what do i put here?
647 posts
they/them, generally confused when it comes to existing
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dreemurrinthenight · 21 days ago
You've befriended a murder of crows. They bring you things they think you need. Small trinkets, coins, bits of food, and a crow even brought back your lost car keys once. Recently, the crows' gifts have been strange. They've been bringing you bullets and small knives.
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dreemurrinthenight · 21 days ago
Something, something can I have a prompt list that’s smth like this:
“Can I kiss you?”
“Im Sorry, wHAT!?” /pos
That might be a bit too vague so erm… a prompt list for like awkward fluffy confessions 🙏🙏
(I low-key don’t know how to ask stuff sorry chat)
Just fyi for everyone, since you said that you are not sure how to ask stuff. There is a guide on how to ask in my bio and one thing that just makes me a bit more happy when answering an ask is a short Hi! at the beginning. Doesn't need more, just makes me happy, since I'm spending quite some time on these asks. But like I said, just cause you said you're unsure about how to ask.
Here are your confessions:
Awkward Fluffy Confessions
"So... really long story short... I like you. Maybe?"
"I like you. If that's ok with you, of course."
"You like me? No, it's not weird! I do it too. Liking me. No, I mean liking you!"
"If I would tell you that I love you, would that scare you away or could we talk about it?"
"This is absolutely not how I wanted to tell you."
"I'm sorry to make this so awkward, I just never felt like this about anyone else before."
"Wait, this is coming out all wrong. I just like you. A lot. That is all I wanted to say."
"It's not anyone else, it is you. The one I... that I like. I like you."
"Not to make this awkward, but there is something I can't keep to myself any longer."
"Liking you has been very easy, I realized."
"Do you think, maybe, that you could feel the same about me?"
"Please, tell me if I should just shut up and maybe even leave, but I have to get this off my chest."
More: Love Confessions
I hope you like them!
- Jana
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dreemurrinthenight · 21 days ago
Something, something can I have a prompt list that’s smth like this:
“Can I kiss you?”
“Im Sorry, wHAT!?” /pos
That might be a bit too vague so erm… a prompt list for like awkward fluffy confessions 🙏🙏
(I low-key don’t know how to ask stuff sorry chat)
Just fyi for everyone, since you said that you are not sure how to ask stuff. There is a guide on how to ask in my bio and one thing that just makes me a bit more happy when answering an ask is a short Hi! at the beginning. Doesn't need more, just makes me happy, since I'm spending quite some time on these asks. But like I said, just cause you said you're unsure about how to ask.
Here are your confessions:
Awkward Fluffy Confessions
"So... really long story short... I like you. Maybe?"
"I like you. If that's ok with you, of course."
"You like me? No, it's not weird! I do it too. Liking me. No, I mean liking you!"
"If I would tell you that I love you, would that scare you away or could we talk about it?"
"This is absolutely not how I wanted to tell you."
"I'm sorry to make this so awkward, I just never felt like this about anyone else before."
"Wait, this is coming out all wrong. I just like you. A lot. That is all I wanted to say."
"It's not anyone else, it is you. The one I... that I like. I like you."
"Not to make this awkward, but there is something I can't keep to myself any longer."
"Liking you has been very easy, I realized."
"Do you think, maybe, that you could feel the same about me?"
"Please, tell me if I should just shut up and maybe even leave, but I have to get this off my chest."
More: Love Confessions
I hope you like them!
- Jana
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dreemurrinthenight · 2 months ago
if you’re okay with poly ships, there’s always heizou x kazuha x sethos x scaramouche (which has been abbreviated to meadow or heikazusethoscara)
Today’s rarepair is Heizou x Kazuha x Sethos x Wanderer, Or Heikazusethoscara!
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Thank you for submitting!
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dreemurrinthenight · 2 months ago
The Genshin Impact fandom is fascinating to me when it comes to fanfics, because I feel like I struggle to find any fics that really *get* the characterization of certain characters and I'm loathed to write my own because dammit I just want to read the specific itch I crave without resorting to creating it. Give me three more months and I'll cave in.
For example, Diluc is one of my favorites and I find his backstory fascinating in terms of his father Crepus possibly being more morally ambiguous than most fans are willing to admit and how little we know of Diluc's murder spree in Snezhnaya.
