#huh chan mi
minniesmutt · 3 months
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐬
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☾ ━━━ PAIRING: HAN X READER ☾ ━━━ CONTENT: HOGWARTS(? IT’S MORE OF A COLLEGE THAN JUST HOW IT ORIGINALLY WAS. I JUST WANTED THE HOUSES)!AU, IDIOTS TO LOVERS, READER IS IN SLYTHERIN, HAND KINK, FINGERING, CLIT PLAY, PUBLIC SETTING, TEASING, UNPROTECTED SEX, BOOB PLAY, PULL OUT METHOD, PET NAMES (BABY) ☾ ━━━ WC: 4.2K ☾ ━━━ repost from old blog ☾ ━━━ 18+ work!! minors and ageless/blank blogs DNI! you will be blocked, put an indicator on your blog somewhere that you are 18+ before interacting with this work/blog
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     Han Jisung was annoying to Y/n. His personality, his little pranks around campus, how he challenged everything she said, and his good looks. The last part she hated the most. Since their year hit puberty, Jisung was one of the guys people from every house tried asking out or had a crush on. She, unfortunately, was no better. But she refused to let it fester.
     “If you keep staring at him, he’s gonna find out you like him,” Seungmin scared her out of her thoughts.
     “Don’t sneak up on me like that,” Y/n scolded him and punched his shoulder.
     “I’m just saying,” He chuckled and rubbed his shoulder, “You should stop reading all those enemies to love books in the library. It’s starting to influence your love life.”
     “You’re just trying to get hit today,” Y/n challenged him.
     Jisung watched the two’s interaction from across the courtyard. He had been listening to Minho and Chan talk till he caught a glimpse of Y/n over the yard. Now playfully arguing with her housemate.
     “Jisung!” Minho yelled at him.
     “Yeah?!” He answered, scared
     “What do you think?” His friend asked
     “No, yeah. Totally,” Jisung tried to sound like he was paying attention but Minho and Chan both knew better.
     “Alright. I’ll ask Y/n out after class then,” He deadpanned his friend
     “He’s not asking Y/n out, relax,” Chan reassured him, “Just trying to get your attention for this weekend.”
     “What’s this weekend?” Jisung asked, eyes still on Y/n as he watched her and Seungmin walk away.
     “Hogsmeade…” Chan reminded him
     “What about it?”
     “If you weren’t busy daydreaming, you would know,” Minho retorted.
     “Ji, what do we do every Hogsmeade visit?”
     “Oh! Pub! Got it!” Jisung remembered, “I’ve got to get to class. Later.”
     Jisung bolted up and grabbed his things and quickly left the two.
     “His next one is with Y/n, isn’t it?” Chan asked
     “Yep.” Minho popped the ‘p’ and the two sighed. Opting to go to their classes.
     Jisung spent the majority of his class with Y/n stealing glances at her. Both of them sat in the back so he found it easy to look across the room and see her concentrating on the lesson. Not aware she was doing the same thing. 
     Every class, he tried to work up his courage to ask her out but she was always out the door before he could. Y/n had caught his glances a few times and did not want to find out what they were about at the end of the day so she’d left as quick as she could. Didn’t help they shared all their classes. So even though she wanted to see him, she didn’t at the same time. 
     Jisung just had to wait another time and would complain to his friends during the weekend. 
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     “Why don’t you just send her a letter?” Hyunjin suggested when Jisung brought up his problem. 
     “Yeah. Then you don’t have to do it face-to-face,” Changbin agreed
     “Yes, get rejected over mail.” Jisung said, “Chan, you guys are in the same house.”
     “And I have zero clue about what she says about you,” Chan added
     Jisung laid his head on the table. Chan patted his back to reassure him it’d be okay. Minho eyes drifting towards the door. “Felix probably knows,” he said, seeing the blond walk in with the girl they were talking about and their two other friends— Seungmin and Jeongin.
     “Okay, but he’s always at quidditch practice so how am I—” Jisung had to stop midsentance when he lifted his head and saw the group. 
     “Well,” Minho instigated
     Jisung just slid down in their booth. Hoping not to be spotted, just for Changbin to kick his shin. “Owe!”
     “Sit up!” Changbin said
     “Don’t fight,” Chan reminded as they watched the group take a table on the side of the room.
     “Well,” Minho said
     “Someone cast an invisibility spell and go over there,” Jisung said
     “You need a charm for that,” Chan stated
     “Just rip the bandaid off and tell her you like her,” Hyunjin argued
     “It’s not that easy!” Jisung exclaimed
     “You haven’t tried,” Hyunjin argued
     “Min, where are you going?” Chan asked as the second oldest was getting up
     “Refill,” Minho said, holding up his empty glass.
     “Get me some more too,” Changbin said, holding his almost empty glass up.
     Minho rolled his eyes but agreed anyway. Walking up to the bar and ordering two more drinks. Not his full intention, but he needed an excuse. He felt the need to give his friend a push, even if it meant pissing him up a little bit. 
     Y/n had gotten up from her friend group and gone to the bathroom. Coming out and accidentally bumping into Minho. The male quickly grabbed her to stabilize her before she fell back, even if she wasn’t going to.
     “Sorry Minho. I wasn’t paying attention,” Y/n apologized as she took a step back.
     “It’s okay,” Minho smiled “Got a lot on your mind, you look out of it.”
     “Kind of,” Y/n shrugged
     “Wanna talk about it over a drink?” He offered
     “Maybe another time? I’m here with friends,” Y/n suggested
     “How about next weekend?” 
     Y/n blinked at him for a minute, “Sure,” she finally answered
     “It’s a date then,” Minho smiled as his drinks were handed to him and he walked away. 
     Y/n watched him walk back to his table, handing a drink to Changbin, and noticed the group. Chan, Hyunjin, Changbin, and Jisung.
     Y/n didn’t know how to feel about the last staring at her as she just went back to her friend group.
     “That took a while,” Jeongin commented as she sat in their booth.
     “Accidently bumped into Minho,” she sighed, “He asked me on a date. I think?”
     “Huh?!” Felix exclaimed.
     “It can’t be a coincidence we were talking about your crush then his best friend asked you on a date,” Seungmin laughed
     “It might be,” Y/n defended, “They’re on the other side of the room, there’s no way they heard us.”
     “Either way, I still think you should stop avoiding Jisung and give him a chance,” Felix brought the conversation back to their previous one— her crush on Jisung that she refused to talk about.
     “Nope,” Y/n said
     “Y/n,” Felix sighed
     “You know he’s probably got a crush on you too,” Jeongin said
     “No way,” Y/n denied
     “Now that you mention it—” Felix started
     “No! Don’t mention it,” Y/n interrupted
     “I did notice him staring at you the other day in the courtyard,” Seungmin said.
     “This is not what I wanted to come here for,” Y/n groaned, hanging her head low and covering her ears.
     “The sooner you admit it the sooner it stops,” Jeongin said next to her, pulling a hand away from her ear.
     “Lix,” Y/n whined, looking at the Hufflepuff for support.
     “They have a point,” he shrugged
     “I hate you all,” Y/n groaned
     She absolutely hated how right the three were. She crashed onto her bed as soon as she and Seungmin made it back to the Slytherin dorms. The male followed her up to check in on her. 
     “Hey,” he said, sitting next to her, “We didn't mean to push you back there.”
     “I know, just doubt he returns my feelings,” Y/n groaned, “Feels like I'm just getting my hopes up.”
     “Maybe stop looking away from him when you think he's about to catch you staring and you’ll see what the rest of us see,” Seungmin patted her back before getting off the bed and leaving the dorm room. 
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     “Min,” Jisung whined for the umpteenth time, trying to coax his friend into telling him what he had talked to his crush about 
     “We just caught up a bit after she bumped into me,” Minho answered. The same answer he had been giving Jisung since they got back to the Gryffindor dorms. 
     “She didn’t say anything about me?” Jisung questioned 
     “No. You didn’t come up in conversation,” yet.
     “Yeah.” Minho agreed. Getting the boy off his back for now. 
     Didn’t stop him from asking the rest of the week. In between his staring at the girl in question. Getting caught a few times during their lectures by her which ended in a couple of odd staring contests till she rolled her pretty eyes and turned back to the lesson. 
     Jisung laid his head down in defeat and picked himself back up when they were dismissed. 
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     “Where’s Min?” Jisung asked as the four out of five in their group slid into their normal booth. 
     “Said he had a date,” Hyunjin answered 
     The group shrugged and let it go. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for Minho to go on a date. Their chatter continued as they caught up on classes and their other activities. Specifically the quidditch match at the end of next week. Gryffindor vs Slytherin. This meant Chan playing against Changbin and Minho, which the group always found fun to watch. 
     “No way,” Hyunjin said out of the blue, making the other three look where he was looking. 
     Seeing their friend walk in with Y/n before the two made their way to the opposite end of the room. 
     “I thought he was joking about asking her out,” Chan said in disbelief 
     “Since when has he ever joked about doing something like that?” Changbin asked, “I understand why he did. It is Y/n.”
     “Not helping,” Chan said, motioning to Jisung, still staring at the two. 
     “Stop staring,” Hyunjin said, turning the boy’s attention to the group. 
     “We’ll ask him what it was about later. Just relax for now,” Chan said
     The four did wait it out, not very long thankfully. It was an hour and a half of sneaking peeks at the table before the two got up and Y/n left the pub and Minho joined them.
     “How was your date?” Changbin smirked
     “Eh, not a date. Mostly gave her an ear to vent a problem too.” Minho shrugged and took a seat
     “Would you like to share with the class?” Hyunjin said, leaning forward.
     “She’s got a crush,” Minho said
     “Who?” Jisung asked
     “Didn’t say. Just talked about her issue with it and her friends trying to convince her to talk to him.     “What house?” Jisung asked
     “Didn’t say. He’s not in Slytherin.”
     “Are you gonna fight the guy?” Changbin asked
     “Yes,” Jisung said without hesitation.
     The four looked at each other before just letting it go, at least until Jisung left the table.
     “Are they two blind idiots in love with each other?” Changbin asked
     “A hundred percent,” Minho confirmed
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     Jisung spent all week trying to figure out who he was going to fight. Anyone without the black and green robe was under his suspicion. The only ones he had ruled out were Felix and Jeongin. 
     “Are we not addressing Jisung just sticking way closer than usual?” Jeongin asked as the four sat in the courtyard
     “I ignore it,” Y/n shrugged
     “Until he’s not looking at you,” Felix remarked
     “Then she’s daydreaming,” Seungmin smirked, making a kissy face at her to tease her
     “Stop it,” Y/n said, almost hitting him with her divination textbook, the boy effectively dodging it.
     “At this point, it’s going to be Seungmin that exposes your crush,” Jeongin said
     “If she didn’t tell Minho on their date,” Seungmin retorted
     “Why would I tell him? They’re friends.”
     The clock tower rang, signaling the hour. The four got up to head to class and Jisung headed to his own class as well. Potions, one of the many he had with Y/n. Luck managed to be on his side today as their teacher paired everyone up— pairing him and Y/n up.
     Letting everyone get to their stations before further explaining the mixture of the day. Jisung barely paid attention, looking towards the professor but mostly looking at her.
     “Jisung,” Y/n snapped him out of his trance, snapping her fingers at him
     “Huh?” He asked
     “Were you paying attention?” She asked
     Y/n rolled her eyes, “Can you go grab the ingredients?” She asked, showing him the list from her textbook
     “Yeah,” He nodded, grabbing his own and flipping to the page. Getting up to grab what they needed. 
     Y/n let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She should get an award for acting like catching him staring at her didn't affect her. Until Jeongin walked by her table. She forgot for a moment she had him in this class too. 
     The Ravenclaw said nothing. Just gave her a knowing look. Y/n glared at him before Jisung came back to their station. Basket of ingredients in hand. 
     Y/n regained her composure and the two got to work. At least she did. Jisung helped here and there but mostly watched her. Watching every little move; rolling up her sleeves, rereading a step before she did it to make sure she was doing it right to how she tucked her hair behind her ears. The tips of them slightly tinted
     “You feel okay?” he asked 
     “Huh?” she turned to look at him. Confused and cheeks tinted slightly as well. 
     “You feel okay? You look flushed.”
     ‘You would too if you could feel your crush staring at you as you work,’ she thought, “Fine. Just a little warm.”
     “Let me do some of the work. You can read off the instructions,” Jisung offered
     Y/n didn't have time to respond before he took over. Y/n cleared her throat and read him the instructions from the textbook. Trying not to look at him for too long. Even if she couldn't help herself side-eyeing him a bit— eyes lingering a little too long on his hands. 
     ‘I wonder how they would feel in—”
     “Y/n,” Jisung snapped her out of her thoughts. 
     “Sorry,” Y/n said, ignoring whatever he was going to say, and gave him the next instruction. 
     Y/n walked him through finishing the potion. Calling their professor over to check their work. Gladly passed the two of them and had them write a report before they were dismissed. Y/n all but booked her way out of the classroom before Jisung or god forbid Jeongin said anything. 
     Booking it down the hall to the library. Thankful she had a free period and could calm down a bit in the library, study for classes. Hiding as far as she could from thd door and diving into her textbooks, cautiously peering up at the door every so often. 
     Twenty minutes into her studying, she had barely any clue Jisung was a few tables away from her. Pretending to study. It wasn’t till she set her quill down to stretch that she locked eyes with the Gryffindor. 
     Both refused to look away until Jisung looked down, rubbing the back of his neck. Y/n looked back at her book and picked up her quill. Resting her forehead in her hand, her attempt at not looking at him. 
     Jisung originally did come to try and study but now was completely distracted. Keeping his eyes on Y/n as she worked. 
     ‘How can she be so hot while studying?’ Jisung thought. 
     He wasn’t getting any work done, that was for sure. He should pack up and leave but he didn’t feel like it. Rather he leaned back and mentally beat himself up. Maybe he should confess. Just get it off his chest, handle the rejection. Maybe not face to face though. His eyes landed on his textbook. Portal spell. 
     Y/n managed to lose herself in her studies again until she felt a poke on her thigh. She jumped a bit before looking under the table, moving her leg to the side. Looking at the small portal, a hand sticking out with a piece of paper. Jisung’s hand.
     Y/n looked up at him and he just smiled at her. Y/n glared at him before grabbing the folded paper from his hand. 
     ‘I’m sorry for staring in class and just now. I know you find me annoying but I’ve had the biggest crush on you for years now’
     Y/n looked up at him, finding the boy blushing. Judging by how warm her face was, she probably was too. She shifted in the chair a bit and accidentally brushed her thigh against his hand. His hand was warm and it made her shiver a bit. 
     Jisung looked up and watched her reaction. He ran his hand along her thigh again. Hearing a small moan come from the portal he had made under his table and watched her cover her mouth with a fist. 
     “Heard that,” he whispered and watched her eyes go wide, “Feel good?”
     Y/n nodded and tried composing here again. 
     “Can make you feel better. Just gotta spread those pretty legs.”
     “We're in the library, are you crazy?” Y/n whispered 
     “For you.”
     Y/n glared at him from her table. “It's your fault if we're caught.”
     Jisung smiled as he looked down and watched her thighs part. He was impressed with how he managed to open the portal in perfect view of her pussy.
     Y/n scooted her chair in a bit and slouched a bit, giving him a bit of better access as she tried to look like she was still working. Jisung moved his hand forward and ran two fingers up and down her clothed pussy. Not missing the building wet spot he felt, especially when he added a bit more pressure on her clit. 
     Y/n gripped her quill tighter, trying not to focus too much on Jisung playing with her pussy. But it was getting harder as he was moving her panties to the side. Y/n glanced around the area. No one else was in the back with them. She set her quill down, pulled the fabric down her legs and caught Jisung's wide eyes. She slipped the fabric off her feet and sat back. 
     “Let me hold them,” Jisung whispered 
     “I’ll give the back. Or do you want someone to see you holding them?”
     Y/n handed him the fabric and watched his hand retract from the portal before reappearing. His hand disappeared under her skirt and she could feel the hands she’d been staring at last period. 
     Two of his fingers ran through her wet folds as his thumb slowly circled her clit. Jisung watched her cover up her moans and bury her nose in her textbook. Jisung pressed a little bit more on her clit and dipped the tips of his fingers into her hole. Watching as her head dipped down and she bit her lip. 
     “I’ve barely done anything to you and you look like you’re about to cum,” Jisung chuckled, curling his fingers up into her, “Saw you looking at my hands in class. Get turned on thinking about them inside you?”
     “Yes,” Y/n whined 
     “Can have ‘em whenever you want, baby. Just got to ask.”
     Y/n covered her mouth again and glanced between her book and him. Mind focused on his fingers and the damn near primal look in his eyes. ‘Fuck that’s hot’ 
     Her walls clenched around his fingers. Thumb picked up its pace and brought her closer to her release. Slowly grinding against him as best she could. 
     “‘M close,” Y/n whined 
     “Yeah? Gonna cum on my fingers?” Jisung teased
     Jisung brought her closer and closer before he pulled away from her. Y/n quickly looked up at him, catching his smirk before he looked down.
     “Look at that pretty pussy,” Jisung’s voice came through the portal. Watching her twitch in her seat. 
     “Jisung,” Y/n whined, suddenly feeling a bit shy under his gaze
     “Can’t wait to taste it.” Jisung’s fingers were in her again and picked up right where he left off— same pace and all. 
     She didn’t know how long Jisung sat and edged her. Every time she was about to cum he would take it away from her. The torture only stopped when the library door opened. Jisung pulled his fingers out of her and closed the small portal. 
     Eyes didn’t leave hers as he licked his fingers clean. Y/n sat up and quickly packed her things before making her way over to his table. Jisung watched her walk over and slowly packed his things. “Come on,” Y/n said. 
     “Where?” Jisung smirked as he stood and grabbed his bag
     “Please, just follow me.” Y/n grabbed his hand and tugged him towards the door 
     “Wait,” Jisung said as he tugged her into him
     “Be my girlfriend?”
     “After you just fingered me through a portal for how long?” Y/n smiled, grabbing his tie and pulling his lips to hers. Enjoying the way he moaned helplessly against her lips in contrast to the confidence he had moments ago. 
     Jisung pulled her closer before she pulled away, “That’s a yes, right?” He confirmed
     “Yes, idiot. I’ve had a crush on you for a while too,” Y/n said
     “Really?!” he said a bit too loud 
     Y/n shushed him before dragging him out of the library.
     “I was who you liked?” He asked as they got into the hallway.
     “Were you trying to figure out who I liked?” Y/n asked him, almost dragging him down the halls
     “Wasn’t going to fight them to impress you.”
     “Guess you’re fighting yourself,” Y/n smiled
     “I’ll win,” Jisung smiled as they made their way down the hallways, down to the basement.
     “I know Chan’s brought me into the Slytherin house before but I don’t think it’s going to go well if you bring me into your dorm,” Jisung said
     “It’s why we’re not going to my dorm,” Y/n smirked as she dragged him further into the dungeons.
     Jisung— confused— followed till she pulled him into an old cell, setting her bag down and pulling him back into a kiss. Jisung dropped his bag and happily returned it with the same intense vigor she had as he pushed her toward the closet wall. Y/n moaned as he pressed her flush against the wall. His hands slipped under her skirt and held her hips.
