#hurt comfort cause yes
theimperialnuisance · 10 months
FFXIV Write 2023 || FFXIV Write info\\Prompt list\\Character info \\Master post ||
Prompt 16: Jerk
a quick, sharp, sudden movement.  Character(s): Kien Eilath, G'raha Tia Cw: nightmare aftermath, slight indications of a panic attack Word count: 941 Notes: No real set time frame for this one, probably between pre-EW or post-EW. This was actually a continuation from a prompt back in 2021 but I only wrote the first half so here is the aftermath of it. G’raha wakes Kien from a nightmare, not realizing how paralyzing his nightmares can be.
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G’raha stirs awake suddenly, his senses on high alert at the sound of Kien groaning next to him. He slowly sits up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and taking note that the room was practically pitch black with how late it must be. His eyes adjust quickly enough, turning his gaze back to his partner as another groan escapes him followed by a sharp inhale of breath. It seems as if he was having another nightmare. 
These weren’t common occurrences–G’raha only noticed Kien would get nightmares on the days he was exhausted or sick and today had been the ladder. A slight fever from overworking himself too much again–he had nearly passed out during a meeting with the Scions so G’raha quickly excused himself with the other and put him straight to bedrest when they got back to Kien’s apartment. 
The other had fallen asleep instantly, practically dead to the world with how deeply he’d fallen asleep. This was the first indication of life from the other since his head had hit the pillow several bells ago and G’raha wishes it wasn’t in the form of a nightmare. 
He hovers his hand uncertainly above Kien’s shoulder, unsure if he should try and shake him awake or just let the nightmare pass. But with how violently the other begins to thrash and moan, he decides trying to wake him might be for the best. He gently calls out to him, hoping his voice can break through his dream but to no avail, Kien’s head continues to jerk back and forth as his brow furrows in pain. 
“Kien, hey,” G’raha doesn’t whisper, raising his voice a bit as he reaches a hand out to rest gently on Kien’s shoulder. The touch causes Kien to tense up and suddenly G’raha pulls back with a start as Kien jolts upright with a ragged gasp. He waits with bated breath as he watches the raven-haired Miqo’te look around frantically, his body trembling before he finally begins to curl into himself with a choked sob. He can’t help the small sigh of relief that escapes him. He was awake.
On instinct, G’raha reaches his hand back out toward Kien to comfort him but pulls it back just as quickly, ears flattening with guilt as Kien seemed to not recognize him yet. The moment G’raha’s hand had gotten close to him, Kien had whipped his head up and fliched so hard that his body flung itself into the wall. Now G’raha was watching in helpless desperation as Kien really begins to panic, ears pressed flat against his head and chest heaving for air as his pupils widen in fear. Shit. G’raha thinks–he was still trapped in his nightmare. 
“Kien, Kien! It’s me,” G’raha tries to break through Kien’s senseless babbling, his voice raising just enough and he leans over to flick on the bedside lamp, hoping the warm glow of light would help. “Listen to my voice, you’re alright, you’re safe.” He moves himself back a bit further from the other, hoping the distance between them helps. 
G’raha continues to mutter soothing words until finally Kien’s breathing begins to slow down and he uncurls himself from the wall. He had closed his eyes at some point in his panic attack but was now opening them cautiously as G’raha scoots closer to him again. “That’s it, breathe with me,” G’raha continues as he hesitantly places a hand on Kien’s shoulder again, relieved when the other doesn’t flinch. His eyes search the other’s for a sign of recognition as he slowly coaxes the other to take deep breaths.
Kien exhales, his eyes dilating for a moment before narrowing back again and he blinks, finally making direct eye contact. “Raha…?” his voice is quiet and still a bit shaky but coherent. “What happened?”
“You had a sort of waking nightmare,” G’raha lets out a shaky breath, squeezing Kien’s shoulder gently before releasing his hold. “Are you alright?” 
Kien slowly nods his head, his hands still trembling as he moves one of them to trace his scar on his right eye. “I was dreaming of my brother again. Of when he attacked me and gave me this. It felt so real. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t fight him off, I felt him grab me–I–” his voice began to tremble again as the tears finally break free and before he can finish G’raha pulls him into a tight embrace, rubbing his hand in soothing circles on his back. 
