#tri wing pegasus
its-a-full-galaxy · 10 days
Darius's ship - Tri-Wing S-91x Pegasus Starfighter
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Usually only used in Asset or private transport, Darius flies a modified white and golden-orange Tri-wing Pegasus starfighter. Though nowhere near as skilled as the Rogues, he's quite handy with it and does his best to "earn his stripes" when it comes to flying it during his missions as Asset Protection and his recreational bounty hunting jobs.
When he isn't flying it, Darius keeps his Tri-wing on the Corvid, a modified HWK-290, with his pilot and friend, Theo (@toodamnloyal ).
I haven't decided if Darius has an astromech droid or not, and if he does, what kind. I'm heavily leaning toward an R2-R model, but I think in his later years, he definitely has an R8 model called "Eyes" because it'd be both ironic and appropriate for him personally.
He also keeps a Lothal Speeder bike, one of the smaller, more modular speeder bikes, tucked in the Corvid for traveling short distances. He's looking for a way to have his speeder on hand when he's flying in his Tri-wing, just in case, but so far, no luck. The man must content himself with not living out of his starfighter.
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coffin-clown · 1 year
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As promised, the bigger picture of my proper redesign!! Included some of my more au-ish headcanons that weren't included in the prior drawing, but I'm working on a larger story regarding the nature of Equestrian magic + specifically how the Alicorns as a separate species work :]
if anyone is interested in a larger lore dump post, pls lmk!
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mirtash · 6 months
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a lil bit of lore: Princess Luna had to banish her sister on the Sun for 1000 years  Luna doesn't have enough power to hold the sun on the sky for long enough because Celestia being in her nightmare form (it's not a Day Breaker but I don't have a name for her yet eeeee like Supernova or smth???) weakens Luna's connection with the sun (and also Luna holds less magic power than Celestia in general) what's more Nightmare Celestia cursed Luna's ponies to be "the creatures of the darkness where you belong", turning them into Bat Ponies. most of the ponies in Equestria are bat ponies. Pegasy Unicorns and Earth ponies only comes from ancient pure blood families like Apples, Pies, Glimmers, etc some as Rainbow and Rarity mostly look as regular pegasys and unicorn but they can hold trates of the bat ponies (fangs, ears, sometimes wings) Bat ponies and the hybrids don't feel good enough during daytime (their eyes works so much better in the dark, they flies faster during night time and prefer lower temperature) and that's another reason why Princess Luna has to hold moon at the sky longer than sun Apple Jack
- She puts flowers in her mane in the memory of her mother. In this AU Pear Butter is a very cool genetic. She died when Apple Bloom turns 5 and Apple Jack (who just turned 15) left absolutely heart broken. However this tragedy made Apple siblings much stronger and they've become closer than ever. That's when Apple Jack finally gets her cutie mark, representing her bond with apple family (three apples represent Apple Bloom, Apple Jack and Big Mac) - Apple Jack is one of the ponies who doesn't really enjoy Luna's reign mostly because she is a farmer and it's hard for her to take care of the various apple trees during longer night time. - The Apple family is VERY conservative they are one of the very few families in Equestria who still grows original sorts apples (and other crops), including a super rare Zap Apples and that need extra care due the lack of sunlight. - one of the Apple family ancestors happened to be the leader of the earth ponies rebellion that happened in the first years of Luna's reign. Luna's spirit was broken after she had to banish her sister and things didn't go very well in her kingdom. Hundred of angered ponies led by the "iron mare" Red Delicious broke into the Castle of the two Sisters. The guards didn't even try to stop them.  When ponies entered the throne room they saw The Princess of darkness, crying over her sister's broken throne. The room was filled with blooming Sunflowers, favorite flowers of Celestia. Then Luna turned to them and she spoke to them as a princess and they saw the power she holds and they realized she can destroy them all with a single spell. But she didn't. Red Delicious who was determined to fight "the princess of darkness" till the end finally saw the real Luna and she wasn't scared or angry anymore but started to feel the compassion for her. - Red Delicious herself helped Luna to make a plan on defeating hunger. Ponies were starving due the lack of crops and Red Delicious worked hard alongside with Luna to invent plants that would be able to grow effectively in the dark on the shortest time. Ponyville became the first night farmers city (very close to the Castle of the two sisters). 
Rainbow Dash - Her full name is Rainbow Stormcloud Dash. - Her mother and father are both pegasy and her grand grand father is a hybrid bat pony (she likes him sooo much he is super cool) However, she doesn't have any trates of bat pony except of the ability to see in the dark and flying at night. - Rainbow mane in different varieties is a very rare gene that only exists in her blood line a very long time ago one of her ancestors tried to save his friend from a dragon and flied so fast he broke the laws of physics and a Sonic Rainboom happened.  After that his mane turned rainbow colored. Pegasus with a rainbow mane was born once in a generation since then but a very few of them were able to perform a Sonic Rainboom. - Rainbow Dash is the first pegasus in Equestria history who was able to perform the Nocturnal Rainboom. - Her dream is to become a Shadow Bolt. They are the best flyers in Equestria!!! And most of them are bat ponies because it's hard for a pegasus to perform bat's tricks. Not for Rainbow though! 
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xander-wolk · 2 months
FE Engage redesign series: Louis, Céline and Cloé
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Design notes:
Keeping with the fairytale theming for Firene; Louis is inspired by the nutcracker! I really wanted him out of that silver armor, so I thought red would really suit him because of his loving nature
Céline having big hair AND a big dress is a bit much for my liking, so I chopped her hair short ✂️ I wanted the dress to retain some volume for a nice silhouette, but tried making it a lot more practical for combat!
I also took inspiration from swan lake and ballerina attire, but butterfly wings instead of feathers!
I initially sketched out a more fancy look, but realized that that would go against my goal of making her outfit more practical lol (although I do really like this design)
I guess Cloé deviates a little from fairytales because I based her outfit on revolutionary girl Utena! But I did think about making her more princely looking. Also pants.. because she's a pegasus knight and gosh darn it I just want more FE ladies with pants!!!
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shirecorn · 1 year
Forgive me if this is nitpick-y, but why'd you get rid of Scoot's disability?
It's not nipicky to wonder! Disability rep is very important. However, you could ask "did you" instead of "why did you" to make the question more open and less accusatory. There's no need, since I did indeed include her disability, though the signs are pretty subtle so I see why it could be missed.
Let's take a look at our girl!
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The original style of MLP gives everyone teeny tiny wings and the suspension of disbelief. You just gotta trust those things can fly.
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However, my style is way more about speculative biology and anatomy. My pegasus have huge wings that could believably allow flight.
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My scootaloo has tiny wings which will not allow flight. The anatomy is there, but something is wrong with the full wingspan. Here's a comparison of a flight-capable scootaloo vs my actual scootaloo.
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Notice anything else? Those dark gray markings aren't normal feathers, they are pinfeathers! (it's hard to tell from the sketch smudges so don't worry). Pinfeathers are developing baby feathers in a protective hard sheath that allows the growing, living feathers to be full of blood, soft and delicate. All birds have pinfeathers amongst their plumage as they lose and regrow feathers. You see them a lot on baby birds just growing their first feathers.
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Once feathers are done growing, the sheath can be preened off to reveal healthy, fullsize feathers underneath. When baby birds go through this, we call them fledglings. They will spend some time shedding all their pinfeather sheaths and then their flight-capable plumage will come in. Scootaloo is much too old to be a fledgling, most pegasus are flying by now.
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Adult birds can have prominent pinfeathers too after going through a molt and then having to regrow lots of feathers at once.
So what's going on with scootaloo? Her wings are there, the pinfeathers keep coming in, but every time the sheaths fall off, the adult feather is undersize and limp. My family owned a flightless cockatiel who just couldn't grow functional wing feathers no matter how hard he tried.
Nobody knows why scootaloo's feathers are deformed, but it is what it is. She can't fly and without mobility aids, will never be able to. She keeps waiting for her feathers to come in right, but eventually she will realize it won't happen, and be able to work around it and find other sources of joy
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olegianote · 3 months
Zipp Storm & Pipp Petals
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The princesses of Zephyr Heights.
Both are hybrids of a pegasus (Queen Haven) and an unknown hippogriff who left the family very early. While Pipp seems indifferent and focuses on her future career and hobbies, Zipp is extremely interested in finding him, thus taking interest in detective literature.
They share many distinctive traits with hippogriffs, such as feathered ears, feathered hooves and small beaks. Their hooves are split, looking almost cow-like.
Due to the extensive training and genetics Zipp had no trouble adapting to the return of the magic, making her one of the best flyers in Zephyr Heights. On the other hand, Pipp struggles with flying a lot. It makes her exausted no matter how much training she does, as her wings weren't developed properly due to genetic issues. It makes her extremely sad, though, she tries to hide her disability and still insists on making her singing performances "the best they can ever be" and still forces herself to fly through the discomfort and pain.
Zipp tries to be supportive of her sister, as she suspects the reason for Pipps constant fatigue, but finds it really hard to bring it up without Pipp openly admitting it. Though, in the future, they will definitely resolve this issue with Sunnys help.
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hauntingrabbits · 4 months
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Batman my little pony AU. Part 2 here, Part 3 here
More info on these under the cut!
1. Sundown Mane/Batpony (Bruce Wayne)
His backstory & general situation is pretty much identical to every other batman out there so I wont get into it.
Other notes:
-His cutie mark is a masquerade mask that I tried to make vaguely bat-shaped. The general public sees his Cutie Mark through the lense of his reputation, and he leans into it heavily to obscure the truth. In interviews, he presents it as being tied to hosting galas (it’s the reason he started hosting those huge masquerade balls in the first place) and/or his fashionable looks, but in truth it’s far more representative of his stealth and disguise capabilities, as well as his masked night time hobbies as a whole.
-He’s not an actual bat-pony in any way, the bat wing appearance is just the costume (intentionally designed that way for intimidation, battle, and obscuring his identity further). Though most citizens assume he’s a true bat-pony, other rumors range from him being a vampire, to an Earth pony with false tech-based wings, to a magically disguised alicorn, to a spirit of the night.
-If Batman were actually to be a pony I think he’d 100% be an earth pony, because his big thing is relying on skill and tech rather than power and he has the whole “normal guy amongst gods” thing going on. HOWEVER. There are actual bat ponies in this show. How am I not supposed to utilize that somehow for the guy whose name is BATMAN? Also with Sundown I think being a Pegasus just fits the playboy personality front he puts up. I don’t know why, its just vibes.
-I think he just doesn’t fly much while patrolling as batpony, instead using his wings for extra jump or for intimidation and cover like with his cape. They’re probably steel-tipped or something too. He doesn’t rely on flight for advantage and trains entirely grounded because he doesn’t want to be dependent on flight and find himself lost if his wings are ever incapacitated.
2. Apollo Honeyscales/Two-Face (Harvey Dent)
Fascinated by the Equestrian legal system and craving a more organized society than what was offered by his generally disorderly and solitary fellow Chimeras, Apollo moved to Gotham to pursue higher education. Unfortunately, ponies are often intimidated by, if not downright terrified of Chimeras, so though Chimera cultures usually give each head equal social weight and three individual names, Apollo quickly adapted to instead try to present himself as pony-like as possible. He used a singular name and pronoun for his whole body, presented the less intimidating, herbivorous-looking goat as his “main” head, and eventually even took to having a faux Cutie Mark applied for media and court appearances. Prior to the attack, the lion and the snake head were never seen talking in public, and even in private the only ponies to have heard them speak were his close friends Sundown Mane and Glider Gold.
After being attacked with acid in court, Scales succumbed to injury and had to be amputated, while Honeybite was left alive but severely scarred. With this event, Apollo’s and Honeybite’s already fragile mental states from years of pony society othering them, the weight of their job, and personal repression finally snapped in their grief and anger, leading Honeybite to fully take the reins and create the criminal persona of Two-Face. Attempts from both Sundown and Glider and to reach out since have been unsuccessful.
Other Notes:
-According to the wiki only one chimera shows up in the whole show so. I made stuff up. -Chimeras typically being solitary is based on the fact we only ever see one in the show. This solitary nature would make it hard for them to have a widespread legal system at all, let alone to enforce it; thus Apollo’s original fascination with the foreign pony legal system. The Chimera in the show also has individual names for each head, each with a slightly different style (the goat following pony name conventions with the name Pumpkin Cake, the tiger following a slightly more violent version of pony name conventions with the name Sweetkill, and the Snake bluntly just being named Snakey). I tried to follow similar conventions for Apollo. I was most happy with the name Scales, because it followed the blunt snake naming convention while also sort of doubling as a scales of justice reference. Apollo is just a reference to Harvey’s nickname in some of the comics, and Honeybite is just for fun.
-His perfectly split coat is unique even among other chimeras, and as Apollo he was generally considered attractive and “exotic” by Equestrian media outlets.
-The temporary Cutie Mark application was done professionally. (Surely ponies have perfected this art, right? Like this has to be something pony society does and has services for, right? Ponies covering up embarrassing Cutie Marks, blank flanks covering up an embarrassing lack of a Curie Mark, Ponies getting Cutie Marks done for costumes, theater, movies, etc… you get it.) Apollo’s choice of a faux Cutie Mark is meant to serve as both a way of further integrating himself into pony society and a proclamation of his legal skills.
-Apollo was a genuinely great lawyer. Ponies on defense were often so preoccupied at the terror of having a lion and a snake silently stare them down that they wouldn’t realize it was actually the goat they should’ve really been afraid of until their entire case had already been ruthlessly torn to shreds.
