#hugs! hugs for everone!
aelfgiure · 3 months
Hugs 🤗 Send this to the first ten people on your dash! We’re giving hugs!
Yes! Great big evil auntie aelfie hugses!
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m1shapanda · 1 year
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Heyaa Mishaa~☆
Happy birthdayy to you!
I hope you have the greatest year and that you get to do as many amazing things as you can dream of!
Also here is my presents (again)
Lemme know if there is a problem with that link!
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alexwatervoodoo · 2 years
So I did a thing
I finished detroit become human not too long ago
And now I binge watched Good Omens
So now I'm going to have two hyper fixations at once
This is going to end terribly for me
But, there shall be a lot of happy chemicals
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icarusredwings · 1 month
Does anyone else think about how chill Lucy Saxon is? They were together for about a year before the Doctor showed up.
Imagine you move in with your boyfriend and he does some kinda weird stuff like watches kids cartoons, eats you out of house and home, probably doesn't sleep much, is obsessed with hurting people and some dude named the Doctor and when you ask "Oh in what?"
"Hes not even a real doctor!!"
"...then why dont you call him something else?"
"You wouldn't get it." And he just starts pouting?
Or one of his favorite things to do is sit in a big fancy desk in a full suit and watch shows for 2 year olds with you on his lap but Oh it makes him so happy, and everone has their quirks right? So he cant be THAT bad?
But then you come home the next day and hes trashed the apartment and is rocking in the corner about the voices in his head?? Most people would leave there. But not my girl Lucy, she fr said "Sickness and in health. And you sir. Are very sick. But thats okay. Lets go get snacks and you can yell at the maid to clean it up"
"Yay! And were gonna get ice cream."
"Ooh ice cream :)"
Maybe this is a hot take, but I can see him just grabbing her and kissing her like all the time. Whether someone is around or not, just because he can. Obviously as a power move but eh. Poor thing was always so confused and SUNK into his affection like MAN if you don't start treating your wife right marthas sister is going to STEAL her from you. You big meanie.
I think about how loyal she is to him despite being told about him and shes like "Bitch do i look stupid? I've watched him eat his chicken nuggets with spicy peach jam and have a billion melt downs because he hears stuff other people cant."
I really like the scene where theyre watching that one woman get killed by the toclafane. The one where they keep opening the door and even the master is like "oof that's messy" then hugs her? I dont know. Him genuinely being like 😬 was kinda funny.
I have a headcanon that at some point Lucy admits she's infertile and can't have kids, and being the way he is, the Master is like, "Okay! We'll adopt!" And then the man brings home some murder cyber spheres like "Tada!! Kids!" She just sits and blinks like "What the actual?"
"I got us 6 billion kids!"
"...when I said 6.. I meant the age.. not the number.."
"Oh. Well too late now. Kids go say hi to mommy!"
She just swallows and gets tense like "Oh... hello.."
Not at all saying he didn't mistreat/abuse her (and literally everyone else) a shit ton, and he deserved getting shot so don't think im trying to do that but thinking about how WEIRD this dude must be and she really stuck it out seeing how looney he must have been.
Lucy " Till death do us part mother fucker" Saxon.
We support loyalty in this house. Lucy Darling you did nothing wrong *gentle head kiss* 😌
Master go sit in the fucking corner and think about what you've done. *agressive head kiss* Go on! Get! You very bad boy ☝️🤨
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Ok but Dick is so big brother shaped. Plz give the kid a sibling.
The trials of working for a young married couple with a child, Alfred sighed. Some of the things he'd clearly forgotten in the intervening years.
And he wasn't sure what was worse. Walking in on a private conversation or walking in on said married couple in- or about to be in a compromising position. But he did know there was a third worse option that was a mix of both.
Still. At least everyone was still mostly clothed. And he wouldn't need to see if his insurance benefits covered therapy.
Whatever the precipitating factors were didn't matter. He was sure it would all come out eventually. Though he had suspicions.
Bruce had been obnoxiously fussy where you were concerned. Even more than normal.
So either a spat had been resolved or he'd decided you were terminally ill.
He glanced up from getting the stains out of Dick's school uniform and quirked an eyebrow but other wise said nothing as you loaded the washing machine- you perfered to wash your own intimates and he didn't blame you. Even if he wasn't phased. But from his understanding, you'd been doing laundry since you were 8. So- it was probably equal parts it being weird to have someone else washing your undergarments and having some sense of normalcy. Either way it was less work for the staff- something they appreciated.
"You're home early," he observed watching you start folding shirts- he wasn't sure how many jobs you'd worked but he suspected a considerable amount of retail.
"I've been working from upstairs," you tell him. "Working at the office has been making things... distracting for everone."
"Ah yes. The unintended consequences of the lime light."
"I'm not sure why interviews keep going viral-"
"It's not the interviews," Alfred snorted. "People find you fascinating."
When you roll your eyes he smiled just a little. You seemed to have a very inaccurate picture of yourself outside of a courtroom. You were charming. And had enough wits about you to keep up with Bruce- in his public persona or out of it. To the outside you looked like an odd couple. A lawyer with a deadpan biting wit and a reformed playboy... He could see the appeal of you. Why people still fixated on you.
"Well calling my office is rude," you tell him. "Particularly when we can't unlist the number."
"Yes that is annoying I'd imagine; how-"
"I have a secretary filter calls. Interview requests and weirdos get rerouted to wherever all the PR shit goes and Ranga sends me anything important."
He nodded. He'd never considered how you'd managed to get anything done working from home. But it made sense.
"How many socks can this kid run through?" you muse, folding what felt like the 50th pair.
"It is an eternal mystery. How every child I've ever known winds up with so many mismatched socks."
"That's why I just bought socks that it didn't matter if they matched- until I was in law school it was a good day and I was on my A game if they came out of the same pack."
Alfred shuddered reflexively and wondered if you still did that, he'd never paid attention to your socks.
"Alfred where is- Oh hey Y/N," Dick said, "Bruce wants you."
"Why?" you ask, returning his one armed hug when he skipped over.
He shrugged, "Didn't ask."
He grinned, "You piss people off today?"
"Language. And just Gordon- that doesn't count."
"How come?"
"ACAB until they stop beating up civilians and taking bribes, Dickie.""
"Please don't say that in interviews, someone will shoot you," Dick said. "This is like the longest it's bee since someone tried to shoot you. B finally stopped trying to hire bodyguards."
"Pretty sure they could get bribed, baby bird."
"I couldn't-"
"I bribe you all the time," you tell him, ruffling his hair.
"It's not a bribe if you do it before I act up. It's just an incentive," he huffed.
