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essential-randomness · 10 months ago
Back with streaming... sort of!
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Hello folks! We're officially off our break, but still deep in the trenches of campaign rewards fulfillment.
In the next few days, you'll hear more about what we've done during this time off as we start sending our newsletters out again. While you wait, it's time to get back to streaming (albeit with a reduced schedule for the next couple months):
Let's meet tomorrow May 16th on Twitch at 3PM PDT to catch up and finish one of our backer rewards: the $ponsors $hrine!
Timezone-aware schedule (and more details) on my website.
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444names · 11 months ago
Names generated from daedra names (The Elder Scrolls) and theological angels and demons
Aademixasa Abaly Abiah Addogtru Adjudgerata Adrigion Adronianama Aecer Agara Agastalar Agherworai Akaaki Akalan Alavend Alawoorel Aleth Aliony Amalaxes Amancifeyak Ambri Aminurazan Amixar Anash Anira Arkifurr Arkyth Arras Asmon Astart Asuraldanow Athoor Atormen Aventon Azachedriel Azail Azfyli Azfylomeje Azudia Azulunta...
Badeka Badermwon Badruk Baleg Balha Banchalis Banumbrus Barch Bardandren Barmura Barve Batakaer Bator Battykena Bazapt Bazep Bazureel Beggma Begozzaka Behel Belekh Berubim Betron Bhamsits Blaningda Blekab Blias Blorgorne Blotell Bodavakata Boglammar Bomeruttaaf Bomet Botinaf Bridran Briell Broel Bruchan Bruint Brutstear Caagonophon Caldus Canah Cantanev Ceriel Chberus Chcus Chcustor Chich Clest Collaki Corge Cresal Crykun Daebloke Dagorveplar Dajjala Dakelvel Dalivora Damnevin Danim Daveshas Davilfrozu Deelith Demvatix Dendhazena Deranzoul Dezber Dicub Dolamata Dolarayla Dominaphaz Donotu Doshatim Drephaz Driel Driell Droganron Dumirr Dyzachahaed Dyzormang Ebatorsis Ebodwyr Ebolame Eissoyozt Elila Enaeder Enaket Eneep Enkyn Enneineth Erilitenkyx Erwilavasal Esilqon Feachenova Flamanyiel Flartar Flarut Flawori Focor Forgriel Forni Fregahas Fremon Fring Furax Furfuriel Garrber Gelleyarak Giraphk Glakh Gleceraffa Glogon Gonfes Goras Gregisth Gremvarrut Grith Grosheusih Gucinerz Gucing Gucingentor Guilqoth Gurotarbata Gwaila Habrae Hango Hauter Havar Hazuomal Hexes Hiker Himalev Himightmous Hishavy Hoatrona Holsouth Horymorch Hravyriel Hriel Hrightris Hrine Hulfrows Hunne Hutanexx Hylarbii Hylivel Ibaddyzai Ibatemnaman Iblygda Ibron Icullharru Ighterim Iguali Ilatirux Ilfilagath Iligor Imarkaroth Imsiel Ipasuuldus Iremir Isoyeqothxu Izzlech Janth Junalxong Junnax Jyner Kaboor Kaduugri Kaliah Keemyai Kelli Keriel Khaakhan Kikokvonth Kintura Kmorim Knind Kotepenehum Kotmare Kotter Krahiel Kroor Kuvamez Kynas Lahrinevan Lesnoctor Lilaas Lotmaez Lubiel Lubithoale Maasardha Magolaber Malas Manigna Marespinfla Meguright Mezat Mielar Mincifeshax Mineus Minnightbra Minolfri Miraz Mogol Morge Morger Mueliki Murch Murerion Murner Mysolail Nacruz Nantoshl Neing Nezaphon Nifrinkyn Nighassimer Nigma Ninas Ninger Noamyse Nolsu Nuesats Nurain Nurilaalana Nzolaz Nzured Oceraylor Ofatork Ofephaeo Omachel Orgon Oshambell Osuphan Ozaind Ozakhring Ozoah Oztiel Ozurgenka Paruxies Pasaktan Paylar Penaas Perang Petalkyu Phant Plikhel Postos Prigorlyn Print Pritterene Pulanazind Pulfatard Pumah Pumpha Puran Purerothar Pyashedru Qaphki Quara Rachavon Rahena Ralpharve Raxuu Rectom Reetate Rinoctoni Rixaster Rixth Ronshyang Rrahand Rrven Rsoyel Rusojopel Sachil Sadkiess Sakith Scremhue Scron Scrosheal Scrosti Seeclorax Sendar Senex Serbats Sermura