I kinda want to undertake a really ambitious research project about the neuroscience of autism, ADHD and schizophrenia for fun. Especially about hyperconnectivity, schizotypy, brain networks and the hippocampus-striatum-VTA loop I wrote about in my Bachelor's thesis.
Obviously just by reading research papers, provided I can get access to them. Luckily I have no shame emailing researchers if I have to lol.
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duubsite · 3 months
The Edge Revolution: How Hyperconnectivity is Reshaping Our World
The Edge Revolution: How Hyperconnectivity is Reshaping Our World
The relentless march of digital technology has fundamentally transformed the way we conduct our lives and businesses. With a pandemic accelerating this digital transformation, the urgency and scope of adopting digital-first strategies have become more apparent than ever. From redefining customer experiences to fostering hyperconnected ecosystems, the digital revolution is spearheading a new era…
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techspherehub · 5 months
Unleashing the Power of Hyperconnectivity with 5G Technology in 2024
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In the dynamic landscape of technological innovation, 5G technology stands as a beacon, heralding a new era of hyperconnectivity. With its unparalleled speed, reliability, and low latency, 5G is not just an upgrade but a revolutionary leap forward in the realm of telecommunications.
5G Technology: Unleashing the Power of Hyperconnectivity begins with its promise to transform industries, societies, and daily lives. From enabling lightning-fast downloads and seamless streaming to empowering advanced applications such as autonomous vehicles and remote surgery, the impact of 5G is boundless.
In the realm of healthcare, 5G technology is poised to revolutionize patient care through telemedicine, remote monitoring, and real-time data transmission. Imagine a world where doctors can perform surgeries from thousands of miles away with precision and confidence, thanks to the low latency offered by 5G networks.
Education is another sector set to benefit immensely from the advent of 5G. With the power of hyperconnectivity, students can access immersive learning experiences, collaborate in real-time with peers across the globe, and tap into a wealth of educational resources like never before. 5G Technology: Unleashing the Power of Hyperconnectivity is not just about speed; it's about breaking down barriers to knowledge and fostering a more interconnected world.
Businesses are also gearing up to harness the transformative potential of 5G technology. From manufacturing and logistics to retail and finance, organizations are leveraging 5G to enhance efficiency, productivity, and customer experiences. With the ability to connect millions of devices seamlessly, 5G is the cornerstone of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
The entertainment industry is experiencing a paradigm shift with the advent of 5G. Streaming services are delivering high-definition content in real-time, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences are becoming more immersive, and gaming is reaching new heights of interactivity. 5G Technology: Unleashing the Power of Hyperconnectivity is not just about consuming content; it's about experiencing it in ways previously unimaginable.
As we embrace the possibilities of 5G technology, it's essential to address concerns surrounding privacy, security, and digital inclusion. With greater connectivity comes greater responsibility, and stakeholders must work together to ensure that the benefits of 5G are accessible to all, without compromising on privacy or security.
Governments and regulatory bodies play a crucial role in shaping the future of 5G technology. By fostering innovation, investing in infrastructure, and establishing clear regulatory frameworks, policymakers can unlock the full potential of 5G and drive economic growth and prosperity.
In conclusion, 5G Technology: Unleashing the Power of Hyperconnectivity is not just a technological advancement; it's a catalyst for progress and innovation across all sectors of society. By embracing the opportunities afforded by 5G and addressing the challenges it presents, we can create a more connected, efficient, and inclusive world for generations to come.
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crzygthumbs · 1 year
Hugelkulter High Density Fruit Tree Bed (Or Heather's Humor Odyssey)
“Soooo, what have you been up to, you crazy little gardener?” Well. Actually, I’ve been very, very busy. Busy, busy, busy. Mainly, because I don’t know how not to be. I fill my free time with projects and experiments. Once I get these ideas for new projects, I get a bee in my bonnet until I can work it out in reality. I am a person who thinks in webs. My thoughts are so far from linear it…
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fthrdvs · 1 year
Hugelkulter High Density Fruit Tree Bed (Or Heather's Humor Odyssey)
“Soooo, what have you been up to, you crazy little gardener?” Well. Actually, I’ve been very, very busy. Busy, busy, busy. Mainly, because I don’t know how not to be. I fill my free time with projects and experiments. Once I get these ideas for new projects, I get a bee in my bonnet until I can work it out in reality. I am a person who thinks in webs. My thoughts are so far from linear it…
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max1461 · 2 years
hmm. regarding the point about orbitofrontal cortex damage inhibiting ethics and social learning, one of the neurological features associated to ocd is hyperconnectivity in the orbitofrontal cortex. so like. hah bitches. im so so moral. my inhibitions are so strong. haha. isnt this great. hah.
