#hp au blogging
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angelsgame-au · 8 months ago
Angel, why are you hiding behind Kris when you're the adult?
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rmoony12 · 4 months ago
Ok here me out -
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo AU.
I know what you think - Lily as Evelyn, James as her last husband and bsf (Harry?) which makes the perfect Jegulus/Jily/Pandalily (or Marylily).
But NO.
I think of Lily as Evelyn, Remus as Harry.
Sirius as his secret boyfriend who dates with Mary, who is secretary dating Lily.
I didn't though of all of it but I think it's perfect.
Although I don't really like Marylily, I prefer Jily but then it ruins the queerness of the story.
And there's the hero right? The one interviewing Evelyn and her dad had dated Harry? So there's that to work with too.
Idk pls develop this and lmk when it exists.
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okeydokeylackey · 3 months ago
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Snape's dealt with uppies from his younger cousin before but she grew out of his strength way too fast. Somehow, his dumbass didn't expect that the kid he begrudgingly took in would also want them. And his dumbass certainly didn't expect to find it as adorable as it is.
Rune (the kid) belongs to @berserkerrose
Snape design is mine and part of @heir-of-sapphirius /the Sacredverse/ @toiletfirewhiskey (DSFV)
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itsevansart · 1 year ago
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make my day by reblogging and not reposting!
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hollowed-theory-hall · 5 months ago
Hi, I really like your posts, thank you so much for deciding to share them with us! 1. What do you think about fem! Harry? What changes do you think would have occurred in his character if he had been born a girl? how would he have grown up and changed after the war? 2. What do you think, what changes in character and worldview could happen to Canon! Harry after the war?Sorry for my language, English is not my native language.
Thank you so much! 🥰
I mean, the first thing that is likely to change is the Dursleys treatment. Keeping in mind the story's context, and that it takes place in the 90s we can expect this hypothetical female Harry would have different experiences growing up.
For example, Dudley is probably not going to be encouraged as much to pick on girl!Harry and his friends probably won't be that interested in bothering her either. Because little boys think girls are icky and they won't punch a girl. Girl!Harry is also likely to look more like Lily, which could make Petunia's treatment worse or better (depends on your outlook. I think Petunia would rather not see this miniature Lily at all, so girl!Harry probably would be left alone and ignored more often than put to work on chorse becouse Petunia won't be able to stand the sight of her sister).
People in Private Drive would also treat her differently. Girls tend to be thought of as gentler, but she still won't be liked. Like, Petunia would definitely tell everyone this Harry is just lying for attention and lives in her little imaginary world (they still tell Aunt Marge she goes to St. Agnes School for Misbehaving Girls or something). Also, as the Dursleys want their household to be as normal as can be, I doubt they'd let a little girl walk around in Dudley's old clothes. She'd probably instead wear Petunia's old clothes, which would still not look her size, but she'd look less like a punk and more like someone shopping for vintage clothes.
I still think she'd have a miserable, lonely time at the Dursleys with her only friends being the spiders in the cupboard, but she'd probably suffer fewer injuries growing up. The periods of starvation would still be there, and while Dudley and his gang are less likely to chase after a female version of Harry, Vernon would likely still handle her roughly, so she'd still learn how to duck.
Upon arriving at school, assuming Hagrid still takes her to Diagon Alley on the same day, girl!Harry would still ask not to be in Slytherin and get sorted into Gryffindor.
Since Harry mirrors people around him to appear as normal as possible in the books, he takes Ron as his main behavioral template. As a girl, this female version of Harry would likely pick Lavender or Praviti (Hermione is being ridiculed, so I don't think she'd pick someone ostracized).
But she'd still likely sit with Ron on the train, so, there are multiple avenues open here. I think female Harry would still be friends with Ron and Hermione, eventually. Girl!Harry would probably befriend Hermione earlier actually, since she'd feel sorry for her and see more of Hermione's loneliness. Because she'd be just as kind as canon Harry.
But I see this Harry getting along more with Lavender and Praviti, especially in the beginning of first year.
As this Harry still befriends Ron and the Weasleys, she'd probably eventually date Ron (is she actually attracted to him, or is she a lesbian and is projecting would depend on the writer's choice). But I think Rarry is where this is going.
