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briefbestiary · 6 months ago
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Interestingly, hrosshvalur are also considered suitable allies for destruction-seeking sorcerers and witches due to their strong and aggressive nature.
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siryl · 1 year ago
I can’t find the artist anywhere (the name in the lower left is the printing company).
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Mythical creatures from Icelandic folklore
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a-book-of-creatures · 2 months ago
Question to distract from the world falling apart, in case you also want those: Which of the evil whales are your favorite? I have a soft spot for the Hrosshvalur.
The hrosshvalur really is the complete package. It's evil. It hates everyone (especially you. Yes, you, the reader). It will go out of its way to kill. It's inedible. It jumps like the stokkull. It has a red mane like the raudkembingur. It's a water horse. It's a seahorse. It's a hippocampus. It's a walrus. It's all of those and none of those.
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myth-lord · 2 months ago
Animals + their Mythika/Myth counterparts
I get a lot of questions about what animals have which myth variants or which animals do you use in mythika, for all of you this list.
BIRD: Phoenix / Caladrius / Stymphalides / Boobrie / Valravn / Nachtkrapp / Rarog / Colorobetch / Zhenniao / Rukh / Penchapechi / Thunderbird / Tsenahale / Psonen / Naujakuksualuk / Achiyalabopa / Tuyango / Alicanto / Camulatz / Minokawa / Makalala / Impundulu /
BIRD PART ONLY: Wolpertinger / Keythong / Griffon / Peryton / Sphinx / Harpy / Erinyes / Pegasus / Nosoi / Siren / Celedon / Kere / Ascalaphus / Hraesvelgr / Valkyrie / Kikimora / Alkonost / Aitvaras / Dijiang / Xiao / Piasa / Quetzalcoatl / Peuchen / Lechuza / Snawfus / Tripodero / Roperite / Ropen / Kongamato /
FISH: Echeneis / Hippocampus / Akheilos / Marool / Trollgadda / Vatnsandi / Hrokkall / Lilyi / Isonade / Namazu / Caspilly / Slide-Rock Bolter / Abaia / Anae-Moe-Oho / Chipfalamfula /
FISH PART ONLY: Ziphius / Zitiron / Scylla / Merrow / Lorelei / Lapiduch / Sagari / Qalupalik / Agloolik / Mishibizhiw / Cipactli / Cuero / Cuchivilu / Rumptifusel / Adaro / Siyokoy / Muldjewangk / Yawkyawk /
FELINE: Pard / Nemean Lion / Cait Sith / Nekomata / Kasha / Zheng / Serpopard / Mishibizhiw / Cactus Cat / Splintercat / Mngwa / Pixiu /
FELINE PART ONLY: Manticore / Keythong / Griffon / Sphinx / Chimera / Ovinnik / Tarasque / Nue / Taotie / Ammut / Piasa / Succarath / Bulgasari / Dingonek / Tatzlwurm /
CANINE: Cerberus / Teumessian Fox / Barghest / Cwn Annwn / Cu Sith / Garmr / Kludde / Osschaert / Fenrir / Chicheface / Pesanta / Kitsune / Salawa / Amarok / Akhlut / Cadejo / Kumiho /
CANINE PART ONLY: Peryton / Psoglav / Gaueko / Skinwalker / Rougarou / Ahuizotl / Chupacabra / Nguruvilu / Ga-Gorib /
HORSE: Monoceros / Pegasus / Kelpie / Nuckelavee / Ceffyl Dwr / Each Tened / Sleipnir / Helhest / Sin-You / Apaosha /
HORSE PART ONLY: Centaur / Hippocampus / Dullahan / Phooka / Coiste Bodhar / Valkyrie / Hrosshvalur / Caballucos Diablu / Sagari / Qilin / Besta Fera / Tikbalang / Anggitay / Inkanyamba / Psoglav /
SERPENT: Amphiptere / Ouroboros / Basilisk / Amphisbaena / Hypnalis / Seps / Haermorrhois / Lamia / Hydra / Python / Caorthannach / Suileach / Ajatar / Jormungandr / Ikuchi / Uktena / Tizheruk / Haietlik / Quetzalcoatl / Peuchen / Yacumama / Boitata / Bakunawa / Grootslang / Nyuvwira / Inkanyamba /
SERPENT PART ONLY: Jaculus / Scitalis / Chimera / Gorgon / Ladon / Attorcroppe / Tatzlwurm / Nue / Orochi / Tienlung / Shen / Serpopard / Wakandagi / Rahara / Nguruvilu / Ihuaivulu / Snow Wasset /
BAT: Amphiptere / Manticore / Water Leaper / Kludde / Moroi / Strigoi / Issitoq / Camazotz / Chaneque / Chon-Chon / Aswang / Ahool / Popobawa / Olitiau / Guiafairo /
RAT/MOUSE: Rat King / Nosoi / Lavellan / Tesso / Ugjuknarpak /
ANT: Gold-Digging Ant / Nuno /
WORM: Skolex / Olgoi-Khorkhoi / Minhocao /
BASED ON SMALL PREDATOR ANIMALS: Ichneumon / Dobhar-Chu / Gulon / Ramidreju / Kamaitachi / Raiju / Nalusa Falaya / Aniwye / Ahuizotl / Snow Wasset / Rompo /
SCORPION: Manticore / Scorpios / Girtablilu /
RABBIT: Wolpertinger / Jackalope / Phooka / Almiraj / Carbuncle /
DEER: Wolpertinger / Crocotta / Peryton / Jackalope / Cerynitis / Sianach / Hiiden Hirvi / Bies / Qilin / Ijiraq / Piasa / Delgeth / Wakandagi / Anhanga /
WHALE: Ziphius / Cetus / Raudkembingur / Hrosshvalur / Bakekujira / Akhlut / Encantado /
GOAT: Barometz / Chimera / Faun / Phooka / Buckrider / Shurale / Zlatorog / Sigbin /
BUTTERFLY/MOTH/CATERPILLAR: Piskie / Awd Goggie / Pyrausta / Shinchu /
HYENA: Crocotta / Kishi /
AMPHIBIAN: Salamander / Water Leaper / Alp-Luachra / Bagiennik / Bolotnik / Bukavac / Lapiduch / Arzhavennik / Kappa / Chan Chu / Cueyatl / Cipactli / Minhocao / Tiddalik / Yara-Ma-Yha-Who / Khodumodumo /
APE/MONKEY: Yeti / Nependis / Fear Liath / Kappa / Nue / Satori / Xiao / Ahuizotl / Whirling Whimpus / Ahool / Ga-Gorib /
BOVINE: Catoblepas / Minotaur / Khalkotauroi / Aatxe / Erchitu / Huallepen / Sarangay /
BOAR/PIG: Catoblepas / Nependis / Muscaliet / Yale / Erymanthian Boar / Chrysaor / Gloson / Ramidreju / Curupira / Cuchivilu / Squonk / Bonguru / Babi Ngepet /
ANTLION: Myrmecoleon /
OCTOPUS/SQUID: Lusca / Scylla / Grindylow / Kraken / Iku-Turso / Marabbecca / A-Mi-Kuk / Snallygaster / Migas / Kerit /
SQUIRREL: Muscaliet / Ratatoskr /
DINOSAUR/PREHISTORIC REPTILE: Odontotyrannus / Morgawr / Tarasque / Stoa / Ropen / Burrunjor / Mbielu-Mbielu / Ngoubou / Kongamato / Mokele-Mbembe / Muhuru / Mamlambo / Nguma-Monene / Kasai Rex / Ninki Kanka / Gambo /
ANTELOPE: Yale / Shadhawar /
MANTIS: Empusa / Mandarangkal /
SEA VERMIN: Charybdis / Shellycoat / Muirdris / Skeljaskrimsli / Atuikakura / Kurage-No-Hinotama / Shen / Nakshatra Meenu / Pua Tu Tahi / Tridacna /
BEE/WASP: Thriae / Ulagu / Eintykara / Bonguru / Zankallala /
CRAB: Karkinos / Heikegani / Kamikiri / Saratan /
SPIDER: Arachne / Jorogumo / Tsuchigumo / Djieien / Jba Fofi /
MOLE: Buggane /
SEAL: Selkie / Huallepen / Bunyip /
LEECH: Burach Bhadi / Bezkost / Tlanusi /
LOCUST: Bruch / Haakapainizi /
HEDGEHOG/PORCUPINE: Manticore / Arkan Sonney / Velue / Pukwudgie /
BEAVER: Afanc /
CROCODILE: Afanc / Ammut / Cipactli / Cuca / Gbahali / Gambo /
BEAR: Osschaert / Skeljaskrimsli / Otso / Berserker / Bauk / Sermilik / Qupqugiaq / Drop Bear / Kerit /
LIZARD: Bukavac / Ajaju / Xhumpedzkin / Hodag / Whowie / Intulo /
SNAIL/SLUG: Lou Carcolh / Sazae-Oni /
FLY: Musca Macedda / Druj Nasu / Mambabarang /
DRAGONFLY: Caballucos Diablu /
TORTOISE/TURTLE: Tarasque / Kappa / Longgui / Motelo Mama /
ELEPHANT/TAPIR: Baku / Airavata / Bulgasari / Grootslang /
CENTIPEDE: Omukade / Kugdlughiak / Ek Chapat / Con Rit /
BEETLE/FIREFLY: Jinshin Mushi / Scarab / Adze /
RHINOCEROS: Karkadann /
ARMADILLO/ANTEATER/SLOTH/PANGOLIN: Carbuncle / Mapinguari / Dingonek /
LLAMA: Jarjacha /
KANGAROO: Sigbin /
KOALA: Drop Bear
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feusus · 1 year ago
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My pages for @13daysadvent with @kaesaaurelia! I loved working on this medieval-like manuscript and learn about these crazy whales from Iceland! Leftovers are still available here: https://13daysadvent.bigcartel.com/
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Full text by Kaesa:
The illhveli, or evil whales, patrol the waters surrounding Iceland in search of ships to sink. There are many kinds of illhveli, all strange, fearsome, and wicked. The Hrosshvalur, for example, is an enormous whale with the head and tail of a horse. It neighs like a horse, and when herds of them descend upon a ship, they bring a terrible smell and bad weather with them. And when they descend upon a ship, they do so literally—a Hrosshvalur may destroy a whole ship by leaping from the water and landing on it, crushing it.
