#human jettwins
miniisside · 2 years
Pretend it's still October 31
Happy Halloween!! Hope you like this stupid comic I had clanging around :')
Another brief glimpse at my human blitz, someday I'll get his ref done
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I wanted to have this fully done, but 😔
Better to get it done
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in1-nutshell · 9 months
How would TFA team and elite guard react to buddy children?
(Like for example: Buddy adopted some children)
Ooohhh! This is going to be fun! Since you did not specify which characters specifically, I will be picking them at random.
Hope you enjoy!
Optimus, Ratchet, Jazz, and the Jettwins reaction to single parent Human Buddy
SFW, platonic, familial, Human reader
Buddy was Sari's babysitter.
Well, her human babysitter. Professors Sumdac thought it was important to at least have another person in Sari's life that wasn't him or a robot.
And they were a great babysitter. They had the job roughly 3 years before the Autobots came to Detroit.
That was roughly the time they had recently adopted a set of baby triplets. They had opened their door one night and a classic wicker basket filled with the babies. The note on the basket simply said to take care of them. Buddy's original plan was to take them to Fanzone in the morning.
But Buddy had gotten attached to them.
Buddy explained their new situation to the Professor which was met with understanding and a pay raise with additional medical insurance.
Buddy's friends had noticed their sudden absences and tired look on their face. Everyone was getting worried. So, an intervention was called.
"Why is everyone here?"--Buddy
"It's an intervention kid."--Ratchet
"For who?"--Buddy
"For you! You've been so sleepy and tired recently."--Bumblebee
"Not to mention you missed our game tournament."--Sari
"The gaming--Oooh! I forgot to tell you guys!"--Buddy
"Forgot to tell us what?"--Optimus
"I'll show you guys tomorrow! Make sure to bring the Elie Guard if you guys want!"--Buddy
The next day Buddy came into the base with a baby carrier and two in the stroller.
To say everyone was surprised was an understatement.
Vietnam flashbacks to the first episode.
Optimus is surprised to find out that Buddy was taking care of new born children. Even more finding out they are triplets.
Twins are something that rarely happens on Cybertron. Even fewer after the war was over. Triplets were in a sense unheard of.
He is nervous to even touch the little ones. They looked so fragile and tiny! They were even smaller than Sari!
The babies on the other hand were enamored by the firetruck.
By the end of 15 minutes, Optimus had his servos with the triplets who were crawling around and hugging his digits.
He swears to protect these kids with his life.
"Gah!"--Baby 1
"Aw they like you Prime! Isn't that cute, wait are you crying?"--Buddy
Optimus sniffling and trying not to let the tears spill.
"...no-no... I'm fine..."--Optimus
At first Ratchet thinks the smaller humans are the equivalent of human minibots.
Then he finds out they are babies, he stops for a good couple of seconds.
Rebooting: Grampa mode activated.
As said before, it's rare to have twins on Cybertron. He had never seen triplets in all of his technical career.
He suddenly understands why Buddy has been acting the way they had for the past months. They were taking care of the kids.
Ratchet makes sure to brush up on his knowledge of babies to help Buddy out a bit. While Buddy takes a break or a much needed nap, he makes sure the kids are well taken care of.
"Aww. The Doc bot's gone soft!"--Bumblebee
"Hear that kiddo. That's the sound of a bot who's going to get strapped to the medical slab in 5 minutes if he doesn't quit."--Ratchet
"Bah!"--Baby 2
Jazz is floored by the amount of cuteness these babies are.
He totally gets why Buddy would be tired from these kids.
It's bad enough trying to keep track of the Jettwins and they are at least old enough to be here. Those babies still have a long way to go before even walking!
Jazz handles the babies with the utmost care. Makes sure that the babies are having fun while being safe.
The babies themselves are enamored by Jazz's voice. He is the to go bot for nap time. The babies fall asleep in record time.
"So these little guys are all related?"--Jazz
"Yeah they are."--Buddy
"I wish you luck then. If the Jettwins were hard enough now..."--Jazz
"...I know Jazz, I know..."--Buddy
Jetfire and Jetstorm
The twins are freaking out!
In a good way!
They've never seen another set of twins back on Cybertron, much less human twins.
Now they know that they know that there can be triplets!...
Jazz has to calm them down before they can hold the babies. And they have to promise Buddy that they will not use their powers around the babies.
The twins once they have the babies are uncharacteristically quiet and still. They take in the tiniest details of the babies and how each one differs from the other.
They promise each other to look after them, even when they get older. Siblings have to stay together. The triplets are now the twins siblings now. Buddy has two more robo kids to take care of.
"Buddy! It's my turn to get 1 but Jetfire isn't letting them go!"--Jetstorm
"Jetfire, listen to your brother and pass your siblings to him, gently."--Buddy
"Please! Just a little longer!"--Jetfire
"You either pass your siblings or they come with me and you have to go back to Sentinel."--Buddy
"Here brother!"--Jetfire
Somewhere on the Steelhaven.
"...Someone just insulted me..."--Sentinel
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wolfieainsleydrawz · 1 month
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senia-g-blog · 10 months
OMG Transformers animated hum!Jetstorm hiii!!!!
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And Jetfire sketch...
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deadlifeseries · 8 months
Character interactions that didn't happen in tfa that i think would be amusing:
Jazz and Wreck-Gar. I think Jazz would look at the funny Al Yankovic garbage truck man play his silly tunes and he'd go "damn bro you have some goofy tunes I like that".
I've said it before but Bulkhead and Blitzwing having an art related interaction, either friendly or talking trash about each other.
Porter C. Powwel and Swindle. They're both so greasy separately that putting them in the same room would probably manifest actual grease dripping down the walls.
Jazz and Soundwave, this one speaks for itself.
Honestly just more of the jettwins, they would definitely get along with Sari and Bumblebee.
Sentinel interacting with any of the bots created from allspark shards, he would have a fucking stroke.
In the same vein Sentinel having to deal with the goofy human villains, he would have an even bigger stroke.
