#hwarang sun woo x reader
drama--universe · 1 year
Okta Lover
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Requested by @creepypastacrazier93: Warmly greet!❤️How did the exams go, good? Requests are open again, so what do you say we try out our Hwarang boys? How would the boys react to the female reader who served them in Okta, a Hwarang boy tells his friends that she is cute and another of the Hwarang tells the reader that their friend thinks she is cute 😁😁
Pairing: Hwarang boys x fem!reader
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he's a very blunt person
so it would be in character for him to just say it to you
but at the same time, he's pretty shy
which is the reason that he doesn't say it in your face
he doesn't mean to say it out loud either
it just slipped out as you walked off after placing down their drinks
Ji-dwi gives a confused look, Suho laughs, Banryu rolls his eyes, Han-sung giggles and Yeo-wool just grins
Yeo-wool is the first to leave, generous enough to pay for the drinks
Sunwoo just groaned, he knew well enough that Yeo-wool wasn't doing it out of the kindness of his heart
especially not when he noticed you look over after Yeo-wool finished talking
you just smiled at him before turning back away from him
it wasn't until ten minutes later or so that you return
a drink placed in front of him while you said opposite
all the others were kind enough to leave then, but not without teasing grins
and Sunwoo says nothing, staring at the cup before him while you served a cup for yourself
"my shift's done, so I hope you don't mind the company."
Sunwoo does not mind it all, the blush on his face said enough
and you gladly take the opportunity
a handsome hwarang and a nice one at that, who would not want someone like that on their side
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this man will say it to your face
no shame, you've seen the same series as me
sure, he' be a bit bashful about it, but he'd say it nonetheless
the other hwarangs just find it hilarious how you just scoff
because it turns Ji-dwi into a lost puppy
lucky for him, Yeo-wool was good at talking
and he was basically friends with everyone that worked at Okta
so, out of the kindness of his heart, Yeo-wool talks to you
basically tells you that Ji-dwi is genuinely interested
so, maybe a week later or so, you saw him again in Okta
alone this time and maybe a bit tipsy
the two bottles of wine said enough, even if he was used to alcohol
you sit opposite of him, smiling as he looked up shocked
"A little birdie told me that you were very interested."
Cue the blush to rise up on his face
he stumbles over his words, trying to sober himself up in a matter of seconds
neither of those things works, but at least he tries
which you find cute, so plus points there
throughout the whole conversation, his stutter did not dissapear
so you're basically smiling the whole time at his cuteness
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number two who'd just openly say it
but in a more flirty way
so you shrugged it off
every single time
which is only making Soo-ho more competitive in a way
he'll try anything to make you break, but nothing really works
Han-Sung is the one to step in
kind of blurts out the fact that Soo-ho seems genuinely interested in you
you don't see a reason why the cute boy would lie to you
at the same time, you also like seeing Soo-ho struggle to come up with new ways to flirt with you
it's really funny to watch as you walk past
to see him pout as he struggled to find something new to say
because Soo-ho was not known for trying so much
(let's assume he never falls for the queen, cause that was just weird...)
he breaks after two hours
which basically means that he just pouts for the rest of their time their
when they left, you were quick to end your shift and follow the men
Soo-ho was trailing in the back, a good meter behind the rest
so you took the opportunity to walk to him, linking your arm to his with a smile
he's confused, but switches to happy in a millisecond
"I hope you don't mind walking me home?"
he does not
the smile on his face doesn't leave his face for the rest of the night
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he would say nothing
not even to the others
he remains quiet through the night, but his eyes speaks thousand words
and Soo-ho knows how to read those eyes with ease
(yes that sounds kinda gay, I'm aware)
which means that Soo-ho knows exactly what was happening in Ban-ryu's head
and thus, he starts his usual teasing
because he had long figured out the secret glances to you
and Ban-ryu's reaction are so funny
the blush, the flustered reaction, followed by an angry shout
it gets him some looks, but a glare soon fixed that problem
except for you
you're giggling at him, but stop once your eyes connected
Ban-ryu thinks you're afraid of him
luckily that's not the case, but he doesn't know that
so he's quick to leave Okta
that's when Soo-ho takes fate into his own hands
racing to you, he quickly whispered something in your ear
something along the lines of Ban-ryu having fallen for your beauty
then he just force you out side
you didn't mind, you wanted to go home anyway
lucky for you, Ban-ryu was still outside
he was fiddling with the charm on his belt, looking at it with a sad look as he scratched off the paint
so you approached him
"what did your charm do to deserve that?"
cue a large flinch from this man
then he just stares at you in shock
you just smile before asking him if he was free for one more hour or so
he said yes, maybe a bit too fast
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he just stares
all his emotions are easy to read from his expression alone
his silly smile easy tells that he just fell in love
which makes everyone at the table smile at how adorable Han-sung was
yes, even Ban-ryu
it is incredibly cute, even more when he starts getting tipsy
he's basically outing his feelings to anyone who will listen
which, at the moment, was Sun-woo
which the man in question didn't like at all
hence why he called you over and basically dumped Han-sung on you
much to the others surprise, you took it well
smiling when Sun-woo told you to just take the man, that was hopelessly crushing on you, with you
you just put Han-sung back in his seat, saying something before leaving
and Han-sung just quietly waits
which is some kind of miracle, because Han-sung is never quiet
then you return and Han-sung is up in minutes
almost falling down in the process
you kindly tell the others that you'd take Han-sung home, Sun-woo telling you the address without any care
which Han-sung calls out by slurring together a sentence that said something along the lines of 'I could get killed'
but he was also quick to hug you after and almost fall asleep on your shoulder
so you're quick to leave
the next morning, Han-sung remembers everything
racing back to Okta to apologize
but you dismiss him with a smile before asking him to hang out after work
Han-sung was glad that sun-woo had dumped him in your arms
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another flirt
problem is, he flirts with everyone
including men...
so, like anyone else would, you ignored the flirty remarks
even when they made you blush
through the night, he continues and never gives up
he isn't know to falter after all
gets a bit more snappy through the night, however
Soo-ho's teasing is relentless
it comes to the point that everyone is fed up
Han-sung is the first to approach you and basically begs you to do something about it
so Yeo-wool's next line is a success
unknown to him is the fact that Han-sung is partially the reason for that
he's a bit arrogant after you say yes to his proposal
which is then quickly dismissed when you invite the others at the table
because seeing Yeo-wool sulk is a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity after all
because the prettiest man in Silla does not usually sulk
"too pretty" you could quote him for that
you did walk next to him the whole time, maybe a bit too close to seem like just friends or acquaintances
which is something you both want
this time you take the first step
simple way of doing so, just holding his hand underneath the long sleeves from your clothes
cue a blushing Yeo-wool who doesn't really know how to react
he talks big, but he isn't used to a response and if he gets one it is usually just stammering or stuttering
and it is exactly the reaction that you wanted from him
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whispersatdawn · 7 years
Out of All the Stars
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GIF Credit to: ygo-gx​
Pairing: Moo Myung/Sun Woo (Park Seo Joon) X Reader
Genre: angst & fluff
Word Count: 3,666 (omg idk how i feel about this number)
Request: A scenario with Sun Woo, where the reader likes him and is always around him and trying to get his attention, but he only ever pays attention to Ah Ro (He basically friendzoned the reader) so when she gives up and stops trying to get close to him, like she doesn't walk with him or says hi, he realizes what he did and goes to the reader? - anonymous
Seeing a group of young men in uniforms crossing the bridge, you squinted your eyes for sight of the one person you were waiting for all morning. He was someone special to you, and ever since the formation of Hwarang, you didn’t meet him as often as you liked. Although he wasn’t with you most of the time, you thought of him at least once every single day.
It was only after most of the elites walked passed you that you finally spotted that person behind. With your hands waving excitedly up in the air, you called his name, “Sun Woo! Sun Woo! Over here!”
When he heard your voice, Sun Woo looked over in your direction and grinned, waving back at you. Your heart melted. He looked so handsome. It reminded you of the first time you found him at Okta. Your friends had invited you to hear Ah Ro’s storytelling, and you agreed to tag along. For some reason, a fight broke out, and Sun Woo appeared, getting in between to stop the fight. Watching him made your heart beat a little faster. Curious about who he was, you asked around, and no one knew at the time. They’ve never seen him until that night. Later, some of your friends told you that Sun Woo was actually Ah Ro’s brother, but you were quite skeptical. Something about their relationship didn’t make sense to you.
You met Sun Woo a few times afterwards at Ah Ro’s home when your mother would have you go around Seorabeol to run errands, including getting medicine from Ah Ro’s place. As soon as you found out that Sun Woo stayed there, you usually stuck around for a little longer than you needed to in order to talk to him. You wanted to get to know him more and because of the extra time, the both of you grew closer, becoming great friends.
Before he was admitted to become a Hwarang, the days that he was still home, there were times when the two of you would go on walks together in the early morning, right when the sun would peek out from the horizon. It was your favorite thing to look forward to, and maybe Sun Woo found it easy to trust you. You weren’t sure yourself. Surprisingly, one of those days, Sun Woo confessed that he wasn’t Ah Ro’s brother at all.
He thought he was going to have to keep it a secret from everyone for as long as he lived. You were the first friend that he made after Ah Ro’s real brother was killed, and Sun Woo didn’t have the heart to keep that secret from you. Even Ah Ro herself didn’t know that, so now you had to keep that secret for as long as you lived.
“Are you going to wait for me every time I come back to Seorabeol, (Y/N)?” Sun Woo asked with a smile as he approached you.
“I want to be the first face you see after staying in the Hwarang House,” you said. “How long are you staying in the village this time before going back?”
Sun Woo thought about it and raised up the number of fingers. “Three days.”
Three days, you thought. You had three days to spend with Sun Woo before he had to return to the Hwarang House. “Are you hungry? I didn’t eat yet. We should go eat together!”
“Thank goodness. I’m starving,” Sun Woo groaned, patting his stomach. He glanced behind him before looking back at you. “I’m sure Ah Ro is hungry, too. She’s a little slow, but she’ll be here soon. The three of us can go get lunch.”
You blinked, registering his words a second late before you accidentally blurted out, “What?”
As much as you liked Ah Ro, you weren’t sure how to answer since you had actually planned for only you and Sun Woo to go to the nearby restaurant. Still, you knew that there would be a chance that Sun Woo wouldn’t agree to go with you if Ah Ro wasn’t with him. He usually stuck around her like glue. Instead of refusing like you secretly wanted, you mustered the most animated smile you could manage. “Oh. Yeah! Sure. The three of us can go.”
I think I’m going to have indigestion, you thought to yourself as you watched the scene in front of you unfold. Sun Woo continued to place side dishes into Ah Ro’s rice bowl, encouraging her to eat a lot. You didn’t know which was worst - if Sun Woo was or wasn’t related to Ah Ro. As a brother or a lover, he still cared for Ah Ro a lot. You couldn’t help but feel like an outsider between them. Glancing down at Sun Woo’s bowl, you found that his was still full. He was too busy trying to feed Ah Ro, that he wasn’t even eating himself.
With your pair of chopsticks, you picked up some meat and piled them onto Sun Woo’s rice. “Eat,” you said, before looking away from the two and poking your own bowl.
“Yeah, Sun Woo. I can feed myself,” Ah Ro assured. “You need to eat, too. Stop letting (Y/N) take care of you like a baby.”
“(Y/N) isn’t like a mom taking care of a baby.” Sun Woo hummed in thought and then snapped his fingers, pointing at you with a mischievous smile. “She’s more of a servant taking care of a king?”
“King, my-” You grabbed your spoon and used the back of it to hit Sun Woo’s head. He let out a yelp, rubbing the same spot the spoon landed. Ah Ro burst into laughter.
“Serves you right,” you and Ah Ro teased in unison.
“Wow, (Y/N). I was going to introduce you to some of my friends at Okta later tonight, but you can forget it,” Sun Woo murmured.
“I’m not interested in any of your friends, Sun Woo,” you said, rolling your eyes. “I barely even go to Okta. Besides, I have to help my mother with some sewing. If anything, if there is time at night, I’ll stop by Sutabaksu for tea.”
