thatdarkcreature · 2 years
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Soldiers And Beasts - Contents (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1305091461-soldiers-and-beasts-contents?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=ThatLittleCreature&wp_originator=SsgfdaJ9BuWZCFuvc%2B2V4FQKpWnYrUXmfINgCje%2BFV%2FujrRAB%2F4YVfLQ05F6GwWcWRUcfuwjDCF56y2UZf7H7UY19UWLdnHwJ3DPY5HWLbetmqWm4tts%2FrrRvcaN7fBU (25+ Mature Content) An Original Fiction. Battle Of Total Dominion, 2030. Private John Kingsman Is an exceptional 18-year-old who serves the 'The Kingsman', a service infantry created by the U.S Army to fend off attackers from The Furry Nations, especially attackers from 'The New World Leadership.' the polar opposite of The Kingsmen. After a brutal nuke was dispatched on December 20, 1990. The nuke's toxins spread throughout the whole world, and the humans were unaffected, but the animals around the world were turned into abominable humanoids with human-like body parts but still retaining their animal appearances. Around January 1st, 1991. These creatures made themselves known and wanted equal peace and rights, and some humans were willing to offer such but some humans, even some from the government thought otherwise after finding out just how physically powerful they are and that's when all hell broke loose. The new humanoids somehow gained knowledge of the human language, military procedures, and how humans operate and therefore declared war against the humans and sought to kill any humans they come across, showing no mercy whatsoever. In a war that has continued for 39 years, up to the year 2030, humans and these new creatures that identify themselves as 'Anthros' will now fight over who gets to be known as the only species fit to run earth. Humans, or Furries. Only the other species' victory will answer that question unless equality still rekindles peace between the two species. But chaos ensues when enemies from the shadows arise, both who have become astray after they suffered unforgivable losses, or that have become corrupt from the atrocities they witnessed in battle, or are simply evil. This war will go down in history as the Battle Of Total Dominion. #1 on anthro - September 3, 2022 #1 on humanworld - September 9, 2022 #1 on unlikelyromance - December 11, 2022
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wishfulsketching · 9 months
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I had a sudden urge to make new OCs. Finally some characters that I can draw in modern clothes.....!
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All vampires and werewolves should date
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jayden-the-brionne · 1 year
Have arrived at Gen's Home!
It's so nice to meet so many of my friends from here in person!
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OM! Brothers reactions to mc who they dont know them too well and they sleep in longer than Belphie tehehe (then it turns out the slept that long because of jet lag? Jet lag? Relem hopping lag? Tehehe)
Sorry for so many requests ;^;
- 🍓
Oh noooo😭😭😭
I feel sorry for all the people who have that, I hope you guys are alright and that your sleeping rythm is alright...
MC who sleeps in longer than Belphie?
Lucifer was a little puzzled when he found you in your room. You were sleeping soundly, with a cozy blanked over and around you, and hugging one of your stuffed toys.
Your face however, showed some dark circles under your eyes, your brows furrowed, and your skin was rather pale. You looked very tired, even though you've been sleeping for more than ten hours.
He had to believe Mammon more now. It was the avatar of greed, after all, who said: "If ya don't believe me, then look for yourself! That human sleeps just as much as Belphie!"
It also didn't really help that you were not really a talkactive person as you rather kept to yourself, and the brothers didn't know you that good because of that.
Now, he sighed as he thought of a plausible reason as to why a human like you could even sleep that long without having to use the restroom or eat something.
Asmodeus stepped in because he needed some money from his sugar daddy oldest brother, and stumbled upon him examining you. The avatar of lust chuckled. "Oooohhh, does our little Lucifer have a feti- Ouch!", he yelped when Lucifer hit him with a rather hard pillow.
"Silent. I am thinking of a reason as to why MC is not awake yet. I mean, we don't know them very well, but still. I'm sure the normal human body can act just perfectly with just 8 hours of sleep."
