rossdphotography · 10 months
Due to the terrbily sad and horrendous war in Gaza and Palestine, I have started a humanitarian project called 'The Forgotten'. 
Much of the world does not know the backstory of this conflict or does not care. My project aims to increase awareness and hopefully through the international community and public pressure, governments will take action to stop this genocide. 
Palestinians suffer terribly just to live a normal life, and now with a child dying every 10 minutes, the "The Forgotten' project aims to remind the world that the Palestinians are humans just like the rest of us with hopes, dreams and families. 
I could not simply sit by and do nothing, so with my camera as a tool I aim to shed light on the often forgotten issue that in so many ways affects us all. 
All participants in the project come from Palestine - Gaza, Palestine - West Bank, or a war or genocidal background. This project will be a published book and exhibitions, hopefully large news outlets and other means.  
I am currently looking for any interested parties, investors and those willing to be involved in the project in anyway. 
I hope to hear from you as soon as possible. #Gaza, #war, #be-informed,#help, #humanity, #Palestine
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injuries-in-dust · 5 months
Trall leaned back in their chair as they took a sip of Stimulate liquid.
The place was so nice and quiet, they were finally getting their paperwork done.
Nice and...
They jumped to their tentacles. Stimulate Liquid fell to the floor but went ignored. Trall hurried from the room as fast as they could parambulate.
The place was quiet!
What the heck were those humans up to?
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limideeznuts · 12 days
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fandomfuntimem · 4 months
I had a plan for this. But i ended up hating it. So enjoy my insane scribbling with markers and pens. The whole idea was Lankmann propaganda. But i failed. So i made it funky.
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Aaaaand, extra doodles.
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Im getting better at drawing Clyde. But i still cant figure out it's mouth. I did try my hand at Winfrey tho :3
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azmemedaddy · 2 months
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beautifulblazeangel · 7 months
Does chase like human garbage?
That's the question
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I think perhaps 🫠
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xdextarx · 3 days
my mother just told me that
the OWNERS of hundreds of parrots from where I adopted my bb live in part of the city where there was a lot of water and THEY DID LET ALL PARROTS DROWN and DIDN'T EVEN TRY to help them out of cages full of water.
let's pray that they end up being drowned or torn by wolves for letting so much innocent beings die in pain, cold, suffocating and suffering
humans don't deserve to have animals
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polyhexianbirb · 10 days
Redoing this digitally tomorrow after I make cookies! Also finally stopping reading the spoilers and listening to episode 20!! Wish me luck 🥰
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mayosleepz · 2 months
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My Little Pony Characters (Mane 6) Human designs, but what if they were Pokemon Trainers? :0
It was just a little idea I had since I kinda both had a Pokemon and MLP brainrot at the same time. So I decided to combine both of them so here we are.
I made a little Pokemon-MLP AU since I was bored. Will probably do other characters when I can, since for now I either wanna draw something else or might take a quick hiatus.
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How many licks does it take to get to the centre of a Vulcan's self-control?
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speedycoffeedelight · 2 months
An Animalistic Disaster
CH-23 : Prepare for trouble and make it double
Showing vox off to others and getting a visit from two unexpected visitors
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You stared at him in shock for some time as he was still looking at you awestruck. The gears in your brain eventually turned as you realised what just happened.
" You saved my life, thank you! " Vox tried to get out more but almost slipped as he still didn't have much energy. The food needed to be digested first. You quickly caught him in time as you slowly dragged him out of the water.
" What do you mean you're in love with me? We barely even talked ! Are you in the right mind? " You quickly asked as you sat down with him beneath the Acorn tree. He transformed faster than anyone else. And now he's out here talking nonsense that he loves you. What in the world.....
" I'll....close my eyes for a bit. I'll talk to you again sweetheart..." Almost immediately as he said that he fell asleep in your arms. That man was even snoring for fuck's sake. Panic and confusion flowed through your vain as you shook him. "No no no wake up! What am I supposed to do with you?!"
Unfortunately, the man, did not in fact wake up. He was simply passed out. Now you were holding a shark dude in deep of the night while everyone was sleeping. This was great. Everything was fine.
Who were you kidding. It wasn't fine. You needed to think fast. There's no doubt everyone will freak out when they see him tomorrow. They'll also know you sneaked out. You needed figure out somewhere to hide him first before showing him off. But where? And there was also a another problem.
