#how to save money on hotels when traveling
uglyandtraveling · 2 years
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moonstruckme · 27 days
Happy birthday and congratulations on 7k!! You deserve it. Thank you for sharing your gift for writing with us <3
Can I request apple pie- James potter + an airport terminal at midnight
I once saw a guy at the airport who looked a bit like James but I was looking busted and severely hungover from my last night of spring break to talk to him 😅
Thank you for requesting lovely!!
James Potter x fem!reader ♡ 688 words
“Excuse me.” 
The voice is soft but still you wake with something like a growl brewing in your chest, fingers tightening possessively around the strap of your backpack. There’s a boy with brown eyes and a strong chin looking at you concernedly from behind a pair of glasses. 
“Sorry,” he says, setting a hand on your suitcase. You’ve got your leg hooked through the handle, but he doesn’t look like he’s trying to steal it, only resting his hand there. “Would you like this?” He holds up a clumped-up mass of fabric. 
You blink at him, trying to puzzle out whether he’s really making no sense or whether you’re just that tired. 
“For your head,” the boy clarifies. “You just, you don’t look very comfortable.” 
You lift your head, feeling the imprint that something poking through your backpack has left in your cheek. “Sorry,” you say blearily. “I don’t understand.” 
“That’s my fault,” he owns immediately. “Sorry, I meant would you like to use my hoodie as a pillow? So you can sleep properly.” 
“Oh.” You still feel odd, and it doesn’t help that this is the sort of thing that might usually only happen in a dream. Since when do attractive strangers walk up to you in airports? “Um, thank you, but you don’t have to.” 
“No, it’s really alright.” With your head lifted, he starts positioning it atop your backpack, fluffing it as though it’s a real pillow. “It’s my spare. I’m warm enough without it, see?” He gestures to the hoodie he’s wearing as if to demonstrate. It’s a deep red color that looks nice against his warm skin. He does look very warm, overall. “Anyways, there.” He steps back, grinning almost bashfully as he takes a seat across from you. “Now hopefully you can sleep better.” 
“Thank you,” you say quietly. 
He nods, still smiling much too brightly for this hour of night (or morning, you suppose. Is it morning yet?). 
You close your eyes, trying to ignore how pleasantly warm your makeshift pillow is, like he’s been carrying it around in his arms all day. It smells nice, too, the scent of a shampoo you vaguely recognize and also pine, maybe picked up from wherever he’s coming from. You open your eyes again. 
“When’s your flight?” 
He looks back at you, pulling his headphones off one ear. 
“When’s your flight?” you ask again. “So I can make sure to give it back in time.” 
“Oh, not for a few hours yet.” He waves you off. His headphones come down around his neck. “We’re suffering delays. When’s yours?” 
“Five-thirty.” You feel weary at the thought of it, though you can’t wait to get out of here. You’ve been dying to leave this airport since you’d arrived, grievously regretting your decision to save money on a hotel for the last night of your trip. 
He makes a sympathetic hissing noise. “That sounds truly awful. Early bird gets the worm, though?” 
“Something like that.” 
He smiles, and maybe it’s the fluorescent lighting but you think that if you weren’t already lying down it would take your knees out from under you. “I’m James.” 
You tell him your name, and he nods like he’s tucking it away. 
“Are you going on holiday?” he asks, crossing one of his legs under him, getting comfortable. 
“Sort of,” you reply. “I’m going to see my mum. But she makes it feel like a holiday.” Something softens around James' eyes, and for reasons unknown it makes your face warm. “Where are you headed?” 
“My best mates are spending the holiday in France. They’ve spared me a pullout couch.” James tilts his head, looking far more content than anyone traveling at this hour ought to be. You wonder if his lips just lie in a permanent uptilt. “So where you’re going to visit your mum, is that where you’re from?” 
You reposition your backpack so you’re propped up a bit more, James’ hoodie still under your cheek but suddenly feeling less keen on sleeping the hours until your flight away. Oddly, you’re no longer dying to leave this airport quite so badly.
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mochidoie · 1 year
room for two.
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kim doyoung x reader wc - 7k genre - pure fluff, sharing a bed cliché, mutuals to lovers, mutual pining, SO MUCH TENSION BUILD UP warnings - kiss scene, sensual tension, mention of alcohol
It's Johnny Suh's birthday trip and as your childhood best friend, Johnny books a hotel room with only one bed for you and Doyoung to share. The catch: you're completely head over heels for Kim Doyoung.
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“I can sleep on the floor.” Hands on his hips, Doyoung quizzically stares at the full sized bed in the center of the hotel room. Seconds pass by, feeling like hours staring at this one bed situation and trying to find a solution for the next three nights.
“Maybe we can ask if they have a spare mattress we can rent? Hotels do that right…?” If only you could be confident in your suggestions, knowing damn well that it was highly unlikely and you’ve already heard an earful of excuses as to why you’re unable to change your room last minute.
At this point, you are mentally strangling Johnny for this slip up. This is the last time you trust this man to do anything for you. Not only did he pick the middle seat for you on the airplane when you specifically asked for the window, he has now ruined your good night’s sleep by "accidentally" booking you only one bed to share with Doyoung.
Doyoung shrugs at your proposal, “it’s been awhile since I traveled. I can go down and ask if it’ll be possible. Hang tight.” He is gone before you can protest, but perhaps it’s better that he tries to negotiate with the receptionists since they wouldn’t even let you finish a sentence earlier.
Grabbing your phone, you’re quick to type an angry text to Johnny Suh about how badly he screwed up the hotel reservation and how he is getting on your last standing nerve.
Good. Maybe finally you’ll get the balls to make a move.
Plus, it was cheaper. You told me to save you some money and that’s what I did.
Scoff leaving your lips as you read the two text bubbles over and over. You can’t believe your eyes at this little weasel and in fact, you straight up cannot believe he actually thought this was a good idea.
While this means you get to share a bed with your crush, you never intended for it to be premeditated. A love that happens naturally, that is all you could ask for. Absolutely in no way did you want your friends to meddle with your love life and definitely not to put you in such an awkward situation.
The door beeps open and Doyoung walks in looking as defeated as ever. Judging from his facial expression, it was a no. You two are stuck sleeping together on this tiny bed for this entire trip.
“I really tried.” Doyoung scratches the back of his neck, quite apologetic that he couldn’t find some resolve to an issue that he didn’t even cause.
You laugh, “it wasn’t even your problem to fix anyways.” A sigh of relief follows after and Doyoung flashes you his gummy smile at the idea that pops into his head.
“You know, I don’t really mind sleeping together.” He admits, bashfully and trying to gauge your reaction to the potential thought of sharing a bed. “But obviously, if you’re uncomfortable with the idea, I completely understand too.”
“I don’t know… I’m just a bit embarrassed.” Your cheeks grow hot at the possibility of waking up next to Doyoung, how nice the fragrant of hotel body wash would smell from his skin so close.
Not to mention, the proximity of your bodies being way closer than they’ve ever been before. Just no respectable distance between the two of you underneath the sheets and completely vulnerable in your sleep.
“Of what?” The shift of the bed has you dipping toward him. “Do you snore?”
You don’t answer.
“I mean- like even if you did, it’s not a big deal and you don’t need to be embarrassed about it.” Doyoung frantically tries to make you feel better, seeing that your expressionless face leans closer to sadness rather than neutral. You two are definitely not on the level of friendship to be playful with each other yet.
So you lie just to see what he says. “I snore, I kick. I even steal blankets, Doyoung! And I think you’ll be too nice to wake me up about it or to take them off of me.”
Doyoung practically chokes on his spit at the last part of your sentence. “No, you’re right. I would be too nice to do any of that.” He seriously ponders for a second, his eyes darting around at the ground to maintain his focus on weighing the pros and cons. He really didn’t want to sleep on the floor.
“If it happens, it happens. I won’t mind either way now that I have a heads up.” He gets up to start unpacking his suitcase. “Like I said, there is nothing to be embarrassed about.”
“Fair warning, don’t be upset at me in the morning if you don’t get a good night’s rest. You can blame Johnny for that.” Unpacking the soft dress from your luggage, you smooth out its crinkles and hang it up in the tiny closet next to Doyoung’s jacket.
Doyoung laughs, he has actually been laughing the whole time you’ve spent with each other. It’s as if you’re some comedian and it has you wondering if you’re actually even that hilarious. “I’m pretty happy rooming with you. I’d rather be here than third wheeling with a couple still in their honeymoon phase.”
The magnitude of his words has a buzz running throughout your veins, hairs to stand up on your arms and a slight churning in your stomach. Mindlessly folding out his clothes, Doyoung has no actual clue how he is affecting you. He’s just oblivious to it all.
“Good thing I didn’t bail like everyone else.” The nervous chuckle that escapes your lips is unintentional, probably an awkward reflex to deflect how you’re dying at being in his presence alone.
Johnny’s birthday trip had been a last minute thing and only a select few were able to make it, some bailing at the very last day before. It was a weird time of the year, especially with the New Year starting not too long ago. However, this season allows for cheaper flights and accommodation since it was after the holidays.
It was initially supposed to be a group of Johnny’s close friends — you, Doyoung, Mark, Jaehyun, Yuta — in addition, his girlfriend. How the room arrangements were supposed to be was that you and his girlfriend would share an all girls room, while the guys shared one room.
That outcome could still technically be possible, but Johnny insisted on switching rooms so he can stay with his girlfriend after the others dropped and how he has already shared the experience of being roommates with Doyoung. He also knew how big of a crush you had for Doyoung, so he thought it would be more fitting to pair the lovers together.
Although, Doyoung didn’t like you back nor does he know you do. The severity of your crush is mild, just that Doyoung is the most attractive man ever with poise and an aura that oozes so sexily from him. This is the first chivalrous man in your life, meeting him through Johnny some years ago.
You and Johnny are family friends, your moms being the closest women duo on this Earth. When they’re together, they’re unstoppable. In return, the two of you are practically siblings and have spent every celebration, every holiday, every family event, every funeral together.
Doyoung is Johnny’s roommate from college, these two have been lifelong friends since then. Doyoung had actually moved to your hometown after college, finding an amazing job opportunity at the same company as Johnny. He started coming around a lot more to social events or whenever you saw Johnny. Since the first moment he offered you a ride home, you’ve been stuck on this infatuation for this incredibly charming and sweet man.
Though, you two never got extremely close despite your individual connections to Johnny. It has always felt like Doyoung is Johnny’s friend and vice versa. You also really had no reason to see Doyoung without Johnny, so there had always been a distance. You two spoke when in a group setting, just to make small talk about work, general life updates, or anything about Johnny.
On a very drunk night long ago, you and Johnny had been very well over your drinking limit and had been talking about nonsense between the two of you. Just old friends catching up, but the itch of asking about Doyoung had been bothering you all night.
“Out of curiosity, is Doyoung single?” Oh god, the alcohol has started speaking for you. Johnny raises a skeptical brow and beckons his beer bottle at you before taking a swig.
“Don’t tell me you’re interested in digital marketing Kim Doyoung, cubicle 4E80.”
The boldness overtakes you, it’s not like you lose anything asking a simple question to satisfy your curiosity. “What if I am?”
Johnny laughs, rather than lightheartedly, it is a robust laugh that feels like he’s mocking you and that your statement is unbelievably ridiculous. “He’s single, painfully single too.”
There is a brief pause as your drunken state processes the loud beating of your heart in your ears. Hope settles in, a big dumb grin plasters on your warm face.
“It’s interesting. He had asked about you too.” Johnny sits back and sinks into the couch. “He asked if you had a romantic partner.”
“Me?” You are truly in disbelief that he would ever even give you a second thought.
“Yeah, you dummy. I think he meant it as you should get into a relationship though, not asking if you were single because he is interested in you.” Your heart soars, quickly depleting after hearing Johnny’s explanation. So much for hope or a chance.
“I’m not fully understanding.”
“Doyoung is weird sometimes with his thoughts. I think he was trying to say that you seem lonely? Oh, and that you seem like you have a lot of love to give.” Johnny rubs his eyes with his knuckles, feeling the alcohol induced drowsiness coming on. “Such an observant man.”
Since that night, you never tried any advancements toward him. Partly because you are afraid of him catching onto something and because it was enough for you to realize he probably isn’t interested in you romantically.
Nonetheless, it doesn’t stop the butterflies from fluttering or from your smile growing whenever Doyoung says something nice. He is a naturally friendly and genuine person, super considerate of others and very kind. Johnny says that he has never met another man with such good intentions and a big heart, while still being snarky and intelligent.
“Heading to the pool?” Doyoung asks, a fist holding his swim shorts and a plain shirt. The warm weather outside is so inviting, knowing you’re probably going to get sunburnt at the end of it but it being a year’s worth of Vitamin D. Johnny definitely knows how to travel.
“Yeah, I can’t swim so I’ll just sit by the edge and dip my feet in.” You’re rummaging through your suitcase for your bikini cover-up until your hand hits the bottom of the barrel.
Panic creeps up your neck as you’re tossing all of your clothes out of your luggage now, picking through shirts, dresses, underwear and pants to find the one item you set a reminder to pack.
It’s not there. “Everything okay?” The genuinity in Doyoung’s voice makes you feel more embarrassed for some reason. Tossing all your belongings back into your suitcase, you throw your hands up in the air out of frustration.
“I can’t find my swimsuit cover up. I guess this is what happens when you dismiss a reminder before fulfilling it.” Slightly annoyed, you’re holding the two-piece in your palms and wondering if it is worth the hassle and bashfulness to wear it. You brought it with the intent of looking hot and sexy for the trip, while also keeping your decency by having a cover up to …. well, cover up.
You excuse yourself and clench the bikini in your hand, walking into the bathroom. Fuck it, you brought it. You’re going to wear it. If it gets too much, you’ll just wrap a towel around or buy a new cover up. It shouldn’t be too big of a deal and you already know that Johnny is going to give you shit for not joining them at the pool.
You’ll suck it up. Looking in the mirror, the bottoms barely cover your ass cheeks. Barely is an overstatement, the fabric is so far up your crack that it gives you a wedgie every time you move. Nonetheless, the baby pink is such a sweet color that you’re not minding the exposure too much.
Now, the top situation is a whole mess. The strings wrap around your midsection, but your arms are too short to give yourself a secure knot. After multiple attempts at stretching and pulling, twisting your arms in funky positions, you give up and think it’s best to call in help.
Doyoung. Fuck. You take a few deep breaths and examine yourself in the mirror again, reminding yourself of every positive affirmation and Doyoung is too nice to say anything. Calming your nerves, you gently push open the door.
“Doyoung, could you do me a huge favor and tie my bikini top for me? I genuinely don’t think it’s tight enough when I do it.” You peek your head out and his footsteps come from around the corner, happy to help!
Walking in, Doyoung looks taken aback by your choice of attire. You’re examining his reaction through the mirror as he stops at the door frame, his eyes widen and drag down your body twice. He is most definitely checking you out.
He clears his throat when he meets your eyes. “Did you want me to double knot it?” He asks, softly and shyly. Stepping behind you, his hot hands guide your hair to the side of your neck to expose your back. Your heart is in your throat when Doyoung takes the string from your hands and pulls it toward him, a bit too roughly.
You lose your footing and jolt back into him, your shoulder hitting his chest. “Shit, sorry.” His breathy apology in your ear sends chills up your spine and a slight rush down below.