Setatera Shaed Shalam Shane Shaskohzu Skorchingon Skraz Slarizulun Slasax Soirrus Squnt Stabata Stazzam Stemasord Stophaylo Stornosh Strim Surashyxes Teginthym Telak Temyser Tepaidaezen Terrus Tharvenim Toragat Toralth Torchab Torynower Traif Trogrozurs Troodameth Tudhodwyr Tuzak Tzanions Ukhen Ukhes Ukhrilock Ulghtegel Ulgogatis Ulucheach Uzakhemes Uzranhal Vangos Vaphiel Varkynaf Varnapt Varrokh Varuthung Varuz Veluz Venkerbwd Veperkynez Viasher Vicera Virel Vitlers Voraz Vorok Voulubiel Vouts Vrearus Vrechikhes Vrelduuta Vrele Vrinzil Vrius Vrozzaph Vrukkrut Wadra Walagon Warak Warow Weruzainn Whiskoel Whodae Winkel Wintewhim Wista Woorgozanth Xalvach Xatorn Xignaerzix Xilasker Xishmetear Xivik Xobli Xorinoctuz Xoruth Xvanderna Xvion Xxtorion Xznothidaez Yelluz Yerana Yersiel Ygdrex Yggmal Zaidiarione Zaing Zaphqien Zebah Zebralak Zebus Zebut Zebuth Zedinrhae Zeligood Zends Zentorhah Zethiell Zienazfyl Zikotuz Zopel Zormwor Zymormhue Zymorufa Zyraces Zyzakumel
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tipsy-scales · 1 year ago
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The 9S[hrine] grows
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cloudcountry · 1 year ago
sorry if this is annoying but i just wanted to say that when u followed me back the other day i literally teared up and it MADE MY DAY and so now i need you to give me a twst or mysmes character and i shall draw them for you
if you coudl draw jihyun i woul df rame it and put in my wall and worship it and build a s hrine around it thank you HJSADFDJSAFSDHFG HELPLP
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shiningnightstars · 1 year ago
OKAY I FOUND IT IT'S @/justakat-hrine
everyone panic the tbf actors have tumblr accounts. i just found like 3 of them.
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resplendence-manifest · 4 years ago
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pespillo · 3 years ago
Illusion Lock S(hrine?)
Warnings for flashing and glitching.
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kinoversee-blog · 3 years ago
In this guide, we have several incentives and benefits of hrining a video production freelancer. if you want to get to know more about it then visit here
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ask-ethari-anything · 4 years ago
Hey can i have one of the dolls u made with runaans hair pwp i definitely dont need the hair for my runaan s hrine
I’m afraid not, love. Runaan’s DNA is strictly forbidden to leave Xadia unless it’s actually his living self. Also, I’m afraid that possession of Moonshadow elf DNA is a crime punishable by assassin visit.
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If only someone would hurry up and make a Runaan Funko Pop.
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tieria-erde · 4 years ago
The previous anon was thinking of redkat/hrinee, who was the one who drew that sort of thing. However, Hustle/rose is enbyphobic and panphobic, which is where the confusion from the last anon may have come from
got it, tysm for clarifying!!
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esmiblood90irisglimmer · 5 years ago
Hamilton Male Cast As Six The Musical (Reupload)
Alexander Hamilton: Cathrine Of Aragon
Marquis De Lafayette: Anne Boleyn
John Laurens: Jane Seymour
Hercules Mulligan: Anne Of Cleves
James Madison: Kathrine Howard
Aaron Burr: Cathrine Parr
Peggy: Henry VIII
I originally uploaded and I put Thomas Jefferson as Kathrine Howard. I notice some of the fans felt unfelt comfortable about it.
