#d. sign of the times ( promos )
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witchygagirlwrites · 27 days ago
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Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz x Halstead Sister Reader (Nicknamed Dizzy)
You and Greg decide you want each other regardless but can you manage to keep it a secret from Jay?
Warnings: cursing, sex mentioned
This could not be happening. It couldn’t. D, the gorgeous guitarist Mouse had taken home the night before, the one he’d spent hours wrapped around was sitting next to Jay in the booth.  Her eyes wide as they met his. Jay luckily hadn’t clocked it because he motioned to the empty seat next to Will “Sit down man, this is Y/N. Our little sister” “Everyone calls her Dizzy, it’s short for Dizzy Diva” Will added with a grin towards D. 
D finally tore her eyes away from him to look at Will, her shock wearing off as she forced a smile on her face “Been going by D the last few months there William just because it gets confusing backstage hearing Dizzy and Izzy getting called out”
She was explaining to him without actually explaining to him. Fuck why hadn’t he asked for her last night? Why hadn’t he offered his? She had to have heard it before. The waitress came over and put coffee down in front of everyone along with menus then walked away.
Mouse fixed his coffee, trying to keep his mind on the task at hand. Not on the woman sitting across from him, his best friend’s younger sister. The woman that he’d explored every inch of hours before. The woman that flashes of her body, her sounds, her taste kept flashing through his mind. What the fuck was he supposed to do?
Your eyes were glued to the menu. Your raging appetite had skittered across the table and down to hit the floor the moment you realized you’d gone home with Jay’s best friend. Jay usually just called him Mouse, you had heard him call him Greg a time or two but the connection hadn’t been easy to make? Plus you and him hadn’t traded last names in the heat of the moment or being rushed when Jess called before she got there.
You took a chance to look up at him and his eyes were glued to the coffee in his hand, his long fingers tracing the rim of the cup and you felt yourself clench when memories of those fingers flashed through your mind. The most gorgeous man you’d ever met, the best sex you’d ever had and it was Jay’s best friend. He would more than likely want nothing more to do with you now. 
Jay bumped your shoulder “Dizzy, I’m used to Mouse being quiet but what’s up with you? Still tired from the tour?” you let a smile slip onto your face “Well I gotta say Halestorm, Dorothy and Reckless Kelly does know how to party” Mouse finally cut his eyes up and a grin slipped onto his face “You were touring with some pretty big names” 
You shrugged “We were Halestorm’s opener. The others we bumped into a couple nights” he grinned “Your band must be pretty awesome” Jay slung an arm around your shoulder “Oh they are. Izzy Hale and her brother happened into a bar they were playing and heard them and approached them about the tour” your smile turned more genuine at hearing Jay’s bragging. 
“It’s not that big of a deal Jay” he raised an eyebrow “Bull. My little sister played in front of tens of thousands over the last year. That’s a big deal” 
You cut your eyes at Mouse “He likes to brag if you haven’t noticed” Mouse laughed “He’s proud sweetheart. Nothing wrong with that but I gotta say he needs to update pictures of you. The last one I saw you had pink and teal hair” Your eyes widened oh god, that was from junior year of high school. “Jay” you scolded and he grimaced “I’m sorry Diz” and you shook your head “I’ll get you some of the promo shots from the tour. I look good and they’re recent” he grinned “Thank you, though Kevin and Adam are probably going to want signed ones”
You shook your head “Kevin can have one but tell Adam he’ll only get one if I sign it to Kim. I’m not even the singer of the band. No one pays attention to the guitarist” “You’re talented as hell Dizzy, plus they like bragging” Will laughed and you shook your head “You’re all insane”
Mouse was finally looking at you by then and a slight smile was on his face “Nothing wrong with your brothers and their friends supporting you” Jay nodded “Thank you man! I need to drag you to a gig soon” you cut your eyes at him “You mean when you aren’t ditching for a date” and he grinned “I said I’m sorry!”
You almost got back to your apartment after breakfast before Mouse  called you. You knew this was coming. Didn’t mean it didn’t hurt a little. You already liked him. “Hello?” “Why didn’t you tell me you’re a Halstead?” you laughed lightly “You weren’t exactly asking there Mouse” 
He laughed then “Guess I could’ve offered my last name too huh?” “Exactly” you sighed as you turned onto your road and pulled up in front of your place and parked. “I guess this is the part where you tell me it was a good time but you don’t want to see me again?” “Now who the hell said that Dizzy?” he asked and a grin slipped onto your face “You’re my brother’s best friend. Jay’s gonna kill you if he finds out you’re sleeping with me”
“If being with you is what takes me out then consider me having died a happy man. Dizzy Halstead, I want to be with you. Last night was amazing. You’re amazing. Jay or no Jay, can we try this thing?” “He can’t find out Greg” you all but whispered and after a moment he said “If that’s what it takes to be with you, I’ll lie to him” “I don’t want to ask that of you” you replied and he groaned “Baby please” 
You closed your eyes at the way his voice made you feel “That’s not fair” he chuckled “I’ll come over tonight. I’ll even get an uber so Jay won’t see my truck. We can get takeout, watch a movie, talk or not talk. I just want to get to know you better” you knew it was a bad idea but you couldn’t resist it “Around eight?” you asked and could damn near see his dimples in his voice when he replied “I’ll see you then Ms Halstead”
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The hardest part of having a boyfriend that you were trying to keep your brothers from knowing you had? When one of your brothers was that boyfriends best friend. You had been gone for a while so whenever Jay was off he wanted to spend time with you, you fucking loved your brothers and you and Jay were always slightly closer than you and Will anyways so hanging with Jay wasn’t the issue. The issue was he always wanted Mouse to join the two of you. “Mouse is my best friend Dizzy. I want two of the most important people to me to get along”
He was forcing you and Mouse into close quarters and it was proving to be harder than either of you thought to keep up a front. Sitting next to each other at a Blackhawks game, hanging out at Jay’s.  Things that shouldn’t have been awkward were because you craved his touch and he craved to touch you. You just didn’t want to risk their friendship should Jay find out because you knew what would happen.
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“Fuck, Greg” he had one of your legs hooked around his waist, hips slamming into yours as he worked you closer and closer to that edge. Your nails bit into his shoulders as that building pressure threatened to burst just as you heard the door of his apartment open followed by Jay’s voice “Yo Mouse”
You scrambled for a pillow to pull over your head as your orgasm hit. Fuck why was this happening? Your legs shook around Mouse as a mixture of pleasure and fear rushed through you. He folded his body over yours, blocking you further. You heard Jay’s footsteps then him say “Oh shit, my bad” followed by Mouse saying “Get the fuck out Man!”
You felt Mouse pull out of you and throw a blanket over your bare body. A few minutes passed before he was to your side, gently pulling the pillow out of your hand “He’s gone baby” you glared at him “Why was he here Greg” A blush graced his cheeks “I forgot I was supposed to meet him at seven” you groaned “My brother was just in the room as I orgasmed Greg! Jay was at the foot of the fucking bed while you were inside of me!” 
“I know this beautiful. I was inside of you” you covered your face with both hands “I gotta get to work” he cut his eyes at the clock “Yeah, shit. I’m sorry” you shrugged “Not like I was complaining. I’ll tell Stella I had an issue with my washer or something” he grinned “Didn’t mean to distract you” you shook your head “My brother was in the room with you inside me. Dear god if he would’ve heard my voice Greg. He would’ve killed you”
Your hands were shaking but he took them both in one of his, “It’s ok baby. I can handle Jay” you shook your hand “That was too damn close. We’re using chain locks from here on out” he grinned “Ok sweetheart”
You were behind the bar with Stella, fixing drinks and handing them out. Jay and Mouse were at the end of the bar and your eyes kept finding them. 
Jay waved you over after a minute so you walked over “If you two are just wanting to talk” but Jay shook his head “Get Mouse a drink on my tab” you raised an eyebrow as you opened the two longnecks “What’s the occasion?” you asked and Jay cut his eyes at Mouse “I interrupted him and a lady friend before we came out tonight” you saw the chance so you took it. “Greg Gerwitz, you dawg. Been hanging out with my brother too long?” you teased as you handed him the beer and saw a blush works its way onto his cheeks as he held your eyes. That unspoke challenge in his eyes.
Someone waved you down from the other side of the bar so you tapped between them “Talk to you two later” and you walked away.
