#huntik chat
roleplayfinder · 3 months
Hi there. I’m Magnus- 26M. Looking for male role players 21+ for fantasy RPs. (More on the romance side but not opposed to simply worldbuilding, adventure role play or even fandom chat as well. Pieces may go NSFW but not mandatory)
Fandoms I’m interested to RP are:
Very familiar with:
Elder Scrolls, Dungeons and Dragons, Baldur’s Gate, Dragon Age, DC/Marvel (comics not the MCU), Winx(OG cartoon and Fate), Wizarding World/Harry Potter, Overwatch, and (long shot if anyone is into these) The Originals/Vampire Diaries and Huntik: Secrets and Seekers.
Not that well versed in but good understanding:
Dune, Star Wars and Game of Thrones.
Prefer OC x OC. Can RP here or Discord. Have a lovely day.
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((...fuck it lets go way back to Wic's baby days and talk about my very first self insert.
I was a big YuGiOh GX fan when I was 14 and it still holds a special place in my heart and Kayla was a character I came back to multiple times over the years. And every time I think about her, I realise more more just how much she reflected my struggles at the time.
So she's Jaden's twin sister that he forgot about and she's pretty damn upset about it. She had an ability of her own, she could see people's auras, though that ability got blocked off as a kid when the whole mess with Yubel's overprotective streak happened.
And that was it. Until I hit 16 and watched reruns of Huntik: Seekers and Secrets, which is a very cheesy but very fun cartoon btw, and I decided to make Kayla a Seeker on that main team which is partially how she runs into Jaden again later. I was also doing a rewatch of GX season 3 at the time and had a small crush on Jim. So the archaeology link was there.
I came back again in my 20s whilst chatting about YuGiOh with a new friend and over the years, we ended up with a ridiculous amount of ideas and scenarios and AUs and AUs of the AUs that I put together in a word document and gave to her for Christmas one year. I still have that word document and I still talk to that friend.
Kayla is a character who was angry and hurt and had an ability to understand people that was taken away which was very reflective of who I was and what I was dealing with as a teenager. And I put her in situations where she could scream and rant and cry and inevitably get the reassurance and love she'd been craving.
So in case it isn't clear, I'm all for self inserts no matter how "Mary-Sue" or "cringe" because they're fun and if you pay attention and do a little introspection, you end up learning a lot about yourself.))
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emyy250 · 2 years
Fanfic Update Schedule: 2023 and onwards
This has been on my mind since I took my hiatus at the end of 2021. I've decided to semi-retire from fanfiction and focus on my original works. Here are my plans for my remaining stories.
The Misfortune of Mack Garcia
To be Finished
A Mother's Sins
The Life of a Pet Owner
The Princess and Her Foxes
Misadventures in the Mundane World
Changing Perspective: A Pet's Tale
To be Continued Later
Gargoyles Mermaid Anthology
Emergency Babysitter
My Monstrous Family*
Gargoyles Drabbles*
Huntik: AUs, Drabbles, and Oneshots*
Steampunk Snippets*
Huntik AU*
Huntik Pets*
Huntik chats/headcanons*
Gargoyles Tumblr Chats*
The Trust of a Vixen
Do Androids dream of Redheads?
My plan is as follows: Publish whatever was unpublished from before, work on the "To be Finished" list, then onto my other fan project.
This will not be like my old writing schedule. I'm going to do one story at a time until they're done. That being said if I'm in a rut, I'll take a step back and work on another story.
On the topic of my fan project, I don't want to say too much about it because it's still in its early stages. But for those on the Huntik discord, know that I truly do want this to happen.
Many of the works on the "To be Continued Later" list are one-shot collections or just meme stuff.  Which is why I feel comfortable leaving them for the time being. As for the "Unsure" list, I really would like to continue them, but I couldn't in good conscious put them on one of the other lists. I don't know where to take the plot(s). The ones with asterisks are lower priority. Finished stories will be crossed out. I'll edit this post as needed.
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weirdponytail · 5 years
The Professor: What do you have there, Klaus?
Klaus: *blankly looks down at half feral street kid!Zhalia biting at his ankles then to the cup in his hand and back to the Professor*
Klaus: A smoothie.
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zhaliacain · 3 years
Interviewer: so after everything that’s happened to you, fighting the Professor, fighting the Blood Spirals, literally dying… what has been your worst experience?
Dante: that time I almost got assassination target zoned.
Dante: it’s like the friend zone but she was meant to kill me.
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huntikjunktik · 5 years
DeFoe: I know you must be surprised to see me here.
Dante: Not really, since you’re literally chasing me.
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reverienne · 5 years
Get to know me meme
Tagged by: @dekudoodle (thank you so much!).
(I am doing this on @reverienne as I want to keep @aeducanka as much DA oriented as possible. Sorry for inconvenience.)
Rules: Tag nine people you want to know better.
Relationship status: livin’ and diggin’ my spinster life~.
Favourite colour: generally I am torn between pink and blue, mostly because a lot depends on the shade and my current mood. That being said, I am also partial to pastels, violet, navy blue, some shades of green, and coral, and I dress almost exclusively in cream and grey (I know, I am such a bore!).
