#moo myung scenario
whispersatdawn · 7 years
Out of All the Stars
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GIF Credit to: ygo-gx​
Pairing: Moo Myung/Sun Woo (Park Seo Joon) X Reader
Genre: angst & fluff
Word Count: 3,666 (omg idk how i feel about this number)
Request: A scenario with Sun Woo, where the reader likes him and is always around him and trying to get his attention, but he only ever pays attention to Ah Ro (He basically friendzoned the reader) so when she gives up and stops trying to get close to him, like she doesn't walk with him or says hi, he realizes what he did and goes to the reader? - anonymous
Seeing a group of young men in uniforms crossing the bridge, you squinted your eyes for sight of the one person you were waiting for all morning. He was someone special to you, and ever since the formation of Hwarang, you didn’t meet him as often as you liked. Although he wasn’t with you most of the time, you thought of him at least once every single day.
It was only after most of the elites walked passed you that you finally spotted that person behind. With your hands waving excitedly up in the air, you called his name, “Sun Woo! Sun Woo! Over here!”
When he heard your voice, Sun Woo looked over in your direction and grinned, waving back at you. Your heart melted. He looked so handsome. It reminded you of the first time you found him at Okta. Your friends had invited you to hear Ah Ro’s storytelling, and you agreed to tag along. For some reason, a fight broke out, and Sun Woo appeared, getting in between to stop the fight. Watching him made your heart beat a little faster. Curious about who he was, you asked around, and no one knew at the time. They’ve never seen him until that night. Later, some of your friends told you that Sun Woo was actually Ah Ro’s brother, but you were quite skeptical. Something about their relationship didn’t make sense to you.
You met Sun Woo a few times afterwards at Ah Ro’s home when your mother would have you go around Seorabeol to run errands, including getting medicine from Ah Ro’s place. As soon as you found out that Sun Woo stayed there, you usually stuck around for a little longer than you needed to in order to talk to him. You wanted to get to know him more and because of the extra time, the both of you grew closer, becoming great friends.
Before he was admitted to become a Hwarang, the days that he was still home, there were times when the two of you would go on walks together in the early morning, right when the sun would peek out from the horizon. It was your favorite thing to look forward to, and maybe Sun Woo found it easy to trust you. You weren’t sure yourself. Surprisingly, one of those days, Sun Woo confessed that he wasn’t Ah Ro’s brother at all.
He thought he was going to have to keep it a secret from everyone for as long as he lived. You were the first friend that he made after Ah Ro’s real brother was killed, and Sun Woo didn’t have the heart to keep that secret from you. Even Ah Ro herself didn’t know that, so now you had to keep that secret for as long as you lived.
“Are you going to wait for me every time I come back to Seorabeol, (Y/N)?” Sun Woo asked with a smile as he approached you.
“I want to be the first face you see after staying in the Hwarang House,” you said. “How long are you staying in the village this time before going back?”
Sun Woo thought about it and raised up the number of fingers. “Three days.”
Three days, you thought. You had three days to spend with Sun Woo before he had to return to the Hwarang House. “Are you hungry? I didn’t eat yet. We should go eat together!”
“Thank goodness. I’m starving,” Sun Woo groaned, patting his stomach. He glanced behind him before looking back at you. “I’m sure Ah Ro is hungry, too. She’s a little slow, but she’ll be here soon. The three of us can go get lunch.”
You blinked, registering his words a second late before you accidentally blurted out, “What?”
As much as you liked Ah Ro, you weren’t sure how to answer since you had actually planned for only you and Sun Woo to go to the nearby restaurant. Still, you knew that there would be a chance that Sun Woo wouldn’t agree to go with you if Ah Ro wasn’t with him. He usually stuck around her like glue. Instead of refusing like you secretly wanted, you mustered the most animated smile you could manage. “Oh. Yeah! Sure. The three of us can go.”
I think I’m going to have indigestion, you thought to yourself as you watched the scene in front of you unfold. Sun Woo continued to place side dishes into Ah Ro’s rice bowl, encouraging her to eat a lot. You didn’t know which was worst - if Sun Woo was or wasn’t related to Ah Ro. As a brother or a lover, he still cared for Ah Ro a lot. You couldn’t help but feel like an outsider between them. Glancing down at Sun Woo’s bowl, you found that his was still full. He was too busy trying to feed Ah Ro, that he wasn’t even eating himself.