Soundwave and Shockwave. Would they get along? Would they try to kill each other? Or would they just quietly seethe but not actually fight because that would inconvenience Megatron.
Also Soundwave and Blitzwing, they could do a little dancey dance together
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rawmeknockout · 6 months
Hi! Can I get poly TFA Jettwins x human!reader? Just some general SFW headcanons, how it happened/affection/etc. (bonus points if reader verbally beats sentinel's ass because he gave their boys shit about dating an organic and they made fun of him cause he's bitchless) sorry if this breaks any rules/is too complex, have a nice day/night!
01 + Jetstorm for sure found you first, he has more game than Jetfire. He was zipping around the city, hot on the tail of Blitzwing. It was a bit too fortunate that no humans were in the way of danger, but that came to an end when Blitzwing zoomed past you just barely missing you with a wing. Jetstorm, moving too fast to stop or swerve, had no choice but to transform and lift you into his arms to avoid a collision. Good news, he was gentle when plucking you up and it wasn’t so bad of a takeoff for you. Bad news, he’s got an armful of a very cute squishy and the pounding of his spark isn’t due to the adrenaline of the chase. 😔
02 + Blitzwing gets away. Jetstorm hardly gets to introduce himself before he’s getting reprimanded by Sentinel through the comms. As much as he wants to stay and chat you up, much to the bewilderment of Jetfire, they have to return to base. He’s a pretty melancholy and distracted mech after that. It doesn't take long for his brother to catch on. You linger in his thoughts long after the scolding he gets from Sentinel.
03 + How fortuitous that he runs into you while patrolling! He's hard to understand with his thick accent and way of jumbling words, but the two of you are giggling and chatting each other up in such an embarrassing display of puppy love. Jetfire doesn't get it. Jetstorm is totally ignoring him and hasn't even introduced him yet! He's instantly miffed and put-off. From that moment, you start to monopolize Jetstorm's thoughts and time. It wouldn't be a problem, he's a diligent and obedient soldier, but Jetfire doesn't like that you've seemed to weasel you're way between them so quickly.
04 + Safe to say Jetfire doesn't exactly like you. He starts to resent you and hold every interaction against you. Of course, this is more passive aggressive and he tries to tone it down when Jetstorm is around because he knows it will only devolve into a fight between them. He just doesn't get it! How could one organic come between them so quickly! Any solo interactions with you are cold and filled with snippy, short remarks. It's hard to get anything from him other than he just generally dislikes your presence, which is weird because Jetstorm describes his brother as fun-loving and friendly.
05 + Bringing this up with Jetstorm doesn't result in much, because Jetfire just brushes off his brothers concerns and dismisses that anything is wrong or that he even treated you coldly. He just doesn't like organics okay? Sentinel says they spew acid or whatever. Of course, it's a weak defense and it only makes Jetstorm pry harder.
06 + That is, until Jetfire needs your help. It's not really that he could lean on you in a hard time, but he got to see a side of you that he wasn't privy to (which was his own fault). It's after a rather rough battle with the Earth-based maintenance crew. Even Optimus is looking worse for wear and Ratchet is swamped with injuries to treat, including his own. Jetfire actually made it out relatively unscathed, but he has a slowly leaking puncture in his side armor. It's fine, he can wait until Ratchet has treated his brother, but it stings and makes moving around rough. While you're waiting for Jetstorm to be treated, you're milling about in the main room of Optimus' base. It doesn't take you long to notice Jetfire isn't looking so hot, mostly because he's one of the only mechs you actually know, and you can tell just by how he's shifting around that he's uncomfortable. He's trying to fly under the radar right now until he can get treated, but totally misses you lingering closer because he's so focused on the other mechs in the base. You have no choice but the huff and bat his servos away from his injury, earning a startled yelp from him, before doing your best to pack the wound. You're no medic, especially not for a machine, but you at least know pressure eases bleeding. Jetfire hasn't been this close to you and especially hasn't had you care for him like this. You're gentle and quiet with him, soft squishy hands moving about his side, pressing sanitized mesh into the wound to stifle the leak.
07 + Uh oh. His spark just fluttered up into his intake while watching the stern press of your mouth as you work on his side. Who knew that an organic could make him feel so... Assured. He still feels the tingle of your skin on his armor hours after his wound has been treated. From then on his attitude towards you does a complete 180. He chatters nervously when you're around and will happily greet you if he sees you. This is the Jetfire that Jetstorm knows but he can tell that something is... Off.
08 + Jetfire isn't the type who can keep his feelings to himself. He's always lived loud and proud. Ad despite the fact you're his brother's partner, he can't live keeping something so important to himself, so Jetfire has to confess to you soon after he realizes how much he likes you. This is more a cause of stress for you than him, because Jetfire doesn't really think it through. You, on the other hand, worry this is only going to pull Jetstorm and Jetfire further apart. You already felt guilty for 'getting between' them. But when you explain it to Jetstorm he's... More playful. He thinks it's cute that Jetfire likes you. It makes sense, even, because he and Jetfire are so alike. Jetstorm can't hold it against his own brother that he ended up falling for you. I mean, look at you!
09 + It turns into a playful competition between them which is sort of how your three-way relationship grows. Your boys get to have fun one-upping each other and you get two boyfriends!
10 + Jetstorm is the romantic of the two: classic dates with lamp-light, energon treats, and high grade. Jetfire likes spur of the moment plans and doing something thrilling, the type to take you flying and do aerial tricks over the ocean to impress you. Unsurprisingly, they're both equally touchy and affectionate. They have a pretty close relationship where they could always be affectionate with each other so that reflects in how they interact with you, but, ya know, more amorously.
11 + You kissa da one mech then turn and kissa da other. Mamma mia.
12 + You never miss a chance to tell Sentinel where to stick his opinions. He often uses the twins as a means to exert authority, because power is something he so strongly clings to, to the point it feels like they're mere tools at his disposal. This really tends to chap your hide. Jetfire and Jetstorm consider you the 'coolest' for backtalking him the way you do.
