#how to get rid of pet allergies
pets12pets · 1 year
Using Natural Remedies to Treat Your Dog's Allergies
As pet owners, we want our furry companions to be happy and healthy. However, just like humans, dogs can suffer from allergies that can cause discomfort and distress. Allergies in dogs can manifest in various ways, such as itchy skin, sneezing, and digestive issues. While there are many pharmaceutical options available to treat these allergies, some pet owners prefer to use natural remedies for their beloved canines. Natural remedies have gained popularity in recent years, as they are often seen as a safer and more holistic approach to treating health issues. In this article, we will delve into the world of natural remedies and explore how they can be used to effectively treat your dog's allergies. From herbs and essential oils to dietary changes and supplements, we will discuss the different options available and their potential benefits. We will also address the importance of consulting with a veterinarian before trying any natural remedies on your dog, as well as potential risks and limitations. So, if you are looking for a more natural and gentle way to alleviate your dog's allergies, keep reading to discover the wonders of using natural remedies for our canine companions.
1. Introduction to natural allergy remedies
With the rise of allergies in both humans and pets, many people are seeking natural alternatives to traditional medication. When it comes to treating your dog's allergies, there are a variety of natural remedies that can provide relief and improve their overall health. However, it's crucial to approach these remedies with caution and to always consult with your veterinarian before starting any new treatment plan. In this article, we will explore some of the most commonly used natural remedies for dog allergies and their potential benefits and risks. By understanding the options available, you can make an informed decision about what is best for your furry friend's well-being.
2. Identifying common dog allergies
While there are many potential natural remedies for dog allergies, it is important to first identify the specific allergens that are causing your dog's symptoms. Common allergens for dogs include pollen, dust, mold, and certain foods. Your veterinarian can conduct allergy tests to determine which substances your dog is reacting to and create a treatment plan tailored to their needs. It is also important to note that some natural remedies, such as essential oils, may still cause allergic reactions in dogs and should be used with caution. Always consult your veterinarian before trying any new treatment, including natural remedies, for your dog's allergies.
3. The benefits of natural remedies
In addition to consulting with a veterinarian and identifying specific allergens, using natural remedies to treat your dog's allergies can provide numerous benefits. These remedies are often gentle and have minimal side effects, making them a safer option for your furry friend compared to traditional medications. They also often target the root cause of the allergy rather than just masking symptoms, resulting in more long-term relief. Furthermore, natural remedies can often be more cost-effective than prescription medications and can be easily integrated into your dog's daily routine. With the right approach and guidance from a trusted veterinarian, natural remedies can be a valuable tool in managing your dog's allergies.
4. Incorporating omega-3 fatty acids
One natural remedy that has shown promise for treating dog allergies is incorporating omega-3 fatty acids into their diet. These fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the severity of allergic reactions in dogs. They can also improve the overall health of your dog's skin and coat, which may be affected by allergies. Sources of omega-3 fatty acids include fish oil, flaxseed, and chia seeds. However, it is important to consult with a vet before adding any supplements to your dog's diet to ensure proper dosing and monitoring of potential side effects.
5. Soothe your dog's itchy skin.
Additionally, there are several natural remedies that can help soothe your dog's itchy skin caused by allergies. One option is to give your dog a bath with a gentle, hypoallergenic shampoo. This can help remove any allergens from their fur and provide relief from itching. You can also try using a natural, topical solution such as oatmeal or aloe vera to soothe the irritated skin. Adding a teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar to your dog's water bowl can also help balance their pH levels and reduce allergic reactions. However, it is important to consult with your veterinarian before trying any new remedies, as they can recommend the best course of action for your dog's specific needs. With proper care and attention, your dog's itchy skin caused by allergies can be effectively managed using natural remedies.
6. herbal supplements for allergy relief.
When it comes to finding relief for your dog's allergies, herbal supplements may also be worth considering. These supplements are derived from plants and can be a natural and holistic approach to managing your dog's symptoms. Some popular herbal supplements for allergy relief include nettle, butterbur, and quercetin. These supplements are believed to have anti-inflammatory properties and can support your dog's immune system. As always, it is important to consult with a veterinarian before adding any new supplements to your dog's diet to ensure they are safe and effective for your specific dog's needs.
7. Using apple cider vinegar
Another natural remedy that has gained popularity in recent years is apple cider vinegar. While there is limited scientific evidence to support its use for allergies in dogs, many pet owners swear by its effectiveness. Apple cider vinegar is believed to have antibacterial and antifungal properties, which can help with skin allergies and infections. It can also be added to a dog's food to aid in digestion and boost the immune system. However, it is important to dilute it with water before using it on a dog's skin, as it can be too harsh in its pure form. As with any natural remedy, it is best to consult with a veterinarian before using apple cider vinegar on your dog.
8. The power of local honey
Another natural remedy that has gained attention for its potential allergy-fighting properties is local honey. The idea behind this remedy is that consuming honey made from local pollen can desensitize a dog's immune system to the allergens in the environment. While there is no scientific evidence to support this claim, many dog owners have reported positive results after giving their dogs small amounts of local honey regularly. However, it is important to note that honey should not be given to dogs with diabetes or other health conditions that require a restricted diet. As always, consulting with a veterinarian before trying any new remedies is recommended.
9. Managing allergies with probiotics
Another natural remedy that has gained popularity for managing allergies in dogs is probiotics. These live microorganisms are known to promote a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut, which can improve overall immune function. Studies have shown that probiotics can also reduce the severity of allergic reactions in dogs, making them a potential solution for those with allergies. However, it is important to consult with a veterinarian before giving probiotics to your dog, as the proper dosage and type of probiotic may vary depending on their individual needs. Additionally, probiotics should be used in conjunction with other allergy management methods, such as avoiding trigger foods and keeping the environment clean, for the best results.
10. Consult a veterinarian for guidance.
Seeking guidance from a veterinarian is crucial when it comes to using natural remedies to treat your dog's allergies. While probiotics may be beneficial for some dogs, they may not be suitable for all and could potentially worsen your dog's condition if not used correctly. A veterinarian can provide personalized recommendations based on your dog's specific needs and health history. They can also help monitor your dog's progress and make adjustments to the treatment plan as needed. Consulting with a professional can ensure the safe and effective use of natural remedies in managing your dog's allergies.
In conclusion, while natural remedies can be a helpful and holistic approach to treating your dog's allergies, it is important to always consult with a veterinarian before making any changes to your pet's diet or medication. Each dog's allergies may be different and require a specific treatment plan. By working with a professional and considering natural remedies as a complementary approach, you can provide your furry friend with the best care possible for their allergies. Remember to always monitor your dog's reactions and consult with your vet for any concerns. With the right care and attention, your dog can find relief from their allergies and live a happy and healthy life.
