#hwarang-suho   hwarang-banryu
drama--universe · 1 year
Okta Lover
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Requested by @creepypastacrazier93: Warmly greet!❤️How did the exams go, good? Requests are open again, so what do you say we try out our Hwarang boys? How would the boys react to the female reader who served them in Okta, a Hwarang boy tells his friends that she is cute and another of the Hwarang tells the reader that their friend thinks she is cute 😁😁
Pairing: Hwarang boys x fem!reader
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he's a very blunt person
so it would be in character for him to just say it to you
but at the same time, he's pretty shy
which is the reason that he doesn't say it in your face
he doesn't mean to say it out loud either
it just slipped out as you walked off after placing down their drinks
Ji-dwi gives a confused look, Suho laughs, Banryu rolls his eyes, Han-sung giggles and Yeo-wool just grins
Yeo-wool is the first to leave, generous enough to pay for the drinks
Sunwoo just groaned, he knew well enough that Yeo-wool wasn't doing it out of the kindness of his heart
especially not when he noticed you look over after Yeo-wool finished talking
you just smiled at him before turning back away from him
it wasn't until ten minutes later or so that you return
a drink placed in front of him while you said opposite
all the others were kind enough to leave then, but not without teasing grins
and Sunwoo says nothing, staring at the cup before him while you served a cup for yourself
"my shift's done, so I hope you don't mind the company."
Sunwoo does not mind it all, the blush on his face said enough
and you gladly take the opportunity
a handsome hwarang and a nice one at that, who would not want someone like that on their side
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this man will say it to your face
no shame, you've seen the same series as me
sure, he' be a bit bashful about it, but he'd say it nonetheless
the other hwarangs just find it hilarious how you just scoff
because it turns Ji-dwi into a lost puppy
lucky for him, Yeo-wool was good at talking
and he was basically friends with everyone that worked at Okta
so, out of the kindness of his heart, Yeo-wool talks to you
basically tells you that Ji-dwi is genuinely interested
so, maybe a week later or so, you saw him again in Okta
alone this time and maybe a bit tipsy
the two bottles of wine said enough, even if he was used to alcohol
you sit opposite of him, smiling as he looked up shocked
"A little birdie told me that you were very interested."
Cue the blush to rise up on his face
he stumbles over his words, trying to sober himself up in a matter of seconds
neither of those things works, but at least he tries
which you find cute, so plus points there
throughout the whole conversation, his stutter did not dissapear
so you're basically smiling the whole time at his cuteness
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number two who'd just openly say it
but in a more flirty way
so you shrugged it off
every single time
which is only making Soo-ho more competitive in a way
he'll try anything to make you break, but nothing really works
Han-Sung is the one to step in
kind of blurts out the fact that Soo-ho seems genuinely interested in you
you don't see a reason why the cute boy would lie to you
at the same time, you also like seeing Soo-ho struggle to come up with new ways to flirt with you
it's really funny to watch as you walk past
to see him pout as he struggled to find something new to say
because Soo-ho was not known for trying so much
(let's assume he never falls for the queen, cause that was just weird...)
he breaks after two hours
which basically means that he just pouts for the rest of their time their
when they left, you were quick to end your shift and follow the men
Soo-ho was trailing in the back, a good meter behind the rest
so you took the opportunity to walk to him, linking your arm to his with a smile
he's confused, but switches to happy in a millisecond
"I hope you don't mind walking me home?"
he does not
the smile on his face doesn't leave his face for the rest of the night
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he would say nothing
not even to the others
he remains quiet through the night, but his eyes speaks thousand words
and Soo-ho knows how to read those eyes with ease
(yes that sounds kinda gay, I'm aware)
which means that Soo-ho knows exactly what was happening in Ban-ryu's head
and thus, he starts his usual teasing
because he had long figured out the secret glances to you
and Ban-ryu's reaction are so funny
the blush, the flustered reaction, followed by an angry shout
it gets him some looks, but a glare soon fixed that problem
except for you
you're giggling at him, but stop once your eyes connected
Ban-ryu thinks you're afraid of him
luckily that's not the case, but he doesn't know that
so he's quick to leave Okta
that's when Soo-ho takes fate into his own hands
racing to you, he quickly whispered something in your ear
something along the lines of Ban-ryu having fallen for your beauty
then he just force you out side
you didn't mind, you wanted to go home anyway
lucky for you, Ban-ryu was still outside
he was fiddling with the charm on his belt, looking at it with a sad look as he scratched off the paint
so you approached him
"what did your charm do to deserve that?"