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twnenglish · 5 months
Strategies for Unplugging and Finding Balance in a Hyperconnected World: Digital Detox 
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Strategies for Unplugging in a Hyperconnected Society
1. Understanding Hyperconnectivity: The Digital Age Dilemma
What is Hyperconnectivity Definition:
Hyperconnectivity describes the perpetual state of being connected to digital devices and online platforms.
It entails continuous access to information and communication channels, regardless of time or location.
Integration of Technology:
In the digital age, technology has become deeply ingrained in various aspects of daily life.
Boundaries between work, leisure, and personal time have blurred due to the constant accessibility of digital tools.
Challenges of Hyperconnectivity:
Information Overload: With vast amounts of data available at our fingertips, individuals may struggle to process and prioritize information effectively.
Digital Fatigue: Constant exposure to screens and notifications can lead to mental exhaustion and burnout.
Decreased Productivity: Distractions from digital devices may hinder concentration and hinder task completion.
Importance of Understanding Hyperconnectivity:
Recognizing the implications of hyperconnectivity is essential for addressing its challenges.
Understanding its impact allows individuals to adopt strategies to manage digital habits and find balance in a tech-centric world.
To Read This Full ARTICLE, Click Here
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wmrcrediblemarket · 1 year
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rytlifeindia · 1 year
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Hey there digital nomads! Let’s dive into the fascinating world of digital minimalism – the art of finding balance in our hyperconnected lives.
You’re sitting on your porch on a cosy summer evening and you find yourself scrolling through your phone for what feels like the hundredth time that day. Suddenly, it hits you – why are you constantly glued to this little screen, missing out on life’s simple pleasures?
That pivotal moment sparks your journey into the realm of digital minimalism. It’s all about taking back control of your life and breaking free from the incessant pull of technology. As you venture deeper into this uncharted territory, you stumble upon some incredible stories and learn a few invaluable lessons.
Continue Reading: https://rytlife.com/unplugging....-in-a-hyperconnected
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vishalmarali · 1 year
Deal with Distractions with these 7 Proven Techniques | Consistency is T...
"Unlock Your Focus Potential! Discover the Most Effective Methods to Tackle Distractions Head-On. From Mindful Multitasking to Digital Detox Breaks, we'll share the Secrets to Boosting Productivity. Design Your Distraction-Free Oasis and Find Balance in a Distracted World. Join us on this Journey to Mastering Focus and Achieving Success!"
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theemployerdomain · 1 year
Unethical Behavior In The Digital Age: Navigating Ethical Challenges In A Hyperconnected World
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In today's hyper-connected world, where digital technology permeates every aspect of our lives, the prevalence of behaving unethically has become a significant concern. From privacy breaches and cyberbullying to online scams and data manipulation, the digital age has introduced a new frontier of ethical challenges. This article delves into the complexities of unethical behavior in the digital realm, highlighting the importance of navigating these challenges and fostering a more ethical digital culture.
What Do You Understand By Unethical Behavior In A Company?
Unprofessional behavior in a company refers to actions or conduct by individuals or groups within an organization that violates ethical principles, values, or standards. It involves behavior that deviates from accepted moral norms and can harm the well-being of individuals, the organization, and its stakeholders. Unprofessional behavior in a company can take various forms and may include:
Fraudulent activities: Engaging in deceit, misrepresentation, or manipulation of financial information for personal gain or to deceive stakeholders.
Discrimination and harassment: Treating employees, customers, or stakeholders unfairly or engaging in discriminatory practices based on factors such as race, gender, religion, or disability. Harassment can involve creating a hostile work environment, bullying, or sexual harassment.
Conflict of interest: Placing personal interests above the best interests of the company, such as accepting bribes or kickbacks, engaging in insider trading, or favoring family or friends in business dealings.