1. What are some natural remedies that can help alleviate my dog's allergies?
Some natural remedies that may help alleviate a dog's allergies include regularly bathing them with hypoallergenic shampoo, using a diluted apple cider vinegar rinse to soothe itchy skin, providing a balanced and nutritious diet, adding omega-3 fatty acids to their food, using chamomile or green tea compresses to reduce inflammation, and incorporating natural antihistamines such as quercetin or nettle into their diet. However, it is important to consult with a veterinarian before trying any natural remedies to ensure they are safe and appropriate for your dog's specific allergies and health conditions.
2. Are there any specific herbs or supplements that are effective in treating dog allergies?
Yes, there are several herbs and supplements that are believed to be effective in treating dog allergies. Some commonly recommended options include nettle leaf, licorice root, quercetin, omega-3 fatty acids, and probiotics. These natural remedies are thought to help reduce inflammation, strengthen the immune system, and alleviate symptoms such as itching and irritation. However, it is important to consult with a veterinarian before introducing any new herbs or supplements to your dog's diet, as individual allergies and sensitivities can vary. Additionally, these remedies should not be used as a substitute for proper diagnosis and treatment by a professional.
3. How can I determine if my dog's allergies are caused by food or environmental factors, and what natural remedies can be used for each?
To determine if your dog's allergies are caused by food or environmental factors, you can start by keeping a detailed record of their symptoms and potential triggers. If the symptoms are consistent throughout the year, it's likely an environmental allergy, while if they occur after eating certain foods, it could be a food allergy. To confirm the cause, you can work with your veterinarian to perform an elimination diet or allergy testing. For environmental allergies, natural remedies such as regular bathing, hypoallergenic bedding, and minimizing exposure to triggers can help. For food allergies, switching to a limited-ingredient or hypoallergenic diet or introducing natural anti-inflammatory supplements like fish oil can provide relief.
4. Are there any potential risks or side effects associated with using natural remedies to treat dog allergies?
While natural remedies for dog allergies may seem safer than conventional treatments, there are still potential risks and side effects to consider. Some natural remedies, such as certain herbs or essential oils, can be toxic to dogs if ingested or applied incorrectly. Additionally, the effectiveness of natural remedies may vary, and they may not provide sufficient relief for severe allergies. It is important to consult with a veterinarian before using any natural remedies to ensure they are safe and appropriate for your dog's specific condition.
5. Can natural remedies completely replace traditional medication for treating dog allergies, or should they be used in conjunction with veterinary care?
Natural remedies can provide some relief for dog allergies, but they should not replace traditional medication or veterinary care. While natural remedies like dietary changes, supplements, and herbal treatments may help alleviate symptoms, they may not address the underlying cause or provide sufficient relief for more severe cases. Veterinary care is crucial to accurately diagnose and manage allergies, prescribe appropriate medications, and monitor the dog's overall health. A combination of natural remedies and veterinary care can provide the best outcome for treating dog allergies and ensuring the well-being of the animal.
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thunderheadfred · 6 months
My dad's love language is buying people vacuums.
Is this a Midwest Dad thing or just a My Dad thing?
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Thank you @robobbin for this adorable commission of Mafiafell Sans caring for their OC sick at home. You know I can't live without big scaryboys absolutely melting when their darling is unwell <3
“hey sweetcheeks.”
You looked up from your position nestled on the couch, a flash of hot confusion and embarrassment momentarily awakening you from your feverish stupor. That... wasn’t the voice you expected to hear, coming through your front door. You lifted your head up a few inches- movement in inches was all you could manage right now.
... It was Sans. Sans was in your house. He had a nice, pressed red shirt and black pants- your spare keys hooked onto a claw, two plastic bags over one of his big arms, and an unreadable lilt to his shark grin.
“... Sans?” You mumbled, eyes widening into saucers. You felt your cheeks immediately get even hotter. 
Your fever hadn’t improved, as you’d hoped it would. In fact, it had only gotten worse as the hours wore on; moving and thinking had grown increasingly impossible. In a total mess, you’d called Papyrus, asking if he could bring over something for you to eat... though you didn’t actually recall what he’d said back to you, most of it just blurring together in your head.
... You’d been expecting Pap. Pap knew you, he'd already seen you weak and gross before. Pap had carried you home from the gym, once, after you made the mistake of trying to keep up with his workout.
You were not anticipating the arrival of his hot brother, whom you had a massive crush on. 
Despite feverishly sweating, you pulled the blanket further up over you. You felt embarrassed to be seen like this.
“sorry, i know you were expectin’ boss.” He put both of the plastic bags down onto the coffee table, crouching beside the couch to be closer to your eye level. You twisted your hands in the blanket, his proximity making your heart thump. “he’s swamped with work, so i’m droppin off the emergency goods instead. though i’ll be sure to let him know you missed him.”
“... O-oh.” Your mind was fried. You stared- he looked great. It felt like the longer you knew each other, the better he dressed, it was amazing how his presence could simultaneously make you feel so much worse but also so much better. “N-no, it’s okay. I’m... fine. You’re fine.”
He chuckled, musically, eyelights warm. His voice felt good in your painful chest. “i’m fine?”
“N-not like... fine as in hot. Fine as in okay.” Your cheeks were just on fire at this point. The fever had removed any and all barriers between your head and your mouth, so words just waterfalled out. “Not that you’re not hot. You are. You’re very hot. You.. uh,”
... Shit. Again, that little edge to his smile. You wanted to sink between the couch cushions and die.
Rather than make fun of you, Sans just gently reached over you, placing a cold compress against your forehead. He was so close you could smell him.
“you’re burning up. and ya look terrible. i’m gonna stay over and watch you.”
"N-no-!!" You blurted, nearly sitting up. The guy you liked, staying and seeing you completely out of it, at your absolute worst? No???
He grinned. "sorry, pet. not gettin' rid of me until your fever goes down."
... You covered your face with both hands. This was mortifying. Were you glad he was here? Absolutely. You didn't want to be alone right now, and his insistence on staying despite your protests felt good. But you still wanted to die.
“pap really went nuts with the food when he found out you were unwell. y’know he’s got a list of all your allergies? let’s see...” You could hear him start unpacking the bags, placing things onto the table. “some funky soup. saltines, popsicles, iced coconut water. ginger candy... whole bunch of herbal teabags. you ever had sea tea?”