Due to the situation and both Jefferson and Howard own individuals history. So I'm sorry if I offended any of the Six The Musical that wasn't my intention.
I'm sorry if I offended anyone. I'll fix it
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444names · 2 years ago
imperial from tes, french and quenya names all with diacritics removed
Acarne Adarier Aduralba Aesterel Aevus Alactaridi Alauron Alcan Alendia Aligna Alleonius Alpina Amarier Amaris Amounil Anderme Andes Angulio Aquettus Arany Ardsmint Arindrius Asilil Asius Assea Astisian Ataminis Atian Atontius Atreld Audidan Augeon Aurohedrio Avesse Axille Balinque Banar Barius Bellana Belley Belloio Bendedge Benwenden Betinvex Bited Blinathis Bracato Briania Brodianus Brome Bruthan Buion Burca Cabenia Cadius Caecia Caele Calain Calaurius Caleociro Caleof Callus Canchan Candi Caphirre Caphori Captius Carcia Carion Carus Casanus Castilust Cense Chalvinie Chancelle Citus Cladfarius Clana Clander Clixtus Clomiered Coliele Colixus Coloof Comengdia Comenter Cossan Daller Dambro Deria Dessic Devinysi Diusk Dolun Doregur Dostarna Drent Druing Dulus Dustiond Eadors Eatitia Edestalan Elaentami Eldess Eldilen Elendume Elleo Emius Enirdia Entuma Eptia Erius Ertea Esahang Escuna Estarth Etius Etundus Eudil Fabers Fabestir Fabson Falburen Falius Falontur Falova Fandesne Fanien Fantatye Farryarsus Farstelle Fatcha Fatin Final Finanur Flaelvar Flaire Flogeme Flucilmo Folambrin Foria Forto Frianuscht Fronna Gaechar Gaudius Gavatar Gavria Gemmar Ginarde Gleyna Gratoul Guncaprana Handele Harcome Hards Harius Hastorius Hatiner Hedolan Hereles Heris Hermosto Hettic Hilin Hipius Hitiust Horna Hossynain Houia Howvalius Hrattus Hrine Hrinie Hugus Hyarde Ickwentius Iloger Imbarcel Imbarto Imono Inces Indil Indormore Initia Irius Irmere Iscedrier Isius Ismande Istia Jacia Jacquagrus Jeacatir Jeaurgiana Jeren Jeride Jessaelvo Jesta Jirinius Josaeudia Jucas Kirstarvie Krass Lacarand Laelde Lairatius Lator Laudent Leconde Lendece Lentia Letiling Licinius Ligus Limeanis Limegina Liste Liveren Lodoronia Loirbea Lotents Lundius Lupicennin Maccilanus Macolie Magil Mandius Manice Manna Manollimus Marasus Mardi Margesos Maruccus Mauguenyan Mendefta Menincie Mergio Metius Miele Miestar Miromelia Mirtius Mitius Mituria Miuser Monorus Motelinus Motinortas Murus Nabnus Nacalor Nagly Nalest Natumus Niandus Niefure Nientus Nolca Nosinan Notia Oamildo Obeas Ohienrius Olinus Ollaquesta Ondua Onick Onindre Onius Ontorma Oramaxiust Ordexius Ottorionee Pamis Pands Papolam Pards Pargia Patanine Patar Patchronis Pattata Paurcorien Peesdria Pelit Perius Pertiang Pioran Pirene Pisse Pistius Piulp Plaundius Plius Porne Pornia Pottel Prane Pricele Prius Prote Quenia Quitina Raccard Racia Raforil Ragin Ranuron Rasio Ratia Reals Rende Reniancus Renus Reyndius Rhers Riseren Risongwang Roade Roambarne Rolkirge Rondrie Rossellius Rotelex Ruliennia Rullisleo Saber Sador Salace Salannus Sauretio Scaren Scasseina Scelemiln Sebeius Seced Seius Senderpus Sephis Serian Sibarine Siligna Silivine Silmarne Singiving Skielia Skinia Skylvionte Sominwe Sondexim Sonus Soregentus Sossossius Souivie Soukonia Sperucaind Spiendenna Spius Stele Steras Stius Storone Strattinia Sulissonta Sulup Sundomee Suroges Suspiendo Sylvia Synerfle Taboria Taeruciry Tanar Tanconds Taregaecan Tarlaldo Tasseque Tasta Tellientia Terienta Tertarital Tesse Thang Thellaccus Therte Thier Tintinse Trimout Trixtiny Tulunce Turbaulis Turus Tyattius Tyenia Ulianne Ulnus Umanged Undius Unelus Valal Valiver Vallus Valma Valvus Vanca Vandre Vanth Vanus Vardexio Vardinas Vards Vartetwome Vaspus Vedmin Vence Veran Vianamaley Viango Vianius Videna Viendac Vingwell Viorack Vircalia Vivundur Vlius Vocto Vyhasine Walla Watius Westing Whode Woryartus Yafors Yandorine Yaran Yarius Yeanus Yelin Yernia Yvorome
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binccxh · 6 years ago
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Dishonored → Shrines