3. Glider Gold (Gilda Gold)
Even prior to their relationship and subsequent engagement, Glider had long been Apollo’s closest friend and confidant. She saw the way his job and keeping up his image was tearing him apart long before the acid attack, and she deeply regrets not trying harder to get him the help he needed before it was too late. Multiple news outlets have been trying to get an interview with her and their efforts only increase every time Two-Face shows up in the news (despite Sundown’s efforts to dissuade them). She hasn’t been the same since the attack and Apollo’s disappearance, losing interest in her work and finding her friendship with Sundown heavily strained as they both feel the weight of Apollo’s absence.
Other notes:
-I wasn’t even going to draw Gilda originally because she’s such a minor character in Batman stuff but as I was writing out Apollo’s background she nudged her way back in. I like her too much.
-This version is based on her very first iteration where she was a sculptor. Her green coat is a reference to that version’s accompanying Two-Face (also his first iteration), who had green scarring.
- The choice for her to be a pegasus was mainly just to go with her silly name, but I do think being a pegasus would be beneficial to a sculptor. No ladder required to work on high details just fly up there.
-I am not immune to the bruce/harvey/gilda agenda
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Rhys, sitting in his office after Cassian, Azriel & Feyre get back from a sidequest.
Cassian: Why do treat us like children?
Rhys, exasperated: WHY?!?
Rhys, pointing at Azriel: YOU TRIED TO STEAL A PEGASUS!
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kotowatee · 5 months
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are we still fucking with ponyjago
ALT TEXT FROM THE IMAGES + other doodles
weather control pegasus
shorter wings, good at fast flying at short distances
this isnt a diss i swear, i love nya
used to help lloyd with practicing spells
i dont have much to say abt him, but this is my fav design
gets his wings either in the s2 finale or the s10 finale
born as an unicorn
doesnt have a cutiemark bcs. robot
bothered by that at first, learns to accept it while unlocking his true potential
princess, but not an allicorn
i imagine them being one of those cunty canterlot horses
blank flank
tries to cover it either with wings or tail
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beecanons · 10 months
idk if you’ve done this already but how the mlp characters would react to reader having a panic attack?
have no mlp hc so far! going with main six from fsim
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Twilight Sparkle when the reader has a panic attack
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a bit taken ack at first she's used to being the one having panic attacks due to stress not used to seeing others panic too much
thankfully though, because of this, she knows plenty of tips to help she'll make a mental list of things to try help you calm down
starts with breathing and counting getting your breathing on track is a top priority and counting is a pretty useful trick could be counting your breathing or taking deep breaths while counting anything else
if your thoughts are a mess and spiraling she'll try helping you rationalize giving reason to irratic thoughts can also help someone relax reassurance is one of the best ways to ease worries
if you want a hug afterwards, she'd be more than happy to give you one with a wing over you too
she'll ask if theres anything she can do to help you feel safe and tries not to overwhelm you with anything
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Rarity when the reader has a panic attack
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she's very quick to try and console you
she'll see you start to panic and take you aside to help you get a hang of your breathing if youre anywhere near a crowd, loud space or other ponies in general she'll take you aside to the closest spot thats quieter or offer to go on a walk with you so that you arent overwhelmed and find it easier to calm down and focus on breathing
she'll offer words of affirmation and something textured you like if you need it
rarity will gladly set things aside to help you relax possibly even close the boutique early and either take you on a spa day or style your mane while giving you some affirmation and reassurance
she'll attempt at quelling your irrational thoughts and/or doubts by reasoning with them and attempting a bit of humor pinkie may have rubbed off on her a bit, she picked up more of the "cheer up through a laugh" approach because of pinkie
you will get a lot of her big sister side she more than likely helped sweetiebelle out with her own panics especially before the cutie mark crusaters so she would probably default to her gentle older sister tone ever now and then while consoling you
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Pinkie Pie when the reader has a panic attack
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at first will just tell you "hey its okay" and possibly say something on accident that might make your panic worse depending what you panic over she's not the best at reading people or 'reading the room' when it comes to things outside her usual domain of expertise
if it persists (and it likely will), she'll be unsure what to do and feel bad until she gets an idea
might give you either a paper bag or more probable a balloon to help you focus your breathing somewhere you might end up just making balloons with her if this trick really helps you
pinkie will try and distract you from the scary thoughts anyway she can she'll find a way to make you laugh, make faces or tell jokes she'll ask you about your interests she'll offer to tell you about her day, about gummy or share a silly story or even ask you about your day to recount how it went before the panic attack
she'll offer to let you hold gummy if he's close by and if you think that might help
if you have any comfort food or like sweets and eating might help in any way you better expect pinkie to be getting you some snacks
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Rainbow Dash when the reader has a panic attack
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rainbow will bring you a cloud, or multiple if youre a pegasus, she'll either get you to fly around, through or up to clouds with her or bring the fluffiest one she ca find over to you if you cant or dont want to fly if youre a unicorn and youre able to, you could use twilight's spell for walking on clouds and get to play with a cloud she brings over if not she can just bring you enough clouds to give you a cool mist
she might try creating a small cool breaze for you with her wings she's not sure if it'll help or anything but she'll try
she'll try distracting you by showing off some tricks maybe even attempt another sonic rainboom just for you
early seasons dash would have brushed it off, told you everythings fine, that youre overthinking and need to just "be cool" but later seasons dash does less of that and would be a little more compassionate she'll try hard to come up with things that might help but she'll still argue that some of your thoughts are just you overthinking
pretty quick to be realistic about a situation if youre panicked over a test or an event she'll tell you you'll do fine and you'll breaze past it, even tell you the jist of what you'll expect so youre prepared on top of being realistic she can be really reassuring if she tries
she knows what its like to panic over a crowd or competition she can have some pretty good tips that she's learned instead of stalling and avoiding like using your imagination to make things less scary and intimidating
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Apple Jack when the reader has a panic attack
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aj is the most likely to offer to just talk things through, aside from fluttershy she'll help you face what's causing you to panic and listen to you get it off your chest she knows talking about your thoughts out loud can help you see how irrational they might be and make it easier to disprove them
aj will give you reassurance and reasoning but also any advice you might need now or for future panic attacks
she'll get you to count something like "how many apples is a bushel?....and how many can fit in a pie?" while youre taking some deep breaths
if taking a walk or stretching your legs helps she'll offer to walk it out with you, maybe while you talk or she'll offer to go for a run around the orchard with you to help get the panic energy out
will get you a cold glass of apple juice if you'd like
might even give you her hat untill you feel better
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Fluttershy when the reader has a panic attack
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she will ask any animals of your preference if theyre okay with you petting them especially if petting something soft helps you relax
if you'd like she can ask birds to sing a song and you two can just sit quietly and listen
fluttershy will gladly offer hugs and forehead bonks
she's an amazing listener and her soft and quiet approach can be really comforting
she knows what its like to be overwhelmed and often has panic attacks herself especially related to social anxiety she she'll offer to try any of the tricks and things that normally help her
she will try to offer reassurance and reasoning after listening to you however shes much better at offering reassurance than reasoning
if counting helps she'll get you to count critters with her taking deep breaths and counting all the critters around the area or her place or even just count breaths alongside you
she knows the best quiet spots to relax and get way from stressors around ponyville she'll take you to the closest one if youre okay with walking she'll even tell you all about the animals and plants around that spot
if you need a distraction she's got tonnes of animal facts to share
theres a small chance to get early seasons fluttershy to sing or just humm if that might help later seasons fluttershy is more confident and will even sing alongside birds if you ask for music
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this turned out to be a pretty long post!
i hope these headcanons are alright!
reminder to check out my pinned post for my byf/dni and wills/wonts before sending a request!
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yanderes-galore · 7 months
Could you do a Virus AU Fluttershy concept?
Yeah, sure! If anyone knows a better way to have the virus start... let me know!
Infection order for the AU can be found here
Previous - Twilight Sparkle
Next - Applejack
Yandere Virus! Fluttershy Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Love virus/Yandere virus AU, Love potion/spell gone wrong, Manipulation, Forced affection, Clingy behavior, Stalking, Mentions of blood/violence, Overprotective behavior, Forced relationship attempted.
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Fluttershy, according to the poll, is the second pony to be infected.
This is surprising as the pegasus mostly spends time with her animals and Discord.
Twilight is the first infected, having been afflicted with the virus by trying to make a love spell/potion.
Or at least... that's a vague explanation for how everything starts.
Poor you is immune to the virus due to having the love magic cast on you.
You have no idea what's wrong... but other ponies find you irresistible.
This is obviously not Twilight's intention, she may have already felt a crush towards you and wanted you to fall for her, regardless on if she was yandere behavior.
But instead of making you fall in love... others fall in love with you... including Twilight.
Fluttershy probably gets infected due to you running to her for help.
Discord may be immune due to his chaos magic, but Fluttershy is not.
The pegasus is shocked when you come knocking on her cottage door.
She opens the door only to see you shaking and terrified.
In fact... does she spot blood on your coat?
Are you injured!?
Fluttershy wastes no time dragging you inside to tend to you.
She quickly grabs medical supplies and gets to bandaging your damaged skin.
She quickly asks what happened and you answer with fear in your tone.
Supposedly Twilight has gone rogue.
Some sort of experiment made her act weird towards you.
When you visited her she came at you with a violent yet possessive behavior.
You barely escaped her, which was the reasoning behind your injuries.
You fear Twilight is still looking for you... so you came to Fluttershy for help.
The pegasus... such a kind soul... promises she'll help you as best as she can.
Unbeknownst to her she's already fallen for the virus.
Fluttershy offers to have you stay with her in her cottage as you heal.
Discord may be the first to notice something wrong with Fluttershy.
The pegasus seems oddly protective of you when you express fear of Twilight.
Well... that's mostly normal.
But soon Fluttershy is leaning against you and nuzzling into you.
You feel fear envelop you when she wraps a wing around you or tries to kiss you at times.
Slowly but surely the virus takes its toll, causing the normally kind pegasus to become possessive over you.
She begins to lose control of herself.
When you're all healed... you thank her and say how you're going to get help before anypony else gets hurt.
But why should you get help?
You have her to help you.
You begin to realize your mistake of coming to her when Fluttershy starts blocking the door.
After all... you came to her for help, right?
If you go out there... Twilight could get you.
Neither of you want that, do you?
So... stay at her cottage...
She'll take good care of you.
You end up having to get Discord to help you or sneak out.
If not... Fluttershy plans to restrain you in her cottage.
Can't have you getting yourself hurt, right?
When you manage to break out of her cottage you kick into your adrenaline once again.
You can't go to the library... you can't go to Fluttershy's home...
So you choose another destination...
You make your way to Sweet Apple Acres... in hopes neither Twilight or Fluttershy will follow you.
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skyenish · 5 months
Twst mlp AU | thoughts behind the designs
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I made Leona an earth pony with a thicker build. Hes a square with sharp angles! Hes one of the first drawings I made for this ‘series’ so its a bit lackluster, but I wanted him to be nice and hairy. I gave him a more lion-like tail, and some jewelry from his culture. His ears are nicked and he has long, slightly tangled hair. He also has a lot of hair around his neck becuase he’s a lion! I gave him a color scheme vaguely resembling a lion as well. Also nice and hairy legs, i love to draw those on horses. His cutie mark is three claw marks over clouds of dust. There are multiple different meanings to this cutie mark.
Vil covers up his cutie mark for personal reasons, but its a spotlight shining behidn some curtains. I tried to give him a more ‘feminine’ look while also keeping sharper angles. I love his color scheme, and i made him a unicorn because I thought it fit perfectly. I considered making him an earth pony to really show how he works hard for everything and doesn’t take shortcuts, but in the end unicorn won. I might change it later though! I had to give him some elegant white spots too, because aesthetically it just clicked in my head. He has a purple bow and has his unique hair accessory in his bun. I gave him longer eyelashes, and instead of making his hair a blonde-purple gradient I made some locks purple.
Jamil!!! He’s one of my favorite designs. I know the obvious choice seems to make him a unicorn, but HEAR ME OUT ON PEGASUS JAMIL! It adds a lot of symbolism and extra layers I think, it’s very tragic. Plus, he looks pretty with wings. I gave him darker and greyer colors to portray his darker and jaded nature, and it’s a nice contrast to Kalim’s design. I tried to vaguely design him off of Arabian horses but it didn’t come through very well. Did you know that MLP has a race of horses called ‘Saddle Arabians’? I didnt and i think its absolutely hilarious. Jamil is also supposed to have bags attached to the thing around his waist, but I’m too lazy to draw them.. His cutie mark is an eye with the world as its pupil, and a snake curling behind it. I put a lot of thought into his cutie mark and I’m really happy with what I came up with! To me it has 4 different meanings! I kinda want to redraw Jamil because he looks so small compared to the others!
Kalim is a unicorn for even more delicious angst. His whole family is unicorns. He’d much rather be a pegasus, but at least he has the magic carpet! Jamil thinks it’s bullshit that Kalim can use magic AND can fly. I made Kalim’s colors more vibrant and yellow and lively. He wears lots of jewlery, has tattoos and is my favorite design of these four! He also took me the longest. His cutiemark is a sun or a coin with gems on it, and it has wings. This too has multiple meanings. I think in the Scalding Sands culture the snake jewelry was something the sorcerer of the sands, an alicorn, wore around his horn. Maybe the original was a magical artifact? Well, Kalim, and other people from the scalding sands, wear fakes to honor the sorcerer. Anyways, I made Kalim slightly hairier then Jamil to show how he’s softer and wilder.
I’d love to do more with this AU, because my mind is already full with so many cool ideas! Thanks for reading my rambles and have a nice day :)
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maddascanbe-blog · 2 months
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What's this? Unifications and Kwami swaps?!?