     “Think we should skip the quidditch match this weekend,” Jisung mumbled against her lips as she pushed his house robe off his shoulders.
     “Yeah? And do what?” Y/n asked as he moved his lips onto her neck
     “Have our own match, in bed,” Jisung smirked, moving one hand to loosen her ties and unbutton her shirt a bit 
     “You better start round one right now,” Y/n told him
     “Don’t want me to edge you again?” 
     “Please Ji,” Y/n whined as his hands gripped her ass
     “Fuck you sound so good.”
     Jisung took his hands off her ass and unbuckled his belt and pants. Y/n smiled as his dick was free from the confines of the uniform. He lifted one of her legs and lined himself with her wet hole, all thanks to his teasing in the library. He was glad he hadn’t given her her underwear back either.
     Slowly he pushed into her, listening to her moans right next to his ear as her walls parted for him. He pushed her top and vest up over her chest. Y/n shuddered as the  cold air of the dungeon hit her skin. Quickly warmed up by Jisung’s lips while he bottomed out. 
     “Fuck, feel so good wrapped around me,” Jisung groaned, taking a moment to collect himself before he came to early. He was painfully hard from the library too. 
     Y/n tangled her fingers in his hair as he busied himself kissing her boobs. Moving the fabric of her bra down to get more of her. Y/n whined, getting impatient with him staying still inside her as he wrapped his lips around her nipple. “Move Ji.”
     Jisung groaned in response and slowly pulled out and thrusted back into her. Y/n gripped his roots and bit her lip, trying to stop her moans from echoing off the walls. 
     “Fuck,” Y/n whined 
     “Still sensitive from the library?” Jisung teased, one hand moving between them so his thumb could rub her abused clit again. 
     “Yes,” Y/n moaned and clenched around him. 
     “Shit,” Jisung whined. Circling her clit faster just to feel her clench around him again. 
     Y/n tilted her head back against the brick wall. Feeling her high coming on quickly. Stomach tightening with each thrust and circle on her clit. Walls clamped around him till she finally got her long awaited release. Walls pulsing around him as she shook from her high. 
     Jisung followed not too far behind. The pulsing of her walls sent him over the edge. Quickly pulling out once he felt himself about to cum, pumping himself a few times till his load shot onto the wall behind them. Resting his head in her neck as they caught their breath, coming down from their highs.
     “Were you really going to fight someone for me?” Y/n asked
     “Yeah,” Jisung said, lifting his head
     “Don’t think I could of been in love with anyone else, especially after hearing that,” Y/n smiled and pulled him back to her lips.
     Jisung let her leg down as he wrapped his arms around her, returning the kiss. “Skip the match with me then?” He asked
     “Don’t want to watch your house lose to mine?” Y/n joked
     “Think it’s the other way around baby.”
     “Guess we’ll just have to skip and fight about it on our own.”
     “Yeah we will.”
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cerisesakurainspring · 7 months
~~He is someone who calls you pet names~~
"Tooru, you repulsive little male mynx!!"
The chocolatey-eyed lad came running towards the bathroom where you were screaming his name. Worry evident in his alluring features.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?"
"You are what's wrong! I told you to put the toilet seat down." Waking up on the wrong side of the bed didn't help with the small frustration bubbling inside of you. It was a very simple house rule, and your charming husband seemed to always 'forget' about it.
The pro volleyball player relaxed his shoulder, and a sheepish smile soon replaced his concerned one.
"Sorry, gordita-chan. I'll remember that for next time." He goes closer to you for a kiss on the cheek, but you don't let him; instead, you push him into the bathroom. "I don't want you to remember. I NEED you to actually do it."
Tooru turned around and pouted at you in an attempt to be charming.
"Nope. Not gonna work on me. Clean everything here this instant. Don't forget to scrub the bathtub, too." you ordered, and when it finally registered that he called you your least favourite nickname, you crunched your nose in disgust. "And you need to stop calling me gordita!"
"Noooo," he dragged on and proceeded to squeeze your cheeks, "How can I not bring attention to your cute chubby little cheeks?? You're like a conejita, oh my cute little bunny!" Tooru started sucking at your cheeks playfully. It began to hurt, so you had to bite his wrist to stop him.
"Ouch! Okay, okay. Then, how about mi changuita?"
"What does that mean?"
He waved his pointy finger in the air with a proud expression, "It means 'my beautiful wife!"
His mischievous smile did not go unnoticed, and you lightly kicked his shin, "Liar! It's probably another stupid sweet-nothings. I don't want it."
Tooru did not want to tell you it really meant little monkey. It reminded him of how you would desperately clung onto him like a monkey whenever he leaves for his away-games, and he'll keep calling you that until you find out the true meaning. And when you do, he'll just come up with another cute pet name for you.
"Why can't you just be like a normal husband and call me something like mi amor or mi vida?"
You notice his naughty smile ease into a sincere one, "Tu eres mi precioso tesoro, y siempre estare encantado por ti, mi cielo."
"Do I even want to know what that means?"
Tooru just looks at you lovingly and smiles his signature grin.
"You think you can get away with anything as long as you smile, huh?" You placed your hands on your waist, giving off a sassy look.
Tooru revelled in your beauty, and he couldn't help the sudden flurry of butterflies in his stomach. Though you two have been married for years now, you have never failed to tickle his heart.
"You're supposed to say you love me back. Do you not love me anymore?" The setter pouted.
You rolled your eyes at his question, "You didn't say te amo, so why would I?" You sighed in slight frustration for not understanding the Spanish sentence he uttered earlier on. "I let my love for you be the one to decide to marry you. I didn't consider how much you would drive me nuts."
There was a slight arch on Tooru's brow. "Do I really drive you crazy in every aspect of your life?"
"Very much so." You looked at him accusingly, hoping your stares reached the recesses of his soul.
Tooru leaned his body forward to meet your eyes. A slight smirk danced on his lips. A look that made you shiver in delight. Not that you would ever admit it out loud.
"Then, does that include our nightly sessions?" His voice showed a hint of tease, and you turned beet red at his suggestive question.
In shock and embarrassment, you ran out of the bathroom and closed the door, leaving your husband behind.
Laughter didn't fail to escape Tooru's mouth, and it reverberated through the door.
"You're not leaving until you clean the whole bathroom!!" You screamed in shyness and frustration.
Smile slowly eased unto your lips as you held your hand on your chest, where your heart was beating too fast.
"I'm glad I married you, mi amor." You whispered to yourself.
Tu eres mi precioso tesoro y siempre estare encantado por ti, mi cielo. / You are my precious treasure, and I will always be enchanted by you, my little heaven.
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This is part of a one-shot series and is on AO3 and Wattpad :)
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straykids-97 · 1 year
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‘There’s nothing so infinite vexation as  man’s own thoughts.’ 
Chan doesn’t like when someone touches what his…
Warnings: Dom! Chan, sub!Reader, (Chan’s a meanie), jealousy, angry sex, spanking, teasing, masturbation(f receiving), unprotected sex (wrap before you tap), soft Chan at the end (aftercare ♥️), dirty talk, dacryphilia, corporation kink, (if you squint), lmk if I forgot anything :)
Word Count: 3.2k
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You danced your heart out on the dance floor, your friend Felix laughing happily as you twirled with him. “I told you, you could dance!” He cheered, smiling so hard that his sweet brown eyes disappeared. “Only because we did shots!” You counter, a smile appearing on your face as well. Felix wrapped his arms around your body from behind, his deep laughing rattling your eardrum. 
A few feet away, your boyfriend, Chan watched as his best friend squeezed his girlfriend. A twinge of jealousy pinched his heart, but he knew it was harmless. But his heart couldn’t be convinced. He knocked back the dark liquor in his grasp, and a warm hand on his shoulder made him turn to see the culprit; Lee Minho. Chan took a deep breath, “Bored already?” Lee Know hummed, leaning against the table, his eyes finding you and Felix just as Han joined the two of you on the dance floor. “I wouldn’t say bored…” he trailed off, a smirk on his lips as he slid into the chair next to Chan. “What about you? Bones ache? Can’t dance with y/n?” Chan scoffed, but it wasn’t humorous. He sounded annoyed. As usual, Minho caught on quickly, “Oh?” Chan didn’t reply, and his eyes never left the three people dancing, and he paid especially close attention to the hands and hips of his friends. 
“What do they have that you don’t? You’re a man, Chris.” Minho hardly ever said Chan’s real name. But the use of it, made him turn to look at Minho. He was planning something, and Chan wasn’t sure if he would like it or not. “They are boys compared to you…” He leisurely stood up, stretching like a cat. “However…” Minho trailed off, climbing down the few stairs to the dance floor, Minho’s eyes never leaving Chan’s. “Minho..” Chan warned, his voice so low that only Minho could hear. Minho only smiled; a face-splitting, Cheshire cat-like grin. “You son-of-a-” 
You sway your hips to the beat of the song, “What are you drinking, Han?” You shout over the bass. “Huh?” Han asks as he downs the rest of it. “Nothing now!” He laughs, making you roll your eyes and slap his shoulder. “I wanted some!” Han turned to see someone new approaching, making you twist to see Minho a few feet away. “Hello, y/n.” He purred, wrapping his arm around your waist. Your stomach flutters, “Mi-minho!” You blush, the amount of alcohol in your system made the simple gesture fluster you. He hums, “There’s a 5 foot 8 Australian hunk who may or may not have consumed a little too much alcohol. And,” he gets incredibly close to your ear, “may need a little push in the right direction for you to have a good night.” He pulls away and winks at you. “Don’t look at him. Look at me.” He cations as you try to look around him to see your boyfriend, but his words make you stop. 
“I’m doing you a favor, pretty.” he winked at you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. You feel a shudder run down your spine, making you gasp softly. Minho chuckles, leaning into your face to speak again, “I think you and I both know, how you’re night will end if you play along.” You open your mouth to speak but you feel a rough hand on your forearm. “We’re leaving.” Chan’s voice growled, making you squeak. Minho lets you go, “Awe, ruin the fun!” Felix whines, but the glare that Chan shoots Felix makes him shrink behind Han, who also tries to hide. 
Chan doesn’t care that you can’t keep up with his longer strides, stumbling, trying to keep up with him. “Ch-chan! Slow down!” You stutter as he pulls you outside of the club. You can hear the sound of the song, House of Cards playing over the speakers. He doesn’t speak as he opens the back door of the vehicle you had been driven to the club in. He doesn’t shove you into the car, but he’s not exactly gentle about it either when he nudged you inside the vehicle. 
You settled beside him, completely baffled by how he was acting suddenly; Chan had never acted this way.
You begin to nervously fidget, Minho’s words bouncing around your temporal lobe. “I’m doing you a favor.” You clear your throat, “Chan?” You whisper in a quiet voice, hoping that he can hear you. When he doesn’t reply, you sneak a peek in his direction. Chan was glowering out the window, his left first balled tightly by his knee, his right hand tucked under his chin to hold his head up. He’s angry, it was rolling off of him in red, hot waves. You wait a few moments and try again, this time, a little louder than before. “Channie?”
No reply. 
You sigh in defeat, figuring that something happened and he didn’t want to talk about it right now. Copying the motions of your partner, you decide to look out the window of the Seoul nightlife that passed as you drove home. 
The ride home was silent; painfully quiet. You hated when Chan was in a silent brood. All you wanted was for him to be happy; to see him smile for the rest of your life. But you knew that wasn’t possible, not with his line of work. He was stressed more often than not, and he hardly slept; or ate. 
The driver pulls up to your apartment and you unbuckle as Chan thanks the driver and tells him that he won’t be coming back out to the car. Your blood runs cold; Chan never stayed the night. He always insisted that he couldn’t because of work. 
You walk up the stairs toward your apartment, digging out your keys from your small clutch bag. Trying to ignore the fact that Chan seemed to have ulterior motives for the rest of the evening. You couldn’t hide that you were nervously shaking. 
Chan hadn’t been intimate with you for some time. The comeback seemed to be weighing heavier on him than normal. He was always at the studio, working diligently alongside his bandmates. You didn’t feel neglected, you just knew that was the downside of being with a “rolling stone”. 
The mere thought of what was to come had your heart racing. So much so, that you didn’t notice Chan was directly behind you, waiting for you to manage the lock on your door. After a few moments of struggle, you get the door open. You sigh and turn to see him watching you very carefully. You cleared your throat, “After you?” You didn’t mean for it to come out like a question. 
He gestures to you, “I insist.” Always a gentleman, you think to yourself as you enter your home, reaching down to pull your heels off as Chan makes sure to close and lock your door. Neither of you bother with the entryway lighting, you would only be there for a moment anyway. 
Chan follows behind you as you enter your living room, sliding the bag over your head. “So…” You trail off, unsure of how to start the conversation. You turn to see him the same distance away that he was when you unlocked the front door. To most people, it would have seemed creepy, but because he danced for a living, you chalked it up as what he called, “kinesphere”. Unless he wanted to be directly next to you, there was always an invisible bubble between himself and anyone around him. Just like how there was currently between the two of you. 
“Did you have a good night? With Changbin? I saw that Minho joined later, as did Han.” You wave your hand as you talk, sauntering into your kitchen to get a drink of water to rid yourself of the cottonmouth caused by drinking before you get ready for bed. Chan says nothing as you try to create conversation. You turn to look at him again, seeing that he still never popped that bubble of space between the two of you. 
You let out a huff of frustration as you move around him to go into the bathroom, turning the shower on and allowing it to warm up before going to your room and grabbing pajamas to wear after your shower. Chan is nowhere to be seen, and that makes you uneasy, so you peek your head into the hallway; not there either. Your heart leaps out of your chest as you slowly make your way back to the bathroom. Poking your head even slower than you had walked around the door jam, you find Chan leaning against the vanity, his dark eyes staring at you. You yelp, jumping with surprise, “My goodness! What are you acting like this!” You cry, holding your chest and stomping into the bathroom. 
Tossing your new clothes into the sink, you begin to undress, “You've been ignoring me all night,” you rant, struggling with your zipper for a moment before you finally got it, “and you drag me away from the people who were giving me attention- not even in a bad way!” You toss your hands in the hair, growing more frustrated as you continue, “And now you won’t even speak to me!” You spin around to stare at him, “What is it that I have done to be treated like that?” Even though you had gone off on a tangent, you got no reply. 
Take a deep breath and sigh, “Fine. Whatever. Give me the silent treatment.” You snap bitterly. “You know where the door is. I’m not spending the night with someone who refuses to speak to me, let alone touch me.” 
You yank open the glass door of the shower cabin and slam it closed. You cringe slightly but ignore it for the most part. You twist your hair up into a sloppy bun and step into the warm water, wrapping your arms around yourself as you stand there. You knew you shouldn’t have said the last bit; you were angry. You were thankful for the opaque glass that now separated you and your boyfriend; you weren't sure how he would react to your words. And you didn’t want to see the aftermath of them at the moment. 
But it wasn’t entirely a lie. The last few weeks you were hung out to dry, and you were just ending your ovulation cycle, to make matters worse. To say the least, you were sexually frustrated. You and Chan could hardly keep your hands off each other in public, and the lack thereof made you feel frustrated in the worst ways. No one could make you feel like Chan could, not even yourself. Orgasms didn’t feel the same without him. 
After a few moments, you felt a cool breeze on your naked back, making you turn to see Chan joining you inside the shower. You turn back around, continuing your angry facade. Though guilt was wringing your gut, you tried to hold your ground. You wanted to make it very apparent that you weren’t happy with your current situation. This time, it would be you who gave him the silent treatment. 
Nothing happened; much to your surprise. But, after a brief pause, he stepped toward you, pressing his chest flush against your back. You could feel his erection on the small of your back, and you nearly gasped. But, you didn’t want him to get the satisfaction of a response. Chan's hands wandered down your sides, ghosting over the plane of your tummy, squeezing your skin as he traveled to your hips, tugging you harshly into him. You stumbled, catching yourself in the sides of the shower, “You have a smart mouth.” He growled, his lips ghosting over the shell of your ear. “Sometimes, I wish you would just shut the fuck up.” He grabbed your throat and squeezed, making a strangled yelp escape. 
You hold his wrist as he presses you against the wall, grunting impassionedly as he uses his foot to spread your legs apart slightly. You press an open palm to the wall as he lets go of your throat; making you gasp for air as he shifts his attention to your hips. He pulls them out, pushing your waist down so your ass was in the air for him. Using one hand to keep you pinned, he uses his other to snake around to play with your clit. You jolt, heat pouring down your body and filling your most sensitive area as he assaults your aching nub. He chuckled darkly, “Awh, couldn’t get you to shut up earlier and now you can’t even form words?” He cooes rudely in your hair as he slaps your cunt. You cry out as he shifts away, sucking on his first two fingers, “fine by me. As long as you’re screaming, I know I’m doing a good job.” 
He shoves his digits into your dripping core, your toes curling as he immediately finds that ooey gooey spot inside your p*ssy. He groans and chuckles as you shake, your orgasm fast approaching now that he’s found your g-spot; not that it took much searching. He knew your body inside and out. 
“I’ll show you how it feels to be teased; made jealous. I’ll make you beg before you cum.” He suddenly pulls out, making you whine in displeasure. He waits a few moments for your high to subside before pumping his cock in his hand a few times, “Gonna make you fucking cry before you get to cum.” He hisses as he presses your head against the wall, biting your earlobe as he slammed his hips into hours, knocking the wind out of you in the process. 
Chan was relentless; unforgiving in his endeavor to make you cry. And cry you did. You sobbed against the floor of your shower as he pounded into your aching cunt, tears pouring down your cheeks as he gripped your hips so hard that marks were appearing. He spanks your cherry-red ass cheek twice, making you cry louder. “This what you wanted, slut?” He growled, pistoning his hips in and out of you, making sure to hit your g-spot every time. “Wanted to cry for my cock, huh?” He laughed maniacally as he seemed to go even faster as you squeezed him, signaling that you were close. And just as every time before, he pulls out, smacking your ass telling you repeatedly that, ‘whores don’t get to come’. 
You could easily say your safe word, “pineapple”, at any given moment and give up; Chan would immediately stop everything to make sure that you were okay. But you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he had broken you. 
You mewl on the floor, reaching up to rub your swollen nub pathetically as he repositioned himself in you, taking a deeper approach. This would be the death of you. Chan knew this position was your weakness and had you cumming repeatedly on any given night. This would break you if he denied you anymore. 
Chan had cum inside you multiple times, man had the stamina of a stud horse. He loved to watch his cum form an off-white ring around his cock; it was his filthy pleasure that he secretly loved the most about fucking you repeatedly on nights like this. 
You shudder when he slowly pushes into you, and he lets out a low moan, hands running up your back to your shoulders, “Mmmm,” he hums, rolling his hips hard against yours. He no longer cared for pace, it was all about how hard he could fuck you into your shower floor now. “Wanna cum, babydoll?” You can’t form words, even if you wanted to. Chan had fucked you stupid. 
He knew this, and that’s why he chuckled, moaning with pleasure as he thrust deep and hard into you. He could feel your walls tighten around him and you whine, trying to wiggle your feet free to press him into you so he couldn’t escape. Another thing he secretly desired. But, his calves had your feet pinned down and there was no escaping him now; you barely had enough strength to hold yourself up. Let alone enough to wriggle free. 
