#huh?? oh ya this edit pfft
pieflavoredartz · 2 months
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( CLICKK for better quality YALL ALR KNOWW THISS ‼️🗣)
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starlightandroses · 22 days
Okay I've taken a bit of a breather and now I'm back and (hopefully) ready-
"Total Eclipse"!!!
Scar's utter distress in the bottom of that first panel is heartbreaking.
Love Pearlo looking away. She do be havin' regrets I feel
Impulse design looks EPIC. Too bad that I currently hate him for hurting the Them-
Ooo right in the shoulder Sure hope Cuteguy's not having any flashbacks to getting shot by Gem rn
Fuckin' Gem with sarcastic commentary back there. Can't believe I called you hot earlier (you still are)
Grian still trying to reason with him ;-;
"WHY WON'T YOU STOP" You literally SAW him get mind controlled CG, come on-
... Ya know, kinda getting cactus ring flashbacks to be completely honest-
... Grian unmasking so mind controlled Scar doesn't recognize him. That's... Genius actually-
Oh wait next comic already? Alrighty, "Of the Heart"!!!!!!
Mumbo mention!!!! I'm sorry I will never not go insane about him-
AWWW THE HUG <3 <3 <3
This would actually be so sweet if Scar wasn't being mind controlled rn... ;-;
Scar is still a little skulky and I am WorriedTM about it
"There's a great big beautiful tomorrow" WHAT IF I CRY, HUH? WHAT IF I EXPLODE INTO A MILLION PIECES? WHAT THEN?
Oh Scar's trying so so hard and failing so so miserably XD
'Scar, probably: How many times can I work the word cute into a sentence' PFFT
Aaand they finally get to hang out as civilians <3 <3 <3
I love them so so so so so so sosososososo much
Them <3
Edit: The next installment seems to be the beginning of a new arc, so I'm gonna cover that tomorrow as it is very late in my timezone XD
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[ID: a green badge of a campfire with text that reads 'Sambucky Summer Bingo Camp, Campfire Stories, ESTD.2023 / finish ID]
Title: Exchanging Ancedotes By Nearby Bonfires
Square Filled: Campfire Stories
Warnings: references to mild gore
Word Count: 757
A/N: just a ficlet of a couple of guys sitting nearby a bonfire by five feet away, that's it. for the @sambuckylibrary for the summer bingo, camp edition.^^
also i'm sorry for the formating, i won't be on desktop bc of the experiment. so, i'll be posting on mobile for a while. ;-;
With flames crackling from a bonfire at the ground's center, two figures leaned back on their log seats. Their heavy bags lounged across from them, appearing to be equipped with numerous items. A silent wind swooshed by a clump of pine trees, shaking leaves.
Above, the moon gleamed against the dark blue stretch of the night sky. Thick clouds floated below, surrounding it from around each sides.
"To think we'd ever camp again," Bucky said, stretching a foot clad in a boot forward. He pulled a cap from a bottle. "Ahhh, thankfully, we had been prepared."
"It certainly feels good to be out at the woods." Sam inhaled and exhaled slowly, drawing in some fresh oxygen into his system.
"You know I've heard how sharing stories helps a bond grow." Bucky winked. "Looks like to me, it's probably not your thing."
"Ah, I got plenty of things to share," Sam retorted with a snort. "Including stories. And who smears my name with that nonsense?"
"Okay, okay, to be fair. . . it took a lot to convince you to let me crash in your place in D.C."
"C'mon, man, you were supposed to be in hiding."
"Point still stands, Samuel. Now get on with the story!"
"Sheesh, alright, you stubborn super soldier. Anyways. . . one time on a trip to the woods with my family, Gideon and I were out for a small stroll. At late night when everyone else were asleep. There's been some owls around and awake. We thought we'd take some pictures of them, you know? And then. . . and then we walked into something real disturbing. You see, I'm cool with tons of birds. They only get aggressive if you interact with them the wrong way. Those flock of owls. . . they'd been another thing entirely.
"They were gathered at the ground, only taking some bites out of. . . your imagination can fill the gaps."
"That's. . . that's gruesome."
"I guess we shoulda have ignored them when he had a chance. And I'm trapped with those images in my head. Sometimes, I have some damn nightmare over it. Often in 3-D unnecessarily. We told our parents and Sarah and they pointed out we'd been irresponsible for that. Hey, maybe I shoulda known better yet hey. It was. . . an experience, for sure."
"I knew you weren't always responsible, Samuel!" Bucky crowed, throwing a pumped fist in the air. "Vindication at it's finest."
"Pfft, you just had to take a dig at me for that, huh?"
"For a guy who prides in being responsible, it's ironic you get into plenty of trouble."
"Hey! At least, I'm not the one who jumps out of planes with no parachutes!"
"Well, I'm willing to acknowledge it."
"Oh, wow. Since when did you own up for being such things?"
"Unlike a certain someone, I have self-awareness."
Bucky grinned while Sam rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.
"You ain't getting a medal for that, ya know?"
"Ouch, Samuel. Ouch."
When Bucky burst out laughing, he flung a quick punch at his upper arm. His eyes riveted to his lips and throat then he shook his head, clearing his threat.
"Okay, your turn. Any scary camp stories you wanna share?"
"It was the thirties and minimal opportunities for camping. But I did it once, back in high school with some classmates, who dared me to go. I'd take Steve but his asthma would make it tough to handle. Anyways, we were roaming around, just setting up camp and all. And on our trek, we found a waterfall nearby."
"And you guys used it for skinny dipping?"
"Shush, you didn't let me finish! I mean we didn't because it was extremely cold and shit. We just splashed it on each other and stuff. Ya know like those nerf pistols you and the boys attack me with. Sorta like that but with our hands. To say we didn't get sick from that was a lie."
Sam started shaking while laughter escaped him. He threw his head back and pressed a palm over his stomach, which contracted from it.
"I take it, your family didn't let you live it down?"
"Yup. In addition to that, I've been grounded for a whole month."
"And Steve complains on how you're the responsible one."
Bucky snickered. "What can I say? A guy changes."
"Tell me about it," Sam replied, humming noncommitcally. "And you tell me I'm terrible at sharing."
"Pfft." Bucky rolled his eyes.
Regardless, both of them began cracking up. Their voices resounding throughout the forest, where it dwindled any other sound around.
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calekinnieplus · 8 months
I mean, when someone asks you how your life has been its pretty obvious that's its an update they want lol
I'm personally slowly being coaxed into reading weapon creator by my fyp but that's neither here not there.
I've got exams coming up and I'm all out of passion to study so I'll just be stress studying this week and maybe get an ulcer while we're at it lol
Is there any song that always personally reminds you of a Fandom you're in? To me, the gta 5 theme reminds me of lotm, specifically gehrman ^^
and Billie eillish's cover of hotline bling reminds me of the fool
Wellll ok, that's fair lmao
Never heard of weapon creator. Sounds intriguing... Although, novel-wise, I'm being tempted by Author's POV. Show-wise, I have yet to watch the Percy Jackson TV show. I read the books when I was younger and I've heard good things about it!
Rip for the exams. I get ya. Thank goodness I finished LOTM before mine started, or else I would've been positively fucked haha... GOOD LUCK WITH YOURS THO! Do try not to die ;)
Hmmm while reading LOTM, there were some specific songs I played on loop, but now, whenever I put "Pyramids" by Frank Ocean, I just get reminded of Gehrman Sparrow, cuz I was listening to THIS song when I got to his introduction. You know, with smashing people's faces in? Ah, good times...
And there's this song that reminds me of Trash of the Count's Family. "Ever Now" by Gesaffelstein. It played during the time Cale was making preparations for all his plans and (spoiler) for the war. The build-up and the fear nipping at the heels for everyone was intensified by the music, it was a greaaat time :>
(I remember I was reading this part at like 3 am lmao. I was just such a giggly mess, trying not to wake up my roommate hahah)
OH and since u mentioned GTA, the GTA IV theme reminds me of John Wick (saw an Epic edit with it, dude), but also Gehrman, cuz it was part of that reading playlist.
Maaaan the hotline bling cover. It's on my "I'm reading smth sad rn. Make it worse by playing sad music" playlist ahaha... I do like to make myself suffer, huh :>
How'd ya get into LOTM? Like, I just finished TCF around then, which was a big gamble on my part, since if I slowed down in reading it, I would most likely drop it. Which I didn't. And that gave me confidence to pick up LOTM. Makes me curious if other people were like, "Oh, 1432 chapters? PFFT A BREEZE. I EAT THIS FOR BREAKFAST" or "hm? It's still going, I thought- wait, wdym 1432 CHAPTERS?? I THOUGHT PAGES-" or a secret third option hehe
Either way! Curious, curious!
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wildcardaces · 1 year
@ruby-static "didn't think that one through" edition!
Where poor poor violet XD
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Anna: you really thought?
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Violet: in my defense. I didn't know. Should have thought it through.
Anna: you tried bud
Anna is v e r y amused at violets failed attempt there. She got the poor penguin stumped XD
Suddenly AAA
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Shawn: fuck it! Can we go on a sorta date not date exploration thing!
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Shawn: .....if you want of course....!
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Quil: pfft, sure
Shawn: wait. Real?
Quil: of course. See ya tomorrow
Shawn: huh. Ok-
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Shawn: that went better than i--
Shawn went fuck being a nervous wreck for a few seconds and then Anna makes Herself known. She made Shawn jump out of his skin *WHEEZE*
And the finale!
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Lilshade: you're GIANT.
Grozah: scions aether looking creature.
Oh to get dragged out of your grimdark world and into a world full of hope and colourful birds. Old lady wind dragon is confused!
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notsocheezy · 1 month
Brain Curd #146
Brain Curds are lightly edited flash fiction - practically first drafts - posted daily (haven't missed one yet!) and sometimes written with the express intention of being terrible… but, you know, in an endearing way. Please like and reblog if you enjoy - the notes keep me going!
He's gonna be Frank with you. Read the rest of The Frank Program here on Tumblr!
“Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome back to the new-and-improved Frank Program! I'm Frank, over in the corner is my wonderful son, Daryl, and today our guest is a personal hero of mine, star athlete David Helper-Cummings! Welcome to the Program.”
“Good to be here, Frank, good to be here.”
“Be honest with me, David, you'd rather be competing in the Olympics, am I right?”
“I'd love to be able to compete in the Olympic Games, no doubt, but it just wasn't in the cards this year. Maybe next time.”
“I really do think you're good enough to win gold.”
“Thanks, Frank, but there's just been too much happening in my life lately. The affair, the divorce, I mean, you've heard about all that stuff. It's no secret. I can barely play right now. My short game is in the toilet.”
“You've still got the most impressive drive I've ever seen!”
“Sure, sure, I can still get the distance, but there's too much on my mind. I slice the crap out of it every time. It's really throwing me off.”
“Well'n, forget all of that. Let's talk sports in general. I'm really curious to know what ya think about some controversial topics.”
Daryl closed his eyes and shook his head.
Frank continued. “David, what's your take on transgenders in professional sports?”
“Hmm? What do you mean?”
“You know, men who make themselves look like women so they can get trophies.”
“Doesn't seem to me that a real man would do such a thing. That's downright embarrassing.”
Daryl spoke up. “That's not how it works. There are very specific requirements for -”
“Daryl, will you shut the fuck…” Frank caught himself and cleared his throat. “Daryl, you don't even like sports. Stay out of it. Ya got no business talking about things you don't understand.”
“But you don't -”
“Shh! Anyway, David, it's real and it happens. There was a boxing match between a woman and a transgender, and he beat the shit out of her in one round!”
“That's awful.” David scratched the side of his head. “Can't believe they'd let that happen.”
“Actually, Dad, neither of those women is transgender. The one everyone thinks is trans just has long arms.”
“You're too damn gullible, son. You believe everything you see online? I know more about this than you do.”
“Oh yeah? What are their names?”
“Huh? Who cares about their names?”
“Did you even watch the fight?”
“Pfft. Ain't nobody got time for women's boxing! Hahaha!”
Frank put his hand up for a high five and David quickly slapped it, but realized that might not be a good look.
“Uh, for the record, I respect women's sports. I rescind that high-five and would like to apologize to all the women athletes who were offended by it.”
“Aww, come on, Davey, have a little backbone! You got no spine, man, that's why you keep slicing!”
“Hey, I take offense to that, okay? I love women.”
“No kidding,” Daryl muttered under his breath. Frank glared at him.
“Alright, alright. Forget that topic. I've got another question for ya, David, if that's alright?”
“Yeah, uh, sure.”
“Do ya think we ought to have a separate basketball league for Whites?”
Daryl put his face in his hands and groaned. David looked at his watch and pantomimed shock.
“Oh, damn, Frank, look at the time! I gotta be going. I got a divorce hearing in a few minutes.” He got up from his seat and patted his pockets to make sure he didn't forget anything. “I'll see you around, okay? Alright.”
David Helper-Cummings was out the door before Frank could even react.
“What the hell?”
“You gotta stop making guests uncomfortable, Dad.”
“I didn't make him uncomfortable! You got him thinkin’ about PC and woke! It made him nervous to say what he wanted to say.”
“I couldn't let you spread misinformation…”
“Why the hell not? It's my show, boy.”
Daryl crossed his arms. “You want me here, you gotta treat me with respect. And quit lying.”
Frank sighed. “Whatever you say, your highness. Anyway, folks, this has been The Frank Program. Thank'ya much for letting me be Frank with you.”
0 notes
brilliantpride · 3 years
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Yako stops in her tracks as she comes to a jail-like room, clutching onto her slingshot, looking Yan Qing up and down as he gestures in greeting. He’s the only Servant she’s seen at all so far... He could be an enemy, right? ...But if he’s from Chaldea, then they should buddy up… “W-What are you doing here? Wait, no, how did you make it out?”
“Guess I slipped through the cracks,” he shrugs. “Anyway, wanna do a guy a solid and open the door?”
“O-Oh, right,” Yako sighs, scrabbling around for this room’s key. There’s a creeping thought that, maybe, he might be working with Kama… but men aren’t allowed in the Ooku, right? So it’d ruin the atmosphere… so it’s probably likely he was supposed to become a column or something, but he’s glitchy as it is, and… her head hurts. It’s probably fine. Probably. …There, under a potted plant, a key attached to an Old-West-style keyring. She trots over to unlock the door and let Yan Qing out. He stretches his arms, an easygoing look on his face, or at least… unperturbed by the circumstances. 
“Well, ya freed me, so you’re stuck with me ‘til we find Master,” he says with a glint to his eyes… he’s not taking this seriously at all, is he? “Good thing wandering’s what I’m best at!”
“Sure,” Yako scoffs back, the heaviness to her shoulders lightening slightly. “Just don’t slow me down, 'kay?”
“Slow you down? Ya kiddin’? Y’can barely walk.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she sighs, looking at the broken spear in her hand she’s been using as a walking stick this whole time. Sheesh… “I’ll make it through, one way or the other.”
“I know! I’ll carry ya!”
“Wait— huh? Hold it, I don’t—”
Yan Qing picks her up by the torso and hoists her over his shoulder; she clings to her slingshot, trying to keep her balance. “It’s easier like this, yeah? Won’t have ya slowin’ me down!” Urgh, don’t give her that earnest look… 
“All right, yeah,” Yako huffs, resigned. “This beats walking.” 
“Hey, look at this one.”
“Pfft. What is that?” 
Yako and Yan Qing rummage through a room of doujinshi, a strange reprieve from the rest of the dungeon. At the bottom of these boxes is probably a key… but Yako can’t resist the temptation to page through the works, all of them, seemingly, erotic works. Some are good, sure, but others… it makes her wonder where they came from, an alien planet? It’s like a human was drawn by someone who was given only a vague idea of what people were supposed to look like. Just who left all this here? Is it Kama’s personal stash? Yako didn’t take her for the fangirl type… 
One of the boxes begins to rumble. Yan Qing glances at Yako and, with a twinkle to his eye, goes, “Watch this.” He picks up a rolled-up limited-edition poster and holds it out to her. “Magic this for me. Hurry.” What, reinforce it? Yako does as told, though the magecraft makes her fingertips feel icy. Then---
“HOME RUN!” Yan Qing thwacks a flying box of doujinshi with the reinforced poster, sending it crashing into a far wall. 
The next volley of boxes hardly hold a candle to the ace batter skills of this Assassin. Cursed books fly out from the boxes, but his pinpoint accuracy in sending them crashing into the walls would make any major-league player jealous. Are they even being damaged? Some fall to the ground and stay there, as if the magic was knocked out of them, while others float again and rush the duo. Yako pulls back a runestone with her slingshot, launching it at the books, and it bursts with a spring of water, soaking the books and dissolving their pages. 