Several other evil whales have a hybrid appearance like the horse-headed Hrosshvalur. The Katthveli, for example, has a cat's head, and like a cat, it plays with its food, diving beneath vessels and surfacing beneath them to break them apart from below. The cow-like Nauthveli, meanwhile, shatters ships with the sound of its deep, far-reaching underwater lowing.
The Hrosshvalur is not the only jumping evil whale, either; the Stökkull, which also leaps on ships to destroy them, has large flaps of skin growing from its face and over its eyes. It can only see when the flaps of skin fly upwards as it falls back into the water; as such, it is blind most of the time, although as it can jump a mile in one leap, it has plenty of time to study its prey while falling.
The Raudkembingur, the most bloodthirsty of the illhveli, has a crest the color of blood, and is so cruel that if a vessel escapes it, it must find and destroy another one that day or it will kill itself in despair. It is not very bright, however, and can be fooled by dressing a log up in sailor's clothes and throwing it into the sea; it will pounce upon the log and be frustrated that this strange sailor always floats.
The Múshveli has the head and forelegs of a mouse, which may not sound very fearsome, but because of its mouse legs, it can clamber up onto land after a ship's crew. And the massive Lyngbakur makes land feel even less safe! The largest of the illhveli, the Lyngbakur hunts by floating motionless on the surface of the water, where its hairy back looks just like an island overgrown with heather. Once unsuspecting sailors have left their ship to explore, the whale submerges, drowning them.
All illhveli are drawn to the sound of their own names, and a sailor should never speak of them at sea lest they be summoned. Even whaling vessels avoid these monsters; some have poisonous flesh, and others' flesh will melt away in cooking, but none are good for eating.
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a-book-of-creatures · 6 months ago
Hasbro should’ve made a hrosshvalur MLP
Hasbro should've made a tikbalang MLP
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birvan · 5 years ago
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Inktober #5 - Build
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Inktober #6 - Husky
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Inktober #7 - Enchanted
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evolutionsvoid · 3 years ago
The Illhveli
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Raudkembingur - The Red Crest
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Sverdhvalur - The Sword Whale
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Katthveli - The Cat-whale
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Taumafiskur - The Bridle Fish
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Mushveli - The Mousewhale
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Skieliungur - The Shell Whale
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Hrosshvalur- The Horse-whale
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Nauthveli - The Ox-whale
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Stokkull - The Leaper
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Lyngbakur - The Island Fish
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crowworkz · 2 years ago
Yautja adopts
Still Available:
-The Goatman (20$ 15$)
-Headless horseman (15$)
-The Mothman (10$)
In the making:
-Demon (15$)?
-Wendigo (10-15$)?
Thinking of making:
And more...
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notthatkindofnormalstuff · 9 years ago
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Variations: Hrosshvalr, Hrosshualar, Hrosshveli, Rosshvalur, Equinus Cetus, Saehestur, Stökkull, Stori Svinhvalur, Pollur, Monoculus Location | Distribution: Iceland The hrosshvalur (”horse-whale”) is a cryptid in Icelandic mythology that is described as a whale-horse hybrid with a red mane, and was said to sink huge ships using its tail.
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a-book-of-creatures · 6 months ago
What notable books (or author) on folklore and/or mythology would you consider to have reliable info, and which ones definitely don't? It's a broad ask, but what are the first names that come to mind?
Very good ask! I'll try to see if I can put my thoughts in words, but if you need any further examples or evaluations let me know.
Here's a general rule: primary sources are Good. Books that directly reference primary sources are Good. The more distance between a book and the primary source, the less reliable it gets. Always ask yourself, where is this book getting its information from? How does it present this information? If you're not dealing with primary sources, always check to see how information is presented and where possible errors could creep in.
For example...
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Books like these are the gold standard for reliability. If I was handing out ratings, they would score a perfect 5 out of 5. Everything is extensively cited (the second book is practically all citations). You can't go wrong with these.
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In general the more specialized a book is, the more reliable it is. So the excellent Meeting With Monsters gets a very respectable 4.5 out of 5. Very detailed info just about Icelandic monsters. Why not 5? The authors engage in some speculative creature building where they treat the monsters as real animals and invent features for them (the hrosshvalur has dorsal spines teeming with bacteria that infect the wounds it causes, for instance). But these are restricted to marginal notes and do not interfere with the actual information.
More general books generally get less reliable. Again, ask, where are those sources? What are they?
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This one is often held up as the encyclopedia of mythical creatures currently in print. It's a decent starting point to start looking for things. It has sources and each entry is linked to its sources. The entries are written in a dry, concise encyclopedic style. But it relies far too much on second and third (and fourth, etc) hand sources. Scratch a little past the surface and you start finding weird mistakes, errors, inaccuracies. Snowballing misinformation. I would consider this to be of average reliability at best. A 2.5 out of 5 or so. Best used as a suggestion to dig into deeper, better things.
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This one is a broad introduction to dragons, but instead of an encyclopedia, each "entry" (chapter?) is presented as a retelling of that story. And with that comes very low reliability and heavy use of secondary sources. The retellings make stuff up that isn't anywhere in the originals and miss a lot of the point of the stories - and spread misinformation that continues to propagate online. Also there's plenty of cryptozoology in there so eeehhhh.
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This one is obviously aimed at a younger audience, but I'm mentioning it because of one amusing detail. It seems to be a good introduction for children to dragon mythology. Except it presents with a straight face the marsupial dragon as a dragon from Australia. The marsupial dragon, you know, which was written into Dragonology as a joke? And Dragonology wouldn't even have made my primary-source-reliability anyway! Some due-diligence was not duly diligenced, if I may say so.
Then there are books that are just... confusing.
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Like anything by Pierre Dubois. On the surface they seem well-researched. But the references and cross-references are more opaque than... uh... a very opaque thing. He clearly has a lot of them, but it's anyone's guess where the information he got came from (no cross-referencing, you see). Combine that with him just making stuff up to pad page numbers and it's never clear what is "true" and what he wrote (and some of it is distasteful, not going to lie). Sometimes he even misses the interesting part of legends just to write his own stories. The most charitable take is that this is literary fantasy, and maybe what he's said can be traced to actual reliable folkloric sources, but after having used him as a source of information I cannot recommend him. You could also argue that Dubois never does claim that this is a scholarly reference, but it sure is presented as one.
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I have so far restricted myself to books that claim (or seem to claim) to be references on myth, legend, and folklore. Books that engage in speculative "creature building" (e.g. Dragonology, The Flight of Dragons, etc) would not be reliable as references, but they're still great books. You just wouldn't use them as sources of information.
... or would you? Sometimes non-reference books get treated as such, and then the information they made up gets reified by being parroted uncritically by later books. Like Woodruff's book above. A fake "long-lost expedition journal" by Pliny the Elder, it's an excuse for (gorgeous) art and Latin practice. Except that some of the made-up stuff in there found its way out of the book and - uncited - ended up in supposedly serious works. Like the Pyrallis being a dragon, or the two-headed Hyperborean frogs. Confusing. It even got a minor news mention because people were taking it seriously!
