#hubcaps and ashtrays
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wheelsgoroundincircles · 6 months ago
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1960 DiDia 150 Custom
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1960 DiDia 150 Custom
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1960 DiDia 150 Custom
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1960 DiDia 150 Custom
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1960 DiDia 150 Custom
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1960 DiDia 150 Custom
The car was originally powered by a 365 cubic inch Cadillac engine, later replaced by a 427 cubic inch high-performance Ford engine, and had a 125-inch wheelbase, with a tubular aluminum frame and a hand-fashioned soft aluminum body. The car has Batmanesque set of rear fins dominating the bodyline and ruby red hubcaps on whitewall tires.
The car was designed by Andrew Di Dia, a clothing designer, who Bobby Darin had met while on tour in Detroit in 1957. Darin telling Di Dia at the time that he would purchase the car if he ever "hit it big".
For seven years, from 1953 to 1960 the DiDia 150 was hand-built by four workers, at a cost of $93,647.29 but sold to Darin in 1961 at a cost of over $150,000 (1.5 million today). At the time the car was listed as most expensive "custom-made" car in the world by the Guinness Book of Records. The body was hand-formed by Ron Clark and constructed by Bob Kaiser from Clark Kaiser Customs.
Di Dia toured the car around the country, when Darin wasn't using it for public appearances. After publicity and film use, Darin donated his "Dream Car" to the National Museum of Transportation in 1970 where it remains. It was restored by Mike Manns of Manns Auto Body in Festus, Missouri before going on display.
The gasoline-fueled V8 engine (originally 365 cid, later upgraded to 427 cid) is located at the front. It is rear-wheel drive. The body and chassis are hand-formed from 064 aluminum with a unitized alloy tube frame.
It has a glass cockpit in back, a squared steering wheel resembling a superellipse and thermostatically controlled air conditioning system. The interior is rust colored in contrast to the ruby paintwork. The design included the first backseat-mounted radio loudspeakers and hidden windshield wipers, which start themselves when it rains. Other features include retractable headlamps, rear turn signals which swivel as the car turns, 'floating' bumpers and a trunk that was hinged from the driver's side. Each of the four bucket seats have their own thermostatically controlled air conditioning, individual cigarette lighters and ashtrays, as well as a radio loudspeaker.
Source: Wikipedia / motorius.com
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dk-thrive · 1 year ago
I don't doubt for a moment that she loves her life...
In Singapore, in the airport a darkness was ripped from my eyes. In the women's restroom, one compartment stood open. A woman knelt there, washing something in the white bowl... When the woman turned I could not answer her face. Her beauty and her embarrassment struggled together, and neither could win. She smiled and I smiled. What kind of nonsense is this? Everybody needs a job. Yes, a person wants to stand in a happy place, in a poem. But first we must watch her as she stares down at her labor, which is dull enough. She is washing the tops of the airport ashtrays, as big as hubcaps, with a blue rag. Her small hands turn the metal, scrubbing and rinsing. She does not work slowly, nor quickly, but like a river. Her dark hair is like the wing of a bird. I don't doubt for a moment that she loves her life... the light that can shine out of a life. I mean the way she unfolded and refolded the blue cloth, the way her smile was only for my sake; I mean the way this poem is filled with trees, and birds.
— Mary Oliver, from "Singapore" in "Devotions: The Selected Poems of Mary Oliver" (Penguin Press, October 10, 2017)
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This reminded me of this poem by Mary Oliver!!
In Singapore, in the airport,
A darkness was ripped from my eyes.
In the women’s restroom, one compartment stood open.
A woman knelt there, washing something in the white bowl.
Disgust argued in my stomach and I felt, in my pocket, for my ticket.
A poem should always have birds in it.
Kingfishers, say, with their bold eyes and gaudy wings. Rivers are pleasant, and of course trees.
A waterfall, or if that’s not possible, a fountain rising and falling. A person wants to stand in a happy place, in a poem.
When the woman turned I could not answer her face. Her beauty and her embarrassment struggled together, and neither could win. She smiled and I smiled. What kind of nonsense is this? Everybody needs a job.
Yes, a person wants to stand in a happy place, in a poem.
But first we must watch her as she stares down at her labor, which is dull enough.
She is washing the tops of the airport ashtrays, as big as hubcaps, with a blue rag.
Her small hands turn the metal, scrubbing and rinsing.
She does not work slowly, nor quickly, like a river.
Her dark hair is like the wing of a bird.
I don’t doubt for a moment that she loves her life. And I want her to rise up from the crust and the slop and fly down to the river.
This probably won’t happen.
But maybe it will.
If the world were only pain and logic, who would want it?
Of course, it isn’t.
Neither do I mean anything miraculous, but only the light that can shine out of a life. I mean the way she unfolded and refolded the blue cloth, The way her smile was only for my sake; I mean the way this poem is filled with trees, and birds.
I was never the kind of person to like... make fun of the custodial staff because I knew the work was hard. But for a lot of my life I've had it in my head that anyone working in maintenance is miserable and the more I work in parks maintenance the more my mind has changed on the matter.
Like... no one ENJOYS scrubbing what you only hope is chocolate frosting from the sink, but everyone enjoys having a clean sink.
And most of the guys I've worked with say something to the effect of 'I like knowing that I make a difference, even if no one notices.' And I think theres something to that! It's very nice when someone thanks you, though.
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wordsaremyenemy · 7 years ago
Hubcaps & Ashtrays [Loki X Reader] Part 1
Pairing: Loki x Reader Prompt: “The thing is, I wasn’t pretending." Word count: 2,300+ Summary: (Fake Boyfriend AU) You’re a school teacher, eighth grade ELA in fact. School isn’t even in session yet and you already want to rip your hair out. Good news, it’s right before Labor Day and there’s a four day weekend before school starts. Which means plenty of time to finish that pain-in-the-ass lesson plan that’s being avoided. Bad news, your family’s annual reunion is this weekend. Opting out really isn’t an option. Aunt Dot is turning 89 this year and even though it’s not 90 it’s still a big deal.
There’s no time to vet a decent guy before bringing him home, so looks like you’re going stag. Again. Which means Mom and all of your aunts are going to make damn sure that your love life is going to be center stage all weekend. Although, a night with friends might have the answer to all your problems in the form of Hallmark movies. A/N: Okay... so.... this is my entry to @justsomebucky‘s (to whom I apologize for taking so long, please don’t eat me) writing challenge from like months ago. Retail + Holiday season = no free time for little old me. Honestly it still isn’t finished, but I’m trying to get my ass in gear and do shit. I honestly shouldn’t even be doing this. I have laundry. And Christmas presents still to make. I have three done out of like twelve. (I’m crocheting and making dreamcatchers. I’m a mess right now.)
I have to give fair warning. This was the shameless self-insert I've been dreaming of. I still don’t think I’ve done it justice though. And though I kept the descriptions of the main character fairly... vague, or at least tried to. The readers aesthetic is very much what I consider my own to be. Meaning "Basic White Female Hipster" meets "Emo Punk Rock Queen." And honestly there's not enough love for punk. The title comes from Sleeping With Sirens’ “The Strays.”
Big thanks to the most amazing woman in the world, who’s read this more times than I have at this point, and very kindly beta-d this for me. I love you, babygirl. Thanks for calling me out on all my shit always.  Warnings: Mostly swearing
It all started Monday. You were running late, spilled coffee down the front of your brand-new cardigan, and remembered that you forgot to put deodorant on as you ran out of your Brooklyn apartment, nearly running over your neighbor-slash-best-guy-friend, Bucky. You end up fifteen minutes late to the very first staff meeting of the school year because you’d forgotten which way the conference room was. (It’s in a very peculiar place, okay? You would think it’s by the front office. It’s not. For some reason, it’s on the third floor right next to third-floor teachers' lounge.) At least you got to spend the rest of the day prepping your classroom.
Tuesday wasn’t much better. No big staff meeting, but you did have to meet with the two other eighth grade ELA teachers who were the co-chairs of the English department of the entire school. That was a trip and not in a good way. You’ve been teaching for four-going-on-five years. You knew what you were doing. Mostly. You liked to wing it the first week, get a feel for your students before you set down a structured lesson plan. Not that anyone really did anything that first week anyway.
Apparently, that wasn’t going to fly this year because Mrs. High-and-Mighty Jacobson and Miss I’m-so-much-better-than-you Atterbury insisted that everyone turn in their lesson plans for the first week by Monday. Great.
Wednesday started a little bit better. You remembered deodorant (you did on Tuesday, too; it’s the little victories). You didn’t spill coffee or run down Bucky. You actually had enough time to exchange pleasantries and be reminded to go over for your weekly movie night. There wasn’t a meeting, so it was pure setting up your classroom for the four classes you were teaching this semester. Of course, you agonized over that lesson plan but it was for the first week and you did just find out yesterday and surely it could wait until tomorrow, right?
Around lunch it gets hazy. Your mom texts you and reminds you of the upcoming plans you couldn’t escape that weekend.
It could be Aunt Dot’s last reunion, honey. You wouldn’t want to upset her, would you?
I told you last week, Ma, you text. I’m going.
You should bring that boy you’re always talking about. What’s his name?
You roll your eyes. Dirk. And we broke up months ago. I told you.
The next message comes a few minutes later. You pointedly ignore it and get back to your task at hand. Ironically, it’s also ignoring that lesson plan. Hopefully, there was going to be enough sangria at this weekend-long party to blur out the twenty questions that came with being single in your family.
You’re in the middle of packing for the weekend, jamming to whatever playlist you were last listening to on Spotify. It’s more on the punk side of your music taste than the pop side. There’s a knock at the door, causing you to jump.
“Y/N! Y/N, open up!” Bucky shouts from the other side of the door.
You pad barefoot to the door, clad in blue, fuzzy, penguin pajama pants and an old NYU tee that you definitely did not steal from Bucky a few heartbreaks ago.
