#humans shall govern them au
13thalcoragent · 2 years
Humans Shall Govern Them
Ruby: We did it! We beat Salem!
Yang: But Remnant...it's gone! It's all gone!
Blake: And only the four of us remain and this small speck of moon.
Weiss: There has to be something we can do, right?
Ruby: Darkness said if we got the Relics back, we could use them to reset the world.
Blake: But Light warned us if we did, we could lose our memories and all that had occurred would just repeat itself.
Yang: Meaning if we use the Relics, all of this will probably just happen again.
Weiss: So, what do we do then?
Ruby: What if...We remove the Brothers?
Weiss: What?
Yang: Ruby, what are you suggesting?
Ruby: The only reason the world is like this is because of the Brothers, if we can separate Remnant from their jurisdiction then none of this will happen. Right?
Blake: Maybe but what will keep the world safe if the Brothers try to intervene and reclaim control?
Ruby: We could. We could watch over the New World as the Maidens.
Yang: But the Maidens and their power are gone along with the rest of Remnant.
Blake: Not quite. The Maidens were merely extensions of the Brothers' magic, just like the Relics. We can use the Staff to recreate Remnant and make ourselves into Maidens then use the Sword to separate ourselves from the Brother's influence.
Weiss: If we do this, we'll have to isolate ourselves away from Remnant and its people. We won't be able to see our friends and family ever again.
Yang: Jaune. Ren. Nora. Winter. Dad. And Uncle Qrow too. In order to keep them safe, we going to have to leave them...forever.
Ruby: Well, that's a sacrifice that we're going to have to make. We can use the Lamp and Crown to erase ourselves from their memories, so they don’t have to suffer without us. In order to make sure none of this can ever happen again, we're going to need to cut the Brothers off from the world. Are you guys with me? *hold out the Lamp of Knowledge*
Yang: I'm with you, Sis! *holds out the Sword of Destruction*
Blake: Me too. *hold out the Crown of Choice*
Ruby, Blake, & Yang: *look to Weiss*
Weiss: Fine! *holds out the Staff of Creation*
Yang: Remnant’s long battle is at an end.
Ruby: Now It’s Our Time!
Weiss: Just Us!
Blake: Together Forever!
Yang: And Ever!
Team RWBY: *uses the Four Relics and are engulfed by a giant sphere of blinding light*
Arkos: *on a date and relaxing on a park bench*
Jaune: Huh...?
Pyrrha: Jaune...?
Jaune: Oh...Never mind. It must’ve been my imagination. It’s just...I feel like I forgot something really important.
Pyrrha: Really?
Jaune: It’s nothing, probably just this heat getting to me or something. Why don’t I go get us some drinks? *quickly runs off*
Pyrrha: That boy, never admit it when something’s wrong. But that’s why I love him. *yawns before closing her eyes for a quick nap*
Spring Ruby: Wow... *watches the newly reborn couple from afar, invisible to the naked eye*
Summer Yang: Heya, Spring.
Spring Ruby: *yelps in surprise*
Winter Weiss: ...Are you slacking off? Again?
Autumn Blake: ...
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sanjoongie · 4 months
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🌺Second Submission for The Language of Flowers event held by @cultofdionysusnet
🌺Prompt Chosen: Endelweiss {courage, power}
🌺Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x Reader (f)
🌺Genre: smut
🌺Trope: strangers to lovers
🌺Au: modern gods au, immortal au, dystopian au, priestess au
🌺Rating: 18+, MDNI
🌺Warnings: contains dark themes of sacrifice for the greater good, religious tones, suppression of the public by the government, execution speak, death Kinks>>> orgasm untouched, magic fingering, overstim, consensual ownership, dom! hyunjin, sub! reader, penetrative sex with no barrier, pull out method (glowing god cum!), breast play, biting, dacryphilia, aftercare
🌺Word Count: 3,878
🌺Summary: When a horrid government decides the only way to deal with you is to make you a priestess of a dark god, 'a great honor', when actuality is a death sentence, you put on your bravest face and go head to head with the horror of your fate. But when it turns out not everything is as it seems to be, just perhaps you could be in charge of your fate... if you survive, of course
🌺Author's Note: originally i had this entire story planned out for mingi and a slavic spring celebration and it was gonna be epic, but @anyamaris and Hyunjin hijacked my creative processes but i'm not complaining 😆 thank you once again for inspiring me anya 💞 love me some good god aus
🌺divider by @cafekitsune
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"But what do we do with her?"
Bruised, battered and beaten, you kneel prostrate before a bench of dark faces. Men and women in charge of your life, who you've never met.
"She can't go unpunished," another supplies.
"But if we reveal to the public what she has done..."
The silence is palpable. How does one publicly punish a citizen and not make them a martyr for their cause? They were in a predicament.
One dry, old voice speaks up. "There is one option... he has an opening for a priestess."
This silence is sharp now, razor edged and worrisome.
"A Bride... yes... that would suffice..."
You'd have asked questions if you weren't gagged.
"A cover up. We could celebrate. Bring back the old ways. He would be pleased."
Your heart hammers in your chest when one of them says, "She wouldn't survive the night."
You begin to struggle when another agrees with, "He's a monster."
The guards drag you away as you hear, "There's a reason he has no permanent priestess."
All this because you dared to ask questions. Your government was not meant to be questioned, however. You wanted to know the why’s and how’s but you were just supposed to be a good little sheep that went with where the shepherd told you to go. 
Perhaps… that had evolved into poking and prodding. Perhaps you might have gone to a meeting or two of like-minded individuals who also had questions. But they also demanded answers. Perhaps your government didn’t know what to do with you once they caught you. Perhaps you were fucked.
“It’s a great honor to be dedicated to one of the gods,” a soft spoken priestess chirps as she offers you garments that were too luxurious for you to have ever touched before.
“But this one…” another hesitates.
The first one hushes the second. “We clothe you as a bride for you are committing your life to the God you shall be serving. He will provide you with everything you need for your life with him.”
“He?” You prompt.
“He,” the second says firmly. “Your job is not to ask questions but to receive his blessings.”
You reside yourself to being quiet and simply absorbing. There is a hint of fear in the air, you can feel it like goosebumps on your flesh. You try to not let it infect you but fear burrows deep into every part of your mind. 
You put on a brave face and smile when you’re being told again and again how much of an honor it is to be given to a god. To an immortal, having a human be an intermediary between his brilliance and the minds of the lesser, was an honor gifted. But was it an honor received? 
“A veil for our bride to be,” the soft spoken priestess offers and you bend down for the wizened old lady. She fixes it upon your head and spreads the black lace over your face.
“Now it is time to celebrate your honor.” The second priestess waves her hand to the door that will open to your fate.
You walk along a corridor of gathered people. They threw flowers at your feet, like they were truly celebrating your nuptials. They cheered and whistled and shouted well wishes. 
They didn't know they were celebrating your last day on this planet but at least they weren't jeering you at you as you made your way to an execution stage.
The grand path took you straight to the temple of the God of Chaos. You didn't know much about him but the temple had seen better days. Still, you kept your head high as the cheering died off when they realized where exactly you were going.
It was utter silence as the guards of the temple opened the door and you stepped through it. This was it; this was the beginning of your end.
The doors close behind you with a loud boom and then you are left with the dust and the disarray. The temple interior, for it lacked a priestess, had no upkeep. Melted candles and wilted incense cover every surface. Alcoves held art that didn't paint a pretty picture for you. There are burning cities and tornados and plagues. He truly was the god of chaos.
Well, there was no delaying the inevitable.
At the back of the temple, there was a chipped fresco of a door. You had been instructed to simply bow and wait for your ‘husband’ to receive you. So you threw yourself to your knees, with your black lace wedding dress pooled around you and said the words to summon the god in charge of your life now.
“Oh God of Chaos, oh husband of mine to be, please bestow unto me your earthly form, so that I may tend to all within your realm and shower you with prayers and attention,” You pray.
The mural of the door becomes murky and iridescent, like quicksilver alive, and through steps your God. His brilliance almost blinds you and you throw up an arm to brace yourself from the light.
A big sigh can be heard. “I forget how weak you mortals are,” the voice drawls.
The light recedes and you put your arm down. You had expected to see a monster but instead you are awestruck with beauty. The god, the man, has black hair down to his shoulders, held back in a simple half-up do. He needs no clothing of opulence but requires a simple robe, falling off one shoulder like he barely minded to keep clothed. He walks down the steps, pat pat pat, a pace of a lazy being, not held to the restraint of time. 
“Let’s see my bride,” He murmurs, chucking a finger under your chin.
You stare up at him, directly so, and see chaos swimming in his pupils. If he is your death, so be it. You would embrace it as if it was a gift. You refuse to go out whimpering like you regret your choices. You were firm in your stance that you deserved answers.
“Oh, how delectable,” the god smirks.
“Husband,” You reply demurely.
The god casts back his head in laughter, almost melodic in its sound. “Hyunjin. We can do away with that wife and husband stuff. Those are constructs of humans. I am not one of those.”
“Hyunjin, then,” You say, somewhat at half-mast. 
He tilts his head curiously. “You’re different from the other ones they sent me. Why?”
You chew hesitantly on your lip. What did you have to lose? Your life was already forfeit. So why not give this god the blunt truth. “They feared you. I do not.”
“Courage, hmm?” Hyunjin begins to pace around you, a sandaled foot slapping the slab of concrete. “You humans are wondrous and yet disappointing most days.”
You jut out your chin stubbornly. “Yes, courage. Now are you going to kill me or play with your food?”
The pacing stops and Hyunjin stares at you for a moment before a maniacal grin pulls at his features. “Play with my food, huh?”
You feel like your heart is akin to a trapped bird, beating its wings against your chest. Are you even breathing? What does an immortal get from killing a human? A temporary amusement and then flock back to their realm? 
“If you're my priestess now, will you pray at my temple?” Hyunjin runs the back of his finger down the lace of your arm.
“I--” You didn't know what to say but you could feel the underlying words. Is this how you survived?
“Please, Hyunjin, I would be your priestess. I would dedicate my life to serving you. I would--”
“What about your body?” Hyunjin wonders, biting down on his thumbnail. “Would you release it to my control? Give yourself utterly to me?”
“My body is no longer my own.” You collapse to the floor, arms above your head, palms up, knees still tucked under you. “Do with it what you will.”