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writeyouin · 10 months
Hwello! How are you? Could I please request tfa Bumblebee, Optimus Prime, the jettwins(poly) and maybe shockwave ans Blurr too with a reader thats a bender.(The benders from Avatar and the legend of Korra)Maybe they're also the Avatar, if so then how would they react of they go into the Avatar state and started going rampage. They're angry because someone hurt their s/o or because someone is constantly insulting/bullying their s/o (coughsentinelcough).Thank you so much and your work is AMAZING!
Transformers X Reader-Insert - Avatar State
A/N - I hope you don't mind that I've done this as headcanons since there were a few characters to write this scenario for. And ooh, yey, I get to write for my fave TFA bot, Blurr.
Warnings - None
Rating - T
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It was always so cool that you could do what other humans couldn't. You could bend the elements to your will; it was awesome.
Throwing rocks at Bee for Target practice? He loved it.
Manipulating water to win in snowball fights? What a hoot.
Blasting grit at Sentinel then using Bumblebee as a getaway car? Incredible.
Or those rare quiet nights, when it was just you and him, and you would light up the sky, turning fire into moving images, perfect. He particularly loved it when he described something from Cybertron and you turned it into flaming pieces of art.
Bumblebee knew you. You were fun. You liked to play, but this... This wasn't playing anymore.
He had been in danger, and something in you changed. He'd seen you fight before, but this was something else. You- You weren't yourself as your eyes shone white and you roared with the voice of hundreds of past lives.
Bumblebee wanted to beat Megatron. Hell, the whole team did, but this was wrong. You were going to tear him apart, piece by piece.
"(Y/N)!" Bumblebee screamed your name. When you ignored his call, he became even more desperate. The truth now is that he doesn't care if Megatron is sent to the scrap heap. He just wants you back, and he's scared you're gone forever.
Finally, thankfully, you lower yourself to the ground, and turn to look at him, almost not seeing behind the whites that have possessed your eyes. You mumble his name, tears spilling at the thought of almost losing him, and he rushes forward to catch you as you crumple to the floor.
Bumblebee calls for backup to imprison the unconscious Megatron, and he cradles you to his chassis, promising you that everything's going to be okay.
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Oh, how exciting. There was a human just like the twins!
You were the only human who could command the elements, and they were the only Autobots who could fly (at least until command replicated the experiment, but that wouldn't be for quite some time.)
You could make lightning, they could make lightning.
You could hurl big rocks, they could hurl big rocks, or cars, or anything they picked up really.
You could race on a ball of air, they could jet through the air.
What wasn't to love?
Then, they learned there was even more fun to be discovered with the Avatar state. Though you knew you really shouldn't play with it, you couldn't help it as your loving boys begged you to play with them, racing one vs two, you in your heightened state, them using their advantage as a team to whip each other forward.
Everything was so amazing.
Then, there was a battle during which their lives were in danger, and they saw what the Avatar state could really do.
"Brother," Jetfire called, as he saw you put yourself at the forefront of the battle to save them.
"Da, I know," Jetstrom rallied to his brother's aid, immediately understanding what Jetfire wanted.
You weren't the only one with a superior alt-mode.
Together, they formed Safeguard. You wouldn't fight alone. They would also help protect you.
Optimus Prime
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Optimus was always curious about your power. What a heavy burden that must be... much like leading a team.
Except, where there are many leaders in the universe, you are entirely alone in this power.
Becuase of this, Optimus liked to know everything about what you can do.
He has learned that there aren't only four elements, but also your affinity to the spirit realm, which (in a dire emergency) could lead you into the Avatar state.
During a particularly bad battle at Sumdac Industries, Optimus saw you enter the avatar state, yet with him by your side, you remained relatively in control, dealing with the enemies you faced succinctly, and also using your abilities to keep civilians out of harm's way.
Because of that incident, Optimus thought you would be in control at all times. He never imagined that you would lose your temper later with Sentinel of all people.
Sentinel had been his usual self, taking too much enjoyment in the power he had over others, and putting Optimus down because of their bad blood, none of which he would take responsibility for.
You were already in a bad mood upon seeing that. Then when Optimus objected to Sentinel's poor treatment of his team, Sentinel made a move to push Optimus down and place him in stasis cuffs.
After that, you lost it.
Optimus' optics widened in shock. You had gone into the Avatar state... for him. He knew the toll such power took, and he also knew that sometimes, that amount of power scared you. You rarely used it in combat, but now, your emotions had overcome you, and you had trapped Sentinel in a vortex.
You didn't respond to Optimus' calls. He had to crawl his way over to you, using his axe to pick his way up to you, like a mountain climber buffeted by impossible winds.
You jolted in shock at the feel of his servo on your shoulder. Then, upon looking over your shoulder at him, your eyes cleared, you lowered Sentinel to the floor, and Optimus abandoned his post to take you home.
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A human who can manipulate the elements? How useful.
Well, if you can manipulate the elements, then it's only fair that Shockwave should manipulate you.
He goes through all the social graces of human courtship, and never once does he mention your abilities.
No, it's not about them, it's about you. He loves you, he would do anything for you.
It's only when he's certain that you are completely devoted to him that he begins his real experiments.
All it takes is a few pyrotechnics, a pipe which he could lift off himself at any time, and a feigned injury, then boom! You're in the Avatar state, just like he wanted.
Not only have you defeated a few enemies he lured into the area, but you've also performed wonderfully for his drones which are recording everything. If he can successfully replicate the data, a new generation of Decepticons will be forged.
And if he can't? No matter. You would do anything for him, and all for the promise of something as pathetic as love.
How easy it is to manipulate emotional fools led by their hearts.
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When Blurr first met you, it was only because he had plans to recruit you to the Autobot faction - the first human among Autobots; what an honour that would be for you.
Upon agreeing, you and Blurr began spending a lot of time together.
Blurr spoke a million miles a minute, asking you everything about your abilities. He was gathering intel.
Through various training sessions, he learned all your moves, with the exception of the Avatar State, which you declared too dangerous and only described, stating it wasn't something to be toyed with.
