#hws OC
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OCtober Day 3: Corinth Physical Notes
I'd have to go back and look for more about Corinth's design in terms of how I arrived at it... I've always kind of pictured her as someone who has the appearance of a mature lady, and someone who looks deceptively soft. She's got a very defensive, rocky personality in spite of it all!
I haven't been colouring these, but her natural hair colour is probably a light brown (similar to Megara's hair colour). She experiments with various dyes to bleach her hair in the sun, I've heard lemon juice, vinegar, or even pigeon droppings were used in greco-roman times, but I'd have to do some more serious research.
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dis-mr-slovenia · 2 months
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chicken and polenta (¯▿¯)
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ms-lirio · 7 months
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🇧🇷 and 🇦🇷
I saw two images on Pinterest and got inspired by them. ☝️🤓 this is one of my most detailed art pieces aaaaa 😭 breaking the hiatus with style 😎
I have to re-do an exam I went bad, so, yeah. Idk when more art skdbskkajaj, I hope you guys still remember me!!!
Also, this lovely Argentina OC is of @byokinu (thanks for letting me draw your cute Arg oc ☺), I really like him, so I used him for this drawing. 🌻
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lou-art · 4 months
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Practicado un poquito con la Tina de DolceMinerva para el comic! De paso ya tiene su reference sheet la villana 😳
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aphicelend · 3 months
Nose OC Hetalia Mexico (?
Info en español y ni modo 👊💥👊💥
Quería quitarme las ganas de dibujarlos
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"Where does the time go?"
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tianshiisdead · 5 months
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spring colours
nyo South Korea OC belongs to @itstokkii 💖
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ask-nyc-boroughs · 2 months
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😈😈 I’m cooking up some comics. Anyways “To Prevent Consequence” is the title for my American Revolution arc in Nor’easter verse. The first of these I made back in April to help introduce major characters in this arc in a fun way. I will note that these “cheat sheets” are an oversimplification of positions at the beginning of the American Revolution. I’ll keep this as a navigational post, and I’ll try to update it as each comic page comes out. Also links to all my comics can be found here & you can follow the tags #tpc comic for updates on the comic.
Denise/Quebec & Thomas/ Nova Scotia belongs to my friend ekuos.art on Instagram.
Also feel free to ask questions!
For reference, these are the chapters that I have mostly completed as of August 2024:
The End: Most of the 13 colonies see no other option, but to agree with their people and declare independence from Arthur thus putting their lives on the line. However some colonies remain on the fence. Furthermore, the colonies can’t seem to agree upon one of their own to lead them, or really have as a figurehead. In general the colonies can’t seem to even decide if they want to be independent together, or strike it out on their own. Henry (Massachusetts), a fierce advocate of independence, and an advocate of remaining together proposes that his cousin Alfred Jones, who was once Plymouth colony (yet his exact role in the present is unclear), be their figurehead while they unite together. However Henry & Alfred face great opposition from their peers.
The Ashes: Following the Battle of Long Island, Jennie Van Slyke (New York State) wakes up in Albany, hurt and disoriented. There she finds her longtime rival and now ally in independence, Henry with her.
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lol I realize the font is small in case you needed a close up here it is.
Other notes:
You may be familiar with the Haudenosaunee as the Iroquois Confederacy, some suspect the name Iroquois comes from an insult and was later adapted by colonists. I put their names in their respective languages so Mr. Seneca (O-non-Dowa-Gah), Mr. Mohawk (Kaniek’kehá:ka), Mr. Onondaga (Onoñda’gegá”), Cayuga (Gayoghó:no’), Oneida (Onyota’a:ka), & Ms. Tuscarora (Skarùr:re).
Mr. Cherokee = Mr. Anigiduwagi
Mr. Mohican = Mr. Muhhekunneuw. Also Lynn/ NYC’s biological father
I focus mostly on settler colonial histories. I try my best to research and understand indigenous histories, but as this is a piece of fiction and I’m not a historian - I will be prone to error in my work. If you notice something egregious in this regard & have sources to lead me to, do let me know via private message.
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A little thing for Father's Day since Mary has so many dads from around the world in a magic book taking pictures (i wonder who's the one taking the picture!) :o) and this is especially for those who:
never had a father figure in their life
have a difficult relationship with their dad
lost their father in their lives
i lost my dad when I was really young, so I have comfort in writing a silly story about Mary and her nation dads to heal from countless years of trauma from my family. regardless of that, peace and love on planet earth <3
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Meet Ameripan! Aka the loud Otaku who insists she isn't one with an intuition for Y2K technology and media.