"True enough, finish folding your socks," you tell him swooping down to kiss his cheek before going to find Bruce.
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The Phoenix and the Crow
part seven
pairing: (hinted) kaz brekker x fem!reader
genre: netural
el's thoughts: nothing too crazy here ;) last part before we get zoya, toyla and we're off to shu han haha if you like this please feel free to leave comments and feedback! hope y'all enjoy!
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Y/N tripped on the silk skirt of her dress causing her to groan and pull it up to her calves. “How long do we have to be in these?” 
Inej sighed and fixed the large collar of her costume, “Till the end of the night I assume. At least you look beautiful.”
“Look who’s talking,” Y/N said with a kind smile on her lips. She did have to admit the dress fit her perfectly, large strips of purple silk and chiffon overlapped each other and swayed with each step. The top of her dress was completely silk, hugging her stomach up to her shoulders with a deep neckline that stopped at her midsection. It was by far the most revealing outfit she’s ever worn, given the fact that she typically wore clothes fit for physical combat and training. 
Jesper and Wylan stood around a table with their costumes in hand. “Hey,” Jesper smiled at the two girls. 
“These smell like they haven’t been washed since last year,” Inej complained. Jesper only shrugged in response. He handed Y/N a black cape and mask with silver embroidery and details, she thanked him and threw it over her shoulders.
Kaz walked toward the group and saw the wooden crates on the table. He lifted the lid and let out a breath through his nose, “It’ll mimic it in every way?” Wylan hummed in confirmation. “Good,” He turned to Jesper who stood beside him, his expression never relaxing.
“You’re gonna say you can’t do this without me, yeah?” Jesper's voice was expectant as he spoke. “And that you hate it when we’re angry at each other, but sometimes brothers fight.” He moved his hand in gesture between the two of them. “And when all this is over,  you’re gonna open a tab for me at a club of my choosing,” His eyes widened in faux surprise. “‘Cause when Pekka’s gone, you’ll take it all.” He held Kaz’s stare for a moment before speaking again with a smile, “That’s what you were gonna say. Yes?”
“There’s a cap on the tab. But otherwise, yes. To all of that.” Kaz nodded his head stiffly.
“Then let’s go take down the King.”
Y/N smiled softly between the two, ‘Found family. They really are brothers.’
“The plan is this,” Kaz glanced at the inferni briefly before turning his attention away. “Jesper and Wylan, you’re gonna hand out Komedie Brute costumes and vials of the compound to all of the Dregs.”
“Per Haskell’s gang?” Jesper asked. 
“Our gang now.” Kaz’s lips settled into a small smirk. “By sunset, the streets will be crawling with Sankt Emerens revelers. They’ll provide us with the cover we need. Hit all of Pekka’s business, the clubs, the brothels. All to destroy Pekka’s reputation. Inej and Y/N will cover Fifth Harbor, and when the chaos begins, they’ll hand the note to Pekka’s driver. Nina and I will handle the Emerald Palace.” He looked at the five Crows around him. “See you there.”
Jesper cleared his throat, “No mourners.”
“No funerals,” Everone responded. 
Y/N, Inej, Wylan, and Jesper all moved to take their leave. “Why do you guys say that? Why isn’t it just ‘good luck’ or ‘be safe’?” Wylan asked. 
“We like to keep our expectations low.” Inej answered earning a laugh from Y/N. 
Y/N grunted as she jumped onto another roof, following and trying to keep up with the Wraith in front of her. She stumbled on the uneven roofing and threw her arms out to keep her balance, “I wasn’t made for this.” She huffed as she made another leap to another building. 
Inej turned around, “This is it.” She jumped off the roof and landed on her feet with the agility of a cat. 
Y/N looked down and scoffed to herself, “Yeah that’s not happening.” She motioned for the suli girl to give her a moment. She lowered herself down to the balcony and spun around in surprise when she heard a muffled scream from behind her. She raised her hands in surrender and mouthed ‘I’m sorry’ before lowering herself down to the next window, slowly making her way down to where Inej waited. 
The pair walked to the docs, agreeing to split up and cover more ships at once. As Y/N walked on to her second ship she heard screams and the siren from deeper inside the city, that was their queue. She made quick work of spraying the top deck of the ship before rushing over to Inej. “We have to go deliver…” Y/N trailed off and stared at a small group of children and women who sat curled on the floor in front of Inej. The latter turned to the inferni, “I have to help them.” Her voice was almost pleading. The y/e/c-eyed girl nodded, “Yes, of course. I’ll deliver the note and I’ll meet you with the others.”
Y/N kept her hood up as she walked through the alleys and streets of Ketterdam. She found Pekka’s driver and handed him the slip of paper that Kaz had written. “A note from the boss.” She kept he voice low and with that, she slipped back down the streets. Making her way to the Emerald Palace where the others were waiting.
She pulled up her skirts as she walked through the frazzled crowd running out of the gambling den. She kept her shoulders pulled back and her head held high, her face still covered by her mask but her hood was pulled down to show off her braided updo. She spotted Jesper waiting for her by the stairs, he walked in front of her leading them up the stairs into the large room where Kaz and Nina were supposed to be. 
He pushed the door open quietly and held it open for Y/N to slip through and wait by the bar in the corner behind everyone else. 
Pekka cocked his gun and pointed it at Kaz, the latter’s back was facing the main door. 
“I’d reconsider.” Kaz’s voice didn’t waver as he spoke, “If you want to see your Kaelish prince again.”
“Oh. What are you gonna do?” The older man’s voice held amusement, “You gonna blow it up again? You need to learn some new tricks, boy.”
“Your other Kaelish prince.” These words caught Pekka’s attention. “Fond of sweet. Blond hair… Alby.”
Horror settled into the old man as the room grew tense. “I will kill everything you love, Brekker.”
“The trick is not to love anything. Your mistake was that you let someone get in. Someone you’d sacrifice everything for and it makes you weak.” Dirtyhands spat. 
“Then I’ll just kill you.”
“Do that and you’ll never find your son in time.”
Pekka shifted on his feet, “What did you do?”
“I buried him.” His voice was laced with cold-hearted pleasure. “Six feet deep. He went into that box so easily. Didn’t even cry. Until I took this from him.” He pulled out a toy train from his coat pocket and held it out for the distressed father to see. 
“Where’s my son?”
“Make smart choices and you might just reach him in time before the air runs out.”
Pekka gritted his teeth, “You trifling piece of Barrel trash. What the hell do you want?”
“I want you to remember.”
“Remember what!”
“A con you ran… on two farm boys. Orphans. A promise to replace the family that they’d lost. And then you duped them out of everything.”