For example which Harbinger(s) did he have a run-in with? Will we find out more about the secret intelligence network that took him in, that he apparently had a high position in? Did he ever find the answers he was searching for? The list goes on.
It's hard for me to find the specific characterization of him I crave for in fics because I think his platonic relationship with Kaeya is incredibly nuanced and complex but I feel like his character often gets assassinated for Kaeya angst but like, the man had the worst birthday ever?
Imagine being Diluc, living through a literal worst nightmare. Your dad is dead after you failed to protect him yourself. Not only is your dad dead but he died after wielding a delusion--you dont even know what a delusion is but its clearly bad news. Why the fuck did your father have it and how?
On top of this, the Favonius Knights--the organization you proudly served and the very organization that your father heavily encouraged you to serve--insists on covering up the truth because it makes them look bad. The Favonius Knights, who are supposed to be honorable and uphold integrity, are anything but that.
Then your adoptive brother, who you've known for years and trust with your life, shows up and tells you he's been spying for a foreign nation since you were kids with the intent of harming Mondstadt and everything about your relationship is possibly all one big lie and well--how do you not snap??
Now, I'm also incredibly fond of Kaeya and he was just as traumatized by Crepus's death. He was wracked with guilt for *feeling* relieved that he didn't have to worry about betraying his birth father for his adoptive father since Crepus was dead. He anticipated Diluc's anger and felt like their duel was a punishment for his lies.
To me, it hints that Kaeya probably didn't reveal the truth expecting Diluc's understanding, but rather he knew how he would react and perhaps he wanted Diluc to strike him down in that duel. Or at the very least, he wanted to distance himself from Diluc and cut off ties in order to avoid emotional attachment stopping him from his mission.
I personally head-canon that Diluc withdrew upon seeing Kaeya's vision because well--why would the gods bless Kaeya with a vision if he truly had the intent to harm Mondstadt? So in spite of what Kaeya revealed, he isn't a threat. But there's still a lot of hurt there to navigate through.
I think it's fascinating seeing where they stand in present game because Kaeya obviously has the ideology of working the system from within. He stayed in the knights (even taking over his brother's position) and with Jean rooted out the Inspector and his cronies.
Meanwhile Diluc just isn't that type of person. He doesn't settle, he refuses to work in a system he views corrupt, he rather accomplish what he can outside of it. Curiously, he doesn't challenge the status quo beyond being vocal of his distaste of the Knights.
This is head-canon fantasyland, but I like to envision Kaeya and Diluc do use a lot of the same informants and collaborate on intel relating to the safety of Mondstadt (especially since Diluc can move in ways against the Fatui that the Knights can't due to political reasons) but they struggle to have the same connection as before.
For example, Diluc's story quest--Kaeya was essentially giving Diluc an alibi with the Knights. Even if Jean damn well knows who it is, they still have to have official documentation stating otherwise.
Kaeya is good at reading people, he has to be given how he was raised to be a child spy. But I like to think he struggles to read Diluc like before. Diluc is much more jaded, pessimistic, quieter than before. He prefers to work on his own as much as possible. From Kaeya's pov, the only person he's seen Diluc willing to fully trust enough to work alongside with is the Traveler, and he states as much.
The opposite is true of Diluc. Kaeya was his shadow, a quiet but inquisitive, witty observer. Cavalry Captain Kaeya is much more outgoing and friendly, his charm on full display. Did he ever really truly know Kaeya or did he only show Diluc what he wanted him to see? Is Kaeya happier this way?
Fanon often depicts Kaeya as essentially being barred from the dawn winery from the duel by Diluc himself, but I don't think that's quite the case. Much rather, given the reason he told Diluc that night, I think he views himself as undeserving due to unresolved guilt.
Canon seems to hint at all of this through his hangout and Hidden Strife, the latter of which is unfortunately a time-limited event that occurred before I even played (hoyo please stop having heavy lore drops occur in time limited events).
I think the two want to trust each other again, but both are afraid of destroying the tentative truce they have so they leave all of it unaddressed. Kaeya refuses to be completely truthful ever again and Diluc acknowledges the past but refuses to discuss it. The tragedy in their relationship that neither is at fault for what happened--it's a twisted emotional mess of grief and heartbreak.