“Oh? We should go for tea together, (Y/N),” Ah Ro said.
Sun Woo was taken aback. “Wait, Ah Ro. Weren’t you going to do some storytelling at Okta? That’s the only reason I had agreed to go to Okta with Soo Ho and Yeo Wool in the first place.”
Of course it was.
“Well, I don’t know... I think I’d rather have tea...”
You shared a nervous laugh. You knew that if Ah Ro joined you, Sun Woo would follow. As much as you would’ve liked to see Sun Woo again, the feeling of you sitting around while he and Ah Ro were together made you a little uncomfortable. “Actually, it’s not a sure thing. My mother will be needing a lot of help, so I might not even go.”
Sun Woo knocked Ah Ro on the head lightly with his knuckles. “If you don’t want to Okta, you and I can go to Sutabaksu together then.”
You definitely weren’t feeling hungry anymore.
“What about Soo Ho and Yeo Wool?”
Quickly, you stood up from the table, causing the other two to look up at you, confused. You smiled uneasily. “Sorry. I still have to head to the market to pick up some things before heading home. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay?”
You started to reach for your small coin pouch to pay when Sun Woo stopped you by reaching for your hand. When he touched you, you felt your whole face start to heat. “Don’t worry, (Y/N). You can go ahead. I got it.”
“Thank you,” you mumbled, shyly.
Sun Woo smiled. “And we shall meet tomorrow, correct? Early in the morning?”
“Of course.” You nodded your head. Waving goodbye to Sun Woo and Ah Ro, you hurried out of the restaurant, catching a breath.
When evening came, you were already sitting in the middle of the room with your mother, various fabrics laid around the two of you. You started on a new attire when you looked over at your mom who was working at a very experienced pace. “Oooh, Mother. That hanbok is looking very pretty. I’m sure a lot of maidens around here will like it,” you praised.
“It’s for you, dear,” your mother answered. She stopped working the needle and looked over at you with a warm smile. “Did you go see the boy you like again today?”
You let out a laugh. “Mother...”
“What? It’s not like you were talking about him a million times and every time the Hwarangs come back to the village,” she teased.
“Yes, I did see him. Just for a little bit.”
“If you like him, you should let him know.”
You push the fabrics aside and spread your body out on the floor, head on top of your mother’s lap. With a sigh, you replied, “I’m with him every chance I get. I deliver what seems to be the most obvious clues. How is it that he never figures any of them out? He may have affection for another lady.”
Your mother brushed the stray hairs in front of your face back. “Unless he says so himself that there is another in his heart, I think it is wrong for my beautiful daughter to give up. You just never know when it comes to love.”
“I don’t know about love, but I just know that I really really really have feelings for him.”
“You mother has a suggestion. How about when you go on your morning walk with the fine young man tomorrow, you wear this hanbok? Also, that hairpiece that you really like? You’ll look even more beautiful.”
“Am I not beautiful now, Mother?” you whined, feigning hurt.
With a lighthearted laugh, your mother softly slapped your arm, gesturing you to sit up straight and get back to work. Your heart jumped with joy, ready for the next morning with you and just Sun Woo.
Rising even earlier than usual, you put on the soft light blue hanbok that your mother had laid out last night. The dress fit you perfectly. You gathered the top half of your hair and turned it into a bun, sticking your favorite floral hairpin to secure. With your mother still sleeping soundly, you quietly ambled out to the door and slid the door closed behind you.
The sun wasn’t out until a short time later, so the morning air around you was quite chilly. You sat out on the large low table outside of your home, waiting for Sun Woo to come by like he always did. Where should we walk to today? The lake nearby the castle? Maybe we could walk to Dayiseo to shop afterwards?
“Where is he?” you asked moments later when Sun Woo had still yet to show up at his usual time. “Don’t tell me he is still asleep...”
You looked across your view. The dark blue sky was slowly being replaced with a lighter blue, and the slight yellow-orange of the sun was starting to poke out. Deciding not to wait any longer, you stood up and headed for Ah Ro’s home.
By the time you arrived, the half of the sun was visible. You noticed that no one was outside. Just then, the door opened, and Ah Ro’s father stepped out. “Oh, (Y/N),” the physician greeted, a little surprised. “You’ve come to pick up medicine early today?”
You shook your head politely. “Oh no, Ah Ro’s father. I actually came for Sun Woo... Is he here?”
“Ah, Sun Woo. No, Sun Woo isn’t here. He and Ah Ro just went to the market to get some things for dinner later tonight. They might come back soon, so you can wait for them if you’d like.”
“That’s fine, sir. I actually have somewhere to go, too. I thought Sun Woo would be here, so I wanted to talk to him first. But I’ll just come back some time later. Thank you.”
Instead of going on a morning walk with Sun Woo as you planned, you ended up walking by yourself. You couldn’t help but be mad at Sun Woo. If he didn’t want to go with you, he could’ve just said so. That was way better than you having to going to him yourself and finding out he was with Ah Ro. Even with your bad mood, you tried to enjoy your walk. The birds in the trees chirped on your way to the lake. You looked out to see the sun reflected onto the still water. That helped calm you down.
“i bet if I jumped into the lake, he still would have eyes only for Ah Ro,” you said to no one in particular.
“True. I only have only eyes for Ah Ro.”
Not expecting an answer back, you jumped at the voice that replied to you. Once you saw the familiar face, you placed a hand on your heart and became mad again. “Hey! You scared me! Why would you do that?! Crazy!”
“Crazy?” Ji Dwi chuckled, amused. “I’m not the one talking to myself.”
“Not funny.”
Ji Dwi shrugged, taking place right next to you, sharing you view of the pretty lake. “Are you really thinking of jumping?”
“Then I’d really be crazy,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“Aren’t you supposed to be with Sun Woo right now?” Ji Dwi asked. You shot him a look, and it was like a light bulb lit above his head. “Oh... I see.” He nudged your arm. “See, this is why you shouldn't have abandoned me and been all over him. You’re basically doing to me what he’s doing to you.”
“What? Do you like me?” you deadpanned.
“Oh, shivers just went up my spine!” Ji Dwi exclaimed as he rubbed his arms. “You can’t just go around saying things like that. I like you as a friend and you will ever only be a companion to me, (Y/N).”
“Likewise, friend,” you said. “See, when you refer to me as a friend, I have no feelings towards you. When Sun Woo does it...”
You sighed and let out a frustrated noise. Ji Dwi stood and laughed at your actions. “Okay. From today onward, I am going to ignore Sun Woo. I have put in all this effort just to be called a friend, so I am done.”
“I don’t know!” you admitted. “But I’m going to put in as much effort to avoiding him at all costs. No more morning walks or anything like that.” Without saying a word of goodbye to Ji Dwi, you marched on, starting the day determinedly by yourself.
Instead of returning home for breakfast with your mother, you decided to go to the restaurant for your meal. You knew if Sun Woo remembered his meeting with you, he would be either waiting for you at your place or at the lake. Or still with Ah Ro. Either way, you didn’t want to see him.
Most of the day, you were out in the village, entering and leaving of stores. Dayiseo was really popular, so you always stopped in there. You were looking at the newly made hairpins when a familiar voice entered the store. You froze before looking near the entrance. Sun Woo! You hurried and returned the hairpin where it belonged. With your heart thumping in your chest, shocked, you rushed out of the store in hopes he didn’t see you.
“(Y/N)?” Sun Woo said when he spotted a figure that looked just like you dart out of Dayiseo. He tilted his head, unsure whether it was you or not. If it was, why were you running away instead of saying hello like you always did? Must not be her, Sun Woo thought. He was about to forget about it all until he remembered something else that he forgot. His eyes widened. “Oh no.”
You were able to avoid Sun Woo for the rest of the day. You stayed home. He did come by, but thankfully, your mother told him that you were out with some friends the whole day. Maybe it was better that you didn’t stick around Sun Woo and Ah Ro. That would mean you wouldn’t hurt your own feelings. Were you though? Were you protecting your heart by trying to cut ties? How did you know it wasn’t going to hurt you more?
Since you figured you wouldn’t go on morning walks any longer, you decided to sleep in a little longer. Only, your mother ended waking you up anyway. “(Y/N), it is rude if you let him stay outside to wait for you. Either you talk to him or send him home.”
“Can’t you do it, Mother?”
“I’m sure he deserves to at least hear it from you. Dear. He’s returning to the Hwarang House tomorrow. The things that need to be taken care of today.... they need to be taken care of today so wake up.”
You let out a tired groan, rolling out of your mattress.
“Go home,” you said with a frown as soon as you stepped outside.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N)! I really am. I didn’t mean to forget about yesterday. Can we please talk somewhere else?” Sun Woo asked desperately.
“Mother,” you turned around and called. “It’s not working! He’s not leaving!”
“(Y/N), please.”
“You’re not sorry. How could you be sorry when you forgot to meet with me so that you could spend time with your Ah Ro?”
“It wasn’t even like that. Her father asked for some things at the market, and I thought it was a lot. I wanted to give her a hand or else she’d be carrying heavy bags by herself. I thought you’d understand and at least forgive me for that little thing, (Y/N).”
“Well, I don’t, Sun Woo! Because I have always let all those little things go. You know who wakes up every morning just to be with you? I do. You know who takes you home from Okta whenever you get drunk? I do. Because Ah Ro was always still telling her stories. You know who waits for you every time you comeback from the Hwarang House? I do. You know who gives you attention whenever Ah Ro doesn’t? I do.”
You bit your bottom lip back, what you usually do to stop tears. Sun Woo watched you silently.
“You know what you did whenever I invite you to go somewhere with me? Go to Ah Ro. Okta? You drink for Ah Ro. Dayiseo? You buy things for Ah Ro.”
You blinked the first few tears away, looking away from Sun Woo.
“I know. I know you never asked me to do any of the things I do, Sun Woo. The reason why I do it is because I like you.” You took a breath before exhaling, shakily, “I like you, fool. But you probably do the things for Ah Ro because you have affection for her. So, please... please let me know if you have feelings for her so that I know to stop mine for you.”
Wiping you tears away, you turned around, embarrassed to have him see you crying.
“Please go home, Sun Woo...”
When you heard the footsteps behind you move farther and farther from your home, you couldn’t help but break into a sob. Your mother opened up the door and walked over to you. She wrapped her arms around you and pet your hair. “Oh, (Y/N). My beautiful daughter.”
The way stars twinkled in the night sky always left people in awe. There were millions and millions of them lighting up, flickering as if they were sending some kind of message. As you laid outside on the large low table in front of your home, you continued to watch the stars. “Make sure you come inside soon before you catch a cold, (Y/N),” your mother said from inside.
“Yes, Mother.”
You began to sit up when you found someone standing in front of your home’s entrance. Sun Woo slowly walked towards you, closing the space between you two. “Can I sit?” he asked.
You nodded your head, and he took the seat next to you. You looked at him. “Why are you here?”
“To apologize. I realized I really didn’t apologize earlier, and I wanted to do it before tomorrow... I’m sorry, (Y/N). Ah Ro... I have no feelings for her. I mean, I do, but it’s not the way you think. I don’t know how to explain it. I care for her a lot, and it feels like I have to take care of her a lot. Ever since her real brother... I feel like I owe him at least that. He can’t be there for her, so I should.”
“How do you know that you’re just not making that as an excuse because you actually like her?” you asked, still unable to make eye contact with him.
“Because after you yelled at me and made me go home, I spent that time thinking. I guess that helped because I figured some things out.”
“Like what?”
Sun Woo hands reached out hesitantly at first, but then he gathered courage and held one of your hands. He smiled.
“My heart went towards someone. It told me, ‘no one but her.’ Even when she’s not the nice to look at when she’s crying, it can’t be anyone but her.“
He placed his other hand on top of yours. Not only was your hand warm, but you were so sure your face was once again.
“I know I messed up, but please let me make it up to you, (Y/N). I leave tomorrow, but when I come back, I’ll treat you better than a queen.”