*Drip* *drip*
This man was fully soaked and was soaking you as well. You needed a change of clothes and also change his clothes while you're at it. Otherwise the both of you will catch cold. You pushed him off your lap gently and placed him beside the tree carefully. You found out he had a damn steel fin behind his back so you had to be extra careful. You squeezed your clothes standing up, trying to get as much water out as you can. Taking a another long look at the sleeping man, you quickly walked back to the cabin again.
You slowly tiptoed back to your room. Glad to find everyone was still sleeping. Sighing in relief, you stood in front of your wardrobe, careful not to hit Charlie on the way. You cringed as it let out a squeaky sound being opened. You looked at the animals quickly. Charlie moved a little but just turned on her back and went to sleep.
You quickly brought out some clothes for you and Vox. You changed you clothes before heading out towards Vox again with a change of clothes and a towel. You sat down beside him with a huff as you extended your hands towards his coat with a blush. ' This is for his own good. Don't think it weirdly, don't think it weirdly (Y/n).'
He had slight robotic parts all over his abdomen. One of his arms was almost fully metal. You tried not to linger your eyes there too much as you used your towel to dry him up as best as you could before placing a dry shirt on his body, one that was originally bought for Alastor himself. They were both nearly the same size so it was the best choice.
You didn't dare touch his pants. Your face burning up at the mere thought of it. Instead you just swiped your towel across in a futile attempt to lessen the water on them before giving up. You were done with him finally.
" Alright, up we go." You mumbled as you picked up Vox in your arms bridal style and headed towards your car. You decided that it would be best spot for now. Throughout all of this, Vox was still snoring. You half wondered if his power shut off or something.
Opening the door to your car proved to be quite difficult. However, you still managed it in the end and settled him inside. You wiped sweat off your brows after you were done and mentally patted yourself on the back. You quickly headed back inside once you noticed there wasn't much time left till the sun comes out.
You slipped back under the covers, sighing blissfully to be able to rest again.
You didn't get much sleep as you were awoken soon enough by Charlie. You rubbed your eyes and yawned as you woke up and went to bathroom to freshen yourself. While brushing your teeth, you suddenly remembered about Vox. You quickly washed your mouth and ran to the kitchen.
" Guys I have something to show you!"
Others were pretty spooked from your sudden outbrust. Alastor was on the table drinking a cup of tea when you came. He set down his cup. " Okay, what would that something be?"
" Wait right here okay? And please don't get mad at me. " You yelled towards them while running back to your car. The hazbins all looked at each other in confusion as Vaggie placed her cup down.
" Something tells me it's not going to end well. "
You ran up to the car and peeked inside from the window to check up on Vox. It seemed like he was still asleep. That was good. You didn't want him panicking out after waking up in car alone or something. You opened the door and patted his cheek a couple of times. " Vox, Vox wake up! Vox!"
'...ox.....w...e..up..Vox!' Vox felt a distant voice call out his name. It felt so beautiful, so perfect, he wanted to reach out his hand and grasp the bearer of that voice. Make them call his name over and over again. But where was it coming from?
You started to shake him now, yelling loudly as the sleeping beauty finally began to flutter his eyes open.
" Wait...wha.. what happened??"
He suddenly sat up upright, looking at his hands and his body before they came to touch his face.
" I'm human! I'm human again!"
He looked at you joyfully as you gave a awkward smile back, not being able to match his excitement. You tugged on his hand to get him out. " Okay, this is exciting and all. But we need you to meet others first, come on."
You tugged him out before he could say anything. Your strength still overpowering his as you strided towards your cabin. " Hey hey, stop, what's going onnnn??"
Vox's question fell into deaf ears as you reached beside the door and told him to stay put. You took a deep breath as you went inside. All of the members eyes fell on you as their mumbling went silent.
" Guys...let me introduce you to...human Vox.."
Vox awkwardly came inside scoffing with his arms crossed. There was pindrop silence in the room which was suddenly broken by Niffty's broom falling and yelling.
" A bad boy is here! "
" ( Y/n) would you please care to explain what happened? "
If someone looked close enough they would notice how veins on Alastor's forhead seemed to slightly pop out. It was clear he didn't like the fact that Vox has transformed very much. He had a grand scheme and everything to drag his pride through the mud. But you ruined it. Though there was a another fear that went through everyone's mind.
He had to fall for you to transform.
With a shaky breath you started to speak, recounting the events of the night before.
" Then I gave him the meat after he promised he'll come with us willingly. But then he suddenly transformed in front of me."