Misuse of resources: Using company resources, including time, equipment, or funds, for personal gain or non-work-related activities without proper authorization.
Insider information abuse: Exploiting privileged or confidential information about the company for personal advantage or sharing it with others who may use it for illegal or unethical purposes.
Breach of confidentiality: Unauthorized disclosure of sensitive or confidential information, violating agreements, or breaching customer privacy.
Non-compliance with laws and regulations: Ignoring or circumventing legal and regulatory requirements, such as environmental regulations, safety standards, or labor laws.
Supplier or contractor abuse: Engaging in unethical practices with suppliers or contractors, such as unfair pricing, exploitation of labor, or engaging with unethical business partners.
Misleading advertising and marketing practices: Engaging in false advertising, deceptive marketing techniques, or withholding information to mislead customers or gain a competitive advantage.
Lack of transparency and accountability: Failing to provide accurate and honest information to stakeholders, withholding crucial information, or evading responsibility for one's actions.
Importance Of Navigating Ethical Digital Culture 
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Here are some key points we need to look at.
The Rise of Unethical Action in the Digital Landscape
Examining the factors contributing to the surge in unprofessional behavior in the digital age.
Exploring the anonymity and perceived detachment in online interactions as catalysts for unethical conduct.
Discussing the influence of social media and digital platforms in amplifying unprofessional action.
Privacy and Data Protection: Ethical Implications in the Digital Era
Analyzing the ethical concerns surrounding the collection, storage, and use of personal data.
Addressing the impact of data breaches and unauthorized data sharing on individuals and society.
Evaluating the responsibility of organizations and increase employee engagement in safeguarding privacy rights.
Cyberbullying and Online Harassment: Combating Digital Cruelty
Unpacking the ethical dilemmas associated with cyberbullying and online harassment.
Examining the psychological, emotional, and societal consequences for victims.
Highlighting preventive measures, awareness campaigns, and legal actions to combat cyberbullying.
Manipulation, Disinformation, and Fake News: Ethical Challenges in the Digital Information Age
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Exploring the ethical implications of information manipulation, disinformation, and fake news.
Analyzing the impact on public opinion, democratic processes, and social cohesion.
Discussing strategies to promote digital media literacy and critical thinking.
Addressing Unprofessional Behavior in Digital Businesses and E-commerce
Examining the ethical challenges in Workplace Productivity, advertising, and e-commerce practices.
Discussing issues such as deceptive practices, online fraud, and customer data exploitation.
Proposing ethical guidelines for businesses to build trust and accountability.
Nurturing Ethical Digital Citizens: Education and Awareness
Emphasizing the role of education in fostering ethical behavior in the digital age.
Discussing the importance of digital citizenship programs and media literacy initiatives.
Highlighting the role of parents, schools, and communities in promoting responsible digital behavior.
Also Watch: EmpMonitor|Leading Employee Engagement and Workforce Productivity Tool
As technology continues to advance and shape our lives, addressing unethical behavior in the digital age is paramount. Navigating the complex web of ethical challenges requires a collective effort from individuals, organizations, and society as a whole. By fostering a culture of digital ethics, we can create a safer and more inclusive digital landscape that benefits everyone.
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tealin · 1 year
McMurdo Internet
Internet service is supplied to Antarctica via a geostationary satellite. This far south, the satellite is only a few degrees above the horizon, and unfortunately for McMurdo, it's behind Mt Erebus. So the signal is beamed to a receiver on Black Island, about 20 miles away to the southwest, and bounced over to the sheltered alcove at the end of the Hut Point Peninsula where McMurdo sits.
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The Chalet, administrative hub, with Black Island in the distance
The Black Island telecommunications infrastructure was installed in the 1980s, long before the internet we know and love today. It was upgraded in 2010 to allow more data transfer, mainly realtime weather data to feed into global forecast models. For this reason, it's probably the only place I've ever been where upload speed is remarkably faster than download speed – 60Mbps for outbound traffic, but only 20Mbps for inbound. Most regular internet use is receiving, not sending, so that's an entire base running on a connection that's only marginally faster than the average American smartphone. As you can imagine, this is somewhat limiting.