“She’s got a gig next week, you in?” Jay asked Mouse as the two of them talked. Mouse cut his eyes up “Huh?” “Dizzy? Her band has a gig next week. Do you want to come with me to check em out?” he needed to talk to you but if he didn't answer now Jay would think something was off and well “Yeah, sure” he could apologize to you later anyways
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You grabbed Jessica and pulled her to the side “No one saw me leave with Greg that gig right?” she grinned “Oh you like him like him? It’s been, what, six weeks?” you nodded  “And I’d prefer Jay not kill him”
“I got you babe. It’s good to see you happy. No worries no one is gonna bust you out” you let out a breath “Thank you” she grinned “But is Jay single?” and you rolled your eyes “I’ll introduce you two after the show”
Mouse stood with Jay, next to the stage as your band took the stage. Your eyes landed on him and it took everything in him to not grin. You looked so damn natural on that stage. He heard someone make a comment about “the sexy guitarist” and spun around but luckily Jay did too. The man was clearly half in the bottle already “Ease up and let em play man” Jay told him and the two of them turned back to the stage.
Jay shook his head “Fucking asshole” Mouse had half a mind to break the drunk’s jaw. When the first song started his attention was firmly on you. He loved how relaxed you looked while you played. The music was just as amazing even if Jess looked at you and winked after she looked at him and Jay.
“Gonna buy her a beer, bet I can get some of that” the drunk said, clearly about you and Mouse saw when hell hit Jay. His friend spun around “Yo asshole. I’m her big brother. This is her boyfriend. Anyone else wanna talk about the guitarist?” Jay turned in a half circle to look at the crowd before turning back to him and he knew his eyes were wide. 
Jay leaned in and lowered his voice “Sorry about that but nothing makes assholes back off faster than a boyfriend. Do you mind just until we leave here?” Mouse shook his head “Naw, I’ll keep these assholes off D” Jay grinned “Thanks man” then they turned to watch the rest of the set.
When you walked off the stage Jay met you first and pulled you into a hug before whispering in your ear “Mouse is your boyfriend the rest of the night. Some drunks were saying some foul shit” you pulled back and your eyes were probably the size of dinner plates. If only he knew. “Ok” you whispered with a smile then waved Jess over “Jay, you remember Jessica Grovner?” he grinned at her “You grew up good” 
The two of them struck up a conversation so you walked over to Mouse who slipped an arm around your shoulders and tucked you into his side “Guess I’m your boyfriend?” he asked and you shrugged “You’re enjoying this” he nodded “I get to have my arm around you in public without you worrying Jay is gonna try to kill me. I am enjoying the hell out of it”
You shook your head and he directed you back over towards Jay and Jess. Your heart flipped when Jay looked up to see Mouse’s arm around you but then you remembered oh yeah. “Drink?” you asked and Jay nodded “Let’s hit the bar”
You were sitting next to Mouse, talking to Ty and Callian when some sloppy drunk stumbled up. You trusted Ty and Callian to handle it. They did every other time but the moment the drunk even reached for your arm, Mouse’s hand shot out and wrapped around his wrist “Don’t touch women without asking man or I’ll break your damn hand”
Ty and Callian both raised an eyebrow as the man uttered an apology then scampered away once Mouse released his hand. Jay laughed “Damn Mouse, you’re not actually her boyfriend. Could’ve let her boys handle it” Mouse shrugged “They handled it on tour for her. Didn’t hurt me handling it, besides drunks need to keep their hands to themselves” 
Luckily Jay didn’t think anything about it and just shook his head with a laugh “Don’t think he’ll try it again” then turned his attention back to Jess. Ty and Callian on the other hand were eyeing the hell out of you. They seemed way too amused. You shook your head and Ty grinned “We’re gonna get going. See you two ladies in the studio” you winked at him “See ya there”
Jay cut his eyes at Mouse “Can you make sure Dizzy gets home” you looked at Jess and gasped “My brother! You slut” she grinned “What can I say? You Halsteads just do something for me” you shook your head as the two of them left the bar. 
Mouse looked back at you and a grin slipped onto his face “Just me and you, out in public with a reason for my hands to be on you” he pulled you over into his lap and you shook your head “You’re insane” he grinned “About you” and crashed his lips against your.
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true-blue-sonic · 2 months ago
I’ve been crazy ill for the last two days, I am cold all over and have a scorching forehead and runny nose and I keep coughing and my everywhere hurts, would you happen to have any cute Silver thoughts to help out this poor soul? Could be Sonilver or Espilver or neither, up to you
Oh no, I'm sorry to hear! D: I hope you get well soon🍀 Make sure to stay hydrated, and also eat something if you can!! As for Silver...
There's a Taiwanese cafe promo kinda thing with the Sonic cast, and in there it is noted that Silver doesn't have a lot of experience with cooking, so they let him make the drinks. So I imagine he makes an absolutely baller coffee art thing with the milk-pouring! He uses his psychokinesis to create hearts, animals, whole sceneries and what have you with 500% precision, haha. If there's a competition for latte art, his friends would urge him to sign up immediately!
On the topic of Silver and cooking, I think he'd definitely try it out when he's in the past; probably together with Amy. But I think he's just got little eye for what ingredients and flavours would be nice together, and which are... more daring, so to say. So Amy gets him a book he can write down recipes in, so he knows how to make meals he likes <3
I saw in a post from someone else that they thought Sonic and Silver would have monthly spar-dates, and I share the sentiment completely :> Can imagine Silver just coming in like "Want to beat each other up?" and Sonic is like "Absolutely :D" and they just have a go at each other XD But afterwards they can patch up each other's bruises and stuff, and that's very romantic and tender!! Speaking of, I'm writing a fic about the aftermath of the Silver rival battle in Generations, because my POOR BOI gets knocked tf out (entirely through his own actions lol). So Sonic's gotta get him out of there and they can hang out together until Silver's more recovered <3 <3
As for Espio, with winter having come around again I can imagine the Chaotix' Agency is very cold due to high heating bills, so Es gladly uses Silver as his little space heater to get through the months. I don't see the Chaotix as cold-blooded like their real-life counterparts, but I do think they wouldn't appreciate cold weather! But Silver is right there and very fluffy :> And probably also rather concerned with making sure Espio doesn't freeze, haha. But Espio can sleep warm and comfortable with Silver wrapped around him.
And for either Sonic or Espio, them visiting Silver in the future! With Sonic I think Silver would go to nature areas or Zones that are important to him in the past, to see what they look like now. And with Espio, I think Silver would go to libraries or maybe museums so he can learn and look at the culture of the future. Wherever they go, it's guaranteed to be a good time! <3
Hope these help! Take care❤️
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honey-and-sims · 6 months ago
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𝙈𝙮 𝘾𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙘𝙚𝙨𝙨 & 𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜
A while back I received this question asking if I'd mind explaining what my creative process is like and some wanted further explanation about what goes into planning multiple generations & arcs. I do apologize that this is so overdue, and it's literally taken me months to get to. My process is always changing, and I'm constantly adding in pieces that help make the process easier. Because of this, the way I answered the question back then is also quite outdated, at least in terms of how I plan each shoot/post, and I'll hopefully provide further clarification below the cut.
However, first and foremost, I want to say I am by no means an expert and different processes work for different people. Your creative process might look totally different than mine, and that's okay! Whatever keeps you coming back and sharing your work is always going to be the best & most efficient way of doing things.
But I do think it's helpful to get insight into what works for others when you have no clue how to plan things like this, or where to even begin. So, without further ado, here is my process.
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Mainly, I use a website called Milanote. It's super helpful for organization purposes, and it's mostly free. They have free templates you can use, or you can make your own. The only downside to it is you're limited on the number of "cards" that are available to you. They do have a promo that you can use where if you get someone else to sign up, you get more cards, which is what I did.
My main folder basically looks like this:
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The research folder is an unorganized, organized mess and basically just looks like this:
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This is where I keep all my resources, and all of the things I've researched for my story. As you can see, this includes various sources like YouTube videos, various articles, quotes, photos and even some music as well. I like having this all in one place so it's easily accessible for me, but you could just easily keep all of this in a Google or Word doc if you're low on 'cards'.
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Next we have these two sections. Obviously, I had to cover them up to avoid spoilers but I did label them to hopefully provide insight. Essentially, for this decade in particular, there are going to be various arcs happening at once, especially since the children will be growing into adults and laying their foundation is going to become crucial to the story. However, I'm trying to limit myself from having too much going on at once, which is why I try to limit myself to only four arcs playing out at once.
I will also say that Plot's A through C are interconnected, or at least they will be eventually, while Plot D concerns one of the children and will impact things later down the line. This is super important for really tying different ideas together, and making sure random plots don't seem to just pop up out of the blue.
The table for myself helps a lot with this, so that I can easily see what arcs have been started, and how many 'scenes' each one has. I find this to be useful because then I know that none of the arcs are stretching too long, which ones might need more fine tuning and which ones have yet to flourish or even begin.
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Each arc basically has something like this going from beginning to end, essentially following the classic three act structure. Not all of them have five components, some more or less, but generally it ends up being five. Now, this doesn't mean every plot is only five posts or anything like that. Most of the time, the timeline of events needs to be broken off into bite sized pieces and that's okay.