With your pair of chopsticks, you picked up some meat and piled them onto Sun Woo’s rice. “Eat,” you said, before looking away from the two and poking your own bowl.
“Yeah, Sun Woo. I can feed myself,” Ah Ro assured. “You need to eat, too. Stop letting (Y/N) take care of you like a baby.”
“(Y/N) isn’t like a mom taking care of a baby.” Sun Woo hummed in thought and then snapped his fingers, pointing at you with a mischievous smile. “She’s more of a servant taking care of a king?”
“King, my-” You grabbed your spoon and used the back of it to hit Sun Woo’s head. He let out a yelp, rubbing the same spot the spoon landed. Ah Ro burst into laughter.
“Serves you right,” you and Ah Ro teased in unison.
“Wow, (Y/N). I was going to introduce you to some of my friends at Okta later tonight, but you can forget it,” Sun Woo murmured.
“I’m not interested in any of your friends, Sun Woo,” you said, rolling your eyes. “I barely even go to Okta. Besides, I have to help my mother with some sewing. If anything, if there is time at night, I’ll stop by Sutabaksu for tea.”
“Oh? We should go for tea together, (Y/N),” Ah Ro said.
Sun Woo was taken aback. “Wait, Ah Ro. Weren’t you going to do some storytelling at Okta? That’s the only reason I had agreed to go to Okta with Soo Ho and Yeo Wool in the first place.”
Of course it was.
“Well, I don’t know... I think I’d rather have tea...”
You shared a nervous laugh. You knew that if Ah Ro joined you, Sun Woo would follow. As much as you would’ve liked to see Sun Woo again, the feeling of you sitting around while he and Ah Ro were together made you a little uncomfortable. “Actually, it’s not a sure thing. My mother will be needing a lot of help, so I might not even go.”
Sun Woo knocked Ah Ro on the head lightly with his knuckles. “If you don’t want to Okta, you and I can go to Sutabaksu together then.”
You definitely weren’t feeling hungry anymore.
“What about Soo Ho and Yeo Wool?”
Quickly, you stood up from the table, causing the other two to look up at you, confused. You smiled uneasily. “Sorry. I still have to head to the market to pick up some things before heading home. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay?”
You started to reach for your small coin pouch to pay when Sun Woo stopped you by reaching for your hand. When he touched you, you felt your whole face start to heat. “Don’t worry, (Y/N). You can go ahead. I got it.”
“Thank you,” you mumbled, shyly.
Sun Woo smiled. “And we shall meet tomorrow, correct? Early in the morning?”
“Of course.” You nodded your head. Waving goodbye to Sun Woo and Ah Ro, you hurried out of the restaurant, catching a breath.
When evening came, you were already sitting in the middle of the room with your mother, various fabrics laid around the two of you. You started on a new attire when you looked over at your mom who was working at a very experienced pace. “Oooh, Mother. That hanbok is looking very pretty. I’m sure a lot of maidens around here will like it,” you praised.
“It’s for you, dear,” your mother answered. She stopped working the needle and looked over at you with a warm smile. “Did you go see the boy you like again today?”
You let out a laugh. “Mother...”
“What? It’s not like you were talking about him a million times and every time the Hwarangs come back to the village,” she teased.
“Yes, I did see him. Just for a little bit.”
“If you like him, you should let him know.”
You push the fabrics aside and spread your body out on the floor, head on top of your mother’s lap. With a sigh, you replied, “I’m with him every chance I get. I deliver what seems to be the most obvious clues. How is it that he never figures any of them out? He may have affection for another lady.”
Your mother brushed the stray hairs in front of your face back. “Unless he says so himself that there is another in his heart, I think it is wrong for my beautiful daughter to give up. You just never know when it comes to love.”
“I don’t know about love, but I just know that I really really really have feelings for him.”
“You mother has a suggestion. How about when you go on your morning walk with the fine young man tomorrow, you wear this hanbok? Also, that hairpiece that you really like? You’ll look even more beautiful.”
