ask-dark-monita · 2 months
You people voted, and Happy Ending has won the vote!
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Good Ending part 1
After the heroes were finished fighting off Rex, Broly, and Sephiroth, Neptune would have turned back to normal just in time.
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"I may have struggled trying to defeat you last time, but I've been training for years now and strong enough to finally put you in your place! Stay gone, Broly! DRAGON FIST!!!!"
Goku's dragon fist goes through Broly's chest as a huge golden dragon engulfs the Legendary Super Saiyan, destroying him for good!
Modern Notori & Classic Notori both used holy chains firing from the palms of their hands to wrap around the defeated Rex Stenton to prevent him from escaping.
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"I'm not letting you harass mini me ever again! This time, you're not going back to the treasure chest! Cuz I'm gonna make sure you won't ever exist! Dig on THIS!"
They both threw Rex up in the air with the chains around him as the two Notoris joined together with bright holy auras to launch themselves toward the villain and penetrate him similar to Kid Goku with Piccolo. Just like Broly, Rex would explode and is no more!
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"That was so awesome! I can't believe we finally defeated Rex this early!"
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"Hey, I'm just glad that you now get to live a happy childhood with Cloud instead of Rex trying to trap him in some pocket dimension for some reason. Not like that would ever happen though."
As for Cloud after defeating Sephiroth...
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"Stay dead. Never come back. Remain unhappy. Cry about it even."
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"Okay... Can someone please explain what the Nep is going on?!"
Purple Sister reverts to Nepgear.
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"A magic Anon turned you into an evil skeleton... Not only that but while you were a skeleton, you murdered Histoire, committed acts of terrorism on all of the nations, and caused Planeptune to collapse with zero shares."
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"But regardless... Histoire got brought back to life by the Mario Bros... I'm just so glad that you're finally back, sis..."
Nepgear hugs Neptune.
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"Oh my Stars! That is absolutely terrible! I really hope the others will forgive me because all of that was not my fault if the evil skeleton side mind controlled my way of thinking!"
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“Hey.” Snaps fingers twice to get your attention.
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“What the fuck? Why is there a hole in the Hakurei Barrier?”
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historias-multorum · 3 months
@hxroic-wxlls-rxborn continuing from this.
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"Oh well uh..." Haruhi stammered. "How would you like to do that then? Be in a romantic relationship with me I mean."
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gazelessmenagerie · 18 days
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“ If you really got $50 every time someone had beef with you, you’d be a billionaire in a month… “
(To Joseph)
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★ " Tell me about it. I still got the scars from one time a mirror demon couldn't keep her hands off me. Don't ask how that happened, just know it did and I managed to run away.. or the other time I had some crazy lady shoot me in the bloody shoulder. "
★ " AND lets not forget that whole poison ring deal.. I mean that surely meant Kars and his mates owe me at least $1500! "
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dropletsofmuses · 1 month
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(I’d be feeling uncomfortable using icons that use NSFW art for SFW things anyway so that’s fun)
(I’m also just somewhat more wary of using SFW art of her to icon for some reason and I wish there was just a manga where Hex Maniacs had enough appearances to make icons out of)
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waitingfate · 3 months
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cauaullection · 3 months
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Hanyuu is pleased with the service provided at this fast food joint. Her order came just like she asked (a fried blueberry pie + a small milk), no doubt because she kept it short, sweet and simple...
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...Unlike someone who ordered small fries to go with their large fries.
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alchemistdetective · 3 months
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"Ice-skating, hm? Now that is something which I have picked up regularly in my travels. You will not believe just what a graceful art it is in all forms. Hakune?"
And thus, an illusion of Rirune's making appears out of thin air. A grown woman who stands a bit taller than him in size.
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"Did you call, Rirune? Wait, hold on, you...-"
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"Welcome to the Olympics, Mayune, don't worry. Let's show everyone how one does a dance like this in Gensokyo."
With Rirune extending his hand, Mayune grabbed his, and the both of them proceeded to skate on the skating rink.
It was a small moment, before the duo began skating on the rink.
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The both of them began their serenade when the music starts.
Holding each other's hands, the duo began skating on the rink. It wasn't anything fancy, with the both of them holding hands with each other, getting used to each other's movements for a moment with the both of them giving a bow.
The music tempo picks up as the both of them proceeded with the main event.
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Slowly as the match progressed, the duo proceeded with kick flips, carrying each other, along with the both of them in sync and doing flip jumps on ice, rejoining with each other with hands held, and when they done...
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... Reveals that a heart has been formed in the place of where Hakune and Rirune skated on.
A gentle light shined from below the ice in the dark stadium, with the shape basking the area in it's gentle glory.
It was a memorizing sight to behold.
And with that, the both of them took a bow in unison, as they waved towards the audience and the judges.
The contest... was won.
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"You were amazing, Hakune. I would dare say this would be our best performance yet, a complete 10 for sure. Now, we could take our well deserved rest, and...- Wait, what's this? A paper?"
