#hws florence
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renaissancefailmarriage · 1 year ago
random name thoughts+headcanons
"françois bonnefoy" is something that he came up with when he was the nation equivalent of 10-12, because it really sounds more like a medievalbrained Cool Title than a real name.....hello i am a frenchman of the good faith. d'accord jeunehomme! people might have already been calling him something like The Frank or the frankish child (in their various dialects) so he really just....took this to the logical conclusion. (side note: i like the idea of his roman cognomen having been flavius/flaviulus, "yellow" for his hair)
"veneziano" is pretty self-explanatory, just a place-of-origin name, in fact iirc there were some people historically who having no last name, just used this one, like the painter bartolomeo veneziano. "feliciano" is apparently not a real italian name(?correct me if this is wrong?) but could have come through any number of vulgar latin takes on "felix" ("happy") i'm very attached to feliciano as a name of his even though its linguistically questionable, because i think it makes so much sense for this name to have stuck with him...sometimes it's happily accurate and sometimes its darkly ironic.
"romano" is another one that probably rose from a nickname given to him by others. i'm not sure if the italybros ever even met their "father" and romano's primary childhood memories would probably be of east rome/byzantium (who imo is a separate character from rome) and an aging mama graecia, if she's still around. (southern italy had been greek-influenced for awhile and was controlled by east rome for a time after the fall of west rome) but these older nations would have known who this new nation-child is, and perhaps called him romulus ("little roman" basically) in remembrance of his father.
"antonio" is a pretty obvious descendent of "antonius" or "antoninus" in latin. i hc antonio to be one of the characters who remembers rome the best, so it makes sense his name would be relatively unchanged. ive toyed with the idea that "fernandez" is from one of his kings (there were a LOT of iberian kings called fernando) but its just as likely thats a story he tells to justify the name after picking it up randomly.
for my florence OC i was considering something like simonetta or clarice after famous florentine women, but eventually i was like....why fight it. her name is fiora/flora, depending on inconsistent medieval spelling. fiorella if she's being babied or teased. i think it would have grown naturally out of the name of her city, with people calling her "the florentine girl" or "the little florentine" before it slowly became less of a title and more of a name.
imo rome is lucius (taken from @absolvtely-barbaric who is so so smart) but he could have any number of cognomen (in roman naming conventions, thats the name you're more likely to be identified by) from the ever popular romulus (little roman. little rome man. little guy from rome. lmao) to marius (for mars, his patron god/probably dad) to my favorite, crispinus ("curly-top", basically, which is funny and also connects him to the italies with their special curls)
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trobairitzposting · 7 months ago
if karl hre succeeded in his quest to knock up one of the italians they would immediately claim immaculate conception and papal states backs them 100% no matter how much the baby is obviously karl's
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morgenlich · 2 years ago
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ok ok I have like homework and stuff to do so calling her done now, here is my florence oc
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timothy-kang · 9 months ago
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(via Travel/Italy (Part 9)—June 13, 2024)
In Italy, rural areas necessitate private cars, available for monthly rental with varying costs for manual and automatic transmissions. Limited Traffic Zones exist in cities, and toll highways can be expensive. Using a Vespa for short trips and embracing the shopping culture based on aesthetics rather than price are typical in Italy. Cash is preferred for payments.
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p4perstars · 4 months ago
Day 6
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🎶 Which Witch - Florence + The Machine
+ Got the last Stress hw done
+ Submitted the A&P work
+ FINALLY finished the lecture slides, everyone applaude
+> Yes, I'm putting the video lecture off until tomorrow, don't talk to me
+> Have my easy exam tomorrow so that's great
+> What reading?? there's not reading? Aristotle can fuck off
:0 Yeahhhh this is gonna be a week... but i have a weight class and a winter formal?? maybe that'll be fun
:0 family visited and ate some of my time but it was worth it
*Adventurous music plays*
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wrongcaitlyn · 10 months ago
so sorry for spamming your ask box 😭
but i was wondering if you could describe how you think nico’s singing voice/overall tone he uses in a lot of his songs is.
like i know some of the source songs are upbeat pop but i’m gathering that most of them are softer?
if there was for instance any singers that you think would be similar to how he sounds/sings i’d love to know! (eg i think will can sing moderately well he just doesn’t think he can because he doesn’t have the same regular pop style as his siblings as when he sings it sounds like a mix of florence and the crane wives in the style they use.)