Blurr accepted that. He appreciated your professionalism and regard for safety.
Over time, Blurr became fond of you. He grew to care about your answers. It wasn't about intel anymore. He liked knowing about you. He wanted to be with you.
Your relationship was an unexpected one, and the two of you kept it secret from Autobot HQ. If they ever found out, Blurr would be posted elsewhere, and you would be given a new intel operator.
Much later, when it was too late to do anything, you heard word of Blurr's demise.
Through your despair, you were overtaken by the Avatar state. During your rampage, you rushed to the Decepticon base on Earth. There was nothing there to defeat since Megatron's capture, but that didn't stop you from tearing apart not only the base, but the entire island.
Nothing would ever grow there ever again.
When you came to your senses, there was no happiness. You had lost everything that mattered, and to make things worse, you despised the mindless destruction of an island that could have at the very least been reclaimed by nature if you hadn't been so destructive.
Without the comfort of your soulmate, you wept into the dead earth, feeling all too alone in the universe.
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uselessmicrowave · 2 years
Tfa Wreck-Gar, JetTwins(poly, if it's okay), Blitzwing and Shockwave with gn human s/o that in needing praise, headcanons, please? ///I don't mind if it would be as kink///
Ughh badly imagining how it should look like but...
sorry, I couldn’t really come up with anything for the jettwins :(
Wreck Gar
Will happily give you praise and positive affirmations! Sometimes he needs to be prompted to do so.
He’ll hold you close to his spark and tell you whatever you want or need to hear. Everything that comes out of his intake is true.
Nsfw headcanon- He uses you as a pillow from time to time- he’ll mumble praises with his faceplates against you, there’s a 50/50 chance that it might lead to spicy things.
Icy loves to see you blush… It’s like a drug to him. This mech will smother you in compliments.
Random is a lot like Icy in this remark, it’s just that Random’s a bit more weirdly poetic about this.
Nsfw headcanon- He doesn’t really like to talk while interfacing, but part of the aftercare is kissing at your face and telling you how you did so well.
He knows you want praise so badly, he’s an aft though and he’ll wait until you ask for it directly.
Shockwave will set you down in front of him and make eye to optic contact while softly praising you. He loves to see you squirm and knows exactly what his words do to you.
Nsfw headcanon- He’ll tie you up (or pin you down) and try to make you c/m with just his praise alone. You’ll get the help of a vibrator (on a very low setting) if you’re lucky. Trust me, he can and will wait until his words take effect on you.
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Small request, you know how in tfa the jettwins( jetfire and jetstorm) are a product of a unethical experiment of starscream's cna, what if they were in tfp, like, hidden away from both decepticons and autobots bc starscream doesn't want them to be hurt for their power like he was bc they get discovered, what would both factions reaction be?
Papa Screamer coming right up! I always like having an excuse to write my dearest Starscream as anything other than an insufferable coward.
Double Trouble
Jetfire and Jetstorm were not exactly planned by any means, but the moment Starscream found them in one of the old council laboratories and saw that they were technically his, he took to them immediately. But not wanting them to be involved in the war, Starscream raised them in secret until they were old enough to not be in immediate peril of death and quietly put them into stasis pods. He kept them hidden within his personal quarters for centuries, carrying them in their pods when required to every new base of operations. The only bots who knew about the two sparklings were of course, his trine, and quite likely Soundwave (although there was no indication that the spymaster knew, Starscream was not one to put it past him).
Starscream originally intended to release Jetfire and Jetstorm from their stasis locked state once things settled down enough for them to grow up normally. But as his trine were killed and his only other true Vosian allies met similar fates, Starscream grew afraid. He knew that his sparklings had unique gifts and as time passed and Megatron grew more violent, he knew the warlord would make his little ones soldiers. And so to spare them that fate in light of rising suspicion, he bit back his own burning tears and loneliness and sent his sparklings away, sending their pods to a small inconspicuous planet called Earth. All reports indicated the world was organic and nothing there could really harm his sparklings, especially with how strong their stasis pods were. Not only that but no Cybertronian had paid the planet any heed since the golden age. It was a perfect place for him to hide his sparklings until the war was over.
He spent another few centuries enduring bitter loneliness without his sparklings near him. Even when stasis locked they still brought him joy, reminding him of why he was fighting. But without Jetfire and Jetstorm he grew more and more erratic, angry, and desperate. Megatron had to die if he was to be able to raise his sparklings safely, and he would stop at nothing to protect them. However he did not expect Megatron to take the nemesis to Earth after the fall of Cybertron. He could hardly control his excitement at the prospect of being able to collect his sparklings. He knew that he would be unable to keep his claws off their pods for long when he arrived, but he was also well aware of the danger that Megatron still posed.
As such he stayed his hand for months until Megatron took his leave and departed, returning to Cybertron for whatever purpose and leaving Starscream in charge. And without Megatron looming over his shoulder, Starscream hurriedly activated the locator beacons on his sparklings pods and woke them as soon as he found them.
In hindsight he should have made actual plans. He couldn't just bring them to the nemesis as it would surely lead them to be made into soldiers whenever Megatron decided to turn back up. But he couldn't exactly leave them out alone on some random spot on Earth. While old enough to walk, talk, and generally be a pain, both Jetfire and Jetstorm were by no means mature enough to not get caught by humans or other unsavory individuals. And with their powers brought into the mix... Starscream was stuck with only one real solution, that being to "kill" a Vehicon and task the poor bot with sparklingsitting while Starscream ran the Decepticons on Earth.
His method worked for the entirety of Megatron's absence. Jetfire and Jetstorm were located in an obscure and uninhabited part of the planet where they could go wild with their abilities. J02H the Vehicon took care of the sparklings when Starscream was busy, ensuring they didn't hurt themselves or get caught. And every day Starscream would go for a "flight" and bring energon to his little ones and the attendant Vehicon. Of course he would usually end up spending several hours playing with and teaching his sons until he was required back on the Nemesis. But everything worked well, even when a few more Vehicons had to "die" and be brought in as additional handlers for Jetfire and Jetstorm. It wasn't perfect by any means, but Starscream's unusual parenting kept his sparklings out of the war and that was all that mattered.