Anyway, how about you? Any books you find reliable or unreliable?
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evolutionsvoid · 3 years ago
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I mentioned in the entry about the Nauthveli that looks can be deceiving. I bring that up again for this one, as this is another Illhveli that doesn't make its infamy obvious. Outsiders who spot these beasts laying on the shore or playing in the water may not think they are a danger. Rather, they usually find them cute! Look at them splash about and put on a show! How harmless! This is the wrong thing to be thinking when you see one, as most locals say that the correct response is fear. Fear that they will get closer to your boat, fear that they will get curious about what you are doing. Much like most wildlife, it is a whole lot of fun and games when watching them from afar, but not so thrilling when they start closing that distance. The species I speak of is the Hrosshvalur, or Horse-whale. Though it is a mammal, this "Evil Whale" is actually a seal, not a whale (nor a horse.) You can see it in the anatomy of their flippers, as well as the fine layer of fur that covers their bodies. The bright hairy mane that runs down their neck should also be a clue, but unfortunately they aren't the only Illhveli to sport such a crimson look. The Raudkembingur also has this fiery look on its head and back, but it should be noted that their crest is made of finlets and runs down the entire body. The Hrosshvalur's mane is full hair and is only found on the neck and tail. Why these two share such a look, no one really knows, but some suggest that perhaps this seal mimics the Red Crest to scare away possible predators. This mane is also a part of the reason they are called the "Horse-whale," along with other features that bring to mind the equine. Not many sea creatures sport such a full head of hair, but the Hrosshvalur is able to make it work due to the oil it secretes. This special oil makes their fur water repellent, keeping it from getting soggy and bogged down. It unfortunately makes these creatures reek, as that oil has an awful smell when brought out of the water. It is quite the pungent odor, like a strong damp musk. When they are upon the shore in their colonies, you can smell them a mile away. Perhaps this is a hidden blessing, as it keeps people far away from these beasts and lets them know when one is near. Thankfully, they aren't all that graceful on the land, as their bodies are better suited for swimming. They can crawl onto shore and even traverse hills and rocks, but it certainly is a slow and awkward process. This is why they stick to the beaches and shores, as it keeps them close to their preferred environment.
Swimming is obviously their strongest suit, and it is required because the ocean is where their food lives. When they plunge into those polar waters, they are immediately on the hunt for a tasty morsel. Since they stick to the waters closer to the surface, where the light is, they rely on sight to locate prey. Their big eyes are the tool they rely on the most, and they are finely tuned to pierce through the water and spot the smallest target. What they are looking for are fish, squid, crustaceans and even floating sea birds, all of which are torn apart by their fearsome set of teeth. You wouldn't know it when their mouth is closed, but when they yawn, you will see the shredding chompers they sport! They use their powerful flippers and agile swimming to chase down prey and outmaneuver them. Once they find their opening, they zip in and clamp on with their jaws. A quick thrash of their head stuns or finishes off their victims, and then they can devour them. When feeding on larger prey or feasting on a whale carcass, they will latch on and roll their bodies to help rip off meaty chunks. Though they are big, fast and mighty, there are plenty of other things in the sea that see them as just another meal. The mentioned Raudkembingur and the Sverdhvalur are just a few of these beasts that would consider having Horse-whale for dinner. When faced with this threat, the Hrosshvalur turns to their speed to outrun predators. Even when close combat is called for, they can use their teeth and clawed flippers to fight back. They also possess a hardened layer of skin that runs down their back, which serves as crude armor if things get dicey. It certainly isn't as strong as the Skielungur's, but it does the job! Even though they may fall prey to other Illhveli, they put up quite the fight and there are always plenty more of them! I imagine some locals wish more of them got eaten, as that would make for less problems on their end.
Like I brought up at the beginning, this species has a rather cute and harmless look, despite their size. For those who have watched other species of seals and sea lions, you may just think this is a bigger cousin of theirs. They certainly show the same playfulness and intelligence as the others. Though they are quite big, outsiders tend to see their presence as a funny animal show, some performance to be watched and enjoyed. They have seen sea lions perform at circuses before, so here is just a bigger version of it! Sadly, this is not how this species functions. Just ask the actual circuses and animal wranglers who legitimately tried to use these creatures in their shows. The boats they sent out to capture one never returned, and just take a guess what happened to the crews. While the Hrosshvalur may look like they live a happy carefree life, all that tends to vanish once strangers get too close. I mean, to be fair, a lot of things run with that mentality. If you were playing around at a park or having a fun picnic then looked to see some strangers standing there staring at you, you probably would get in a sour mood. This is how the Horse-whale thinks. They like to have fun, but other species are not invited to join in. When boats get too close, or they get too close to the boats, they tend to get angry. With their size and speed, any tantrum is a serious threat to life and limb. They can ram into boats or even leap on top of them, like a Stokkull. Their weight crushes everything beneath them, and if your ship remains afloat, now you got a furious seal on top of you. Encounters become more frequent when this species realizes that boats tend to have plenty of fish, so they flock to these vessels for a free meal. From there, things always go south. It doesn't help that they will actually eat people if given the opportunity. A person swimming or flailing in the water instantly puts them in hunting mode, so they will treat them as prey. One strike is all it takes, and folk are dragged to the depths.
Their smarts and eyesight cause plenty of problems, as they are quick to spot faraway ships, and they always wonder if these vessels have food. In their waters, some swear it is impossible to avoid the attention of a Hrosshvalur. When you see that crimson mane heading your way, you know there will be trouble. If this happens, it is advised to get the harpoons out and any hefty object you can throw. Once the Horse-whale gets close, it will tend to stick its head out for a better look. Aim for its big eyes and open fire, as that is the best way to drive it off. Sadly, you can't exactly go with the tactic of "remain calm and hope it leaves," as this species always finds a way to stir up trouble or find an excuse to throw a tantrum. Funny enough, one of the things that can drive off a Hrosshvalur is another Illhveli! Since other species eat them, it is a possible for a predator to take notice and arrive for dinner. I heard of one tale where a crew was fighting off one of these Horse-whales, and were failing to drive it away. One sailor was able to get it in the eye with a thrown blade, and it caused the beast to briefly pull back. Just as it was about to ready itself for another go at the ship, an Illhveli burst from the depths and caught it in their jaws. In a flash, the two vanished into the deep, and the waters became calm. The crew was left in stunned silence, and then quickly made their way back to shore. Clearly they had used up all their good luck for the week, so they weren't about to test it again!     Chlora Myron Dryad Natural Historian --------------------------------------------------------------------- We are almost there! Almost done!
