#hunter vera
veraforgottenheart · 7 months
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pyrettawychwiggin · 3 months
Come With Me (Oneshot) - Crow x Guardian (Destiny 2)
The following oneshot contains spoilers for The Final Shape beneath the cut. Tread carefully, Guardian.
What to Expect: SFW, fluff, cute
I put this together shortly after Ch'ak and I completed The Final Shape campaign. I've been a bit of Crow stan ever since I first started playing, so naturally, I ship my own hunter with him pretty hard-core.
That being said, seeing as how my Guardian, Vera, respected and got along well with Amanda, she rooted for her and Crow despite her feelings, honestly feeling that she would be good for him (until they hit their rocky patch). If anything were to happen between she and Crow now, I feel like it would be a bit of a slow burn, so maybe eventually I'll write more about them.
Anywho, enjoy!
The words kept echoing in her head.
Vera sat atop the overlook high above the dreaming city, one leg tucked into her chest, the other dangling over the ledge. She gazed out to the skies shimmering in hues of ammolite, a stark contrast to the pearlescent white structures towering over the misty green landscape.
Now, you tell the others that this was my choice.
She removed her helmet and set it aside with a huff, feeling more and more constricted by her grief.
My Light.
She felt her chest grow tight, and the familiar sting of tears threatening to fall.
Nobody makes my fate but me.
Her hands burned with the phantom sensation of Cayde's over hers.
You're my favourite. Don't ever forget that.
Her mind returning to the moment Cayde's Light - that bittersweet cataclysm - crashed through her consciousness and brought Doppler back to her - but at a cost she wished he hadn't needed to pay.
"Vera?" Doppler hovered just a few feet away at her side. "Maybe we should get back."
"Sorry, Dopps - just..." Vera shook her head and sniffled, using the palm of her hand to dry her waterline. "Just a little bit longer."
"Well, alright..."
Dopps' robotic tone was still full of concern. Usually his guardian was far more forthcoming with her feelings; she notoriously wore her heart on her sleeve, but ever since they'd returned from the Pale Heart for the final time since the Witness' unmaking, it felt as if her heart had been sealed off in a steel vault. On occasion, he'd see her eyes brimming with the shine of tears, but she wasn't allowing herself to fully break down like he knew she needed to; the next moment, her expression would harden again; as if she were actively reigning herself in - blocking off her feelings, which most certainly was not like her.
"I'm here," he said softly, almost as if he was afraid that breaking the silence would shatter her into dust. "If you need to talk."
Vera nodded before Dopps disappeared to give her a moment of privacy. Perhaps if she wouldn't allow herself to cry in front of him, she'd be more comfortable if there was no one else around.
The area was silent and still once more, but Vera's expression remained blank. She had no idea how long she'd been there, or how long she planned on staying, but she knew if she really wanted, she had all the time in the world; which perhaps made the whole concept all the more maddening.
"Guardian," a familiar voice broke the silence once more, making her jolt a little. "I thought I'd find you here."
Crow carefully approached her, stopping about a meter away to wait for her to respond.
"Crow." Vera rasped, keeping her back turned to him, silently hoping he'd keep this encounter brief. "What can I do for you?"
"Well, for one, you could talk to me." To her dismay, Crow sighed and took a seat on the ledge beside her, giving her a sidelong glance. "You haven't been yourself since we got back. We're all getting a little worried."
"I don't know how to talk about it. This all still doesn't quite feel real, yet."
"Mm." Crow nodded and took a heavy breath, turning his gaze beyond the horizon. "Maybe start with telling me... how are you feeling right now?"
"It changes with each passing thought." Vera frowned and shook her head, furrowing her brow as she attempted to find the words to describe what was in her heart. "I'm furious, I'm heartbroken, I'm confused, but most of all, I feel.... guilty."
"Guilty? Crow turned his head to look at her again, eyebrows raised in surprise at her choice of words. "Don't tell me you blame yourself for Cayde?"
"No, I... I feel guilty for feeling the way that I do."
"What do you mean?"
"I just can't help but think about the lightless folk. People die around them all the time - and for good - no Ghost to resurrect them from a bullet to the heart or a knife to the throat." Vera hugged her knee closer to her chest. "How many of them have lost people they'd loved and wished more than anything to get to see them one more time; to have one more conversation with them to find that closure they never got to have beforehand?"
Crow frowned and nodded slowly, allowing her to continue her thought.
"We did. We were so lucky to have gotten to hear his smart-ass voice again, and yet I can't help but feel that it just..." Vera's shoulders started to quiver as she felt herself beginning to break. "Wasn't enough."
Crow shuffled closer to the Awoken hunter and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, gently resting his cheek on the top of her head while tears finally started to trickle down her face. She leaned back against him, despite the tingling of her skin that begged her to push him away.