He moaned as you squeezed him, and you let out a pathetic whine. You balled your fists up near your head, feeling angry that you knew what the outcome was. He was gonna pull out and leave you high and dry again. 
You let out an angry, helpless breath as you feel him pull away. But to your surprise, he doesn’t pull completely out. He just pauses, almost contemplating what he should do for a brief moment. 
Within seconds, his fucking you relentlessly, pounding into you with a new fervor. You scream out in ecstasy as your long-awaited orgasm washes over your body. Your body trembles, but Chan doesn’t stop. Instead, he wraps his arm around your waist; his expert fingers find your clit and rubbed it. “You’ll stop cumming when I do.” 
He hammered his hips in and out of you and at a God-like speed; your head spinning as you orgasm again. You see stars as he slaps your core, Chan doesn’t stop. He only pulls away to pin you down to the floor, hips harshly slapping against yours, the sounds of skin meeting skin echoing around your shower as he fucks you hard and fast. You scream as the most earth-shattering, toe-curling, heart-stopping orgasm hits you. You momentarily forget to breathe and nearly pass out. You begin to babble nonsense as Chan rams his hips into you, filling your cunt one last time before stopping. 
You stay connected, panting for a few moments until he pulls out and slumps beside you. You join him, and he gently pulls you into his chest. Neither of you says a word for a long while. The only thing keeping you company was the sound of the running shower. 
 Chan touches your cheek, “Baby?” He says softly. You hum, looking up at him as he peers down at you. “Are you alright?” You only hum in response, making him chuckle. “Did I break you?” You smile softly at his words and he laughs at your response. He pulls you into his chest, still rumbling with laughter, “Oh baby, I’m sorry.” You wanted to tell him not to be, but that was useless. You kinda liked how he fucked you just now. And hoped he would do it again. 
He takes the time to make sure you’re cleaned up and dressed before getting you water; but not before you are tucked into bed. You watch as he enters your room with two water bottles in hand, his bare chest on display as he climbs into your bed and settles beside you. Luckily your bed was big enough for the two of you. 
He puts a movie on and adjusts himself before pulling you into his warm chest. “Goodnight.” He hums, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “Goodnight, Chan.” Your eyes are already heavy and sleep overtakes you quickly. Not that you needed much help from Chan's warm body to sleep, but your extracurricular activities were enough to exhaust you for the rest of the weekend.
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Hope you enjoyed this! LMK if you want to be tagged in future parts of this series so you can know when it’s uploaded!
Tag list: @sp00ky-spr1te @very-gay-stay
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maddogofshimano · 4 months
Hello! Seeing this blog was an insta-follow. JW, did u do a translation somewhere of…whatever this is? https://youtu.be/tfAqq15hv5s?si=xXzvWG1ImZ_qGGGb
I’d love to know what she’s saying, I’m scraping and scrounging for more Goromi content. There *is* a translation in the comments section, but it’s worded strangely…
hey thanks!! I am waaaaaaaaay less confident in translating spoken stuff, especially with Goromi's wildly fluctuating accent and general screeching but at one point I did go through and do some of the easier ones. however!! a kind soul has transcribed everything in the comments since the last time I checked so I'm doing this proper now. under a cut because it got long lol
italics is Goromi dropping into the masc Majima-style voice
0:00 どーもー ゴロ美でーす。真島? あ? 誰やそれ つべこべ言わんと はよドンペリ入れんかい! Hiii I'm Goromi. Majima? Huh? Don't talk about whoever that is, hurry up and bring out the Dom Perignon! 0:13 はぁあん 仕事もできる女 それがゴ・ロ・美 またモテてまうわぁ はぁ 参るなぁ Haaa~ A woman can do work too. That's Go - ro - mi. She'll be popular again. Haa~ Give me a call~ 0:28 めっちゃジロジロ見られたわぁ 嫌やわぁ セクハラちゃうー? I'm gettin' stared at so much. I don't like it. Is this sexual harassment? 0:35 よっしゃー! 暴れるでぇお前らー! All right! I'm gonna go ballistic on you all! 0:39 あ? パンツ見えてる? だからなんやねん Huh? Ya can see my panties? Watch where you're lookin'! 0:46 あー�� 早う桐生ちゃん来んかのぉー Ahhhh… won't Kiryu-chan hurry up~? 0:53 なんや 俺は安い女とちゃうで  What is it? I ain't a cheap gal. 0:59 あ? パンツ見えてる? いやーんこのドスケベー 目ん玉くり抜いたろかぁ! Ya can see my panties? Ooooh ya perv~! I'll gouge out your fuckin' eyes!* 1:08 いやーん ええ飲みっぷりやないかぁ ちょっと見直したでぇ Oooh, you seem like ya can hold your drink~ I'm startin' to come around on ya~ 1:16 うち 強い奴が好きやねん うちを その気にさせたいんならぁ 殺す気で来いやぁ! Me, I like strong guys. If ya want me to like you… then ya better come at me like ya want me dead!* 1:27 やだ ゴロ美ったらドキドキしてる 気に入ったでぇ おぉ! ドス持ってこいやぁ! いっちょやり合おうやないかー! No way, ya got Goromi's heart all flutterin'. Oh! This is perfect for my dagger! Time to fight!" 1:39 うちも一杯もらってええか? 今日はなんだか飲みたい気分やねん Is it alright if I get one too? Today I'm in the mood to drink. 1:48 はい どーぞっ! ゴロ美特性 ゲロマズカクテルやでぇ なぁ 飲めや Here you go! Goromi's special super yucky cocktail! …Hey, drink it. 1:57 桐生ちゃん 驚くやろなぁ Kiryu-chan's a surprisin' guy~ 2:01 ゴロ美 ドキドキしちゃう You're gonna make Goromi's heart flutter.* 2:04 うちが ナンバーワンキャバ嬢 ゴロ美や 覚えときー I'm the number one cabaret girl Goromi, ya better remember that. 2:12 ヒーヒッヒヒヒー 惚れても知らんでぇ Hehehehee not my fault if you're fallin' for me~* 2:16 ますますべっぴんになってくでぇ I'm becoming more and more beautiful~ 2:20 奇麗なバラには トゲがあるんやでぇ A beautiful rose still has its thorns. 2:26 魔性の女 それがゴロ美やでぇ Goromi, a woman with a devilish nature~ 2:31 ゴロ美の新たな魅力 感じてやぁ Experience Goromi's fresh new glamor. 2:36 ふぉーん なかなか見どころあるやないかぁ ま、けどアフターはお預けや There's a lot of good things to see, aren't there? Well, that will have to wait for the after hours date. 2:45 やるやないかぁ へえぇ ゴロ美アフター権 進呈したるわ このボケがぁ! Well it can't be helped. I'm presentin' ya with the rights to an after hours date with Goromi. Ya dumb ass! 2:56 ご指名 おおきに Thank ya for requestin' me.* 2:59 男女がやる事いうたらー 喧嘩しかないやろがぁ! There's a thing that men and women do together… They fight each other! 3:06 か弱いレディーに 何するんじゃボケェ! This weak lady, what the hell are ya doin' to her, idiot! 3:10 あかーん そんなんじゃゴロ美は濡れへんでぇ! Siiiilly, that kind of thing won't get Goromi wet! (tl note: I……………………. I feel like there's something I'm misreading here. but. turns out I'm not!!) 3:14 当店はお触り禁止じゃぁ! We don't allow touching in this establishment!!! 3:17 野暮な男は嫌いやでぇ! I hate men with no manners!!
(tl note: the rest of these are various battle callouts) 3:24 ボトル入りまーす! Bottle comin' through! 3:26 これ うちの名刺! Here's… my business card! 3:30 ゴロ美に惚れたら 火傷するでぇ! If ya fall for Goromi… You're gonna get burned! 3:35 お客様は神様 なわけあるかボケェ! The customer is king… what a stupid idea! 3:41 イーヒッヒヒヒー 太客認定したるわぁ! Eeehehehehee, I just bagged a big spender! 3:46 シャンパン入りまーす! Champagne comin' through! 3:49 花は いつか散るんやでぇ Flowers will… always scatter… 3:54 終わりがあるから 美しいんやでぇ Because they must end… They are beautiful… 4:01 またのご来店 お待ちしてまーす! We look forward to seeing you agaaaaiiiin! 4:05 はぁ うちをもっと燃えさす奴はおらんのかいなぁ Haaa… is there no one left who can get me fired up? 4:11 ゴロ美の「み」は 皆殺しの「み」じゃぁ! The "mi" in "Goromi" is… from the "mi" in "minagoroshi"! (tl note: wholesale slaughter) 4:16 稼ぎ時を逃さん女 それがゴロ美じゃボケェ! Goromi, a woman who's never let a chance to make a profit escape her! 4:23 ヒヒッ ゴロ美 ほてってきたでぇ Hehe, Goromi's burnin' hot! 4:29 ヒヒッ 延長やぁ 当たり前やろ! Hehe, an extension. Obviously! (tl note: for using a continue in a fight) 4:36 ごっついのぉ Real strong, huh… (tl note: for losing)
whew! as usual if I fucked something else please tell me some of this stuff gets real in the weeds. all I can do is my best
thanks again for the follow and for suggesting this! I'm real glad I took another look, that minagoroshi line really made me laugh. unrelated to Goromi but I'll have a new event up in a week or so because the one going on right now is so incredibly funny to me. it's a Saejima event. look forward to it * Edit: a couple of line corrections thanks to @imustbenuts Thank you again!!!
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dreaming-twist · 8 months
“Were you looking for me?”
Some she/her reader/prefect x Jamil short fic...
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The prefect and Grim had gone to accompany Deuce to the basketball court, in order to look for Ace. Deuce had finished with his club early, and was looking forward to getting some rest before dinner time. That's why he called his two friends, and also hoped to have Ace with them.
Upon arrival, Ace seemed to have finished showering and was totally ready to leave. When he saw them, the boy raised his hand, although what he said did not accompany the gesture.
"You wanted to see me in action, huh?" he said, smiling mischievously. "A shame, because I'm done for today."
"...The three of us should've left without him" Grim concluded in response, looking at the girl and Deuce, who nodded at the answer.
Ace frowned.
"Hey, don't ignore me!"
"AH! If it's Koebi-chan! ~"
A voice from further away interrupted Ace. It was Floyd, who was still half wet from the water from the shower, but luckily he was dressed. He had a huge smile on his face.
"Umihebi-kun, come, come!" he said, approaching them but looking back.
Everyone was a little confused by that call, but then they saw that Jamil was walking behind him, with wet hair, at a slow pace. The prefect looked out and could see how Jamil was putting up his hair with both hands while he held a scrunchie with his mouth. Once he tied his ponytail, he looked forward. She looked away, her heart trembling a little. Two seconds later, he also arrived where they were.
"Oh, hey. You're a little late to watch, training is already over" Jamil said to the group.
"We came to look for Ace" Deuce clarified. "Thanks for... putting up with him, at the club."
Deuce said that as he bowed, and his friends ended up doing the same. Ace was getting pissed again.
"Why does it seem like I'm your son?" he asked.
"Come on ~ Kani-chan is super fun. We had a great time with him, didn't we, Umihebi-kun?"
Floyd turned to Jamil, who ended up smiling a little, although not exactly sweetly.
"He's very easy to tease."
Everyone laughed except Ace, who ended up grabbing his backpack and starting to walk away alone. Deuce began to chase him along with Grim, and the prefect, before leaving, bowed again to the senpai.
"Er... good job. With the club, that is."
"Ah, Koebi-chan, you're so cute... it makes me want to hug you..." began to say Floyd, taking a step forward from her, ready to hug her. But then Jamil cut him off.
"Floyd" he said sharply. Then he looked from him to the girl, a smile in his face. "Thank you."
She looked into his eyes not knowing what to say. Jamil's gaze was deep and cold most of the time, but it didn't contain even a bit of malice. The girl then remembered Kalim. That boy was the complete opposite: his eyes denoted happiness at any moment. The only thing they both had in common was that with their gaze they were able to envelop you and not let go, like the sands of the desert.
After a few seconds, Floyd moved his hand in front of the girl's face.
"Is there anyone at home...?" he asked.
She composed herself immediately, and looked away from Jamil. She sure was red, so she turned around and started to leave.
"E-Eh... Well, see you."
"Come back soon, Koebi-chan! ~"
Floyd and Jamil stayed looking at her until she was quite far away from there, and Floyd then looked at Jamil out of the corner of his eye, with a little smile.
"Heh... Umihebi-kun, you sure are popular."
"Have you used your power on her?" Floyd asked, curious. Even though the Unique Magic were a secret, due to everything that happened in Scarabia he already knew what it was about.
"What are you taking about? I haven't used it since... then" Jamil said.
"Eeeeh ~ I see... ~"
Floyd turned around and went to get his things. Jamil stayed, lost in his thoughts, watching the girl walk away from them.
The next day that club activities were scheduled, Deuce, the prefect and Grim went back to the basketball court to look for Ace. That day, however, they were caught in the middle of a training match. Ace tried to make his way, but Floyd, who was playing in the opposite team, blocked him whenever he had the opportunity. At one point he saw an opening and slid to the other side, but in the blink of an eye Jamil took the ball from him, ran to his basket and scored a point just before the whistle sounded announcing the end of the practice game. Ace gritted his teeth, though he and his teammates exchanged affectionate pats on the back and words of encouragement. Floyd gave Jamil a very simple high five. It was obvious that they were used to working as a team.
The prefect and Deuce applauded at the end of the match and that was when the three of them became aware of their presence. Floyd's eyes shone again.
"Koebi-chaaaan, you're back! ~" He ran up to her, but when he was going to give her a hug, he stopped himself. "Oops... sweat. I can't hug you"
The girl laughed a little and then she looked at Jamil, who was tying again his ponytail, since he had messed up his hair while playing. He immediately noticed her gaze, and she ended up quickly turning away from him.
Ace approached them, and began to speak very loudly.
"Aaaaah, we were so close to winning..." he said, pointing out how tired he was.
"I may be wrong, but it says on that scoreboard that you've been beaten, Ace," Grim pointed out.
Indeed, the score marked a difference of at least 20 points between one team and the other. Ace growled and when he reached Grim's side he kicked him.
"Stealing the ball from you was very easy. You have to improve your technique, Ace” Jamil said, who had arrived next to them.
"Yes, Jamil-senpai..."
"Well, to the shower! ~" Floyd looked excited and began to leave after waving goodbye to the others.
Ace shook his head and looked at his three friends.
"I'll be back in a few minutes, okay?"
"Don't be late" Deuce asked.
"Mimimi, I'll do what I can..."
After watching him leave, Deuce also stood up.
"I think I'm going to go get something to snack on while Ace arrives, because I think that shower's going to take a while... Do any of you want something?"
"Ah, some chips for me, please!" The girl asked, with a smile.
Grim stood up as well.
"I'm going with you Deuce. You wait for us here, huh?" He said, looking at the girl. She nodded. Ace was a mystery, sometimes he finished early and sometimes too late, but the best thing was for someone to stay waiting for him.
When the two boys left, she sighed, and looked at the empty basketball court. Although... Now that she thought about it, she had seen Ace and Floyd leave, but not Jamil. She had lost sight of him for a second and she no longer saw him. Would he have gone ahead to the showers...?
She craned her neck to look at the side of the gym, somewhat hidden, when...
"Are you looking for someone?"
A voice sounded too close to her, and the girl jumped up, so suddenly that she almost tripped. However, a strong arm grabbed her and pulled her towards her seat before any unfortunate fall occurred. The girl, who had closed her eyes in shock, opened them again, finding the boy with dark skin and dark eyes whom she had, in fact, been looking for.
"J-Jamil... Thank you very much..."
"No problem."
Jamil kept his gaze and jumped from the seat he was sitting in, over hers, to the one right next to her, without letting go her hand. She was tremendously embarrassed by the ridiculousness she had made. And in front of Jamil, no less.
"...If I let you go you won't try to jump, right?"
"Ah? N-No! L-Let go of me, no problem..."
Despite his joking tone, the boy seemed genuinely worried that he had scared her and almost caused an accident, but seeing her out of danger he finally decided to let go of her hand.
Although he didn't look away from her.
"... So? Were you looking for me?
The girl was speechless with that question. She couldn't even look at him at that moment... But Jamil was making it difficult for her. There was something about him that attracted her, very much. It was impossible to ignore him...
Her eyes rolled to his, slowly, and she saw how he watched her carefully, while she smiled sideways, mischievously, as if that situation amused him. She could swear her face was closer than before, and closer than he had ever been to her.
"...Yes, I was wondering where you were" she said, to the boy's surprise. But she no longer had any reason to hide it, if Jamil had said that it was because he had clearly caught her.
Jamil seemed to be amused by how she had confessed, and he raised an eyebrow as his smile deepened.
"... You are really interesting."
She held on for a few more seconds, but soon she suddenly stood up again, this time stiff as a rock.
"I-I forgot to tell Deuce something! I'm going to look for them."
Jamil leaned his back against the backrest while he watched the girl pick up her backpack, bow with her head —without looking at him— and run out of the place, following in the footsteps of her friends minutes before. He stared at her until she disappeared from his sight, and then he couldn't help but smile more than he should.
He got up, ready to go to the showers. Maybe he had to ask Ace a couple of things.
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pikahlua · 1 year
MHA Chapter 385 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 キガントマキア KIGANTOMAKI (sic) Gigantomachia
2 EAST イースト IISUTO East
3 Mt.レディ マウントレディ MAUNTO REDI Mount Lady
4 進行阻止 しんこうそし shinkou soshi Blocking [AFO’s] progression
5 オール・フォー・ワン 死柄木の元へ行きたい オール・フォー・ワン しがらきのもとへいきたい OORU FOO WAN   Shigaraki no moto he ikitai All For One   Wants to go to where Shigaraki is
6 夜嵐他 士傑増援 よあらしほか しけつぞうえん Yoarashi hoka   shiketsu zouen Yoarashi and the others   Reinforcements from Shiketsu
7 常闇・ホークス 他数名 とこやみ・ホークス ほかすうめい Tokoyami・HOOKUSU   hoka suumei Tokoyami & Hawks   Several others
8 トガの増殖をけん制・抑え 残存ヒーローと士傑増援 トガのぞうしょくをけんせい・おさえ ざんぞんヒーローとしけつぞうえん TOGA no zoushoku wo kensei・osae   zanzon HIIROO to shiketsu zouen The remaining heroes and Shiketsu reinforcements containing and suppressing Toga’s proliferation
tagline 1 No.385 若き衝動  堀越耕平 ナンバー385 わかきしょうどう  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 385 wakaki shoudou   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 385 Young Impulse   Kouhei Horikoshi
tagline 2 戦況は…‼︎ せんきょうは…‼︎ senkyou wa...!! The battle situation is...!!
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1 ハアッ…また壊れた…! ハアッ…またこわれた…! HA...mata kowareta...! “Hah...it broke again...!”
2 ルールちゃん RUURU-chan “Rule-chan!”
3 もうデトネラット製しかない! もうひろいものしかない! mou hiroi mono (kanji: DETONERATTO-sei) shika nai! “There’s nothing but wide Detnerat-made things!”
4 何でもいい‼︎ なんでもいい‼︎ nandemo ii!! “Anything is fine!!”