You glanced up at the sky, watching the stars twinkle.
With a smile, you replied, “I’ll be waiting for you near the bridge, as always.”
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dearlyjinie · 7 years
we are even
summary : Y/n is the physician at the Hwarang house, one day when she got some mud on her clothes she went to clean it at the physician room, but Han sung came in the wrong moment. 
pairing: Suk Han sung x reader
a/n: I had this idea watching hwarang today, it so good. Special note HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIM TAEHYUNG! feedback always welcome.
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A loud sigh was heard from the physician room, it was no other Suk Han sung. “what’s the  matter Han Sung? You have been siting here and sighing non stop for an hour”. 
“it’s just” he sighed once again and stared outside as if he was in some type of deep thought. 
He turned towards you once again “ hey I have something to show you“ he grabbed your arm and dragged you out of the room before you were able to say something.
He dragged you outside and pointed at Soo ho and Ban Ryu who were bickering over something stupid. “What Han sung? what did you want to show me?” you raised your voice  slightly  because of Soo ho and Ban Ryu where shouting so loudly. 
“I wanted to tell you something very Important, but I didn’t know how to do it so I came outside but it looks like I can’t do that here either”. Han sung confessed. 
To be honest you really liked Han sung, he was really sweet and incredibly handsome. And you really wanted to hear what he had to say, but you weren’t able to hear anything do to the fact that Soo ho and Ban Ryu were screaming their lungs out and your unconditional heart beating. Which usually happens when you stand in a close proximity with Han sung like right now.
You looked up at the tall figure who was standing mere winches from you, his face was so close to yours you were afraid that you might have bad breath. 
Both of you stared at one another as Han sung confessed  something to you, something which you weren’t able to make out. Your focus on Han Sung left when you heard a loud scream come from behind you. 
You turned around to see what was going on when you received a big ball of mud on your chest. You looked down and back at  Soo Ho who was trying to hide behind Sun Woo, but ended up getting shoved in front you instead. 
You glared at Soo Ho for ruining your clothes, but started to laugh when he ended up dirtying his own and promised  you that he would do your laundery. 
You closed the door behind you making sure that no one was there, and quickly took off your clothes. 
“Hey Y/n-” Han Sung barged in the room, his eyes going wide as the moon when he saw your breasts. He looked at you and then looked down  at your chest. Your gaze following his, when it lowered to your breasts  and you quickly covered them. 
“Get out you” you screamed on top of lungs and Han Sung ran out of the room.
‘‘ goodness’ you sighed out as you calmed your heart. 
Han Sung ran as fast his legs would take him, he ended up In Soo Ho’s dorm. He dropped himself on Sun Woo’s bed, “goodness”. 
“what happened to you?” Ji Dwi asked. Han Sung breathlessly spoke “bosoms” 
 You tried to avoid Han Sung at any cost, but that wasn’t something really easy since Han Sung was everywhere you went. So you gave up and moved on, trying to forget the incident, but Han Sung didn’t let that happen. 
Since every time you entered a room he was in he would say something like ‘it was the chest’. 
And honestly it was both the most annoying  thing ever and funniest, since nobody else understood it but the two of you. 
You were in the middle of doing laundry with A Ro when Han Sung came and pulled you away “hey what are doing” you shouted. 
Han Sung looked at you and started to strip. Your eyes going wide as saucers when you realized what he was doing “ oi stop it! What are you doing?” you asked. 
Han Sung looked at you and then at his shirtless body ‘here now we are even. I saw you and now you saw me” he said innocently. 
You blushed, trying not to look at the cute shirtless boy in front of you. 
“ and Y/n” he grabbed your face and kissed you on the lips “ I was trying to ask you out the other day, but I wasn’t able to so will you go on a date with me?” . 
“of course I will” he smiled at your words and leaned down to press your lips against his once again, but  both of you were interrupted by A Ro and Yeo Wool who were giggling at both of you.
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withasideofeggsy · 8 years
Hwarang :: Ban Ryu x reader :: Part 2
Thank you to all those who left likes and feedback! It let’s me know that someone out there is reading the mess of words I’m throwing up here. It really helps me write :) This one is short I’m sorry but I like how it concluded haha!
Part 1
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The sun seeps through the paper blinds and I groan flopping over...into something squishy. “Wha…” I mumble prying my sleep glued eyes open. There lay Han Sung cuddled into my side, he must’ve gotten cold during the night. With a yawn I pat his soft long tresses causing him to childishly giggle. “How did you get all the way over here?” He groans and nuzzles himself into my neck, “Knew you wouldn’t get mad for cuddling.” With a thoughtful nod I shrug “That’s true, smart. Good for you Han Sung but I think it’s time to wake up.” He groans tightening his hold around my waist, I shake my head at his cuteness as I attempt to get up. A louder sigh is heard in the room gaining my attention, rubbing the sleep from my eyes I could make out a pair of lovely dark eyes glaring from the mattress beside mine. “Morning grumpy,” I hum earning an eye roll before he flops back down, rolling onto his side. With his back facing me I crawl over Han Sung towards Ban Ryu. “Hey,” I whisper poking his shoulder. “What?” “Are you excited to be humiliated today in front of everyone during sword practice?” He rolls his eyes again but this time I could see a small smirk pulling at his lips. “Is that a yeah?” I tease poking at his chest. He holds my wrist firmly before leaning close into my ear. “You flirt a lot for a man,” he lowly whispers making sure none of the sleeping men hear. I grin, “I can’t help it. You’re cute.” And that was the first time I heard him let out a low chuckle, “How bold.”
 “Ah! Ah! See what did I tell you!” I exclaim pointing my wooden practice sword at his throat. This was my continuous win, I couldn’t help but feel extremely excited considering the embarrassing face punch I received yesterday. “Oh hohoho, you are really skilled and fast!” Exclaims Soo Ho who stopped practicing with Sun Woo to observe our match. “Ah not really, I just practiced a lot with my sister,” I smile humbly when deep down I wanted to burst into a victory dance on top of Ban Ryu’s thick stubborn skull. The famous playboy whistles while fanning himself with his hand, “Your sister sounds hot, a girl who is good at sword fighting? Can I meet her?” Blood rushes up to my cheeks, “Of course not!” “Aww how come! She’s probably adorable!” Pipes in Han Sung who also paused his training, eventually everyone gathered around me and Ban Ryu questioning about my ‘sister’. “I-I don’t think that would be a good idea haha,” I nervously laugh. “Why not?” I glare at Ban Ryu who had the smuggest smirk on his face, that little piece of-. “See even jerk face wants to meet her!” Soo Ho exclaims, “How about we meet her tonight? There isn’t much planned for the evening but etiquette lessons.” I reluctantly nod while scheming a master plan that would ruin Ban Ryu’s evening. If I’m going down I’m taking him with me.
With a yawn I stretch my tight back, sitting on the hard ground for hours on end learning etiquette was so boring. The only amusing part was that grumpy silver spoon excelled in it. Even though his gestures were elegant and smooth his resting face said otherwise which I found hilarious. The lessons finally ended when the sun started to set, and here marks the beginning of a hectic evening. Before I could even get off my numb bottom Soo Ho was already at my side with the brightest smile, “Go get your sister!” I nod thoughtfully, “Ah yeah I just remembered that she has a night job I don’t think she can make it.” The man puppy pouted, and I knew my excuses weren’t going to work, “So I guess I will fill in for her and you guys can show her around?” As quickly as the frown appeared it disappeared into his usual bright smile, “Sounds good!”
 I ran to A-Ro’s house where she kindly helped me keep my clothes. She bursts out in laughter when I told her the mess I got myself in. “Here wear this one. Since usually you wear dark colours when impersonating as a man it would make you look more different.” She was clever I was glad to have her help. I pull on a floral print pink and white hanbok and brushed my bangs across my forehead. “Is this alright?” She hums tapping her chin in thought, “Ah wear the hairpin your brother got you!” I almost forgot about it, rummaging through the wooden box that held all my belongings I found the hairpin that my brother saved up to buy for me. It was the only prized possession I had that’s why I rarely wore it, I smile feeling the carved grooves with my thumb. A-Ro braids the pieces of hair behind my ear into a small bun where she secured the pin in. “Now you are ready to go!” She proudly claps.
 This was more nerve racking than entering the palace as a Hwarang. When impersonating a man my confidence hit sky high, now that I was in my normal skin I couldn’t help but walk with my head down like I always did. As the club came into view with my friends gathered at the entrance I took in a deep breath, so ready to turn on my heels and make a mad dash back to A-Ro’s. “I can do this, I can do this, I can do this!” I chant under my breath slowly approaching the tall men. “Um hi,” I timidly greet tugging at Soo Ho’s sleeve. He whips around and looks down at me with a shocked expression before his face lights up, “Oh my are you Aga’s little sister?” He reaches out and cups my face in his large hands, I pretended to be confused, “Aga?” “He meant Gun Chul,” Ji Dwi smiles warmly and I nod slowly, “Ah yeah I’m (Y/n)! It’s an honor to meet you all.” I smile bowing my head. Soo Ho wheezes cupping his own face, mumbling out an almost incoherent “So cute.” As they entered the club Han Sung lagged behind with me, he was quieter than usual which I found weird so I decided to initiate a conversation, “And you are Han Sung right? My brother told me about you. You are very kind I heard, thank you for taking care of him for me,” I smile linking my arm with his, his mouth gapes a bit before he innocently smiles with a nod.
 The Okta club looked a lot more crowded than usual. Even though I was having fun I kept searching for Ban Ryu, no matter how much he likes to dampen the mood I couldn’t help but want his attention. After about five drinks he finally arrives and boy did I feel the alcohol. Usually I barely drank since I was dirt broke but my friends wouldn’t stop offering me drinks tonight, Soo Ho contributed to at least three of them. A dull throb resonates in my skull as I let out a groan, dropping my head into my arms that rested on the wooden table. Someone sat beside me and placed a warm hand on my shoulder, “What did you idiots do to her?” Oh that deep voice belongs to Ban Ryu I thought in my swimming brain. I could already sense him rolling his eyes when the guys tried to explain how they all wanted to buy me a drink. “Come on, let’s get you some fresh air,” he says indifferently pulling me up rather gently from my spot. Surprisingly none of the guys raised their concerns letting Ban Ryu from all people to escort me away. He wraps one arm around my waist as his other hand tilts up my face towards his, and he sighs.
 Ban Ryu’s point of view
 Holding her in my arms I look down into her flush face, with a drowsy gaze and puffed out cheeks she looked rather cute. Although no one would catch me admit that, ever. “What am I going to do with you?” I groan at her carelessness while dragging her away from the unnecessarily loud Hwarang members. She lets out a small hiccup before wrapping her arms around my waist much too tightly. “I’m feeling sick…” she whines burying her face into my chest as I drag her through the crowded club, “And that’s your fault for being careless.” She looks up with tears streaming down her face, “I’m sorry!” she cries with the ugliest face I’ve ever witnessed, which was surprisingly borderline adorable. Almost out the door I heard the all too familiar squeals of my really unwanted harem of females. “Great,” I breathe turning around to see the group of annoying pests who all started talking at once: “Ahhh who’s that?” “Why don’t you spend time with me instead?” “I’m much prettier than her! Hold me instead!” “How pathetic of her for troubling you.” “Wow she’s crying look how ugly she is!” I could feel my blood boil, not only were their comments as annoying as usual they were bad mouthing this girl…this really dumb girl in my arms. I still don’t understand why I cared so much for the poor decision making female but I knew I wanted to keep her safe. With the angry thoughts running through my head I couldn’t reply to the group of fan girls fast enough before the only girl I sort of cared about shoved me off of her small frame. “So mean…” she trails off with a pout before rubbing at her tearstained cheeks, “Sorry…for bothering you.” The short (h/c) mumbles before stumbling out the exit.