“And what if my will was to have you bent over my altar?”
You gasp, sitting up. You cannot help yourself, because you did not expect to be spoken like this by a god. Then again, he was the god of chaos.
“If it would please you, Hyunjin, I would.”
“Would you?” Hyunjin cocks his head, looking to read the words on your face. “Would you let me part your moistened lips with my cock and we've barely introduced ourselves?”
“I know you said to do away with the constructs of humans, but if I am your wife and you are my husband, would we not consummate our marriage?”
Hyunjin holds your gaze, deep and dark, penetrating and digging. “I would. But I ask you again, Priestess, would you?”
You rose slightly on your knees until your lips were so close a flower petal would barely have room. “I would become your priestess in every way, Hyunjin.”
For if you had to fuck a god, one beautiful and tempting, and yes mad, would you not, in order to live? 
“Then I will take all that you have to offer. Your initiation to become my priestess begins now.”
With a flick of Hyunjin’s wrist, you find your body pushed up against the altar that he had been speaking of before. It is a rusty color, which you quickly dismiss from your mind as old blood. You brace yourself as you feel hands touching your legs, firmly pushing them apart but you feel no warmth of Hyunjin’s body behind you. Those same ‘hands’ rip the back of your dress and you feel the cool, dry air of the temple, giving you goosebumps.
“Human… why do you not have any underwear on?” Hyunjin drawls, still sounding far away.
You swallow, your mouth suddenly dry. “They did not supply me with any… the other priestesses…”
Hyunjin cackles wildly. Suddenly, with a snap of a finger, Hyunjin appears before you, a slight cocky smile tugging at his lips. “I love a good surprise.”
That being said, you watch with eyes big with wonder when Hyunjin makes a crude motion with his fingers. You feel as if he is fucking you with his fingers but he is directly in front of you. Whatever chaotic power the god wields, it’s fucking you good. You gasp and press your cheek to the cool stone of the altar, holding on as the ‘fingers’ push in and out of you. Hyunjin crooks his fingers in a come hither motion and you moan wantonly as he presses against your g-spot like he knew where it was all along. 
“Pray to me, Priestess,” Hyunjin croons softly.
You stutter and moan through broken sentences and Hyunjin glows with the soft power only a god must be able to hold. You’re sure he could make you explode into a tiny million red chunks but instead he uses his godhood in a pleasurable way on you, and you add a silent prayer that it remains that way.
You came on that altar untouched and a moment of shame runs through you. Are you truly that easy? But it was your life at stake, shouldn’t that also matter? You gasp on the altar, and the same hand that ‘made you come’ smoothes over your hair. “You did wonderfully for me, my lamb”
You raise your head curiously. “Did I pass?”
Hyunjin throws his head back and laughs a belly laugh, both high and low pitched at the same time. “My lamb, that was only the beginning.”
Hyunjin’s robe slips off his shoulder and pools on the floor below him, kicking off his sandals as well. He walks, slowly but firm-footed, around the altar to move behind you. His hands are soft but callus-worn against your hips as he guides you to turn around and face him. His eyes sweep over your face but when he finds no hesitation, only excitement, he grabs a handful of your dress at your chest and rips it open. 
He wraps one of your legs around his hips, almost lovingly, fingers skimming over your skin. “This is the next test, my lamb.”
You swallow trepidation down your throat, refusing to let your courage falter. “I can do it.”
Hyunjin crawls forward on his altar, hips slotted against yours. His cock is heavy against your mound, both slender and long. “They say I’m a monster, are you sure?”
You don’t speak anymore, but buck your hips upwards so your wet heat smears against his length. “You excite me, God of Chaos. I’m sure.”
Without further adieu, Hyunjin’s cockhead parts your moist lips, just like he had described previously. He pushes and pushes and pushes until he’s nestled deep inside of your heat. He moves with sure strokes that only delight you and send a thrum of pleasure through your system. He fondles a breast, thumb strumming your nipple to a pert peak. His hips do most of the work but soon he finds that your body writhes for him.
Hyunjin is quick to press you into the stone. A hand holds your hip down so that he can drive deeper into your depths. Another hand holds your hand above your head, fingers interlaced with strong support. He holds you down, not to keep you in place, but so that your pleasure doesn’t escape you. 
His dark eyes dart all over your face, picking up each minute frown and tiny gasp. His body speaks to yours, able to read how each stroke of his cock pushes you slowly forward to a pleasurable outcome. This is only his first time sheathed inside of you but he moves as if this was the thousandth time he’s fucked you. It’s poetry and you revel in the rhythm and rhymes.
“Hy-hyunjin,” You stammer. “I--”
“Go ahead,” Hyunjin encourages you, “Scream my name. It will only be one of many.”
Your limbs tighten as a force of lightning runs among your veins. You scream his name just like he commands, cunt convulsing around his perfect length. He doesn’t stop driving into you. At first it feels as if he is escorting you through your orgasm but then it feels too much and you cry out at the overstimulation.
“This doesn’t stop until I’m done with you,” Hyunjin whispers against the shell of your ear. “And I’ll never be done with you.”
Your insides feel as if you’ve been plowed a dozen times over, raw and sensitive, eventually giving over to another building of pleasure. You fight through your fog-filled mind to gasp, “Will… will you come as well?”
Hyunjin quirks an eyebrow at you. “A god comes only when he wants to. A seed given to a mortal can change the world's destiny.”
Hyunjin uses both hands to hold you down, a beautiful sheen of sweat covering his body and face. You briefly wonder if perhaps you will add a mural to the temple, one of this beautiful, chaotic god above you, beaming over you as if you are doing a fine job under him. Would that ruin his mythos or would it only add to it?
You find another orgasm with Hyunjin’s face buried into the crook of your neck. Hyunjin bites down on the junction, as if to ground himself. You’re raised on your hands and knees and taken like a beast from behind, if only to find another pleasure in the angle difference. You find your orgasm again and again. You feel like a quivering nerve, all exposed and lit with rapture.
But you don’t protest, simply whining through the pain to pleasure. You drink in everything Hyunjin gives you and it only makes his grin grow and grow. 
Hyunjin seems to feed off of you, in ways you didn’t quite understand. The god enjoyed fucking. He wasn’t lost in the pleasure, but it was more like he never finished seeking out yours. For each orgasm you discovered, each longer and more drawn out to pull from your shaking body, he was determined to pull another one from you.
“You know I could go from sunset to sunrise and still never have enough of this,” Hyunjin admits. 
You’re sweating and gasping for breath but still you find yourself yearning for more. Hyunjin simply looks to gift you with more pleasure than you possibly could hold but this feeling of being pampered, of being pleasured, it is intoxicating. You’re drunk off Hyunjin’s adoration of your body. 
Your limbs are entangled in a lover’s pile. Still, you broach the subject again. Courage seems to prop you up time after time. “Come inside of me, Hyunjin,” You plead with a hoarse voice. 
Hyunjin smiles angelically, clearly happy you insist on his pleasure. “Are you that greedy to carry a demi-god?”
You shake your head, surprised you even have the energy to do that. “I wish to see your pleasure written along your face.”
Hyunjin blinks in surprise and then laughs. “I am a god, I take pleasure in whatever I choose. You needn’t worry about me.”
Still, you press your case. “I wish to see your face when you come inside of me, Hyunjin. I want to see what it looks like when you’ve found pleasure inside of me. Is that not what a priestess is? Do I not serve you in the highest regard?”
Hyunjin runs a finger along the side of your face. “I have never had a priestess like you.”
“Then I passed the initiation? I am yours?” You raise yourself up with one arm.
“My lamb, you've been mine the moment you walked through that door,” Hyunjin whispers.
Hyunjin gathers you in his arms and presses your back against the mural where the world burns in the tiles. He penetrates you with ease, jaw dropping to mimic your own delighted gasp. With each thrust, his head nodding, following your own body rocking to his movements. He is enraptured by the way your pleasure made form in your features. 
“Hyunjin.” You feel tears pass over your cheekbones. 
“Don't be frustrated, you've done so well for me,” Hyunjin praises you, wiping away the rivulets of salt water. “I'll come, just like you wanted. I’d love to fill you up but I’d rather have you as a priestess than a god bearer for now.”
Hyunjin flexes his pelvis, his body making a wonderful line between your legs. You cling to his hips, legs locked behind his back, intent on showing the god you’re worthy of his climax. You squeeze down on him tightly, the crude squelching of your wetness and the way he is drilling into you echoing in the temple. His eyebrows furrow in concentration, teeth clamping down on his lower lip. You’re aware he won’t fill you up by his previous words but you’re simply looking forward to his orgasm. 
With a great shout, Hyunjin pulls out, rutting against your mound and he comes, his cum hitting both your stomach and his. It glows golden, just like his godhood and then dies, like a firefly fading out. You love the way his pink mouth parts open, face full of pleasure as he releases, even though it can't be in side of you. Still, the pleasure is yours. Hyunjin grins, breathing heavily, appearing sweaty but satisfied. “Was the show worth what you paid for?”
You sigh dreamily. “I only crave for more now.”
You groan loudly when your legs untangle from his body and Hyunjin pins you against the wall with both hands heavily on your shoulders. “You need a good soak, my lamb. I still forget how fragile humans truly are.”
“That would be very much appreciated,” You say hopefully.
With a wave of Hyunjin’s hand, your gown simply disappears from your body, like it had never been there in the first place. You feel relieved to be free of the costume the other priestess’ had put on you but didn’t realize the repercussions of revealing your full body to him.
With your ripped gown having been vanished, you send a tired smile Hyunjin’s way but find that his face is stormy with rage. “Hyunjin? What have I done?”
Hyunjin shakes his head, one iris becoming light while the other remains dark. “They hurt you?”
You purse your lips. “They seeked to punish me for my questions, Hyunjin. I wasn’t a good little citizen like they prefer.”
Hyunjin paces, his perfect thighs taut with the movement. “They beat you and then decided that a bruised fruit was good enough to be my priestess? They insult you and me in the same breath.”
“Hyunjin, I believe you promised me a long soak.” You hold your hand out, wiggling your fingers. You couldn't very well rewrite the past and you aren’t looking to relive it either.
You feel a surge of power as Hyunjin takes your hand and takes you both to the large Greek styled bath of old. He sits on the bench, you between his legs. His arms frame the lip of the pool, tendrils of hair framing his face.
