#hugo grief
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candycrushmaster9000 · 3 months ago
This one’s for the five Hugo Grief fans out there…
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too-many-rooks · 10 months ago
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Yassen Gregorovich and the morons he works with: sneaking up on his employers/coworkers just to annoy and unnerve them edition. Next>
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paperori0 · 6 months ago
The villains in the Alex Rider series should be glad they were only shot to death because their deaths in the books sounds more painful T^T
TW - Violence/Graphic descriptions of horrible deaths
Hugo Grief (Greif in the TV series) - He was trying to escape on helicopter and Alex literally drove a motorcycle, jumped off the last second, and exploded Grief's helicopter. In the TV series he was killed by Yassen
Damian Cray - He landed on a trolley and got pushed off Air force one, than drove into the plane engine and shredding him into mincemeat. In the TV series, he was shot to death by Yassen
Julia Rothman - She was either crushed by the hot air ballon basket or the rectangular thing :/ in the TV series she was shot to death by Mrs Jones
Nile - He was set on fire and fell to his death. In the TV series, he was shot through the neck by Yassen
Stellenbosch - she got killed in the explosion with the fight against Alex in the TV series and got shot and thrown out the window in the books
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imnotadogiswear · 1 year ago
Here are some meme ideas I have for my Villains React concept
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winter-wise · 2 years ago
Alex Rider: No I don't want to kill people because killing is bad and wrong. Also Alex Rider: *shoots a snowmobile at Hugo Grief's helicopter, killing him in a fiery inferno, then makes a pun about it*
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finnicksghost · 4 months ago
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dimitri and felix in fire emblem: three houses [azure moon] / boot theory by richard siken
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icarus-mp3 · 1 year ago
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djovamp · 2 years ago
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jackieshauna yellowjackets 1x01 / text by silent-insanities / the seven husbands of evelyn hugo taylor jenkins reid / drawing by _eclrr_ / can’t find author / strangers ethel cain / the work nayyirah waheed / jackieshauna yellowjackets 1x01 / waiting room phoebe bridgers
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plasticbabyart · 7 months ago
Hey gamers I hc Spyro as BiPolyam, Eruptor as AroAce, Elf as Lesbian, Pop as DIVORCED GAY, JV as TransGay, Hugo as AroAce Nonbinary and Master Eon as my worst FUCKING ENEMY
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gengor · 2 months ago
Felix and Dimitri have so much potential to hurt each other, its so compelling to me. 
Dimitri’s dedication to carrying out the wishes of the dead is like an embodiment of Felix's survival guilt. Felix’s brother and dad died to protect Dimitri, and while yes, Dimitri hates the idea of people being self-sacrificing for him-- Dimitri also loves talking about how the dead’s wishes /have/ to be carried out by their living loved ones if they’re going to properly mourn. He’ll routinely say this all the time after Rodrigue died, not realizing he’s hitting Felix in the process of talking about himself. 
So Felix being critical of Dimitri as someone unfit to be in any position of power is slowly chipped away by his survivor’s guilt and grief for his dad…. And then by the end of blue lion's the game has Felix saying shit like “We have to protect Dimitri or else my family died for nothing” when previously nothing triggered his grief and resentment more than other people trying to retroactively justify Glenn’s death. Its so miseraaaable.
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blackgirlnotes · 11 months ago
Thoughts on Spring & A New Series 💌🌸💭
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🌸 Spring is the season of life and rebirth. The world is being reawakened as Persephone returns to her mother. Students are finishing school for the term, flower shops and farmer's markets are opening, and overall, there's an excited buzz in the air.
🌸 Spring is also the season of love, despite commercial belief. Victor Hugo writes, "If people did not love one another, I really don't see what the use there would be in having any spring." He's right—spring is the season for budding relationships, making amends with people, and starting anew. 
💭 As a black, queer femme in America, spring has always felt like a precursor to my official return from hibernation. The time needed to perfect my summer wardrobe and to find the lotion-oil-perfume combination that will last me all day and leave me enticing and moisturized for hours. As a writer, spring is the season in which I am most inspired by the world around me. I begin to write love letters to the Earth and to the mundane, which leads me to a very special project I've been planning. 
Black Girl Notes presents "Love Letters: All the Things We Wish to Say." From April 29th through May 31st, I will be hosting a series that seeks to promote healthy, effective communication with the underlying goal of healing ourselves and building interpersonal community. The first installment of the "Love Letters" series is "Love Letters: To Our Dearly Departed."
While spring is the season of renaissance, it is not absolved from death. In my short twenty-four years, I have experienced death more during springtime than any other season. Using my experience as a basis, I think as we begin to transition from spring to summer, we should help heal the traumas of losing those who may have transitioned from life far too soon.
💌 "Love Letters" will begin with an opportunity to share an anonymous letter with your dearly departed loved ones. A link to a form to write anything you wish to say to someone you may have lost will be posted here on this blog, as well as on my Substack under the Black Girl Notes tab and on my Instagram (@terizahh, @shop.nellmaria, and @theeriscompany). If you choose to write a letter to a loved one, you will be given the option of receiving a response from me. I am not a licensed therapist, and I simply want to help ease pain and build community. 
When I was young and grieving the loss of my adoptive mother and eventually my biological mother, I found solace in online communities. My responses will simply be an expression of understanding and sharing that I will always be there for those who may need a shoulder to cry on.
💭 The form for submitting a letter to a loved one will remain open until May 3rd. On May 3rd, I will be sharing a post about Death and the Black Community, which will be available to read in full on Substack. Each week, a new "Love Letters" topic will be shared with the opportunity to leave a letter to those who you wish to be able to speak to.