 At that point I was seething and all I saw was red. I couldn’t even process what I wanted to say to those girls being so furious so I quickly chased after the waddling idiot. I shout after her but she couldn’t hear, or that dumb girl decided to ignore me, regardless I chased after her. When I finally reached her I pulled her into my arms, “I said hey you dumbass why don’t you listen for once?” Even though I was holding onto her tightly she continued to attempt walking forwards, all the while crying. We looked stupid, I could feel the stares of people entering and exiting the club, but surprisingly I didn’t care for once in my life. “Will you please calm down?” I softly ask pulling her into me, holding her tightly. She nods looking at the dirt ground, “I wanna sit” she sniffles. I nod guiding her towards the trees where it was more secluded. She flops onto the ground before I could help her, even though it was clear that I sort of cared for her over the short time I got to know her I still couldn’t refrain from rolling my eyes. She whines when her bottom hit the grass, “Ow…the ground is hard.” At that moment I wanted to strangle her.
 Flaring my nostrils I sat myself onto the ground and patted my lap, “Dummy of course it would hurt if you flop around like that.” Instead of bursting out in tears she drunkenly giggled before crawling on her hands and knees and into my lap. The messy haired (h/c) nestles herself into my chest, nuzzling her heated face into my neck as her hands tangles itself in my long locks of hair. “You are a troublesome Hwarang aren’t you? You idiot.” She looks up, long eyelashes hooding her large (e/c) eyes, “You’re mean…just like those girls!” I roll my eyes, “I’m letting you sit on me aren’t I?” The girl huffs before hitting me, hard, in the chest with a closed fist, “You keep calling me mean names!” “It’s because I don’t know your name.” “Oh,” she replies with her mouth slightly ajar. My gaze never leaving hers, a waiting for the big reveal of her name but it never came. Instead her eyes started fluttering shut as she fell asleep mid conversation. “And because you are dumb,” I sigh running my fingers through her long tresses as she contently started to snore, very loudly.
 The boy who made my blood boil turned out to be just an idiotic girl, who happened to steal my heart within a very short period of time. She was stupid, impossible, I wanted to strangle her for being so infuriating, but ultimately what bothered me the most about her is that she makes my heart skip a beat whenever she’s around. And to top everything off, I don’t even know her name.
Part 3
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Appearing before the Dramacourt: Hwarang: Poet Warrior Youth Ep 05
***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
Whether you need to rapidly alter your strategy when you realize that your ‘nemesis’ actually turns out to be the ‘brother’ of the girl you like?
Whether Ji Dwi (Hyungsik’s character) and Sun Woo’s bromance is far, far, far more interesting than the romantic story lines?
Whether introduction to school/training should involve consuming copious amounts of strong alcohol to pick roommates?
Whether the pretty guy randomly showing up as a Hwarang is believable?
Whether there is always some prissy biatch being a total tattletale at the start of a new project?
The Rule(s):
Yes obviously. *notice how Ji Dwi’s face changes when he realizes how Sun Woo is related to Aro*
Hell yes. It’s the beginning of a beautiful bromance.
Probably? But because all we see is chaos and more chaos which is probably why the administration organizes the roommate situation.
Uhh No. Like where did he come from? He had like 2 seconds of screen time in a random episode. Wtf?
OH MY GOD YES. There is always that person. Always.
RedRosette J Sidebar: HAPPY NEW YEAR DEAR READERS!! May your 2017 be much more awesome than 2016! Thank you for reading and following us! We promise to keep bringing the sass in 2017!
Jubiemon J Note: Happy New Year! May everyone have their wishes granted in 2017 and be in good health! We are looking forward to the new dramas in 2017 and hope to bring more laughter. Thank you for tuning in with us and join us in 2017 as well!
RedRosette J: This episode was an interesting one for me because time-wise, there was more bromance and Hwarang’s first day than this whole pointless romance. There were a lot of LOLs with the dangling from the ceiling like meat stuff (Honestly, these two should really just do comedy) and some more time spent with the awkward “you’re-my-‘brother’-but-you-look-super-hot-with-your-shirt-off” stuff. I’m slightly disappointed because I thought we’d be getting more of Taehyung and we really haven’t been seeing much of him. He wasn’t even in the inauguration scene! Does that mean he’s such a minor character that he’s not even important enough to be in it? Also, for me it still feels a bit slow and draggy. It’s 5 episodes and there’s still barely any Hwarang antics. Let’s get a move on already!
Jubiemon J: I was conflicted with this episode because the dangling meat and fighting scenes were kind of dragged out. However, I did enjoy some parts of it because Hyungsik waking up surprised that he was dangling there was hilarious. I’m also kind of disappointed about Taehyung’s lack of appearance and the feminine character’s sudden appearance at the very end. I feel like those two characters, especially the feminine one, did not get a proper introduction. I know that it’s hard to pave the background stories of all characters, but when the trailer and interviews kept suggesting that each would have their own story, I was quite disappointed that that wasn’t the case. I felt like they really put Taehyung out there to grab the BTS fans’ attention, when really he’s only in like 6 mins from ep 1 – now. I also agree with RedRosette that not much as happened, so I do hope that the plot carries forward faster.
Literally a piece of meat
This is basically a ‘How do you like me now’ face
Seriously. Where was Taehyung?!?
Hubba Hubba
Too close for comfort
Can these two just like….NOT?
Issue 1: Whether you need to rapidly alter your strategy when you realize that your ‘nemesis’ actually turns out to be the ‘brother’ of the girl you like?
RedRosette J: This development was a long time coming. I mean if you decide to go on the faux-brother path, other characters have to be brought up to speed so the awkwardness can continue. You can literally see Ji Dwi’s face change when Sun Woo says that Aro is his sister. I think at that point he was doing some serious mental calculations as to how much of an ass he’s been to this guy who potentially could make or break a future with the girl. It’s funny how even though it’s been said out aloud, Ji Dwi doesn’t really seem to believe that they are just brother-and-sister. (The whole rescue scene where he’s just over the affection? LOL! yea he’s not buying it). I think this bit of information is also important for Ji Dwi to know so that he realizes that Sun Woo is not really a threat to him per se and start being friends. Yea I think recalculations are in order when a situation like this arises. I mean, you need this guy to be on your side, if anything else is to progress. Am I right?
Jubiemon J: Yes, I think this strategy change makes sense. We all want to suck up to our crush’s sibling to hopefully get a good word in from the sibling. I think the change from Ji Dwi’s face was really a great job done by Hyungsik. At first I thought Ji Dwi really didn’t like Aro because he mentioned how she was half-blood and that Sunwoo should stay away from her because of that. That seemed to be out of character in my opinion. Then that statement from Ji Dwi made a whole lot of sense as soon as he became friendlier to Sunwoo upon hearing that Aro is Sunwoo’s sister. Ji Dwi is really just sneaky. Hahaha. (I’m not convinced that his love for Aro is actually love; it’s more like lust or a crush.)
Uhhhh okayyy?
* tries to help and gets hit in the jaw*
Not buying this brother/sister crap for a second
Issue 2: Whether Ji Dwi (Hyungsik’s character) and Sun Woo’s bromance is far, far, far more interesting than the romantic story lines?
RedRosette J: I think so. Especially because I think that both characters are very similar and have a lot to share if they only stop this pointless pissing contest and fighting over a girl. Both characters were essentially abandoned and grew up outside the home, both characters have issues with self worth, both characters are dealing with existential crises at the same time. I think that if they lean on each other that they could be great friends. The start of which we saw when Ji Dwi piggybacked a drunk Sun Woo back to their room (OMG they’re roomies too!!!!). I think that having a friendship form between these two characters will be a far more interesting journey to watch than the romantic love lines.
Jubiemon J: I like their bromance a lot! I think they have more chemistry than Aro x Ji Dwi or Aro x  Sunwoo. I find their bickering to be funny and cute. I found it hilarious when Ji Dwi kept whistling. I was hoping for a horse but who knew he had some assassin around? I agree with what RedRosette said about their similarities and how they could relate to each other. I’m waiting for the moment when they really become bffs.
*fights in mid-air* LOLOLOL!
By far the most interesting part of the show so far
Besties 4eva!
Issue 3: Whether introduction to school/training should involve consuming copious amounts of strong alcohol to pick roommates?
RedRosette J: Although in theory this sounds like so much fun and could lead to some super hilarious living situations, I feel like the reality of this is probably not going to be so great. There’s a reason that the administration at universities pick your roommates for you (most of the time). Just imagine if this scenario actually happened? OMG. Please No. But then again, if there were no rules and you could literally fight people for the best rooms, it would seriously end up being a Hunger Games-esque scenario like in this episode and in reality, no one wants that. I think the alcohol for introduction sounds fun (this exists already pretty much. It’s called Frosh Week or Freshers Week) but let’s just leave it at fun and not involve the roommate sorting.
Jubiemon J: I feel like this scene reminded me of some initiation when you’re joining a frat/sorority. I didn’t quite enjoy this scene that much. Plus, they made all the guys turn into fighting drunkards. There are so many different drunks. I’ve met people who just sleep, who start talking a lot and repeating things, who strip, and more. I wished that they had shown different types of drunk people. Where was Taehyung in this scene as well?
Intro to Hwarang
Yup it’s nasty…
The roommate situation from Hell
Issue 4: Whether the pretty guy randomly showing up as a Hwarang is believable?
RedRosette J: Where did this guy come from? He was in an earlier episode for like a second and now all of a sudden he’s sharing a room with the main characters? Huh? What? Why isn’t Taehyung’s character sharing a room with the main characters? At least he had more screen time than Pretty Boy!! I’m not okay with this. It is so not believable that this guy just randomly shows up. Ugh.
Jubiemon J: I was really surprised when I saw this character pop out. Even Ji Dwi freaked out. I would too. I really don’t think this introduction was believable and it just seemed to come out of nowhere. Magic?
Where did you come from?!?
Even Ji Dwi is like ‘WTF’?
Issue 5: Whether there is always some prissy biatch being a total tattletale at the start of a new project?
RedRosette J: Why is there always this person? In the drama-verse and in real life too! It’s impossible to start doing anything without there being some prissy biatch hell bent on making everyone’s lives miserable by taking everything way too seriously and being a total tattletale about everything. The Assistant Person is the definition of a prissy biatch. I can’t even. I guess drama really does reflect life. Also, I guess they need a prissy biatch to make Sung Dong Il’s character stand out more as a rebellious ‘I-give-zero-shits’ teacher.
Jubiemon J: Ah, there’s always that one person doing all the annoying stuff and bitching to someone else. That’s life.
RedRosette J Aside: Also, for future reference, all conference tables should look like this. Kthanksbye.
Dat tiger tho
Conclusion: Appeal Allowed.
Rating: 3 = MM. Okay. Fine. (Only because of Hyungsik and Seo Joon’s awesome bromance scenes)
File No: Hwarang: Poet-Warrior-Youth- Ep-05 Appearing before the Dramacourt: Hwarang: Poet Warrior Youth Ep 05 ***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
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drama--universe · 6 years
Hwarang x reader (sort of...)
You groaned as everyone stared at you. You were a foreigner, so naturally looked very different of the standard looks of the normal looks. People stared at you and whispered. A girl with pants was not normal and one that didn’t wear sleeves was even weirder for them. Where you came from, it was quite normal. You came from (y/c) after all... As you walked towards the Hwarang house, you covered your face with your hood and walked to the gates. Stating your name, they let you in. You looked around and bit your lip. Where did you have to go?
“Do you need help with something... uh?” Someone asked and you turned. A girl with long black hair stood behind you. She was a little bit smaller than you.
“Could you please show me where Master Wi Wha’s office is?” You asked and she nodded, saying she would show you. You received stares of all the Hwarangs, but you didn’t care and followed the girl.
“Here.” “Thank you...?” “Ar-ho. My name’s Ar-ho.” She said and you smiled under you hood.
“Well, thank you Ar-ho.” You said with a small bow and she smiled. You walked to the office and knocked before walking in. Wi Wha looked up and nodded at you. 
“You must be the foreigner. Take of your hood.” You obeyed and lowered your hood, revealing your (h/l) (h/c) hair and the rest of your face. Your (e/c) stared into his and he frowned.
“The famous foreigner is a woman?” “Got a problem with that?” You snapped and he shook his head.
