#hutchins family
crowleycorvid · 1 month
Thinking about Hutchins and Harumi I'm so ill. Garmadon Rulez did something to me. He sang her to sleep every night. He took her to libraries so she could research despite her parents disapproving. He gave her that journal to help her cope with her trauma.
He didn't have to do any of this. None of these things were because of his obligation to the royal family really and in fact he sort of went behind their backs taking her to the library of domu (even if it took some convincing). He was the first to suspect her of her plans but didn't tell anyone, not even the ninja when he definitely had a proper chance to. I think he genuinely just cared about her. And that's making me so
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mysticdragoni · 2 months
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"Every five years, The Dragon Day Festival takes place in the city. It’s one of the very few times you have the opportunity to see the Royal family, including their Master-at-Arms.…” -S
“I had a Sister, I do not speak of her, but I do recall she was always destined to be the highest of our ranks.” - H
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deadlock · 1 year
*goes to type in harumi’s name in the tags*
suggested tag: harumi hutchins
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
If you’re still bored, you can go check out Michelle’s blog over on the Duggar Family website. I noticed that she posted all about their summer travels (in a September post), but I never saw those photos circulate here!
You're right, there were definitely a few in there I don't remember! Here's a few just for posterity (and the others I'll include in a separate post):
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hafwen · 2 months
He had a live bullet in his gun?!?!
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airasilver · 2 years
Maybe I’m missing something but why are they suing now? Why not do it at the same time as the husband did? What took them almost two years to sue? Because they live in Ukraine? Was it waiting to see how her husband’s lawsuit went? Why take so long?
I just don’t get it.
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room42 · 2 years
Baldwin settles with Hutchins' family
Baldwin settles with Hutchins’ family
Actor Alec Baldwin and the producers for the Rust movie have reached a settlement with the family of the movie’s cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, who Baldwin shot dead during filming last year, Hutchins’ husband says. Under the deal, the family’s civil lawsuit against Baldwin and others will be dismissed and filming of the movie will resume in January with all the original principal players,…
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
Alec Baldwin once fired a blank round at a crew member on the set of “Rust,” prosecutors alleged in new court papers, as they accused the actor of being reckless with firearms while filming.
Prosecutors in the New Mexico involuntary manslaughter case against the “30 Rock” star said they plan to bring evidence at his trial — slated to begin on July 9 — showing that Baldwin had a history of flouting safety protocols on set, which led to Halyna Hutchins’ tragic shooting death in 2021.
One such reckless moment came when Baldwin, 66, pointed his gun and fired “a blank round at a crew member” while he held the person target in his line of sight, prosecutors alleged in the Monday filing.
Other examples of Baldwin ignoring safety procedures between Oct. 12, 2021 up until the day of the shooting included him using his gun as a pointer; firing the weapon after filming was over in violation of safety rules; holding his finger on the trigger in scenes that didn’t require it; rushing armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed to reload his gun faster; and being on FaceTime with his family and making videos for them during firearms training, the court papers claimed.
And before filming even started Baldwin — one of the producers and the leading actor in the movie — “asked to be assigned the ‘biggest’ gun available,” the filing alleged.
Prosecutors said they have photos and videos of Baldwin that they plan to show a jury acting cavalierly toward on-set safety rules.
In one clip, he “can be seen engaging in horseplay with his gun and pulling his gun when the scene did not call for the pulling of his gun,” the papers claimed. “When he pulls his gun the muzzle of the gun is pointed directly at another actor.”
Prosecutors said many clips show an angry and aggressive Baldwin, who can also be seen halting filming to yell and swear at the crew.
“Mr. Baldwin can be seen screaming intermittently throughout the attempts at filming the scene,” the filing claimed. “He exercises complete control over the set by stopping the acting sequence, cursing loudly and rushing the other cast and crew.”
Taken altogether this “intrinsic evidence” of Baldwin’s “other acts” leading up to Hutchins’ death shows that the incident wasn’t an “accident or mistake” — as Baldwin has maintained all along, prosecutors said.
During a rehearsal on the set of the Western film, Baldwin aimed his revolver in the direction of cinematographer Hutchins when it fired, killing her and wounding director Joel Souza.
Baldwin pleaded not guilty and faces up to 1 and 1/2 years if convicted.