The limits to one's internet access actually begin before one even reaches the Ice. At the orientation in Christchurch, one is directed to a URL from which one must download and install a security programme from the U.S. government. It may feel like a hippie commune full of nerds, but McMurdo is an installation of the American state, and as such its computer network is a target of whatever disgruntled conspiracy theorist decides to hack The Man on any given day. Computers that are allowed onto this network (such as the one on which I am typing right now) have to have an approved firewall and antivirus service installed, then this extra programme on top of them. I am not sure what it does. For all I know the CIA is spying on me even now. (Hi, guys!) But you need to install it to get on the McMurdo Internet, such as it is, so I did.
To be honest, I was rather looking forward to a month cut off entirely from the hyperconnected world, so I was a tiny bit disappointed that quite a lot of day-to-day communication is done by email, and I would need to be on my computer a fair bit to get it. Had I known just how important email would be, I'd have installed an email client that actually downloads one's messages instead of just fetching them; as it was, the cycle of loading an email and sending the reply, even in Gmail's "HTML for slow connections" mode, took about five minutes, not counting the time it took to write. Tending one's email was a serious time commitment; sometimes I felt like I was spending more time on the computer in Antarctica than I did at home.
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Crary scientists waiting, and waiting, and waiting
In a way, though, I was lucky, because I was technically a scientist and therefore had access to the one building on base with WiFi, the Crary Lab. And don't think you can just waltz into Crary with your laptop and poach the WiFi – in order to access it at all, you have to get set up by Crary IT with your own personal WiFi login. If you do not have Crary access, your portal to the Internet is one of a handful of ethernet cables in each of the dorm common rooms, or some public terminals in the main building. You can hop on, download your emails, maybe check the news or Google something you needed to look up, and then leave it for someone else. When most online time sinks are either blocked or too heavy to load, it’s amazing how little internet time you actually turn out to need.
Things that we have come to take for granted in The World are not a part of McMurdo life. Social media is pretty much out – the main platforms are bandwidth hogs even before you try to load a video or an animated GIF. There is no sharing of YouTube links, and no Netflix and chill. Someone was once sent home mid-season for trying to download a movie. Video calls with family and friends? Forget it. People do occasionally do video calls from Antarctica, often to media outlets or schools, but these have to be booked in advance so as to have the requisite bandwidth reserved. Jumping on FaceTime does not happen – not least because handheld devices have to be in airplane mode at all times for security reasons. Your phone might be secure enough for your internet banking, but not for US government internet!
It is, unavoidably, still a digital environment, it just gets by largely without internet access. Nearly everyone has an external hard drive, mostly for media that they've brought down to fill their off hours. If you want to share files you just swap hard drives, or hand over a memory stick. When the Antarctic Heritage Trust wanted some book material from me, I dropped it onto an SD card and ran it over to Scott Base on foot – a droll juxtaposition of high- and low-tech, not to mention a good excuse for a hike over The Gap on a beautiful day. It took half an hour, but was still faster than emailing it.
There is also a McMurdo Intranet, which includes a server for file sharing. Emailing someone your photos will take ages, but popping them into a folder on the I: drive and sending them a note to say you've done so (or, better yet, phoning them, or poking your head into their office) is much more efficient. To conserve space, this informal server partition is wiped every week, so you have to be quick about it, but it's an effective workaround, and also a good way to get relatively heavy resources to a large number of people in one go.
The telecommunications centre on Black Island is mostly automated, but like anything – perhaps more than some things, given the conditions – it needs to be maintained. There is a small hut out there for an equally small team of electricians and IT engineers; Black Island duty attracts the sort of person who might have been a lighthouse keeper back in the day.
Towards the end of my time on the Ice there was a spell where they needed to shut off the connection overnight, to do some necessary work. Given that most people's workdays extended at least to the shutoff time at 5:30 p.m., this meant essentially no internet for a large portion of the population, and some amusing flyers were posted up to notify everyone of the impending hardship.