You kept one hand on your face, gesturing randomly with the other. “Soup. Soup please.”
“soup comin’ right up, gorgeous.”
You tried to say thank you, but just a weak grumble came out, the room was spinning again. You heard him move into the kitchen... so you just let yourself sink back into the couch, comforted by another person’s presence.
You didn’t know how much time passed, he eventually returned. You could smell something nice.
"hey. can ya sit up a lil, for me?'
... You didn’t really respond to his query. Curled in blankets like a feverish squirrel, you merely made a sound in the back of your throat to acknowledge him. The fever was getting worse.
... Big hands, on your body. There was movement... Sans shifted you, everything spun. You were vaguely aware of him sitting you up, supporting you with one big hand- you did your best to just watch his face, focus on his lovely red eyelights.
"c'mon. soup’s ready. here comes the airplane."
... Despite the state of you, that made you giggle. And judging by the smile that filled your wobbling vision... he liked the sound.
... He was probably enjoying himself a little too much.
Sans shifted his legs into a slightly comfier position from his spot in front of the couch. This definitely wasn’t what he thought he’d be doing today. He’d been planning on going out for a drink, maybe crossing some names off a list while his blood was up- the usual stupidity he filled his free time with.
... Then he got Pap’s call about you. And instantly, it had felt like nothing else in the world mattered.
Now, here he was; in his crush’s house, spoon-feeding her warm soup, trying to keep a nonchalant face while wrestling with an (emotional) noisy Soul.
... i haven’t felt like this in a long time.
You were so cute. His nasal ride wrinkled, and he pinched the soup spoon a bit tighter, restraining the urge to grab your cheek- he felt bad for not being able to stop thinking about how cute you looked, when you were so unwell. But he couldn’t help it. All snuggled up in blankets, hair frizzy and unkempt, glasses askew, flushed and warm... you had a twinkly, glazed look to your eyes, not too dissimilar from the look people got when they were drunk. He’d been fighting the urge to ruffle your hair this whole time.
Sans bit his tongue. This was mundane, compared to his normal life. Some might even consider it a chore. But... he hadn’t felt this nice in so long. He felt... useful. Wanted.
When was the last time someone had been openly, willingly, weak around him? When was the last time someone was in a state of fragility, and wanted him nearby?
Mushy feelings filled his chest. Soft. Overprotective. He was hyper-aware of how sick you were and he didn’t want to leave your side, not even for a second, not even to go home. Even just acknowledging those emotions made colour rise to his cheekbones... he hadn't felt anything like this level of protectiveness since Pap was just a babybones.
... But damn... it felt good to be needed.
Warm fingers curled around his hand.
He very nearly jumped out of his fucking seat at the sensation- he fumbled the soup spoon, mumbling out a little ‘shit’ as he broke out of his thoughts, turning to look at you. 
... Your tiny hand was wrapped around two of his phalanges. Sparkly eyes peered up at him.
fuck. His Soul thudded in his throat. don’t look away from me.
"... h-hey. c'mon." His voice was shaky. "that ain't fair."
"Huh?" Came your bleary reply. so fucking cute. stop it.
"you've stolen my hand, doll."
... You looked to his captured hand, slowly. Like you only just realised you had it.
"... Mine now." You mumbled.
He tried to muster up a quick joke, like always. Tried to come up with a sharp-witted response. Something with swagger, something with a flirtatious edge, something with confidence that would show you how cool and collected he was. 
Nothing came out of his mouth. It was like trying to start an empty car.
“... o-oh.”
"... You're great." You said, eyes fluttering closed.
"... huh?"
"Great guy. Handsome guy. Nice to me." It didn't sound like you intended those thoughts to be said out loud. He felt his eyelights flare- his Soul was thumping against his ribs.
Words banged at his tongue, but the only sound he managed to get out was a tiny shaking hum of affirmation.
You drew his hand up toward your face, he absolutely had the strength to stop you but he felt like he’d been flashbanged. All he could do was watch... as turned on your side to get cosy, pulled up his hand to your face... and happily nuzzled the back of it.
“My big guy.” You murmured.
Just like that, you were asleep.
Sans used his free hand to cover his face. His whole skull was carmine red, glowing like a campfire. It made him look almost as feverish as you.
i never want to leave.
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pixieperson19 · 3 months
blog masterpost!
(bc I repost a lot of stuff)
my name is Pixie (they/them), I post artwork/comics/silly posts/tutorials
I post about tmnt, rottmnt, Sonic, and other cartoons!
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-anyone who is anti anything that/whom this is a safe space for
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-POC (I'm white and unfortunately have some ingrained stereotypes in me that I'm trying my hardest to get rid of, I'm sorry in advance, however this blog will always be a safe space for anyone regardless of race, I judge by personality and values, not appearance and identity.)
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Dipper w allergies doodle
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TMNTember Day 2
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discord server promo!
rottmnt au storyboard
breakfast text post
Lunar’s agere ally button (not made by me, but important to my blog)
fanart of hatekawa’s 3 months AU
Allergy Text Post
Yaelokre fanart
TMNT 40th Anniversary comic
2012 tmnt fanfic fanart
Sonic fanfic fanart
25 reblogs!
au rottmnt comic
au sort of vid rottmnt movie
womp womp
Limited Space rottmnt au
Sonic and Tails
Lunar’s DTYIS
Hey Sunshine text post
Mystic Mikey
tmnt comic
rottmnt new years
original character
arcane text post
shooketh text post
mm Leo and Amphibia Anne text add-on post
how to add images into ao3 tut
rottmnt Mikey ballet
Amphibia artdump
The Owl House artdump
Kraang Prime drawing
TOH Flapjack tattoo post
TOH skill issue
ROTTMNT turtles
Marcy Wu - Amphibia
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tumblingghosts · 25 days
re: ask game
felix ratvinstill, the patron saint of rodents
because I would love to know any and all behind the scenes thoughts
of course! happy to yap about the rats <3
(i have an embarrassing about of lore about these rats)
i already mentioned a few things in these replies:
gaul's beef w/ felix & where the rat obsession started
clemmie is tired of felix's rat shenanigans
reference to livia worshipping taylor swift
max making sure the rat parade was not broadcast
expanding on those:
felix's rat obsession started shortly after his parents' deaths as a coping mechanism that no one addressed until it was too late & felix was irrevocably attached
it was still war time so there were a lot of rats around on the streets and felix had somehow managed to capture one (aesop) to keep as a pet turned support animal
max (president) was pretty concerned about the whole thing, but between the grief of losing family members and the ongoing war, he basically went 'kids will be kids ig' and let felix be
felix originally calling aesop 'mr rat' and would read him some stories (aesop's fables) to help him go to sleep bc that's what his parents would do to help him sleep when he was younger
aesop was named as such because he went 'storybooks' -> 'rat that helps me sleep' -> 'perfect name :D'
max (president) did have gaul 'check' aesop (without felix's knowledge) once it was brought to his attention that felix was letting aesop sleep in his bed bc he did not want felix to be killed off by a potentially diseased rat
(is aesop the same rat that felix originally caught? maybe. maybe not. gaul certainly isn't saying whether she modified aesop or gave a mutt replacement. maybe the rat she melted on their field trip as nine-year-olds was the original aesop. again, gaul certainly isn't going to say anything one way or the other)
anyway, that's how all of felix's rats live past 3-4 years 🐀
felix stopped collecting rats when the war ended (eight-years-old) because max (president) was able to convince him that it would be too much of a hassle to have more rats once transitioned from homeschooling to a school with others. max was not, however, able to convince felix to get rid of any of the rats (his original intent).