Your arms wobble as your hand dips under the water to wet your arms and upper body. “I’m not sure I’ll be able to do much other than float,” you state.
You turn your head to see Hyunjin looks quite smug but also content. He is glowing and you’re not sure if it’s his godhood or simply happy with what he has accomplished. “You performed your duties perfectly, Priestess.”
You duck your head, images of the many ways Hyunjin has taken you again and again. You had really done that with a stranger… no, a God. “I am happy to pass the initiation.”
The comfortable silence between you two stretches over like a soft and familiar blanket. You’re content to let the hot water soothe your aches and pains, well earned from the way Hyunjin had fucked you right. You’re not exactly sure what Hyunjin gets out of this, he was a god, could he have aches and pains? Regardless, the way he leans into your body, hugging you to his. It seems like he is still enjoying the presence of your body.
For what seems like centuries but perhaps only lasts a few moments, Hyunjin stretches and removes himself from the bath. You move to leave with him but he insists you remain. “I think it’s time to make the world quake for me again. I’ve been absent from this realm for too long.” He sends you a long look. “Tell me exactly what they did to you.”
You do not dare leave any detail out, so you spill your truth in a frenzy of stumbling words. Hyunjin, instead of getting angry, re-acquires that grin you had first seen on his face, full of madness. He leans downwards and tips your chin up for the softest of farewell kisses.
“You did so well for me,” He purrs, “Allow me to do this for you.”
Without truly understanding the full meaning, you nod your head in acknowledgement. Hyunjin throws back his head with a cackle bubbling from his throat. He shoves on his sandals and tosses on the robe he had removed a long time ago.
You watch as Hyunjin leaves just as he arrives, covered in a simple robe to frame his perfect body. You swear you can hear faint screaming, crashes and bangs, and a faint licking of orange in the distance. He was burning the world down for you, for everything it had put you through. And frankly, you couldn't find the will to pity them.
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ravens-inquisition · 18 days
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This blog is dedicated to the recounting, archiving, and showcasing of "Raven's Inquisition". "Raven's Inquisition" is a Curse of Strahd prequel campaign where we get to explore setting elements and character relations that otherwise could not have been explored in the canon module. The DM @emp-roar is constructing the campaign as an adaptation of the "I, Strahd" novel, where Barovia has yet to be established, Strahd is still human, and the players are all inquisitors overtaking the Tsolenka Valley under the von Zarovich crest and the banner of the Morninglord.
The following tags are available for your eased perusal:
#journal entry (session recaps)
#public notes (in-world discovered lore)
#media (art/media)
#writings (personal inquisitor literature)
#inquisitorial mailbox (QnAs)
#AUs For tags pertaining to the individual inquisitors, please look at their personal accounts below.
By the decree of Count Strahd von Zarovich, the following names shall be knighted to receive upon them the title of
Inquisitor of the Tribunal of the Holy Office of Barovia, Ordo Solis:
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Frank was a sergeant who served under the banner of House Dilisnya. Hindered by nothing but his own conscience, he chose to kneel to the Lord of Murder, Bhaal, so that he may strike the political enemies of his master without a pang to his sanity. He was later sentenced to death by his own general, not because of his crimes, but to control the unrest of the masses. This condemned his faith in Bhaal. After his release, his mind is ever-pregnant with the thoughts of meaningless murder, but he chooses not to, for while duty is in his hand, murder is never meaningless.
Ever since the attempted assassination against Strahd, Frank has been called to the battlefield, now riding and fighting beside the count, his commander, and the might of the Voronian army. [Frank's player has since left the table due to personal reasons. He will forever rage under the blazing heat of the morning sun. Sol Invictus, Frank.]
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Everyone is entitled to fear. Not all are worthy of harnessing it.
Rising from the depths of enslavement, no one could have foreseen that a mere cripple would lead a savage onslaught against his masters. A gritty veteran, Cain's dreary origins gave birth to his singular conviction of dominance. This worldview born from despair molded his philosophy regarding the nature of power and the laws that govern all. Despite being fueled by darker ambitions, Cain is not without a heart of grace and kindness. The duality of the man who is both ruthless and compassionate is weighted in balance, reflecting symbolically his devotion to The Scales. Intent on liberating those in shackles and claiming power to ensure it, the "Dreadwalker" finds himself in the service of Strahd von Zarovich, planning to consolidate and secure both.
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Anatomically speaking, how do you do?
Once a mere human consumed by an insatiable obsession with necromancy, Violet delved deeper into the dark arts, fervently worshipping the god Bhaal in her pursuit of forbidden knowledge. Gradually descending into madness, she adopted the guise of a pathologist, masking her heinous crimes as acts of scientific inquiry. Her obsession with understanding the mechanics of life and death twisted her mind, transforming her into a ruthless psychopath.
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Calandrius Vaerethin is many things: a long-lived elf, a one-time hellrider, or the occasional robber baron. By all accounts he has the physicality of a golden knight, his fair skin complemented with his bright golden hair, as if stolen from the sun, with the composure of someone who has practiced a thousand strikes in his lifetime; though Caland would tell you he is anything but. In truth, he is the last of a long-dead order of knights, who were purged in the days of Old Voron. Now unfettered, whether it be the tenets of the old order of the noose meant for his neck, perhaps it is time to let the ghosts of his past rest. He was always told that his lot was to be the beating wings of the freedom of the sky. Though whether the Last Swan would herald weal or woe, only time and circumstance can tell.
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Pikehead is imposing to say the least. Armored from head to toe in steel and spikes, little is known about him or what he looks like underneath the iron. Soft-spoken and tamed, his demeanor hardly lives up to the foreboding presence he commands. Mayhaps it was because of his duties to his late master in Old Voron. A soldier molded into a near perfect machine.
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In war, the only thing stronger than fear is hunger. A tyrant is only different from a peasant in appetite.
Raised amidst the oppressive reign of the late King Barov, Omen had to learn how to navigate the streets of Voron as much as the various plights littering it. The circumstances of his birth, coupled with the struggles he faced growing up, taught him to attribute value to the few possessions he truly owned. Value he is willing to exchange for the only thing he ever hungers for: a home.
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I promised them it would all get better, but all I brought them was ruin. I cannot fail again, but if ruin is what he needs, ruin I shall bring.
A soldier, a knight, a sword. Whatever he is, one thing that can describe him is loyalty. And why would he be the one that betrayed the kingdom? Who knows. But now, it seems like he got his second chance, and he will not waste it.
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"My army settled in the valley of Barovia and took power over the people in the name of a just god, but with none of a god’s grace or justice." -- Tome of Strahd
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hey-hamlet · 1 year
ye ask and ye shall receive. out of this world au - does izuku experience culture shock after landing on earth? what are the main differences between his home planet and earth? who is izuku's first friend?
He experiences a lot of culture shock honestly. He's about 5'8 in this AU and on his planet he's a runt - standard height for people his age is about 6'2, with adults hitting 7'8 easily. Their growth is a lot more linear than humans - no growth spurts, so being behind means he's always going to be behind. Runts are seen as worse in every way - weaker, dumber, less powerful. Its not true but still. The fact no one cares amazes him! He's not shocked at discrimination but the anti-mutant quirk sentiments weird him out - in his species it's the most colourful, ornamented and different who are seen are prettiest. He doesn't get why the blandest humans are widely seen are nicest to look at.
Speaking of his species, think humanoid avian-esque, no wings. More human face and body shape with very different internals. No true stomach, hollow bones that are still stronger than a humans, air sacs as well as lungs so his metabolism can work faster, etc. He's not as poison resistant as a human though - he can't eat chocolate, coffee, alcohol, a lot of artificial sweeteners, etc. He also can't handle crap in the air - think smoke, exhaust fumes, etc. He does heal quickly though!
Differences? Well, earth's technology, to put it bluntly, sucks. Hero tech is pretty good but consumer tech still sucks royally compared to any planet in the ISA. He's trying so hard not to show them the basics of quantum computing. It's not that humans are dumber than other races - infact, they seem to be smarter than many - but they are very young and lack a centralised government. Most planets don't have one, but it does mean it takes far longer for them to reach interstellar travel.
Izuku's first friend is Shinso! Shinso would not agree. Shinso would tell you about a weirdo at the entrance exam with some sort of mutant quirk and an accent he couldn't place forcibly socialising with him, and then getting him to enter his phone number into the weirdest looking phone he'd ever seen. Also Izuku in this AU is mostly aromantic (a normal for his people - like, 40% of the population) and asexual (much stranger, but not unheard of). Still, he's hopelessly flustered by Mina, Koda and Shouji who, by his planets standards, are stunningly pretty. It doesn't take the class long to work out he blushes purple.
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They Did The Monster Mash 🎃 | TGM Halloween Imagine
Set in an AU where the characters of TGM are classical and mythology monsters/creatures
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TGM Masterlist
Characters & Pairings: mad scientist!Bob Floyd x mad scientist!reader (romantic), Dagger Sqaud (platonic)
Content Warnings: fluff, light profanity | female!reader (she/her) | wc: 2.4K
Premise: it’s All Hallow’s Eve, a night where ghouls and monsters alike awaken from every inch of the globe. What better way to celebrate the spookiest night of the year than gathering all those lurking in the shadows to the party everyone wants to be.
Note: HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Here’s a fluffy, spooky little imagine for y’all as a treat 🎃
‘Twas the night before Halloween, and all through the cemetery. Not a creature was moaning, as they basked in solitary. The pumpkins were lit, with carved faces to stare. In hopes the monsters of the night, soon will be there.
“Bob!” Y/n shouted, frantically searching for her coat. It was a quarter till midnight on October the 30th. Soon it would be Halloween. And with a full moon high in the sky it was the perfect moment to test out their newest creation. “It is almost time! We must make haste!”
“I’m right here, darling,” her coat in his hand, Dr. Floyd dimmed the lights on his way into the lab. The woman exhaled in relief, kissing his cheek before placing the coat over her shoulders.
“What would I do without you, my love?”
Bob adjusted his goggles over his prescription glasses, chuckling, “Probably half as mad as you are now.”
Any other woman would be offended by the comment, but Y/n, the mad scientist she embraced herself to be, only giggled. The two had met during their doctoral program, falling in love and conducting research as a duo. Before long they were blacklisted for unethical experiments, moving underground to hide from society.