Everyone was holding onto their breath. Transfromed? That fast?
" And then he said he loved me...?"
The cup in Alastor's hands broke from his strong grip. Niffty pouted looking at you two. Not because she was jealous of him for confessing, but because she couldn't have that bad boy to herself now. As for the rest of the crew, they all felt like fish out of water. They felt played on. They came here first, got transfromed first, and spent more time with you. But now Vox came and broke the fastest transformation record and already proposed to (Y/n) before any of them could.
Vaggie quickly grabbed a knife from the knife holder and before anyone could say anything she had its sharp end pointed towards Vox's neck in a millisecond. " Escucha aquí hijo de puta (Listen here motherfucker) , I don't know what the fuck you are playing at, but harm her and you're dead!" Angel came up behind you, touching your shoulders and glaring draggers at the newly transformed demon.
Vox hadn't been able to recount the actions of the previous night well in his memories till you started telling. What was he thinking, proposing to you like this? Just cause you gave him some food. Vox doesn't fall in love and he certainly doesn't fall over a woman just cause of a petty reason like that. He could feel others throwing draggers at his face with their staring. He sighed and was about to refute any claims of being even a bit slightly attracted towards you before he caught the look on Alastor's face.
His ears were pulled back and he was looking away, seething. He hadn't said anything after that claim. Alastor feared that one wrong word, and people will know just how much he cared for this human girl. He couldn't have that. He couldn't let others know about his possible weakness, and especially not Vox.
However, it might have been too late for that as Vox almost quickly noticed the distressed look on his face. The corners of Vox's lips turned up ever so slightly. Maybe he could use this human to his advantage to get back at him. It was clear that Alastor cared for you, if that was even possible. It was plain to see the fact that the thought of him confessing to you rattled him in some way. He swallowed down what he was about to say instead slid a hand behind your waist to pull you two closer.
Several people in this room were currently planning how to murder Vox.
" I suppose it is true I was captivated and moved by our darling (Y/n) here. I can see why you all choose to stay in this 'tacky' place." He sounded bemused as he looked around the dining room. It was rather small and suffocating compared to his apartment. He had a great matter of curiosity how all of these people managed to live here.
Angel slapped away Vox's hand from your waist. " Don't fuckin' touch her. " Vox just rolled his eyes at spider human. " So yeah, as I said, I am quite interested in you. However I don't think I'd use the word love just yet. My brain was clouded then. But who knows..." His eyes darkened. "Maybe one day sweetheart..~"
A tint of red decorated your cheeks. Vox was smirking at your flustered form, showing off all of his sharp teeth that threatened to almost tear you apart. In an instant, Vaggie raised his chin with the sharp end of the knife, threatening him to continue.
Vox was just grinning at her as he knew she wouldn't harm him actually, not with you sitting beside him. He did however move his hand again back to his lap. After a bit more time after everyone settled down again, you began telling your story once more.
" So I pulled him out of the pond and settled him down beside a tree. Then I...may or may not..." Your voice trailed off blushing looking towards his shirt. Others gaze followed your line of sight as well. Alastor's eye brows furrowed looking at the shirt. It seemed too familiar. Hold on, was that...
" I kinda of changed his clothes..only the upper parts! So that he doesn't catch a cold! I'm really sorry Vox. I swear I didn't do anything weird."
If Alastor weren't enraged before, he totally was now. You undressed him and dared to fucking dress him in his clothes? He should rip out your intestines for you to even think of such a thing. How fucking dare you sully his clothes by letting them be on someone like him?
And so blatantly touch him? What were you, a harlot? How could you do such a thing? You should have just left him to die and rot underneath the like the pest he was. If you wanted to undress someone, he was...no, he shall not finish that thought.
Good thing, nothing much happened after that. But he supposed be shall have to keep an eye on your from now so you couldn't go out on your little nightly escapades again. You could get seriously get hurt and he couldn't have that. He figured he should put his powers to use for that.
That night with Angel, after he and the whole crew slept together, he found out something. While he was smoking outside, his shadow seemed to move. Although he was baffled at first, he soon found out he could still move his shadow freely. Even though the power was still very much limited, it could be made stronger by practicing some voodoo rituals here. He meant to keep it hidden as trump card. But it might be a good time to put it into use.
" Now then!" You suddenly clapped your hand. "Since the introductions are out of the way, I think It's high time you all got to work. You don't want to be late now, do you?" You said with a close eyed smile.