The tension in the air is so thick – you’re both suffocating in it. Staring at his profile in the reflection, Doyoung’s expression is none of what you’ve seen before. It’s lustful, almost, if you’re not interpreting it incorrectly. He’s biting the inside of his cheek and he is trying to look everywhere but your ass and your breast from an aerial view.
“It’s okay.” You laugh it off, but he is unwavering. “You’re stronger than you look, Doyoung.”
Your light teasing breaks the serious concentration on his face and his shy gummy smile returns, “it’s from all the times Johnny dragged me to gym with him.”
He ties the knot perfectly, making sure it’s one of those pretty bows that top off a gift box. He’s quite happy with himself that he forgets your bare ass is inches away from his clothed dick.
His adam’s apple bobs as he swallows, “pink is a pretty color on you.” His eyes catch yours in the reflection of the mirror and a light blush dusts his cheeks, a kind half grin on his lips.
Your heart is soaring, once again. “It’s nice on you too.” Smiling back, there is a split second that you can actually believe that Doyoung could’ve felt some connection between the two of you. “Thank you for such an impressive bow.”
His demeanor shifts back to friendly, less serious and intense. “Yeah, no problem! If you’re still looking for a coverup, I have something you can borrow.”
Walking out of the stuffy bathroom, Doyoung hums and pulls out a white button up from his bag. It’s light and flowy, just the perfect thing to wear out on a beautiful day. He helps you slip on the sleeves and it covers your backside very well. It’s even better than the initial cover up you had. Then it hits you, you’re wearing his clothes. His scent falls on your body fruitfully and Doyoung doesn’t even flinch at the sight of you in his shirt.
Nonetheless, there is no denying that his stares seem to linger longer than they usually do.
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Despite multiple occasions of waiters and waitresses mistaking you and Doyoung as a couple, the first day of the trip was jam packed with good fun and no complaints. Johnny and his girlfriend love showing PDA, but keep it modest for those around. Doyoung enjoys getting his picture taken at every tourist spot, some lowkey alleyways or artsy areas that catch his eye. You just like being around your friends, in a new environment and living in the moment with them all.
The night had fallen upon you so quickly, the expression time flies when you’re having fun held true for this day. Johnny had mentioned prior that he wanted to have a romantic candlelit dinner with his girlfriend for one of the nights you were on this trip.
It didn’t hit you that he was actually being serious about that plan until you’re back in your hotel room with Doyoung, looking for a place to have dinner on your own.
“I didn’t know how much of a romantic Johnny is.” You’re blowing raspberries into the air as you scroll mindlessly on the internet for a good place to eat in this foreign area. Doyoung takes a seat on the chair at the desk, doing exactly the same as you.
“It takes the right person to get it out of him.” Doyoung mumbles, ruffling his hair out of his face cutely. The strands of his bangs disheveled and sticking up. “But he’ll do anything for the person he really likes.”
“I guess I’ve never seen that side of him.” You shrug, attention draining from the overwhelming selection of food choices in the area.
Doyoung notices your mind wandering and hears the tiny grumble of your stomach from hunger. “How about we go here? Looks like they have happy hour and a very nice aesthetic.”
He kneels down at the bed level to show you photos of the restaurant. It’s a large outside patio with decorative ambient string lights, vines of greenery hanging from the ceiling and the rustic wooden walls within the indoor portion of the restaurant.
Overall vibe of the place feels elevated, yet still trendy and modern. The food seems to be a fusion of Korean and Chinese cuisines and the prices look more than desirable.
“Half off main entree items and bottomless cocktails during happy hour?!” Sitting up, you’re grabbing Doyoung’s phone out of his hand to get a closer read on the menu. You’re in disbelief at such a good deal. “Let’s go!” You cheer, jumping up on your feet to pick an outfit for the night.
“I knew the bottomless cocktails will get you. You understand me, y/n.” Doyoung is as overjoyed as you, and you’re both happily smiling at each other without a thought about how good you make each other feel. Grabbing your flowy white romper, you change quickly in the room as Doyoung fixes up in the bathroom.
There is elegance in the white silk, yet it doesn’t make you look too overdressed or too casual. Leaning forward to the vanity, you’re clipping on some shiny earrings and the door opens behind you.
Doyoung steps out in that loose white button up you borrowed earlier today, three buttons unbuttoned from the neck to expose some of his toned chest, half tucked into his neat slacks. His hair is combed and styled back, getting a clear view of his sharp features and maturity. He looks so good, you almost start drooling.
“Oh, your zipper isn’t zipped all the way.” Doyoung breaks you out of your gawking. Without any hesitation, he walks up behind you and helps you with your zipper. This moment mirrors earlier events from this morning.
He chuckles, mostly to himself as he drags the zipper up and his eyes follow the trail of your spine to your eyes in the reflection. “How do you ever get yourself dressed when you need help getting dressed so often?”
“It’s a bit of a struggle, but I manage.” Straightening up your posture, Doyoung’s hand gently caresses your forearm. “But you definitely have made it easier for me today.” You’re still in shock as you watch Doyoung clip your bracelet around your wrist, dropping your arm back by your side ever so gently.
“I’m more than happy to be of assistance.” He clicks his tongue and this fleeting feeling of sensual tension finds itself lost again. Nonetheless, this moment is going to play like a loop of reruns in your mind the whole night.
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Three and a half cocktails in, you’re both indulging in a conversation that makes no sense to either one of you but it’s a harmonious time. Your heart is pounding in your ears from the alcohol running circles in your bloodstream, but the moderately loud ambiance of the restaurant creates a good buzz. Doyoung is a cute shade of red before you, every sip making him dangerously close to losing his senses.
“I have to say, this has been the most fun I’ve had in awhile.” The bottom of his glass hits the table and finds its way perfectly in the right spot everytime. The look of content fills his red cheeks and you’re seriously so intoxicated that your mouth has a mind of its own.
“What do you mean?” You know what he means, but the alcohol is asking for more context and reassurance. Has it been fun because of the copious amounts of drinks you two have had after only sharing an appetizer? Or is it genuinely because of you?
“You’re so easy to talk to. I feel like I can talk to you for hours.” His gummy smile twinkles in the dim atmosphere, all because the thought of talking to you for hours makes him full of glee and happiness. He isn’t one to hold back a genuine compliment, he wants you to know how he feels about you as a person. Intimacy didn’t exist between the two of you before tonight, but that changes with every exchange of glances and sweet words.
The call of his name gets his attention, eyebrows raised and eyes as alert as they can be, “you’re one of the only people in this world that I could listen to for hours.” There is no stopping you at this point. Another compliment and you’re bound to confess a part of your heart tonight to him.
Doyoung nods, understanding every bit of where you’re coming from. He gets you like how you get him. “There has been a question that’s been on my mind since I met you.”
Your breath hitches at the actuality that he thought enough about you to have such curiosity. You lived in his brain when you truly believed he would never give you a second look. “Why have you and Johnny never dated?”
The laugh that creeps up your throat almost slips out from hearing the question, but Doyoung is more than serious with this revealed secret question he had been holding onto for so long. Clearing your throat, your finger lightly traces the rim of your glass as you really think hard about every reason you are not attracted to Johnny romantically.
“I’ve known him practically since birth, so he has always been a good brother to me.” It really is that simple, shrugging to show that it's nothing too deep. “While we meet people in a certain moment of their lives, that version of them freezes as the person you will always know them to be to you.”
Doyoung watches your finger dance around. “To me, Johnny will always be a booger-eating cry baby. The love I have for him is purely familial, as if he was the reason for every scraped elbow growing up or for my fear of abandonment when he left me in the grocery store aisles.”
He hums lovingly at your explanation. “I’m guessing you get that question pretty often.”
“Besides his current girlfriend, you’re the only other person who has asked.” Your chuckle makes Doyoung slightly embarrassed, can he be that obvious? It’s fine, you both won’t remember this night fully.
“A follow up question then,” Doyoung leans forward with his elbows digging into the white table cloth, “who am I to you?”
Your eyes widen, those words are enough to knock some sense back into you. Your heart continues to pound in your ears, but also drumming against your chest quickly with every possible way you could answer him.
His eyes stare down at you like prey, just waiting patiently and silently for you to speak. Doyoung’s demeanor may seem confident on the outside, but he is dying to know on the inside. “You’re Johnny’s best friend.”
He lets the disappointment subside, the whiplash in your face is enough indication that you weren’t prepared for such a question. Doyoung relaxes back in his chair, dropping his gaze and nodding at your simple answer. It doesn’t satisfy him, but he can’t be someone to ask for much in this situation.
“Who am I to you?”
Doyoung rolls his lips, debating if his answer will only produce fruitful reactions or you would be turned off. The alcohol has too much control over his choice of words, truthfully, the haziness surrounds his vision. “You’re y/n, Johnny’s cute friend who I can’t seem to get out of my mind.”
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Something about Doyoung paying for dinner and his chivalrousness throughout the night oozes a romantic side of him you’re not used to. It felt as if you and Doyoung went on a real date together, even though it was curated off of unforeseen circumstances. Romance isn’t dead, as some may oppose. You could hope that Doyoung agreed.
“Doyoung, the shower is free for you now.” A towel wraps your wet hair up into a cone on your head, earning a small smile from Doyoung. He gathers his things and makes his way into the already steaming bathroom, your essence filling the tiny room.
You’re mindlessly scrolling on your phone, hearing the shower turn on and suddenly turn off. Then it hits you, you have walked out empty handed and your discarded clothes are still hanging on the glass door. You’re both quick at the door, but Doyoung beats you to open it from the other side.
His head pops out, the door slightly ajar. He is naked from the top down to the towel around his waist. Droplets dribble down his tone chest and stomach and your throat goes dry from the sight of him. “Don’t be embarrassed.” Doyoung says gently, holding out your dirty clothes in an orderly pile and your underwear visibly in the mix.
“Thank you.” Finding your words, you quickly take your belongings.
“I’m starting to think you’re doing this on purpose, y/n.” Doyoung clicks his tongue, a playful eyebrow raise and a corner of his lip turning upward into a smirk.
“No! I swear, you just make me so comfortable.. I’m treating this as if it’s my own space.” You’re coming to your senses, shutting the door on him so he couldn’t respond to such a ridiculous excuse. Your back hits the bathroom door, sliding down and huddling your laundry.
“I feel comfortable around you too.” You hear Doyoung say through the door. Though you couldn’t see him, a smile lies on his lips as he continues his nightly routine.
Some time passes, Doyoung enters the sheets before you and the anxiousness settles in your system when you know you have to eventually join him. He feels the shift in atmosphere, peering over at your hunched figure at the end of the bed.
“I can still sleep on the floor.” Pushing the blankets off of his body, he starts to get up. You’re fast to push his chest down, landing softly over him. You’re both unmoving in this position, out of pure shock of the sudden proximity.
Your eyes meet briefly, but you look away from his wide bunny eyes. “It’s okay. I don’t want you on the floor.”
His finger turns your chin to face him. The annoying pounding of your heart is loud in your eyes, aching from his hot touch and how you could seriously drown in his beautiful gaze. You’re wondering if he could hear it.
“Then, where do you want me?” Doyoung swallows, his Adam's apple bobbing at the sight of your lips before him and he is three seconds from diving into you. Completely stunned, obviously, taken aback by his bold question and the tension in the room seems to find its way back.
You want him in your arms. You want him suffocating you with his warm embrace. You want him where you are. Will he allow that? “The bed is fine.” The firmness in your voice assures Doyoung that you don’t feel unwavering. He would hate for you to feel the slightest uneasy. With a roll off of him, you’re planted on your back on the other side of the bed. Staring at the ceiling, you’re both processing the elephant that has overstayed its visit this entire day.
He has to have felt something. There is no way he could be that oblivious, you know he isn’t.
Pulling the sheets over your body, your back is facing Doyoung as he tries to find a good position to doze off in. Heat radiates off of your bodies underneath the blankets and you’re partly grateful to be sharing the bed with such a gorgeous man. Peering over your shoulder, Doyoung swipes on his phone aimlessly looking through the photos he took today.
He feels your curious eyes on him, “want to help me choose which ones I should keep?” Doyoung scoots a bit closer toward the middle of the bed, closing the distance between the two of you slowly.
As this man speedily scrolls through photo after photo, you’re too much in awe at how a simple photo could capture how handsome he is. You’re trying to be helpful, without saying much, but still trying. He deletes a random one at his distaste in a blink that you could barely keep up.
“Do, you look great in all of these.” You sigh, moving even closer to him as his shoulder hits your arm. You’re swiping a few photos back to one that caught your eye – gummy smile, hand covering his eyes, low light underneath the stars, one hand in his pants pocket. He is the perfect wallpaper material. “I like this one the best.”
“You can’t see my face in that one.” He laughs, “what do you like about it?”
“You look good.” It’s all you could say, anything more will tip the boat.
He instantly favorites it, moving on before he can dig anymore about your vague explanations. Swipe after swipe, a new angle, a new pose, a new facial expression but all in the same area. You’re starting to get sleepy at the endless miniscule details, but your eyes shoot open when he swipes upon a photo of you and then, quickly dismissing it as if you weren’t supposed to see.
“Was that me?” You ask, practically grabbing his phone. Doyoung sheepishly rubs the back of his neck, letting you scroll through his phone to find more pretty candids he took of you without you knowing. Progressively, you begin to see yourself in his perspective or maybe, he really is just that great at taking photos.
Nonetheless, you’ve never seen yourself like this. Hair in action, caught in the sweep of the wind. Your smile is as bright as the moon, very natural and genuine happiness painting your face at something stupid that Johnny probably said. There you are among your own laughter and excitement, Doyoung captured such beautiful parts of you that you didn’t know existed.
Doyoung breaks the silence between the both of you, slowly reading your facial reactions at the pictures. He slowly inches closer, his head slightly above your shoulder.
“I can’t help, but notice how happy you look when you laugh. Your smile is contagious.” He whispers, swiping a few more photos to land on one that you wouldn’t have even recognized was yourself.
Your right hand brushes your hair out of your face and you’re smiling from ear to ear. It had to be a moment at dinner with him. Doyoung knew the reason behind that gorgeous smile was him. “So pretty.” His voice leaves a chill down your spine and goosebumps to rise on your arms.
He perks up at the sound of his name, “I’m genuinely confused.” You say, setting his phone down and looking at him with eyebrows furrowed together. “I know you’re a nice person so it could be just your mannerisms or the intimacy of sharing a bed, but I don’t want to misunderstand your intentions.”
“Oh,” Doyoung shifts away from you, the bed dipping at the movement as he scoots back over to his side of the bed. “I’m sorry if I came off as overbearing.”
“No, that’s not what I mean.” You’re fighting with yourself, trying to decide if you should just confess. What is the worst that could happen? You’re stuck together in the same room for two more nights and he will know that you’re insanely attracted to him.
But there feels like a chance. You could be incredibly delusional and misreading everything. You sigh, unsure how to proceed with this conversation. Nonetheless, Doyoung can see how heavy your heart seems.
“Is there something I did?”
“No, forget it.” You’re pulling the blankets back over your body again, turning off the lamp on your side of the bed and staring up at the ceiling. Doyoung follows your lead, doing the same and the room falling into complete darkness. Your shaky breaths being the only audible noise in the silent space.
There is so much adrenaline in your throat, coursing through your veins at how close you are to just telling him.
“Just know that you can tell me anything. I know we’re not the closest of friends, but I feel like that’s sometimes better.” Doyoung turns to face you and you’re staring at him in the low light, making out the most gentle and comforting smile that puts your heart at ease.