“What?” you snap, opening the door in the middle of Buck’s persistent knocking. You’re surprised to find not only Bucky standing in the hall but Steve and Wanda too. Across the hall, Sam and Nat are standing in the doorway to Bucky’s apartment with their arms crossed. “Wait, shit. Is it that time already?”
Wanda grabs you by the arm with a playful smile and roll of the eyes, pulling you across the hall.
“No Vis tonight?” you ask, collapsing face first on the couch. Nat follows and flops down sideways in the armchair. You turn your head to watch Wanda as she answers.
“Vis is still away on business,” she explains with wistful eyes and a shake of her head. She was always like that when Vis was off somewhere that wasn’t wrapped around her.
“At least you have an excuse. I’m walking into this stupid reunion completely single. Again. And my mother is already on my case.”
Sam snorts, perched on the back of the couch by your feet. “Somebody needs a beer.”
“More like an entire bottle of wine,” Nat teases.
Bucky sighs from the kitchen, where he’s the sole person making pizza. “None of you are in here helping me make this pizza so I don’t want to hear anything from any of you if you don’t get something you like.”
That gets everyone up and around the island.
An hour later, everyone’s content and full of pizza. Even Steve, who always seems to be eating, has pushed his paper plate to the other side of the coffee table. Everyone’s gotten into their prime movie watching positions.
Nat is sitting sideways in the reclined armchair, bowl of popcorn sitting where her feet should go. Wanda’s on her stomach on the floor in front of her. Sam’s sitting on the end of the couch closest to them. Bucky’s on the chaise side of the couch; a picturesque view of relaxation. You’re in-between them, your head on Bucky’s lap, feet under Sam’s leg. Steve’s on the floor, between the couch and coffee table, leaning into the junction where your seat met Bucky’s.
They’re thirty minutes into the sixth episode of the Mystery Science Theater 3000 reboot, adding their own commentary to that of Jonah and his robot friends.
“So, whatever happened to that guy you went out with? The one that took you on a date to the opera?” Sam asks. "Why don't you just ask him to be your date? People do it all the time for weddings."
You make a face that doesn’t last long because Bucky’s doing that thing where he plays with your hair and make you fell all warm and cozy inside.
“Wasn’t her type,” he replies for you. He’d heard all about the disaster that was that date. Just like he’d heard all about the ones before it, too. From the day you moved in across the hall, you and Bucky had been inseparable. He was your best friend. Hardly a day went by that two of you didn't share your daily torments with each other.
It was actually Natasha you’ve known the longest. She’d been your roommate when you first started at NYU. It was rough at first. You were the furthest from a city girl, having grown up in farming community, but it was under Nat’s wing that you grew to love the city.
You’d met Steve shortly after, literally running into him one day as he was on his way to class. Turned out he was in one of your Education classes. You’d just never paid attention.
Funnily enough, Steve really made your connection to everyone else in the room. It was Steve who found you the job at the school he was teaching at. He’d graduated the year before, miraculously found a job, and was already the students’ favorite art teacher.
It was through Steve that you met everyone else, but it was fate that you met Bucky. You'd been looking for a place of your own and he'd happened to know one with affordable rent that wasn't far from work at all. The rest was history.
So, Bucky had heard all about the failed blind date with Loki Laufeyson.
You'd been set up by Nat. After getting tired of hearing about your lack of love life after you'd ended the only serious relationship you'd had since moving to New York, she'd taken it upon herself to set you up with the occasional guy to get you to stop bellyaching. There'd been decent guys. Each one was better that the last, like Natasha was getting better about picking out these guys.
Loki had seemed like exactly your type. Tall, dark-haired, and handsome. Proclivity for the color black.
And, okay, to say it failed...is a little harsh.
It was actually a little bit cool. You dressed up in your best date dress and did your hair nice. Went above and beyond on your makeup. He was actually early picking you up at the agreed upon place. (There was no way you were giving him your address.) He was a gentleman and opened doors, pulled out your seat at dinner.
There was just something about him. The first thing you noticed was his accent. (He was British, which gave you shivers.)
The second was that he was more slick-looking than the guys you usually fall for. More eloquent, too.
Honestly, it wasn't his fault that your heart refused to fully give up your teenage crushes on the likes of Andy Biersack (Mostly now -- Juliet Simms was a lucky woman) or Ronnie Radke (more circa "Situations" from his Escape the Fate days, or maybe even early Falling in Reverse -- though you had to admit, Coming Home was a bomb ass album.)
You just liked musicians. It's a thing. Everyone you've ever seriously dated was in some kind of band.
Loki was hot and he had the looks...but the aesthetic just wasn't there.
Back to the really cool part. The opera.
You legitimately had never been to an opera before. So, you hadn't known what to expect. What you got, however, was a heart wrenching tale in sung Italian. You didn't have to understand what they were saying to understand what was going on. But the story had been amazing. So much better than anything you could've read out of a book.
But there was just no chemistry between the two of you.
Which you'd told Bucky.
What you hadn't told him was there was a second date too.
That one was a little bit better. Loki seemed more relaxed than the time before. Just a button down and slacks compared to the full-on suit and tie this time. You'd gone with a skater dress and Vans instead of the heels from the last time too.
It was just a dinner this time. Not as fancy as the last place, but still expensive. You actually struck up a decent conversation. It was mostly about how you'd both been forced to go on awful date after awful date by friends (or family, in his case). He didn't like disappointing his mother.
By the end of the date, you were sure there wasn't going to be a third. It seemed as though you were wrong originally. Loki looked the part, but in reality, he seemed to be like everyone else before him. There was just something missing.
You're brought out of your head by Nat's annoyed voice.
"I really thought he'd work out too. Have to admit, even I didn't see the opera thing."
"What about Bucky?" Wanda asks. There's a knowing grin on her face like she knows something you don't.
You look up at your best friend to find him smiling like he's holding back laughter.
"Yeah, what about Buck, Y/N? You guys have always been really close," Steve adds.
This time, you do laugh with Bucky joining in. "Do you want to tell them or should I?"
"You can," he says sobering up.
"We've tried that," you explain. "Very early on. Before I even met Dirk. It was actually really fun. We went to a Panic! concert. It was great. We even kissed. But guys, we're just friends."
"What do you mean you kissed?" Natasha hisses.
And that's when everyone's attention turns from the movie to you and every minute detail about your date with Bucky.
It's only a couple hours later that you're standing in the kitchen washing dishes as Bucky picks up the living room. Everyone's gone home for the night.
"You could always hire someone," Buck suggests, as he sets a couple of glasses beside you to be washed.
"Do I look like Deborah Messing? This isn't one of your rom-coms, Buck. Stuff like that doesn't really happen in real life."
He laughs. "Come on, Y/N. You know I'm only joking."
"Face it. There's no way for me to find a date for the weekend. Not this late anyway. Besides, I'd rather not be that person that brings a different date to every family function."
"Why is this such a huge deal anyway?" Bucky wonders.
You stay quiet for a second, wondering that yourself. It wasn't that you weren't happy with your life. Honestly, you didn't think you cared that much about your relationship status. But then again...
"I'm almost thirty," you point out as you rinse the pizza pan in your hands. You can feel his eyes on you, like he's about to ask you how your age has any relevance to the conversation at hand. "I know, I know. But it's different for guys. Women have a prime window for creating a family. And I know I don't have to, that women shouldn't be expected to have children -- yada yada. I'm about all that. But I want to. I had a plan. And it sort of fell apart, I guess. And my mom is on me all the time now. And maybe I'm not really all that happy with where I'm at anyway."
You wash and rinse the two cups and you're done, draining the water and drying your hands off on a dish towel draped over the oven handle.
Bucky gives you a gentle smile and pulls you into a warm hug and kisses your temple. "Hey. It's no time to give up. You might not find a date for this weekend, but that doesn't mean you won't find a date for the rest of your life, Doll."
You lean into him and breathe deep. Sometimes it sucked that you and Bucky weren't meant to be.
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fieryheartsbeating · 5 years ago
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       @mvtricide 𝙰𝚂𝙺𝙴𝙳: ‘ 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗒𝗈𝗎’𝗋𝖾 𝖺 𝗄𝗂𝖽 , 𝗌𝗎𝗆𝗆𝖾𝗋 𝗂𝗌 𝗆𝖺𝗒𝖻𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗈𝗇𝗅𝗒 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗒𝖾𝖺𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝖺𝖼𝗍𝗎𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗒 𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗇𝗍𝗌  ’
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       her breath was heavy from the adventure the two had just embarked on: stealing leftover popcorn from one of the vendors: they were chased down the dirt path that led back to the trailers but due to their oh, so, clever disguises of hats and thick peacoats, they were practically unrecognizable. they had been seated on the banks of the river for quite a while but she still hadn’t managed to catch her breath: but that may have also had to do with their proxmity.
         it wasn’t much - the distance between their knees that were pulled up to their chests. the water lapping against the shoreline had set a rather relaxed environment for a conversation; but something about jerome had always made her short of breath.  “ i wonder if all kids feel like that or if it’s just us misfits, ” her voice was soft as she nuzzled her cheek against the denim that covered her knee as her stare burned into his face, the blonde refusing to break contact with his features at the moment. “ one day . . . we can make the rest of the year just as good. just us two . . . or whatever. haha, ” quickly, eleanor’s gaze shifted back to the water in front of them counting the ripples that soaked into the sand and grime.
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diabolus1exmachina · 2 years ago
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Citroen DS 21 Berline 'Majesty' (1 of 27) 
The "Majesty" edition was created by Henri Chapron, who was also responsible for the flagship equipment of the DS Prestige. It debuted in 1964 and remained in production until 1969 as the most luxurious and exclusive variant of the French sedan. This particular model was built in 1969, making it one of only three based on the restyled DS with the beautiful directional headlights;the other 24 units had round headlights.
The standout feature of the Citroën DS 21 “Majesty” is the redesigned rear end, with an angular roofline that results in the more traditional three-box shape and more headroom for rear passengers. In addition to the differentiated design of the rear, with a larger window and the wings on the wheel arches, the model presents an unusual external appearance.