cue a large flinch from this man
then he just stares at you in shock
you just smile before asking him if he was free for one more hour or so
he said yes, maybe a bit too fast
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he just stares
all his emotions are easy to read from his expression alone
his silly smile easy tells that he just fell in love
which makes everyone at the table smile at how adorable Han-sung was
yes, even Ban-ryu
it is incredibly cute, even more when he starts getting tipsy
he's basically outing his feelings to anyone who will listen
which, at the moment, was Sun-woo
which the man in question didn't like at all
hence why he called you over and basically dumped Han-sung on you
much to the others surprise, you took it well
smiling when Sun-woo told you to just take the man, that was hopelessly crushing on you, with you
you just put Han-sung back in his seat, saying something before leaving
and Han-sung just quietly waits
which is some kind of miracle, because Han-sung is never quiet
then you return and Han-sung is up in minutes
almost falling down in the process
you kindly tell the others that you'd take Han-sung home, Sun-woo telling you the address without any care
which Han-sung calls out by slurring together a sentence that said something along the lines of 'I could get killed'
but he was also quick to hug you after and almost fall asleep on your shoulder
so you're quick to leave
the next morning, Han-sung remembers everything
racing back to Okta to apologize
but you dismiss him with a smile before asking him to hang out after work
Han-sung was glad that sun-woo had dumped him in your arms
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another flirt
problem is, he flirts with everyone
including men...
so, like anyone else would, you ignored the flirty remarks
even when they made you blush
through the night, he continues and never gives up
he isn't know to falter after all
gets a bit more snappy through the night, however
Soo-ho's teasing is relentless
it comes to the point that everyone is fed up
Han-sung is the first to approach you and basically begs you to do something about it
so Yeo-wool's next line is a success
unknown to him is the fact that Han-sung is partially the reason for that
he's a bit arrogant after you say yes to his proposal
which is then quickly dismissed when you invite the others at the table
because seeing Yeo-wool sulk is a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity after all
because the prettiest man in Silla does not usually sulk
"too pretty" you could quote him for that
you did walk next to him the whole time, maybe a bit too close to seem like just friends or acquaintances
which is something you both want
this time you take the first step
simple way of doing so, just holding his hand underneath the long sleeves from your clothes
cue a blushing Yeo-wool who doesn't really know how to react
he talks big, but he isn't used to a response and if he gets one it is usually just stammering or stuttering
and it is exactly the reaction that you wanted from him
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zhonglicious · 9 months
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torivegafromindia · 3 years
Choi Minho/ Suho: *yawns*
Do Ji Han/ Ban-ryu: Being pretty must be exhausting
Choi Minho/ Suho: *tilts head to look better* Well then you must be exhausted
Do Ji Han/ Ban-ryu: *blushes furiously*
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untangle-my-heart · 5 years
I’m a simple creature. Show me SuRyu and/ or MinKey and I will show you my eternal gratitude.
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jessicamdawn · 7 years
Title: Maybe I’m Thinking Too Much
Author: JessicaMDawn (AO3)/Totally-Out-Of-It (FF.Net)
Rating: PG
Fandom: Hwarang
Pairing: Kim Suho/Park Banryu
Beta: npse on AO3 and DLanaDHZ on Tumblr/DLanaDHZ on AO3.
As Valentine's Day approaches, Banryu decides he needs to do something for Suho. But Banryu has never dated anyone before, not to mention that his relationship with Suho is a secret even from their closest friends! Someone tells him to just 'be sincere,' but what does that even mean? Sequel to "I Was Going to Keep It a Secret."
Read it on AO3
or on FF.net
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bluntsnufkin · 7 years
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what to do when you feel bored at 2am?
make hwarang aesthetics of course~ (ノ・ω・)ノ゙ .+:。*
i also write fics on ao3
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fictionstuff · 4 years
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Hwarang 화랑
Plot: The names of just a few Hwarangs are recorded in history. Not many people these days truly know about Hwarangs. How did they start? How did beautiful looking young men become at the center of unifying old Korea's Three Kingdoms? To these countless questions, we look forward to finding the answers. Let's imagine how life must have been for young people of Silla back in the 6th century. Let us tell you a story about their friendships and love.