But what the world didn’t know, was they uncovered a world beneath their own. Where monsters heard in legends and fairytales roamed freely. Living amongst humans to the naked eye.
Since forming partnerships with fellow outcasts like themselves, the couple have traveled every Halloween to Transylvania, Romania. There the infamous vampire Pete Mitchell, descendent of Dracula himself, hosts an annual Halloween festival with monsters and ghouls alike.
The party always started around sunset on Halloween night. So the two had plenty of time before gearing up their transportation pod to zap them to Pete’s mansion. Y/n placed her own goggles on, brushing away her dyed jet black hair with white streaks, mischievous smirk painting her lips, “Shall we begin?”
“It was a one-eyed, one-horned, flyin’ purple people eater. (One-eyed, one-horned, flyin’ purple people eater). A one-eyed, one-horned, flyin’ purple people eater. Sure looks strange to me.” The party was in full swing when the couple arrived. Creatures in every corner, a werewolf howling in the distance, bats flying overhead. They were home.
“Doctors!” They spun around to find the monster of the mansion sporting a cheshire grin, fangs threatening to poke out. Lord Pete Mitchell, having recently fed by the bright color of his eyes and lack of under eye bags, wore a snazzy black pinstripe suit with a blood red tie. The handkerchief in his breast pocket, as well as the soles of his shoes, were the same color. “It is so wonderful to see you. I’m always amazed by your entrance every year. God forbid the governments of the world discover you’ve cracked the code of transportation.”
“Don’t forget time travel,” Y/n winked, causing Pete to laugh.
“Of course,” he flashes his pearly white teeth before frowning after peering around them, “Where is your--.” Y/n gently cuts him off.
“Oh at the lab. Ever since we created his bride he refuses to leave the basement” Pausing she gives a knowing look, “You know how young love is, my Lord.”
Pete makes an ‘ah’ sound, “Yes, yes, I understand. When you return, do let him know he is missed. And that I cannot wait to meet his bride next Halloween.” He winks, adjusting the cuffs on his sleeves, “Please make yourself at home. We’re still waiting on a few more before the festivities of the night fully begin. Until then, the bar is open--as always--and do let me know if you need any more necessities for your upcoming projects.”
“Thank you, Lord Mitchell. My wife and I appreciate your hospitality and generosity greatly.” Bob shook his gloved hand, still able to feel the cold dead skin that laid beneath it. The vampire made his departure, moving to greet other guests. Y/n weaved her arm through Bob’s open arm, letting him guide her to their group of friends they spotted in the distance by the bar.
“Well look at what the wolves dragged in.” Jake Seresin, an incubus famous in both the underground and real world, was the first to notice them. With his ability to seduce and mentally bend people to his will, Jake succeeded in becoming a high profile Hollywood actor. Making it accessible for him to feed on the blood of men and women alike. Unlike Pete, who was a vampire, Jake appeared human and only took the form of his demon counterpart when he hadn’t fed in a long time.
“Seresin,” Bob nodded, glaring when the blonde creature approached to take Y/n’s hand and kiss her knuckles. He had nothing to worry about of course. Y/n was immune to Jake’s charms, threatening to experiment on him the first time he attempted to swoon her.
That had him running with his (literal) tail between his legs.
“Careful, Jake,” Came a teasing feminine voice from the side, “I hear the mad scientists have been searching for Incubi blood on the black market.” Jake sent a glare in the direction of the voice, the couple following it to find Natasha perched on a bar stool, stroking her black cat seated in her lap.
A witch, with family dating back to the Salem Witch Trials, Natasha was the type of woman people couldn’t help but fear and desire. In the small village she lived deep in the forest surrounding, rumors of the witch swarmed with many believing her responsible for the curse on the town's most corrupt and wealthy families.
Well, to them they were rumors….
Y/n slipped past Bob, opening her arms to the woman, “Lovely to see you again on this Holiday, dear Natasha.” The hug was brief, Y/n making sure to offer a light pet to the cat, piercing her with its stare.
“As to you, Madam Floyd.”
“Tell me,” Y/n leaned closer, “Were you successful?” Natashe smirked at the question, whispering under her breath.
“We shall find out once the sun rises. But I can assure you the Supreme Court will think twice before bringing forth groundbreaking cases to overturn.”
“Marvelous,” the doctor awed. She moved along to say hello to their other friends. There was Javy, a werecoyote and Jake’s best friend. The full moon affects him like it does werewolves, but he’d already consumed his monthly dose of Wolfsbane to prevent the transformation from happening.
There was Mickey, a hellhound who served as a guard for the Underworld. Tasked with keeping the secret of the supernatural hidden. One can imagine the headaches Jake gives him with being a celebrity in the real world. When Mickey became his hellhound persona, cracks in his skin appeared like molten lava.
Reuben was present, and thankfully Y/n remembered to wear her iron jewelry. The tall, handsome fairy sipped on his usual cocktail. Like Jake he was the most ‘humanlike’ of the bunch where he could easily walk amongst mortals without causing suspicion. His golden eyes were a stand out, however, often covered by contacts. Of the group he had known Mickey the longest, the two meeting centuries prior during a war between fae and goblins.
“I’m not late am I?” came a booming sound from the main entrance, all heads turning. Jake instantly groaned, the others pleased to see the Alpha werewolf, Bradley Bradshaw, in the flesh with his typical Hawaiian shirt and jeans.
“You’re right on time,” Pete announced from the top of the steps, raising a glass of red liquid. Bradley gave a two finger salute, strutting over to the group and ordered his go to--a pitcher of beer.
“Greetings, fellow myths and legends,” he drank half of the pitcher in a single gulp, winking afterwards, “at least to the humans that is.”
“What took you so long, Bradshaw?” Jake twirled his pue cue, “too busy brushing your winter coat? Or did you have to get one last howl at the moon?”
Used to the jabs, Bradley rebutted with, “Jake, good to see you again as always. You’re looking a little pale though--Did you not have time to drain a virgin before coming? I’m sure Pete can find someone in the nearby town.” Reuben whistled under his breath, Javy letting out a fool blown laugh.
“C’mon you gotta admit that was good,” he nudged Jake, who was very much offended.
“Men,” Y/n muttered, Natasha clicking her glass against hers in agreement. “They’ll never change.”
After several minutes of small talk and drinks, Pete tapped his spoon against his glass. The action is loud enough for supernatural hearing to get everyone's attention. For the mad scientists, they saw the reactions of their friends and followed their direction.
At the top of the mansion's grand staircase, Pete stood beside his wife Penny. The beautiful siren, infamous in Greek mythology for luring shipwrecked men to their death, was stunning in her black gown. Along her arms and neck, rimming her hairline were seafoam green scales, reflecting under the dim gaze of the lights.
“Good evening, everyone,” he began, “Thank you all for coming tonight. You’ve traveled from near and far, let my wife and I be the first to say Happy Halloween!” cheers broke among the crowd. Well really they were howls, moans, and chaotic laughter. “It truly is the best night of the year. And what better way to kick it off than to toast.” Penny was handed a glass of her own red liquid. To the human eye it’d be believed as wine. But to those witnessing below, they were well aware of what its contents contained.
Speaking of those in attendance, they all grabbed their own drinks and brews. Pete lifted his first, “Let us toast to the one time of year we get to leave the shadows. Where the world looks at us as more than creatures of night. They dress up as us,” chuckles echoed, “they consume everything in relation to us. They walk their streets oblivious to the fact we roam behind their shoulders.” Pete pauses, sending a sweet gaze to Penny. “To All Hallow’s Eve!”
“To All Hallow’s Eve!!’ glasses raised, everyone cheersing before downing whatever was left in their goblets. Bradley finished his first pitcher of beer, the bartender sliding down the next one. Natasha poured something out of her flask into her goblet. Leave it to the Witch to travel with her own brew.
“Alright,” Bradley raised the pitcher, “Let’s get this party started!” As if on cue the DJ, who happened to be a mummy, started to play the Halloween classics. Lights flashed on every corner, the dance floor glowing a spooky fluorescent green. Dry ice from the massive cauldron flooded the area.
Ghosts bogeyed during the Ghostbusters theme. Zombies got down and dirty to Michael Jackson’s Thriller. The children had a blast with ‘This is Halloween’ and ‘Time Warp’. Later on Nat and Y/n let loose to Rockwells ‘Somebody’s Watching Me’.
Bob kept his eyes on his wife during that one. Lowkey thinking about ending the party early.
Poker was played amongst the men. Pete even joined alongside two Harpys, Beau and Solomon. During this Y/n and Natasha conversed with Penny. They spoke of Y/n’s experiments, Natasha’s feud with the village she resides by, and Penny’s travels back to Greece earlier that year.
“Oh it was fascinating,” Penny boasted, finishing off her third glass of ‘wine’. “Still as beautiful as I remember, although it still takes time getting used to the fact they now call Anthemoessa ‘Cape Pelorum.’”
“Did you visit the Parthenon?”
“I tried,” the Siren scoffed lightly at the memory, “at night of course when no one was around, but I couldn’t get past the damn door. I’m not surprised though,” she rolled her eyes, “Athena never liked us.”
As Midnight approached the crowd began to gather on the dance floor. Of course the night could not end without playing the couple’s favorite. Once the DJ announced it was time for the grand event, Bob took Y/n’s hand, “May I have this dance, wife?”
“Why of course, husband,” she smirked. “This is our song after all.”
The others had already made way, forming their own little circle and grabbing partners of their own. There was a reason this particular song was favored over the rest. Starting from the very first verse.
“I was working in the lab, late one night. When my eyes beheld an eerie sight. For my monster from his slab, began to rise. And suddenly to my surprise.”
“He did the mash,” the moves Y/n and Bob started to do a twist, similar to Vince and Mia in the iconic dance scene of Pulp Fiction. “He did the monster mash.”
“The monster mash, it was a graveyard smash.” Natasha shimmied with Mickey. “He did the mash, it caught on in a flash.” Penny was spun by Pete. “He did the mash. He did the monster mash.”
A stunning succubus had managed to pull Jake under her spell. How fitting.
“From my laboratory in the castle east. (Wa-ooh) To the master bedroom where the vampires feat. (wa-wa-ooh) The ghouls all came from their humble abodes. (Wa-ooh) To get a jolt from my electrodes.”