Armorer Gutierrez-Reed, 26, was sentenced to 18 months behind bars in April after her conviction on the same charge Baldwin now faces.
A video hearing has been scheduled for Baldwin on Friday to go over a slew of motions for the upcoming trial.
Baldwin’s lawyers didn’t immediately return a request for comment Wednesday morning.
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multitask76 · 4 months
Jade Siblings AU
An AU where Lloyd ran off before the ninjas could find him and the emperors are a teeny weeny bit obsessed with the FSM. Imagine their surprise when veeery shortly after finding Harumi they also find Lord Garmadon's kid, all alone with no family and no home! The FSM's grandson! (No, it isn't public information- the FSM is kind of a mystery to the average citizen. But they're not average citizens, now are they?) Oh, well! Garmadon is too busy causing chaos and who knows where the mother went, it wouldn't hurt to take him in! *proceeds to give him a fake name and keep him a secret for a while just in case*
The emperors aren't good parents. Harumi feels bitter and unloved. Lloyd also feels bitter and unloved. They hate each other at first. Hutchins is really trying.
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Later, at night, they sneaked out of the palace. Hutchins found them together, burning down the shirt. At least that counts as getting along, right?
These two slowly warmed up to the other because neither of them thought of the emperors as their parents, they both hated the ninja and they would sometimes sneak out of the palace together, maybe even take turns. Oh, and their fascination for Garmadon. Lloyd would tell Harumi as much about his dad as he could. About the stories and things Garmadon did or said through letters and his super cool shadow form! And Harumi would listen intently and take notes. Which would just serve to further romanticize/idolize her view of Garmadon.
(Maybe she even felt a bit protective for the first time in her life when her lil brother Lloyd told her about the ninjas hanging him on a pole and making fun of him.)
Again, they don't see the emperors as their parents which means they don't see each other as siblings. Or, well, at least they want to believe that. They just don't refer to each other as such, to them, "Sister/Brother" is the equivalent of a strong word/phrase, kind of like struggling to say "I love you" even if you feel it- you don't just throw that word around like it's nothing, because we both know the power and emotions it truly holds. The vulnerability it brings.
They keep their little silly sibling rivalry because it's the only fun they have in their locked-up lives.
Have Harumi about to do Lloyd's make-up.
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What a silly pair of siblings! What could ever go wrong?
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steepwysdom · 1 month
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Samura left willingly when she was younger. Jade and Hutchins are not related to the royal family, only the servants who have served them for generations.
This is as far as I can answer…!
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jinxed-ninjago · 2 months
I forgot how funny the entire scene where Hutchins is showing the ninja around the Palace of Secrets is lmao. Cole saying he gave up sweets and Jay calling him a party pooper as a result, Kai throwing books everywhere, Kai's reaction to the oni mask in possession of the Royal Family being "A face only a mother could love," I need to rewatch the Oni Trilogy more often lmao
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dragonfruits02 · 2 months
a list of my favorite spy school funny moments/quotes
- “What the heck are powdered nutgalls?” Chip asked. “It’s what you get after riding a horse at high speed for an hour,” Mike grumbled, gingerly adjusting the seat of his pants.
- Jemma Emma Dilemma
- “Or Agent Kumquat,” Chip added, and then both of them cracked up.
- Alexander glared at him, still smarting from his insult. “See if I ever buy you campfire treats again.” he said, and then stormed out himself.
- “Not necessarily. I could like them as a friend.” “First of all, you don’t have friends.”
- “Parcheesi?! I loooove Parcheesi.”
- “I lost the arm and the leg, but not the eye.” “Oh, how’d you lose that?” “A bug flew into it.” “Uhh, you don’t lose your eye if a bug flies into it.” “You do if it’s your first day with a hook.😒”
- “Although believe it or not, Nefarious actually got off easy. According to his file, his folks named his little sister Placenta.”
- “If there’s one thing I know, it’s women.” Murray exclaimed.
- Now that he had transformed into Hot Murray,
- “How good is your vision?” Mike asked. “It’s off the charts,” Erica replied. “I eat a lot of carrots.”
- “Supposedly the guy was a big jerk, and the peasants all rose up against him and burned him alive, and now his ghost roams the property, looking for a… fire extinguisher or something like that.”
- He was at the base of an extremely tall elm tree, speaking into a radio microphone and seeming far more lucid than usual—although the moment he saw Chip and Jawa, he went right back into his doddering act. “Skip and Yaya!”