when felix was younger, i like to think he had one of those little red wagons to bring all his rats along everywhere. by the time he reaches the academy, he just carries them in his pockets and/or lets them follow him on their own.
asclepius is his medic rat (named after the god of medicine) and the first rat that clemensia was introduced to. she was severely weirded out, but came around after an asclepius alerted a teacher when she was having an allergic reaction (strawberry allergy headcanon from medea)
yes, felix did make clemmie thank asclepius for quote "saving her life", which she did do. her thoughts on felix's rats after that event were basically 'well, i guess this is a thing.....this is fine....' which felix took to mean that she was an ally against rat haters (livia)
max (rat) was the last (36th) felix had adopted. it was just a few months before the end, and he quickly became felix's support rat. max (president) was not present enough in felix's life to realize felix had named after him under nearly a year later.
max (president) knew about albanus (rat) but was fine with it because he thought felix was just honoring a dead family member. max (president) side eyes felix's interactions wtih max the rat all the time. marius and gnaeus are just grateful that no rats are named after them.
side note: originally, this fic was just supposed to be felix's perspective, but as i was writing, felix's pov sounded too 'rational' bc of how much he was coping, so dill's pov was added in for contrast (and get an outside view of the rat-related insanity)
the rat parade happens at heavensbee hall. the people in attendance were the mentors and tributes (and, of course, felix's rats). max (president) did not attend. gaul was not invited. livia was also not invited, but she showed up because she was insulted that facet was given a personalized invite.
felix wanted it to be bigger, but that was the compromise that max (president) was able to negotiate felix into agreeing to. there were cameras that felix insisted on being there with the intent to broadcast the event, but none were actually recording.
max (president) made sure that none of them were on and told felix after the fact that they had 'malfunctioned' so the rat parade 'unfortunately' was not shared. felix is very disappointed by this and has to be comforted by max (rat) when he can't host a second rat parade to make up for it.
no one ever believes reaper and dill when they go back home and tell others about the rats. eventually, they just fudge the story to stop people from pressing them for the "real" story (aka "the mentors were convinced by the tributes' humanity from interacting with them and realizing how bad things were in the districts & dill's mentor was able to use nepotism to stop the games" - basically the same concept minus the rats)
i didn't have any solid ideas after that, but i like to think that felix visits dill in d11 sometime in the future and she has to awkwardly explain to her family that 'this is felix ravinstill, yes, that ravinstill family, yes, these rats are normal and please don't say anything against it to his face, please'.
and there you have it! 🐀🐀🐀
thanks for the ask abyssal! :D
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butters-flower-mom · 3 months
How would Butters be as a pet owner?
Well, he has his hamsters and for the most part he seems to take good care of them... except for when he lets New Kid use them.
It was also mentioned in Jared Has Aides that Butters had a cat and then it was never brought up again. I headcanon either his parents got rid of it as a punishment (In which case, fuck them. Actually, fuck them anyway.) or it turned out Butters has a slight cat allergy and having one in the house was triggering symptoms so he had to get rid of it.
I think he's a good pet owner. He gives his hamsters lots of scritches and treats. He keeps their cage extremely clean (because he'd be grounded if he let it get even a bit messy). He also talks to them like he would people. He tells them all his secrets and rants to them about kids at school picking on him or his parents yelling at him. They're like his best friends.
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[NSFW AU] Forest god Shuichi, bounty hunter Kokichi
Bunny: i didn't think Too deeply on it but basically. roaming bounty hunter kokichi + monster shuuichi kokichi gets in over his head :)c probably vine tentacles involved, because i like those [a little bit later] forest cryptid shuuichi…mmm good stuff the people who hired kokichi to kill him are maybe Not Great they kept fucking with his home it's not his fault he had to dissolve them like a pitcher plant can i add seed ovi
Me: Yes Do it
Bunny: they think kokichi's dead bc he doesn't come out of the woods SNDKHBJJFG
Me: He lives there now Becomes a planter, the way he's full of seedlings
Bunny: he does leave sometimes to take care of business but mostly. happy vine time his feet rarely touch the ground anymore. shuuichi spoils him
Me: Oh? Carries him around or keeps him in bed?
Bunny: i think mostly literally holds him up in his vines shuuichi is the forest, to some extent …does he have a bed, actually?? MAYBE THAT'S WHY KOKICHI HAS TO LEAVE SNDBJFJG u get kidnapped by a hot cryptid and he doesn't even have a house smh
Me: Mossy nest
Bunny: mossy nest could also work!!! comfy little cave
Hina: Is Shuichi a plant?
Bunny: shuuichi is a cryptid/monster that's like. the avatar of a forest? its spirit, but also its guardian
Hina: So do plants grow in him?
Me: I think in this case the seeds have to go Become airborne as seeds do Find some soil to settle into
Bunny: also, airborne??? what do you mean by that bc i can not be seeing the same image you are
Me: I don't have access to translator now but I mean like When the stuff from trees just fly off and people have allergies to that
Bunny: okay yeah i did understand we were having different ideas of the size of these seeds i'm pretty sure
Me: I assumed that they're tiny and in a huge quantity Seeds just suggest that idea
Bunny: they do!! however i usually go for Very Large bc it's fun to me
Me: Like. I thought of tiny orchidea seeds, bc orchideas are cursed with those so I was made to read about that once See, that was fitting in the mer au, but if Shuichi IS the forest then it makes sense he'd have A Lot
Bunny: ooohh that's true but how would that Feel
Me: Grainy cum Not dry tho Just textured Like chia seeds in a drink But more density [everyone disliked that, idk why]
Beez: in my head shuichi just looks like millennial tree
Me: In my he has like a gown with moss covered vines and flowers holding it together Flowers in his hair too, maybe elfish ears, probably lil antlers
Apollo: Okay but if Shuichi is the forest, does he have eyes everywhere? Like he sees everyone coming to destroy his home/him then sees a cute hunter and goes You. You're gonna be mine now.