At the bottom of the body, an elegant chrome strip on the profile highlighted by the “Majesty�� badges and the wheel covers (hubcaps) in polished aluminum, which contrast with the Midnight Blue hue. Equipment includes air conditioning with front and rear vents, ashtrays for all passengers, a radio, a dash-mounted clock, and fully custom upholstery.
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chibi-tsukiko · 4 years ago
The Stray ⚔️💜
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Back at it again with my OCs. They are really bringing me comfort right now. First up is Hein, my lil precious cinnamon roll. 🥰
A song that reminds me of Hein is :
“Hubcaps and ashtrays, I was born, but I wasn't raised.
The big wheel, the black space, Tried my best, but wasn't praised.
Hell is so close to Heaven. Hell is so close to Heaven.”
Ask box is always open if anyone ever has any questions about my OCs or my story Wretched and Divine.
I hope you like it! 🙈
Tag list : @littleturtle95 @tobeornottobetequila @zfoxdraws @bookworm-jedi @magnus-the-maqnificent @banesbitch @fair-but-wilde-child @beclynn-herondale @khaleesiofalicante @lizlightwoodherondale @my-archerboy @youngreckless @thomaslightwood @runecarstairs @high-warlock-of-brooklyn @panicatwallmaria @alexandergideonslightwood @cordaisya @livvyheronstairs @time-is-the-stuff-of-dreams @queen-born-out-of-fire @shadowhuntingdemigod @clarys-heosphoros @hardlymatters @tamaraheartz @anarchistbitch @noah-herondale-lightwood @icchiruki @crazy-beautiful
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boreothegoldfinch · 4 years ago
chapter 10 paragraph xvi
Gyuri left us out in the Sixties, not far at all from the Barbours’. “This is the place?” I said, shaking the rain off Hobie’s umbrella. We were out in front of one of the big limestone townhouses off Fifth—black iron doors, massive lion’s-head knockers. “Yes—it’s his father’s place—his other family are trying to get him out legally but good luck with that, hah.” We were buzzed in, took a cage elevator up to the second floor. I could smell incense, weed, spaghetti sauce cooking. A lanky blonde woman—shortcropped hair and a serene small-eyed face like a camel’s—opened the door. She was dressed like a sort of old-fashioned street urchin or newsboy: houndstooth trousers, ankle boots, dirty thermal shirt, suspenders. Perched on the tip of her nose were a pair of wire-rimmed Ben Franklin glasses. Without saying a word she opened the door to us and walked off, leaving us alone in a dim, grimy, ballroom-sized salon which was like a derelict version of some high-society set from a Fred Astaire movie: high ceilings; crumbling plaster; grand piano; darkened chandelier with half the crystals broken or gone; sweeping Hollywood staircase littered with cigarette butts. Sufi chants droned low in the background: Allāhu Allāhu Allāhu Haqq. Allāhu Allāhu Allāhu Haqq. Someone had drawn on the wall, in charcoal, a series of life-sized nudes ascending the stairs like frames in a film; and there was very little furniture apart from a ratty futon and some chairs and tables that looked scavenged from the street. Empty picture frames on the wall, a ram’s skull. On the television, an animated film flickered and sputtered with epileptic vim, windmilling geometrics intercut with letters and live-action racecar images. Apart from that, and the door where the blonde had disappeared, the only light came from a lamp which threw a sharp white circle on melted candles, computer cables, empty beer bottles and butane cans, oil pastels boxed and loose, many catalogues raisonnés, books in German and English including Nabokov’s Despair and Heidegger’s Being and Time with the cover torn off, sketch books, art books, ashtrays and burnt tinfoil, and a grubby-looking pillow where drowsed a gray tabby cat. Over the door, like a trophy from some Schwarzwald hunting lodge, a rack of antlers cast distorted shadows that spread and branched across the ceiling with a Nordic, wicked, fairy-tale feel. Conversation in the next room. The windows were shrouded with tacked-up bedsheets just thin enough to let in a diffuse violet glow from the street. As I looked around, forms emerged from the dark and transformed with a dream strangeness: for one thing, the makeshift room divider—consisting of a carpet sagging tenement-style from the ceiling on fishing line—was on closer look a tapestry and a good one too, eighteenth century or older, the near twin of an Amiens I’d seen at auction with an estimate of forty thousand pounds. And not all the frames on the wall were empty. Some had paintings in them, and one of them—even in the poor light—looked like a Corot.
I was just about to step over for a look when a man who could have been anywhere between thirty and fifty appeared in the door: worn-looking, rangy, with straight sandy hair combed back from his face, in black punk jeans out at the knee and a grungy British commando sweater with an ill-fitting suit jacket over it. “Hello,” he said to me, quiet British voice with a faint German bite, “you must be Potter,” and then, to Boris: “Glad you turned up. You two should stay and hang out. Candy and Niall are making dinner with Ulrika.” Movement behind the tapestry, at my feet, that made me step back quickly: swaddled shapes on the floor, sleeping bags, a homeless smell. “Thanks, we can’t stay,” said Boris, who had picked up the cat and was scratching it behind the ears. “Have some of that wine though, thanks.” Without a word Horst passed his own glass over to Boris and then called into the next room in German. To me, he said: “You’re a dealer, right?” In the glow of the television his pale pinned gull’s eye shone hard and unblinking. “Right,” I said uneasily; and then: “Uh, thanks.” Another woman—bobhaired and brunette, high black boots, skirt just short enough to show the black cat tattooed on one milky thigh—had appeared with a bottle and two glasses: one for Horst, one for me. “Danke darling,” said Horst. To Boris he said: “You gentlemen want to do up?” “Not right now,” said Boris, who had leaned forward to steal a kiss from the dark-haired woman as she was leaving. “Was wondering though. What do you hear from Sascha?” “Sascha—” Horst sank down on the futon and lit a cigarette. With his ripped jeans and combat boots he was like a scuffed-up version of some below-the-title Hollywood character actor from the 1940s, some minor mitteleuropäischer known for playing tragic violinists and weary, cultivated refugees. “Ireland is where it seems to lead. Good news if you ask me.” “That doesn’t sound right.” “Nor to me, but I’ve talked to people and so far it checks out.” He spoke with all a junkie’s arrhythmic quiet, off-beat, but without the slur. “So—soon we should know more, I hope.” “Friends of Niall’s?” “No. Niall says he never heard of them. But it’s a start.”
The wine was bad: supermarket Syrah. Because I did not want to be anywhere near the bodies on the floor I drifted over to inspect a group of artists’ casts on a beat-up table: a male torso; a draped Venus leaning against a rock; a sandaled foot. In the poor light they looked like the ordinary plaster casts for sale at Pearl Paint—studio pieces for students to sketch from—but when I drew my finger across the top of the foot I felt the suppleness of marble, silky and grainless. “Why would they go to Ireland with it?” Boris was saying restlessly. “What kind of collectors’ market? I thought everyone tries to get pieces out of there, not in.” “Yes, but Sascha thinks he used the picture to clear a debt.” “So the guy has ties there?” “Evidently.” “I find this difficult to believe.” “What, about the ties?” “No, about the debt. This guy—he looks like he was stealing hubcaps off the street six months ago. “ Horst shrugged, faintly: sleepy eyes, seamed forehead. “Who knows. Not sure that’s correct but certainly I’m not willing to trust to luck. Would I let my hand be cut off for it?” he said, lazily tapping an ash on the floor. “No.” Boris frowned into his wine glass. “He was amateur. Believe me. If you saw him yourself you would know.” “Yes but he likes to gamble, Sascha says.” “You don’t think Sascha maybe knows more?” “I think not.” There was a remoteness in his manner, as if he was talking half to himself. “ ‘Wait and see.’ This is what I hear. An unsatisfactory answer. Stinking from the top if you ask me. But as I say, we are not to the bottom of this yet.” “And when does Sascha get back to the city?” The half-light in the room sent me straight back to childhood, Vegas, like the obscure mood of a dream lingering after sleep: haze of cigarette smoke, dirty clothes on the floor, Boris’s face white then blue in the flicker of the screen. “Next week. I’ll give you a ring. You can talk to him yourself then.” “Yes. But I think we should talk to him together.” “Yes. I think so too. We’ll both be smarter, in future… this need not have happened… but in any case,” said Horst, who was scratching his neck slowly, absent-mindedly, “you understand I’m wary of pushing him too hard.” “That is very convenient for Sascha.” “You have suspicions. Tell me.” “I think—” Boris cut his eyes at the doorway. “Yes?” “I think—” Boris lowered his voice—“you are being too easy on him. Yes yes—” putting up his hands—“I know. But—all very convenient for his guy to vanish, not a clue, he knows nothing!” “Well, maybe,” Horst said. He seemed disconnected and partly elsewhere, like an adult in the room with small children. “This is pressing on me—on all of us. I want to get to the bottom of this as much as you. Though for all we know his guy was a cop.” “No,” said Boris resolutely. “He was not. He was not. I know it.” “Well—to be quite frank with you, I do not think so either, there is more to this than we yet know. Still, I’m hopeful.” He’d taken a wooden box from the drafting table and was poking around in it. “Sure you gentlemen wouldn’t like to get into a little something?” I looked away. I would have liked nothing better. I would also have liked to see the Corot except I didn’t want to walk around the bodies on the floor to do it. Across the room, I’d noticed several other paintings propped on the wainscoting: a still life, a couple of small landscapes. “Go look, if you want.” It was Horst. “The Lépine is fake. But the Claesz and the Berchem are for sale if you’re interested.” Boris laughed and reached for one of Horst’s cigarettes. “He’s not in the market.” “No?” said Horst genially. “I can give him a good price on the pair. The seller needs to get rid of them.”