“Am I not beautiful now, Mother?” you whined, feigning hurt.
With a lighthearted laugh, your mother softly slapped your arm, gesturing you to sit up straight and get back to work. Your heart jumped with joy, ready for the next morning with you and just Sun Woo.
Rising even earlier than usual, you put on the soft light blue hanbok that your mother had laid out last night. The dress fit you perfectly. You gathered the top half of your hair and turned it into a bun, sticking your favorite floral hairpin to secure. With your mother still sleeping soundly, you quietly ambled out to the door and slid the door closed behind you.
The sun wasn’t out until a short time later, so the morning air around you was quite chilly. You sat out on the large low table outside of your home, waiting for Sun Woo to come by like he always did. Where should we walk to today? The lake nearby the castle? Maybe we could walk to Dayiseo to shop afterwards?
“Where is he?” you asked moments later when Sun Woo had still yet to show up at his usual time. “Don’t tell me he is still asleep...”
You looked across your view. The dark blue sky was slowly being replaced with a lighter blue, and the slight yellow-orange of the sun was starting to poke out. Deciding not to wait any longer, you stood up and headed for Ah Ro’s home.
By the time you arrived, the half of the sun was visible. You noticed that no one was outside. Just then, the door opened, and Ah Ro’s father stepped out. “Oh, (Y/N),” the physician greeted, a little surprised. “You’ve come to pick up medicine early today?”
You shook your head politely. “Oh no, Ah Ro’s father. I actually came for Sun Woo... Is he here?”
“Ah, Sun Woo. No, Sun Woo isn’t here. He and Ah Ro just went to the market to get some things for dinner later tonight. They might come back soon, so you can wait for them if you’d like.”
“That’s fine, sir. I actually have somewhere to go, too. I thought Sun Woo would be here, so I wanted to talk to him first. But I’ll just come back some time later. Thank you.”
Instead of going on a morning walk with Sun Woo as you planned, you ended up walking by yourself. You couldn’t help but be mad at Sun Woo. If he didn’t want to go with you, he could’ve just said so. That was way better than you having to going to him yourself and finding out he was with Ah Ro. Even with your bad mood, you tried to enjoy your walk. The birds in the trees chirped on your way to the lake. You looked out to see the sun reflected onto the still water. That helped calm you down.
“i bet if I jumped into the lake, he still would have eyes only for Ah Ro,” you said to no one in particular.
“True. I only have only eyes for Ah Ro.”
Not expecting an answer back, you jumped at the voice that replied to you. Once you saw the familiar face, you placed a hand on your heart and became mad again. “Hey! You scared me! Why would you do that?! Crazy!”
“Crazy?” Ji Dwi chuckled, amused. “I’m not the one talking to myself.”
“Not funny.”
Ji Dwi shrugged, taking place right next to you, sharing you view of the pretty lake. “Are you really thinking of jumping?”
“Then I’d really be crazy,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“Aren’t you supposed to be with Sun Woo right now?” Ji Dwi asked. You shot him a look, and it was like a light bulb lit above his head. “Oh... I see.” He nudged your arm. “See, this is why you shouldn't have abandoned me and been all over him. You’re basically doing to me what he’s doing to you.”
“What? Do you like me?” you deadpanned.
“Oh, shivers just went up my spine!” Ji Dwi exclaimed as he rubbed his arms. “You can’t just go around saying things like that. I like you as a friend and you will ever only be a companion to me, (Y/N).”
“Likewise, friend,” you said. “See, when you refer to me as a friend, I have no feelings towards you. When Sun Woo does it...”
You sighed and let out a frustrated noise. Ji Dwi stood and laughed at your actions. “Okay. From today onward, I am going to ignore Sun Woo. I have put in all this effort just to be called a friend, so I am done.”
“I don’t know!” you admitted. “But I’m going to put in as much effort to avoiding him at all costs. No more morning walks or anything like that.” Without saying a word of goodbye to Ji Dwi, you marched on, starting the day determinedly by yourself.
Instead of returning home for breakfast with your mother, you decided to go to the restaurant for your meal. You knew if Sun Woo remembered his meeting with you, he would be either waiting for you at your place or at the lake. Or still with Ah Ro. Either way, you didn’t want to see him.