Bunny: yes, yes he does :) kokichi never stood a chance :) i can't believe this was started over me liking swordkichi a little Too much [design from the official anthology]
Apollo: Imagine just walking into the forest to get rid of a creature but the whole ass FOREST decides you're its pet/partner or whatever now
Bunny: he was gonna melt him into bone soup but he sensed a pure heart and pretty face ok
Apollo: No need to live pay check to pay check when the forest is constantly fucking and breeding you
Dra: Damn does he do that [melt someone] to anyone else when Kokichi can see
Bunny: not when he can see he's very big, he can take care of forest-killers and his favorite pet simultaneously
Me: Feeding his favorite human handpicked berries and honey
Apollo: He's made him a little flower crown that won't die and is making sure he only eats the best things possible
Me: Tries to feed him bugs too, to get him some protein, never again, lesson learned
Bunny: kokichi is half-awake and being lazily fucked so he only realizes when he feels a leg wiggle against his lips IF ONLY THERE WAS BOOKS ON HUMAN CARE he's Struggling i jusg think. kokichi being suspended above the forest floor, strange smooth vines stuffed in every hole large enough, dizzily wondering what theyre pumping into him he's having a very blissed out time kokichi accidentally cuts his hand after gripping onto shuuichi's antlers and shuuichi is HORRIFIED he's pretty sure kokichi is Actually Dying
Apollo: He's never seen blood and Kokichi is currently too blissed out to notice that he's bleeding
Bunny: IN HIS EXPERIENCE HUMANS ARE FUCKEASY TO KILL OK HE JUST DROPS THE GROUND OUT FROM UNDER EM A LITTLE AND THEY EXPLODE he should probably have a much more intimate knowledge of death than this being a forest god but. it's funny
Apollo: Okay but Kokichi accidentally gags when his mouth is being fucked and Shuichi freaks out at that because does that mean he did something bad???? Kokichi seemed to like it though??? He's hopeless at caring for his little human but he's trying his best
Bunny: im imagining their first meeting,, maybe shuuichi's forest is extremely sheltered and humans have only recently started trying to "develop" it.. kokichi shrieking and swinging his sword around while vines hoist him higher and higher they start stripping him and he thinks he's about to die but they just end up poking around curiously wherever they can reach, trying to figure him out
Apollo: Shuichi that's not how you properly get a boyfriend smh
Bunny: he doesn;t know that!! he IS the forest there's nothing for him outside of it
Apollo: Shuichi appears but is absolutely zero help because he also starts poking Kokichi in curiosity
Bunny: he thinks shuuichi is there to help but no, he just wanted to feel kokichi's interesting textures more clearly the human makes cute noises when he pokes him there :D
Beez: would that mean cutting it down hurts him. .. . .
Bunny: yes sometimes death is a natural part of the forest lifecycle but you can't cut him all the way down and expect him to live
Beez: yeah i imagined if it happened naturally he would be fine but if there was smth interfering he would Feel it
Apollo: Kokichi tries to kick him and Shu just pouts because he doesn't know how to respond. He's just interested in this cutie
Bunny: kokichi tries to bite him and gets a vine stuffed in his mouth
Me: This is where verbal communication ought to step in
Bunny: when does verbal communication ever work when kokichi's involved /j
Apollo: This isn't how Kokichi wanted to be seen in front of a hot forest spirit damn it. He couldn't even flirt before getting naked /j
Kai: Human try developing Shuichi's forest and Kokichi is just "AW HELL NAH THAT GUY FUCKED ME TOO GOOD FOR YOU TO UP AND KILL HIM!"
Bunny: maybe the fantasy seeds he has kokichi incubate are replacements for the killed trees OOO
Dra: I'm sorry but my mind just went to that fucking bird (there is a type of tree that doesn't grow unless the bird eats the seeds first)
Me: Yeah, the forest grown since Kokichi came around
Me: I was thinking something a lil more lovey dovey when you said he stayes in the forest
Bunny: it's lovey-dovey once they get past the Poking phase. shuuichi is very curious and has literally no idea what boundaries are maybe kokichi offers him a deal,,,like 'u can keep touching me wherever as long as you promise to stop eating people'. he does not have his sword and has literally no way to enforce this and is also currently wiggling toward shuuichi's hand but it's fine he's a very serious business man shuuichi is very diligent about aftercare even though he has no idea what that is and tries to feed him a bug he goes "well some of the animals like this" and pulls kokichi into his lap to start petting him humans need protein he's pretty sure he's doing his best
Apollo: Throws touch starved Kokichi into this /j
Bunny: funny you say that :)c the implications of kokichi being a wandering bounty hunter are that he has nowhere to go Home to, yeah? would also explain why he stays in the forest,,,
Apollo: Kokichi really went from being alone and living paycheck to paycheck to being taken care of by the forest itself
Kai: "I got no home but the willow maid fucked me good and hard so i think i like it here"
Bunny: kokichi is like 'stop it i'm not a pet >:(' and shuuichi is like b̶̀̌ȗ̶̏t̷̅̈ ̷̏̚ḯ̷̋ ̵͒̀c̵̃an ̵̓̏s̵͐͠m̷̃͑e̷̎͝l̸̂͗l̸̀ that ̚i̸͗t mak̷̃̎e̶s you ̷̅̚h̵͑̒ä̸͠p̵̎̂p̴̢̆y̵?
Kai: does Kokichi ever repay ;) him
Bunny: yes frequently
Kai: can a forest get off?
Bunny: nnnnot…really? at least in my interpretation he enjoys seeing kokichi happy maybe he finally decides to manifest himself some genitals to see what all this fuss is about NSDJBHSHDGJ
Kai: does he at least smooch Shuichi?
