#hunger drones
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hunger-drones · 4 months ago
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< All good things // Must come to pass >
\\ Hunger Drones || Official Murder Drones x Hunger Games Simulator RP Event Blog //
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house-of-cyn · 5 months ago
[SYS//: s1_hunger_drones_open_slots_9/24]
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// Alright y'all, slots for the Hunger Drones simulation are now open! The minimum amount needed to actually kick things off is nine total submissions, considering I could throw in fifteen from the actual show, but the more the merrier! Don't worry about power levels or anything like that, it's just a silly lil thing I decided to want to do :D
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// My only request is that you provide a picture of your OC and whatever pronouns they may identify as if you do genuinely want to throw em in! :3
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lluvioscatniptea · 6 days ago
Hello. Want a scrapped Cyn-centric hunger games fanfic? Here you go.
[Scrapped] 1: Travel “Buddies”
Hiiiiii my first fanfic after finally getting over my “OMG YOUR FANFICS ARE CRINGE” phase :’3
This is gonna be very Cyn-Centric because there aren’t enough Cynfics! Plus, I find the concept of Cyn finding herself in a powerless position fascinating, and I want to go into that more.
Note: this fic may feel rushed at times and WILL have plotholes and cop outs, :( it’s my first fic after a while and I’m busy with OC projects and stuff-
Hopefully it’s good enough tho!! :D
(I’m waiting 5 months for an Ao3 account lol)
Enjoy?? Idk if I’m posting this tbh T-T
Why does Notes hate the name Cyn lmao
“Cynthia Elliott.”
Cyn replayed those words in her head for at least the hundredth time, as she paced back and forth in the train on the way to the Hunger games.
“Excited pace. Pace, pace. Excitement.”
She has always known she would volunteer as tribute, but what she didn’t know was that her name would be the one picked without even having to try. This made the time even better to her, if it wasn’t good enough.
She had been shown to her mentor not long before, but she had been more interested in stabbing the table with her fork to even notice he existed. The mentor quickly got fed up and left.
She had seen the other tribute from her district, but she hardly paid him any mind either. She just wanted to get to the arena and start killing and eating.
“I hope the people taste good, giggle.”
The other tribute in the train just looked at her and blinked, before responding by slowly stepping away and saying,
“Remind me to stay away from you in the arena… or anywhere actually.”
“Too bad, silly.” Cyn adjusted her partly-limp head.
“I’ll eat you eventually, but I’ll wait a bit first. It’s no fun if everyone dies in the beginning, it��s not playing properly”
The other tribute just stared.
“I have a family, you know…”
“Good, if you taste good that means there’s more!”
“Quiet pause.”
The two just stared at each other awkwardly before Cyn took a step.
“What are you called.”
The tribute took a step back.
“Nice to meet you, ‘Wh-what??’.”
‘Wh-what??’ just stood there with an uncomfortable look in his golden eyes.
“So, ‘Wh-what’. Were you hoping for in?”
“Absolutely not!!” He looked offended by this question.
“Wow. Touchy subject..” She fixed her bow, sitting down on the floor.
“…you know theres a seat behind you?”
“I’m aware of the seat 7.62 cm away from me, ‘Wh-what’.”
“Stop calling me that.”
“You said that’s your name. Cheeky grin.”
Cyn obviously took none of this seriously.
“It’s not- ugh, O!! My name is O!!- Don’t you even understand that this could’ve been the last time I saw D?? Or G, o-“
O just looked taken aback.
“Why are you like this.”
Cyn just sat there, with a
“Smiley face.”
As she shifted into
“Criss cross applesauce.”
“You- you are.. how are you going to get ANY fans with the way you’re acting..”
“I will.”
“Right. Your family, just about no-“
“…excuse me?”
“I didn’t really care about the other tributes but one of them is big brother N. I think. I wasn’t paying attention.”
“And I skinned Tessa, I still have the skin som-“
“Please enough. Being a hunger games tribute is traumatizing enough without a creepy story about skinning someone.”
“Pouty glare. You’re no fun.”
Finally, the train stopped at the destination. Cyn immediately bolted past O and out the door of the train, trying and failing to contain her excitement.
