buttons w electricity yu know?#ive been there two days and already have to remember 6 machines and im gonna learn more#10 all week despite the rest of the department doing 10 just on sundays and 8 the rest of the week. by the third day they wanted#to have me alone. they didnt even have me in the system to clock in / no badge / no time cards / dodnt tell me all this until monday#here i am thinking shits usual shift time and its not. came in two hours late#hypertension / heart palpitations / high blood pressure just from dealing with knowing i have big gaps in training and they want me alone#me getting shocked to high hell. and knowing even if i WANTED go skiddadle that i COULDN'T#my poor heart been going through it. dealing with them ive been going through it.#NO WONDER PEOPLE NO CALL NO SHOW ON THIS AREA AND YOU CANT KEEP TEMPS#nah cause fuck me running up a damn tree for acorns. tryna relay im being shocked and the girl training me not believing me#til i lit her ass up by touching her on accident through her gloves AND mine. i cant even use my gloves to help#i TRIED THAT. so like she didnt believe me til i made her see had to go to the doctor to not feel like#im being subtly gaslighted into thinking im making a big deal out of nothing and im crazy#i CRIED in the bathroom / before my shift / and after bc i feel off and my anxiety about being shocked is enormous#now i have to deal with paper work while feeling like my chest is being beaten on and squeezed. HAHAAA#im mentally / physically / emotionally going through it. but thank you for coming to my ted talk
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dubioushonour · 2 years
I can't cook for other people without a recipe in front of me. This isn't because I'm not confident in my cooking abilities. I am! This because without instructions I WILL overspice everything I make because my taste buds are non-existent and I think it tastes very good.
But idk if it's edible to anyone else tho
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