#human mimzy headcanon
crackerzaf · 2 months
More headcanons, if you didn't know I've always Hc that Mimzy isn't a natural blonde, she uses the strongest mix of chemicals available to her at the time to achieve her bright blonde hair.
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I like the idea that Alastor and Mimzy at least bonded over this since they both care so deeply about their appearances and especially their hair. The funny thing is that even though they hate their own hair, they adore how the other looks with their natural hair.
This is basically a follow-up to this comic I made
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notherpuppet · 8 months
Headcanon that alastor learned how to move like that in battle because he was a Lindy hopper
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Alastor - [ HEADCANON 1]
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xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxx
Alastor was a ladies man while alive. There I said it. You can’t tell me he wasn’t because Mimzy and Rosie have said it in coded ways already! I like to think at one point he had a literal slew of fan mail being sent to his radio station just begging him to sing on air more often or simply fawning over his suave charm…
Alastor at parties must’ve been a sight to see too! Dancing with every woman who asked, showing off that cocky grin whenever the other men would glare and grumble because all their dates wanted him, and let’s not forget the drinking -slinging back shots, scotch, and champagne was his forte. He’d probably by his plus one as many drinks as she pleased then sneak off to kill with Rosie when the time was right.
Alastor politely rejecting every starlets advances, claiming he wouldn’t want to “upstage her admires”, but gladly accepting their careless compliments like a true gentleman. He’s had one or two sinful escapades but finds no hunger for sex like most and that just makes his allure double. Everybody wants him but no one can truly have him.
Alastor was every woman’s dream man. No doubt about it in my mind.
xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxx
He’s my new hyper fixation….❤️
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elsa-fogen · 5 months
i just wanna say first of all. you have been feeding my brainrot for the past month, tHANK YOU for that
2nd of all, do you have any head canons for Al about when he was alive? how do you think the story played out leading up until his death? I personally love hearing ppls takes on this
THANK YOU for enjoying my things ^^ 💖💖
Oh boyy that's a question about human Alastor. That's probably a great opportunity to draw him, huh? But i'M SO SCARED FOR SOME REASON?? You see, i saw many human versions, and very few of them actually looked like Alastor, SOO YEEAHH. I'm afraid to lose his vibe when i make his human form. But OKAY. I'LL TRY.
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here we go. You have no idea how long it took for me to make my self to draw this fdolfdljfldsfsd
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soo........ is is still Alastor or should i work more on his human design...
btw, guess where did i get colors for his hair and eyes :> (*pointing at myself* hehehehehehrehhwhrhhwhe there)
I don't actully have full story/headcanon for all of his life, but i have some points (tho i'm still ot sure about some of them)
I know that he was mixed, but let's say he also whitepassed for the sake of my own sanity
His first victim was his father, and he was 17 when that happened (his father killed his mother when was drunk)
- Alastor burned his house with his dad inside and enjoyed his screams
After that he faked his age and went to the WW1
He injured his leg there and was sent home (also his eyesight might worsen there)
he's enjoying beating the shit out of people with his cane
I don't have any solid headcanons after that because it needs researching and UGHSHDG i'm so lazy for it... But yeah, he became a radio host, he killed people and he were a cannibal. And then was shot while burring the body. the end.
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jazjelspen · 6 months
my angel baby (part 7)
alastor w/ angel daughter reader
(note: the reader’s first day at the Hazbin Hotel!! Wishing her the best of luck!…)
(tags: @wildfire153 @nevermorekisses @corvidae-00 @des-deswain5621 @thekanrojimitsuri2 @mo-0-o @pooplyface1423 @insomniacfigure @potaturkey17 @just-here-reading @avitute @sleepdeprived-barelyalive @1potato2rulethemall @sirenetheblogger @krak-jj @kiraisastay )
my editorrr: @kruncher
Laid beneath the heavy hotel sheets and warm blanket provided by your room, was you.
You would twist and turn under the covers, as if trapped in an upcoming dream that was meant to either haunt or kiss you with kindness and love yet despite this of course your slumber would soon be interrupted by the loudness of a few rows of knocks.
At first it awakened you slightly, your eyes barely opening but your mind not completely conscious.
But just as your eyes were about to close again to go back to sleep there was another set of incredibly loud knocks to which this time got your brain to finally react.
Your arms slowly brought your body up in a sit-up position, uncovering yourself from the sheets to get your legs over and off the bed, feet now snuggling in some cozy slippers.
Your nightwear was simple but comfortable, fitting exactly all your right preferences and into your favorite colors and/or patterns. It seemed to slightly resemble pj's from the more modern times but with your own 30s twist on it for nostalgia.
You would've ignored the knocks and stayed in bed longer, but you were never much of a sloth in heaven so you got up as you usually would.. yet somehow you were even more sleepier and tired down here.
Turning on a single lamp just to brighten up the room you slowly moved up to the door and opened it immediately-- not the safest move but here you were.
Opening it up you encountered yet again that damned face.
"Hel--!" you closed the door on the visitor, you were not in the mood to talk to him while he was acting all bright and loud at your front door like some sort of overzealous salesman.
But he wouldn't leave until he got to finish what to say, you knew that very well from him.
'Just see what he wants and get it over with.. the faster you deal with him the quicker he'll be away..'
With a reluctant sigh, you opened once more.
"--lo!" you let him finish his single word greeting before you crossed your arms with attitude, not exactly thrilled about this.
"What do you want, can't you see I am sleeping?.."
Alastor cackled lightly, "Sleeping? Oh dear then you must be sleep walking right now!"
"I…wha..” Your eyes squinted in confusion, barely understanding what the hell he’s saying with how slow your brain was processing all this “You know what- I'm not in the mood to play games with you right now so what exactly do you want..”
“Oh darling stop acting so harshly, I’m just here to tell you to come down and eat! You missed breakfast with everyone and you know how the princess wants you to meet the rest of the residents properly!..” he paused, then went back with a slightly ominous tone “-it doesn’t seem like your setting a good first impression on yourself my dear.”
You tensed up, knowing that to some extent he could be right— and you really wanted to get back home soon after the fight..
You sighed, “I’ll go down when I want to and when I think I'm ready— and do you ever leave people alone? I constantly ask you to fuck off and you just don’t.”
His grin widened, it irked you more “No dear, I don’t.”
“...Noted.” And for the last time you slammed the door in front of his face again and you locked it with no intent to open it a third time for him if he knocked again.. which luckily for you he didn't.
Turning your heel you then proceeded to drop down on the bed and lay flat on your back.
"Please.." you mumbled, your eyes and chest heavy, "Please.. help me get through this and get back home safely.."
Although.. Alastor behind the door wasn’t exactly thrilled. After all, you told your own father to walk away and bite the curb.
He began grumbling under his breath, your disrespect really starting to claw at him.
“Who in the world would tell their own father who raised them himself to ‘fuck off’.. where did I fail in raising this wretched girl..” yet a part of him knew he couldn’t blame you, you had much good reason to act this way.. but he always preffered to be the one in the right.
If he wasn’t so desperate to try to regain your respect, admiration, and acceptance he would’ve held the door opened and had his shadow scare the absolute soul out of you as to teach you a lesson—
But he knows that will only drive you away even more, so he bit his tongue.
You rushed downstairs with your shoes clicking every step of the way, dusting yourself off and fixing your halo as you went down the stairs.
Reaching the end you turned your head to the left where the seating area was, the right to see a space of nothing. Both ways were quiet, no signs of life you could hear or see at the moment
"Hm.." taking a few cautious steps forward to continue to eye your surroundings, becoming a little nervous that maybe you took much longer to get ready than you initially thought.
"Hello?.." Your voice echoed and bounced across the large spaces inside the hotel, light vaguely shining from the glass windows and doors that lead as the main entrance and exit of the building. The air floating several dots of small dust against the light and the silence could almost be deafening--
until you walked a bit further into the middle of the place.
"New here?" A low and deep voice cut through the empty sound, booming from a turquoise green environment that seemed to be dressed up as a bar.
The bar looked a bit out of place compared to the rest of the red color schemes of the hotel, not only does the green and blue hues make it pop more but it seems as if it was ripped right out of a building and placed in there.
You turned and faced the direction of the voice-- although weary you really wanted to find the princess to apologize for your oversleeping.
Walking towards the voice you noticed that it was a dark brown cat with silver fur, a hat, bowtie, a unique set of wings, and a calm scowl on his face. He seemed to be leaning against the bar and cleaning a glass with a small towel. He seemed to be looking at you and referencing you as well.
"Oh! Hello mister!.." you walked up to the bar hastily, giving him a very small wave as you came up "You know where I could find her highness?.. I need to apologize for coming down here late..!"
The anthropomorphic cat shrugged his shoulders as he then went to place the now clean glass in his hands down and bring up another one and start cleaning that too. His eyes going from you to the actions he's doing "For all I know she's probably up in her room preparing her next 'lesson plan'. Other than that, I know shit to nothing."