“Giggle, giggle. I’m here! I’m here! Yippee!!”
she then skipped ahead, the peacekeepers having to drag her back onto the right track as she kicked around trying to get free.
“Put me down! I can walk by myself!! Angry struggle.”
This was only a minor setback, however. This is gonna be just what she thought it was gonna be!
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seraphont · 4 months ago
Your AU's idea of SolverCyn keeping Tessa's consciousness alive inside it actually seems really in-character for the canon SolverCyn. I remember someone pointing out that between Cyn and Tessa's matching hairstyles, the way that SolverCyn has been wearing Tessa's human corpse as a skinsuit and impersonating her identity in the spacesuit ever since the Well-Timed Giggle, and the way Cyn and Tessa both share a special fondness for N among the drones, it really seems like either the Solver - or the part of the Solver that's still Cyn - has a real underlying fixation on emulating Tessa.
Yeah, I see Cyns disturbing fixation of Tessa being a once innocent admiration that got twisted by the corruption. When you like someone enough you tend to parrot them and pick up their tendencies. this is really apparent in impressionable kids, and Cyn is our resident possessed robo child. Imitation is the highest form of flattery.
I think it’s a funny twist of irony that the entities that hate humans so much, are so deeply obsessed with one. In the end they just want to own every piece of Tessa.
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demipan-determinator · 10 months ago
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brooklyn868 · 1 month ago
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mystic-orb88 · 2 years ago
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Why are ‘The Emo one is soft for The Sunshine one’ couples the best and greatest ship trope??
EDIT: If I’ve upset or offended anyone with my misuse of words, I should ask all of you, as a person from subculture, and as a fan of many shows and books, not to take posts like this too seriously or literally. These are very broad subculture categories I am describing, and it was not my intention to cause any arguments. Please accept my sincerest apologies on the matter, and instead of nit-picking, I invite you to make your own list of your own interpretation, with words you deem fit.
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dreamflayer · 1 year ago
When i say i like straight romances I don’t mean stereotypical romances like bumping into someone and hanging out with them, i mean romance with a loving boy who ends up falling head over heels in love with an emotionally repressed girl with trauma and parental issues and the boy helps her cope and feel safe and where they experience so many life or death experiences that they bond so closely together that they think about the other person before themselves.
Examples include:
Peeta + Katniss
Jack + Rose
Percy + Annabeth
N + Uzi
Ethan + Lena
Liam + Ruby
Add your favorite ship to this that lines up, do it or I’m in ur walls.
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thecooldude39 · 9 days ago
I forgot to post these doodles
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I worked on this on Valentines day, I mostly did it for my friends on discord, but imma share it here
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circusfreakster · 1 month ago
art dump? Heh… more like fart dump😈
(Part 1)
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abrahamdraberham · 1 year ago
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hunger-drones · 3 months ago
S1 Contestant Entry #18: B
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"Serial Designation B is a heavily modified Disassembly Drone model, definitely an interesting one! From what I've heard, someone named Cantor gave her the ever so generous function to take Copper-9's snow and transmute it into oil- For herself, that is. Such a shame that she looks to be the type that cares more for others more than herself, though they've got a knack for survival when things get rough! So, is B's sting enough to keep them buzzing on through the trial or will her wings be clipped?~" - Fractal, Hostess / Commentator of Hunger Drones
\\ Submitted by @aby55-of-the-ab5o1ute //
\\ Three Open Slots Remain //
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house-of-cyn · 5 months ago
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Alright, here's my oc submission for Hunger Drones, meet Axl (aka Serial Designation A, or just "A")
// Axl has been successfully added! :D
12/24 slots remain!
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deedah · 7 months ago
soo.. I MAAAAYYYYY Have simulated Murder Drones characters into the Hunger Games on a website.
here are the funniest moments of the first game!!
{!!!!!!!ALL MOMENTS ARE CANNON!!!!!!!}
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azureandcrimson · 24 days ago
If I have less then 5 characters that aren't headcanoned as ace in a fandom I'm in, then I'm not in the fandom: I say as I put almost every character I know on the ace-spectrum.
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demipan-determinator · 10 months ago
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Since you guys like my Nuzi Hunger Games simulator posts so much, here's another one. Enjoy.
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