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"'Unfortunately, as per the rules of the Mario Olympics, we are forced to penalize you on the points due to the unequal playing field through the use of unauthorized magic abilities. Based on investigation, we have found you are guilty of... Balancing magic on ice, bringing a partner not authorized by the Mario Olympics when it's supposed to be a solo event, light magic for display, the use of magic which may be harmful to bystanders, and potential damage to the skating rink..."
"All which totals up to a total from 10 points to...'"
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"... Oh."
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"Rirune, you absolute fool."
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At least it's not disqualification
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inseparableduo · 3 months
@hxroic-wxlls-rxborn replied to your post “The true question is can your muse beat sailor...”:
Luigi definitely could. He just has to use his unbeatable ability of doing absolutely nothing.
​God forbid he decides to use .000001% of his power
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moonlitsorceress · 3 months
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“ Yo, Letti, mind lending a hand to me and my pals, for a sec? The last ad everyone made to recruit new time patrollers ain’t really doing numbers, so we’re shooting a new one. Wanna be a part of it? “
Yep. Average time patroller shenanigans.
(To Letti)
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"An ad?" Folding her arms, she thought about the one that had played before. "Yeah I'll help you all out with it this time but I want to go on the next mission with you all." Letti said as she held up a hand. "I really want to get a good fight in. I don't want to get rusty."
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sentient-rift · 3 months
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"I like brownies, but would I join a group just to have some...?"
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ask-dark-monita · 2 months
Thanks to the Mario Brothers, Histoire is brought back to life!
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"Ah! I'm alive! What's that? The Mario Brothers brought me back to life?"
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"Oh, thank goodness... Thank you, Mario & Luig-"
"Wait a minute...!" She then remembers the person who killed her.
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"Well, it's a good thing the Mario Bros came prepared... Now the only thing left is getting Neptune back to normal, that should put an end to this mayhem."
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"Shouldn't be too hard. However, I do have a bad feeling about this..."
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"Hey, no problem! Getting Neptune back should be a piece of cake! We even have the Mario Bros on our side to help us out! We'll find Gear's sister in no time!"
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"Please do... It's bad enough already that Planeptune collapsed and its citizens now have no home to live in..."
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"Lady Histoire, don't you worry! We promise we'll get Nep back to normal and fix Planeptune!"
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"What are we waitin' for? The trailer for my 3rd movie? Let's get to it!"
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And with that, Purple Sister, Notori, and Sonic go to the 2012 Paradise Dimension to get Neptune back to normal with the help of the Mario Brothers!
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imperishable-prayers · 2 months
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“ Fifty packs of Deer Crackers, please. “
Seems like Moriya Mart already has a new customer.
And fifty others, given the horde of deer walking around the store.
(To Sanae)
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“You got it! Fifty packs of deer crackers!” Funny enough, she doesn’t mind all the deer. Common sense is the least of her worries after all!
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hoshinomulti · 2 months
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gazelessmenagerie · 18 days
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“ Heyyyyyy, buddy~! it’s me, again. Ya any good with chocolate? I’ve got a ton from the recent feast event, and I don’t really need all of it. Also, little Ms. Boss didn’t make it, so we don’t gotta worry about deadly food poisoning. She may be good at managing history, but MAN does her cooking suck. “
He says, knowing full well he’s an employee… Guess he’s not afraid to be honest.
Criticisms towards the Supreme Kai’s cooking, aside, he’d offer the taller Saiyan a box containing a variety of chocolates.
(To Broly)
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Through the stroke of luck, the day was perhaps the best chance of not being chased off or used for the Brute's often malicious amusement as a passing glance hardly held any interest on the living mass of blue. The sweetness of chocolate wafted to his nostrils, eliciting his mouth to water at the mere idea of eating the sugary treat. Dark eyes narrowed upon hearing about a feast, disdain welling before the idea of having to deal with a crowd distanced his appetite on missing out on eating as much as his near bottomless stomach desired.
The criticism spoken went unchallenged, partly because Broly's mind had been occupied by another thought but the offer wouldn't go ignored for long. Especially once he heard that Pink Mint hadn't touched a single atom on this batch. A low grumble exhaled, twin onyx orbs drifting to feast his gaze upon the attractively decorated bits of chocolate meant to be eaten in bite sized portions.
A fleeting thought towards poison flitted to his mind, keenly aware of how easy it would be to simply poison him but sniffing at the chocolates hadn't brought any evidence of deception and his sweet tooth was craving harshly. The line of Broly's mouth stretched, a glance taken to the optimistic expression that felt like it never left this strange creature's face while the Brute reached and took the box. Picking out one, a careful eye scrutinized for the smallest attempt of tampering before he allowed the treat to enter his mouth.
The taste practically melted over his tongue, washing it with that sweetness as he took his time savoring with an appeased growl. Picking out another, a quiet huff exhaled.
" One would think having access to what may be the entire history of culinary arts would've been used but I suppose not. "
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dropletsofmuses · 3 months
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Alright! Just about jumping on the correct platforms, right?
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One! Two! Three! Four! Fi-
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...Okay, no five. Wrong platform. Dang. Guess she'll fall and forget that she can fly.
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