#hunter prey
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cybercanibalism · 3 months ago
I want to drool all over you, let the saliva run down your chest and stop at your belly button. I want to bite you and scratch you while you pull my hair forcing me for more. Your chest would look nice full of marks, then the game would be reversed, and you would leave me under you, I would feel helpless, and suddenly your hands would be on my neck. I am under your spell, hypnotized by your gaze, by your body, choking me in the darkness, tearing my skin, like a beast hunting its prey, under the claws of a beast thirsty for flesh.
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thethirdromana · 5 months ago
Hunter Prey!
Is that ship alive?!
I really appreciate how hard the dialogue works to convince us that the wibbly computer graphics are in fact an incredibly beautiful and advanced ship.
"The last time you vouched for a doctor, we had three dead bodies, the station was trashed and an Ikarran war machine was shooting at everything." - I also appreciate that in Babylon 5 they don't suffer from Star Trek End of Episode Amnesia Syndrome.
The interaction between Jacobs and the guy selling Identicards is great; Babylon 5 criminals have common sense.
"So, powerful and mysterious alien, I just so happened to be spying on your ship that you didn't want people to look at..." - Sheridan really isn't the best at the whole diplomacy thing, is he? I'm impressed that his approach actually works.
The way they circumvent Cranston and his team is great.
"To see what you really are inside that encounter suit" - I get where they're going with this but the way it's expressed just sounds pervy, like Sheridan just wants to get Kosh naked.
This is such an elegantly plotted and constructed episode.
And it was alive! I knew it!
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survivingandenduring · 1 year ago
So the hunter prey scenario has its own special place in my brain
And @mermaidgirl30’s Run Rabbit Joel resides in his very own area 🖤
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shay-scribbles · 10 months ago
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Prey (2024)
Sun dappled leaves fall,
A rustle, a whispered tread,
Feline eyes meet yours.
Breath catches in throat,
Muscles tense, a primal fear,
Hunter and prey now.
Claws gleam in the light,
A silent, deadly advance,
No escape in sight.
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thatkinkyyqueer · 5 months ago
Kinktober Day 29
(Using @absurdthirst prompt list)
Branding/Hunter - Prey/Uniforms
“Let go of me you fucking asshole!” I yell at the man who has me slung over his shoulder with my arms cuffed behind my back. He forced me into his truck at gun point while I was on my nightly walk, stripped me down to my underwear, and locked me in his basement. I was there for several hours before he decided to come get me.
He ignores the names I call him, like he’s been ignoring my screaming and crying all night, and carries me outside. He places me down on the grass. I notice the gun tucked in his waistband and a large knife sheathed on his belt. “We’re going to play a game.” He says to me, resting his arms behind his back. I waste no time snapping back. “I don’t wanna play a fucking game, I wanna go home.”
“If you stopped giving me attitude long enough to explain the game you would understand I’m trying to give you that opportunity.” His voice is calm and collected, and it pisses me off even more. I just glare at him in response. “Just a little game of cat and mouse.” He continues. “There’s a main road a little ways away. If you can find it, you can go home.” My eyes dart to the dark forest surrounding us, then back at him. “I’ll let you go free and leave you alone. You’ll never have to worry about me again.”
“What’s the catch?” I ask shivering a little on the cool night air. “I’m going to chase you. And if I find you, you stay here with me.” I fidget with my hands behind my back, the handcuffs jingle a little. “How do I know you’re not lying?” He looks me up and down in a way that makes my skin crawl. “I mean if you don’t want a chance to fight for your freedom-“ I cut him off before he can finish. “Okay! Okay fine I’ll play your fucking game.” He smiles at me. “Good! I’ll tell you what I’ll even give you a sixty second head start!” He says too cheerfully.
He moves behind me, holding onto one of my arms, and talks into my ear. “Are you ready to run little mouse?” My heart is already racing as I prepare to sprint into the woods. I can feel him reaching for something, and I remember the gun and the knife. For all I know he’s just going to kill me. He starts counting down from three. “Three-“ he doesn’t get the rest out. I rip out of his grip and run as fast as I can, straight into the woods. I can hear him yelling something about cheating behind me.
My eyes had a little time to adjust to the dark, but as the trees get thicker it gets harder to see. I ignore the pain in my bare feet as I run on rocks and sticks, that I’m sure are cutting the bottoms of my feet. It’s hard to keep my balance with the handcuffs on, especially when I keep shoulder checking trees. I run for so long that it hurts to breathe. I pause to listen for foot steps, but I see light off in the distance, to my right. They’re far enough away that they could be headlights winding down a road.