You felt slightly discouraged as you looked off to the side "Well.. then, I suppose I just have to wait?" you asked, your brows furrowing in concern and eyes widening in a sort of 'doe' way. Not like you were trying to, it was just part of your look.
"I wouldn't know, stay here, stay there, stay anywhere. Not like it matters."
There was a pause, you thought that maybe this could be a good time to ask some questions and get an idea of how things work here. "May I stay here for a bit? If you don't mind?.. "
And with a second shrug of his shoulders, he said "Be my guest."
"Thank you.." you pulled out one of the bar stools in front of the bartender and sat on one of them with your arms leaning against the bar table and awkwardly just sitting there-- until you spoke up again.
"Sooo.." you started, the bartender looking up at you almost disinterested "How are you.. sir?.."
Another slight pause, he replies "Who cares, and just call me Husk it saves the more words you would have to say."
"O--kay!.. well uhm.. sir- Husk!" you leaned against the bar table yourself to try to start making proper conversation.
"So.. after all this-- you know the fight between Heaven and Hell.. I'm planning to go home ri--"
"Yeah yeah, what about it?" he interrupted you, your impression of him not really turning out very well.
"Uh.. so.. what I'm trying to ask is- how do I survive this place till I get to go back home? Any ways to avoid trouble or maybe at least not come off bad to the rest of the residents?.."
Husk took a moment staring at his glass that he was cleaning, seeing as he now had a new customer who needed advice from this experienced bartender. He would calmly set down his towel before responding,
"Coming off bad is the least of your problems down here, to survive you must avoid sticking out like a sore thumb.. which doesn't exactly seem like an option for you since you look like a fuckin' glowstick."
Your shoulders perked up in slight embarrassment, barely recognizing that somehow you seemed to faintly glow against the dark colors and shadows of your environments since you've been down here.
"But you also must make sure to connect to the right people, and avoid making deals with sinners that only want to drag you through the mud for their own benefit."
That part seemed to peak your interest a bit.. "Avoid and connect.. who would you recommend for those two things?.. is there anyone in particular I should shy away from?"
"I would say stay an arm's length away from everyone in hell, even in the hotel." He seemed to be looking down under his bar table, reaching for something.
"Not all of us are bad but it's more of a chance for you to get back home unscathed. Besides that, the Princess would be a good person to befriend."
"Hmm.. " you hummed in thought, feeling a bit curious about wanting to know if Alastor is someone to be wary of here. You already knew that he wasn't someone good to stick with but needing the opinions of others would help and set you at ease.
"Well.. should I stay away from the red deer man?--"
"Stay away from him at all costs." Husk's voice seemed to raise in volume slightly as he unintentionally slammed a bottle of juice down on the table.
Oh..well that made you jump slightly.
"That demon you seem to be referring to, is Alastor, he isn't someone to be taken lightly. An overlord like him shouldn't be dealt with in any way.."
"Wait.. What's an overlord, mister?.."
"..It's someone who's gained power down here for centuries, dealing with souls and owning many of them gives you that kind of status.." there was a bit of a somber expression on his face as he then went to pour the liquid in the glass in front of him.
"Alastor is one that you should stay away from, at all costs. That sadistic fuck only kills and kills for fun and manipulates those for their souls," He then pushed the glass lightly at your hands that were resting on the table, gliding across the wood only to lightly bump into you. Your hands themselves are a bit too shocked to even move at the moment.
"I can't imagine what he would want with yours but considering your own status.. wouldn't be surprised if he took an interest in you."
'I guess I was right,' you thought 'he's still as sick in the head as he was before..'
you wanted to tear up, you weren't quite sure why.
maybe you hoped that he wasn't as bad as you remembered.
that maybe you exaggerated.
that your memory failed you.
that for your sake, he somehow changed, that he learned his lesson down here.
instead he thrived, thrived and overcame, took over and is now an 'overlord'..
he only got worse and played into his sick fantasies and killed more than you could imagine for his own benefit.
you bit your lip lightly as if trying to hold something back, hold your disappointment in.
"So.. is it fair to say he is a bit famous for being a merciless killer?.."
"Basically it."
'as if it couldn't get any worse.'
Husk seemed to notice your conflicting expressions, since he seemed to sound a bit more gentle this time. "Look, kid, this whole thing will be some kind of culture shock. But just stay away from him and others similar, you're only asking for trouble if you do."
You were in fact, just a kid.
Maybe not one by definition, mentally you're not the same as the day you died, but inside you're still a little girl somehow. Scared and frightened, weary of the world--
a girl who needs her god-forsaken father.
but he isn't worth it.
since he's become who he truly was, and belongs right where he is.
"Follow that, and you'll get home just fine." and just like that Husk backed away to go work at the back of the bar to leave you with your thoughts, assuming that perhaps the full realization of the dangers in hell and how close they are could be infecting your brain.
Letting you take a minute to breathe, you finally looked down at the glass below your chin on the table.
It was a cup of a colorful liquid, you held the cup and put it up your nose to smell if there was alcohol.
None at all.
Your brows raised a bit in intrigue, maybe just the fact that you were an angel or seemed a bit young gave him the idea to give you anything that wasn't alcohol..
He seems like a good bartender.
You brought the drink up to your lips to quench that subtle thirst you had, the flavor of the drink tasted just as good as it would have in heaven or in life.
"Heyy Huskyy!" a new unique voice exclaimed from your right hand side, the noises of the bar chair moving in and out made you stiffen slightly.
Husk turned only to aggressively point a finger at the new person beside you. "Do not call me that yo--"
"Yeah yeah, anyway could you give me something fun with a bit of a kick to it?"
The cat rolled his eyes as he proceeded to grab a clean cup to mix something similar up to what this guest wanted. "Why? Finally something good happened to you for once?"
"Basically yeah, I got no shoots to do today due to Val's car breaking down and the guys he hired got kidnapped by a gang so I don't have to see my boss's bald head all fuckin' day! You know how amazing that is??"
You took a moment to move your head slightly to take a peak at this new person, surprisingly they seemed to look back at you too.. eyes widening slightly in the process.
It was a tall and slim guy that dressed rather provocatively, had fur that seemed soft to the touch and the extra arms and eyes seemed to give you an idea that he was a kind of spider sinner, his color scheme full of soft and hot pinks. A rather interesting individual to say the least..
"Say.. aren't you the angel gal that Charlie won't shut up over? You're much prettier than I thought you'd be."
"Lay off her Angel, the kid's got enough on her plate as it is."
"Now now whiskers, I haven't even gotten to introduce myself!-" he then proceeded to take out one of his four gloved hands towards you, waiting for you to shake it.
"The names Angel Dust toots, famous pornstar in all of hell!" he bragged, exclaiming proudly and seemingly posing as well.
That Angel Dust?
The sinner that Charlie presented as her evidence of the hotel?
"Hey.. I.. think I know you.." you mumbled, your head turning slightly and slowly shaking his hand back while in a sort of an ‘awe’ trance.
Angel Dust chuckled a bit, a tint of awkwardness behind it. "Sweetheart!.. you seem too young to be watching my work!.."
"I.. no nononono! not like that!--" you shook your hands in panic, eyes widening in shock as you tried your best to get your words out. "I meant as in I've seen you before when Princess Charlie was presenting her evidence to the court in heaven!.. "
"Oh? Now this is new.." Angel leaned against the bar table yet his whole body faced you as he spoke to you. "Charlie hasn't told me about this yet.."
"Yes!.. you seemed to be developing quite well in reaching heaven! Of course there's some.. issues I see there are with both places so I'm unsure how it's going exactly but!.." you smiled more fondly at him, a genuine expression with a sense of hopeful pride for him "You seem to be making amazing progress!.. genuinely, I think if you keep it up.. you'll make it just fine!"
Angel's eyes warmed up a bit, his expression changing into one in which it feels almost bittersweet. "Pfft, kid you and your ideas are cute but it's too late for m--"
A sudden poof of a shadow solidified into none other than of course, that demon of a formal man.
"Greetings! I see we're all mingling in vibrant conversation here."
You held back the biggest urge to let out the loudest sigh in all your afterlife.
'Where's the princess when you need her..'
It was an early evening in New Orleans, and Alastor had some business to attend to.
Unfortunately, he didn't have anyone to look after you and he wasn't willing to leave you alone at home even if you were only thirteen years of age.
Your adolescent years were the years in which Alastor knew he would fear the most. He knew that the youth of today like to frolic in hobbies and places that are considered taboo and absolutely prohibited.. not like he was one to judge he's been a serial killer for almost decades at this point.
Nonetheless, he didn't need you to get any ideas to misbehave while he was gone. Even if you were one of the most well-behaving children in the world he knew that even the smallest of thoughts can plant seeds of defiance in the mind.
He would rather not risk anything.