“You will start tomorrow. You will eat with the Hwarangs, but I will let you sleep in the same dorm as Ar-ho. Same goes for the shower.” Wi Wha said and you bowed, turning to leave.
“You will also not show your face or gender until they actually listen to you, despite you being a woman.” He said and you turned and nodded again with a smirk. Pulling up your hood again, you also covered your face with a facemask, you left. 
                                                   -Time skip-
Your first lesson was today and honestly, you were kind of frightened. You stood in the courtyard, all the Hwarangs in front of you. Some started to talk while other stayed silent.
“Silence!” You yelled and everyone shut up. One man catched your eyes. He looked more like a young boy, not like the rest. He looked afraid.
“Everyone take a wooden sword!” You ordered and they all did. 
“Make pairs and start fighting.” You said and they listened, starting to sword fight. You walked around, looking at all of them until you stood by the young looking man. 
His sword fell out of his hands and he fell down as well.
“What’s your name?” You asked the man and he looked up.
“Han Sung...” “Well, Han Sung, you’re not very good.” You said and he looked down before getting up.
“I know.” He snapped and you smirked.
“Go to dinner all of you. Except you Han Sung.” You said and everyone left while Hansung stayed behind with a pout.
“Don’t pout. I’m just going to help you.” You said, walking to him. He looked away.
“You don’t look like a fighter. What do you like?” You asked and he looked down on you.
“I like art...” He mumbled and you smiled, handing him his wooden sword.
“Of course. Well, you have no balance, that’s why you keep falling down. Think of it as a painting. One color has to be in balance with the others, right?” He nodded and you smiled.
“Well, think of yourself as a painting then. Block me.” You said before lunging at him. He blocked without falling over and you smiled.
“Good job. Keep what I said in mind. Now go eat.” You said and he smiled, bowing before turning to leave.
“Are you coming to eat? If you are, you’re welcome to sit with me and my friends!” He exclaimed before running away. You smiled under your face mask before following the hyper man. In the dinning room, you took some food before looking around. Hansung waved at you. You smiled and walked towards them, sitting down.
“So, who are you?” One asked and you looked up.
“My name is not important, what are your names?” You asked and they quickly introduced themselves. When you were done with eating, you stood up and left. You walked back to the courtyard and sat down. Closing your eyes, you waited for the Hwarangs. 
Then you felt someone behind you, trying to pull your hood down. You turned and tackled him before straddling his chest, putting your arm on his neck.
“Try that again, I dare you.”  You sneered and you saw the man look at you in fear. You got of him and brushed of your pants. 
“So, now one of you will fight me. Who wants to try?” You asked and Ji Dwi stepped forward. You threw him a wooden sword.
“Come on then.” You smirked under your mask.
He lunged at you and you blocked him, kicking his chest. He fell back and you waited for him to get up. When he did, you lunged at him and hit his sword away. It fell out of his hand and you hit your sword on his forehead.
“Yah!” He exclaimed and you smirked.
“Someone else?” No one came forward.
“Ah... Get back to fighting in pairs.” You said and they did.
                                        -Time skip of a week-
After a week, you had gotten a little closer with some people. Ar-ho, Sun Woo, Ji Dwi, Yeo Wool, Ban-ryu, Soo Ho and of course Han Sung. You hadn’t revealed who you were yet, but were planning to. Some day... 
You walked in the courtyard, humming a song. All because the Hwarangs would be preforming a song and you would join the lessons, because you loved music. As you walked in the courtyard to see the men practicing. That was until they started dancing. 
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You stopped and stared as they danced, giggling at the sight. Once they noticed you, they stopped and stared back at you.
“Lesson starts.” You stated and they nodded, following you.
“Okay, today’s going to be a bit different! Instead of fighting each other, you’ll be fighting me... or at least some of you will.” You said and everyone looked at you in shock.
“So who is going first?” You asked and Ji Dwi stepped forward. You smiled under your mask.
“Also, you wanted to know who I am? Well... if one of you wins against me I will take of my hood and mask.” You stated and everyone started whispering.
You held up your wooden sword and Ji Dwi did the same. You lunged forward and he blocked. You pushed his sword away and he stumbled back. He then attacked you and you blocked him before kicking him in the chest. He fell back and you kicked the sword out of his hand before holding yours to his neck.
“Next.” You snapped as Ji Dwi walked away. Next was Sun Woo. He, too, failed. Then was Soo Ho, then Ban-ryu, then someone you didn’t know the name off. These 3, too, failed.
“Okay, who else wants to try?” You asked, twirling the wooden sword in your hand. Han Sung stepped forward.
“Ah... Han Sung. Come on then! Remember what I said.” You whispered the last so only he could hear. He nodded and got in his fighting stance. He immediately attacked and you blocked, staring him in the eyes. His eyes were filled with determination. He pulled back and swung his sword towards your legs. You jumped and attacked him. He blocked, much to your surprise, and you pushed him back. He didn’t waste any time and attacked you again while swinging his leg under yours. This meant that while you tried to block, you fell down on your back. The sword fell out your hand and you tried to take it, but Han Sung prevented that by kicking it away and leaning above you with the sword at your neck. You stared at him as your hood slipped a little. 
He smiled and helped you up.
“As promised.” You mumbled, throwing off your hood and mask.
“She’s a woman!” One exclaimed and  you rolled your eyes.
“Yes, I am.” You answered and they all stopped.
“She’s beautiful...” Someone else mumbled and you turned to see Han Sung stare at you, his eyes wide and his mouth dropped.
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He just stared at you, not moving at all. You looked away to hide your blush, biting your lip to prevent yourself from smiling. 
“It’s time for dinner, so you guys go eat.” You ordered and everyone left. You sat down with a loud sigh. Placing your head in your hands, you groaned before peeking through your fingers to see Han Sung still staring at you in the same position. 
“You...okay?” You asked, but he didn’t move. You stood up and walked until your faces were inches apart.
“Hello? You okay?” You asked and he blinked before stepping back, his cheeks covered in a dark red blush. You giggled and bit your lip again to keep yourself from smiling again.
“You should go eat.” You mumbled and he nodded, running off.
Part 2?
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drama--universe · 4 years
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Requested by @coolworld95 (Hope this is okay)
Banryu x reader
Staring in front of himself, Banryu let out a small smile as he watched you walk down the market, stopping at various shops and looking around. Your black and (f/c) colored hanbok and your hair was down with a (f/c) ribbon woven into it. His eyes followed you as he tried to keep up with Su-Ho’s rambling, yet he couldn’t focus on his friend.
“Are you even listening?!” Su-Ho exclaimed and Banryu turned his head, his smile faltering. He gave a curt nod and gave a loud sigh, looking back towards you. So-Ho followed his gaze quickly and smirked, immediately noticing the heart eyes and smile that made its way to his face. 
“Totally not obvious.” Su-Ho mumbled as he shook his head, continuing to walk back to the Hwarang house. Banryu, unlike Su-Ho, hadn’t moved from his place until he noticed that Su-Ho had basically abandoned him on the market. And he did not know how to return... He stayed in place, not having a clue what to do.
“Are you lost?” A voice asked and he looked up to see you with a bright smile. Heat crawled up on is neck, a small blush covering his cheeks (although it was barely visible) and he let out an awkward cough.
“Do you happen to know the way to the Hwarang house?” He questioned, trying to steady his voice and not to stutter. Your eyes widen as a small laugh escaped your mouth, which you quickly covered with your hand.
“A Hwarang who doesn’t know where the Hwarang house is..? That’ll be a first.” You joked, smiling brightly as you now finally noticed the brighter blush on his neck and ears.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t joke. Just follow the road until you see it.” You smiled at him and he nodded his head, hurriedly walking away and making you giggle.
"Well, he really likes her." Yeo-Wool spoke as he turned to face Su-Ho and Hansung, who had a small frown on his face. Yeo-Wool looked at the youngest and poked him with his fan, making Hansung give an almost growl.
"What are you so prissy about?" Yeo-Wool asked, opening the fan and waving it, looking at Hansung with his famous smile.
"He can't like (y/n)-noona..." He mumbled, looking back at your form with a small pout and Su-Ho and Yeo-Wool looked at the younger in confusion.
“You know her?" Su-Ho questioned and Hansung turned around to the older, nodding. "She's my noona." He explained before walking away to greet you with the two other on his heels.
"Noona!" You turned around and let out a chuckle as you were embraced by Hansung. You patted his back softly before looking at the 2 other men. You recognized them as Yeo-Wool and Su-Ho, and smiled.
"Pleasure meeting you guys." You greeted and they nodded, introducing themselves. You nodded before looking at Hansung again.
“Shouldn’t you go back to the Hwarang house?” You asked and he shrugged.
“Don’t wanna... I barely see you!” He whined, pulling your arm softly as he whined again. You laughed and took his face in your hands, smiling at him.
“I’ll be sure to sneak close to watch over the wall.” You whispered and he smiled again.
2 days later, the Hwarangs had yet another day off because of master Wi Hwa’s sickness. All the boys were sat in Sutabaksu, drinking their tea as they talked. Banryu was missing from the table, which made the perfect opportunity for them to gossip.
“We need to get him and (y/n) together.”  Su-Ho spoke and the others looked at him with a smile, Hansung almost yelling no.
"How though? He turns into an actual mess when she's near him." Ji Dwi mumbled and Yeo-Wool suddenly smiled, a plan hatching in his mind.
"Just put them on a date." "Like he'll go. He'll chicken out before he's goes." Sun Woo commented in an annoyed voice, for he was not in the mood to talk about Banryu's love life nor was he ever.
"Who says he has to know?" Yeo-Wool smirked, opening his fan and waving it slightly. That made them look up immediately, all smirking slightly. After a plan was made, Banryu had returned (although he payed no attention and they kept talking about it nonetheless). When the day had ended, both parties had been informed of the unknown date. You assumed that you'd see Hansung while Banryu just thought he'd be hanging out with Su-Ho and Yeo-Wool. So when he was stood outside of the Hwarang House at almost midnight and noticed that you stood not that much further from him, hands folded in front of you. Not a second later, you noticed him and smiled as you stepped closer.
"You also waiting for someone?" You asked and he nodded, letting out a small sigh.
“I think I've been standing here for at least an hour now, waiting for Hansung... Wanna hang out with me instead since you've obviously been waiting long as well." You suggested and he nodded, making you smile again. You left the building behind you and made your way too Okta, starting an one-sided conversation with Banryu before speaking up.
"Are you always this quiet?" You asked and he looked at you, his cheeks slightly painted pink. 
"No..." "Do I make you that uncomfortable?" You questioned and he immediately shook his head, making you chuckle at him before smiling again.
"Do I make the great Banryu nervous?" You joked and he smiled slightly before looking at you.
"Is it really obvious..?" He questioned and you nodded, laughing quietly as you entered the Okta building. Once you had entered, you were immediately greeted with millions of girls gossiping about Banryu and staring at you with a frown. You ignored the stares and smiled at some familiar faces before greeting an elder lady that you knew.
“By any chance, is their still a free room to drink?” You asked and she nodded before looking at Banryu. “Are you sure it’s just for drinking, sweetie?” She questioned, raising her eyebrows suggestively at you. You laughed and shook your head.
“It’s just for drinking, no worries. We both got dropped.” You explained and she shook her head before pointing at a room.
“I’ll bring some drinks on the house, make sure to charm the boy in return.” She said and you sighed, nodding anyway as you looked back to Banryu. You motioned to him that he should follow you and you went upstairs to the room. You opened the door and stepped in, sitting at the table that stood in the middle of the room. Banryu sat down as well, his hands resting on his knees as he sat crossed legged. You looked up and smiled at him before looking at the door when i opened, revealing the elder lady with some drinks. She put them down, giving you yet another wink before leaving the room. You rolled your eyes, taking two cup and filling them and handing one to Banryu. He thanked you with a nod and drank it. You smiled as you started a small conversation.