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low-budget-korra · 6 years ago
The Last Airbender OneShot fanfic
Hi guys, so here we go. I try to let the characters look and sound just like they are in the cartoon and comics, but i have to try to bring something new. Is my first The Last Airbender fanfic btw and was really good writing it. Enjoy
          When two souls meet each other
-I don't believe that you'll have to make this trip right now, - Aang comments as Katara finishes packing her stuff
It had been years since the end of the Hundred Years War, and even with Katara being considered the world's biggest waterbender, the Avatar couldn't help but feel worried whenever his girlfriend traveled alone.
-It will be quick, when you least notice im gone  I'll be back already - Katara responds giving a kiss on the forehead of Aang, making him smile.
-But wait, you will miss the meeting - Aang comments remembering the commitment he had with Lord Zuko
-Republic City was your and Zuko's idea, don't get me wrong but you know I don't like these political issues - Katara responds heading towards Appa, who was waiting outside the house. Aang uses the airbend to put Katara's two suitcases on her flying bison and soon they say goodbye
-I wish I could go with you," Aang comments as Katara climbs  Appa.  -Take care of her for me, buddy.-  Aang ends up petting Appa, pulling away just before the flying bison goes on.
After a few hours flying near the clouds, Katara soon sees the sanctuary hrine hidden by the mountains, deep in the fire nation territory
-It's always an honor to welcome you Master Katara - The trio of seniors offer their greetings as soon as the famous waterbender comes down from Appa.
-It's always an honor to be here. - Katara responds greeting the trio but soon her expression changes - How is she?
-Come on, I'll explain to you on the way- says JoJo, the lady who ran the place. While starting to walk alongside Katara - It has been very difficult, the chi blockers has to visit her every two hours
-Sorry for bring her here, I didn't know what to do.- Katara had sometimes regretted what she had done and the weight she had put on their lives.
-It is our duty to help anyone who comes looking for us. But tell me, does the fire lord Zuko know his sister is here? - The old woman asks and Katara lowers her head and answers negatively - It's better this way, at least for now.
-I don't know, I feel like I'm betraying   Zuko, Aang and everyone - Katara replies with regret
From the day everyone learned of the story of Zuko's mother, and after Azula escaped. Katara start to had  strange dreams, they all had Azula as protagonist. Until one day, for some reason, she drifted off the route she was taking to the North Pole and followed where her intuition led her. And was there with the dirt and mug  that she found the once proud princess
Of course, as soon as she saw Katara, Azula attacked but she was no longer the great firebender that once was. And with the help of some villagers from a nearby village, including  some chi blockers, Katara managed to immobilize Azula and bring her to this sanctuary.
-I'll leave you alone, don't worry, her chi is blocked - JoJo says opening the bedroom door for Katara
Azula is lying in a fetal position on a simple bed with her back to the door. This was an image Katara would never expect to see
-Why are you here ? - Azula asks without moving a muscle.
-How are you? - Katara responds closing the door while Azula lets out a shy laugh
-You knew only idiots answer a question with another question.- Azula brings out what's left of the sassy princess she once was. She then sits facing Katara who is standing in front of her. -Why did you bring me here? Why do you want to come visit me?
Azula was totally different, the once aggressive and angry countenance had given way to a sad look that made her golden eyes look gray.