However after Megatron's return, things became far more difficult. The warlord was acutely aware of rations disappearing, and while he did not care at first for what Starscream did, his frequent "flights" and the consistent loss of energon started to draw Megatron's ire. The Autobots also started to catch onto Starscream's odd behavior as they began noticing his frequent visits to one rather uninhabited area of north America. Still he got away with it due to the stress of the war taking up most of everyone's time... until Starscream's exile. With no way to provide for himself, much less his two sons and their six Vehicon attendants, Starscream was forced to turn to the only bots he was certain would at least spare sparklings.
He called on the Autobots, throwing away his pride in favor of presenting the true love and desperation of a father, pleading with the Autobots for energon. They were reluctant, but after Optimus saw Starscream's young sons, he did not hesitate to offer his assistance. Starscream had the Autobots vow to secrecy regarding his sons, and this in turn led to an odd alliance, with the Autobots kind of taking care of Jetfire and Jetstorm alongside the Vehicons. Of course the sparklings were never brought into the Autobots base and were labeled neutrals to keep them free from any faction, but for reasons Starscream couldn't bother to fathom, there was always some Autobots hanging around whenever he came by to see his sons.
Some days it was Ratchet who would give the sparklings checkups, and when no one was looking, give them treats. The medic had no anger toward Jetfire and Jetstorm and even took time out of his day when off duty to try and teach them to control their abilities. He simply couldn't get enough of seeing innocent and completely unmolested sparklings and so came pretty regularly to visit even if Starscream wasn't all that fond of it. Bulkhead and Wheeljack made visits as well, usually to play with the two rambunctious sparklings and almost never ending well for Starscream or his Vehicons. More than once he had to replace a broken wall, soothe his crying sons after a particularly rough game, or frantically grab one of them before they could do something foolish. Bulkhead and Wheeljack ended up eventually getting banned from seeing the sparklings without Starscream present.
Arcee only dropped by twice, once during the Autobot's first visit to bring energon to Starscream and his little family and once more to bring the sparklings some toys that looked handmade. While it is unknown how she feels about Jetfire and Jetstorm, most can assume that she cares about them to a degree if the handmade toys are any indicator. The sudden appearance of school datapads for young Cybertronians and several piles of soft blankets also point to her having at least a little bit but no bot can confirm or deny this. Bumblebee on the other hand is very clearly obesessed with the sparklings, especially loving their powers and bringing all sorts of random things for Jetfire to light up and for Jetstorm to blow away. He thinks they are the greatest thing since purified energon and not even Starscream has the spark to try and drag Bumblebee away from his sons when the scout clearly doesn't have a bad circuit in his frame.
As for Optimus? Starscream wanted to ban him but can't bring himself to due to how kind, loving, and alive Optimus looks when handling his sons. His rational mind tells him he allows Optimus to bond with his sons because it will at least guarantee their safety should something ever happen to him. But deep down Starscream knows but will never admit that he allows Optimus to be with his sons because of how much happier the Prime looks when he tells Jetfire and Jetstorm stories. He is father, he can see just how much Optimus loves being able to be near sparkling after so long being at war and only ever knowing pain. And while technically still enemies, he is not one to deny a fellow parent the comforts that come from the innocence of sparklings.
And so for months, even after Starscream was allowed on the nemesis again, the Autobots kept their end of the deal and his sons were kept secret and safe. However word eventually reached Megatron after Soundwave was sent after Starscream during one of his visits. The spymaster watched as Starscream played with his sons, recording it all, even capturing an Autobot in a few of his recordings before reporting back. The whole nemesis was then thrown into uproar.
Megatron was angry more than anything else, hating that his second kept things from him for any reason at all and caring little for the fact that Starscream's sons were barely a vorn old. Soundwave did not have any visible reaction, but his quiet assistance by cutting surveillance data when Starscream moved his sons and their handlers to the Autobot base spoke for itself. Knockout was surprised but ultimately did not really flinch at the revelation. He knew Starscream did things secretly but honestly thought he was meeting an Autobot lover or something of the like. Learning that the seeker had sparklings was a welcome surprise and he quietly assisted Starscream's efforts to keep his sons safe when the opportunity presented itself. Breakdown was in a similar situation and only cared about ensuring that the little ones were kept away from Megatron. Even he could see what hell the sparkling would endure if they were brought onto the nemesis.
Shockwave did not care at all for the most part, only taking an interest in the sparklings abilities once he heard of them. He requested they be brought to him for "inspection" should they be captured but otherwise did not act. Arachnid could have cared less about the sparklings and kept her distance so as to not draw the ire of Autobots, Starscream, and his six Vehicons. The Vehicons on the nemesis however had wildly differing reactions. They all wanted to get in on the babysitting and tried desperately pleading with their previously considered dead brethren for the chance. They were denied as none of Starscream's Vehicons had any desire to possibly see the sparklings they had come to see as younger siblings come to harm.
As for Starscream himself? After the revelation of his sparklings, he fled the nemesis permanently, terrified that his sons might be harmed and throwing away all thoughts of conquest. While it was hard to adapt to the Autobots at first, living at their base with his sparklings proved to be a good choice as soon as MECH made their interest clear.
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brandwhorestarscream · 8 months
Tfe skyfire x starscream
I'm actually gonna draw from some previous source material we've made up here, and say that the bitties in question are the jettwins. They're not Skyfire's sparklings, but he's the one that steps up to raise them.
The seekers are all on the run and, if I'm being honest, have probably vacated the entire North American continent. GHOST isn't an international organization, after all, and flight makes travelling and escape so much easier than groundbound mecha like Tarantulas, for example. They've gone somewhere that's pretty much unreachable by humans: the highest point on the planet. Mt. Everest. The temperatures are nothing compared to deep space flight, and there's plenty of wind and solar energy for them to harness to get an energon synthesizer going.