You practically pushed Charlie, Vaggie and Alastor out after getting dressed. " Don't worry, I'll see to it that Vox starts working soon as well." Alastor's eyes narrowed down at your form. Vaggie still felt reluctant to leave a member of the V's with you. But she trusted Angel and the others to help you if something went wrong.
" Now where is that shark boy...."
You went inside to find Vox. You already had enough of an idea on what you wanted him to do. Pentious could really use an inventing buddy. Besides from what you've seen, that mf could sweetalk easily. Maybe that could come handy during selling. You let out an evil laugh in your head. Oh it was all coming together.
And you didn't believe his shit in the morning for a bit. Interested in you? Hah, sure! You're as interesting as a board of wood. Your best and probably the most correct guess is Vox wanted to fuck with Alastor and the others. You sighed internally. Couldn't he see that would make his life only worse here since he'll be living with them.
You found Vox in your room, eyeing your laptop and talking with Angel. " What's going on?" You asked while entering the room.
" Ah, (Y/n)! It's so nice to see you again." He said with enthusiasm that you were sure was fake. " It's nice to see you have some forms of electronics here . I just wanted to have a look at the ' Hazbin Hotel ' cartoon you guys mentioned earlier, where I'm from apparently. Could you please tell the spider fellow that?" He pointed towards Angel who was crossing his arms, looking down at him with an irritated scowl on his face.
" Don't trust him (Y/n). It's obvious he just wants to go snooping around your stuffs. " Vox rolled his eyes at the comment. You sighed stepping in, "  He does have to know his origin. And you could stay here in guard so he doesn't go anywhere he shouldn't. And if he does..." You gave him a sweet smile.
" I'll personally take care of him. I'll go throw him in the lake he came from. "
Angel whistled hearing your words. " That's hot baby~ " " Shut up..." You chuckled rolling your eyes playfully as you opened your laptop and opened the episodes for him to see. After leaving them to their vices, you called for Cherri to join them as well. Human or not, he was still an overlord. It's better to have more security.
You went to talk with Pentious about the new arrangement. He seemed a little nervous and excited together to hear he would be able to work with someone he dreamt of for a long time. When you went back in the cabin again, you saw Angel sitting in front of the room in your door and Cherri inside. You heard some lines from the fourth episode coming out so you understood why. He gave you a small smile and you gave him one back as you went to the other room and flopped on top of the lounge.
Vox felt confusion and fury all go inside him at once while seeing the cartoon. What a distasteful joke. To think all his life had been written down by some other human as an entertainment. He is the one who makes entertainment shows from others. His fist clenched on top of the table. Someone had to pay for that.
But for now he had to play the role of a goody two shoes. He inhaled and exhaled as a smirk formed on his face once again. He needed a place to stay in this world again and for that he needed to charm you. His second goal would be finding Valentino and Velvette. Sooner or later, they should also follow his steps and fall into this world. Once they are together, it would be a pinch to take these annoying fly's down.
He was about to go search for more information but Cherri stopped him. " Uh-uh, sharky boy. Showtimes over. Now go find something to do and make yourself useful. " Vox had to suppress the urge to strangle the girl right then and now.
He found you laying down on the lounge in the other room while Angel was keeping a close eye on him. You sat up after spotting him from the corners of your eye. " Ah, done watching I suppose?" You asked. " Indeed darling, now as these people suggested, I was wondering if you had any job for me." He took your hand. " Perhaps I can be-" " Yes, yes, I already thought of a job for you!" You took back your hand just as quickly and stood up.
Vox frowned seeing he couldn't put his plan into work and followed you outside ignoring the burning gaze on his back. You showed him to Pentious's makeshift workshop where he worked. " You, Vox, will be aiding out our genius sir Pentious with inventions. And don't you think about bullying him..." You inched closer to him. Vox looked at you unaffected. ' She is just a simple girl. What can she possibly do except make empty thr-' you slammed your fist on the side of the wall. For a moment it seemed like the whole cabin shook as Vox's eyes were open wide.
" Got it?"
Vox nodded quickly.
"That's amazing! Cherri will also be joining you guys to oversee the work. Pentious please don't let her make bombs. I don't want stuff to go flying. Goodbye now~ " you cheerfully waved at the duo as you walked away and notified Cherri. You mentally gave yourself a pat on the back for all the work you've been doing.
