#최 민호
g-m-kaye · 3 years
Static version of this painting of Minho is now available as a print from my Etsy art shop ☺️
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lovsome · 4 years
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do-min-ho · 4 years
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✨ Minho always says that when he gazes at the sky, he thinks of Shawol. We are connected beneath the same sky, no matter the distance between us.
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untangle-my-heart · 5 years
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[190928] A whole new category of attraction was created today: Minho in his Marine Corps White Dress Uniform 😱😭
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kiseki-sonyeo · 5 years
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I have always been so proud of you, but today, you made me extra proud. 😍
I have always included you in my prayers that you will finished your training safe and healthy, but yet again you exceeded everyone's expectations. Graduating 3rd out of the 1000 plus trainees is no easy feat, but you did it.
Today, you made thousands and thousands of hearts swell with pride.
민호야, 사랑해. 언제까지나. ❤️조이스
Photocredits to Twitter users 91Minho_1209 and dreaming1209
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plattagon · 6 years
Never forget to thank the variety gods for this blessing, forever and always, amen.
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dibidibifiction · 4 years
Virtual Walls: Part 3
Pairing: Choi Minho x Reader
Word count: 2.7k
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction made for personal entertainment of readers. The writer does not ever intend to offend her readers nor does she aim to spread false information about anyone as to pay any disrespect to the real-life persons whom the characters are based on. She also does not claim ownership to any of the images that are being used.
. . .
Before the concert started, Taemin sent me a text saying that I can go down to their dressing room after their ‘Lucky Star’ performance. 
So I make my way down from the second floor of the audience area in the arena as I try to study how to breathe. 
I’m thinking about when the boys were in those little high cars where they went around the venue to let their fans see them closer while singing ‘So Amazing’.” Minho looked right at me for a quick second and gave me a cute wave. 
My heart dropped. He couldn’t have recognized me because I was holding in front of my face a glittery sign, which a fan handed to me earlier, that says ‘최 민호’. Or maybe I’m even wrong. Maybe it wasn’t me he was waving at. It was pretty chaotic up here.
I can feel my heart beating up and down my throat the moment I heard voices outside the backstage dressing room in which its door is quite ajar so I take a quick peek.
“Excuse me,” someone taps my shoulder from behind. 
I squeal in shock but I cover my mouth right away with my hand. It’s Jonghyun. My eyes widen at him.
“Sorry I scared you,” he chuckles. “Can I help you?”
“I’m looking for Taemin,” I say, smiling, trying not to let my anxiety show.
“Oh, okay. Of course. You’re Taemin’s fan,” he jokingly acts upset.
I laugh with him. “Not exactly, um, I’m Y/n. He told me to come—”
“You’re Y/n?” Jonghyun looks surprised.
Seems like it’s not the first time he’s heard my name. I stutter to answer. “Uh… Y-yes?”
He then hurries to open the door to the dressing room, pulling me by my wrist to come in with him. The room is filled with their staff and stylists, and the rest of the boys except Minho. Jinki and Kibum are talking with one of the dancers in front of the mirror, rehearsing some choreo I think. 
I can feel sweat forming under my pits, it’s embarrassing. I’m so nervous to see Minho and this crowded room is not helping. 
Taemin is speaking with his manager until he sees me.
“Oh, Y/n!” He pulls me into a quick hug. “You made it.”
“Hey,” I release a nervous laughter, tapping his back once. “So, great show tonight! You guys are actual legends.” I congratulate them as I watch Kibum and Jinki joining the conversation. Which made me more nervous. 
I didn’t think I’d feel more overwhelmed after that grand show I’ve just seen so far, and it’s only the half of it.
“Thanks!” Jonghyun says enthusiastically. “Which part do you like the most?” he asks.
I pause for a second, trying to remember everything from the concert.
“Did you even watch?” Kibum teases after a second of dead air. Everyone laughs out loud.
“Oh, I know which part she liked the most,” Taemin answers for me. He begins acting out unbuttoning his shirt, sexy dancing, and putting his tongue out like a moron. He’s imitating Minho’s solo during their ‘Dynamite’ performance wherein he danced topless as he rapped his part. 
Everyone starts laughing again. I have no choice but to fake one because I’m too nervous to think about something else other than meeting Minho in person.
“So, Y/n, did you come all by yourself?” Jinki asks me eventually.