Bob pulled Y/n to him, dancing chest to chest, “They did the mash, they did the monster mash.” Javy, Bradley, and Reuben were having a dance battle in the middle of the circle. “The monster mash, it was a graveyard smash. They did the mash, it caught on in a flash.” Y/n giggled, letting Bob twirl her in a circle, “They did the mash, they did the monster mash.”
It was a total spooky vibe. Monsters doing the Mash. Each time Dracula was mentioned everyone pointed to Pete, who rolled his eyes. He did, however, do the Transylvania Twist during its name drop, causing them all to hype him up.
The sun would rise at dawn, they’d all go back to living in the shadows. Back to a place where they were the villains of every story. Subjected to demise by the hero. No longer idolized and embedding fear in everyone who dared think of them. Once the sun rose, another Halloween had come and gone.
But until then, creatures of the night thrived in the darkness to the graveyard smash.
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butterfrogmantis · 3 months
What about the angels and demons Smurfs in your au?
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This genuinley made me think around my Death personification but no worries because it still works!
I did state before that BV religion is complex, since human religions exist within the au and certain characters adhere to humanly religion cultures (Textile Trio are Jewish, Gourdy is Muslim, most humans of their time period are Christian, and some are even tied to ancient religions such as Kheprii and the Egyptian Gods etc) but that's because Death doesn't really show themself until the final hours to the point they're more like a myth than Mother Nature/Father Time.
There's no reason NOT for these religions to exist because Death is too much of a mystery, and some are more cultural than actually thiest-y (Textile trio for example)
Hell HAS been shown in the Smurfs franchise, but I don't think this makes the Christian view of such the only right one.
Death is the governer of the "afterlife", which isn't super specific. This means in theory that Death is the overseerer of afterlife (generic/good) and afterlife (bad) which I suppose could be hell. Heaven as a concept doesn't necessarily mean 'congrats you picked the right religion' but more 'rest now and I shall give you the afterlife you wanted' and hell is 'holy shit dude you messed up, now to the fire with you so you pay for your crimes'.
As such, Angels don't really exist outside of specific aus (aka Harmkey demon/angel au). The manifestations of devil and angel's on people's shoulder's are imaginary at best, they're not actual characters its a metaphor. I do know some aus making them more 'real' but for mine it's pretty much all in your head.
Demons DO exist in the Butterverse however, again which could be linked to the bad place. The devil in such a scenario is just the head demon and is the same species, a bit like a monarchy where 'devil' means king.
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Also remember that Greek Gods HAVE been shown so realistically those are the only ones that are canon /lh (it's season 9 feel free to ignore season 9)
TLDR: Death is such an enigma that all religions within the Butterverse persist because nobody can prove otherwise. Death doesn't care much for worship and simply oversees both good and bad afterlife which means Heaven as a concept is a bit more loose since its just kind of the 'kingdom of the afterlife' which is open to all souls regardless of mortal belief, and doesn't include traditional angels. The closest thing is maybe cherubs (forgot to add Cupid to the list of true immortals).
Hell is slightly more textbook except demons are just kind of the native species there and "The Devil" is simply the title given to the current king. Angel and Devil shoulder people are metaphors.
Reminder that this is just for my au, feel free to do whatever with yours <3
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Into the Rift (spiderverse!pacific rim au)
so going into more detail because the actual drawings are coming along really slowly xD (i love drawing robots but coming up with original robot design hard)
The story would be essentially the same as the movies where a mysterious rift opens up in the bottom of the Pacific ocean releasing giant monsters. To combat them, the world governments join together for the good of humanity and create the Jaegers. Those are giant robots piloted by two people through a process called a 'drift'.
The only thing that changes is the characters and the story developed from that idea.
this post has been sitting in my drafts for like a month now oml
(loooooong wordvomit under the cut)
So the jaeger program is basically a stand in for the spider society and all the spiderfolk are pilots or staff. Everyone is also aged up 2 or 3 years to cover international military requirements and such.
and for the sake of the story having a 'pilot shortage' in which only the lucky few being able to actually pilot a jaeger, drifting is much harder and rarer. this leads to the program accepting younger applicants than they normally would. (eg. miles, pav, peni etc)
(character list in order of rank or.. something)
Miguel (34-35) is the stand in for the marshal. I'm not totally sure if he *is* the marshal or not? because he could absolutely just be the pilot manager or the mission overseer. but for now we shall stick with marshal. He primarily serves as the head of the department and representative for the pilot body. He also doubles as a pilot of a gen 1 jaeger (Blue Revenge*) with Peter B Parker, previously Jessica Drew.
Jessica (34-35) is Miguel's ex copilot. She served for two years and during a faux time of inactivity from the rift, she and her husband decided to try for a child. She was called back during the next attack but in the post-fight medical checks, she was ordered to go on maternity leave. She did, for a couple months, but very quickly felt frustrated that she wasn't helping. She moved back into the military base and instead took up a leadership position in combat training. I think her rank would be lieutenant but I don't know enough about the military to make that official.
Peter B Parker (42-43) is a retired pilot. He served as a pilot up until the gen 3 jaegers went into production and was sent home when he got a major back injury. During his time off he started a family in his old New York home and began to forget about the jaegers and the war. He chose to live in ignorant bliss until it all came back when he was summoned back. He brought his entire family, despite the many warnings, and has rather enjoyed his grand return. Currently copilots with Miguel in the Revenge*. Previously piloted the Crimson Core*.
Ben Reilly (24-25) is a jet pilot. Previously a jaeger pilot of the Scarlet Gutter that was decommissioned after it suffered extreme damage in a fight he took solo with a class 2 kaiju. His twin brother was his copilot and died early on in the fight. He currently pilots a fighter jet as backup. The impact of that fight still haunt him and everyone knows to leave him be.
LEGO Spiderman (24-25) and Peter Parkedcar (25-26) are two unrelated pilots that are drift compatible. LEGO Spiderman (Lee Godwin aka LE-GO for short) has a chronic condition with locking joints and Peter Parkedcar is a selective mute. They pilot the Titanium Wall that is essentially just an immovable object to the kaiju's unstoppable force. Yes this is a meme lineup. Laugh.
Peter Porker (31-32) is the head of research. He's john mulaney in all aspects except for occupation. He is more of the morale backbone of the entire operation and spends more time out of the lab making sure to bring a smile to everyone's faces. He wears a cute pig beanie when out and about. He always has candy on him and is famous in the kitchen for hot dogs. No one knows where he gets the hot dogs from, since those are rarely stocked. There's a rumor going around that it's kaiju meat, not beef. Absolutely fascinated kaiju and a biology fanatic.
Margo Kess (20-21) is the head of technology. She's the surveillance guy who takes orders directly from Miguel and is in charge of relaying commands and judging actions on the battlefield. She's a young college graduate- more accurately a child prodigy- and took the first opportunity she had to put her skills to the test. She's very friendly and will always get to know the pilots personally. Drift compatible but has avoided training to not have people learn about her strained home life.
Peni Parker (17-19) is the daughter of the head of engineering. She is just under the required age to actually assume the position but has the most knowledge on jaeger design of anyone else in the program aside from her father. Her father was killed when one of the outposts was destroyed in a kaiju attack. Parentless, the organization arranged for her to stay at the main base, waiting for her 21st birthday so she can acquire an actual rank. Had a personalized jaeger her father had been slowly building, fit for one person, that she's slowly been working on to one day pilot in combat.
Peter Benjamin Parker (Benji or Ben for short) (22-23) was hired as the strategy lead after his impressive work as a police/military investigator. Had a lot of experience with international crime networks and hand picked by Peter B. He was enthusiastically handed over to the Jaeger program after he got just a bit too close to some apocalypse-profiting corruption. No one really knows why, but he's taken more of a liking to pilot training and has shied away from Miguel's leadership team and more towards Jessica and the recruits. He has a good eye for cadets with amazing potential and even applied to be a pilot himself, stepping away almost entirely from any kind of leadership role. Pilots Silver Noir with Hobie(**).
Hobie Brown (20-22) is a pilot. He was recruited early on as one of Britain's undesirables and turned out drift compatible. He was assigned a jaeger that was built and sponsored by the British Government named the Union Jack. Disgusted, he refused to respond to that name and instead calls his jaeger the Stark Screamer. The name has been adopted by command and no one has bothered to correct it. His pilot quit for unknown reasons after only a year on the field and the Screamer was retired until they can find another pilot to partner with him. Has been paired with Benji for the time being.
Gwen Stacy (18-19) is the youngest pilot to date but more than capable of jaeger combat. She was brought in by Jess, despite her father's refusal, and skipped all cadet training except for the essentials and given a jaeger assignment almost immediately. She was picked out when her father, a military rep instead of a cop, was visiting one of the bases that Jess happened to be in. She showed incredible potential in [insert event that im not 100% sure about yet] and was incredibly interested. Originally paired with Hobie because of their similarity in hobby and age. They were drift compatible but she didn't like the Screamer's kit or fighting style and requested a new assignment. She's still best bros with Hobie though. She marks the beginning of the youth recruitment.
Pavitr Prabhakar (17-18) is a cadet in training. He volunteered along with a large number of Indian civilians to chase the fame and glory that surrounded the now-martyred jaegers. Of the hundreds, he and a handful of his peers were selected and he was sent to his specific branch to complete training. He is drift compatible with almost anyone. Having no sense of fear or darkness in his past or his present, he's an incredible asset- if not a little naive. He and Hobie became best friends as soon as they met and has been promised to pilot the Screamer when he completes his training.
Miles Gonzalo Morales (17-18) is a new cadet starting training. He was supposed to be one in a pair but his twin was stuck in Spain with a travel complication. Miles could wait a couple months though and eagerly started training. He was selected because he had an identical twin- which are usually assumed to be drift compatible- but ended up being paired and drift compatible with Gwen. Despite him not having clearance, Gwen and many others think he shows enough potential to pilot a jaeger within the first month of his stay. He is currently assigned to a new jaeger in production: a gen 4 titan named the Clawed Viper***
Mateo Davis Morales (17-18) is a future cadet. He and his twin were split up before highschool for [insert reason i haven't figured out yet here] and he moved to Spain to finish his highschool education and eventually enlist in the jaeger program. However, due to transportation delays and possibly finances, when he and his twin were drafted, Mateo was stuck in Spain until nearly three months later. Just in time for . . . well, the drama (tm).