Asmodeus rubbed his temple in pain as he thought as well. "Maybe they are doing some beauty sleep?"
Lucifer sighed. "I don't know...maybe? But let's have them sleep for a little longer before we wake them up."
Mammon grinned internally when Lucifer subtly apologized. Satan stepped into the kitchen where Mammon and Lucifer conversed. "Shouldn't MC be awake by now?", the blonde muttered, and Mammon looked at Lucifer.
"Yes, they should, but they are still asleep. I don't know why though."
Satan looked at the book he brought with him. "I don't know if this could be of use...but the book I'm currently reading tells something about some people who sleep in because of jet lag. It is when the sleep-rythm gets bothered when a person is in a jet, flying between continents and thus different time-zones, which messes up the rythm.", he explained and Lucifer made an "ah" sound in understanding.
Then he stepped into your room.
"...h-huh?", you grumbled as you stretched yourself. Lucifer stood before you, and he looked at you as you raised your arms. He had a concerned expression.
"Are you alright, MC?", he asked in a gentle tone, and you felt weird for some reason.
Lucifer was actually still a complete stranger, and it just...well, it made you feel weird, but you liked the feeling.
"Yes, I guess I just dozed off from swapping from the humanworld to Devildom.", you said softly, still a bit drunk from sleep, and the eldest brother nodded in understanding.
Just then, Leviathan stepped in with an excited grin as he pointed towards you. "I knew it! You're living the life of (insert a very long manga name which describes protag with jet lag)! ...I-I hope that you're okay though...", Levi muttered shyly when he felt Lucifer's stern glare on him.
It felt nice having people worry about you. You wish you could say the same to the people from your home...
"Thank you. I feel a lot better after my nap. I hope I didn't sleep too much?", you asked, as you yawned.
Lucifer looked at the watch on his hand. "You slept for nearly fourteen hours.", he stated, and your eyes widened.
"Whoah...", you chuckled with a concerned face, and Beel stepped in with some food. "I brought some snacks. I thought you might need it after nearly sleeping for more than half a day.", he murmured, and you thanked him with an excited grin.
"Really?! That's so nice of you! Thank you, Beel!", you exclaimed happily, and grinned even wider.
Beel gave you a close-eyed smile as he began eating a hamburger while you bit into a healthy salad. Leviathan ate some sushi while Lucifer dismissed you guys to attend to his duties.
'Living with you might be a little worrying, but at least you weren't loud...', Lucifer mused to himself as he thought about your behavior and lunged into his paperwork with a small smile.
Heyyy I hope this was okay! I didn't put in Belphie because as I said in my last Obey me! post, he's a lil shit and I don't like him.
so please don't reuqest stuff where he's involved, or I'll intentionally ignore it. <3
Read you guys in the next post!
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thedogwhoisachair · 6 months
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Please leave your archer alone he is there for a reason
I've been doing soooo much humanworld stuff at the moment, it's been fun! Still contemplating Splendib's outfit, though
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bluelittlebirdy · 9 days
Hey guys,
let me introduce you a little bit to one of my oldest OC - Hikari. She's for the Devil May Cry Franchise and even after more than 10 years, I am still working on & drawing her ^^
Hikari is a female Demon/ Human hybrid, who currently works as a Demon Hunter. The daughter of both a powerful Demon and an Demon/ Human hybrid, she has the appearance of a blackhaired woman.
Her father used to serve under the Demon Lord Mundus as a Commander and was unintentionally dragged into Sparda's rebellion, due to his friendship with him.
Branded a traitor, the Demon Hizkiah was forced to fight and flee alongside Sparda. He had watched as Sparda sealed off the Demonworld and while stranded in the Humanworld, he took the appearance of an asian man, named himself Naoki and began traveling the world, in an attempt to find a place for himself.
After wandering on Earth for nearly 2.000 years, the Demon who was formerly known as Hizkiah was happily married and father to three children - Two boys and one girl.