5 魔王を叩き続けられれば…! まおうをたたきつづけられれば…! maou wo tataki tsudzukerarereba...! “If we can keep hitting the Demon King...!”
6 ゼエッ ZEE "Heeh” [breathing sounds of exertion]
7 ゼエッ ZEE "Heeh” [breathing sounds of exertion]
8 ハッ HA "Hah” [breathing sounds of exertion]
9 ハッ HA "Hah” [breathing sounds of exertion]
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1 支える事しかできなくてごめん…! ささえることしかできなくてごめん…! sasaeru koto shika dekinakute gomen...! “Sorry that I can do nothing but support you...!”
2 その"支え"が…光明を加速させる! その"ささえ"が…バルドルをかそくさせる! sono “sasae” ga...BARUDORU wo kasoku saseru! “That support...is making Balder accelerate!”
3 おおおおおお!!! oooooo!!! “OOOOOOH!!!”
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1 え e “Eh?”
2 レディ!!! REDI!!! “Lady!!!”
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1 殺処分だ愚図が…! さつしょぶんだぐずが…! satsushobun da guzu ga...! “This is a culling, you fools...!”
2 "もう一人の僕"の影響か…この肚にもどす黒いものが生じ始めてる… "もうひとりのぼく"のえいきょうか…このはらにもどすぐろいものがしょうじはじめてる… “mou hitori no boku” no eikyou ka...kono hara ni modosu guroi mono ga shouji hajemeteru... “Is this the influence of the other me...something dark returning to this stomach is starting to arise...” (Note: Yeah, I’m not exactly sure what this is supposed to mean.)
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1 若返る程 わかがえるほど wakagaeru hodo “The more I rejuvenated,”
2 抑えが効かなくなる感じた おさえがきかなくなるかんじた osae ga kikanaku naru kanjita “the more I felt like I couldn’t hold back.”
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1 身を委ねるだけで みをゆだねるだけで mi wo yudaneru dake de “By entrusting yourself to it,”
2 "個性"の潜在能力をより引き出せる… "こせい"のポテンシャルをよりひきだせる… “kosei” no POTENSHARU (kanji: ) wo yori hikidaseru... “you can draw out the potential of your quirk even more...”
3 こんなにも強い光を発生させられる こんなにもつよいひかりをはっせいさせられる konna ni mo tsuyoi hikari wo hassei saserareru “You can produce such a strong light as this.”
4 常闇ーー‼︎ とこやみーー‼︎ Tokoyami--!! “Tokoyami--!!”
5 手を止めるな‼︎ てをとめるな‼︎ te wo tomeruna!! “Don’t let up!!”
6 いいね若いってのは いいねわかいってのは ii ne wakai tte no wa “It’s nice, isn’t it? Being young...”
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1 僕をここまで追いつめた ぼくをここまでおいつめた boku wo koko made oitsumeta “You chased me this far.”
2 彼の"個性"を貰う かれの"こせい"をもらう kare no “kosei” wo morau “I will take his quirk.”
3 どけよ doke yo “Out of my way.”
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1 もう充分頑張ったろうホークス もうじゅうぶんがんばったろうホークス mou juubun ganbattarou HOOKUSU “Haven’t you already done your best, Hawks.”
2 「剛翼」… 「ごうよく」… 「gouyoku」... “Fierce Wings...”
3 因子が爛れている いんしがただれている inshi ga tadarete iru “Your [quirk] factor is dissipating.”
4 ゴミクズ同然のコレでよく戦い抜いた ゴミクズどうぜんのコレでよくたたかいぬいた GOMIKUZU douzen no KORE de yoku tatakai nuita “You fought well with this practically garbage [quirk].”
5 ストック個性は外部扱いで… ストックこせいはがいぶあつかいで… SUTOKKU kosei wa gaibu atsukai de... “Your stock of quirks is treated as external...”
6 「巻き戻し」に適用されないのか… 「まきもどし」にてきようされないのか… 「makimodoshi」 ni tekiyou sarenai no ka... “so Rewind doesn’t apply to it, huh...?”
7 クソだな… KUSO da na... “Well that’s shitty...”
8 損傷によって進行速度が上がっている… そんしょうによってしんこうそくどがあがっている… sonshou ni yotte shinkou sokudo ga agaitte iru... Due to damage, the rate of progressing is increasing...
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1 「黒影」なんか奪っても 「ダークシャドウ」なんかとっても 「DAAKU SHADOU」 nanka tottemo “Even if you steal Dark Shadow,”
2 中二の痛いヤツになるだけだぞ…‼︎ ちゅうにのいたいヤツになるだけだぞ…‼︎ chuuni no itai YATSU ni naru dake da zo...!! “you’ll just become a guy with middle school syndrome...!!” (Note: Middle school syndrome (referred to often in Saiki K) is when an edgy teenager believes they have special powers and that they are “different” from other people.)
3 奪るならオイラの「モギモギ」奪れやコラ…! とるならオイラの「モギモギ」とれやコラ…! toru nara OIRA no 「MOGIMOGI」 toreya KORA...! “If you’re gonna steal something, steal my Pop Off, damnit...!”
4 最高の髪型になれるぞ! さいこうのかみがたになれるぞ! saikou no kamigata ni nareru zo! “You can have the best hairstyle!”
5 常闇から「黒影」奪んじゃねえよ…! とこやみから「ダークシャドウ」とんじゃねえよ…! Tokoyami kara 「DAAKU SHADOU」 tonja nee yo...! “You can’t take Dark Shadow from Tokoyami...!”
6 弱者の咆哮… じゃくしゃのほうこう… jakusha no houkou... The roars of weaklings...
7 今は一分一秒が惜しい… いまはいっぷんいちびょうがおしい… ima wa ippun ichibyou ga oshii... Every second and minute is precious now...
8 見ろ みろ miro “Look,”
9 報道のヘリだ ほうどうのヘリだ houdou no HERI da “it’s a news helicopter.”
10 人々はこの光景を目にし… ひとびとはこのこうけいをめにし… hitobito wa kono koukei wo me ni shi... “The people will see this scene...”
11 再び君らに失望するだろう ふたたびきみらにしつぼうするだろう futatabi kimira ni shitsubou suru darou “and once again likely be disappointed in you all.”
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1-2 何も守れなかったな なにもまもれなかったな nani mo mamorenakatta na “You weren’t able to protect anything,”
3 ヒーロー HIIROO “hero.”
4 雄英からの避難民受け入れ先として専守防衛の任を任されておりましたが未だ到着ナシ ゆうえいからのひなんみんうけいれさきとしてせんしゅぼうえいのにんをまかされておりましたがいまだとうちゃくナシ yuuei kara no hinanmin ukeire saki to shite senshu bouei no nin wo makasarete orimashita ga ima da touchaku NASHI We were entrusted with the exclusive defense of the refugees arriving from UA, but as of now they haven’t arrived.
5 ーーーまだ… ---mada... "Not yet...”
6 まだ mada There’s still
7 希望はーー きぼうはーー kibou wa-- hope--
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1 地下・避難システム 雄英→士傑ルート ちか・ひなんシステム ゆうえい→しけつルート chika・hinan SHISUTEMU   yuuei→shiketsu RUUTO Underground evacuation system   The UA→Shiketsu Route
2 何で動かないんだよ‼︎ なんでうごかないんだよ‼︎ nande ugokanainda yo!! “Why won’t it move!!”
3 電気も消えちまった でんきもきえちまった denki mo kiechimatta “The electricity went out too!”
4 怖いよお こわいよお kowai yoo “I’m so scared!”
5 お母さん姉ちゃん離れんなよ おかあさんねえちゃんはなれんなよ okaasan neechan hanarenna yo “Mom, Sis, don’t move away [from me].”
6 Mt.レディたちやられちゃったって…! マウントレディたちやられちゃったって…! MAUNTO REDI-tachi yararechatta tte...! “They said they got Mount Lady and the others...!”
7 ウソだ!フェイクニュースだこれは! USO da! FEIKU NYUUSU da kore wa! “It’s a lie! This is fake news!”
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1 どうなってんだよ… dou nattenda yo... “What’s going on...”
2 信じて託したのに… しんじてたくしたのに… shinshite takushita noni... “We believed and trusted in you...”
3 これじゃあ… kore jaa... “But this...”
4 捜査本部 そうさほんぶ sousa honbu Investigation Headquarters
5 被害状況不明…! ひがいじょうきょうふめい…! higai joukyou fumei...! “Damage status unknown...!”
6 AFOまっすぐ東へ進行中! オール・フォー・ワンまっすぐひがしへしんこうちゅう! OORU FOO WAN massugu higashi e shinkouchuu! “All For One is currently headed straight to the east!”
7 まずいよ mazui yo “This is bad!”
8 相場‼︎状況はどうなってる あいば‼︎じょうきょうはどうなってる Aiba!! joukyou wa dou natteru “Aiba!! How is the situation?”
9 避難システムはもう取り返してる動き出したブロックもあるでしょ ひなんシステムはもうとりかえしてるうごきだしたブロックもあるでしょ hinan SHISUTEMU wa mou torikaeshiteru ugoki dashita BUROKKU mo aru desho “I’m already retrieving the evacuation system. It seems some blocks have started to move.”
10 でも…中から止められてるブロックがある でも…なかからとめられてるブロックがある demo...naka kara tomerareteru BUROKKU ga aru “But...there’s a block that’s being stopped from the inside.”
11 止めてる奴がいる とめてるやつがいる tometeru yatsu ga iru “Someone is there stopping it.”
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1 AFOには解放戦線幹部に従うよう言われたのに… オール・フォー・ワンにはスケプティックにしたがうよういわれたのに… OORU FOO WAN ni wa SUKEPUTIKKU (kanji: kaihou sensen kanbu) ni shitagau you iwareta noni... “All For One told us to obey the Liberation Front Executive Skeptic, but...”
2 連絡が途絶えた!どうしたらいいAFOに結果を示さないとーー れんらくがとだえた!どうしたらいいオール・フォー・ワンにけっかをしめさないとーー renraku ga todaeta! dou shitara ii OORU FOO WAN ni kekka wo shimesanai to-- “We’ve lost contact! What should we do? If we don’t have results to show to All For One--”
3 今日が終わればAFOの世界になる! きょうがおわればオール・フォー・ワンのせかいになる! kyou ga owareba OORU FOO WAN no sekai ni naru! When today is over, this will become All For One’s world!
4 結果を示さないと俺たちの生活が けっかをしめさないとおれたちのせいかつが kekka wo shimesanai to ore-tachi no seikatsu ga If we don’t show him results, our lives will...”
5 見つけたぞ‼︎ みつけたぞ‼︎ mitsuketa zo!! “Found you!!”
6 キャアア KYAAA “Kyaaa!”
7 鉄哲っ‼︎ てつてつっ‼︎ Tetsutetsu!! “Tetsutetsu!!“
8 おう‼︎ ou!! “Right!!”
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1 うわああ uwaa “Waah!”
2-3 この先わかってんのになァ… このさきわかってんのになァ… kono saki wakatten noni naA... “I know what’s ahead of here but...”
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1 ああいう事がまた必ず ああいうことがまたかならず aa iu koto ga mata kanarazu “That kind of thing can definitely”
2 訪れるって… おとずれるって… otozureru tte... “call on me again...”
3 わかってんのに……… wakatten noni......... “I know that, but.........”
4 なんだろうなあ…! nandarou naa...! “I wonder what it is...!”
5 無駄死にだ! むだじにだ! mudaji ni da! He’ll die in vain!
6 自殺志願かよ‼︎ じさつしがんかよ‼︎ jisatsu shigan ka yo!! Are you volunteering for suicide?!!
7 俺も おれも ore mo “Me, too...”
8 体が動くんだなあ! からだがうごくんだなあ! karada ga ugokunda naa! “My body just moved!”
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1 神野区… かみのく… kamino-ku... Kamino Ward...
2 まだ mada “Not yet.”
3 終わっちゃいねえ おわっちゃいねえ owaccha inee “It’s not over.”
tagline 覗く人影は… のぞくひとかげは… nozoku hitokage wa... The peering shadowed figure is...
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jujumin-translates · 9 months
Event | 5th Anniversary: The Way Back Home | Chapter 5 - Autumn Planet Story
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*Contains spoilers for Act 12 - eternal moment*
Izumi: Is everyone ready?
Juza: Yea.
Azami: Everyone’s hair and makeup is perfect too.
Omi: Wearing these costumes is always exciting, isn’t it?
Taichi: Ah! Mi-chan and Ma-kun are here!
Sakuya: We’ll have to show them how cool we are!
Sakyo: It’s not just those two, we need to show the entire audience the best play possible.
Banri: Damn right.
Banri: …Aight, let’s do this thing!
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Autumn Troupe & Sakuya: Yeah!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: (A few years before Saku leaves the ANIMS ship… This takes place before Dee received his code name “Doug”.)
Izumi: (Out of these crew members, only Dee and the oddball Saku don’t have code names.)
Izumi: (Ted, a childhood friend of Dee’s, was one of the first to receive his name, “Tig”, out of the crew members. This makes Dee even more impatient.)
Izumi: (Dee, frustrated with this, has an outburst at Tig’s father, the captain of the ship, Bear.)
Dee: “Why the hell do Rat and Bat get names, but not me!?”
Rat: “Sorry, Dee. We’re just ahead of you~.”
Bear: “Until you figure out the reason, you’ll always be half a man.”
Bat: “I mean, what’s the point of the code names anyway?”
Rat: “As part of ANIMS, getting your animal code name is a sign that you’re independent. I think you broke the record for being the youngest, Bat.”
Bat: “Huh.”
Rat: “That was the weakest reaction ever! Well, you are a certified communicator. No wonder you’re so sought after.”
Bat: “I mean, you got your code name almost as soon as you boarded the ship, didn’t you, Rat?”
Rat: “‘Cause I’m just that good~.”
Dee: “I could get certified if I wanted…”
Bear: “We already have enough communicators. If you want to be one, look elsewhere for work.”
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Dee: “Tch.”
Tig: “Dee, you haven’t cleaned the decks yet. Don’t make Saku do it all by himself.”
Dee: “Fuck off, I know!”
Dan: “Dee, I think you’re just snappin’ at Bear again.”
Dee: “Shut up. And if I am?”
Woll: “Bull’s-eye.”
Dan: “Guess I won that bet.”
Woll: “No helpin’ it. That’s a big win for you.”
Dee: “I ain’t a horse for you to bet on.”
Dee: “All of you treat me like I’m stupid. Pretty sure Saku and I are the only ones on the ship who don’t have code names.”
Saku: “What’s that about me?”
Dee: “Doesn’t it make you feel pathetic that we’re always just treated like we’re not really pirates?”
Saku: “I’ve never really thought about it… I guess I’m not necessarily unhappy with my current position or anything…”
Dee: “Tch, stop fucking joking about me bein’ on the same level as someone unreliable like that.”
Dee: “If none of you are gonna admit it, then I’ll make you admit it. I’ll make you admit that I’m a man worthy of ANIMS.”
Tig: “Dee, clean the decks.”
Dee: “Just fuck off, I’m doin’ it now!”
Tig: “Haah, what the hell?”
Bear: “He’s been like that ever since his father died. You’d better keep an eye on him.”
Tig: “Why me?”
Bear: “You already know why.”
Izumi: (Dee is getting increasingly frustrated with Woll and Dan teasing him. He’s much more childish and brazen than in the original.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Dan: “That’s our target this time, Ralph’s ship.”
Bear: “Way to go, Dan. You’ve got us in a good position.”
Dee: “But I’ve got no clue what kinda things rich people like. Are we really goin’ to war with that ship?”
Tig: “It just for appearances. They don’t even have any weapons.”
Bear: “Alright, for our scouts--.”
Dee: “I’ll go.”
Bear: “Tig.”
Tig: “Roger that.”
Bear: “Dee, you’ll be with me.”
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Dee: “The fuck!? Why!?”
Tig: “Shut up. Obey the captain’s orders.”
Bear: “Rat, provide logistical support. Bat, stay with the ship and jam any rescue signals.”
Rat: “Aye aye, Sir.”
Bat: “Understood.”
Bear: “Everyone else, rush in as soon as Tig attacks.”
Woll: “Aye aye, Captain.”
Tig: “Don’t do anythin’ uncalled for, Dee.”
Dee: “Shut the fuck up.”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: (Dee, impatient to be successful, is the first to board the ship without listening to what the others are saying…)
Tig: “I’ll be goin’ soon.”
Rat: “Unit One is ready to-- wait, huh?”
Woll: “It’s already gone?”
Dan: “Huh, who’s on board?”
Tig: “That bastard-- Can I take Unit Two?”
Rat: “Uhm, yeah, probably.”
Dan: “Unit Three will be on standby, just in case.”
Tig: “Thanks.”
Tig: “Unit Two, launchin’ in three, two, one--.”
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tig: “Dee! Stop actin’ so selfishly!”
Dee: “Just shut up! I’m way better at handlin’ these guys than you are! Stay outta my way!”
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Tig: “That ain’t the point! This is why you’ll always be half a man!”
Dee: “Who you callin’ half a man!? Just shut up and watch me!”
*Lazers firing*
Ralph: “!? W-What was that!?”
Subordinate: “Pirates!”
Ralph: “H-Hurry up and do something quickly!”
Dee: “Hah! Perfect. Nowhere to run. Now all I’ve gotta do is get in and--.”
Tig: “Dee! Three planes incomin’ at two o’clock!”
Dee: “The hell? I thought they didn’t have any weapons. I never heard anythin’ about there bein’ an escort.”
Dee: “Whatever, I’ll deal with the three planes myself.”
*Lazers firing*
Tig: “Dee, don’t go alone!”
Dee: “I’ve got it under control.”
Dee: “Aight, one down. Now for the rest--.”
Tig: “Dee!”
Dee: “--Gh.”
Dan: “Coming in on Unit Three for backup.”
Dee: “Dan!? What are you doin’--?”
Rat: “Likewise, I’ll cover you, please rescue Dee, Tig!”
Tig: “Roger that.”
Dee: “--Shit, now everyone’s involved, this is bad.”
Izumi: (And as a result, ANIMS is forced to withdraw…)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Bear: “Let’s regroup and take off at once.”
Bat: “Aye aye, Sir.”
Woll: “Glad you’re safe, Dee.”
Tig: “How’s the condition of Unit One?”
Rat: “Dee did a good job of doging, so I don’t think it’s in too bad condition.”
Bear: “Dee, your selfish actions put the whole crew in danger. Are you aware of that?”
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Dee: “--Yes.”
Bear: “Your father, Bull, was honestly one of the worst leaders I’ve ever seen.”
Bear: “He was the first to jump into danger, and his first priority was always protecting his comrades by bringing up the rear.”
Bear: “‘After I’m gone, you’ll still be here, Bear. Dee will have you, so I don’t have to worry.’ That’s what he used to say.”
Bear: “Every day I stood next to him as his second-in-command made my anxious as all hell, but I was proud to be there.”
Bear: “Dee, think it over again as to why you’re not recognized as a full man.”
Bear: “You have to be aware and responsible if you ever want to lead ANIMS as captain one day.”
Dee: “Me…?”
Tig: “Why are you surprised? Hasn’t this always been your plan? You’ve been sayin’ that you wanted to be captain ever since we were kids.”