“It’s alright, you’re safe now,” G’raha whispers. “It was a nightmare, he’s not here, and he cannot get you. I promise.” It was strange to see Kien at such a state of vulnerability but G’raha knew part of this was due to his still lingering fever and he was sure the other would barely remember this moment when the morning came as he did with the nightmares before this. And that was alright with him. He would do what he could to protect him and keep him safe. 
Kien lets out a shaky breath, nuzzling further into G’raha’s embrace. The two stay like that for a little longer, G’raha’s fingertips tracing shapes on Kien’s back as he feels the other begin to slump again, sleep reclaiming him. He gently lowers the other down to the pillows and leans over to flick off the light before lowering back down to his pillow and pulling the other back into his embrace. Kien’s breaths are gentle and steady and G’raha hopes his slumber will be peaceful and undisturbed this time. He places a soft kiss on the other’s forehead before drifting off to sleep again once more. 
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koobiie · 5 months
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fanart for what may be my favorite fic of all time, Running Behind by @asidian! here's prompto enjoying all the foods from the fic beacuse he deserves it <3
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hertas-funger-blog · 4 months
Oh noooo i'm succumbing to an infection if only there was someone to carry me and hold me while i become continuously more delirious from my fever and dote on me and make sure i'm okay oh nooooooooooo poor me whatever shall I do?
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littlest-bugz · 12 days
Does anyone else go thru phases where you don’t want to talk to anyone?
Like,,, I love you so much, but I just need to RECOUP. I need my alone time so I don’t have another breakdown.
#littlest_bugz og#Like dawg Ive interacted with 2 people and even then Ive been spotty#like I just need a break#I know its not… like.. good to leave people on read or just not respond— I learned this in ‘Friendship 101’ but it gets SO tiring to mask#like no offense… i will never take the mask off. its how I fuckin survive#but I want friends#I want to love and be loved#but unfortunately :( Im not skilled at keeping friends#and Ive gotten so jaded by being a revolving door of friends that Im not even sure I can properly get emotionally attatched to anyone#on top of that ive been so in so many abusive romantic relationships that it feels impossible to find ONE GOOD PARTNER#Its not even yearning at this point because Im not sure I can form romantic connections anymore#last guy I liked by accident#like ex bestfriends ex#but he ended up being a fuckin creep#about the blowup part? I had a total explosive breakdown#over the stupidest shit too smfh#not even worth the breakdown#Broke my laptop#Hurt myself#Everything ended up okay#like even my laptop works again but#it was a lot for me- for my family#i hate being a lot like that#thankfully my brother who had similar breakdowns in the past was able to calm me down#thats why my brother is my father figure: my actual dad will yell at me while Im sobbing profusely and my brother will comfort me#and make sure im not hurt#I love my brother so much#Ive had so many people come into my life and be like ‘you love him despite all the trauma hes caused you?’#FUCKING YES#Like my brother was a survivor of fucking organized abuse. hes been through so much that it was only natural that he would blow up
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cherrydreamer · 2 years
Fluff Friday? Fluff Friday! 🥰
Today I'm thinking about Billy and Steve snuggling in bed, and the way that Billy clings onto Steve like a freakin' koala, and how, even when he's deep asleep, he'll do this move where he sleepily mumbles, "Stevie?" and then nuzzles right against Steve's neck and curls into him and pulls him close and then lets out the most content little hum of satisfaction, like he's found exactly what he was looking for and all is right with the world.
And how Steve's heart feels like it's gonna burst every time he hears that happy hum, because he's never ever ever truly felt like he was enough for someone, always felt like he was lacking in some way or needed to change, but here's Billy, not even awake, not able to hide or pretend or anything, and he's making Steve feel absolutely, one hundred percent adored and loved and wanted.