Part 2 of the unifications
While sometimes I can come up with ideas on what a unified miraculous should look like right away, like with Shadow Moth and Dragonfly, other times I struggle way less when I draw out the characters with Both miraculous first.
Viper Noir was kind of the exception since I very intentionally didn't want it to look like Aspik that much.
But for these designs I really felt it was important to get my designs out on paper first. SO! Let's talk Kwami Swaps and then we'll get to the unifications.
Since Pegasus already exists, I couldn't call Marinette with the horse that, but according to my brief research Arion is the name of one Pegasus form Greek mythology.
Much like with Chloe as Champion I base Marinette's on equestrian uniforms, and I've always treated blue as the horses accent color since that's the color of the Voyage portals. Keep the wings cause it both keeps with the greek theme and they look cute. And some little braids in her hair like some horses have to top off her Pony-tail. Also, assume the glasses are like- attached to the mask.
Lapin Chanceux (Lucky Rabbit) was the first design I did, albeit on paper, to figure out what I was going to do. I wanted to make her look different from both Bunnix's so I dropped the dark blue that I used for them and brought in more white and light blue.
I do like giving the rabbit holders some sort of poof around their hands or feet since it invokes the feel of a rabbits foot. In the Bunnix's it was around their arms, Marinette its her legs. The pom poms by her ears were added after the drawings was initially declared done but their so cute it was EASILY worth it.
Onto the unifications, I've actually redesigned both Pegabug and Pennybug before. And the first Pegabug redesign is actually still up on my youtube channel as a speedpaint. Obviously the designs and my artstyle have changed drastically though.
I cut the brown from the design entirely, instead opting to darken the red greatly. But keeping the white accents which were in both my Ladybug and Arion's designs. I also moved the wings up to her pony-tail both because they slightly resemble horse ears like that, and in preparation for adding the rabbit.
Whenever I unify the Ladybug I cut down on the spots drastically because they can make it feel really cluttered. But I tried to keep them in places that made sense. Alluding to buttons on her coat, the ones at the ends of the stripes down her leg, which I kept from my first design. And giving her spots on her hands, just cause. Also got some shoulder pad action because I wanted to-
And finally Lady Luck. Because Pennybug sounds stupid- I assumed at the time we first saw her that Pennybug wasn't called Lady Luck because they were saving it for if when unified the Ladybug and Cat. But no, that's Bug Noir, which also sounds dumb.
So we're going Lady Luck. Since Horses, Rabbits, and Ladybugs are all associated with good Fortune.
That being said- no one should be allowed to combine 3 miraculous on the sole pretense that they almost always look bad. Pennybug looked bad, Shadow Noir (also stupid name) looked bad, Monarch is his own can of worms, but- well you'll see.
I knew I wanted to more the glasses to the top of Lady Lucks head, just because I was kinda getting sick of the normal glasses. Assume just the lenses are the miraculous and the frame changes for the user. Now they are attached to goggles- not that you can really tell because they have black straps on Marinette's dark hair.
The ear/wings were the only thing I knew some people liked about Pennybug so I kept those, albeit without the black ring around the blue. And add white to the ponytail gradient. White gloves because they looked good, and I almost always give Marinette opera gloves.
She gets a few more smaller spots since the rabbit also uses them. And combine the riding coat with the the- it's not really a shrug but I don't know what to call it? Keep the wide pants because why not, and make the red a darker cool red. The blue could have also been changed to better match the pallet but the vibrant blue is an accent I use on all the miraculous' usually so it got to stay. So long as the suit is red I think it still reads as a Ladybug.
Last thing to note are the eyes. Lady Luck's eye look freaky because she's using three miraculous and probably shouldn't. And Lapin's eye's are pink/red with white pupils because my family actually had californian rabbits at one point and they all looked like that in photo's.
Bonus- here's the doodles I did years ago for Pennybug
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and Pegabug
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An AU where Fluttershy and Discord swap places/roles. Fluttershy being a Draconequis of subtle chaos, the flap of a butterflies wings, the little devil on your shoulder. Fluttershy is subtle, sneaky, and devious. Convincing others to create chaos for her, putting stuff in place like a large string of dominoes ready to be toppled. Isn’t it just awful how they treat you! She says. Wouldn’t you like to speak your mind? She offers. Wouldn’t it be great to show them all how it feels to be treated that way? She whispers in your ear.
She doesn’t have a definite shape, she just takes the shape of any animal she can think of. There is always something OFF about the animal she is however. A fox with too many tails. A dog with pony teeth. A bunny with a predators eyes.
Discord is a Pegasus with a flight disability. He can’t fly straight forward no matter how hard he tries. Sideways? Backwards? Upside down? Zigzag? Combinations? Sure! But just plain and simple straight forward? Absolutely not. He is childhood friends with Rainbow Dash, the two protecting each other from bullying they received from others. His talent is in magical theory with a huge interest in weather patterns and events.
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whoahoney · 2 years
An Attempt at a One Night Stand Pt. 2
Eddie Munson x SingleMom!Reader
Part 1 Part 3
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Summary: The night has come and Reader is meeting Eddie at the Hideout for another evening of fun, but will Eddie leave with the seven digits he’s set out to get?
Content warnings: fem/AFAB!Reader, adult themes (alcohol, bar scene) and situations (minors DNI), smut (fingering, protected p in v sex, nipple play, edging, hair pulling), angst, idiots afraid of getting hurt.
A/N: I hope this meets everyone’s expectations! Once again, the attention this story has received is mind blowing, thank you all so much 🥺🤍
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It had been one week since she saw Eddie, not that she was paying super close attention or anything. He did find his way into her head at the most random times, though.
When she was cooking dinner for her son, the steam from the pot hit her face gently, reminding her of the way his breath felt against her face when he panted insatiably.
When she heard Hellraiser or any Ozzy on the radio, she couldn’t help but smile and turn it up louder, chuckling as she spotted Danny flipping his long brown hair side to side in the rear view mirror.
When she would lay on the couch late at night to watch some movies Robin brought, she couldn’t help but wonder if he’d seen them, or liked them. But then she reminded herself that was ridiculous and continued to fail to not think about Eddie Munson and his stupid pretty face and his stupid pretty dick.
Y/n tried to take care of her urges herself, but her toy just wasn’t cutting it for her this time. She couldn’t wait for Friday to come.
“Y/n! Are you getting ready for tonight?” Mollie shouted into the mouthpiece of her phone as she painted the top coat of her nails. The sun was setting which meant Stella would be around to pick everyone up for the evening.
“Yes, Molls, I’m getting makeup on as we speak.” Y/n said, referring to her strategic eyeliner, mascara, and chapstick trio, hoping the only thing that’s smudged tonight is her mascara, if he’s into that sort of thing.
“I hope you aren’t wearing much! Also, are you planning on wearing a dress? Cause I was thinking you should totally—“
“I’ll see you soon, Molls.” She said with a sigh behind her smile before hanging up the phone around the corner on her nightstand. She turned her attention back to the mirror, and let out a deep breath as she looked over her appearance.
She let her hair down around her face, combing her fresh curls out until they were touchably soft. She smoothed the front of her dress that she was debating on changing just to stick it to Mollie, but she knew they agreed for a reason. The black mini dress against her skin hugged her in all the right places, a contrast from the t-shirt, jeans, and converse she wore last week.
She straightened the thin straps that hung on her shoulders and leaned over to fix her breasts. She took a step back and debated on taking off the fishnets before she put on her black docs, when Robin came running into her room with Danny on her back, pretending to be a Pegasus.
“Mommy! Check out Robby’s wings!” He shouted, holding onto Robin’s band shako. The tall hat and feather led Danny to dream up the idea of a flying unicorn, which Robin quickly told him that there was such a creature called a Pegasus, which brought them to run around the house for the last 15 minutes.
“Whoaaa! They’re so strong, too!” She chuckled, leaning up against the doorframe and crossing her arms to give them her full attention.
“Neighhhh, I’ve been workin’ out.” She trotted around the room like a horse as the child squealed in delight. “Do you think I should nix the fishnets, Robin the Pegasus?”
“Depends!” She began as she sat Danny on the bed to watch Looney Tunes and then joined Y/n in the bathroom to speak lowly, “Are you hoping to take them off while you’re out?” She wiggled her eyebrows as she mirrored Y/n’s previous position against the door frame.
Y/n rolled her eyes and blushed furiously as she nodded. “Aren’t you going to the same bar—” Robin gasped with wide eyes, “Is it the same dude??” She covered her mouth in anticipation. Y/n waited a moment before nodding, Robin gasped again followed by a quiet giggle and happy dance complete with clapping. “Oh my god, you have a date?? I knew this day would come, oh my god. Who is he??” She rushed, grasping Y/n by the shoulders.
Y/n shook her head, “No, uh-uh, not a date, I just told him I’d come see his band play again.” She shrugged.
“His band? Y/n, aren’t you going to the Hideout?!” Robin questioned. Y/n froze, avoiding Robin’s look in the mirror, preparing for the tsunami of happiness that is Robin when she is excited.
“Holy fucking shit!” She exclaimed, looking like a kicked puppy when Y/n shot her a disapproving look and then looked behind her to Danny who was completely oblivious to the bad words flying behind him.
“I’m so sorry,” She momentarily clasped her hands over her mouth before taking them back off and continuing, “It’s Eddie, right? Is it Eddie Munson? I’m friends with him! That’s my boy! We went through the end of the world together.” She lowered her voice at the last part, Y/n knowing about the spring of ‘86, but not specifics, Robin having a hard time explaining the whole thing calmly and linearly.
“Eddie’s a good guy, Y/n, maybe the best. Y’know he’s always reminded me of—“
“Yeah. Me too.” Y/n gave a pained and tight smile. Robin winced, not meaning to strike any nerves. “Is-Is that why you like him, maybe?” She asked quietly, looking at her nails.
Y/n sighed and hopped up on the counter to face Robin. “Yes, and no. Yes, because he’s playful and witty and dorky like Adam. No, because Eddie is…”
“Unhinged?” Robin suggested, making Y/n laugh and nod, “Yeah, unhinged. I feel like Eddie is so wild and daring, but I don’t feel like that when we talk, like, I feel safe? I don’t know. But that feeling, that safe feeling is similar to how.. how things felt with Adam. Not the same—and not like I want it to be the same, cause I don’t.” Y/n rushed, Robin nodding and stepping closer to her friend. “No, I know. I know, Y/n/n, I don’t think anyone in the world could love Adam the way you do. Things are allowed to feel similar without being the same, you know? You aren’t—You aren’t cheating on Adam. You’re with Adam forever, dude, whether you feel it or not.”
“No, I do. But it feels so wrong. Like I already had my chance at true love. What if I’m just wasting our time if I decide to go through with this? If I decide to continue to see Eddie, if he’ll see me.” She added with an eye roll.
“You’re kidding, right? I’m surprised he didn’t follow you home like a lost puppy after last week now that I know ‘bar guy’ is Eddie! He’d jump at the chance to date you properly, Y/n/n.” Robin shrugged.
“You’re missing one thing, though, Robs: my son? That complicates a lot, if you didn’t know.” Y/n gestured to Danny who was now jumping up and down on the bed mercilessly. “Little boy, you better stop jumping before you fall down and hurt your arm again!” Y/n called from the bathroom, only turning her attention back to the mirror after he landed on his bottom and laid down on his stomach to watch the TV longer.
“Eddie would love Danny, are you kidding me?! They’d make the best of buds, and you mean to tell me he isn’t the slightest bit interested in the fact you’re a mom??” Robin shrugged as if the answer were simple. “No, he’s not, cause he doesn’t know! That’s not exactly information I share with the guys I meet when I’m out.” She sprayed her favorite perfume in the air before walking through it and turning off the bathroom light and walking past Robin into the bedroom.
“Wait, he doesn’t know? Are you gonna tell him?” Robin asked with wide eyes following after her. Y/n stood next to the tv, Danny panicking as she placed her hand on the knob to turn it off. “C’mon, squirt, we’re going to the living room til I gotta go!” She heaved the boy onto her hip as he calmed, laying his head on her shoulder while they walked, his mother leaving a peck on the top of his head.
“I don’t think I should until I know for sure what I wanna do with this situation, you know?” She asked as she placed Danny on the couch and turned on the tv for him. Robin was at a loss for words as Y/n put on her regular denim jacket. The familiar sound of Stella’s horn sounding from the driveway told her now was the time to kiss Danny bye.
“I love you, buddy, I’ll be back after Robby tucks you in bed, alright?” She said with a ruffle to his hair. Danny grabbed his mom's face with his small hands and planted a kiss on her head as she had done for him. “Love you too!” He said cheerily.
Robin nodded to Y/n in agreement at her previous statement as Y/n slipped on her shoes and tied her laces quickly. “Since it’s Eddie and all…keep the fishnets on, unless you’re, like, super attached to them, then don’t.” Robin said simply and then flashed a smile before opening the door for her, “Have fun!”
Y/n balked then rolled her eyes on her way out, “The chicken and vegetables are in the oven! Take it out when the timer goes off, and make sure he eats at least, like, three bites of his veggies, please!” She called as she opened the car door. Robin nodded, gave her a thumbs up and closed the door.
She took the opportunity to turn and look at her friends in the car, Kathy and Mollie beaming from the backseat and Stella smirking behind the wheel avoiding eye contact the best she could. “What?” Y/n asked exasperatedly.