The resolution doesn't always mean a happy ending, and can also serve as a way for me to introduce any new arcs for a specific character, which would then start the process over. You can kind of think about this when watching a lot of television shows. We watch all this build up starting on episode one, and things get more and more intense until we finally reach the season finale. And then woah, with two minutes left of the episode, we see that the character they just thought was dead is actually alive?! Which then leads us into season two.
I do think planning this way could feel really tedious for some, but I like to map things out before I start introducing any arcs so I at least know it isn't a quick "one shot" plot, something without actual purpose or an arc that doesn't really seem to have any sort of end goal that makes logical sense. It also just helps me remember what everyone's up to, especially when there are so many characters to keep track of.
Before I go into the game, I basically write out a "rough draft" of sorts. This includes dialogue, any background noises (things like a clock ticking or the tapping of a pencil), a brief description of each shot/photo (including any post-editing things like adding blur effect), and a summary of what's happening in each panel.
Because I only use one document for this, and clear it out once I complete a scene, I do not have any examples to show from The Baudelaire Legacy, so I created a mock-up scenario in which Ozzy flunks a difficult test at school, as seen below.
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Once I have that written, I plug it into my 'scene planning' board. However, I only include the shot/photos, and the short summary. On Milanote, I also plug in the location, time of day, attire and any pose accessories I might need (so that I remember to create an extra outfit for it). This ends up looking like the example below.
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I typically will only have this open on my second monitor while I'm shooting the scene, and I just tick the boxes as I go along. This is really nice if you have to stop mid-shoot, and helps me pick up where I left off without getting confused.
I do also edit each panel in-between shooting to make sure I'm getting the shots I want, however, I don't encourage everyone to have Photoshop and Sims 4 open at the same time.
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Then we have the character sheets for each of our characters. Right now, I'm only focusing on Lawrence & Winifred (though, the children's arcs are in a 'idea dump' document).
For me, this is the most important piece of the story. One of the reasons shows like The Sopranos and Breaking Bad are considered some of the best writing in television history, is mostly due to the fact that, in my opinion, they prioritize this as well. It's always good to have a strong character in mind before you begin, and this is because you don't want them to step outside themselves.
Of course, your character can change and bend within their environment or plots happening around them, and they certainly should, but you also need to ask yourself if it's being done logically. Asking yourself, 'Why did they end up this way?', 'How did we get here?' and 'How would this character specifically react to an intense situation, stress or hardship?' is crucial when writing a character that feels alive.
Having something like this helps me build their "character arc" and map it out so no one ends up being left in the dust and makes sure that everyone is important in some way. Each of the children will have a sheet created for them once they reach the teen life state as well.
I also use this page as a way to record any quirks, or habits they have. These don't have to be major or super important either. So for example, on Lawrence's character sheet, I have it written down that he wears glasses to read; a very small thing casual readers probably wouldn't even pay attention to, so it feels like an important detail to me.
In addition to Milanote, I also Google Sheets/Docs. This is where I keep my spreadsheet and write / keep a hard copy of my story.
My spreadsheet is basically broken up into four different tabs - one for the main sims information (the Baudelaire's), side household information, my story posts and my ageing table.
My information tables look something like this:
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For story posts, I use @aheathen-conceivably's method of tracking, which you can read about here. The only thing I have added in addition to what she has is a "notes" section, and this where I include any sort of post that doesn't specifically fit into any arc but is still important - things like birthdays, marriages, holidays, etc.
In addition to all of these things, I also use Pinterest to create moodboards for each decade, as well as each character. I like to include all sorts of things like any inspiration I'm drawing from (so, things like Greta Gerwig's Little Women or HBO's Gilded Age), photos, quotes, etc.
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Annnnd that's basically it! I'm hoping this provides some good insight, and is helpful in some way. I know it seems like a lot, but the more you do it, and the more you plan, the more natural it will start to feel. Again, I am not an expert in any way, and it's always difficult to explain your process in this way (and probably why I put off trying to do so for such a long time). So, please feel free to ask for clarification in regards to any part of the above.
Happy Simming ‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃
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beccalovesyu · 9 months ago
Hooked on a feeling
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Pairing: fem! Reader x Hook/ Tyler
Warnings: None really a little bit of swearing and arguing and any grammar mistakes I made
Genre: Angst and a little fluff
< yes im doing a pt. 2 >
( not my gifs )
~• this is my first fic so pls read the notes at the end :) •~
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Backstory: You and Tyler didn’t really talk much. You worked at the same place but never really clicked. It seemed he was always wrestling, eating, or at a club bringing girls to his hotel room.
It was a rainy day. Dynamite started in a hour. You were getting ready when Dante texted you and asked if you wanted to go to a bar after the show.
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< Dante 🍃 …
Dante🍃: “ hey y/n do u wanna go to a bar after the show today? “
Y/n: “ ofc! what time? “
Dante🍃: “ how about 10:30? I’ll pick you up at your hotel “
Y/n: “ that sounds great! I’ll be ready and waiting! “
➕ ( | 🎤 )
q w e r t y u i o p
a s d f g h j k l
⬆️ z x c v b n m ⬅️
123 | Space | return
😀 🎤
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ •~
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At the show :
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U were in the Gloria waiting for your music to hit you were going to face Anna Jay. Your music hit and you were pumped. You went out and had fun. Anna was a good friend of yours so when your match got announced you were excited. You hit Anna with a code red and then your finisher the moon salt. You pinned Anna 1… 2… 3… you beat Anna.
After the match you shook Anna’s hand as a sign of respect. Both of you went back stage after your match and were talking when she asked if you hand any plans.
Anna: “ you have any plans tonight? “
Y/n: “ yeah im going to a bar with Dante “
Anna: “ like a date? “
Y/n: “ Anna he’s like a brother to me we’re just hanging out “
Anna: “ Alright but let me know if anything happens “
You laughed a bit. You and Anna went to the viewing room. Usually after one of your matches or a promo you watched the show together. You guys kinda just talked most of the time. Not really watching the show it was more of a catch up. When you guys went to the viewing room you seen whose match it was. It was Tyler’s match. You never really talked but had a few conversations here and there. You thought he was cute obviously but the lack of expression on his face and lack of speech never really gave you any signals so you assumed that he wouldn’t really go for you. His music hit and your eyes were glued to the screen. Anna tried to talk to you but usually got a yeah or ok or sometimes a that sounds good but you weren’t really listening. You were watching Him. Anna picked up after a bit and teased you.
Anna: “ hey y/n you like your boyfriend’s match so far? “
Y/n: “ yeah, huh? wait what? “
You payed attention real quick. Anna laughed at you.
Anna: “ you so think Ty is cute “
Y/n: “ do not “
Anna: “ you so do I can tell “
Y/n: “ sure Anna “
Anna: “ is it just you and Dante going to the bar? “
Y/n: “ im not sure but I guess I’ll find out “
Anna: “ let me know what happens at the bar with Him if he goes “
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He’s not going. Right? That got you thinking what if he did come? How would you talk to Him? It always seems like you talk and he never listens he doesn’t really talk to you. Anna said she would help you get ready. Of course you said yes. Anna helped you do your makeup and gave you some clothes. You wore ripped jeans and a Red Lacey top. You waited outside of your hotel waiting for Dante. You waited for about 15 minutes. It wasn’t Dante’s fault you were early. But it was cold and you didn’t have a jacket. You were shivering. you were freezing. Finally you seen Dante’s car and rushed over to it. When you got in the back seat someone was there to “ greet you “ it was Him. You were still cold and shivering. You said hi to Dante and hi to Ty but all he did was give you a death glare while eating his chips.
Y/n: “ alright then “
Tyler: “ you cold? “
Y/n: “ im fine “
Tyler: “ you want my hoodie? “
Y/n: “ I said I was fine “
Then he took off his hoodie and handed it to you.
Tyler: “ it’s to cold to be wearing that anyway “
Y/n: “ mhm thanks “
Tyler: “ yeah “
Your pov:
You put his hoodie on. You liked it but didn’t show it. The rest of the car ride was silent except for the chip bag that Tyler was eating out of. We got to the bar and we all walked in. Tyler already seen his hookup for the night. You seen his eyes go to her. You were a little jealous but that didn’t stop you from having a good time. The bar tender was pretty cute but not Tyler cute. You still thought you would at least try. At least he actually talked to you and actually listened to what you had to say. You looked over at Tyler who looked to be giving you a death glare. Or maybe it was The bartender? Probably both of us.
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His pov:
I seen a girl when I walked in. I knew her from somewhere. It turned out she went to my high school. I walked over to her to catch up. We haven’t talked in ages. After I was done talking to her I walked back over to Dante. I started talking to him but I seen Her Y/n she was flirting with The bartender. It seemed like she always was upset or had an attitude when she tried to talk to me. I wanted to talk to Her but I never knew what to say. Dante kept trying to talk to me.