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jaypgartifacts · 10 months
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october is coming. which means, of course, that it is time for the horrors. tfw the dream self must confront the Nightmare Self
#body horror //#homestuck#YES i am invoking tarot symbolism and YES i have reasons for choosing the cards i did and YES i AM just making things up as i go. im normal#symbolism runthrough real quick. consider this an Artist's Statement of sorts.#The Tower: ambition built on a flawed premise. guy who always thinks he knows better than you in dire need of a wakeup call#strength: the journey of the self vis a vis finding the courage to act & tapping into latent potential that always existed#& simply needed to be accessed. note: dirk in this card is brain ghost dirk specifically.#(an illusion constructed by jake because he didn't believe in his own repressed abilities - drawn here as The Horrors.)#the devil: you are maybe not the CAUSE of all of your problems but DAMN you are making them worse for yourself.#this card is SO heavy on unhealthy coping mechanisms. symbolism here - very literally holding self down#sure it feels comforting in the moment but eventually you are going to drown.#the chariot: this one's not super clear visually but i do have a method to my madness#the chariot is the card of willpower; control; forward motion; resolution.#by the same token i think it is also a card about being really really stubborn - blinded by a goal.#holding onto the reins and refusing to let go even when holding them hurts you & others around you.#honestly i think some of the minor arcana fit better for a few of these cards but i wanted to stick w majors#for the sake of Icon Recognition i guess.#anyway [putting the alpha gang in the Narrative Wiggler to work through their problems]#they are going to the Dream Realm to meet their weirdest selves (and friends) in combat. unless...?#(it was never about fighting it was about healing. SYMBOLISM)
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paperglader · 5 hours
sometimes i'm living my life and sometimes i'm hit by the fact that c3 has become so intwined with my very being and in a way it's probably because of how it feels like it has been fully mirroring my journey since the moment i started watching- specifically with the imodna's- in the sense that i feel like i went through a period of so much healing and a bit of hardships, and then this year has been really hard, till it came to a tipping point maybe like a little less than a month from now and now the imodna's are like broken up and doing really bad and i'm like. i.want.to.sob.all.the.damn.time.about.it. but also, do i really want to sob that hard about it or am i just sad cause of life? and the answer is sort of, both, cause sometimes i just want fiction to be okay when real life isn't. Like, yeah, i've been rewatching early campaign with my roommate, and there was so much healing there along with the pain, but now it just feels so sad and broken (which, truly is ok). it's not like, doomed sad, but sad in the "shit. why did it get this level of fucked up?" kinda sad and like, i really really really really want a soft epilogue for the sad little lesbians, but also i very much want a soft epilogue for myself (also a sad little lesbian)
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echoes-of-realities · 2 years
still there’s a wound and i’m moving slow (though it don’t show, though it don’t show)
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Title: still there’s a wound and i’m moving slow (though it don’t show, though it don’t show)
Rating: General
Word Count: 12,935
Summary: Her face is wet when the others find her. 
“What happened?” Camila asks, eyes darting from the puddle of blood that was once Michael, to the puddle of blood that was once Adriel, to the puddle of blood that was Ava before Beatrice pushed her through the Arc. 
“She did it,” Beatrice says, soft and bitter, “Adriel is dead.”
Camila’s eyes dart from the blood to the tears on Beatrice’s face. “And Ava?”
Beatrice closes her eyes. Swallows the grief. Chokes on the sob. Tries to remember how to breathe. Tries to remember how to live.
“Gone. She’s gone.”
Or: Beatrice, in the aftermath.
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beastking-golion · 1 year
Finished my run of Mortum’s romance and.