“Doyoung, I like you and it’s not just because you’re a nice person, I have romantic feelings for you. I hope you can understand.” You’re all choked up that it makes Doyoung’s heart ache. Confessions are way harder than they need to be, but you did it. That's all that matters.
You didn’t need reciprocal feelings from him, you just needed him to be okay with it. He is silent for a while, his gaze dropping and wandering the sheets. He, too, is conflicted about how he should proceed.
Laying on your side, you face him fully. Doyoung peers up at the shift and his eyes are intensely gazing at you. Your heart is back thumping at your chest and drumming in your ears.
Before you know it, Doyoung is leaning forward and his lips land on yours softly. Your eyes remain open and in shock, but you kiss him back fruitfully. This long awaited kiss has finally fallen upon you, something you’ve wondered days on end how his lips taste.
Doyoung kisses your lips tenderly, almost as if he has waited for this moment too. Gliding effortlessly along yours and a sweet heat that lingers deliciously, he kisses like a shy romantic. You’re both too hesitant to touch one another, afraid of asking for too much. Your arms are stuck to your chest, hands in fists and tensions rising.
His knuckle lightly brushes your cheek, and as you close your eyes and settle into the kiss, you find yourself deepening it and free falling right into him. Desperation? It is the right amount to indicate how much you wanted it, how much you have craved him.
You are kissing Kim Doyoung. That thought alone could leave you grinning ear to ear for days. He doesn’t even know how much it affects you.
When you both pull away, Doyoung’s lips are pretty and plump. It compels you to give him a last quick peck and he chuckles cutely. His eyelids fall over his eyes ever so slowly, his long eyelashes dancing on his cheekbones and he looks surreal.
“I’ve wanted to kiss you this entire day.” Your heart would stop right there. His raspy confession has your whole face turning hot, “ever since I saw you in your pink swimsuit. You don’t know what you do to me.” He buries his shyness into his pillow. Seeing Doyoung like this is new, it’s so adorable that you don’t know how to react besides giggling at how shy he is. He usually holds himself up pretty well, getting embarrassed here and there by Johnny’s silly actions or boldness. Nonetheless, here he is, barely able to look you in the eyes and a pillow shielding his pretty face.
“Have you always felt this way?” Your fingers touch your lips, still in disbelief at the scandalous kiss you two just shared and coming to the realization that Doyoung could have felt this way this whole time.
“Since the moment I met you, you have always been endearing to me. But since you are practically Johnny’s non-biological sister, you felt out of reach.” Doyoung sighs, “I didn’t want to cross any boundaries or make it seem like I was some creep trying to hit on you through Johnny. I respect you a lot, y/n, and Johnny does too.”
His voice grows soft and his words are still so kind. Doyoung is effortlessly sweet and chivalrous. At times, you question how he and Johnny managed to be the best of friends. Doyoung is so outwardly soft and feminine, emotionally attuned and safe. Johnny is all those things as well, but not as clear as Doyoung.
Growing up, Johnny always felt like he needed someone like Doyoung to reassure him that boys can cry too. Although you never imagined that you would stumble upon a dream man like Doyoung, he lays next to you in bed with endless thoughts of you running at full speed in his head.
“I’m speechless.”
“I can tell.” Doyoung smiles, “I’ve kept my distance enough to not give you any impression of interest.” He coyly puts his arms behind his back and peers over at how stunned you look blinking back at him. “Let’s sleep, I want you to rest up for the day tomorrow.”
“I feel like this is going to keep me awake.” You slide down to lay firmly on your side to face him.
“Will sleeping in my arms help?” Doyoung extends his arm out for you to snuggle up next to him. You’re practically losing your mind at how forward he is, it’s as if five minutes early he wasn’t all shy about confessing to you. “Sorry, too much.”
Nonetheless, you dive right into him like it's all you’ve ever known. Your face hits his chest and the scent of his laundry detergent immediately hits your nose. His warm arm wraps around your upper back as he presses you closer. Planting a delicate kiss on your forehead, Doyoung rubs soothing circles on your back to help you sleep.
So if this was a dream, you hope to never wake from it.
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The stuffy morning has you and Doyoung tiptoeing around one another. When you had woken up, Doyoung was already in the bathroom to freshen up and prepare for the day. You both had exchanged small good mornings before you had also disappeared into the bathroom. Now, you two silently get ready in your own corners of the room and nothing but the sound of clattering fills the air.
Did he have a sudden change in heart? You grow more confused with this man as it turns from day to night. Doyoung looks over his shoulder at you, noticing the eerie silence in the room.
“How did you sleep?” He asks, clearing his throat awkwardly. Good thing you two didn’t fuck or anything, you feel like that would make this moment even more awkward than it already is.
“Fine. You?”
Doyoung laughs, mostly to himself, as he remembers the position you two woke up in. “Seems like someone couldn’t let go of me last night, so I would say it was pretty good.”
Your embarrassment doesn’t shy away from being evident. Slowly, you turn to face him. Doyoung leans against the wall a relaxed fit, hair nicely falling above his eyebrows and a grin so taunting, you wouldn’t have believed it was his. He notices your lip quiver before you begin to speak and he reassures you once more.
“Don’t be embarrassed. It’s cute.” Doyoung makes his way toward you, his delicate hands holding your forearms quite lovingly and his kind smile tries to make you feel better. You both gaze into each other’s eyes like they’re all you’ve ever known in life.
This is so romantic. You’ve forgotten that you two aren’t dating.
“Would it be too much of an ask for us to start seeing each other?” He shakes his head without hesitation. Kissing your forehead, he can literally see how beautifully you admire him.
“I want to be with you.” He draws you in tighter. “I want to be yours.” Doyoung whispers. A chill runs down your spine. “However, you have to let me take you out on a proper date before we settle things. One where I ask you out, pick you up and bring you your favorite flowers.”
“I’d really love that.” It is no joke how incredibly immersed in this man you are. Never in your dreams would you think that a moment like this would exist between the two of you.
All it took was sharing a bed. If only Johnny had thought of that sooner.
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eepwriting · 4 months
hiii can i request submissive vessel worshipping the reader pls 🫶🏻
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Subby Vessel Headcanons GN! Reader
Warnings: nsfw sandwiched between sweetness
Hiii! Thank you for the request 🤍 I love subby sweet vessel!! Decided to do a list format to switch things up a little.
!! mdni !!
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚
✶ This man just loves you.
✶ Will call and text you when he’s away, rambling about how much his heart aches with how much he misses you.
✶ Constantly talks about you to whoever will listen. A bright smile on his face as he gushes about you.
✶ When you’re together though…oh boy.
✶ Man cannot keep his hands off you. Always has to be touching you in some way.
✶ His favorite handholds are your thighs. When you’re sitting together his hand is either trapped between your closed legs or he’s massaging and groping at your skin.
✶ Will spend hours between your legs and is quick to get on his knees if you ask him.
✶ Once his mouth is on you it’s incredibly difficult to push him away. If you try, he’s whining into your skin, pulling you to him.
✶ He’ll apologize if he’s overdone it with the stimulation but always claims he “just can’t get enough of you.”
✶ Let’s out the prettiest sounds when he goes down on you. Sometimes just at the sight of you.
✶ Whispers praises and compliments on your skin when he kisses over your neck and shoulders.
✶ The first time he saw you naked he just sat there for a solid 15 seconds just looking at you. Eventually reached out to touch you, dropping to his knees in front of you, eyes wide as he looked you up and down.
✶ You can safely say you’d never felt more wanted than you did that night.
✶ He gets offended if you talk bad about yourself.
✶ If you’re feeling self conscious about your appearance he finds the nearest mirror and sets you in front of it. Runs his hands over you and makes you repeat affirmations and compliments about yourself.
✶ Will definitely fuck you slowly in front of said mirror. Tells you to watch yourself so you can see what he sees.
✶ If you send him photos of yourself, innocent or not, he’s immediately saving the picture and spewing out multiple texts and paragraphs about how perfect you are.
✶ Tells you often how he believes you “were made just for me.”
✶ Stops mid thrust sometimes to just admire you, mumbling something along the lines of “I can’t believe all this is just for me.”
✶ Goes out of his way to shower you with gifts and gestures to show you how much he appreciates you.
✶ He always remembers the little things you say in passing. You spot something in a store you’d like to have? He’s surprising you with it later in the week. You want to travel to your dream destination? He’s booking the flights and hotel and making an itinerary.
✶ Never complains about money he spends on you because “If it’s to make you happy, I’ll be a broke man.”
✶ Just genuinely and wholeheartedly wants and loves you in every way possible and makes sure that you know.
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚
Try not to yearn for vessel challenge: IMPOSSIBLE
I just know he’d be the sweetest partner y’all.
Thank you again anon for requesting this!! 🤍
Let me know if y’all like this list format too 👀 it’s definitely easier to write this way lol
K. Bye bye.
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thefallennightmare · 5 months
Eternally Grateful-Miracle!Noah Sebastian
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*GIF created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings: smut, language, fluff.
Summary: Reader refused to take the laptop Noah bought for her, after she specifically asked him to stop spending his money on her. That was, until he wore her down with his tongue.
A/N: Again, this takes place in the Miracle Universe! If you haven't read it, no biggie! You won't be missing too much! But you should really check it out. I've been told once or twice it's a pretty great story.
Tags: @thescarlettvvitch @mitchhbitch @missduffsblog @hayleylatour @sleepyomens @loeytuan98 @artificialbreezy @marvelousmal @bngurngheart @lma1986 @dsireland86 @wild-child-7747 @calleyx13 @illmakeyousaywow @jaded-and-hollow-souls @exitwoundsx @shayzillaaaa @lookwhatitcost @badomensls @princesspeach-00 @burning-outx @shadowseve @collective-heartbreak @klutzy-kay24 @sorrowsofsilence @sweetlittlekitsune @shilohrosechicken @itsafullmoon @toospooktocute @niicoleleigh @thatchickwiththecamera @hoe-for-daddywise @whenthesummerdies @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @sammyjoeee @thisbicc
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“Noah, what is this?” I pointed to the shiny plastic box in my suitcase. 
His head full of fluffy hair popped out of the hotel room bathroom. “What’s what?” 
I pointed to my suitcase again. “That!” 
“Oh,” he muttered while coming up behind me and shrugged. “Whoops.” 
Before he could walk away, I grabbed onto his arm, keeping him in front of me. I could feel the aggravation creeping in. I knew he did it out of his love for me but I specifically told him not to buy this for me. 
“I told you I didn’t need a laptop. Bryan has one for me to use.” 
Noah kissed my forehead. “Think of it as a birthday present.” 
“My birthday is in six months,” I crossed my arms. 
“Christmas present?” he suggested. 
“It's April!” I sighed exasperated while pinching my eyes shut. “When we get back home, please return it. I’ll save up my own money to buy myself one.” 
Noah’s lips parted to speak but there was a knock to our hotel room door, halting whatever he was about to say. When he opened it, Matt stood on the other side while nursing a Celsius. 
Bad Omens had a sound check at the venue before the show tonight, the first show of the Europe leg of the tour. 
“Are you coming?” Noah asked after turning back to me. 
I was still angry about the brand new laptop in my suitcase but didn’t want to cause a scene in front of Matt. So instead, I grabbed the camera Bryan gave me and pushed my way past the two guys, ignoring their protests of waiting for them. 
Ever since the fire and losing everything, Noah had made it his mission to buy me things I needed to replace. The necessities were fine but when it came to expensive things, I drew the line. Noah worked hard for his money and I felt terrible to have him spend it on me. 
The entire time of soundcheck, I didn’t say a word to Noah, hoping my silent treatment would show him how angry I was. Deep down, I knew it was a sweet gesture but it was in my stubborn nature to be a brat. 
“Angel,” Noah’s voice came through the microphone. “How does it sound up there?” 
I was standing up in the balconies of the venue because Matt was worried about how the mix would sound this high up. 
“It sounds good, Matt!” I called down to him, who was standing in the sound deck. 
Once again ignoring Noah. 
Then later, after I took my round of pictures, I was sitting on the edge of the stage and looking back at what I took when Noah sat beside me. His long legs swinging off the edge. 
“You’re ignoring me.” 
I hummed, still clicking through the pictures. I stopped on one I took of Noah bending at the knees while holding his microphone. The white tank top he wore always stood out against the tone of his skin. I bit the inside of my cheek when I noticed how thick his muscles were in this position. 
Curse the burning between my legs. Due to the long travel from the States to the U.K, we barely had time alone before dealing with things to get the first night of the tour set up. 
“Y/N,” my voice came out in a low rumble in his chest. “Why can’t you accept the fact that I want to take care of you?” 
“I told you not to buy me one and you did it anyway,” I said, not looking at him yet. 
I knew if I gazed up into those almond eyes I would falter immediately.  
“I wanted to,” Noah said. “Why is the idea of me taking care of you so hard to understand?” 
“Because I’ve been taking care of myself my entire life,” I semi-snapped while jumping off the stage and sauntered off to the green room. 
I knew from the thundering footsteps behind me that Noah was following and when we were alone in the green room, I placed the camera on the couch. 
“Please take it,” he breathed while placing his hands on my hips. 
I pouted, my resolve crumbling. “I feel terrible you spent a lot of money on it. On me.” 
“Angel,” Noah’s thumb grazed over my cheek. “I want to take care of you.” 
“It’s an expensive laptop, Noah. I know how much it cost because I’ve had my eye on it long before the fire,” I admitted. 
He had a playful smirk on his lips as he shook his bangs away from his eyes. “How do you think I knew which one to get you? You’re not very good at hiding things.” 
I scoffed while smacking his chest, causing a rouse of laughter from us, but I wasn’t ready to accept his gift; yet. 
“I don’t know,” I sighed while slowly moving from side to side in his embrace. “You could have used that money for something else. Something for the studio.” 
Noah led me to the couch in the green room, the back of my knees hitting the leather armrest. 
“Take it,” he spoke quietly before getting to his knees. 
When I didn’t say anything right away, he placed his hands behind his back and knelt even farther on the ground, resting his forehead on the toes of my boots. 
“Please, angel. Let me show you how much I want to take care of you.” 
My eyes widened when his long fingers hooked into my leggings, pulling them down to my ankles, and then made me sit on the armrest. The coolness from the leather felt wonderful on my heated skin as Noah spread my legs wide for him. 
“What if someone walks in?” 
He tore his hungry eyes away from my pussy and up to my eyes. “Give them a show, Y/N.” 
I gaped down in shock at him which caused him to give a curt laugh. “I already locked the door.” 
Soon his tongue flicked over my already sensitive clit and my nails quickly found his scalp, yanking him closer to me. 
“I fucking love the way you taste,” he groaned seconds before completely devouring me with his mouth. 
My mewls of pleasure sounded disgustingly loud in the small green room. Noah knew exactly what to do with his tongue to make my body ignite for him. His hair was a mess thanks to my fingers running through it, bucking on the ends to keep him in place. 
“Oh, fuck,” I shook when a finger slipped inside, pumping in and out of my pussy with such speed it made my head spin. 
“Do you want to be a good girl for me, angel?” Noah broke away from my clit to look up at me with wide pupils. 
My arousal coated his lips and I let out a small whimper when I nodded. 
“Then take the laptop,” he ordered before diving back in to enjoy his meal. 
I wrapped my legs around his head as another way to keep him close to me as my orgasm began to build and build. It teetered on the edge of the cliff and with one piercing cry of his name, I came apart. Noah lapped up my juices like a man who had just found water after trekking in the desert for days. 