Hikari and her older brothers were born and grew up in Lakechester, a small city near Leicester. The family lived in harmony for nearly a decade, until Hizkiah (now known as Naoki) heard how his longest and oldest friend had suddenly vanished alongside his family.
Worried, Naoki used all his magical knowledge to protect his own family. Unfortunately, his magic could only protect himself and his family for so long until eventually, Mundus' army found them.
Naoki and his wife tried their best to protect and save their children, but both fell to Mundus' forces, trying to buy their children time to flee.
The siblings lost sight of each other and Hikari only managed to survive to onslaught because of a mysterious man suddenly appearing and holding the Demon horde off.
Not long after Hikari had lost it all, a woman who introduced herself as Rika approached her, offering to teach the young girl how to protect herself.
That's all for now. I hope you enjoyed that little Snippet about my OC.
See ya!
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g7tz · 2 months
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Okay- first off lemme clarify that this is humanworld!Pinkie, ik I chose pony pinkie as the pic but--- I don't feel okay with using a cosplayer's photo! <3
Pinkie is half-irish and half-african american. However, she has a condition called albinism, which made her look very different from her family.
She never really thought she fit in because of her heritage and condition, so she always attempted to exclude herself from family gatherings.
Her grandparents were the BEST. They taught her that she's still apart of the family and she deserves respect.
Her relationship with her mom's family is great, her dad's...
Let's just say they don't really like her.
She is VERY hyperactive and they find it "annoying".
Pinkie learned MANY languages (including Spanish, German, and Finnish) so she could communicate with the children she throws Birthday parties for <3
Pinkie is left handed.
She has LONG hair and struggles to care for it.
She is close to Rarity and sees her as an older sister.
Pinkie is pansexual and panromantic!
She earned the nickname "Pinkie" because she wears a lot of... pink lol.
Her real name is "Róisín Williams".
She is hard of hearing.
Her family suspects that she may have ADHD, however she has never been tested/diagnosed.
Pinkie is probably the shortest in the group, she is around 4'8 ft.
She loves to do voice impressions!
She also plans to move to Ireland when she gets older.
Since in EG she and the Mane 6 are seniors in High-school (or at least I think they are), and in FiM she and the others are adults, she is around 17 years old.
She and her sisters (especially Maud) have a VERY strong bond.
She often forgets to respond to texts.
When she does respond, she uses emojis!
Her favorite song:
She is a big fan of Japanese media, mainly anime.
She has a sweet tooth, so she always has a few candies in her bag.
Pinkie is a cheerleader and LOVES it.
Pinkie holds bake sales and baking contests to raise money for school events.
She owns at least 5 different cookbooks, she loves to learn how to make each and every dish.
She dyed her hair pink :3
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jonphaedrus · 2 years
in a muppets: pokémon x/y edition, every single character except for lysandre would be a muppet. lysandre would be the one sole token human, who has spent his entire life painfully aware that he is a human in a muppet world, and consequently viewing his life as being above that of those around him and himself as some kind of "chosen". yes this includes him falling in love with muppet professor sycamore. anyway after surviving the events at geosenge he wakes up, only to discover that he, too, has transformed into a muppet—or maybe was a muppet all along and only visualized himself as a human because he thought he was more deserving of things due to being "chosen". he never learns whether or not he was transformed into a muppet or if he was a muppet all along and the reality of muppetworld vs the reality of humanworld is never clarified and this is how he comes to terms with being a simple mortal.
i told this to my husband and @insecateur and they both said it sounded like some sort of a horror movie.
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franki-lew-yo · 4 months
Can you tell us more about the reverse centaur mysteryelk child?
You can find a small profile of him on this page, but to give some better context--
Because he's a hybrid (MW and elktaur didn't know that humans and centaurs could interbreed) he was born an elktaur in reverse-- he has the head, neck and forarms of an elk coming out of a human body attached by the neck. Despite his face as a child looking like it has human skin, it's easier to see on Briamael when he gets older how elk-like he is. He even has antlers.