Niffty had been busy picking out weeds from outside since she couldn't find anything to inside to do. One of them seemed to be rather hard to pull out. She tried pulling it out with all her strength however she slipped and fell on her butt. She stood up and stomped her foot in anger before she went away and returned with a shovel. " Now let's see how you well you can stay..."
After digging for a bit, she was finally able to pull the weed out. She momentarily cheered holding the grass. Her tail wagging behind her. Soon her gaze fell downward when the grass once was.
There was something underneath there.
Meanwhile, Alastor had been busy all day working. From the moment he came, he had to answer Adrien's several questions and cook something before he had been declared hired. He said he would show him the stuff he couldn't do later. But for some reason, Adrian insisted for him to stay out to make drinks while he cooked on the inside. Now he was stuck flashing a smile to this group of teenagers that was whispering in front of the counter looking at him. Did they seriously think he couldn't hear them? He was able to finally understand Adrian's reasoning. That smart bastard wanted to use his looks to attract customers. Adrian was no doubt a great planner. He definitely thought this through.
" Well then ladies, what will it be? I'm afraid there's people still waiting for their orders."
He asked in a sugary tone making the girls squeal as he sweatdropped. The charm of youth he guessed. Finally they decided on a order as Charlie showed them to their table. While taking another order, he suddenly felt a chill go through his body. Both his ears and tail perked up. Before he could turn his head quickly while holding the pen ready to strike. A hand came forward and patted his back. Soon the smiling face of Adrian came to view.
" Woah woah, easy there new guy. It's just me. " Adrian chuckled. Alastor furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. ' How was he able to sneak up on me like that? Did my skills get rusty over time?' he thought to himself and smiled back at the ginger haired boy.
" Business seems to booming today. I'm seriously lucky to get you two. Here's the order for table five. Keep up the good job!  " Soon he again disappeared into the kitchen as Alastor placed a ordered drink alongside the dish and called for Charlie to pick it up. He couldn't wait for this day to be over and to get back with you again. He didn't trust the Vox to be left alone with you even with the others there.
Charlie was the same. Her mood kept going back to the fact someone else had already confessed to you despite her knowing you more. What if you accepted the confession? The dread of you being with someone else lowered her mood of the day which was noticeable by her regulars.
Vaggie's wasn't any better. She had an irritated scowl on the her face the whole time she worked. Making customers stay wary of her and get away as quickly as soon as the job was done.
Soon Niffty was able to clean the surrounding area of that place. It seemed to be a metal trapdoor. " Ohhh, secrets!" Niffty mumbled as she tried opening the door now. However the door was rusted from time and it would not easily open.
" What'cha doin' there toots?" Angel came up from behind her with a intrigued face. " I found this place while cleaning and I'm trying to open it." Niffty said pointing at the door.
A grin fell upon his face. Finally, something to kill time with. He would have bothered Husk but that guy was fast asleep as a cat on your bed now and he got bored. This was the smell of an adventure that promised enough entertainment for him to pass time.
" Alright, on the count of three, we pull it together, okay?" Niffty nodded. " One, two, three! Nng-" with the force of their combined pull, the door sprang open making the pair fall on the ground. They flashed a quick smile to each other as they peeked inside.
The gust of musky and old air hit their noses like a tornado. It was clear this hadn't been opened for a long time. It was pitch black inside so they couldn't see anything. Niffty went to get a flashlight. Angel gulped a bit. Who knows what they'll find down there. What if there's dead corpses or pentagrams for rituals. Then he remembered he came here from hell. He himself is a demon. These things should be normal to him. He facepalmmed himself.
Soon Niffty came back with two torches and they flashed it down. There was a old looking staircase that led downwards. They both looked at each other for a moment.
" Ladies first Niffty ~" Angel said beckoning her to go first with a smile. " Hehe, okay!" And Niffty was more then happy to. Soon the pair descended down the stairs that creaked with the weight of every footsteps. Soon, a scream echoed through the basement.
Meanwhile, you had been scrolling through your phone reading fanfics on the lounge since you were finally alone. It's been a while since you were able to read in peace. Last time you checked, Niffty was working outside so you didn't have to worry about her. Still, you stayed away from any risqué ones in case someone did peek. The wounds in your body have been healing nicely so it has been easier to move as well.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. You looked up towards the door furrowing your brows. The door is always unlocked so your demonic roommates could come and go as they please. You shrugged and stood up to open the door. Maybe someone accidentally locked it on their way out.