“Yes, I did,” I nod. “I must admit, I’m a bit tensed to—” 
Suddenly, we halt all the same time the second we hear Minho’s loud, contagious, high pitched laugh coming from the halls.
“Quick! Hide!” Jonghyun immediately directs.  
I look around the room but since I’m panicking so much I don’t know in which direction to go. “Where?” I shout but in a whisper.
“In there, in there!” Kibum assists me to a small curtain at the corner of the room where they can change costumes. Apparently. 
So I did what he gestured me to do and stay quiet behind the curtain. He left a little gap for me to peep. I’m pleasantly surprised at how they acted so attentively and helped me out without any further verbal communication. They knew what to do just like that while I’m at dismay. Thank God.
My heart twists once again. Perhaps after this, I think I’ll have a heart attack.
It’s now a few minutes later, I watch Minho walk into the room with a big smile on his face. He has just finished a good laugh. “Hey,” he says to no one in particular.
“What have you been doing? We could hear you laughing from a mile away!” Kibum yells at him. 
Oh, God, there he is. I can’t believe how close he is to me now. Just one step left and we finally meet. After all this anxiety and anticipation, I didn’t think I’d feel this intense yet blissful sensation. I could just stay here and watch him smile like that. Even if he doesn’t have to see me. Because of how happy I am right now, all my worries just went away in a heartbeat. 
I watch Minho put his arm across Jinki’s shoulders as he is just casually having a conversation with the four. With my shaking hand, I lightly grab the edge of the curtain to slowly set it aside and walk out to light. 
Minho’s smile unintendedly disappears in confusion the second he finally lays eyes on me. Then his eyes widen after a few seconds, as if they’re about to fall off, his expression turning into shock. His lips part a little. 
“Surprise,” I say in a giggle. 
His expression doesn’t change as his sight doesn’t leave me. We stare at each other in what feels like forever, the world stops around us. 
I attempt to step forward toward him but I hesitate. My heart feels heavy on my feet. I feel my fists tighten when I start to tear up.
“Y/n?” Minho finally says after a good while. “What… What are you doing here? I thought…” His brows furrow. He then turns to his friends around him. “Did you…?” 
They all nod at the corner of my eye. 
Jonghyun laughs. “I told you she might have a reasonable explanation.”
Minho’s smile is reappearing slowly. He probably has just completely realized what’s happening. 
I bite my lip as I try so hard not to cry in front of these people. 
Finally, he runs to me and picks me up in a tight hug, making me hold on to him. Just like that, the heavy feeling I’ve been holding evaporates and is replaced by an overwhelming relief. 
I can smell the fresh dry clean of his clothes, the product on his hair, and probably his sweat all at the same time.  
After all that time spending our relationship virtually, here we are at last. I could just live here in his arms forever.
. . .
I feel like I’ve been hugging her for hours when I suddenly realized that we’re actually surrounded by a lot of people. 
So I put her down. She looks up at me with the most beautiful smile on her face, her eyes shimmer with tears. I wipe them away with my thumb. I, so badly, do not want to remove my hand on her face as I got this urge to pull her in and kiss her. But then again, I almost forget that there are a lot of people around us, watching us like a scene from a movie. 
I rest my hand on her shoulder instead.
“Yeah,” Taemin says. “I actually helped her get here. I gave her a ticket and a pass.” 
“I can’t believe you’re here.” The urge to kiss her is intensifying the more I stare at her so I turn to the rest of the guys behind me. “And you all knew about this?” 
My thought goes back to the time when Taemin seemed like he was hiding something from me. Turns out he really was. But not because they’re betraying me. They were keeping things for me because they were planning something amazing. 
This amazing. I catch the sight of Y/n again. I’m still having trouble believing that this isn’t a dream. It just feels like it. She ghosted me for almost a week, she got me overthinking that there might be something going on between her and Taemin.
“So you two aren’t…?” I ask both of them.
“Aren’t what?” Y/n asks back.
I give them both a certain look, which they should understand immediately.
“Oh, no,” they both say almost at the same time as they look at each other and then back at me.
“No, no, no, no. Absolutely not!” Y/n carries on, reassuring me. “What made you think that?”
I look at Taemin. “Well…”
“Okay, everyone! It’s less than fifteen minutes before resuming the concert. Let’s go, let’s go!” One of our directors abruptly bursts into the room and starts shouting and clapping his hands like the sound of thunder.
“I’ll find you later, okay?” I tell Y/n, in which she instantly nodded to.