- “Dad, I’m going to need you to act like you have no idea what’s going on.” “What?” Alexander asked, confused. “I don’t understand.”
- “Wow! Our pool at spy school didn’t have water slides.” “Really? What did it have?” “Bacterial contamination.😕”
- “So, this girlfriend of Mike’s…is he super into her, or just kind of into her?” “He’s mentioned marriage. 🙂”
- “I think plenty!” The principal said defensively. “My mind is a constant whirlwind of thinkery!”
- “Erica!” Alexander gasped, mortified this had happened in front of so many people. “We do not spit on our grandfathers in this family!”
- Paul Lee leaned close to me and whispered, “Has he uh..uh…had some sort of, um, brain injury?” “No.” I replied. “This is how he was born, I think.”
- “Erica! You’re driving on the wrong side of the street!” “I’m not driving on the wrong side.🙄” Erica argued, gunning the engine. “They are!”
- Chip pegged him in the face with another pair of boxers. “Warren, stop playing with my underwear, you pervert.”
- “Now? Here?” “National security is at stake.” “It was at stake this morning when I was having waffles in the cafeteria. We couldn’t have discussed this then??”
- “All these men are itching for a fight. And since I’m the alpha male here, they’re going to come for me first!” Alexander said. “The alpha male.?🤨” Catherine asked, amused. “Yes! It won’t look good for them to attack women or children, so they’ll attack me first!” “And me.” Murray seconded nervously. “I’m definitely the beta male here!”
- “Neither does Jawa. Why aren’t you suspicious of him?” “Jawa’s a freak of nature. You’re just a freak.”
- “Hey! Where’s my breakfast?” The woman socked him in the face. Murray reeled backward. “Okay! No tip for you!” He said, then collapsed on the floor, unconscious.
- I quickly replaced the skull and wiped my hand on my shirt. “This is sooo not how I wanted to spend my first day in Paris.” OKAY DRAMA QUEEN?
- “West Virginia?” Claire Hutchins called from a few rows up. “I thought that was all strip mines and inbred hillbillies.” “You heard wrong.” Chip shot back. “As you can see, there’s plenty of wilderness here. And the locals are far less inbred than the royal family.”
- “Do you not care one wit for your country?” “No! I care many wits for my country!”
- “What have you done?!” He screamed at us. “What have you done?!” “Well, it’s obvious,” I said. “We’ve blown up a rebel minivan.”
- Murray sighed. “I know you’ve got issues with Ben because he turned you into half the man you used to be.” (About Joshua)
- “Talk about being heavily armed.” Mike said. (Also about Joshua)
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“Stealing your wallet. And your heart.”
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Heya, nice to meet you! I'm Andréa! Andréa Moore!
I'm 16, bisexual and single plus lonely, so please talk to me! I need friends-
Resident Hermes kid, great at games and a track girlie! Also, I love pranks!
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Silly girl™, desperate for social interaction! I do a lot of running in my free time too so I'm super fast!
I've also won several times at track meets and am actually pretty good at my studies!
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My mom's a famous runner, y'know, Eloise Moore? Well, she was a famous runner. Now she's a stay-at-home mom who takes care of my half-siblings, Jean and Halsey Hutchins.
Back at home, I'm honestly kind of a "problem child". In the sense that despite my many awards and straight As, I'm, like, a huge prankster. Who's hated by her stepdad. And kept away from her half-siblings. So, am I close to my family? Nope. Mom cares more for Jean and Halsey than she does me, so yep. Pretty much nowhere else to go besides camp.
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@thathypnoskid BEE!! helping me fill up my swear jar, very cool
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Here's a moodboard of me!
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And, of course, what I look like!
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Yep, that's me! Hope we can be friends!
//Heyo! Mod here! OOC text will look like this! Please note that both Andréa and I are minors, so no NSFW allowed!
However, Andréa is open to romancing, so you can send an ask/dm this blog if you wanna!
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
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Assorted Duggar summer pics part 2
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lol-jackles · 6 months
Looking at the trial(see # Rust tag on twit for sourcing) I see there were bullets obviously left lying around, the safety on set was a total failure, the producers hired someone for two jobs who wasn't experienced enough for one. This was obvious enough that the crew walked off. This was obvious enough that a few days before, Guiterrez was taken to task (and then given "space" when she vented, wtf) The actor before Jensen developed a "conflict." Why would anyone fail to object and shut it down?