Jesper, Nina, and Y/N all shared a vaguely worried look. 
“They ended up on the streets and they both died. But one of us was reborn.”
Pekka wracked his brain in search of any memories relating to Kaz’s description but shook his head in frustration, fear still paralyzing his body. 
“Too many pigeons to remember?” He scoffed, “Let me help you. Jakob Hertzoon.”
Realization flashed in the old man’s eyes, “That was a long time ago. So that’s what this is all about? Why you look at me with murder in those shark’s eyes of yours? You were just two pigeons who I happened to have plucked, and if it hadn’t been me, it would’ve been somebody else.”
“Bad luck for Alby that it was you.” Frustration was clear in Kaz’s voice. 
Pekka yelled and grabbed the collar of Kaz’s suit, holding him up against the wall while holding his gun to his neck. “You.. you tell me where to find my son!”
Y/N looked to Nina and back to Jesper all ready to step in if needed. 
“It’s a simple trade, Rollins. Speak my brother’s name and your son lives.” At this point Kaz’s breathing was heavy and all the surrounding dime lions stood as still as statues. Nina walked back to the other two Crows by the bar. Pekka let go of Kaz grunting in exasperation. 
“How ‘bout another hint?” Kaz clenched and unclenched his fists as he walked away from the wall he was just pinned against. “You called your daughter Saskia. She wore red ribbons in her hair.”
Agony and desperation were painted across Pekka’s face, “Okay, two b… Two boys from Lij. You had a piddling little fortune.” He took a deep breath through his nose, “Your brother, he fancied himself as a trader, wanted to get rich quick like every other nub who steps foot into the Barrel.”
Kaz nearly growled, “I want you to say his name.” 
Pekka shifted on his feet again anxiously. Kaz’s frustration got the better of him as he shouted at the old man to remember.
“I… I don’t remember his name! I just want my son. He’s all I have. I’ll give you whatever you want, Brekker.” Pekka let out shaky breaths through his teeth, “I’m begging you.”
“Are you?” Kaz’s voice was quiet but dripping in malice. The whole atmosphere of the room shifted as the dime lions finally realized who really had the upper hand. Dirtyhands, Bastard of the Barrel had outsmarted Pekka Rollins, King of the Barrel. 
Pekka looked around at his men before turning his gaze to the floor as he slowly lowered himself to kneel in front of the younger gang leader. Every dime lion in the room looked away from their boss in shame and Jesper and Nina took a breath in astonishment while Y/N only smirked to herself at the scene before them. Kaz Brekker, standing with his head held high while the most powerful man in the Barrel knelt before him. 
Kaz took out two sheets of paper from his coat, “A confession for the murders of Tante Heleen and Constable Sem.” He looked at the room around him before finding his Crows in the back corner. “And a quitclaim deed for Inej Ghafa.” He handed the papers to the man on his knees and pulled out a pen. “Sign both… if you want your son alive.”
Pekka signed the papers and handed them back before slowly rising to his feet again. “Where’s my son?”
Dirtyhands had his head down, looking over the papers before bringing his eyes only to look at the man before him. “Black Veil Cemetry. You’ll need all your men digging to find him in time.”
Pekka marched out of the room, his men following quickly.
Y/N stared at Kaz, he seemed unrecognizable as he stood there, his cold glare trained on the door while it swung close. His shoulders tensed, his hand clenched, and blood ran down the side of his face and from his nose. His eye would surely bruise and the side of his face would swell, but other than that Y/N could see no reason that he wouldn’t be alright. His plan went just as he thought out and he got what he came for. 
The three Crows at the bar were all a bit surprised to have seen the lengths to which their boss would go to get his revenge. But they shouldn’t be, after all, he was Dirtyhands. 
taglist:@rachelcarroll1819 @xcharlottemikaelsonx @khaleesihavilliard @simrah1012@foulkryptonitepeanut @astridyoo15 @queenofshinigamis @peakyispunk @jahayla-parker @maliciousbrekker @writingmysanity@brekkershadowsinger@winstonthecow22 @lee-says-things@bunneex@writingmysanity @sleepynightchild @madnessinwrighting @romanticvampire
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𝙴𝚢𝚎𝚜 𝚆𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚝 - a Han Jisung short au!fanfic
💫PART 10💫
2 weeks go by at the speed of light. You're barely getting used to share your life with Han, sharing your meals and your bathroom and your laughs and your heart with him, trying to numb out the ache residing in you, you're barely catching up to that when the day Felix has his flight to Vientiane arrives, pulling the rug out from the beneath your feet.
The guys are emotional, needless to say. The tight knit group huddled together at the gate, virtually occupying the entire area just the 8 of them. You and Han had revealed your relationship to all of your friends a few days earlier, the occasion turned into a farewell to Felix and a celebration for your young love all at once, the sappy tears wetting everyone's faces. Not as much as today though. Even Minho struggles to hold back the tears, though he jokes it's just sweat coming out of his tear ducts.
"United Airlines flight 404357 to Vientiane is now open. Passangers can proceed to security checks at gate 43".  The loud speakers boom and echo through the walls and just like the final beeping of a ticking bomb, it unravels a chain reaction where everone starts sobbing one after the other, much to Felix's already heavy heart, "that's me, guys", he says gingerly.
Hyunjin lurches himself at him, almost tackling him in his embrace, "Yongbokah don't forget about me yeah? Don't be a stranger, please don't", he says quietly, his voice broken as Felix holds him the best he can considering the sizable height difference, "I would never, man, I would never". They pat each other's back a few times and just when you think Hyunjin has finally let go of him, he wails and cries out and pulls Felix right back into his arms.
You break at that. The emotions running through each and everyone of you are so strong that seeing them all so clearly affected makes you want to sink into the ground. You can't help but wonder if you not corresponding Felix's feelings had catalyzed his decision to pursue his volunteer work.
Sure, he was always going to be doing that sometimes in the near future, but suddenly that future had become your very present. You wonder if you had just been completely unaware, blinded by you suppressed feelings for Han to notice that your best friend was slipping away right from your fingertips.
Changbin puts on the toughest act he can, tries to remain stoic and reliable for the very teary very emotional Jeongin who hides behind his back. Except he bursts into tears the second Felix embraces him, he tries his best to smile through the pain, repeatedly patting his younger friend back while also letting him squeeze his arm muscles for one last time, "thank you Yongbokah, never thought I'd say this but thank you for all the squeezes and the cookies and your warm smiles, I can't wait to experience them all again and then whine about it".