“Fighting,” I watch her mouth the word, holding up a fist in front of her.
My heart melts. I can’t hear her anymore because everybody speaks at the same time in the room and starts to roam around to do their respective tasks.
I watch her walk out the dressing room as my stylist fixes my hair. She’s now going back to the audience and resume watching the concert. I really hope she knows how overly happy I am that she’s here even when I couldn’t tell her by words. This is too unreal to grasp.
. . .
Two hours later, the concert has finally ended and I can’t be more satisfied with everything. Kibum and Jonghyun Hyung have just recovered from a good cry for being overwhelmed with all the love that we received tonight. Again, we obviously can never be used to this. 
Once I change into my casual clothes, I go running towards the halls.
I almost trip over Jinki Hyung as I’m in a hurry. 
“Hey, where are you going?” he asks.
“I’ll be right back,” I say, drifting backwards and facing him. “Tell the others I’ll be right back.”
Without waiting for a response, I carry on rushing throughout the long hallway to find Y/n. Apologizing to all the staff I almost knock over as I twist and turn to every corner. I still don’t spot her. She must still be at her seat.
So I reach the heavy door to the stairwell. I push it open and run up the stairs to the second floor where Y/n’s seat was. 
To my luck, I don’t have to run any further. I halt before the next flight of stairs.
“Hey.” There she is. I’m running out of breath.
Y/n was just walking down before I found her.  
I then race toward her. Putting my arms around her waist to lift her off the ground. I almost throw her up in the air because she weighs like a hundred pounds. I can’t contain the happiness running through my veins.
She blares out a cheerful shriek as I spin her around.
I place her back on her feet but she doesn’t dismiss her arms around my neck.
“Oh, my God, Minho! You were so amazing up there. I wouldn’t stop screaming your name! Did you hear me screaming? I’m pretty sure I’m your biggest fan in the whole world!” She is talking so fast and jumping at the same time that she’s making her cut her own breathing short. She’s too excited.
I laugh at her in adoration. “Calm down, you’re going to hurt yourself.”
She giggles as well while taking deep and fast breaths. 
“Okay, do you care to explain something to me?”
“Oh, right! Yeah, in case you haven’t known by now, I came here for you,” she says it like she’s joking because of the big grin on her face.
“Y/n, I’m serious.”
“What? So am I,” she insists. I’m still a little skeptical that she’s literally in front of me. Not on my phone screen, not on my computer screen, but in person. She came all this way just for me.
I sigh. I can’t stop smiling, it’s embarrassing. “Well, you didn’t talk to me for almost a week. You didn’t reply, you didn’t call. Nothing. I got worried big time. You said you were sick.” My smile disappears.
Y/n sighs. “I know, I’m sorry,” her voice switches from excited to tender as she holds both my hands. “I just couldn’t face you with this secret in mind. I’m really bad at lying. Especially to you. I just couldn’t do it. I’m really sorry.”
I shake my head lightly. I love the way she’s looking up at me with those eyes. I could watch them all night as they shine for me.
I shake my head again as I chortle. “Nothing.” I feel like I’m going to burst into stars and flowers. I don’t mean to stare at her. She is just so beautiful.
And to be fair, she is staring right back at me.
Time stops around us. I don’t even care if anybody sees us here. I’m just going to do it. 
“Look, Y/n, I am so so so happy right now. I thought I’m happy enough to be performing tonight, but then you showed up and now I just can’t describe how I feel anymore,” I start.
She doesn’t say anything but she keeps her eyes on mine, tears almost overflowing.
“I was planning on visiting you in Palawan to tell you this, but now that you’re here, I’ll tell you now. I want more of you, Y/n. Not just through Instagram, not as friends. I want to spend lots of time with you from now on. So please don’t die after this.” 
. . .
My heart won’t settle down. I still can’t believe what’s happening. Choi Minho is actually right in front of me and I am able to touch him. I can’t keep my eyes off him that it feels like I want to just stare into his eyes for the rest of my life.
“I was planning on visiting you in Palawan to tell you this, but now that you’re here, I’ll tell you now. I want more of you, Y/n. Not just through Instagram, not as friends. I want to spend lots of time with you from now on. So please don’t die after this.”
I watch him slowly lean in closer. He closes his eyes, then presses his soft lips against mine. 
I don’t know what to feel next when I just learned that he read the message I quickly unsent. He wasn’t supposed to have read that, it’s embarrassing!