“...Aw, man, wait.” Suddenly, it dawns on her. “I didn’t get to read the ending…” 
“…You’re done for.”
Yako sends her spear through Kama’s chest, the last blow she can offer in this drawn-out fight. The goddess wears a shocked expression as she dissolves into light, her body disappearing like any defeated Servant’s, and the final key clatters from her hand. Yan Qing stays readied, keeping an eye out. ...It was that easy? No way. The Singularity should be failing. Her comms should be back online. Yako falters, falling to one knee and panting with the effort, her muscles straining with excruciating pain. She gasps for breath, too exhausted to move for the door, which stands so tantalizingly close… 
“Yaaay, congratulations. You won the key. For a leftover Master, you aren’t half bad at this. Maybe I can stop going easy on you.” 
Crystal hands wrap around her waist. “You want to get inside me that bad, huh?” Chills run down Yako’s body as Kama whispers in her ear, then two more appear in her vision, then more. Yan Qing tries to grab Yako’s arm, ready to break into a sprint; “Don’t interrupt me,” Kama spits, and the Kama clones close in on the lone Assassin. As they multiply, so, it seems, does he, fighting back valiantly with his Doppelganger skill. Both of their actions are too fast for Yako to keep up with. The hallway stretches while he’s distracted and she can’t move, getting further away even when he tries to close the distance; Kama’s hand covers Yako’s eyes, and the sounds of the floor disappear. 
“I’ve held myself back up until this point, but I’m reaching my frustration’s limit. I think it’s time we got a little more personal... Yako.”
At the threshold of the fourth floor lies a slingshot, its return rune glowing uselessly.
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evergreen-dryad · 4 years
thoughts about spook 65
...Although, it’s more like a stream of consciousness commentary. I try and fail not to make this too long as usual, so warning long post ahead.
Summary: Aidairo leaves us on that cliffhanger by giving us a break with tension-breaker Kou with his caring friends, more Mitsukou, and then dun dun dun they encounter a Wild Comic Relief of Universal Proportions Natsuhiko (poor fish and tarantula I hope they got back safe) and apparently Natsuhiko wants to capture No.6 like he’s the rarest pokemon of all and might have the secret key to the immortality fountain?? Will we ever know more about these mysterious man stay tuned next month. And oh yeah also No.6 always wanted to throw Aoi into the hole to rot away because he’s also a necromancer. Just great and swell here folks, don’t know how Nene and Akane are faring ~
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whaaww Kou’s feeling really overwhelmed I mean this is a lot for like what a 13 year old boy
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‘Teru-nii hasn’t been home recently’ -- hmmmmm? What’s he up to? Is he out on a journey to exorcise bigger fish out there?
...Or it could be just a field trip lmao
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lol. out of context -- 👀
(I love that white-black juxtaposition between the two of them)
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ahahahahaha ofc Satou sugarboy here has his priorities right. ‘Get sweet drinks and sweets for us you simp’
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I love it, we’re getting outside perspective from the supportive side characters. It’s the Arc for no1 Supportive Side Character Ao-chan after all!
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ooooooohhhhh Satou’s the observant one here. Starting to love him now~
what a cheerful sandboy Yokoo is holding that carrot
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oyo it’s Mitsuba but I’m just distracted wondering if those plants on the left side are mimosa plants, le touch-me-not
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omg you just popped right outta the mirror like that. I would have screamed and flung my hands everywhere. Kou you have nerves of steel or in this case your brain is a steelwool scrubber right now
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Yeah man that’s his job your man’s a ghost in case you forgot
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It is unbelievable to him since Mitsuba has always been such a prickly tsun before he’s probably never shown much common decency let alone common friend interaction like showing concern esp since Kou to him is a blokehead
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Awww, Kou
(oh? oh? what was his wish again exactly, to be friends or for him to be human somehow?
and lmao Kou is going doki-doki when Mitsuba for the first time ever asks if he’s okay)
Aww, Mitsuba misses his Daikon-senpai, this is too cute guys I--
Nene your fantasy came true Mitsuba’s looking for you like a lost puppy
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really. why am I so intrigued Teru is gone. Where did he go. There must be a story somewhere.
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oh whoa there goes Kou acting all otome ML again (callback to Hanako wanting Nene’s wish to come true too with the shoulder-clutching?)
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Mitsuba’s face is sending me I swear
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Yes Mitsuba he deserves that kick to the arse. Teach him to listen to you
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There we go again~~ *Kou otome ML move count: 2*
A scream??? COULD IT BE---
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wow Mitsuba just suited up. our two superheroes on the move
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also lmao these phat daikon arms. And these rando fish are all so cute. Look at this guy on the right. So smooth and chill like a seal
Ya jeez more and more apparitions are showing up y’all it’s becoming a yokai manga (I’m not complaining I love them all.)
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Oh that dramatic foot in a spotlight, Natsuhiko you dramatic hoe, it’s you I’d know you anywhere (jokes aside I saw that Sailor Moon edit of him so)
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Good shonen boy Kou finally jumping into action to the rescue, because god knows without Hanako around there’s no one to do the saving of damsels in distress around here
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‘I want to join too’ -- AWWW LOL THIS IS SO CUTE
and off they go bullying a fish like it’s a game, so sad I liked that whalefrogfish
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is it ded. rip.
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oh wow Natsu you kissed fish gullet, look how red your face is wow. Also you really shouldn’t think that you’re too funny to let die. You survived being thrown into Nowhere, you’ll survive fish llke Jonah did. But fr did Sakura throw you into a fish trash pit or smth
ohmygod he called himself an Onii-san. He wants Kou to call him Onii-san. I am crying. Teru come back your lil bro’s being propositioned (w hA T a tiME for YoU TO Be GonE eH)
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KOU BABY IS SUSPICIOUS IM CRYING YES AS YOU SHOULD BE HUN (that font is just perfect *chef’s kiss*)
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Natsuhiko just awkwardly perched there in the background
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and yikes Natsuhiko’s pulling the same moves as Nene to gain kouhais lolol, aaah I’m starting to see similarities between them
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HAHAH OMG *Kou otome ML move count: 3*
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ooh what a shady guy. Natsu what do u know tell us tell us tell us
omg y u like this. whY do you sound so threatening now. I take it back you’re not harmless
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Natsuhiko do you mean to tell me you’re immortal????? Is that why you survive all these ridiculous levels of eldritch horror????
Fml he really looks like a vampire in that lighting. Esp since I can like see all his individual teeth what on earth is this level of detail Aidairo for once Natsuhiko looks like the cool mysterious guy he was meant to be
Just realised he has like a dyed hair thing going on kinda like Tsuchigomori. Don’t tell me. Natsuhiko are you Tsuchigomori’s secret love child.
‘There’s a bad energy coming from here’ --- pFFFT. He sounds like he’s trying to be a fengshui expert now. A conman
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hmmmm??? Oh that wasn’t a phone?? what is that it’s an onsen...?
wait that is probably a phone nvm. I’m just jumping at every little detail like 👀 
so huh I’m assuming Tsukasa can’t handle no6 on his own either, so....or possibly Natsuhiko is acting on his own??
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Ooh cool blankets, everyone has different flowers!! (*squints* no stop you can’t go looking for flower meanings everywhere)
And yes that’s a phone. Naatsuhiko just canonically has an onsen symbol phonecase just to show he’s a Chill Bro
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lol Mitsuba i don’t think you need to worry you’re not a whole soul anymore
D’AWWWW LOOK AT ALL THOSE LITTLE CUTIES (sheep, elephant, bunnies (multiple), rubber duckling)
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You. Natsuhiko. You’re the one most like a cat.
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omg what a braggart. what a chest-thumping man u are Natsu-senpai
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hahahahha I’m crying. Even Natsuhiko’s conscience is touched by Kou’s trusting naivete I can’t
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oh my god. but thank god Teru-nii still comes first he still hasn’t completely seduced you over to the dark side just yet
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awwww, Kou. Awww. He really, really wants to do his best to save them all. I--
Aw yay Natsu is touched to the point he’ll help!! Hopefully he wasn’t lying!! I hope there isn’t a sacrifice involved-
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Onix (srsly I really love all the lotuses everywhere. really going Buddhist symbology there)
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look at dat foot. it go.
oh!! we’re fresh at the battlescene!!
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I guess these guys are too useful to let rot in the trashpit eh
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?? For one moment I thought we were looking down into the trashpit at our missing 4 lmao. But why. No 6 you’re coming off as ...naturally innocent??? Dang. Let this cutie rest
I’m genuinely curious how on earth this no 6 is not a god on his own. (It’s funny to me that I’m coincidentally writing about a god like this as well at the same time.) How does he rank equal to the others. How is Hanako even his boss have they ever met before I demand a full show of Hanako’s powers one day. We’re not even sure what his boundary is. Or is it that he only has the power of life and death on those in his boundary?
(edit: just realised that if Tsukasa is behind Natsuhiko then no6 is basically Tsukasa’s dream power - necromancy. He could build all the Frankensteins his little heart ever wanted)
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oof there go the minions. I love how they have little buds on their heads. Every minion of his is ‘living’! And they’re like the first with individuality I’ve seen...?
oh he thinks Aoi did this purposely? Pfft she got dragged in there
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juijuirjfuerjcjkekerjckdediejdiedmwec. I am so worried. But fr this one panel of Aoi is so beautiful.
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Huh the hole is a starburst shape? 6 points hmm --oh wait im dumb it’s closing up oh no
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But shiet really how did he see to that. By giving her power over those specific bugs?? Planting info of that hole in her?
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No One’s Gonna Love You (2)
Pairing: Dean x Reader
A/n: I found a “starters” post on pinterest… and here is the resulting mini series. Key line: “I need to stop kissing strangers and pretending they’re you.” Mostly angst, but fluff also. *Google Image not mine (edited). Warnings: cursing, angst, a guy that’s kinda creepy.
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After a shower and a change of clothes, you were leaning against the back of the Impala as the brothers pushed themselves through the garage door. Dean had a little hop in his step, seemingly excited for his night out of the bunker, while Sam schlepped behind him typing on his phone.
After a fifteen-minute car ride of Sam and his brotherly bickering of Dean’s choice of music and you were at another Roadhouse-esq hole in the wall with the smell of stale beer etched into the fabric of the booths.
“Seriously, dude?” Dean muttered around a mouthful of cheeseburger. “Who orders a salad at a dive bar?” he berated Sam as he stabbed at his chicken caesar salad with the dressing on the side.
“I mean, usually I’m on your side here, man… but I gotta side with Dean on this one. Can’t you even just order fries like a normal person?” you said, waving one of your French fries in his face. “They even have those disgusting sweet potato fries you like so much.”
Sam chuckled and gave some halfhearted attempt at arguing why his choice was better than yours or Dean’s ‘pile of grease’. You responded by taking a piece of the bacon from your burger and plunging it into your mouth unceremoniously.
After the plates were cleared, Dean set off to the bar and ordered his first whiskey of the evening. You and Sam were chatting about a Game of Thrones fan theory you read online and sipping on your respective beers when your eyes drifted to a bottle blonde in a skin tight, barely-below-the-butt-cheek skirt. Of course, you’d never shame or judge a woman for her choice of clothing, often sticking up for them if someone ever got too handy, but even you couldn’t help the wide-eyed stare when she bent over the bar to shout at the bartender.
No sooner did your eyebrows raise were Dean’s shooting to his hairline, swiftly gliding down the bar to chat her up. The shocked expression on your face was quickly replaced with hurt, which you quickly tried to chase away with a clearing of your throat and a swig of your beer. When you set it down back on the wooden table, Sam’s eyes were fixed on you from the opposite booth and a small, sympathetic smile was placed on his lips.
“Shut up, Sam.” You deadpanned.
“Sam… please?” You begged.
He nodded his head in understanding, “Okay. I will. But if you ever want to talk, I’m here.” He gripped your hand quickly with a couple of pats as Dean’s hand traveled to the hem of Blondie’s skirt and his fingertip traced patterns along her smooth upper thigh. After that, they were quick to retreat out the swinging doors into the parking lot.
It was always the same. Dean left with a girl who looked nothing like you; always between 4-7 inches taller and a good fifteen pounds lighter at least. You chugged the remainder of your beer and swung your legs out of the booth in search of something stronger. A shot of tequila was downed quicker than one would think humanly possible from the time it hit the wood in front of you. An irritated roll of your neck and a stretch of your spine caused your t-shirt to ride up revealing the small of your back. You heard a low whistle from behind you and prepared yourself for the ambush of ‘hey baby’-ies and ‘what’s your sign’-s. Sure, you could go home with another guy; it wouldn’t be the first time, but the act was getting old. You began to hate the feeling of cheap hook-ups in different towns dotted across the country, knowing deep down that they were only there to fill a void—sadly, no pun intended.
A tall man with slight stubble and too much aftershave that did little to cover up the cigarette smell sat on the stool beside you. Accosted with the overly peppery scent, it took all of your will-power to quell the small gag that crept up your throat.
“Where do you come from, darlin’?” the John Doe next to you slurred.
Another shot appeared in front of you. You tossed it back before answering unimpressively, “Mars. I’m an alien.”
He chuckled low in his throat, sending chills up your spine. There was just something about the guy that made your insides do summersaults, it wasn’t from the tequila and it sure as hell wasn’t good. Every instinct told you to sock the guy where he stood, but that would cause too much attention.
“Well, tell me something about yourself, sweetheart.”
Wow. This guy was thick. If it wasn’t visible by the obvious disgust on your face, the slow and methodological move away from him was practically blaring ‘fuck off’ in his general direction.
“Well, don’t be so secretive kitten. I just wanna get to know ya.” He purred.
“You want to know something about me, huh? Okay.” You turned towards him; the confidence and irritation that came with your slight buzz flowed through your veins. If he didn’t lay off soon, you’d be out for blood. “How about this hot-shot… I can kill a man with my belt buckle.”
He began to laugh, until he looked at your raised eyebrow and challenging expression, muttering something about you being a crazy bitch.
“Excuse me, who the fu—“you began, only to be interrupted by a loud scuffle.
A rough slap on the creep’s shoulder had him being hauled up by the collar of his jacket, Dean’s fist being on the offensive and dragging him off of his stool.
“What did you just call her?” Dean growled, Sam right behind him.
“Who the hell are you?!” he shouted.
“Doesn’t matter. Now apologize.”
Drunk guy muttered something barely recognizable, but that wasn’t satisfying to you or Dean.
“I couldn’t hear you.” You barked, inching closer to his face.
He paused, looking up to meet your eyes, “… Sorry.”
You nodded to Dean, who yanked whats-his-face by the collar to whisper in his here, “By the way… she wasn’t lying. She really can kill a guy with her belt buckle. Quickly, too. Now get out of here.”
Intoxicated dude-bro stumbled out of the bar and into the night air as you pounded one last shot before turning to Dean, “Thanks.  I had it, though.”
“Oh, I know you did, sweetheart. I never thought you didn’t.”
“What about you? What happened to… uh, whoever-she-was?” you asked, averting your eyes to stare at your now empty shot glass.
“Eh… not my type tonight.” He replied nonchalantly, shoving his hands deep in his jean pockets. “Are you ready to head home?”
The steady flow of tequila flowing through you began to swirl your thoughts heavily. What started as a drink to ease your frustrations had quickly turned into too much. You stumbled slightly before looking to Dean for help, “Yeah… yeah, I am.”
Both of the Winchesters were quick to support you as you trekked to the car, leaning into their sides as Dean tossed Sam the keys.
The cool breeze made you feel clammy and a bit sick. Dean slid into the back seat with you as you quickly scurried in. Maybe three shots after beer wasn’t the best idea. “Beer before liquor, never sicker” you heard your old Aunt’s words ringing in your ears as the boys drove you home.
Dean helped you into the bunker bathroom while Sam went to fetch you a glass of water. Being home in your ‘bubble’ of comfort made you feel better, the fog of the alcohol lifting slightly.
“Ugh.” You said as Dean placed a cold washcloth on the back of your neck. “Too much, too soon.”
“I’ve always said that about you, Y/n.” he chuckled heartily, “You’re always diving in head first.”
“Pfft. Yeah, and look where it got me.” You mumbled, taking the glass of ice water from Sam who quickly retreated back out the door.
You groaned audibly when the coldness hit the back of your throat, only noting then that Dean was staring at you.
“What did you say?” he asked.
You peered up at him from your seated position against the bathroom cabinet. You were sure when you slid down there, but… here you were.
“What? I didn’t say anything.”