Most of the day, you were out in the village, entering and leaving of stores. Dayiseo was really popular, so you always stopped in there. You were looking at the newly made hairpins when a familiar voice entered the store. You froze before looking near the entrance. Sun Woo! You hurried and returned the hairpin where it belonged. With your heart thumping in your chest, shocked, you rushed out of the store in hopes he didn’t see you.
“(Y/N)?” Sun Woo said when he spotted a figure that looked just like you dart out of Dayiseo. He tilted his head, unsure whether it was you or not. If it was, why were you running away instead of saying hello like you always did? Must not be her, Sun Woo thought. He was about to forget about it all until he remembered something else that he forgot. His eyes widened. “Oh no.”
You were able to avoid Sun Woo for the rest of the day. You stayed home. He did come by, but thankfully, your mother told him that you were out with some friends the whole day. Maybe it was better that you didn’t stick around Sun Woo and Ah Ro. That would mean you wouldn’t hurt your own feelings. Were you though? Were you protecting your heart by trying to cut ties? How did you know it wasn’t going to hurt you more?
Since you figured you wouldn’t go on morning walks any longer, you decided to sleep in a little longer. Only, your mother ended waking you up anyway. “(Y/N), it is rude if you let him stay outside to wait for you. Either you talk to him or send him home.”
“Can’t you do it, Mother?”
“I’m sure he deserves to at least hear it from you. Dear. He’s returning to the Hwarang House tomorrow. The things that need to be taken care of today.... they need to be taken care of today so wake up.”
You let out a tired groan, rolling out of your mattress.
“Go home,” you said with a frown as soon as you stepped outside.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N)! I really am. I didn’t mean to forget about yesterday. Can we please talk somewhere else?” Sun Woo asked desperately.
“Mother,” you turned around and called. “It’s not working! He’s not leaving!”
“(Y/N), please.”
“You’re not sorry. How could you be sorry when you forgot to meet with me so that you could spend time with your Ah Ro?”
“It wasn’t even like that. Her father asked for some things at the market, and I thought it was a lot. I wanted to give her a hand or else she’d be carrying heavy bags by herself. I thought you’d understand and at least forgive me for that little thing, (Y/N).”
“Well, I don’t, Sun Woo! Because I have always let all those little things go. You know who wakes up every morning just to be with you? I do. You know who takes you home from Okta whenever you get drunk? I do. Because Ah Ro was always still telling her stories. You know who waits for you every time you comeback from the Hwarang House? I do. You know who gives you attention whenever Ah Ro doesn’t? I do.”
You bit your bottom lip back, what you usually do to stop tears. Sun Woo watched you silently.
“You know what you did whenever I invite you to go somewhere with me? Go to Ah Ro. Okta? You drink for Ah Ro. Dayiseo? You buy things for Ah Ro.”
You blinked the first few tears away, looking away from Sun Woo.
“I know. I know you never asked me to do any of the things I do, Sun Woo. The reason why I do it is because I like you.” You took a breath before exhaling, shakily, “I like you, fool. But you probably do the things for Ah Ro because you have affection for her. So, please... please let me know if you have feelings for her so that I know to stop mine for you.”
Wiping you tears away, you turned around, embarrassed to have him see you crying.
“Please go home, Sun Woo...”
When you heard the footsteps behind you move farther and farther from your home, you couldn’t help but break into a sob. Your mother opened up the door and walked over to you. She wrapped her arms around you and pet your hair. “Oh, (Y/N). My beautiful daughter.”
The way stars twinkled in the night sky always left people in awe. There were millions and millions of them lighting up, flickering as if they were sending some kind of message. As you laid outside on the large low table in front of your home, you continued to watch the stars. “Make sure you come inside soon before you catch a cold, (Y/N),” your mother said from inside.
“Yes, Mother.”
You began to sit up when you found someone standing in front of your home’s entrance. Sun Woo slowly walked towards you, closing the space between you two. “Can I sit?” he asked.
You nodded your head, and he took the seat next to you. You looked at him. “Why are you here?”