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Someday, faster, more accessible internet will come to Antarctica.  It's more or less unavoidable, as communications technology improves, and everyone's work – especially the scientists' – depends more and more on having a broadband connection at all times.  It will make a lot of things more convenient, and will make the long separation from friends and family much easier.  But I'm pretty sure that many more people will mourn the upgrade than celebrate it.  One can, theoretically, curtail one's internet use whenever one likes, but even before the pandemic it was almost impossible to live this way with the demands of modern life: I know from personal experience that opting out of Facebook alone can have a real detrimental effect on relationships, even with people one sees in the flesh fairly regularly, simply because everyone assumes that is how everyone else communicates.  Being in a community where no one has access to assumed channels, and is more or less cut off from the rest of the world in a pocket universe of its own, levels the playing field and brings a certain unity.  The planned (and, unarguably, necessary) updating of the physical infrastructure of McMurdo will wipe out a lot of the improvised, make-do-and-mend character of the place; how much would free and easy access to the online world change it in a less tangible way?
I'm sure the genuine Antarctic old-timers would shake their heads at the phone and email connections we have now, and say that no, this has already ruined Antarctica.  It's not Antarctica unless your only link to the outside world is a dodgy radio.  It's not Antarctica unless you only get mail once a year when the relief ship arrives.  Doubtless the shiny new McMurdo will be seen as 'the good old days' by someone, someday, too.  Change may happen slower there than elsewhere, but just like the rust on the tins at Cape Evans, it comes eventually, regardless. 
For my own part, I'm glad I got to see 'old' McMurdo, such as it was, all plywood and cheap '90s prefab.  The update will be much more efficient, and tidy, but yet another generation removed from the raw experience of the old explorers.  My generation is probably the last to remember clearly what life was like before ubiquitous broadband; to some extent, Antarctica is a sort of time capsule of that world, just as the huts are a time capsule of Edwardian frontier life.  I hope they'll find a way to hang on to the positive aspects of that. 
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to waste an hour mindlessly refreshing Twitter ...
If you'd like to learn more about the Black Island facility, there's a lot of good information (and some photos!) here: https://www.southpolestation.com/trivia/90s/blackisland.html
And this Antarctic Sunarticle goes into greater depth on the 2010 upgrade: https://antarcticsun.usap.gov/features/2114/
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brostateexam · 6 months
For eight months this year, I used a flip phone. For most of those eight months, I hated myself and everyone else.
Frankly, I’m embarrassed to write about this semifailed experiment. Disconnection has become the most congratulated, least convincing narrative gimmick of recent times, a widely excusable hypocrisy. A popular Instagrammer leaves the platform, only to return a month later (welcome back!); a tech columnist claims to read exclusively print newspapers for a month, yet tweets throughout (he’s only human!); pop renunciates in hipster enclaves nationwide grayscale their phones and #deletefacebook and demetricate their Twitters, but lemme just check this text real quick in the middle of dinner.
Meanwhile, many of media's technophobic éminences grises, long spooked by anything that dings and therefore feeling pretty smug about the current techlash, now see fit to indulge in and promote their analog fantasies at tedious length in national publications, as if we, the hopelessly hyperconnected hoi polloi, care about cows in the countryside, silent retreats at which tears are cathartically shed, or—please, no—the original off-gridder himself and resurgent icon of the new techno-dystopian dark age, Henry David “Friends Actually Joined Me at the Pond All the Time” Thoreau.
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quixoticanarchy · 13 days
what is the connectography book and why is it so terrible?
Sorry this took a while to collect my thoughts! where do I start.....
tl;dr it's a paean to enlisting every corner of the earth in the global neoliberal economy so that each can maximize their natural role in the supply chain and achieve Development™. All resources feasible to extract should be extracted, "connectivity" is the most important goal and value and metric in the world, supply chains matter more than nations, globalization is an inexorable force for good, we should focus on mass infrastructure projects to speed development (including a bizarre amount of fossil fuel infrastructure projects). yes there are downsides and yes there's a climate crisis going on but don't mind that, it'll actually be quite profitable
long answer under the cut:
Connectography is a book by Parag Khanna - CNN consultant, Brookings Institute guy, former Special Ops embed, National Intelligence Council advisor etc. So off the bat he’s quite embedded (so to speak) and aligned with the US military and national security apparatus, although the focus of the book is economic. The main arguments are that the world can no longer be thought of as a discrete set of countries setting and fighting over national policies, but an interconnected “supply chain world” where systems of production, transportation, and consumption drive policy and development in and of themselves. Consequently he argues for the diminishing importance of the nation-state and an increasing importance of smaller units of power geography like cities as well as broader ones like regions. He then argues that authority will and should devolve from centralized states to smaller units, and that global conflict would diminish or disappear if we could just give every tribal group its own state or at least autonomy within a larger state. Which is..... already quite a take.