When I blinked through the haze that danced at the edge of my vision, I noticed Noah was standing in front of me now, lips and chin covered in my wetness, and he held up a finger; a silent command. 
I brought it to my mouth eagerly to lick it clean, humming at how delicious I tasted. 
“You’re such a good girl for me, angel. Fuck,” Noah hissed when my teeth grazed along his finger as he pulled it out of my mouth. 
“Can I repay you for my gift?” I asked with doe eyes while raking my nails down the tattoos on his arms. 
Somehow Noah knew I wasn’t talking about money. 
In one swift motion, we switched positions so he was sitting on the armrest and I was standing in front of him; his large hand resting on top of my head. 
“On your knees, Y/N,” he demanded while pushing me roughly to my knees. 
His cock sprung free when I pulled it out of his black shorts and I wasted no time licking up the precum at the head before swirling it over my tongue. I took his entire length in my mouth and bobbed my head up and down in fast strokes. He always had a tangy yet sweet taste and I purred when the head of his cock hit the back of my throat. 
“Shit!” He hissed and gripped the back of my head. “Right there, angel. Fuck, I’m gonna-.” 
When my hand began playing with his soft balls, I knew he wouldn’t be able to hang on for much longer. With a grunt, his warm cum shot down my throat and I dug my nails into the skin of his thighs. 
I did. 
My mouth popped off his dick and I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand before tucking his cock away. 
“I will be eternally grateful for your gift,” I vowed with a kiss to his lips; myself still lingering. 
Noah vibrated as he slowly pulled up my leggings for me just as the door to the green room opened with a distraught-looking Matt.
“I’ve been looking everywhere for you, Noah. What the fuck! We only have ten minutes left before the doors open and your M.I.A.” He took off his hat to shake out his hair.
My gaze snapped away from Matt to Noah. “You told me you locked the door!” 
He winked with a shrug and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. “Whoops.”
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snivyartjpeg · 8 months
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what if we were raised together but also raised apart, unaware of each other until the day we meet and then- only then- do our lives begin to make sense?
more lore under the cut! (it's a lot)
The labs raised them in somewhat the same way- and both methods dehumanizing. Yuma solves a puzzle for a juice reward. Makoto solves a puzzle to avoid getting shocked. Both get shocked at the slightest display of disobedience anyway. Both have strict routines and regimes where every aspect of their lives seems set in stone. What the scientists didn't take into account was that raising a little genius in such conditions will eventually backfire.
They both escape their labs on the same day, shortly after they turn 20. They also name themselves Yuma and Makoto around this time, only being referred to beforehand as "Subject No. 01" and "Subject No. 02." These escapes simultaneously piss off the researchers but also fascinate them- how much of their identical choices were made based on nature vs nurture?
For the first month traveling alone, Yuma spent his time trying and failing to do everything alone. He eventually receives the help of a stranger and starts helping random people, learning he'll receive kindness in return.
Makoto spent his lonesome travels scraping by and barely surviving without the assistance of anyone else. He's still bitter and angry about what the scientists have done to him. He regrets not burning the whole institution to the ground.
They both meet at a bar, where they, of course, instantly recognize each other's faces as their own. After a lot of guarded questions, they learn that they were both cursed with the same upbringing.
So Makoto asks Yuma to help him return to the Amaterasu lab and exact revenge.
Yuma doesn't wanna hurt anyone, but agrees to come along... with ulterior motives! He wants to show Makoto that this world isn't so bad, and dwelling on getting revenge isn't everything. Think like the core relationship in Mad Rat Dead, between Heart and Mad Rat.
And why is Yuma so stuck on this pacifist philosophy? Well, he'd already gotten his revenge. Turns out, putting a bullet into the head researcher who raised him only made him feel hollow and scared. He doesn't want Makoto to go through the same thing.
They meet the other cast members on the way, doing odd jobs and favors for them and forging small bonds with all the strangers they meet. They help Halara, a pet rescue volunteer, get a cat down from a tree and in return Halara teaches them a few survival skills. The meet Fubuki, who is lost in the supermarket, but it's also their first time in the supermarket so they all end up going on an "adventure" together until the clones escort her back to her limo. She tips them a fat wad of cash that keeps them fed and housed in hotels for like 3 months. They help Desuhiko, an up and coming music star who's anxious about getting on stage. The decide to do an opening act as a comedy duo- Makoto and Yuma are familiar with street performing for money after all- and it not only has the audience in a good mood but eases Desuhiko's anxieties. The clones see their first concert together and it's the most fun theyve ever had. Desuhiko, in return, patches up their clothes for them (though, they do end up messing the clothes up again later, lol) with his impressive sewing skills. They save Yakou from getting beat down by some debt collectors and Yakou lets them crash in his shitty little apartment for a while.
This is really just a really endearing and cute road trip story in my head. It starts off tragic but once they get out it's just two guys who only understand each other trying to explore a whole new world while making other lives better.
They eventually reach the Amaterasu lab again, but by that point, Makoto doesn't have it in him to exact revenge anymore. He hates the place, but it was still his home. It's complicated. He tells Yuma that all he wants to do now is keep traveling the world together.
That's when Yuma reveals he's been secretly planning with the other people they've helped together to expose the laboratory for the corrupt place it is and get it shut down. That way they can get their revenge the right way. Makoto is ecstatic.
After they expose the dirt on their respective labs and have those places shut down, they're free to travel together again and continue helping any random people they see who need it <3
if anyone has any questiosn abt this au ill gladly answer bc it's rotting my brain <3
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nhl-stories · 3 months
I'm Back- Jack Hughes feat. Nico Hischier
Summary: Lux stays with Jack in New Jersey, things aren't going as she expected.
Author’s Note: This is sequel of sorts to this previous work you don't need to read it to get this, but it's a good read if I say so myself. This is a bit of a romance story, but mostly it's an ode to platonic soulmates.
Also fudging the timeline of medical school interviews because this is my world and I can do what I want to fit my needs
Word Count: 5.3k
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“Hey loser!”
Lux looks up to see Jack sticking his head out of the passenger window like a dog.
“Hey moron,” she shoves his head back into the car and drags her suitcase to the trunk.
Jack is out of the car and lifting it into the trunk before she has a chance.
“What a gentleman.”
Jack’s bright smile never fails to make her grin back, but she isn’t expecting the almost-tender hug that follows.
“Hi Luxy,” he mumbles into her hair, he sounds so tired, she squeezes a little tighter.
A honk jolts them apart.
“Our driver is a little impatient.”
Lux climbs in the back and wraps her arms around the seat and Luke’s shoulders before kissing his cheek.
“Aww look at my little Lukey all grown up.”
He shoves her back towards her seat.
“I could drive before,” he says petulantly before pulling away from the curb.
“Yeah, but now it’s in a car you bought on your own, because you have a job. Let me be proud I don’t have a little brother of my own,” she giggles as she sees Luke turn pink.
She lets him off the hook, and turns her attention to Jack, “Am I going to meet this new girlfriend while I’m here?”
Lux lifts a leg to kick Jack in the arm, “I should still be mad at you, I can’t believe I had to find out you have a serious girlfriend with the rest of gen pop on a fucking TikTok.”
“Sorry, she’s out of town.”
“How convenient,” Lux rolls her eyes, “now I won’t be able to prove I’m not a threat.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’ve spent our whole friendship proving to girls that we are strictly platonic and there’s nothing to be jealous of.”
“What would they have to be jealous about?”
If it were anyone but Jack the comment might hurt.
“Lots of men actually find me desirable, so a lot of women don’t understand how you don’t see me like that at all. And women can be just as territorial as men.”
“Remember Sam thought you two were dating just because you don’t fucking shut up about Lux.”
“Thank you, Luke, excellent point. And then people see us together and realize that is not the kind of chemistry we share. But without the live experience it’s hard to prove.”
“She’s kind of in a different league than you, she’s definitely not gonna be jealous.”
Lux kicks him a little harder than before.
When they arrive at the apartment, Lux immediately drops her bags and flops on the couch, “This’ll do.”
“You don’t have to sleep on the couch.”
“What are we gonna share? First, we have never been two friends-one bed type of friends, second, we just had the jealous girlfriend talk.”
“Then take Luke’s room,” Jack shrugs.
“Hey!” Luke looks up from his phone to protest.
“I’m not gonna take your room. You’re saving me so much money on hotels, I’m more than okay with the couch.”
“Now that it’s settled, get up, we’re going to dinner.”
Jack grabs her hands and tries to pull her up, Lux goes full limp body.
“Do we have to leave?”
“We just planned to meet up with some guys for dinner, we don’t have any food here” Luke adds, already looking antsy to go, probably more than ready for his next meal.
“Fine, can’t let you waste away,” she dramatically gets off the couch.
“Is that what you’re going to wear?” Jack gives her a once over.
“Do your teammates have some kind of dress code?”
She eyes the boys and their casual outfits that wouldn’t be considered much nicer than her travel clothes.
“No, you just look a little… like you were on a plane,” Jack says like it’s diplomatic, not rude.
“Are you worried I’ll embarrass you in front of your teammates? Cause I can do that with or without changing.”
“Whatever, just– I don’t know fix your ponytail!”
Lux rolls her eyes but takes down her hair and shakes it out, before grabbing a change of clothes just to stop the whining.
“Oh my god guys, I was pretty the whole time! I might be too hot and irresistible for your teammates.” She comes back in tossing her fixed hair over her shoulder.
“And obviously you’d act on that,” Jack tosses her jacket at her.
“What makes you think I wouldn’t fuck one of your teammates? I used to fuck your brother!” Lux shoots Jack incredulous look.
“In fact, I could do both right now, what do you say Lukey?” She winks over at the younger brother.
“Please leave me out of this.”
“Okay, let’s not starve the baby any longer. But reminder, I’m a former WAG, it’s not like I couldn’t get an NHLer if I tried.”
“I’ll start matchmaking then,” Jack wraps an arm around her shoulder and leads her out of the apartment.
The restaurant is a lowkey sushi place. There are only about five Devil’s players, and Lux quickly realizes no other women are gonna be here. She has war flashbacks to the lake house in the summer. 
Lux squeezes herself between Jack and Luke at the table, she wants to have an easy conversation to fall back on.
“So, you’re the famous Lux,” a man with a toothless grin, who Lux learns is Dawson, says from across the table.
“Famous? What have you heard about me?” her stomach twists, probably good things, but Hughes brothers might not be the only ones talking about her.
“With the way he talks about you, I thought Jack was dating you for a while until I learned you were dating Quinn.”
There’s a scuffle under the table, “Oh right, sorry about the break up.”
Lux flushes, “Um- it’s been a while don’t worry about it, I’m not still heartbroken.”
“Well, the other two Hughes brothers love you a lot, always telling stories about you. And Nico said you were really nice.”
“Oh yeah, when you had to introduce your girl best friend to your new best friend,” she pinches Jack’s cheek.
“I took you guys to that place in Greektown,” she perks up a bit, “Is Nico coming tonight?”
Jack eyes her for a second before John Marino butts in, “he bailed, said he was feeling tired.”
The rest of dinner is good, but Lux can feel herself fading fast. And while she’s starting to lean heavily into Jack’s side, he doesn’t seem to get the message.
“You guys want to hear about the time Jack tried to ask out a girl in our chemistry class?”
“Right, you have to get up early, we should go,” Jack is quick to stand.
Luke snickers and doesn’t get to his feet, wants to see where this goes in front of their intrigued teammates.
“After I can talk about when Luke was like 14 or 15 and–“ Luke shoots up and drags Lux up with him.
“Nice to meet you guys, see you later,” Lux calls as they push her out of the restaurant.
She’s hit with the scent of cooking as she comes in the apartment, and takes off her shoes.
“I can finally take this bra off, it’s so uncomfortable but it’s the only one that works with this­– oh. There’s company.”
Lux freezes, one cup of her bra sticking out of her sleeve. Jack is facing the stove, not paying attention.
“Nico’s staying for dinner.”
Nico gives an awkward wave from his spot at the kitchen island with a glass of wine.
“Hi Nico,” she pulls the bra out the rest of the way, “Would have loved a little warning about the company,” then she whips Jack with her bra on her way out, ignoring his protest as she leaves.
She comes back into the kitchen and suddenly feels very exposed in her baggy Lions shirt and old, worn-out short shorts. Her packing hadn’t included thoughts of what to wear in front of men who are basically strangers while hanging around the apartment.
She tries to ignore the heat in her face and confidently take the seat next to Nico, where a new glass of wine is waiting for her.
“Hi Lux, nice to see you again,” he swivels in the barstool, bumping her knee with his.
“You too, even if it didn’t seem like I was before,” she takes a nervous sip of wine.
“Just with the whole bra thing, I try to keep the number of NHLers who’ve seen my nipples to a minimum, it’s probably already too high.”
Nico let’s out a laugh so delightful Lux feels her heart flip. She always thought Nico was cute, but up close and laughing at her jokes, she thinks it’s a bona fide crush now.
Jack scoffs, “You were dared to flash me, so I don’t really count.”
“Okay, so minus Jack, the three is probably enough.”
“Wait, who else saw your nipples?” Jack is less interested in what’s cooking now.
“Quinn, obviously. And Cole at prom; remember the strap on my dress broke, he got and eyeful before he helped cover me up.”
She takes another sip, let Jack’s mind run a bit wild.
“And Lukey walked in on me changing into my swimsuit once.”
The knife Luke is using to chop vegetables clatters onto the cutting board, “You said you’d never tell anyone that!”
“No, I said I wouldn’t tell Quinn that,” and she pretends to look around the room, “and there’s Jack and Nico… no Quinn.”
Luke’s cheeks are burning red and Jack looks like he’s torn between laughing and fuming, which ultimately makes him look a bit constipated.
“You were like 15 and had access to the internet, I doubt my tits were that impactful.”
“Can I throw myself out of a window now?” He looks like he’d prefer to melt into the floor.
Lux stands up and hugs Luke, pinning his arms to his sides, “Don’t worry I won’t let your older brother beat you up over it, though I think you’ve literally grown out of that phase now that you’re taller than him.”
“Now that we know that everyone here but Nico has seen your boobs.”
“We could change that…” Lux chirps at Jack and gets a shove from Luke.
“How was your interview?”
Lux shrugs, “Good, I think… I could not read the interviewer at all.”
“I’m sure you crushed it,” Jack gives her a noogie.
“Thank you for the vote of confidence, but it’s one of the most competitive med schools in America, so I’m not keeping my hopes up too much.”
Before the pair can continue arguing about how smart or not smart Lux is, Nico butts in.
“You’re interviewing for medical schools, right? Where at?
“Today was Columbia, I have Cornell tomorrow, and NYU Friday.”
“All just a train ride away,” Jack says as he starts to move them towards the dining table.
“And I haven’t decided if that’s a pro or con yet,” Lux smirks, before taking a seat.
“So, are you coming to both games?” Nico starts, clearly a ploy to stop the bickering before it really starts, already reading the duo’s antics.
“Of course, she’s coming,” Jack jumps in continues to cut off any protest, “you’ve never seen me play a home game and you’ve never even seen Luke play in the big leagues live!”
“But we agreed one game, two in one week will ruin my whole yearly quota.”
“You’re not a hockey fan?”
“That’s an understatement,” Luke laughs.
“Years with the Hughes family, then becoming a WAG, and we still couldn’t convert her,” Jack says wistfully.
“Maybe The Rock will change your mind,” Nico says thoughtfully.