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Top ships: *cracks knuckles* Buckle up, it is going to be a wild ride.
Lily Evans/James Potter (Harry Potter; AKA the first ship that dragged me into reading fanfiction); Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff (Marvel); Wonder Woman/Batman (Justice League [2001-2004]); Dante Vale/Zhalia Moon (Huntik: Secrets&Seekers); Obi-Wan Kenobi/Satine Kryze (Star Wars); Jyn Erso/Cassian Andor (Star Wars); Ladybug/Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug); Arkayna Goodfey/Malvaron Grimm (Mysticons). + I have a soft spot for Finn/Rey (Star Wars) and seeing it on my dash always makes my day.
Last song: Lil Nas X - Old Town Road (feat. Billy Ray Cyrus).
Last movie: (in cinema) “Pokémon: Detective Pikachu”; (in general) “How to Irritate People” (per @bluekaddis’ recommendation).
tagging: @bitchesofostwick @gingerbreton @etoilebinaire and whoever wants to do this! (There is no pressure, though.)
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sarkazmwherbacie · 5 years
wow, i got so surprised to find an active Huntik fan page :o I am rewatching it rn (+ reading and researching all myths, tales and real people mentioned in the show) I had forgoten how great the show is ^^Have a nice day (ps you can always write me to chat about Huntik)
Well, it is by no means as active as I want it to be, but I am always happy to provide! Thank you so much for reaching out! 
Also, I have to admit that I am VERY impressed that you are doing your reading. Not many fans do that and even I, for my seven or so rewatches of Huntik, went through proper research only once… and I did not manage to cover the whole two seasons, lol! So good luck with your project and I hope that you had a nice rewatch. :)
(And sorry that you had to wait for my answer for so long. I have never had even a mildly popular blog and so I am always surprised to find any questions in my inbox! If you are still willing to chat about Huntik, then I highly recommend reaching out to me via my personal blog, @reverienne.)
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eternalservitude · 6 years
❝ I never wanted this life for you. All I wanted was for you to be safe and happy. ❞
Jared had been hoping the long car ride home would be enough to calm his rage, but as he slammed the front door shut behind him, he was still every bit as angry as he had been. The nerve of that guy trying to prey on his love for his wife. There were about two separate times he had contemplated turning the car around to make good on his threat but each time he fought to stay in control. His priority had been to get home and to relay their little chat to Rebekah. They would figure out where to go from there.
As he entered their shared bedroom, Rebekah immediately seemed to pick up on his mood and he doesn’t hesitate launching into detail. “I ran into that asshole Quinn at Whitmore,” he explains, tossing the bag of text he had checked out onto the bed. He’d give those to Henrik later when he was more... tame. In his current mood, he didn’t need Henrik worrying that the wolf in him would win out. 
“Bastard had the audacity to try and make a traitor out of me. He offered me a deal; your life for theirs. And he knew damn well what that would mean.” He laughs, though the sound was lacking its usual humor. Jared was angry and upset but mostly, he was worried. “Naturally, I told him where he could shove it and took off before I was tempted to rip his head off.” A breath as he tries to compose himself. “And I wanted to, Rebekah--- I wanted to kill him so badly. Because all I got from talking to him was alarm bells. They’re still trying to kill you all.”
When he finished relaying all the details of the exchange to her, he felt a calm start to wash over him. A calm that only her touch could provide; her hands soft and gentle as they caught his face. She always did know best how to ease his temper on the rare occasions that it flared up like this. Usually he had a good hold on it.
❝ I never wanted this life for you. All I wanted was for you to be safe and happy. ❞
Leaning into her touch, he closes his eyes and takes a breath. “And I never wanted this life for you. I just want for you to be safe and have the beautiful life that you deserve with your family. I’m not going to let anyone steal that from you.” Why couldn’t these people just let it be? 
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sehumksh · 7 years
Omg, I wish all Huntik fans would have group chat!!! What you think about Discord chat room???
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emyy250 · 6 years
Here is the first part of the chats.
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weirdponytail · 5 years
Lok: *after Zhalia startled him by entering a room without making noise* Jeez, Zhalia! We need to put a bell on you!
Zhalia: *deadpan* Better Seekers have tried and died, Lambert.
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huntikfrance · 3 years
[EN] Discover the French translation of an article about the latest news about Rainbow studio on the website! (Clic here to read the English version)
[FR] Découvrez la traduction d'un nouvel article de presse récent sur le studio Rainbow à retrouver sur le blog!
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zhaliacain · 3 years
Dante: I’m beginning to lose track of whether those are bruises under your eyes from head injuries or just lack of sleep.
Zhalia currently with a nose bleed but still trying to drink coffee: at this point who can tell?
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Here is link to our group chat Huntik fans. The app is called Discord. You can download it from Google Play or Apple Store. So here is link. Log in and create your account. This invation valids in 1 day.
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weirdponytail · 6 years
An Important Question (Huntik Chat Fun)
Lok: So, seeing as we tend to go into tombs and stuff, I was wondering...how long does someone have to be dead before it's considered archeology instead of grave robbing?
Dante: ...
Dante: I'm a licensed archaeologist in over a dozen countries and I find this a very awkward question.
Zhalia: Answer the question, grave robber.
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