first, never apologize for the asks‼️‼️ usually if i don’t respond it’s bc im doing smth boring like studying/hw and i am mentally looking forward to responding😭😭
had to sleep on this and think on it for a while to see if i could remember the names of any other male artists, and then accepted the simple fact that i am a certified pop girl stan and that will never changeHDKDJ
sooo i cant RLLY think of anyone that, like, matches his voice aside from conan gray - that’s who ive been imagining the most while writing😭 i just think his voice is honestly so beautiful and ig its just how ive imagined it?
i can give some songs specifically that i think are so so nico (in terms of vocal delivery, not lyrics/production)
- heather
- people watching
- astronomy
- little league
i think very much kid krow conan/some superache songs are the way that he sings… i also feel like he sometimes over-produces(?) idk if that’s a term but like changes his voice slightly in production (less and less as the years go on bc he’s more comfortable with his natural voice) but his live performances are incredible. i also don’t think he necessarily knows his range, like he’s never tested it out, so one day he’s gonna sing super high notes just bc he never tried before (snow angel) and it’ll be incredible
the only other male artists i know/listen to are hozier and noah kahan and their voices are very different than what i imagine nico’s to be😭 i don’t necessarily think it’s raspy (or at least, not when he records it like in the studio) but really smooth, sometimes with voice cracks if its like an intentionally very emotional song
i think he also intentionally sings a lot in his lower register (think, like, the way taylor sings maroon vs how she’d sing karma) and he’s incredibleee at it.
honestly the way i’d like to describe it the most is simply angelic. i’m sure there’s an artist out there somewhere that sings the way i imagine nico to, but for now im just gonna go with conan!! im in awe of his vocal capabilities tbh, esp in the recent album (even tho i don’t think found heaven necessarily matches with nico’s voice/what i imagine that to be)
AND YOU ARE SOO RIGHT ABT WILL he def can sing, but he always like purposefully messes up the singing if yk what i mean? like if he was actually trying, he’d be incredible, but he purposefully puts on like a strained tone or messes up notes just bc he doesn’t want his actual singing voice to be judged (plus he grew up around naomi and apollo and a bunch of other singers, and he just isn’t *that* good, but he’s definitely not bad in any way)
thank you for the ask!!
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blackbloodedisabel · 10 months ago
doing hw rn but it’s your turn. choose 3 ocs and give me like an abstract of songs to describe them
hai.) took me a while huh. picking Anemone, Isther and Iolanthe (babies<33)
not strong enough (boygenius)
sun bleached flies (ethel cain)
I'm not calling you a liar (florence+the machine)
masterpiece (big thief)
I'm your man (mitski)
bite the hand (boygenius)
strangers (ethel cain)
waiting room (phoebe bridgers)
offering (gilded lily)
creep (radiohead)
abbey (mitski)
andromeda (weyes blood). idk this is just her vibe
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nataliescatorccioapologist · 3 months ago
Girl so real avoiding your hw like FUCK finals I hate college
Erm anyways what songs do you associate with Yellowjackets from your Spotify wrapped top 100/whatever the fuck Apple Music does depending on which u use
Ty for validating my procrastination, I have two essays an a presentation due in a few days and I haven’t started😌
Anyways YJ completely changed my music taste I LOVE that soundtrack. Cornflake Girl was my number 1 song for this year, I’ve also got a lot of Florence + The Machine on there, Veruca Salt, Radiohead (I regularly listen to Street Spirit when I’m in the mood for a mental breakdown), The Cranberries, ETC.
Also this show made me come around to the Paloma Faith version of Never Tear Us Apart I used to hate it but now I may or may not like it more than the original…
I can’t wait for Season 3 to transform my music taste again fr.
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destinyc1020 · 1 year ago
Nah I dont think zendaya is thinking that way. After an 11 hour flight, shes probably a mixture of being tired, stressed out with the brazil crowd, and seemed ready to leave after the panel. Also Zendaya is also friends with florence and austin not only timmy I mean she shouldnt have to talk to someone if she doesnt want to. 😭😭😭😭
Her image is fine like shes friends with sam levinson and that hasnt really negatively affected her image
Timmy is dealing with his own problems due to his own stupidity, I dont think its fair to rope zendaya into that. Zendaya is still loved despite her proximity to timothee.