Lux shrugs, she doesn’t want to rain on his parade, “Who are you playing? Just so I can make sure I don’t get a Zegras jumpscare.”
“He has a girlfriend.”
“I don’t think his relationship status would change how much he enjoys annoying me.”
“We’re not playing the Ducks, plus he’s out with a broken ankle anyway, I don’t think he’s traveling,” Jack adds, his tone hinting that there’s more on that subject he wants to discuss.
“Okay I can tell you’re dying to talk shop, so go ahead,” she’s surprised they let it go on this long.
“We were actually going to talk about the Canucks right before you got here,” Luke say with a little apprehension, always thinking of Lux’s feelings.
“How is Captain Q doing? They’re playing shockingly well, right?”
“I thought you didn’t like hockey?” Jack mocks.
“Our moms talk, I follow hockey players on socials, information gets disseminated.”
Jack makes a face, clearly unsure if that last word means what he thinks it does.
“The Canucks pretty much guaranteed to make it to the playoffs,” Luke probably knows disseminated doesn’t have anything to do with semen.
“Damn, I missed my chance to get a WAG jacket.”
Then the boys are off on tangents about trades and special teams and injuries. Lux silently enjoys the familiar chatter, letting it wash over her like a warm hug. Though she isn’t absorbing any of the information.
 She barely notices when the conversation turns to her while they start to clear the table.
“If you don’t want to sleep on the couch again, Nico has a spare bedroom.” Jack says as if he’s had to repeat himself.
“Excuse me?”
“He lives just upstairs, and has a guest room.”
“I’m staying here to spend time with you, why would I want to stay at some strange guy’s apartment? No offense, Nico.”
“No pressure, if you change your mind the offer is open,” Nico has such a kind smile Lux almost ask if she can stay in his bed.
“Thank you, that’s very nice of you, but I think I’ll stay here.”
Nico nods and says good night before leaving. Lux counts to five after the door shuts behind him.
“What the fuck was that?” Lux glares at Jack.
Jack isn’t quite sure how to respond.
“Why are you trying to pawn me off?”
He shrugs, “I’m not, but he does have a spare room. And it’s nicer to sleep on a bed. And if you happen to hit it off, that’s cool you’ll have another friend when you move here.”
Luke scoffs and retreats to his room, not wanting to get implicated in any scheme.
“So, you have ulterior motives?”
“That makes it sound like my motives are bad, friends are a bad thing now?”
“Friendship isn’t bad, but this feels like you know something I don’t and that makes me very uneasy.”
“I’ve never known something you don’t,” he gives a cheeky smile and Lux rolls her eyes.
He puts the last of the plates in the dishwasher.
“I’m gonna take a shower and go to bed, night Luxxy,” he ruffles her hair as he walks by.
Then she’s alone.
At 9 PM.
Not shooting the shit with her bestie.
Maybe she should have stayed with Nico.
The Cornell interview is a dream. Lux had gone to other interviews and liked a few, but this was different. She was vibing with the interviewer. Everything she learned about the school she loved.
Everything just felt right. 
She was floating on air as she walked the streets toward Central Park. The pizza she stopped for tasted better… although that might have been a New York thing and not a feeling good in the moment thing.
She texts Jack a good luck for the game but doesn’t get a response, she assumes he’s napping or in the zone or something. It’s not a part of their usual texting unless she somehow knows there’s a specifically important game; like when he plays Quinn or the stadium series a few weeks ago.
Lux meets up with a friend from college, who takes her out for drinks then dinner then more drinks. She’s a little tipsy when she gets on the train to Jack’s apartment, insisting to her friend that she doesn’t want to sleep on a futon in her studio apartment.
Halfway there she realizes she should check the score before she gets back. She may not care about hockey but she cares about her friend’s feelings and knowing what kind of mood he’ll be in can only help.
They lost.
Quinn would get quiet and introspective when he lost a game, so it was always easy for Lux. Not only were they not in the same city, but usually he didn’t want to talk. Jack usually got grumpy and wanted to complain. So not the exact environment she was used to or really wanted to be in.
She gets back before the boys somehow. She’s not exactly sure how.
So, she gets ready for bed and turns on the TV, of course it’s already on some channel playing sports highlights. Lux flips around to find something more mindless when they boys come home.
Luke plops down on the couch, suit jacket discarded immediately. Jack sort of awkwardly stands behind the couch, staring at the TV where Lux stopped on a game show.
When neither of them speaks up, Lux fills in the silence.
“Sorry about the loss, but a goal and an assist, that’s pretty cool,” she looks up to Jack with a sad smile, hoping she’s at least a little comforting.
“Mmmhmm,” Jack hums.
She tries a new tactic, “Cornell went well.”
“I liked it, a lot.” She emphasizes.
“How about we order pizza, watch bad TV, and not talk then?”
“I’ll pass,” Jack finally moves, heading to his room and shutting the door behind him.
She looks over to Luke, “He’s being weird with me, right?”
“Kind of,” Luke avoids eye contact, his tell when he’s trying protect his brothers in some way.
“We haven’t hung out, just the two of us since I got here. Hell, we haven’t even done a Lux and the Hughes bros night. I want to know if I did something wrong.”
“It’s not you, he was really excited you were coming. Wouldn’t shut up about everything he wanted to show so you’d fall in love with here like he has.”
Lux smirks at that.
“I think the season has been rough for him, he’s been taking it out on himself a little.”
She scoots down the couch and pulls Luke into her side with a hug.
“And how are you doing?” She gives him a squeeze, her instinct to big sister Luke coming out.
“It’s my first full season, I’m just happy to be playing. And Jack’s been taking good care of me.”
“What an insane sentence, but glad you have each other here.”
“And I heard talk of pizza,” he hugs Lux back.
“You’re the local, tell me where to order from,” she ruffles his hair.
Lux wakes up early despite her late night of TV and pizza. She clears off the table before heading towards Jack’s room.
She knocks gently, before just walking in. Though she hovers near the entryway.
“What’s wrong with us?”
Jack’s lying in bed looking at his phone, double chin on full display. Lux would normally make fun of him, or take a picture for her own blackmailing purposes, but now’s not the time.
“What do you mean?” He doesn’t look away from his texting or whatever he’s doing.
Lux crawls into the bed and lays on her side facing him.
“I thought we weren’t ‘share a bed’ friends?”
She rolls her eyes, snatches his phone and throws it to the foot of the bed. It gets lost somewhere in the crumpled duvet.
“When you’ve been using your brother and teammates as a buffer to not be alone with me, I’ll bend our friendship rules.”
“Okay we’re alone, what’s wrong with me?”
“It’s not just a you thing… it’s an us thing.”
Jack finally turns his head to really look at Lux.
“We haven’t talked at all since Christmas, and even then, it was like for 15 minutes between family obligations. And we’re barely texting.”
Lux hates her body for betraying her, tears starting to well up even if she’s more frustrated than sad.
“It feels like right before Quinn broke up with me.”
That gets Jack to sit up, confused, a little angry.
“I’m not fucking breaking up with you.”
“Good, I don’t think I could survive a second Hughes break up.”
Jack sighs, “Just this year has fucking sucked for me, we’re not doing as well– I’m not doing as well as I thought. And you’re in your senior year and applying to med schools, I didn’t want to add my own stress to you.”
“Are you still hurt?”
“Kind of, but we’re like still sort of in the race for a playoff spot and if I can just get us in…”
Lux knows to bite her tongue when it comes to injury management. They’ll play through the pain even if it’s not necessarily the best for themselves, if there’s a chance it’s best for the team.
“And on top of that you get a girlfriend, a meet your parents kind of girlfriend.”
“I guess I’m not over you and Quinn breaking up!”
Lux swallows, tries to put together a coherent thought.
“I know you had a crush on Quinn forever, and I was happy for you guys, but you were my friend first and he kind of ruined that. And now I feel like I have to be careful when it comes to talking about him, or relationships, or even just making fun of you.”
He finally turns onto his side.
“And most importantly I want to talk to you about how Quinn’s girlfriend is so nice it’s kind of annoying.”
“Oh my god, she’s too nice! Do you know she follows me on Instagram? We met like that one time at the lake and she comments on all my pictures about how pretty I am. She knows I’m his ex, right?”
“Oh yeah, it was a whole weird thing when we all played each other the first time. Quinn apparently hadn’t told her explicitly and we made some joke or something and then she just was like ‘oh she’s so nice and pretty, no wonder you liked her.’”
Lux can’t help but laugh.
“I mean maybe I couldn’t handle that like right after the break up, but I was so lost after. I didn’t know how to be a college student without a long-distance boyfriend and still be a good student or friend and whatever, and I was such a bitch at the end of our relationship I thought you wouldn’t be on my side, which you shouldn’t”
“We were already having problems, but I purposely made them worse. Like, while I was dodging all his calls, you came to play in Chicago and I made sure that we took a picture together because I knew you’d send it to the family group chat and he’d see I was just living my life.”
“That’s fucked up.”
“I know! I can’t believe he never told you that. He really is like the best brother.”
“Why did you do that?”
“I don’t know, I think I wanted a break but I didn’t know how to ask for one, so I ruined it. And sometimes I think if we took a break maybe we’d get back together again, but also, I just don’t think we were meant for long term.”
She reaches across to grab Jack’s hand, “But us… this shit is forever. We have almost nothing in common and you’re still the first person I want to call with big news or if I need advice, which is crazy cause you’re one of the dumbest people I know.”
Jack laughs, it’s a little wet. They have to ignore it because they love each other but it’s not emotional like this.
“Okay, so I’ll still be your future kids cool Uncle Jack? Even if we’re not blood related?”
“Of course.”
“Okay enough of this emotional stuff, it’s very gross.”
“But what if we kissed right now,” Lux wiggles her eyebrows while trying to keep a straight face.
Jack shoves her hard enough she teeters dangerously on the edge of the bed, as she howls with laughter.
“Oka, now tell me why you’re trying to set me up with Nico?”
“He’s brunette with a lot body hair but almost none on his chest, that’s your type.”
“Oh my god! Shut up, that is not my type,” Lux covers her face, masking her laughs and her embarrassment.
“Palmer from high school was a fucking wolf man.”
“Okay, well recent studies show that’s not my type.”
Jack gags.
“Nico may also sort of be seeing this woman who’s massive bitch to him. And I like him and I like you, so maybe if you hit it off… it would be good for everyone. And make you want to move here.”
“I’m not making life altering decisions based on boys… even for cute Swiss boys or platonic soulmates.”
The door opens suddenly, “We’re gonna be late for morning skate, dude.”
“What if we had been having sex, dude?” Lux says while stretching out on the bed.
“Then the world would be ending, so it wouldn’t really matter,” he rolls his eyes, “I’m pulling out of the garage in 10 minutes with or without you.
“Want to go shopping later?” Jack asks Lux as he gets out of bed
“Are you paying?”
He scoffs, “Sure.”
“Then I’m in. Have fun at morning skate, I’m gonna nap in your bed.”
Things snap back into place almost immediately, like it was more effort pushing each other away than just letting themselves get pulled into each other’s orbit.
And all feels right in the world again.
Thursday is another game day; Lux is reading on the boys’ balcony while they nap. She jolts when the sliding door opens.
“Sorry to scare you,” Nico in a suit sits down across from her, “they still napping?”
“Yes? I don’t know their routines. Why are you here?”
“We’re carpooling.”
They sit quietly for a bit, before Lux finally puts her book down.
“It’s been a while since I’ve been to a game, is this appropriate attire?” She stands up and does a goofy little spin.
“What are you doing?” Jack asks from the doorway, a playful smirk on his face like he’s getting away with something.
“I’m asking if I’m dressed alright, since I’m sitting in your girlfriend’s spot with all the WAGs.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t force her to wear your jersey,” Nico laughs, “but you look nice, won’t even have to change when we go out after the win.”
“Oooh you’re ready to put on a show for me?”
“You could use some make up though,” Jack adds.
Lux just flips him off.
A sleepy looking Luke comes to the door, “Don’t let Lukey drive, he looks like an accident ready to happen.”
“Try to have fun tonight,” Jack hugs Lux.
Normally she’d say something snarky, like ‘try to win then.’ But after their heart to heart, that feels like a twist of the knife.
“I’ll try to be the best good luck charm.”
Lux gets to her seat five minutes into the first period in an attempt to avoid any awkward introductions. Not that she’s against meeting new people, but without social butterfly Jack by her side, she relapses into her shyer ways.
Still, the group tries to include her, shocked she hasn’t seen Jack play in Jersey and forcing her to take a picture where the mascot is holding her bridal style.
She has a couple drinks, cheers when Jack gets an assist, and pretends she doesn’t cheer louder when Nico gets an assist on the game winning goal.
She won’t admit it, but it’s the most fun she’s had at a hockey game, maybe ever.
The women lead her down to the family room while they discuss where they want to go out. Lux is buzzing with adrenaline she was not expecting, ready to follow everyone for a night out with no complaint.
Luke and Jack come out of the locker room simultaneously. Lux is about to jump on Jack when she remembers what he said about his shoulder, so she jumps on Luke’s back instead.
“Lukey, you were so good out there,” she squeezes him tight and ruffles Jack’s hair while she has the height advantage.
“I was -1,” he starts to let her go so she slides off his back.
“I don’t know what that means, so it can’t be that important.”
She gives Luke another hug then turns her attention to Jack, who wraps an arm around her shoulder.
“Guess you were a good luck charm.”
“And yet, you couldn’t score a goal for me.”
“Gotta keep you wanting more.”
She sticks her tongue out at him.
“I heard there were talks of going out? I have an interview tomorrow so the sooner that starts the better.”
They end up at a trendy bar on the other side of the river with about half the team and their significant others. She lets Jack talk her into taking a shot about two steps into the establishment.
She laughs, she dances, she drinks a bit too much. Her head starts to spin and she makes her way to the patio, the chilled air feels good and clears her vision.
A cold glass of water brushes against her arm.
“You probably should hydrate.”
“Thanks,” she smiles up at Nico.
“Did you have fun tonight? At the game?”
“Yeah, but don’t tell Jack it’ll go to his head.”
“Might be a con if you end up picking Cornell, he’ll make you come watch all the time.”
“I think med school is a good excuse to miss out.”
Nico shrugs, “I’d miss my good luck charm.”
The early spring air is chilly, but a gust of warm air comes over Lux. ‘This is flirting. Nico is flirting with me,’ rings in her head while she struggles to be charming, or smooth in response.
Of course, that’s when the clock strikes midnight and she turns back into a pumpkin, or really Jack interrupts the moment.
“Luxxy, time to leave! I won’t be the reason you’re late or hungover for your interview.” He yells from the doorway of the bar, for maximum embarrassment.
Lux close her eyes and lets out a sigh. Then lets a final burst of liquid confidence bubble up to the surface.
“I might not see you before I leave, so let me give you my phone number,” she holds out her hand for his phone, which he unlocks and hands over.
“Partially, because seeing this happen will make Jack lose his mind. And it would be nice to have another friend if I move out here.”
Nico is kind of dumbstruck as he nods along, “Friends are nice.”
“Especially cute friends,” she holds back a grin and gives him a kiss on the corner of his mouth.
He turns an adorable shade of pink.
“What was that?” Jack says as she walks by taking him in tow.
“What? Isn’t that what you wanted?”
The last interview goes fine. Not great, but at least she isn’t hungover for it.
Her flight out is at an ungodly time the next morning, so she insists on an early bedtime from her chauffeurs.