“Nothing! You just look really good. Like, really good.” Kathy said, biting back a smile. “I mean, thanks, but what’s the big deal?” She looked down at her outfit once more, feeling self conscious and naked without the cover of her jeans and ringer t-shirt. “It’s too much, isn’t it?” She shook her head, her hand poised on the handle ready to get out and change at lightning speed.
“Oh, uh-uh, you look amazing, you’re wearing the dress!” Stella said as she dove over the center and pushed the lock down. Y/n scoffed and crossed her arms, thinking for a moment and sighing. “It’s not too much?” She asked quietly.
Her friends looked amongst each other and smiled, “Not at all, the denim and combat boots offset it perfectly! I do think he’s gonna blow his load when he sees you, if I’m being honest.” Mollie mumbled around a cigarette as she tried to light it.
The car erupted into cackles, “Mollie, oh my god!” Kathy blushed and covered her little virgin ears. “Oh, c’mon, Kath, you remember the way he looked at her when he was on stage during Hellraiser?? He wanted to devour her on the spot!” She exclaimed and handed the cigarette to Y/n to puff.
Y/n fiddled with the radio as the girls carried on, theorizing how many shots Gareth will try to do and how many times Jeff wins a game of Quarters. “It’s because he has bassist hands!” Kathy sighed dreamily. “Ope, Kath, looks like you got a little drool there.” Y/n turned and teased, sending another blush onto the timid girl’s cheeks.
“On a real note, though,” Y/n said as she took a drag, her backseat friend leaning in eagerly. “Go for it, ask him out. Jeff sounds sweet as can be. He’d be dumb not to.” She shrugged before turning back around to face the windshield.
Her friends in the car shared a look in the rear view mirror, hoping her encouragement to Kathy meant she would encourage herself the same. “Turn it up! Turn it up! Listen!” Mollie exclaimed, patting the back of Stella’s seat for attention. Y/n jumped and obliged her, ready to see what the fuss was about.
Dio’s Holy Diver filled the car as everyone looked at Y/n. Y/n crinkled her brow in confusion, “What about it? Did you finally give Dio a chance?? Is this your way of telling me I was right??” Y/n asked smugly. “Noo… you really don’t know?” Mollie asked incredulously.
Y/n searched the air for answers, coming up with nothing. “What is it??” She shrugged. “Well I guess we can’t blame you for not seeing the back of your boy much, but the whole back of his vest is a Dio album cover patch. Did you really not see it??” She asked as Y/n’s jaw dropped. “Oh god, I bet if she knew he liked Dio last week she would’ve spent the night.” Mollie said with a smirk, leaning back in the seat.
“Oh my god, she so wouldn't!” Kathy defended with a roll of her eyes. “But she could tonight.” Y/n caught her mumble to Mollie, the two bursting into snickers in the back seat. “Shut up!” Y/n turned quickly, weakly fighting off a smile threatening to break across her lips at the prospect.
Robin would stay the night with Danny if she phoned, she knew that. But she couldn’t help but worry tonight wouldn’t be like last week, that the illusion would be shattered and she’d be back to bar hopping next month, settling for some townie that paid ample attention to her for the evening to bone.
A small sick feeling crept into her stomach as they got closer to their destination, the fading deep blue of the sky sinking into black felt ominous though she was surrounded by love and light.
“Y/n/n, you good? Y’know we can bail if you want, find somewhere else to go, come back next week with an excuse?” Stella mumbled before they pulled into the parking lot sparse with old cars and beat down trucks.
Y/n shook her head, knowing she wanted to see him, that if the illusion was shattered it should happen now. Instead, she opened the car door, the rest of her friends following her lead. “Molls, can I have another cigarette?” She asked timidly. “Of course you can!” Mollie cooed like a mother. “Here you are!” She said, extending her hand with the single cigarette and yellow lighter for Y/n to take.
They walked into the establishment together, her hands shaking a little as she brought the cigarette up to her lips. She held the door open, having her friends walk before her as a last effort at putting off seeing the face that invaded her every thought since she left him last. She could hear the buzz of the electric instruments humming as she entered the hazy bar that was aglow with neon lights, just like last time.
The stage lights flashed on, revealing Corroded Coffin still setting up. “Oh good, we’re just in time!” Stella commented as she took off her jacket and hung it off the back of the chair she occupied last week. Y/n gave a half smile in response, worried if she opened her mouth she’d throw up. “I’ll just get you a drink, huh?” Stella asked, getting up and patting her shoulder before joining their other two friends at the bar.
Y/n sighed, now alone and even more vulnerable with her thoughts. She kept her eyes on the written-on table, different colors of pens and drawings etched into the old woodwork.
“Come here often?” Sent a jolt through her body as her head shot up to see Eddie Munson leaning on her table with two drinks and a warm smile. She clenched her jaw and gave into the smile he gave her as he set the glass in front of her and pulled up a chair, scooting next to her but keeping a safe distance.
“I don’t, but I figured I’d come back since this band I like is playing.” She shrugged, taking a sip of the clear mystery drink that turned out to be… water?
She shot him a quizzical look and looked at the drink in front of her. “I didn’t see you drink any water last week, just wanted to make sure you’re hydrated, you know?” He shrugged as her friends returned, drinks in hand. Their first drink of the night was a classic whiskey and coke, the fizzy drink making her eyes light up in delight, which made Eddie chuckle as the rest of the band joined them.
“Hey, ladies! What do you say we throw one back together before we go on?” Gareth asked as the group collectively agreed. Gareth and Jeff scrambled to the bar to grab four more drinks for a quick cheers. When they returned, the band each grabbed a glass, the group gathering around the table to tap their drinks together with a satisfying clink and tilting their glasses back til the dark liquid was gone and they were left with nothing but bitter tastes in the back of their throats and screwed up faces from the kick of it.
“I’m so glad to see you back, I can’t tell you how many times this last week Eddie was stressing about your girl, here.” Gareth teased lightly, a friendly smile on his lips as he sipped his chaser, sputtering when Eddie hit his arm too roughly, the girls biting back smiles. “We gotta get up there, bud.” Gareth said, wiping his mouth with his bare hand and then drying it on Eddie’s shoulder on his way past. Eddie sent Y/n a look with a shy smile, “I’ll, uh, be back later?”
Y/n nodded softly, “I’ll be here.” Her response brought a smile to his face, his eyes glittering just as they had a week prior as he nodded and walked to the stage, not trying to hide his glances back at her on his way.
“Try not rock too hard, girls.” Gareth said cheekily into the microphone as he settled on his stool and flipped his hair, which made Eddie and Jeff roll their eyes. “See you later, Kath.” Jeff smiled pointedly at the sweet blushing girl, who sent him a shy wave as he took his place with his bass. Grant never said much, but his skills as a rhythm guitarist were undeniable. The guy took the place to Eddie’s left and plugged his guitar into the amp, scratching out a riff to check the sound, and earning a rowdy cheer from the table in the back center.
The heads of the band members turned their attention back to the girls in surprise, not used to people actually paying attention to them up there. Small smiles erupted as the boys looked at each other. “Hell yes, Grant, let’s GO!” Mollie shouted as the other girls whooped and hollered.
Eddie turned and said something to the group before walking up to the mic and looking at his girl in the crowd. “This one’s for all the Johnny Cash fans in the room.” Y/n scoffed at the guitarist, her cheeks feeling awfully warm. “As always, ladies and gents, we are Corroded Coffin.” He said into the mic before Gareth counted them off and Eddie launched into the intro.
Kathy was simply mesmerized by Jeff and his bass skills, the low rumble of the chords he played making it harder for her to breathe, and then suddenly, self consciously squeezing her thighs together. Gareth entered heavy on the drums to Eddie’s satisfaction, a smile on his lips as he nodded; dancing around the little space he had on stage and masterfully dodging electric cords as he did.
Y/n’s jaw dropped as she recognized the intro to Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash playing, just in their own style. She chuckled at his freeness, the way he bit his lip and thrashed his head until it was his time to sing, and oh, did she love hearing him sing.
“Love.. is a burning flame.. And it makes.. a fiery ring.” He looked up at Y/n at her table, her smirk still visible in the dim light of the bar.
“Bound by wild desire..” He sent her a wink, his smile growing when he saw her avert her eyes down and blush before taking another drink of her water. “I fell into a ring of fire..”
“I’m getting another round, you want?” Stella asked before she made her trip back to the bar, Y/n nodding and mouthing, “Shots!” To which Stella’s eyes lit up as she gave her friend a thumbs up.
“I fell into a burning ring of fire, I went down down down, and then flame went higher..
And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire.. the ring of fire..” He sang to her directly as her shot showed up on the table in front of her, a clear and tempting liquid she knew for sure this time wasn’t water. She took a whiff, her brows pulling together as she looked at her friend next to her, “Vodka? You’re dangerous.” Y/n commented before looking back to Eddie who was shredding a guitar solo on his knees, his gaze now cast on his guitar in his lap.
“C’mon, let’s go by the stage to do it, he hasn’t even seen your full outfit yet!” Mollie urged with two shots in hand as the rest of the group flocked to the edge of the make-shift stage with the handful of regulars that didn’t mind the rowdy boys once a week.
“The taste of love is sweet.. when hearts like ours meet..” Eddie took in her full appearance as she walked towards him; drink in hand and her jacket halfway off one shoulder, and suddenly became very thankful for the guitar covering his front.
He stopped strumming to take the mic with him as he crouched to her level, “I fell for you like a child.. ohhhh… but the fire went wild.” He sang with theatrical movements, which she rolled her eyes at but couldn’t deny the smile his antics caused.
“Shots! Let’s go! Knock ‘em back, girls!” Stella shouted over the music, everyone tapping their glasses against one another to down the fire like medicine, waiting for the desired effects to kick in.
Y/n began to feel warm soon after the second drink, discarding her jacket with her glass back at their table, Mollie grabbing her hand immediately after and spinning her around the dance floor, sending the two of them into a fit of giggles as Eddie continued singing. “I fell into a burning ring of fire, I went down, down, down and the flames went higher and it burns, burns, burns.. the ring of fire, the ring of fire..” He kept his eyes on her spinning frame, stepping in time with the drums and following her friends' lead with ease, like it was something they’d done a million times, which they probably had.
The girls danced around the floor together, attracting the attention from the other bar patrons enjoying the change in music for the night as well. A few older gentlemen asked Kathy and Mollie to dance, which they obliged since they weren’t creepy, guiding them in fun partner dances around the floor as they laughed in merriment.
Stella volunteered to stay at the table and watch purses and drinks, ready to drink her glasses of water before they drive home in a couple hours. Eddie was eager to get off stage after the first song, opting into only playing two instead of the regular five for tonight even if it meant getting paid significantly less.
He sauntered over to where Y/n was seated with Stella, the latter nudging her arm and nodding at Eddie quickly approaching. He assumed his previous seat and scooted a smidgen closer with a satisfied smirk on his lips as he watched her intently.
“Hey.” He beamed.
“Hi, Eddie.” She giggled as Stella stood up and patted her shoulder, joining Gareth by the stage to chat.
“Y-You look really pretty tonight—not that you didn’t last time. You’re, just.. really really pretty all the time—not that I see you all the time either. I haven’t seen you since the last time I saw you—oh dear god.” He clenched his jaw with a tight smile, giving her a nod before booking it back to the stage in embarrassment when she caught his arm. “I was hoping you’d think so.” She murmured, her hand staying on his arm as his other hand came to lay on top of it.
“Yeah?” He asked as if she told him she brought him a present. He looked her over once more, nodding in approval, “So this is for little old me? You sure know how to make a guy feel special, sweet girl.” He leaned forward more, biting his lip in intrigue.
Y/n loved the way he looked, legs spread on either side of the chair; forearms resting on the back, holding her hand tenderly.
“How’ve you been?” He asked, his brows raising in interest. Y/n sulled up, taking a sip of her half gone water and nodded, “I’ve been good! Busy. And you?” She asked, taking another sip.
“Uh-uh, sneaky thing. We’re talking about you tonight.” He smirked, reaching for his water cup. “What was the best part of your week?” He asked with a shrug before he took a drink.
‘Danny sang his first song all the way through by himself.’ She thought.
‘Not now, later, when you’re more alone.’
“I, uh, got to have birthday cake on Wednesday.” She nodded.
‘At a child’s birthday party where Danny sang his first song by himself.’
Eddie smiled, “The simple things, right? Birthday cake’s the best, especially with that whipped cream frosting they pile on three inches thick! I love a good supermarket birthday cake.” He nodded contently as if he just finished a slice himself.
“What about you? The best part of your week?” She asked.
“Wayne and I went out to dinner in the city to celebrate his raise, got to have appetizers and drinks at a place without a sticky table, Y’know? All the garlic bread you can eat, it was heaven.” He shook his head indulgently.
“Food really lights you up, doesn’t it?” She asked. “Oh, god, yes, I love food. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks—hey, you’re doing it again.” He pointed at her and narrowed his eyes. “Do you do this on purpose or are you that bad at talking about yourself?” He asked.
“She’s that bad at talking about herself.” Stella chided as she returned to the table with Gareth following behind. Y/n stuck her tongue out at Stella who mirrored her expression, sending the both of them chuckling. “You guys want another before you get back at it?” Stella asked before she went to the bar, Gareth following closely behind as he shared a knowing look with Eddie that went missed by the two girls they were referring to.
“That sounds perfect, how about—“
“Tequila?” Eddie asked her with his eyebrows raised, two questions in one seemingly. Stella looked to Y/n for a simple answer while Eddie waited with a lip between his teeth, playfulness hiding his worry. “Gimme a double.” She said, her eyes flickering to Eddie’s, who’s eyes rolled back into his head blissfully, Y/n smiling at his antics as usual.