"Hurry now _____! We can't be any minute late now! Remember, punctuality is good character!" He exclaimed from the exit of your shared house while holding your jacket and thick scarf in his hands and his own on his back, the small thuds and clicks of shoes against the wooden floor rushing out of your room and through the halls that connected every other room in the home.
"I'm here, father!.. I'm here!" you scrambled up as you fixed yourself up by straightening your outfit and dusting yourself off.
"Good girl, now remember darling we're going to be in a place where only adults belong." He spoke as he would then be putting your coat on for you, with you helping out by sticking your arms out in the process of it all.
"Young impressionable girls such as yourself should never ever be in places like those until you're of age, the only reason why I'm even taking you with me is because I can't bear the thought of leaving you alone while there's a wild killer on the loose!" He would straighten your jacket for you, wrap your scarf around your neck and tuck it in to keep you warm, make sure your gloves were set right and as the cherry on top would then pet your head gently with care.
"I can't have my one and only daughter out for the slaughter now can I?" Real funny Al... "Just keep in mind, don't talk to anyone while walking through there, well anyone that isn't your.. aunt."
You nodded enthusiastically, a tingle of excitement swelling in your chest in finally seeing such a place! Even being in there would make you feel like a cool grown up!.. like getting a small glance at the forbidden fruit of Eden.
"Yes yes, of course father!"
"Good good, now hop to it!"
Cheering as he opened the door for you to exit first, soon after he exited and locked the door behind him. He would continue to lead the way through there.
It was a very cold winter this year, as if it was threatening to snow at any moment yet never did. Cold winds would blow in your faces causing you to sneeze a few times but nothing major. Alastor seemed perfectly unaffected by the weather, nothing but calm and content with his permanent smile on his face. You held up your own smile as well.
The walk was quiet with small chatter between the two of you here in there, mostly your father asking you if you were okay and how he's going to make sure to brew up some warm stew when you both come back home.
It wasn't too much of a walk, most clubs were nearby due to how high demand they are but father always forbid you to ever go in them let alone peek inside, but since he will be around and has given you permission to see the forbidden, the air that hit you only ended up feeling like a chill of excitement instead.
You two finally arrived at the entrance, jazz music booming against the doors only heightened your senses even more.
Alastor looked at you from over his shoulder, "Behind me dear, keep your hands to yourself, don't talk to strangers, don't accept anything from strangers, and if anything happens just scream for me and I'll assist you.. oh and don't get far, stay behind and close at all times so I don't lose you." You could've sworn you've heard these rules many times even in public places that weren't clubs, but you simply nodded and obeyed.
Now that you properly noticed, he seemed to be dressed rather more sophisticated than usual. You would usually see him dressed this way for nights out and you could even smell that specific cologne he would put on when visiting jazz clubs in town so it does make sense but.. why was he wearing his work coat and not his going-out coat?... Maybe it wasn't anything but, you knew how calculated your father was to an extent.
He knocked on the door, when it was opened a tall man was seen through the crack. Alastor mumbled something to the man and the door widened further, seemingly accepting the two of you with just a few simple words from your father.
You two walked in and you stayed close to him as you were told, yet your eyes were widened and wandering around like birds in the wild.
Your brain was trying to absorb all the colors, noises, and smells all at once-- the smell of alcohol, cigarettes and cigars weren't pleasant in the slightest but the sweet and tangy scents of women's perfume and men's cologne were a treat to your nose.
It was surprisingly much warmer inside, aside from all the people here you also assumed that the collective body heat, sweat, and breaths made the room much more manageable than the winter streets.
People were on either side of the room eating, drinking, chatting to their heart's content while the others danced their souls out and listened to jazz with pure enthusiasm and joy you have only ever seen at those parties your father has taken you before.
Cheering, yelling, laughing, and talking were amongst one of the noises you heard aside from the music blasting across the room.
The various colors of women's dresses, heels, make up, and accessories had every color of the rainbow while men's suits would mostly be muted or monochrome at best, but there were few specks of color amongst the men at times.
"Whoa.." your throat couldn't help but show your amazement for all that was around. A twinge of amazement growing and growing each step of the way.
You two stopped in front of a large bar, Alastor stopped to talk to the bartender before pausing and looking back at you to continue following him. He seemed a bit peeved from that short interaction.
'Dad says he had business with someone here.. does it have to do with auntie?'..'
A huff of air escaped through your nostrils while you followed closely, saying a few 'excuse me miss/mister' here in there while passing by. Many people noticed you but didn't bother, or others didn't even acknowledge you due to them being caught up in their own world.
You two walked to the very back of the club where the band was playing their hearts out, you seemed to have walked behind the stage where the decorative curtains hid behind the stage and covered where the magic is made. It was much darker compared to the brightly lit place, there seemed to be a short hall of several backstage rooms, more specifically dressing rooms for singers or performers.
You two stopped yet again but at the entrance of one of the rooms, you smiled when your dad then started knocking on it twice. After all, it had the name 'Mimzy' plastered in bold.
The door was opened with slight caution but soon opened wide when the voice inside realized who it was that knocked on her door, "Alastor! Sweetie, doll face! Didn't expect you to visit me so soon, come in! And-- oh! My, do my eyes deceive me--"
Your smile only widened further when you finally felt the warmth of two familiar arms, the scent of, what the ladies would call 'Chanel No.5' basically slapped you in the face along with the smell of cigarettes and tobacco- even the feathers in her hair made your nose tickle but you didn't mind, since it was none other than!--
"Auntie Mimzy!!"
"______ dear! Why it's so good to see your little self again, look you've grown so much since the last time I've seen you!"
You giggled at her claim, "But auntie! You saw me only two weeks ago!"
She gasped, her hand over her mouth as if surprised "Oh my goodness! You've got to be kiddin' me! You've grown sooo much in just two weeks! What does your father even feed you huh?"
You giggled along with her before Alastor cleared his throat to catch the attention of the only girls in the hall.
"Why Mimzy dear, I absolutely hate to interrupt your ladies talk but I fear that there's some business you and I must discuss quickly?"
"Oh! Right!.." Mimzy then went to hold your hand gently, the sound of her heels clicked as she tugged you inside the dressing room "Come in dear, I have a few treats I've been given by a few admirers, so you can have some chocolate or cake while I talk to your daddy, does that sound good sweetheart?"
You nodded enthusiastically, almost jumping in excitement after hearing that. "Mhm mhm! Thank you sosososo much auntie! You're the best!!"
"Of course sweetheart, they are all on the vanity." She would then release your hand while you rushed towards the opened heart box full of deserts, you looked at them with such delight before you picked out your favorite and dug in.
Your father and auntie then walked out of the room, but before they closed the door Alastor only said one thing to you "We're right behind the door, if you need anything we're simply going to be here talking okay?"
"O-kay!" you spoke while eating the treats of your choice.
Gosh... you knew you weren't supposed to but--
'wait.. why couldn't they talk while I'm here?.. maybe it's adult business but- I'm grown enough to at least talk around!..' you frowned slightly while munching. You took your last bite before you took a moment to just sit there in thought..
'maybe just-- just for one second..? it shouldn't be anything bad.. im grown enough to hear this I'm sure..' you then decided to just take slow and quiet steps towards the door of the dressing room, hearing the two hushed voices seemingly quarreling calmly.. but it was still a bit tough to hear everything coherently so you could only try to make out what words they were saying with your ear pressed against the door.
all you could hear is your father say these few broken words:
"mimzy..... my friend.... is all... give...."
Mimzy replied with something along the lines of:
"....great help...but.....really it?.....wont help me any....."
He responded in a bit of a-- snarky tone?.. it was too faint to fully comprehend but you did hear him say:
"......won't risk.... for you...... my daughter...... care of it yourself......"
'Huh?' you thought, a bit concerned 'why am I mentioned.. what about me?..'
There was a sudden pause before you heard more muffled talking but you stopped focusing on what they were saying when you realized that the door knob started jiggling.
Uh oh.. guess they finished a bit sooner than anticipated!
'Oh fu-'
The door widened a bit harshly by Mimzy, she seemed much upset this time herself but at least they both came with a smile.. her's more forced.
Thank goodness you were fast enough to have sprinted and hopped on the chair in front of your aunt's before they could've seen you eavesdrop on them first.
"Well my dear, let's get back home now! All I needed to do was to talk about something important with Mimzy, let's get started on that stew now so you won't catch a cold so soon!"
You nodded sheepishly as you waved at Auntie Mimzy, she seemed a bit too upset to properly acknowledge you at first but she would soon shine back a brighter smile than before and then pet your head quickly. "Bye bye dearie! Don't forget to give your father a hard time at some point! A bit of rebellion is good for the soul!..”
You just smiled as you brightly before rushing towards Alastor, who seemed unimpressed. He turned his back towards the exit with you following behind and exiting yourself, closing the door behind him carefully before putting said hand behind your shoulders to lead you outside the establishment.
Your head almost turned back to where you were before due to the sudden distant noises of glass breaking and high pitched squeals of anger pounding against the door that held them back, Alastor kept your head forward from looking behind.