Rat: “Well, but you’re still just half a man right now!”
Dan: “At this rate, you won’t get your code name and become captain until you’re an old man.”
Bat: “And no one wants a captain like that.”
Woll: “Haha. You’re gonna have to really work at it.”
Dee: “Guys… I’m really sorry.”
Dan: “He apologized. Seems like I’ve lost.”
Woll: “And I guess that means I’ve won this time.”
Dee: “You place bets on shit like that too!?”
Izumi: (Dee’s comrades follow after him. Their tone is joking, but you can feel their belief in Dee and their encouragement.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Rat: “Huh? What about Saku?”
Bat: “He said he had stuff to carry. They brought him along to the captains’ drinking party or something.”
Rat: “I’m so jealous. I wish I could’ve gone too.”
Dan: “Well, there’s no helpin’ it. We can’t celebrate the spoils of war right at this moment.”
Rat: “That’s dumb.”
Dee: “He said he was sorry.”
Rat: “He wasn’t trying to be disagreeable or anything.”
Dan: “Stop pouting.”
Dee: “I ain’t poutin’.”
Bat: “Huh? Isn’t that Ralph’s ship over there?”
Dan: “I didn’t see anythin’ about them comin’ into port around here, though.”
Woll: “Maybe it’s because of the incident the other day.”
Dee: “‘Bout damn time.”
Tig: “Oi, you’re not plannin’ on boardin’ again, are you?”
Dee: “They came from way far away. Can’t pass up that kinda opportunity. If they come into port, we’ve got ourselves an openin’. We’ll be able to pull it off no problem.”
Tig: “You haven’t learned your lesson at all.”
Rat: “That’s our Dee!”
Dan: “It’s true, we’ve got a chance. I’m in.”
Woll: “Same here. Not like I’ve got anything better to do.”
Bat: “Ralph and his crew are gonna be comin’ in soon. If you want your chance, go as soon as they do.”
Dee: “Ya already intercepted ‘em? That was fast work.”
Rat: “I’m gettin’ hella hyped!”
Dee: “We go at 22:00. I’ll board first.”
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Tig: “I’ll go too. We learned out lesson last time.”
Dee: “Permitted. When we give the signal, the rest of y’all board too. Rat will be in charge of logistical support and diversion.”
Rat: “Aye aye, Sir!”
Izumi: (The members of ANIMS are filled with excitement. Their tone of voice and facial expressions really show off their nature as pirates, as if they’re enjoying the roughness of the plan.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Dee: “Looks like they’re short of hands. Perfect.”
Tig: “You haven’t reflected at all, have you, Dee?”
Dee: “I have. That’s why I brought you along.”
Tig: “Haah. How the hell am I supposed to support somethin’ like this…”
Dee: “It’s time. Let’s go.”
Tig: “Understood.”
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Dee: “Pardon us!”
Guard: “Who the hell are you!?”
Dee: “We had to leave early the other day, so we’d thought we’d pop in to say hello again.”
Guard: “Oi, someone, come here! There’s pirates!”
Dee: “Tig, the signal.”
Rat: “Oh, it’s time, it’s time.”
Woll: “We’re gonna have to kick it up a notch from last time.”
Dan: “We’ll have this over with before the captain can even find out.”
*Lazers firing*
Izumi: (ANIMS acts as violently as they want. It really shows off the true spirit of Autumn Troupe.)
Izumi: (Banri-kun’s leadership skills are put to good use for Dee’s performance, plus the action scenes with everyone are also very impressive.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Bear: “So, what’s the meaning of this?”
Dee: “As future captain, I’ve gotta make sure I finish the job I messed up on.”
Dee: “Just so you know, this was my decision, so the other guys ain’t responsible.”
Bear: “God… Dee, from this day on, you’ll be known as Doug.”
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Doug: “Huh?”
Bear: “And you’re not a future captain. From today on, you’re the captain. So pull yourself together.”
Doug: “Are you for real?”
Bear: “Tig, you’ll support Doug as second in command.”
Tig: “No avoidin’ it, I guess.”
Bear: “That’s a weight off my shoulders.”
Bat: “Oi, the Space Police are headed this way.”
Dan: “If we don’t hurry, the port will be put into lockdown.”
Doug: “Aight, y’all, get ready now. We’re gettin’ the hell outta here!”
Rat: “Aye aye, Sir!”
Izumi: (Now given his code name, his determination to live as Captain Doug of ANIMS is reaffirmed…)
Izumi: (The universe of the space performance was further expanded by seeing the past stories of ANIMS.)
Izumi: (The audience seems to be thrilled to get to know the activities and the growth of Doug and the others, which differs from the main story.)
Izumi: (Autumn Troupe’s spin off performance was a huge success!)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: Thank you very much!
Omi: Thank you.
Juza: Thanks.
Azami: Thanks so much.
Sakyo: Thank you very much.
Taichi: Thank you!
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Banri: Thank you so much!
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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acanth3 · 2 months
追憶*マリオネットの糸の先 / Reminiscence*End of the Marionette's Strings
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Nazuna: …..
Mika: Nnnah..? Nazuna-nii, hello~♪
Nazuna: …..
Mika: Hmm, why’re you so happy? What is it? I feel like I'm in a good mood today too~ did something happen to you?
Nazuna: …..♪
Mika: I don’t know but Nazuna-nii looks happy, and I’m happy too!~♪
But, Nazuna-nii… yer always late
If Nazuna-nii doesn’t show up with his face early, Oshi-san will be put into a bad mood and taken out on me. So, it’s okay~..?
Nazuna: …..
(I can’t tell him I’ve been secretly practising my singing, there aren’t many new results yet…if Oshi-san finds out he’ll be put into an angry mood.)
(But recently even other units have become more active.)
(I can’t just stay this way forever just because it’s ‘convenient’, Valkyrie will also get older.)
(We’re still at the top of Yumenosaki, placed in such a high place means others can see you clearly.)
(We’re studied and imitated, like a king.)
(Even the audience will be bored out if we keep showing the same concept.)
(Never mind how luxurious/tasty fine French food is…it’s only natural you’ll get bored of it everyday.)
(We also need to have a change. But Valkyrie only permits on stage what Oshi-san wants, much like a restriction.)
(Only because we bring in so much commitment we have the highest quality one-of-a-kind piece of art.)
(We’re in an era where media everywhere is consumed at such abnormal speed.)
(If only my recorded singing voice from the past keeps being used…we can’t use the same song forever. There’s a limit to what people want.)
(While figuring some things out, I was driven to another…unit.)
(As much as Oshi-san doesn’t want to admit, I have a silver rated singing voice. I’ll do it…)
(If I just sing, Valkyrie will be able to move forward..we’ll change.)
(If my growth is able to be recognized, Oshi-san won’t reuse the pre-recorded singing, I want some new possibilites…?)
(Mika-chan also… maybe he can be used as a much stronger force rather than just a back up dancer?)
Mika: Hmm? Nazuna-nii, what is it?
Hey, Nazuna-nii…it’s a bit late but this is a… birthday present ♪
Nazuna: ….?
Mika: It’s clothes, I made em’! It looks a bit shabby compared to the one’s Oshi-san makes/ that you wear daily.
I worked hard and did my best! ♪
I couldn’t stand that I forgot to give it to ya all this time, even if I missed the opportunity…I’ll fix it a bit…
If it was this much of a mess, yer birthday would have been passed for a long time now~♪
Sorry it’s so late, will you accept it Nazuna-nii?
Nazuna: …..
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Mi…Mika-chi… Thank..you..I’m…so happy…
(Ah! I forgot I don’t have a voice! Because I stayed silent for so long I can’t even muster out the words thank you properly…)
Shu: You two. Be quiet please, I’m on the… phone.
Mika: Nnnah? Oshi-san sorry for interrupting while yer on the phone…huh..?
Shu: What is this? I’m not even familiar with electronic devices, I can’t really get in touch with the other's.
Compared to a smartphone it’s much more difficult to hear the recipient's voice. 
So stay quiet. Sorry, I interrupted our call…Rei.
It’s unusual for you to be active during the daytime, are you finally feeling motivational? Even if you were just playing bystander, I’m interested in something.
You are one of the many few people who understand me, as a friend, yes…
You’re as hostile as a unit, getting rid of something mercilessly…
If you become an opponent, I can;t afford to get my heart in the way and die.
Lately the number of annoying slobs have increased. It has got me worried and it’s making me uncomfortable.
Hah, are you pretending to be elderly? If it were not for you, I would have hung up the phone, Rei?
‘fine’ …Oh, Tenshouin’s unit? But what’s wrong with it…?
Anyhow, to be an idol~ it’s really a experience/sort of existence, isn’t it?
They are not the enemy of Valkyrie. The stage is not something that can be controlled by king’s of money.
It’s a stage to show fine art. 
I’ll beat my existence to the whole world.
Isn’t it best for rich people to get drunk and ravish a luxurious place where people compete with one another? After all, they are third-rate idols.
Though we cannot beat ‘the real thing’. The snobs in this world are concerned enough to distinguish the authenticity of it all.
Personally, I seem to be more interested in your current trends rather than what ‘fine’ is upto. 
Recently it seems many have begun to make a move including you, Wataru and Kanata..right?
You are rare out of the sluggish and corrupt society of Yumenosaki. 
Art is a product of chance, a gift from god. I don’t want to mess it up with my hands. 
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I was able to meet you guys at this, Yumenosaki. Ka ka..
It’s something I think is great, really, from the bottom of my heart. I have no choice but to express something similar to a miracle. Don’t you think so too?
Thank you for the advice, I’m not stupid to silence a warning given to me by a dear friend.
Let’s be careful. Yes, good night…my friend.
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ask-the-vocafamilies · 10 months
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"KaiMiku - 20 Year of Headpats"
Head pats are Kaito and Miku's things. Kaito often gives head pats to Miku after a job well done and a hard day at work. Miku likes getting head pats, especially Kaito's. Even as husband and wife Kaito still gives Miku head pats. Miku thinks she's too old for head pats now... …But she's not saying no to one…
Extra Dialogue
Friends: Kaito: Nice job today, Mi-Chan. You sure worked hard! Miku: Heehee… Thank you, Kaito-Nii! . Boyfriend and Girlfriend: Kaito: Good work, Miku. Another day, another busy day, huh? Miku: Thanks, Kaito. Yeah, as usual… So tired… Kaito: Aww, my poor girlfriend… Here, some head pats for your troubles. Miku: T-Thanks… You know, you don't have to do it all the time… Kaito: Yeah, I don't have to, but I want to! Besides, I know how much you like it. Also, it brings you comfort and helps you calm down, right? Miku: HeeHee… You know me so well… . Husband and Wife: Kaito: Thanks for your hard work, Sweet Mint. Miku: Thank you, Anata… But don't you think I'm getting too old for head pats? Kaito: Oh? You want me to stop then? Miku: …I-I didn't say that… Kaito: (Chuckles) You're so cute, you know that?
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coolsosha · 9 months
I was bored and made gif with Sosha and Asmo. Then i got addicted and have 10 of them now
im scared of how much serotonin i got from this thing.
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-Heyehyehye, Asmuah, wanna have a... uuuh, smol XXS orange orphan?
-...Mandarin? Sorry hun, im busy, you can eat this oneee~
[click for 9 more of those]
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-Oooh, Asmo is in the news again! ..heeey, the thing is about me! but why there is no picture of meeee?! I need to make a interview better than this! Sosha supremacyyyyyyyyyyy~~~
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-Huh, Sosha definitely needs to practice with making post names...
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-Sushi! Close your eyes or you will get shampoo in them!
-Told you~
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-Yes! I knew that Jessica will be with Jeremy! They are such a soulmates, don't you think, Sushi?!...Ah, you fell asleep again, aren't you~
-Aw, so peaceful♡...............................................
..........................Oh wait i still have to do my night skincare routine......fine, you can sleep 10 more minutes and i will get up.
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-Draw me like one of your french girls!
-Bonjour, croissant, Marriette, Eiffel tower, Pasta, Mario, Luigi.. wait no, thats italian. Anyway, LESHPUA LETTE PIAIA MIVIVO ZHETE IMEJO PO LE VO PA IJIJO METE ACOLFLAUYA ZUTA MI ZHIZO LETE(poorly sounding Ratatouille song)
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-Sosha, you can't be in Demon form, Author-Sosha didn't post your backstory yet and you are making a huge spoiler and a plot hole, darling!
-Shut up im a moth(respectfully)
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After Princess Asmo was rescued from evil goblin King Beel by a group of brave heroes, Princess was kidnapped again! By the evil demon named Sosha! He trapped princess in his castle and not letting him go! ...but, seems like Princess doesn't mind?
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-Damn, how did you even tricked me into posing for this. i look like a hoe!.... in a good way
-i mean, you helped me with designing this collection, so it would be infair to not-put you on front page with your precious Asmo-chan!....how can you possibly be a "hoe in a good way" though?
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You will say "Sosha(author), Sosha(oc) is a self insert OC for sure!" NO IT'S NOOOOT, this ass has backstory, and his personality is bigger than mine, so comparing Sosha to me is a pathetic comparison~
Sosha: I will make a comic about Sosha!
Sosha later: I will make a tumblr posts about Sosha!
Sosha now: Probably i will just write his entire lore in one post and will forget about it
Sosha in future: I will just burn him in fire.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 8 months
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Tumblr forced me to cut these into pieces.
Anyway, Yokai AU is finally completed. Basically, each characters + all iteration of Miku is assigned with one yokai. Not all of them ended up as a yokai
In this AU, the world is separated into two; the human world by day and the yokai world by night (like in Spirited Away). When a human made a deal with a yokai and made a deal, said human will gain the yokai's power (and adapt to fit their personality). And when the human died, on the thirteen day after they're buried, they will rose as a new half-yokai as their second life. Now, they can walk through the human realm and yokai realm, as well as stayed at the age when they die. And when they died as a yokai.
Can a yokai die? Yes, they can. But they can live for a very long time. Unless they're killed, they can choose when they will pass.
Seem like there's a lot of benefit being a yokai than human, huh? Now, hold on. You need to remember that yokai's are dangerous. Just like wild animals, you don't want to approach a yokai carelessly. Most yokai who lives near the human world are the tamer version, almost humanoid, and the half-yokai. Some people doesn't know that. Yokais are yokais and all evil must be purged. There's only two possible way to kill a yokai; by their own choosing or forcibly killed. Half-yokai also can't reincarnate into the next life, unlike yokais who can keep reborn from human's evil.
But with the danger of wild yokai and the main concern to keep peace between human and half-yokai. Shrine maidens and independent organization will take that job, as well the higher ups in the yokai side.
Bonus: each Miku's surname meanings:
L/n: Shigaku Deco (志学 デコ) (志 means "aspiration, ambition, goal."; 学 means "study, learning, knowledge.")
MMJ: Aiba Mitchie (愛場 ミトチエ) (愛 means "love, affection, fondness."; 場 means "place, location, scene, setting."; ミトチエ reads "mi to chi e" is in katakana)
VBS: Kadoi Giga (門居 ギガ) (門 means "gate, doorway, entrance."; 居 means "to be present, to reside, to stay.")
WxS: Arisu Pino (有澄 ピノ) (有 means "exist"; 澄 means "lucidity."; named after the protagonist of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)
Niigo: Hakui Manun (白井 まぬん) (白 means "white."; 井 means "well, water hole, pit."; Manun-chan is the name of Mafumafu's female online persona)
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kdrama-movies-more · 1 month
놀아주는 여자 Web Novel Author: Park Soo-jung's Blog
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(google translate)
A: Visit to the Filming Set (2023)
"I visited the set of Playful Woman. I visited with the production company CEO and greeted the director and actors.
Because the weather was hot, we also sent a coffee truck to cheer them on. I went with Jun-soo and only Jun-soo took a certification photo…lol
The production company's PDs kindly guided me around the set so I was able to tour it all.
I didn't take any pictures because I was worried that someone might appear for an unreleased drama, but I looked around Ji-hwan's house, Go Yang-hee's office, Mi-ho's house, etc, and it was all so interesting.
I used to watch a lot of outdoor filming when I was a drama fan, but this is my first time on a set….
Ji-hwan's office and home really smell like a Romance male lead. Meow’s office was luxurious. Actually, seeing the appreciation plaque with Go Yang-hee's name on it was kind of amazing hahaha
(I will delete spoilers from below on haha)
On this day, Ji-hwan, Eun-ha, Dong-hee, and Il-young were on set.
Unfortunately, I guess Mi-ho and Hyun-woo actors didn't have any filming that day, and I was curious about Yena too...And the actor who played Miho's father is someone I like, so I was sad that I couldn't see him ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
First, I greeted the actors, watched them film, and got their autographs during the intermission after the scene ended.
First of all, our Eun-ha, Han Seon-hwa.
We happened to be filming a scene where Eunha was just throwing her heart out to Jihwan, and she was really pretty and good at it! He said it was amazing seeing the original author for the first time haha.
Before I met Uhm Tae-goo, I knew from entertainment shows that he was very shy, so I tried not to talk to him lol, but contrary to my expectations(?), he welcomed me very warmly.
When he signed it, he said, “I’m a lot smaller than you thought in the original…” (ㅠ_ㅠ) “No, you’re so cool!” I said that and I meant it lol.
He looks great on screen, but he's really cool in person.
I didn't get to tell you, but at the beginning of this year, I was actually wishing for Taegu Eom to have a huge success…
By the way, TMI but my husband's name is Uhm Tae-*, so Mr. Uhm Tae-goo is like no one else lol.
The next autograph is actor Yang Hyun-min, who plays the role of Jae-soo among the group.
Actually, the names and lineup of the characters are different from the original, lol. At first, I didn't know what their roles were. Sorry.
"But this author is a washout huh? I asked, and he was surprised and said, "The author is the best... How could I possibly say the author is a washout..."ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I also got the autograph of DKZ Jaechan, who plays Donghee.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Among the writers I'm close with, there's someone who enjoyed Jae-chan's dramas, so I had to brag about it, so I looked for Jae-chan's autograph diligently, and he was resting on a chair that looked like a male protagonist (you'll know him if you watch it on TV). Actually, before this Junsu came back from the bathroom and said, "There are two really handsome guys in the bathroom." I found out that one of them was Jaechan. As expected of a professional idol, he was really pretty and handsome.
The last one is Il-young, actor Kim Hyun-jin, who I loved the most in the original work.
He's really handsome, of course, and his tall height and his face is… small. Lol.
Since there is a tall person in my family, most people don't think as tall, but found out that I am really tall… and later I looked up his profile and found out that I am 189cm tall.
Anyway, our Il-young is cool from the visual standpoint. He said he hasn't signed much yet and was wondering what to write as a comment, so I just said, "I love you", and he really did lol. Now that look, he even drew a heart.
Il-young should've just been mine… I made him get with Mi-ho for nothing (groaning)
I greeted you warmly and finished my visit to the filming set.
The production company gave me the script for episode 12 as a gift. My name is also printed beautifully on the cover :) I originally thought it was going to be 12 episodes, but they said it was going to be 16 episodes.
I hope the remaining filming goes well, and I also want to see you on TV soon."
B. Watching Episode 2 Live (2024)
"While Jun-soo and I were watching the 2nd episode, the food poisoning milk episode came up.