Dante: “ but then I was like.. hey man you Ok? “
Tyler: “ im fine “
Dante: “ your death starring y/n and the bartender “
Tyler: “ im not “
Dante: “ I can tell you’re on edge “
Tyler: “ it’s nothing “
Dante: “ listen I see the way she looks at you she so likes you don’t worry dude “
Tyler: “ whatever Dante “
I zoned out looking at them when she started waking towards me.
Your pov:
I was sick of Him looking at me like that. I walked up to Him and asked what his problem was.
Y/n: “ what’s your problem? “
Tyler: “ nothing your just basically giving The bartender a lap dance “
Y/n: “ why do you care don’t you have a whore to fuck? “
Tyler: “ do you think that’s all I do? “
Y/n: “ it is all you do. You don’t even talk when someone talks to you you just say your listening when your not. “
Tyler: “ well it’s hard to talk to someone with a constant attitude “
Y/n: “ it’s hard to talk to somebody with no emotion. “
Tyler: “ I have emotions im still a human y/n “
Y/n: “ it doesn’t seem like it you don’t even look for a relationship you just fuck people like your collecting cards. “
Tyler: “ collecting cards? “
Y/n: “ yes, and when someone try’s to talk to you, you just sit there and don’t even pay attention. “
Tyler: “ I do pay attention. I pay more attention then you think “
Y/n: “ more attention to hookups “
Tyler: “ I hear more then you think y/n “
Y/n: “ what do you hear other then girls moaning in your ear? “
Tyler: “ no I hear you say im a piece of shit because I don’t listen to anything. When you were upset about losing your title I listened. When you were talking about your new gear you were excited for I listened. When you were talking about how excited you were about your match with Anna I listened. I hear a lot. “
Y/n: “ im sorry I didn’t know you actually heard me. “
Tyler: “ who wouldn’t listen to you “
You heard Him say it he listened to you. You felt so bad about all the times you left the conversation because you didn’t think he heard you, or the times you talked to the girls in catering about it always seems like a one sided conversation, or that he didn’t listen and all he cared about were hookups. You didn’t know how to make it up to Him.
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Hey this is my first fic so sorry if it’s not perfect I did try to proof read and I even got a friends opinion I was debating on not posting this and giving up but with a lot of motivation from my friends Abby and Kinsey I actually did post it Lmk if I should fix anything or any tips about writing TYSM FOR READING 🫶
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daredevilexchange · 1 year ago
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Have you always craved more Punisher/Cap, Daredevil/She Hulk, Elektra/Echo, Mike Murdock/Loki? Are you dreaming of Karen Page/Pepper Potts or Foggy Nelson/Frank Castle? You've come to the right place!
Sign up here for DDE's Rarepair Minibang!
All iterations of Our Faves are welcome - comics, TV, and even film versions!
Signing up means that you can submit art and/or fic, and that you will have access to claims. Not signing up means no access to claims. You can both submit and claim, and you do not have to submit something in order to claim something else!
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Here are the options: - This is both a regular and a reverse bang, meaning you can submit art and/or fic for claims. - You can go the traditional route: submit your work and let people claim! - You can already have a partner in mind, in which case both of you must fill the sign-up form and let me know who your partner is.
What are the criteria? - Fanfic: 1.500 words minimum, must be beta-ed. 500 words only needed for submissions! - Art: one piece minimum. A sketch is fine for submissions! What type of art? Traditional: drawing, painting… or non-conventional: pottery, felt art, gifsets (6 gifs min), fanmixes (6 pieces of music + cover), embroidery, dollhouses, podfic, bookbinding… All visual art must be accompanied with a description.
What is a rarepair? If there are over 1,000 English-language works on AO3 as otp:true (aka, they’re the main ship), then it’s not a rarepair. Excluded as of the time of this FAQ (might be updated): Matt/Foggy, Matt/Frank, Matt/Reader, Frank/Karen. Let me know if you find others, or ask me to check! Your rarepair (or OT+) must include at least one of the characters from the Daredevil, Defenders, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, Punisher comics, TV shows, or movies... the rest is up to you :D
The schedule: Signups & submissions open until March 17 Claims: right after. Posting: depending on the number of teams, starting mid-May.
More details in the FAQ (open in a browser page, not the app) below or on DW. Any further questions not answered in the FAQ / on DW? Just send an ask!
Spread the word!
@thebigbangblogproject @marvel-events-central @trackmarvel @nmcunyc @fanwork-exchange-promos
Bangin’ banner by MissMoochy !
Fanart of Danny Rand, Frank Castle, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and Matt Murdock from the Netflix Marvel TV shows. All five characters are standing behind a table. Danny is wearing a green shirt, smiling gently with his eyes closed. He is holding voodoo dolls of Stick and Alexandra. There are pins in the dolls' hearts. Frank is wearing his Punisher skull t-shirt but the skull has hearts for eyes. Frank is ripping the head off a Fisk voodoo doll and smirking. There is a doll of Bullseye on the table in front of him. Both dolls have pins stuck in them all over. Luke wearing a black and yellow hoody over a black t-shirt and a yellow beanie hat. He is looking with concern at Frank and holding voodoo dolls of Elektra Natchios and Malcolm Ducasse. Jessica is wearing a black jacket over a purple top. She is frowning and sticking a pin into a voodoo doll of Misty Knight and has a doll of Trisha Walker in her jacket pocket. Matt is wearing a red shirt and red sunglasses. He looks worried and is cuddling voodoo dolls of Karen Page and Foggy Nelson. There are doll hearts and pins on the table in front of him. The table is black and the background is pink.
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bangtanhoneys · 2 years ago
Who am I? Seokjin & Grace
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ARMY’s had taken to Twitter the moment the FESTA 2022 video had been posted, all panicking at the word ‘hiatus’ in the subtitles. The HYBE stocks had taken a hard knock at the news, though they picked back up at Jungkook’s V-LIVE that was posted a day or two afterwards. However, the one thing that ARMY had noticed that their usually easygoing noona was being unusually quiet as she sat between Yoongi and Jin.
She had engaged and laughed when needed but when the focus hadn’t been on her or she didn’t need to say anything, she had gone quiet and picked at her food. Jin had also been uncharacteristically quiet and no amount of reassuring from BigHit about their female artist was quelling ARMY’s worries or rumours. Local media was also reporting on ARMY’s questions about whether the break was going to lead to Grace quitting BTS to go it alone. There was also no sign of her long awaited mixtape or any kind of music like the boys had been hinting at. 
Radio silence had formed around Korea’s Noona. 
Then came Busan and Grace was back to her usual self, her performance gaining highly rated reviews at how she was able to pull off her dance moves in the clothes they had put her in, in the heels and for the fact that no one had actually heard her sing since the last time BTS were on stage. 
And then came the news Seokjin was going to cancel the delay for his military service and he would be going to enlist in December. 
Grace’s life as she knew it came to abrupt halt.
“I don’t know who I am anymore,” Grace admitted as she stared at her tea that Jin had made when the news had been announced that morning. Even though they were a couple, they had agreed to live separately for now until he came back from his service, though that didn’t mean they couldn’t have ‘sleepovers.’ Jin had woken up that morning to find his partner in front of her living room window, overlooking the gardens of the compound. 
“Who do you think you are?” he asked, sitting down on her opposite side and stared at his own coffee. 
Military plans were always going to come and he had wanted to go just after what would have been the end of their Map of the Soul tour but then the pandemic came, Butter came, Permission to Dance and everything else. Now he could finally go, with the rest of the boys to follow. 
However, it meant that Grace would be on her own for the first time. She would be the one to represent BTS, represent BigHit as a solo artist, to represent their legacy, their songs and their performances. She would have to do that all alone, without none of the boys there to support her.
Grace had been their silent support during various solo promotions: she had been there for Yoongi’s Agust D, Namjoon’s Indigo, J-Hope’s first mixtape then his first album, Jungkook’s various solo projects, Jimin’s first solo album and Taehyung’s various modelling careers. And she had always been there for Jin's various solos, promos and more.
But they wouldn’t be there for hers. 
“I’ve finally got comfortable being the only member of BTS, and being the only female at BigHit. I’ve finally found my footing…but without you guys, who am I? Who can I claim to be? I’ve got nothing.”
Jin reached over to brush her long hair away from her eyes, using his thumb to brush away the tears she finally allowed to flow.
“Who am I without you?” she whispered, turning to meet Jin’s gaze. 
“For starters, you’re Grace Chu - BigHit’s first female trainee, Namjoon’s trainer, J-Hope’s sunshine, Yoongi’s support, Jimin’s comforter, Taehyung’s translator and Jungkook’s mother. You’re known as Korea’s Noona, ARMY’s queen, England’s rose,” Jin took hold of her hand and pressed the back of it to his lips. “Love of my life.”