I stepped in to look: still life, candle and half-empty wineglass. “Claesz-Heda?” “No—Pieter. Although—” Horst put the box aside, then stood beside me and lifted the desk lamp on the cord, washing both paintings in a harsh, formal glare—“this bit—” traced mid-air with the curve of a finger—“the reflection of the flame here? and the edge of the table, the drapery? Could almost be Heda on a bad day.” “Beautiful piece.” “Yes. Beautiful of its type.” Up close he smelled unwashed and raunchy, with a strong, dusty import-shop odor like the inside of a Chinese box. “A bit prosaic to the modern taste. The classicizing manner. Much too staged. Still, the Berchem is very good.” “Lot of fake Berchems out there,” I said neutrally. “Yes—” the light from the upheld lamp on the landscape painting was bluish, eerie—“but this is lovely… Italy, 1655‥… the ochres beautiful, no? The Claesz not so good I think, very early, though the provenance is impeccable on both. Would be nice to keep them together… they have never been apart, these two. Father and son. Came down together in an old Dutch family, ended up in Austria after the war. Pieter Claesz…” Horst held the light higher. “Claesz was so uneven, honestly. Wonderful technique, wonderful surface, but something a bit off with this one, don’t you agree? The composition doesn’t hold together. Incoherent somehow. Also—” indicating with the flat of his thumb the too-bright shine coming off the canvas: overly varnished. “I agree. And here—” tracing midair the ugly arc where an over-eager cleaning had scrubbed the paint down to the scumbling. “Yes.” His answering look was amiable and drowsy. “Quite correct. Acetone. Whoever did that should be shot. And yet a mid-level painting like this, in poor condition—even an anonymous work—is worth more than a masterpiece, that’s the irony of it, worth more to me, anyway. Landscapes particularly. Very very easy to sell. Not too much attention from the authorities… difficult to recognize from a description… and still worth maybe a couple hundred thousand. Now, the Fabritius—” long, relaxed pause—“a different calibre altogether. The most remarkable work that’s ever passed through my hands, and I can say that without question.” “Yes, and that is why we would like so much to get it back,” grumbled Boris from the shadows. “Completely extraordinary,” continued Horst serenely. “A still life like this one—” he indicated the Claesz, with a slow wave (black-rimmed fingernails, scarred venous network on the back of his hand)—“well, so insistently a trompe l’oeil. Great technical skill, but overly refined. Obsessive exactitude. There’s a deathlike quality. A very good reason they are called natures mortes, yes? But the Fabritius…”—loose-kneed back-step—“I know the theory of The Goldfinch, I’m well familiar with it, people call it trompe l’oeil and indeed it can strike the eye that way from afar. But I don’t care what the art historians say. True: there are passages worked like a trompe l’oeil… the wall and the perch, gleam of light on brass, and then… the feathered breast, most creaturely. Fluff and down. Soft, soft. Claesz would carry that finish and exactitude down to the death—a painter like van Hoogstraten would carry it even farther, to the last nail of the coffin. But Fabritius… he’s making a pun on the genre… a masterly riposte to the whole idea of trompe l’oeil… because in other passages of the work—the head? the wing?—not creaturely or literal in the slightest, he takes the image apart very deliberately to show us how he painted it. Daubs and patches, very shaped and hand-worked, the neckline especially, a solid piece of paint, very abstract. Which is what makes him a genius less of his time than our own. There’s a doubleness. You see the mark, you see the paint for the paint, and also the living bird.”
“Yes, well,” growled Boris, in the dark beyond the spotlight, snapping his cigarette lighter shut, “if no paint, would be nothing to see.” “Precisely.” Horst turned, his face cut by shadow. “It’s a joke, the Fabritius. It has a joke at its heart. And that’s what all the very greatest masters do. Rembrandt. Velázquez. Late Titian. They make jokes. They amuse themselves. They build up the illusion, the trick—but, step closer? it falls apart into brushstrokes. Abstract, unearthly. A different and much deeper sort of beauty altogether. The thing and yet not the thing. I should say that that one tiny painting puts Fabritius in the rank of the greatest painters who ever lived. And with The Goldfinch? He performs his miracle in such a bijou space. Although I admit, I was surprised—” turning to look at me—“when I held it in my hands the first time? The weight of it?” “Yes—” I couldn’t help feeling gratified, obscurely, that he’d noted this detail, oddly important to me, with its own network of childhood dreams and associations, an emotional chord—“the board is thicker than you’d think. There’s a heft to it.” “Heft. Quite. The very word. And the background—much less yellow than when I saw it as a boy. The painting underwent a cleaning—early nineties I believe. Post-conservation, there’s more light.” “Hard to say. I’ve got nothing to compare it to.” “Well,” said Horst. The smoke from Boris’s cigarette, threading in from the dark where he sat, gave the floodlit circle where we stood the midnight feel of a cabaret stage. “I may be wrong. I was a boy of twelve or so when I saw it for the first time.” “Yes, I was about that age when I first saw it too.” “Well,” said Horst, with resignation, scratching an eyebrow—dime-sized bruises on the backs of his hands—“that was the only time my father ever took me with him on a business trip, that time at The Hague. Ice cold boardrooms. Not a leaf stirring. On our afternoon I wanted to go to Drievliet, the fun park, but he took me to the Mauritshuis instead. And—great museum, many great paintings, but the only painting I remember seeing is your finch. A painting that appeals to a child, yes? Der Distelfink. That is how I knew it first, by its German name.”
“Yah, yah, yah,” said Boris from the darkness, in a bored voice. “This is like the education channel on the television.” “Do you deal any modern art at all?” I said, in the silence that followed. “Well—” Horst fixed me with his drained, wintry eye; deal wasn’t quite the correct verb, he seemed amused at my choice of words—“sometimes. Had a Kurt Schwitters not long ago—Stanton Macdonald-Wright—do you know him? Lovely painter. It depends a lot what comes my way. Quite honestly— do you ever deal in paintings at all?” “Very seldom. The art dealers get there before I do.” “That is unfortunate. Portable is what matters in my business. There are a lot of mid-level pieces I could sell on the clean if I had paper that looked good.” Spit of garlic; pans clashing in the kitchen; faint Moroccan-souk drift of urine and incense. On and on flatlining, the Sufi drone, wafting and spiraling around us in the dark, ceaseless chants to the Divine. “Or this Lépine. Quite a good forgery. There’s this fellow—Canadian, quite amusing, you’d like him—does them to order. Pollocks, Modiglianis— happy to introduce you, if you’d like. Not much money in them for me, although there’s a fortune to be made if one of them turned up in just the right estate.” Then, smoothly, in the silence that followed: “Of older works I see a lot of Italian, but my preferences—they incline to the North as you can see. Now—this Berchem is a very fine example for what it is but of course these Italianate landscapes with the broken columns and the simple milkmaids don’t so much suit the modern taste, do they? I much prefer the van Goyen there. Sadly not for sale.” “Van Goyen? I would have sworn that was a Corot.” “From here, yes, you might.” He was pleased at the comparison. “Very similar painters—Vincent himself remarked it—you know that letter? ‘The Corot of the Dutch’? Same tenderness of mist, that openness in fog, do you know what I mean?” “Where—” I’d been about to ask the typical dealer’s question, where did you get it, before catching myself. “Marvelous painter. Very prolific. And this is a particularly beautiful example,” he said, with all a collector’s pride. “Many amusing details up close—tiny hunter, barking dog. Also—quite typical—signed on the stern of the boat. Quite charming. If you don’t mind—” indicating, with a nod, the bodies behind the tapestry. “Go over. You won’t disturb them.” “No, but—” “No—” holding up a hand—“I understand perfectly. Shall I bring it to you?” “Yes, I’d love to see it.”
“I must say, I’ve grown so fond of it, I’ll hate to see it go. He dealt paintings himself, van Goyen. A lot of the Dutch masters did. Jan Steen. Vermeer. Rembrandt. But Jan van Goyen—” he smiled—“was like our friend Boris here. A hand in everything. Paintings, real estate, tulip futures.” Boris, in the dark, made a disgruntled noise at this and seemed about to say something when all of a sudden a scrawny wild-haired boy of maybe twenty-two, with an old fashioned mercury thermometer sticking out of his mouth, came lurching out of the kitchen, shielding his eyes with his hand against the upheld lamp. He was wearing a weird, womanish, chunky knit cardigan that came almost to his knees like a bathrobe; he looked ill and disoriented, his sleeve was up, he was rubbing the inside of his forearm with two fingers and then the next thing I knew his knees went sideways and he’d hit the floor, the thermometer skittering out with a glassy noise on the parquet, unbroken. “What…?” said Boris, stabbing out his cigarette, standing up, the cat darting from his lap into the shadows. Horst—frowning—set the lamp on the floor, light swinging crazily on walls and ceiling. “Ach,” he said fretfully, brushing the hair from his eyes, dropping to his knees to look the young man over. “Get back,” he said in an annoyed voice to the women who had appeared in the door, along with a cold, dark-haired, attentive-looking bruiser and a couple of glassy prep-school boys, no more than sixteen—and then, when they all still stood staring—flicked out a hand. “In the kitchen with you! Ulrika,” he said to the blonde, “halt sie zurück.” The tapestry was stirring; behind it, blanket-wrapped huddles, sleepy voices: eh? was ist los? “Ruhe, schlaft weiter,” called the blonde, before turning to Horst and beginning to speak urgently in rapid-fire German. Yawns; groans; farther back, a bundle sitting up, groggy American whine: “Huh? Klaus? What’d she say?” “Shut up baby and go back schlafen.” Boris had picked up his coat and was shouldering it on. “Potter,” he said and then again, when I did not answer, staring horrified at the floor, where the boy was breathing in gurgles: “Potter.” Catching my arm. “Come on, let’s go.” “Yes, sorry. We’ll have to talk later. Schiesse,” said Horst regretfully, shaking the boy’s limp shoulder, with the tone of a parent making a not-particularly-convincing show of scolding a child. “Dummer Wichser! Dummkopf! How much did he take, Niall?” he said to the bruiser who had reappeared in the door and was looking on with a critical eye. “Fuck if I know,” said the Irishman, with an ominous sideways pop of his head. “Come on, Potter,” said Boris, catching my arm. Horst had his ear to the boy’s chest and the blonde, who had returned, had dropped to her knees beside him and was checking his airway.