“To apologize. I realized I really didn’t apologize earlier, and I wanted to do it before tomorrow... I’m sorry, (Y/N). Ah Ro... I have no feelings for her. I mean, I do, but it’s not the way you think. I don’t know how to explain it. I care for her a lot, and it feels like I have to take care of her a lot. Ever since her real brother... I feel like I owe him at least that. He can’t be there for her, so I should.”
“How do you know that you’re just not making that as an excuse because you actually like her?” you asked, still unable to make eye contact with him.
“Because after you yelled at me and made me go home, I spent that time thinking. I guess that helped because I figured some things out.”
“Like what?”
Sun Woo hands reached out hesitantly at first, but then he gathered courage and held one of your hands. He smiled.
“My heart went towards someone. It told me, ‘no one but her.’ Even when she’s not the nice to look at when she’s crying, it can’t be anyone but her.“
He placed his other hand on top of yours. Not only was your hand warm, but you were so sure your face was once again.
“I know I messed up, but please let me make it up to you, (Y/N). I leave tomorrow, but when I come back, I’ll treat you better than a queen.”
You glanced up at the sky, watching the stars twinkle.
With a smile, you replied, “I’ll be waiting for you near the bridge, as always.”
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join-hwarang · 8 years
Defense (Hwarang Scenarios)
Summary of Request: teaching their child(ren) defense moves
Gifs are not mine, credit to owners 
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 
Moo Myung (Sun Woo): Boy/Girl
Child: “Appa what is the point in teaching me this?”
Moo Myung: “That way you can protect yourself and you mother when I’m not here.”
Child: “That will never happen, right appa?”
Moo Myung: “Let’s hope not.”
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Sam Maek: Girl
Sam Maek: “See this way you can keep boys away.”
Child: “But, appa how will I find a boyfriend, if I keep them away?”
Sam Maek: “Nuh uh no boyfriends!”
Child: “Appa!”
Sam Maek: “No no, I have to protect my princess from those evil men, you are my little girl I can’t have anything happening to you.”
Child: “Oh appa” *hugs him tightly*
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Soo Ho: 2 Boys
Soo Ho: “So you have to hold them in place like this.”
Boy 1: “Like this appa?”
Soo Ho: “Yes, so then you-” *accidentally knocks down a vase*
Boy 2: *gasps*
Boy 1: *laughing*
Soo Ho: “Don’t tell your eomma.”
*you enter your home at that moment*
Y/N: “Don’t tell me what?”
Both kids: “Appa broke a vase!”
Soo Ho: “I can’t even trust my own children.”
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Ban Ryu: Boy/Girl
Child: “I’m tired appa.”
Ban Ryu: “Come on, a few more times.”
 Ban Ryu: “I have to keep you safe” *thinks to himself*
*watches as his child continues to practice moves, smiling proudly on how far they have come*
Child: “Was that okay?”
Ban Ryu: “It was perfect C/N, let’s go home, your eomma is waiting for us for dinner.” *nodding and smiling*
Child: “Food!” 
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Han Sung: Boy/Girl
Child: “Appa I thought you said you we’re going to teach me defense moves not dances moves.”
Han Sung: “I know, but look how nice your appa dances!”
Child: “Aish appa.”
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Yeo Wool: 2 children Girls/Boys/Both
Yeo Wool: “Aish, what will your mother say about this mess?”
*he looks around the messy room with both your children running around*
Y/N: “What happened in here?!”
Children: “Uh oh, appa you’re in trouble!”
Yeo Wool: “Why you little.”
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🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
Disclaimer: I will be using some scenes from the series, but they will not be following the plot of the actual episode unless requested so. Also, I apologize for any mistakes when using some parts of the episodes if the translation is correct.
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armyvetswife · 6 years
My 2 cents worth on Kdramas
So, earlier this year (2018) my 12-year-old granddaughter turned me on to Kdramas.
Started out with 'Boys over Flowers' in January and we're still arguing about which one of the guys Jan-Di should have ended up with....Gu Jun-Pyo or Yoon Ji-Hoo. Since I'm a sucker for the whole Soul Mate thing (been married to my own soul mate for over 30 years) and Ji-Hoo became my favorite right from the start, I actually wasn't too happy with the way things turned out in the end.