“You’ve got a whole team ready to stand behind you and I know you’ve got plans, things you want to do. BTS isn’t BTS without you and I can’t think of no other person who is going to represent us and ARMY to the rest of the world.”
For Grace, there was always going to be the unsettling feeling that the boys were looking forward to their solo projects and she couldn’t be more proud of them but for her, it was BTS or nothing. She couldn’t perform without her boys.
However, she would later prove herself wrong when she was called into Bang’s office and he began to personally oversee her solo career and endorsements. Sejin was recalled to be her manager, she got her own make up team and stylists from the BTS crew and the boys bodyguards became her own. To make her feel comfortable, it was the same team that she had worked with before. 
Her worries remained with her each time she saw her boys off and when she got on stage on her own, but she would countdown the days until 2025 when they all would be reunited. 
Grace turned away from her tea, glanced towards the window and felt Jin settle behind her, pulling her back against his chest. “I’ll be with you every step of the way. You know I’ll contact you every chance I get, and I’ll see you when I can. You’ll just have to get used to being a military wife, like ARMY has to.”
Hearing Jin’s signature laugh, the mood broke and Grace laughed as she sighed. “Always have to ruin the mood. What do you mean wife?!”
She never got the answer to that question. 
Note: Today is the 10th Anniversary for BTS and ARMY. From me to you guys, enjoy a little bit of angst on this fine day because hahahahaha...sorry.
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jmdbjk · 2 years ago
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So I'm writing this because of a convo with my bestie who said:
"Ferg, have you considered writing a blog addressing the wrong headed assumption that the members were "forced" to create the Festa content that we got today? How the people pushing that agenda are not looking at what was happening in their lives at the time said content was filmed. They always want us to have pictures and music at Festa. They WANT to create that content. If they were "forced" it wasn't by the company, it was by the calendar and the government. With no (military) exemption, they understood that the only time to come up with OT7 music or pictures was before mid December (2022). And drilling down, the only time was in October. RIGHT when they hit the final acceptance that they would all start enlisting and the foreseeable future was actually not foreseeable at all. Their hearts were extra heavy that within a few weeks they would say goodbye to Jin. Yoongi was dealing with severe writers block and, I think, feeling guilty that he was going to miss his deadline for the first time EVER. RM was working toward the release of Indigo. Kookie was looking at heading to Qatar. Yada yada. So with all that....they had to try and look light hearted. They didn't. The anxious vibes come right off the screen. We all feel it but many are not interpreting it right. You know, the ones who already are quick to blame everything on the company."
Or the ones who only view everything through a shipper or solo lens and say the guys hate each other.
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The members, who filmed this video months ago, filmed this with pure sincerity and love for us knowing they would not all be available to do anything for us for their 10th Anniversary Festa in June 2023. How must that have felt to them? To know that their milestone 10th Anniversary would not play out like they had envisioned way back in 2020? They thought they'd start enlisting by the end of 2020 and be finished with MS by now, so they'd be together in 2023. They had to try to come up with something spectacular for us and for themselves so that 3 years after that hot mess, we could celebrate with them. They deserve to celebrate themselves as well, they worked so hard over the past ten years.
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Its the end of 2022. They looked a little tired. We know 2022 had some heartbreaking moments for them. By this time they were juggling their own projects AND the Busan concert preparation.
Hobi was ever-present sunshine, yet maybe he had a lot on his mind? Was he already thinking about his next projects and starting to contemplate an earlier than planned enlistment? We know Yoongi was trying to put finishing touches on D-Day. We know Jimin was working on at least one collab as well as his own MV concepts and promotion activities for Face and working out details for his fashion ambassadorships. Tae was busy exploring new things with fashion brands and tv shows. RM was finalizing his Indigo promotions. Jin was about to announce his enlistment plans. JK was prepping for Qatar. And here they were thinking ahead to June 2023.
I think they filmed this Festa video within days of the Busan concert. Either before or after. Remember we had a VHopeKookMin live right after the concert. I would also venture to say they also filmed this the same day as the Festa photoshoot (Love Myself campaign promo released end of November 2022):
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Yet they still thoughtfully planned and executed things to be released for Festa. Concepts were conceptualized and the company took it from there and we see they've done a great job procuring deep-pocketed sponsors.
I don't understand the whole "they need to go start their own label" mindset either. I've already said it several times... they already did that, it's called BigHit Music. If BTS don't re-sign a contract its because they are retiring from releasing music. What IS plausible is a member or two starting an independent label for other up-and-coming artists so they can write and/or produce for them... all still under the HYBE umbrella.
During this solo era, I want to say things like "I think we can all agree ... [insert almost anything]" but I can't say that these days because, in my opinion, the fandom (on Twitter and other soc med platforms) has fractured into so many different factions who seem to spend a lot of time pitting themselves against other parts of the fandom for everything and anything they can find to nitpick, criticize, compare and compete with, to be angry about, that no one agrees on anything. This member is better than that member or ... and this one galls me... the company is forcing them to do this or that OR [insert member's name] sabatoged [insert other member's name].
Twitter Army yelling at Weverse Army "YOU'RE NOT DOING IT RIGHT!" Who designated Twitter Army as the dictator of all things BTS?
People berating others for not streaming the music, or trying to humiliate followers into streaming 'CORRECTLY'. The conspiracy theorists–don't get me started on that. The dissatisfaction with how the solo projects have rolled out. The constant comparison and competition of which member has the most streams in a certain time frame, who has the most songs on the chart for the longest, fastest, more countries, more collabs, more awards...whatever... It's all "my way or the highway/[member name] is the best" and it is really disappointing and tiresome to see the enormous waste of energy.
And if you are still reading, I am totally on board with what another blogger said the other day about how the entire Kpop fandom has this Kpop culture mindset deeply rooted in their way of thinking. It colors their view of EVERYTHING: that artists are treated badly by their record labels/entertainment companies to the point of being physically abused, artists are not paid well, artists are forced to do things and play roles... adhere to strict rules, etc.. because that's how the oldest companies started and some are still operating today (looking at you SM Entertainment).
That "business model" may have been "the way" in the beginning of the kpop industry because no one stood up and called them out on it. So people have come to think EVERY entertainment company operates that way when we've been shown and told over and over by many HYBE employees that its a great place to work. MANY people OUTSIDE the company, staff and other people in the music industry including other artists are blown away at the innovation and forward thinking of the company and we've even heard the members themselves say that they love their company.
Of course no company is perfect, there will be mistakes made, bad decisions, wrong projections, etc. but out of all the entertainment companies, BigHit, Bang PD and BTS have strived to change the system from the start and our own "fans" are being brainless shitheads and talking trash.
Also, HYBE can't come over here to the United States and start auditioning young people for new groups if they are operating like SM Entertainment. That shit ain't gonna fly over here. You'll have a lawsuit in a blink of an eye as soon as someone gets a whiff of sexual harassment or physical abuse of a minor. A carefully built and protected reputation would be ruined, not just Hybe's but BTS's and every other artist under Hybe's labels as well.
Yes, some things we've seen make us scratch our heads... the tight back to back release of Jimin and Yoongi's work had us all wondering what happened. Yes, Jimin's very abbreviated promotion period for Face was frustrating and disappointing. But no one knows what went on behind the scenes. If neither Jimin or Yoongi comes out and tells us what happened then I will just move forward like they are. If either of them made a mistake, we might not ever know of it, but they will correct it going forward. If the company was the one who miscalculated, they too will correct that in the future. We can call it out when we see it happening but there is no reason to dwell on it. I don't see anything positive or productive about the continued pointing fingers to blame, holding grudges and continuing to speak negatively when it's plain the members of BTS love us, work hard to show us that and deserve only to see our love reflecting back at them.
Ok so I've ranted long enough.
[Public Service Announcement: if I don't talk enough about your favorite member, or if I don't say things you want to hear about whatever is your hill you chose to die on, there is a block button way up there and also this nifty thing you can do called "scroll" that lets you ... wait for it... scroll! past my blog post so you don't have to expose yourself to my words. Its not that hard. Really. Otherwise, its all on you.]
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alarrytale · 9 months ago
Hello Marte! I´m sure you saw or at least read what SC said about not owning 1D name and regreting it and I´m suprised it´s not talked about at your blog as well. I can guess all opinions about this from literally every larrie blog are basically the same so I guess you share the same - we know SC is evil and he would put boys through much bigger hell if he´d own the band´s name. Anyway what I wanted to share is that since that interview I got a feeling that if there will be a 1D reunion, it will be when SC will be gone for good like you know what I mean. Because boys will make sure they won´t make any more money to him with their reunion and so when the reunion will happen it will be because they want to not because they have to. So I guess this will happen in like 20 years according to SC´s age. And second thing is that I have a bad feeling from the way SC once again prooved he´s in fact an evil person and took not only boys but also other artists just like a product, there are a lot of secrets and traumas that will come out when he will be gone. So I just got into thinking there will be a document about him and it will be something as shocking as that one about M.J*ckson few years ago. No idea how much the music industry will change in like 20-25 years so not sure how much expose will be allowed but when talking about SC at least Louis and Liam (aka those two have the most trauma inside imo and with Louis is even worse because of his closet and bbg) will surely tell everything if they will be allowed by that time. You know, I just have a feeling we no way know anything actually what SC had done and it will be revealed after he´ll be gone.