Which is how she ends up sitting alongside the river, brown bagging beers with the Hughes brothers, watching the sun set.
“So, am I going to meet the new girlfriend at the lake this summer?”
“You’re actually coming to the lake house this summer?”
“If I can embarrass you in front of your new girlfriend? Absolutely.”
“I’m giving your room to Trevor,” beer sloshes out of his can when he elbows her.
“C’mon, this might actually be my last summer at the lake. I’m becoming a doctor; I think I’ll be busy. Or maybe I’ll meet someone.”
“Someone who will whisk you off to Switzerland?” Jack wiggles his eyebrows and Luke make smooching sounds.
“Anything is possible,” she raises her beer and drinks to that.
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yridenergyridenergy · 6 months
Is there a way to know if members are healthy and feeling well? Shinya's last video, he looked really really thin, the voice note on his last blog update felt sick and tired. The tour was very compact, the bus looked uncomfortable (for musicians over 45 years old, I mean, c'mon). They must be resting now, but I feel that their company is exhausting them for the sake of saving/gaining more money. I don't know if it's just me, and I'm worrying for no reason. Does the company even do routine check-ups on their health? Is it reasonable for us as fans to ask this to their management?
Shinya always has a particular voice, but I haven't heard that voice note that you mention. It's no news that Shinya is incredibly skinny, as even h.Naoto's assistant commented that he was the only one that she could wrap the dark tunic on at the smallest holes/size and she seemed surprised.
Traveling and being on a plane in general tends to make people sick, so if he did hit a bad patch, hopefully he is getting better now that he is back in Japan.
For Shinya, I have my own opinion, but at the end of the day, I'll trust that he is a midlife adult who must have at least learned how to manage maintaining that size in a sustainable way.
Nobody on the band has been outspoken about the downsides of touring overseas this year except Kyo, and I'm always baffled by how much Kyo is allowed to complain so publicly about his own management hah. Good for him, and I mean, he's an artist and their primary one when you think about it, so you can't really restrain him much.
It's difficult for me to form an opinion on the management's frugal tendencies when I don't actually see numbers. All I know is that Kyo is able to afford Gucci, expensive toys, etc. and when that impersonator was arrested, from what I understood, he assured us that he wouldn't have ever needed to ask for loans like that. Whatever sacrifices the band is making to apparently make touring abroad profitable at least translates into them being well paid, even if that's just from performing in Japan.
Money also may play only a small role into the decision to have them sleep on a bus and only carry one luggage each. Extra luggage would have to be checked in and could get lost. Checking into hotels, where fans are also staying, presents its own series of issues.
Either way, Kyo had mentioned going to see a doctor in a monthly birthday video on kyo-online (I won't give more details but it was a super minor issue, don't worry) and I think even in another type of content where it sounded more like a regular checkup.
Ultimately, they are adults, they're the main moneymakers fo sun-krad and I'm sure that they would be able to push back against at least future decisions if their health could be jeopardized in the long term. Kyo had mentioned in 2012-2013 that he had warned his management time and time again that the grueling schedule of their tours and shows would grind down his throat, so it was no surprise to him when it became so bad that he needed surgery and the band had to go on a hiatus. I'm sure that everyone learned from that, and Kyo's singing has been spot-on every time I have seen him since 2015 or so.
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lives-in-midgard · 1 year
Summer Love
Tumblr media
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Summary: Reader travels to New York for a two months vacation and falls in love with Wanda.
Word Count: 1.580
Part 1 | Part 2
The plane landed in New York, and you were waiting for your suitcase. While waiting, you looked around and were so happy because you were finally in New York. It was always a dream of yours to go on a vacation to New York. You saved all your money to stay there for two months and now you were finally there and couldn’t believe it. You saw your suitcase from afar, walked over and took it. When you walked out of the airport you took a yellow cab and told the driver the location to your hotel. When you arrived, you walked into the hotel and got the keys to your room. You unpacked the suitcase and then sent a quick message to your family and looked what’s the first activity that you want to do.
It's your second week in New York and you saw so many places already. Right now, you were about to go to a cute little coffee shop you saw across the street. You were about to go in when suddenly someone bumped into you and her coffee splashed at your shirt.
“Oh, no I’m so sorry.” The woman said in an accent that you didn’t know.
“It’s okay, it was my fault I wasn’t looking where I was going.” You apologized because it was true you really weren’t looking. The woman looked at you and wow she was so beautiful.
“No, I should have looked better and now your shirt is full of coffee. I’m really sorry.” She apologized again but you smiled at her.
“Maybe that’s a sign that I should go shopping.” You said and she chucked.
“But let me buy a shirt for you because of me it’s ruined.”
“Okay, but only if I can buy you a new coffee.”
“Is this a date?” She teased you and you began to blush.
“Maybe.” You said and she smiled at you.
“Then let’s go and buy you a new t-shirt first I don’t want you to go around with that so long.”
“That’s a good idea.” You said and you both started to walk towards the next shop that wasn’t far away.
“Oh, I didn’t introduce me yet, I’m Wanda.” She stopped and looked over to you with a smile. You could hear her accent again and started to wonder where she is from. Then you introduced yourself. When you arrived at the shop it didn’t took you long to find something that you liked and wasn’t that expensive. After Wanda paid, you went back to the coffee shop and sat down at a small table. You and Wanda ordered a coffee and a cake. Then you started to talk about all different kind of things. How you always dreamt to go to New York, she asked you about what you have seen so far and how long you were going to stay. Wanda told you about her life here and then she also told you about her life as an Avenger. Then you had to ask her what’s that accent, and she told you that she is from Sokovia.
“So, what are you going to see tomorrow?” Wanda asked you after taking a sip from her coffee.
“Tomorrow I’m going to the Empire State Building and then when the sun is going down, I want to walk down the Brooklyn Bridge.” You said with a smile.
“Wow, sounds like a perfect day.”
“Would you like to come with me?” You asked her nervous.
“Yes, I would really like to.” Wanda said. You continued to talk for an hour. You gave her your number and told her that you’ll text her later.
The next day with Wanda was so beautiful you made all the things you wanted to do, and you agreed that you will meet again the next day. You had so much fun with Wanda and she made you so happy. The days went by and you two got closer. You met each other almost every day. You knew that you were only there for two months, and Wanda knew it too but right now it didn’t matter to the two of you. You went to almost every place you wanted to see. When you and Wanda went to the Central Park you shared your first kiss together and since then she slept at your hotel room cuddled up with you every night. You loved it, being so close to her but you got sad knowing that you were going home soon. One day Wanda invited you to an Avengers movie night and you got to meet Natasha and the others. After that when you were sitting outside watching the stars with Wanda, she gave you a necklace and told you how much she loves you. You only had one week left and weren’t sure how you could leave her because you love her so much. But you have to go back home to your family and to your work.
“We only have one week together then I’m going to leave.” You sighed and looked away.
“What if you would stay here…with me?” Wanda asked and you could hear that she was nervous.
“You know I can’t, at least not right now.”
“Then we are going to make the best out of it.” Wanda said and leant over to you and gave you a kiss.
You were packing your things into your suitcase with a few tears rolling down your eyes. You closed it and placed it beside the door when you heard a knock on the door. You opened it and saw Wanda standing in the doorway with tears in her eyes. You told her that you don’t want her to come here when you are leaving because you didn’t know if you can leave when you see her.
“Y/N please don’t go.” Wanda begged with tears streaming down her face. You looked at her and, in that moment, you just wanted to hug her and tell her that you would never leave her, but you couldn’t.
“I’m sorry but I have to go back home Wands. I can’t stay any longer, I’m so sorry.” Wanda walked closer to you, but you made one step back.
“But…. Please.”
“No buts Wands. I have to go back, and you know it. I have to go back to work next week and need to organize some things before.”
“You could stay a few more days.” Wanda tried once again.
“That wouldn’t change that I have to go back home I can’t just leave my family and friends behind and move here to you.”
“But what about the good time we had. I don’t want to lose you too. I can’t lose you. Please stay.” Hearing her begging you to stay and seeing her cry was one of the worst things ever. Wanda reached for your hand, but you shocked your head and turned away.
“I’m sorry. This isn’t easy for me either. We…we talked about this. We both knew from the start that I am just on a summer vacation and wouldn’t stay long. It was just a summer love.” When you said that another tear was rolling down her face and Wanda let out a shaking breath and her hand wandered to her mouth to cover the sobbing. Saying that not only broke Wanda’s heart but yours too but you knew it’s the right decision to end it right here, right now. You made the steps you needed to stand directly in front of her and looked into her beautiful eyes.
“One last kiss?” Wanda quietly asked and you nodded.
“Yes, one last kiss.” Wanda made a sniffle and you tried to smile at her. You tucked a hair behind her ear and moved closer to her. Your lips met hers and it was like the first kiss you two shared, soft and gentle. When you turned away you both gave each other a light smile. You walked over to the door and took your suitcase and your bag. When you turned around you looked at Wanda one last time.
“Goodbye, Wands. I’m going to miss you.” You said and tried to hold your tears until you were out of the room because you didn’t want her to see you cry.
“Goodbye, detka. I’ll never forget you and who knows maybe someday we cross paths again.” You began to smile and maybe she was right and one day you’ll see her again.
“Yes, maybe you’re right.” You turned around and wanted to open the door but turned around once again and waved at her. Wanda waved back with a smile but also a tear running down her face. When you opened the door and walked out of the hotel tears started to run down your face and you walked to the taxi that was standing at the parking lot. You opened the door and sat down.
“Where to?” The taxi driver asked.
“To the airport please.” You said and he started to drive away. You were flying back home where you belong. Back to your family, friends and work colleagues who were all waiting for you to return. But you will miss your live here even though it only was for a couple of weeks. You will miss it, you will miss Wanda. You’ll miss her so much. Should you turn around and go back to Wanda or should you fly home like you are supposed to do?
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girlactionfigure · 10 months
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THURSDAY HERO: Nicholas Winton 
The British Schindler: Nicholas Winton
He saved 669 children.
Nicholas Winton was a young British stockbroker who rescued 669 Czech Jewish children from being sent to Nazi death camps. He never told anybody of his heroism, and the story only came out 50 years later after his wife found an old briefcase in the attic containing lists of children he’d saved.
Nicholas was a 29 year old clerk at the London stock exchange getting ready for a ski trip to Switzerland when he received an urgent call from his friend Martin Blake. Known to be passionately opposed to Nazism, Martin urged Nicholas to cancel his vacation and come to Prague immediately. He told Nicolas, “I have a most interesting assignment and I need your help. Don’t bother bringing your skis.”
It is a testament to Nicolas’ sterling character and strong moral compass that he didn’t waver for a moment. It was an easy decision to sacrifice his fun and relaxing ski trip and instead travel to a dangerous place on a mysterious mission.
Two months earlier, in October 1938, Nazi Germany had annexed the Sudetenland It was clear that the Nazis would soon occupy all of Czechoslovakia. When he reached Prague, Nicholas was shocked by the huge influx of refugees fleeing from the Nazis. In early November, the Kristallnacht pogrom occurred in Germany and Austria. Jews were killed in the street and hundreds of synagogues burned down, as well as Jewish-owned businesses. This horrifying event shocked the Jewish community in eastern Europe, and thousands were now desperate to flee.
Born to Jewish parents, Nicholas was actually Jewish himself. However, his parents changed their name from Wertheim and converted to Christianity before he was born. Nicholas was baptized and raised as a Christian, and he didn’t consider himself Jewish (although was doubtless aware that Hitler would.)
In Prague, organizations were springing up to help sick and elderly refugees, but Nicholas noticed that nobody was trying to help the children. In his words, “I found out that the children of refugees and other groups of people who were enemies of Hitler weren’t being looked after. I decided to try to get permits to Britain for them. I found out that the conditions which were laid down for bringing in a child were chiefly that you had a family that was willing and able to look after the child, and fifty pounds, which was quite a large sum of money in those days, that was to be deposited at the Home Office. The situation was heartbreaking. Many of the refugees hadn’t the price of a meal. Some of the mothers tried desperately to get money to buy food for themselves and their children. The parents desperately wanted at least to get their children to safety when they couldn’t manage to get visas for the whole family. I began to realize what suffering there is when armies start to march.”
Nicholas knew something had to be done, and he decided to be the one to do it. He later remembered, “Everybody in Prague said, ‘Look, there is no organization in Prague to deal with refugee children, nobody will let the children go on their own, but if you want to have a go, have a go.’ And I think there is nothing that can’t be done if it is fundamentally reasonable.”
Nicholas decided to find homes for the children in the UK, where they would be safe. He set up a command center in his hotel room in Wenceslas Square and his first step was to contact the refugee offices of different national governments and see how many children they could accept. Only two countries agreed to take any Jewish children: Sweden and Great Britain, which pledged to accept all children under age 18 as long as they had homes and fifty pounds to pay for their trip home.
With this green light from Great Britain, Nicholas did everything possible to find homes for the children. He returned to London and did much of the planning from there, which enabled him to continue working at the Stock Exchange and soliciting funds from other bankers to pay for his work with the refugees. Winton needed a large amount of money to pay for transportation costs, foster homes, and many other necessities such as food and medicine.
Nicholas placed ads in newspapers large and small all over Great Britain, as well as in hundreds of church and synagogue newsletters. Knowing he had to play on people’s emotions to convince them to open their home to young strangers who didn’t even speak English, Nicholas printed flyers with pictures of children seeking refuge. He was tireless in his efforts and persuaded an incredible number of heroic Brits to welcome the traumatized young refugees into their homes and hearts.
The office in Wenceslas Square was manned by fellow Brit Trevor Chadwick. Every day terrified parents came in and begged him to find temporary homes for their children. Despite Nicholas’ success in finding places for the kids to stay, British and German government bureaucrats made things difficult, demanding multiple forms and documents. Nicholas said, “Officials at the Home Office worked very slowly with the entry visas. We went to them urgently asking for permits, only to be told languidly, ‘Why rush, old boy? Nothing will happen in Europe.’ This was a few months before the war broke out. So we forged the Home Office entry permits.”
The first transport of children boarded airplanes in Prague which took them to Britain. Nicholas organized an amazing seven more transports, all of them by train, and then boat across the English Channel. The children met their foster families at the train station and Winton took great care in making the matches between children and foster parents.
The children’s transport organized by Nicholas Winton was similar to the later, larger Kindertransport operation, but specifically for Czech Jewish children. Nicholas saved an astounding 669 children on eight transports. Tragically, the largest transport of all was scheduled for September 1, 1939 – but on that day, Hitler invaded Poland and all borders were closed by Germany. Winton was haunted for decades by the remembrance of the 250 children he last saw boarding the train. “Within hours of the announcement, the train disappeared. None of the 250 children aboard was seen again. We had 250 families waiting at Liverpool Street that day in vain. If the train had been a day earlier, it would have come through. Not a single one of those children was heard of again, which is an awful feeling.”
Nicholas joined the British military and spent the rest of the war serving as a pilot in the Royal Air Force, attaining the rank of Flight Lieutenant. After the war, Nicholas worked for the International Refugee Organization in Paris, where he met and married Grete Gjelstrup, a Danish secretary. They moved to Maidenhead, in Great Britain, and had three children. Their youngest child, Robin, had Down Syndrome, and at that time children with the condition were usually sent to institutions. However Nicholas and Grete wouldn’t consider it and instead kept their son at home with the family. Tragically, Robin died of meningitis the day before his sixth birthday. Nicholas was devastated by the loss, and became an active volunteer with Mencap, a charity to help people with Down Syndrome and other developmental delays. He remained involved in Mencap for over fifty years.