Episodes: 20
Main Characters:
Kim Seonwoo (Park Seojoon)
Ahro (Go Ahra)
Kim Jidwi (Park Hyungshik)
Kim Suho (Choi Minho)
Park Banryu (Do Jihan)
Points: 6/10
I've also tried watching Hwarang quite a few years ago but just couldn't get much into the story. I watched this right after finishing Healer, since it is also available on Netflix, but it wasn't as entertaining nor as exciting as Healer and even less engaging than K2 for the plot was all over and that's not something a writer should do when creating a drama cause it causes a great dissonance between too many plot points which in the end might not blend in too well.
It receives solid 6 points though, because it wasn't bad either. It just wasn't good either. Hwarang suffers from plot holes and many boring kdrama cliched (romantic) moments. The main couple is downright boring, a real lackluster that makes you skip all the ship moments which in my book isn't a good reaction.
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It held a whole lot of potential if the plot didn't focus on like a hundred themes at once: hwarang life, political situation, main love line and the prince's life. That's just too much too focus on because the most interesting plot points are forgotten or end up way too short. It would have worked in Hwarang's favour to firstly focus on the Hwarang, to watch them learn and train before moving over to the politcal situation and the prince's strive for the throne. The main love line won't be mentioned by me any longer because it was truly the worst kind of couple. No chemistry and Go Ara (I know she can do much better!) embodied the most annoying and tragic female character. That's by far the writer's fault though.
There was of course no time to concentrate on all Hwarang's, when only 4 of them play a bigger role in this drama, which is a disappointment overall. Fleshing all these characters out would've made the story a million times better because the overall plot should have focused on the Hwarang and their training to become worthy protectors of the kingdom. Which also is very much the premise of the story: young men are being gathered to protect their home. Many of the Hwarang were a mere plot device to push the story forward to create chaos and strive.
The pacing of the drama starts extremely slow and only picks up in the third or fourth episode where we get to know the Hwarang bit by bit. The focus always remains on the prince (Park Hyungshik), his rival (Park Seojoon), Suho (Minho) and Banryu. There's less about the queen and the teacher of the Hwarang, but the support cast was nonetheless delightful to watch. Just the plot jumbled from one end to another without much logic. Instead the story dwells on millions of romantic flashbacks which I all skipped because they bored the s h i t out of me. The ending contains a nice twist to the story, but it would've been more exciting to see how they arrived at this point instead of simply putting the twist into the story; or why did Seonwoo not become king and throw Jidwi from his position? They certainly didn't appear to be friends after all the conflicts created in between them and their positions although both did have faith in one another through all the battles.
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Overall it's nothing I recommend. It's neither bad nor truly good. I only watched this for Hyungshik and his acting and he did not disappoint. He embodied the prince, his sadness and his strive. It was a true delight to watch him, he might have been born to act. His chemistry with Park Seojoon was truly good. If only the drama would have focused on these two instead of the dragging main love line.
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do-jihan-net · 5 years
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Welcome to my mission: to provide the remarkably smol Jihan fandom AND the Shawol fandom with Do Jihan content! And to support his acitivities as much as possible! I decided to start this page because of the huge, observable lack of fan content for this wonderful actor.
Full disclosure: I myself am a passionate Shawol (& a Flamer and avid MinKey enthusiast 😉) since 2008, so it’s ofc only fitting that the first post should be one of Jihan with Minho and Kibum!! you may actually know me as (@untangle-my-heart ^-^)
I first discovered Jihan when he acted alongside Minho in Hwarang. Let’s just say it was an awakening!
Watching these two interact on screen as Suho and Banryu was spellbinding. Their chemistry was undeniable.. and only seemed to intensify when I watched behind-the-scenes content! Jihan is such a talented and powerful artist; and delving into his background I discovered a man who is also incredibly humble, clever, sweet-natured and hard working. No wonder he and Minho get along so wonderfully!
He deserves more attention! So welcome and I hope you will enjoy the content I will post up about our gifted Do Jihan!! ^^ ~Gia
PS: I really want to encourage active involvement! If you love Jihan? Send me a message! If you have content? Submit a post! Let’s talk about Jihan, MinHan and Hwarang! (*'▽'*)
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cin2min · 8 years
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friend ♡
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hhansung · 8 years
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taengerinee · 8 years
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Incorrect Hwarang quotes 13/ ?
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estelle-sim · 8 years
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Hwarang E12
Banryu & The Adorable Kim Sibling
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torivegafromindia · 3 years
Suho: Truth or dare?