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#full spoilers in these tags here my guys#fhr#fallen hero retribution#fhr spoilers#fallen hero retribution spoilers#okay so 1. love this gal she’s so awesome and knowing she vented to her friend about our dumbass decisions makes me weirdly happy#you are so girlboss mortum#anyways 2. shes so lovey dovey and the fact she takes the time to keep you comfortable first is sooooo ❤️#her specifically getting cozy with you only after establishing you’re comfortable is so sweet of her#dont ‘bar is on the floor’ me btw because I have another piece to that in why it makes me so emotional#gonna talk about dubious consent here for a second so BIG warning okie? okie.#3. the scene after you reveal yourself as a regene to her and she asks why you had sex with her and you explain how you do things-#for humans because that’s what you were built to do meaning you acted for her desires not your own meaning she ‘pushed’ you into doing it#that was so devastating and I mean specifically for her as someone who clearly values consent a shit ton#yes you may have liked it but you did it cause you thought it would make her happy not because you wanted it like oh my god that hurts#she prolly understands regenes at least to some sort of degree shes a smart well connected woman so learning your bf is actually a regene-#has gotta have so many cogs and questions and worries shooting through her mind#you were made to serve humans you were controlled and abused by doctors like her you clearly fear her to some aspect#its heart breaking because of how much love she shows you and how much love she just has in general even as a villain#sorry yall I just can’t stop thinking about that scene like that had to have been so harrowing for her#it’s not your fault mortum you literally couldn’t have known even if you tried because our ass is so secretive#but it felt like it left off on a hopeful note#you both understand things so deeply about each other now and you can rebuild#start over and try again in a better safer way#one where you’re honest with her#AAWASG TH GFHFHFNGN it was really good it was so good#love that gal mortum so much#built out of love and vinegar she’s so awesome sauce#and with that I’ve played all the fhr2 romances#I can’t decide which romance is my favorite but I know which is my least (and it’s not my bbg mortum love ya)
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generalsmemories · 1 year
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thetimelordbatgirl · 6 months
Ngl would have honestly preferred if Holly's and Poppy's debuts in the Ever After High episodes had been similar to their doll diaries versus what we ended up getting.
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wildstar25 · 1 year
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WOL and Y’shtola mini-scenario immediate post reunion in shadowbringers under the cut. 
[Context: between markers during quest “a day in the neighbour hood”. While Y’shtola has a good feeling as to why she couldnt recognize Arsay, its clear Arsay is completely unaware of what is happening to her. Fully misinterpreting the events as familiar feelings of abandonment take over, Arsay snaps at Y’shtola at the first opportunity and hastily exists the cave in a huff.]
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Y’shtola: To think I’d find the “Warrior of Darkness” sulking, of all things, when there’s a whole new village full of other people's problems you can stick your nose into. Is this how you have changed? I can’t say its very becoming of you.
Arsay: ... 
Y’shtola: ... <sigh>  
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Y’shtola: Did that rude welcome of mine offend you so? Surely by now you are no stranger to having a mass of weapons pointed towards you. 
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Arsay: ... 
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Y’shtola: You have to understand, it’s your aether. It...  after three long years on the first I’ve learned to equate aether such as yours to that of an imminent threat. These people have already lost so much, I can’t afford to take chances with their safety.
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Y’shtola: Had I arrived to the scene a moment earlier, heard your voice first, perhaps then- 
Arsay: I’m not mad at you.
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Arsay: I... I’m upset with myself. To think myself so important to you that you could recognize me at a glance. That you would not forget me after being apart for a time. I believed because I care so much for you... perhaps you would do the same in turn. A childish folly I thought I’d never repeat. 
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Arsay: You’re my best friend Y- Matoya. Your words sting like adder bites and you can read through tomes faster than I can take down a primal. When we part on separate adventures, there are moments where I want nothing more than to see you again. I know you can’t see me the way I see you, it’s unfair of me to expect that of you; yet, to know I am nothing more than an indistinguishable pool of aether in your eyes... Pray, tell me. Do I mean so little in your life as to not be remembered? Did you not think of me at all, even a bit? 
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Y’shtola: <scoffs> Don’t be so daft, of course you’ve crossed my mind. When I first arrived to this reflection I thought to myself how worried you must be. That you were probably putting all other duties on hold to instead watch my bedside, as you before did in Rhalgr's Reach. 
Y’shtola: Time moved on here. I got embroiled in the mysteries of the First. I couldn’t very well squander this opportunity in front of me by spending all my energy thinking about if or when I’d ever get to see you again. You know better than most I’m not one to dwell on such things... Perhaps the picture I had of you in my mind faded somewhat along the way but it was not due to lack of caring. It’s the opposite, really. Were I more indifferent, recalling our moments together might have caused me far less grief.
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Y’shtola: Suffice is to say, you are important to me too, Arsay. Not only as a fellow scion, but as a dear friend. I couldn’t forget you. Not in any way that matters. You need not jump to such nonsensical insecurities.  
Arsay: ... 
Y’shtola: Now, does that clear things up; or will you force my hand into professing even more superfluous information regarding how I feel.  
Arsay: No, that’s... that was enough. Forgive this outburst of mine, I don’t know what came over m-
Y’shtola: Think nothing of it. I only hope you return to your old self.  