They've been living on the dl for months and building up an actual base for themselves at the peak, when Starscream's newly rigged together scanners pick up a very peculiar signal under the melting ice caps of earth's poles. Looks like a cybertronian cache of sorts! They head out immediately, before anyone else can snipe the findings. Who knows what it could be? It could be incredibly useful, be it medical supplies or something that might be able to get them permanently off this Primus forsaken rock.
You know what happens here. They find Skyfire in cryosleep beneath the ice: with everything on this planet thawing, they were finally able to get an actual read on him despite being here for so long. Starscream is... god. There's so many emotions at once he doesn't even know what to call it. He's relieved, he's overjoyed, he's terrified, he's angry. They excavate him in a hurry and search for any equipment he may have lost at the time of the crash, but it's all beyond repair.
Skyfire is incredibly disoriented. He's so confused, he's so dizzy and his audials are ringing incessantly and why does Starscresm look so different? For him, it's only been a couple kliks since he got the warning that there was a critical failure in his systems and then he was falling. He blacked out, and now he's here. He's so sore though, and none of his systems are functioning properly, and Starscream is damn near hysterical that it's clear he's missed a lot. They get him back to their little camp, get him some energon, let him rest and decompress. The twins are handed off to Skywarp and Nova so the two reunited lovebirds can have a chance to talk. Starscream tells Skyfire the full story, not overwhelming him with details but all the main points. What happened after his disappearance, the whole mess with the war, earth's revolving circus of pitslag, GHOST, and finally... the bitties.
Skyfire doesn't even mind that they aren't his. Starscream suffered so much carrying them, having them forced on him, but is doing everything in his power to love and raise them properly. Sky's an overgrown lovesick puppy and adores Starscream for all that he is, and he falls in love with the twins the first moment he gets to hold them. They're so tiny compared to him, but so wiggly and curious. They're attempting to climb all over him, nomming on his fingers and poking at his face with their tiny baby hands, giggling and chirping as they clamber up on his head because Look How High!!!!! He passes the infant vibe check with easy and the sparklings are immediately smitten with them. Skyfire fondly remarks that they're beautiful, just like their carrier, and quietly mentions that... he knows it's been awhile, but if Starscream will still have him, he'd love to still be with him. Starscream just smiles and calls him an idiot: as if he'd let him get away!
Skyfire is such an incredible sire to his adopted sparklings. Literally the best they ever could have ended up with. Loves them like his own, so attentive and sweet and patient. He honestly coddles them even more than Starscream does, and has such a hard time telling them no 🤭 he hasn't built up an immunity to puppy dog eyes yet, so he's always sneaking them extra treats. He loves to hold them, they fit so perfectly in his arms, he's always volunteering to hold them for naptime rather than laying them down in their little crib. Starscream is happier than Skywarp and Nova have seen him in a long time, and the whole group of them are a perfect happy little family 💖
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If you do TFA, how would Jet twins, jazz and Megatron react to a Female!Human! Reader with Teruhashi’s beauty but Saiki K’s personality?
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Good God this one took forever to get to. I really hope this anon is still here!
Now, folks, I don't normally do asks like this mainly because I have the autism the lack of motivation to legit BINGE watch an anime series. So when I saw this ask, and started my night job I went "who are these people??" And saw it was from an anime series about a mind reading boy, I knew I had to watch.
So..uh. Thank you anon for turning me on to this show! May you enjoy these Headcanons! I haven't watched TFA in a hot minute so I hope everyone is in character. (I hope you don't mind that I blended some elements from Saiki K into the writing too!)
My general idea is to have this happen after the Being Human episode, that way the reader can have Saikis mind reading element (since I figure if at one point they became human, a part of that is still in their systems?? Idk)
The Jet-Twins
Surely, when they first landed on earth with Sentinel, they were already curious enough about the humans of the planet, but this was bizzare
The duo ask to hang out with Y/N a lot (because 1. Their a human that is *bizarrely pretty* and 2. They also thought Y/N was..weird
A pretty blunt personality from Y/N not wanting to really hang out, and keep to yourself made it confusing for the two, but does not deter them in the slightest.
They did try to impress you with common human things (like animals) or breaking into a department store to get makeup (to which Optimus caught and scolded both of them) but you didn't seem interested in that.
It took a lot of following around (Saiki K voice: You mean stalking.) to figure out your interests. They simply leave you sweets every once in a while, the occasional coffee jelly..
Jazz, also being on the same ship as Sentinel knew that humans had a bizzare side to them. But Y/N seemed..numb? Or cold at the very least
He definitely had to get a closer look (but not too close, he still thinks about Sentinels 'Humans spit slime that corrodes you' comment) but Y/N's demeanor intimidates him a bit
Jazz knew that you had to have a musical side to your icy personality, so he would try and bring random CDs to you that you might like.
It just turned out you liked your space and keeping to yourself, a fact that the JetTwins definitely couldn't understand. So when you did hang, he would keep his distance.
He would comment on how you'd look that day, mainly compliments but asking about clothing too.
He also calls you "One smart human" for the way you seem to know his every thought.
Stumbling across a human during a mission that could supposedly read minds was one thing for Megatron.
But having the additional perk of beauty on top of it gave him many ideas on how he could use you to his advantage against the Autobots
Out of ALL the humans he decieved, he enjoyed Y/N presence the most, purely for your sarcastic quips that you'd say to Starscream.
He wouldn't really pry much in your interests, but would ask questions (Food in particular since he never sees Y/N eat anything other than Coffee jelly)
Y/N knows that Megatron is on the "bad guys side", but stays purely for the shenanigans the cons deal with at their base.
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miniisside · 2 years
As much as I desperately want to hold on to spooky season, I end off with some silly doodles I felt best ended Halloween :)
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Christmas joy will overtake me soon.
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in1-nutshell · 7 months
Hello again! I was wondering if I could two requests? Both involved batmobile buddy again.