*Blue Revenge is not final. i don't know if i like it or not but the other option was the blue panther, for the shits and giggles. pretty sure i want to keep the blue but idk. Crimson Core is also a placeholder, but it does sound cooler
**Silver Noir is not final. I want to work in Noir somewhere and make a matte black jaeger but not a lot of words go with 'Noir'
***Clawed Viper is not final. Viper is final, but again, not a lot of words go with 'Viper'
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f-identity · 2 months
Earth as Universal Dumping Ground
A premise for stories I'm working on. The idea behind this is, well, aliens, angels and demons, plus other dimension-traveling species over the millennia had been using backwater Earth as a dumping ground for what is waste to them.
More nefarious reasons: where some aliens dump a body or other controlled goods so space police don't find evidence against them.
bada-bing, bada-boom In whichever way the narrative develops, a number of the monsters and extraterrestrial beings organize themselves and establish a pocket dimension on Earth where they can enjoy a small, protected part of the quaint planet's environment.
And, of course, where they can invite humans they're interested in, especially if the humans are also interested in creatures like them.
uuugh it's exceedingly difficult for me to write smut without plot or worldbuilding, as shall be seen below
Pocket Dimension Codename: Headframe System
The heart of this system is Headframe City. Power plants and other industrial buildings have their zones or districts, usually on the outskirts. (I don't have many details for this city at time of writing. Maybe I'm basing it on Kuala Lumpur MYS or Melbourne AUS, but more walkable and populated with monsters???) The city's governing body also has a Human Acquisition Department, whose Executive Director is a dragon.
Rowood Village
Northwest of Headframe City, connected by active highway and rail. Almost a small town. There's a popular Central Market running many kinds of businesses.
Fever Wilds
Directly east of Headframe City. though with some distance or rough terrain in between. There are some woods in this region ruled by a Demon King.
Goldfever Village
East-southeast of Headframe City; south of Fever Wilds. Connected to Headframe by highway and rail. The monsters here live in harmony with nature.
Cratenbowl Village
South-southwest of Headframe City, connected by rail and cart path. Rustic and isolated, with strong spiritual ties to old-growth forests. There are monster family villages neighboring Cratenbowl.
uhhh stay tuned for my human OCs and their individual journeys to this Pocket Dimension, whether invited or rescued or whatnot
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sassydefendorflower · 2 years
hey rora 7, 17, and 37 (no pressure tho :smek: )
Roma!!! Hell yeah!!! (and put the pressure on -smek-)
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
That's an evil question and you know it ;D Well... let's see where I shall begin.
There is, of course, i am apart (everything is connected) - i put a lot of thought into the worldbuilding for that fic. The idea of the belief system of the person influencing their metaphysical connection to the universe and as such alchemy and alkahestry was something I created for this fic, even if it has since firmly morphed into a general headcanon. This fic is also doing some stuff politics-wise that I really like - some of it is more subtle, like the hints on how I imagine the Imperial Court System in Xing to function, and some of it is more overt: the real troubles of slowly changing a country and returning to peace after years and years of war.
I am also deeply proud of my worldbuilding in an undertaking of deconstruction - more commonly called the Eastern Liberation Front AU. Because in this I get to play around with background characters, their world views, and the workings of an anti-establishment movement. My POV character (mostly Ed) doesn't see the world in all it's complexities, but that doesn't mean they aren't there. If anything, this is something that allows me to explore Scar's backstory, Shou Tucker, and even Roy and Riza's relationship through a different lens - and with that comes a lot of worldbuilding and geopolitics :D
But I can also mix it up with a bit of DC! A Constellation of Complications is a cyberpunk space-noir case fic in which Dick Grayson, bar owner and spy, has to solve a series of cyborg murders. This fic was a lot of fun to create because it deals with the question "what is a human? what is a person? and what is a cyborg?" only to fundamentally decide: it is all arbitrary but the system is so broken, we have to act within it. The laws are unjust, society broken, and yet... our protagonists can't escape those definitions and secrets and consequences. Lots of fun with that worldbuilding for SURE!
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
-sobs in my pillow in sorrow-
I mean... the Eastern Liberation Front AU is right there. This AU is so large and detailed in my head... I could write a thousand fics about and it would still not be enough. Especially since the fandom doesn't seem to share my unadulterated joy about... Ed and Al as "terrorists" and enemies of the state.
But there is more! Of course! Roy and Riza reaching their goal and then having to deal with facing the consequences of their actions - in a way that respects the good they did since then, but really delves into the nitty-gritty of "some things are just unforgivable"... and that deals with how liking someone makes it hard for the people around them to acknowledge their faults and misgivings and that that's--- okay. This one is truly more a vibe AU than anything else...
Super specific and somewhat cringe.... The five sacrifices get teleported to 1915 Europe instead when Father tries to teleport them to his lair - and now they are in our world, in the middle of a war, without alchemy (Shamballa-style). BUT what makes this AU way weirder and funkier and niche... the Truth basically sent them there with a "once you manage to find a way how to stop father sucessfully, i'll get you back but I really don't want father to eat me so.... have fun" and now the five sacrifices are immortal... (or something similar enough) and stuck in a different time/world. And then... this somehow turned into a Marvel/FMAB crossover? As in Roy and the Elrics are involved in the Super Solider Program, but the Elrics leave because they don't actually want to help any government at all, and they then just travel the world, join universities, and make low scale trouble until in 2014 the Avengers notice a similar heat signature from some files in 1915 and search for them to figure out what the fuck is going on.
Is this specific enough? :D
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
Hm... to stay on the FMAB train... Hero Of The People, the second part of my Eastern Liberation Front AU. It's the Shou Tucker incident but in an alternate universe in which Ed and Al never joined the military. Instead, they end up at Shou Tucker's place after one of their informants tells them about his library - they have to be sneaky because Roy and Riza are hot on their tails after Ed almost killed Hawkeye during an alteration in a train, and Nina is a breath of fresh air (but we all know how that story ends).
I like it a lot because it plays around with Ed being a lot more angry and unrefined than he is in canon - and yet he and Al still want to save little girls and learn how to change the laws of the world. They are the same, and yet their different story changed them and the world around them. Also... Scar's there and that encounter does indeed go very different than it does in canon.
I don't know--- I just have an eternal soft spot for that story and the world it is set in.
Thank you SO MUCH ROMA!!! <3<3<3
[ask me a question for fic writers]
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kenziedrawz · 2 years
Hi, Kenzie, may I ask you more about your twst shards AU?
Okay, i had to go and read over the information i covered in my initial post of the au to see what i didn't cover.
And I noticed that i never stated what Sebek and Silver's roles in the au were nor who the group of researchers sent to the island were. SO let's get into that, shall we?
But first, a warning. The following contains mentions of almost dying so look away if you don't like that stuff.
First off, Sebek and Silver. Sebek is a half-shard and Silver is a human. But why? How? you ask, well, I'll tell you.
Silver and Sebek were originally both human, having been left on the island as babies and having been found and raised by Lilia. Who knew absolutely nothing about how to raise Human babies, then decided to consult none-other than the only two former humans on the Island. Who were Idia and Ortho if you couldn't tell.
But they still aren't that much help but the two of them are still alive( kinda) to this day so it was fine.
But it was also kinda not fine because around a year before the begining of the au so-to-say takes place Sebek and Silver get cornered by a corrupted shard.
Sebek then gets fatally wounded, but he's still clinging onto his life.
Lilia barely manages to arrive in time with Malleus, had they arrived any later then both Silver and Sebek would be goners.
And since none of the shards know surgery or any medical expertice and with the case of Idia and Ortho being known to almost every shard at this point, they decide that the best course of action would be to put a shard core into the almost dead sebek.
And somehow, it works.
Sebek is revived as a half-shard, half-organic being. So yippee he's not dead!!
Alright, now onto the research team.
The research team is a group of young researchers sent to the island by the Night Raven Corporation. The team consists of of Alison Vanderand, Luci [Redacted], Mackenzie Alistier, Richard [redacted], Erika [REDACTED] and Nyx.
The team was sent to the island after the Corporation Chairman received word of some failed government project being there. He got interested in that because it could be an opportunity to make money, so what does he do? He sends a bunch of barely qualified interns to do the job and false promotes them to researchers.
Way to cut costs my dude.
Anyways, upon the island each researcher suffers a grim fate. Each one of them almost dies. Before that they all get separated after having collected a shard core from the main research facility.
Each one makes it to the border of a colony before succumbing to their injuries, and at that point the shard core just wiggles on into their almost corpses. So they then get revived as Half-shards. Yippee
Anyways that's all i have for now, hope you enjoyed it!
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godstaff · 2 months
Happyhoganon AU Questions: If Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne were born at later dates than the other DC heroes? By the time they were teenagers, with adult heroes like Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter and such turning up, how different would Clark's life be if he became Superboy before making his public debut (especially if he was the first modern day hero seen in the new age of heroes)? How much training would Bruce Wayne learn under a number of martial artists, scientists, detectives and government operatives, but also under some heroes too? And what happens if their relatives were younger as a result of them being younger?
Adulthood and experience are paramount in the developement of an effective hero.
Having said that, courage is something you can't teach, the person has it in the heart or not.
Young Supernoy is a hero who, under the right mentoring, could be as effective as his adult version. Most of the time, not always.
Bruce has a rather stiffer curve in his developement, which can't be taught by just one person. He needs time and experience. That's why there wasn't a "Batboy" in the comics. Many stories tried to show us a young Bruce Wayne eager to fight crime, but he just wasn't there yet. Bruce's path requires trial and error to grow, because he can't just do a hefty display of powers and abilities like young Clark. Bruce's detective skills need knowledge: time. Bruce's martial arts need training and practice: time. Bruce's scientific prowess need studing: time. Bruce is only human.
Of the two, Clark is...shall we say... the only one ready to go. Not young Bruce. Not to mention, his childhood scars are still fresh, so he's not emotionally ready yet. He will never be, but with time he learnt to work around his madness. Like most humans, he needs time to reach his peak. Clark only needs sunlight and a good example, which he has in his fortress archives, in the JL and at home.
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markerofthemidnight · 4 months
I’m Moving In The Midst of Wolves
So after the kinda-sorta announcement of a new dev log earlier, I was reminded that In The Midst of Wolves is something that exists. And long story short, I’m moving it from being an AO3 work to being a Tumblr series.