Im sure zendaya and timmy are friends and cool with one another but the " best friendism soul matism" was mostly timdayas creating that narrative when in reality they just friends and developed a great bond while filming and from the looks of things she was acting the same at times in 2021 during the dune press tour so to me I didnt get the impression she was freezing out timmy.
(Side note: with regards to the SNL skit like maybe zendaya didnt like joke and maybe wasnt happy with timmy which could also be a possibility- who knows I aint zendaya I dont know how she thinks)
Yea, I agree Anon. And just for the record, I wasn't saying that her image was going to be tainted or anything.
I was just saying that I know Z is pretty cautious when it comes to her image. She's the "Golden Child" remember lol? 😉
I mean, what's going on around the world with Palestine and Israel is pretty SERIOUS. And some people in HW are even losing their jobs due to their stance.
But yea... Honestly, the whole entire cast was probably jet-lagged and tired today. They all just got into Brazil like the day before lol.
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renaissancefailmarriage · 1 year ago
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first art post on this blog….veneziano and my florence OC
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doueverwonder · 8 months ago
sometimes you gotta lay facedown listening to King by Florence + the machine and think about hws Hungary for your mental health
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swaggypsyduck · 2 years ago
1, 2, and 20 (w sese obv) for the music ask game <3
1. which artist(s) have you listened to the most lately?
lately ive been listening to a lot of florence + the machine! she's always in my spring playlists bc she fits the vibes of romanticizing my walks to uni in the rain. but im also always listening to my work out playlist to do hw (when it's not ramadan) and that has a lot of underground toxic rap LOL.
2. favorite genre(s)
according to spotify it's rap, indie pop, and underground hip hop.
20. a song that reminds you of a fictional character or ship (feel free to specify)
NOW IK IT SAYS ONE SONG BUT!! since u requested sergio id say "smack a bitch" by rico nasty or "chun li" by nicki minaj . like its so him... especially his playing style. but that's my taste. i think if i were to pick one more sergios speed itd be "gold" by imagine dragons
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joe-moi · 1 year ago
Zach braff has stans lmao…
I always thought his and Florence’s rs was weird even tho she kept defending it. Like there was a major power play imo cause she was just starting off in HW and away from her family and he was a much older guy with more experience in Hollywood. Idk and the fact that she’s so different now makes me feel like she realized how weird the rs was
the age difference with that one was a little bit too much for me. I don’t think he took advantage of her, I think that it was just her first big relationship, and we kind of know he’s a prick.
Yeah, I didn’t know that he had fans at all. I think people are fans of scrubs, and Garden State, but I didn’t realize people were fans of him.
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cecegrabowskisblog · 2 years ago
Week 7 HW
Link to Series Progress Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ADkFa0L3VmpOkz1P3SdzEjixr-HlC8Gjr_r39F7bWaw/edit?usp=sharing
Feedback Received and My Analysis:
The majority of the class seemed to like my image of the Duomo in Florence taken at different times of the day that made the one building look like two different ones. I decided to stick with this theme to get the idea of perspective across more effectively. Additionally, I received positive feedback on how I decided to crop the images, showcasing parts of the building that changed how one's naked eye would see it if one were to look at it in person. Thus, I am sticking with the idea of illustrating perspective using photos of the same buildings that look drastically different. Additionally, to achieve this strategy I used a variety of editing apps to make the background and lighting in my selected images either more or less saturated than the original. This allowed for the same image to look different because of the edits and the cropping.
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nanaban-kun · 4 years ago
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Lucia (Florence) and Bella (Sicily) to distract my mind
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scandinavienne · 4 years ago
hws visegrad as (ridiculous) things my boyfriend has done
told you there would be more
poland: accepted a €50 tram fine because he was too shy to argue that actually, he had bought a ticket
czechia: convinced her housemates that the uk was in the schengen area and used the euro, only broke it to them when they started plannning a passport-free trip there and decided to convert £40 from euros
slovakia: quit dancing and then got annoyed when czechia continued and got better than him
hungary: got stopped at security for trying to take 3kg worth of homemade hungarian sausage, pálinka and unicum on the plane
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