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But that's all beside the point and the only thing that matters is that it only took this one series to get me completely and absolutely "hooked" on Kdramas.
Since Kim Hyun Joong became my first favorite as Ji-Hoo, I started looking up other parts he starred in and came across 'Inspiring Generation'. Wow! What a difference! The character of Shin Jung-Tae is just about as opposite of Ji-Hoo as it can possibly get. But I guess that's what makes a truly great actor, and Kim Hyun Joong was simply amazing playing the part....even though it bothered me to see that handsome face getting beat up way too much.
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But then it was also 'Inspiring Generation' where I found what would become my next favorite...Song Jae Rim, in the character of Mo Il-Hwa.
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I can't quite pinpoint what it was that endeared me to that part, but of course I had to once again look for other Kdramas, featuring Song Jae Rim. And that's when I came across 'Moon embracing the Sun' with Song Jae Rim as the King's swordsman, Woon.
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Absolutely loved Jae Rim in that part and still do, even after having watched the entire series about a dozen times by now. I also liked Song Jae Rim in 'Goodbye Mr. Black', even though his wasn't a main character role, but didn't care much for the part of a hitman/killer Mr. Kim he played in 'Two Weeks' since I really don't like my favs playing "bad guys". Of course, watching 'Two Weeks' made me find another new favorite...Lee Joon Gi
Okay, so I just said I don't like my favs playing "bad guys", but the main character, Jang Tae-San, isn't really a bad "bad guy" and if that story doesn't tear up your heart, then you better check if you still have one.
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I actually had to do something I usually NEVER do...about half-way through the series I had to watch the final episode to see how it turns out, just so my old nerves could take watching the rest of the story. Yeah, I know...terrible, isn't it? Don't worry, I got more than an earful about it from my granddaughter, and I promise to never do it again! ;)
But while I thought that it could not possibly get any better than Lee Joon Gi's performance in 'Two Weeks', I quickly found out that I was wrong when I watched 'Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo' next. OH, MY...!!! Not only is Joon Gi with long hair pure eye-candy (to me at least), but he absolutely nailed the part of Prince Wang So. 
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Ladies, how many of you were ready to strangle Wang So's mother with your bare hands. I definitely was! And what's the big deal about that scar? I guess it's because Princes had to be "perfect", but come on...  Scars are just proof that you were stronger than whatever or whoever it was that tried to kill you. And apparently back then the phrase "chicks dig scars" was unheard of. And also apparently I'm not the only one who wasn't happy at all with the way the story ended, considering there are numerous fan videos on YouTube with different, happier endings. I got more than just a little upset with Hae Soo for leaving Wang So. How could she not see that he was trying his best to NOT become some blood-thirsty tyrant??
Anyway, after only about 3 days of some serious editing work, the final episode in my own DVD collection of 'Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo' has a much happier ending now...many thanks to Daria Zyuzina who created the wonderful fan video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oj0r9zE5Le8) where Wang So finds Hae Soo in the future. And like so many other fans, I'm also still hoping for a Season 2 with this kind of scenario.
On another note to 'Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo'... aside from the despicable character of Queen Yoo (Prince Wang So's mother, who treats him like s**t), my other least-favorite character is Prince Wang Yo (Wang So's biological brother, and also a son of Queen Yoo). However, while I hated the character, actor Hong Jong Hyun did an excellent job portraying the mean, spiteful, conniving 3rd Prince. But if you're like me, you would much more enjoy seeing Hong Jong Hyun in the role of Wang Rin in 'The King in Love'
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or, even better, as Seo Chan Hwi, the vice-commander of the Royal Guard in 'Jeon Woo Chi'
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(that is, if you can get into things like wizards and magic and tolerate some occasionally slightly over-done special effects of people flying through the air and such...BUT at least in 'Jeon Woo Chi' ONLY the wizards have that ability, unlike in some of the Chinese dramas where seemingly anybody can have such super-human abilities...if you ever watched 'General and I', you might understand what I'm talking about... I couldn't make it past a trailer that had a fight scene between Chu Beijie and He Xia, but that's just me, I guess).