Because Briamael is born to parents who are living in exile with their few devoted followers helping them out, he lives a rather secluded lifestyle that he wants to escape. He knows his mother comes from some kind of nobility but is annoyed by how he can never ask her about her old life in the humanworld, which he has never seen for himself. He's upset that his mother 'ignores' him when they used to be "so close", but otherwise thinks she's a hero who's never possibly done anything wrong. By contrast, Briamael has little respect for his father who doesn't ever really discipline him for being a snarky, rude little jerk.
His name is pronounced "Bri-male" for the record. I know it's a little hard to pronounce when you say it outloud. In universe it's supposedly old centaur-ese for "miracle" or "extraordinary"; in reality it's what happens when you put together the first names of Mysterious Woman's and Nowhere King's voice actors (Lea and Brian), shake em up and put an "M" between them.
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misfauxpas · 1 year
Seeing the MW's younger design you'd think the designer was only given a somewhat vague description and part of her color pallette. Her face is so different
honestly! I can't tell you how much this bothers me. they turned my girl into a bootleg Disney princess
for those who don't know: two animation studios worked on Centaurworld. Mercury Filmworks did all the Centaurworld scenes, and Red Dog Culture House did all the Humanworld scenes. this really paid off in some ways; the opening scene with Rider and Horse is gorgeous, and overall it achieves its goal of furthering the visual distinction between the two worlds.
buuuuut there are also a lot of little things - especially in the finale - that irk me about their work. MW is one of the more noticable examples.
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maniaparty · 7 months
i also like try to keep my stories all based in reality. main/real life sonzyland is actually just boring humanworld. there's no catpeople but there are aliens yknow. but when we start diving into the worlds that my ocs make i just go a little crazy.
also this reminds me. please don't let me forget rainbow (marshmallow not hawaii)
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thatdarkcreature · 2 years
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Soldiers And Beasts (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1235196541-soldiers-and-beasts-volume-1-ceaseless-discipline?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=ThatLittleCreature&wp_originator=rR3sEWpiNdbbeL7YGBs1QkTf3OMihbi%2BtpOYRkYRDGKjj8LLO%2BGCtLAiacl0Eo8Qjzac39T8fFnVvamNJgcrU4vYOU5G5%2BDAqaAaGbFfrztYOfyFwNlVfzSQNG4coJUI (25+ Mature Content) An Original Fiction. Battle Of Total Dominion, 2030. Private John Kingsman Is an exceptional 18-year-old who serves the 'The Kingsman', a service infantry created by the U.S Army to fend off attackers from The Furry Nations, especially attackers from 'The New World Leadership.' the polar opposite of The Kingsmen. After a brutal nuke was dispatched on December 20, 1990. The nuke's toxins spread throughout the whole world, and the humans were unaffected, but the animals around the world were turned into abominable humanoids with human-like body parts but still retaining their animal appearances. Around January 1st, 1991. These creatures made themselves known and wanted equal peace and rights, and some humans were willing to offer such but some humans, even some from the government thought otherwise after finding out just how physically powerful they are and that's when all hell broke loose. The new humanoids somehow gained knowledge of the human language, military procedures, and how humans operate and therefore declared war against the humans and sought to kill any humans they come across, showing no mercy whatsoever. In a war that has continued for 39 years, up to the year 2030, humans and these new creatures that identify themselves as 'Anthros' will now fight over who gets to be known as the only species fit to run earth. Humans, or Furries. Only the other species' victory will answer that question unless equality still rekindles peace between the two species. But chaos ensues when enemies from the shadows arise, both who have become astray after they suffered unforgivable losses, or that have become corrupt from the atrocities they witnessed in battle, or are simply evil. This war will go down in history as the Battle Of Total Dominion.