The last point I'd like to touch on is the parallels between Kaeya and Diluc both being essentially child soldiers for their fathers' causes.
For Kaeya, being abandoned in Mondstadt to be a child spy is the most overt. For Diluc? Despite Crepus's strong ambition to be a Favonius Knight and to have a vision--neither happened for him. In Diluc's vision story, it states that he views his vision being a result of their "shared" ambition, hinting that his vision was granted after Diluc's strong resolve to achieve his father's dreams for him.
We know Crepus heavily encouraged Diluc down this path at very young age, given Diluc received his vision at age 10 and became the youngest Captain at age 14. In some ways, I'm sure Kaeya was a bit jealous of Diluc for having a loving father present in his life that was overtly proud of him.
I am not saying Crepus wasn't a good father, I think he cared immensely for Kaeya and Diluc both, but I do think he did some morally grey shit.
Diluc abandoning his vision is fascinating and it's almost never explored in fics. He is the only vision holder we know of (aside from the Inazumauns whose visions were taken by force) that had their ambition for their vision shaken in such a way that they voluntarily discarded their vision for a time and only took it back after reigniting a new ambition to have it (and as far we know the only allogene that faced no negative setbacks from using a delusion long-term without their vision present).
I don't know where to end all of this, except if you have ragbros fic recommendations that you believe cover it in a more nuanced way, let me know!
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dreemurrinthenight · 2 months ago
oh capitano please come back and feed my delusions of capiscara
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dreemurrinthenight · 3 months ago
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Natlan eyes render practice
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dreemurrinthenight · 3 months ago
A heavily underutilised aspect of the digital landscape is the ability to send someone a .zip care package featuring a few podcasts, a handful of indie ttrpgs, a couple webcomics, a digital mixtape, and the .epub or .pdf for some book nobody's ever heard of.
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dreemurrinthenight · 3 months ago
why are yall not talking about the information yall don’t know? yall fake
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dreemurrinthenight · 3 months ago
adhd paralysis sucks bcuz im just sitting there and my brain is like
no work done no rest gained. literally no point of this at all
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dreemurrinthenight · 4 months ago
The reading comprehension and overall common sense on this website is piss poor.
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dreemurrinthenight · 4 months ago
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A little silhouetto of a man 🕺
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dreemurrinthenight · 4 months ago
I think that Sethos's hangout should be three routes of him unintentionally wingmanning and/or awkwardly third-wheeling the other couples in Sumeru, one round of the sickest lore bomb drop since Caribert, and then a final route of nothing but pure, unadulterated SethoScara fan bait that has absolutely zero connection to anything else in the game.
Sethos, Wanderer, and Mini Durin go on a Deshret ruins adventure entirely of their own, where Traveler just accidentally intersects them, and there's not a single explanation given for how they got to the level of companionship that involves taking long desert retreats together. Sethos spends the entire time trying to offer Wanderer increasingly comedically bad advice on his thesis because Cyno is rubbing off on him. There is only one tent.
It is presented entirely without comment from the devs.
Everyone moves on like Sethos and Wanderer have been married since 3.4.
There's an entire slew of confused complaints on Hoyo social media about how Sethos and Wanderer's "strange friendship" came entirely out of nowhere, but everyone in the comments just gaslights the posters by pretending Sethos was in sidequests all the way back at the start of Sumeru.
This is how I get us back onto the better timeline, guys, trust.
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dreemurrinthenight · 4 months ago
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Traveler card Mondstadt from Genshin Impact artwork by MoonKitten
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dreemurrinthenight · 4 months ago
any trans person reading this I love you
any woman reading this I love you
any poc minority reading this I love you
any queer person reading this I love you
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dreemurrinthenight · 4 months ago
this post is my baby like what do you mean at least (looking at just the likes) 13000 people have seen this?? 13000 is a lot of people ;;
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if y’all see this floating around: yes, it’s from me, and yes, you can find the original post on hoyolab under the same user <3
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dreemurrinthenight · 4 months ago
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Sabzeruz Festival
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