Gareth looked confused before his friend explained, “I love tequila, it’s my new favorite.” Eddie shrugged, the answer good enough to send Gareth to the bar behind Stella.
“I was hoping I’d catch you in a.. tequila mood.” He smirked, his boyish blush flooding back to his cheeks. His eyes trailed down her sitting figure, her dress hiked up past her mid thigh, and her sexy fishnets that had caught a couple runs since she got in the car.
“How could I wear a dress like this for you and not be?” She winked at him this time, his smile only growing as if he’d never been flirted with before.
“Here we are, one double shot of tequila, m’lady.” Stella handed the taller shot glass to her friend as she passed, the other friends gathering to acquire their own, more bubbly and giddy now that the festivities of the night had begun.
“Where’s the salt?”
“Where’s the limes?”
Eddie and Y/n asked in unison, their eyes avoiding one another and every other one of their friends who were so tempted to tease. Gareth almost did but was quickly interrupted by Stella placing a hand on his shoulder and asking him if he’d help her get the desired limes and salt.
“Amateur, shit, am I right?” Eddie joked quietly, nudging her arm with his and leaning closer to her, close enough he can smell the perfume she chose for tonight. Eddie could almost feel his eyes dilate when the scent hit him. The sweet aroma made him want to turn and bury his face in her neck and hair and leave sloppy kisses there. He felt the front of his jeans tightening as he imagined her sticking her tongue down his throat in front of all these people.
He snatched his gaze away as she giggled at his joke, suddenly realizing his face was so close to hers. Stella and Gareth returned with a plate of limes and a tall salt shaker.
“Everybody get some salt, get some lime, we’re doing this correctly, thank you!” Stella announced, Gareth smirking at her take-charge demeanor.
Y/n and Eddie were the first ones ready, her heart warming when he leaned over and grabbed two limes for the both of them. Mollie passed Y/n the salt. Eddie watched as Y/n sprinkled a nice and thick little line on her hand and quickly held out his own next to her so she could set him up. Without a thought she obliged him, chuckling without meeting his eye.
“Alright, party people, one, two, three!” Mollie declared, everyone racing to get theirs done the fastest though they couldn’t beat Eddie and Y/n, who took the shot in sync with one another no matter how fast each were trying to go while giggling the whole time.
“And she had a double!! Amazing, really.” Eddie said in awe as she sat her glass upside down on the table and wiped her mouth with a smile she stopped trying to get rid of.
“Alright, sweetheart, I’m gonna go play you one last song and then I’m completely yours.” He smiled earnestly, his sparkling eyes taking in her whole face for any sign of the thoughts circulating her head as he placed his hands on her shoulders, hoping she’d touch him too.
Y/n sighed, the warmth of his hands on her shoulders already electrifying. It took everything in her not to pick his hands up and kiss them before pulling his lips in for one to send him on his way. But she didn’t.
She nodded with a soft smile, “Sounds like a plan. Try not to rock too hard.” She teased, Gareth turning dramatically around in his stool on stage when he heard his advice repeated. Eddie looked content with her answer, the regular dreamy smile lingering on his lips as he made a forward movement, as if he were going to kiss her forehead or nose. His effort stuttered as he decided to turn on his heel and walk to the stage, clenching his teeth and shaking his head at himself.
‘Not yet, dude, what the hell.’
Y/n’s breath caught in her throat the same way it would’ve done had he actually kissed her. She watched him the whole time he walked away, hopping back up on the platform that held them up only a few feet higher than the floor.
“Did he just kiss you?” Mollie inquired quietly with a new drink in hand. Kathy and Stella’s necks cranes around from the table to get Y/n’s reply. She shook her head, “No, but I think he was about to. I-I think he changed his mind.” She shrugged with a small smile.
“Are you glad he didn’t?” Kathy asked, confused. Y/n sat back down and allowed her smile to grow. “No, I think I would’ve liked him to, but I don’t think any guy has overthought kissing me before. Especially not over the forehead.”
“He was going to kiss your forehead?” Mollie gasped, a couple old men turning in their chairs to see what the fuss was about as Y/n nodded sheepishly.
“Well you better give that boy a forehead kiss tonight, Y/n, or so help me God—“
“Oh my god, Mollie, okay, okay. Don’t have to tell me twice to kiss the cute little rockstar’s forehead.” She mumbled, settling into her seat as the alcohol took route in her bloodstream, finally back at the same level of sobriety she was at when she met Eddie the first time.
“You must have a little thing for him, or something.” Stella muttered in the chair next to her behind her glass like a secret. Y/n blushed and blamed it on the alcohol to save face from her own self.
“I just might.” She shrugged one shoulder and turned her attention back to Eddie who had just approached the mic again. “This last one’s for the coolest chicks in Indiana.” He said, the girls erupting into howling cheers.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Y/n debated through the entire song on whether or not she wanted to tell Eddie more about herself that night, fighting the temptation to call Robin and tell her she was gonna give it a shot and see if Eddie wanted to take her back to his place for the night, but knew it was best if she didn’t. She couldn’t rush into anything too quickly no matter how easy it felt.
He’s thoughtful, respectful, ornery, laid back, there’s gotta be something, something wrong with this guy that he’s really good at hiding. I mean this is only the second time I’m meeting him, what if I let him take me somewhere and he murders me??
“Earth to Y/n.” Mollie waved her hand in front of Y/n’s face, “What? What’s up?” She shook her head of the thoughts plaguing her and took a sip of the beer she ordered after a whiskey.
“We asked if you were feeling okay.” Stella spoke up, nudging her friend’s arm with a worried look in her eyes. “Yeah, I feel great, it’s just… he seems too good to be true, right? Like, is it just me? A-Am I thinking about it too hard??” She whispered urgently, her hand resting against her forehead to block her distress from the boys at the front of the room.
The girls looked amongst each other and to the lead singer, who played the Metallica solo with care, stealing glances at the object of his affection when he could.
“I don’t think so, Y/n/n.” Kathy said with a smile and a shake of her head. “I’m with Kathy, you said Robin knows him, right? Wouldn’t you say Robin’s a good judge of character?” Mollie asked while she was bobbing her head to the beat.
Y/n shrugged in contemplation, “I mean, yeah.” She thought back to Robin mentioning ‘the end of the world’ as she referred to it, how Eddie went through it with her. Y/n looked back at him, pure joy on his face as he stood close to Grant while they strummed and picked together, just messing around and jamming during the transitional points of the song.
She wondered how he handled the murders, the blame, the running and hiding. She wondered about the blank spots that her friend was unable to fill, the shared horrors they’d seen and if he had to sleep with a light on like Robin did.
She wanted to let herself let go, to feel safe and small in the palm of his hand, finally able to put her trust and belief and time into someone.
“No one said you had to marry the guy. Y’know you can date casually, right? If it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t work out. Simple!” Stella shrugged matter of factly.
Y/n looked like a fish out of water at the suggestion, one that wouldn’t seem all too wild to a regular person with regular and normal relationship habits and views, but Y/n had been practically married to her first boyfriend the majority of her teen years. How is she supposed to let anyone go so easily once she’s let them in?
“Yeah, simple.” She muttered and took a swig as the song ended. Eddie held a gleam of eagerness in his eye, freeing himself of his strap around his neck and hopping off the stage with his guitar in hand. “Here comes your boy.” Mollie muttered to her lap, Y/n’s head snapping up to meet his smiling gaze striding up to her.
“How’d you like it?” He asked the table, though kept his eyes on Y/n. The girls collectively agreed and smiled, throwing out compliments that made his cheeks and ears pinker than they were from being winded as the rest of the guys joined the table.
“The guitar solo—mind melting.” Y/n commented with a coy smile and taking a sip of her drink. Eddie nodded approvingly, “Thank you, thank you.”
Gareth stood behind Stella’s seat and rested his hands gently on the back before looking down at Y/n. “Hey, Y/n/n, why don’t you help Eddie here take his guitar to the van out back? I know he’d appreciate it so much.” He cooed with a saccharine smile that sent the table into poorly repressed snickers.
“Y’know, Gareth, I think that’s the best thing I’ve heard come out of your mouth.” Y/n answered, tilting her drink all the way back to finish it. Eddie’s eyes went wide as he looked at his best friend next to him, who sent him a wink as the girl stood from her seat and sent Eddie a look with her brows raised, “C’mon.” She said, taking his free hand and pulling him along, refraining from glancing back at his lovesick gaze to avoid further teasing from their friends.
When they got outside and reached the light pole they’d stood under previously, Eddie spun her around and gently pulled her close by her waist, his eyes fixed on hers with earnesty. “Hi, angel.” He said to her quietly like that was the first time he had greeted her that evening.
“Hi, Eddie.” She pushed a curl behind his ear, a move that made him blush again and avert his eyes to his black boots that happened to closely resemble her own, placing his hand over hers to keep it in place a moment longer.
“Can I ki—“ His request was interrupted by her lips crashing onto his, a low groan rumbling from his throat as he melted into her touch, almost forgetting he was holding the neck of his guitar in one hand as he tried to pull her closer.
He pulled back reluctantly, sprinkling pecks all over her mouth before he pulled back for good, “I need both arms to hold you, come on, I’ll tuck her in, then it’s just you and me.” He joked, throwing his arm over her shoulders and walking with her around the building.
Eddie couldn’t help but feel like a real rockstar leaving a gig with a groupie under his arm, not to mention the hottest. He grazed his fingers across her back and trailed them down her arm as he let go, opening the back doors of the van and immediately spotting the open guitar case.
“Here you go, baby.” He muttered, placing the instrument gently inside the velvet lined case and kissing his hand to run across the strings before closing it. “You really know how to treat your women, don’t you, Munson?” She asked, crossing her arms and admiring the sight.
“I strive to be a gentleman, what can I say?” He asked, moving the case up on its side to lean against the wall of the van. That’s when she noticed the added pillows and blankets it had rested on top of. Eddie busied himself by straightening the blankets, spreading another out on top to cover up with, it seemed. There sat a solid row of bed and throw pillows up against the back seat, the warm dim lighting set the mood greatly.
“Were you expecting some company?” She asked, her question freezing him on the spot before he turned around with alarm in his wide eyes. “I, uh, just assumed—I shouldn’t have thou—I’m so sorry,” He rambled, getting ready to shut the doors of the van and walk her back to the front when she walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his middle, again, freezing him on the spot.
“Eddie…” She cooed, swaying them gently from side to side, then raised up on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to the side of his neck. “Y-Yes?” He asked in a whisper. “Is this for me?” She asked softly next to his ear, a lip between her teeth as he shivered.
He turned to her, nodding, his fingers finding her waist and sliding his hands up underneath her jacket and roaming the curves her dress hugged so well. He felt his member throb the more she touched him and the more he touched her.
Her fingernails scratched his chest satisfyingly, the feeling sending another vibration up his throat as he nuzzled his nose into her neck and pulled her close. The smell of her warm skin was intoxicating, bewitching him and pulling him further under her spell. “You know, you’re all I’ve thought about since the moment I laid eyes on you.” He said through messy kisses to her neck, her knees growing weak at the sensation, the sentiment pulling a careless moan from her lips.
Eddie took the noise as encouragement, his movements becoming more deliberate and quick. “C’mere.” He growled, turning them around to the van and reaching to grab just underneath her ass to encourage her up and into the back.
She scooted back until she was all the way in, unlacing and kicking off her docs in the process while Eddie hopped in and shut the doors. She set about taking off her jacket as Eddie turned to take off his boots, smiling at her in wonderment as he did. She waited for him, sat on her calves with her hands in her lap. Eddie crawled over to her and took in her appearance; her tits peeking out of the top of her dress, the fish nets on her legs that begged to be ripped off.
“What do you think about?” She asked breathlessly as his lips hovered over hers.
“When you think about me?” She asked, allowing herself to look deep into his eyes instead of making herself close her eyes or look away, she wanted to see him—to learn him.
Eddie smiled adoringly and set about kissing her jaw, chin, neck, and shoulders chastely; laying her down into the nest he created for them to hopefully spend the night. “I’ve thought about what you’d look like sleeping in my bed,” he chuckled against her skin.
Y/n softly gasped, egging him on. “I’ve thought about what I’d make for your breakfast in the morning,” he whispered below her ear against her neck, “and how you look when you wake up all sleepy and squinty eyed, I’ve wondered if you’re a morning person or not,” he sighed, slipping his fingers into hers and holding them beside her head again.
“Eddie..” She moaned, her mouth searching for his lips, “Do you think of me?” He asked, his front grinding into her middle as he hitched her leg around him, letting his hand greedily run up her thigh, dragging his fingers along the threads of her tights.
“Of course I do.” Y/n whispered, her free hand finding the side of his face. He leaned into her touch and sighed contently, his body going limp on her. She smiled as he unlaced his fingers from hers and wrapped his arms around her underneath him, caging her body in with his, though she wasn’t complaining.
“Oh, how I missed you, sweetheart.” He whispered, pressing his nose into the crook of her neck to smell her perfume and groaning as it filled him. She wrapped both legs around his torso as he settled in planting kisses on her in between the praises: ‘I swear, you’re the girl of my dreams’, ‘Been thinkin’ about the ways I wanna make you feel, baby..’, ‘Such a pretty girl..’
Y/n revelled in his voice, touch, and scent, gasping softly and arching her back, her legs turning to mush. “I love these.” He breathed with a smile, sticking his fingers through a few of the holes to squeeze her inner thigh better, making her lurch and giggle into him as he put his mouth against hers.
She mewled into his open mouth, whimpering as he echoed her sound back at her. “Tell me what else you think about, baby.” She said to him, throwing her inhibitions to the wind, ready to take a step.