Why, you may ask?
Well, many reasons: the first mainly comes down to “it just doesn’t seem like it’s something I’m going to enjoy writing very much, and the full thing’s probably going to have about 80 chapters.”
Besides that there’s a few other things, but more importantly, I just felt like it being a Tumblr-exclusive AU with some art here and there, a few written oneshots, and hell maybe even a few sketch comics in due time would just suit it better.
For those unfamiliar with In The Midst of Wolves… well, I would link the cancelled fic’s Chapter 1 here for your convenience, but by the time you’re seeing this I’ve already deleted it. So here’s a quick little recap:
In The Midst of Wolves is inspired by the Danganronpa Cryptid AU here on Tumblr. It takes place in an alternate universe where Eden’s Garden Academy is a government facility housing monsters disguised as humans, giving them the opportunity to figure out how to look like normal people whilst in return being allowed to study them. All characters in the OG game, in this AU, are secretly cryptids…
…or rather, all except for Eva, the protagonist, and the only human particpant in the experiment, there to act as an excuse for her classmates to try to appear human.
And now it’s on Tumblr! Or at least, the story shall be continued from now on as a Tumblr-exclusive thing.
I hope you look forward to it!
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theunusualsuspects · 6 months
An Multi-Muse RP Account written by Herald
The X-Files:
The Lone Gunmen - Richard "Ringo" Langley, Melvin Frohike, and John Fitzgerald Byers. Fringe group of government watch dogs and hackers who run the self published magazine The Lone Gunman (previously known as The Magic Bullet Newsletter). Mostly written as a group but can be written as singular characters.
A.D. Skinner - FBI Assistant Directer Walter Sergei Skinner. Serves above agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. Has worked with them on many occasions to help in their investigations (but primarily impede due to bureaucracy).
CSM AKA Cigarette Smoking Man - [REDACTED]
Twin Peaks:
Special Agent Dale Cooper - FBI Agent assigned to the mysterious murder of Laura Palmer in the sleepy town of Twin Peaks, Washington.
Permanent Starter Call
Alan Wake:
Alan Wake - Titular writer and Champion of Light. Author of the best selling crime-thriller series Alex Casey. Last known location was that of Bright Falls. He is survived by his wife, Alice Wake.
Permanent Starter Call
The X-Men:
Erik "Magneto" Lehnsherr - A German born Jew given the gift of mutation on a warpath of revenge. He wants to see the world rid of humanity, and replaced with a new race: Homo Superior. Canon divergent, all threads will default to a Modern AU.
Permanent Starter Call
Halloween/Dead By Daylight:
Michael Myers/The Shape/The Boogieman: The Horror of Haddonfield. The less that's said about him the better, for speak of the devil and he shall appear.
Affiliated with @creatureshrieks' Laurie Strode
Limbo: A Frame esteemed for his mathematical genius. Poor soul placed one integer in the wrong place and became nothing more than a legend. Perhaps his biggest bluff was his last.
This is a sideblog and will be following from @mostunwantedfbi
This blog is +18 plus. Please only people of that age respectfully follow.
My primary blog is Mulder so activity here will be slow.
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hardynwa · 2 years
Ezeife pleadges to assemble facts, knock APC off at tribunal
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Former Governor Chukwuemeka Ezeife of Anambra state has expressed confidence that the court of competent jurisdiction would quash the result released by the Chairman of Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, Prof. Yakubu Mahmoud which declared Asiwaju Ahmed Bola Tinubu of the All Progressives Congress, APC winner of last Saturday’s presidential election in the country. He contended that all the rigging platforms would be exposed by the time the aggrieved electorate in Nigeria would have done with the assemblage of all the facts and figures associated with the electoral process. Ezeife who spoke to newsmen on phone in reaction to the electioneering exercise and its attendant results released by INEC, expressed disappointment with the conduct of INEC officials and their materials during the exercise which he said came short of the expectations of the masses. According to Ezeife, “we are disappointed with the entire process but all hopes are not yet lost because by the time we will assemble the facts and figures associated with the entire process, heads will roll and the stolen mandate will be recovered”. In his own reaction, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria, SAN, Chief Ikenna Egbuna simply said: ” Don’t mind INEC and APC, we shall all meet them in court”. “They think they are too clever to rig the election”, said Egbuna in a telephone interview yesterday. Another legal practitioner in Onitsha, Anambra state, Obiora Muojeke, in his own reaction, described the entire process as a sham, daylight robbery on Nigerians and an abuse of the electoral process. Speaking to newsmen at his law chambers in Onitsha yesterday, Muojeke wondered how the results were churned out manually without recourse to the use of electronic devices earlier promised by the electoral umpire, INEC. He contended that these malpractices are capable of eroding the confidence reposed on INEC by the Nigerian electorate and by extension the international community. He, therefore, urged the losers to complete their evidence and channel the same to the Election Petitions Tribunal for adjudication He also charged the tribunal being the last hope of the electorate to give the petition an accelerated hearing, to enable the case to be determined before the swearing-in of a new president on May 29,: to avoid heating up the polity which he noted might in turn lead to uncontrollable demonstrations. He charged the electorate to remain calm in the face of this unwarranted provocation and watch the outcome of the court of competent jurisdiction. Meantime, a civil society organization, Human Rights Liberty Access and Peace Defenders Foundation, HURIDE has called for the immediate arrest, probe and prosecution of INEC Chairman, Mahmoud for violating the electoral laws during the presidential election. Specifically, HURIDE said Mahmoud violated sections 63 and 64 of the electoral Act 2022 signed into law by President Muhammadu Buhari, after it was passed into law by the national assembly, having stipulated that electronic devices would be used for elections in the country. Chairman of HURIDE, Dede Uzor A. Uzor who made the call in an interview with newsmen yesterday in Onitsha, said the use of BIVAS and IReV devices was recommended for the elections but while BIVAS were used to accredit voters during last Saturday’s presidential election, IReV was not used in uploading and transmitting the results, probably out of parochial interest by INEC and its collaborators to deliver a candidate of their choice. “We are very much aware that the federal government doled out about N300 billion to INEC to acquire these electronic devices to conduct a credible election and international bodies like EU, AU and ECOWAS also doled out additional billions of dollars too and now INEC has disappointed both Nigerians and the international community”. “Therefore, I call on EFCC and ICPC to arrest, probe and prosecute Mahmoud to find out how those monies were spent by INEC”. ” If the losses of the election wish to go to tribunal, they can go but personally, I don’t even have confidence in the Nigerian tribunal because they have been infected by the corruption virus”. On embarking on a peaceful demonstration. Dede Uzor noted that it is also the right of citizens to do so, provided such a demonstration is peaceful and not allowed to be hijacked by hoodlums. “As far as I am concerned, Tinubu does not have the mandate of Nigerians but that of Mahmoud who singlehandedly appointed him. His government is not a legitimate one since he does not have the mandate”. Read the full article
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rouge-la-flamme · 3 years
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A snowy day in M-sur-M (Umi-no-Kodera in this AU). Though still not definitively located, this town is near the northwestern coast, facing foreigners across the sea, like its French counterpart. [1] The town is on the mountain slopes, and its rice harvest is not enough to meet its subsistence needs and tax obligations: it relies on industry, which was weak before Valjean’s arrival. Valjean’s town is (probably) governed by a domain in Dewa province. The daimyō (domain lord) is on call to supply military service against northern enemies when necessary—Russians, or the Ainu who live in Japan’s colonial buffer zone against Russia. Javert’s mother was one of the Ainu living at the northern tip of Japan (excluding Hokkaidō), and Javert’s ancestry is thus entwined with the military-colonial importance of this region. The daimyō is financially strained by this same military role, which makes him grateful for the prosperity that Valjean brings to the region. [2] Valjean’s business is glass in this AU as in the original, but glassmaking has a different dynamic in Japan than in France. As we shall see, this industry reflects Valjean’s antipathy toward the authorities who would now like to include him in the very system that has oppressed him.
Javert, as we know, has already been coopted by the system that oppresses him. A prologue on Javert and Japanese-Ainu relations is under the cut. [3] (tw for descriptions of colonial racism)
Japanese-Ainu relations. At the start of the Tokugawa era (about 1600), Japanese society did not extend north of Honshū (Japan’s “main” island). Ainu inhabited Hokkaidō (modern Japan’s northern island), some islands farther north (Sakhalin and the Kurils in modern Russia), and the northern tip of Honshū. In Japanese, Hokkaidō and the northern islands were called Ezo or Ezochi—barbarian land—reflecting the mainstream Japanese view of the Ainu and nearby peoples. With the aid and blessing of the bakufu, the Matsumae family and their contractors progressively subjugated the Ezo Ainu through violently enforced isolation and exploitation both economic and ecological. (Disease also helped.) The Honshū Ainu were caught on the Japanese side of the border confining their northern brethren. They lived in the Nanbu and Tsugaru domains, where they had outcaste status. Over the course of the 18th century, bakufu fears of Russian encroachment became acute. Tsugaru reacted by assimilating its Ainu residents, promoting them to commoner status and ordering them to adopt Japanese customs. (Nanbu no longer contained differentiated Ainu communities.) By the 1780s and ’90s—while the bakufu was heading toward direct takeover of Ezo—Tsugaru Ainu had adopted all outward Japanese culture, though private Ainu customs were rumored to survive.
Javert in Japanese society. Javert’s mother is one of the Honshū Ainu. Her community has outwardly assimilated to Japanese culture by the time of Javert’s birth, about 1780; and Javert’s adoption by the Japanese authority system further alienates him from his ethnic roots. In Japanese at this time, the word “ningen”—“human”—is used to distinguish the Japanese from the Ainu. (“Ainu,” ironically, is the Ainu word for “human:” so “ningen versus ainu” means “human versus human.”) In referring to la face humaine de Javert, ostensibly in juxtaposition with his animal parallel, our Japanese Hugo makes a bold statement on the sly, because that face deliberately includes traits emblematic of Ainu otherness—most obviously, Javert’s wavy hair. Tokugawa depictions of Ainu place emphasis on their hair, rendering it unbound and fluffy with a gentle wave, in contrast with the sleek and tightly bound hair of Japanese figures in the same images: hair is a central focus of Japanese attempts initially to demonstrate Ainu barbarity and then to assimilate the Ainu to Japanese culture.