A few minutes later, you two were now outside the club. The inside was just the same as it was when you first walked in. As the door closed behind the two of you Alastor took a moment to just stand there, you followed what he did.
He simply looked forward with an almost blank smile, until his chin slowly looked down at you. It brightened, warmed up, his glasses glistening with his eyes even for just a moment.. a glistening that was only empty from his eyes if he wasn't looking at his pride of joy.
You looked up at him and smiled back warmly, innocent yet fearless.
His few words to you before you two finally walked home couldn't help but make you wrap his arms around his torso into a strong hug, and his arms around your shoulders and caressed your hair that he took care of each morning of every day.
"I will never let anything hurt a single hair on your head, my little dove."
He will protect you from all that threatens to linger, shelter you from the evil world for as long as he can.. for as long as he lives.
And keep you as oblivious as you can possibly be.
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nkirukaj · 3 months
Deer Tingz (Alastor x Fem!OC Series)
18+ MDNI
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The Radio Demon & the Billboard Doe
Our Renaissance (Side story-Human!AU)
Fawning for You
🔛 vVv is for Voe (A Radio Demon & the Billboard Doe AU)
Deerly Beloved
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kame-writes · 4 months
My Human!Alastor headcanons
Basically a bulletpointed list of all the major events in his human life, right up to his death and manifestation in Hell.
He was the result of his wealthy land owner Father having an affair with a waitress
His father didn't know about Alastor until Alastor was about 3yrs old, then he saw how much Alastor looked like him, and was white passing.
Not wanting to risk the shame of having his illicit affair with a woman of colour known, or him sleeping around as a widower, he took Alastor in as a Ward. Claiming the child was one of a friend who had passed.
Alastors mother was sworn to secrecy and brought into the house as a servant, so Alastors father could keep her close and ensure her silence. No one was to ever find out she was the mother.
Alastor being so young, believed the lie that his mother had died and his father took him in to look after him.
The secret was only revealed to Alastor when he was around 6yrs old. His father was away on business, as usual, and he got seriously ill. His mother stayed by his side and cried. When he got better she couldn't lie to him when he asked why a serving lady cared so much about him.
After that he spends as much time as he can with his mother in secret. As he gets older he tries to make her life as comfortable as possible with the status being a ward to a wealthy man could bring.
His mother got him his first Radio, and encouraged him to pursue that obsession, despite it not being a 'high status job' that was expected of him.
In his early twenties he came home to find his father beating his mother, having found out that she'd been the one his son had been spending so much time with.
Her clothes were torn, she was bleeding heavily, and Alastor saw red. He doesn't remember doing it, but blinked back to awareness with a bloody knife in his hands, and his father's body dead at his feet.
His mother helped him dispose of the body in the bayou.
With his father gone, family came to claim the estate and fortune. Alastor allowed them to pay him off with a large sum of money to not contest his right to any of it. It was enough for him to buy a house for him and his mother to live relatively comfortably.
This is also where he discovered Voodoo-Catholicism, a religion that his mother studied in secret. He often joined her for rituals and took a keen interest in their practices.
During prohabition he took up bootlegging for the local speakeasy, a place he felt completely at home with its lax laws, and lack of segregation. Here he also got close to the owner, Mimzy.
It was here he committed his second murder. A low life who was threatening the working girls and taking advantage of Mimzys lax attitude towards horrible men.
This was the first time he planned it out, and it awakened a part of him that he'd never gotten from hunting animals. He took satisfaction in picking out victims that he saw as problematic, and taking them out.
Mimzy discovered him covered in blood, and after the shock wore off, she agreed to provide an alibi if Alastor ever needed one, since he was only going after people who deserved it.
When the news started to take notice of disappearances, Alastor added a talk/news segment to his radio broardcast to get listeners opinions. He found the irony halarious, and him and Mimzy would privately laugh over the outlandish theories.
Having access to dead bodies, he started to experiment with substituting animal organs and parts for human one's in certain rituals. Including eating their organs. He quickly saw no difference in cannibalism to eating any other meat. He kept this from his mother, fearing her reaction.
When his mother became sick with an incurable illness, he started to get less focused on his work. Being more irritable than usual, and in desperation, he turned to the darker side of voodoo to try and find a cure, swearing that he would give anything he could to save his mother's life.
Something heard him, unknowingly entwining with his very soul.
It was not long after this that Alastor made the fatal mistake of getting caught disposing of a body by an unfortunate hunter. He was tracked down thanks to his shoes, which bootleggers commonly used to make animal prints instead of footprints to confuse the police.
He died never knowing if his mother survived or died of her illness.
When he manifested in hell, his shadow was sentient, and he possessed powers he'd only read about during his voodoo studies.
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That look in his eyes made me sure
We'd be dancing 'til the dawn!
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hostradio · 2 months
△ What was it like when you were human? What hobbies did you have? Did you ever fall in love?
ah,  this  is  a  bit  trickier.  he's  always  made  it  a  point  to  be  quite  particular  about  what  details  he  shared  of  the  life  he  lead  before  —  well,  his  death.  the  radio  demon  is  as  much  a  person  as  he  is  a  concept.  the  shadow  pooling  in  the  corners  of  the  room,  a  rumor  spoken  of  in  whispers  as  hushed  as  they  are  reverent.  there  is  a  fine  line  between  drip-feeding  enough  class  and  character  to  cement  his  name  in  the  public  consciousness  and  humanizing  himself.  (  the  death  knell  of  all  intrigue!  )  fortunately,  these  questions  are  relatively  benign.  perhaps  a  four  out  of  ten  in  terms  of  discomfort  —  it's  more  the  time  period  that  alastor  takes  issue  with  than  the  actual  inquiries.
perhaps  unsurprisingly,  the  jovial  facade  he  outwardly  projects  doesn't  falter  for  even  a  moment.  ❝  oh,  not  too  terribly  different  from  how  it  is  now!  ❞   although,  the  company  in  this  abysmal  pit  leaves  much  to  be  desired  —  all  the  more  reason  to  treasure  the  few  exceptions  to  the  rule,  really.   ❝  i  liked  to  cook  —  though  i  hadn't  been  introduced  to  long  pork  quite  yet.  i  shudder  to  think  of  how  much  perfectly  good  meat  i  allowed  to  go  to  waste. ❞  so  many  bodies  to  bury,  so  little  time.  (  nothing  attracted  suspicion  like  the  scent  of  decay!  )  ❝  and  of  course  i  did  have  my  radio  broadcast!  if  there  is  one  point  i  will  certainly  give  in  hell's  favor,  there  is  no  shortage  of  delightful  mayhem  to  report  to  the  masses.  ❞   a  slow  day  is  simply  cause  to  go  drum  up  a  bit  of  trouble.  see  that  the  streets  turn  slick  with  blood  —  paint  the  town  red!  and  if  someone  happens  to  slip  and  fall  on  the  viscera,  that's  even  better!
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❝  i  do  miss  the  night  life. ❞  a  touch  of  wistfulness  bleeds  into  his  voice  unbidden.  ❝  the  music!  the  speakeasies!  the  dancing!  nothing  in  hell  quite  manages  to  recapture  the  feeling  —  you  really  had  to  be  there!  it's  a  shame  most  of  the  crowd  i  spent  my  time  with  went  to  the  OTHER  place. ❞  he  adores  mimzy,  of  course  —  but  they  were  two  pieces  of  an  even  larger  puzzle.
well,  with  any  luck  those  women  lived  more  pleasant  lives  without  their  husbands.  he  assumes  that  they  did.
right,  right.  but  there  was  another  question,  wasn't  there?  the  radio  demon  pauses  for  a  moment  to  consider  it  —  then  abruptly  exhales  a  harsh  bark  of  laughter,  the  sound  accompanied  by  the  static-leaden  cackling  of  some  invisible  (  pre-recorded  seeming  )  audience.  ❝  fall  in  love?  ❞  HAH!  oh,  they  are  a  hilarious  one,  aren't  they?  ❝  is  that  a  genuine  question,  or  are  you  downright  STARVED  for  drama?  ❞   well,  he  supposes  whatever  visual  junk  food  vox  is  inclined  to  shove  at  the  masses  does  little  to  curb  one's  appetite  for  real  entertainment.  still  chuckling  softly  beneath  his  breath,  alastor  shakes  his  head. �� ❝  no,  no!  sorry  to  disappoint,  my  friend  —  but  cupid's  arrow  has  never  struck  true  in  that  life  OR  the  next. ❞
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bananadramaaa · 6 months
Can you draw human version of Niffty? Your Alastor and Mimzy human designs are gorgeous and I was wondering about your thoughts on Niffty 🥺
I really enjoyed drawing my human version of her XD And she's a fun character in general. I really hope we'll get more information about her in the next season.