I had a feeling from the moment Eunha ran into the hospital- "Now the mothers will throw milk at Eun-ha and Ji-hwan will block it with his body XD"
"Of course Mom would know because Mom wrote it."
"No, no that's not something I wrote. It's an episode created by a drama writer."
"But how do you know?"
"Mom has a knack for romance lol"
But I wonder what happens when I close my eyes and count to ten. Will he handle the parents while counting to ten...
I'm curious so I'll watch next week too.
Let’s all watch together hehe"
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1358456 · 7 months
Generation VIII Pokemon Nicknames, Part 2
Last one, and I will be all "caught up" in a sense, of all the Pokemon that I've missed. Maybe.
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A shattered variant of Cofagrigus? It has the same stats, but with Atk and Sp. Atk swapped. Huh. That's neat. I will call this thing... "Mangled". Because it looks like a mangled heap of Cofagrigus. With runes.
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... Why are so many food items turning up as Pokemon? So... is this thing a cake frosting, or just cream? Hmm... "Famine". You know, like "cream of the crop", but without the crop.
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Hey, I know this thing! I've done a lot of research on this guy! ... A lot of wasted potential, I think. I will call this "Pursuit", after the Pursuit Formation that I absolutely love to use in <Redacted> 9.
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This has got to be the slowest Electric type I've ever seen. Suitable, I guess. But this is just fodder.
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I remember this thing. Someone once said that this might fit in Platinum's overhauled team. And I said no, because... I don't like bugs. Hehehe. Well, as a Bug type, it probably has access to Quiver Dance to get over its low Spd stat. Hmm... what to call this thing... I have a Venomoth named "I SEE YOU" given how its eyes are so big. So, as a frozen counterpart to Venomoth, I will call this... "ICY YOU".
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Good HP, great Atk and Def, non-existing Sp. Def, eh? ... Why is this thing faster than most of the Generation VIII Dex? ... I got nothing.
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... I remember this thing. I fired this thing from Shield's team for a reason.
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... ? Psychic/Normal is actually pretty decent for a type combination. Doesn't resist much, but hey. It may still be just Moxie fodder, but I can see myself making one. I don't have a clue as to what to call this thing though.
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Another Electric rodent. "Coffee Cream", if it fits. Because this thig is half & half, like the milk-cream used in coffee.
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Another slow ass piece of- Has sh*t defenses, vulnerable to fire, and shaped like an elephant. ... I'll have to call it "Elephant", after the elephant troops in <Redacted> 10, that has really high offensive capabilities, not particularly mobile, but has really low defenses for its cost and go on rampages when on fire, attacking allies.
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Interesting quartet. It's very rare for all of them to suck.
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Hey, this is that thing that becomes the bridge Dragon in Generation IX. I still don't know what to call it.
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Moon's overhaul! Nickname "Brood Lord". Looks nothing like it, but Zerg Brood Lords are flying units that shoot Broodlings to attack, and Broodlings are tiny Brood Lords that haven't grown up yet that claw haplessly at their opponents until they time-out and die, or just flat-out killed since they have the lowest HP in the game, even less than Larva nowadays. Dragapult shoots Dreepy projectiles, so... Brood Lord.
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Hello, power creep! +1 Atk immediately? Sure. Why not. Nickname "Power Creep".
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And the reverse. +1 Def immediately? Sure. "Peerc Rewop".
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... Huh. That's interesting. Looks like a dragon skeleton in a way, and its... er... whatever-that-is form kind of looks like an End City in Minecraft. Or a UFO Catcher crane game. I think this one needs lore info for a suitable nickname.
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... A hand-to-hand combatant that has a Brawler style and a Rush style. ... Yo, KIRYU-CHAN! ... But this isn't a Dragon type though. Boo. Hmm... it's built pretty well, so I need the name of a built fighter. But this thing has Brawler and Rush. Hmm... Kaito comes to mind, but he copies Kiryu's Brawler and Beast style, and not Rush. Yagami comes to mind with Tiger and Crane styles, but he's pretty skinny. Hmm... Maybe "Hijikata". Hijikata Toshizo, the Yakuza Ishin version of Mine Yoshitaka, the final boss of Yakuza 3. It's read mi-ne, and not "mine" like... "that's mine" or "Widow Mine drops are bullsh*t". But the full name probably won't fit as a nickname, and "Mine" by itself doesn't seem right, so... the Ishin variant it is. Mine is very fast and nimble, and hits like a beast. I absolutely hate his fighting style. And ever since Yakuza 3, his fighting style is in almost every single game on the hardest coliseum opponents. And the Dark typing actually fits him too. He's supposedly dead, but considering how 3 of the 5 characters who died in Yakuza 3 are alive in 7 and 8... who knows.
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Hmm... A Grass monkey, but this one isn't a drummer. It kind of looks like a wendigo from Fallout 76. So... "Wendigo" it is for now.
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Huh. When did this happen. Similar to normal Regi stat distribution, but no Clear Body. But free 50% STAB boost because why not. The Electric one has 200 Spd which is absurd (Deoxys Spd has 180), with decent offenses, so with a free 50% Electric boost, if it was to be used alongside Tapu Koko and Electric Terrain... ouch. I'd call that one "Flash Bolt" or something. I could just call it "Flash", but the Electric Regi doesn't resemble the greatest gamer ever to have lived. As for the Dragon Regi... hmm... Ah yes. "Tendo". The man with a blue dragon on his back in Yakuza 7. Easily the 4th most intimidating man with a dragon on his back... out of 4.
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An apocalypse horse that... was apparently parked in the north pole or something. Now it can't move all that well. And a physical attacking Ice type? I don't know how much the situation improved, but there was a reason why Black Kyurem did not fare as well as White Kyurem. ... I assume the Japanese name is supposed to say "Freezer Horse" here. But at a glance at the small font, it kind of says "Freeza Force". Hahaha. I'd probably call it "Glacierhoof". Because it moves at the pace of a glacier.
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A Ghost type apocalypse horse. Cool. Hmm... Well, if the first one was called "Glacierhoof" then this one must be called "Doomhoof". It's a horse-o-doom.
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Huh. Now there's the rider of the horses. And the... er... spore king's presence adds +20 to every stat for the horses. Which puts the Knight of the Frozen Throne at a whopping 50 Spd. ... Did you know that the original Regis have 50 Spd? That's a slow ass horse. The Ghost one on the other hand... wow. Those are quite the stats. Nickname "Shadowform". Only use the Ghost horse.
There's a lot of fodder this time around, I feel. Oh well. It was like that in SM if I recall. A whole heap of garbage.
And I once again fail to find a suitable candidate for the nickname "Dark Archon", quite possibly my favorite unit in Starcraft. Maybe one day, if two Dark typed Atk focused Pokemon were to merge into a single Psychic/Dark typed Sp. Atk focused Pokemon. "The Void burns..." ... Though I don't think Mind Control can be a move in Pokemon games... Now that would be unfair.
Now I'm all caught up! ... Oh wait. Region specific variants. ... Another day, perhaps.
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rye-views · 1 year
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Lookism. 외모지상주의. Ep. 1-308. 7.6/10
I would not recommend this webtoon to my friends. I would not reread this webtoon.
Despite the drawing being so unattractive to me, I think it's brilliantly made. When mom is sad, the illustrations show it amazingly. Really captures the feels. I hate the eyes that look like lips. I don't like how superficial everything is. Determining your worth based on looks and wealth. I hate how everyone is so quick to fight. I don't know anyone like that in real life. PTJ Enter is a trash place, huh. Hyunseok's actions versus thoughts being like doing bad things to others and then hating himself for it, it's something I really don't vibe with despite knowing many people who are like that. It's difficult for me to comprehend the point of regretting something you actively chose to do again and again while knowing how horrible it is. And it's not something bad to yourself, but to others. Hyun Seok's gradual realizations of how much he lacks as a person or how badly he treats others is something to think about. I'm enjoying how he wants to improve himself when realizing that you can't just blame the world for your situation. The stalker episode disgusts me and freaks me out. Lee Tae Sung is so angry for no reason. Ji Ho is a real piece of trash. I'm so disgusted at the perverted other guys on the train during our trip to Jaeyeol's villa. I didn't love when the drawing style changed and everyone was kinda re-introduced, and the plotline really strayed from high school lookism to moreso this gang culture.
Basco's tears are my favorite thing. They happen so amusingly. I also love his backstory being a thing. His bullying was messed up. What a cool kid, he is. Jae Yeol my favorite character. Favorite episode is when it's all about Jae Yeol and there is literally no dialogue. Basco and Bum Jae's relationship is beautiful. Love the ET tat being for his name. I love how Inu is always like idc about what's going just get out ya'll! I love how Jinsung matures throughout and sees how to better himself. Basco's bday cake is soo cute. I love how much Jinsung loves Mi Jin. Jae Yeol's amusement park ride top selca is very nice. The episode of finding Hyun Seok's identity was so thrilling. I love that the lookism logo becomes floral during the blind date episode. I approve of the Miru and Jaebeom love line. I like that Jang Jin Hyuk draws.
Hyunseok needs to stop accidentally drinking alc. Get it together. This webtoon is so extreme all the time. Taesung losing all that weight is so random. In the amusement park episode, it's amazing to read Korean but with a dialect.
Lmaoo at Jae Yeol's extra episodes having no dialogue whatsoever. Lmaoo not Inu saving small Hyunseok from the Han River. Lmaoo at the Burn Knuckle's duck's function being 분위기. Lmaoo at BTS being in here. Lmaoo at Basco and Hyung Seok being able to communicate with Jae yeol. Lmaoo at Basco protecting his bear family.
Poor Hye Eun.
Omg Jae Yeol giving Hyun Seok all those nice clothes for his birthday is the sweetest thing. All nonchalant, how cool. Him lying with the birthday letter is all eeeek for me. Basco is also so cool for caring for the underdogs.
Uee getting beat up for cheating was crazy. Bruhhh, everything was so messed up as Heemin beat up Jinsung and Wonbin. Can you believe how messed up the situation is? Yeah, messed up of Jinsung to throw Basco's heroman gift into the water with a rock in it instead. Haneul's love for Hyungseok is so crazy and respectable. Dating Tae Sung and suffering like that? What kinda love?
Why do the police look like little animals? How are we in such extreme situations with such extreme people? How does Ji Ho always get into such messes?
The Kim Poong cooking show guy literally looks like Wes Chan to me.
Memorable Quotes: "순간이 쌓여 추억이된다," "나를 극복해보고 싶어요." "싸움을 시작했으면 죽일각오로 싸워야하고."
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blue-temperature · 2 years
[ESP] Obey Me — A Star For You —
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¡Dispara a las Estrellas!
—Diavolo: Desde mañana, RAD llevará a cabo un nuevo evento, el Festival del Cazador de Cometas.
— Mammon: ¿Festival del Cazador de Cometas? ¿Qué es eso?
— Satan: ¿Supongo que tiene que ver con las estrellas? Hicimos ese planetario la última vez.
— Asmodeus: Oh, eso fue mucho trabajo, pero muy divertido también. ¿Vamos a hacer algo similar?
— Diavolo: No, este evento es de una naturaleza un poco diferente. El objetivo esta vez es fomentar un flujo recíproco de sentimientos entre los estudiantes. ¿Te interesa, MC?
[ ¡Puedes apostar que sí! ] ✓ [ Suena como una molestia. ]
— Diavolo: Es bueno escucharlo. Creo que vas a disfrutar este evento.
— Barbatos: En el Festival del Cazador de Cometas, la gratitud es representada por las estrellas, que aparecen como destellos en los ojos de aquellos que la reciben. Los invitamos a recolectar tantas estrellas como sean posibles.
— Satan: ¿Y qué sucede entonces?
— Barbatos: Quien reúna más estrellas, o gratitud, es el ganador. Para hacerlo, será necesario establecer un flujo recíproco del sentimiento.
— Diavolo: Por supuesto, hemos arreglado un premio especial para el vencedor.
— Mammon: ¡¿Qué tipo de premio?! ¡¿Dinero?!
— Asmodeus: ¡¿Un tipo nuevo de máscara de Coco Bunel?!
— Satan: Esto se va a convertir en un “gratis para todos”, ¿No es así?
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— Leviathan: Entonces, ¿Cuál es el premio? ¿Qué obtendremos? ¡¿Qué tal un juego de figuras transparentes de 5 piezas de edición limitadas de  de la forma final de sueño mágico de Ruri-chan?! ¡¿Eso está en juego?!
— Beelzebub: ¿O un juego de cupones gourmet para los tres mundos?
— Diavolo: Podemos arreglar la mayor parte de las cosas. Y además, hay un premio más. Un cometa pasará por Devildom pronto. El ganador recibirá el derecho de nombrar a ese cometa.
— Satan: ...Todos están mirando a MC. ¿Deben ser tan transparentes?
[ Uh, ¿Por qué me están mirando? ] ✓ [ ¡No me miren! ]
— Satan: Quieren nombrar al cometa como tú.
[ ¿Eso te incluye, Satan? ] ✓ [ Oh, ya veo. ]
— Satan: Eso es algo que decidiría solo después de ganar. Pero, bueno... No puedo negar que se me ocurrió esa idea.
— Mammon: Así que ese es el cebo, ¿Huh?
— Beelzebub: Lo comeré.
— Asmodeus: No es cebo literal, Beel.
— Satan: ¿Así que se obtendrá una estrella por cada persona cuya gratitud ganes? ¿Tienes alguna esperanza de ganar?
— Asmodeus: Todos están agradecidos por mi mera existencia, así que debería ganar rápidamente.
— Leviathan: Pero, pensando en ello seriamente por un momento...
— Asmodeus: ¡Estaba siendo serio!
— Leviathan: ...Lucifer y Satan son los únicos que tienen una oportunidad realista, ¿Cierto?
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— Lucifer: Yo no participaré.
— Mammon: ¿Huh? ¿En serio?
— Diavolo: Le pedí a Lucifer que actuara como supervisor para este evento.
— Lucifer: Determinaré si cualquier acto de altruismo está hecho con un motivo mayor, en ese caso, las estrellas no serán entregadas.
— Belphegor: ¿Qué tipo de demonio espera puro altruismo de (otros) demonios?
— Mammon: ¡Si, tú demonio!
— Lucifer: ¿Debo mostrarte cuán demoníaco puedo ser?
— Mammon: Hey, ¡Belphie es el que lo dijo!
— Diavolo: Me gustaría que sirvieras como supervisora también, MC.
[ ¡Déjamelo a mí! ] ✓ [ Entonces, ¿No puedo participar? ]
— Diavolo: Gracias. Sé que puedo contar contigo.
— Barbatos: Como el Joven Maestro y yo estamos involucrados en el manejo del evento, no participaremos tampoco.
 — Leviathan: Entonces, si Lucifer, el Señor Diavolo y Barbatos están fuera de la carrera, el ganador más probable es...
— Satan: ...No me mires a mí.
— Asmodeus: Entonces, MC, ¿Quién crees que ganará?
[ Satan, ¿Supongo? ] ✓ [ Sin comentarios. ]
— Asmodeus: ¡Hey! ¡Se suponía que respondieras que yo (lo sería)!
— Satan: No presiones a la gente a decir la respuesta que quieres.
— Diavolo: Oh cierto, olvidé mencionar un regla importante. Es posible formar equipo con otros participantes. El premio será dividido entre ustedes, pero si pueden idear algún tipo de arreglo, están libres de formar equipo.
— Leviathan: Entonces, es posible ganar a través de una estrategia.
— Asmodeus: Jeh... ¿Escuchaste eso, Satan?
— Satan: ¡Dije que dejaran de mirarme!
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— Belphegor: El Festival del Cazador de Cometas ya comenzó, ¿Cierto?
— Mammon: Si, Satan ya consiguió montones de estrellas por dar tutorías a la gente.
— Asmodeus: Hey, eso no es justo, ¿Cierto? ¿Seguro que no tiene un motivo oculto?
[ Nah, no lo creo. ] ✓ [ Quizás si. ]
— Leviathan: Si, Satan solo da tutorías a la gente que pide ayuda. Él no está presionando sus servicios a nadie.
— Asmodeus: Bueno, Belphie, aquí está el plan. Reuniré a algunos estudiantes y tú puedes enseñarles.
— Belphegor: Olvídalo. Dar tutorías es muy aburrido.
— Asmodeus: Entonces, parece que tendré que ganarle a Satan de alguna manera ♡
— Leviathan: Podrías sobornarlo con el último número de Is a Meowtiful Life?
— Mammon: ¡Hey! ¡No te me adelantes! MC, ¿Puedes pensar en alguna manera de conseguir la amabilidad de Satan?* (* Esta frase podría contener errores)
[ Piensen ustedes mismos. ] ✓ [ ¿Hacer un role-play de detectives? ]
— Mammon: Bien, ¿Qué tal volvernos uno de sus estudiantes para formar equipo con él?
— Belphegor: Solo le estarías dando más estrellas.
— Satan: ¿Qué está sucediendo? ¿Por qué están reuniéndose alrededor de MC y susurrando?
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— Satan: ...
— Asmodeus: ¿Por qué estamos reunidos alrededor de MC? Erm... Mammon, explica tú.
— Mammon: ¡No me mires! Erm, ya sabes, por la cosa. ¿Cierto, MC?
[ ¿Qué cosa? ] [ Estábamos discutiendo formar equipo contigo. ] ✓ [ Levi sabe. ]
— Satan: ... Ajá. No me sorprende. No tengo intención de formar equipo con nadie. Después de todo, no hay beneficios para mí. Voy a ganar por mi propio poder y volver realidad mis propios sueños.
— Beelzebub: Esa filosofía no es muy altruista, ¿No es así?
— Satan: Eso no tiene nada que ver.
— Asmodeus: ¡Pero si tiene! ¡Deberías ayudarme formando equipo conmigo!
— Mammon: Imposible, ¡Mi situación es más urgente! ¡Forma equipo conmigo!
— Beelzebub: No, forma equipo conmigo, Satan.
— Belphegor: No te olvides de mí.
— Leviathan: No, ¡Espera! Estoy por encima de ti en términos de edad, Satan. Tenemos un lazo de hermandad, ¿Cierto?
— Satan: ¡Son todos iguales! MC, ¿no puedes hacer algo al respecto?
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— Asmodeus: ¡Satan va a formar equipo conmigo!
— Mammon: ¡No, conmigo!
[ ¡Silencio, todos ustedes! ] ✓ [ Dejen de molestar a Satan. ]
— Asmodeus: ¡Mira lo que has hecho! ¡Hiciste enojar a MC!
— Satan: Tú fuiste el más ruidoso.
— Simeon: Parece que todos perdieron la razón aquí.
— Diavolo: Si, se ha vuelto más una caza de Satan que una caza de cometas. No puedo dejar que todos pierdan de vista nuestro objetivo. Que es, un flujo recíproco de sentimientos entre los estudiantes.
— Satan: ¿Podrías dejar de usar esa frase extraña?
— Lucifer: Parece que tendremos que hacer algo para evitar más discusiones sin sentido.
[ ¡Estoy de acuerdo! ] ✓ [ Aunque esto es un poco divertido. ]
— Lucifer: Debe haber alguna manera.
— Diavolo: ...¡Lo sé! El problema es que Satan está haciendo lo mejor, ¿Cierto? Entonces, ¿Qué tal esto?
