#how to make candles
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nomohmoss · 11 months ago
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happy diluc day 🍓
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jessica-larson · 1 year ago
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Illuminate your path to success with our Candle Making Business Plan—a concise blend of craftsmanship, creativity, and market insight. Join us in redefining the candle-making landscape, crafting moments of warmth and joy with each unique candle creation.
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iamhowiseeit · 2 years ago
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#sponsoredad #home
#Craft Your Way to a More Sustainable Lifestyle: Make #Perfume, #Soap And #Candles at Home! Want something to call Your Own? A Signature Product? Fragrances Never Get Old! Start Your Own Fragrance line w/Perfume, Soap & Candles 🤷🏻‍♀️
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jupitoorz · 5 months ago
slight ii 17 spoilers(?) it would be hard to understand if you havent watched it
they all woke up & everything was fine
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candlehavenblog · 2 years ago
Have you ever seen fairy lights in a candle?
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cerulean-tea · 11 months ago
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happy 413!! to the webcomic that changed my life 5 years ago ⭐️
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astrateiaa · 1 year ago
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Happy (somewhat belated) birthday Anthy!!!! I love you dearly.
I think she deserves to make her own cake if she wants.
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donghyuckkies · 17 days ago
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haechan - smtown 2025 dance pratice behind
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nibeul · 2 years ago
uncle aaron in spiderverse fucks me up so badly because here is a man who has done terrible, unforgivable things, and he loves his nephew very much
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solavellan--hell · 7 days ago
Since Solas doesn’t really have a birthday (at least not in the traditional sense), do we collectively agree that Lavellan makes one up for him as an additional excuse to make him feel loved and appreciated? Do we agree that initially he doesn’t really get the appeal, but when he sees her genuinely excited to celebrate his existence each year it makes his heart fill up with love for her? Because it’s the first time someone is so grateful for him being alive that they made up an entire holiday just to appreciate that fact? Yeah?
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turtleblogatlast · 1 year ago
Unironically think that each of the bros (+April) don’t actually get how impressive their feats really are so they just do what they do and on the off chance someone comments on those feats they all react like:
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#rottmnt#tmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#no but really#I love thinking that they’re actually way more prideful about the stuff that does not even hold a candle to their other feats#like yeah Mikey can open a hole in the space time continuum but that’s nothing have you TRIED his manicotti??#yeah Leo has outsmarted multiple incredibly intelligent and capable people AND knows how to rewire AI but eh did you hear his one liners?#donnie accidentally made regular animatronics sentient but that was an oopsie check out his super cool hammer instead#raph was able to fake his own death to save the entirety of New York and then be the one to bring about his brothers’ inner powers-#but forget about that did you know he can punch like a BOSS?#and April can survive and THRIVE against a demonic suit of armor alongside literal weapons of destruction as a regular human-#but her crane license is where it’s really at#(not to mention all the other secondary talents and skills these kids all just sorta have like - they are VERY CAPABLE)#honorable mentions in this regard go moments like#donnie ordering around an entire legion of woodland critters to create a woodsy tech paradise#or Leo being able to avoid an entire crowd’s blind spots in plain sight#and also being able to hold a pose without moving a millimeter while covered in paint and being transported no I’m NOT OVER THAT#Mikey casually being ridiculously strong and also knowledgeable enough about building to help Donnie make the puppy paradise for Todd#Raph literally led an entire group of hardened criminals like that entire episode was just#basically they’re all so capable????#and at the same time prone to wiping out at the most inopportune of moments#love them sm
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iamhowiseeit · 2 years ago
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#sponsoredad #homebusiness
Craft Your Way to a More Sustainable Lifestyle: Learn to Make Perfume, Soap And Candles at Home
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philiponmycracker · 1 month ago
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"A mass for the dead."
"What dead? Who is dead?"
"A man who deserved a requiem mass but never got one."
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year ago
Hey, gentle recognition for the people who are taking care of themselves in "not aesthetically-pleasing" ways. To the people who have to do things they don't want to because they know they would suffer more if they didn't, to the people who have to brush their teeth with their fingers, to the people who have to use washcloths to bathe, to the people who need to punch pillows or scream into them to express their intense emotions, to anybody ashamed about the way they need to live and take care of themselves.
You are doing the very best you can with the hand you've been dealt. It's not easy, it's not pretty, but it sure as fuck takes so much to do these things. You are doing what is best for yourself, and I, for one, think you deserve to be proud of that. Self-care isn't easy. It isn't pretty, often, but it's something you shouldn't be ashamed of or hide away because it's deemed "grotesque" or "not really self-care (because self-care is pretty and non-threatening to 'normal peoples' senses)"
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smile-files · 6 months ago
nickel and balloon stuff from spring on the breakfast!!! i'm keeping in mind that in the previous episode, both of them were under the impression that their friendship wasn't real...
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in a way, ii3 balloon is a lot like late ii3 cabby. of course, balloon did something indisputably immoral (manipulate and exploit others), and cabby only did something thought to be immoral (keep and use files about her fellow contestants) -- but both did something wrong and had to subsequently undergo a disproportionate amount of abuse and malignment for it, ending up with them being apologetic and submissive to avoid any chance of being framed as bad again. the biggest difference is that cabby has internalized the guilt others have attributed to her, while balloon largely hasn't -- he understands the concept of rolling with the punches for the sake of keeping good connections, but he doesn't believe he deserves it.