But for now, I headcanon that because of her OCD and, maybe, some sort of hysteria her relatives might have sent her for a lobotomy because in the 1930-50s this surgical procedure was so advertised that even a child who just couldn't sit still could be sent there (as advertisers often claim that after the surgery, patients became calm and didn't cause trouble). So Niffty may have suffered from her passion for cleaning and since the brain was accessed through the eye socket, maybe that's why she has one eye in Hell now.
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crackerzaf · 10 days
More human hc for Alastor and Mimzy
I always assumed and I hc now that Mimzy died in the prime of her life I.e. her mid 20s that’s kinda why I think she has the bratty personality since she still young I also think she’s really careless with money as well bc she doesn’t care and wasn’t around for the Great Depression. While everyone finds her annoying in hell I think Alastor sees her more as nistolgic charm a reminder of the best time of his life before he lived through the worst time in America. He just enjoys the memories she brings him.
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So I made an older design for Alastor bc the one I use to depict him with Mimzy mostly is him in his 20s I tried to make him look young and scrappy like the party animal I’m sure he was he’s just more impulsive. While Alastor in his 30’s is more elegant and reserved he’s shaped by the events that happened to him and is willing to play the long game to get his way….
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Ugh I lost the plot of this post TLDR Alastor is old Mimzy died young and dumb
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circeyoru · 2 months
Hazbin Hotel Masterlist
This is a Masterlist entirely for Hazbin Hotel, as you can tell from the title. Since I'm branching off from the Hazbin Hotel fandom to other ones.
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Alastor, The Radio Demon — Hazbin Hotel
{The Spirit's Favourite Human} _ Completed
[Human!Alastor x Spirit of the Forest!Reader] Part 1 — Part 2 — Random Moment — Meet the Demon (Ask)
Spin-off Series — You and Cursed Cat Alastor (ask)
{Angelic Doctor} _ Completed
[Human!Alastor x Disguised Angel!Reader] Part 1 — Part 2 — Random Moment — Meet the Demon (Ask)
{Demonic Companion} _ Completed
[Alastor x Human!Reader] Part 1 — Part 2 — Random Moment
Spin-off Series — Something's wrong with your lover + Angst moments over love = Requested — What if the lover is a killer? = Requested — Reader's demon design + What if LK arrives in Hell = Semi-Requested
{Contracted Love} _ Completed
[Alastor x Crush of Contractor!Reader] Story — Random Moment
{Their Twist In Time} _ Completed
[Time-travelled Human!Alastor x Time User!Reader] Part 1 — Part 2 — Random Moment
{Darkest Confession} = Requested _ Completed
[Human!Alastor x Serial Killer Enthusiast!Reader] Ask — Part 1 — Part 2
{Following The Script}
[Human & Demon!Alastor x Isekai!Reader] Somewhat ask (clarification) — Story
{Cuddles of Another Kind} = Requested (headcanons) _ Completed
[Lucifer x Reader x Alastor] Ask — Story
{Chime of Madness} = Requested _ Completed
[Human!Alastor x Mimzy's Performer!Reader] Ask — Story
{Gift} = Requested _ Completed
[Alastor x Cupid!Reader] Ask — Story
{The Boy & The Witch} = Requested
[Human!Alastor x Witch!Reader] Ask — Part 1 — Part 2
{His Killer} = Requested _ Completed
[Alastor x Male Hunter!Reader] No romance or platonic element Ask — Story
{The Raven's Deer} _ Completed
[Alastor x Zestial’s Little Sibling!Reader] Part 1 — Part 2 = Requested — Bonus headcanon
{Sleeping Romance} = Requested _ Completed
[Alastor x Tired Sleepy!Reader] Ask — Story
{The Black Leash} = Requested _ Completed
[Alastor x High-ranked Hellborn Contractor!Reader] Ask — Story
{The Cat On His Shoulders} = Requested _ Completed
[Alastor x Demonic Cat!Reader] Ask — Story
{Unwanted Soul} = Requested _ Completed
[Yandere!Alastor x Owner of his Soul!Reader] All links have been moved to its new - {US} Masterlist -
{Gone Too Young} = Collab
[Yandere!Human & Demon!Alastor x Male BFF!Reader] - Platonic Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 3 — Part 4 — (more parts coming)
{Game of Guessing} = Requested _ Completed
[Alastor x Great Grandchild!Reader] - Platonic Ask — Story
{Nightmare Catcher} = Requested (headcanons) _ Completed
[Alastor | Vox | Lucifer x Nightmare!Reader] _ separated Ask — Story
{You Think It’s That Easy?} = Requested _ Completed
[Yandere Human!Alastor x Arranged Marriage!Reader] Ask (1) — Ask (2) — Part 1 — Part 2
{Collection of Overlords} = Requested
[Alastor x Soul Owner of All Overlords!Reader] Ask — This Series' Private Masterlist
{Entertainment & Attachment} = Requested _ Completed
[Poltergeist!Alastor x Medium!Reader] Ask — Story
{Cannot Compute} _ Completed
[Alastor x Robotic Demon!Reader] Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 3
Lucifer Morningstar, The King of Hell — Hazbin Hotel
{Cuddles of Another Kind} = Requested (headcanons)
[Lucifer x Reader x Alastor] Ask — Story
{Nightmare Catcher} = Requested (headcanons)
[Alastor | Vox | Lucifer x Nightmare!Reader] _ separated Ask — Story
Vox, The TV Demon — Hazbin Hotel
{Nightmare Catcher} = Requested (headcanons)
[Alastor | Vox | Lucifer x Nightmare!Reader] _ separated Ask — Story
Hazbin Hotel
{Surprise, Surprise, I’m Here to Watch} = Requested
[Hazbin Hotel x 3 Powers Granted!Reader] Ask — Story
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Idk if you take requests , but could you maybe write a fic with Human!Alastor and male!reader where reader exaggerates his whole personality to comply with everyone else and is easily exhausted from it and Alastor "relaxses" reader in that way ?
Thank you in advance and have a good day !
Alastor - [ MASQUERADE ]
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A/N: This request really made me brainstorm but I've decided to break it into 2 parts. I hope you'll enjoy it! As always kindly lmk the artist of the fanart so I can tag them and give proper credit! ❤️
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“You're on air in ten minutes, Y/n. Pick it up before the host gets restless!”
Your so-called manager barked from the dressing room doorway, giving one last glare your way before strutting off, grumbling a string of curses you'd learned to ignore.
“Asshole…” you scoffed, turning back to the striped mirror of your vanity; the large bulbs that lit it gave enough light in the old stuffy backstage space, illuminating every detail of your appearance.
Not one thing could be out of place.
You wouldn't allow it, committed to your role as a rising preformer in the golden age of the stage, and conditioned to perfectionist standards from years of tribulations
Suffering behind a practiced smile won you your stardom. The ambiguous beauty you possessed helped immensely in your success on the silver screen, but the truest contributor to your fame was appeal.
Humourous, intellectual, but most crucial, sex appeal.
That's what kept your admires enthralled, permanently put you in the limelight from the start, and inevitably earned you considerable amounts of money.
You weren't opposed to being called a child of Dionysus himself, envied by those who wanted you. Still, the burden of putting on a show for everyone every day without giving them a glimpse of your faults was excruciating.
Yet, you chose the burden over sulking in the darkness, remaining among the ordinary when you so clearly had the makings of a star, and your status of high popularity among the masses was proof of it.
So be it if your cheeks ached from smiling at frivolous fans that your laugh sounded less like your own the more you forced it, that flirtations of others felt like empty praises, or that every project you agreed to felt less and less stimulating.
So fucking be it.
Fame is fickle; you knew this all too well, but your existence felt meaningless without it.
All the world's riches, the undivided favor you garnered from the public, and the sparkling awards cluttered your penthouse display shelves…
Even with all that at your fingertips, you had yet to feel seen…
Seen and truly adored.
“Two fucking minutes! Get your ass in position. This interview is being broadcast live, remember?” your manager harped at you from the hall, causing you to grunt in frustration before yelling back, “Would you shut your trap?! Fucking hell…I'm coming!”
You set aside the whiskey glass in your left hand, ran your right through your recently styled hair, and checked your reflection one last time.
“It's only a radio show. One little interview and you can go home and get black-out drunk…” the idea of spending some much-deserved time alone after running around doing a press tour brought a sad smile to your face as you stood and exited the dim room.
This would be your last stop, an interview with Louisiana’s prided radio host, and the last person you'd need to put a show on for before returning home.
“Finally…” your manager grumbled as you stepped into the hall, giving you a once over as the two of you strolled down the hall towards the host recording area, “Don't fuck this up. People say this ones a real talker and can make or break ya..” he mumbled begrudgingly.
You paid his incessant pestering no mind, flashing him a suave smile as you both stopped before a heavy door, “Don't tell me you're starting to care about my reputation now? Thought you only saw me as a nice money grab…”
Your smile grew as laughter bubled in your chest, seeing the other slowly become agitated at your backhanded comments.