And there was a possibility that Hannah was high from cocaine. Any empathy I had for her went out the window when she handed the "set Mom" a bag of cocaine and assumed she would hold on to it without question.
Hannah admitted to loading the gun herself, and failing to properly check the rounds. The evidence points towards her as the source for the live rounds, and that she failed to identify them multiple times throughout production.
That said, Baldwin and the rest of the producers were being cheap when they hired her, made her work a second job as prop master, and now she's being used as a scapegoat. Not to say she's not responsible, she definitely is as she loaded the guns and failed to properly check the rounds as well as the source for the live rounds, but she's certainly not the worst person on that set.
I want to know which producer thought it was a swell idea to hire an inexperienced armorer with no apprenticeship in a job with one credit to her name on a Western film full of guns and gunfights. It’s like hiring a first-year pilot school student to fly a 747 by themselves.  And the pilot is high on cocaine.
This set was a shit show and created a perfect storm for something like this to happen. Many failures in organization and safety. Plus the union and crew issues.
I’ve been a background actor and an extra on several shows and independent movies with a lot of guns, and even where a bullet was meant for me (collateral damage when a hitman missed his target).  In every one of them, the armorer, prop master, and the AD handled the gun in all the scenes to verify it is not loaded.  I’m also a gun owner and permit holder and we’re taught that no one should ever take a gun from someone and assume that it is unloaded.  Always check for yourself.  One very memorable experience on a movie set the armorer handed the gun to several people on set to verify that it was not loaded, including me because he knew I was a permit holder. So as you can see, a gun goes through several hands to verify it is not loaded before given to an actor.   But on the day of the Rust fatality, there was no armorer on site of the scene, and the AD never checked the gun to verify it was not loaded.
Conditions on outdoor standing set ranging from sucky to terrible are expected: the bugs, the weather, the hours, the young angry PAs, and the producers having mental breakdowns.  And yes, shortcuts are constantly taken by disregarding safety protocols, especially on low-budgeted/shoe string-budgeted films. There were a few times I thought I was going to get hurt or maimed in car scenes and it didn’t even involved car chases, just idiots driving and talking at the same time.  But firearm safety protocol were never disregarded, at least from what I’ve witnessed.   
Hundreds of thousands of action and war movies and police procedural tv shows, injuries or death from guns are very rare: 3 total in 37 years, though that is cold comfort for Halyna Hutchin's family.  
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ceofjohnlennon · 1 year
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"As a consequence, I was able to meet John and the others face to face. I remember sitting on a bed in the Beatles' hotel room, sipping whisky and coke, the Beatles' favourite tipple at that time. Meanwhile, three Wellington high school girls managed to clamber up a drainpipe in an attempt to meet their idols. While they had to be content with autographs in the corridor, I felt very privileged to have made it into the inner sanctum. It was a funny feeling knowing that because I was related to John, I was doing what thousands of young Kiwi girls would have given an arm and a leg to be able to do. While I was talking to John, the other Beatles walked in. Paul McCartney was amazed at the family resemblance. When it was time to go, John asked me to take care of Aunt Mimi. You could sense the strong bond and love that John felt for Mimi, the woman who raised him. In fact, one of the main reasons the Beatles visited New Zealand was because John knew that his aunt had several relatives out here, and he wanted to give something back to her."
Lynda Mathews, John Lennon's second cousin. ㅡ From the book "Eight Days A Week" by Graham Hutchins.
"Just before the Beatles came to New Zealand in June 1964, John phoned his aunt from Germany inviting her to join them, as he had heard that there were a few 'rellies' over there. This was just a couple of days before they were leaving, and Mimi said she didn't have much of a wardrobe for travelling. Forget that, John told her 'you can buy all you need when we get there.' So Mimi came and while the Beatles were playing she looked up her relations, staying on for a period after the Beatles had departed. In Hamilton she stayed with my parents and I met her there. She was so grateful for the kindness shown to her by these new-found relations and was more interested in finding out all about us than she was in talking about the phenomenal success of the Beatles."
Jack Mathews, John Lennon's second cousin. ㅡ From the book "Eight Days A Week" by Graham Hutchins.
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