-To be honest I don't even know the answer - Katara comments sitting on the edge of the bed, very close to Azula - I think… the truth is I feel connected to you somehow
Azula then forces a loud laugh
-You must be crazy if you are looking  for similarities between a princess and a disgusting peasant girl.-
Azula had been unkind to Katara in the last three visits, as if the fact that Katara had practically saved her life infuriated the princess even more .
-We are two young women without a mother, our parents were at war and we had only our sometimes stupid brothers - Katara's speech made Azula smile slightly, remembering Zuko. It was the first time Katara had seen her smile, even shyly.
-Indeed. How is Zuzu? - Azula asks looking genuinely interested
-He's doing very well. He and Mai have been together since… - Katara then remembers Agni Kai, remembers the day she and Zuko defeated Azula.
-From the day you defeated me. You can say it, it's not like I'm going to throw a fireball in your face right now so- Azula completes, making fun of her situation.
It is notorious that that day still haunts the young princess, that defeat had changed Azula forever and her reunion with Ursa, her mother, only made things  worse.
 -If that woman had not entered my head, you would both be in the fire lord's prisons. Or dead - Azula comments finally raising her head and staring at Katara, making the waterbender notice the marks around Azula's eyes, she should have cried a lot before her arrival.
Katara is aware of this, in fact, she doesn't know if they would be able to fight Azula if she hadn't broken shortly before Agni Kai. As much as she trusted Zuko's abilities, Katara knew that Azula was still superior.
Then, all Of sudden, Azula jumps on Katara trying to strangle her.
-It was all your fault, you filthy peasant! - Azula shouts in tears. She not only sees Katara, the girl who actually defeated her, but also her mother.
Katara can easily get rid of the attack without even making use of her powerful bending. And right after being pushed by Katara, Azula just leans back on the bed and continues to cry while screaming for Katara to leave.
-I'm not going anywhere.- Katara responds while being ignored by Katara
-How could she leave me? - Azula responds through tears keeping in mind not only her mother but also Mai and Ty Lee - Always Zuko, what does he have that I don't have? I'm better than him but she always preferred him! She never loved me!
Katara then approaches Azula once again and touches her  hands that are covering her face.
-I won't leave you. I promise. - Katara's words capture Azula's attention that in an unimaginable attitude, she hugs the waterbender
-I hate you! I hate you so much, I hate this place! Azula says beside Katara's ear while the waterbender hugs her back even though Katara is shocked by Azula's unimaginable action.
-I can handle it - Katara replies as Azula cries into her shoulder.
The two stay there for a while, Katara just listens to all the words, all the anger, the hurt, the fear of Azula. But soon it is time for Katara to leave and the chi blockers  enter the room to do their work. It made Katara heartbroken but she knew that for now this was still necessary
JoJo then greets Katara at the entrance to Azula's room and heads to guide her back to  Appa.
-When I saw the bags I thought I would stay here for a few days - JoJo comments when they arrive in the courtyard where Appa was waiting for them
-Unfortunately I can't, I told Aang and everyone that I was going to visit Grandma and, well, that's what I'm going to do now-  Katara responds by giving JoJo a hug and thanking her for everything. - JoJo, Azula was very sentimental today.-
-Yes, it's part of the treatment. Princess Azula is drinking a powerful tea that stir memory and memory is where feelings live. She needs to put all those bad feelings out before she really starts to change and grow - JoJo answers shortly before Katara climbs Appa and heads to the South Pole where her grandmother was.
 She hadn't even go to far  but she already  wanted to go back, wanted to hug Azula and say that everything would be all right. It was a feeling Katara couldn't explain because she also knew it made no sense to feel it after all Azula had done.
But still, she couldn't stop thinking about  the fire nation princess and how badly she wanted to be with her, help her
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livingforthatxo · 6 years ago
shrines. qawalis. sufism. solitude. heartbreak. cigarettes. leather jackets. alcohol. poetry. football. ali sethi. manto. hadiqa kiani. havelis. photography. love. sunsets. you.
- life, once upon a time
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bytemycupcakes · 6 years ago
that cat girl looks so much like a Catherine and i Don't KnOW WHY?
Probably cause she’s a cat
Im funny I swear
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