His other main contention is that investing in mass infrastructure projects (oil pipelines, trains, highways, ports) is the best way to maximize "connectivity" and speedrun modernity and urbanization and development and industrial exploitation of poor countries. Demands that everyone and everything serve the market's invisible hand have become demands to bow to the needs of supply chains - which despite being quite based in the material world, are often invoked as something of a mystical force with their own whims and desires, uncoupled from human action.
In a way, there are principles that I also hold which show up in a strange twisted mirror version here. He isn't interested in preserving the nation-state as a form - but it's bc he prioritizes transnational supply chains and rule by corporatocracy. He would like to see a more borderless world - but he's also in favor of more borders (give every ethnic group a state, but also states don't matter anymore?), which counterintuitively he says would lead to a more interconnected and frictionless world. He's pro-immigration and freedom of mobility - but elsewhere it's made clear that he's also invested in blocking undesirable "flows" across borders, and is pro-mobility of people just as long as they enhance economic productivity. He makes some cogent critiques of maps and what is obscured by treating political maps of country borders as true and absolute, for instance - but the ways in which he would re-map the world are all to reflect and further the hyperconnected hypercapitalism he applauds. He would rather see structural adjustment programs prescribe infrastructure investments than austerity - but he still supports "developing" countries being forcibly drafted into the global economy and structured according to the (politely vague and innocuous-sounding) demands of supply chains.
The cheerleading for infrastructure projects, which might be mistaken for a benevolent interest in public spending, is much less "repair bridges so they won't collapse and kill people" and much more "repair and build more and bigger bridges so that more and bigger trucks can carry more cargo across them faster". His rather unoriginal instruction to "developing" countries is to accept globalization is inevitable so it's best to get yours where you can: start by selling off your resources and turning them over to private industry, open SEZs (Special Economic Zones, aka Free Trade Zones) and let the corporations use your cheap labor until you ‘develop’ enough to move up the value chain and those industries depart for cheaper and more lawless shores. He's really into SEZs. It's the classic race to the bottom, except he does not dwell whatsoever on that bottom and its conditions, nor its necessity - someone somewhere will always have to be the cheapest, the most exploitable, the most business-friendly. Instead we get, predictably, the argument that the race to the bottom actually lifts all boats bc corporate investment through SEZs teaches backwards countries how to develop faster and better.
Nothing makes me see red like considering how the version of the future which to me is a nightmare - a fully urbanized integrated modernized hypercapitalist corporate-run world of endless growth and consumption and extraction and waste mediated by advanced technology and surveillance, all consequences be damned - is seen as good and desirable and inevitable by various political and military leaders, economists, think tanks, corporations, etc.
It's also kind of sickening how incredibly out of touch all these visions are. There is no discussion of resource scarcity or limits. There is no discussion of waste. My guy Khanna's acknowledgments of climate change are so blasé and opportunistic I would rather he were a rabid climate denier. How do you acknowledge the destabilizing and deadly effects of climate crisis and yet promote and lionize policies that ensure more of those effects? How are mass scale infrastructure projects supposed to knit people together though lasting physical and supply chain interdependence when so fucking many of them are fossil fuel infrastructure projects?? I cannot emphasize enough how much he gushes over countries and companies building ever more oil pipelines, opening up new deposits for drilling (including in the arctic), and putting aside border disputes to transport oil faster and faster to the biggest consumers.
Well, don’t worry - he’s got the climate-meltdown world all figured out. No mention of cutting emissions or keeping temperature rise down or even many mentions of "green" energy; it's still drill baby drill til we die. Most coastal cities will drown and most latitudes will become uninhabitable but it’s ok, Canada and Russia can become the breadbaskets of the world and we’ll tap all those good good arctic basin resources as the ice melts. Probably throw in some geoengineering too. Climate migrants can move north in their millions, and Canada and Russia will welcome them; really, it's convenient, bc they’re too sparsely populated up there anyway and could use some fresh blood.