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myth-lord · 4 years ago
New lists
HUMANOID: Adaro / Asanbosam / Berserker / Buckrider / Dactyl / Eloko / Erchitu / Fomorian / Gegenees / Girtablilu / Harpy / Intulo / Papinijuwari / Pukwudgie / Rokurokubi / Tesso / Vish Kanya / Vodyanoi / Adze / Aigamuxa / Urmahlullu /
DEMON: Bushyasta / Erinyes / Heikegani / Ifrit / Skrzak / Impundulu / Likho / Mahaha / Makhai / Marool / Muscaliet / Nekomata / Nocnitsa / Nuckelavee / Nue / Omukade / Popobawa / Psoglav / Redcap / Sazae-Oni / Sigbin / Cerberus / Akashita / Aswang / Caorthannach / Musca Macedda / Arzhavennik / Batibat /
UNDEAD: Aatxe / Bakekujira / Banshee / Baykok / Chon-Chon / Dullahan / Gashadokuro / Moroi / Oniate / Osschaert / Polong / Sluagh / Tiyanak / Valravn / Yuki-Onna / Draugr / Rompo / Hongaek /
BEAST: Afanc / Ahuizotl / Aniwye / Boobrie / Bruch / Bunyip / Catoblepas / Con Rit / Drop Bear / Echeneis / Havhest / Ichneumon / Isonade / Jba Fofi / Jinshin Mushi / Qupqugiaq / Leucrotta / Miraj / Mishibizhiw / Myrmecoleon / Rock Bolter / Roperite / Salamander / Scorpios / Ulagu / Water Leaper / Yale / Kappa / Xiao / Amarok / Apshait / Ga-Gorib / Grootslang / Karkadann / Karkinos / Lavellan / Xan / Zhenniao / Snow Wasset / Bulgasari / Mapinguari / Salawa /
DRAGON: Aitvaras / Amphisbaena / Asdeev / Basilisk / Burrunjor / Codrille / Gaasyendietha / Gbahali / Haietlik / Hydra / Knucker / Kongamato / Longgui / Morgawr / Nidhogg / Odontotyrannus / Cuelebre / Zirnitra / Cipactli / Fafnir / Bolla / Ikuchi / Velue / Ammut / Azi Dahaka / Tarasque / Xhumpedzkin / Vritra /
PLANT: Berberoka / Cactus Cat / Jinmenju / Kayeri / Lunantishee / Mbielu-Mbielu / Otso / Rahara / Stray Sod / Mandragora / Abere / Jubokko / Aproxis / Inulpamahuida /
FEY: Abaia / Agropelter / Awd Goggie / Bonguru / Buggane / Bukavac / Eintykara / Fear Liath / Jorogumo / Kamaitachi / Kelpie / Kikimora / Kobold / Kumiho / Lampad / Leshy / Mandarangkal / Phooka / Piasa / Poludnica / Sianach / Tikbalang / Yehwe Zogbanu / Leanan Sidhe / Carbuncle / Clurichaun / Cwn Annwn / Encantado / Guiafairo / Lechuza / Shinchu / Peuchen / Mngwa /
ABERRATION: Akaname / Alp-Luachra / Amikuk / Burach Bhadi / Butatsch / Charybdis / Kerit / Cuero / Dijiang / Ewah / Fachen / Iku-Turso / Keukegen / Lou Carcolh / Muirdris / Nurikabe / Olgoi-Khorkhoi / Qalupalik / Scylla / Shen / Stella / Succarath / Yara-Ma-Yha-Who / Ya-Te-Veo / Baldanders / Khodumodumo / Lusca / Hantu Bulan / Chipfalamfula /
ELEMENTAL: Ahl At-Trab / Cherufe / Dorotabo / Ebajalg / Enenra / Gaueko / Planctae / Psonen / Raiju / Luz Mala / Hinqumemen / Soucouyant / Gu /
CONSTRUCT: Agrippa / Bubak / Caleuche / Egregore / Gold-Digging Ant / Invunche / Ipetam / Ittan-Momen / Jenglot / Juggernaut / Stymphalides / Ungaikyo / Wanyudo / Gargoyle / Golem / Hannya /
GENTLE CREATURES: Cu Sith / Alkonost / Cyclops / Tanuki / Zitiron / Alicanto / Baku / Dobhar-Chu / Griffon / Sphinx / Motelo Mama / Qiuniu / Tienlung / Barometz / Anggitay / Arkan Sonney / Bagiennik / Cat Sith / Domovoi / Dryad / Faun / Kapre / Kitsune / Leprechaun / Norn / Pard / Piskie / Ratatoskr / Shellycoat / Snawfus / Zlatorog / Issitoq / Tulpa / Liosalfar / Phoenix / Squonk / Hahakigami / Airavata / Boitata / Caladrius / Djinn / Erote / Kirin / Valkyrie / ==
Non-used but cool anyway
HUMANOID: Merrow / Panotti / Sarangay / Selkie / Skinwalker / Tengu / Antaeus / Argus / Chrysaor / Dalaketnon / Echidna / Gorgon / Graeae / Hekantoncheires / Hraesvelgr / Kampe / Ashinaga-Jin / Bolotnik / Bouda / Cacus / Capelobo / Centaur / Cercopes / Cindaku / Cuca / Cueyatl / Dokkalfar / Einherjar / Gawigawen / Geryon / Goblin / Grindylow / Hrimpursar / Lunwaba / Maenad / Mambabarang / Minotaur / Mothman / Orang Minyak / Rougarou / Siyokoy / Taka-Onna / Tenaga-Jin / Utlunta / Yacuruna / Yawkyawk / Yowie / Lamia /
DEMON: Andrealphus / Asag / Binaye-Ahani / Delgeth / Leraje / Limos / Raktabija / Rogo-Tumu-Here / Stolas / Tsenahale / Tsuchigumo / Yeitso / Abaasy / Ajatar / Alp / Apaosha / Besta-Fera / Bies / Cagrino / Cath Palug / Chicheface / Decarabia / Druj Nasu / Dybbuk / Each Tened / Empusa / Eurynomos / Ghawwas / Gloson / Hala / Ihuaivulu / Imp / Incubus / Jarjacha / Kasha / Kishi / Kubot / Kunopegos / Libelula Diablu / Makalala / Malebete / Mantabungal / Moselantja / Nadubi / Nure-Onna / Sin-You / Stoa / Stuhac / Succubus / Suiko / Taotie / Tartalo / Ushi-Oni /
UNDEAD: Ankou / Jack-In-Irons / Mekurabe / Mummy / Naglfar / Pesta / Rat King / Umibozu / Acheri / Aerico / Ahkiyyini / Awahondo / Barghest / Bezkost / Buruburu / Candileja / Coiste Bodhar / Djieien / Drekavac / Gaki / Ghul / Harionago / Helhest / Hrokkall / Isogashi / Llorona / Mokoi / Morko / Myling / Nachtkrapp / Nachzehrer / Nosoi / Penchapechi / Rusalka / Tikoloshe / Topielec / Toyol / Tsurube-Otoshi / Vetala / Vrykolakas / Waldgeist / Xing Tian / Zombie /
BEAST: Hippocampus / Veo / Wolpertinger / Camazotz / Cetus / Roc / Ugjuknarpak / Ahool / Akheilos / Akhlut / Alkuntane / Ao-Ao / Bo / Bonnacon / Cadejo / Calopus / Camulatz / Caspilly / Chickcharney / Chimera / Colo-Colo / Dingonek / Emela-Ntouka / Erymanthian Boar / Gastarios / Gulon / Hverafugl / Indrik / Kori / Kranokolaptes / Manticore / Moskitto / Musimon / Namazu / Nemean Lion / Nguruvilu / Olitiau / Peryton / Puaka / Qinyuan / Sak / Sandwalker / Saratan / Scarab / Serpopard / Skeljaskrimsli / Splinter Cat / Teumessian Fox / Thunderbird / Trolual / Tsemaus / Tuyango / Uiluruyak / Utelif / Vatnsandi / Ypotryll / Zamba Zaraa / Ziphius / Hrosshvalur / Serra / Chupacabra /
DRAGON: Shussebora / Amhuluk / Glatisant / Kholkikos / Ladon / Whowie / Beannach Nimhe / Bixi / Cerastes / Dipsa / Falajitax / Gambo / Gowrow / Haermorrhois / Hodag / Hypnalis / Kaiaimunu / Kasai Rex / Markupo / Mokele-Mbembe / Muhuru / Ngoubou / Ninki Nanka / Nyuvwira / Ouroboros / Ropen / Sachamama / Seps / Snoligoster / Suileach / Tatzlwurm / Tizheruk / Wakandagi / Wyvern / Zmey / Scytalis /
PLANT: Umdhlebi / Guarana / Hungry Grass / Paxarbolis / Yanagi-Baba /