As they consulted urgently in German, more noise and movement behind the Amiens, which billowed out suddenly: faded blossoms, a fête champêtre, prodigal nymphs disporting themselves amidst fountain and vine. I was staring at a satyr peeping at them slyly from behind a tree when, unexpectedly —something against my leg—I started back violently as a hand swiped from underneath and clutched my trouser cuff. From the floor, one of the dirty bundles—swollen red face just visible from under the tapestry—inquired of me in a sleepy gallant voice: “He’s a margrave, my dear, did you know that?” I pulled my trouser leg free and stepped back. The boy on the floor was rolling his head a bit and making sounds like he was drowning. “Potter.” Boris had gathered up my coat and was practically stuffing it in my face. “Come on! Let’s go! Ciao,” he called into the kitchen with a lift of his chin (pretty dark head appearing in the doorway, a fluttering hand: bye, Boris! Bye!) as he pushed me ahead of him and ducked behind me out the door. “Ciao, Horst!” he said, making a call me later gesture, hand to ear. “Tschau Boris! Sorry about this! We’ll talk soon! Up,” said Horst, as the Irishman came up and grabbed the boy’s other arm from underneath; together they hoisted him up, feet limp and toes dragging and—amidst hurried activity in the doorway, the two young teenagers scrambling back in alarm—hauled him into the lighted doorway of the next room, where Boris’s brunette was drawing up a syringe of something from a tiny glass bottle.
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 6 years ago
TBAM: Infinty War
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Gr8mN9
by KaijuHobbit22
With Cybertron restored, the Autobots believed they can take a breather. But the threat of Unicron still remains. Worse still, old and new enemies have united, threatening the entire universe. The Autobots and their human allies will need the aid of other heroes, as well as unexpected allies, in order to face this approaching doom. For they must work together to survive, or fall one by one.
Sequel to TBAM: TLK
Words: 29, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 10 of TBAM Series
Fandoms: Transformers - All Media Types, Transformers (Bay Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Optimus Prime, Bumblebee (Transformers), Jazz (Transformers), Ironhide (Transformers), Ratchet (Transformers), Sideswipe (Transformers), Sunstreaker (Transformers), Arcee Trio (Transformers), Arcee (Transformers), Chromia (Transformers), Elita One, Jolt (Transformers), Skids (Transformers), Mudflap (Transformers), Wheelie (Transformers), Brains (Transformers), Mirage (Transformers), Wheeljack (Transformers), Wreckers (Transformers), Leadfoot (Transformers), Roadbuster (Transformers), Topspin (Transformers), Steeljaw (Transformers), Hound (Transformers), Drift | Deadlock, Crosshairs (Transformers), Evac (Transformers), Cliffjumper (Transformers), Prowl (Transformers), Ark (Transformers), Omega Supreme (Transformers), Fixit (Transformers), Aerialbots (Transformers), Silverbolt (Transformers), Air Raid (Transformers), Breakaway (Transformers), Dinobots (Transformers), Grimlock (Transformers), Swoop (Transformers), Slug (Transformers), Scorn (Transformers), Slash (Transformers), Sludge (Transformers), Snarl (Transformers), Camshaft (Transformers), Hubcap (Transformers), Omnicons (Transformers), Strongarm (Transformers), Skyblast (Transformers), Signal Flare (Transformers), Armorhide (Transformers), Brawn (Transformers), Inferno (Transformers), Trench (Transformers), Longarm (Transformers), Salvage (Transformers), Grindcore (Transformers), Blazemaster (Transformers), Tomahawk (Transformers), Stratosphere (Transformers), Depthcharge (Transformers Bay Movies), Breacher (Transformers), Seaspray (Transformers), Ramhorn (Transformers), Cosmos (Transformers), Canopy (Transformers), Sqweeks (Transformers), Rollbar (Transformers), Landmine (Transformers), Beachbreak (Transformers), Dune Runner (Transformers), Ultra Magnus, Springer (Transformers), Cogman (Transformers), Gears (Transformers), Protectobots (Transformers), First Aid (Transformers), Blades (Transformers), Hot Spot (Transformers), Groove (Transformers), Streetwise (Transformers), Rook (Transformers), Daytrader (Transformers), Skyhammer (Transformers), Guzzle (Transformers), Bob (Original Insecticon Character belonging to Wacko12), Hot Rod (Transformers), Kup (Transformers), Adam Nova/Nova Prime (OMC belonging to Wacko12), Trailbreaker (Transformers), Clocker (Transformers), Perceptor (Transformers), Hoist (Transformers), Smokescreen (Transformers), Highbrow (Transformers), Wingblade (Transformers), Knock Out (Transformers), Windcharger (Transformers), Roller (Transformers), Defensor (Transformers), Scattershot (Transformers), Warpath (Transformers), Arctus (Transformers), Broadside (Transformers), Skyblast (Transformers Bay Movies), Blaster (Transformers), Eject (Transformers), Sky Lynx, Slap Dash (Transformers), Bumper (Transformers), Firestar (Transformers), Moonracer (Transformers), Blurr (Transformers), Red Alert (Transformers), Metroplex (Transformers), Scamper (Transformers), Six-Gun (Transformers), Slammer (Transformers), Sparkling(s) (Transformers), Gasket (Transformers), Riptide (Transformers), Axewide (Transformers), Strongback (Transformers), Ramjump (Transformers), X-Grid (Transformers), Big Wire (Transformers), Skylock (Transformers), Dusthorn (Transformers), Matchstick (Transformers), Equator (Transformers), Skar (Transformers), Firefly (Transformers), Aurora (Transformers), Paddles (Transformers), Daystar (Transformers), Ironbolt (Transformers), High Cloud (Transformers), Flipside (Transformers), Nightflare (Transformers), Terraquake (Transformers), AllSpark (Transformers), NEST (Transformers), William Lennox, Robert Epps, SASF Agent Graham (Transformers), Burke (Transformers), Patrick Donnelly (Transformers), Michael Tanaka (OMC), Eckerson (Transformers), General Morshower (Transformers), "Hardcore" Eddie (Transformers), Perkins (Transformers), Stone (Transformers), Hooch (Transformers), Mongo (Transformers), Marc L (Transformers), "Baby Face" Zimmerman, Santos (Transformers), Teletraan I, Cade Yeager, Tessa Yeager, Izabella (Transformers), Shane Dyson, Ginrai (Transformers), Flare-Up (Transformers), Volcanicus (Transformers), Guardian Knights of Iacon (Transformers), Stormreign (Transformers), Dragonicus (Transformers), Steelbane (Transformers), Dragonstorm (Transformers), Vivian Wembley, John Keller, Charlotte Mearing, Maggie Madsen, Glen Whitmann, Tom Banachek, Joshua Joyce, Darcy Tirrel, Seymour Simmons, Dutch (Transformers Bay Movies), Jimmy (Transformers Bay Movies), Leo Spitz, Avengers Team (MCU), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Thor (Marvel), Hulk (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Vision (Marvel), Guardians of the Galaxy Team, Peter Quill, Gamora (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Drax the Destroyer, Groot (Marvel), Mantis (Marvel), Nebula (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Wong (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel), Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, James "Bucky" Barnes, Shuri (Marvel), Okoye (Marvel), M'Baku (Marvel), Ayo (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Heimdall (Marvel), Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Annabelle Lennox, Sarah Lennox (Transformers), Monique Epps, Carol Danvers, Phil Coulson, Skye | Daisy Johnson, Talos (Marvel), Kraglin Obfonteri, Rhomann Dey, Pepper Potts, Megatron (Transformers), Starscream (Transformers), Shockwave (Transformers), Nitro Zeus (Transformers), Soundwave (Transformers), Laserbeak (Transformers), Rumble (Transformers), Barricade (Transformers), Blackout (Transformers), Bonecrusher (Transformers), Combaticons (Transformers), Onslaught (Transformers), Brawl (Transformers), Blast Off (Transformers), Swindle (Transformers), Vortex (Transformers), Shatter (Transformers), Fracture (Transformers), Stockade (Transformers), Blitzwing (Transformers), Lugnut (Transformers), Bruticus (Transformers), Tidal Wave (Transformers), Runabout (Transformers), Darksteel (Transformers), Malignus (Transformers), Wreckage (Transformers), Incinerator (Transformers), Mohawk (Transformers), Long Haul (Transformers), Sideways (Transformers), Jetstorm (Transformers), Overcast (Transformers), Thundercracker (Transformers), Skywarp (Transformers), Slipstream (Transformers), Ramjet (Transformers), Sunstorm (Transformers), Thrust (Transformers), Dirge (Transformers), Tankor (Transformers), Divebomb (Transformers), Hailstorm (Transformers), Space Case (Transformers), Dropkick (Transformers), Brimstone (Transformers), Dirt Boss (Transformers), Astrotrain (Transformers), Payload (Transformers), Flatline (Transformers), Dreadwing (Transformers), Storm Surge (Transformers), Blademaster (Transformers), Ransack (Transformers), Mindwipe (Transformers), Bludgeon (Transformers), Decepticon Protoforms (Transformers Bay Movies), Vehicon(s) (Transformers), Decepticon Ship Nemesis (Transformers), Trypticon (Transformers), Wipe-Out (Transformers), Full-Tilt (Transformers), Brunt (Transformers), Bomb-Burst (Transformers), Skullgrin (Transformers), Submarauder (Transformers), Bulgy (Transformers), Finback (Transformers), Iguanus (Transformers), Carnivac (Transformers), Snarler (Transformers), Roadgrabber (Transformers), Octopunch (Transformers), Stranglehold (Transformers), Roadblock (Transformers), Oilmaster (Transformers), Blood (Transformers), Dauros (Transformers), Gilmer (Transformers), Junkions (Transformers), Wreck-Gar, Detritus (Transformers), Rum-Maj (Transformers), Junkyard (Transformers), Scrapheap (Transformers), Re-Cycle (Transformers), Greasestain (Transformers), Wasteoid Gamma (Transformers), Ashtray (Transformers), Rubbish (Transformers), Hazmat (Transformers), Trashbin (Transformers), Pinion (Transformers), Shearbolt (Transformers), Arclight (Transformers), Unicron (Transformers), Thunderwing (Transformers), Razorclaw (Transformers), Jhiaxus (Transformers), Elphaorpha (Transformers), Drancron (Transformers), Rartorata (Transformers), Megabolt (Transformers), Reptilion (Transformers), Strika (Transformers), Obsidian (Transformers), Overlord (Transformers), Monstructor (Transformers), Sharpshot (Transformers), Terrorcons (Transformers), Insecticons (Transformers), Ammonites (Transformers), Scrapmetals (Transformers), Noisemazes (Transformers), Overchargers (Transformers), Maximals (Transformers), Sweeps (Transformers), Anti-Bots (Transformers), Sparkeaters (Transformers), Quintessa (Transformers), Sharkticons (Transformers), Gnaw (Transformers), Thanos (Marvel), The Black Order (Marvel), Ebony Maw, Cull Obsidian, Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive, Super Giant (Marvel), Chitauri (Marvel), Outriders (Marvel), Leviathans (Marvel), Sakaarans (Marvel), Thaddeus Ross, Autobot Troopers (Transformers), Ronald Witwicky, Judy Witwicky, Daniel Witwicky
Relationships: Elita One/Optimus Prime, Chromia/Ironhide, Sarah Lennox/William Lennox, Izabella/Adam Nova (OMC belonging to Wacko12), Vivian Wembley/Cade Yeager, Monique Epps/Robert Epps, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Gamora/Peter Quill, Sideswipe & Sunstreaker, Mudflap & Skids, Canopy & Izabella & Sqweeks, Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Shane Dyson/Tessa Yeager, Judy Witwicky/Ronald Witwicky
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canonical Character Death, Non-Canonical Character Death, Non-Canonical Character Survival, Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Transformers: The Last Knight (2017), Transformers/Avengers Mashup, Infinty War Rewrite with Transformers (Bayverse) in it, Fixing Plot Holes, Ross is a Hypocrite
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Gr8mN9
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 6 years ago
TBAM: Infinty War
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Gr8mN9
by KaijuHobbit22
With Cybertron restored, the Autobots believed they can take a breather. But the threat of Unicron still remains. Worse still, old and new enemies have united, threatening the entire universe. The Autobots and their human allies will need the aid of other heroes, as well as unexpected allies, in order to face this approaching doom. For they must work together to survive, or fall one by one.