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Athens and Sparta Adventures: Chapter 9: Libation Bearers
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Updates Saturdays (ideally) :)
It's been a while! Welcome back to the thirty years of peace (continued...)
By the time this is posted, I will be out of town on vacation until the end of the month. I decided to risk posting this even though I only have a few pages ready to roll in order to motivate me to finish the chapter, so I hope you enjoy! Let me know what you like and if you have speculations or questions etc etc, I'm always glad to hear from readers to see if I'm hitting the mark (or if you have interpretations that never even occurred to me)
Since I'm out of town, I apologize if I don't edit the "previous" / "next" page links in a timely manner. If I haven't done this by October, definitely bug me about it :)
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twrambling · 9 months
Puerto Rico x Ireland
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very quick doodle.
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Version where Ireland has no freckles and a fun fact (excuses as to why I ship them)
Did you know that a Puerto Rican man,
Pedro Albizu Campos
(this man)
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helped with the Irish constitution?
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Here's the wiki article that talks about him:
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ms-lirio · 1 year
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✨🇺🇸Them🇧🇷✨ 2023 barbie but make it hetalia
Alfred (America) and Mayara (Brazil oc) they r besties
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lou-art · 8 months
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Tucumán con una bebé Argentina (Tina de DolceMinerva) ✨🥺💓
Un poquitín de lore abajo sobre como veo la relación de Argentina con sus provincias ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Las provincias son preexistentes a la nación (de hecho, se dice que ellas crearon al estado nacional), por lo que, a mi parecer, describirlas como "hijos" de Argentina no es adecuado. Su relación es mucho más compleja que eso y varía de un caso a otro.
Algunas de las provincias más antiguas cuidaron de la futura Argentina en su más tierna niñez y muchas de ellas aún mantienen un fuerte sentimiento de afecto hacia su Patria. Por ejemplo, Tucumán le tiene verdadero cariño fraternal a Tina: La cuidó de bebé y desde entonces desarrolló su sentimiento de protección y en función a eso ha decidido apoyarla en todos sus proyectos.
Durante las guerras civiles, cuando algunas provincias se oponían a los planes del gobierno nacional, Miguel (Tucumán) acató las órdenes de Agustina sin chistar, participando incluso en campañas militares para someter a Rocío (La Rioja) durante el proceso de pacificación. También fue a batallar en la guerra del Paraguay, a diferencia de otras provincias que se opusieron al conflicto (y hasta se rebelaron).
Lo mismo ocurre con Jesús (Santiago del Estero), a él NO LE IMPORTA vivir en la más grande pobreza si eso significa que Agustina pueda vivir bien, aun cuando ella se olvide de él y lo deje de lado por ser una provincia que no entraba en su modelo económico. Él en especial se peleó con Rocío en el siglo XIX y cortaron su amistad porque no le gustó para nada que la riojana se oponga a los proyectos de Argentina, la vio como una traidora y se ofreció a pacificarla él mismo, pero le dieron ese trabajo a San Juan (igual invadió La Rioja, pero Franco lo corrió apenas lo vio en el área ajsjd no iba a dejar que toque a su neña)
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Por el contrario, hubo provincias como La Rioja que no desarrollaron ese sentimiento de protección y afecto hacia Agustina, al contrario, hasta se sintieron defraudadas por ella y llegaron a sentir algo de rencor en cierto momento.
Si bien actualmente Rocío y Agustina se llevan bien porque obviamente son provincia y nación, hubo un momento en el que su relación tuvo un quiebre y se vieron como una AMENAZA. Rocío quería quererla (?) pero Agustina la veía como una amenaza que había que aplastar.
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hyliascommonwealth · 5 months
It was supposed to be easy, they said. Just follow the path, they said. The plants will guide you if you get lost, they said. He was just supposed to check up on the great fairies of Hyrule and now he's gotten lost for a few hours.
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Not far off, the Hylian prince has caught a glance of the lost fairy prince. Upon his most trusted mare he approaches, calling out to the foreigner.
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“HOOOIII! Excuse me! Are you lost?” He asks as he approaches, then dismounts to speak politely. “ I am sorry for approaching you so suddenly- you seemed like you could use some assistance.” He gives a polite, though somewhat shallow bow.
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jeloneuu · 4 months
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Hello GerBran nation
I have some food for you
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