Eddie’s lips smacked against hers, smearing their wetness across their mouths before disconnecting to answer her, her lips immediately honing in on his throat, licking and kissing as he struggled to get the words out, “It’s stupid, it’s-it’s- nothing sexy, really, it’s all purely domestic—“
“Tell me, Eddie.” She urged, sliding her hands under his shirt to rake her nails down his front, lightly enough to make him stretch like a cat and rut his hips into hers. “Oh, shit, baby, uh, I, think about what you look like when you make dinner, ahaha—“ he chuckled nervously, hoping it didn’t come off mysoginistic. Y/n bit her lip to repress a moan, feeling pathetic at the thought of him eating his own dinner and thinking of her.
“Or, or, or, getting ready for bed, I wanna know what your hair smells like when you just washed it, if you’re a bath or shower person, if you’re one of those girls that likes to wash their hair in the sink or not.” He mumbled as her lips reached his and she flipped them over to grind her hips down on him.
“You are such a sweet boy.” She whispered, finally sliding his shirt up his chest until he took it the rest of the way off then returning his hands to her waist, lightly digging his fingers into the thin material of the black dress.
This was the first time Y/n had enough light to notice Eddie’s fading scars, one wrapping around the back of his neck, another hidden underneath the dragon piece he had on his side. She ran her fingers over the edges of the marred skin, careful not to touch too much. Eddie froze giving her a chance to explore, and hoped she wouldn’t ask too many questions or be hindered by them.
She looked up at him with eyes that saw him, whether he understood the extent or not, he knew that much; that she saw him.
She placed tender kisses that traced the edge of the trail up to his neck, her tongue being awful generous. “Tell me more, I wanna hear it all.” She whispered next to his ear.
“I thought about you at the grocery store.” He blurted out as his eyes fell closed, his breathing running ragged. Y/n giggled, her hands roaming his chest between them, “Which section did it for you, huh?” She asked playfully, looking up at his face as his eyes opened. Her hands reached around the back of his neck to rest.
“It was the cereal.” He sighed, stroking her hand with his and looking between both of her eyes and then her lips. Her heart warmed and couldn’t help but chuckle before bringing him back in for a kiss, moaning into his lips as his hands found her ass to squeeze.
“Why cereal?” She asked, pausing her kisses.
“Uh, I just—I was wondering what kind you buy, and how I’d want to have it for you so I could, make you a bowl after we—“ he stopped at the sound of her slipping the straps of her dress down her shoulders until she could push the top of her dress down to her waist, his smile returning to his face instantly.
“After we.. what?” She teased, his eyes unmoving from her chest in awe.
“Oh god, how I’ve missed you guys.” He said to her breasts. “You guys? You’ve personified my tits already? Do you really think you know them like that?” She asked, leaning up with a smile as her sat up with her, attaching his lips to her nipple and sucking immediately, “Oh, fuck, Eddie.”
“If I ‘don’t know them like that’, how come they look so happy to see me?” He asked, his face resting in between them as his hands pressed them to his cheeks with a sigh. Y/n threw her head back and laughed on his lap, her pussy throbbing when he bounced her unexpectedly, watching and feeling her tits jiggle in front of him and sending a shockwave to her clit that rubbed against his screaming erection trying to escape his jeans.
“Oh, baby girl..” he growled in disbelief, letting go of her breasts and watching her on top of him. “I can’t believe I get to touch you again.” He whispered in awe before dragging his fingers up her thighs and grabbing onto the netting more fiercely, lightly scratching her skin as he did. “And these little things.. oh god.. it’s like you know me. I wanna, ugh—“ He said roughly, unable to finish his thought because he simply couldn’t resist mouthing and lightly gnawing the soft, tender flesh around her nipple.
“What do you wanna do with them, Eddie? Tell me—I wore them for you, tell me what to do with them.” She whined wantonously.
“ ‘wanna rip ‘em off you, baby..” he said lowly, his fingers curling up around the netting on the backs of her thighs, the tension making the threads dig into her skin deliciously as she whispered in anticipation, “Do it—Do it, Eddie, rip them off me, anything you want.” She mumbled against him excitedly, almost drunkenly.
Eddie pulled away to look in her eyes, hoping she wasn’t joking or exaggerating. “Yeah? You want me to?” He asked in disbelief. She nodded, a pathetic ‘mhm’ slipped from her lips as his hands slipped up to her breasts again, lightly grazing his fingertips over her skin to make her whimper.
“You wanna turn around for me, sweet girl?” He whispered into her ear, his hot breath rolling over her and making her weak as she nodded. Y/n released her grip on him and turned with the assistance of his hands, swiveling her hips, her palms meeting the blanketed floor of the van eagerly.
Eddie kept his tongue tucked between his teeth through a satisfied smirk, undoing his belt and unzipping his pants to give himself some relief, “Have you been treating this sweet pussy right since you’ve been gone?” He asked, bending over her back and hiking up her skirt around her bum, running a loving hand down the swell of it as he spoke, his other hand coming down to wriggle underneath hers, encouraging her fingers between his.
Y/n looked back at him with a look so desperate it was almost a pout and shook her head. “Aw, honey, no one else to fill you up the way you need?” He asked, dripping with mockery.
“I didn’t want anything else, Eddie.” She whispered, reaching back to cover his hand with hers. Eddie keened at her words, his dick jumping at the thought of her only being satiated by him, no other able to do what he was capable of.
“Oh, you did it. You really did it.” He said through clenched teeth, gripping the back of her tights as she arched her back, her ass pushing back onto him as he said so. “What are you gonna do about it? You gonna give me what I need?” She asked seductively, rubbing her back side against his groin, satisfied when she felt his solid member through the denim.
Eddie pulled the netting that covered her apart, much more than he meant to, really. He meant to tear the crotch out, enough to fuck her in her pretty outfit, but instead he ripped them clean in half, the mesh falling around her on the floor. Eddie realized then that she hadn’t worn any panties, the sight of her on her hands and knees and almost bare for him sent his dick pulsing.
Eddie hurriedly shoved his pants down his thighs, his cock slapping his stomach and brushing her ass on the process. Y/n bit her lip in anticipation, hearing his sounds as he moved around behind her.
“C-Can I get you naked, baby? I’m sorry, it’s just now that I got you like this, I just—I wanna see you. I wanna see all—“
She interrupted him by sitting back on her heels and unzipping the back of the dress to shove it down with the waistband of her now useless tights and returning to her previous position with her back arched and her hair loose down her back.
“C’mon, Eddie, show me what else you been thinking about.” She said, nudging his hard cock with her bare ass once more before he grabbed her hips and snaked a hand to her clit, playing with her bud gently before pressing a finger inside of her, a sigh of relief leaving her lips.
“Oh, yeah, that’s it.” He smiled at her dropped head. “You feel—ugh, I missed, I missed the way you feel.” She preened, his rhythm as he played her pussy absolutely impeccable.
“Is that your way of saying you missed me?” He asked next to her ear, bringing his other hand to cup her breast and play with it slowly. Y/n didn’t answer, only turned her head to slot her lips over his and lick his top lip, collecting his sweet taste on her tongue and bringing it back to savor before kissing his lips again.
Eddie breathed a hum against her, his pelvis grinding against her as she pressed back against him, their movements getting more intense the more they fell into rhythm with one another. “C-Condom?” She asked, reaching back to grab his hip.
Eddie reached over to the corner of the van, under a couple pillows to pull out a pack of condoms, the top of the box unopened. Y/n heart melted at the sight and sound of him opening the new box that he definitely purchased for them for tonight.
“20 pack, huh? That’s mighty ambitious for one night, don’t you think?” She asked with a smirk in her voice, sitting down on her side as she watched him unwrap the package and roll it onto his length. “Well, sweetheart, that’s because I plan on using most of these in future, you know?” He asked, his hand grazing up the side of her leg and tapping her hip as a signal to flip back over.
Y/n bit her worried lip, half wondering if he meant for them to be used on other encounters or if he put 20 condoms worth of stock into their connection. Instead of thinking about it too much, she focused on the way the heat between them felt when he leaned over her again to fondle her chest with both hands and rut against her backside a little bit longer, his hot breath teasing her ear as he licked and nibbled her earlobe, his fingers antagonizing both nipples at the same time and leaving her pussy dripping with little attention.
“Eddie..” she sighed, tilting her head to allow him further access. He gazed at the side of her face, eyes closed and mouth agape in hot pleasure. Eddie left a damp peck on her neck, “You gonna let me have your phone number after this? So maybe I can use more of these bad boys?” He chuckled dryly into her skin, referring to the condoms she worried about so shortly before, as if he could read her mind.
Y/n cracked a smile, her eyes opening just a touch before replying, “Fuck me first and then I’ll decide.”
Eddie grinned, gathering her hair in a ponytail and leaning back up. Y/n thought nothing of the tension she felt at the back of her head until she felt him wrap it around his hand, pulling a small gasp from her as he smeared her arousal around her weeping slit to enter her.
Y/n cried out as he pushed in, using her hair to pull her body back onto his cock, the air stolen from him as soon as he was buried inside of her. “Oh my god, Angel, I missed you, I missed you so much.” Eddie preened as he began to thrust lazily. He loosened his grip on her hair, keeping a light grasp on the end of the pony tail he gathered and playing with the ends absentmindedly.
“Eddie, you feel so good, please go faster—I’ve needed you so bad.” She urged, bouncing her ass off of his pelvis as he froze, watching her jiggle as she fucked herself on him.
“Oh, shit, baby,” he sighed, adjusting his grip onto her hips, the metal of his rings and his fingertips digging into the supple skin. “You have no idea how good it feels to hear you say that.” He laughed as his thrusts picked up to double speed, his smugness showing out as she moaned carelessly with her mouth wide open, already louder than she was last week.
“Oh, I think I do.” She managed before his fingers set about circling her clit again. “Yeah? You been thinking about me? You been trying to do what I do for you?” He asked down by her ear again, his nose pressed into the side of her head.
She nodded miserably, her eyes closed as her throat gave a weak ‘uh-huh’ in response as he pressed deeper on her clit. “You been saying my name? When you touch yourself thinking about me?” He teased. She nodded again to his surprise. “You think about me like I think about you?” He asked quieter, as if he asked for a sidebar during sex.
Y/n’s eyes fluttered open, turning her head to look at him again and leaning her forehead onto his before nodding. Eddie’s hungry eyes turned soft and warm, “Yeah?” He asked, his thrusts picking back up. “Tell me, sweetheart. I wanna hear about it, please?” He asked sweetly.
Y/n scrunched her eyes shut as he sat up again, using her hips to control their pace, keeping her from rocking back into him and satiating herself without indulging him first. “Uh.. I thought about—I thought about you when I watched Children of the Corn.” She struggled, Eddie’s movements stopping as he howled with laughter.
“I’m so—I’m sorry, y-you thought of me during a movie? That’s so cute, Princess. And a Stephen King horror? I’m impressed. What did you think about?” He asked, resuming his thrusts into her and leaning down to kiss her shoulder.
“I was thinking about if you’d seen it, if you’d liked it, i-if you’d watch it with me if I had your number to call you—“
“Of course I would, baby, you wouldn’t even need a phone—“ He sped up sloppily, pushing them both to the limit very quickly and unexpectedly, the wet slaps between them building with the pleasure in her stomach until he abruptly slowed down, his breath quickened.
“You just gotta walk outside and holler my name, I’ll be there in five seconds.” He panted out as he caught his breath. Y/n smiled, her eyes too heavy to open for the moment. “What else, baby? I wanna hear it all..” He spoke in a gravelly whisper, squeezing her hips in his hands again and starting another fair pace so she could talk.
“I, I—fuck. I had a dream about you.” She said, his strokes getting faster the more he liked what she said.
“Tell me.” He muttered.
“Uh, y-you were in my bed. You were in my bed and we were—oh god, Eddie, please make me cum.” She sighed desperately, tears collecting in her eyes as her climax approached and faded again as he stopped his movements against her.
“You gotta tell me, baby, what were we doing, huh? Were we goin’ at it? Were we sleeping? What is it, baby, tell me.” He urged, his hand slipping back down to her clit, his other reaching for her nipple to tweak and bother until she answered properly.
“I was—you were laying under me, on my pillow, and you were, ugh, you were so, fuck—“
His strokes to her pussy were enough to melt her brain, Eddie catching onto her powerlessness and slowing his movements, “Sorry, baby, I got excited.” He muttered against her hair in a kiss.
Y/n took a breath and continued, “You were so cute, just laughing and being.. you, and I just kept kissing you. Over and over and everywhere, and when I woke up I—“ she stopped, remembering what happened after the fact she realized she was by herself in her bed, yet again, and feeling alone and empty as ever.
“What?” He asked, his circles becoming more frivolous on her front, her orgasm creeping up on her steadily. “Uh, I, uh, don’t remember.” She muttered, rocking back against his dick. “C’mon baby, tell me.” He urged quietly, his arm wrapping underneath her and pressed her back to his chest as he did.
She shook her head, “Please, Eddie, I can’t take it much longer, please. Please, please, make me cum. I’ve wanted you so bad.” She whined, his pace picking up and posture suddenly straight.
“Don’t worry, I won’t make you wait anymore, baby, I’m gonna take good care of you, okay? Sweet girl with such a sweet— little—cunt.” He punctuated each word with a thrust, his smile returning when her sounds slipped from her open mouth.
“I wanna kiss you when I cum, Eddie.” She mumbled to him over her shoulder, her head weak from the pleasure coursing through her veins. The words from her mouth almost made him lose it himself, though the low groan he released seemed to curb the impulse.