FEY: Nuberu / Oread / Yamabiko / Ly Erg / Rawhead / Springheel Jack / Tailypo / Wendigo / Agloolik / Amadan Dubh / Askafroa / Attercroppe / Barbegazi / Bauk / Brollachan / Bugbear / Ccoa / Ceffyl Dwr / Curupira / Erlking / Far Darrig / Fear Dorcha / Fossegrim / Gancanagh / Huey Chivo / Huldra / Ijiraq / Jasy Jatere / Katsura-Otoko / Kludde / Krojemanchen / Lorelei / Melinoe / Nuno / Ovinnik / Parandrus / Porotai / Pyrausta / Radande / Ramidreju / Shadhawar / Shurale / Traicousse / Xecotcovach / Zheng / Hidebehind / Veela /
ABERRATION: Ningen / A Boa A Qu / Baxbakwalanuxsiwae / Deogen / Doppelganger / Ek Chapat / Frittening / Gardinel / Minhocao / Otoroshi / Punga / Abuhuku / Amikiri / Atuikakura / Black Tamanous / Blemmyes / Cuchivilu / Cuegle / Devalpa / Dheeyabery / Erumia / Huallepen / Hyakume / Kamikiri / Kaw-Kaw / Kugdlughiak / Kurage-No-Hinotama / Lakuma / Lilyi / Marabbecca / Marakihau / Metminwi / Migas / Nuppeppo / Qamulek / Rumptifusel / Sagari / Satori / Siranis / Skolex / Tculo / Tenome / Tlanusi / Tripodero / Colorobetch / Stewa Rutu /
ELEMENTAL: Sylph / Undine / Will o Wisp / Bilwis / Nalusa Falaya / Sessho-Seki / Tsenagahi /
CONSTRUCT: Hinnagami / Kasa-Obake / Pixiu / Wulgaru / Fulad-Zereh / Talos / Zorigami / Aoandon / Boroboroton / Celedon / Kameosa / Khalkotauroi / Lagahoo / Oboroguruma / Seto Taisho / Suzuri No Tamashii / Terra-Cotta / Tupilaq /
CELESTIAL: Skinfaxi /
45 notes · View notes
myth-lord · 4 years ago
Life is a Flower
UNDEAD: Chon-Chon / Zombie / Salawa / Rat King / Wraith / Tiyanak / Dullahan / Mngwa / Polong / Yuki-Onna / Baykok / Moroi / Banshee / Valravn / Bakekujira / Acheri / Osschaert / Ahkiyyini / Dorotabo / Oniate / Helhest / Xing Tian / Hongaek / Aatxe / Spartoi /
DEMON: Imp / Garmr / Incubus / Bushyasta / Nekomata / Erinyes / Nocnitsa / Nuckelavee / Impundulu / Jorogumo / Popobawa / Sigbin / Chicheface / Hantu Bulan / Marool / Aswang / Akashita / Omukade / Makhai / Mahaha / Gloson / Sazae-Oni / Ajatar / Ulagu / Caorthannach /
DRAGON: Wyvern / Longgui / Velue / Scytalis / Bolla / Aitvaras / Haietlik / Codrille / Asdeev / Knucker / Gaasyendietha / Zirnitra / Nidhogg /
HUMANOID: Goblin / Skinwalker / Vish Kanya / Adaro / Harpy / Minotaur / Asanbosam / Vodyanoi / Lamia / Girtablilu / Gegenees / Fomorian / Hrimpursar / Berserker / Aigamuxa / Intulo / Dactyl / Buckrider / Tesso / Kampe / Dalaketnon / Cyclops /
BEAST: Pyrausta / Echeneis / Bunyip / Scarab / Amphisbaena / Hydra / Karkadann / Karkinos / Salamander / Camulatz / Abaia / Muhuru / Mapinguari / Amarok / Catoblepas / Kokogiak / Kongamato / Myrmecoleon / Con Rit / Cwn Annwn / Ngoubou / Rompo / Roperite / Gulon / Lavellan / Drop Bear / Jba Fofi / Olitiau / Musca Macedda / Xhumpedzkin / Chipfalamfula / Vatnsandi / Bruch / Tsemaus / Caspilly / Sianach / Burrunjor / Akheilos / Zhenniao / Morgawr / Boobrie / Aniwye / Scorpios / Ichneumon / Rock Bolter / Havhest / Xan / Mandarangkal / Makalala / Motelo Mama /
ABERRATION: Alp-Luachra / Issitoq / Burach Bhadi / Akaname / Chupacabra / Kerit / Cuero / Fachen / Globster / Death Worm / Qalupalik / Iku-Turso / Succarath / Charybdis / Rokurokubi / Hyakume / Shen / Yara-Ma-Yha-Who / Kaw-Kaw / Keukegen / Dijiang / Lou Carcolh / Nurikabe / Bukavac / Lilyi / Muirdris / Colorobetch / Frittening / Stella / Butatsch / Amikuk / A Bao A Qu / Ewah / Baldanders / Migas / Ya-Te-Veo / Marakihau /
FAE: Kobold / Miraj / Carbuncle / Phooka / Fossegrim / Kelpie / Kikimora / Lampad / Redcap / Pukwudgie / Veela / Tikbalang / Poludnica / Kamaitachi / Wendigo / Leanan Sidhe / Agropelter / Hidebehind / Porotai / Cu Sith / Barbegazi / Tailypo / Awd Goggie / Adze / Shadhawar / Eintykara / Bonguru / Anggitay / Yehwe Zogbanu / Lechuza / Askafroa / Yale / Kumiho / Inulpamahuida / Stuhac / Leprechaun /
CONSTRUCT: Celedon / Gargoyle / Stymphalides / Terra-Cotta / Egregore / Juggernaut / Ittan-Momen / Invunche / Pixiu / Bubak / Jenglot / Gold-Digging Ant / Agrippa / Ipetam / Caleuche / Fulad-Zereh / Wanyudo / Wulgaru / Lagahoo / Ungaikyo /
PLANT: Leshy / Mandragora / Jinmenju / Umdhlebi / Barometz / Cactus Cat / Jubokko / Rahara / Stray Sod / Kayeri / Berberoka / Lunantishee / Abere / Aproxis /
ELEMENTAL: Ifrit / Raiju / Will o Wisp / Cherufe / Planctae / Gaueko / Enenra / Ebajalg / Psonen / Gu / Hinqumemen / Ahl At-Trab /
CHIMERAE: Kappa / Water Leaper / Xiao / Cockatrice / Griffon / Buggane / Leucrotta / Manticore / Ahuizotl / Baku / Nue / Peuchen / Psoglav / Grootslang / Ammut / Cipactli / Tarasque / Afanc / Mishibizhiw / Colo-Colo / Whowie / Hrosshvalur / Ga-Gorib / Gbahali / Piasa / Snow Wasset / Abuhuku /
UNDEAD: Draugr (Zombie) / Mummy (Zombie) / Topielec (Zombie) / Aerico (Zombie) / Coiste Bodhar (Dullahan) / Umibozu (Globster) / Sessho-Seki (Kumiho) / Devalpa (Tiyanak) / Myling (Tiyanak) / Sluagh (Wraith) / Pesta (Banshee) / Limos (Banshee) / Nemain (Banshee) / Strigoi (Moroi) / Candileja (Poludnica) / Djieien (Jba Fofi) / Mekurabe (Spartoi) / Gashadokuro (Spartoi) / Tupilaq (Spartoi) /
DEMON: Hala (Veela) / Aghash (Issitoq) / Heikegani (Karkinos) / Delgeth (Sianach) / Manananggal (Aswang) / Druj Nasu (Musca Macedda) / Taotie (Gulon) / Empusa (Mandarangkal) / Isonade (Akheilos) / Erchitu (Minotaur) / Kasha (Nekomata) / Odontotyrannus (Ngoubou) / Suiko (Kappa) / Kasai Rex (Burrunjor) / Kunopegos (Havhest) / Arzhavennik (Vodyanoi) / Asag (Gargoyle) / Likho (Goblin) / Cambion (Incubus) / Skrzak (Imp) / Cerberus (Garmr) / Rogo-Tumu-Here (Migas) /
DRAGON: Kulshedra (Bolla) / Cuelebre (Wyvern) / Balaur (Hydra) /
HUMANOID: Grindylow (Goblin) / Eloko (Goblin) / Rougarou (Skinwalker) / Nagual (Skinwalker) / Maenad (Berserker) / Einherjar (Berserker) / Lunwaba (Intulo) / Bolotnik (Vodyanoi) / Balor (Fomorian) / Saapin (Vish Kanya) / Gorgon (Lamia) / Echidna (Lamia)
BEAST: Mokele-Mbembe (Morgawr) / Akhlut (Amarok) / Skolex (Con Rit) / Moskitto (Xan) / Ropen (Kongamato) / Jinshin Mushi (Scarab) / Sandwalker (Scorpios) / Gastarios (Scorpios) /
ABERRATION: Minhocao (Death Worm) / Rumptifusel (Cuero) / Khodumodumo (Gulon) / Gardinel (Baldanders) / Decarabia (Stella) / Papinijuwari (Cyclops) / Nadubi (Chupacabra) /