Humble – and perhaps traumatized by the children on the train he wasn’t able to save – Nicholas rarely talked about his wartime heroism and his own family didn’t know the details. It was only in 1988 that Nicholas Winton became widely known. His wife found an old notebook of his containing lists of the children he saved. Working with a Holocaust researcher, she tracked down some of the children and located eighty of them still living in Britain. These grown children, some with grandchildren, found out for the first time who had saved them.
The BBC television show called That’s Life! invited Nicholas to the filming an episode that became one of the most emotional clips in TV history. With Nicholas in the audience, the host told his story, including photos and details about some of the children he’d saved. Then she the told Nicholas that one of those children was the woman in the seat next to him! They embraced, teary eyed, and the host announced there were more grown children in the audience as well. She asked everybody who owed their life to Nicholas Winton to stand up. The entire audience stood up, as Nicholas sat stunned, wiping away the tears.
After that, Nicholas was showered with honors, including a knighthood for services to humanity. Known as the British Schindler, he met the Queen multiple times and received the Pride of Britain Award for Lifetime Achievement, both for saving refugee children and working with Mencap to improve the lives of people with cognitive differences. There are multiple statues of him in Prague and the UK, and his story was the subject of three films.
Nicholas Winton died in Britain in July 2015, at age 106. Today there are tens of thousands of people who owe their lives to Nicholas Winton.
For saving hundreds of Jewish children, we honor Nicholas Winton as this week’s Thursday Hero.
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hell-drabbles · 7 months
Minhyeok 4
Summary: To celebrate Minhyeok coming here, you pay for as many drinks as possible. All the while giving he's witnessing a quick rundown of the sexual culture of this place. Of Hell in general.
(Unfair that he comes here in Hell, only to be kicked out right away. Unfair, and I will not stand for it. Let him have a party! Let him get drunk!)
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While you hated the fact that no one wanted to come with you, besides Ppyong, to get Minhyeok after he was invited here, you were happy nonetheless that you get to see a friend that you haven't been with in a while.
He won't be here long, so you figured with the money you've been saving up since you get here in Hell, you'd spend it all in this bar that actually has some stellar food options to choose from. And is connected to a very nice hotel as well.
And, as is expecting in most parties, most of you are drinking a little more than you can handle.
"But," Minhyeok cleared his throat then licked his lips, "are you, mm, are really drinking it?"
You stopped and placed your drink on the table. You leaned back, letting your elbows rest behind you. "Drinking what?"
Minhyeok's ears were flushed, but then the red traveled all the way down his face. He let his forehead smack on the bar table as you gave him your full attention.
"You know… it. My, uh, my white stuff." His glass was taken from him by the bartender. He whined but it was replaced with a new drink you don't know the name of. But you trusted this bartender, weirdly enough. Has a sixth sense for when one has taken too much. So, he probably gave Minhyeok juice or something. Either way, Minhyeok murmured, "Thanks" and chugged it down.
Anyways, white stuff. Ugh. It's gross when it puts it like that.
"Just say semen. What are you, fourteen?" You looked away and let yourself relax a bit. The bar was a bit warmer than you like but it was filled to the brim with happy and drunk devils. A large portion was section away from you, surrounding Ra-on as he drank shot after shot while the others cheered. A smaller portion was just, sitting away at the table closer to your little two person group, whispering and glancing at you both.
They clearly want to talk to Minhyeok, the friendly guy, but were too scared to interrupt you. Good. At least that means they're starting to learn manners. You hate it when anything or anyone butted into your business without permission.
"Sorry," Minhyeok straightened himself up, grabbing his drink with both his hands, "But…do you?"
"Yup," And you gave a blunt answer because there wasn't a point in hiding it.
"All of it?" of course, Minhyeok's eyes would bug out.
You cringed, remembering how you can never get used to the texture of it all. "One bottle each. All the way to the bottom."
Well, Ra-on drinks it all the way to the bottom, the guzzler he is. You prefer to portion them out throughout the day so you don't accidentally make yourself sick. But either way, you both finish the bottle eventually.
"'m sorry…" Minhyeok slurred out, like it was anyway his fault. He tried to drown out the shame by chugging his drink, but it clearly did nothing but nearly drown his lungs.
"Whoa." You pat his back just as he started coughing. "Hey, careful there. But, it's not like we had a choice. Would you rather we take jizz from a stranger?"
"No!" That made you and Minhyeok jump up. "…sorry."
"It's fine. But, those were the choices and we chose," you shrugged, took a sip, then something caught your eyes, "Hmm. Here we go."
"Wha-" Minhyeok followed your gaze then sucked in his breath. "Huh?"
The group with Ra-on has left him be, split off into two teams of sorts that were busy striping one another. Seems the drinks have gotten to everyone's heads. Ra-on was passed out on the table, sleepy drunk he always was, while everyone else has become a horny drunk.
And Ppyong, the good little devil, is standing guard right on Ra-on head. He puffed his belly out when you glanced at him. He's doing his job right. You'll make him a snack later.
One devil with red curling horns and black hair bit into another devil's neck. He was shoved aside for another to come in and lick up the saliva left behind. The one with the bite marks had enough and ripped off his shirt, guiding wandering hands up his chest.
"A-are they…" Minhyeok trailed off as he pointed.
"Yeah, an orgy," once again, straight to the point. "Well, it's more violent than the ones I've seen, the devils love to fight while they fuck."
"I-I… should we leave?" You can see the flush on poor Minhyeok's face getting darker. Looks like he'll pass out honestly.
You shrugged. "Hmm, they won't care. This happens a lot. You get used to it after a while. That and I haven't finished my drink yet, so if you want to leave, be my guest. Just take Ra-on with you, okay?"
"But, isn't it rude to just, watch?" Minhyeok leaned over, whispering into your ear like if the devils hear him, they'll disembowel him alive. Speaking of which, a devil's fingers just sink into someone's soft belly. Not enough to carve them open, but enough to bleed and make the others moan. "What-!"
"Don't worry," the group broke up into smaller groups, one of them clearly making their way towards you two, "This is normal. You could leave them with their ribcage and a head and they'll be fine."
Two devils pushed another right between the space between you and Minhyeok. All clothes were gone, a simple mess of moans, alcohol and blood. Minhyeok couldn't look away. You, however, didn't care much for it beyond keeping your shoes clean. You're just enjoying your drink.
The devil being devoured looked up to Minhyeok and shivered. You could hear him gulp.
Before Minhyeok could give into his desires in his too drunken haze, you turned over your cup and poured the rest of your drink right onto all the devil's head. Ice traveled down one's back, but either way, they all shivered then shoved themselves closer together.
"I'm not done talking to Minhyeok yet," they all turned to you, clearly enjoying the fact your gaze was apathetic to their display, "maybe another time. Take that elsewhere."
And like dogs, they crawled away, like they were hoping you'd change your mind. You didn't.
Your drink got replaced quickly just as you set some napkins down to soak up the mess you made.
Minhyeok finally regained his tongue. "So…that's normal."
"Very," You nodded.
"…does, does Ra-on-?"
"Yes," because you've never been anyone that shies away from the truth. Because you've never been one to protect Minhyeok's fantasies. Like Ra-on would keep himself a virgin just for him. Ra-on doesn't love him and you're not going to pretend otherwise. Minhyeok needs to get over him instead of doing this pathetic pick me dance he's been doing for over ten years.
It's not going to change, and what Minhyeok's doing is holding onto this pathetic version of Ra-on, letting him be this parasite of a person because Minhyeok's too soft-hearted to cut him off. Whatever progress you've made for Ra-on was always reversed with Minhyeok around, because Ra-on would rather pick the easier path than anything else.
Ugh, and what are you doing, meddling in the lives of people that you should clearly cut away from? Well, you don't know. You suppose, if you are going to cut them off eventually, you want to at least leave some stubborn tools for them to have to fix themselves up.
Selfish, this was all purely selfish on your part, to absolve yourself of guilt of leaving a mess behind. But so be it.
Minhyeok was silent. He bit into his bottom lip, his eyes watering, and all you could do was slid your drink towards Minhyeok.
He sniffed, forcing the tears back, "A-and, what about you?"
You blinked, "Do you know me?"
That got a laugh out of him. A sad laugh, but it was something. "So, just watching."
"Yup. Watching, orchestrating, tying, the usual stuff."
"Hehe, that's cool. You're cool," Minhyeok nudged your drink back to you, "You're like an mastermind."
"And you're like a drunk," you sipped.
"Yup, I am one of many," and Minhyeok let his head drop one final time and he promptly passed out.
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AITA for uninviting my friend to a concert after she bought her plane tickets and refusing to pay her the money she spent on the tickets?
Me and my friend both love a singer called Melanie Martinez. We have both been listening to her for years and her music has gotten us through a lot.
A year and a half ago I got my first job. As someone who has a disability and grew up with not a lot I pride myself on the money I make and how well I’ve been doing at my job. My friend knows this, she also knows I take how I spend my money very seriously. My friend does not have a job, but she lives with her parents who give her monthly allowances so she can do as she pleases until she gets a job. The amount they give her is not a lot but she does save up so she has quite a bit of money. She likes to buy small things while setting aside some money for something big she wants while I like to save up almost all my money and get one big thing every once in a while that I really want.
Melanie first announced her Portals tour she only gave US dates but a while ago she announced UK dates for the tour. The UK tickets cost quite a bit of money and travelling and a hotel would also be pretty pricey but I had been saving and decided that this would be the big thing I would get for myself. I really wanted to go but with my disability I didn’t want to go alone. I asked my friend if she was available for one of the dates and she was so I invited her. I bought both of our tickets for the London date and since I make the most money out of both of us, it was my idea and I was being nice for my friend I also booked the hotel (instead if splitting it like she had originally suggested), while she offered to buy her own ticket for the plane and pay for her own food while we were over in London.
We had everything set, she bought a new outfit to wear for the tour and we were so excited. She hadn’t yet bought her plane ticket but I wasn’t too worried because I hadn’t yet either (and honestly flying makes me so nervous that just buying the tickets puts me on edge).
When we talked about it with our other friends she bragged about going which I found weird but whatever she was excited y’know. But she started complaining along with her bragging like “you’d think that we could’ve gotten closer seats but oh well at least we’re going” or “the tickets were just so expensive we’ll be broke after this” which made me feel weird. I asked her if she had an issue with the seats I got since they were in the disability accessible areas the view was good but it definitely wasn’t the front so I was kinda sympathetic to her disappointment. She said she didn’t care were the seats were and she was only joking around. But she kept complain-bragging until she was just complaining. Like “its gunna so cold I’m gunna hate it” or “we better have to deal with those annoying fans with the signs or the bracelets” and on and on and when I asked her if she was still excited she said she was just joking and she was excited. I have a hard time understanding when people are being serious or not so I just took her word for it.I didnt want to cause any arguments between us.
So she shows me the outfit she bought and it looks great and I show her the outfit I put together and we buy those plastic elf ears to decorate we are having a great time. She would say that my outfit didn’t fit the vibe as well as her and I better not actually wear it and embarrass her and again she says she’s joking. I made part of my outfit so I didn’t find it very funny.
She didn’t really talk with our friends about the concert other than with me, because my friends were kinda over it which I get. But I got a message a week ago from one of my other friends he’d sent a lot of screen shots of the friend i was taking to the concert saying she’d rather be going with him because he’d be more fun but at least with me she’ll “get disability special treatment and get to skip the line” and that “it wasn’t her money so she might as well try to enjoy herself”. Firstly we are adults we are too grown to be talking shit on snapchat. And secondly i was so crushed. I’d really been looking forward to spending time with my friend on a fun get away to see an artist we adore and she’d been complaining the whole time and was only looking forward to it because with me she’d get “special treatment”.
So I sent her the screenshots and I told her if she really didn’t want to go with me then she wasn’t going I’d just take someone else. She sent me a screenshot of her plane ticket she had bought that morning being confirmed and was like “no u have to take me I’ve paid for my plane tickets” and I was upset and said I didn’t care I’m not going to waste a ticket I spent my hard earned money on someone who didn’t appreciate it and views my disability as a way to get a better deal for herself and wanted to go with someone else.
She said she was joking and that I was ruining things for her and that it meant so much to her to go and how dare I take that away from her.
I have invited a different friend. They also love Melanie Martinez and I hadn’t asked them originally cuz they had plans around the time of the concert but the plans they had fell through so it works out, I need someone to go with they need something to do and honestly they deserve a break and a good time.
My friend who I was taking originally is very upset with me and is demanding I either take her or I pay for the plane ticket she now isn’t going to use. I told her to just get a refund from the airport and she said she didn’t want a refund from them she wanted me to pay for the “emotional stress” of the whole situation. I even got a message from her mum telling me to just pay the money.
My other friends are either neutral or think I’m taking things too far over some “inappropriate jokes” and I do feel bad since she was very excited and I was excited to go with her. I was originally so sure in my decision to uninvite her and bring someone else but now I just feel so bad. I can’t uninvite my other friend and reinvite her but I also don’t want to pay her anything since she offered to get her own ticket herself it was her money to spend and I have already spent far more on this than her. She says I’m greedy. I’m hurt by her comments she’s been my friend for 8 years and I’ve never really seen her act this way and say these things.
I felt I was doing the right thing and now I’m not sure. I feel like I’m going to lose a good friendship over a situation I’m overreacting in.
Am I the asshole???? Help????
What are these acronyms?
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gx-gameon · 5 months
As you know Chazz is my baby boy, my cinnamon apple, so to see you mention that the DM crew adopt him immediately makes me so happy.
I know you haven't seen season 4 but Chazz is probably the most understanding of the og friend squad about Jaden's trauma and AAHH I just love him and he deserves good friends and people who care about him so it makes me so happy 🤣
My and my friends also joked about how Chazz and Jaden's rivalry feels more like a sibling rivalry then anything so the idea of him becoming Jaden's unofficial brother is one I hold dear to my heart!!
Love the au as always!! Keep up the amazing work!!
No I’m really loving Chazz in my rewatch.
He just needs to be around people who make him feel safe. He needs to know it’s okay for him to be silly. Because he is silly.
But his brothers pout so much pressure on him and wouldn’t accept anything but perfection out of him. It wasn’t a safe environment.
He’s so used to trying to be ‘A Princeton’ that I don’t think he evened learned to be Chazz. Until Jaden and North Academy, until he returned to Duel Academy and made friends with the people there.
Jaden telling his brothers off after their duel is a big deal and I’m pretty close to watching the episode where Chazz’s brothers come back and I’m excited because I don’t remember that episode at all.
But ya after three years together Jaden and Chazz go through a lot. Because he’s ’the rival’ he’s more active than most of the other characters. Meaning he’s actually helping Jaden. He’s not standing by his side the way Joey or Kaiba do for Yugi when they face major villains. But he is helping. (I’m thinking about the end of Season 2 where Jaden is fighting for the world and Chazz is just kicking the cult off of campus. They aren’t ’working together’ but that is a huge weight lifted off of Jaden. He can focus on saving the world while Chazz saves their friends/school.)
And your right the way they talk to each other and interact is way more like brothers who push each other’s buttons/push each other to be better.
So ya once they graduate and all run back into each other at some torment held in Domino.
Jaden and the others are all talking and they all go their separate ways for the night.
Syrus and Zane have a hotel room together.
Atticus and Alexis do as well. They actually booked in the same hotel so it’s a sibling party!