He crouched down in front of you, swinging his long legs next to yours so he was seated across from you, his weight rested on the palms of his hands. “You can lie all you want, Y/n. I’m not goin’ anywhere.”
Feeling dizzy, you closed your eyes and leaned your head back exhaustedly. You were sobering up a little, but not nearly fast enough, and at this point, you were mentally and physically drained of the stress of Dean Winchester. You’d been drunk in his presence a million times, but you were now at the point where you couldn’t control it anymore. Your intoxicated mind told you to just let him have it—all of the thoughts you’d been lying about and all of your deepest, darkest secrets.
“Wuddya’ want me to say, Dean? You’re right. I dive right in. Don’t even test the waters; just cannonball right into the deep end. In life, in love—doesn’t matter. I always do it. I do it with hunting, ya know I do. Go in, guns blazing, am I right?”
Dean sat motionless, sensing that you were heading somewhere with this and knowing better than to interrupt you.
You laughed as your head rolled slightly, moving of its own accord and weight. “Did you know the human head weighs eight pounds?” you asked randomly, causing him to don a perplexed look. “It does. And guess what? You’re head is pretty.” You pointed an unsteady finger at his face. “That’s another thing that I’ve just jumped right off the ledge into. Did you know that, Dean-o? I’ve been in love with you forever.” You sort of whisper growled the last note, jerking your body with emphasis but still not opening your eyes. “But it's a lost cause, huh? I know you don’t love me. And what would I expect? I’m not the type of girl you go after… like ever. I’m just me… and no one’s ever gonna love me.”
When you finally opened your eyes to see him scooting closer to you on the floor, his eyes widened and mouth agape, ready to protest. You held up a hand to halt him, shaking your head furiously and much too quickly, “Don’t, Dean. Don’t make up some story about how great I am or any other bullshit, okay? I know I’m not your type, and that’s fine. I don’t wanna be that, not that there’s really anything wrong with it... I like who I am, honestly, but there’s a few things I need to admit to myself.” You paused, looking down to examine your hands and avoid his waiting stare.
Tears threatened to spill as you finally met his gaze and spoke, “I need to stop kissing strangers and pretending they’re you…”
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< My Masterlist / Part 1 / Part 3 >
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clownsgobeepbeep · 5 years
World Where Pumpkins Bloom
And now, part 11 of my story! Hurray!!!
Tbh the next part is kind of when things get...good? X3 Gah I hope stuff here is good both writing and story wise heheh, I feel that I may have rushed with the editing so I pray it’s decent
Tagging @grotesquegabby and @post-itpenny because there’s the slightest mention of some of yours uwu
Part Ten /// Part Twelve
“No, no, no! I said that no cake right now! The cake is going to be rolled in when we start to sing!”
“Jells, take a breather and just relax.”
“How am I supposed to relax when they can’t follow simple orders!?”
“You’re starting to sound like Mama Carol.” mentioned Cosmos who had been standing next to his sister who impatiently tapped her foot, both watching as two men rolled the large cake back and away into the kitchen where it came from. “How about you take a break from this? I’ll do the telling around here and you can go change into your costume.”
“It’s too early for that and knowing you, you’ll either get extremely angry or be too chill about things.” Jelly walked away from her brother who then ran after her, walking alongside her. “Ugh! That table is not in the right place!”
Cosmos stopped walking and turned to the table, waving a hand before the table moved with his movements into what he could assume was the correct place. He then followed his sister once again, watching as she walked to the center of the circus they were inside. Right in the center was the main stage, their cousin Cuckoo standing on it as they did their own leading.
“Cuckoo,” Jelly called out to the ringleader who turned to her with a smile. “Where did you put the section for the gifts?”
“That would be right over there Jelly.” Cuckoo motioned to an area that was already adorned to the theme of the party the D’Vitt family had been working on for the past few days. “Jelly, may I recommend something?”
“You may not.” Jelly sweetly smiled at Cuckoo before turning on her heel, Cosmos having parted away. “Do not tell me to sit down and relax.”
“I was actually going to recommend that you lay and rest, but alright.” Cuckoo laughed to themselves as they walked beside Jelly. “Although I must ask, where do you want the cake to go once the moment arrives?”
“I’d say right on the center, which is why I ordered that platform so that we wouldn’t struggle.”
“Ah yes, of course.” nodded Cuckoo. “And may I ask, where is James?”
“He’s at home with the boys. James is practicing the heart warming speech he has for Ula.” Jelly playfully rolled her eyes. “He’s acting like he’s giving her away at her own wedding. I mean, it’s just Ula’s twenty-first birthday which to humans is like becoming an adult and it’s almost like...I’m giving her away at her own wedding…”
“What am I going to do Cuckoo?” Jelly turned to the ringleader who attempted to contain a laugh. “Cuckoo, what if my little girl leaves home? What if Schrader asks for our blessing and proposes to her? Tonight!? What if-”
“Jelly, Jelly.” Cuckoo took hold of Jelly’s shoulders to stop her from rambling any further. “Take a deep breath, and think about what you are saying.”
Jelly followed as Cuckoo instructed,releasing her air which was then followed by a sigh.
“Oh Cuckoo...even as a so-called Elder I act like a paranoid human.” Jelly tugged at her hair. “I’m just glad-”
The pair soon turned to look behind, a smile gracing Cuckoo’s features as Jelly’s showed a sign of subtle, mixed emotions.
“How do I look?”
“Oh, Ula.” Jelly whispered before going towards her daughter who was now in the circus, a pink dress hugging her body as she wore it. “You...you look…”
“Absolutely stunning.” Cuckoo finished for Jelly. “A flower who continues to bloom fantastically.”
“Thank you.” Ula grinned at Cuckoo before giving them a hug. “And thank you for allowing us to hold our party here.”
“Ula, you are family.” Cuckoo carefully pat Ula’s hair, making sure not to mess it up since they knew she had just gotten it done. “There is no need for thank you. Now-”
“Isn’t it too early for you to be in your costume?” Jelly interrupted before biting her lip. “We wouldn’t want your dress getting ruined. Where’s Schrader? He’s not wearing his suit, right? Why are you here? You’re not supposed to be seeing these things! And-”
“Mom.” Ula was the one to now place her hands on Jelly’s shoulders, smiling at her anxious mother. “Please, just relax. I know you want everything to go well, but I just need you to chill.”
“I will chill,” Jelly cleared her throat. “Once you leave the circus and go hang out with Richard. You two are supposed to be at the pier, having a good time while we finish everything up.”
“But mom-”
“No buts! Now go to the pier and have fun.” Jelly shooed Ula who rolled her eyes with a laugh. “And you don’t come back until it’s time!”
“Alright, alright. I won’t come back.” Ula waved at her mother as she walked away, Jelly giving a sigh before Cuckoo placed a hand on her shoulder.
“I know you think she looks as if she were to be married today-”
“Cuckoo, what the hell are you talking about?” Jelly removed Cuckoo’s hand before making her way towards a table. “You’re cuckoo, Cuckoo.”
“Oh Jelly. It is not like I am the Elder of Time or anything.”
“Whatever Cuckoo. Just go and lead the ring or whatever it is you do.”
“Ula, you’re gonna be laaate!”
“How is she going to be late if she got ready way before us?”
“And it’s her birthday party!”
“Boys,” spoke James as he stood in front of a mirror and slipping into a leather jacket. “It is us who will be late if you do not put your shoes on.”
“But daaad!” whined one of his sons. “I don’t wanna wear shoes.”
“Vincent, please.” James turned to the triplets who all sat on their parents’ bed. “Your mother is already waiting for us at the circus. I feel awful about not being there earlier. Now where is my comb?”
“I think I saw Biollante with it.” Hector shrugged as he swung his legs around, slicking his hair back which was being held down by a nice amount of gel. “Maybe they already ate it.”
“Biollante never had it.” came the voice belonging to Ula, everybody turning to the doorway where she walked in with a comb in hand as she was followed by Biollante. “You left it in the kitchen.”
“Oh, Ula.” James gave a bit of a sigh before approaching Ula with a smile to gratefully take the comb in her hands. “Whatever would I do without your darling?”
“Pfft, I dunno.” Ula slightly shrugged before  looking over at her brothers with a smile. “Um, anyways, I just got  a text from Schrader.”
“Is he near?”
“Oh yeah.” Ula nodded as she read the text messages. “So I think I should be leaving now.”
“What about us?” Davy threw himself backwards so that his back was on the bed. “We wanna go in the fancy limo too!”
“Yes dad.” the triplets all replied with a sigh, their eyes turning over to their sister who gave a small smile.
“Oh! I think that was the door.” Ula pointed behind her after hearing the doorbell ring. “I should go now.”
“Oh, alright.” James nodded before following his daughter out of the room and to the living room where Ula unlocked the front door. “We will see you at the party then.”
“Take care and make good decisions.”
“Dad.” Ula interrupted James. “I’m just going on a limo ride and gonna stall until everything at the party is ready. You’re gonna see me there. It’s not like I’m going to prom and you’re staying here at home worrying about nothing.”
“I…” James remained silent before nodding, giving Ula a smile before carefully hugging her in a tight embrace. “I am very sorry I have been treating you this way. I just worry about you.”
“I know, but I’m here.” Ula snuggled into the hug, hiding her face. “I won’t leave you, dad.”
“Alright.” James nodded before finally letting go of Ula, the two smiling at each other before she finally opened the door to revel Schrader in his suit. “Schrader.”
“Mr. Mendax.” Schrader replied with a smile before glancing over at Ula who grinned ear to ear, so he offered an arm. “Miss D’Vitt.”
“Alright dad, we’ll be leaving now to head to the party later.” Ula kissed James’ cheek before accepting Schrader’s arm. “See ya!”
“See you.” James gave a bit of a wave at the pair as they headed away and into the vehicle parked in front of the house, neither noticing the suspicious glare that was now on James’ expression.
“So, what did you do the entire day before coming to pick me up?” Ula turned to Schrader after they both sat inside the limo, her eyes soon widening in surprise when she felt him kiss her all of a sudden.”
“I’m sorry.” he apologized with a laugh once he pulled away. “You just look so beautiful.”
“I look like this every day.” Ula gently hit Schrader’s shoulder before he shook his head. 
“Look like you’re going to a school dance to get a kiss from your destiny lover? I don’t think so.”
“Whatever.” Ula rolled her eyes before snuggling into Schrader who wrapped an arm around her. “So, we picking up the guys?”
“Yeah, right before we actually go to the party.”
“How long will that take?”
“I don’t know; I just know there’s a certain time we need to be there and it’s not exactly soon.”
“Huh.” Ula tapped her chin for a moment, then removing Schrader’s arm before making her way towards the end of the limo where there was a window that allowed her to see the driver. “Hey, how long till we go pick up our friends?”
“About an hour or so.” the driver answered. “Your mother instructed me to give you and your boyfriend either a leisure ride or let you stop wherever you wanted during that time. After that, we pick up your friends and head to the party.”
“Huh. That sounds pretty nifty.” Ula blinked in surprise before turning to Schrader who was too busy looking through the drinks. “Is it possible for you to take us to a restaurant or something like that?”
“It is. What do you have in mind?”
“I need you to go to this address.” Ula presented the driver with a note she had written earlier. “We’ll just spend some time there, maybe until the hour’s over.”
“Sounds great, I’ll take you there right away.”
“Thanks.” Ula nodded with a smile before heading back to where Schrader was seated, the latter casually drinking from a soda can. “Find anything good?”
“I’m surprised I found some Dr. Pepper.” Schrader proudly presented his soda before drinking from it again. “Anyways, where are we headed?”
“Oh, just somewhere nice. Hopefully it’s not crowded or anything.” Ula innocently grinned before Schrader gave her a look. “I know you’ll like it. Just make sure you don’t drink a lot of Dr. Pepper so you can have another drink over there.”
“We’re not going to a bar or anything, right?” Schrader laughed before wrapping an arm around Ula again.
“Of course not, you know I hate those places unless it comes to the good food.” Ula winked before her eyes turned to the driver who was too focused on the road. “I think you’ll like the place. Good food...if I remember correctly.”
“I trust you.” Schrader kissed the side of Ula’s head before looking out one of the windows. “Is that it? A 1950’s diner?”
Ula turned to look out the window as well, nodding with a small smile.
“It sure is.” she fluffed her hair and fixed the accessories in it before the vehicle made a stop, so she approached the driver’s window again. “We’ll be getting down now, I’m not sure if you’d like to come with or want to order something.”
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll wait here for the two of you. Just take your time.” the driver gave her a reassuring smile. “Go have fun.”
“Thank you.” Ula waved at the driver before she was helped by Schrader out of the vehicle. “Okay. Let’s go get our table.”
“Right.” he nodded before the two made their way to the front door, Schrader opening it and walking in after Ula. “Wow, it’s really not crowded.”
“It’s perfect.” Ula took hold of Schrader’s hand before leading him all the way to one of the booths in the back. “And this booth is perfect.”
“And why is that?”
“It just is.” she reached her hands out to hold Schrader’s again. “I really want a milkshake right now.”
“I think there’ll be plenty at the party.” Schrader looked around the area before turning back to Ula. “But, it’s nice being here. Just the two of us.”
“Yeah, exactly.” Ula nodded. “Nothing like a corny 1950’s date while we dress the part and drink from a single milkshake with two straws.”
“Sounds like the perfect date.” Schrader also nodded before his thumb rubbed on Ula’s knuckles. “You look so beautiful.”
“And you so dashing.” Ula replied. “I love you.”
“Nah, you don’t.” Schrader chuckled out before leaning over the table to plant a kiss onto Ula’s forehead. “But I love you.”
Once the appropriate time had gone by, the skies had finally grown darker while still having a bright orange coloration to them. Beneath the skies was the circus belonging to Cuckoo who wandered around said tent, a warm smile adorning their features as they greeted guests that arrived.
Cuckoo however also made it their job to keep Jelly at bay, keeping an eye on her as she was put in a “time-out”. After greeting yet another few guests, Cuckoo turned to the table where Jelly was seated, and she directed an insulting motion towards them which merely made them laugh.
“Are you really that upset?” Cuckoo questioned the woman who refused to look at them, turning to face the opposite side with her arms crossed.
“I’m not talking to you.”
“Jelly, you knew I would most certainly not allow you to rush around the circus with stress on your mind.” Cuckoo chuckled as they sat in a chair next to Jelly’s. “Did you not take me seriously?”
“I kind of thought you were joking, yes.” Jelly still did not look at Cuckoo who pat her shoulder. “But let me tell you, you won’t be able to stop me once Ula gets here.”
“Alright, that I can agree on.” Cuckoo nodded before turning to the side, their smile widening. “However, I will resume welcoming guests and attending to every other detail after you have finished greeting Ula.”
“So, you might as well take the opportunity.” 
Jelly finally turned to Cuckoo with a frown and a rather confused one. Her nose twitched at the new scent that made her look to the entrance before clasping her hands with a gasp and brightened expression as a new guest arrived.
Cuckoo turned as well, now spotting that new ‘guest’.
“She’s here!” Jelly excitedly exclaimed before her expression turned into one of terror. “She’s here!”
“Where’s James!?” Jelly jumped up from her chair before spinnin on the spot, then gasping upon finding her husband standing right in front of her. “Jamie!”
“Jelly, she’s here!” James exclaimed in a whisper as he motioned to the entrance of the circus.
“We need to go to her.” Jelly grabbed his wrist before dragging him through the crowd of applauding party-goers who all now focused on the spotlight on Ula and Shrader. “I already saw her earlier, but she looks so beautiful!”
“You saw her before me!?” James asked in shock before his wife waved a hand at him, both finally stopping once they neared their daughter.
“Ula!” Jelly waved her free arm while slightly bouncing in place, this obviously catching the attention of Ula and Schrader who went towards them. “Oh, look at you two!”
“Mom, dad! Everything looks great!” Ula exclaimed before she was embraced by both of her parents. “I can’t believe you guys did all of this!”
“Anything for our tiny clown.” James booped Ula’s nose after the three parted away. “Schrader, you also look nice. The slicked hair suits you.”
“Thank you.” Schrader bowed his head momentarily before turning to Ula.
“And wow, mom.” Ula laughed as she looked her mother up and down. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wear pants, especially such tight ones!”
“They look good, huh?” Jelly showed off her legs.
“Very.” James nodded before he got a small slap from Jelly on the arm.
“Alright you two, now that you and your friends are all here you should go and sit down. We’ll make some announcements later and such, then we can get to dancing.” Jelly grinned in excitement with some soft clapping. “I am so very excited.”