“Why, you little-”
“Oh, don't be rude, sir. You'll spoil my good mood, and god knows sour spirits bring bad luck,” you smirked, enjoying the scrunch of his nose as his expression reflected his true nature, but before he could snap, you pushed the door open and slipped into the soundproofed station room.
What a fucking pain he is…
You cursed the raging man outside, sighing softly as the sound of jazz lingered through the air and the smell of freshly brewed coffee mixed with a distinct cologne engulfed you.
The space felt and looked inviting, relaxing even, but what caught your attention was the man who occupied it.
He sat in a desk chair across the small room, facing a table full of controls and a mic to match. His face was lowered from the device, glasses resting comfortably on the bridge of his nose as he stared at what you assumed was a script for your conversation with him, but the simmering amazement overtook your curiosity about the paper he held you felt hearing him hum along to the song he was airing.
You didn't dare move an inch closer, satisfied with watching and listening to him from afar, oddly entrapped by the silent allure he cast.
It was no mystery that people loved the sound of his voice. You'd be fooling yourself if you said you hadn't found his commentary enchanting, but looking at him in the flesh, you were sure he'd flourish on the silver screen like no other.
He could indeed win the eyes of many…
Yours especially, and to some degree, he had already, but you hesitated to admit it even as he turned to face you.
Oh…. he is a beauty, that's for sure…
That was the singular thought in your mind as he smiled, standing from his seat before approaching you with all the confidence you'd merely portrayed.
“Hello there. You must be Y/n L/n. I'm Alastor Hartifelt. It's a pleasure to meet you, my friend!”
His voice was as smooth, melting into the background melodies inexplicably, and your heart lightened immensely as he held out a hand for you to shake.
“The..the pleasure is all mine, Mr. Hartifelt..” you inwardly scolded your delayed greeting, losing track of your practiced charm relatively quickly in his grasp. Still, in seconds, you recovered from the blunder while returning his smile.
Alastor took you in with a glance up and down your figure, cataloging every detail of your appearance out of habit, but when his gaze met yours, one thought crossed his perceptive mind.
How curious…
You hid the familiar emotion well; seeing past the veil of contentment wasn't tricky, and though he was tempted to bring it forth.
You two shook hands briefly but firmly. Alastor stepped back, gliding his hand out to mention towards the recording station. “Come, have a seat, and please call me Alastor. We will be on air after all; formalities aren't necessary for an engaging broadcast.” His smile grew, emitting an unearthly kindness as you nodded in understanding before sitting in the chair opposite his.
“You make an excellent point, Alastor. I hope we enjoy each other's company.” You chuckle softly, feeling a tad nervous for a reason unknown but genuinely harboring a rise in excitement, hearing him respond promptly.
“I have no doubt we will…” Alastor muses more to himself, a delicate edge to his voice as he trailed behind you, and a certain twinge of intrigue rattled your spine at the implication.
For the first time in a long time, you weren't dreading the inclinations of your fame, gradually succumbing to the sparks of joy Alastor evoked with the most straightforward words and becoming surer of the fact as he took his seat next to you.
“Shall we begin?” he implies cheekily, and you reply in a quick, witty fashion, “We shall.”
“Care for a drink, my friend? I believe we’ve earned ourselves a cold glass of whiskey… that is, If your evening is unreserved.” Alastor made the offer moments after switching your respective microphones off, quickly arranging the recording panel to a specific setting as he listened for your response.
Your mouth moved quicker than your mind; a distinct rush overtook at the thought of spending more time with the charismatic radio host, “I'd be delighted to join you. I must agree that our interview went quite well. It's rare to have an easy conversation with a stranger these days..”
Alastor raised a brow, sparing you a glance as he finished sliding keys and flicking switches into place to keep a calming stream of music lingering in his broadcast, “So, I'm still a stranger to you?… My, and I thought we were getting on so well…“
He spurs you casually, an air of hurt in his expression, and it stuns you, causing a red hue to rise on your cheeks, “Th-that's not at all what I meant, Alastor…” Your lower head twinges of embarrassment staining your consciousness, and for the third time that evening, Alastor had chipped away at your charm.
He enjoyed it….
Seeing you falter and conform to his standards, though you didn't need to, at any time, you could've remained indifferent to him and taken your leave the moment he shut your mic off, but you remained.
Solely because you'd grown attached to him or the defect he had on you.
Humbling, genuine understanding, but above all else, validation.
“My dear, I am only poking fun. I take no offense to your words, and I hope you'll grant me the same courtesy!” Alastor reached for you, thumb and forefinger slipping under your chin to lift it, and you obeyed his gesture with a soft smile. “Oh…I…”
You paused, swallowing thickly as he raised himself from the chair, head lowered toward yours as he stood above you.
Had he always been so tall?
So brooding?
You weren't entirely sure, but your heart raced, every nerve in your body tingled with anticipation as if you were a deer caught in his headlights, but you couldn't retreat or evade him.
“You what?..” Alastor cooed quietly, chocolate eyes on fire with an emotion you'd long forgotten but returned subconsciously.
You needed to be back in control, or the next breath between you two might lead to something…
Your mind played scenario after scenario, beginning to short circuit as he peered down at you, lips only inches from yours, and his other hand reaching to caress your cheek. His touch is searing, warmer than those you'd felt before, intentional, and your entire being buzzed in his grasp as if in a drunken stupor.
He was dangerous… able to tear through your facade easily, which was terrifying.
Don't let him get any closer…
Keep him at a distance…
You've only just met him...
Warnings rang in your head, but your eyes lowered to his lips, and your voice remained quiet as you responded to his question.
“I" 'd like to have that drink before the night ends. Wouldn't you?"With a gentle nudge of your head and a soft laugh, you draw away from Alastor's touch. The space between you increases, and the ability to breathe becomes less strenuous as you stand to your feet, collecting your overcoat before slipping it on, "I'm not familiar with the city yet, so I'll leave it to you to show me around." The chipper in your tone amuses Alastor; you'd perfected the art of illusion so well that in the clutches of what some might consider an intimate moment, you balked and reclaimed sensibility like it never occurred, though you wished for it to carry on further.
He'd met and spoken to his fair share of actors, learned their ticks and telling habits, and used it against them when he saw benefit in toying with them.
However, being able to see right through you evoked another motive for the host, and he dared to think it was mutual.
"Well, I'd be honored to show you the ins and outs of this lively town I call home so long as you promise to keep up," Alastor retrieves his coat, a heavy jet black trench withered accents paired with matching hat, stylish in all the right ways -presumably warm to be in. Still, you were sure if he ventured into the night dressed like that, any stranger would fear him.
They had good reason to, but you didn't need to know why.
Not yet…
With a coy smile, you followed Alastor out of the station, matching his strides as he paved the way to a nearby speakeasy, "You'll find it quite entertaining, my friend. Few visit at this hour, but my dear Mimzy puts on a vine show regardless!" Your heart skipped a beat at the thought of Alastor being infatuated with another, for what reason you weren't sure, but your disappointment flashed clear in your eyes that he took it upon himself to clarify his remark.
"She is an old and loyal acquaintance. Nothing more. Nothing less."
You perked up at the explanation, face burning with a blush as you raised both hands to dissuade his interpretation of your expression, "I understand. You needn't explain anything to me-"
Alastor halted in his tracks, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he peered at you curiously, "Hm, so you did assume we were something to begin with?..."
Shit, was I that obvious?...
"Not at all..." you lie, as calm as ever but internally conflicted.
How could he go about messing with you so boldly?..
And why did it excite you?..
"Your eyes say otherwise, my friend..." he counters your nervous reply with a smug smirk, beginning to walk off as if he wasn't toying with your head, "My eyes?..." you whisper in response.
"They are the doorway to the soul...I've learned to walk through said doors, and you, my dear, hide a lot of fears behind them." Alastor chuckles, ears tingling as you reclaim your spot at his upon reaching your destination. Still, you're less concerned with the dark alley lit with a singular neon sign situated above a heavy lead door and more worried about what he is implying regarding your emotions.
Who was he to know anything?
Sure, he was pleasant to be around, an avid intellectual with a knack for continuing conversation with you, and you had no reason to believe he'd been faking his friendliness to you from the start...
That still gave him no right analyzing you, prod at your exterior with more confidence than necessary, and you intended to let him know it.
A glare beset your expression, mouth open to speak, but you weren't allowed to do so as the lead door swung open.
Alastor guided you close to his side as a gaggle of patrons spilled from the doorway, ranting and raving about the time they had inside. Their rowdy behavior irked him, but you did not comment on the matter as he placed a hand on your back to lead you inside after their dysfunctional departure.
“Drunken idiots,” he mumbled begrudgingly, and for the first time you'd seen the radio host truly bothered. He'd been so composed during your interview, inviting and flirtatious on and off the air, so getting a glimpse of his annoyed state felt like a treat.
At least you knew he had flaws, insignificant but telling ones.
