brainrotparsecsaway · 6 months
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Starship consepts!
So here's both Quasar's HWK-290LB (large body) starship and Korar's smaller RZ-1 A wing interceptor
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Korar's fighter had a normal paint job but after Leyc got his hands on it, it got a little bit ✨spiced✨ (Korar did not agree to it)
Quasar also gets a heart attack every time he looks at that junk pile, it's living on hopes and prayers and the back of the cockpit is busted. If that welding comes loose, Korar would be toast. He probably stole it originally from some poor soul
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Then Quasar's ship :D so the base model is an HWK-290, but it has quite a lot of size variation in canon. Some sources say it's 16m and some say it's 29m. Well I personally need it to be larger and I like this one fan idea that both of them exist and there's just two different standards
And the way to differ between them would be adding that "LB" code to the back of the name. It's also a little wider with than the smaller one
Quasar has moded that thing to hell and back. it's a lot more nimble and reactive than a normal fraiter would be, he's basically made it more similar to how jedi fighters controlled. Only Korar is also allowed to fly it, but only if Quasar is unable to, trust me, it ain't easy
He's painted it with a mirror silver to add more camouflage to it and also has a totally "legal" hyper drive mod installed
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Then there's the inside, with the different rooms highlighted
The planet I used for colour reference to showcase the mirrored surface a little better in this pic is called Christoph
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hallikset · 6 days
star wars ships sometimes you make no sense. what do you mean there's a canonically modified version of this ship that gave it A WHOLE EXTRA DECK. a second level. when the unmodified plans look tiny as fuck.
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its-a-full-galaxy · 6 days
Darius's ship - Tri-Wing S-91x Pegasus Starfighter
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Usually only used in Asset or private transport, Darius flies a modified white and golden-orange Tri-wing Pegasus starfighter. Though nowhere near as skilled as the Rogues, he's quite handy with it and does his best to "earn his stripes" when it comes to flying it during his missions as Asset Protection and his recreational bounty hunting jobs.
When he isn't flying it, Darius keeps his Tri-wing on the Corvid, a modified HWK-290, with his pilot and friend, Theo (@toodamnloyal ).
I haven't decided if Darius has an astromech droid or not, and if he does, what kind. I'm heavily leaning toward an R2-R model, but I think in his later years, he definitely has an R8 model called "Eyes" because it'd be both ironic and appropriate for him personally.
He also keeps a Lothal Speeder bike, one of the smaller, more modular speeder bikes, tucked in the Corvid for traveling short distances. He's looking for a way to have his speeder on hand when he's flying in his Tri-wing, just in case, but so far, no luck. The man must content himself with not living out of his starfighter.
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Haven’t updated the sw fic for weeks this is all I have. I know using Tumblr link on AO3 isn’t the best practice but meh. I just need a link.
A HWK-290 arriving over a bright night on Dathomir.
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arc-77 · 5 months
<< Looks like its those mercenaries. Think they might turn tail and run again? >>
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It was a furball, one of the biggest instances of starfighter combat he'd seen since the Clone Wars, and they were smack dab in the middle of it. Every laser and ion cannon on the Impetuous was blazing red and green, gaseous trails of concussion missiles crisscrossed the void of space. Corvettes and gunships duked it out as starfighters rolled and turned every which way. The amount of pertinent information that swirled around them in 3D space was mind numbing.
Those Mercenaries? Fordo quickly looked around the cockpit, his heads-up-display peeling away the walls and solar-collectors surrounding him as if they weren't even there. The target came into view: an HWK-290 light courier, The Moldy Crow, and a shot from its turret came across the bow of his TIE Avenger. It was them.
We could end this right now, he thinks. His finger hovers over the squadron command controls, ready to redirect all his fighters to chase them down, but he hesitates. No, this is what Katarn wants. He's trying to bait us away from our main forces. He couldn't risk everything on the chance of taking down Katarn. He'd have to do this himself.
"We're not going to let them. Crimson Two, you're on me. Everyone else, continue defending our capitals. Don't let them pick our forces apart."
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vivianvixen · 7 months
My love for the Ghtroc Industries Class 720 Freighter, that void angel of the galaxy far far away, is… not exactly well-documented, but I have posted about it! But there are also other cool light freighters you can use if you don't want to just default to the tired old YT-1300.