Also, her name would be different. I mean, Harry James Potter is named after Henry Potter (his great grandpa) and his own father James. (I like the headcanon that Lily's father was also named Harry or another name that could be shortened to Harry), so a female Harry would likely not be named Harriet or something like that but a feminine family name. So, She will probably be Euphemia Lily Potter or something like that.
(Personally, I'm not very interested in female Harry stories, but go and write whatever you want and have fun!)
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uhhlifeig · 4 months ago
Spirit - October 20 - word count: 417 - @wolfstarmicrofic
Remus Lupin stood onstage, arms crossed and looking every bit like the grumpy old man he was playing.
“Alright, let’s go over the Christmas Present scene again,” McGonagall called from the back of the room, her voice echoing through the empty theater. “Sirius, can you try and stay on script this time?”
Sirius grinned widely. “Of course. I’ve got it this time. No problem.”
Remus shot him a sideways glance. The noiret had said the same thing the last three times.
They reset, Remus as Scrooge, and Sirius as the Spirit of Christmas Present. The rest of the cast lingered near the stage wings, waiting for their cues- or, more accurately, waiting for Sirius to improvise the scene for the fourth time.
“And… begin!” McGonagall called from her seat.
Sirius stepped forward. “COME, EBENEZER SCROOGE! Come and… uhh, come and party with me. I am the Ghost of Christmas Present- uhh, look upon me and weep?”
Remus sighed. “You’re kidding me. Sirius, your line is ‘Come and know me better, man! I am the Ghost of Christmas Present! Look upon me. You have never seen the likes of me before?’’”
Sirius snapped his fingers. “Right! Right. Got it.”
From the wings, James, lounging casually on a folding chair from their last production, chuckled. “How come Remus knows your lines better than you do, Pads? Seems kinda counter-intuitive, if you ask me.”
The rest of the cast stifled their laughter, but Remus pressed on. 
“Never,” he continued, ignoring Sirius’s grin.
Sirius beamed, clearly pleased with himself. “That’s where you’re wrong, Ebenezer. You… uh… you’ve never… known my brethren… better?”
Remus raised an eyebrow. “It’s ‘Have never walked forth with the younger members of my family?’”
Sirius snapped his fingers again. “Yes! That’s the one! ‘Have never walked forth with the younger members of my family?’”
Remus sighed. “I am afraid I have not. Have you many brothers, spirit?”
Sirius stepped closer. “I have…uh…one. And, er this is… uh…” He glanced around the stage, looking for inspiration. “This is a very nice table we’ve got here.”
James nearly fell off his chair, roaring with laughter. “He’s really nailing it this time.”
Marlene, sitting next to him, shook her head, her face lit up with amusement. “This is gold.”
Remus suddenly had the urge to slam his head into a wall. “Sirius. Please. It’s more than 1800.”
Sirius blinked, as if remembering something important. “Ah, yes! More than 1800! Right! I knew that.”
This rehearsal was going to last forever.
(lines from A Christmas Carol, adapted by Ed Monk)
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childotkw · 3 months ago
Just stumbled on your blog, had no Idea who you were until I saw an unhinged orion post and went :0 !!!! That's the Harry transmigrates into a bullied carrow kid author!!! Then I proceeded to eat the orion tag on your blog, some of the dark side of the moon tag, then all of the bookshop au tag, who's probably m'y favourite due to thé sheer chaos it creates...
I love your blog! And your writing!! And the way you bounce off the ideas people throw at you in their ask!! Very chaotic, very créative, very fun!!
Im off to read the entirely of the butterfly au bc it sounds delightful, I just wanted to share how much I appreciate your brillant brain!
Have a nice day : )
How I felt reading your first line:
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I'm glad you had fun on my blog! It's a bit of a mess here with all the different AUs but we have fun so that's all that matters 😂
I'm always happy to chat about ideas or bat them back and forth, so if you ever have one, feel free to shoot it through and we'll see what monstrously creative beast we can make!
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scary-lasagna · 1 year ago
Are you down for Hogwarts stuff?
Because I need Slender as Hogwarts prof in my life🙏
Slender would be a Ravenclaw, with underlying Hufflepuff qualities.
His main drive is knowledge, he wants to know about everything there is. And a benefit, is using that knowledge to help others.