“Um. Alastor, you can..” you paused, unsure if you wanted to let him know he was still holding onto your waist as he led you inside the dim speakeasy. Alastor hummed, irritation gone, and his coy smile widening as you shuffled alongside him. “Y-you can let me go now.”
“Oh, nonsense, my dear! I wouldn't want you to run into unsavory characters like the ones that just passed..”
He quickly navigated the lingering crowd, clearly familiar with the club's layout, and you marbled at its unique atmosphere as he led you through it. “I can handle myself, Alastor,” you tried again to reason, but Alastor was quick to give a response as he ushered you to sit at an unoccupied lounge chair complete with a table and lamp.
“I'm sure you can but I'm rather fond of keeping you close.” He sat next to you after setting his coat and hat aside.
What did he mean by that?..
“How selfish of you,” you feigned disappointment as he shifted to face you with a soft chuckle leaving his lips, “Would you be so kind as to forgive my greed for your attention?” Alastor stares you down, noting how you bite your lip, another nervous tick you'd yet to disregard in his presence. “I'll consider it if you buy me a drink or two..”
The suggestion was meant to sound confident, unmothered by the mounting pressure in your chest, but it came out breathless. You were sure that you'd mastered the art of indiffenece, permanently established a mask of charm, but as much as you wished to maintain the certainty…
Alastair disproved it with little more than a gesture or equally compelling word.
It was unsettling, intoxicating too, but undeniably riveting.
“A small price to pay,” he mumbled, eyes lowering to your lips as you laughed softly and leaned back to admire the other patrons roaming or dancing around. “I never said I was cheap..” you taste him, gaze drifting to him as he shifted closer. You wanted to jump out of your skin as his arm came to rest behind you, head lulling to ward your cheek as he breathed into your ear. The resulting warmth made you shiver, quickening your breaths, and your body tingled with intrigue.
“No…” Alastor affirmed your jest, free hand raising your chin, tilting your head to face him as he continued, “…but you are desperate to be loved. One might say that's just as inappropriate, mon Cher..”
His tone dripped with condensation, a sensual purr loud enough to drown out the jazz and chatter surrounding you, and for a moment, he was all you could comprehend.
You should've felt angry, unsettled even, but his words struck a more profound emotion.
You weren't crazy, a constant wonder for the masses to marvel at and never care about.
Alastor could see you.
He wanted to…
“And so what if I am? Why would it concern you?..” there was no harsh undertone to your question, and it earned a sultry hum of amusement from him. “You've interested me, so I must not ignore your charade. I'm partial to the truth of a person, and you, my dear, abandon it in the hopes of success..”
Spot on.
It is shamelessly hurtful but direct nonetheless.
You clicked your tongue dismissively, attempting to turn your head away from his grasp, but Alastor held you tighter.
A glare crossed your face at the brushing grip he established, but a pool of excitement rushed to your crotch as well.
“I'm not one of your scripts to read, Alastor..” you scoff, rolling your eyes to make your point clear, but he isn't affected by the arrogant gesture.
“My apologies if it seems that way, but my intention to know you, inside and out, is purely innocent...”
“I find that hard to believe…” you retort, very aware of the minimal space between you two, and it became harder to focus on anything else but his soft lips that were stretched thin into a smile.
God, I was doomed from the beginning… you think to yourself as you laugh at your shameless line of sight. “Believe what you wish, my friend, but I enjoy being the object of affection..”
“That's inappropriate to suggest,” you mutter, face burning with blush and your hands raising to grip his wrist and collar. Alastor hummed, amused by your denial, “Mm, I suppose it is…would you like another apology?”
You shake your head, tugging him in by the collar of his shirt, eyes lifting to his, full of determination, “A kiss will do just fine…”
He holds your gaze, checking for mockery, but there is none. “That's the first honest thing you've said all night, mon cher,” Alastor points out in a hushed tone, lowering his head to place a slow kiss on your lips as they pull into a satisfied smile.
xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx
I rewatched Heartstopper for this. Was it helpful? Yes. Did it make me cry harder than the first time I watched it? Also, yes. Will I forever love that show?… (yes). Again, this is just part 1! The second half is being drafted. Please look forward to it. I'm not sure it'll include smut…but I'll debate on that later.
He's so cheekyyyy but I love him for it hehe like he’s just the right amount of ‘cocky asshole’ ya know? ❤️ credit to creator!
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justanotherhh · 7 months
what does being aroace do for alastor's character?
thing about alastor being aroace is that there's so much juicy potential (cannibal joke) embedded in this concept that i don't know about going too far into, as it's still early days and who knows what the direction will be. but. some analysis. some predictions. some headcanons. mix and match with hedonistic abandon. and at the end a bunch of feelings
first and foremost and basically what all the subsequent points will be about in some way, is it's such a great flipping on its head of a tired idea that aspec-ness (in the vague way it's often discussed) is a way of depicting inhumanity -- characters who can't love are Other, characters who don't want sex are childlike, the way to become a Human Adult Person is to enter into these partnerships, to be fixed. in alastor, being aroace is very much the thing that brings him to humanity, grounds him in something beneath the constant mask he wears. to dig deeper...
just visually, i like how his mask literally slips when he's propositioned/involved in sexual comedy/when people discuss romance too much around him. he glitches, or becomes otherwise uncomfortable, or zones out. i like the crack hc that he avoids val at all costs, that val is actually vox' best weapon against alastor, just because his whole Essence is outside of alastor's ability or wish to process
2. the fact that he's caught off-guard by attachment. he's created an untouchable persona (emotionally and physically to an extent/with exceptions -- the distance of the radio to the listener is something i think about a lot), that with the aroace read comes off partly as protection, especially considering how hypersexual hell is, and how generally hyper-romantic earth would have been (hell is romantic with caveats... more in a sec), so when he realises he almost died to protect the hotel gang it sends him into a full-on meltdown
3. that being said, the way he interacts with women is full of charm and ease: mimzy and rosie first and foremost, then also charlie and niffty, and even to an extent vaggie and possibly carmilla, and maybe cherri in future. he's able to get closer to women, able to be respectful in a southern gentleman old-timey way. it reads as chivalry-with-a-demonic-twist. alastor may be unsettling and untrustworthy for other reasons, but not about crossing sexual or romantic boundaries, which makes him surprisingly safe to hang around. i wonder if this was the case whilst living (and if, ironically, it meant that women ended up crossing his boundaries)
4. i especially would be into this tying into his relationship with niffty, who feels like a woman scorned/wronged/hurt in some way in a 50s housewife-ish romantic way (i personally think her story will be incredibly messed up when it's finally shown), but is very happy hanging out with alastor. sidenote, i bet alastor is so proud of her for killing adam
5. the fact that "ace in the hole" is a comment directed at the idea of alastor-and-charlie is fun and spoken about in-depth, and i will wonder until we find out (if we do) how rosie figured it out, and what it says for their relationship that she hasn't told alastor. that they have limitations to their closeness, or that she knows he'll reject it, or that he needs time to get there. personally i think alastor is so detached from himself that he wouldn't know what to do with it at present, it'd be functionally useless until he's learnt to come into himself more -- aroaceness as the end of a journey of humanising a character, not the thing that needs to be gotten away from in order to be seen as human
6. romance! in hell! it's a little stickier there, with sex-with-no-strings seeming to be a more popular pastime, so i think that part was more of a concern whilst he was alive, but that being said, im interested in how this plays into the above relationships, how characters will react to this part once he starts being more openly on the side of/affectionate with the wider hotel gang, and in how this might come up in future, with regards to...
7. vox! voooox! oh i want vox to become. so creepy. currently we've got underlying creepiness to vox' pathetic obsession with alastor that's coded as having been partially romantic and sexual in nature at one point (if not still romantic and sexual...). there's something about it that speaks to the way that alastor is not aroace because of trauma, but there is trauma involved in being aroace
8. that is, constantly having ones boundaries overstepped, whilst not having the words to say how or why or assert them properly, being projected onto by vox and maybe others while he was alive and post-death, potentially when-alive having that framed as a form of inhumanity in and of itself (and how that ties to him being a serial killer, which im so into)
9. the idea of having been made to feel alien in his own skin due to amatonormativity and not knowing why he feels this way, and compensating by creating boundaries that are extreme, but they work as coping mechanisms, up until... perhaps they won't (hinted at in the finale of s1)
10. (i soooo want vox' creepiness to eventually lead to him actually beating alastor in some way, temporarily, and alastor having to face the mortifying ordeal of being saved by the hotel gang, knowing he's weak and needs to be taken care of by them, knowing that they know that vox won in some way, knowing that vox will take it as vindication and become more powerful from it, know all his walls weren't strong enough in the end -- like a part two to the finale, which ultimately the others didn't see (although vox did) and was already such a big deal for him. gimme some alastor angst!!!)