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Our first specimen is actually pretty famous if you grew up with Star Wars in the 90s. It's the Corellian HWK-290 Light Freighter, the most famous craft of its type being the Moldy Crow, which ferried one Kyle Katarn on his early missions for the Rebel Alliance and beyond. Gorgeous. It just looks like a proper space ship, doesn't it?
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But what if you just can't help but crave that familiar saucer shape while still wanting something a bit more original? Well it turns out that Corellian Engineering Corporation made a bunch of other ships in the YT series! Here's a couple that, again, the 90s kids will know. The YT-2000, exemplified by the Otana, flown most famously by Ace Azzameen. And who could forget the YT-2400, made famous by Dash Rendar's Outrider? There's also a whole bunch of others!
I left out the VCX-100 (Ghost) and the Dynamic Class (Ebon Hawk) because I think pretty much everyone knows those.
But what all of these lack compared to the Ghtroc Industries Class 720 Freighter, is that there isn't really a famous one of those. Sure, Luke had one in that one book, but it was pretty much just for ferrying his X-Wing. So if you're in the market for a crummy space truck, look no further than the trusty Class 720, and make yours the ship of its kind!
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spaceprincessleia · 1 year
I'm trying to figure out which type of spaceship Vel (pilot) and Cinta (passenger or co-pilot) would fly on a mission, and what type of missions they'd go on. I honestly don't know.
YT-type freighter like the Falcon?
A HWK-290? Maybe Vel or Mon brought it in, apparently it was marketed to wealthier people.
The YKL-37R? Although I think it wasn't around back then.
And, although it's maybe not suitable, I found a really obscure Legends ship type called WR-542 that I simply like the design and stats of. :D
I want something with good maneuverability for the fun of it.
I like to think there'd be an astromech with them, but on standby mode unless needed. I just don't see them bond with one.
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sw5w · 11 months
Center of the Republic
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:40:16
Found on an old article from TheForce.Net that this unidentified ship was at one time thought to be the Moldy Crow from the Dark Forces series. That theory has been debunked (I think), but could it just be some other HWK-290 light freighter?
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tacofriend · 2 years
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weatherman667 · 3 years
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Star Wars - Moldy Crow at Sunset by CrazyPea
Kyle Katarn’s ship, the Moldy Crow, before it got hijacked by the Mary Sue Fanfiction bullshit.
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truegunpla · 7 years
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Snapped some pics of my first and latest minis that I painted. First two are orks from Fantasy 40k and the ship is the HWK-290 (Black Sun Custom Paint Job) 1/270 scale for Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game. Enjoy!
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oh-no-eu-didnt · 3 years
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The Moldy Crow was a modified HWK-290 light freighter, owned and operated by Rebel agents Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors. A pitiful sight from the outside, the Moldy Crow was upgraded with advanced propulsion systems and shielding. The Crow was in Rebel position for some time before being assigned to Katarn.
Source: Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game - HWK-290 Expansion Pack Card: Kyle Katarn - HWK-290 (Art: Ben Zweifel; 2013)
First Appearance: Star Wars: Dark Forces (1995)
Read more on Wookieepedia.
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elishapaintsminis · 7 years
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HWK-290 I’ve decided I want to play Heroes of the Arturi Cluster but I don’t have a hwk-290 which is needed for some of the missions. It’s out of print right now so I printed one I found on Thingiverse and think I’ve got it looking well enough to last until the real deal is available again.
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talontwo · 8 years
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Custom painted HWK-290 light freighter / personell transport.
This is the type of ship used by Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors as their trusty “Moldy Crow”.
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falldownthemountain · 8 years
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HWK-290 light freighter
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mwolf0epsilon · 3 years
Tell me more about Thorn!
Realistically I could have just explained the context and eaten my dinner in peace. But we both know I wouldn't rest easy until I did this stupid edit:
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Long story short, Thorn's AI datachip got misplaced and ended up inside a HWK-290 light freighter.
One massive existential crises later, Thorn figured out how to get his new body flying and he ended up accidentally finding Ponds during his solo travels. The rest is undetermined thus far, but @lost-on-kamino and I both want Thorn and Fox to reunite at some point...
Original image under the cut
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