joaoppereiraus · 4 months
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1o1percentmilk · 7 months
i want to tell u guys abt my weredog oc... hes like if patrick bateman sucked and wasnt a nepo baby and worked a middling dead end office job..i give all of my trauma and worries and fears to him about fitting in and not getting to have an impact and yet not having the personal strength to make things better,
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spaceboibrainrot · 5 months
In ref to @humanboi-zim and @real-agent-mothman 's conversation
This is the reference, this is how mopiness of doom ended after the ZaDr puppet kiss
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Sorry @waccozzz for my dumbass headcannons for your RP blog lol
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tero-ga · 4 months
Yay finally done with Swap!Barok design!! My hand is sore during making this so I didn't do much with the clean up process. I ended changing his design, if I want to bring parts of his original version to this design then I have to commit to it, and with that I did lol.
And of course if Andrew could turn into a humanboy may as well turn Klint into a tool.
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I also made an animatic video again to bring my vision to light so you can see how I imagine Barok in this AU.
I'm sorry if the video feels off or unfinished (it's because it is), I really wanted to add more like shake effect and stuff but it's just a lot of work to do, so I just not doing it (my sore hand and body really begging me to stop).
Next time with this AU I will do Albert's design soon and mayyybe along with his family, but before that I really need to take a break from this 😭
Here's the concept designs!
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caputvulpinum · 2 months
Foxboy on Humanboy gay sex
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Swipe: Light Yagami x wyvern!reader
TW for mentions of minor character death
You were halfway home when you saw him. Halfway home to your comfy nest on the tallest peak your sharp eyes could find. This better be worth it- he better be worth it.
You were pretty sure this human was a male, most likely. The arbitrary concept of 'gender' was not something easily grasped by dragon minds, full as they were of much more pressing matters. Matters like treasure!
And hunting... humans were a treat.
Chances were this one was male, as you more often found humanmen trying their best (poor things) to slay you than humanwomen.
So, he, he was trying to sneak across the run-down parking lot. Burned to the ground, of course. You'd had kind of a bad day.
With one flap of your leathery wings, you soared closer. You could make out details: decently tall, pale brown hair, neatly styled.
And the smell...
His smell was intoxicating, the undeniable, unmistakable reek of magic. Dark magic (you would later find this out to be ironic.)
Emanating from his... trousers?
How odd. Well, this might just be fun enough to justify a slightly later dinner...
For funsies, solely for giggles, you let your wings be less than silent in their flapping. He froze, preferably with fear, and couldn't resist looking up.
The look of blind terror on his pale little face was the most hilarious thing you'd seen in a long, long, long time.
With a screech, you landed, great head snaking forward. You could easily look down upon him, but it was more condescending to lower yourself to his level.
He'd hate not being taken seriously - you could smell a level of arrogance never seen in a non-dragon.
Interesting... very interesting. Shame he wasn't a dragon, he'd make a fine prospective mate. And it wasn't just that luscious smell of magic emanating from his hindquarters- but now you could smell it wasn't them exactly, more something shoved right next to them.
A... amulet? No, a tablet. No, a tome... a tome of the yummiest magic of all, death magic!
You sniffed... the fear-smell was fading. It was slowly-but-surely being replaced by the distinctive of smell of small things who thought they were big things.
In other words, confidence.
Normally you hated it, the indignity of not being as feared as you deserved. But with him, you didn't really mind.
He was just so cute! For a human, and as humans were one of the cutest things out there, that said a lot.
The humanwomen must love you, cutiepie, you thought with a smile. The ones into men, at the very least.
His eyes met yours - they were a lovely shade of brown. They lacked the pleasant warmth of humans, instead having a much more familiar stone-cold. Eh, that was hotter anyway.
"Rrrrrrrr? Rrrrrrrllllllsssss."
You could see the change in his face when he realized that talking might be an option.
"Uh... hello, dragon-san. You look... well. I deeply apologize if I'm trespassing..."
Blink, blink. Some leaking smoke for emphasis.