11. smthinsmthin when we have an aroace character whose whole Deal is being untouchable (emotionally and physically, barring Certain People) being pushed into a space where he has to allow himself to be cared for and through that engage with his own boundaries and which ones have become poisonous to him vs the ones which are actually Who He Is
12. i like to think that he and angel could have an unlikely friendship with a lot of shenanigans, because they both have narratives focused on (re)establishing a relationship with their own bodies, after being made to feel unable to inhabit them as who they are -- angel due to abuse, alastor due to being aroace/repulsed (angel learning to respect alastor's boundaries and being protective of them as an extension of his own journey)
13. alastor filtering through what parts of him are him and what parts are the walls/coping mechanisms -- it's been a lot of years, even before he died, of building them after all. who is the man beneath it all?
14. big fan of how this interacts with his past as a murderer too -- the metaphor is made into something much deeper when the character's aroaceness is a humanising factor in a story about people who have done/do bad things. this not to say he'll necessarily be redeemed (but who knows, vaggie has killed a lot of people and probably will be, or, she'll probably stay in hell with charlie, but the narrative will go "she's chill now." in fact it already pretty much has), but that it adds to all the grey areas of his character. he's not a pure, sad little soul who's always suffering, he's dealt in suffering himself, he enjoys the suffering of others, and he's in control all the time
15. it must have been incredibly humiliating not only to die so stupidly/randomly/without say, but to become a deer demon after that. again, prey, weak, lack of control. his whole Thing is control of the narrative, and his death was totally out of that control, and that in and of itself plays into aroaceness as the idea of "if you can't verbalise yourself, if you can't adequately create boundaries, then overcorrect. become the most inscrutable, untouchable, unsettling, disturbing version of yourself. make people not want to get close to you in the first place"
16. and yet despite all that, he can't help liking people, he can't help being charming and funny and smart and in some ways there's a mask in that too -- sharp wit to cut people down, when you're not... literally cutting people down, a cool, shallow friendliness that deliberately keeps a tension at the forefront, the smartness helping to control and shape and keep power. funnily enough, when he's ready to be aroace, oh the real power he'll have (whether he'll use it for good or bad, or a mix of both... who knows, but he'll be fully himself at last, and that's a happy ending)
17. on the flipside to angel, i think it would take charlie a hot second to deal with it -- she'd be supportive in word, but also she's a known boundary-crosser/someone who has her fixed ideas of how things ought to be and it takes a strong "no" to make her realise when she's got it all wrong. all this to say, she might get the ace part, but she could struggle with the aro, trying to twist it into a version of love so that she could humanise him on her terms, using the word "love", until someone steps up for alastor in some way (in my head, angel, but that's my angel and alastor unlikely friends agenda)
18. husk already knows in some way. also not with words, but he's like, yeah this guy. none of that. are y'all surprised????
19. i wonder if when alive he briefly thought he might be a homosexual, or if he knew from the start that he wasn't, especially considering that men are more disgusting to him overall than women
20. i wonder if mimzy knows or suspects, and also if she was in love with him during their lifetime
21. i like to think in life he's utilised the tactics of the song "the gentleman doesn't believe" and just gone "i hate kissing i mean and uh. dancing. and jazz. and uh... smoking. and walking. and everyting else!!!! (but mostly kissing)" as a way of getting out of someone suggesting a date
22. alastor as hot and charming and unfuckable and unromanceable and repulsed by the idea of it all, and who has the supremely aroace fantasy powers of a. "am not being perceived" and b. "am so terrifying you wish you couldn't perceive me" and whose relationships are dictated by his aroaceness, not despite it!
23. ultimately, this point is the main one for me, regardless of how the story actually gets there: aroaceness as the end of a journey of humanising a character, not the thing that needs to be gotten away from in order to become human
24. pal of mine @creepysora said: "they didnt let anyone walk so now he waltzes ready for murder" and yeah. jumped straight to complex character with big, wonderful flaws in a strange little universe, bypassing all the dull explanatory 1-0-1 that just isn't my cup of tea and into a way of writing aroaceness that can be complex and nuanced and based in character, story, theme, rather than education -- he's not implied, he's not one-note, he's not there to explain, he's not defined solely by his role in the story as the token so-and-so, he's not there to be fixed, he's not there to be dubbed as Other, he is
this character genuinely doesn't exist elsewhere, outside of the stories and ideas i see shared and share within my community. this kind of focus, it's... kind of heady to be honest. like you only ever tasted something sweet in crumbs, and then someone gives you a boatload of it all at once
and tbh. he deserves a little murder. as a treat. because fuck, being aroace is hard
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xxfan-fixx · 8 months
Tbh I really like the idea of Demi Alastor and the idea of an older sister Morningstar OC/reader who is a lot like Charlie and Lucifer.
She has natural dark blonde hair and slightly more wavy, has Lilith’s eye shape and teeth, Charlie’s nose, height, and eye colors, and Lucifer’s face minus the red cheeks. Unfortunately she feels self conscious that she looks more like Lilith than Lucifer so she uses make up to make it look like she has them; she grew up not having a great relationship with Lilith but she adores Charlie and Lucifer always tried to make her feel loved.
Even though she never really liked having her photo taken there’s a small handful of photos and portraits of her (she would try to bleach her hair to look like she’s more a part of the family; she has a random genetic from her other Angel relatives who have darker hair but since two blondes don’t make anything but blonde, she has dark blonde *gotta give her some kind of alienation*) Since they’ve been close since childhood, Charlie eventually tried to make her feel better about her natural looks but she still doesn’t like her absence of red cheeks. She tries to avoid being seen without them (make up) as much as possible.
She loves learning about earthly life. She’s really passionate about human history details like style, activities, food, dances, songs.. She acts as the hotel’s chef. (Another part of my thoughts on is inspired by a fanfic based on Alastor and Older sister Reader who admitted their feelings during a ball. *heart bursting*)
I have an ‘in-the-works’ sinner OC who is kind of a secret Overlord (I think), who grew up with Alastor (best-friends who had hidden feelings for each other) and when Alastor died she took it out on his killer with her signature style of unaliving people; death by food poisoning. Except that she missed him so much that she decided to go join him by poisoning herself and making sure she went to sleep before the effects took over because she was afraid of the possible pain.
In hell they met up by Alastor “catching” her with his body. He was on his way to find his second victim, and she just so happened to fall out of nowhere on top of him. She didn’t look too different from her human form, so they had a nice reunion and they’d figure out their way together in hell, growing more powerful as a duo. Eventually becoming a couple before the events of Hazbin hotel.
She’d join him at the hotel (post pilot) and become a mother figure for the crew. She’d also be some sort of confidant like Husker, but by having people sit in the kitchen while she cooks or bakes and having them be taste testers or she’d make a batch just for them or a cup of whatever drink/shake (she doesn’t poison the food because she genuinely cares for people unless they give her a reason to be weary/ like Charlie she looks for the good in others). She’d also be the only one who Husker is ok with who’s a part of Alastor’s life. With Nifty she leaves her be but Nifty loves her and likes to help clean the kitchen.
She keeps souls under her similar to Alastor but they work at her restaurant in the cannibal colony district. It’s an ever changing restaurant style she uses her magic to turn into whatever she’s deciding for that week or month. With Mimzy she’s cordial but annoyed. On the other hand, with Rosie she adores her and helps her with whatever she needs. They go shopping and have lunches together either just the two of them or with Alastor as well. In the case of Alastor’s and Vox’s rivalry, she leaves them be.
Everyone knows she’s Alastor’s girl but they don’t dare to try anything. Just incase though; when she looked over at Charlie’s phone one day when she was showing her new recipes she likes it made her want to find more, so she received a modified smart phone from Charlie who somehow has Voxtech protection (a headcanon that I have is that Vox has tried to infiltrate Lucifer’s or Charlie’s phone before but they found a way to block him). Alastor is bummed she has modern technology but the only thing she really uses it is for her restaurant and recipes. She’s like a grandma in a 30 year old’s body; having to ask the younger ones for help on the phone. It’s adorable.
(Both OC ideas are based on working as the hotel’s chef) *lol thinking about the part in episode 5 with Lucifer singing “-now that you’ve got the chef” referencing himself but a quick pan to OC/reader with a half wtf/half whatever face* (also both inserts I named in my head Genevieve “Jenny” for short- I have no clue what the sinner OC’s last name would be tho-)
Genevieve “Jenny” Morningstar is such a cute name I think for an older sister insert *im squealing*
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staerplatinum · 6 months
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And after I released them all (you can look at my previous posts, I won't be linking all of them LMAO), here's the concept sheets! A lot of them are headcanons, especially about their birthdays (in the Husk concept sheet I mentioned how he knew Alastor and Mimzy when they were alive, I hc them to be born around the same year but Alastor is the youngest, born in 1901, Husk in 1900 and Mimzy in 1899, maybe I'll make a post abt it?) and their human appearances, didn't make one for Vaggie because until we get news if she got retconned or not I won't draw it in the concept sheet, though Heaven's one is pretty close to what I imagine her as human!
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