As the moon had risen high in the sky, were you finished drinking, both of you slightly tipsy and hence you had stopped drinking alcohol. You had left the room and Okta, preferring the outside sky as you walked home. Once you had reached your house, you looked back at Banryu.
"We should do this again... You're cute." You spoke, a small giggle sounding from your chest as you opened the door. Banryu smiled and agreed quickly, making you smile as well.
"See you." You spoke, kissing his cheek before entering your house quickly. Banryu's smile didn't falter and instead grew wider before he noticed his shadows. Turning to face them, he glared.
"I'm going to kill you guys." He growled before running after them, Su-Ho letting out a loud yell.
"We got you a girlfriend, dammit!!!"
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whispersatdawn · 7 years
A Flower’s Path | Final
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GIF Credit to: ygo-gx
Pt. 1 | Pt. 2
Pairing: Ban Ryu (Do Ji Han) X Reader
Genre: angst, coming-of-age, slight!romance
Word Count: 4,712
Request: Hi! For the Hwarang scenarios, what about one where you are a great enough fighter that you are asked to be the ONLY female hwarang (but against your will). Once inside, Ban Ryu is constantly complaining about how you shouldn’t be there and how it’s a disgrace for a woman to be in the Hwarang house. The two of you keep bashing heads bc even though you didn’t want to be there, you weren’t going to take that from him. Once the princess gets there she gets jealous that most of the hwarang gets close with the female hwarang and tries to get rid of her. - @starbooks13
I’m going to kill Ban Ryu. I seriously cannot think of any other reason why he would be near the bathhouse when it’s my scheduled time. Maybe he really is a pervert. I should expose him! Yeah. That’ll get him to leave me alone. He didn’t see anything, right? Ugh. I need to confront him about this or else it’s going to keep bothering me-
“Um, (Y/N).”
“Yeah?” your head shot up, and you found five pair of eyes on you. They were talking about the princess, right? “Oh yeah, sorry, the princess. I don’t know. Maybe she’s here to see how we’re doing to give intel to Her Majesty.”
Soo Ho leaned in closer to the table, causing the rest of you to do the same as if he was about to say something that should only be shared among your group. “I hear... that Her Highness is actually coming here in search of a great warrior to be betrothed to soon,” he whispered.
Your brows furrowed. “She wants to wed to a Hwarang? I thought that she would most likely be arranged to one of the princes of the other kingdoms.”
“She doesn’t want to be with a man who has always been sheltered inside his own castle,” Yeo Wool followed up with some realization. He usually caught on quickly. “Princess Sook Myung herself is great at fighting. I think she wants to be with someone like that, but I am not sure why the queen would allow it. Wouldn’t it be better to marry from another royal family to secure an alliance?”
“Her Majesty always has tricks up her sleeves,” Ji Dwi mumbled from the side.
After some more light-hearted conversations with the boys, when it was time to finish up dinner and call it a night, you and your friends cleaned up your trays of food and walked out of the dining room together.
The moon was full tonight, lighting up the sky with million of other stars. Sounds of crickets could be heard from around you. You couldn’t wait to get some sleep from another long day in the Hwarang House. “I’m still envious that you get your own room (Y/N),” Sun Woo revealed. “You don’t know how difficult it is to be together with these guys.”
“I know what you mean,” Soo Ho agreed, nodding his head.
“I am sure you don’t know what he means, Soo Ho,” Yeo Wool chuckled, “because I am sure he’s talking about you and Ban Ryu fighting all the time in the middle of the night. Right, Ji Dwi?”
Ji Dwi turned to you, a small smile his face. “You’re really lucky, (Y/N).” He was the first one to start walking back to the males’ room.
One by one, your friends bid you goodnight and followed each other back into their rooms for the night. Watching them from behind, you realized that you were lucky. Fate might have brought you into a group that you were hesitant to be a part of, but she also brought some people into your life that you can’t find yourself without anymore.
Before, you were usually stuck in your own household. The only person you could share things with was Soonja after your mother passed away. Your father was always busy with meeting with the other True Bones. When you went out to Okta where most of the other royal bloods hung out, it was difficult to get along with the other ladies as you were different from them. So, thinking back to what Master Wi Hwa said on your first day of arrival, you were gradually starting to see that this place would allow you to grow.
Most of the young elites were already heading in the same direction as the others, so you begin to walk to your own room which was in the opposite direction. The days were usually loud Master Wi Hwa teaching class in the morning and the martial arts or performing arts practices in the late afternoon. When the sun fell, making room for night, that’s when you were able to find some peace. The air was quite cool, making your walk more enjoyable.
You were only halfway when you felt a hand grab your shoulder. In surprise, you jumped up and immediately turned around. “Ban Ryu!” you exclaimed.
“Sh!” Ban Ryu placed a finger in front of his lips, signaling you to quiet down.
You looked behind him to see if anyone noticed, and when you found not a single person, you looked back to face the man in front of you. There were times when you both were in each other’s faces, but you never took the time to pay attention to his features more than the insults that were leaving his mouth.
Standing in a spot where the moon illuminated right onto his face, you can see why the other maidens would gush over Ban Ryu despite his cold demeanor. Though you would never let him hear it out loud, he was indeed handsome.
“Have you come to spite me one last time before the day ends?” you snapped. Then you figured you had a more important question. “No, actually, w-why did you enter the bathhouse when it wasn’t your time?”
As much as you hated bringing up that memory, you wanted an explanation. Your cheeks started to become warm again, and Ban Ryu also became flustered once more. You noticed his eyes has never met yours even once since the incident. His own ears were turning red. Who would believe you if you told that the tough, heartless Ban Ryu, son of Park Young Sil, had an expression that was mortified?
“That’s exactly what I wanted to discuss with you.” He was trying to sound as calm as possible, but you found the small waver in his voice. “I honestly didn’t know it was your time! Master Wi Hwa had told us that you had a different designated time from us, but he never specified in fear that some of the men would purposely find you in the shower. He just told us to stay away from the bathhouse until after dinner.”
“Which is making me more suspicious of you...”
“I thought it would be great if I didn’t have to wait to share the shower with the others at least once. I didn’t have any ill intentions, nor did I s-see anything.”
“Is this an apology, Ban Ryu?”
Ban Ryu closed his eyes and sighed. You wanted to laugh at his defeat.
“Alright, I’ll take it as an apology. If...”
“You stop calling me names. And thinking so lowly of me just because I am a woman.”
Ban Ryu finally looked at you, straightening his posture. “That is all you ask of me?” he asked.
“It seems like no big deal to you, but it would mean a lot to me,” you admitted. “I am daughter of Jung Young Sik, the last True Bone of my family. Because I have no brother to later take care of the family, I have decided to do what I can to protect my own. It is not my job as a lady, but I refuse to stay still and helpless. I can cook, I can clean, I can conceive a child. But my role right now is not to be pretty maiden trying to win attention of any royal blood. You have seen me fight during training, Ban Ryu. I am so much more.”
You felt your eyes start to water. Because if it wasn’t for the tough training here and enduring in a house of men, you wouldn’t have seen it for yourself. Whether you are in the queen’s game or not, maybe Father trusted you to become stronger in this place. Home was too small.
“Then I will do just that, (Y/N).”
For the first time, Ban Ryu called you by your name. Between the two of you, you finally felt some sign of respect. Trying to make light of things instead of letting your tears go in front of someone you had been mad at since the beginning, you joked, “Good. Because if you didn’t, I would’ve told everyone else about what you did.” Ban Ryu’s eyes widened. He started to say something but decided to turn around and hurry to his room. You let out a small laugh, watching his retreating back.
It was the day of the princess’ arrival.
After the long practices and training, you felt like you would actually to pull them off okay. Your morning started out great. The usual snarky remarks from Ban Ryu stopped, and you ate breakfast peacefully with your group of friends. Master Wi Hwa reiterated that all of the Hwarangs give Her Highness an outstanding performance.
More than the dance, you were quite nervous about the short sparring show you & Sun Woo would have to perform next. At first, it was going to be you and Soo Hoo as you two were the best warriors among the others, but after you noticed how much Sun Woo improved, you asked if he could take Soo Hoo’s place instead.
“Is it too late to have Soo Ho spar with you instead?” Sun Woo asked, standing next to you in line as you waited for the princess. You noticed how anxious he was by his fidgeting.
“Didn’t know you were such a scaredy-cat,” you said as you continued to look at the top red gazebo where Master Wi Hwa stood along with your martial arts instructor. “You’ll do just fine, Dog-Bird.”
When you saw your chief instructor and martial arts instructor turn in a direction and bowed, signaling the princess’ appearance, the rest of you followed suit. You soon looked up and found the Royal princess. Her aura alone gave off a vibe of authority. She did look like a warrior, just as you’ve heard from the others.
“So,” Princess Seokmyung started, “these are the Hwarangs.”
She quickly scanned each of you.
“Though you have gone through some tests to become a member, I have come today to observe you all myself. I’ll see if you have what it really takes to become a Hwarang. I have the greatest expectations.”
A chair was brought out, and Her Highness took a seat. Those who weren’t performing moved to the side so that those who were performing could take the center. You stood alongside with Sun Woo, and the both of you watched your other friends. “Yeo Wool definitely stands out,” you said while observing the dance.
“You think so?” Sun Woo chuckled. “Look at Soo Ho. I think he just made a mistake. That guy. He should just stick with swords in battle.”
“Ji Dwi and Han Sung look good, too. I saw those two practicing a lot.”
“Ban Ryu, too. I saw him dance by himself. He thought no one was watching, but I saw him on my way to Ah Ro,” Sun Woo commented. “Speaking of which, he’s been acting pretty weird lately.”
You looked from Han Sung to Ban Ryu. He was so focused on the performance, and you never really saw that side of him. You remembered how much he struggled and hated to be a part of the dance group. “Weird. How so?”
“How can you not know?” Sun Woo asked, taken aback. “Gosh, I thought you would be the first to think so considering he’s always verbally attacked you. It’s been two days since he hasn’t done so.”
“Oh. Yeah, I guess I’ve noticed.”
“So, what is it?” Sun Woo asked, a mischievous smile on his face. “Did you blackmail him or something? Did you finally beat him up?”
Instead of answering, the dance had finished, and you decided to ignore Sun Woo and applaud instead. Your heart thumped hard from inside your chest. You were next.
From above, the princess also applauded after the performance ended. Master Wi Hwa watched her expression. “We also have a sparring show for you, Your Highness. I hope you’ll enjoy it. They are great warriors.”
Everyone cleared way from you and Sun Woo. The both of you picked up your respective swords.
“A woman?” the princess questioned, finally taking interest in you when she saw you.
“Yes, Your Highness,” Master Wi Hwa answered. “(Y/N) is Jung Young Sik’s daughter. The other True Bones have spoken of his daughter’s exceptional skills. The Queen was the one who brought her in. She was also the one who brought in Sun Woo.”
“Her Majesty brought those two into the Hwarang House,” the princess said. She carefully watched as the two fighters from below swing their weapons at each other, blocking, striking, defending.
The match went on for another minute or two until you finally hung your sword right in front of Sun Woo, a few inches from his neck, ending the sparring. Everyone around you cheered, and you placed the sword back down at your side. Sun Woo shared a smile with you, patting your head for a job well done, and the both of you returned to your friends’ side who continued to cheer for you. “As expected of the cool (Y/N) and Sun Woo!” Han Sung exclaimed. “Wow!” He brought you into a hug, and the rest joined in. You all jumped around in celebration of a successful show.
Something pang in the princess’ chest from watching you all. She had no idea why she felt the way she did, but she didn’t like the sight of it. Especially knowing that her brother, the king, was among the men. His sister was finally here, but he’s probably giving his attention to another girl.
She continued to watch the group, and her eyes spotted one who wasn’t among the group of cheering joys. From a distance, his eyes was basically glued onto the female Hwarang.
“I don’t like it,” the princess said.
Master Wi Hwa was flustered. He spent all this time training and teaching. He really didn’t expect those words to be what came out. He was ready to be praised. His face fell. “Uh- What did you not like about it, Your Highness?”