As far as wizards and magic are concerned, however, I did very much enjoy the ones in 'Mirror of the Witch' aka 'Secret Healer' and my favorite character there ended up being the Taoist Yo Gwang, played by Lee Yi Kyung.
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Don't ask me why, I just found him adorable (maybe because he was so awkward, dealing with the girl  Soon Deuk who clearly has a crush on him). SPOILER ALERT -- 'Mirror of the Witch' has a rather bitter-sweet ending!
I want to get back to Lee Joon Gi for a moment since I just finished the 'Lawless Lawyer' series....which is an excellent nail-biter and I had to seriously restrain myself NOT TO watch the final episode first again. If you've seen it, tell me is it just me or did you think too that Joon Gi looked too skinny in that series? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying at all that he looked "bad" in any way and his performance was awesome as usual...I just felt that he looked like he'd lost a whole bunch of weight and "celebrity life" was taking its toll on him. Kind of worries me, because I would definitely like to see him in many more future performances.
I still have some Lee Joon Gi binge-watching left over for now, since the only other movies and series I made it through so far were 'Iljimae', 'Arang and the Magistrate', 'Gunman in Joseon' and of course 'The King and the Clown' (which was way too sad for my taste). But most likely 'Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo' will always be my absolute favorite and I'll keep hoping for a 2nd season...even though that will probably just remain wishful thinking for myself and many others, but we can always hope, right?
Some of my other favs I’d like to mention would be Kwak Dong Yeon as swordsman Kim Byung-Yeon in 'Moonlight drawn by Clouds' aka 'Love in the Moonlight'
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and he also played an excellent part as young Shin Jung-Tae in 'Inspiring Generation'.
Then there is Seo In Guk for his outstanding performances as Prince Gwang-Hae in 'The King's Face'
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and also as Lee Hyun / David Lee in 'I Remember You' aka 'Hello Monster'.
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An excellent yet unfortunately somewhat overlooked performance of Kim Jae Young as Moo-Yeon in ‘100 Days my Prince’
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And last (for now) but certainly not least is Jung Il Woo whose sad role as Prince Yang-Myung in 'Moon embracing the Sun' cost me plenty of tissues,
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but required even more of them in 'The Return of Iljimae' (even though it has a happier ending for Jung Il Woo’s character)
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I'll probably get "yelled at" for saying this, but I honestly have a hard time deciding whom I liked better...Lee Joon Gi as Iljimae in 'Iljimae: The Phantom Thief', or Jung Il Woo as Iljimae in 'The Return of Iljimae'. (Sorry, Joon Gi, but be assured that you'll still always be my #1 fav).
So, thanks to my granddaughter, back to some more binge-watching...hey, I got to blame someone else for things not getting done around the house, right? ;)
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bt-es · 8 years
where the hwarang fics at
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jjongminie · 8 years
thank you for tagging me @yoongis-nipple !! <33
rules : answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
nickname: auds, aud, AJ, auderiri, riri
starsign: aquarius
height: 4′10.5 lmaooo
time right now: 7:20 p.m.
last thing googled: jhope scenarios lol
favorite music artists: BTS, GOT7, BigBang, EXO, K.A.R.D, Twice, Red Velvet, Blackpink, SHINee, Bruno Mars, Shawn Mendes, Jay Park, DEAN, Zico, Crush, Agust D, NCT, and a lot more
song stuck in your head : Zico ft. Crush & DEAN- Bermuda Triangle
last movie watched: Sing or Moana
last TV show watched: Hwarang (SUCH A GOOD DRAMA BLESS)
what are you wearing right now: pink hoodie, sweats, shirt
when did you create your blog: august 4, 2016
what kind of stuff do you post: i post mostly kpop, mainly got7 and bts, and i make mood bards, snapchat edits, and MTL’s
do you have any other blogs: i have a side blog i haven’t checked in foreveerrr
do you get asks regularly: no :”((
why did you choose your URL: bc chim chim is actually a cheeky person ;))
gender: female
hogwarts house: ravenclaw
pokemon team: TEAM MYSTIC FTWWW
favourite colour: purple, lilac, teal, light blues, baby pink, maroon
average hours of sleep: 3-5
lucky number: 25
favorite character(s): mikasa ackerman, levi ackerman, nanase haruka, matsuoka rin, sousuke yamazaki, ken kaneki, nishinoya yuu, tsukishima kei, moo myung/sun woo (hwarang), sam maek jong (hwarang), hansung rang (hwarang), karma akabane
how many blankets do you sleep with: 1 thick comforter
dream job: maybe a nurse? im not really sure yet
following: 1,759 oops
im tagging @hobi1802 @elementaljimin @pineapplecherrytree !!