“Me too!” Ula also clapped before taking Schrader’s arm and locking hers into it. “Well, if you guys don’t mind, Schrader and I are gonna go dance!”
“Sounds good.” Jelly nodded, then nudging James’ side before he also nodded.
“Yes, we do not mind at all.” James smiled at Ula who also nodded, then rushing away with Schrader. “I hope they do not ditch the party.”
“Ula would never do that, especially after how hard we worked on making all this happen.” Jelly planted a peck onto James’ lips before walking away, surprisingly in a calm manner.
As James was left alone, he gave one more suspicious look at Ula and Schrader who were already on the dance floor. Soon enough, James made his way out and towards his wife.
“So,” Ula breathed out as she slow danced with Schrader, her head bowed down as she looked at their feet. “How are we gonna do this?”
“Well,” Schrader shrugged before pulling Ula closer as he also spoke quietly. “We gotta get their attention.”
“I think I know how to do just that.” Ula added before finally looking up at him. “We’ll have to wait just a little longer.”
Time had gone by, hours having already passed as the pair felt that the party was never ending. They had decided to join each other in yet another slow dance, this one being different from the rest that had been filled with loving gazes ad kisses here and there.
“I just…” Ula sighed. “I feel so numb right now.”
“I know, I get it.”
“I’m scared Schrader.”
“There’s no reason for you to be scared.” Schrader forced a comforting smile upon his features as he brought a hand up to Ula’s cheek. “I’m...I’m here for you.”
“No...you’re not.” Ula shook her head, her eyes blinking away what she could tell were tears. “You can’t be.”
“Ula.” Schrader reached out to hold her hand. “Ula...I know this is hard to believe, but you have to believe me.”
“I want to...b-but how can you be talking to me?” Ula felt her lip quiver as she took her hand away from Schrader. “I, I’m so confused...how...I-”
“I know, I know. Just...let me explain everything.” Schrader attempted to calm her down.
Ula’s night had been going well. It had been fantastic, even after a small mistake that took place in a circus that in no way belonged to Cuckoo but was in fact their rival in their eyes. Yet now, Ula was seated back on the couch of her living room where she had left a slumbering Schrader who was now wide awake. She didn’t want to believe that just a few minutes ago she had been conversing with a cat, and one who told her quite the unbelievable story she did not want to believe. 
The cat told her to speak to Schrader, and that was exactly what Ula did...never expecting him too add on to the feline’s tale.
“How did you die?” Ula spoke before Schrader was able to, turning to him once she wiped away stray tears. “And if you’re really dead and not playing some fucked up joke, how is it that you’re talking to me?”
“Ula, I would never do something like that to you.” Schrader took her hands into his again. “I died after your birthday party. You were attacked by the daughter of...Ryder and Missy.”
“What?” Ula blinked a few more times, this time with even more disbelief.
“I’ll get to explaining that other part later. Right now, I just need you to know that their daughter killed me. Grabbed my own mallet and…” Schrader stopped himself, feeling a pain course through his head. “She...she smashed my head into bits and-”
“Are you here because you too got a favor from the Elders or something.” Ula interrupted with an empty tone, her face plain and numb as could be.
“Conllium, yeah.”
“Why didn’t you tell me any of this earlier?”
“I had to make sure I wasn’t suspicious. Couldn’t blow my cover immediately since there are eyes and ears everywhere.”
“So...you’re alive here...but dead in reality…”
“And I have a boyfriend who’s not you because you and I broke up before that.”
“What’s his name?”
“Atlas.” Schrader breathed out, not even sure what emotions he was feeling in that moment. “You’re...you’re childhood best friends.”
“How’s he look?”
“He’s got dark brown hair, green eyes, glasses. Pretty damn tall but still shorter than me. Has antlers coming out of his head ‘cause he’s a deer dude.” Schrader gave a bit of a laugh, still trying to comfort Ula. “And if I do say so myself, pretty good looking guy. Guess you do know how to pick them.”
To Schrader’s surprise yet gratitude, this was enough to make Ula smile a bit.
“However, Dante and the twins say that he looks like a nerd. That’s their nickname for him.”
“They’re so mean.” Ula quietly giggled to herself, right before her smile faltered and turned back into a frown. “But if he was my boyfriend and I really loved him...how did I forget about him?”
“You didn’t forget him. You were forced to;you were forced to forget every detail of your life so that you could feel that you belong in this world.” Schrader stated before looking down with a sigh.    “Just how...you were forced to love me again.”
“That’s not important right now.” Schrader shook his head. “What matters is that I tell you everything about your reality, and that we figure out how to get out of here.”
“Maybe we need to-”
“Schrader.” Ula spoke louder before Schrader looked at her, realizing that they were still on the dancefloor. “Schrader,”
“Schrader,” Ula started again before placing both of her hands on Schrader’s cheeks, biting her lip as she blinked away tears she would not allow to escape. “You have such a beautiful smile.”
“Please. Just, never stop smiling.” she continued before pressing her forehead against Schrader’s. “I love you.”
“No.” he shook his head after grabbing Ula’s arms, preventing her from leaning in anymore towards his lips. “You don’t.”
They stared at each other for a moment before Schrader released Ula’s arms and she lowered them, the latter biting her lip as she felt Schrader kiss her forehead.
“But even death, I really love you.”
“Ula!~” Jelly’s voice sounded from the side, prompting the pair to turn and see just the woman approaching them. “Schrader! It’s time to cut the cake!~”
“Already?” Ula turned to look at the large clock in the circus, but shock came to her upon the realization that there was no clock in sight. “What time is it?”
“It doesn’t matter.” Jelly waved a hand before grabbing Ula’s hand, dragging her through and off the dancefloor until reaching the bottom of the center stage. “Alright, now let’s get you ready Your father should be here any minute.”
“Jelly.” James was now heard, so the girls turned around to see James who smiled at them both. “Ula, ready to cut the cake darling?”
“Of course.” Ula nodded. “But I want Schader up there with us too.”
“Oh yes of course! We must have lost him on the way here.” Jelly chuckled before Schraer was finally in their presence. “There he is! Now let’s go up on the stage.
“Ready?” Ula whispered to Schrader who nodded, both holding hands rather tightly.
“I guess.”
“May I have everybody’s attention please?” Jelly spoke into her microphone she was handed, the music now stopping as everybody turned to her. “I believe that it is now time to sing Happy Birthday to the birthday girl.~”
Everybody’s attention was now on Ula who stood in the center, her siblings, parents and Schrader standing beside her. All eyes watched as from one side of the stage, two workers rolled in a table with a large cake that made Ula’s eyes widen and her jaw drop. The pumpkin at the very top was then lit up, right before everybody began to sing to Ula who felt her eyes swell with tears. Once done, Ula leaned in to blow the candle out before everybody clapped and Ula embraced her family, then being released as she was handed a large kitchen knife to cut the cake.
Cake slices were distributed to all the guests who focused on their new treats,. However, their attention was once again grabbed once a tapping into the microphone was heard. They all turned, as did Ula and those near her, everybody now staring at James who held the microphone and neared the girl.
“Lily.” he started before clearing his throat, a hand going up to slick his hair back despite it already being styled in such a way. “As your father, I have a few words I would like to speak to you.”
You know I would do anything for you.” James gently squeezed Ula’s hand. “Lily, you...you have grown into such a beautiful, little lady.”
“Oh, dad...” Ula whispered, her eyes glancing down at  her thumbs which she twiddle, feeling a knot in the pit of her stomach. Besides that, there was a pain in her head just like every single other time something familiar struck her, and she very well knew these words had some kind of familiarity to them.
“What I am trying to say Lily, is that...I am so, very proud of you. Without knowing it,you gave me a chance to better myself and turn into who I am today. You allowed me to become your father, the father of a very talented, intelligent, beautiful, young woman who I thank for such acts of kindness.” James looked at Ula who bit her lip in order to prevent herself from showing too much emotion that she would have liked. “Anybody is fortunate to have you in their life Lily, I know I am. And as I mentioned before, you have grown into such a lady that I have grown to be very proud of.”
“Oh, dad.” Ula tried her hardest to hide what she felt, but even if she knew what she heard was all a figment of her imagination...it resonate deep within her. “Stop, you’re gonna make me cry.”
“I only tell the truth.” James chuckled before using a handkerchief to softly wipe Ula’s eyes. “You deserve all the good in the world. You are such a strong and courageous one and you stand back up no matter how many times you fall. You are such an admirable lady Lily.”
“I just need you to know these things, just in case you ever forget darling. I am so glad that I was given the chance to this life, and especially to share it with you as you grow and continue to bloom into the wondrous flower that you are.” James smiled at Ula who accepted the handkerchief he offered to wipe her eyes again. “I know that the night is coming to an end, but I wish you a Happy Birthday.”
Ula then pulled herself away from James to wipe her eyes that finally poured out tears, right before she felt him pull her into a hug that she instantly returned. The girl buried her face into him until they eventually pulled away, James wiping her eyes once again.
“Thank you J...dad.” Ula wiped her eyes one last time. “That...that was very sweet ...I'm so glad...I...I don’t even know what to say….”
“That is alright.” James tucked a strand of Ula’s hair behind her ear. “You do not need to say anything.”
“No.” Ula shook her head before taking the microphone out of his hand. “There is something I need to say.”
Ula looked at both of her parents who each gave her smiles, awaiting the heartfelt speech Ula must have prepared. She then glanced over at Schrader who furrowed his eyebrows at her, motioning as if to ask what she was planning.
“Tonight has been wonderful, probably one of the best nights of my life.” Ula began, roughly clutching onto the microphone she spoke into. “But this is not my life.”
Jelly and James turned to each other, completely perplexed before Jelly stepped towards Ula who got away.
“This is just some illusion. It’s not real and I realize that now.” she told everybody before looking over at James. “You are...you are not my dad...you...you’re just a bunch of pure imagination.”
“Ula, what is going on?” Jelly whispered through grit teeth.
“My dad’s name is Lennie Blueblood and he’s the father of my siblings Davey and Cordelia. My pet is an alien axolotl named Mana, and he has a family of his own. My uncle Cosmos is married to a man named Vespers and they have three kids. My uncle Pepper is married to a woman named Belinda and they have kids like rabbits would. My mom’s best friend is my aunt Maggie who is married to Billy.My best friend is named Amaranthus and I couldn’t stand her when we first met, but I love her like a sister despite her being my cousin. And my-” Ula then stopped herself before looking over at Schrader again, though he made sure to turn away. “My boyfriend’s name is Atlas. That’s my life, my reality and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Ula…” Jelly pressured as she attempted to grab the microphone, Ula tearing her hand and the microphone away which made Jelly frown deeply.
“And now that I have everybody’s attention, I have one more thing to say.” Ula took a deep breath before finally speaking again. “Fuck you Cantarella, you useless piece of shit.”
In that moment, Ula saw as the lights in the circus all turned off to create a dark atmosphere that made her clench her fists. She felt as Schrader stood next to her and grabbed her hand, both then seeing as a series of pink lights turned on in the darkness.
“What’s with the pink lights?” Ula whispered before feeling Schrader securely dug his fingers into her arm.
“Those aren’t pink lights.” he took a step back, taking Ula with him as they realized the pink was everywhere. “They’re eyes.”
“I think it’s about time we ditch the party.”
“Yeah.” Schrader nodded before he and Ula made a run for it, jumping off the stage and kicking some guests on the way down before pushing through everybody that attempted to stop them. “May I ask what your plan even is!?”
“I just knew that we need to get everybody’s attention but other than that, my mind’s blank!” Ula exclaimed  before stopping in her tracks. “Wait!”
“No time for waiting!” Schrader grabbed her by the wrist in an attempt to drag her away from the crowd of pink eyed shadows that chased after them. “They’re going to get us!”
“No, wait! I need the cake knife!”
“Knife!? What for!?”
“I saw this in an episode of Batman: The Animated Series!”
“Ula!” Schrader groaned before picking her up, running even faster before they finally got out of the circus and lost the others. “I know this is all fake but this isn’t some hero television show!”
“I know, I know!” Ula replied, then whispering once Schrader hid behind a tree with Ula still in his arms. “But this stuff always works in movies and shows, I’ve seen it more than once. But there’s this episode with the Mad Hatter, and-”
“Oh! I’ll get the knife myself!” Ula removed herself from Schrader’s arms, hopping down and creating a rabbit hole in the ground which she jumped into. “Come on!”
Schrader searched the area for a moment, making sure nobody else was near, then jumping into the hole that lead him and Ula back into the circus. He remained silent as did the entire circus, the only sound being the music that ever so softly played quite ominously in the darkness.
“This way.” he felt Ula grab his wrist, the two walking over to the stage before Schrader helped Ula climb onto it. However, before he too was able to get on, the lights in the circus all turned on and Schrader was pulled back by arms grabbing him from every side.
“Schrader!” Ula exclaimed before rushing towards the cake, grabbing the large knife that she held close to her. Her eyes widened at the sight that was Schrader being held down by the hands of her parents and brothers that all glared at her with pink eyes.
“Oh shit…” she muttered once realizing that she was actually surrounded by pink eyes everywhere. “Oh shit, shit, shit.”
“Put the knife down.” commanded her mother in a distorted voice, her frown then turning into a sweet smile. “Please my little oyster, put the knife down.”
“This is all but a grave mistake.” James commented as his nails dug into Schrader. “Please, let us love you.”
“No.” Ula shook her head as she now pointed the knife at them. “Fuck you.”
“Don’t you love us Ula?” the triplets asked with innocent voices. “We love you, big sister!”
“Fuck off!”
“Don’t speak to your brothers with such foul language.” Jelly frowned one again, pressing her sharp, elongated nails against Schrader’s throat. “Or I’ll kill him.”
“And we’ll especially kill him if you don’t stay with us.” the triplets nodded as their nails grew into claws as well.
“You have always wanted a father, correct?” James smiled at Ula who’s glare started to falter. “Here I am darling.”
“D...dad…” Ula started to lower the knife, then shaking her head as she slashed at the air. “You’re not my dad! Lennie is!”
At this, James gave a glare before turning to look at Schrader who struggled to get out of the family’s grip. 
“If you don’t stay with us, we’ll kill him.” James threatened, everybody then hearing as Ula gave a laugh.
“Do it.” Ula continued to laugh. “Do it, asshole.”
“Ula.” Schrader breathed out as he glanced down at Jelly’s and the triplets’ claws. “What are you doing?”
“Trust me.” Ula mouthed to Schader before her eyes went back to James. “Go ahead and kill him. I bet you won’t do it.”
James and the others scowled at Ula, then turning to Schrader before claws were dug and slashed into him. Ula made sure to turn away at the sight, not wanting to relive the memory of Schrader dying, even if she didn’t remember the first one.
“And now,” Ula shut her eyes as she gripped onto the knife very tightly. Her eyes opened for one last time before she glanced at James and despite her determination, Ula felt a twinge of pain in her chest.
“Ula, don’t!” James exclaimed before plunging the knife right into her back, choking out a breath of air before she cut a straight line down.
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ripperroo1992 · 5 years
Vincent's Christmas Adventure (Edited by Myke Y.U.N.G)
This story starts in the North Pole location, where a young man in a green Santa suit, is making last preparations before the big task. 
Vince is watching the world monitor while singing, "Last Christmas I gave you my heart , the very next day.....YOU THREW IT AWAY LIKE WRAPPING PAPER!!!" 
 ****: Well you're in a jolly mood. 
Vince *exhaled* Really with the sarcasm Maria? 
Maria: Is it that Jasmine girl you liked? 
Vince: NOT ANYMORE!!! Now...I have to focus on the task in front of me. 
Maria: Alright, Vinnie.  
Vince: I told you many times...Don't call me that...I only accept it if it's from a loved one. 
Maria: I love you, Vinnie. 
Vince:.....(I can sense the words are halfhearted). 
Maria: What's up with the green Santa attire? You really stand out. 
Vince: Well, red is not my style, so I'm just doing what makes me comfortable. 
Maria: Aaaaany way, are you sure you're ready for this? 
Vince: Yeah! It's my turn to be Santa this year...Even though many lost faith in us, I won't lose hope. You already had your turn, It's My Turn To SHINE!!!, Vince said with full enthusiasm. 
Maria: Just in case, I'll assist you just to make sure. 
Vince: Pfft. Whatever and quit treating me like a kid, I'm 22 years old!!! 
Maria: “In a kid’s body”, Maria mumbled. 
Vince: “What was that!!”. Vince’s anger started to boil.  
****: Vince, I need you to focus. You two play a main role in this mission. 
Vince: Right, you got it, Captain Thomas!!! (Wait... did Maria already told the Elf Captain?...Well, whatever). 