"No amount of time is enough when it comes to someone you love," Crow sighed, feeling his own heart ache for his own losses as well as Vera's. "Were you two really that close?"
"When I first arrived - after Dopps woke me up - I was all over the place." Vera sniffled. "Cayde was also... well, all over the place, but I think that's why I could relate to him. His chaos was like a mirrored version of my own, just so, so much brighter. He was one of my first friends."
"Just friends?" Crow chuckled, giving her arm a playful shake. "I always assumed there was more to it than that."
"No, never." Vera shrugged. She cast her eyes out across the vast landscape and smiled numbly. "He was more like a big brother in my eyes. Or, maybe a mentor - of some sort? I don't know. I loved him with all my heart - but not... like that."
The two Hunters sat in silence for a while before Crow cleared his throat.
"There's a private vigil for Cayde back at the Tower tonight; there won't be many people there, it's really just Cayde's closest friends." He dropped his arm and rose to his feet, dusting himself off and offering a hand to her. "Come with me?"
Vera gulped, staring at his open palm with hesitance. "I don't know if I'll be able to keep it together long enough to be social..."
"You don't have to be social if you don't want to," Crow replied with a sympathetic half-smile and a slight tilt of his head. "Just stick with me; I can do the brunt of the talking today if that's what you need."
Crow... Vera nearly felt as though she'd crumble. He's dealing with his own pain and grief, but he's still looking out for me...
"Okay." Vera wiped her tears off on her sleeve and took his hand, letting him gently hoist her up to her feet, his grip lingering for just a few seconds longer than necessary. "Thank you, Crow. And by the way..."
"Hm?" Crow waited for her to continue.
"I, uh... I like the hair." Vera gave Crow the first genuine smile she'd had for quite some time. "It's nice being able to see the rest of your face."
"O-oh." Crow averted his eyes, his ears darkening slightly in a soft blush. He scratched the bridge of his nose with a bashful chuckle under his breath before silently working up a small ounce of courage, reaching out to softly drift his fingers over her jawline. "Thank you, Vera."
"See?" Glint excitedly popped out from behind Crow's shoulder. "I told you she'd like it."
Crow's shoulders jumped with surprise before he turned and frantically shushed his ghost, making Vera laugh for the first time in weeks.
"I haven't seen you laugh for weeks!" Dopps returned, hovering around Vera almost as if he were dancing with glee, turning to Crow and stating, "you really do bring out the best in her."
"Dopps! Seriously?" Vera hissed, face warm and flushed at the ghost's lack of tact.
Laughing and arm-in-arm, the two hunters transmatted back to the Tower for one last celebration of their fallen hero.
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mxwormie · 1 year
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happy lesbian visibility day!
i drew me and my gf @oh-doe-eyes and some of our lesbian dnd characters! <3 <3
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theknucklehead · 6 months
Here are some more miscellaneous moments from Monster Prom I found to be funny.
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vileidol · 2 months
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centuries old immortal vampire king vs anti-monarchist upstart fledgling who used to smash in store windows for a living who will win
read @barbwritesstuff’s Thicker Than and was possessed by the sudden urge to draw my absolute creature of an OC
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pannacottababy · 6 months
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Kurapika - red spider lily
Leorio - aloe vera
Gon - sunflower
Killua - water lily
I can elaborate if asked :>
This took so longggg 😭😭 Not the drawing itself, but the search for the right markers. Thank god I found a good shop that gave me freebies too!
Hope you enjoyed this drawing <3
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vodka-and-ocs · 27 days
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"It is there, deep into the woods, that they both bleed out, neither willing to let go, and neither able to win."
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deathofthetext · 1 year
whenever i listen to dimitris sasquatch letter i am so struck by the concrete knowledge that he is bisexual. its so clear to me in every way. he is just So bisexual.
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ghassanrassam · 3 months
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1956 Wayne searches for Wood
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omercifulheaves · 1 year
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The Searchers (1956)
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veraforgottenheart · 3 months
Reworking Vera’s hunter abilities with help from @the-toybox-system and @mewmaru
Forgiveness- Vera can plant areas of thorns across the map (3 at a time but they replenish when one is destroyed) in which walking slowly or crawling will not hurt the survivor, but running through it will deal chip damage. These areas can be destroyed through dismantling them. When dismantled, they turn into flowers. Vera can teleport to these areas before dismantled— animation resembles her arising from a grave. Vera has a mini map of the whole map where she can plant thorn patches across the map from afar. She can auto pick or hand pick it for more strategy. Map will say if a survivor is in the thorn patch.
Second presence ability- her thorns will cause full damage instead of chip damage.
Full Presence- Allows the thorn patches to cover larger ground, makes it take longer to pacify.