Everyone erupts into light, half choked giggles, a little breather in between the heartfelt goodbyes being exchanged. Felix has to then pry Jeongin away from his older friends arms to give him a proper hug, he even plops a little kiss to his temple which is uncharacteristically welcomed, and returned, even: "don't tell my girlfriend I did that", the younger one he manages, making everyone stifle their laughs.
"Oh I will Innie, first thing I do once I land will be calling her up and tell her all about it", Felix jokes, trying to make light of the situation despite his own eyes betraying just how meaningful it was for him to have Jeongin being so openly affectionate.
The next slightly reticent one is Seungmin, who blinks away tear after tear as he lets Felix hug him with full force, "I'm going to miss you, man. I didn't get tell you nearly enough but I do care about you, a lot", he says quietly, a little remorsefullness in his voice, "it's okay, I always knew you did Mong Mong, I'm going to miss you too".
Minho smiles awkwardly and tries to comfort his friends up until the moment it is his turn to say goodbye, he sniffles very very quietly, trying not to let everyone know he's been secretly crying a lot more than he lets on, and when Felix hugs him he picks him up from the ground and squeezes him tightly, "Yongbok you silly little thing, why do you have to go and  break my heart like this uh? ", he says only half jokingly, his voice ultimately breaking on his last syllables.
"I'm sorry, will you forgive me if I promise to feed in your name all the stray cats that I'll meet?", Felix rebukes laughing, and Minho shakes his head, smiling softly at him, "you are already forgiven. Feed yourself, a lot. And be good, alright?", he adds, patting his friend's head.
Chan is on a other level of heartbreak. Chan looks like he is physically in pain. Him and Felix hug the longest so far, they barely speak a word to one another, though something tells you they had a very long and deep talk prior to today. Their embrace looks like the safest, warmest little home created among themselves, it lingers as they rub each other's backs and hold each other's hands briefly, complicit, silent words being exchanged through their eyes only.
You look down at your feet, your heart sunken so deep down your stomach you're not sure you can witness anymore goodbyes for the rest of your life. One more, you think, anticipating Felix is going to go to Han next but he hugs you.
And there's no amount of time or self psyching into not crumbling into tiny pieces that could have ever prepared you for the wave of utter yearning that crushes you the second you're being engulfed into your best friends' arms, one last time, for a very long time. River like tears spilling from your eyes, you hug him so tight, cry so loud the guys around you shield your fragile frame from nosy passangers looking in on the scene.
Felix lets you cry all of your tears, never minding the wet patch forming on his shirt, he rubs your back soothingly and rests his chin on your shoulder, "I love you, I'll miss you so much, please be happy, please be so happy you forget what sadness feels like. Hannie's got you, the guys got you, you are so loved y/n, so loved", he reassures you quietly, a few of his own tears falling down your back.
"I love you Lix", is all you can manage in broken sobs, your voice dying in your throat before it ever has the chance to come out. It's like your brain goes blank, even if there are a million things you want to say to him, they all vanish in the moment, and all you're left with is this immense feeling of pure, ephimereal affection for him.
Felix carefully peels himself off of you and caresses your cheek, brushing away a few tears in the process, "time zones suck but I'll always be just one phone call away okay? You can reach out to me anytime, beasties get no time limitations, you get the no interruptions privileges, you call me and I'll pick up, no matter the weird hour", he asserts reassuringly, smiling kindly at you, to which you can only feebly smile back too, as you nod.
Han doesn't wait for Felix to come to him, he pulls him to his chest and cradles his head like he would with a baby, crying all the while, "I love you, man, I love you so fucking much it hurts, I'm so sorry for everything", "I love you too, jagi", Felix hugs him warmly, smiling lightly as he rubs Han's back.
"You are forgiven for anything you think you need forgiveness for, you are the light of this group, one of the brightest, kindest souls I've ever met, but don't forget to save some of that light for yourself too, and for her", he says softly, pointing at you as he lets go of Han who nods firmly, pulling you onto his side, "you're holding my world right now, please take care of her", Felix adds, a little more somber, "I solemnly promise you I will, I lost her once, I'm never letting that happen ever again. I swear to you, I swear on your beautiful heart too".
You take refuge into Han's chest and arms as the 8 of you watch Felix's plane soar to the sky, tears stricken faces and tender gazes as you all silently wish him the very best. It's bittersweet, knowing you had to let him go in order fro him to be truly happy, the same way he had to do the same for you.
"Am I selfish for thinking it's unfair I could never have both you and him close to my heart in different ways but at the same time? Like... I had Felix close, but you so far away, metaphorically speaking. And now I have you here, physically here, very much close to my heart, and Felix gone, physically 2 time zones away from me, isn't it tragically funny?", you ramble, knitting your eyebrows together as you air out your thoughts.
Han chuckles and kisses your cheek," it is, my love. But I don't think it's selfish, I think it's human nature. I guess sometimes we're just blind to the things we have, and only realise how valuable they are when they're already gone. But Felix isn't going to be gone forever, so keep that in mind, your heart will be full again. In the mean time I promised him I was going to make you happy no matter what, and I have every intention to".
The familiar fuzziness spreads in your chest, you reach up to him and kiss him, placing your hand on his chest, his hearbeat thrumming against your palm, "my heart is full, wide open for you", you murmur, resting your head on his chest, closing your eyes to the night.
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platinumrosetail · 2 years
Hi I have a request
Can I request yandere Shadowpeach, dbk family and water spider and spicy noodles ( mk x red son ) x jade empire toddler daughter reader
Like the reader is a little toddler that was kidnapped by a Demon but got lost when she got away.and not only that but the reader half Demon as well like oh centaur but a dragon horse center. So it also the reason why no one knows about her. Cuz her dad keeps her safe. But also everon Knows she his daughter cuz of the choths. And how they Keep the reader with them. And is not giving them back
Please and thank you
Ooooh, I can definitely smell the absolute chaos coming from this hehehehehe!
Hope you like the finished post!!
Also I’m guessing by dragon horse centaur you mean what ba long ma/ao lei is right? If not then I’m sorry i misunderstood on what you meant😅
Warnings: noob author, female reader, yandere characters, absolute chaos, and others.
Characters: shadowpeach, dbk family, waterspider/silktea, spicynoodles.
You were just playing in the garden with Nezha when he had to leave four a short minute but that was when the demon that was hiding in the bushes decided to strike as he noticed how important you seemed to be and with how you seem to hold great power that you might of not even know about yet.
It wasn’t until you got to the human realm did you finally was able to get out of the hold of the demons hands and did the only thing you could do at the moment which was run from the demonic kidnapper. You had run as far as your little legs could which was pretty far as you’re half of celestial and half demonic.