Vince and Maria were gearing up for the run while Captain Thomas ordered the reindeer crew to equip the reindeers’ magical shoes. The gifts were loaded up and ready to go. 
Maria is still concerned and asked, "Vince do you have everything?" 
Vince was filled with excitement driving the sleigh for the first time. 
Vince: "Maria, I doubled and tripled check what I need. Whoa...it's more high-tech than it seems." 
Two identical twin elves guided and opened the gates for launch.  
Twin 1: Gates opened. 
Twin 2: You're good to go guys. 
“Thanks, Ben”, said Vince. 
“Thank you, Len,” said Maria. 
Ben & Len: Travel back safely and keep us on contact.  
With a smile on his face, Vince looks forward. "LET'S RIDE!!!" he said as the sled launches out of the station and up in the air. 
Vince: Onwards: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen...And Rudolph!!! 
All of the reindeers looked at Vince like an idiot. 
“Alright,....alright, I deserve the glares, guys...It's an old timer”, said Vince. 
Maria: Alright, so far, so good. Do you know your routes? 
Vince: Yep....I studied all year round for the routes all in correct order. We're taking over the North American region while all the other Santas take over the other regions (just imagine Asia always teaming up with Europe, clashing with their routes). 
Maria: We have to tackle Eastern parts of the contest first to beat the sunrise. 
Vince: On It!!! 
***: Hey!! Well if it isn't Vinnie. 
Vince: Hey, Bence. 
Bence: Oh? I see that the lovely Maria is at your assistance. 
Maria: (This guy won't leave me alone during the conference each month)...OH H-Hey Bence. 
Bence: You look stunning as always Maria, we should go on a date sometime, I'll show you around Europe. 
Maria: Uhhhh..... 
Vince: (That's my cue!!) Hey, nice European badge you got there Bence. 
Bence: Why thank you, that aside, why are you standing in my way with Maria? 
Vince: Where are you getting at Bence? ( Don't say it, Don't say it!!). 
Bence: Do you two have a relationship more than friendship? 
Vince: No. 
Maria: WHAT?!! NO!!!! 
Vince & Bence: .....Hmmm  
As the two and the reindeers stared at Maria with judgement. 
Ben & Len: Are you sure about that? 
Maria: Where you guys listening in on the monitor?!! 
Captain Thomas: I Got Popcor- 
Maria frantically muted and closed visual from the monitors  
“So there is some sparks flying for ya,” boy said Vince with a smug smile. 
“Shut up you!!!”,” Maria said as she punched Vince’s face out of embarrassment. 
Vince: Love Fist? 
Maria: You Jerk!! She keeps up with the assault.  
Bence: If that's the case... I challenge you to a race. If I win, stop getting in my way between Maria and myself.  
Vince: Oh? 
Maria: Vince, we have to maintain schedule!! 
Vince: I have no doubt that this sleigh and the reindeers will crush you...Right guys!!! 
The reindeers nodded in acknowledgment.  
Maria: aaaaand I lost them. 
Bence: A race to the border!!! 
Vince: You're on!!! Now we will see who's the true conqueror!!! Binnie. 
Bence looked at Vince angered and unamused as he dashed forward catching up with Vince's sleigh. 
The race was fast and the reindeers were not given an inch or let up. Both drivers knew that the race fell down to their skills. 
Bence made a sharp turn within the clouds trying to throw Vince off, but lost control and collided with Vince, knocking him off the sleigh falling. 
As Vince is falling down, his communicator was going off.. it was Maria. 
“Vince...VINCE!! THE REINDEERS AND I CAN MAKE IT TO YOU!!! I'M ON MY WAY!!!”, said Maria as her voice expressed concern and panic through the communicator. 
“It's fine, I was planning this when we reached the central point of NA, looks like it happened early. 
I'm gonna use my magic snowboard. I'm gonna turn on my GPS, so you know my location. Once I inform you I'm at the point, teleport me the gifts, said Vince. 
Maria calmed herself....”That guy always have a plan to fit his style”, Maria mumbled. 
“You know it, I'm a man with the plan baby!!!”, said Vince. 
“Just be safe you idiot!!”, said Maria who was flustered by Vince‘s good hearing. 
Vince headed down for a landing. Once he landed, he looked on his smartpad to see his location. 
Hmmm. NC....North Carolina huh. Well, let's get started then. 
Vince used the communicator to inform Maria...”Yo Maria can you see me?” 
“Yeah, I can see you but.....AT NORTH CAROLINA?!!”, said Maria.  
“Well at least, I'm still on the east coast, send me the North Carolina stuff on to the teleporter. You have to take over Canada”, said Vince. 
“I made a waypoint on the map, can you make it there?”, said Maria. 
“North Dakota huh.....Got It!!! I can make it....see you till then. It looks like we will have more time before the night sky is burning”, said Vince. 
“Well we should take advantage of this opportunity...See you in ND, Daredevil”, said Maria as she signed out. 
“Daredevil huh?....I should add that in my list of nicknames”, said Vince as he moved forward, teleporting to each house, building, and complex, stealthily and quietly. There were a few alarms with pets, but all of them were silent with Vince giving them treats.
Vince teleported and dashed like the wind, he had a few refreshments with a paper plate of cookies and paper cups of milk.....he avoided the warm milk as if it's a trap to make him sleep. 
“Vince.....Vince!! Updating on your progress, come in”, said Maria on his communicator. 
“Vincent here, feeling alive, Maria and I’m setting records, breaking record time!!!Eastern and Mideast are complete!!! We still have a lot of time!!”,said Vince filled with excitement. 
“That's great!! I'm headed to the waypoint, we'll regroup there”, said Maria 
“HaHa!! The sun can't beat this unstoppable team. Right, reindeers?”, said Vince and the reindeers started making noise through the communicator.
 “Thank you, Thank you, Tha-- What's that?”, said Vince. 
“What's what?”, said Maria. 
“IT'S A PLANE COMMING THIS WAY!!!!”, yelled Vince. 
“MOVE!!!!!”, yelled Maria. 
Vince desperately moved out of the way, but his magic snowboard and lower torso collided with the plane. 
“Hey did you hear something?”, said the co-pilot. 
“I think so...maybe? Like a thud?”, said the main pilot. 
“Yeah”, said the co-pilot. 
“It's probably a stupid bird flying at the wrong place at the wrong time”, said the flight attendant. 
Oh. Both pilots agreed and continued their course. 
“Whoaaaaaaaa!!!!!”, Vince yelled falling from the sky. 
“VINCE!!!! VINCENT!!!!!!!! ANSWER MEE!!!!”, Maria yelled. 
****: Alone on Christmas Eve, I wouldn't mind if I spent it with Max. 
*Cellphone ringing* Hello this is Erica. 
Oh hey dad...Yep almost done setting up everything at the bakery for tomorrow. I'll be closing soon....Yep. see you soon Dad. Erica ended the call and with a sigh. 
Soon Erica heard a loud thud coming from the roof, as she raced to the window and saw a figure landing in a pile of snow. 
So, she stepped outside, aiding the person who fell from the shop’s roof, but Erica soon heard a voice coming from the young man’s wrist. 
“Ugh....What? Where am I? Why I'm in a building?”, said Vince. 
“Vince here...But I don't know where I am...NGH!!! I broke my ribs on the left side and my legs are banged up”, said Vince. 
“That's it, forget it!!! I'm coming to get you”, said Maria.  
“NO!!! GUH!!! Maria... Continue the route to North Dakota....I'll meet you there”, said Vince as he ended the call looking around dazed and confused. 
“Just who are you really”, said Erica  
“I'm the mail man”, said Vince. 
“At this hour....I'm not buying it”, said Erica  
“Fine...I'm Santa Claus”, said Vince. 
The room is so quiet that you can hear icicles crashing into the snow and floors. 
“Look, see,... here's my license”, said Vince.  
“Well....That's unexpected”, said Erica. 
“Oh you're Erica, right?”, said Vince  
“Yes. How did you know?”, said Erica  
“I'm Santa Claus that's why....”, said Vince as he hides his wrist accessories. 
“Soo...you here to punish me in person”, said Erica.  
“Uhh...What?”, said Vince. 
“Yeah are you going to strike me down or something”, said Erica  
“Look I don't know if you heard me...I'm Santa.. Not a God. Only thing I can do is throw coal at your face, will that help?”, said Vince with his sarcastic words.  
“Oh...I see it's that Max guy huh. Look, just be honest with your feelings with him”, said Vince 
“It's not that simple, Vince”, said Erica 
“Hmmm. I guess so-...How do you know my real name?”, said Vince, who's confused. 
Erica trapped her wrist with a sly smile. 
“Wha-....(MARIA!!!!!), said Vince  
*Sneezes* “was that a cold?", said Maria. 
“NGH!! Well I feel crappy, but there's still time”, said Vince. 
“Are you able to continue like this”, Erica said in concern. 
“No”, said Vince as he snagged cookies and drink milk while taking painkillers. 
“Look, Erica. This is a one in a lifetime deal...I need you to help me along the way....Let's see....Yep, GPS says I'm in South Dakota.”, said Vince as he looks a little off. 
“I'll help you....but are you sure about this, you look weird”, said Erica. 
“Yep. I still have control of my body....Letz Do Diz!!!”, said Vince, walking with a slouch. 
“Oh...Boy”, said Erica. 
Vince and Erica made haste as they dashed and teleported to make it in time in the South Dakota race to the North. Along the way, Erica had a good time and Vince enjoyed her assistance and company while he was slowly getting drowsy and high. 
But little that she know, Vince got one more gift before he goes. 
“Wait... this is Max's house”, said Erica 
“....I know”, said Vince as the two landed. 
“Alright, It's showtime, take a deep breath”, said Vince as he handed the gift to Erica and Chinese Knock-Knock. Vince dove behind the bushes in front of the door and window, listening in...giving Erica a wink and a thumbs up. 
The locks are shifting and Erica is nervous. Vince threw a small snow ball giving her the signal to relax. 
“Hello,...Oh, Erica how's it going, what are you doing around the streets this time?”, said Max. 
“Uhhh....Uhhh...Uh”, said Erica startled. 
Vince threw another small snowball. 
“I'M FINE...Just....Fine,” said Erica as some of the snow from the snowball falls down her neck. 
“Ummm. was that a snowball?”, said Max as he's confused, about to look at the bushes. 
“Wait, Wait, Max!! I could explain”, said Erica, frantically talking. 
“Explain what? No one's there”, said Max 
Erica looked as well and Vince is not there....A little disappointed that Vince is not there, but she understands his schedule. So, Erica slowly inhale and exhale as she begins to speak.  
“I....I'll explain why I am here...This gift is for you”, said Erica, as she handed the gift to Max. 
“Whoa!!! Thank you, Erica....I was going to wait until later on, but here's your gift as well...Merry Christmas Eri.”, said Max. 
“Wow...Thank you Max”, said Erica as she holds her gift tightly to her chest. 
“But...That's not the only reason why I'm here....I know we both have to head back to college soon...but I want to tell you that I had.... feelings for you Max... that's more than a friendship.”, said Erica as her face is bright red in embarrassment. 
“Oh...I-I didn't know that you feel that way towards me....”, said Max who is surprised.
Wait, Wait, Max!! I could explain”, said Erica, frantically talking. 
“Explain what? No one's there”, said Max 
Erica looked as well and Vince is not there....A little disappointed that Vis is not there, but she understands his schedule. So, Erica slowly inhale and exhale as she begins to speak.  
“I....I'll explain why I am here...This gift is for you”, said Erica, as she handed the gift to Max. 
“Whoa!!! Thank you, Erica....I was going to wait until later on, but here's your gift as well...Merry Christmas Eri.”, said Max. 
“Wow...Thank you Max”, said Erica as she holds her gift tightly to her chest. 
“But...That's not the only reason why I'm here....I know we both have to head back to college soon...but I want to tell you that I had.... feelings for you Max... that's more than a friendship.”, said Erica as her face is bright red in embarrassment. 
“Oh...I-I didn't know that you feel that way towards me....”, said Max who is surprised. 
(Does this means that I got a chance?) said Erica mentally as she's waiting for Max's answer.  
“But...I'm already dating someone before the winter break...I'm sorry”, said Max. 
Erica’s head hangs down as she tries to pick her head up but, as she looks up, she sees the sadness in Max's body language...But she knows that she can't cry here... so she has to be strong.  
Erica lifted her head and looked at Max with tears welling up and said,“ Well, it's your loss and my bad timing...Thank you for the gift”, said Erica as she smiles and turned away. 
“Do you want me to walk you home”, said Max. 
“No.....It's only down the block....See you at school Max...”,said Erica as she walked away. 
As Erica was walking....Erica clinches her gift from Max as she gritted her teeth, holding back her tears...but she couldn't hold it any longer....so her emotion flowed into sadness. 
Erica felt so sad that she couldn't feel her feet or the sound of snow as she walked...or...is she walking. 
“....Hey...No pouts and crying, I don't like that, it's not cool”, said Vince. 
“I-I thought you left to North Dakota”, Erica said in confusion.  
As she realized that Vince is carrying her on his magic snowboard. 
“I'm not so big on bailing on someone in their time of need....BUT MAN THE LOOK OF DEVASTATION AND DESPAIR ON YOUR FACE!!!”, said Vince, picking on Erica. 
“SHUT UP YOU LITTLE BRAT!!”, said Erica as she jabbed Vince's chest. 
“OOF!!!!! UGH!! Ok!!, Ok, .....You did well and you hanged tough....waaaaay better than I could”, said Vince, praising Erica's efforts.  
“Than-”, said Erica, but Vince interrupts.  
“This the last stop”, said Vince. 
“This is my home...”,said Erica. 
“....Yeah”, said Vince with a slow exhale.  
“It's been fun and I enjoyed every moment”, said Erica.  
“I feel the same way”, said Vince as he looks at Erica with a smile with eyes showing sadness. 
“Hey now...No sadness”, saying Erica, plucking Vince's forehead.  
“Right, right...I have two gifts for you”, said Vince as the gift magically appears from his bag saying South Dakota and handed it to Erica. 
“Wow...That never gets old”, Erica said with a small chuckle. 
“What's the second Gif-”, said Erica, but once again was interrupted by Vince as he kissed her forehead. 
“M-Magic? I...My Eyes are getting heavy”, said Erica as her eyes are falling to sleep. 
“What you did for yourself...and for me is outstanding and I won't forget that....but don't worry....There's gonna be one lucky guy to have someone like you by their side...but for now sleep....Sleep your worries away...peacefully,“ said Vince as he teleported in Erica's room laying her to rest. 
“V...Vin....cent...”, Erica said as she reached out, but soon is fast asleep. 
“Alright....I have to meet up with Maria”, said Vince as he dashes in full speed north to North Dakota.  
“Hey!!! Maria!!! I arrived in North Dakota, are you in the waypoint? Over”, said Vince, talking to the communicator.  
“It's about time!!! I covered ground in North Dakota, just focus on meeting up at the waypoint, we'll still have time to make a historic record time”, said Maria  
“On it, heading to the waypoint in full speed!!!”, said Vince  
“Be Careful!!!!”, says Maria. 
Vince is going full speed on his magic snowboard, dodging buildings and objects, but his injuries are taking it's toll. 
“Ugh...NNNNGH!! The Pain!!!.....I gotta keep....Going!!!”, said Vince as he pushes forward.  
“Huh...The sky...I see red light and magic tracks....IT'S THEM!!!”, said Vince as he rushed towards the red light. 
“Vince....I'm here, where are you?”, said Maria as the reindeers are also showing worry and concern.  
“Rudolph!!!!”, Vince shouted with glee. 
“Vincent!!!! You've Made It!!!”, said Maria as the reindeers were showing their excitement.  
“Man, do I missed you guys as well. I have to thank you Rudolph, your nose is a beacon, bro”, said Vince. as he entered the sleigh. 
“You Daredevil, what took you so long?”, said Maria.  
“One amazing detour Maria...Amazing Detour..and a potential future Claus. By the way....can you continue driving along the way, I need to rest till we reach the west coast," said Vince as he fainted. 
“Potential what?...Ugh. That's fine...You can rest up for now”, said Maria. 
 The team completed the west coast and returned to the North Pole in record breaking time. 
Thus, the annual Santa Ball has begun. 
“Hey Vince...No hard feelings or grudges right? It's an accident”, said Benson as he apologizes for the race. 
“Oh...No worries man. Here you go though”, said Vince as he handed him a paper. 
“What's this?”, said Benson. 
“My hospital bill”, said Vince. 