Hassleberry has loggings at a different hotel but it’s okay because it turns out that’s where Jim and Axel are staying. They all ask where
Jaden is staying and he’s just like “with my dads they living here.” And while people are suprised since Jaden didn’t mention living in Domino the last time they were here there was also a crazy cult and it’s Jaden so they all shake it off without asking to many questions (please ask questions, maybe who are your parents or what do they do?)
Jesse isn’t arriving until the next day but Jaden already invited him to stay at the manor. Perks of being the one ‘friend’ who knows who Jaden is.
The others all walk away and Jaden turns to Chazz who hasn’t said anything yet. “So what fancy hotel you staying at?” Jaden teases knowing his friend only likes the best of the best.
But Chazz has been financially cut off by his brothers and the pro leagues haven’t started up yet for the season so he hasn’t been paid yet. He came to the tournament because his friends were talking about it in the group chat and he wanted to see them and to hopefully win some money. He wasn’t planning on telling anyone about his situation. No one else asked. But here’s Jaden asking him where he’s staying for the night. Jaden who has a home here….
At first he tries to lie and say ‘ya I got a room at the best place.” Jaden is like great I’ll walk you there.” The city is big and can be dangerous, Jaden doesn’t want his friend walking alone. But he also has eyes and has been traveling a lot himself recently he can tell it’s been a while since his friend has had a good nights sleep.
Chazz tries to refuse but Jaden is stubborn and finally Chazz cracks and tells him. “My brothers cut me off okay! I don’t have anywhere to go so if you would just leave me alone.” And no Jaden’s having none of that. He was planning on telling everyone at some point during the tournament about his family. Might as well start now.
He grabs chases arm and starts pulling him. “What are you doing you slacker unhand me!” But Jaden is not listening and pulls out his phone.
“Hey Oto-san can you send the car to my location. Also I’m bringing a friend home…. Ya everything is okay he just needs a place to stay…. It’s Chazz and his brothers are being jerks again….Thanks Oto-san love you.”
Chazz can only hear half the conversation but he’s put somethings together. 1) Jaden comes from money if his parents are “sending the car” so all the times he called Jaden poor were not correct. 2) he’s apparently staying with Jaden. 3) Jaden’s parents know his brothers are ‘jerks’
Before the can truly process any of that Jaden turns to him and give one of those small smiles he gives now not the mega watt grin he used to have but a rare soft smile. “You’re going to stay with me. Don’t worry my family’s going to love you.”
Chazz wants to argue but where else is he going to go. Besides how bad can a family full of Jaden’s be… on second thought maybe he’ll sleep under a bridge.
Too late the cars here and it’s fancy. Like nicer than what his brothers and him used to call…. Oh so not only is Jaden not poor, he’s richer than the Princetons. Okay Chazz didn’t not read this kid right at all. But to be fair what rich kid is excited to stay at the Slifer dorms? (These two rich kids)
They take the ride to Jaden’s and Chazz is trying to make himself look presentable. He wants to make a good impression. This is Jaden’s family after all. And while he’s not Jaden’s best friend, Jaden is his. And they are being kind enough to let him stay. Jaden is talking softly about different places they should visit while in town and trying to distract his anxious friend. Chazz is so in his own head/distracted by Jaden he doesn’t even realize they are at their destination until Jaden goes “oh we’re here.” And jumps out of the car.
Chazz follows, and almost falls down when he sees Kaiba Manor in front of him. ‘There is no way that Jaden is…. No he would have know that…but” Chazz is having a crisis.
Jaden is already walking up the stairs when he notices Chazz isn’t following him. He turns around and head back to his friend. “Uh Chazz are you alright?”
Chazz slowly turns to look at him. “You’re the Prince of Duels.” It’s not a question.
Suddenly Jaden is nervous. He should have told Chazz in the ride over but his friend had looked pretty stressed. “Um ya I am, though I don’t really like going by that title.” Jaden said as he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.
Chazz opens his mouth and closes it a few times as he processed… everything. He doesn’t get long as the front door is thrown open and Yugi Muto, the King of Games, comes out and runs to Jaden. “Jaden! It’s good to have you home.” He calls as he pulls his son!!! Into a hug and oh wow this is really real now. Chazz is standing in front of Thee Kaiba Manor with the King and Prince of Games right next to him. His brain might melt out of his ears. Yugi then turns to him and smiles. “You must be Chazz. Jaden’s told me a lot about you.”
And Chazz’s brain kicks back in. The King of Games has heard of him!! He bows quickly and lowly to show respect. “Yes Sir. It’s an honor to meet you.” Then his brain kicks back in. He raises his head to look at Jaden through his bangs. “Jaden. Why didn’t you tell us about this?” And he is hurt and a little mad. He’s trusted Jaden with a lot of information about his family and his life and it hurts to know his friend didn’t trust him in the same way.
Jaden tenses. His friend is mad at him. Jaden has done a lot of things. He’s failed to listen to and protect his friends in the dark world. He’s struggled with the guilt of his actions and his PTSD for the whole year. He’s had anxiety and PTSD since freshman year. And he’s always been afraid that his friend would hate him once he told them. He could have saved them all so much pain if he just let his family take care of all of their problems. But then his family would have been in danger. He tried his best to protect everyone and he always came up short.
Yugi feels Jaden tense and is about to go into over protective dad mode. He is very aware how badly revealing Jaden’s identity could go.
Jaden speaks before he can. “I- I was scared that people would treat me different.” It’s a weak response and Jaden is ashamed that he failed to protect everyone and chose to protect himself instead (no Jaden bad) and he’s expecting Chazz to tell him off
But Chazz can see how small Jaden is making himself. He also knows about family pressure and having to present yourself a certain way because it’s what people expect from you. He also knows how desperately he hid his connections to his duel spirits because he didn’t want to be seen as different. “That makes sense.” He says as he straightens up. He can physically see Jaden and Yugi relaxing and figures he said the right thing.
Then another thought hits him and he grabs Jaden by the shoulders startling the poor boy. “Who else knows?”
Jaden looks at his with a small hint of fear in his eyes. “Um well Chumley found out the summer before our second year.”
“Chumley knew before me!” Chazz is furious. How did Chumley earn Jaden’s trust faster than him. What did he do wrong (note Chazz’s fury is at his own short comings not Jaden but Jaden is seeing it as him being mad at him)
“I didn’t tell him he came to Kaiba Corp with Pegasus and we ran into each other.” Jaden tried to justify.
Chazz’s fury seems quelled by that. “Well that makes sense, it was an accident. Any one else.”
“Um Jesse.” Jaden says nervously.
And Chazz wants to be outrage, because Jesse only knew Jaden for a year, but honestly that tracks. “Sound right. Anyone else?”
“Um no you’re the second person I told.” And Chazz puffs up with pride at that. He’s the second. Not Syrus or Hasselberry who claim to be Jaden’s best friend, not sweet Alexis. The Chazz got to know before any of them. Maybe Jaden does see him as his best friend to, after he can see that Jaden and Jesse are on the fast track to more than friends.
Then a wicked idea comes to him. He send Jaden a Cheshire Cat grin. “So Dr. Crowler doesn’t know yet?”
Yugi who had been watching the whole exchange starts laughing. Because okay there is nothing to worry about with this kid.
Jaden matches Chazz’s smile. “Nope not a clue.”
“Oh this is going to be awesome.” Chazz cackles “you have to tell him in front of me. I have to be there for this.”
And now their all laughing and Jaden grabs his friends hand. His friend who isn’t mad at him for keeping a secret from him and is treating Jaden the same as he always has. “Sure thing. But first come meet the rest of my family.”
And suddenly Chazz is nervous again. He’s about to meet some of the biggest names in dueling. But Jaden is smiling at him, really smiling and theirs a hand in his shoulder. He turns to see Yugi with a gentle smile on his face. “Don’t worry. Jaden’s told us all about you. They’re excited to finally meet The Chazz.” And Chazz is over whelmed because Yugi is being so nice to him. And then they walk inside and Yugi pass him with a little “welcome home” and oh. Oh he hasn’t had that before.
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black-ak9 · 2 months
Asking different questions to people because I'm bored. Day 7.
Yay, our seven-day marathon of questions has come to an end. Thank you for taking the time! I still have some questions left that weren’t sent, so if you don’t mind answering more, let me know!
How do your vampires prefer to spend their money? (Especially from "Hotel Transylvania")
Oh wow seven-day I liked this question dynamic☺️
Most vampire nobility are spenders, as they have resources to spare.
Nobility: They spend it on properties in different states of their country or in other countries for when they travel or are on vacation, jewelry, luxury clothing, new technology, the luxury of having their auction collections, ,Among other things💎🏦🎰
Commoner vampires prefer not to spend so much, and save enough for their children's inheritance or for their own support.🪙👍
The goal is to leave a decent legacy
Fun headcanon fact:
Dracula has an estate in England that he has never visited.And some dungeons scattered between Romania and Türkiye.
Ericka has a mansion she doesn't know she has in Holland, an apartment in the Netherlands and Amsterdam, along with cellars full of books and artifacts from her ancestors.
Marta has two mansions in Hungary and Russia (on her father's side) and an inheritance in a dungeon in the catacombs of France
And Vlad, well... He has many years and many souls at his disposal, as well as contracts with monsters: anything he likes is his.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 5 months
I think, Meghan (allegedly) filed a case against the IRS to contest some charges/tax returns that she felt were unfair. Or because she thought she was charged extra and deserved a hugher refund than she got. And then she lost the case and had to pay the IRS for the filing a case against her. I don't know how true that is, just that she did file a case against the IRS. This was probably around 2010/11 so around the Trevor years. This is off the top of my head though, no factual receipts. Just something I remember reading on the old Tumblrs that are now defunct.
But about the financial fraud, I don't know if it counts but it is interesting to me that Meghan's lifestyle was mostly sustained on gifts and favours. She hardly paid for anything. At first, while she was auditioning, she lived with Trevor. They had a decent enihouse. But her dad says that he sometimes gave her money and it was mostly Trevor who sustained their day-to-day. It's believable and nothing wrong in that if that's the understanding that the couple has.
Then in Toronto, the suits producers got her a rental home. And later, a chauffeured car to get her to and from the set. This was a favour pulled by her friend rick hoffman.
There are some conflicting reports that say that she moved in with Cory mainly to save on rental. As in, it was his place and she moved in with him immediately after they started dating.
The Soho ambassadorship that she did, and later her small scale endorsements and Tig sponcerships got her a lot of goodies. All of her hotel stays, 1st class travels, food etc was almost always sponcon.
The only thing she allegedly spent her own money on was (probably) the air travel when she started dating Harry and they had their 2week arrangment. (Either one of them would travel to the other every 2 weeks). But she later moved in with himwhen suits ended.
So I'd say, Meghan does not understand finances, other than accumulating money in her own name in her own bank account. She has big dreams - foundations, charities, galas, UN missions, commonwealth, holiday homes, private jets etc etc... but has never paid for anything out of pocket so does not know how to sustain those dreams.
I was thinking of a different case of financial fraud - in 2020 or 2021, it was revealed that the SussexRoyal Foundation was being investigated over some allegations made about the way Harry and Meghan handled some transactions. I don’t remember the specific details and I can’t look it up at the moment, but there was a very haughty Sussex “we told you we didn’t do anything wrong” statement made when the investigation closed/cleared the allegations.
Whenever the Sussexes get in the news for their finances or Archewell paperwork, I always remember that incident, and specifically their response. It really rubbed me the wrong way and because they seemed to be gloating about having been cleared of wrongdoing, it makes me think that there actually really is something shady happening behind the scenes. I think they’re lucky it hasn’t been caught yet, chiefly because their MO is to distract us with semantics and petty “it’s the AG’s fault” blame game-type BS, but this week makes it clear they’re living on borrowed time.
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txttletale · 1 year
i'll actually in a limited capacity defend the overwatch league's regional teams gimmick but the execution was bad. having regional teams could have been hype. like--during astralis' 2018-2019 csgo run, danish esports fans went fucking insane for them. and like of course they did. there's inherently something exciting about having a team you can in some way 'identify' with. and geography does create natural sports rivalries and pre-writes your stories.
there were two glaring bad problems in the dumb way blizzard did this though. one is forcing teams to come up with brand new branding. this was a horrible idea. it forced well-established esports organizations with strong fanbases across different games like cloud9 and optic to try and build new brands up from scratch. they realized this with their call of duty leage where they let teams play as 'atlanta faze' and 'optic texas' but yknow. kind of too little too late
the other one (and this is also the glaring fatal flaw in the overwatch league's entire silly, silly business plan) is the idea of a global league. now if you don't know much about esports you might think 'wait whats wrong with that. its gaming you can do it online players can be anywhere'. however that's not true! first of all, esports--well esports doesn't make money, esports when managed correctly is essentially a loss leader for the game it's an esport for--but esports makes a lot of its money on live events. yeah, people go to see esports games:
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much more importantly, ping is a huge factor in esports. the higher the level you're playing at, especially in a game like overwatch that's full of twitchy hitscan aiming, the more a 10ms latency difference can make or break a game. you need to be running in-person events in order to have a competitive esports league and to make a good chunk of your revenue.
and that means that a global esports league runs into the exact same problem a global normal sports league would run into and the reason why that doesn't exist, which is travel logistics. the overwatch league has a london team, a san francisco team, and a chengdu team. these cities are very far away from each other [citation needed] and although overwatch league people will often blame covid for ruining their plans, i honestly think it actually saved them by preventing the horrible idea they had for how the league would work from actually happening. imagine all the problems that travel causes in a league like the NBA--jet lag, exhaustion, the obvious budgetary expenditure. now imagine that the travel itinerary also includes flights across the atlantic and/or pacific.
that's not even all! the thing about esports is that, because practicing for ten hours a day doesn't physically destroy your body like it would for regular sports, esports players and teams... do that. if you spend seventeen hours on a plane from paris to hangzhou for a match that's seventeen hours where you're not practicing. when you arrive, you can't just stay at a hotel--you need to be able to practice in the days leading up to the match too, especially because it's esports, which means the game can change. if you miss some practice as a sports team, you're gonna be rusty--if you miss some practice as an esports team, the rules of the game might have literally changed since your last practice session.
the result of this, by the way, is that the london and paris teams have never been actually based in europe--and that right now the dallas team is based in korea. it is very silly. every other multinational esport ever invented has created regional leagues--league of legends has a league for korea, china, europe, north america, pacific, vietnam, brazil, japan, and latin america. but blizzard entertainment are god's special little gamers and they weren't going to let something like 'the ocean' get in the way of their global league dream.
and ultimately this means that the entire local team concept was pointless. most of the teams aren't locally based. and even if they were -- the madcap way they play against each other mean that those city affiliations don't matter. when manchester united play liverpool f.c., even if you are not a big football fan, if you're from manchester you presumably have an opinion of liverpool and liverpudlians, and vice versa. there is an emotional hook to latch on to. if manchester united were to play khon khaen united, you would probably say 'where the fuck is khon khaen'. for the localisation to work, the overwatch league's london team needed a manchester or glasgow or dublin or amsterdam or brussels team (etc.) to play against. if you're invested in the esport itself and the players, you can get invested in a philadelphia-london or chengdu-houston rivalry--but the localisation aspect of it isn't doing the work it should there.
tldr: the overwatch league was a bad idea ever since the moment it was announced. people are too harsh on the team localization idea but the way it was executed was hot garbage and it's no wonder this entire venture failed badly
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