You had soon met the successor of monkey king; mk, you heard of him before and how he reminds your father of a monkey demon that terrorized the heavens before you were even born, you honestly liked those stories when Nezha head told you about in case you came across the monkey or his family as a warning but you didn’t’t take it as a warning but more like a story that was for your bedtime so you happily went to mk once you realized who he was.
He didn’t know where you came from so he just thinks your a lost kid or maybe a orphan; which he hope wasn’t the case cause who would abandon a sweet kid like you? And decided to take you to his dads who’re on flower fruit mountain with his adopted sister bai he as they are training her for self defense and to control the remaining power that lbd had that is still inside her for when the demoness had possesed her as her host.
Sun was the second person to have meet you, he basically hugs you as you’re so adorable, though you do have a familiar aura about you and the fact that his eyes are showing him a bright glow to you that he can’t quite place at the moment but he know that it’ll come to him sooner or later but back to the main focus which is how adorable you have gotten by the second especially with those little nubs of your horns!! So adorable
(Just like you guys!! You’re all adorable and don’t let anybody tell you otherwise, unless you want to use a different term than adorable then you’re definitely a lot of wonderful things you want to be so don’t let anyone tell otherwise either 😁)
Sun quickly showed you to macaque and bai he as soon as mk explained what happened to you when you told mk what happened though you conveniently accidentally left out the fact that you’re the jade emperor’s daughter when you explained so now they think you’re a lost celestial child and decided to adopt you without the help of sun’s unnamed lawyer cause that would just have you taken away from them and you need to be raised by people like them anyway since your real parents can’t even save you from a demon kidnapping their child.
Which brings us to now. The demon who tried to kidnap you again and with the fact that your power you have yet to discover is driven the demon insane enough to not notice that he traveled to flower fruit mountain, a place he shouldn’t be as the sun family had just made you their own now which means the demon is soon to be dead as there is a punishment for trying to harm one of the sun family’s (the monkey are apart of the sun family like it’s said in jttw I believe.) sadly the now decease demon isn’t the only threat to separate you from them as your biological father soon was given word that you now reside in flower fruit mountain with the very monkey that made the heavens a disaster before you were born and with how you’re so young still the jade emperor fears that the blasted demon monkey would try and twist your mind into hating your real father.
Dbk family:
You had somehow entered the human realm when you were playing hide and seek with Nezha. Though you didn’t know that you entering would alert so many demons that went after you soon after you landed on safe grounds, though ones demon family sensed your powerful aura and went after it as it could help them finally defeat monkey king and his disciple mk; whose secretly redson’s boyfriend but he would never tell them at the moment with how things are now.
Though they are most definitely shocked to see but a child in a middle of multiple demons who still go by the olden ways of things, they almost had just let it happened if pif had a brief thought of Redson if he was in that situation and seeing him in the child’s place, so as fast as she could she took care of the demons who isn’t as much as important as the child in pif arms is.
This confused Redson more than Dbk but Dbk was still confused on his wife’s actions as this had never happened before until now. Though his confusion diminished as he saw the look his wife gave to the child then the next look she gave to him, it was a look that was similar to when they discovered Redson samadhi fire and something a mother would give for when they want to protect their child from harm that may come plus the innocent look you had given him when you noticed the direction the woman that is holding you gently is looking at.
They soon went back to their castle that is their home and soon to be your home though Redson is still confused but don’t know wether or not if he should ask or not but kept quiet anyway as you seem to need to be taken care of first at the moment.
Redson is the last to see you once you’re taking care of in case you heads wounds from those demolishing that surprised attacked you, he soon understand that maybe having you here is a good idea plus he also understands the way his mother and father acted towards you as now he soon feels that protective over you.\
The only person outside of his family that’s knows about you is mk but that soon wasn’t the case as he had accidentally let it out when he was asked about his day by tang and pigsy with mei and sandy being there as well, all o fthem became worried about you and made sure to ask about wether you’re ok and such for when mk was spending time with Redson.
Funny enough Redson was able to confidently show to his parents how the was dating mk which brought the over protectiveness in them but you soon calmed them down which Redson was grateful. Though what the bull family didn’t know is that now a l;it of people is wanting to have you safely in their arm,s once they got word about you, the jade emperor ins’t too happy how a demon family has his daughter that he wants to protect with his life.
You met mo when you had accidentally got transported to the human realm by accident when you were exploring the celestial realm out of boredom as everyone you knew was sadly busy, though when you had met mo you soon had no fear or boredom as he took your mind off it with you two playing in the park.
Mo at first just thought you’d were a lost kid but soon noticed how you have some type of important outfit on and with the fact that you have a almost celestial and demonic aura about you which is why he soon took you to sandy ad huntsman.
Sandy and huntsman was just finishing up setting up their first date of the relationship that blossomed soon after the two met but was interrupted by mo coming in with you in tow, you were confused on where you were as you were solely focused on the mysterious blue cat and was shocked to see someone that was big and funny enough resemble the cat as well plus with a demon which you could only guess from your knowledge is a spider demon, you also guessed that the one that resemble the cat was a sort of fish demon but you decided on not saying anything as to not be rude and assume things.
The two decided to put their date on hold for now as you seem to need to have comfort with how your’e lost from your home now. They also thought you were of a rich family but huntsman was the first to noticed your almost Yang yang like aura soon after and quietly told sandy about it.
Though sandy did think that you might have something to do with celestial beings so he wasn’t as shocked as huntsman had thought he would be but sandy quickly explain why he wasn’t as shocked as he thought sandy was which made sense as he remembers how sandy was right about his friends being reincarnations of the disciples from the old journey to the west.
Sandy had shown you to pigsy, tang, mk, and mei while huntsman had shown you to syntax, strong spider and a still recovering spider queen who somehow survived lbd betrayal that almost killed the queen.
What the two didn’t know is that your very much important than they thought you were and that you’re the daughter of the jade emperor but of course the two is ready for anything that would try to take you away as they had soon thought of you as part of their family plus they have friends who feel the same so now it’s war between the two groups.
You snuck out of the celestial realm as were tired of seeing the same thing over and over again and want to do something new like what some humans do from what you heard of.
You met mk when you had gotten hungry though it was only brief as he need to do his deliveries for pigsy, though you did get to met his some of his adopted parents. You had given pigsy your order with a pouch of many celestial currency like you’ve done before in the celestial realm when you wanted something from there.
Mk soon properly met your as you had stayed in the restaurant still and have not left as you didn’t know the time had past so much and cause you were having a nice chat with tang who was interested in your stories that you had from when you were in the celestial realm of course tang didn’t believe you and thought these were only you imagination of what it could be like if you were to be there but that is far from it.