“I guess you do hold a grudge”, said Benson  
“Hey Vincent, care to dance with me”, said Maria with a beautiful red, Mrs. Claus ball gown. 
“Uhh... Su-Sure", said a startled Vince. 
 Vince and Maria were dancing until the two were under the mistletoe above the entrance of a green bush gate with illuminated lights shined a pathway through the tunnel.
“Well?”, said Maria  
Vince looked up and realized what they're both under and said, "Is this a confession". 
With a blush on Maria's face, she looks away from Vince until she finally regained eye contact with him....Without a word, she tapped her lips with her index finger.  
“You're a very clever girl, Maria”, said Vince as both kissed under the mistletoe. 
The sun rises, shining light on Erica's window as she wakes up from her slumber. 
“That was a very eventful day, yesterday”, said Erica as she stretches and realized the two gifts from yesterday. 
She grabbed the gift that Vince gave her and begin to unwrap it...."A green Santa hat....But why?", said Erica. As she wears the hat, she felt something on top of her head. 
"It's a note", said Erica as she begins to read. 
"Good Morning Erica, I'm sorry that my first gifts didn't go quite as it planned, but I really appreciate your help with my task and also taking care of me. As your reward I'll give you my hat", Erica paused reading. 
"Does that mean....THIS IS A MAGIC HAT!!?", said Erica as she snapped her fingers....."HUH?", said Erica. Nothing happened. 
Erica returned to the note and continued where she left off. 
"Sorry, but the hat doesn't hold any magic" (Aww, said Erica, disappointed). "It's a reminder of yesterday, use it as proof that Santa is still alive and kicking. We exist in everyone hearts especially for those who believe.  
Everyone has the chance to become Santa. With a strong heart and spirit, that person can become a strong candidate and I believe that you have the potential to fit that role Erica. Who knows, maybe you can return my hat to me someday. I have a feeling yesterday is not the last time we'll see each other again.
Later....For now, 
- Vincent" 
".....Vincent", said Erica as she clutched the note and hold it close to her chest. 
There was a knock on Erica's door. "Erica, come down, I've made breakfast and everyone is ready to unwrap their gifts", said the voice behind the door. 
"I'm coming mom!!", said Erica as she opened her room door. 
( I feel the same way. It’s not the last time we'll see each other. Just you wait, Vincent I'll return this hat to you) mentally, said by Erica. 
"Whoa, a green, Santa hat...I like the design. Where did you find it?", said Erica's mom. 
Erica smiled and said to her mom, "It's from a friend. I promise to return it to him someday". 
 The End 
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niallismymuse · 5 years
Chapter 2
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Tessa went to bed that night feeling happy and content, even with the knowledge that she would have a wicked hangover the next morning. It was all worth it, just for the look on his face when she had kissed his cheek.
Yet when she woke up the next morning to a splitting headache, it didn’t matter for long. Because her feed was filled with texts from her mother and sister and some of her colleagues, all with links to various articles online. Articles written about her.
She clicked on the one her sister sent, ignoring the other messages. It opened up to pictures of her and Niall hugging inside and outside of the bar, and one showing her kissing his cheek. The headline was ‘Popstar Niall Horan and YouTuber Queen Tessa – Dating?’
She blinked about eight million times, despite how crusty her eyes felt, and let out a groan that would have woken the dead. She couldn’t deal with this. She could not. And Niall – he must be embarrassed right now. She hadn’t seen any messages from him, but surely someone had told him that he was in the pop-culture articles once more. Especially over something like this.
Dating? No. Did she wish? Yes. Was it likely to ever happen now? Mm, probably not.
They hadn’t been spotted out and about together before, not that they had gone outmuch before. But of course, the one time she decided to have balls, someone took pictures.
With a sigh of utter despair, Tessa tossed her phone aside and buried her face into her pillow. Tears burned at her eyes, and she sniffled, her bottom lip quivering. Sure, this wasn’t the first ‘story’ that had been sold about her, but this was by far the largest. She would be lucky if it didn’t affect her friendship with Niall – unless that was already screwed. He hadn’t messaged, after all.
Neither had Jess. So much for having a best friend.
Tessa reached down and yanked the covers over her head, blocking out the light of day streaming through her curtains.
After wallowing under the blankets for at least an hour and pushing back tears a majority of the time, Tessa decided she had to get up and deal with the trials of the day. She took it slow – she emerged from her cocoon and got some Advil and a glass of water to ease the headache pulsing through her skull. Once the pill was swallowed along with the rest of the water, she rummaged around her fridge for some breakfast. She found some leftovers to eat, not in the mood to cook; that was sacrilegious, because Tessa was always in the mood to cook. Today, though, she let it slide.
She munched on some cold quesadilla’s from the other night and filled the ache in her stomach. Yet the ache in her chest was still there, pulsing beneath everything else. She couldn’t believe someone had taken pictures of her and Niall. Wait, yes, she could, but what she couldn’t believe was that they were all over the Internet. How had her fun night out turned so sour?
Tessa decided she couldn’t dwell on it any longer – it would make her headache come back, stronger than ever before. She needed to get her mind off of it, so she would do the one thing she could: work.
And work she did. When she was about halfway finished with putting the Othello video together, she sent Niall a text, a simple ‘hey’, and then set her phone aside. She lost herself in the editing process, and when the video was complete and ready to be stored for uploading, the sun was westward in the sky.
Blowing out a harsh breath, she saw that Niall hadn’t texted back.
Okay, ouch, she thought, but I have better things to do than overanalyze that.
It could have been anything. He was likely dealing with fallout of his own. Now that she was back on her phone, she could see that her social media was blowing up. She was being mentioned in practically triple the Tweets that she was normally mentioned in. People were commenting all over her Instagram, and yeah, about half of those were nasty comments. Like, ‘why would Niall kiss her? She’s ugly’ and others in a similar vein.
When Tessa checked her YouTube account, she saw that her subscriber count had definitely increased since yesterday, which caused some mixed emotions.
Perhaps this wasn’t entirely bad, then. But then she felt guilty over the thought – she did not kiss Niall’s cheek for more views or subscribers, she kissed Niall’s cheek because she liked him.
Tessa could feel herself beginning to spiral, and her chest tightened. She set her phone down again and took a deep breath in through her nose, and then pushed it out through her mouth. After repeating the process for a few minutes and narrowing her focus until breathing was all that she could think of, her chest loosened. That tight, anxious feeling still lurked, but it was manageable. As long as she had something else to do, some way to keep her mind occupied, it would stay that way. Doing nothing would make it come back, full-force.
She turned the notifications off on her phone and ignored the several texts her mother had sent her. Maria Jenkins would have to wait for her daughter to catch her breath.
Tessa sat there in her desk chair and thought about what to do next, lacing her fingers together. She needed to get her car. She had taken an Uber home last night, which meant that her poor car was still sitting in that bar’s parking lot. That was a priority.
Mind focused, she ordered another Uber and worked on a script for a video while she waited.
Driving in LA always took a lot of concentration, at least in Tessa’s opinion. The roads were crowded and full of traffic, and in certain tourist-trap areas, there was always at least one person who darted across the street when and where they weren’t supposed to. She didn’t mind; not today, anyway. It was just another thing to focus wholly on.
She stopped at Trader Joe’s and bought groceries for dinner, keeping her eyes down and her steps quick. She’d been stopped by fans before, and while she always loved seeing them, today was just not the day for it.
When she got home and unloaded, she took a moment to check her phone. She hadn’t checked it since the Uber had arrived and wasn’t surprised to see more messages from her mom (‘Are you ever going to message your own mother, Tessa?’), but she wassurprised to see a single text from Niall.
It read: hey…how are you holding up?
She typed back: I’m okay. You?
His response came a minute later. I’m okay, used to it. I’m more worried about you. Want to talk?
Not really. Not about the media and the pictures that were taken of them. But she did want to see him; Tessa realized that she missed him already.
Want to come over for dinner? I’m making spaghetti.
His response came a mere second later. Yes. Anything I can bring?
Tessa texted back no and sent him her address and apartment number. Then he was on his way, and she looked around her apartment and panicked.
It wasn’t dirty or messy, necessarily, but this was the first time Niall had ever come over. She had dishes in the sink, and the floor needed a quick sweep. She set about completing her chores quickly, all while the water for the noodles boiled and the sauce came together, and then she wiped down her kitchen table and the coffee table in the connected living room.
Oh God, what was she going to wear?
All too soon, a knock sounded from the door. Tessa glanced down at the yoga pants and thin sweatshirt she was wearing, and then shrugged. This was what it was, then.
She padded quickly to the door and opened it, smiling just because she knew who would be standing behind it.
Niall was dressed in a similar attire; he was wearing gray sweatpants and a comfy-looking blue t-shirt. He hadn’t shaved. A light coating of stubble decorated his jaw. He tugged at his shirt almost self-consciously. “Hope ya don’t mind my clothes…”
“Oh, pfft.” She waved his comment off. “Look at me. I work at home. We wear what we want in this household.” And with that, she gestured him inside. “So, this is the place where I live. Welcome. I’m still cooking the spaghetti.”
His eyes rested on each piece of the apartment that he could see from where he was standing. The kitchen, next to a large floor-to-wall window. The small wooden dining table, a few feet away from the kitchen, and the living room with its blue sofa and TV a few feet back. Her bedroom door was closed, and right beyond the kitchen with a bathroom connected. The second bedroom was on the other side, by the living room.
“I like your apartment,” Niall stated, and she could tell that he wasn’t lying or just saying it because it was the polite thing to say – there was a genuine warmth to his tone, and his eyes lit up when they landed on a tiny stone turtle knickknack that was on the kitchen counter. “You like sea turtles?”
“Love them,” she replied as she headed back towards the kitchen, giving the cooking noodles a stir. She added some parmesan cheese to the sauce and stirred it, then gave it a quick taste. She had already put some sugar in to cut the acidity of the tomatoes, but she had forgotten salt in her rush to clean. Tessa fixed that quickly before turning to look at Niall, who was watching her intently. “They’re my favorite animal. What’s yours?”
Niall looked a little nonplussed. “No one has asked me that in years.”
Tessa frowned. “Well, I think having a favorite animal says a lot about a person. See, my all-time favorite is the sea turtle, but I also really love meerkats. And sharks.”
He blinked, before coming closer and peering into the spaghetti sauce like it would have an answer for him. “Um…huh. I think giraffes are really cool. I kind of forgot that I liked them so much, actually. Especially when I was younger.”
Tessa nodded sagely, before grabbing a clean spoon and dipping it into the sauce. “Good choice. Want a taste? Be careful, it’s hot.”
Niall took the spoon and tentatively tasted the sauce, and his eyes widened. “Holy shit, Tess,” he chuckled as he shook his head, “this is good. Quite possibly the best red sauce I’ve ever had.”
She beamed at him. “Thank you. I love cooking, so I try to make the best food that I can.”
“I like cooking too. Is there anything I can help with?”
Tessa thought for a moment. She knew this wasn’t really why Niall had agreed to come over for dinner – it was obviously about the pictures and media attention – but this was a nice detour from that situation. “You can slice up that bread over there and make garlic bread, if you want.”
He smiled. “Cutting board?” he asked, gesturing to the cupboards. She grabbed one for him and handed him a knife, while he rummaged around in her fridge to find the butter and garlic. They worked separately on their tasks, but together. Tessa put her oven on to preheat, and Niall chopped garlic and melted butter before combining the two. It was nice. There was a comfortable silence between them.
Once the garlic bread was in the oven, Niall leaned against the counter and gazed cautiously at her. “Are you okay?”
She knew what he was asking. Self-consciously, she stirred the bubbling sauce, avoiding looking at him. She needed to get the noodles out of the boiling water, but it could wait just a little longer. “It was…a shock. I’ve never dealt with something quite this big, you know?”
He nodded, folding his arms across his chest. “It gets easier, the more ya deal with it. I just don’t comment on my relationships.”
“I haven’t been in one since my YouTube career started, so it’s never been a problem before,” she admitted before looking over at him. “But we’re not in one. So, it’s okay. We just won’t say anything…right?”
There was an odd silence, filled with a sort of half-tension. Niall swallowed harshly, and she saw his throat bob with the movement. Something inside of her was aching, just waiting for his response.
“Right. Won’t be a problem. Everyone’ll forget about it with the next scandal. We just have to wait it out.”
That ache plummeted inside of her, leaving Tessa feeling a little empty. He didn’t like her after all. If he did, he would have said something…right?
She forced a bright smile in his direction before grabbing the pot of boiling noodles and moving over towards the sink. She poured it into the colander, leaning back to avoid the steam, and let the heat and strain of staying still cleanse her mind. She shook the colander, trying to get rid of as much water as possible. When she turned back to face him, she was over it, as much as she could be over it.
“Spaghetti’s done.” She smiled, and Niall hummed softly in response, pulling open the oven to check the bread. When he said it needed just a minute more, she nodded and grabbed two plates, setting up the counter buffet-style.
She was fine. She was Tessa Love Jenkins, dammit, and she could handle an unintentional rejection. She compartmentalized it and shoved it in the back of her brain, making herself be ‘more fine’ than ever. The area of her brain containing her feelings for Niall was pushed wayback.
Niall plated himself some spaghetti, and when he was out of the way, Tessa pulled the garlic bread out of the oven and set it on the stove beside the spaghetti. With a flick of her wrist, she turned the oven off, and then began to serve herself. They sat down across from each other at the table. She took a deep breath, exhaled, and began to eat.
“Holy fuck,” Niall grumbled after chewing, “this is fuckin’ delicious, Tess. Damn.”
She grinned, unable to help being pleased. “Yeah?” She took a bite herself and then nodded enthusiastically. “It’s good!”
“Just good? It’s fuckin’ fantastic! Give yourself some more credit, love.”
They ate quickly, not because they were in a hurry, but mostly because it was that good. When they were finished, Tessa put the leftovers away and waved off Niall’s offer to help clean up. She would do it later.
“Want to watch something?” she asked as she sat down on the couch, remote in hand. She turned her TV on and pulled up Netflix before reaching down and grabbing a blanket from underneath the coffee table. It was chilly outside, and she wanted a bit of warmth and comfort, especially considering the day she’d had.
Niall sat down at the opposite end of the couch, which, ouch, definitely hurt a little, but then she threw the other end of her blanket over his feet and tucked that piece of information away to analyze later. He grinned at her and pulled his side of the blanket more fully over his lap.
“Absolutely, unless it’s a murder documentary. You mentioned you liked those. Whatcha got on?”
“No murder documentaries, this time.” Tessa side-eyed him. This next question could prove to break their friendship. “Would you be okay with Blue Planet?”
He dipped his chin, nice as ever. “’Course. I’ve never seen it.”
She gaped at him. “But it’s David Attenborough! Blue Planet II is what made Queen Elizabeth declare a war on plastic!”
Niall chuckled, looking just slightly sheepish. “Well, remember, I may live in London sometimes but I’m Irish and constantly traveling.”
Tessa shook her head, speechless, and started the first episode, which was about all of the oceans and habitats in some way. The documentary was beautiful and breath-taking, and Attenborough’s voice narrated it wonderfully.
Niall scooted closer, slowly enough that at first, she didn’t notice he was moving at all. Next thing she knew, his knee was bumping against hers and the blanket had settled comfortably over both of their laps. She swallowed, nervousness rising for some reason; she fisted the blanket before forcing her hand to relax.
This was nice. This was good. She liked this. All Niall needed to do was stretch his arms over her shoulders, and everything would be perfect.
They watched in silence as Attenborough described the mating habits of a particular fish. “He attempts to make with her and any of the dozen or so females that live in his territory, whenever he gets the chance.”
Niall snorted. “What a player.”
She giggled, dipping her head in agreement, and when she peeked over at him, he was staring in fascination at the screen. His lips were parted slightly, eyes wide but intensely focused, drinking in every word spoken. When the episode was finished, he shook his head in amazement and turned to look at her. Their shoulders brushed.
“I think you’ve gotten me on to something new to do with my time, what little I have of it.”
Tessa smiled gently. “I’m glad. I care a lot about our oceans and our water life. In fact, when I do my first charity livestream, I’m raising money to give to ocean conservation. I still have to put everything together, like who I’ll be donating to and what I’ll be doing, but it’s something I would like to do this coming year.”
His eyes lit up with interest. “Sounds cool, Tess. Keep me posted, I’m interested.”
“I will. I haven’t made a lot of progress with figuring it all out, since it’s just me on my channel so far, and I spend a lot of my time making sure I have weekly videos. I have to come up with a concept, script it as much as I can, get whatever I need for filming, film it, and then edit.”