Hit box- Average hit box
Attack recovery- short
Vaulting- Long vault animation
Pallet stun- Long pallet stun animation
Pallet breaking- short (cut like Mary)
Weapon- dagger
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pyrettawychwiggin · 2 months
No Harm Done (Oneshot) - Crow x Guardian (Destiny 2)
The following oneshot may contain spoilers from around The Season of the Haunted beneath the cut. Tread carefully, Guardian.
What to Expect: SFW, fluff, cute, semi-platonic
The following scene takes place at some point during The Season of the Haunted.
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Vera lay splayed out on her emergency bedroll on a bench in the H.E.L.M. snoring and tucked under the fold of the grey, plastic-like covering. She hadn't managed to get a half-decent night's rest for weeks since her latest series of missions on Nessus, and the very thought of hauling her groggy Awoken ass back to the city and through the streets to her flat felt nothing short of laughable. As soon as she'd arrived at the H.E.L.M. with her fireteam to split their loot and part ways, she knew she was in no condition to fly.
She had been out cold for a few hours before a voice started echoing in her subconscious.
Vera scrunched her nose in her sleep, rolling over in response to the strange noise calling her name from beyond the sleep.
"Vera, please wake up."
The voice was insistent - full of concern.
Her eyes fluttered open slowly to see the burgundy shell of Crow's ghost hovering in front of her.
"Glint?" Vera rubbed her eyes as she slowly sat up, letting the top half of her bedroll crinkle down to her hips to reveal her in a simple white tank top and slate gray sweatpants. "What is it? Is everything alright?"
"I'm sorry to wake you up, it's just-" he was speaking in a hushed, hurried tone, twitching from one side to the other. "It's Crow."
"Crow?" Vera frowned, swinging her legs around the side of her cot to set her bare feet on the ground. "Is he alright?"
"Well, he has... nightmares. That's normal for him, but usually, I just wake him up." Glint cast his eye down to the ground and shook from side to side. "This time, I can't seem to snap him out of it - he won't wake up. He's all wrapped up in this one, and I'm getting worried."
"Take me to him." Vera pulled herself to her feet and followed Glint around the corridors of the H.E.L.M. to where Crow had clearly fashioned a makeshift cot for himself in a small room tucked out of the way. Vera suspected it had once been a closet for janitorial use.
Sure enough, Crow was there, tucked under tattered covers that weren't quite long enough to cover his feet, head resting on his folded up hunter's cape.
"Crow?" Vera called softly, awkwardly taking a few steps closer. There was no response. As she got closer to the side of his cot, she noticed he was sweating, his breathing ragged and nearly laboured. He tossed and turned, his face contorting as if he were experiencing some manner of agony. Vera tried to call out again. "Crow, wake up. You're only dreaming."
Still nothing. Glint let out a small series of electric chatters and chirps.
"Come on, Crow." Vera reached out to rest a hand on his shoulder and gave him a gentle shake. "Snap out of it!"
To her shock, Crow's hand snapped up to grasp her arm, yanking her off her feet and onto her back on the other side of the cot. Before she could blink, he was on top of her, panting with his knife to her throat, his other hand clasped around her wrists, holding her arms over her head.
"Whoa, hey! Crow!" Vera raised her voice in alarm. "It's me!"
Crow's glowing harvest moon eyes snapped open, pupils dilated, chest heaving. At first, his vision was dark and blurred, not allowing him to fully comprehend what was in front of him. In this moment, he felt the familiar fight-or-flight panic in his bones; a them-or-me type of fear that had become as close to home as he'd known ever since Glint had brought him into this life.
"Crow! Stop!" Glint's voice cut through his panic as he flashed in front of him in one frantic movement.
"What....?" Crow breathed, brow furrowed in confusion. As he looked down to the figure pinned beneath him, his vision came into focus to reveal the Awoken huntress, a pinprick trickle of blood from her neck at the tip of his blade. She looked up at him with wide, pale moonlight-coloured eyes, lavender lips parted as she regarded him with intermingling fear and concern.
As if his dagger were suddenly coated in molten lava, he flung the blade to the ground with a gasp and released Vera's wrists, palms up in surrender.
"Vera! I-" Crow stammered. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I-I thought -"
"Hey, no harm done." Vera smiled at him, trying (and failing) to ease his guilt with a joke and a crooked grin. "As far as I can tell, I still have all nine of my limbs."
Crow frowned, clearly not amused at Vera's attempt to lighten the atmosphere.
"Vera, you shouldn't shrug this off," he sighed. "I almost killed you. Do you realize that?"
"Do you realize it wouldn't have mattered?" Vera rolled her eyes. "You're not the only guardian here, you know. We live, we die, we come back - rinse and repeat; it's what we do. It's the circle of Light and all that-"
"But you would have had to do so at my hand!" Crow snapped. "I've had to resurrect more times than I can count because of... other guardians."
Crow averted his eyes, remembering the multitude of times a disgruntled guardian had taken out their unending hatred for Uldren out on him - usually in the form of a bullet to the head.