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 1 year
Do you have any idea of what your enemies are gonna be? I am mostly curious as there is many ideas of cryptids that could potentially work as a possibly of early game enemy like the hoop snake or Tsuchinoko. That is if you do end up doing cryptids as enemies. Anyways I hope I get to learn more about the Nightlight rpg. Also hope you have a good morning, good afternoon, or good night.
For context reasons, a slliight bit of the worldbuilding:
The Sun and Moon once were both awake and sentient, and both could make life for Earth. Though the Sun preferred simplicity and the Moon liked complexity. Lore stuff lore stuff, the Sun got fed up and created Lighthouses (AKA the light in lighthouses) to use their light to hide the Moon's creations. This ends up with a realm effect, were the Sun's creations and the Moon's inhabit the same world but can't interact or see each other. There are points were the light is weaker allowing some to slip through. Nightlights are descendants of Lighthouses and have a weaker light, but it still works well in repelling Moonlife.
The plot follows the nightlight, Sol, who awakes one night to their human completely gone. They quickly discover that the light keeping the realms apart is fading causing the realms to mesh. So they start the journey to their Lighthouse ancestors to figure why the light is fading as well as search for their human, of course.
Because of that, you fight off both humanworld enemies and demon realm enemies! Squirrels, snakes, and various other animals will most likely be enemies as they are terrified and can only react by lashing out. Some cryptids, like Nessie or the Mothman keep to themself, but those like the Goatman, Chupacabra, etc. gladly take the situation for extra food which obviously puts them into conflicts with Sol.
Some battles I want to implement are:
The Kraken, DEF some cryptid battles, animals and shit like I said. The more special ones I want are a boss battle with Neil (since y'know, he only follows Sol to be led to the human to eat) if he's on your party and an optional battle with the leader of the Angels. Not as an offensive one, but more as a way to entertain him for information and a cool item
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jayden-the-brionne · 1 year
I did it! I did it! I have arrived on Goldenrod city! Now to find Gen's house on shouldn't be that hard right? Just look for the houses full of Pokemon. And one of them will have to be it.
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weaselbeaselpants · 2 years
I have actual stuff worth drawing (no I don't), which is why I don't do it, but I am genuinely surprised that no one in the Wittebane bro-centric TOH fandom has bothered syncing up FilmCow's The Ghost House to either Philip or Caleb.
Ghost House is a masterpiece:
With the protagonist always suffering and saying he hates the sexy ghosts with their sexy ghost-butts, it'd fit Philbelos pretty nicely.
"There was a portal door opening up to the humanworld and home again. For a moment I think of jumping through it and be free of this world of spooky witches, but there's a really ugly looking dog on the otherside right now and I just can't deal with that."
"The witches threw a welcome back party for me. I had no idea they cared. I would be super touched by this except I think they are gross and I hate them."
BUT THEN again, it also fits Caleb too at parts.
"My Witchbabe Evelyn left me today and took the kids. I'm all awitchlone again."
"Being a Witchdad is the worst. My witch kids are all on drugs and one of them married a Snorse. What is this Owl House coming to?"
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fingerlessfoxgloves · 2 years
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Hi!! I'm Foxglove >:3c
I go by Fox, Foxy, Gloves, Roxy, or Foxy-Roxy! She/its pronouns!
I'm a creepypasta ヘ(꒪ཀ´꒪ヘ) My best fiends are Jeff, BEN, and Sally!! But I'm trying to make friends with everyone (wether they like it or NOT!!) My weapon of choice are my rawrsome claws ᕦ(ᓀ‸ᓂ)ᕥ
Welcom 2 my blog!! There will be blood and gore and drugs an monstars and SWEARING and dead animals sometimes and stuff!! We LITERALY KILL people so you knw. What did you EXPECT. Aso flashing lgihts, BRITE colros, glitching, unrealitty, etc. Also sorry for my typos!! Iz hard to type with CLAWS n PAWS n stuff. (⓪ヘ⓪)
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BEN - BEN my friend BEM from BIDEO GAMES.