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nickel brushes off ii2 a LOT this episode. to rid himself of his guilt regarding that time, he necessarily has to delegitimize the hatred he felt towards balloon then, thus also ridding balloon of his guilt. he expresses this all vaguely, choosing to remember ii2 fondly and saying off-hand that its baggage should be laughed off -- implying that balloon has been forgiven. reasonably, balloon is happy that nickel seems to actually believe he's changed for the better, so initially this makes him happy.
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of course, though, it becomes clear that nickel just wants to shove his own actions under the rug, and balloon reasonably gets pissed off. nickel treated balloon and suitcase like complete garbage in ii2, and balloon clearly hasn't forgotten that.
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"it keeps things easy." it keeps things easy to roll with the punches, to endure nickel's abuse and accept his sudden friendship. note, also, that nickel is still placing the blame on balloon: he's saying that balloon didn't want to "make things better", as if nickel and balloon ever having a rift was entirely balloon's fault, and his problem to fix.
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and as we can see, nickel still hasn't fully forgiven balloon for ii1. as i've discussed before, nickel seems to secretly feel incredible guilt about how he treated balloon in ii2 (which is why he goes to such lengths to repress the whole memory of it) -- but that guilt is about the way in which he expressed his disdain and distrust of balloon, not those opinions themselves, nor the motivations for them. this is all very interesting, then -- if he still believes balloon can't change from his old, bad self, why did nickel start being friends with him at all?
i think a large part of it is his projection onto balloon. nickel sees himself in balloon: someone who screwed up big-time and isn't able to become a better person after that (according to nickel). we tend to gravitate to people similar to us, after all. i wouldn't be surprised if nickel was also trying to overcompensate for his hostility towards balloon in ii2 by being very friendly with him in ii3, thereby helping him forget that he was ever hostile to him at all.
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the most fascinating thing to me about balloon and nickel's relationship is how impersonal it is for balloon. he seems to value what nickel's affection represents rather than nickel himself -- and it represents that he's been forgiven. anyone who saw balloon and nickel's conflict in ii2, which was a product of balloon's nastiness in ii1 and nickel's subsequent inability to forgive that nastiness, would likely come to accept balloon and forgive him themselves if they then saw nickel being friendly with him -- because nickel is the epitome of the ii contestants' anger at him, and nickel of all people (seemingly) forgiving him would imply that he's really changed. the relationship is almost entirely a symbol in that regard. i don't think balloon has much residual guilt about is actions in ii1 -- he feels like he's adequately addressed them and changed -- but nickel having a positive relationship would be helpful in affirming that stance and proving to himself that he really has changed.
i wouldn't say it's cruel of balloon to keep this relationship going on under that pretense, but it is backhanded, and it helps explain why he was ever willing to accept nickel's friendliness unchallenged. he wanted his crimes to finally be laid to rest once and for all, and keeping nickel on good terms with him would let that happen. people would finally shut up about it. up until now, nickel wasn't explicitly denying his past cruelty towards balloon anyway, so balloon would be able to ignore that he neglected to ever bring it up; now, though, nickel is denying not only what he did to balloon but also to suitcase, which balloon is not able to tolerate. now that he's confronted nickel about that though, nickel snaps back with his condemnation of what balloon did in ii1, thereby uprooting the social stasis balloon had been able to maintain precisely because nickel refused to bring anything up before. in a way, then, balloon is purposefully shoving the past under the rug, just like nickel is.
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we can't forget, though, that nickel has his own complex about fearing that he's incapable of change and incapable of forming positive, genuine relationships with people. balloon is essentially revealing that, in a way, he wasn't really friends with nickel -- at least not in the way nickel wished and fooled himself into thinking they were. if balloon truly were friends with nickel like that, then that would mean that balloon had forgiven him for his cruelty in ii2, and perhaps that he really has changed... but no. balloon hasn't forgiven him. why should he? nickel never apologized -- and given how he never apologized, it's impossible that he could've changed anyway: nickel doesn't want to apologize because that means addressing his guilt and allowing himself to feel it. he wants the forgiveness to be handed to him on a silver platter, without him having to do all of the painful work, and he's incredibly upset when it isn't. he wants to not be a bad person, but in order to do that, he has to feel like one, and he really doesn't want to. he hates who he was and doesn't want to associate with it at all.
(note how it's the suitcase robot who says "you can say sorry" when nickel says that nothing can be done about making things better...)
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there's clearly an immeasurable amount of resentment these two have been harboring for each other throughout this season, which they'd only been hiding for the sake of fooling themselves into thinking they've changed (nickel) or thinking that others think they've changed (balloon). and now that they've let themselves explode with anger, partly related to the lies they'd been telling themselves falling apart, they yell at each other and balloon drops nickel down a hole!
ah, balloon and nickel's relationship... it's bizarre, it's toxic, it's convoluted, it's shady, and it's incredibly sad. i'm glad i'm revisiting ii3, especially this episode -- i used to be utterly baffled by nickel's writing, particularly in spring on the breakfast, but now it makes complete sense to me. also, i used to think balloon was entirely the victim in this relationship, while now i know that he has his own faults and own baggage in that regard. it's weird -- they hate each other, but at the same time they're dying to be liked by one another. god i love these freaks...
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sugarcube-stillabookworm · 3 months ago
🕯️wot on prime keep it up with the beautiful🕯️
🕯️ dramatic posters and abandon the 🕯️
🕯️marvel-like style prayer circle 🕯️
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