“You think that if these group of Hwarangs go out into a battlefield that they’ll be ready to put their lives on the line? What good will a routine do for them? Battles are heartless, cold, raw. They need to fight like it’s life or death.”
“My apologies, Your Highness but-”
“And the woman? Take her out.”
“(Y/N) is one of the greatest fighters. I think her being a part of Hwarang is a great asset to us. I don’t understand why we need to do that. The Queen was the one who asked for us to bring (Y/N) in.”
“Her Majesty may not see it is a problem.” The princess murmured the following sentence. “She’ll do anything to keep the throne and protect herself.”
Her normal voice resumed. “But she does not see what I see. Keeping (Y/N) here will be a distraction to the rest of the Hwarangs. She may be good with weapons, but the whole group needs to be at its best. We can’t expect her to fight well and the others do the bare minimum. They all need to be focused. For the better of everyone, we can afford to lose the girl.”
You stopped jumping when you heard a throat clear from behind you. You quickly let go of the group circle and turned around to find Master Wi Hwa and the princess in front of you. Automatically, you bowed at her presence.
“Jung Young Sik’s daughter.”
“Your Highness.”
“Your fighting skill surprises me if I’m going to be honest. Who taught you how to hold a sword?” the princess asked.
“Thank you for the compliment, Your Highness. I started very young myself but soon found myself a trainer for a while.”
“And you decided to fight instead of what you intentionally supposed to do as a royal blood? Was your father not against this?”
“At first, Your Highness, but he was the one who asked me to join Hwarang. I have decided to use my skills for a bigger purpose.”
The princess watched you without blinking an eye, and you secretly felt intimidated. Why was she interrogating you so much?
“I see. So, you did not intentionally want to become a part of Hwarang, but it was because of your father and the Queen. If you want, I can do you a favor and excuse you from being among these other elites.”
You shifted your position so that you were facing the princess. You frowned, and your brows knitted. You couldn’t tell if she was asking you or ordering you. It made you uncomfortable. The male Hwarangs stood quiet around you. “There seems to be a misunderstanding, Your Highness. It is true that I did not want to come here at first, but I have no resentment towards my father or Her Majesty for being here now. How could I? I... I have lots to learn, and I think I can be someone who can serve the kingdom as well as its people.”
“It has come to my attention that having a woman among a group of men will not help serve the kingdom nor its people,” the princes countered sternly. “We cannot risk having anything cause this group to fall through. You all are here to train and fight. Nothing else.”
“Your Highness,” a voice interrupted from nowhere. You looked to find Ji Dwi stepping up. “My apologies for speaking up. You say that Hwarang was only built as soldiers, but I believe that we are much more than that. We were not taught to kill. We were taught to be loyal to our country, to our parents and teachers, to each other. We don’t retreat from our enemies. We never kill without a cause. Before (Y/N) entered, most of us were arrogant and only thought of ourselves. Despite being judged by many, (Y/N) stuck through the difficult beginnings and showed us that we all have so much work to do.”
“Do you think those morals will help keep you alive in the case of a war?” the princess snapped, angry that someone would dare defend you and speak against her own words.
“How do we win a war if we can’t even work together?” Ji Dwi challenged. “It’s not every man for themselves. It’s us for a whole country, Your Highness.”
“And you don’t think you can do it without her?” The princess glared at Ji Dwi, but he refused to back down.
“As I have said, Your Highness. We were taught to have trust and brotherhood among friends. Since (Y/N) is here now, she is included.”
You were touched by Ji Dwi’s words though a part of you felt anxious that he was talking back to a member of the Royal Family. Did he not have fear?
“I disagree with you. I do not believe that (Y/N) should stay.” the princess said. You watched all eyes fall on you. “But.” You could barely breathe. The princess wanted you to leave Hwarang. You thought since she was a female warrior herself that she would’ve agreed to keeping you. “I will compromise. If (Y/N) can win against me in a sparring match, I will revoke my decision.”
“Your Highness, my apologies, but I do not think that-” Master Wi Hwa cut off his own words when the princess’ personal servant brought the princess a sword.
“This time, it’ll be a real combat. It is only when one of us gets cut that the fight stops.”
You froze. You knew that if you lost, you would have to leave right away. Even though the princess decided the rules, you knew if there was a chance that you cut her, it would still feel like a loss. How could you dare lay your sword on the princess?
Ban Ryu couldn’t believe the princess’ suggestion, either. When he heard how you might have to leave, his heart fell. In the beginning, he would’ve sided with the princess. But now?
You tightened your grip around your sword’s handle. A million thoughts ran through your mind, thinking of many ways this battle could end. You looked over at Master Wi Hwa who stood still, watching you. You looked over to your friends who couldn’t hide their worried expressions. From the side, you spotted Ah Ro who had been watching since your sparring with her brother. You even found Ban Ryu who had an expression you kind of wish you were able to read.
The gong sound rang out, and you quickly returned to your sight to the girl in front of you. You couldn’t afford to pay attention to anyone else except the very person in front of you. The princess stroked, leaving you to dodge her and then block her when she tried again. All anyone could hear was the sound of the two swords clashing with each other.
“I can’t watch this,”Han Sung said, hiding behind Sun Woo’s shoulder.
You could tell that the princess learned martial arts at a young age, too. She was good. Whatever the result, it would be fair. Out of all the opponents you faced, she was the toughest yet.
Avoiding her sword was easy as first, but as seconds went on, your own sword started to feel heavy in your hands. The sweat from your palm was making you lose grip in your sword. You hit Princess Seokmyung’s sword back and watched her grit her own teeth. You took the chance to breathe for a second as she also tried to regain control. Exhaustion hit both of you.
“We don’t have to fight, Your Highness,” you tried to reason.
The princess paused as if she was reconsidering the whole thing, but you heard a few of the guys on the sidelines cheer you on. The princess frowned and brought her sword up again. “I’ll let you know when we don’t have to fight any longer.”
As if ignited by a new fire, the princess pointed her sword at you and started to charge. Your quick reflex blocked the sword right away, but the princess continuously attacked you, pushing you back. Again and again she went until your hand couldn’t hold onto your weapon any longer, and it was knocked out.
Your sword clattered on the ground right next to you. “(Y/N)!” you heard a few voice cry out. You glanced down, thinking of how you were going to pick it back up since you were at a disadvantage. Princess Seokmyung swung her sword in front of you.
“Huh. Guess you weren’t as great as people were making you out to be,” the princess scoffed as if she’d already won. She took the moment to look away from you and at the other Hwarangs. “This is exactly how it’ll be outside. Don’t take your training lightly.”
In that same time, you took it as your moment to quickly retrieve your sword. From the side of your eyes, the princess caught you immediately and slashed her sword against your skin as you did to hers. Master Wi Hwa stepped in. “That will be enough!”
Feeling a pain on your right arm, you grimaced and pulled your sleeve up to reveal a cut. You looked up at the princess and found her doing the same. You exhaled, thanking that it was over though you were still afraid of what would happen next. Princess Seokmyung made eye contact with you. Everyone else stayed silent. Master Wi Hwa was about to say a word when the princess made her own words heard first. “Not many people are lucky enough to land a hit on me,” she said, looking at the blood on herself. Sure, she was jealous of you and the relationships you had with everyone at Hwarang House. The princess herself barely had any friends. Even the brother she was supposed to know, she had never even seen his face. Looking back at you, the princess knew it wouldn’t be right to remove you. “You have proven yourself, (Y/N).” She then called her servant to be take her back to the palace to be treated by the doctor of the Royal Family.
As she walked away, you bowed down to her. “Thank you, Your Highness.”
You watched her walk out of the Hwarang House. Once she disappeared, cheers surrounded you, and you were smothered in your close friends’ hugs. “Wait, wait!” you heard a female voice yell louder as it got closer to you. Ah Ro pulled the males away from you and took you out of the circle. She glared at the men. “Miss (Y/N) is hurt. I need to take care of her first.”
Smiling, you followed Ah Ro into her room and sat down. She sat right next to you and started to treat you right away. “You continue to amaze me, (Y/N),” Ah Ro said. “Even though I was standing quite far, I was so nervous watching you fighting with Her Highness. I’ll never be able to figure out why you enjoy combat so much! You should just learn sewing. I can teach you.”
You laughed. “I was scared, too. I’m just glad it ended okay.”
Ah Ro almost finished bandaging your wound when a knock appeared at the door. When you looked to see who was at the door, to your surprise, you found Ban Ryu standing. “Ban Ryu...” you said.
“I can finish for you Miss Ah Ro.” Ban Ryu walked into the room. Ah Ro had a look of confusion on her face at first but then stood up from her chair.
“Oh, y-yes. Thank you. I was going to go look for my brother anyway.” She handed Ba Ryu the bandages and then looked at you. “I’ll be right back, Miss (Y/N).”
When Ah Ro left, you didn’t know where to look. For some reason, it felt kind of embarassing to look at Ban Ryu. He took Ah Ro’s seat and continued to wrap the cloth around your arm quietly. You gulped, and licked your lips, finding it quite difficult to breathe. This was the closest you’ve ever been to him. You even felt his hand brush softly against your arm. What were you supposed to say to him? “What you did was really stupid today,” Ban Ryu said once he tied the bandage together so that’ll stay in place.
“Going against the princess?” Ban Ryu looked at you, but instead of the intense look he usually showed, his eyes were softer. “It was very stupid.”
“What was I supposed to do? I know everyone keeps wanting me to go, but-”
“You didn’t let me finish,” Ban Ryu told you. He took a breath. “Stupid... but brave. Sort of attractive.”
“Anyway, in a way, I don’t think I can do what you did. Everyone knows I have it tough with my stepfather. Whatever he says, I do. I follow his words and don’t ever think about doing otherwise. I just... I just wished you didn’t get hurt while doing so, (Y/N).”
You brushed the bandage on your arm. “It hurts, but it would’ve probably hurt me even more if I didn’t do anything. Before, I wanted to do things my way and make it easy for myself, training by myself at home. What kind of life would it be if things just came easy? Things will be tough, dirt and all. If I can stand all of the tough things that come my way, I’ll be rewarded with a lot of light in my life. I can grow to be more than just a daughter of a True Bone.”
Soil, water, sunlight - you needed them all.
A slight small smile appeared on Ban Ryu’s face. He nodded his head and stood up, getting ready to leave. Before that, he turned back and called your name. “Yes?”
This time, Ban Ryu avoided your eyes. “Well, you know how we’re free to go back home tomorrow? If you want, we can leave Hwarang House tomorrow. Maybe go to Okta? Anywhere, really.”
You smiled. “I’d really like that. Thank you for asking, Ban Ryu.”
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whispersatdawn · 7 years
A Flower’s Path | Pt. 2
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GIF Credit to: ygo-gx​
Pt. 1 | Pt. 3
Pairing: Ban Ryu (Do Ji Han) X Reader
Genre: angst, coming-of-age, slight!romance
Word Count: 2,719
Request: Hi! For the Hwarang scenarios, what about one where you are a great enough fighter that you are asked to be the ONLY female hwarang (but against your will). Once inside, Ban Ryu is constantly complaining about how you shouldn’t be there and how it’s a disgrace for a woman to be in the Hwarang house. The two of you keep bashing heads bc even though you didn’t want to be there, you weren’t going to take that from him. Once the princess gets there she gets jealous that most of the hwarang gets close with the female hwarang and tries to get rid of her. - @starbooks13
Ban Ryu’s irritation resonated through the whole room, and it felt like the temperature dropped. The frigid air almost matched the iciness in his eyes. Your hands tightened by your side. You did not like the way he spoke about you nor were you going to allow those words to leave his mouth again. “If one is able to improve Hwarang, then I am willing to bend the rules a little, whether that help be a man or a woman, Ban Ryu,” Master Wi Hwa said. “It is no different than allowing a half-blood like Sun Woo or one of royal blood like you in this household. None of those things will matter here. As for the upset officials, I cannot help with what their sons lacked. (Y/N) will be staying as the queen ordered.”
“You must be intimidated.”
Hearing your voice, the other Hwarangs turned to you, eyes wide. Ban Ryu narrowed his eyes. “What?” 