I make a sharp right turn, nearly falling as I do, and run towards them. I can feel tears of relief welling up in my eyes as I get closer. They quickly turn to tears of fear as I realize I’m running towards a flashlight sweeping through the forest. I try to turn around and run the opposite direction, but I loose my footing. I trip over a fallen branch and feel something in my foot snap. I can’t stop the small scream that escapes me as a I fall to the ground, clutching my leg. I cover my own mouth to quiet my own sobs, praying he didn’t hear that.
The flashlight turns my direction almost immediately. I try to get myself back up, but fall right back down. I can’t put any weight on my foot. This time I fell close to a tree that I drag myself behind, leaning my back against it. I’m panting as quietly as I can, listening for approaching footsteps. I watch the light get closer, sweeping over the back of my tree, and I squeeze my eyes shut. Maybe I’ll just disappear if I try hard enough. I can hear is footsteps now, getting closer and closer, until I see the bright light of the flashlight shining in my face.
“Looks like I win, mouse.” He squats down lowering the flashlight a little, so I can open my eyes. My face is covered in tears and dirt. He looks down at my foot and laughs. “You know I was going to unlock your handcuffs, but you insisted on starting right away.” I drop my head, crying into my lap now. “Aw, don’t beat yourself up.” He reaches out to stroke my hair, but I jerk away. He retracts his hand and smirks down at me. “You never had a chance anyway. I know these woods like the back of my hand, I’ve been tracking here my whole life. And well you know.” He gently shakes the flashlight.
He bends down and picks me up bridal style. My body is too exhausted to fight anymore. He starts walking. “You have been fighting me since I picked you up and you haven’t stopped. Honestly I just wanted to see how much you had left in you.” He adjusts his grip on me. “I like pets with a lot fight in them, it gives me plenty of things to train out.”
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cemeterydolll · 10 months ago
sweetheart don’t tell me you really thought I’d let you get away ?
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cryptocollectibles · 1 year ago
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Superman Doomsday Hunter Prey Book 1 & 3 (1994) by DC Comics
Written by Dan Jurgens, drawn by Dan Jurgens and Brett Breeding.
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just-a-forest-nymph · 2 months ago
Need someone to chase me through the woods then pin me in the dirt and fuck the daylights out of me in an adrenaline fueled, violent yet romantic, haze of passion
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nyxi33 · 29 days ago
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 2 months ago
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r-aindr0p · 2 months ago
Can I ask where is Ace at in this Vampire au? Is he just a random family born baker that hates his job and glares secret daggers at Deuce when he sees him on his walks or something?? 😭😭🥺
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At this point I feel like doing a lil something for everyone remaining :") Just in case yknow
Vamp lilia was far too easy of an option so i went for something else that can bestow blessings jut like faes do ! Unicorn, he isn't on any particular side, just frolicking around. Lucky be the one who sets their gaze on such a rarity. pun intended
The other horses are... hiding as well yes but not as distant if you are their next meal. Kelpie Jade and floyd, wanted to keep them aquatic and creechur. They bite, they can shapeshift, good luck.
Lil Ortho vamp is looking around for his brother, very polite, will absolutely bite in defense do not be fooled by his tiny victorian child build.
Ace is the church's errand boy, janitor, altar boy, cook helper etc... He enrolled to be part of the hunter squad but wasn't deemed efficien enough. Stays just in case maybe just maybe Rollo changes his mind and takes him as a hunter. Hey he's got plenty of wits ! He will eventually succeed. (but he's so salty about it so jealous of deuce and epel)
Trey bakes the breads for the church, he can live off of refular food and just tries to live normally without being too tempted about the other kind of snacks he could have. Surely no one would dare just barge in the bakery call him out on his double nature, noo no one in the cast would think of that everyone is so polite !
Finally, Cater as a Rusalko (Rusalka but guy) He is sunbathing, chilling near another pond near fleur city. He might call you to come closer and keep you around to have a lightheatted chit chat ! Oh what happened to him ? sometimes he tells he drowned accidentally, sometimes he got drowned. No one really knows the truth.
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survivingandenduring · 1 year ago
So I’ve kinda become a little bit obsessed with hunter/prey games…
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the-black-manor · 11 months ago
Little pet that's too shy to ask to have their intestines rearranged, so they sit between my legs and nuzzle at my cock instead, getting me worked up until I can't control myself anymore, pin them down, force myself inside, and breed them deep.
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shenzhiheng · 6 months ago
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Snowfall + whatever the hell is going on between these two
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mishacakes · 11 months ago
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sometimes different hyperfixations roil around in your head and you go “hmmm how can i combine these”. also sometimes ur like “damn this visual is cool” and have to exorcise it like a demon
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daily-trey · 1 year ago
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Where did he get...you know what, never mind.
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