There are many other ridiculous or appalling things here I could go into if this post weren't already too long - the statement that colonialism is over, inequality is inevitable and a worthy price to pay, antiglobalization activists are naïve and basically a dying breed anyway, the world has gotten so good at controlling desirable flows and preventing undesirable ones--in particular, we're soo good at controlling infectious disease these days (lol. lmao even), the discussion of Dubai and Doha as prime examples of interconnected hyperglobal cities without going into like. human trafficking, the mocking of countries that tried to choose a third way decades ago and were brutally punished, the disparaging of swana/african countries as weak and crisis-ridden (seemingly idiopathic idk. funny), the shameless extolling of the lovely resources found in war zones which sadly preclude their needful exploitation.. etc. Etc.
I hated this book and would only recommend as a know-thine-enemy exercise; I did get a fair bit out of it from that perspective, and it's worthwhile to consider the implications of the worldview that people like this espouse. But it's incredibly depressing and infuriating that the admitted endgame of all this really is to consume everything there is on this planet to squeeze out every drop of profit, and then flee to the poles when it all comes crashing down.
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synapticabyss · 2 months
Super Devil reworks
idk I like Metal Slug. I'm shy to share what I've worked with but hey it's my blog so whatever!
There might be a zine in the future. But also maybe not. I hope there will (I shall be making it in that specific timeline), there's lots of stuff I've written in private but I'll post a little mini-glossary of terms and what they mean.
Body horror beyond this point!
This will be only for the main Metal Slug protagonists through instances 1-3. All Abyssal Timeline alterations are based on observable in-game things, mostly.
Typically when speaking about my warped AU versions of characters I title them "Abyssal [Name]" but here I will revoke the "Abyssal" section because it'd take up too much space.
Glossary of Useful Terms
HOST - Within the Abyssal Metal Slug Timeline, a host is what a playable character is. They are "host" to powers granted to them by the Super Devil through a specialized infection known as Conduit. Hosts are difficult to kill due to regeneration, cease to produce bodily waste, process consumed energy differently than humans, and overall develop immense physical strength. Beyond that, hosts are known to develop specialized abilities.
RESPAWN NODULE - A small, purple-tinted tumorous organ within the middle-torso of a host. The respawn nodule produces regen fluid, a black sludgy biological substance full of supercharged, fast-acting stem cells that can heal any damage within times that would render most humans bled-out and dead. Fuelled by the NESS-Organ.
NATURAL ENERGY SYSTEM STORAGE ORGAN (NESS-Organ) - Repurposed gut system, which acts as a refinery of "slimefilm" that is produced from consumed foods within the stomach. Slimefilm conversion is almost instant. Refined slimefilm energy is used to fuel respawn nodules. NESS-Organs should be kept full at all times to prevent Creeping Resurrection Sickness.
HIVES/GRAND HIVES - Hostal groups and anomalous armies, respectively. "Grand Hive Regular" = Regular Army. "Grand Hive Morden" = Morden Army. Main Metal Slug gang has their group named "Hive Peregrine". A hivemate, or hostmate, is the same as teammate.
There's more in the overall word-legend but it'd be an even longer read if I listed them all!
Super Devil Form is an artificial supercharging of hostal general and specialization symptoms through experimental Pro-Devil Serums, which safely amplifies bodily Conduit intensity at the cost of causing Hyperconnectivity Syndrome. Hyperconnectivity Syndrome is the temporary mental state that describes P-D serum afflicted hosts, which closely resembles sleepwalking or "waking dreams" - that is, they are not mentally all there.
Due to the potential risk of the serum causing emotional distress in hosts, the potential risk it poses to civilians due to Hyperconnectivity Syndrome, and the nigh-impossibility of containing a host in their Super Devil Form, pro-Devil serums are rarely ever used.
MARCHRIUS DENNIS ROSSI Hostal Specialization: Brainfog immunity, higher mental process capacity, physical dexterity
Under the effects of the serum, Marco's limbs elongate and his body becomes coated in somewhat-thick chitin with a rough texture. Joints become spherical, allowing for each of his limb joints to become effectively omni-directional with no risk of joint tension due to specialized tendons. His fingers become alarmingly thin and, like the rest of his joints, the bending points also become omni-directional.
Mentally, Marco initially appears lucid and unaffected by Hyperconnectivity Syndrome, but it should be noted that it might not be safe for most to interact with him. Alarmingly, Marco becomes a lot smarter than humans are biologically capable of when under serum effect, and becomes easily mentally bored with humans which can lead to agitation - agitation can lead to danger. He remains passive to his hostmates.