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Arsay: Thank you.
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altruistic-meme · 1 year
I Do Not Need What My Brain Is Creating Right Now, But Here We Are
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lildepressyy · 9 months
i feel stupid and weird and awkward and wrong nothing happened there were no bad consequences but i hate the way i acted that was too vulnerable it shouldn't be like that i shouldn't have said that acted like that
#they pranked us all saying it was his birthday??? at lunch#and i was sooooo sad and hurt i kept saying mujhe bataya kyun nahi#bhai why would he tell you kya lagti hai tu uski 😭😭😭 literally nothing kuch bhi nahi#but i hate the way he's still so nice and cute and soft?? 😭😭#it felt like having a friend asking him again when we were sitting door door ki mujhe kyun nahi bataya#and when he said aise hi i just stared at him for 2 mins all sad face on verge of crying (wtf??) and was like kyun celebrate karna pasand#nai hai kya in a sad disappointed voice#and he laughed and mouthed it to me just me that aaj nahi hai#i miss having a best friend having secrets giggling about them so much it felt sooo good 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#i want to hug him so bad for scaring me but it doesn't make sense we are not that close it doesn't matter if i didn't wish him as soon as i#saw him right 😭😭😭😭#i think i finally understand that post about having a platonic crush on someone very intensely 😭😭😭#he seems nice and comforting i heard the way he was comforting some friend of his on the phone prolly#cause she failed a group or something and had exams in nov he was so calm and logical and sweetly encouraging#i want to hug him sob in his shoulder and have him tell me it'll be okay crack a lame joke to make me laugh 😭😭😭😭#which is way too much wtf dude aise nahi karte hai kaun karta hai ye#also i can't i know this sounds like i like him or something romantically but genuinely i don't 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 he's like a child he's onl#19 yrs old#i just want to have someone who pays attention to the little things and genuinely cares about me#but it isn't for you ivy you'll always feel lonely and empty and isolated because that's just who you ARE
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kezcore · 10 months
i think if we as a community just understood that some people take pride in being called "queer" and feel very seen by the word, while some other people have very negative associations with the word and don't feel comfortable with it, and if we just didn't argue about who's right and who's wrong, then we would all be much happier
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chuluoyi · 3 months
࿐ ࿔ 🕰️ 「 11:07 P.M 」
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divorce scare apology fic🤞🏻 yes people, in the spirit of april 1, it’s gojo who is having dreams :)) and i promise you it’s straight up comfort fic~
a part of gojo's love entries
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you’ve known something is bugging satoru as he hasn’t been teasing the heck out of you for these past three days.
and you were proven true when tonight, on your marital bed, he said—
“so… i’ve been thinking…” he started, seemingly deep in thought, playing with your hair. “oh, more like it’s because of this one bad dream…”
“what are you on about?” you raised an eyebrow. okay, you knew something was up with him, but him being a bit skittish made you a bit worried.
“umm, yeah. so, the other day i had this dream about us in tokyo district court—”
“district court—?”
“—getting a divorce, yeah.”
your eyes rounded, and satoru could feel himself almost regretting his words seeing your stunned expression, so he added a band-aid—
“no, it was just a dream! i’m not divorcing you, okay?!”
however, your expression had soured, as you looked down, visibly heartbroken. alarmed, satoru immediately pulled you to his chest.
“oh, ooh— there, there,” he soothed you, stroking your hair. “sweets, no. never. okay? i’m just telling you, just like what you did the other day.”
you had a dream of him cheating on you once, but this was wholly different.
“you’re the worst,” you accused, and despite yourself, you felt an ache in your chest. “how could such thought even cross your mind— that you dream about it?”
“if i can pick my dream… i’ll pick the memory from our honeymoon— precisely when i ripped your black and pink lingerie off and made you scream my name, you know that.”
you huffed, burying your face in his chest. “hmph. explain.”
satoru smiled, finding you so incredibly precious. silly wifey.
he proceeded as he pat your back. “nothing really, i’m still bitter too! no way in hell! but then i started thinking… what would you do in 0.001% chance of us being divorced?”
you pulled away, growling. “…so there’s still a chance—!”