Finally, at the end of the series, we will have a celebration of love in all its forms, from families to friends to relationships to finding ourselves. There will be Substack exclusive interviews with some amazing people throughout this series whose stories will hopefully inspire and encourage you.
I look forward to writing and reading your love letters 💌💭.
- Nellmaria
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popculturetarot · 1 year ago
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The five of cups is like all fives, a depressing card with a silver linings. In this case it is a sense of loss or with the promise of something new that comes after acceptance of what you have lost and looking forward to what the future brings when tomorrom comes.
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journeydownthequeer · 2 years ago
the fact that hugo expresses his feelings for frank the moment he learns frank intends to throw the rest of his life away. the fact that frank will not allow himself the same luxury until he's left with hugo dying in his arms. the fact that hugo's last living act is to get frank to smile. the fact that his true final act -his own death- causes frank to collapse with inconsolable grief.
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imnotadogiswear · 2 years ago
I’ve only read up to Ark Angel at this point but here are some more ideas for a villains react to the books fic:
Begins with Russian Roulette so everyone knows what Yassen’s deal is
Smithers becomes a prime target for revenge/kidnapping
Cray begrudgingly respecting Alex for dropping Skoda on a police conference
Sharkovsky twists how he treated Yassen: “He ate fine food every day!”
Everyone compares their henchmen
Grief being his charming racist self
Rothman gets called out for her creepy behavior (like seriously, she called a 14-year-old her “boy toy”)
Sarov still caring about Alex
Yassen is mocked for his attachment to the Riders
Every character tears into each other’s mistakes
In the end they’re all transported to before the series began. What changes do they make?
Feel free to add on ideas!
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pansy-picnics · 10 months ago
my favorite flavor of pre relationship varigo pining is when hugo’s like. going through the 5 stages of grief because he knows he’ll inevitably have to betray varian and meanwhile varian has already long since accepted his crush and is in the bg like kicking his feet and giggling like a schoolgirl. Its so morbidly funny to me
like this
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cursedtrans · 5 months ago
Ryoshu and Grief
Ryoshu as a sinner is defined by her lust for blood, art, and the beauty that comes with both. However I think a large chunk of people realize that this is not her only trait, and this is something that has slowly been fed out across the Cantos and Egos we’ve gotten for her.
Spoilers for basically all of Limbus.
Since her reveal, we’ve had some plenty of reads that PMoon is not taking her inspiration, Hell Screen, as mere setup for an insane artist. Her constant connection with Spider-Bud and family shows that she is at the bare minimum connected to the lore of the family torn apart by lust for a perfect painting of Hell itself.
Ryoshu’s identity in relation to Hell Screen and a traditional family setup is something that honestly deserves more attention in a separate post, but it’s clear something massive happened between her family and it’s caused her a massive trauma response that triggers grief quite often...even if it doesn't seem like that.
Most of Ryoshu’s behavior is opposite to how people usually think of grieving, but it’s still a form of grieving nonetheless. She tries to repress her emotions through increasing forms of ecstasy. As someone who has depression and has gone through losses of my own, one of the possible responses you can have is to try to chase some emotion, regardless of what it is and how unhealthy it is for yourself and those around you. You’ll do anything for that warm feeling of positivity about yourself.
Regardless of this though, that sadness still exists in Ryoshu. We know this thanks to her mood during Canto 7 being rather quiet aside from the betrayal of Hugo, where she immediately decides to cut off his arms due to it being “unoriginal and played out”. Otherwise she’s being bristly towards the concept of family, but not actively aggressive or particularly violent. In fact, the one time I'd say she has a strong reaction in this Canto is to Sinclair's interpretation of her usual acronym stuff.
Ryoshu and Sinclair honestly ALSO deserve their own post because there is a lot to go into, but to put a cap on it I'll simply state that Ryoshu has a lot of emotions regarding Sinclair. It's the only thing that can rouse her aside from the art of betrayal she sees from Hugo, because the concept of family triggers her that much. There's a reason that the ONLY Ryoshu ID to have Gloom in their kit is Spider Eyes, because she's having to directly confront the very concept of family and protecting others, and it's reflected in her giving out more support than most of her other kits and in story by helping calm Yi Sang.
This sadness and desire to care exists across the Mirror Worlds as well, she just does a far better job of hiding it under her usual veneer of "insane artist only pursuing ecstasy". Edgar Family Butler is all about taking the role of caretaker of things, and she normally helps take care of her fellow butlers, only changing her attitude when they are about to be raided by the Wild Hunt and die. Even in something like her W Corp or 7 Association identities, she still has her kit showing off some support by giving out fragility for the team or even giving out barrier in W Corp.
No matter what she does, it's inescapable for her, and something she is desperately hiding away in order to keep things moving. The very same way Yosihide continued his painting, Ryoshu keeps spreading violence to hide away her grief. But it will always be there, underneath the surface, if you look closely enough.
Overall, it's a fascinating take on grief and how one can cope with it, and PMoon has always done a wonderful job on not taking the typical route with things. They did it before with Roland's grief, and it's clear that they're doing similar things with Hell Screen's adaptation. Also thanks to @lu-is-not-ok for inspiring me to write up more about one of my favorite sinners, since their posts analyzing The Red Chamber and Hong Lu fascinate me to no end. Additionally thanks to @ryoshudoodles for making beautiful art themselves and showing off the duality of Ryoshu's lust and gloom beautifully.
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