So with the first request: Buddy has been on earth with team for a few weeks following her reuniting with Ratchet, Sari and Bumblebee notice that Buddy and Ratchet might actually like each other more than just friends. So they become Ratchet's unofficial wingmen but they are really bad at it.
And the second request is that Decepticons mostly Megatron find out Buddy is also still alive. And he is really angry because like 'I thought got rid of her permanently during the war!?' Context: The decepticons are the Buddy when missing. They blow up her ship but the stasis pod was still intact where it crash landed on earth. And Buddy's things for communication where also destroyed.
Thanks! Love your work :)
All righty! Here is the first request! The second request will follow shortly.
Hope you enjoy!
Bumblebee and Sari trying to set Ratchet up with Batmobile Buddy
SFW, Platonic, Romance, Cybertronain reader
It was a nice change when Buddy decided to stay with Team Prime on Earth.
She claimed it was because there was more work to be done here than on Cybertron right now.
She did contact Ultra Magnus letting him know that she was online.
Buddy appearing on the screen from Ultra Magnus’s office.
“Ultra Magnus sir.”--Buddy
“You sound surprised sir.”--Buddy
“I thought…”--Magnus
“Such little faith Commander. I thought you had a little bit more trust in your former bodyguard to know it takes a lot more to keep me down.”--Buddy
“It is good to see that you are in good spirits Buddy. Will you be coming back to Cybertron with the Elite Guard?”--Magnus
Buddy looks at Sentinel who is looking at himself in the glass.
“…I am going to stay with Team Prime if that’s all right sir. There is more work to be done here.”--Buddy
Magnus nods.
“Very well. But do remember you will always have a place here on Cybertron.”--Magnus
Buddy nods and turns the video off.
Ratchet insisted on Buddy staying in the Plant for the first few days to adjust to everything.
To the humans and to their new alt mode.
Buddy liked the sleek car she chose but wasn’t too sure why so many humans called her ‘Batmobile’. Perhaps it was a human saying or something.
The two were often found chatting together.
The team had never seen another bot talking so casually with Ratchet.
And Ratchet not responding so sarcastically or rudely.
It was as if another bot had replaced their medic.
Sari and Bumblebee did a little digging on Buddy and Ratchet one day while they were on the Elite Guard’s ship.
The Jettwins help them snoop around for anything on the database.
The four of them eventually stumbled upon a video that had Ratchet and Buddy in the background.
Where they… hugging?
They were hugging.
…a rather long one too…
Was that a long hand hod too?!
Bee and Sari now have a new ship.
And they are determined to get it to sail.
The duo decides to get some information on Buddy.
“Any luck finding her?”--Sari
“Nope. She’s an even better hider than Prowl! Not to mention how quiet she is.”--Bumblebee
“I think we need to change tactic’s.”--Sari
“Like what? Ask Ratchet?”--Bumblebee
“… All right!”--Bumblebee
Bumblebee goes up to Ratchet.
“Hey Doc-bot I’ve gotta question for ya.”--Bumblebee
“What is it? Can’t you see—”--Ratchet
“Do you like Buddy?”--Bumblebee
Ratchet drops his wrench while trying to form a complete sentence which ends up with him kicking Bumblebee out of the med bay.
“He didn’t say no!”--Bumblebee
The duo then decides to take the fate of these two into their own hands.
They try and set up a candle ‘dinner’ for the pair.
That was romantic enough, right?
Buddy and Ratchet walking into the room filled with candles.
“Oh for—this better not be one of those internet challenges again! I swear I am not pumping someone else’s fuel tank again if I find those darn Skittles in there!”--Ratchet
Buddy and Ratchet grab a fire extinguisher and extinguish the flames and ‘dinner’.
So, they try a different approach.
They wanted to play some romantic music to set the mood.
The problem with that was that they could decide which song to to put on the speakers and accidentally put on death metal screaming.
Ratchet and Buddy casually read some data pads.
On the speakers…
Ratchet and Buddy jump at the screaming.
Buddy swiftly slings Ratchet over her shoulders and gets him out of the plant.
“You think that worked?”--Sari
Buddy comes back with a large iron pipe in both servos.
“Abort, abort, abort!”--Bumblebee
The final attempt was love letters.
They both placed the love letters outside their rooms and waited.
This had to work!
There was no way this wasn’t going to work!
Buddy reading her note.
Bumblebee and Sari are watching from a far.
Ratchet walks up to Buddy.
“Is it working?”--Bumblebee
They both tun back to Buddy.
“You got a letter too?”--Ratchet
“Yes, and besides the horrible handwriting, these are definitely threat notes.”--Buddy
“What?!”—Bumblebee and Sari
“Don’t worrying Ratchet, I’ll keep an optic out for anything suspicious.”--Buddy
“Sure, you go do that then.”--Ratchet
Ratchet and Buddy go their separate ways as Bee and Sari die a little bit inside.
Bee and Sari just about give up for the day.
Maybe another day it’ll happen.
Meanwhile Buddy and Ratchet are watching them from a far with servos intertwined.
“Don’t you think we should tell them we’re Conjunx Endura?”--Buddy
“And spoil the fun? No, let them try and figure things out.”—Ratchet
Buddy chuckles a bit slightly squeezing his servo while watching the kids try to go over more plans for the couple.
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Movie-Jetfire Is Like Skyfire’s Dad & The Jettwins’s Grandpa
[Note: Transformers Film/Movie Spoiler That Involves Grandpa-Jetfire. also reading this is optional. also do not reblog without permission.]   
if Jetfire from the Transformers Movie, was like the Dad of Jetfire aka "Skyfire" and being the Grandfather of twins Jetfire & Jetstorm.