Eddie stopped and pulled out of her, holding her hips steady as he turned her around to face him, her body feeling weak as she panted against him, leaning into his chest for a moment before they began again.
“C’mere, sweet girl. You wanna lay down for me?” He asked, nodding to the pillows below. She took a deep breath and nodded, her flushed skin making Eddie smile. She settled below him on the pillows, her eyes unreadable.
“Can I have this here?” He asked quietly as he hitched her leg over his shoulder and took her hand in his, laying it against the pillow. Y/n nodded, a sweet and relaxed smile stretching across her face, assuring him once more and giving him a smile of his own.
“Can I have this here?” She echoed, gently pulling his dick near her slit. Eddie chuckled heartily and nodded, “Yeah, baby, you have whatever you wa—uhhh—ohhh shit.” He groaned as she wrapped her other leg around his ass and pushed him inside of her until he was buried in her once again.
“I want you to fuck me, Eddie, and don’t stop, okay? Please, please, please,” she begged as he got rough with his movements, unafraid of slamming his hips into her the more she cried out for him.
“Just—like—that—oh—my—gooo—odd..” he fucked the words out of her lips with every thrust, his hand flying back down to her clit when her head fell back, her hair down in front of her shoulders, framing her pretty face and tits for him. He wanted to leave wet kisses all the way up the path of her torso, but decided he would the next time he got to fuck her.
“Yeah, baby, lemme hear it.” He whispered, rubbing her clit with more pressure on her mound as her walls began to flutter and construct around him, giving him the signal to start thrusting faster again as she came. “Eddie, fuck—kiss me, kiss me!” Her eyes opened, locking on his immediately as he dove down to encompass her lips with his own as he fucked his own orgasm into her quivering cunt, their lips wet and gasping for each other.
They stayed kissing long after their orgasms were over, just waiting for the other to pull back and end it, though neither of them did. They breathed through their noses against each other, their hands wandering one another’s hair and skin.
Eddie pulled the sheet over their bodies, the linen creating a tent above them as he wrapped his arms around her body and laid on top of her, her legs wrapping around his middle like a puzzle piece. They kissed once, twice, three more times, before parting and finding each other’s necks, burying themselves to hide away.
“You’re like a dream, you know that?” Eddie breathed, stroking her lower back with his fingers as his lips moved against her collarbone as he spoke. Their chests were pressed flat against one another, the hammering heartbeats taking time to sync. Y/n shook her head, her nose grazing the skin covering his jugular. “I’m far from it, Eddie, but you sure make me feel like I’m in one.” She smiled against him.
Eddie pulled back to kiss her forehead, her nose, and then her lips again, “Y’know you could spend more time here in dreamland if you gave me your phone number.” He sighed, his nose still resting against hers.
Y/n closed her eyes and drew her brows together like a curtain, the words and thoughts fleeing from her mind as soon as she wanted to use them. “What? What is it?” He asked, backing up to look at her better, removing the sheet from their heads.
“It’s not—I wasn’t, I don’t give my number to guys I meet at the bar,” she stumbled out, sitting up and holding the sheet over her chest, the exposure too vulnerable now. Eddie’s eyebrows raised, leaning back to listen and sit next to her.
“But I also don’t come back for seconds, like ever. Truly, the men in the bar scene of Indiana aren’t anything special, but.. but you are.” She shrugged. “I do wanna give you my number, Eddie, I just—”
“Yo, love birds, we gotta get going!” Gareth’s voice rang from the outside of the van, several pairs of hands battering against the two doors at the opposite end of the cab. Y/n and Eddie jumped, the boy diving to the mound of their clothes and tossing them to her lap as they hurriedly searched the pile and tugged on their clothes.
Y/n zipped up her dress as Eddie buttoned his jeans, tossing him his shirt as she grabbed her shoes to pull on and lace the quickest she could as they listened to the echoing laughter from outside.
She slung her jacket around her shoulders, fixing her hair and collar as Eddie pulled his shoes on but not bothering to lace them. They looked at each other in silence before Eddie reached out to smooth her hair and wipe the runny mascara from beneath her eyes. “Perfect.” He mumbled, his forlorn look breaking her heart as he opened the doors.
“About time! You know time doesn’t stop when you’re in there, right?” Mollie teased with a cigarette between her fingers. Y/n rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest, turning to Eddie.
“You gotta pen?” She asked him, a smile reaching her eyes as his lit up. “Does anybody have a pen?!” He turned and hollered to their friends occupying the alley.
Jeff immediately held up a pen as the others searched their jacket and pants pockets, the girls looking in their wallets and purses. Eddie caught the pen with ease, holding out his hand patiently, his eyes never leaving hers.
She carefully wrote out the numbers, making sure to write clearly and roundly. “Calling after.. 8.. works the best. But… if you call before then.. I think I could manage.” She bit her lip as she placed the pen in his hand, melting at the smile he sent her; as if nothing else on the planet mattered more.
Eddie leaned down and gave her one last strong and lingering kiss, his hands wrapping around her waist and squeezing as her arms found his neck.
The headlights of Stella’s car flashed them twice, ceasing their kiss, “C’mon, Y/n/n, we can’t keep your boy waiting!” Mollie yelled over the engine noise, her words sending an atomic bomb to Eddie’s heart.
His heart stopped in that moment, looking from the car to the girl in his arms. “Your boy?” He asked, releasing her and stepping back, the look in his eyes now replaced by one of unfamiliarity, as if he were looking at a stranger. Y/n shook her head, panicked, “Eddie, no, that’s not it—“
“I should’ve known—you know, you could’ve just fucked me the one time and let me have that to hold onto, but no, you had to come back here, and make me feel like somebody, and make me think we’re gonna be something, give me, what, a fake number to call when you have a boy at home? I dunno, man, I thought we had a connection or something—guess that’s just me being naive or whatever. Anyway, I gotta go, see ya, Y/n.” He said, turning on his heel and burying his hands in his pockets as he stalked off to the front of the building.
Y/n stood with her mouth open, her stomach feeling like she just got punched. Instead of chasing after him, she scoffed and paced to the car, opening the door roughly and closing it, taking care not to slam it.
“What was that??” Kathy asked, worried. “Before I could tell him about Danny, Mollie mentioned my boy.” Y/n clenched her jaw and turned to Mollie, whose eyes went wide with shock, sputtering out apologies. “Y/n, I’m so sorry, I wasn’t thinking, I-I can go talk to him! I can explain—“
“No, Molls, it’s okay. He wasn’t willing to hear me out, he can fuck off. It doesn’t matter.” She said, her walls raising with her arms across her chest and a stone look set on her face.
The car was silent, the girls looking amongst one another for words to give in order to fix the situation for their hurt friend. Instead, they drove home, Dio on the radio, their friend wordlessly leaving the car and entering her home without a glance back.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
A couple days later, Robin stood at the Family Video counter with Steve, the store phone between them as they listened intently to Y/n’s voice recount the events of Friday night over the receiver.
Steve made reactive facial expressions and mouthed questions like ‘Danny who?’ Or ‘Eddie? Our Eddie?’ while Robin took care to keep her hand over the mouthpiece to avoid blowing Steve’s eavesdropping operation, besides, what kind of friend would she be if she didn’t let him in on the family drama, especially since it involves Eddie.
“—He didn’t even give me the chance to tell him my boy isn’t a man! Can you believe that? I mean, if I had a man why would I be trying to explain myself?” She vented exasperatedly over the phone. Steve looked up through the windows at the parking lot noticing the familiar black van parking and elbowing Robin to notice.
Robin gasped as her eyes narrowed on Eddie’s approaching figure, holding a stack of movies to return. Robin set her jaw determinedly, “Y/n, I’m gonna have to call you back—yeah, a customer's coming in and I have half a mind to rip him a new one.” She hung the phone up as the bell rang, her eyes trained on Eddie with a cold fierceness he’d never seen before.
“You sure have a lot of guts coming in here after what you did.”
“Hey, Robin.. you okay?” He asked tentatively.
“I’ll be fine, I just take it pretty personally when it comes to my family.” She shrugged, accepting the pile of returns he sat in front of her and tossing them in the return pile. “Uh, Robs, you gotta check those in.” Steve said, pointing at the pile that would soon get a late fee if not checked in properly.
“I’ll decide later if I wanna check them in or not.” Robin snapped, her eyes unwavering from Eddie’s as he stood confused, looking at Steve for help. Steve raised his hands in surrender, “Hey you fucked her cousin, not mine!”
Eddies eyes widened, looking back at Robin in shock. “W-w-wait, Y/n is your cousin??” Eddie shook his head in disbelief as Robin shook her head, “No, actually she’s not. Her son is though.” She nodded matter of factly as the information set in for Eddie.
“Her, what??” He asked.
“You remember my cousin Adam? His picture’s, like, everywhere in my mom’s house?” She asked, leaning forward.
Eddie nodded, remembering the circumstances of Adam’s death, yet still confused as to why this has anything to do with Y/n.
“Adam and Y/n were together, like forever. As long as I knew Adam, I knew Y/n—I’m talking practically married, Ed,” She implored, her eyes filling with emotion. “When Adam died, Y/n was pregnant with my nephew, Danny.” She said quieter as Eddie’s eyes shifted to the counter in front of him, his brows drawn together in thought.
He clenched his jaw in disappointment with himself, flipping his hand over and looking at the space the phone number occupied before he furiously scrubbed it in the shower through angry tears that night.
“She started going out a year after Danny was born, but hasn’t been interested in anyone since Adam.. til your sorry ass showed up.” She scowled, crossing her arms over her chest again as he looked up at her sorrily.
“I-I didn’t know, I-I just, when I heard she had a boy to get home to I—“
“—Assumed the worst and left to save face before you started crying like a little bitch? Yeah, I know, she told me everything already. You really hurt her, you know? Do you have any idea how much it took for her to go see you again?” She shook her head at him, noting the worry in his eyes as he took a lip between his teeth and tapped his rings on the glass anxiously.
“C-Can I have her phone number?” He asked.
Robin thought for a moment, grabbing a pen and a post it note, “I’ll do you one better,” she scribbled down an address and handed it to him. “She’s off work today, no plans. Go talk to her.” Robin said simply, grabbing the stack from the bin to check them in properly.
“W-what? Just show up at her house? That’s crazy, Robin.” He held the note and shook his head incredulously.
“Give me the note.” She held her hand out, writing a short note on the back ‘I sent his sorry ass! -Robin’ and handing it back to him. “Here, now she’ll know you aren’t a creep. Now go apologize to her and make her smile again!” She urged, shoving him away from the counter as Steve escorted him the rest of the way to the door.
“You got this, Munson, apologizing for being an idiot is half of your part in the relationship.” Steve closed the door behind him and smiled to himself as he watched the boy jog to his van and peel out of the parking lot.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Y/n sat outside on the lawn next to the driveway, clad in shorts and a tank top, a rainbow of chalk dust covering most of her skin as she watched Danny scribble over a flower garden she drew for him.
“Look it, mama, I color your flowers!” He gestured to the ground like Vanna White showing a new car on Wheel of Fortune. Y/n made a show of being surprised at the new colors covering her artwork,
“Oh my goodness, they’re so lovely! How about the sunshine? Can you draw one for the flowers?” She asked, handing him a yellow chalk. He took it with a smile and a tongue between his lips as he did his best to draw a circle for a sun.
As she admired the ever changing silhouette of her son’s face, she heard the squeak of breaks coming from the curb behind them, in front of the house. She turned, her jaw dropping at the sight of the black van she was well acquainted with parking in front.
“Danny, come here, I have to go in the house real quick.” She said hastily scooping the boy up and holding his head to her chest as she took quick steps to the sidewalk, “Mama, you’re so fast!” He giggled as she picked up her pace when she heard her name come from Eddie’s mouth.
“Please, can we talk?” He asked louder as she ran inside the house. Eddie’s heart pounded at the sight of her with her child, the boy’s curls and converse clad feet burned in his mind’s eye for whatever reason.
He took a steadying breath and shut the door, walking across the grass and up the porch steps to knock on the door, only half expecting for her to answer.
After a moment he debated walking back to the van and hoping she’d show up at the bar some other Friday, when the knob turned and the door opened enough for her to stick her upper half out, the sounds of cartoons playing from inside.
“Can I help you??” She asked, ferocity burning in her eyes. “B-Before you get angrier, I have a note—from Robin,” He said carefully, as if she were an animal that had him cornered. Eddie took the note from his pocket, holding it out to her and avoiding her eyes as she snatched it up.
Y/n sighed as she read Robin’s familiar writing, knowing she wouldn’t send Eddie to her house for a weak reason. “Okay, let’s hear it.” She shrugged, opening the door slightly wider.
“Okay, well, uh, I’m not sure if Robin’s told you much about my status here in good ‘ole Hawkins, but, uh, no one, and I mean no one, is a fan of me. I’ve been labelled the town freak since I moved here, I don’t have many friends, I repeated senior year three times, I receive part of my income from selling weed, I live in a trailer with my uncle because we’re so broke it’s sad, and I spend most of my time organizing games for a group of high school nerds to play for a few hours on a Thursday night. I am not a prize, I am not someone that gets female attention easily, and then suddenly, there’s you. Singing to my music, smiling at me, laughing at my jokes, making me laugh—listening to me, oh my god, you’re great at that. And you wanted me. I was fully prepared for you to laugh in my face when I asked if I could buy you a drink, let alone get to have the time we had together—twice! Ugh. I just—when I heard ‘your boy’ I assumed—“
“I know you did—“ She said, her breath catching.