So Simon Cowell can’t use the band’s name, create anything with their likeness, & can’t tour if all of them don’t agree, but we larries still think Harry & Louis are under a contract with Simon that are forcing them in the closet? I'm confused now
Hi, anons!
Sorry, i've been a bit busy and i can't keep up with all my asks.
Yes, we all agree that SC is evil and that he's done despicable things to a bunch of his acts in the name of making money. What i'm not so sure about is why he said what he said.
We know SC went on that podcast (or whatever it was) to get promo for his new boyband show, and he got the promo he wanted because of the provoking statement he made. So it must have been calculated and intentional. I also wonder if he admitted to having regrets and wanting something he can't have, because he knows he's got the last laugh, because Sony (his parent company when he ran Syco), owns and controls their images. SC also makes it appear like 1D is the one with the power, and that they're now free of SC. Which they are, because SC was just a middleman between 1D and Sony, but they are not free from the contracts SC made them sign. Not at all.
I'm also not entirely sure that we can trust SC's words and that everything he says is true. I think people in this fandom jump to conclusion a bit too fast, because he said something they want to hear, instead of asking themselves why he said what he did and how that's serving SC himself. SC also said that he doesn’t think there will be a 1D reunion. If 1D still got deliverables to Sony (a greatest hits album was reported on as part of their contract, and that isn't fulfilled yet), then they might be able to force them back together at some point (when they can't squeeze more out of H...). If 1D owns the One Direction name and use, that isn't of much help when Syco (and Sony) controls the images of it's band members.
We also know from contracts and from tabloid reports that anyone under a Cowe*l contract aren't allowed to speak ill of him or put him in a bad light. He can also use people contracted to him to defend himself from critisism (i think that was reported on in a tabloid one time). Eta. found it.
The contract has hundreds of clauses, one of which states it to be enforceable anywhere “in the world and solar system”.
Clause 32.4 says artists must not make any statement which “may be considered unduly negative, critical or derogatory of the Company – including its personnel and, in particular, Simon Cowell”.
So when Helene Horlyck is out there singing SC's praises, remember she was under contract on txf at the time...
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blowflyfag · 22 days ago
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WOW MAGAZINE : march 2000 vol. 1 Issue 11
Dudleys are Duds
The Dudley Boyz went from ECW tag champs to WWF tag chumps
The Dudley Boyz are an odd sight. They wear tie-dyed T-shirts and glasses that make them look more like classroom nerds than wrestling ring bullies.
D-Von Dudley’s attire consists of short, black overalls over his T-shirt. Buh Buh Ray Dudley’s shirt goes untucked, leaving little to be imagined around the midsection. His Confederate flag bandana adds yet another dimension to a team that appears to be a collection of opposites. 
Despite their unconventional appearance, The Dudelys have failed to stand out since jumping to the World Wrestling Federation from Extreme Championship Wrestling in August 1999.
[Curtis Hughes takes out D-Von and Buh Buh Ray with a double clothesline.]
Dudleys’ WWF debut
The eight-time ECW world tag team champions and popular heels debuted on Smackdown Sept. 2, 1999 with a reputation for excelling in hardcore matches. That night, D-Von and Buh Buh Ray Dudley [real names: Devon Hughes and Mark Lomonica, respectively] looked like they were picking up where they left off in ECW.
During a match between Edge and Christian and The Acolytes, The Dudleys walked down the ramp carrying two-by-fours and started swinging. Commentators Michael Cole and Jerry “The King” Lawler played into the situation, wondering aloud who these two outsiders were and from where these men had come.
Edge and Christian and The Acolytes stood outside the ring staring blankly at the two wrestlers who had just caused a double disqualification. Unfortunately for The Dudley’s and the WWF, many fans were doing the same, and many still are.
Dudley job squad
In the months since the Smackdown debut, the WWF and The Dudleys have not been able to turn the duo’s ECW success into WWF glory. While the team chalked up a few victories in late 1999 (including beating Kurt Angle and Steve Blackman on the Dec. 9 Smackdown and Kane and X-Pac on the Oct. 28 Smackdown), The Dudley’s have been relegated largely to jobbing to more established tag teams including The Acolytes, The Hardy Boyz and the team of Edge and Christian.
While in WCW, D-Von and Buh Buh Ray Dudley were part of the federation’s most despised group. Along with Spike and Sign Guy Dudley, The Dudley Boyz developed a reputation for cutting biting promos and inciting near riots with their disparaging remarks toward fans.
D-Von and Buh Buh Ray Dudley had instant chemistry. Their Dudley Death Drop (3-D) tandem move - where the opponent is punished in a combination of a back body drop and a version of the diamond cutter - became a fear-inspiring finisher. Toward the end of their ECW run, the Dudleys added a twist on the 3-D by putting opponents through flaming tables
[Buh Buh Ray Dudley (above) and D-Von Dudley]
The Dudleys’ popularity and teamwork raised the eyebrows of WWF officials. So did another ECW move that forced WWF to react.
Just weeks before The Dudleys left, ECW signed a contract with TTN that gave the federation its first national, cable television deal. Until that point, ECW had limited exposure. Live shows were performed in smaller venues in front of rowdier, hardcore fans. Since ECW’s existing syndicated television show was difficult t o find on some cable systems, many casual wrestling fans did not know the federation existed.
WWF raids competition
The WWF had seen enough from ECW to know that a third major wrestling federation could be developing. The easiest way for the WWF to make sure ECW didn’t make too big of a splash was to raid the roster of talent, no matter how obscure the performers may have been on a national level.
The Dudleys got caught in the middle. The WWF offered Hughes and Lomonica a substantial raise and told them they would be worked into storylines immediately. The WWF didn't need another tag team. It just wanted to make sure ECW didn't have its top one as it went national on TNN.
“I wish they wouldn't have left,” Tazz wrote about The Dudley Boyz on his Web site (www.tazmission.com) on Aug 4. “But business is business, and they deserve it. They are the hardest working tag team I have ever seen in my 13 years in the business.”
‘The Dudleys came in and not a lot of people knew who they were.’
-anonymous WWF tag team wrestler
Turn Dudleys loose
While the money might be good, The Dudleys are going to need to work overtime to make their WWF run a success. In the current WWF tag team structure, the Dudleys have yet to find a niche. Because of their bigger size, they don’t work well with high-flyers like Edge and CHristyian or The Hardys, two young teams the WWF is pushing.
The Dudleys need to be set loose. They have yet to reclaim ECW-like glory on the microphone because the WWF hasn’t allowed them to. In his first few months in the WWF, Buh Buh Ray revived his old stuttering gimmick from ECW, but he earned few laughs and little legitimate heat. The two haven’t had an extended interview and only recently were they involved in angles with the top tag teams. 
“The Dudleys came in and not a lot of people knew who they were,” said a WWF tag team wrestler who asked to remain anonymous. “At that time, ECW was still only a common name to a handful of wrestling fans. They didn’t have a lot of time to develop their characters because they were thrown right in there. Here, you normally have to pay your dues. The WWF is far, and I think if (The Dudleys) keep going along with what they're told, there will be good things to come for them.”
[Buh Buh Ray’s stuttering gimmick re-emerged when he joined the WWF.]
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steamedtangerine · 8 months ago
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King Photo
McNichols (6 Mile) and Edinborough (right across from the Fellowship Chapel where I found my first discarded porno mag to call my own in the alley behind it-ahhh, Players). In the Rosedale Park subdivision Detroit, MI
My mom worked there for most of the 80s-half that time it was strictly a photo developing place, and then in 1984, they expanded to be a neighborhood video rental (BETA & VHS - pre-Blockbuster). Her boss was nice to her and let her borrow a used VHS player, until we could buy it off him. Every other night, she brought home a free flick for us to watch, and we didn't have cable yet.
She got to meet a few local celebrities. Many of them boxers (Thomas Hearns, Milt McCrory, Leon Spinks, etc.) and promoters like Emmanuel Steward. She also got to meet Gil Hill (actor, homicide chief, and failed mayoral candidate) who signed a Beverly Hills Cop 2 Eddie Murphy promo stand-up for her boss let her take home (God, those wonderful promo stand-ups that used to sit in our living room for things like Alfred Hitchcock reissues or Ghostbusters).