Jetfire Sr. talks about how his father was a wheel and he was the first wheel, and how he transformed into nothing, but he did so with honor XD
I love that old Ex-Decepticon who later became a Autobot, picture if he was in TFA and still acts the way he does from the movie. it be funny if he threaten Sentinel Prime, saying if he doesn't stop his foolishness and his Xenophobia Campaign against organics, he will take him over his knee.
even if spanking can be a "No" but at times it can be used, but only if the ones who do the spanking do NOT cross a line when doing so, one of the problems with spanking, is that it can be misused when trying to punish a child and they will need to make sure not to put their full strength into it or else they might not just physical harm but also emotional harm.
and this is just a guess....but if a parent misuses the spanking too much, even if for a small thing that a child does, it could be a problem.
spanking should also only be used as a last resort, and it should never be misused because it might be possible if someone misuse it on a child, it could cause both physical and emotional harm.
I don't think any Autobot or Decepticon or Human, would stop Jetfire Sr. from giving Sentinel Prime a spanking.
well even if Sentinel Prime is a jerk, he might be viewed as "saint" compared to Sentinel Prime from one of the Transformers Movies, who was surprisingly was going to go by "Ultra Magnus"...
if there was a Crossover video game that had the choice to either save TFA-Sentinel Prime or Movie-Sentinel Prime.....
yeah, I am gonna have to pick TFA-Sentinel, he might be a jerk, but he isn't as bad as THAT one....
and if Starscream and Skyfire are OTP ship together, and them acting as the parents of the twins Jetfire and Jetstorm, it be interesting if Jetfire Sr. from the Bayformers Universe, was like the Grandpa.
and Jetfire Sr. could probably use his cane as a weapon on both Autobots and Decepticons, which would be really funny if he did that. XD
picture Jetfire Sr. yelling at both Skyfire and Starscream about “why wasn’t I invited to the wedding?! you kids today and your eloping!”
Jetfire Sr is like the adorable old cybertronian that some might wish was their grandpa. 
not sure if many would have those thoughts, but if Starscream and Skyfire are going to be like the parents of Jetfire & Jetstorm, I like to think of Jetfire Sr from one of the Transformers Film series, as being the Grandpa.
I wonder if it be weird to picture Jetfire Sr. hitting TFA-Sentinel Prime with his cane, even though that whole cane thing can only be funny in toon gag type theme moments, and of course it wouldn’t be in real life because of obvious reasons.
it be interesting if Jetfire Sr. told old stories from his youth to both Jetfire & Jetstorm, and even making up stories like how he hit Unicron to the other side of the multiverse.
not sure if everyone would like the idea of the Jetfire from the revenge of the fallen being like the Dad of Skyfire and Grandpa of the Jettwins.
but it’s okay if it’s only a few that like the idea.
Jetfire Sr. being family with Starscream, Skyfire and the Jettwins, is a “I fam it” moment.
I think it’s a good idea, but once again it’s okay that not everyone agrees about Jetfire Sr. being the Grandpa figure. 
I will say this, it does seem that the Autobots can be irresponsible, because the Allspark could of helped with the Hatchlings/Sparklings.
and Movie-Optimus wanted to destroy it....someone should slap that Prime over the back of the head...
if it was possible, I know I would do that to him....
would his plans for the allspark cube count as Sparkling Endangerment...?
maybe it’s a good thing that not all Cybertronians are Autobots or Decepticons.
and those who are known as “Neutrals” could also point out that the great war on Cybertron, was both the Autobots and Decepticons own fault.
and in TFA, the Autobots aren’t really 100% the good guys.
they wanted to use Autobots like Omega as a weapon of mass destruction on the Decepticons, and how do we know it wouldn’t also end up hurting innocent neutrals...?
and it’s the Autobots of a high rank that were part of the project that are at fault that Decepticons ended up using Omega at some point.
plus with how Cybertron is run, maybe Megatron is right about it having Autobot Tyranny, doesn’t mean his tyranny would be good either.
plus how do we know that most of those Autobot Colony Worlds didn’t belong to organic natives, and the Autobots from Cybertron who are of a really high rank and don’t tell those of lower rank, that they are conquering planets.
like the Homeworld Gems from Steven Universe, but at least the Homeworld Gems learned to no longer conquer organic worlds.  
I don’t even think all the Autobots on Cybertron know this dark truth, that most of their colony worlds had belong to organic natives.
it is a theory, but I think it could be possibly true.
both the Autobots and Decepticons can be wrong about some actions they take, and the other reason why Optimus, Sentinel and Elita/Blackarachnia weren’t allowed on organic worlds, is because those organic worlds were going to be secretly plan to be added as one of the Autobot Colony Worlds.
maybe I can talk more about that theory in a future post.
anyway hope some like the idea bout Jetfire Sr. being like the Grandpa figure of the Jettwins, but it’s okay that not everyone likes that idea.                         
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petitelepus · 1 year
How would the tfa bots and elite guard plus sari react to Optimus s/o and sentinel females s/o act like marinette and Chloé from miraculous ladybug get into a very aggressive cat fight?
The Autobots and Sari are shocked and quickly pull you off from the other girl and take you back to base to be patched.
The bully put on a good fight, you weren't going down without a fight. The Bots aren't actually happy with you and your actions.
Bumblebee and Jettwins think that you were being badass and think that you were brave when defending them.
Optimus, Ratchet, Prowl, and Ultra Magnus think that the fight was stupid and that you should have ignored that other girl. It doesn't matter if you were protecting the Autobots' reputation, you shouldn't fight others.
Bulkhead and Jazz help you to feel better. They don't approve of mindless fighting, but you had your heart in the right place.
Sentinel doesn't even look at you, you look so disgusting with those dark spots that form into spots that the other human punched at. Excuse you Sentinel, but they are proof of a brutal fight.
While Optimus nags at you about how fighting solves nothing, Sari gives you a secret fist pump. Bitch deserved everything she got from you.
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Jettwins (regardless of which version of their parents) are the human equivalent of identical twins
This means they'd have came from the same egg, which must have given starscream the idea that he would have a big sparkling (in the versions where they are a secret)
Like G1 starscream thinking he would have a space shuttle sparkling or Tfp starscream wondering where the bitlet got that size as neither he nor Steven are very tall comparatively
Only to come out as seeker twins during hatching.
Yeah, they're splitspark twins!
The tfp jettwins were so confusing because of that lol
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