You opened the door expecting one of the hazbins. However the face the greeted you was someone entirely unexpected.
There stood your cousin, Melody. Her waist long, wavy brown hair was flowing behind her. The girl wore a big hat with a flowing blue sundress. It seemed like she got even more paler then the last time you saw her. With her small and petite figure, she almost looked like a doll out of the box.
Before you could comprehend just what was going on, she threw her hands around you. " Surprise! " You quickly grabbed her and hugged her back. You settled her down inside the cabin and grabbed her shoulders. " Melody, it really is you! What's going on? What's with the surprise visit?" You looked into her brown eyes as a million thoughts started running inside your head. Even though you were happy to see her, this wasn't good. You couldn't let her see the others.
" We meet each other after so long and that's what you ask first? Hmph." She fake pouted at you. " Let's get the suitcases in first, then I'll say. " You nodded as you went outside to grab the suitcases outside as Melody was busy exploring the rooms. She brought a whole lotta suitcases. It was hard to determine just how long she had been planning to stay. As you finished bringing the last of the suitcases in and closed the door, Melody came back from your room holding Husk in her arms.
" (Y/n) You never told me you adopted a cat! Look at how adorable it is!" You sweatdropped looking at the confused and grumbling face of Husk who just woke up from his nap and now trying to push Melody's face away with his paws.
Melody was about to say something but another knock interrupted her. You opened your door a tiny bit so you could tell your roommates to go away for now without letting Melody see them. However, for the second time of the day, another unexpected visitor appeared.
" Who is it (Y/n)?" Melody came forward holding Husk and scratching underneath his chin.
There stood Jake while holding a container and a package full of something while grinning down at you.
" May I come in? "
phew, finally finished it. I lazed around too long even after writing. I know people wanted to Alastor to work in radio again but just imagine, human Alastor in a barista outfit 🤤
Also to make clear of previous chapter, reader was not r*aped. They were in a room full of people in the first place. However she was touched without consent as a child. Some people seemed to think that so I had to make it clear.
A lot of twists are turns this chapter, wonder how they'll end🤔
Welp, stay tuned to find out~
Tag list: @legostars @glowinthedarkbones1150 @darifes @aria-tempest @rainbowcake1212 @luxylucylou
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dreamdropsystem · 3 months
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just a little autsitic lamb
i am a fragile creature - shane
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nayarette · 1 year
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purestblue · 4 months
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You're stupid, I like that in a victim.
This is gonna be very entertaining~
Very deluded me: He said he likes me :>
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k8lynjoy · 9 days
Friendly reminder that Elena never chose to turn her humanity off, and it was something that was forced on her by Damon.
I am so sick of seeing edits and posts of people hyping up Katherine or Caroline while tearing down Elena. Katherine isn't better than Elena because she "feels her emotions" and Elena "turned hers off". Caroline is not "calling Elena out" for being a hypocrite because "she was given the choice to turn her humanity off" when Elena tells Caroline not to turn her humanity off after her mother's death. These are not "gotcha" moments where other people are calling Elena out on her bullshit. It's not like Bonnie telling Elena that she doesn't have the right to make Jeremy's choices for him after Elena has Damon compel Jeremy to leave Mystic Falls. Elena never wanted to turn her humanity off, but she didn't have a choice.
All the people who hype up Katherine and Caroline for the things they said to Elena in regard to her humanity are just buying into this fake ass narrative that Julie Plec tried to create in order to keep Damon from having to take accountability for what he did to Elena. Because Damon never has to suffer the consequences of his actions, it's everyone else who does.
I would also like to point out that it's another way that Julie is showcasing her misogyny because she strips Elena of her autonomy, and then has the audacity to sweep it under the rug like Elena wasn't violated and have her end up with Damon as some kind of prize for his "growth".
It also pisses me off because people will bitch about how Elena "cries all the time" (which she is allowed to do considering she is undergoing traumatic event after traumatic event) but will then also hate on her for "turning her humanity off" and praising other characters for not doing so. So, which is it? Does she cry too much, or does she run away from her emotions?
Basically, leave Elena alone. There are plenty of other things to have fault with her character about that have nothing to do with her humanity and how she chooses to process her emotions.
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beautifulblazeangel · 5 months
My FAVORITES from the latest chapter
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This is self-explanatory (🍑 😏)
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This is so adorable chase pointing his paw at buddy
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Your Crown fell Queen
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Soaked to the bone and lost his sparkle ears and one glove
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