Pigsy was intrigued by you but also worried as no kid should be left alone, as he should know as he has mk and tang to look after and their basically children with how the two get in trouble plus putting mei in the mix as well so more than a disaster.
Mk had started hanging out with you plus mentioning about you to both his monkey dads and his boyfriend; Redson, all of them curios about their little one that had mk distracted a lot.
Redson met you first as he couldn’t help his growing curiosity plus he started getting jealous how almost all the time mk was with is about if you’re ok so he went to both meet you and see if you’re as important as mk makes you out to be, which is very important as he can feel both celestial and demonic power coming from you but that makes him protective over you as there is many beings who would want that power as well since he had something similar when he was born so he now protects you with mk and soon adopted you as their child.
Sun, macaque had met you afterwards, some were offended to be close to last for meeting you (cough, cough *sun* cough, cough) but it’s mostly jokingly tease as they soon was distracted by you for the rest of the day that they had finally met you on; mei and sandy met you sooon after mk properly met you so they definitely know you beforehand. With how overprotective everyone you have met you the jade emperor most definitely won’t be getting his daughter back anytime soon.
(A/n: finished! Hoped y’all like what i did with it!! I tried to make it different on how they met the reader so i hope i did a good job. Anyway hope all of y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!!)
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cl00udyyanan · 2 years
gotta get back to you
⊱ ───── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.}───── ⊰
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synopsis: you threaten to leave him and he realizes he loves you too much to let you go
warnings: mentions of cheating (no actual cheating), mentions of swearing, crying, mentions of proposing
characters: kaeya
notes: i've never wrote anything like this before so i hope it's okay, i've had this idea for a while and i didn't know how to go about it since this is based off a song (gotta get back by p1harmony) i hope it's alright and im sure there are places i could improve but i think it's okay, enjoy!
kaeya hated fights, especially when they invovled you. fights always ended up with him losing something or someone. he knew the costs, thats why he hardly engaged in bickering with you, simply shutting you down by walking away or adhering to your wishes. it was far easier to give into your wants than to stand up for what he believed in those arguments.
yet this one just got to him. you yelling at him for coming home late for the fifth day in a row. accusing him of seeing someone else, you thought that low of him and yours relationship? so him coming home at an untimely manner made him a cheater. that hurt him the most. he acted like a child by turning you away and tuning you out.
what he didn't realise was the pure concern you had for him. everyday he came home he was drunk and would barely make it in the door way. he was letting himself go slowly and you had no idea why. what was causing him to drink so wrecklessly that he couldn't talk to you about? he was stubborn, so stupidly stubborn. all you could do was scream at him.
"you never listen!" "you go off without a word" "all i wanted was for you to comeback home!" his back was turned to you while you yelled. hands covering his ears. he didn't want to fight with you. he knew how it would end. you'd leave him. like everone else. "archons! I cant do this anymore" you're face was steaming, tears burned down your cheeks, your heart stung like kaeya had thrown a knife straight at it. he didn't say anything back to you, he didn't have the courage to see the hurt on your face.
it wasn't until l it had gotten dead silent kaeya finally decided to turn around. you were headed towards the front door, the thud of the door closing behind you. his hands balled up, eyes wide and watery. everything he wanted to say had evaded him and you weren't there. he should've listened to you, made it right and told you the truth. no he wasn't cheating he'd never, he'd been working more hours saving up to buy you the beautiful diamond ring he'd dream of proposing to you with. those nights he'd come home drunk were filled with doubt. would you even say yes? was all his late nights gonna be worth it if you deny him his love?
he wanted to pull you back through the hurt and swaddle you in a warm hug while he kiss your lips so gently. his apartment was so lifeless without you and he was alone once again with nothing but his thoughts as company. archons he hated his thoughts. the way they surrounded him in hatred and loathing, reminding him of all his regrets and past mistakes that would eat him up. he knew that without you he wouldn't have someone to catch his hand and lift him from the abyss he was descending towards. he had to get back to you.
he swung the door open leading out to bitter outside. kaeya he made his way to you, grabbing your arm and swaddling you into a warm hug, defeating the swirling winter around the both. you tried to shove him back, but his strong arm wrapped around your waist denied you any movement. yet, he didn't hurt you or try to fight back after all the horrible words you hurled at him. he simply held you in this chilling winter. his lips gingerly pecking the side of your neck while his free hand laid in the valley of your hair. his hold was tight as if he were scared you'd disappear if he let go.
small meaningful words were whispered from him into you ear.
"i know i'm not perfect"
"and i've hurt your heart before"
"i just wanna love you"
"forever endlessly"
"please don't leave"
how could you say no to him when he asked so sweetly? you wrap your arms around his waist, cheeks resting on his chest. "please forgive me."
in the burr, you find solace in the warmth of your lover. forgiving him and loving him once more, forever endlessly.
⊱ ───── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.}───── ⊰
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dragonking10 · 1 year
Lancaster: Love Is The Best Gift Part 3
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Thank you @danteyakumo for the idea.
JNR, GREY and Zwei were all sitting in the cabin as Ruby was trying to cook dinner for everone. Garnet went to his Mom to tell her of all the adventures he had as his father was close behind him.
Garnet: Come on Mom, with you back with us we could take down Salem's followers together!
Jaune chuckles and rubs his son's head messing up his hair
Jaune: Calm down son, it's a lot to take in.
Ruby went to grab a pitcher to make tea in but accidentally drops it, but Jaune was quick enough to catch it.
Ruby embarrassed: Heh sorry, I'm a little out of practice.
Jaune smiles: Well, I didn't marry you for your cooking.
Nora: I hope not, last time she cooked meatballs, it gave Grimm food poisoning.
Ren: Nora.
Nora: What? It's true!
Ruby went to fill the pitcher with water seems lost in thought and felt a little out of place
Jaune notices his wife's look and looks down trying to figure out a way to help her feel better, but then he got an idea
Jaune whistles a tune and walks to his wife
Ruby froze recognizing the tune
Nora: Oh! I love this song!
Jaune's whistling continues has he reached for the overfilled pitcher from Ruby's hand and set it down
Jaune: Remember our song Ruby?
Bold = Jaune, Italic = Ruby, Italic Bold = Both
Jaune: I'll swim and sail on savage seas, with never fear of drowning.
Jaune: And gladly ride the waves of life, if you will marry me.
Jaune: No scorching sun!
Jaune caresses her face
Jaune: Nor freezing cold! Will stop-
Nora: WILL STOP ME ON MY JOUR- *notices everyone staring except Ruby* ney, sorry.