And his wand is Beech, with a Dragon Heartstring core, a length of 17”, and a somewhat flexibility.
With that in mind, as a professor, Slender would teach Transfiguration, and may even assist in Apparition lessons whenever the Ministry visited for the 6th years.
It takes a steady mind to practice Transfiguration, and even more so to teach it to children. Especially considering some who were muggle-born, and have never seen nor heard of it in practice.
He always makes sure to pay special attention to those who try to hide in the back, and is definitely the kind of professor to call on you if you aren’t paying attention
He takes teaching very seriously, and will even pull students aside if he notices they’re struggling with their test scores.
He isn’t quite avid in Quidditch games unless Ravenclaw is playing, but will attend the games of his students to sit quietly in the Professors tower and clap politely.
And despite his structured and curt demeanor, quite a few of students have decided to adopt him as a parental figure.
They’ll follow him in the halls, and always stop to have a short chat while passing his classroom if he’s not busy teaching.
It can get annoying, but deep down he loves how he can provide for the kids outside of the classroom.
He’s not a hard-ass, but he can be quite instructive and stern, and students will pick and prod in an attempt to bond with him since he gives off such a fatherly aura.
The room he teaches in has a whimsical vibe to it, and it has charmed trees sprouting in the corners of his room, with dark toned colors and glimmers of gold accents here and there.
His classroom has various skeletons and figurines, ranging from magical beasts to plumes of flowers and plants, and even a few class pets like a few rats and a cat that will claw at students papers when they’re not looking.
He’ll often transfigure into a large raven, or even one of the trees sprouting in the corners of the classroom before class starts just to spy if students are doing their homework minutes before the deadline, noting who will need help on keeping up with their work.
And perhaps one of the other professors will pop in to disturb his class and say hello to everyone, sitting at his desk while he rambles off on the lesson.
It’s not often he allows it, but if the lesson is dreadfully boring, he will encourage the extra commentary and may even use them as an example to transfigure. (And perhaps show his student how NOT to handle a transfigured subject by tossing it around).
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marbleshp · 3 months ago
This is all there will be here. Me and my best friend <3
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notdexterousatall · 4 months ago
Tom's very fun to write, because he's such a huge bitch. He cares about boundaries, but only because he enjoys breaking other people's. Why is he luring Harry into his house like Dracula? For fun, obv. What's he gonna do once he's got him locked down? Whatever he wants. Would he climb naked into the bathtub with Harry just to see Harry's reaction? Maybe! How's he gonna react when Harry gets him back for that? Overdramatically, definitely. Is he still weird about sex, despite being the flirtiest septagenarian around? Oh yes.
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faundraws · 2 years ago
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rmoony12 · 5 months ago
I'm happy the first chapter of "Think Poetic" would be up sometime next week.
No promises, but I'll do my best to make sure it will happen.
So, let's celebrate with some questions?
Questions I already answered:
- what are the main ships? {Wolfstar, Jily, Crystalrat & Dorlene}
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Moodboard of an AU where the Weasley family are a family band of singer-songwriters.
Requested by: anon.
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souptastical · 8 months ago
✨Fic Update
Currently working on Chapter 11 of the "Stepping Stones" rewrite! I want to aim for 15 chaps before I post it as you know me... queen of hiatus lol
Side note- do you know hard it is to write pre-addict, freshly PTSD Harry??? Tis freaking hard, just like it was last time lol
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prismolovessideblogs · 2 years ago
TROLL -> F/U, 0
DREADFUL -> 1, 2, G
POOR -> 3, E
ACCEPTABLE -> 4, 5, D, C
OUTSTANDING -> 8, 9, A*, A**
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mxrsmxrdrxpromox · 7 months ago
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Morsmordre is a Marauder AU set in present day, and we will be opening for threads on friday the 16th! We will be living on both discord and tumblr! The war between the order and the death eaters began five years ago, and in this universe the Ministry are struggling to contain the centuries old secret of their existence from the muggles. Contending with Aurors missing every other day, attacks and muggles posting videos of their "strange encounters" online. it's a very trying time for wizardkind. Azkaban prison is overun with extremely dangerous witches and wizards. The Ministry is now forced to rethink how wizards and witches can exist in harmony with their muggle counterparts, and how they can win the war. It could be time for an uprising.
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