“Doesn’t Park Young Sil despise Her Majesty? So, why would he have his adoptive son join Hwarang unless there was an ulterior motive? Is there? Don’t think that I am not aware of your stance on the formation of Hwarang either, Ban Ryu. If you don’t like such idea, what bothers you so much about me being here then? Other than me being a lady.”
You crossed your arms, waiting for a counterargument. Ban Ryu’s jaw clenched, and his brows furrowed. He started to open his mouth again to bite back when Master Wi Hwa immediately cut off the quarrel. “Enough. Both of you,” he ordered sternly. The chief instructor glanced over at you. “Go see Miss Ah Ro for your uniform right now and return for training.”
You were the first one to end the glaring competition between you and the other angry royal blood, knowing that your father wouldn’t be happy if he was to hear about your attempt to kill a member of Hwarang on your first day. “I shall meet with Miss Ah Ro,” you answered. You walked through the group of males, and their eyes continued to follow you. On your way out, you passed by Ban Ryu, but not without hearing him slip a quick murmur.
As soon as you stepped outside of the lesson room, you let out a loud annoyed sigh, walking to the physician’s room. “First day here and I’ve already been targeted by Ban Ryu, that jerk. I should just cut off his tongue so that he can’t say anything else. Ugh! Father, I don’t think I can do this.”
Maybe if you gave up fighting and married instead, you wouldn’t have to stay. No. Fighting was something you excelled at. Your father wanted you to use those skills for a bigger purpose. He would be so proud. Plus, if you decide to just leave, that would definitely feed Ban Ryu’s satisfaction. You’d rather die than give him that.
Landing yourself in front of what you figured to be the physician’s room, you slowly opened up the door. “Miss... Ah Ro?” When she heard your voice, Ah Ro turned to you and hurried to stand.
“Miss (Y/N)! It's been a while since we’ve last seen each other!” she exclaimed with a smile. “I was told that you would be coming to see me. Please come in.”
You smiled back and stepped into the room. You were acquainted to Ah Ro because of her well-known father from the village. Even though you had your own family physician, sometimes you preferred to see the best physician instead. During those visits, Ah Ro would occasionally be there as well, and the two of you exchanged few words.
“I am both surprised and in awe that you have chosen to become a Hwarang, Miss (Y/N). My brother told me that a woman was joining.”
“Your brother?” you asked, puzzled. Ah Ro has never mentioned a brother. You were so sure you’ve never seen anyone else besides Ah Ro and her father live together.
“Ah, yes. It is... quite a long story. I have found my long lost brother,” she said, a sincere smile appearing on her face. “His name is Sun Woo. I think-”
“The half-blood. I remember Master Wi Hwa mentioning him.”
Ah Ro nodded her head. “I hope you are able to assist him while you’re here, Miss (Y/N). My brother is always doing his own things that it can get him in trouble. He does before he thinks. He doesn’t have the best view on royal bloods, but he will definitely warm up to those he grows to care for.”
“Duly noted.”
“I am delighted that there is another lady here in the Hwarang House with me. I hope we become closer.” Ah Ro reached for something on the table, and when she held it up, you realized it was your uniform. The uniform looked similar to the male’s with a few adjustments. Instead of it being blue on the side with purple accents, yours was switched. You actually liked it.
You took the uniform from Ah Ro. “I am just as delighted that you’re here, too,” you told Ah Ro, face lighting up. “At least there’s someone here who hasn’t given me such a hard time.”
“Has someone already done so?” Ah Ro inquired.
“Yes.” A very clear image appeared in your mind. “But it’s not something I can’t handle so I am not worried. Thank you for the uniform, Ah Ro.”
“Good luck, Miss (Y/N)!”
Once you changed into your new attire and felt the new fabric on your skin, that was when your title of a “Hwarang” seemed official. The uniform itself was a display of what you stood for to everyone else, but what exactly was its meaning? Were you really a protector for the people? Or just a pawn for the queen?  “Hwarang,” you whispered to yourself. Even the name on your tongue carried quite some weight.
You gathered all of you hair to tie into a neat ponytail before heading back outside to the training area as asked. Even though you didn’t want to admit it, the number of males around intimidated you. There was not a single person that you considered yourself close with. You knew most of the family they came from, but to answer about their personal lives would be quite difficult. Scanning the group, you tried to find at least one person to stand next to.
Just then, there was a small tap on your shoulder and a voice that called your name, “(Y/N).” You turned around to find Soo Ho.
“Oh, Soo Ho!” you replied, letting out a small gasp of surprise. You had no idea he would approach you. “I haven’t seen you since you joined the group. It is nice to see you again. My father kept going on how I should stick with you once I got in here, haha.”
Soo Ho chuckled. “Is that so? My father also told me that I should help you as much as I can with your first few days here. I doubt you’ll need my help though. Still, I am here if you need anything. Come on, I’ll take you to some of the other people that I'm close to here.”
You followed behind Soo Ho until he stopped in front of his friends. “(Y/N), I’m sure you know some of them already,” Soo Ho said.
Looking around, you nodded.
“Wow, you look really cool, (Y/N)!” Han Sung exclaimed. “You already fit right in with us! Don’t you think so Yeo Wool?” Yeo Wool, who was standing right next to Han Sung, nodded his head in approval.
The compliment made your cheeks flush a little. “Thank you,” you said before turning to face the fighting equipment. “So, how does training work around here? Do we just pick up a weapon and find someone to fight?”
“Sounds like someone’s a little eager for combat,” Ji Dwi said, a look of amusement in his eyes. “That usually is it, but the instructor usually tells us what we’ll be doing until dinner. What? Are you a little fired up from your little argument a while ago?”
You rolled your eyes, groaning. “Please don’t remind me.”
“I bet money that (Y/N) will win if she actually fights with Ban Ryu. I’ve seen her before. I’m glad she put that jerk in his spot today,” Soo Ho said confidently.
You couldn’t help but laugh until you felt a rough bump against your shoulder, pushing your body back. The laugh immediately stopped, and you shot a glare at the culprit. “Speak of the devil,” you muttered under your breath.
After taking a deep breath, you tried your best to remain calm. “You should really watch where you’re going,” you told Ban Ryu.
“You should really watch where you’re standing, princess” he said in retaliation. “Like I said, if you can’t handle what goes on here, it’s not the place for you.” Ban Ryu proceeded to walk away, standing a few feet in front of you.
In your head, you cursed him many times. You couldn’t understand how mighty he walked around when words like that left his mouth. “I really hate him,” Han Sung huffed, crossing his arms. You agreed.
A loud gong rang out. You straightened up at the sound, signaling for attention and watched the instructor walk out. “Today, we shall practice with knives. I’ll teach you the basics in how to avoid a knife as well as how to fight without a weapon when you’re up against an opponent with a knife. Afterwards, you will take turns practicing with a partner. Do well and we’ll finish early.”
Partner, you thought to yourself. Anyone but him, please.
Your faith in the heavens became stronger. You ended up pairing with Ah Ro’s brother during practice. While you both went over the moves, you caught some ill-mannered guys loudly talking about how you and Sun Woo were great matches with each other.
“Isn’t (Y/N) great at fighting though?”
“Come on. How great can she be? Probably good for a girl but she’s nothing compared to us. Then there’s Sun Woo. He can barely fight.”
You wanted so bad to talk back, but you didn’t want them to ruin training time for you at all. Maybe there’ll be a day for you to teach them a lesson. “Don’t worry about them,” Sun Woo said as he continued to dodge your attacks.
You swiped your knife to the half blood’s left, hitting air when he moved away. “I’m not worried about them,” you promised. “You shouldn’t be either. Focus on my moves.”
“I don’t wanna sound rude,” Sun Woo said, dodging another of your strikes, “but are you really good at fighting? I mean, you must be since the queen brought you in. Everyone is saying something, but I haven’t seen it for myself yet. I’m quite curious.”
You smirked. The sun was beating down in the late afternoon. You noticed the sweat on Sun Woo’s face. He was breathing heavily as he tried to keep up. “You wanna know a secret, Sun Woo?”
“I’m going easy on you.”
“What?! This is you going easy on me?!”
A little more than a week in the Hwarang House later, you finally started to get the hang of things. You would eat meals with Soo Ho, Ji Dwi, Han Sung, Yeo Wool and Sun Woo. During the break times, you would sometime go visit Ah Ro. Training was still your favorite time of the day. The insults lessened when the instructor started one-on-one sparring, and you were up against the fools who spoke badly about you, putting them in their place. Having been humiliated, they didn’t say anything bad to you anymore.
Ban Ryu still took jibes at you whenever he found a chance, and you would always counter. Even Master Wi Hwa was getting tired of the altercations. A few days ago, both of you had to go in town to retrieve some medicine for Ah Ro while she tended an injured Hwarang. Master Wi Hwa thought it would help the two of you reconcile, but you two clashed walking all the way back. Therefore, Master Wi Hwa pledged to never allow the both of you to go out in public together ever again.
After training for the day, you made your way to the bathhouse. While the rest of the Hwarangs were assigned to showers after dinner, yours was before. You hated sweat sticking onto you while you ate. The stench along with it wasn’t pleasant, either. You didn’t know how the men did it. You soon found the doors to the bathhouse and pushed it open. “Hello?” you called to make sure the room was empty. When no response returned, you closed the doors behind you and undressed.
Warm waters ran down from your hair all the way to your toes. Stress went away, and you let out a long sigh. You couldn’t wait to visit home in a few days. Father would most likely want updates, and you wanted to let Soonja know how you were managing, too.
You were letting the water wash all of the soap suds away on your body when you thought you heard footsteps from outside of the bathhouse. Wiping the water from your eyes and lowering the strength of the shower head, you stopped to listen to the noise outside.
As you figured, they were indeed footsteps. “What in the world?” you said to yourself. No one was allowed to be around the bathhouse at this time except for you. You froze, suddenly realizing that anyone could be outside right now. You looked down at your naked body, a million thoughts running through your head. The showers had covers on both sides of you, so whoever walked in wouldn’t be able to see anything other than your face. Still, that didn’t help you feel any better.
Your eyes pinned to the door, waiting on any movement. The door started to shake a bit. Your felt your hairs stand up. I’m going to kill whoever walks in, you thought to yourself. You thought of yelling to let the person on the other side know that you were already occupying the bathhouse, but it was too late.
The door opened, and as soon as you met eyes with the intruder, you let out a scream. “Ahhh!”
“Ahhh!” A deep voice screamed back at you.
Ban Ryu quickly covered his eyes while you shielded your body with your arms. “What are you doing here?! You’re not supposed to be in here! Get out you pervert!”
You were pretty sure your face was red from embarrassment, and so was Ban Ryu’s because he immediately shut the door closed. You could hear his quick footsteps leaving the bathhouse. You turned off the water and hurried to dress back in your uniform.
It was time for dinner, and you made it to the entrance. You looked in the dining hall to find your group of friends. As your eyes searched, you found Ban Ryu sitting at a table with his group. At the same time, Ban Ryu glanced up and saw you standing outside the door. His eye widened, and he started to cough, surprising everyone at that table. “Ban Ryu, are you okay?! Drink some water.”
You felt your cheeks heat. You rushed inside to get your tray of food and sat at your table. The minute you sat down, you began to stuff yourself with spoonfuls of rice. “Slow down over there or you’ll choke,” Sun Woo deadpanned, looking over at you as he paced his own eating.
“(Y/N) is probably just hungry. She’s eating well, and I think she looks pretty like that.” Han Sung beamed. “(Y/N) looks like a cute chipmunk with her cheeks puffing out when she eats.”
“No... she’s definitely going to choke if she doesn’t slow down,” Ji Dwi said, agreeing with Sun Woo.
“Anyway, what do you think about the princess coming to see us?” Soo Ho brought up. “She’s coming in two days, and no one has any idea why.”
“It’s probably not a good one,” Ji Dwi mumbled.
Yeo Wool shook his head. “I, for one, actually think it may be interesting. What do you think, (Y/N)?”
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