FAE: Bagiennik (Vodyanoi) / Peryton (Sianach) / Ceffyl Dwr (Kelpie) / Traicousse (Karkinos) / Alkonost (Harpy) / Ladon (Hydra) / Radande (Askafroa) / Guiafairo (Olitiau) / Clurichaun (Leprechaun) / Gancanagh (Leprechaun) /
CONSTRUCT: Automaton (Terra-Cotta) / Khalkotauroi (Aatxe) /
PLANT: Mbielu-Mbielu (Muhuru) / Hungry Grass (Stray Sod) / Otso (Barometz) /
ELEMENTAL: Luz Mala (Will o Wisp) /
CHIMERAE: Basilisk (Cockatrice) / Ahool (Xiao) / Dingonek (Bunyip) / Ugjuknarpak (Ahuizotl) /
ANCIENT GREEK: Spartoi / Erinyes / Makhai / Harpy / Minotaur / Lamia / Gegenees / Dactyl / Kampe / Cyclops / Amphisbaena / Hydra / Karkinos / Akheilos / Scorpios / Charybdis / Lampad / Celedon / Stymphalides / Planctae / Griffon / Limos / Empusa / Cerberus / Maenad / Gorgon / Echidna / Ladon / Automaton / Khalkotauroi /
NORTH EUROPEAN / NORSE: Rat King / Valravn / Osschaert / Helhest / Garmr / Gloson / Ajatar / Nidhogg / Hrimpursar / Berserker / Buckrider / Gulon / Vatnsandi / Havhest / Iku-Turso / Baldanders / Kobold / Fossegrim / Askafroa / Mandragora / Hrosshvalur / Draugr / Myling / Pesta / Einherjar / Radande / Otso /
EAST EUROPEAN / SLAVIC: Moroi / Nocnitsa / Bolla / Aitvaras / Zirnitra / Vodyanoi / Bukavac / Lilyi / Kikimora / Veela / Poludnica / Stuhac / Bubak / Leshy / Ebajalg / Psoglav / Topielec / Strigoi / Hala / Arzhavennik / Likho / Skrzak / Kulshedra / Balaur / Bolotnik / Bagiennik / Alkonost /
SOUTH AND CENTRAL EUROPEAN: Wraith / Aatxe / Imp / Incubus / Chicheface / Wyvern / Velue / Scytalis / Codrille / Goblin / Pyrausta / Echeneis / Salamander / Myrmecoleon / Musca Macedda / Globster / Kaw-Kaw / Lou Carcolh / Colorobetch / Stella / Butatsch / A Bao A Qu / Barbegazi / Yale / Gargoyle / Egregore / Gold-Digging Ant / Agrippa / Barometz / Aproxis / Will o Wisp / Gaueko / Cockatrice / Tarasque / Aerico / Erchitu / Odontotyrannus / Kunopegos / Cambion / Cuelebre / Skolex / Gastarios / Decarabia / Peryton / Traicousse / Basilisk /
WEST EUROPEAN / CELTIC: Dullahan / Banshee / Nuckelavee / Marool / Caorthannach / Knucker / Fomorian / Cwn Annwn / Lavellan / Bruch / Sianach / Morgawr / Boobrie / Alp-Luachra / Burach Bhadi / Fachen / Muirdris / Frittening / Phooka / Kelpie / Redcap / Leanan Sidhe / Cu Sith / Awd Goggie / Leprechaun / Stray Sod / Lunantishee / Water Leaper / Buggane / Afanc / Coiste Bodhar / Sluagh / Nemain / Grindylow / Balor / Ceffyl Dwr / Clurichaun / Gancanagh / Hungry Grass /
NORTH AMERICAN: Baykok / Ahkiyyini / Oniate / Mahaha / Ulagu / Haietlik / Gaasyendietha / Skinwalker / Amarok / Kokogiak / Roperite / Tsemaus / Aniwye / Rock Bolter / Issitoq / Qalupalik / Amikuk / Ewah / Pukwudgie / Wendigo / Agropelter / Hidebehind / Tailypo / Cactus Cat / Psonen / Hinqumemen / Mishibizhiw / Piasa / Snow Wasset / Djieien / Tupilaq / Delgeth / Rougarou / Akhlut / Moskitto / Rumptifusel / Gardinel / Ugjuknarpak /
SOUTH AND CENTRAL AMERICAN: Chon-Chon / Camulatz / Mapinguari / Xhumpedzkin / Xan / Motelo Mama / Chupacabra / Cuero / Succarath / Carbuncle / Eintykara / Lechuza / Inulpamahuida / Invunche / Caleuche / Lagahoo / Rahara / Kayeri / Cherufe / Ahuizotl / Peuchen / Cipactli / Colo-Colo / Abuhuku / Candileja / Nagual / Minhocao / Luz Mala /
AFRICAN: Zombie / Mngwa / Impundulu / Popobawa / Asanbosam / Aigamuxa / Intulo / Muhuru / Catoblepas / Kongamato / Ngoubou / Rompo / Jba Fofi / Olitiau / Chipfalamfula / Ichneumon / Makalala / Kerit / Migas / Ya-Te-Veo / Adze / Yehwe Zogbanu / Umdhlebi / Leucrotta / Grootslang / Ga-Gorib / Gbahali / Kasai Rex / Eloko / Lunwaba / Mokele-Mbembe / Khodumodumo / Guiafairo / Mbielu-Mbielu / Dingonek /
MIDDLE EASTERN: Salawa / Acheri / Bushyasta / Asdeev / Vish Kanya / Girtablilu / Scarab / Karkadann / Caspilly / Miraj / Shadhawar / Juggernaut / Fulad-Zereh / Ifrit / Ahl At-Trab / Manticore / Ammut / Mummy / Devalpa / Aghash / Druj Nasu / Asag / Saapin / Sandwalker /
ASIAN / CHINESE: Xing Tian / Hongaek / Longgui / Zhenniao / Death Worm / Shen / Dijiang / Kumiho / Terra-Cotta / Pixiu / Ipetam / Jinmenju / Gu / Xiao / Taotie /
JAPANESE: Yuki-Onna / Bakekujira / Dorotabo / Nekomata / Jorogumo / Akashita / Omukade / Sazae-Oni / Tesso / Akaname / Rokurokubi / Hyakume / Keukegen / Nurikabe / Kamaitachi / Ittan-Momen / Wanyudo / Ungaikyo / Jubokko / Raiju / Enenra / Kappa / Baku / Nue / Umibozu / Sessho-Seki / Mekurabe / Gashadokuro / Heikegani / Isonade / Kasha / Suiko / Jinshin Mushi /
POLYNESIAN: Tiyanak / Polong / Sigbin / Hantu Bulan / Aswang / Adaro / Dalaketnon / Abaia / Con Rit / Mandarangkal / Tikbalang / Bonguru / Anggitay / Jenglot / Berberoka / Abere / Manananggal / Rogo-Tumu-Here / Ropen / Ahool /
AUSTRALIAN: Bunyip / Drop Bear / Burrunjor / Yara-Ma-Yha-Who / Marakihau / Porotai / Wulgaru / Whowie / Papinijuwari / Nadubi
37 notes · View notes
myth-lord · 5 years ago
ANCIENT GREEK: Amphisbaena (Beast) / Celedon (Construct) / Cerberus  (Demon) / Dactyl (Humanoid) / Empusa (Demon) / Erinyes (Demon) / Gegenees (Humanoid) / Harpy (Humanoid) / Hydra (Beast) / Karkinos (Beast) / Lamia (Humanoid) / Lampad (Fae) / Makhai (Demon) / Planctae (Elemental) / Scorpios (Beast) / Stymphalides (Construct)
Echidna / Chrysaor / Kampe / Hekantoncheires / Argus / Antaeus / Ladon / Cetus / Scylla / Charybdis / Gorgon
Sphinx / Cyclops / Griffon / Centaur / Faun / Oread
Kholkikos / Maenad / Minotaur / Khalkotauroi / Siren / Akheilos / Dire Boar / Spartoi / Skolopendra / Cabeiri / Keres / Automaton
NORTHERN EUROPEAN: Ajatar (Demon) / Baldanders (Aberration) / Berserker (Humanoid) / Buckrider (Humanoid) / Doppelganger (Aberration) / Draugr (Undead) / Fossegrim (Fae) / Gloson (Undead) / Gulon (Beast) / Havhest (Beast) / Helhest (Undead)  / Hrimpursar (Humanoid) / Hrosshvalur (Chimerae) / Iku-Turso (Aberration) / Kobold (Fae) / Landvaettir (Elemental) / Nidhogg (Dragon) / Osschaert (Undead) / Radande (Plant) / Valravn (Undead) / Ziphius (Beast)
Pesta / Fafnir / Erlking / Naglfar / Kraken
Askafroa / Lorelei / Skeljaskrimsli / Wolpertinger / Utelif / Trolual / Morko / Einherjar / Swamfisk / Dokkalfar / Garmr / Hrokkall / Poltergeist / Rat King / Vatnsandi / Hverafugl / Nachtkrapp / Utburdur