“—I was scared.” He whispered, shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head. “It’s not an excuse, but I just felt so.. disposable.. when I heard that. W-When I said I thought we had a connection I meant it, truly. And I still do. If you’ll accept my apology, cause I’m so deeply sorry that I didn’t listen to you, that I jumped to conclusions, and accused you of being anything less than honorable. You’re amazing, really. Even more so now than I thought you were before..”
Y/n breathed deeply, her eyes shining with tears, as she listened to him. “So what now?” She asked.
“Now, I wanna show you how sorry my sorry ass is and make it up to you. Take you on a proper date, hear about the rest of your life.” He gestured to the house, his eyes glancing behind her to the head of curls he caught outside.
Her son’s wide brown eyes stared into him with a bewilderment that matched that of Curious George. “Especially this part.” He smiled, looking from her back to the boy. Danny walked up to his mother’s leg, holding it and peeking out timidly, though not scared.
Y/n placed a loving hand on top of Danny’s head, unsure of what to do. She didn’t want to be the mom that introduced her kid to everyone, though she knew it wouldn’t hurt if they kept it strictly friendly in front of Danny.
Eddie looked hesitant, like he wanted to do something but didn’t know if he had permission, looking from her back to the boy again, comparing their faces and trying to see what parts of her were in him.
“Uh, Danny, this is my friend Eddie, can you say hello?” She asked, bending down to talk to him, Eddie following suit without a thought.
“Hi, Yeti.” Danny said with a quiet smile and looking down at his shoes, anywhere but Eddie’s face. Eddie smiled anyway, recognizing that tendency in himself immediately. “Hey, Danny, it’s nice to meet you!” Eddie greeted the shy child.
Danny avoided his eyes, “Sorry, he can be a little shy.” Y/n explained as her son hugged her thigh tighter.
“Oh, no worries, I was too. I won’t bother ‘em,” he assured, standing from the ground. “Robin mentioned hanging out with her nephew a couple times now that I think about it.”
Danny’s eyebrows shot up, “Robby?” He asked.
“Oh, yeah, I’m friends with Robby, she’s the coolest!” Eddie nodded, looking at Y/n for assurance he was on the same page as her son, she nodded, poorly repressing a smile. “Do you play dragons with Robby, too?” The little boy asked with wonder in his eyes.
Eddie raised his eyebrows this time, “Oh, do I? I play dragons all the time! You play dragons?” Eddie asked, his heart strings tugging as the boy nodded eagerly, loosening his grip and looking up at his mother.
“Can Yeti come in and play?” Danny asked, looking from his mom to his new friend in the doorway. Eddie froze, suddenly feeling as if he overstepped, worried he made it weirder as soon as things started to look up for them.
“Uh, baby, I dunno if he has time today, but, uh—” she looked up at Eddie with the same wide, nervous eyes that he wore to look at her with. “—Maybe we could ask our new friend if he wants to come in for dinner tonight..?” She shrugged as she stood up to her full height.
The silence between them was thick, every other noise around them buzzing more than they should; the cicadas, the tv, the distant traffic noise— it was all suffocating.
“I would love to come over and have dinner.. and play dragons.” He said with an unstoppable smile looking between the two prettiest people he’d ever seen. Y/n bit her lip and guided her son out of the way to open the door further, stepping aside to let Eddie in.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Danny quickly led Eddie on a tour of the house, starting with his room. He introduced ‘Yeti’ to his toys, pointing out all of his hung up artwork scattered about the walls, images of dragons, unicorns, fairies, and knights on grand adventures. Eddie couldn’t help but wonder how much of the artwork belonged to Y/n, and where his little brain heard about such creatures and travels.
“This is the bathroom, but make sure you put the seat down and wash your hands or else mama gets frust-ated.” Danny said seriously. Eddie snickered at the information, nodding at the three year old, “Got it, buddy.”
Danny would stop at every shelf to explain the significance of the people in the frame or what the artwork in the movie posters depicted, including names of knick knacks and if they were allowed to play with them or not.
“We can’t have these, though, they’re very ‘portant.” He’d said while holding a ceramic frog that he’d had Eddie hand him, Eddie holding a similarly styled duck with alarm, “We’re not supposed to have these??” He collected the frog from Danny’s outstretched arms, his head shaking ‘no’ as Eddie returned the small figures to their places and ushering the child away quickly.
Y/n got a kick out of watching Danny run Eddie around, but she was even more thrilled when Eddie kept up, showing interest in each thing Danny thought to show him and asking questions even if they went unanswered by the scatterbrained toddler.
“Welcome to the family room!” He announced, bringing the tour back to the front of the house.
Eddie scanned the room, looking into the kitchen at the angel cutting food at the counter, her eyes flashing up to his with a small smile as he felt a tug on his hand to look at the pictures on the mantle.
“That’s my Gigi! And Robby, and mama, and my daddy!” Danny pointed to the smiles in the dusty gold frame, scrubbing his small index finger over the glass to see everyone clearly.
“Oh yeah? You sure look like your dad, don’t you?” Eddie asked. Danny nodded, “Do you look like your dad?” Danny asked. Eddie puffed his cheeks out, thinking about the old man’s face the last time he saw him, before he drove away from the Forest Hills trailer park eleven years ago.
“Kind of, but my uncle tells me I look a lot like my mom.” He mentioned, unaware Y/n was busy in her head figuring out what parts of Eddie belonged to his mother, and then wondered where she was.
Danny nodded, “Where is your mom?”
Eddie balked, his head snapping up at the silence of Y/n’s knife against the cutting board. She stood behind the counter with a similar expression to Eddie, the two silently drowning in embarrassment.
“Uh, I’m not sure! I never really had one, but that’s okay! Sometimes people don’t have moms, you know? Keeps things interesting! I have an Uncle Wayne instead of a mom and dad.” He shrugged. Y/n released a breath she was holding, the tension melting from her shoulders as her heart warmed at his explanation.
“Ohhh, right! Like I don’t have a dad, I just have a mom instead.” He replied eagerly. Y/n’s jaw dropped at her son’s words and rushed around the counter, her chest tight and head empty of words to say to either of the boys in her living room.
“Danny, that is an.. astute observation..but you do have a daddy, he just couldn’t be here, that’s all.” She managed to keep her voice steady and casual as she looked at her confused little boy. “Ohh, right, that’s what Gigi told me.”
“I’m sorry—” Eddie shook his head in a whisper as she stood and looked at him with wide eyes. “No, no, I’m sorry—he tends to ask the questions no one else wants to.” She shrugged with a tense smile, leaning over to turn on the television, hoping Sesame Street would be on by now.
“Hey—those are the best kinds of people, very honorable and caring, too.” He nodded assuringly, putting her nerves to rest in the easy way he could. Y/n sighed and nodded back to him, walking back to the kitchen counter and pulling out a stool for him to sit on next to her as she cut vegetables.
Eddie’s cheeks warmed as he left the family room to sit on the seat reserved for him. “Take off your jacket, stay a while.” She nudged him with her elbow as she placed another zucchini on the board. Her shoulders tensed again, her demeanor much more focused and rigid than before. Eddie understood more now why she needed to get out once a month—though Eddie planned on changing that if he could help it.
Before he could lay it in his lap, Y/n held out a hand for his jacket. He handed it to her, watching her quick steps to the coat rack by the door, hanging it on a branch of the tree the stand imitated.
Eddie sent her a smile on her way back, his eyes glittering in the dimming daylight as he rested his chin on a content hand. “What?” She scoffed through a blushing smile, setting up her skillet with zucchini, oil, and seasonings.
Eddie shrugged, “I just didn’t think I’d get this far when I decided I needed to know you.” He said and then sighed.
Y/n looked at him for a moment then away with a shake of her head. “You scare me.” She said like a woman unafraid and dusted her hands of the excess spices.
Eddie looked almost offended, though he hoped she was joking. “Not you, too.” He said hopelessly. Y/n crinkled her brows at him as she turned to put the pan in the oven. “I, mean, like, I can’t… figure you out.” She said as she set the timer.
“What’s there to figure out? I say everything I think.” He asked with a shrug.
“Exactly, no one does that. What’s your game here, Eddie, for real, this time.” She asked with suspicion narrowing her eyes.
Eddie shook his head and sputtered for a moment. “I’m just doing what you’re doing, ba—Y/n, shi—crap! Ugh! I’m sorry.” He muttered with a hand clamped over his mouth. Y/n giggled and shook her head at him for the thousandth time, leaning over the same warm stove that made her think of him a week ago this day.
“All I’m trying to say, is that I like you, I like who you are, a lot.”
“And who am I?” She asked curiously.
“You’re kind, and determined, and funny and beautiful. You shoot tequila like a champ, your music taste is top tier, you don’t like feeling vulnerable, and that’s okay, I used to not like that either, but-but I think you could be, with me. I hope you could.” He shrugged his shoulder, nervousness creeping in.
“I know you’re a hard worker because you work two jobs and you’re a single teen mother, and I respect the hell out of that, truly! And I like your kid, he’s cool as he—eck. Cool as all get out, really. That’s gotta mean you’re a good mom, having a good kid like that and all. And if it’s cool with you, I’d like to hang around here every once in a while—with my friend Danny and his pretty mom.” He smiled, speaking quieter at the end of the sentence.
Y/n’s eyes glanced to the living room, her son perched on a mound of pillows, sucked into the tv with a blanket covering him. She looked back to Eddie and stepped over to the fridge, away from the doorway Danny was visible through, and nodded at him to leave his seat.
Eddie’s eyes lit up, his quiet smile growing more eager as he bound over to her, her smile sending butterflies rushing through his body as she pulled him in for a relieving kiss. He tried so hard to keep from smiling as her hands found his hair, burying her finger at the nape of his neck while his hands grabbed at her arms and then her waist to pull her closer for the short and passionate embrace.
When she pulled back, she kissed his forehead once before walking over to stir the sizzling pan, Eddie taking his seat happily; sitting and watching her cook just like he’d imagined a week ago, this day.
Part 3
taglist (I’m sorry if it didn’t allow me to tag you!)
@quinnsfineline @afternoonzephyr @eddiesgffff @steeldaisies @harrys-tittie @valkyre9125 @eddiethesexy @samlealea @eternal-fangirl @specialsnowflake-gabbi @elladoe @took-me-hours-to-steal-those @tjbabe33 @mxnsoneddie @micheledawn1975 @magnificantmermaid @munsonzzgf @enigmaticblue @joyfulfxckery @tiannamortis @theamericanjewitch @lolanoelle @bebe0701 @qardasngan @renaroo123 @sillypurplemurple @kindablackenedsuperhero @qnsfwthoughts @cutiecusp @yyoucompletemess @livingdeadgurl2016 @electricbouquetkid-blog @malibu3491 @mxcheese @nicoliewolie87 @mulletmcghee @clacatbuc @spread-the-hope @e-mmygrey @fancyghosttrashhero-blog @mirrorstuff @sashaphantomhive @devilinthepalemoonlight @middle-of-the-earth @yelyahcardella @ick90 @psychobitchsthings @figmentofquinn @secretdryrose @siriuslysmoking @tanyaherondale @tracymbcm @tlclick73 @whats-the-meaning-of-living @alana4610 @thew0rldsastage @eddiemunson-4-eva @descameron @inmitable—waitforit-blog @daydreaming-mood @josie955 @munsonseds
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xxwelxx · 4 months
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I tried making my own similarity board for the cosmic opera set coz I noticed stuff (it’s mostly just the antennae)
I’ll try making it more legible under the cut
I’ve seen a few people mention this already, the devil n angel parallels btwn tsukasa n rui, I see it and agree amen
But what I haven’t noticed is the mention of tsukasa’s antennae having the same shape as rui’s cat drones. The feathery looking angle wing antennae can also resemble the wings of a pegasus.
There are stars present on them as well, rui on both, n tsukasa on his right one.
Moving on from them for now, emu’s antennae seem to include everyone. The colors and designs chosen are reminiscent of both tsukasa and rui’s old stage outfits. Her right one looking like rui’s old pink coat with the yellowy goop on it, n her left one having a similar blue color with yellow line accents to tsukasa’s entire old look. The new one kind of matches too, but the blue is darker and the yellow isn’t as stringy throughout.
When it comes to matching with nene, they have the same patterns on their antennae. Right is goopy, left has lines. Emu has 1 goop and 2 lines, while nene has 2 goops and 1 line. Both line designs are done in yellow.
On nene’s shoulder also appears to be an emu alien (the antennae match). Its body has all of WxS signature colors.
Even though tsukasa and rui have stars, they’re still in different colors. Tsukasa’s are white and rui’s are yellow. This also mirrors how emu’s goop is yellow when nene’s are white.
You may have noticed this already, if we flatten down their antennae, nene and rui would have 2 ridges and emu n tsukasa only have one. Oddball 1 2 reference maybe I dunno.
Nene and tsukasa both have a black base color. Nene on her left one, tsukasa on both. Rui and emu both have blue gradients. Emu on her left n rui on both. (Technically the blue on emu is a base color, but it doesn’t show on the card and in the 3d outfit it’s a gradient. There’s a gradient from tsukasa’s hair color to the antennae too so depending on how I classify emu’s situation it would contradict the language I used previously. But maybe, just maybe, no one actually cares that much and we can all move on from this) Tsukasa n rui have these on 2 ears while emu and nene have them on 1.
I think that’s everything! If I notice anything more I’ll mention it later :3
I think it’s very sad we didn’t get a nene in alien form. I know she’s just a two star, but couldn’t they have put her somewhere on emu’s card really far away or something :(( 2 stars are so heartbreaking, esp when their designs are so gorgeous.
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