“You do a lot of work,” Niall mused, looking at her steadily. There was a flash of concern in his eyes, and it gave her pause.
“Yeah,” she replied in an odd tone, “I do.”
It had gotten to the point where she rarely left her apartment, so consumed in filming and editing. By the time she was finished with something to a degree that she could be proud of, it was often late, and she was almost too tired to do anything. Tessa could recall going to bed without eating dinner more than a few times. “I guess…I’m something of a workaholic.”
“I get that.” Niall leaned back against the couch, gazing blankly at the coffee table in front of them. “When I get a song in my head…sometimes I can’t stop working on it until it’s as perfect as I can possibly make it. I’ll be asleep, and hear it in my head, and I’ll wake up, fingers twitching, needingto finish it.” He loosed a breath, shaking his head before running those fingers through his hair. “I love what I do, and I love creating music, but sometimes I can’t get out of my own head.”
Tessa understood that perfectly. Certain videos she had produced had been the result of hours upon hours of work, of 2am wakeups filled with the urge to do something, of rejections to go out with friends because she was worried that if she didn’t finish whatever she was working on soon, the concept in her mind would burn out and take the whole project with it.
“It sounds like you and I need to relax,” she told him because she didn’t know how else to process this, and Niall laughed a little breathlessly.
“I’ll relax when I’m dead,” he chortled, and she could tell he was only half-joking.
The thought she had yesterday came rushing back. “I don’t post a video or do any work the first week of the New Year as a way to reset and recharge. In fact, I go away every New Year’s Eve with my friends to a cabin in Big Sur Campground…would you like to come with us?”
Niall turned once more to face her, eyes calculating. She could see that he was weighing the pros and cons quickly in his mind, and she waited, breath baited.
“Fuck it. Yeah, I’ll come.”
“Great.” She exhaled, a wide smile breaking on to her lips. “We leave in two days.”
Niall grinned at her. “Awesome. I could use a good time.”
“Oh, it’ll be a great time. We basically just get drunk and eat junk food. It’s my favorite time of the year.” She paused, remembering the circumstances that had landed Niall on her couch in the first place. “It’s private, too. No one should bother us.”
Of course, no one should have bothered them last night either, but they always rented a cabin far away from all of the others, just so they could party and do as they saw fit.
He nodded. “Sounds good. I’m excited, Tess. Just text me what to bring.” He stretched slowly, loosening his muscles, and she didn’t pretend to not notice when his t-shirt rode up, exposing a thin sliver of his stomach. She didn’t pretend (to herself) that she didn’t want to see more. “I should get going. But I had a great time. You cook a fuckin’ delicious spaghetti.”
She smirked and led him to the door. Halfway out the door, after already saying goodbye, he pivoted and turned to face her. “Oh, and Tess? We probably shouldn’t be seen in public together for a little while…just to let things die down.”
Tessa blinked, before nodding her head in silent agreement. That funny feeling in her chest was back – like something was about to crack, but it wasn’t quite there yet. It hurt in an all-new way.
Niall smiled, waved, and then disappeared down the hallway of her apartment building.
She closed her door, mind whirling with every little thing Niall had said or done that evening – every note of disinterest, every smile or move that spoke of the opposite. She leaned against her door, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath in before slowly blowing it out.
What had she gotten herself into?
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taglist: @angryniall @stylishmuser @confusedkiwifan @irish-nlessing @takemedancingmaine @hap-ppy-days-van-ish-ed @stayclose-holdsteady @playboyxniall @savvyflowers @day-dream-niall @awomanindeniall @militrybarbi @klairelavarias
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orbmanson7 · 5 years
Episode ten time!
-im sorry THIS EPISODE IS CALLED WONDERWALL?? are you fucking serious
-"i feel like I'm gonna cry" same
-WAIT do they actually have Parents?? Since when????
-why would you cut your hair after getting dumped, I'm so confused...
-"oh shit" is right
-THE OP GOT ME AGAIN, SON OF A BITCH NO, why the hell does that startle me WHYY
-i can't fucking believe uenoyama actually spaced enough to fORGET kissing mafuyu, hope mafuyu is morosecual because CHRIST
-"what killed you" his own stupidity, apparently
-nobody uses flash drives anymore, come on now THAT IS A FAST EDIT JOB DAMN
-yall really love mafuyu's voice, huh, can't blame ya there
-uh ohhhh trouble in paradise
-"if I'm gonna die, might as well be young"
-also uenoyama chill for five seconds, dude
-his hands are probably cold, omg
-"my fellow citizens" stfu
-ayyy opening act, hell yeah!!
-true, gotta know the plan here...
-"did he even understand the question" well...
-"it was really hot" NOT THE WORDS I WAS EXPECTING, BUT GO ON.... "much hotter than I imagined"
-theyre gonna change their band name?? Aw but I liked the seasons. what are they changing it to??
-son of a bitch, y'all got me, y'all got me good
-a random playlist, that's how you wind up with 17 "whats up pussycats" don't do that
-"you got razors in your fingers?" I fucking wish, could you imagine
-OH NOOO did he really fucking cry like that after the show? Wow, poor kiddo
-"the right kind of trigger" wtf are you on about
-AWW he's in super shoujo mode, calm down boy, just cuz you FORGOT UOU KISSED HIM LIKE A DUMBASS
-"don't be a psycho and jump into the ocean" good advice
-oh boy, you're gonna break him, mafuyu...
-you kinda jumped from Like to LOVE in five seconds, but gotta admire that level of bravery, dude
-god this puppy dog is the cutest damn thing in the world
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distoretion · 5 years
This thing probably needs some major editing and a fair amount of reworking but @songs-in-nature please try to enjoy our idiot children being a fucking mess in the Mutually Reluctant Crushes/High School AU
Ellie grumbled to herself as she lent down to pick up yet another empty candy wrapper, stuffing it into the little plastic trash bag she’d been given to help her with her task.
“Can’t ya go a little faster? This floor’s not gonna sweep itself.” Rahim’s voice came from behind her, the bristles of his broom brushing up against her shoes for emphasis. 
“Find somewhere else to clean if I’m that much in the way!” She snapped, nudging the broom right back as she snatched another piece of litter off the floor. “We wouldn’t even be in this mess if you and your friends hadn’t had that stupid party here.”
“Ya mean we wouldn’t be in it if ya hadn’t gotten us caught.” He replied, pausing to lean on his broom as he watched her bend over to try and retrieve something from under the couch.
“How was I supposed to know the Vice Principle checks in on the Student Lounge after 9th period!?” She called back, grunting as she yanked at one of the solo cups that had been wedged there.
“Well, ya coulda just waited around t’ find out on yer own instead of holding me up while everyone else escaped.”
“Are you stupid?” She asked, pulling her arm back out and turning to look up at him from where she’d stationed herself between the worn out cushions and the coffee table. “If I’d done that I’d be here taking care of your guys mess all on my own!”
“Yep, ya would.” He grinned, almost enjoying the way she glared. Oh, who was he kidding? He was totally enjoying it. “And I’d like it way better than me being stuck here having to help ya!”
“You...!” Ellie practically fumed, nostrils flaring as she swiped at him with her trash bag. “Røvhul! Shut up and get back to sweeping!”
“Pfft, yeah, yeah, whatever you say.” He said, rolling his eyes as he went back to work. “Didn’t I already tell ya callin’ me a rude word in another language takes all the bite out of it?”
“Not my fault you’re a dumb American.” She muttered as she climbed to her feet. “Learn something other than English already.”
“I have, it’s called Spanish. Muuuuuch more useful than Danish.” He said, hoping to irritate her further. “¿Necesitas que te demuestre, mamacita?”
“Llámame así otra vez, y te daré una bofetada, imbécil.” She told him, relishing the way his eyebrows shot up in surprise. “What? You thought I wouldn’t know any Spanish?”
“More like impressed you know the slang.” He admitted, giving her the once-over as he wondered what other ‘bad words’ she might know in various languages. 
“Didn’t I tell you to shut up and sweep?” She said, narrowing her eyes at him.
“Yeah, but where’s the fun in that?” He said with a smirk, turning back to his task. “This way I can get work done, and still annoy you.”
“What is it about doing that is so fun for you, huh?” She asked, crossing her arms over her chest. “You get off on being a pest?”
‘That’s one way to put it...’ He snickered, weighing in his mind how worth getting punched it would be to tell her just how much he ‘got off’ on seeing that angry face of hers. “Oh yeah, it’s a huge thrill. Like wavin’ a red flag in front of a bull.”
“A bull? That’s how you see me?” She asked incredulously, starting to fume again. “Some great, lumbering beast with horns?”
“Well, there is this little angry snorting thing ya do...” He glanced back at her, his smirk growing. “There, ya see? Just like that!”
“Are you asking me to hit you?” She asked, her nostrils flaring even wider this time.
“Oh, not at all! This would be askin’ fer a hit.” He set his broom aside and picked up one of the red school jerseys his friends had left behind, shaking it up and down like those Matadors did in old Spanish films. “C’ mon girl! ¡Ándele!  ¡Ándele!”
“Ugh! You-!” Ellie tossed aside her trash bag and stomped over to him, reaching out to try and snatch the shirt from his grasp.
He jumped back several feet in response, still waving the makeshift ‘flag’. “Uh-uh-uh, you’re gonna hafta do better than that!”
She growled in response, coming right back over to try again.
Once more he dodged, moving back even farther this time and giving the jersey an extra shake. “Oooooo, almost had it that time! Whaddaya say third time’s the charm? Not that that pissed off face of yours ain’t charmin’ enough already.” 
That was the last straw. With a roar that would have made an actual bull feel inadequate, she charged at him full force, determined to take away his dam ‘flag’.
He let her have it this time, throwing the thing at her face and stepping out of the way so she ran on past him.
Still going full speed and suddenly blind, Ellie stumbled around for a moment or two before tripping over the corner of the hand-me-down area rug to land ass-first in the trash can.
“Pfft, nice moves.” He said, not even bothering to hold back his laughter as he watched her flail and shriek.
“For helvede! Rend!” She ripped the shirt off her face, struggling to get out of the trashcan like some kind of turtle who’d fallen on their shell.
“C’ mon, no need to be so hard on yourself! I think you make a very graceful dumpster diver.” He chuckled, reaching out a hand to help her up.
Immediately she smacked his hand away, growling and doubling her efforts until she managed to free herself. “Don’t touch me! I don’t need some røv like you kicking me into the trash then pretending to be all nice when you pull me out!”
Rahim pulled his hand back, the sting across his knuckles almost as bad as the sting from her words. He glowered at her as she climbed to her feet, a streak of genuine anger rushing in to cover up the hurt. “You just gotta think the worst of me no matter what, don’t ya?”
“So what if I do? It’s not like you’ve ever given me a reason not to!” She snapped, brushing herself off as she stared daggers at him.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked, his voice downright defensive as he returned her glare. 
“You’re a jerk!” She shouted, throwing her hands up in exasperation. Why was he still playing dumb about this? “You’re rude, and insensitive, and the first time I met you, you dumped ice cold coffee right in my lap!”
“Yeah?” He was clenching his jaw now, his own hands curling into fists. “Well if ya don’t like it why don’t you just walk away!”
“I can’t, I’m not done yelling at you!” She shot back, true fire in her eyes.
“What else could ya possibly have to say! Gonna call me dumb again?” He stepped forward, putting them less than a foot apart as they stared each other down. “We all know that’s real original!”
“Well, maybe I wouldn’t have to if you’d stop doing dumb things like making fun of me!” She felt a twinge of something in her heart as she shouted it at him, something remarkably similar to grief.
“Since when have I done that?” He had teased her, sure, mercilessly even, but there wasn’t a single time he could think of where he’d mocked or outright made fun of her. At least not recently. “Name one time!”
“You’re always doing it! Calling me cute, or charming, or going ‘Ooooo, you’re hot when you’re mad’!” She poked him in the chest with each mention of his sarcastic little ‘compliments’.
“That’s not making fun. You are cute! You’re annoyingly cute!” Now it was his turn to throw up his hands, thoughts of how goddamn, frustratingly, impossibly sexy her lips were when she scowled like that distracting him for a moment. “And you’re so hot when ya get wound up like this I can barely stop myself from kissing’ ya!”
“Well, why don’t you then!?” The words were out of her mouth before her brain could fully process them, running on instinct as she squared up with him so close their noses nearly touched.
“Well, maybe I will!” He told her, his muscles tensing as he felt their breaths mingling from the new proximity.
They kissed each other at the same time, their lips crashing together. She hopped up on top of him, legs wrapping around his waist as he stumbled back to fall over onto the couch. Soon they were all over each other, lips locked and hands running through each other’s hair.
Intensely passionate, their mouths pulled apart and collapsed back together in a series of nips and growls and tongue twirling that left them both struggling to breathe.
They pressed against each other, Ellie’s body pushing Rahim down with her weight as his hands dragged down her back to park themselves right above her hips. 
Tangling together even further as the kisses grew deeper, they rolled off the couch and landed hard on the floor, positions switched so he was the one on top of her.
Rahim slipped a hand under her shirt, spreading his fingers open against the toned, taut muscles of her stomach. Feeling something wet on his face as her cheek rubbed against his, he paused and pulled away, surprised to find her eyes full of tears.
“Why...” The word spilled out of her like a gasp, soft and raspy like it hurt her throat.
“What?” He blinked down at her in confusion, wondering if she’d banged her head against the floor during their tumble from the couch. 
“Why are you doing this?” She asked, her voice choked up with so much frustration she thought the feeling might drown it out. “I thought you hated me...”
The words hit him like a pile of bricks, realization dawning in a way that had his eyes widening in panic.
Him. She was crying over him.  
“I do,” He said, hating himself for being honest when he would have told her a million lies just to get her tears to stop. “I just... I like ya more.” 
She nodded in response, and he licked his lips, his hand hovering over her cheek as if he was dying to touch her again. “What about you? I thought you hated me back.”
“I... I do. I just... I like you more.” The tears came as fast as she blinked them away, her heart breaking and mending itself back together again with each one that fell. “Way more.”
In comparison to hers, Rahim’s heart beat wildly, his stomach flip-flopping back and forth as he nodded and kissed her again, just as passionate as last time but this time longer and with just a hint of tenderness.
Ellie closed her eyes even as she failed to stop crying, kissing him back desperately as her fingers tugged at his curls.
They fell further and further into the kiss until nothing else mattered, Rahim pushing himself to bring some joy to this girl he was sure he hated just as Ellie gave as much as she could to the boy she hated having fallen for. It wasn’t until the sun started to set that the spell between them broke, each making their usual excuses as they untangled themselves and headed for home. Both promising themselves they would never let it happen again, and both secretly knowing it was bound to happen.   
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"Tell me" prompt for Joker and Fem Shep please? ^w^
Tell Me - Joker x FShepard
Leave a “Tell Me” in my ask, and I’ll write a drabble about one character confessing something to another [be it a love confession, a secret, feel free to specify.]
So since you said FemShep I’m going to use my femShep if you don’t mind lol I might do some more editing tommorow…I’m kinda rusty with writing lol 
Cerberus had rebuilt her from nothing more than a slab of meat. A bloody terrorist organization by all accounts. She growled in frustration as she thought about it, and leaned forward to rest her hands on her desk.  The raven haired woman could feel her biotics flaring up slightly, emitting a light blue glow. She hated Cerberus but she knew that they were in the right in this situation. Human colonists were going missing left and right and no one seemed to want to do a damned thing, not even the damned Alliance. It frustrated her beyond belief that they were so blinded.
“Damned Alliance…damned Council..” she muttered.
Sydney Shepard. Saviour of the Citadel was now looked down upon as some sort of criminal. Even though she had the Council’s support, she could see in their eyes that they didn’t fully trust her, despite the fact that she had saved their sorry asses from ultimate doom. Had it been any of their people who were being taken, an investigation would have been conducted immediately. Despite the progress that humanity had made, they were still seen as second grade. Now she was forced to surround herself by strangers, on a mere replica of the original Normandy. It wasn’t the same. To top it off it brought up painful memories she would have rather have forgotten.
Yet still one thing did remain. Joker. Well two, given that Chakwas was also there as well. Shepard considered Chakwas to be like a mother to her. Still, Joker had become her best friend throughout the time they spent together on the Normandy. He provided that extra kick that she needed. He didn’t sugar coat things or kiss up to her as many others had tried to. It was a breath of fresh air. If she only had Chambers to talk to, she might have considered throwing herself out the airlock to escape. Yet every time she thought of her pilot, her heart seemed to fasten it’s pace no matter how hard she tried to calm it. He never failed to put a smile on her face.