EASTERN EUROPEAN: Aitvaras (Dragon) / Arzhavennik (Demon) / Bolla (Dragon) / Bubak (Construct) / Bukavac (Chimerae) / Ebajalg (Elemental) / Kikimora (Fae) / Leshy (Plant) / Moroi (Undead) / Nocnitsa (Fae) / Poludnica (Fae) / Psoglav (Chimerae) / Samosek (Construct) / Stuhac (Fae) / Veela (Fae) / Vodyanoi (Humanoid) / Zirnitra (Dragon)
Zmey / Strigoi
Zlatorog / Bagiennik / Zuttibur / Rusalka
Bezkost / Bies / Bitoso / Lilyi / Tculo / Ovinnik / Ankluz / Topielec / Cagrino / Likho / Skrzak / Bauk / Drekavac / Abaasy / Indrik / Hala / Bolotnik
SOUTHERN & CENTRAL EUROPEAN: Aatxe (Undead) / Agrippa (Construct) / Aproxis (Plant) / Barometz (Plant) / Basilisk (Chimerae) / Butatsch (Aberration) / Calopus (Chimerae) / Codrille (Dragon) / Colorobetch (Aberration) / Cuelebre (Dragon) / Echeneis (Beast) / Egregore (Construct) / Erchitu (Demon) / Gargoyle (Construct) / Gastarios (Beast) / Gaueko (Elemental) / Goblin (Humanoid) / Gold-Digging Ant (Construct) / Imp (Demon) / Incubus (Demon) / Kaw-Kaw (Aberration)  / Lou Carcolh (Aberration) / Mandragora (Plant) / Myrmecoleon (Beast) / Odontotyrannus (Demon) / Pyrausta (Beast) / Salamander (Elemental) / Scytalis (Fae) / Stella (Aberration) / Tarasque (Chimerae) / Velue (Dragon) / Yale (Fae)
Zitiron / Caladrius / Trenti
Haermorrhois / Hellequin / Traicousse / Scarbo / Krojemanchen / Pamarindo / Ypotryll / Marabbecca / Carabosse / Blemmyes / Cerastes / Chicheface / Musca Macedda / Skolex / Succubus / Will O Wisp / Wyvern / Kunopegos / Peryton / Aerico / Parandrus / Cecaelia / Cockatrice / Kranokolaptes / Libelula Diablu / Pard / Seps / Wraith / Odei / Vrykolakas / Decarabia / Muscaliet
WESTERN EUROPEAN: Afanc (Chimerae) / Alp-Luachra (Aberration) / Awd Goggie (Fae) / Banshee (Undead) / Boobrie (Beast) / Bruch (Beast) / Buggane (Chimerae) / Burach Bhadi (Aberration) / Clurichaun (Fae) / Cu Sith (Fae) / Cwn Annwn (Beast) / Dullahan (Undead) / Fachen (Aberration) / Fomorian (Humanoid) / Grindylow (Humanoid) / Kelpie (Fae) / Knucker (Dragon) / Lavellan (Beast) / Leanan Sidhe (Fae) / Lunantishee (Plant) / Marool (Demon) / Morgawr (Beast) / Muirdris (Aberration) / Nuckelavee (Fae) / Phooka (Fae) / Redcap (Fae) / Sianach (Beast) / Sluagh (Undead) / Stray Sod (Plant) / Water Leaper (Chimerae)
Springheel / Jack-in-Irons / Ly Erg / Balor
Dobhar-Chu / Cat Sith / Shellycoat / Gancanagh
Brollachan / Each Tened / Caorthannach / Fear Liath / Ceffyl Dwr / Hungry Grass / Barghest / Rawhead / Nemain / Far Darrig / Frittening / Coiste Bodhar / Beannach-Nimhe
NORTH AMERICAN: Agropelter (Fae) / Ahkiyyini (Undead) / Amarok (Beast) / Amikuk (Aberration) / Aniwye (Beast) / Baykok (Undead) / Cactus Cat (Plant) / Djieien (Undead) / Ewah (Aberration) / Gaasyendietha (Dragon) / Haietlik (Dragon) / Hidebehind (Fae) / Hinqumemen (Aberration) / Kokogiak (Beast) / Mahaha (Demon) / Mishibizhiw (Chimerae) / Oniate (Undead) / Piasa (Chimerae) / Psonen (Elemental) / Pukwudgie (Fae) / Qalupalik (Aberration) / Rock Bolter (Beast) / Roperite (Aberration) / Rougarou (Humanoid) / Snow Wasset (Chimerae) / Tailypo (Fae) / Ulagu (Beast) / Wendigo (Fae)
Yeitso / Binaye Ahani / Delgeth / Tsenahale / Amhuluk / Baxbakwalanux
Issitoq / Snawfus / Squonk
Utlunta / Lu Dja Lako / Tlanusi / Ijiraq / Tupilaq / Ugjuknarpak / Akhlut / Gardinel / Nalusa Falaya / Tsemaus / Snoligoster / Splintercat / Whimpus / Moskitto / Gowrow / Rumptifusel
SOUTH & CENTRAL AMERICAN: Ahuizotl (Chimerae) / Caleuche (Construct) / Camulatz (Beast) / Candileja (Undead) / Carbuncle (Fae) / Cherufe (Elemental) / Chon-Chon (Undead) / Chupacabra (Aberration) / Cipactli (Chimerae) / Cuero (Aberration) / Eintykara (Fae) / Inulpamahuida (Fae) / Invunche (Construct) / Kayeri (Plant) / Lagahoo (Construct) / Lakuma (Aberration) / Luz Mala (Elemental) / Mapinguari (Beast) / Peuchen (Chimerae) / Succarath (Aberration) / Xan (Beast) / Xhumpedzkin (Beast)
Ek-Chapat / Camazotz
Encantado / Motelo Mama / Alicanto
Ihuaivulu / Jaci Jatere / Jarjacha / Cuca / Curupira / Colo-Colo / Cuchivilu / Bush Dai-Dai / Kori / Abuhuku / Anhanga / Minhocao / Rahara / Soucouyant / Stoa / Itzpapalotl / Besta Fera / Nguruvilu / Ccoa / Lechuza / Xtabay / Tuyango / Boo Hag / Mano Peluda / Quetzalcoatl / Huay Chivo / Xecotcovach / Metminwi
AFRICAN: Adze (Fae) / Aigamuxa (Humanoid) / Asanbosam (Humanoid) / Catoblepas (Beast) / Eloko (Humanoid) / Ga-Gorib (Chimerae) / Gbahali (Chimerae) / Grootslang (Chimerae) / Ichneumon (Beast) / Impundulu (Demon) / Intulo (Humanoid) / Kerit (Aberration) / Kongamato (Beast) / Leucrotta (Chimerae) / Makalala (Beast) / Mbielu-Mbielu (Plant) / Migas (Aberration) / Mngwa (Undead) / Olitiau (Beast) / Popobawa (Demon) / Rompo (Chimerae) / Umdhlebi (Plant) / Ya-Te-Veo (Aberration) / Yehwe Zogbanu (Fae) / Zombie (Undead)
Muhuru / Lunwaba
Guiamala / Tikoloshe / Chipfalamfula / Jba Fofi / Ngoubou / Nguma-Monene / Mokele-Mbembe / Bouda / Kishi / Dingonek / Kasai Rex  
MIDDLE EASTERN: Acheri (Undead) / Ahl At-Trab (Elemental) / Asdeev (Dragon) / Bushyasta (Demon) / Caspilly (Beast) / Druj Nasu (Demon) / Dybbuk (Undead) / Fulad-Zereh (Demon) / Girtablilu (Humanoid) / Ifrit (Elemental) / Juggernaut (Construct) / Karkadann (Beast) / Manticore (Chimerae) / Miraj (Beast) / Mummy (Undead) / Salawa (Beast) / Scarab (Beast) / Shadhawar (Fae) / Vish Kanya (Humanoid)
Ammut / Saapin
Serpopard / Apaosha / Vetala / Rakshasa / Yedua / Chordeva / Ghul / Hypnalis / Asag / Saratan / Devalpa / Axex / Petsuchos / Khepri / Sandwalker / Asipatra / Dahaka / Rukh
ASIAN: Con Rit (Beast) / Death Worm (Aberration) / Dijiang (Aberration) / Gu (Elemental) / Jinmenju (Plant) / Kumiho (Demon) / Longgui (Dragon) / Pixiu (Construct) / Shen (Aberration) / Terra-Cotta (Construct) / Xiao (Chimerae) / Xing Tian (Undead) / Zhenniao (Beast)
Bulgasari  / Qinyuan / Hongaek / Tenaga-Jin / Gaki / Taotie / Zheng
JAPANESE: Akaname (Aberration) / Akashita (Demon) / Bakekujira (Undead) / Enenra (Elemental) / Gashadokuro (Undead) / Hyakume (Aberration) / Isonade (Demon) / Ittan-Momen (Construct) / Jorogumo (Demon) / Jubokko (Plant) / Kamaitachi (Fae) / Kappa (Chimerae) / Keukegen (Aberration) / Nekomata (Fae) / Nue (Chimerae) / Nurikabe (Aberration) / Omukade (Demon) / Raiju (Elemental) / Rokurokubi (Aberration) / Sazae-Oni (Demon) / Tesso (Humanoid) / Ungaikyo (Construct) / Wanyudo (Construct) / Yuki-Onna (Undead)