Jaune glares at Nora for a bit before continuing.
Jaune: If you will promise me your heart.
Jaune holds Ruby's hand
Jaune: And Love?
Jaune singing a bit of Ruby's part hoping for her to sing along
Jaune sighs starting to lose hope, but then
Ruby: And love me foe eternity
Jaune looks up at Ruby and started to smile a bit
Ruby walks over
Ruby: My dearest one, my darling dear your mighty words astound me.
Ruby raises her arm making a fist
Jaune notices it and does the same, they go in a circle and switches arms
Ruby: But I've no need of mighty deeds when I feel your arms around me
Jaune laughs a bit
Jaune: But I will bring you rings of gold, I'd even you poetry.
Ruby: Oh would ya?
Jaune holds her close
Jaune: And I will keep FROM ALL HARM! If you would stay beside me.
They continue to dance
Ruby: I have no use for rings, I care not for your poetry.
Ruby grabs Jaune's hands and they spin in circles
Ruby: I only want your hand to hold.
Jaune: I only want you near me!
J&R: To love, to kiss to sweetly hold for the dancing and the dreaming!
They are not the only ones who's dancing. Ren and Nora, Garnet and Freya, even Ezekiel and Yuri are dancing together even though on the outside they hate it but love it on the inside.
J&R: Through all life's sorrows and delights I'll keep your love inside me!
They start to sing faster
J&R: I'll swim and sail on savage seas with never fear of drowning.
Nora joins in
J&R&N: And gladly ride the waves of life if YOU WILL MARRY ME/MEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Jaune picks Ruby up and spins in circles for a bit and then let her down with both laughing
Zwei was trying to cover his ears to muffle Nora's terrible singing
Jaune smiles at Ruby: I thought I'd have to before I sing that song again
Ruby: Well no need for drastic measures
Jaune: Will you come home Ruby? And be my wife again?
Garnet walks up with Zwei in his arms
Jaune pulls their son closer
Jaune: We can be a family again, what do you say?
Ruby giggles: You don't even need to ask.
Ruby walks over to her husband and son and hugged them with everyone else coming in to join the hug
Look out baddies, the Rose-Arc family are together again and stronger than ever.
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tadcccallmyocs · 7 months
Bring back Tether Part 1
Everyone is more calm after Storky confirmed that Tether code is no longer abstracting, and Zooble with Gangle hug happy to hear that Asrani saved their child.
Caine “well the multiplayer feature Is charged already so it is time to bring your child back! T-- and that should be good enough!” he pressed enter after the first letter but something strange happens, someone else comes out of the portal. A giant cloth weasel-thing lands in a heap where Tether should have spawned in.
Totes “what the heck? Am I-- nope, still in the game. Why I'm here?”
Cathin “hey, I don't want to be captain obvious but… that is not Tether” she said sarcastically.
Totes: "And who are you?" Totes asked, rising to their feet and fully taking in the crowd, "I only recognize half of you: Pomni and Ragatha and Zooble and the dumb bunny and-- are those kids? I know this game is "family friendly" but yiiiikes."
Storky “Caine you just pull a random person from another server, what is your name?”
Totes “Totes why?”
Storky “Caine you know you have to be specific with the search system, now we have to try again…”
Totes “I understand that you are searching for someone in the multiplayer… from your server… Does this thing have a Last function?” everyone looks at them puzzled “you know like an history of who enter and who left. Like on a TV remote?
Everyone looks at Caine and he does a little glitch with his eye and nod, Zooble began to kick and punch the AI. While that goes on, the giant orange ferret takes a look at the control panel.
Totes "Ah, it's two prompts: reopen and recall. Hey can somebody describe to me what this "Tether" person looks like?"
Zooble is still wailing on Caine and Gangle is a bit nervous to answer this stranger's questions about her child, but Harley doesn't care and steps forward.
Harley "S-she's a kid, like me... with pink and red hair, a white mask-face, yellow plastic hands, and a red ribbon wrapping for clothes."
Then Harley did something that surprised everone: she hugged the side of this stuffed-animal stranger, tears welling up in her button eyes.
Ragatha "Harley, what are you--" Harley mama tried to pull her daughter away, but was momentarily stopped by her pleas.
Harley "Please-- Tether's my bestest friend in the multiverse. We gotta do something before she starts abstracting again!"
Totes eyes widened at the mention of abstraction, and she punched in the r-open button. Once for home, then again for what they hoped was the right dimension.
Totes "This is probably going to undo my way back but whatever-- I'll bring your friend back, Scout's Honor."
Harley didn't know what that meant, but as the portal re-opened the ferretoid stepped away to face it.
Totes "Give me ten minutes, then press that recall button. If I'm right about how this machine-- and my own gut-- works, we'll both be back soon enough."
Pomni "What do you mean, how your gut works?!" She asked, but before they could answer the ferret dropped to all fours and lined themself up with the portals still-tiny entry way.
Totes "One for the money, two for the show, three to get ready and here. We. GO!"
Totes got a galloping start at the portal, sliding through it on their belly seconds before it closed. After a moment of silence, Jax spoke up.
Jax "Jeez, what a weirdo..."
Cathin "say the purple rabbit"
Zooble "Can it rabbit, that weirdo's at least trying to help!" They huffed, taking a break from beating up Caine, "we'll see if they do a better job than IA can."
Martin "He's silly!" chirped in an approving tone.
Harley "Just silly enough to work." She added, hopeful.
[totes and the writing by @enby-denby]
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Everone knows that Kakashi likes Electric Pokemon and dog pokemon
Only Gai (and Rin) know that Kakashi also loves owl pokemon, but has the WORST luck in catching them
So when the two are in Johto and stumble upon a cuttle little fluff ball of an owl Pokemon called Hoothoot they do not hesitate
Both of them chuck a pokeball in hopes of one of them catching it
The victory goes to Rin, as do the very excited hugs Kakashi has to give out when she gives him this cute little owl Pokemon that he adores
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songbirdsanctuary · 5 months
This is a fic I wrote a few months ago.
Warnings: Self-hate, slight self-harm.
Word count: 544
In Tumble Town, there lived a canary named Jimmy. Although he possessed beautiful yellow feathers and a melodious voice, Jimmy harbored a secret shame - he couldn't fly. His wings were small and weak, causing him to wobble clumsily whenever he attempted to take off.
Every day, the other leaders of the Empires would make fun of him for that, he knew they were joking but it still hurt. Jimmy would hang his head low and try to ignore their taunts, but deep down, their words cut him to the core.