EDI’s voice broke through her reverie and made her slightly jump in surprise.
“Commander, Jeff Moreau requests to enter your quarters”
“Oh…Let him in EDI.” she put down her datapad as Jeff hobbled through the door.
“Heyyyy Commander. Wow…Nice… place” he looked around at the commander’s quarters. It was pretty spacious and pretty fancy with the fish tank built into it. Though where the hell were the fish? He wondered. Kinda creepy.
Sydney smiled “It is pretty nice huh? Definitely an improvement from the drab Alliance bunk I was given back in the old Normandy….But I swear if I find cameras around this room I’m out”
Joker let out a snort and smirked “Wouldn’t that be something…Get you here just to make a Commander Shepard porno. Though that would be pretty stupid… I doubt they would want to piss off a powerful biotic while in a ship…You’d tear them apart…Possibly the ship with it…But please don’t wreck my baby. She fits me like a glove”
She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms around her chest. “I won’t mess with your baby. Though I can’t promise I won’t be using the airlock to dispose of some garbage at some point…especially a certain redhead…”
“Welp, just make sure the bodies don’t hit the Normandy. Blood stains are a bitch to get out”
Jeff watched her as she smiled and giggled. To him it was the most beautiful thing in the world. He felt cheesy for even thinking about it, but he couldn’t help it. For two years that smile had haunted his dreams. It was his fault that she had died, and that now they were in this position. He knew she didn’t like this, but knew it was necessary.
When he had found out that Syd was alive, he hadn’t believed it. He had thought that someone was playing a very cruel joke on him and he had the urge to punch them in the face. Mind you, he’d probably break his arm, but it would have been worth it for the level of assholery it would have taken to make a joke like that. He was an ass but even he wouldn’t go that far. He had even yelled at Miranda when she first brought the information to him. Jeff hardly ever got angry enough to yell, but he had felt broken at that point. He felt like he had lost everything.
When he saw her face in person for the first time after he revival, seeing the joy written on her face when she saw him, he was awestruck. It really had been her, and not only that, but she wasn’t angry with him? It almost seemed too good to be true, but there it was. He still believed he deserved her anger. If he hadn’t have been so stubborn they would have both made it out alive.
“Jeff…?” her soft voice called out to him, breaking him out of his thoughts. “Are you alright?”
“Oh uh…ya uh…sorry…Just thinking…”
“Try not to hurt yourself with that” she smirked.
“Har har har”
“Really though…what’s on your mind?” she tilted her head, watching him curiously. Her soft brown hues staring into his with concern. She always had been a great listener, never judging him. Well, much. She knew what he really needed, even if it was silent support with just sitting near him. He loved that she never pitied him. He had grown so accustomed to people being assholes that he had come to expect it from everyone. Got to shield himself somehow. Why not with sarcasm and humour?
“I just…Shit…I’m not good with this crap but uh…I need to come out with it…Why aren’t you angry with me? Or even hit me for crying out loud. Why?”
“Hit you…? Why would I do that..?” she said with a confused look spread across her face.
“Because..you know…everything that’s happened…I was…I was a stubborn ass and didn’t leave the Normandy when I should’ve and I got you killed. That’s why. To me you should have biotically wrecked my ass the moment you came back…” he frowned and looked away. He never stopped blaming himself and went many a night with thoughts swirling in his head and his heart hurting from the guilt. He had wished that it had been him that went down with the ship that day. He was replaceable. She was not.
A soft hand caressed his face gently and turned his face to look at her, her eyes filled with hurt that he would feel this way.
“Jeff…please don’t ever say that…You don’t deserve pain…I would go through that a thousand times to save you…You matter Jeff…”
“Pfft I’m no Commander Shepard. I’m just some Cripple Pilot who happened to impress a few people. Nothing special…”
A slight frown spread across her face and she flicked his nose.
“Oi! What was that for?” he looked at her in confusion.
“For being a donut” she skipped over to her bed and sat down, thinking that it’d probably be more comfortable for him there. Patting the spot beside her, she waits to speak more until he is sat down beside her. “You know I couldn’t have gotten through this without you right? All those times where we were in a tough spot and you made the impossible getaways? That was all you. You made the absolute impossible drop on freaking Ilos! It wasn’t even supposed to be possible! But you did it and made it possible for us to get there and therefore defeat Saren. You were also the one who did alot of work to take out Sovereign. Any other ship would’ve been destroyed by something like that. So don’t you say that you are nothing alright? That’s just bullshit”
He stared at her for a moment, blinking his eyes slightly in disbelief at the level of praise he was receiving from her. Sure, he knew that she thought highly of him, but she said it with such passion and determination that warmed his heart.
His eyes were slightly damp, holding back the tears that threaten to spill. This woman in front of him seem to care so much about him, and truly believed in him. There was no form of pity or deceit in her eyes. All that was there was admiration and a sadness that he would speak so lowly of himself.
“But…I..I’m just…”
“Just what?” she pouted “Just the best damn pilot in the damn galaxy? Just the most sarcastic and witty man I have ever met? Just the man that I love–” she looked shocked that she had made such a revelation, but there was no question that she truly felt that way. “That I love…” she whispered once again, no hesitation in her voice.
Leaning in slowly, she tested the waters with a small chaste kiss to his lips. It was a small, quick kiss, but it still made her feel a slight tingle in her body. When she pulled back, her chocolate orbs searched his for any sense of hesitation or indication that she had made a mistake. Yet soon the pilot himself wrapped his arms gently around her waist to bring her closer, claiming her lips with his in a sweet and tender kiss that made her feel as if her whole body was a live wire. The beating of their hearts synchronized as they held each other, while they tasted each other and while they melded with one another. With eyes closed they took in the pleasure of their other senses and the warmth that radiated from the other. Jeff could feel the slight tingle of her biotics flaring, but not an uncomfortable feeling, but rather a comfortable warmth that encompassed him. It was a feeling he was unfamiliar with, but could definitely get used to.
It was hard to believe that the great Commander Shepard could be so gentle when she literally could kick a krogan into the sky. She was badass, beautiful, kind and just absolutely amazing to him.
When they pulled back from each other, they stared into each other’s eyes, an incredulous look on both of their faces. Neither one could believe what just happened, yet no regret was present. A bright smile dawned on her face, one that made Joker’s heart leap and his eyes wandered around her face which was surrounded by her dark raven locks which cascaded down her back. He admired her deep rich brown eyes, that held fire and life within them, her cheeks decorated with a soft pink of blush and soft tiny freckles across her cheek bones. Normally he’d have something to say, whether it was a joke, sarcastic remark or just plain old rambling, but in this moment he was completely speechless.
Noticing his lingering gaze upon her she giggled shyly and rested her forehead to his chest to hide the ever growing blush. The commander shy? Jeff had never seen her in such a state.
“So cute…” he muttered under his breath at the shy display that his normally confident boss was now showing. It made him feel good that she trusted him enough to show her more vulnerable side.
“Don’t…tease me…That’s an order…” she grumbled, still hiding her face but slightly peaked up at him.
“Sorry Commander…gonna have to disobey…You can punish me later all you want. However you want~~” he slightly purred and gave her a devious wink.
“You!! You are incorrigible!” she laughed.
“But you love me!” he wiggled his eyebrows.
She shook her head with a smile “Yes…yes I do…” the short female looked up at him with a soft gaze.
“I love you too…” he said in a soft voice before he kissed her softly once again. “But…what about my…condition? You don’t mind?”
A gentle hand made its way to his bearded cheek. “Have I ever given the slightest indication that I minded?”
“Well no…but people tend to ya know. Save it for behind people’s backs. People just looveeee to gossip” he rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled nervously.
“Well…I’m not those people. Your condition doesn’t define who you are. It means you have to be more careful but it doesn’t make you weak. You make the best of your condition and have surpassed those without your circumstances…And even if you hadn’t…you are you…And..I fell for the man… not your abilities…Sorry if that uh…sounded cheesy or anything…I uh…I’m a bit of a dork…”
“Nooooooo really?” he rolled his eyes but then faced her scowl. Normally her scowl would’ve been terrifying, but in this moment she looked more like an angry little chipmunk, which only made him laugh harder. “I’m kidding I’m kidding. Don’t hurt me. I’m fragile” He put his hands up in surrender.
“Hmmm…fine…but on one condition”
“Oh? Making demands huh? Everyone alwayssss wants somethin don’t they. What is it, babe?” he smirked.
“Well uh…ilovelotsofhugsok”
“What was that, m’am? Didn’t quite catch that”
“Hug me dammit!”
He let out the heartiest laugh ever before wrapping his arms around her. “I guess that can be arranged…”
A few minutes of peaceful silence fell upon them before Joker broke the silence once again.
“You know…This could be considered abuse of power…”
“Shut up, Moreau. You’re ruining the moment” she flicked his forehead.
“You don’t do this with everyone to get hugs do you?”
“No you dummy”
“Not even Chambers”
“Right. Shutting up…Now…”
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mycasandstarrs · 6 years
SPN 8x17: “Goodbye Stranger”
THEN: Meg. Naomi, and her control over Cas. The angel tablet exists and Crowley knows. Dean wanted to do the trials that would seal the Gates of Hell, but Sam is the one who ends up taking that torch. Dean is concerned for Sam, so he prays to Cas.
RIP prototype Dean Winchester. Killed by Cas.
“No hesitation. Quick. Brutal. Everything's back in order.” Fuck you, Naomi.
How long did it take for Cas to do that without any emotion? How many fake Deans did he go through???
Dean going through the Men of Letters archive.
There’s the key to Oz!
Ooohhh a Faberge egg! Dean could sell that and make a buttload of money.
Oh dear, Sam.
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“This is a first edition, dude. You know what this would go for on eBay?” But you won’t sell the Faberge egg??
Dean finds the bloody tissue.
That’s a beautiful house.
“About a week ago, something changed in Ann. She was out of sorts, not herself at all.” Ann was possessed.
“I should have stayed. I should have protected her.” Oh no, sir. He would’ve died too.
“So, somebody's killing demons. Well, that is awesome. I feel like we should send a card or flowers. What kind of flower says ‘thanks for killing demons’?” Yeah, send them to Cas.
Wendy Rice.
Special Agents Lynne and Tandy.
“My dissertation is -- is on the history of this town and, uh, its connection to the Underground Railroad and -- and -- and whatnot. I've been working to re-create a map for years as part of my research, and this -- this is the old Jakubiak orchard there.” I really like how proud she was of her project.
“Ann's assistant called this morning, though, asking if I still had the map.”  Another demon? Or Cas?
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RIP demon. Killed by Cas.
(The look on Dean’s face thoo.)
Aww, Dean looking out for Sam.
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“You heard me, didn't you?” ohh nooo.
Every lie Cas tells takes a year off my life.
“They're looking for a parchment that would allow them to decipher Crowley's half of the Demon Tablet without a Prophet.”
“strange haired demon” haha.
“Well, he puts the ‘ass’ in ‘Cas’, huh?” If ya say so, huehue.
“If he's so sketchy, then why were you praying to him?” FOR YOU AND YOUR HEALTH.
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“I am a celestial being.” pft.
Look who’s bad cop now!
“We have a hostage! It's one of Crowley's pets. She's at the Murray Hotel, down by the interstate. She knows the towns where all the crypts are buried. She saw them all back in the day.”
“And she told you about the parchment?”
No, no, no, possible exposure coming up...
“What parchment?!”
RIP demon. Killed by Cas.
I assume Sam and Dean were cursing Cas during the drive to the hotel.
RIP demons. Killed by Cas.
Hello for the last time, Meg.
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“Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper?”
“What's up with the hair?” Why would that be your first question?
Y’all are asking dumb questions, guys.
“A bunch of innocent people died so you could... buy yourself some time?”
“Hi. I'm Meg. I'm a demon.”  
“She’s gonna tell them the truth. Do I have to kill her?” Aww Cas. I love the genuine reluctance at the possibility of having to kill Meg.
“Any of you dummies got a map?” They got something better.
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“What’s there now?”
“Do I look like Google to you? None of these buildings were here way back in the day. Figure it out, genius. Is there any booze in this dump?”
“You really do know how to make a girl's nethers quiver, don't you?”
“I am aware of how to do that. Although it doesn't usually involve cleaning wounds.”
ngl, I lowkey ship Megstiel. 
“Would it kill you to watch a movie, read a book?”
“A movie, no. But a book with the proper spells -- yeah, it could, theoretically, kill me.”
Pfft. Never appreciated that line before.
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“So, your noodle's back in order?” Not quite.
“Yeah, my... noodle remembers everything. I think it's a pretty good noodle.”
“Really? You remember everything?”
“If you're referring to the pizza man... Yes, I remember the pizza man. And it's a good memory.”
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“I miss the simplicity. I was bad. You were good. Life was easier. Now it's all so messy. I'm kind of good, which sucks. And you're kind of bad -- which is actually all manner of hot.” Agreed.
“We survive this... I'm gonna order some pizza and we're gonna move some furniture around. You understand?” Oof, that’s hot as all hell.
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RIP demon. Killed by Crowley.
"If you want something done right...blah, blah, blah.”
Team Free Will, plus one.
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“No, you're not. Sam... You're damaged in ways even I can't heal. Dean's right.“ Shit dude.
“You should stay here and protect Meg.”
“Since when do I need protecting?”
“Since you were held captive and tortured for over a year.”  
Walked right into that one, Meg.
Sam and Meg getting left behind by the people who want to take care of them.
“Wait -- so I took how many bullets for you guys, and you didn't even look for me?” Aww, poor Meg. Don’t worry Meg, Sam didn’t look for Dean or Kevin either.
“Look, no disrespect, but you haven't exactly been the most, uh, trustworthy person in our lives, Meg.”
“You're not gonna tell me? Seriously? How am I not team Sam?”
Seriously tho! They have history going back aallll the way to S1! That’s a long time.
“Deep down, in parts you never let see the light of day, you want to live a long, normal life away from creepy old things like me.”
“I do. You know, I spent last year with... someone, and, um... ...now I know that's actually possible.”
“Wait -- that's how you spent your last year? With a chick? Lame.”
AGREED. (Well, it wouldn’t be so lame if I actually liked the “chick”.)
“Tell me -- how'd you meet this unicorn?”
“I found it.”
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“the Winchester” he HAS A NAME.
OOHHH LOOK AT THOSE BI COLORS. Unintentional as they may be, it damn sure looks like it. 
I’m already getting tense, I know what’s coming.
“Winner, winner, chicken dinner.”
“Good. Hand it to me, and I'll take it to heaven. “
I don’t like this.
“I can't let you take that, Dean.”
“Can’t or won’t?”
“Wait -- h-hold on. There's one part I don't understand. You hit a dog and stopped. Why?” pft.
“You fell in love with a unicorn. It was beautiful, then sad, then sadder. I laughed, I cried, I puked in my mouth a little. And honestly, I kind of get it.” :’)
“I won't hurt Dean.” AWW NO
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RIP demon. Killed by Sam.
RIP demon. killed by Meg.
“Cas. Cas. I know you're in there. I know you can hear me. Cas... It's me. We're family. We need you. I need you.”
“You have to choose, Castiel -- us or them.”
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There are no words for the love and angst I’ve got for the crypt scene.
“Go. Save your brother... and my unicorn.” Aww.
“Timon and Pumbaa...tell you their big plan? Did they share that little chestnut with you? They mean to close the Gates of Hell, sweetheart. They mean to kill me and all the demons -- you included.”
“You had me at ‘kill you’, Crowley.”
Cas caught Dean up to speed...then leaves with the angel tablet. Damn it, Cas.
“I could beat on you for eternity.”
“Take all the time you want, pig...No Cas in the back seat. Your stone is long gone.” Meg’s last words.
RIP Meg. Killed by Crowley. I’ll miss her.
“If you remember our time in Mesopotamia the way I do, you know I'm a lover, not a fighter.” Crowley and Naomi knew each other?
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*Naomi leaves* “Tart stole my move.”
“So... what happened? I mean, Cas touched the tablet, and it reset him to his factory settings or something?”
“I don't know. And I don't care.”
Yeah, you do. You care.
“Listen, I may not be able to carry the burden that comes along with these trials... But I can carry you.” !!!
“You... realize you kind of just quoted ‘Lord of the Rings,’ right?”
Come on, man. But it's the Rudy Hobbit, all right? Rudy Hobbit always gets a pass.”
Of course, Sam (the Rudy hobbit) was the best!
“Goodbye Stranger” by Supertramp.
Apparently this isn’t a typical song Dean would listen to, because Sam gave Dean the “You’re really gonna listen to this song?” look.
Aww Cas. :(
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