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[1] The location and economy of this AU’s Montreuil-sur-Mer is inspired in large part by the home region of Suzuki Bokushi, Valjean’s real-life contemporary and fellow businessman. His story is told in Moriyama, Crossing Boundaries in Tokugawa Society. (Valjean’s snow-resistant boots and hood come from illustrations in Bokushi’s book about his region. Javert is inadequately dressed because he refuses to supplement his miserable wages by the traditional extortion method.)
[2] Info on northern domains’ military duties and related status and expenses comes from Howell, Geographies of Identity in 19th Century Japan. A domain’s rank in the Tokugawa hierarchy was determined by its kokudaka, or official yearly revenue, which might differ from actual revenue. Tsugaru’s and Nanbu’s kokudaka were deliberately inflated to give them prestige befitting their military importance: an expensive honor, as it brought inflated obligations to the bakufu in taxes and military support. The domains’ location was not only colonially important but also far from Edo, which made travel to Edo extra expensive—and the daimyō all had a legal duty to live in the capital during alternating years. (This duty of “alternate attendance” was designed to keep daimyō too poor to finance a rebellion.) Saga domain, with corresponding military duties and expenses in the south, encouraged industry in order to relieve its financial pressures: see Ariko Ota, “Porcelain and Power.”
[3] The information on Japanese-Ainu relations can be found in Brett Walker, The Conquest of the Ainu Lands: Ecology and Culture in Japanese Expansion, 1590-1800 and in Howell’s Geographies of Identity. Tokugawa depictions of the Ainu tend to serve the Tokugawa imperial aspirations, just as—in the milieu of the original Les Mis—orientalist works tend to serve French imperial aspirations: in both cases, the depiction suggests that the foreign group requires the guidance of the supposedly more capable and enlightened civilization at home. Such depictions exaggerate the foreigners’ strangeness (and inferiority) and pander to the audience’s expectations about the foreigners’ appearance. Even photos are staged for this purpose. Meanwhile, the foreign group is silenced, unable to counteract the misinformation. It’s a nightmare for research, and one must tread carefully. Javert’s character design picks a couple of traits that are plausible, and yet sufficient to prevent him ever from blending into the society that he serves and guards.
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youarejesting · 4 years
Sly like a... ? - Part 1
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[Master list] [Sly Master List] Beta: n/a (at the moment) Rating: All  Pairing: Hybrid!BTS x FailedHybrid!Reader Genre: Hybrid au, fluff, action, adventure, angst, drama, slice of life. Some marked chapters will contain mature/smut scenes, BUT they will not have plot in those scenes and are 100% skippable without losing your place in the story. Words: 1.6k
Summary: Human’s strive to be better, faster and stronger looking to animal DNA. Thus Hybrids are born. As the rise for designer and Pedigree Hybrids increase, so do the failed attempts. There is one species scientists are unsuccessful in creating, but, folklore says they have been here all along, hiding and blending in with the humans for many millennia. How clever they are.
[First] [Next]
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Humans always strived to be better, faster, and stronger. So it was only natural for them to turn to genetic manipulation. Splicing the human DNA with that of animals. Bringing about a new half-human, half-animal race called Hybrids. They were like most things humans deemed different, scary, and an abomination. They were not allowed to be independent in fear of rebellion against the elite pure humans. These Hybrids were soon seen as lesser compared to the pure humans and were quick to be sold as servants to the rich and shady, and pets to the common families. The only problem was when the families no longer wanted their designer pedigree hybrid they were either abandoned, sold, or worse.
Hybrids didn’t have a voice. They were not allowed to live on their own unless they were fully educated with a bachelor’s degree. Due to these standards, many were sent back to the adoption agencies to be rehomed again and again until they reached a certain age. Then they were put down to make room for more returned hybrids.
You were working with the government on a program that could fix the hybrid rehoming issue. Having presented your idea to the board they seemed interested and were willing to grant you a small fund if you could give them the results they needed. They gave you a handful of Hybrids, one being Jimin the poster boy for the government. He was genetically modified to create a male calico with the classic calico print which was only found on females.
They succeeded and though Jimin was a male his features were more on the feminine side making him seem too androgynous but not what the market wanted. He was left to be used as a model on new billboards and television advertisements for government services and legislations regarding Hybrids.
Another participant was your neighbor’s hybrid, Taehyung. He was a golden retriever and was volunteered by his owner, an older gentleman who recently lost his wife. He was worried for the young hybrid that one day when he shall pass he will be alone and scared. You were quick to guarantee him a place in the program to help him become more self-sufficient in case anything should happen.
You were currently packing your things, not that there was much, living in such a tiny apartment. However, you were preparing for a call within the week regarding moving into a larger government-funded home where you could comfortably house the number of new participants of your trial program. The place was fully furnished with everything a large family of hybrids would need, all you had to bring was your clothes. Everything else was paid for to create the perfect environment for the hybrids. Rent, utilities, food, and anything the hybrids needed were all reimbursed by the government.
Since it would be a few days before you would hear anything, you thought it was best to start thinking of activities for the hybrids to get to know one another. Whilst also basking in your last moments of freedom before devoting yourself to the program. 
On that note, you had finally finished packing and decided to spend your hybrid-free moments treating yourself to some food. Pulled from your thoughts of a delicious omelet by a loud ping from your jean pocket. A reminder on your phone in bold letters.
Today marked the first day of your heat, this explained the nagging twinge in your back you had been ignoring, you thought it was from hunching over to pack. Searching your top draw you saw the empty blister packet of heat suppressants, great another thing to add to your ever-growing to-do list. The pharmacy was a little further than the restaurant you wished to visit but not too far out of the way. So you set off hoping to get back in time before it gets too dark, your eyes did funny things at night.
See you weren’t exactly human yourself, you were an experiment. The world was creating new hybrids and well, you were genetically modified within the same year as Jimin. Supposed to be the new designer breed the ‘Fox-Hybrid’. The problem was it didn’t work, you were born entirely human. Sure you were a bit more agile, and your ability to hear and smell things was better than normal. You were still essentially human.
Once a month since you were thirteen, you would get a strange feeling in your lower abdomen. When you discussed it with the scientists for your check-up, they had explained it was a heat. Whilst foxes usually had a heat once a year lasting three days, yours would happen once a month lasting three days but a lot milder. 
Since that day you have taken a low dose heat suppressant to nullify any pheromones. You were grateful because it wasn’t as painful or as long as a human period, but it wasn’t as debilitating or humiliating as a real heat.
You had grown up seeing Jimin on occasion and were familiar with how debilitating hybrid heats and ruts were. Even so, the two of you became friends, both failed attempts at modification.
Though you never understood why they said fox hybrids didn’t exist, you had seen them. Sometimes in grocery stores, restaurants, or nightclubs. They would be there, they would wink at you or wave, give you a smirk with a twitch of their ears or a swish of their tail. Were they mocking you for being a defect?
The only good thing accompanying your long journey was the music humming softly in your headphones. Used to drown out the loud sounds of the city, as your ears were sensitive. It also helped you ignore the side-eyes from Hybrids who would not so subtly sniff the air as you passed. 
You caught a flash of orange and looked across the street. A simple fruit shop that had a colorful awning flapping in the gentle breeze.
Moving around the store was a shopkeeper in a green apron, shirt, with his bronze hair sticking out underneath a matching cap. He was putting down a tray of banana’s and as he stood, a pair of ears and a bottle brush-like tail were visible, he turned as if sensing your presence and locked eyes with you, tipping his cap. He dusted his hands on his apron, leaving you shocked. A Fox hybrid in public! No one else seemed amazed or even spared him a glance. How could no one see this?
It was like a scene from a movie, as a truck drove past leaving the man looking completely innocent and human talking to a few ladies. He was quite good-looking and charming, but there was no sign of a tail. The women were quick to fall for him, purchasing an oddly large selection of fruits and vegetables. You turned back to the path ahead of you shaking your head in disbelief, before continuing on your way to the pharmacy.
The pharmacy catered for humans and hybrids alike and was never too busy. Which made it your favorite store to collect your script from, as there was little to no waiting time. Handing over the script, you strolled around the store wondering what you would need for these Hybrids. Toothbrushes? Combs? If they had a lot of body hair would they need the silky coat shampoo formula or the soft fur body wash? Placing the hybrid shampoo and body wash back on the shelf you shook your head honestly this was overwhelming. 
Rubbing your aching stomach, you were too uncomfortable to really get into hybrid care right now. You wouldn’t have to worry about any other heats apart from your own as it was decided with the board they would all be male hybrid participants. This stemmed from Taehyung being already a willing participant from the start, they thought it best not to mix male and female hybrids.
You would however have to deal with their ruts, albeit once or twice a year. You chewed your lip in thought pausing in the makeup section of the store. You caught your reflection in the small mirror and preened thoughtfully, your eyes were expressive and angular, your hair due to the modification was a brilliant copper.
You were quite beautiful, eerily so, like the man at the fruit shop. Your features were so similar. Even though you were a defect and he was the real deal. “Ma’am your order is ready.”
Turning surprised you grew hot in embarrassment, stammering to make an excuse, “Sorry, I was just thinking about a really strange fox hybrid at the fruit shop.”
Many occupants in the store turned confused and you heard an old man say, “Fox hybrids don’t exist, they are sinister creatures and not to be meddled with”
“She must be a conspiracy theorist,” one woman whispered to her hybrid snake who was donating venom for anti-venom.
Paying for the medication you left quickly and took one of the small pills as you stepped out of the store. Why didn’t anyone else see them?
You headed back towards your home, not forgetting the reason for your trip. You were excited about an omelet at your favorite restaurant when two apples came rolling across the pavement. 
They rolled towards you, quickly picking them up you carried them inside the store, “excuse me, sir you dropped some of your apples,” You saw his shadow in the darkened store, two pointed ears, and the flick of a tail.
“Are you a fox hybrid?” You asked curiously and he laughed. It was strange like snickering but at a pitch that was not fit for a grown man, like a child’s giggle sharper with a few squeals, or like a bird chittering. You know the sound. He was Gekkering like a fox.
“Thank you,” he took the apples gesturing you over to the side, “let me get you some blueberries, they are my favorite.” 
“Oh thank you, sir, how much do I owe you?”
He shook his head, thrusting a black plastic bag into your hands, “It’s okay, we have to look out for one another.” 
What a strange man…
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