"Not that it's not a pleasure to meet you!" Clearly, not someone accustomed to fear. He was starting to get mad that he was scared at all. Most likely very high-standing in the humandens.
"Oh, where are my manners? My name is Yagami. Light Yagami."
Light... a nice name. Pretentious, but nice. 'Yagami' probably meant something lofty in humanspeak too.
"What brings you here? I happen to be looking for something I've lost. You wouldn't have happened to have seen it in your travels, would you?"
You were offered a gleaming smile. Smooth, Yagami Light Yagami, smooth.
"Sssss...." You licked your chops.
He stumbled backward, panic flashing across his pretty face. He tripped and almost fell. Your expert snout caught a whiff of magic - shame, you'd almost forgotten why you were here in the first place!
Book. Yummy. Book on little humanboy...
Well, there was only one thing to do.
You leaned forward, balancing yourself with one wing, and with the other slashed through his belt. With almost comical grace, his khaki trousers fell to nest around his ankles, revealing some silky red shorts. Judging from his indignant scream, they were never meant to be seen by dragon or human eyes.
And peeking out from the waistband of the shorts... was your prize.
Your wingclaws, sadly, were not nearly dexterous enough to pluck it out. But, were you to take him back to your nest in the clouds...
Maybe an arrangement could be made.
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meirimerens · 9 months
Before 2023 ends you wanna tell us whether you're actually a horse that learned to type?
wouldn't you like to know humanboy 😏😏😏🐴😏😏
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
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hey who the fuck is that guy and where is FeMC
(i think there is actually a mod to swap FeMC in and I might install that)
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oh man ryuji does it? i guess we should split up and start searching
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SO INTERESTINGLY you cannot finish a Palace in a single day because the Treasure will not manifest until you inform the target you are coming after their treasure. Then it takes true form and you can yoink it.
So the motley crue need to send Kamoshida a calling card to inform him they're gonna gank him.
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oh okay that's pretty neat that it shows you all you accomplished
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oh my god this menu
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another thing that should have been translated
Ryuji writes the card and everyone gives him shit for it. I think it's fine, personally. he's a teenager, what do you expect. also I'm glad the newspaper clippings of characters to make a letter is a universal thing lmao.
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oh my god the fucking throne room has a boob ceiling. i don't mean to kinkshame and i think everyone's sexuality is their own but once you get to boobs jutting out of the ceiling in your mind palace, maybe you're thinking about sex a lil too much. just a thought.
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alas no it's boss time
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This is an Adachi-ass argument right here and I like it. The way he turns everyone who was complicit into the Real Villain, that's good stuff.
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bruh you gonna turn me sex negative, what are you doing
Oh man I missed grabbing context for this but there was a secret room in the Palace with a fucked up torture shrine to Shiho. so like Princess Ann is Kamoshida's right hand girl, but he had like.... feelings? for shiho? which I guess manifested as her getting the worst of his abuse.
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So her cognitive copy shows up to help him and it's supremely messed up and i hate this guy.
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Ann faces off with him and has a golden opportunity to kill him, but refrains so he'll confess to his crimes. Which: gorl. Damn. You are strong as hell, I am not certain I would be able to do the same in your shoes. Ann is great.
Taking the treasure, the team gets the fuck out of there but WEIRD THING HAPPENS on the way out.
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While the Palace collapses, everyone runs for it, but Morgana turns back into a cat????
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Morgana only kind of knows how the Metaverse works frankly
and it so reminds me of Teddie, who understood for himself how the TV World worked, but didn't really know enough to figure out the broader picture of the real world and TV world interacting.
Morgana is convinced that they're a human and if they do the right thing in the Metaverse, they will regain their lost body and memories.
I am starting to think that's not the case and this is similar to how Teddie grew a humanboy body when he wanted to join the real world. Is Morgana a denizen of the Metaverse who subconsciously decided to grow a cat body to interact with Reverie and co?
Rise and Teddie made it clear there is no such thing as a true self, so I am curious what Morgana determines themself to be.
ANYWAY THAT'S THE FIRST PALACE DONE, WHOO. Now I have, like, 12 days to fuck around and do what I like.