But the thought fades away when Minho doesn’t let go of me. He pulls away from my hands and places his arms on my waist to pull me in tighter as he opens his mouth to reach into my tongue, making me feel all tingly. 
I shiver through this flaming sensation. This kiss does make me want to die. As it grows lusciously comfortable, I place both my hands on his hips, making a fist on this t-shirt under his hoodie jacket. I start to hum in pleasure.
He moans almost at the same time. He then pulls away before it gets nasty. His eyes are now back on mine for a second.
I smile up at him. Just a few seconds more I might start crying.
He wipes the tears off my face and then kisses me on my forehead.
“I love you,” my voice shakes.
He just smiles in response as if he already knew. He picks up my hand and places a kiss just above my knuckles as his eyes don't leave mine. 
“I love you,” he says, again shaking his head. Seems like he is still in disbelief. 
And I let it rip. My tears. I bury my face into Minho’s chest, which is hard from his muscles yet so comfortable from his soft skin. 
I’ve never been happier in my life. I wish this moment would never end.
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chaoticfandomthot · 8 years
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kpopmw · 16 years
SHINee · 샤이니
SM엔터테인먼트 데뷔일: 2008/05/25
⬤ 멤버
온유 (이진기) (89/12/14) · Key (김기범) (91/09/23) · (최)민호 (91/12/09) · (이)태민 (93/07/18)    • 전 멤버:  故(김)종현 (90/04/08)
⬤ 앨범
'2009, Year Of Us' The Third Mini Album The 2nd Album 'LUCIFER' The 3rd Concert Album 'SHINee WORLD III in SEOUL' The 5th Mini Album 'Everybody' 누난 너무 예뻐 (Replay) Atlantis - The 7th Album Repackage Don't Call Me - The 7th Album Married To The Music - The 4th Album Repackage Odd - The 4th Album 'ROMEO' The Second Mini Album SHINee The 3rd Album Chapter 1. 'Dream Girl-The Misconceptions Of You' SHINee The 3rd Album Chapter 2. 'Why So Serious? - The misconceptions of me' The SHINee World (SHINee The First Album)
⬤ MV
데리러 가 (Good Evening) (2018/05/28) 네가 남겨둔 말 (Our Page) (2018/06/25) 셀 수 없는 (Countless) (2018/09/10) Don’t Call Me (2021/02/22) Atlantis (2021/04/12)
BAD LOVE (2021/09/27)
MOVE (2017/10/16) 안아줄래 (Think Of You) (2020/11/20) Advice (2021/05/18) 괴도 (Danger)
⬤ 방송 · 예능
샤이니의 연하남 (2008) 샤이니의 헬로 베이비 (2010)
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91cmh · 8 years
dear shawols
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Dear SHINee World ...
` 최⁹¹ . You know how much you mean to me, right? 
There isn’t a day that goes by that I’m not wondering if you’re doing well, and if you’re taking care of yourself .. Ah, like this, I already feel the emotions running. It’s been a while, right? Almost 10 years since we first met, and there hasn’t ever been a dim moment, for SHINee cannot shine without you. You are, and always have been, our light, and our guidance along this journey that we’re taking together.
For me, SHINee World has always been my strength. The love that I turn to and receive is something I will always be thankful for, and always try to return ten times over. I feel sorry when there are times when I can’t reach out to fans who we haven’t met yet, all over the world, but we are listening to you. We love you very much, and are extremely grateful for the love we receive together, as SHINee. I know there are other groups that you might like, but I hope that you’ll always look at us and love us, because we will never stop loving you.
Without SHINee World, you know that SHINee couldn’t possibly be, right? We can’t exist without each other, it’s truly a match made in heaven. ㅋㅋ
SHINee World .. Let’s stay like this for a long time ~
I love you.
─ 샤이니 월드의 빛나는 민호♡
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g-m-kaye · 5 years
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do-min-ho · 5 years
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The Visual’s Visual, Choi Minho. And his face pales in comparison to his talent and heart.
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untangle-my-heart · 6 years
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SHINee’s Epilogue repackage finally arrived today and I’m over the moon! :3
So to celebrate, here is a selective b&w edit i made from their beautiful photobook (with Jonghyun alongside them^^)
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atlanticspecific · 10 years
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최 민호 Official Photos @KBS SUKIRA (Super Junior Kiss the Radio)
cr: KBS Cool FM
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do-min-ho · 5 years
Just Minho and SHINee ^^,
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