One particularly tough day, Jimmy couldn't bear the teasing any longer. With tears in his eyes, he made a rash decision - he would cut off his wings. Perhaps without them, he would no longer be the subject of ridicule and scorn.
As he sat, trembling and clutching a small blade in his hands he held it to the base of his wings, pressing it in softly, drawing blood.
“Jimmy?” His head snap up and looked over at Joel. Joel was taken aback by the sight before him. Without hesitation, he intervened, gently taking the blade from Jimmy's trembling hands.
"What are you doing?" Joel looked so worried, witch was unlike him.
Jimmy looked up, his eyes filled with pain and confusion. "I don't want these useless wings anymore.." he whispered hoarsely.
Joel knelt down next to Jimmy. "Why?" Jimmy looked away. “I think there useless and so dose everyone else. If they’re gone maybe everone can leave me alone…”
As Jimmy spoke Joel felt a bit guilty. “You know that we are joking right? You know we don’t mean what we say.” Jimmy sighed, “I know, but it still hurts.” Joel pulled Jimmy into a hug. “I didn’t know, I’m sorry.”
Jimmy started to cry as he hugged Joel back.
Joel held Jimmy close, feeling the weight of his friend's pain like a heavy burden on his own shoulders. In that moment, the true extent of Jimmy's suffering became clear to him. He had always thought their teasing was harmless banter, but now he realized the deep impact it had on Jimmy's fragile spirit.
As the tears fell from Jimmy's eyes, a seed of empathy bloomed in Joel's heart. He knew he had to do something to help his friend, to show him that he was valued and loved, wings or no wings. With a newfound determination, Joel made a silent vow to stand by Jimmy's side and support him through his struggles.
Together, Jimmy and Joel sat in the fading light of the setting sun, their shared silence a testament to the bond of friendship that united them. Slowly, the weight of Jimmy's despair began to lift, replaced by a glimmer of hope and understanding.
In the days that followed, Joel stood by Jimmy's side like a steadfast anchor, offering a listening ear and a comforting presence. With Joel's unwavering support, Jimmy began to heal from the wounds inflicted by the words of others.
And as the seasons changed and time passed, Jimmy found the strength to embrace his wings, small and weak though they may be. With Joel by his side, he learned to soar in his own way, finding freedom and joy in the beauty of his unique spirit.
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tuesday-teyz · 2 years
If Theseus were dying (from whatever)
And had a day left and he was painfuly aware of it
What would he do? what would he say?
Would he explode at everone around him or keep it bottled up and a sercet intill he passes
Or something inbetween
Cus i've been thinking about it and go 'well he'd do this but then again he coule do this'
Its eating at meee 😳😳
what does My Queen Niki's crown look like cus i was thinking something like this
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But I dunno
I think he'd apologize to Tubbo, Techno and Ranboo, thank Wisp and Beau, tell Dream they're gonna meet again, write Wilbur a letter, and at the very last he would go to Phil. Just go and hug him, because he has nothing to lose and he wanted this for so long, "It feels nicer than I imagined."
He'd like to die and be burrowed in the butterfly garden
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oceanlue · 1 year
I don’t know if you’re still writing but if you areeee..
I’ve been hyperfixating on Auron for the past two hours and if you’re open to it, would you write him/really any Yuurivoice guy with a transmasc listener?
[Ftm] .....⚠️angst
(I'm sorry this is late things have been going on)
They don't know that I love u❤💗
Today started out great everything was going well as planned until after lunch. At lunch time you were in aurons office having a peaceful conversation and enjoying lunch too maybe feeding him a couple of things of your lunch all in all you're enjoying the peaceful lunch and you thought today couldn't get any better......it didn't.
After lunch you went back to work doing the papers and whatever you do in legal but as you were going to the copy machine to print out some papers Brittany (Sorry to all the Brittany's out there) had to come along and ruin your day she was known as the Barbie of the office always wearing some kind of pink item, blonde hair, blue eyes and she was a snob. She thought that everone should agree with her. After the counter with her you felt so bad about yourself for the entire day.
Auron told you to go home early cuz you finished all your work you did without complained and he saw you down usually you were happy but I guess something went wrong he thought to himself.
You went to his penthouse cuz his scent calms you down you were standing in the mirror and unable to look at yourself so much happened in your life and you loved the way you are. you went through the transitions the heartaches even coming out to your family it was hard because you were scared but now that someone mentioned it everything shattered one common was all it took for you to break down and cry.
After he was done he packed up things texted you that he will be on his way and when he opened the door it was quiet too quiet. So auron looked around the house and found you in the bathroom crying so he knocked on the door
Auron: *knocks* rook you ok in there....
Y/n: *sniff* no .....
Auron: rook I'm coming in *opens the door*
He came in and saw you on the floor thankfully you didn't harm yourself but he did sit down with you.
He didn't push you to tell him what was wrong he just held you and tried to calm you down the best you can and when you finally did he finally asked you
Auron: rook what happened
Y/n: ....it was after lunch
*flash back*
Brittany: honestly I can't believe to see all of this company that people like you be here
Y/n: what's wrong with me?
Brittany: everything is I mean just look at you I can tell that you were born a girl but you just changed up your whole get up just to look like a man honestly that's sickening why can't you just be a girl and wear girl things instead of just proving to people that you're different
Y/n: just because you think you see me as a girl doesn't make me one I choose who I want to be and who I feel is myself
Brittany: well I don't care if you're trying to be yourself but this whole transition thing that you're going through has to stop I mean really no one would want to make deals with the the company when we have people like you I mean just look at you.
Y/n: ......
Brittany: I mean especially you should watch what you eat too especially with your size well anyway I have to go I have more important things to do then talk to people like you
*flash back over*
Y/n: and thats what happen
Auron just stared at work not knowing what to say so instead he brought them in for a hug holding them close and not letting them go.
Auron: "rook I want you to listen to me, I don't care what gender you are I don't care how you dress or what your weight is I don't care if someone thinks they're better than you they're not worth their time I love you and I know I barely say it but I do I don't care if you're a boy or a girl or even if you're a worm I would love you whether or not you're even human if you are worm I would love you the same I love you Just the Way You Are and I always will."
And you did cry in his arms...protecting you from the world knowing that he loves you whether or not you are a girl or a boy or even a worm he will love you and he would not stop because he made his choice and that choice was you and it will always be you he will support you no matter what and you the same to him
He loves you Who You Are
Sorry this took so long things have been busy in life but I managed to do this
Please do not take this story literally I was trying to think of a best possible way to write this I support any kind of Pride and transmasc.
Hope you like this
Peace out
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