Sequel to TBAM: TLK
Words: 29, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 10 of TBAM Series
Fandoms: Transformers - All Media Types, Transformers (Bay Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Optimus Prime, Bumblebee (Transformers), Jazz (Transformers), Ironhide (Transformers), Ratchet (Transformers), Sideswipe (Transformers), Sunstreaker (Transformers), Arcee Trio (Transformers), Arcee (Transformers), Chromia (Transformers), Elita One, Jolt (Transformers), Skids (Transformers), Mudflap (Transformers), Wheelie (Transformers), Brains (Transformers), Mirage (Transformers), Wheeljack (Transformers), Wreckers (Transformers), Leadfoot (Transformers), Roadbuster (Transformers), Topspin (Transformers), Steeljaw (Transformers), Hound (Transformers), Drift | Deadlock, Crosshairs (Transformers), Evac (Transformers), Cliffjumper (Transformers), Prowl (Transformers), Ark (Transformers), Omega Supreme (Transformers), Fixit (Transformers), Aerialbots (Transformers), Silverbolt (Transformers), Air Raid (Transformers), Breakaway (Transformers), Dinobots (Transformers), Grimlock (Transformers), Swoop (Transformers), Slug (Transformers), Scorn (Transformers), Slash (Transformers), Sludge (Transformers), Snarl (Transformers), Camshaft (Transformers), Hubcap (Transformers), Omnicons (Transformers), Strongarm (Transformers), Skyblast (Transformers), Signal Flare (Transformers), Armorhide (Transformers), Brawn (Transformers), Inferno (Transformers), Trench (Transformers), Longarm (Transformers), Salvage (Transformers), Grindcore (Transformers), Blazemaster (Transformers), Tomahawk (Transformers), Stratosphere (Transformers), Depthcharge (Transformers Bay Movies), Breacher (Transformers), Seaspray (Transformers), Ramhorn (Transformers), Cosmos (Transformers), Canopy (Transformers), Sqweeks (Transformers), Rollbar (Transformers), Landmine (Transformers), Beachbreak (Transformers), Dune Runner (Transformers), Ultra Magnus, Springer (Transformers), Cogman (Transformers), Gears (Transformers), Protectobots (Transformers), First Aid (Transformers), Blades (Transformers), Hot Spot (Transformers), Groove (Transformers), Streetwise (Transformers), Rook (Transformers), Daytrader (Transformers), Skyhammer (Transformers), Guzzle (Transformers), Bob (Original Insecticon Character belonging to Wacko12), Hot Rod (Transformers), Kup (Transformers), Adam Nova/Nova Prime (OMC belonging to Wacko12), Trailbreaker (Transformers), Clocker (Transformers), Perceptor (Transformers), Hoist (Transformers), Smokescreen (Transformers), Highbrow (Transformers), Wingblade (Transformers), Knock Out (Transformers), Windcharger (Transformers), Roller (Transformers), Defensor (Transformers), Scattershot (Transformers), Warpath (Transformers), Arctus (Transformers), Broadside (Transformers), Skyblast (Transformers Bay Movies), Blaster (Transformers), Eject (Transformers), Sky Lynx, Slap Dash (Transformers), Bumper (Transformers), Firestar (Transformers), Moonracer (Transformers), Blurr (Transformers), Red Alert (Transformers), Metroplex (Transformers), Scamper (Transformers), Six-Gun (Transformers), Slammer (Transformers), Sparkling(s) (Transformers), Gasket (Transformers), Riptide (Transformers), Axewide (Transformers), Strongback (Transformers), Ramjump (Transformers), X-Grid (Transformers), Big Wire (Transformers), Skylock (Transformers), Dusthorn (Transformers), Matchstick (Transformers), Equator (Transformers), Skar (Transformers), Firefly (Transformers), Aurora (Transformers), Paddles (Transformers), Daystar (Transformers), Ironbolt (Transformers), High Cloud (Transformers), Flipside (Transformers), Nightflare (Transformers), Terraquake (Transformers), AllSpark (Transformers), NEST (Transformers), William Lennox, Robert Epps, SASF Agent Graham (Transformers), Burke (Transformers), Patrick Donnelly (Transformers), Michael Tanaka (OMC), Eckerson (Transformers), General Morshower (Transformers), "Hardcore" Eddie (Transformers), Perkins (Transformers), Stone (Transformers), Hooch (Transformers), Mongo (Transformers), Marc L (Transformers), "Baby Face" Zimmerman, Santos (Transformers), Teletraan I, Cade Yeager, Tessa Yeager, Izabella (Transformers), Shane Dyson, Ginrai (Transformers), Flare-Up (Transformers), Volcanicus (Transformers), Guardian Knights of Iacon (Transformers), Stormreign (Transformers), Dragonicus (Transformers), Steelbane (Transformers), Dragonstorm (Transformers), Vivian Wembley, John Keller, Charlotte Mearing, Maggie Madsen, Glen Whitmann, Tom Banachek, Joshua Joyce, Darcy Tirrel, Seymour Simmons, Dutch (Transformers Bay Movies), Jimmy (Transformers Bay Movies), Leo Spitz, Avengers Team (MCU), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Thor (Marvel), Hulk (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Vision (Marvel), Guardians of the Galaxy Team, Peter Quill, Gamora (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Drax the Destroyer, Groot (Marvel), Mantis (Marvel), Nebula (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Wong (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel), Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, James "Bucky" Barnes, Shuri (Marvel), Okoye (Marvel), M'Baku (Marvel), Ayo (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Heimdall (Marvel), Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Annabelle Lennox, Sarah Lennox (Transformers), Monique Epps, Carol Danvers, Phil Coulson, Skye | Daisy Johnson, Talos (Marvel), Kraglin Obfonteri, Rhomann Dey, Pepper Potts, Megatron (Transformers), Starscream (Transformers), Shockwave (Transformers), Nitro Zeus (Transformers), Soundwave (Transformers), Laserbeak (Transformers), Rumble (Transformers), Barricade (Transformers), Blackout (Transformers), Bonecrusher (Transformers), Combaticons (Transformers), Onslaught (Transformers), Brawl (Transformers), Blast Off (Transformers), Swindle (Transformers), Vortex (Transformers), Shatter (Transformers), Fracture (Transformers), Stockade (Transformers), Blitzwing (Transformers), Lugnut (Transformers), Bruticus (Transformers), Tidal Wave (Transformers), Runabout (Transformers), Darksteel (Transformers), Malignus (Transformers), Wreckage (Transformers), Incinerator (Transformers), Mohawk (Transformers), Long Haul (Transformers), Sideways (Transformers), Jetstorm (Transformers), Overcast (Transformers), Thundercracker (Transformers), Skywarp (Transformers), Slipstream (Transformers), Ramjet (Transformers), Sunstorm (Transformers), Thrust (Transformers), Dirge (Transformers), Tankor (Transformers), Divebomb (Transformers), Hailstorm (Transformers), Space Case (Transformers), Dropkick (Transformers), Brimstone (Transformers), Dirt Boss (Transformers), Astrotrain (Transformers), Payload (Transformers), Flatline (Transformers), Dreadwing (Transformers), Storm Surge (Transformers), Blademaster (Transformers), Ransack (Transformers), Mindwipe (Transformers), Bludgeon (Transformers), Decepticon Protoforms (Transformers Bay Movies), Vehicon(s) (Transformers), Decepticon Ship Nemesis (Transformers), Trypticon (Transformers), Wipe-Out (Transformers), Full-Tilt (Transformers), Brunt (Transformers), Bomb-Burst (Transformers), Skullgrin (Transformers), Submarauder (Transformers), Bulgy (Transformers), Finback (Transformers), Iguanus (Transformers), Carnivac (Transformers), Snarler (Transformers), Roadgrabber (Transformers), Octopunch (Transformers), Stranglehold (Transformers), Roadblock (Transformers), Oilmaster (Transformers), Blood (Transformers), Dauros (Transformers), Gilmer (Transformers), Junkions (Transformers), Wreck-Gar, Detritus (Transformers), Rum-Maj (Transformers), Junkyard (Transformers), Scrapheap (Transformers), Re-Cycle (Transformers), Greasestain (Transformers), Wasteoid Gamma (Transformers), Ashtray (Transformers), Rubbish (Transformers), Hazmat (Transformers), Trashbin (Transformers), Pinion (Transformers), Shearbolt (Transformers), Arclight (Transformers), Unicron (Transformers), Thunderwing (Transformers), Razorclaw (Transformers), Jhiaxus (Transformers), Elphaorpha (Transformers), Drancron (Transformers), Rartorata (Transformers), Megabolt (Transformers), Reptilion (Transformers), Strika (Transformers), Obsidian (Transformers), Overlord (Transformers), Monstructor (Transformers), Sharpshot (Transformers), Terrorcons (Transformers), Insecticons (Transformers), Ammonites (Transformers), Scrapmetals (Transformers), Noisemazes (Transformers), Overchargers (Transformers), Maximals (Transformers), Sweeps (Transformers), Anti-Bots (Transformers), Sparkeaters (Transformers), Quintessa (Transformers), Sharkticons (Transformers), Gnaw (Transformers), Thanos (Marvel), The Black Order (Marvel), Ebony Maw, Cull Obsidian, Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive, Super Giant (Marvel), Chitauri (Marvel), Outriders (Marvel), Leviathans (Marvel), Sakaarans (Marvel), Thaddeus Ross, Autobot Troopers (Transformers), Ronald Witwicky, Judy Witwicky, Daniel Witwicky