"Crow, stop." Vera gently placed her hands on his cheeks, her expression serious and determined. "I know you. When you get like this, you tend to spiral. You're far too hard on yourself as it is."
"One of us should be..." Crow replied, almost too quietly for Vera to hear.
She sighed and pursed her lips, grasping Crow's chest by the fabric of his shirt and yanking him down into her arms, his head tucked into the crook of her neck.
"Wh-what are you-"
"Hush." Vera ran her fingers through his hair, feeling the tension in his shoulders begin to relax. "There's no talking to you when you're like this, and you clearly haven't gotten a full night's rest in who knows how long - frankly, neither have I. So, sleep. We can talk this out in the morning."
"What if I try to hurt you again?" Crow whispered, cheeks warm with embarrassment to Vera's intimately close proximity. "What if I just have another nightmare?"
"Then I'll be here to chase them away for you." Vera rested her chin on top of Crow's head, gently pulling the covers up to his shoulders. "You're my friend, Crow. You won't hurt me. And I'm not going anywhere."
Glint hovered nearby, drifting idly in relief. Vera gave him a nod, allowing him to tuck himself away for the night.
Humming a simple melody softly under her breath, she felt Crow's heartbeat return to normal, and his breathing slowed as he drifted back to a dreamless sleep not long before she followed.
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thecrazywriter7182006 · 6 months
Warlock (Part 2)
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Percy walked up with Hunter “Defiling a grave wouldn’t be the first time” Percy looked at Hunter as he smoked into Trip Bailey’s grave.
Hunter and Percy posed as FBI agents and talked to Niko, they walked into the police station “The charmed ones girlfriend really?” Hunter smiled “What I didn’t choose who the girl is dating now get ready we need to found the elder’s witch blood” Percy looked at Hunter “Why not go after my parents” Hunter smiled “Your heart is full of arsenic god I don’t see why Parker left you now I have to call our boss and tell him what I found”
“Look at that, she’s on the move” Percy smiled “Get driving” as Hunter drove, Percy was on his phone scrolling through Parker’s social medias “Who’s this Lucy chick” Hunter rolled his eyes “Stalk later and wait I’ve got the DNA” Hunter went into the tiny shack and came out and got in the car and drove off.
Percy kept scrolling through Parker’s instagram “Perfect, he dumped the sorority chick” Hunter rolled his eyes “Focus on the task now follow me”
Percy was dressed as a nurse and leaned against the wall and scrolled through instagram, being extra careful to not like anything suddenly he heard fighting and ran into the room and saw Hunter frozen and he grabbed the extra syringe froze in mid air and walked over to Nico but suddenly he heard the charmed one call out to Harry and grabbed Hunter “No!”
Percy summoned his athame and threw it at the Charmed one but Harry stopped it and threw it at Percy and he teleported away.
Then he teleported back to Hunter but they weren’t at the hospital “Are you okay” Hunter pushed him away “Why didn’t you finish the job!” Percy looked at Hunter “I could have died! So no thanks I don’t want to die sorry but don’t worry we’ll get the job done” Hunter nodded.
Hunter and Percy were looking for a way to get inside the Charmed one’s house when suddenly a wave a magic shot out.
As Hunter and Percy opened their eyes they were confused “Who were we after and the elder blood” Hunter grabbed Percy and teleported them back to Alistair’s office.
Percy stood in the corner and stayed quiet as he can’t speak but he could tell Alistair pissed off Hunter.
Hunter pushed Percy on to the bed and placed a thing of gold “Payment” Percy smiled and got undressed and Hunter grabbed him and started to kiss him and slowly went down until he started rubbing Percy’s cock and Percy gasped and moaned and the Hunter flipped Percy over and pounded into him until he climaxed and since he’s a demon that took a while but that was fine because it was good for Percy.
“See I’m better at everything than Parker” Percy got up and grabbed the gold “You are better than Parker at a lot but screwing me isn’t one of them, your little brother knows what he’s doing better than you” Percy smirked as he teleported.
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enbykelpie · 1 year
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piiinkfreak · 11 months
Hi, i'm back again??
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Pinktober days 11 to 15 ( needle, grave, book, window and doll respectively)
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Days 17-party and 16-corset
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Days 18-Garden and 19-photos
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Days 20 to 23 (letter, chain, cards and bruises)
Hehe i've been kinda busy with school stuff lately and nkt very active so i decided to compile multiple days in batches like these!
I might post the next one on the weekend but i'm not sure...let's just see i guess...
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goldengospel · 1 year
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I spent like the bare minimum time and effort on this I just wanted to draw the Sillies.
On the left is my friend @wormeythingz exo warlock Martyr-6 with my awoken hunter Vera. Martyr apparently has a god complex. This....will not end well. Bro better get that growth arc Soon or Vera gonna beat their ass.
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