“noooo! that’s statistically impossible! aren’t we having a late night talk? we’re always talking about imaginary scenarios at night, aren’t we?!”
what was the point of this? it was only upsetting you with each second.
“how could you ask me that?” you glared at him resentfully. “if we’re divorced, then—” you grabbed his hand and placed it on your belly. “what about baby? do you not want to see him anymore?”
and in that moment it seemed like he just realized it too as he sheepishly scratched his head, mouth gaping. “ah—”
his response caused your hormones to stir, and combined by your disbelief, you spitefully threw his hand away and turned to your side, refusing to face him.
“if you dare to divorce me, i’ll move out japan at a moment’s notice,” you spat out, crossing your arms. “i won’t let you see my baby— and i’ll put a restraining order on you too, just so you see.”
“whoa, wait—”
“or i can also jump from yasohachi bridge and then become a curse—i’ll haunt you to your dying days!”
“—?! you can’t do that!”
“oh, i can also remarry! i’ll marry ichiji so fast and by the time the baby is born, your kid will have his name instead!”
“ichi— hey! that’s insulting! i would’ve forgiven if it was nanami, but ichiji?!”
“shut up! you’re— you’re annoying!”
in hindsight, this wasn’t something you should get this much worked up for. satoru was obviously just being his dense self and you knew it, but somehow the thought of him suddenly not by your side anymore hurt you— and perhaps your unstable hormones played a part too.
. . . but then his strong arms wrapped around you in that instant, enveloping you in his warm and reassuring embrace from behind. “hey… sweets, don’t be mad…”
“if you do, baby will also be—”
“you are making us mad.”
“okay, okay.” satoru sighed, his right palm reaching out to caress your five-month baby bump, and his voice was tinted with slight regret as he replied, “sorry…”
you melted a bit, but still gave him the cold shoulder, showing how cross you were that he brought it up in the first place.
and both of you stayed that way for a while, and you started to get sleepy, until you heard him muttering—
“still… whatever you do,” his voice sounded strained, and it made you awake again. “even when i’m not here… you can’t get yourself hurt, alright?”
“what does that mean?” you finally turned towards him, your eyes shone with slight panic. “what do you mean with you not being here?”
“nothing, sweetheart.” satoru grinned, pinching your cheek. “just saying—since i’m away often, don’t do anything reckless, you can get hurt.”
“don’t put it as if you’re going to go some place far away.” you didn’t know what you were spouting now, but you were tired and just didn’t want to pursue this conversation any longer.
you bit your lip, not looking at him. “or… i’ll get sad.”
seeing you so vulnerable and open like this made satoru realize that as much as he needed you to stay sane, you also needed him. the clarity stirred something within him, causing warmth to rapidly spread in his chest.
and he felt soft. so soft for you. and he adored you, more than anyone else in this wretched world.
“aw, look at my baby girl.” your husband cradled you close to him with a wide grin, patting you soothingly, his heart fluttering. “how can i leave you be a single mother? i’m here, yeah? always.”
and you believed him. otherwise, you were willing to risk it all just to get him home, by your side.
you smushed your face into his chest, ignoring your burning face. “hmph, being a single mother isn’t that bad. i can still drain your wealth.”
“huh?! wait, you just said you’ll be sad without me!”
and you thought, being in his embrace is the most comforting place of all.
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“by the way, i just realized…” satoru fixed his frown on you accusingly in the next morning. “how is your taste in men so bad? why ichiji as your first pick?”
“uh,” you were at a loss of words, totally not expecting this discussion on a brand new morning. “because… he’s kind? he’s easiest to sway—”
“so you’re saying… you can seduce him easily?!”
“…sort of? but you’re right, i should go for nanami. he’s way good-looking. or his apprentice… what’s his name again? ino takuma—”
“nanami? ino?! wait a minute…! y-you’re my wife… but you’re also thinking about which man is easier to seduce and which is more attractive?!”
“uh— you’re the one asking first!”
“still! so you do think about them! about weaker, lesser men who are not me!”
“nanami is not—!”
“hoh?! so it’s nanami, huh!?”
“don’t you dare to start anything, gojo satoru,” you hissed. “you said my taste in men is bad. so that includes you too.”
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