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join-hwarang · 8 years
Worth (Moo Myung Imagine)
Summary of Request: You miss Moo Myung, but waiting for him to spend the day with him is worth it.
Pairings: Moo Myung x Reader
Not all my imagines will have to do with the series, so if you think how I write a character doesn’t fit their actual personality, please don’t take it seriously it will just be for the imagine.
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Gif is not mine, credit to owner.
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
•Y/N’s POV •
I sat in Pi Joo Ki’s cafe/resturant drinking some tea with my friend F/N. “How does it feel?” she asked. I sipped some of my tea and looked at her, “how does what feel?”
She scoffed a little then smiled, “you know being pregnant!” She stated enthusiastically, I couldn’t help but grin and look down at my growing stomach. “It feels nice, but it would be better if he was here.”
This he being Moo Myung, but I couldn’t blame him with Hwarang and all. “You know he had no choice, he’s doing this to protect you and his father and sister,” F/N sympathized holding the back of my hand giving me a weak smile.
“Yes, I know,” I responded rubbing my stomach. He/she has not even been born, yet he/she is already loved.
“He should be having a day off soon, but I’m not sure when” I told her resting a hand on my stomach. I sighed taking a few more sips from my tea, I really miss him. “Oh I think I have an idea when,” F/N said grinning while staring behind me.
I gave her a confused look, turning around I see Moo Myung. I grinned holding in a squeal and stood up trying to fast walk to him, but it was more like waddling.
“Moo Myung!” well there goes me trying not to squeal. I tripped over loose floor board, I could’ve fallen if it wasn’t for Moo Myung being there to catch me. “Aish you need to be more careful, the baby could’ve gotten hurt,” Moo Myung scolded me.
His tough act didn’t last long before smiling and embracing me in his arms. “I missed you,” I snuggled up to his chest. “I missed you too Y/N and I missed you as well,” he said crouching down to my stomach and giving it a short kiss.
I smiled down at him caressing his cheek, he stood back up slowly. “We should go,” he said. “But what about F/N?” I asked. “I think she’s busy,” I turned to find her and another boy from Hwarang talking. I giggled and turned back to Moo Myung, “let’s go then.”
We walked out of the cafe/resturant holding hands and heading to wherever Moo Myung wanted to go. He led us to my house, which confused me a bit, “don’t you want to be somewhere else?”
“I just want to spend the day with you and our child,” he said placing a bit of hair behind my ear.
We walked into my house, we walked into my rooms and laid down on the bed, him laying down more near my stomach. “This is what you want to do all day?” I asked him. “Yes,” he responded rubbing my stomach softly giving it a few kisses here and there.
“I promise to protect you and your eomma,” he mumbled to my stomach. I know he isn’t here all the time, but it’s days like these that make it worth the wait.
I felt tears starting to run down my face, but happy tears. I tried to dry them off quickly before Moo Myung noticed, but I guess I wasn’t quick enough. “Why are you crying Y/N? I know I’m not here all the time, but I love you, please don’t be sad,” he quickly got up and moved closer to my face drying off my tears.
I laughed slightly grabbing a hold of his hand, “I’m not upset, I’m happy because I was just thinking how these days are worth waiting for and how you’ll be an amazing father to our child.”
He grinned his eyes watering up a bit, but not letting any tears slip. He didn’t say anything, but just kiss me with so much passion. This is worth the wait.
“I love you Y/N.”
“I love you too Moo Myung.”
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
What do you guys think? I know it’s been around a week since I last posted, I’m sorry about that. I will hopefully have a scenario up soon tomorrow.
Disclaimer: I will be using some scenes from the series, but they will not be following the plot of the actual episode unless requested so. Also, I apologize for any mistakes when using some parts of the episodes if the translation is correct.
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