— Lucifer: Espera, Diavolo, no—
— Diavolo: ¡Yo participaré también!
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— Satan: Estás manejando el evento, ¿No es así? Y de seguro no puedes entrar a la mitad...
— Barbatos: Técnicamente, no hay reglas que lo prohíban.
— Diavolo: Creo que sería preferible a que el evento fracase.
[ Sería mejor si Satan tuviera un rival. ] ✓ [ ¡Creo que es una gran idea que Diavolo participe! ]
— Diavolo: Si, muchos estudiantes ya están disfrutando de este evento y uniéndose a él.
— Mammon: ¡Y yo no puedo perder mi premio!
— Satan: Mira, solo por el registro, no es mi culpa que el evento no funcionara apropiadamente.
— Diavolo: Entonces, formalmente declaro mi participación.
— Belphegor: Con la participación del Señor Diavolo, las cosas han cambiado.
— Leviathan: ¡¿Con quién deberíamos meternos?! ¡Es una elección crítica...!
— Asmodeus: Tampoco me importa, mientras estén dispuestos a trabajar conmigo ♡
— Satan: ¿Te das cuenta de que ese tipo de pensamiento egoísta está en contra del espíritu del evento?
— Lucifer: Aún así, con la participación de Diavolo, la victoria de Satan ya no está garantizada. Espero por el resultado.
— Satan: ...
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— Diavolo: Pareces estar luchando con tus tareas de maldiciones y maleficios. ¿Te gustaría que te de tutoría?
— Satan: Las maldiciones y maleficios son mi especialidad. Por favor, permíteme.
— Solomon: Esto se está poniendo interesante... Diavolo versus Satan es más que un emparejamiento inusual.
— Asmodeus: Satan parece estar viendo al Señor Diavolo como un rival.
— Mammon: Bueno, el Señor Diavolo arruinó su victoria garantizada. No hay dudas de que está a la defensiva.
— Leviathan: Aunque sería genial para nosotros si se sacan entre ellos... ...eso probablemente no va a pasar, así que aliarse con uno de ellos aún sigue siendo la llave.
— Asmodeus: ¿Quién crees que va a ganar, MC? ¿Satan o el Señor Diavolo?
[ Probablemente Satan. ] 1 [ Probablemente Diavolo. ] 2 [ No voy a elegir. ]
1: — Asmodeus: Satan definitivamente es más accesible que el Señor Diavolo.
— Leviathan: Y luce más amigable externamente a primera vista.
2: — Asmodeus: El título de Presidente del Consejo Estudiantil lleva mucho peso. Y aunque el Señor Diavolo puede ser intimidante, genuinamente es una buena persona. Los estudiantes también confían en él. ¡No estoy seguro de si Satan pueda igualar eso!
— Mammon: Entonces, ¿Crees que el Señor Diavolo va a ganar?
— Belphegor: Aunque no es tan simple.
— Diavolo: ...¿Por qué no nos dividimos la tutoría? Ese sería el enfoque más efectivo, ¿No lo crees?
— Satan: ...Está bien por mí.
— Simeon: Parece que Diavolo está intentando resolver la situación pacíficamente. Pero de este modo, podríamos terminar con un empate.
— Mammon: Si, ¿Qué pasa si ellos terminan con el mismo número de estrellas? ¡¿Satan y el Señor Diavolo se batirán a duelo?
— Lucifer: ...¿No deberías estar pensando en obtener tus propias estrellas?
— Asmodeus: No tenemos una oportunidad en lo absoluto, ¿Así que para qué molestarse?
— Leviathan: ¡Tenemos que alinearnos con el más fuerte para incrementar nuestras probabilidades de ganar! ¡Se trata de tácticas!
— Lucifer: Santos cielos...
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— Lucifer: Ahora anunciaré el los resultados provisionales del Torneo del Cazador de Cometas. Satan, 55 estrellas. Diavolo, 55 estrellas. Todos los demás tienen entre cero y cinco. Hay mucha diferencia.
— Asmodeus: ¡Discúlpame!
— Lucifer: ¿Qué sucede, Asmo?
— Asmodeus: Obviamente se va a reducir a Satan versus el Señor Diavolo, ¿Cierto? ¿Qué pasa si tienen el mismo número de estrellas al final?
— Lucifer: Supongo que es posible que el evento se prolongue...
— Diavolo: Pero solo hay una cierta cantidad de tiempo antes de que pase el cometa.
[ ¿Por qué no dejarlos competir de alguna otra manera? ] ✓ [ Es es difícil. ] [ ¿Tienes alguna idea, Asmo? ]
— Beelzebub: ¿Cómo un concurso sobre comer sandwiches BTL demoníacos?
— Satan: Estoy seguro de que así es como a ti te gustaría competir.
— Asmodeus: Si no podemos definir esto a través de las estrellas, ¿Entonces por qué no decimos que quien la consiga a MC es el ganador? ¿Qué opinan?
— Luke: ¡¿Entonces se convertirá en el Festival del Cazador de MC?!
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— Diavolo: ¿El Festival del Cazador de MC?
— Satan: Seguramente no deberíamos cambiar todo el evento.
— Diavolo: ¿Por qué no lo pensamos como un objetivo bonus?
— Satan: ¿Un objetivo bonus...?
— Diavolo: Las reglas para ganar estrellas de gratitud se mantienen iguales, pero si te emparejas con MC, conseguirás cien estrellas extra.
— Luke: ¡¿Cien?!
— Diavolo: Suena interesante, ¿No es así? ¿Qué opinas, MC?
[ ¡Me gusta! ] ✓ [ ¡No tienen permitido atraparme! ]
— Diavolo: ¡Entonces está decidido! Sin embargo, no está permitido que fuercen a MC a ser su compañera. Sin excepciones. ¿Está claro?
— Satan: ¡Por supuesto!
— Beelzebub: Entonces, ¿Nosotros también tenemos una oportunidad de ganar si formamos equipo con MC?
— Belphegor: La estrategia más inteligente sería formar equipo con MC primero. Después de eso, aún deberías intentar agruparte con Satan o el Señor Diavolo.
— Leviathan: ¡Es cierto! Suponiendo que el Señor Diavolo o Satan superen las cien estrellas... ...podrías formar equipo con MC y aún así terminar perdiendo.
— Asmodeus: Así que, entonces, cien es el umbral clave.
— Solomon: Eso también sería fácil de negociar con Satan o Diavolo si tienes a MC de tu lado.
— Mammon: ¡Cierto! ¡El Gran Mammon será el compañero de MC!
— Satan: ...No perderé, sin importar qué.
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Historia Especial
— Asmodeus: Hey, MC. ¡Forma equipo conmigo! Con nuestra buena apariencia, podríamos recolectar estrellas de gratitud solo por caminar por RAD juntos ♡
— Belphegor: Sería más eficiente formar equipo conmigo, MC.
— Beelzebub: Si tú... *masticar* *masticar* ...formas equipo conmigo, compartiré esta hamburguesa de cerdo sombra contigo. *masticar*
— Leviathan: Um, ¿No la terminaste? lol
— Lucifer: ¿Qué vas a hacer, MC? ¿Vas a decidir con quién emparejarte ahora?
[ No he decidido aún. ] ✓ [ ¿A quién recomiendas, Lucifer? ] [ Hmmm, ¿Qué hacer? ]
— Diavolo: Si. Te sugiero que lo pienses mientras observas nuestras acciones.
— Satan: Tengo mucha confianza en ti, pero asegúrate de no ser seducida por las palabras dulces de nadie.
— Luke: ¡Espera! ¡Estoy cansado de que los demonios hagan todo! ¡Me gustaría nominarme como tu compañero, MC!
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— Simeon: Es cierto. Depende completamente de MC con quién emparejarse.
— Luke: ¡Exactamente! ¡Es por eso que me gustaría nominarme como un compañero!
— ???: ...Entonces, ¿Qué tal esto?
— Leviathan: Hngh... He pasado muchas horas fuera de mi habitación... Solo me quedan algunos minutos de poder... ¡Sin la ayuda de MC, voy a encerrarme completamente!
— Beelzebub: En ese caso, estoy muerto de hambre. Por favor se mi compañera, MC.
— Asmodeus: Ugh, ¡Estoy tan mareado...! ¡MC es la única que puede salvar al delicado y pequeño príncipe Asmo!
[ No voy a formar equipo con nadie por pena. ] ✓ [ ¡Siguen llegando apelaciones! ]
— Satan: Bien dicho, MC. Tratar de influenciar a alguien a través de la pena es patético.
— Leviathan: ¡Cállate, Satan! ¡Siempre te crees el mejor!
— Satan: ...¿Qué?
— Leviathan: Es momento de mi arma secreta, ¡¿Rogar de rodillas...?!
— Mammon: Mira, ¡Voy a pedir una tarjeta de crédito negra como premio! ¡Eso significa que, sin ti, ni mi crédito o yo tenemos algún futuro! ¡Así que te lo ruego!
— Asmdoeus: MC, estarías realmente feliz si formaras equipo conmigo, ¿No es así? Está bien ser honesta al respecto.
— Luke: ¡MC! ¡Recolectemos muchas estrellas juntos!
— Satan: ...
— Diavolo: Deténganse todos. Estuvimos de acuerdo en no acos—
— Asmodeus: ¡Ven, MC! ¡Vamos!
— Luke: ¡Hey! ¡No te aferres a MC! ¡MC viene conmigo!
— Asmodeus: ¡Dijo el ángel aferrándose al brazo de MC!
— Luke: ¡Esto es diferente! ¡La estoy escoltando!
— Leviathan: ¡Entonces yo sujetaré sus piernas!
— Mammon: ¡Hey, no están dejando espacio para mí! Tendré que sujetar desde atrás...
— Satan: Ustedes... ¡Deténganse!
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— Leviathan: Uh-oh. Puedo venir una de las rabias de Satan...
— Mammon: ¿Crees que es una de las malas...?
— Satan: ¡Cada palabra que sale de sus bocas es MC, MC! ¡No tratan de hacer nada por ustedes mismos! ¡¿Cuánto pretenden molestar a MC para poner sus manos en esos premios?!
— Asmodeus: ¡Está a un segundo de quebrarse...! ¡¿Qu-Qué vamos a hacer...?!
[ ¿Podrían disculparse? ] [ ¿Correr por las colinas? ] [ ¿Rendirse y aceptarlo? ] ✓
— Mammon: ¡Nooo! ¡Todo menos la ira de Satan!
— Leviathan: Necesito protección o un sacrificio... Algo para superar esto a salvo...
— Satan: ...Muy tarde para eso. ¡Todos van a tener un castigo apropiado por sus fechorías!
— Asmodeus: ¡Lucifer, haz algo! Eres el supervisor, ¡¿No es así?!
— Lucifer: Santos cielos... Muy bien. Solo recuerden, ustedes son responsables por hacer que se enoje. Satan, es sufici—
— Diavolo: Espera, Lucifer.
— Lucifer: ¿Diavolo?
— Diavolo: Yo manejaré esto.
— Lucifer: ...De acuerdo. Te lo dejaré a ti entonces.
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— Satan: ¡Arrepiéntanse de sus errores y expíen sus pecados!
— Diavolo: ¡Satan, espera!
— Satan: ¡Muévete! ¡No tendré ninguna piedad con nadie que se meta en mi camino! ¡Ni siquiera tú, Señor Diavolo!
— Mammon: ¡¿Satan va a pelear con el Señor Diavolo?!
— Asmodeus: ¡Si van a destruir RAD, entonces quizás debamos evacuar!
[ ¡Cálmense todos! ] ✓ [ ¡Todos nos hundiremos! ] [ ¡Lucifer, sálvanos! ]
— Leviathan: Entonces, ¿Quieres ir a relajarte con una taza de té? ¡Um, NO! ¡¿Cómo se supone que me mantenga calmado en esta situación?!
— Asmodeus: ¡Este no es momento para una parodia de comedia!
— Diavolo: Satan, tu objetivo es ver la sonrisa de MC, ¿No es así? Perder tu temperamento aquí no va a hacerla feliz. ¿Estoy equivocado?
— Satan: ¡Si dejo las cosas como están, va a afectar negativamente a MC!
— Leviathan: ¡Cuidado, Satan! ¡Seriamente vas a destruir RAD así!
— Diavolo: ...Entonces, los dos podemos asegurarnos de que MC sea feliz.
— Satan: ¡...!
— Asmodeus: ¡La magia del Señor Diavolo canceló la de Satan!
— Diavolo: ¡El propósito original de este evento era un cálido y recíproco flujo de sentimientos entre estudiantes! La ira es innecesaria para eso. Si destruyes la escuela, muchos de los estudiantes —incluida MC—van a estar tristes. ¿No es así, Satan?
[ Satan, no estés enojado. ] ✓ [ ¡Diavolo tiene razón! ]
— Satan: ... ...Bien.
— Leviathan: La ira de Satan se ha calmado...
— Asmodeus: ¡Vaya! ¡Solo el Príncipe de Devildom hubiera podido haberlo hecho!
— Mammon: ¡Todos saluden al Señor Demonio! ¡Todos saluden la Señor Diavolo!
— Belphegor: Mira eso... Los ojos del Señor Diavolo están brillando con incontables estrellas.
— Lucifer: Supongo que por calmar a Satan, él consiguió mucha gratitud por parte de todos.
— Asmodeus: ¿Huh? Entonces, ¿Eso significa que el Señor Diavolo va a ganar?
— Satan: ...
— Beelzebub: ¿Satan? ¿Qué estás haciendo?
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— Belphegor: Satan no ha dejado su habitación desde entonces.
— Leviathan: Desearía que lo dejara. No necesitamos otro personaje encerrado.
— Mammon: Bueno, debe estar desanimado por perder contra el Señor Diavolo de la manera en la que lo hizo.
— Asmodeus: No es como que haya perdido oficialmente aún. Eso depende de MC.
— Mammon: Aunque MC no puede hacer nada si él no sale de su habitación.
[ ¿No podemos hacer algo? ] [ Voy a ver a Diavolo. ] ✓
— Lucifer: Una idea excelente. Diavolo tiene el control del juego ahora. Su próximo movimiento determinará cómo acabarán las cosas.
— Diavolo: MC, pensé que vendrías. Es sobre Satan, ¿No es así?
[ Él no deja su habitación. ] ✓ [ ¿Vas a clamar la victoria? ]
— Diavolo: Eso he escuchado. Necesita más tiempo para que su ira se calme. Creo que está haciendo lo correcto. Aunque amaría ganar este evento y nombrar el cometa ante ti... ...muchas de las estrellas que he adquirido fueron el resultado de calmar a Satan. Sin embargo, su ira estaba basada en sus sentimientos por ti. No puedo ignorar esos sentimientos.
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— Diavolo: No pretendo perder contra nadie cuando se trata de mis sentimientos por ti. Es por eso que no puedo encontrar alegría clamando victoria así como están las cosas ahora. Se sentiría como si hubiese robado la amabilidad de Satan hacia ti. Como eso pasa, hay una regla que dice que un participante es libre de hacer lo que quiera con sus estrellas, mientras que sea hecho con gratitud. Así que, me gustaría darte mis estrellas, MC.
[ ¿Me estás dando tus estrellas? ] ✓ [ ¿Estás seguro de esto? ]
— Diavolo: Esa es mi decisión. Si las aceptaras, con mucho gusto las entregaría. Vamos, mira mis ojos...
— Diavolo: Listo. Está hecho. Lo que hagas con ellas ahora depende de ti.
[ Gracias. ] [ Acepto tus sentimientos. ] ✓ [ Es mucha presión. ]
— Diavolo: Gracias. El solo escucharte decirlo es suficiente para mí. Siempre estoy mirándote. Mis pensamientos por ti son tan fuertes como las estrellas brillando en tus ojos ahora mismo. Cierto, ve a habla con él. Descubre tu corazón.
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— Satan: Te dije que no quiero ver a nadie. Vete.
[ Tengo algo importante que decirte. ] 1 [ No me iré. ] [ No seas tan obstinado. ] 2
1: — Satan: Si es un mensaje de mis hermanos, entonces no quiero escucharlo.
2: — Satan: ¡¿Tú crees que estoy siendo obstinado...?! ...Si quieres entrar, entonces entra.
— Satan: Bueno, ¿Qué sucede?
[ Estaba preocupada por ti. ] A [ ¿Qué vas a hacer con el evento? ] [ ¿Aún estás enojado? ] B
A: — Satan: ...Creo que eres la única persona que se preocupa por mí. Con eso dicho, tu preocupación está fuera de lugar. Déjame solo.
B: — Satan: ...
— Satan: ...¿Mis hermanos aún siguen molestándote? Si es así, entonces eres bienvenida a tomar refugio aquí. De otro modo, tu estadía aquí es una pérdida de tiempo.
[ Solo quiero estar contigo. ] ✓ [ Déjame esconderme por un tiempo. ]
— Satan: ...¿Por qué...? Nada bueno puede salir de estar conmigo. ...Crees que fue tonto de mi parte enojarme en tu nombre, ¿No es así? Bueno, supongo que es entendible. Pero no pude quedarme quieto por cómo todos solo querían usarte para sus propios fines egoístas. ...Y ahora estoy enojado conmigo mismo por arruinar el evento con mi ira.ç Porque tenía un deseo que quería cumplir...
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— Satan: Ya no tengo ninguna intención de participar en el Festival del Cazador del Cometa. Pero tú puedes disfrutarlo hasta el final. Con Lucifer y Diavolo alrededor, todo debería resultar bien.
[ No es lo mismo sin ti. ] ✓ [ ¡Aún puedes ganar! ] [ ¡Rendirse es para perdedores! ]
— Satan: ¿Eso crees? El Señor Diavolo ganará el evento y ese será el final. ¿Hm? ...Espera. Muéstrame tu rostro. Tus ojos están brillando extrañamente, ¿No es así?
[ Tengo las estrellas de Diavolo. ] ✓ [ ¿Por qué crees que sea? ]
— Satan: ¡¿Las de Diavolo?! Espera. Déjame revisar el libro de reglas. ...Ya veo. Es posible transferir las estrellas de uno. ...En otras palabras, ¿Tú vas a ser la ganadora?
[ Quiero darte estas estrellas a ti. ] ✓ [ ¿Crees que debería? ]
— Satan: ¿A mí...? ¿Por qué dar todas esas estrellas?
[ ¿No las quieres? ] ✓ [ Diavolo dijo que podría hacer lo que quisiera con ellas. ]
— Satan: No me malinterpretes. Podría usarlas. Pero, creo que deberías quedártelas. Tú deberías ser la ganadora. ...Dime, MC. Con tantas estrellas, ya no estás en peligro de perder contra nadie... ...¿Pero te gustarían las mías también?
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— Satan: Pfft... ¿Por qué luces tan estupefacta? Mi deseo es cumplir tu deseo. Si ganas y se cumple tu deseo, entonces el mío se cumple también.
— Satan: Listo, la transferencia está completa. ...Es extraño. Al mirar tus ojos, puedo sentir toda mi furia ilimitada disiparse lentamente. Tus ojos... Son tan hermosos como el cielo nocturno estrellado.