My friends and I would go hang out around the alley and find discarded things like old fluorescent tubing we could duel with (because it was all about safety with us unsupervised bunch)-that later became one of my safe spots to get away with juvenile smoking. On hot days, we'd go inside and enjoy the air conditioning, talk to one of the nice co-workers my mom worked with, or play with the black cat (Shadow) that hunted mice in the back storeroom. If the gal had her back turned, we'd try to sneak a peek at the "discretionary request guidebook" of adult videos (a binder book with the carton faces of the porno flicks) off to the side and run out snickering.
There was a bookstore that opened up two doors down run by a Dominican man. He sold AD&D stuff, and my friend got some of his earliest TMNT (pre-cartoon) comics and even odder stuff like Samurai Cat, Fish police, or even questionable stuff by Barry Blair (which really freaked me out) from him. I once had an odd monochromatic dream where I saw the window outside busted and the cash register missing. The next day, his window was, indeed busted and patched, and someone had made off with his heavy-ass cash register.
One day, the cops raided the photo store and hauled my mom's boss off. He claimed that a disgruntled ex-employee planted drugs on the premises. However, he was concerned because we all knew Detroit cops were crooked as hell, and his brother was already finding out stuff was turning up missing. We all knew he had some pre-copyguard knock-off videos he pirated, so as a favor my mom let him store every single tape (and a few players) in giant stacks in our back den. Guess who was the most popular kid that summer? My parents thought they were so slick burying the white-boxed pornos in the far back in the bottom, but I scaled the initial tall barrier they created like Sir Edmund Hilary to get at that stuff.
It was later found out that her boss was crooked and was slinging drugs out of there on the side. Some of the guys he worked with were crooked cops. Looking back, it's kind of scary to think that our family could have been destroyed if the cops turned their attention to our house at that time...cuz' honestly, my mom, though not without some tremendous instincts at times, she can be beautifully and cartoonishly naive at times. Luckily, she was able to break free and find similar photo developing work out in Dearborn for a cool guy.
Thanks for peering into my summer memories.
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megaawkwardhuman · 2 years ago
after a rollercoaster of a week for me y'all have NO IDEA how happy this makes me to say but
THE TRAILER FOR SEASON 5 IS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and that means looking far too much into it!!!!! :D
OK so I have A LOT of thoughts so I'm going to do bullet points
right off the bat (hehehhe bat) nandor never fucking change XD love how he thought that would work
oh yeah speaking of nandor we have a scary lack of him in the trailer or at least what he's going to do this season (mom pick me up I'm scared for my cringefail)
to say what's on everyone's mind OH MY FUCKING GOD FINALLY LET'S GOOOOOOO
well at some point? by the looks of it we're kinda getting a have your cake and eat it too when it comes to guillermo being a vampire and ngl kinda upset about it if it's going how I think it's going
I swear if he's practically normal until the very fucking end I will raise HELL
also I love how chaotic his turning is XD
colin for office babyyyyyyyy
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also (DON'T QUOTE ME ON THIS) I think this is the first time we're seeing colin flirt/do anything remotely romantic or whatever to a dude in the show (which confirms that every main character is queer but we already knew that lol)
the scene with the microphone woke me up (well so did vamp guillermo but the mic REALLY woke me up)
so the guy in the promo WAS nandor huh
love how outdated laszlo's medical stuff is
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d-did nandor bring guillermo to a basketball game out of jealousy?
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nadja pouring coffee on her date's plate XD
ayyyy the sire!
ok I'm assuming part of nadja's and colin's plots will revolve around getting a date??????
I'm assuming the store nandor is at is a hot topic/spencer's stand in
if it is PLZ LET THERE BE A LOOKING AT THE BACK OF SPENCER'S SCENE (for those who have never step foot in a spencer's it's basically a common mall store that has edgy shit and the back is known for having sex toys and other nsfw shit in it think of it as the edgy older brother of hot topic)
"that's how we all learn" UHHH TF!??!
glad to see laszlo accept guillermo and help him learn how to vampire :) (let's hope the others will)
by the looks of it nadja and colin's plots will at some point involve dating??????
AWWWWWW charmaine is supportive of sean
this has been said a million times but NANDOR IS FUCKING CUTE IN HIS SEAN COMING OUT OUTFIT!!!!!! THE LITTLE BELLY!!!!!!!
if I remember correctly (AND I REALLY HOPE I'M WRONG) but the last time we saw nandor THIS happy was during the wellness canter cluster fuck so I'm REALLY glad he's going to be happy this season
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YOOOO SEASON 4.5?????? (1 I know it was a talk show in 4.5 2 yeah I made this joke already XD)
theory: whatever happened the guide is happening to nadja
the only thing to back it up: they both be blonde
THE GUIDEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I MEAN SURE I GUESS???????????????
I'm assuming that what he said is in reaction to him being told he's a dhampir or he's immune or something like that
hUh weird but ok????
and finally WHAT'S WITH THE MOON SHIT?????
theory: guillermo only shows signs of being a vampire at night which is why he can go out during the day without being burnt to a crisp
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cerenemuxse · 2 years ago
Finished another Magma board /.w./
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First time drawing Arthur! (Not really. First time I drew him was only his face though.
I tried painting his face as best as I could. He looks a little "meh." I gave him three moles for a but more detail. I actually have an idea on the new layout for thise moles. >:] (btw CGI Emily's face looks like Arthur's face. They look too similar.) He's mostly the same apart from his real life basis, which is LMS 1203 instead, and the lettering on his tanks is NWR instead of LMS. He was one of the many engines saved from scrapping, Emily being the first.
Also drew Rebecca and oh my goodness, she's absolutely adorable. Very out of proportion and not accurate but very cute. Look her happy face. <3 I love her sm. I decided to use her real-life basis' current livery, which is SR Malachite Green with Sunshine Yellow lining and lettering. Might add some red for additional lining (making it look similar to the BR livery, the only real livery worn during their service). Her basis is 92 Squadron, btw!
Remember those T&F and Sailor Moon connections I made awhile ago? Yeah, here you go. >:]
Here's whose who:
Edward - Sailor Moon
Rebecca - Sailor Venus
James - Sailor Jupiter
All of these were based off that promo containing the entire Steam Team (old and new) with a few guests labeled with Zodiac signs. I was surprised to find Edward be labeled as a Cancer (which is my Zodiac sign!!! :D). James was labeled as a Sagittarius and Rebecca was labeled as a Libra.
And meet a new OC, Chelsea! Her real-life basis is BR W14 Fishbourne. She existed because of the Little Blue Tank Engine found in the early books of the RWS.
Her face is supposed to resemble a fish. Her eyes and eyelashes resemble fins. Her irises are based on actual fish eyes. The creases underneath her eyes resemble gills. Her lips resemble the lips of a fish. Pouty and cute, right?
And then Debra! She belongs to my friend @nightsinfoxx15. She was fun to draw though it feels like I could've done better, tbh.
Oh yeah and there's Edward and James hiding (somewhat) with their pride flags! :D
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zahri-melitor · 1 year ago
DCU Holiday Bash III #1
World's Finest Christmas: a Superman and Batman story. Toyman creates a giant Captain Adventure robot to fight Superman and Batman. (Clark had Captain Adventure as an action figure as a kid). During the fight the house of the Lattems gets flattened. Clark suggests doing something for them as it's Christmas, Bruce points out they have each other which is a lot more than some people have.
"Do it your way, then...and I'll do it mine."
Superman rebuilds the house and brings his own supplies to do it.
Batman sends Alfred on behalf of the Wayne Foundation to offer Mr Lattem a job designing toys for needy children.
The Joker's Twelve Days of Christmas. This is actually excluded from the DCUI copy of the issue, and after glancing at it I hmmmm am wondering why. Too violent? Too many lines crossed?
The one fascinating point for it is Joker mentions TWO dead sidekicks, here in 1999. Is he dreaming? Counting Barbara? Optimistic?
Heathen Ways: Diana, Artemis, the Sandsmarks and Jason Blood. Cassie Sandsmark is the tiniest human being in this story. She looks about 8.
Diana and Artemis argue over her participation in non-Themysciran rituals for a religion she does not practice. Diana says it’s about family and ritual and gifting. Artemis is mad about celebrating another religion’s holy day when the Greek gods are dying.
So Diana and Artemis have a beat down fight “just like the Solstice Day contest on Themyscira”. Awwww.
Alone for the Holidays: Robin. This story always makes me laugh, as it's one of the few times we see Jack leave Tim with no supervision. Jack and Dana are in Chicago and their flight home gets snowed in, so Tim's all on his own for Christmas. Right until he gets a message from Oracle that there's an emergency, and heads to the Clocktower to find... Babs, Dick, Alfred and Harold having a Loner's Christmas Party. The funniest part is of course that Bruce isn't present.
Home for the Holidays. Set in the Slab. Mark Scheffer (Shrapnel) arranges to break out of the Slab to see his wife and twin daughters for Christmas, after they don’t visit. The other characters in the Slab are definitely a mix of ‘oh it’s that guy’ D listers.