Relationships: Elita One/Optimus Prime, Chromia/Ironhide, Sarah Lennox/William Lennox, Izabella/Adam Nova (OMC belonging to Wacko12), Vivian Wembley/Cade Yeager, Monique Epps/Robert Epps, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Gamora/Peter Quill, Sideswipe & Sunstreaker, Mudflap & Skids, Canopy & Izabella & Sqweeks, Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Shane Dyson/Tessa Yeager, Judy Witwicky/Ronald Witwicky
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canonical Character Death, Non-Canonical Character Death, Non-Canonical Character Survival, Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Transformers: The Last Knight (2017), Transformers/Avengers Mashup, Infinty War Rewrite with Transformers (Bayverse) in it, Fixing Plot Holes, Ross is a Hypocrite
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Gr8mN9
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ao3feed-starmora · 6 years ago
TBAM: Infinty War
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Gr8mN9
by KaijuHobbit22
With Cybertron restored, the Autobots believed they can take a breather. But the threat of Unicron still remains. Worse still, old and new enemies have united, threatening the entire universe. The Autobots and their human allies will need the aid of other heroes, as well as unexpected allies, in order to face this approaching doom. For they must work together to survive, or fall one by one.
Sequel to TBAM: TLK
Words: 29, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 10 of TBAM Series
Fandoms: Transformers - All Media Types, Transformers (Bay Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Optimus Prime, Bumblebee (Transformers), Jazz (Transformers), Ironhide (Transformers), Ratchet (Transformers), Sideswipe (Transformers), Sunstreaker (Transformers), Arcee Trio (Transformers), Arcee (Transformers), Chromia (Transformers), Elita One, Jolt (Transformers), Skids (Transformers), Mudflap (Transformers), Wheelie (Transformers), Brains (Transformers), Mirage (Transformers), Wheeljack (Transformers), Wreckers (Transformers), Leadfoot (Transformers), Roadbuster (Transformers), Topspin (Transformers), Steeljaw (Transformers), Hound (Transformers), Drift | Deadlock, Crosshairs (Transformers), Evac (Transformers), Cliffjumper (Transformers), Prowl (Transformers), Ark (Transformers), Omega Supreme (Transformers), Fixit (Transformers), Aerialbots (Transformers), Silverbolt (Transformers), Air Raid (Transformers), Breakaway (Transformers), Dinobots (Transformers), Grimlock (Transformers), Swoop (Transformers), Slug (Transformers), Scorn (Transformers), Slash (Transformers), Sludge (Transformers), Snarl (Transformers), Camshaft (Transformers), Hubcap (Transformers), Omnicons (Transformers), Strongarm (Transformers), Skyblast (Transformers), Signal Flare (Transformers), Armorhide (Transformers), Brawn (Transformers), Inferno (Transformers), Trench (Transformers), Longarm (Transformers), Salvage (Transformers), Grindcore (Transformers), Blazemaster (Transformers), Tomahawk (Transformers), Stratosphere (Transformers), Depthcharge (Transformers Bay Movies), Breacher (Transformers), Seaspray (Transformers), Ramhorn (Transformers), Cosmos (Transformers), Canopy (Transformers), Sqweeks (Transformers), Rollbar (Transformers), Landmine (Transformers), Beachbreak (Transformers), Dune Runner (Transformers), Ultra Magnus, Springer (Transformers), Cogman (Transformers), Gears (Transformers), Protectobots (Transformers), First Aid (Transformers), Blades (Transformers), Hot Spot (Transformers), Groove (Transformers), Streetwise (Transformers), Rook (Transformers), Daytrader (Transformers), Skyhammer (Transformers), Guzzle (Transformers), Bob (Original Insecticon Character belonging to Wacko12), Hot Rod (Transformers), Kup (Transformers), Adam Nova/Nova Prime (OMC belonging to Wacko12), Trailbreaker (Transformers), Clocker (Transformers), Perceptor (Transformers), Hoist (Transformers), Smokescreen (Transformers), Highbrow (Transformers), Wingblade (Transformers), Knock Out (Transformers), Windcharger (Transformers), Roller (Transformers), Defensor (Transformers), Scattershot (Transformers), Warpath (Transformers), Arctus (Transformers), Broadside (Transformers), Skyblast (Transformers Bay Movies), Blaster (Transformers), Eject (Transformers), Sky Lynx, Slap Dash (Transformers), Bumper (Transformers), Firestar (Transformers), Moonracer (Transformers), Blurr (Transformers), Red Alert (Transformers), Metroplex (Transformers), Scamper (Transformers), Six-Gun (Transformers), Slammer (Transformers), Sparkling(s) (Transformers), Gasket (Transformers), Riptide (Transformers), Axewide (Transformers), Strongback (Transformers), Ramjump (Transformers), X-Grid (Transformers), Big Wire (Transformers), Skylock (Transformers), Dusthorn (Transformers), Matchstick (Transformers), Equator (Transformers), Skar (Transformers), Firefly (Transformers), Aurora (Transformers), Paddles (Transformers), Daystar (Transformers), Ironbolt (Transformers), High Cloud (Transformers), Flipside (Transformers), Nightflare (Transformers), Terraquake (Transformers), AllSpark (Transformers), NEST (Transformers), William Lennox, Robert Epps, SASF Agent Graham (Transformers), Burke (Transformers), Patrick Donnelly (Transformers), Michael Tanaka (OMC), Eckerson (Transformers), General Morshower (Transformers), "Hardcore" Eddie (Transformers), Perkins (Transformers), Stone (Transformers), Hooch (Transformers), Mongo (Transformers), Marc L (Transformers), "Baby Face" Zimmerman, Santos (Transformers), Teletraan I, Cade Yeager, Tessa Yeager, Izabella (Transformers), Shane Dyson, Ginrai (Transformers), Flare-Up (Transformers), Volcanicus (Transformers), Guardian Knights of Iacon (Transformers), Stormreign (Transformers), Dragonicus (Transformers), Steelbane (Transformers), Dragonstorm (Transformers), Vivian Wembley, John Keller, Charlotte Mearing, Maggie Madsen, Glen Whitmann, Tom Banachek, Joshua Joyce, Darcy Tirrel, Seymour Simmons, Dutch (Transformers Bay Movies), Jimmy (Transformers Bay Movies), Leo Spitz, Avengers Team (MCU), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Thor (Marvel), Hulk (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Vision (Marvel), Guardians of the Galaxy Team, Peter Quill, Gamora (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Drax the Destroyer, Groot (Marvel), Mantis (Marvel), Nebula (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Wong (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel), Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, James "Bucky" Barnes, Shuri (Marvel), Okoye (Marvel), M'Baku (Marvel), Ayo (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Heimdall (Marvel), Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Annabelle Lennox, Sarah Lennox (Transformers), Monique Epps, Carol Danvers, Phil Coulson, Skye | Daisy Johnson, Talos (Marvel), Kraglin Obfonteri, Rhomann Dey, Pepper Potts, Megatron (Transformers), Starscream (Transformers), Shockwave (Transformers), Nitro Zeus (Transformers), Soundwave (Transformers), Laserbeak (Transformers), Rumble (Transformers), Barricade (Transformers), Blackout (Transformers), Bonecrusher (Transformers), Combaticons (Transformers), Onslaught (Transformers), Brawl (Transformers), Blast Off (Transformers), Swindle (Transformers), Vortex (Transformers), Shatter (Transformers), Fracture (Transformers), Stockade (Transformers), Blitzwing (Transformers), Lugnut (Transformers), Bruticus (Transformers), Tidal Wave (Transformers), Runabout (Transformers), Darksteel (Transformers), Malignus (Transformers), Wreckage (Transformers), Incinerator (Transformers), Mohawk (Transformers), Long Haul (Transformers), Sideways (Transformers), Jetstorm (Transformers), Overcast (Transformers), Thundercracker (Transformers), Skywarp (Transformers), Slipstream (Transformers), Ramjet (Transformers), Sunstorm (Transformers), Thrust (Transformers), Dirge (Transformers), Tankor (Transformers), Divebomb (Transformers), Hailstorm (Transformers), Space Case (Transformers), Dropkick (Transformers), Brimstone (Transformers), Dirt Boss (Transformers), Astrotrain (Transformers), Payload (Transformers), Flatline (Transformers), Dreadwing (Transformers), Storm Surge (Transformers), Blademaster (Transformers), Ransack (Transformers), Mindwipe (Transformers), Bludgeon (Transformers), Decepticon Protoforms (Transformers Bay Movies), Vehicon(s) (Transformers), Decepticon Ship Nemesis (Transformers), Trypticon (Transformers), Wipe-Out (Transformers), Full-Tilt (Transformers), Brunt (Transformers), Bomb-Burst (Transformers), Skullgrin (Transformers), Submarauder (Transformers), Bulgy (Transformers), Finback (Transformers), Iguanus (Transformers), Carnivac (Transformers), Snarler (Transformers), Roadgrabber (Transformers), Octopunch (Transformers), Stranglehold (Transformers), Roadblock (Transformers), Oilmaster (Transformers), Blood (Transformers), Dauros (Transformers), Gilmer (Transformers), Junkions (Transformers), Wreck-Gar, Detritus (Transformers), Rum-Maj (Transformers), Junkyard (Transformers), Scrapheap (Transformers), Re-Cycle (Transformers), Greasestain (Transformers), Wasteoid Gamma (Transformers), Ashtray (Transformers), Rubbish (Transformers), Hazmat (Transformers), Trashbin (Transformers), Pinion (Transformers), Shearbolt (Transformers), Arclight (Transformers), Unicron (Transformers), Thunderwing (Transformers), Razorclaw (Transformers), Jhiaxus (Transformers), Elphaorpha (Transformers), Drancron (Transformers), Rartorata (Transformers), Megabolt (Transformers), Reptilion (Transformers), Strika (Transformers), Obsidian (Transformers), Overlord (Transformers), Monstructor (Transformers), Sharpshot (Transformers), Terrorcons (Transformers), Insecticons (Transformers), Ammonites (Transformers), Scrapmetals (Transformers), Noisemazes (Transformers), Overchargers (Transformers), Maximals (Transformers), Sweeps (Transformers), Anti-Bots (Transformers), Sparkeaters (Transformers), Quintessa (Transformers), Sharkticons (Transformers), Gnaw (Transformers), Thanos (Marvel), The Black Order (Marvel), Ebony Maw, Cull Obsidian, Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive, Super Giant (Marvel), Chitauri (Marvel), Outriders (Marvel), Leviathans (Marvel), Sakaarans (Marvel), Thaddeus Ross, Autobot Troopers (Transformers), Ronald Witwicky, Judy Witwicky, Daniel Witwicky
Relationships: Elita One/Optimus Prime, Chromia/Ironhide, Sarah Lennox/William Lennox, Izabella/Adam Nova (OMC belonging to Wacko12), Vivian Wembley/Cade Yeager, Monique Epps/Robert Epps, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Gamora/Peter Quill, Sideswipe & Sunstreaker, Mudflap & Skids, Canopy & Izabella & Sqweeks, Wanda Maximoff/Vision, Shane Dyson/Tessa Yeager, Judy Witwicky/Ronald Witwicky
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canonical Character Death, Non-Canonical Character Death, Non-Canonical Character Survival, Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Transformers: The Last Knight (2017), Transformers/Avengers Mashup, Infinty War Rewrite with Transformers (Bayverse) in it, Fixing Plot Holes, Ross is a Hypocrite
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Gr8mN9
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potato4321 · 6 years ago
"I was hoping for an indication
Hubcaps and ashtrays, I was born, but I wasn't raised
Why you wanna tell me how to live my life?
This has been said so many times that I'm not sure if it matters
Opinions unbiased, shut up and be quiet"
From, in order:
Rise Up—Imagine Dragons
The Strays—Sleeping With Sirens
Have A Nice Day—Bon Jovi
Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying—Fall Out Boy
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The Strays
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2HhcnF3
by MindAboveMadness
"Hubcaps and ashtrays, I was born, but I wasn't raised. The big wheel, the black space; Tried my best, but wasn't praised. Hell is so close to Heaven. Hell is so close to Heaven." - The Strays, Sleeping With Sirens.
At the age of five, Midoriya Izuku disappeared from the park near his house. At the age of six, Iida Tenya disappeared during an elementary school field trip. At the age of fourteen, Todoroki Touya disappeared from his family home in the dead of night.
Three children, gone in three years. As if they never existed in the first place.
Words: 759, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Midoriya Izuku, Dabi (My Hero Academia), Todoroki Touya, Iida Tenya, Iida Tensei | Ingenium, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl, Sensei | All For One, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Iida Tenya/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Iida Tenya & Dabi, Midoriya Izuku & Iida Tenya & Todoroki Touya, Aizawa Shouta & Yamada Hisashi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Angst, Brainwashing, Kidnapping, Conditioning, Mental Instability, Mental Breakdown, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Iida Tenya is a Good Friend, Brothers, Dabi is a Todoroki, Abuse, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Bakugou Katsuki is a Good Friend, Sad, Oops, Fear, Age Regression/De-Aging, Altered Mental States, The Author Regrets Nothing, The Author Regrets Everything, Not Beta Read, Dead Midoriya Inko, I'm Sorry, Family Dynamics, selective mutism, Mute Midoriya Izuku, Trauma, Uncle Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2HhcnF3
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cometforever · 3 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @pfcuttin We on from 9-11pm spinning all new 🔥 tune in, 1- The Lox - Terminator LOX 2- Whiskeyman ft.. Squeegie O & Inspectah Deck - Staten Island 3- Represent The Real ft. AZ, O.C. KRS-ONE & DJ Flip - Stylistic Murder 4- 2wo Offishall X Grea8Gawd x Cappadonna  - Mona Lisa 5- Meyhem Lauren ft.  Westside Gunn  - Trigger Point Therapy 6- Your Old Droog - The Unknown Comic  7- Billy NoJokes x Indian K ft. DJ Special Cutz - Cold World 8-  Nejma Nefertiti ft. Napoleon Da Legend - Marinated Bullets  9-  Domo Genesis & Evidence - Going Rate 10- Innocent? ft. Terror Van Poo / Inno JohnJigg$ / Honey Dinero -  Better Mood 11- Whiskeyman ft. Ras Kass & Josiah The Gift - No Label 12- Ty Ferris / Sebb - Where’s The Garbage Can 13- Al Scratch - Calm Steady 14- Krohme ft. Godforbid & Thirstin Howl III - Dark Water 15- Comet Madmen - Premium Edition 16- 80Empire ft. 7xvethegenius - Somedays 17- Ren Thomas - Roaches In The Ashtray 18- Tone Chop & Frost Gamble - Still Underestimated  19- Benny The Butcher ft. Heem & Rick Hyde - Times Is Rough 20- The Opioid Era  -  Kilo Of Cut 21- Chubs - 97shania Twain 22- Ty Ferris / Sebb ft. Estee Nack - That Simple 23- Roc Marciano & The Alchemist - Deja Vu 24- Enels ft. Isis Aset & Hanzo Bladez - Draco 25-  M.A.V. & P.A Dre ft Brizz Rawsteen - We Are Not A like 26-  O The Great x Twistello - Monster Buck 5O 27- Murs & Rob Viktum -   Bactapack Rap 28- Your Old Droog - 50K or Brunch 29-  A7MC  ft. Mike Titan - Meet The Chefs 30-  M.A.V. & P.A Dre ft. Estee Nack & Asun Eastwood - Sticks & Stones 31- Bodyping -  F.O.H 32-  J.Sos & Bizarre - Johnny Depp Trial 33- OC From NC ft. Jozeemo  - The Kollofs 34- Knick Gunz - Greasy 35- Justo The MC & Maticulous - Off The Hinge pt1. 36- Bub Styles  ft. Ill Bill  - No Hubcaps 37-Def Soulja x 183rd -Chopped Cheese and Grape Soda 38-Top Shelf Premium  ft. Pro Dillinger,  Mickey Diamonds, Snotty -The Umbrella Freestyle 39-Mickey Blue ft. ILL Bill  Dro Pesci & Jay Royale-Crime Ministers 40-Boldly James & Futurewave - Flag On The Play   41-M.A.V. & P.A Dre ft. Rome Streetz-Dreamers 42-Def Soulja x 183rd  ft. Rome Street-Skatekey on Allerton 43-The Opioid Era -Secret Society https://www.instagram.com/p/ChVvnC-Lek5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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poetryshoebox · 8 years ago
In Singapore, in the airport, A darkness was ripped from my eyes. In the women’s restroom, one compartment stood open. A woman knelt there, washing something in the white bowl. Disgust argued in my stomach and I felt, in my pocket, for my ticket. A poem should always have birds in it. Kingfishers, say, with their bold eyes and gaudy wings. Rivers are pleasant, and of course trees. A waterfall, or if that’s not possible, a fountain rising and falling. A person wants to stand in a happy place, in a poem. When the woman turned I could not answer her face. Her beauty and her embarrassment struggled together, and neither could win. She smiled and I smiled. What kind of nonsense is this? Everybody needs a job. Yes, a person wants to stand in a happy place, in a poem. But first we must watch her as she stares down at her labor, which is dull enough. She is washing the tops of the airport ashtrays, as big as hubcaps, with a blue rag. Her small hands turn the metal, scrubbing and rinsing. She does not work slowly, nor quickly, like a river. Her dark hair is like the wing of a bird. I don’t doubt for a moment that she loves her life. And I want her to rise up from the crust and the slop and fly down to the river. This probably won’t happen. But maybe it will. If the world were only pain and logic, who would want it? Of course, it isn’t. Neither do I mean anything miraculous, but only the light that can shine out of a life. I mean the way she unfolded and refolded the blue cloth, The way her smile was only for my sake; I mean the way this poem is filled with trees, and birds. —Mary Oliver
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fieryheartsbeating · 5 years ago
tag dump !
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