Namazu / Umibozu / Zorigami / Muramasa / Tsuchigumo
Baku / Kitsune
Yanagi-Baba / Harionago / Kurage-Hinotama / Kamikiri / Oboroguruma / Ikuchi / Tenome / Otoroshi / Satori / Garei / Kodama Nezumi / Aoandon / Dorotabo / Heikegani / Katsura-Otoko / Mekurabe / Suiko / Kasha / Atuikakura / Amikiri / Nurarihyon / Katawaguruma
POLYNESIAN: A Bao A Qu (Aberration) / Abaia (Beast) / Abere (Plant) / Adaro (Humanoid) / Anggitay (Fae) / Aswang (Demon) / Berberoka (Plant) / Bonguru (Fae) / Dalaketnon (Fae) / Globster (Aberration) / Jenglot (Construct) / Mandarangkal (Demon) /  Polong (Elemental) / Sigbin (Demon) / Tikbalang (Fae) / Tiyanak (Undead)
Mambabarang / Kurita / Mantabungal / Kusa Kap / Kaiaimunu / Siyokoy / Batibat / Ropen / Rogo-Tumu-Here / Nuno / Erumia / Pua Tu Tahi / Manananggal / Markupo / Ahool
AUSTRALIAN: Bunyip (Chimerae) / Burrunjor (Beast) / Drop Bear (Beast) / Marakihau (Aberration) / Minka (Fae) / Nadubi (Humanoid) / Papinijuwari (Aberration) / Porotai (Fae) / Wulgaru (Construct) / Yara-Ma-Yha-Who (Aberration)
Julana / Dheeyabery / Whowie
78 notes · View notes
myth-lord · 4 years ago
Current lists, for backup
A Bao A Qu Aatxe - Khalkotauroi Abaia Abere Abuhuku Acheri Adaro - Zitiron Afanc Agrippa Agropelter Ahuizotl Aitvaras Ajatar Akaname - Marakihau - Gaki Akashita Akheilos - Isonade Alp-Luachra Amarok - Akhlut Amikuk Ammut Amphisbaena - Ouroboros Aniwye Aproxis Asanbosam Asdeev Askafroa - Radande - Batibat - Yanagi-Baba Aswang - Kubot - Manananggal Attercroppe Atuikakura - Butatsch Awd Goggie
Bakekujira Baku Baldanders - Gardinel Banshee - Limos - Pesta - Nemain Barbegazi - Ijiraq Baykok - Mokoi Berberoka Berserker - Einherjar Bilwis - Ebajalg Binaye-Ahani Bolla - Kulshedra Bonguru Boobrie - Hverafugl Bruch Bubak Buckrider - Buckrider Priest Buggane Bukavac Bunyip - Dingonek Burach Bhadi Burrunjor - Stoa - Kasai Rex Bushyasta
Cactus Cat - Cactus Lion Caladrius - Zhenniao - Melalo Caleuche Camulatz Caorthannach Carbuncle - Cagrino Caspilly Catoblepas Cecaelia - Iku-Turso - Scylla Centaur - Anggitay - Besta-Fera Charybdis Cherufe Chicheface Chipfalamfula Chon-Chon - Cacodemon - Tsurube-Otoshi Chupacabra - Nadubi Cipactli Cockatrice - Basilisk Codrille Colo-Colo Colorobetch Con Rit - Skolex Cu Sith Cuero - Rumptifusel Cwn Annwn Cyclops - Papinijuwari - Tartalo
Dactyl - Cabeiri Death Worm - Minhocao - Lagarfljotr Dijiang - Hundun Djinn - Ghul Dokkalfar - Dalaketnon Dorotabo - Obambo Drop Bear Dullahan - Coiste Bodhar - Ankou
Echeneis Egregore Eintykara Enenra Erinyes Erumia - Kurage-Hinotama - Muirdris Ewah
Fachen Faun - Phooka - Huay Chivo Fomorian - Balor Fossegrim - Encantado Frittening Fulad-Zereh
Ga-Gorib Gaasyendietha Gargoyle - Asag Garmr - Cerberus Gaueko Gbahali Gegenees - Hekantoncheires Girtablilu Globster - Umibozu Gloson Goblin - Grindylow - Eloko - Spriggan - Likho Gold-Digging Ant - Gold-Digging Warrior - Gold-Digging Queen Golem - Wulgaru - Terra-Cotta - Tupilaq - Celedon - Talos Griffon - Axex Grootslang Gulon - Rompo - Taotie
Haietlik Hantu Bulan Harpy - Alkonost Havhest - Kunopegos Helhest Hinnagami - Jenglot Hongaek Hrosshvalur Hyakume Hydra - Nyuvwira - Balaur - Ladon
Ichneumon Ifrit Ikuchi Imp - Skrzak Impundulu Incubus - Succubus - Cambion Intulo - Lunwaba - Cuca Inulpamahuida Invunche - Flesh Abomination Ipetam - Soul Eater Sword Issitoq - Aghash Ittan-Momen
Jba Fofi - Djieien - Jorogumo - Tsuchigumo Jidra - Barometz - Otso Jinmenju Jubokko Juggernaut
Kamaitachi Kampe Kappa - Suiko Karkadann - Indrik Karkinos - Heikegani - Traicousse - Saratan Kaw-Kaw - Morko Kayeri Kelpie - Ceffyl Dwr - Each Tened - Apaosha Kerit Keukegen Khodumodumo Kikimora Kitsune - Kumiho Knucker Kobold - Pech Kokogiak Kongamato - Ropen Kranokolaptes - Pyrausta - Itzpapalotl - Shinchu
Laestrygonian - Aigamuxa - Hrimpursar - Cacus - Hraesvelgr   Lagahoo Lamia - Gorgon - Echidna Lampad - Oread Leanan Sidhe Lechuza Leprechaun - Clurichaun - Gancanagh - Amadan Dubh Leshy - Nuno - Kapre Leucrotta Lilyi Lindwurm   - Nidhogg - Fafnir Longgui Lou Carcolh Lunantishee
Maenad Mahaha Makalala - Tuyango Makhai Mambabarang   - Adze Mandarangkal - Empusa Mandragora Manticore - Sphinx - Piasa Mapinguari Marool Migas - Paxarbolis - Rogo-Tumu-Here - Lusca Minotaur - Sarangay - Erchitu Miraj Mngwa Morgawr - Mokele-Mbembe Moroi - Strigoi Motelo Mama Muhuru - Mbielu-Mbielu Musca Macedda - Druj Nasu Myrmecoleon
Nekomata - Kasha Ngoubou - Odontotyrannus Nguruvilu - Snow Wasset Nocnitsa Nuckelavee Nue Nurikabe
Olitiau - Guiafairo - Camazotz Omukade Oniate - Mano Peluda Osschaert
Pard - Mishibizhiw - Serpopard - Zheng Peuchen Pixiu Poludnica - Candileja Popobawa Psoglav Psonen Pukwudgie
Rahara Raiju Ratatoskr - Muscaliet Redcap - Ly Erg Rock Bolter Rokurokubi Roperite
Sagari Salamander Salawa Sazae-Oni Scarab - Apshait - Jinshin Mushi - Khepri Scorpios - Gastarios - Sandwalker Scytalis Seitaad - Ahl At-Trab Shadhawar Shellycoat Shen Sianach - Peryton - Snawfus - Delgeth Sigbin Siyokoy Skinwalker - Nagual - Rougarou Spartoi - Ahkiyyini - Mekurabe - Gashadokuro Stella - Decarabia Stray Sod - Hungry Grass Stuhac Stymphalides - Asipatra Succarath
Tailypo Tarasque Tculo Tesso Tikbalang Tiyanak - Devalpa - Myling Troll - Porotai - Yehwe Zogbanu Tsemaus - Ziphius Tsenagahi - Sessho-Seki - Planctae
Uiluruyak - Rat King - Ugjuknarpak - Lavellan Ulagu Umdhlebi Undine - Polong - Gu - Hinqumemen Ungaikyo
Valravn - Nachtkrapp Vatnsandi Veela - Hala Velue Vish Kanya - Saapin Vodyanoi - Cueyatl - Bolotnik - Bagiennik - Arzhavennik
Wanyudo Water Leaper Wendigo Whowie Will o Wisp - Luz Mala Wraith - Buruburu - Waldgeist - Dybbuk - Sluagh Wyvern - Cuelebre - Azi Dahaka
Xan - Moskitto Xhumpedzkin Xiao - Ahool Xing Tian
Ya-Te-Veo Yale Yara-Ma-Yha-Who Yowie - Fear Liath - Hidebehind Yuki-Onna
Zirnitra Zombie - Aerico - Topielec - Mummy - Draugr Zorigami
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