I really like this piece for a few reasons - humanising those incarcerated and the villains of DC, and also showing that telling a good story doesn’t rely on familiarity with the characters involved. That isn’t as common as it should be, in comics.
An Eye for Detail: Batlash. Batlash stops by a cottage and finds a group of crooks trying to get an old man to sign over the title to his farm. Batlash beats them up and then kisses the man’s hot 20ish year old daughter.
No Bart, There Is No Santa Claus. Our real Santa story!
I love Bart and Max together. So much. They’ve just got such a special dynamic in their mentor-student relationship.
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Max realises Santa sounds like a standard superhero to Bart and despairs.
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Oh Max.
Anyway Bart manages to give everyone he can find a promo of the game he’s desperate to get for Christmas. And all his own presents. Since Max has told him that it’s the thought that counts.
And when he gets home with Max…Santa has been and left new presents!
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jonasiegenthaler · 2 years ago
hi! since the off season is dragging and i miss the devils - what are you favorite moments for each player (or select players) from this season, not just goals or plays but an interview, soundbite, off ice moment, anything
(missing pk big time because he always posted fun team content)
hiya anon, this was a fun one, thank you! this got, Long, so i'm gonna put it all under the cut (alphabetized, not ranked, and definitely not comprehensive)
not like one thing in particular but playing more regularly this season! especially the second half
yanking multiple guys around casually
this was more last season but there’s a bunch of guys in utica that, every time he goes over the boards for a shift, chant a call-and-response of “who’s out?” “bahls out!” and it is beautiful
the video of him and johnny in seattle
this one of him nearly getting taken out by a football
also he’s seen the memes he loves the love
a lil cuddle, or two, or three
i’ve always said he’s the devils’ morgan frost so i’m just very glad he’s found some semblance of a role this season he’s very neat to me
big hat hat!
him and nico reaching milestones together talking about how special it was,
more cuddles
notably too cute to be good at chirping
carshield commercials - ïf you don’t call now, your wife should stop loving you.”
for some reason his goal in the oilers game early in the season stands out? keeping the winning streak alive!
smacking nico’s ass on a driveby
[30 seconds of uncomfortably polite staring as the sm admin waits for him to complete the heart]
the six flags promo, wild that that was this season it feels like ages ago. 
those few games where we kept going 4v3 in ot and dougie just kept scoring gwgs, iconic, showstopping. 
fully lifting bratter like a foot? off the ice? 
herding a flock of dudes 
signing off the camera with a “hi grandma”. 
floor time!
the movie re-enactments? wheres his oscar
“this is where i want to be. this is my family” <3
single handedly bringing us timo.
getting hit with a chicken finger
facing the other way on the bench when we went to shootouts (one of us).
laughing curling up on the floor instant fetal position
there’s. so much. because i’m nothing if not biased. 
“i’ve just got a good feeling” 
pumping up the crowd 
selke finalist! career high in goals, assists, points! 
being absolutely dominant in the rangers series. 
game 5 nico chants! 
[gestures vaguely at 1386 tag] 
having the time of his life with some kids toys
marner’s “i felt good until nico decided to take me for a walk” 
“siegyyyy! don’t worry everyone siegy is here!” <3 
“let’s not forget to have fun. stick together. whatever happens.” + all the pre/post game speeches during the playoffs. 
nate talking about how nico made him feel like he belonged + so much more
“he cares more about his teammates than probably does about himself”
timo facetiming him because he was anxious about the trade 
“oh shit :d”
devils win for hanukkah :) 
“yeah i knew that”
“those are quinn’s boys so--”
whatever him and pk were on at all-star weekend
“i want that record”
“we are off on our chemistry today, hey?”
looney tunes ass fall
[gestures vaguely again at 1386 tag]
nothing but respect for my lady byng finalist
the dance
all the hugs
first goal! ot winner!
dream dinner guests: julius caesar and george washington + getting chirped about it by dawson
the entire exit interview, all of it - messy but working on it (lie, probably), doesn’t know what day it is, hasn’t retained a thought for more than 5 seconds, fidgety
[looking at a children’s toy] look i’m not not saying this looks like a bong
him and gravy giggling after they pushed pally off the ice
the players tribune article
setting the franchise record in consecutive games with a goal
the hair, it’s majestic
a pet bird, named ham
throwing shit at sevo
messing with the camera lights during bratter’s interview
messing with tuna during his interview
made friends with a bird :) 
consistently referring to himself as “the vitek”
every time akira makes a big save vitek gives huge taps over the board <3
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daredevilexchange · 1 year ago
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Have you always craved more Punisher/Cap, Daredevil/She Hulk, Elektra/Echo, Mike Murdock/Loki? Are you dreaming of Karen Page/Pepper Potts or Foggy Nelson/Frank Castle? You've come to the right place!
Sign up for DDE's Rarepair Minibang close in a few days!
All iterations of Our Faves are welcome - comics, TV, and even film versions!
Signing up means that you can submit art and/or fic, and that you will have access to claims. Not signing up means no access to claims, and there are some fantastic submissions already :D You can both submit and claim, and you do not have to submit something in order to claim something else!
AO3 collection - Tumblr
Here are the options: - This is both a regular and a reverse bang, meaning you can submit art and/or fic for claims. - You can go the traditional route: submit your work and let people claim! - You can already have a partner in mind, in which case both of you must fill the sign-up form and let me know who your partner is.
What are the criteria? - Fanfic: 1.500 words minimum, must be beta-ed. 500 words only needed for submissions! - Art: one piece minimum. A sketch is fine for submissions! What type of art? Traditional: drawing, painting… or non-conventional: pottery, felt art, gifsets (6 gifs min), fanmixes (6 pieces of music + cover), embroidery, dollhouses, podfic, bookbinding… All visual art must be accompanied with a description.
What is a rarepair? If there are over 1,000 English-language works on AO3 as otp:true (aka, they’re the main ship), then it’s not a rarepair. Excluded as of the time of this FAQ (might be updated): Matt/Foggy, Matt/Frank, Matt/Reader, Frank/Karen. Let me know if you find others, or ask me to check! Your rarepair (or OT+) must include at least one of the characters from the Daredevil, Defenders, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, Punisher comics, TV shows, or movies... the rest is up to you :D
The schedule: Signups & submissions open until March 17 Claims: right after. Posting: depending on the number of teams, starting mid-May.
More details in the FAQ (open in a browser page, not the app) below or on DW. Any further questions not answered in the FAQ / on DW? Just send an ask!
Spread the word!
@thebigbangblogproject @marvel-events-central @trackmarvel @nmcunyc @fanwork-exchange-promos
Bangin’ banner by MissMoochy !
Fanart of Danny Rand, Frank Castle, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and Matt Murdock from the Netflix Marvel TV shows. All five characters are standing behind a table. Danny is wearing a green shirt, smiling gently with his eyes closed. He is holding voodoo dolls of Stick and Alexandra. There are pins in the dolls' hearts. Frank is wearing his Punisher skull t-shirt but the skull has hearts for eyes. Frank is ripping the head off a Fisk voodoo doll and smirking. There is a doll of Bullseye on the table in front of him. Both dolls have pins stuck in them all over. Luke wearing a black and yellow hoody over a black t-shirt and a yellow beanie hat. He is looking with concern at Frank and holding voodoo dolls of Elektra Natchios and Malcolm Ducasse. Jessica is wearing a black jacket over a purple top. She is frowning and sticking a pin into a voodoo doll of Misty Knight and has a doll of Trisha Walker in her jacket pocket. Matt is wearing a red shirt and red sunglasses. He looks worried and is cuddling voodoo dolls of Karen Page and Foggy Nelson. There are doll hearts and pins on the table in front of him. The table is black and the background is pink.
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wafflesetc · 1 year ago
See she def moved Hailey out of their apartment and has her signing divorce papers at the end of the episode but what I’m confused about is what they did with all of jays stuff like his ranger mug, clothes,etc.? Do they have her paying for both apartments? Did she even tell Jay that she was done?? like there are so many things I’m confused about! And are we forgetting that they can’t finalize a divorce without both parties involved so idk what big changes she made bc a lot of them involve her husband.
I don't know if she moved or not, but by the promo it does look like we will have an answer to that. Regardless of where she lives, there are still a lot of open ended questions. One of the issues I had with Jay's exit was since his final scene it has felt really open ended - even with what they put Hailey through last year, much of it felt like anytime we got development it would ultimately lead to more questions.
If they do the D route, I am sure there will be a sentence where we hear "Jay signed and sent me the papers" or "I signed them and sent them to him" or something like that, but I am really torn on if they will go that route.
And I'll say this before I get inundated with asks - if they divorce in the first ep or we get confirmation iit happened within the six month time jump - it doesn't mean that there still can't be a reconciliation by the time she leaves.
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