#human anthro hybrid
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danjiisthmus · 1 year ago
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The Priestess Outfit
Alex lookin pretty in her outfit Piece for Bahumot
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turkitty5 · 3 months ago
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something came and stolen away EVERY SINGLE DAY !!!
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mrs403 · 3 months ago
tigresa voladora gigante dibujada noooo
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aubrietarose · 5 months ago
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There's this wild rumor that folks caught shoplifting from the gift shop at a very famous dinosaur park mysteriously disappear around the same time as new dinos join the exhibits. But I'm sure it's just a rumor. Aubie's TFTober 2024 Day 2: Baryonyx
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sinisterslyfox · 7 months ago
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Angry For Loving Idiot & The Idiot
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I saw this template on Twitter and decided to adapt it. That's pretty much it.
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zeydaan-isabella · 4 months ago
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Commission by TFedWorld - Zeydaan wearing their old Witch's hat for the Halloween spirit, not remembering the fact it was heavily laced with transformative magic, turning into the eager witch, Akko, once more.
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dark-dragon74 · 3 months ago
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he's fine don't worry.
[support me on patreon] | [buy me a coffee]
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mudcat128 · 10 months ago
heres some more art!
durgon lady! and a sketch too!
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pcktknife · 10 months ago
what kinda mlp species do you think kafka would be? do you think she’d he something funky like a bat pony or changeling?
i think generally unless the character's species is like wildly different in appearance from humans (or at least different in my mind) most of the cast would just be one of the main 3 pony types. argenti/bronya/guinaifen would be main 3 to me but bailu/huohuo/qingque(/maybe robin to fit my bird quota and to give a non-xianzhou example) would be different or adjacent species. that being said bat pony kafka would look really good.
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thunderbone · 1 year ago
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Today I decided to share with you a drawing I made last year. That year I was going to write a book with my friend, NOTG. The story was about a romance between a human and an anthropomorphic being.
I don't remember if this character was supposed to be an alien or a being created in a laboratory, but I just know that he is a mix of a rabbit, cat and fox. I even made a drawing of this couple and I loved it so much.
The human was inspired by Ruby from Supernatural, while her boyfriend looks like Zahk, even though he was never inspired by him lol. For those who don't know, Zahk is a furry artist who makes really cute arts, where his fursona is a hybrid of a dragon and a fox.
However, unfortunately my friend couldn't create the story with me, because he didn't even have time to write his book, Between Stars. But the cool thing is that my character gave rise to a new species for his story.
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Yes, NOTG asked me for help and suggestions for his book, so I helped him create this fictional species for his story. It's a shame I didn't create a story for this beautiful couple, they're definitely the cutest couple I've ever created. But who knows one day, right?
Português (Brasil)
Hoje eu resolvi compartilhar com vocês um desenho que fiz ano passado. Naquele ano eu ia escrever um livro com o meu amigo, NOTG. A história era sobre um romance entre uma humana e um ser antropomórfico.
Eu não me lembro se esse personagem era pra ser um alienígena ou um ser criado em laboratório, mas só sei que ele é uma mistura de coelho, gato e raposa. Inclusive fiz um desenho desse casal e amei demais.
A humana havia sido inspirada na Ruby de Supernatural, enquanto o namorado dela se parece com o Zahk, mesmo que nunca tenha sido inspirado nele kkkkkkkkk. Pra quem não sabe, Zahk é um artista furry que faz artes muito fofinhas, onde o seu fursona é um híbrido de dragão e raposa.
Porém, infelizmente não deu pro meu amigo criar a história comigo, porque ele não tinha tempo nem pra escrever o livro dele, Between Stars. Mas o legal é que o meu personagem deu origem à uma nova espécie da história dele.
Sim, o NOTG me pediu ajuda e sugestões pro seu livro, então eu o ajudei na criação dessa espécie fictícia da história dele. É uma pena que não criei uma história pra esse lindo casal, com certeza é o casal mais fofo que já criei. Mas quem sabe um dia, né?
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byregot · 8 months ago
no spoilers but god the boss designs for the arcadion have gripped me by the throat like its the exact thing i really love in monster/creature designs
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cryptidofthekeys · 8 months ago
hey chat how would y'all react
if I told y'all
that I am a furry- not a joke, not a bit- but dead serious
legit I've got a fursona I've been making- wanna make a fursuit of them one day tbh (...all that fur tho- gonna be sneezing a lot)
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eye-of-enigmatic-thought · 2 years ago
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[Note: Image description is in the alt text of the images due to its length. Let me know if writing them down on the post's description is more preferred!]
Finally a proper reference for Squalo! My big bigender mob boss! :D
A large, loud, and powerful kingpin with the muscle and goons to prove it, anyone who lives in the coasts knows Squalo's name with both respect and fear. Known for her brutality in beating down anyone trying to cross her, if even her ferocious strength in her already large human form can't bring you down, the bite force of her full shark monster form would do the trick.
Squalo's gang is mostly comprised of fellow aquatic mutants like him, and they mostly work in the distribution of illegal goods, weaponry and protection of his turf. A quick way to make him an enemy is to start illegally fishing and poaching in his waters and harming anyone under his protection, you'll be made an example of fast.
Despite this intimidating reputation however, those under Squalo's protection consider him caring and fair, and he prefers to have more healthy connections through friendship and support instead of just plain fear. Even if someone isn't able to pay up, she'd be more inclined to support them to be able to pay back the money, and is overall very fair in business and always goes by her word.
When not in the mobster business, Squalo can be very affable and sweet, and he even has the habit of taking in juveniles to help care for them and train them to be tough fighters, one of which even being Marmo, who was taught everything he knew by Squalo. Marmo even sees Squalo as a parental figure and the two have a healthy parent-son relationship, and the two often visit each other.
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sinisterslyfox · 8 months ago
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Lucas and His Childhood Friends
While typing the story, I thought it would be a good idea to draw a concept for Lucas's childhood friends. I asked a couple of friends what animals I should make them. I got a goat, deer, horse, and bunny. I chose deer and horse but somewhere along the line horse became donkey.
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cibguts · 2 years ago
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Commission for @/nafex ! 
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johannepetereric · 1 year ago
I think it’s SUCH A POWER MOVE to have your dragon-in-human-form be a wheelchair/crutch user. It can feel like an oxymoron, based on general society’s views on disability and dragons, but normalize that it shouldn’t be oxymoron, as well as being disability rep in general
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