Bunny: YES shuuichi tells him that he is not a baby bird and does not need to be fed. then he tells him to do it again because it felt nice
Apollo: I'm crying because imagine if he made his dick real big because he's not sure what a good size is meant to be
Bunny: kokichi is munching grapes and watching him like no…a little bigger…little smaller…move that a little bit to the left…
Kai: peppers his face in kisses and Shuichi has no clue what he's doing but makes the correct assumption that it's a human sign of affection sorta like wolf licks and accepts it
Bunny: he does it back very clumsily it's too hard and knocks kokichi over (shuuichi vc) ẁ̷͑h̶̎͑a̵͂́ṫ̸͘ ̷̟̈i̶͌͆s̷̉ th̆e̷̽̕ ̵̑̾p̵͑̏o̶͒̕ǐ̷͠nt of t̶͋̚h̸is? ̛i̴̛ have ̓̔ă̵͝l̴̈́̿ṙ̵̐e̸̚̚ạ̸̈dy reprodụ̸͛c̶̛̃ȅ̶̈́d̸̆̕ ̸͐throug̃͠h̸̖̏ ̴you,̿ i do n̸͝͝ò̶̓t̵̂̽ ̴̒́n̴͛̈́e̵͌͊e̴d mammalī̴͘a̴͂̀n̷̾̈́ ̶̔͘feature̷͘͠ṡ̷̆-̴͑
Apollo: Okay but how long would it take for Kokichi to be able to understand him or can he understand him off the bat?
Bunny: he can understand him, he just rarely speaks and his voice is unnerving and layered like all the trees are speaking at once :D and the trees are DOWN TO FUCK- im gonna say there's no elk in his forest. just so kokichi doesn't have to hear his partner make the elk honk
Kai: he's better at birdcalls anyways why can i see him taking Kokichi's clothes off when they meet cause he doesn't understand clothes and thinks the human just got caught in something weird what buisness does a forest spirit have wearing clothes anyways
Apollo: Kokichi trying to explain that he sorta needs clothes and Shuichi does that little head tilt that dogs do because he just doesn't understand
Bunny: i think part of the reason he keeps kokichi is because of how INTERESTING he is. he's making offended noises about shuuichi taking him out of his strange false-skin one second and the next he smells like pleasure because shuuichi touched his chest NOT THE HEAD TILT…. with those antlers bro'd probably knock something over
Apollo: Shu can use magic right? Can he make it that Kokichi is no longer human (at least fully) cause humans don't last forever you know?
Kai: connect him to the forest become one with the moss
Bunny: yes, but it takes kokichi several decades to realize time is Weird okay. he was too busy getting fucked all the time to realize he wasn't aging- he could've ASKED about the mysterious green goo shuuichi was pumping into him it's his own fault really now there's TWO scary forest spirits, good job morons
Kai: what made Kokichi finally realize?
Bunny: would be funny if some humans came through and he realized his clothes were WILDLY out of fashion now bc remember this all started from an outfit
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Bunny: hey do you think shuuichi has to be taught what holes are okay like does he go ok mouth makes him happy. ass makes him happy. time to try the urethra- IT WAS AN APPROPRIATELY-SIZED VINE HE DOESN'T KNOW WHY KOKICHI IS SCREAMING!!!!!!
Beez: are u saying he tried to stick it in his ears or smth a NOOOOOO
Bunny: he tries this too but kokichi thinks he's being silly and laughs it off mistake
Kai: god help him
Bunny: god just tried to stick a vine in his dick
Kai: Shuichi finds out it doesn't feel good going in the dick, but the dick going into something sure does
Apollo: Does Shuichi switch between parts or does he just have both at the same time?
Bunny: shuuichi is smooth like a barbie doll
Kai: both is more badass he either has both or none, there is no inbetween
Bunny: he grows whatever kokichi is interested in that day, if they're having face-to-face sex actually both might add to the 'divine' feeling like. he Is life to some extent.. maybe shuuichi eventually lets some people move in,,, just be respectful to the earth and leave offerings of human food with neat textures on the shrine and you'll be alright he's grown strangely fond of humans lately! imagine that
Apollo: Everyone remembers the stories of the forest killing people but nope. Forest dude is calm as long as you're respectful and leave little snacks
Bunny: just…don't seek an audience with him. he'll probably grant you whatever you ask, but is it really worth him having a squirming man in his lap the whole time…?? shuuichi doesn't see the problem
Apollo: Does Kokichi still look 100% human or does he have more fae like features now? (I dunno how to explain it lmao)
Bunny: i think he slowly gains them over the years never as much as shuuichi. but enough to be a little unnerving,, he wanders the villages vaguely unnerving everyone around
Apollo: He would though. He just walks away and everyone rushes into their houses because that's the forest's like boyfriend? Husband? Queen? Theyr'e not sure but they know not to mess with him
Bunny: he brings back lost children
Apollo: He has enough common sense to put on at least a skirt when he leaves the house only Shu gets to see him 100% naked
Bunny: he's wearing the same fucking clothes from several hundred years ago they don't age either, don't question it
Apollo: That would sorta suit the forest spirit vibe though
Bunny: it really does! he's killing it by shoving the offerings into his mouth like a goblin though
Kai: dude dressed in ancient samuri clothes who's rumored to be the spouce of the foreset spirit walks into town-
Apollo: He brings his sword around as well despite not needing it. It's badass okay? It's just annoying trying to return these lost kids to their parents while they're trying to mess with the sword He's sorta missed human food okay
Bunny: they ask him to teach them
Beez: what if he gets a new sword that sorta wraps around his wrist n whenever he wants to bring it out it uncurls
Apollo: He saves the kid of like a rich family and finds a shiny new magic sword among the offerings He sends a bird with a thank you note to their house and the village realizes that they don't just have to offer food. Kokichi also likes shiny stuff People start to think Kokichi is like a crow so whenever he comes to the village, he's wearing new shiny stuff they left for him
Bunny: that cave is about to get So Crowded that's why he walks so weird…he's got bird feets….. definitely……..
Apollo: Kokichi plays along with it and Shu says fuck it and like magics some wings for him because he finds it cute that everyone is calling him a crow
Bunny: (chanting) wing sex, wing sex, wing sex-
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hahahaha it’s my time for an oc asks for you people!
DUMBY DUMB FACE(idk): what’s the most stupid thing your of has said/ done
SWEETY: what’s the kindest thing your of has said/done or have had said/done to them :D
YOUNG LOVE ❤️: what was your ocs first crush and first kiss
CHILDREN?!: how many kids does your oc have/wanna have or if they don’t want kids what is there opinion on them?
GARDEN: does your character like plants? Do they have a garden? Do they want a garden?
NOM NOM: what’s your ocs favorite food? when did they first have it? Who made it?
ALLERGIES: does your character have any allergies if so what of?