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starfilled-galaxy · 6 months
my humanboy face claim is really specific fanon hero
(yk.. the ones that make him a WHITE, CISHET mf)
kjfshdkjh ow I just took 3248739 points of psychic damage remembering that people whitewash him /hj
but yeah ik what you mean 😭 the bitches in this fandom who make Hero bland white cishet "just a guy" aghh, its funny with Humanboy bc Humanboy was made specifically to be that way. If you make Hero like that do not fucking interact with me I WILL bite your hand off
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swagforbirds · 2 years
catboy bf who wants to go jogging with you (humanboy bf) but only lasts for 15 minutes because his body cant sweat while yours can because youre a member of a species evolved for persistence hunting
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summercurial · 2 years
Okay so I've discussed before G's natural aptitude with handling his catboy bf and doggirl me. And I realized...it's cuz he's a humanboy (not just a boy who is human. It's more)
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cookiewitch · 1 year
In the mlp universe does johnny say stay gold ponypony or stay gold humanboy
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spaceboibrainrot · 5 months
bigheadedworm IS GONE! 😨
Yeah @scorpioide wanted that, it wasn't my blog and it's up to the creator.
I run @humanboi-zim and not bigheadedworm I was not involved in it's planing.
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joaoppereiraus · 4 years
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Click here to watch the video.
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gamenarcmagazine · 4 years
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The Guise is a dark adventure across a huge extraordinary world thats filled with an atmosphere of doom and decay! The main character is an normal boy turned into a creepy monster. You are about to adapt with the abilities and your new body and try to hold on to what makes you human. Follow @gamenarcmagazine for more info! #theguise #horror #scary #creepy #adventure #monster #humanboy #human #boy #creepy #darkness #dark #game #games #videogame https://www.instagram.com/p/CGki7s9jtey/?igshid=ept6i2pei2z7
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
Catboy this, horsecatboy that—this is humanboy erasure.
What about all the elves who enjoy wearing brown contact lenses and human clothing (like t-shirts with human superheroes) and put fake silicon human ears on the tops of their heads?
hey, nonsie! You doing okay there? /j
my cursed (affectionate) brain immediately started associating this with Twilight but that's a road we're not going down right now! (I have multiple free pass asks I'm going to use just for that purpose already!) But the idea of elves wanting to be human...we're essentially throwing a major aspect of canon (the elves superiority and view of humans) out the metaphorical window, but I'm vibing!
Sometimes the elven world is too bright and sparkly and overwhelming and prejudice and you just gotta be a humanboy to relieve the stress.
Okay but this also opens up different types of humanboys--I think this might be one of the most diverse categories we've created so far. Just what kinds of humanboys are these people? Is there like a Chad type of person, a Bezos (Lord Cassius), some himbos? I have so many questions. What human stereotypes can we assign to these elves.
I will say that Dex mentioned he'd gotten requests for brown eye-drops in book one, but it was never brought up again. So it's entirely possible that there is a thriving market for brown eyes in the Lost Cities that Shannon just hasn't ever mentioned again. I think this is where we'll find our humanboys. They get their brown eye drops and wear atrocious human clothing, just the worst combination of colors and styles you've ever seen. Someone is wearing two different patterns of flannel at the same time.
also those fake silicon human ears on the top of their head sound horrifying. Like mouse ears but instead they're hyper-realistic human ears sticking out of their hair and they just exist like that. There could be some meaning to be found here about surface level appreciation of something you don't understand and how insulting it is to see someone claiming to be interested in something when they clearly have no desire to learn about it outside the possible aesthetic applications into their own lives. But then again it's human ears on the top of their head so I could be reaching.
maybe humanboys can be the rare, legendary boy. We've got our catboys, murcatboys, horsecatboys, and now the humanboys. I wonder who would be a humanboy though--your description leads me slightly towards Keefe, which is strengthened by his running away to the Forbidden Cities. But what kind of elf would want to be human...wait does Mr. Forkle's human identity make him a humanboy?
And on that note I should probably stop talking!
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