Clockwork - WOMAN MOMENT <3 <3 <3
EJ - guy who runs around in the wood lmao. I think he has a PhD??? NERD.
Fox - MY TAG XD this is where I put stuff that are mecore and super epic awesome smexxy (⊙ܫ⊙)
The Gardener
HABIT - TOp ten FREAKS I'm gonna HIT with my CAR!!!
Heart - that one rogue with the dogy!!
Jack - clowntime :3c
Jeff - hehe stinky. (⊙▽⊙)
Naomi - Da queen of Insanity!!
Nightshade - BESTIEEE
Nina - BESTIEEE x2combo
Sally - BESTIEEE x3combo
Silver - gamer boy!!! heehehe epic pwns <3
Sleepless - the Russian Sleep Experiment 0__0
Slender - my weird dad slendy. peepawcore!!
Smile - Dogy.jpg :3
Virus - Toby's weird cousinfriend X-Virus :0 He's nice actually
Widemouth - my fwend :3c
Zalgo - >__<" LOSER!!
The Academy - I hate school (ง◎‸◎)ง
Camp Creepy - Me n my FRENDS have set up an unofficial summercamp by the lake to feel a little normalcore!! we call it Camp Creepy <3
The Chapel - It kinda teleports around the Slender woodz :0 it looks like an old churh or watever, but there's no actual religious stuff in it besides like. pews.
The Compound - Where Zalgo and his apostles live >__<
The Forest - THE SLENDER WOODS :D that's hwere I like to scurry. They surround the Slendermansion!
Gamescapes - Liek the virrutal worlds BEM and SIlver and Stuff hang out in :0 also a lot of us are EPIC GAMERZ and this kinda reminds me of dat 2 =w=
Home - The Slendermansion!! Most of us have our own room der, or live on cabins on the property :3 I get my onw room =w= YOU KNOW it's as big as Slendy needs it to be. Sometimes the layout shifts around a lot... I think iz like a part of him or something??
The Grounds - The places around Slendermansion and in the Slender Woods!! I LUV hanging out on the grounds x3
The Lab - sinister sperimentz happen here X3c
The Lake - Reminds me of Slender Lake (⓪ヘ⓪)
Missions - Pix that remind me of stakeouts and stalkings!! That pre-killing HI (✦‿‿✦)
Overworld - Pix that remind me of me n my frenz outings to the humanworld!!
tedz cave
Travels - It actually takes bit of travles to get where we need to go in the overworld sometims :0 Slendy's portalz don't always drop us off just where we need to go =w= DAS OK THO Because I LUV <3 <3 roadtrips. Comemorating those feelz with this tags!!! Masky usually drives hehe
Underworld - Daz the Pastaverse/Pasta Dimension babeyyy. Pix that remind me of home (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
Apostles - THE #LAAAAME followers of ZALGO (loser!!)
Candle Cove
Cherry Koolaid - Um... iz not Koolaid (⊙_⊙ ) iz blood. Mmmm yummy!! hehe (^་།^)
Creatures - The creaturepastas!! And images that remind me of them. I lov those guys!! they just like me fr fr!!
Creepy Love
Gamerboyz - and girlz!! But like. Silver, BEN, Sonic.exe, that kinda peeps!!
Hanging In There - Reminds me of us hanging out X3
The Net - OKAY so a lot of us kinda use the internet (like how I have dis blog) and these posts n stuff remind me of us and our screentime (⓪ヘ⓪)
The News - Newspaper clippings, etc!
Other Pastas - Pastas I don't know!
Proxywork - Reminds me of the stuff I see the proxies do!! Super spooooky hehe
Rogues - Jane, Liu, and the like who aren't apostles or proxies =w=
Tapes - Reminds me of those cool videos people make :0 Like Marble Hornets n stuff. SO COOOLLL!!!
.txt - Reminds me of our texts and groupchats XD
Yipping - me talking :0 personal posts an musings n moar!!
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