SMARTY PANTS: what’s the smartest thing your oc has said/did
SNEAKY SNEAKY: has your character ever snuck out? If so why?
SONGS: can your oc sing?
NAMES: does your oc have a nickname or use nicknames? Why or why not?
PURE CHOAS: what’s the most chaotic thing your oc has done?
DISAPPEAR: what’s something your character wants to get rid of for good?
PETS: does you character own any pets?
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rendy-a · 2 years
I seriously love your continuation of Aurora’s Pet AU and you got the feel down pat!💕✨
I’m wondering how the Pomefiore Trio would deal with a sweet, unassuming master having a two-faced S/O that acts like an angel in front of them (offering treats and inviting the pets to dates) yet make passive agressive remarks whenever their master isn’t there and it comes to the point they overhear the S/O pull their master aside to make them choose between the S/O and the pet. Would they be appalled and burst in or respect their master’s decision, which ever it may be. For context, the pets have been adopted long before their master and the S/O even dated.
I’m so glad you are enjoying my take on the Pet AU.  Here is your request, enjoy!
An Ultimatum with Pomefiore
When you met your S/O, you thought you were just the luckiest person in all of Twisted Wonderland.  They showered you with affection and treated your pet like a part of the family, just like you did.  You liked to tease your S/O that you’d need to be careful or soon your pet would have a new favorite human!  That is why it was so shocking to you when your S/O tearfully told you they felt like an outsider in the family.  That your bond with your pet was keeping you from loving them fully.  If you want to be a real family, you have to put them first!  It is time to make your S/O a priority and get rid of your pet so you can be a proper couple!  Your S/O was shouting so loudly, you wondered if your pet had heard…
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Vil is too proud to admit that he has heard your fight and is worried about the outcome.  That day you chose him at the menagerie over Neige all the other trophy pets was one of the best moments of his life.  Now he is waiting to find out if you’ll still choose him.  If you don’t…well he just can’t think of what he’ll do.
How does Vil behave in the days following?  He is stressfully waiting for you to make your decision but also trying to pretend not to know about it.  That doesn’t mean that he is keeping silent though.  Conversation is a trophy pet’s weapon.   You seem to have many enlightening little chats with Vil over your morning make-up routines or afternoon tea.  Maybe next summer we should all take a vacation at a health spa.  I’m sure S/O won’t mind, they are always saying how much they care about our health.  Not that you’d know that from the way they keep forgetting about your allergy.  I’m sure that isn’t because they don’t care enough to remember the little things about you, right master?  Is he being as catty as a teenage girl in a high school drama?  Yes.  Does Vil care?  Absolutely not.
At the end of the week, a moving company arrives and starts packing up your S/O’s things; your Ex never sets foot in the house again.  You say nothing to Vil about it but you both know what happened.  After a week of stress, Vil is finally able to relax again and you can visibly see the tension ease out of his shoulders.
That evening you have a movie marathon; its one of your shared hobbies to watch movies and critique the acting, sets and costumes.  Today, Vil has chosen an assortment of movies featuring loyal pets; not a hint of romance at all.   During the happy scenes where a pet reunites with their beloved master, Vil reaches over to pat your hand as though to say, Thank you for choosing me master.
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Rook is another one that isn’t going to act emotionally.  He will quietly observe your reaction to see how you decide to react (your conflicted expression is tres bien!)  Unless you specifically ask him about it, he will keep himself from interfering.  If you do ask him about your S/O, he will give you surprisingly detailed data.
See, Rook has been very suspicious of your SO from the beginning.  He knows what a sweet naïve master he has and thinks of himself as a bit of a protector to you.  After that first questionable comment your S/O made while you were gone, Rook has been collecting observations on your S/O.  And by collecting observations I mean spying on them in a major way; video, audio recordings, interviews with former classmates, dental records…everything. 
When your former S/O comes to pick up their things, they will be escorted out by a smiling Rook.  He takes the time to let them know just how much information he has dug up on them and suggests they consider not bothering you in the future if they don’t want those unpleasant details to become public knowledge.  Depriving your S/O of their prey was a satisfying game indeed, one Rook was amused to play.
Was Rook concerned you might not have chosen him?  No, he knew you’d choose him.  After all, you were the kind of odd person to go to a pound and adopt a strange pet like him in the first place.  You and I master, make a perfect pair.  Our bond is beaute 100%!
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As soon as he hears their ultimatum, Epel bursts in and starts yelling at S/O.  What do you mean he is in the way of your family?  Didn’t S/O always say Epel was like a family member?  Was all that a lie?  There is no need for you to say anything, Epel will yell every question you could have asked and then some.
Does he keep it to shouting?  Only if you are lucky.  You better be prepared to hold Epel back like a tiny worked-up chihuahua.  He is fully ready to throw down with your S/O!  Don’t think he will let S/O get away with saying such hurtful things!
When your S/O starts yelling back at Epel, you get into protective pet-parent mode.  Now both you and Epel are shouting at S/O in your countrified speech.  Listen here you poor excuse for a horse apple, you ain’t got nothing under your hat but hair if you think I’m getting rid of my sweet Epel!  You think we can’t see you lyin’ like a rug, you varmint?  Congratulations, your former S/O now thinks you are crazy and will gladly never speak to you again.
Afterwards, expect to need to comfort Epel.  He just gets so worried about you leaving him someday; no one understands him like you.  He isn’t crying, you’re crying!  Give him some hugs and head pats.  When he is fully calm, he is going to want to know more about where you get your insults from (and can you teach him some?)  Hey master, I guess we just go together like peas and carrots, huh?
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sweetlittleneptune · 1 year
Feel free to ignore LOL but if u don't could you write?
mc snuck a cat in and kept in in their room, but MC is allergic to cats. MC is all itchy and sneezing and miserable and the brothers find out what's up, but MC refuses to get rid of the cat.
Obey me swd 😃 I think it be cute since I'm allergic to cats and it makes me sad cos I love cats 💔
AAAAAH I'm sorry it took me so long to make this!! ;-; the end of the semester is always a pain and I had to focus on those big exams before getting back to writing. plus I'm in such a writing slump...
ANYWAYS! I hope you like this one! thanks for your patience lovie! (also, it isn't proofread, but I wanted to get it out as soon as possible)
it's a wonder you made it this far without being caught by one of the brothers. with your runny nose, red eyes, and all the itchiness, you looked like you were suffering immensly. the reason for your terrible condition was your allergy to cats. and the reason your allergy was triggered was because you were hiding an adorable feline friend in your room in the House of Lamentation. why? because it was adorable and it deserved a home and food. but now, quite literally, the cat was out of the bag, and you had to face the Lucifer's anger and his brothers' confusion.