[ Eres bienvenido a mirarlos tanto como quieras. ] 1 [ ¿Mirar es suficiente? ] 2 [ Tus ojos son adorables también. ] 3
1: — Satan: Podría ser absorbido en las incontables estrellas brillando en tus ojos. Estoy completamente lleno con esos sentimientos por ti. No queda ni una partícula de ira.
2: — Satan: ...Una pregunta capciosa. Me gustaría continuar mirando tus ojos, pero también me gustaría besarte.
[ ¿Podríamos besarnos con los ojos abiertos? ] ✓ [ ¡No te pongas avaricioso! ]
— Satan: Ya veo. Esa es una manera de resolverlo. Mn... Siempre estás dispuesta a cumplir mis deseos, ¿No es así?
3: — Satan: ¿Incluso aunque no tenga ninguna estrella de gratitud? ...Eres bienvenida a seguir mirando. Te devolveré el favor. Es casi como si el tiempo se hubiera congelado. Podría mirarte de esta manera siempre...
— Satan: Pasé mucho tiempo aferrándome a mi ira. Aún ahora, simplemente mirando tus ojos y ver tu sonrisa me llena de felicidad. Me he vuelto muy sentimental, ¿No? Aunque no creo que se malo. Gracias por pensar en mí.
— Satan: ¡...!
[ ¿Qué sucede? ] [ ¿Viste algo? ] ✓
— Satan: Otra estrella apareció en tus ojos... Debe ser mi estrella de la gratitud. Mis sentimientos están brillando en tus ojos. Eso me hace feliz. Te amo, MC. Gracias por siempre permitirme experimentar nuevas emociones.
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— Diavolo: ¡El vencedor que reunió la mayor cantidad de estrellas en el Festival del Cazador del Cometa... ...es MC! ¡Felicitaciones!
— Asmodeus: ¡Felicitaciones!
— Mammon: ¡Eres bienvenida a compartir tu premio conmigo!
— Satan: ¿Mammon?
— Mammon: Huh... O-Olvida que dije eso.
— Leviathan: Todos han sido muy cuidadosos alrededor de Satan desde entonces...
— Diavolo: En vista de los sentimientos de todos en el asunto, el cometa ha sido nombrado el Cometa de MC. Como premio... ...MC ha pedido que invoque una lluvia de meteoritos junto con el cometa así podemos disfrutar mucho más las estrellas.
— Asmodeus: ¡¿Eso significa que vamos a mirarlo todos juntos?!
[ ¡Disfrutémoslo juntos! ] ✓ [ Es mi manera de agradecerles. ]
— Asmodeus: ¡Amo ese lado tuyo, MC!
— Leviathan: ¡Necesito practicar deseas tres veces en una lluvia de estrellas para conseguir la figura de Ruri-chan!
— Barbatos: El Joven Maestro usará su magia para cumplir el deseo de MC cuando el cometa pase.
— Diavolo: Disfrutemos todos del Cometa de MC y la lluvia de meteoritos, junto con la gratitud que hemos cultivado a través de este evento.
— Satan: ...Señor Diavolo.
— Diavolo: ¿Qué sucede?
— Satan: Estoy agradecido contigo también.
— Diavolo: ¡...! Quería ver la sonrisa de MC. En ese sentido, nuestros sentimientos por MC son los mismos. Y ahora mismo, MC está sonriendo por ti. Estoy agradecido contigo también, Satan.
— Lucifer: ... Gracias a MC, parece que el objetivo de tener un flujo recíproco de sentimientos entre los estudiantes ha sido cumplido.
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— Mammon: ¡MC! ¡Forma equipo conmigo así podemos obtener la legendaria tarjeta crédito negra!
— Asmodeus: ¿Legendaria tarjeta de crédito negra? Pfft. ¡Sería mucho mejor si formaras equipo conmigo y te bañaras con la admiración de todo Devildom!
— Beelzebub: Comamos mucho en los tres mundos.
— Belphegor: Forma equipo conmigo y haré que nos hagan la cápsula de sueño definitiva.
— Satan: ¡Dejen de tentar a MC con sus extrañas ofertas!
— Asmodeus: Seguro, ¿Tentar a los humano es lo que hacen los demonios?
[ ¡Traigan las tentaciones! ] [ No te preocupes, no caeré por eso. ] ✓
— Diavolo: Tienes la fuerza para resistir las dulces palabras de los demonios. Encuentro a esa cualidad muy atractiva.
— Leviathan: ¿No la estás tentando también, Señor Diavolo?
— Solomon: Yo también admiro tu fuerza de voluntad. No me importaría formar equipo contigo.
— Satan: ¡Dije que dejen de tentar a MC!
— Mammon: ¡No vamos a ningún lado así! ¡Solo ven conmigo, MC!
— Satan: ¡¿Qué?! ¡¿Estás intentando secuestrar a MC?! ¡Corre!
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— Mammon: ¡Ah, regresa! ¡MC!
— Luke: ¡¿Ahora estamos jugando a las escondidas?!
— Simeon: Si son las escondidas, entonces estás en desventaja. ¿Quieres que te cargue?
— Luicfer: Un método apropiado de transporte para un Chihuahua.
— Luke: ¡No soy un Chihuahua!
— Diavolo: Correr con todos de esta manera es algo divertido, ¿No es así?
— Satan: ¿Estás bien, MC?
[ ¡Me estoy divirtiendo! ] ✓ [ ¡Intenten atraparme! ] [ Me estoy cansando... ]
— Satan: Estoy de escucharlo, pero... realmente eres capaz de disfrutar todo, ¿No es así?
— Asmodeus: ¡Hey! ¡¿Quién arrojó arena a mi adorable rostro?!
— Beelzebub: Jeh. Mi culpa.
— Mammon: ¡Levi, idiota! ¡¿Acabas de intentar hacerme tropezar?!
— Leviathan: No tengo idea de qué estás hablando. En realidad, no recurrir a tácticas sucias en esta situación sería bastante tonto. ¿Es momento de sacar las trampas y la magia?
— Solomon: Si la magia está permitida, entonces eso cambia las cosas considerablemente.
— Satan: ¿La magia está permitida ahora?
— Asmodeus: No creo que estuviera prohibida alguna vez.
— Mammon: ¡¿Entonces es momento de sacar las armas grandes?!
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— Solomon: Invocar a Lotan era innecesario. Has inundado el lugar.
— Simeon: Hey, hay fuego por allí. ¿No deberíamos apagarlo?
— Luke: ¡Hey! ¡¿Quién hizo que nevara?! ¡Nos vamos a convertir en muñecos de nieve!
— Diavolo: Si todos están usando magia, ¿Entonces yo también debería?
— Satan: Si te dejas llevar, entonces la situación realmente va a empeorar. Hey, Lucifer. Como supervisor, ¿No deberías hacer algo con respecto a esta situación?
— Lucifer: ¿Qué opinas, Barbatos?
— Barbatos: Me temo que todos se han dejado llevar un poco. ¿Tal vez sea momento de ponerle un fin?
— Lucifer: Si, estoy de acuerdo. ¡Este es un anuncio del supervisor! ¡Declaro al Festival del Cazador del Cometa terminado!
[ ¿Por qué? ] ✓ [ ¡Quería jugar un poco más! ]
— Lucifer: Si este magia libre contin��e, alguien va a salir lastimado.
— Barbatos: Y, francamente, las cosas se han desviado demasiado del propósito original del evento.
— Mammon: ¡¿Lo terminas ahora?! ¡¿Qué pasa con eso?!
— Satan: Es porque llevaron las cosas en una dirección extraña que resultó de esta manera.
— Diavolo: Supongo que el evento ha alcanzado una conclusión inesperada...
— Asmodeus: ¿Entonces es cancelado...? ¡¿Qué hay de los premios?!
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— Asmodeus: ¡¿Qué hay del derecho de nombrar el cometa y elegir tu propio premio?!
— Mammon: ¡¿Está todo perdido?!
— Lucifer: ¿Qué opinas, Diavolo?
— Diavolo: Hmmm. Después de llegar tan lejos parece que es duro cancelarlo...
[ A nadie le gustaría eso. ] [ Podrías pensar en un premio diferente. ] ✓
— Beelzebub: ¿Qué tal de ese set de cupones gourmet de los tres mundis? Podemos disfrutarlos juntos.
— Belphegor: Terminarías comiendo todo por ti mismo, ¿No es así?
— Beelzebub: ¡Podría!
— Leviathan: ¡Lol! ¡No lo digas como si estuvieras orgulloso! No estás pensando en el disfrute de los demás en lo absoluto.
— Diavolo: Me gustaría darle algo a los estudiantes que genuinamente intentaron reunir estrellas.
— Satan: En otras palabras, necesitamos un premio que todos puedan disfrutar por igual... Señor Diavolo, ¿Podría hablar (contigo)?
— Diavolo: Si, por supuesto.
— Luke: ¿Los dos están hablando en privado...? ¡¿Qué están discutiendo?!
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— Diavolo: ¿Puedo tener su atención? El Festival del Cazador del Cometa fue cancelado... ...sin embargo, las estrellas de gratitud que han reunido son extremadamente valiosas. Para alentar el pensamiento que fue en cada estrella, hemos decidido preparar algunos premios que todos puedan disfrutar. Primeramente, nombraremos el cometa como MC como todos pidieron. Y en el día del cometa, también invocaré una lluvia de meteoritos Esa parte fue una sugerencia de Satan.
[ ¡Así que todos podemos ver la lluvia de meteoritos juntos! ] ✓ [ Gracias por nombrar el cometa como yo. ]
— Luke: ¡Eso suena genial!
— Simeon: No puedo esperar.
— Asmodeus: ¡Tendré que hacer un vídeo titulado “El Príncipe Asmo y la Lluvia de Meteorito” y subirlo en DevilTube!
— Mammon: Cierto, ¡Voy encontrar un lugar con la mejor vista y hacer un dinero insano con los derechos!
— Leviathan: Se dice que desear ante una estrella fugaz hace que el deseo se vuelva realidad. Así que eso significa... ¡¿Que tengo una oportunidad?!
— Solomon: Una lluvia de meteoritos en Devildom ciertamente puede traer suerte.
— Diavolo: El cometa que lleva tu nombre y la lluvia de meteoritos lo embellece. Me gustaría grabar la imagen de ambos en mi memoria.
— Satan: Si quieres ir a mirar las estrellas, entonces estaría feliz de acompañarte. Por favor, espéralo, MC.
7 notes · View notes
jujumin-translates · 9 months
Event | 5th Anniversary: The Way Back Home | Chapter 4 - Autumn Planet Story
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*Contains spoilers for Act 12 - eternal moment*
Azami: Took longer than expected, but we finally managed to get the tent set up.
Omi: The sun is setting, so we should probably start preparing dinner soon.
Sakyo: The ingredients we prepared in advance are in the luggage. Let’s divide up the work and get everything ready.
Banri: …Oi, give me that firewood.
Juza: …Yeah, yeah.
Azami: Kinda surprising to see you two working together to tend to the fire like actual adults.
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Banri: Not like I wanna do it or anythin’.
Juza: Like hell I’m lettin’ myself be handcuffed to that guy again.
Sakyo: Hmph, that’s pretty different from back then. You really have grown up.
Taichi: Yeah, yeah! Omi-kun, I’m gonna take a pic! Ah, Sakyo-nii, you join us too!
Juza: Why are ya takin’ pictures, Taichi?
Banri: He must be takin’ Omi’s place since he’s busy cookin’.
Taichi: Hehe, I’m getting lotsa good shots. We could make like a behind the scenes album with these are something!
Sakyo: An album, huh…? It it’s profitable, we should do it.
Banri: ‘Course you’d say that, money-grubber.
Taichi: While I’m at it, I’m gonna send the pics to Director-sensei on LIME! And I’ve gotta take a good pic of the curry too, and…
Taichi: Here, here, Ban-chan and Juza-san, look over here~. ‘Kay, say cheese!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Omi: Okay, it’s done.
Juza: Looks good.
Azami: With Omi-san here, even camp food can be good.
Banri: Aight, time to dig in.
Sakyo: Let’s eat.
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Taichi: It’s soooo good~! Camp food cooked together and eaten around the campfire is the best!
Omi: That’s one of the real charms of camping.
Juza: We’re gonna be on the pirate ship around noon tomorrow, right?
Taichi: I’m so hyped to be on the pirate ship!
Sakyo: However, to make up for that, we’re going to have to fit in a good amount of practice before we go. We’ll all be getting up at 5 a.m. tomorrow.
Banri: Are you being for real?
Azami: The sun ain’t even gonna be up then!
Omi: Haha, relentless as always.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Omi: Zzz… Zzz…
Juza: Zzz…
Taichi: Uwah!?
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Juza: The hell…?
Sakyo: All of you, get up quickly. We’re starting practice.
Omi: That sound of you banging on a frying pan with a ladle… that startled me.
Azami: Damn, it really is 5 a.m..
Taichi: I thought there was something wrong.
Banri: Couldn’t think of a more dramatic way to wake us up?
Azami: Typical way to wake someone up for an old man.
Sakyo: Shut your mouth. Stop wastin’ time and just get on with it already!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Azami: So this is the pirate ship, huh?
Taichi: It’s so big~...
Banri: You’re like half asleep.
Omi: Well, we did get up early and have an early morning rehearsal.
Omi: Here, Taichi, look at the great view.
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Taichi: …Whoa!
Taichi: It really is a great view! They sky and the sea are so pretty!
Sakyo: It is a beautiful view.
Juza: ‘M glad it’s sunny out.
Banri: How about we look around the ship for a bit since we’re here.
Taichi: Ah, I’m gonna go to the bathroom first!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Taichi: Hmm, bathroom, bathroom…
???: Onii-chan!
Taichi: Waah!?
Taichi: Wait, huh!? Mi-chan!? What are you doing here…!?
Masato: What are YOU doing here, Nii-chan…?
Taichi: Ma-kun, too!? What’s going on!? Where are Dad and Mom!?
Mirai: Mom’s at home! And Dad’s over there.
Taichi: Huh…
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Taichi: So it turns out, my lil’ sis, Mi-chan, and my lil’ bro, Ma-kun, happened to be on the same ship as us!
Juza: That’s an incredible coincidence.
Azami: What’re the odds?
Taichi: Dad’s here too, but he got seasick, so he’s resting now…
Taichi: So I’m gonna stay with Mi-chan and Ma-kun until he’s feeling better.
Banri: Then how about they come around with us?
Taichi: Eh, are you sure?
Omi: Of course. The more the merrier. Right, Sakyo-san?
Sakyo: Do you really think I’m so heartless as to leave Nanao and those two behind?
Banri: You might be.
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Sakyo: …Oi.
Juza: I got no problem with it either.
Masato: Thank you…!
Mirai: That’s great, isn’t it, Ma-kun!?
Mirai: Ma-kun said he started to love space pirates and regular pirates after seeing Onii-chan and everyone in the MANKAI performance~.
Mirai: That’s what he asked Dad to bring us here today.
Masato: M-Mi-chan, don’t say that now…!
Juza: Is that so?
Taichi: Eh~, you never told me that! You should’ve told your big bro.
Banri: What’d ya think of our play? Was it good?
Masato: Yeah… everyone was so cool. Nii-chan too.
Taichi: Ma-kun…!
Omi: I’m glad to hear you say that.
Banri: Come see us again in the future, yeah?
Masato: Yeah!
Juza: Well, this pirate ship’s got a top deck, right? Let’s head up there while we’re at it.
Masato: I wanna do that!
Taichi: Alright, let’s go!
Mirai: A-chan, let’s hold hands!
Azami: Huh? Sure, I don’t mind, I guess…
Sakyo: Never thought I’d see you walking hand in hand with a little kid like this.
Omi: It’s like you’re a big brother.
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Azami: Hmph.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Masato: Waah…!
Omi: This is a great view.
Masato: Okay… Umm, so that direction is north, and this way is south…
Juza: You’ve even got a compass, huh?
Sakyo: Just like the captain or navigator of a pirate ship.
Masato: No, I’m just an apprentice.
Sakyo: An apprentice?
Masato: I read a book about an apprentice pirate the other day.
Masato: I’m sure it take a lotta skill to become a captain or a navigator, so I thought maybe I could just become an apprentice or something.
Azami: That’s oddly realistic of you.
Juza: Y’know, an apprentice could one day become a captain or a navigator.
Banri: …Yeah.
Banri: “Even if you’re an apprentice… if you’re willin’ to put in the work, ANIMS will gladly welcome you on board.”
Masato: …!
Mirai: Yeah~! Then I wanna be Bat’s wife!
Azami: Wife…
Sakyo: Hm.
Banri: Look at you, you’re quite the ladies’ man.
Azami: S-Shut up.
Taichi: I’m not just handing Mi-chan over to you that easily, A-chan!
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Azami: It ain’t serious!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Banri: This cruise was pretty interestin’.
Sakyo: Glad to hear that Nanao’s father is feeling better.
Taichi: Thanks for letting Mi-chan and Ma-kun tag along, guys!
Taichi: They both had a blast and Dad was really thankful too.
Omi: We all had fun too.
Taichi: But in the end, we still couldn’t find any hints for what our spinoff should be about.
Banri: That ain’t true.
Taichi: Huh?
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Banri: What about what Masato said? Y’know, “apprentice”?
Sakyo: I see. Something like the apprenticeship period of the ANIMS crew could work…
Sakyo: No, it’d be interesting to see a spinoff showing their past stories, not just their apprenticeship.
Juza: There ain’t a whole lot about it, but… some of Tig and Doug’s lines do mention their childhoods a bit.
Azami: It’d be nice to see a different side of the crew and see how they grow.
Omi: Yeah, plus that goes along with what Banri said about going back to the basics.
Juza: That’s true.
Banri: Aight, then that’s what we’ll choose for our request.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Azami: That was good.
Juza: Today’s camp food was delicious.
Omi: I’m glad you liked it.
Taichi: Hahh, I’m stuffed! I can’t possibly eat more…
Sakyo: Oi, don’t just lay down so suddenly.
Taichi: Can’t you just overlook it for today~?
Taichi: …!
Taichi: Hey! The starry sky is super pretty!
Banri: Hm?
Omi: Ooh… it’s like a natural planetarium.
Sakyo: Well, I suppose there’s some time to look at the sky for a bit.
Juza: …You can’t see this kinda thing in the city.
Azami: It’s kinda… magical.
Banri: The starry sky’s so clear, I wonder if that makes it ever prettier.
Taichi: Since we’re here, how about we all lay down and stargaze.
Banri: Ain’t six grown-ass men laying down together and stargazin’ kinda cringe?
Sakyo: Don’t be too harsh and just help tidy up.
Taichi: But this is one of the best parts of camping…!
Taichi: At least lemme take a pic of this view so I can remember it!
Taichi: …Yeah, that’s a good one!
Taichi: I can’t believe I got such a nice pic with my phone~! Maybe I’m just getting that good at using a camera!
Banri: Taichi, gimme a hand with washing this.
Taichi: ‘Kay, kaaay! I’m coming now!
Taichi: Hey, hey, since we all went and did our own separate things yesterday, let’s all take a bath together after cleaning up today!
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Banri: You’re never lettin’ that one go, are you?
Juza: I don’t mind…
Sakyo: Tch, no point in fighting it. Let’s hurry up and finish tidying up then.
Taichi: Yeah!
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