Ban ryu: *exasperated* Truth
Suho: Do you want to kiss me?
Ban ryu: Dare
Suho: I dare you to kiss me
Ban ryu: Never have I ever..-
Suho: tHaT’s NoT tHe GaMe 
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NO YES URHG I've been having this idea for a Boys Over Flowers!AU where Jidwi is the heir of the most influential company in Korea (Shinhwa), but after a scandal where his father gets murdered by a mobster or something he goes into hiding while his mother tries to sort out the mess. 
After several years, he graduates from a top uni abroad and expects to become the CEO of Shinwha, but is told that he must start from the bottom (office work) and work his way up to become CEO so they don’t suspect that he is the son. He ends up working in the same department as Sunwoo, Ahro, Banryu, Hansung, Yeowool, and Suho.
Yeowool is plenty rich but is bored of his lavish life and decides to get a job. Hansung is supposed to the the heir to a law firm but is an aspiring writer/historian. Because he cuts ties with his family, he loses financial aid and has to get a job at Shinhwa. At first, Hansung is annoyed at how spoilt Yeowool is, and Yeowool doesn’t understand how someone could leave behind such a bright future, but ya they fall in love because otp <3 Hansung writes a successful book about the history of Hwarang’s that gets converted into a kdrama, and Yeowool learns to become more independent and gets a job as a model. This is pretty lucky, because Yeowool’s family loose their estate when they’re caught in a bribing scandal.
Suho and Banryu are both from rich families, and have known each other since birth. They are sons of government officials with polar political views, and because of that they had to become rivals. During university Suho claimed that Banryu wouldn’t be capable of opening a word document without the help of a maid, and in their rivalry they challenge each other to see who would get an “employee of the year” award to settle their argument. Spending so much time together ends up with them falling in love, but because of the strict “no dating coworkers” rule and their pettiness (to win the award) they try not to act on their feelings. Plot twist where Banryu’s step-father is working with the mobsters and blackmailing Shinhwa with details over the scandal, and Banryu is supposed to find out who the heir of Shinhwa is. Suho finds out everything and surprisingly isn’t pissed. Instead he says “If you go through with his plan, you automatically lose the Employee of the Year Award.” and convinces Banryu to double-cross his asshole step-dad. After things settle down, Banryu and Suho realise that they’re actually really good actors and are cast in Hansung’s Hwarang Drama. End-game Suryu yaas. Also a thing where Sooyeon and Banryu meet and Banryu considers dating Sooyeon. Maybe not because that would be too complex.
Ahro and Sunwoo are siblings from a poor family. His father had a flourishing pharmacy that was shut down to make way for the companies’ new building. Jidwi takes pity on them after meeting Sunwoo at a coffee shop (previous job as a barista) and gives them a job there (anonymously). They end up working there to make money to send Ahro to medical school and reopen the pharmacy. While there, in a twist of events, Sunwoo finds out that he and Ahro are not siblings. He’s the estranged son of the same mobsters that were responsible for the death of Jidwi’s father. They try to convince him to expose the heir of Shinhwa but Sunwoo doesn’t know who Jidwi really is, and they end up striking a friendship when they find out about each others tough past in border-line poverty conditions. They get cloooser and closer, and when the CEO beyotch Jisoo finds out she does everything she can to keep them apart, to the point that she even targets Ahro. With all the attacks on Sunwoo and Ahro, people at the office begin to think that Sunwoo is the heir of Shinhwa. CEO Jisoo eventually talks to Sunwoo and tells him to back off or she’ll “take care” of everything (read: kill Ahro). Things are resolved when Jidwi and Sunwoo finally get their shit together and help each other. 
Ahro, Yeowool, and Hansung are secretaries. Hansung and Ahro become close friends because of their similar situations, which makes Yeowool jelly. The three of them enjoy gossiping in the lunch room.
Suho and Banryu are programmers. They frequently sabotage each others code (as if coding isn’t hard enough as it is) to piss each other off. Neither of them win Employee of the Year awards.
Jidwi and Sunwoo start off as regular office workers, but Jidwi keeps one getting Sunwoo promoted because he isn’t making enough money.
Wi-Hwa is their sect manager and frequently makes them partake in very strange “group bonding” sessions on the weekends, to their annoyance.
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realdefyoongi · 8 years
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Where's the brother of the year award?
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leejinks · 8 years
Okay but the most important thing: 
did Suho and Banryu make up in the end? 
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