Due to his intensified intelligence, it's advised to never try to out-strategize SD-Marco (Super Devil Marco). However, he is known to accept surrenders.
ERI KASAMOTO Hostal Specialization: Heat/Burn resistance, explosives effectiveness
Under the effects of the serum, Eri remains at her standard human proportions, and her skin becomes semi-stony and coated in overlapphing "scales." Her tendency to use her teeth as a weapon intensify, and her reaction speed increases rather drastically. Her insides appear to "glow" with incandescence, shown mostly in the eyes as well as the underside of her torso - as her blood becomes reactive and so superheated that even her spit can cause severe burns. Gains total heat and explosives immunity.
Mentally, Eri becomes very easily agitated and poses significant risk to anything she considers an irritant. She is shown to speak even less than she normally does when her body is clear of serum, making it difficult to communicate with her in Super Devil form. As her blood is reactive, and that she herself becomes immune to explosives, it is incredibly dangerous for anybody to shoot at her as it would immediately cause a flame explosion that would not effect Eri.
However, she becomes significantly weakened towards anything cold that doesn't melt before reaching her. Frozen helium bullets recommended.
TARMICLE (TARMA) ROVING JR. Hostal Specialization: Physical damage resistance, physical strength
Under the effects of the serum, Tarma's skin solidifies at an extremely small scale, resembling toughened biological nanoplating. This softened plating absorbs almost any damage lashed out due to its absurd toughness and high surface area. His arms become mildly translucent and somewhat luminous, similar to unprocessed slimefilm or diluted energy-dense host fats. Part of his lips seemingly vanish, showcasing at least fourth frontal teeth at all times, both upper and lower.
Mentally, Tarma showcases his average human intelligence, although dulled by Hyperconnectivity Syndrome which causes him to be somewhat more impulsive and monomaniacal. Tarma is known to be a low risk factor in his Super Devil form, as he is rather naturally calm and can even be friendly so long as he never feels like he is being disrespected. He is known to be very "touchy" with his hostmates in this state, but obeys if he is told "No."
As he becomes physically strong enough to cause fusion in certain elements with just his grip, and can throw fist-condensed objects with enough force to match military artillery, it's advised to be polite to Super Devil Tarma.
FIOLINA GERMI Hostal Specialization: Anatomical-knowledge attuned, weaponry-operation attuned
Under the effects of the serum, Fio's eyes become pale and her arms harmlessly split down the radius and ulna and through the palm. From the cloven points in her arms extend pale-purple tendrils similar to that of ribbon worm tendrils, which she can use to infiltrate robotic and biological enemies. The tendrils have absolute command if applied, granting a type of "faux"-hostalism to anything Fio interfaces with, making the infected damage resistant, regenerative, and powerful similar to that of a true host. The relationship is parasitic. Fio also produces far more regen fluid than normal, making her not especially damage resistant but that she simply out-regenerates any taken damage.
Mentally, Fio becomes skittish but social in her Super Devil form. She is only considered a proper danger if she becomes frightened, which causes her physical strength surge. She is known to share her regen fluid with any and all injured without bias, and can become upset if the regen fluid is rejected, which rarely happens due to the fluid's omni-biocompatibility.
Super Devil Fio, despite her friendliness, is a uniquely dangerous host in this state due to her tendrils having an incredibly long reach and can branch infinitely, which can cause her to infect "chunks" of enemy forces that act as soldier bees protecting a queen.
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azspot · 10 months
Fewer and fewer Americans know even one other person they could call in time of emergency. We suffer an epidemic of loneliness, even as we live immersed in our technologies of hyperconnection. This loneliness is at the heart of growing rates of depression, drug abuse, and suicide, If Americans could learn to turn toward each other in the real and to act together to save their communities, that would help us save ourselves. Silicon Valley ideology insists that virtual organizing will translate into real-world connection, but online life puts you into habits of mind that don’t make this translation easy. Ultimately, this has to do with tolerating and even embracing friction. In this context, Silicon Valley proposes a meta-object, the metaverse, that threatens to put us into precisely all the wrong habits of mind.
Sherry Turkle
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