Mammon had known for a while, but he didn't say anything at first. after all, if he had admitted he was trying to find valuables to steal in your room when he heard the little meows of your friend, you would have killed him on the spot. so the demon didn't say what he had seen, he kept his mouth shut.
then Asmo had noticed how miserable you looked and questioned you. your answers felt off and evasive. a cold? you didn't have a fever. he finally understood what was going on when he came to your room, one night, to offer a skincare night while watching movies. there you were, petting the cat on your bed while your nose ran like a faucet. after a lot of begging from you, he promised he wouldn't snitch you to Lucifer.
but could you really trust Asmo to not open his beautiful but stupid mouth? no, of course you couldn't. he let it slip at diner, one day, and there you were.
"MC, I do hope you're aware of your stupidity." Lucifer said, cold like a stone.
"but! he was alone and nobody was helping him! I couldn't leave him like that!"
Satan, as the biggest cat person of the house, nodded in agreement. while he had noticed your state, he couldn't have guessed the cause. now he was sat beside you, with the sleeping animal on his lap.
but Lucifer was not charmed by your puppy dog eyes. nor was he impressed by his brothers lying to cover for you.
"while I agree that leaving the cat outside would have been wrong, bringing it home was not the right choice to make. it wasn't YOUR choice to make MC."
"I know." you conceded. "but isn't he the cutest? and he loves me!"
"for the love of- you are ALLERGIC to cats MC!! you look absolutely miserable! you can't keep the cat!"
"what if we keep it somewhere else? like in my room?" Satan cut in. he agreed with you that the cat was much too cute to be given away. and surprisingly, it seemed the others were too.
"yeah! let's keep it!" Mammon said.
"it's soooo cute and we could make this cutie a devilgram account!" added Asmo.
it took a lot of convincing and promising Lucifer that you all would be good parents to the cat (excluding Belphie, who was sleeping soundly, and Levi, who hadn't even bothered to come out of his room when he'd heard his older brother's angry voice). but in the end, he agreed.
"fine. as long as you take care of it and don't let cerberus get too close."
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mikeluciraphgabe · 1 year
POV: you’re a writer using Google
How to put on clothes
How to put on clothes - mad
Can penis get stuck on zipper of pants when put on madly
Book title idea that isn’t a Taylor Swift or Hozier song
Book title idea that is Taylor Swift or Hozier
Baby names
Weird baby names
When to use then over than
Why is English a language
8th century Britain - how to kill inventor of first written English book
What is the normal price for (x) when in (x)
Can you kill someone with allergies by having too many pets
Feet pic
Feet pic - not sexy
Nuclear codes - Russia
How to get rid of viruses
How do people die
How do people die - traumatic
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Okay but imagine if Inej brought in a cat from the street or something and Kaz is just trying so hard to will away his allergy to it because it makes hee so happy.
(Is this a terrible idea probably but I’m living for the idea of Kaz being wrecked by a kitten okay)
AHAHA HI YES I LOVE THIS PROMPT idk why i didn't write cat allergies for him sooner!!! tysm for this here's a shortish fic thingy for you anon 🫶🏻
the cat (or, writer tortures k/az yet again with relentless allergies)
A cat.
There's a cat at his feet, slinking about his legs, purring like nobody's business. When Inej told him she had a surprise, it's safe to say this is not what Kaz had expected.
"A cat," he says plainly, in total disbelief. Inej nods enthusiastically, she seems almost giddy with excitement, and for good reason - Kaz knows she's always been fond of animals.
"I found her in an alley near East Stave," she says, watching the feline with great fondness, "Isn't she just lovely?"
Kaz wouldn't go so far as to say that. The cat's tortoiseshell fur is damp, slightly matted, there's a scar running across its cheek, and he's fairly certain that's a chunk of cartilage missing from its ear. "Would you care to explain why it's currently here?"
Inej crouches down, reaching out a hand towards the cat. "She clearly needed help. Look at her, poor thing's probably been left for weeks," she says, smiling as the cat rubs up against her outstretched hand. Kaz lifts his eyebrows as the cat meows happily. He doesn't have the heart to make her get rid of it, though, so he simply waves her off with a sigh.
"You'll be the one looking after it, then," he tells her. Inej scowls.
"Well, obviously. Like you know the first thing about taking care of animals," she huffs.
"Like I need to. I'm a thief, Inej, not a veterinarian," replies Kaz as he sits down in his chair. "Now, about that mercher's job. Did you get any-"
Kaz cuts off as the stray cat hops up onto his lap. He hears Inej giggle at the distasteful glare he gives to the cat.
"See, isn't she adorable?" she says and steps forward to pet the cat as it stands on Kaz's legs.
"Not the worst animal I've ever laid eyes on, I suppose." His sentence is finished with an unwelcome itchy sniffle. Inej continues stroking the cat, and Kaz can clearly see the bliss in both of their faces, so a part of him wants more than anything to stay and let Inej fuss at the cat which is now curling up over his lap. There's nobody else here, after all, it's late into the night and everybody else has already turned in. Leaning back slightly in his seat, Kaz finds that he's able to admit to himself that, upon closer inspection, the cat in his lap is rather "lovely", as Inej said - though maybe he only feels that way due to how happy it's making her. Either way, however, the faintly familiar prickle somewhere deep in his sinuses and slightly in the corners of his eyes is becoming increasingly present. He wills himself to ignore it, blinking slightly harder than usual and fighting not to scrunch up his nose in irritation, all while the prickle becomes an itch and then a dreadful, tickling burn. He's not going to sneeze. At least, he thinks he's not. He hopes he's not. But the dander from cats' fur gets everywhere, and Kaz knows it's so awfully itchy. He doesn't want to sneeze, he really doesn't, but his nostrils are practically burning with need, the featherlike tickle dancing around in his nose- and oh, Saints, he's going to-
"hhehH'GNKTt!" -sneeze. He stifles it harshly in a gloved fist, careful not to jerk too much and disturb the cat (even though the cat is very much disturbing him.)
Inej looks up from the offending feline. "Bless you," she says, "Are you okay?"
"It was one sneeze. I'm fine."
"Alright, alright," Inej says in mock surrender. Kaz rolls his eyes, right as the itch peaks again.
"-huhH'GNKkshh!" He sniffles thickly and swipes a hand briefly across the underside of his nose. Just two sneezes in and it's already getting hard to stifle.
"Still fine?" Inej asks, amused.
Kaz nods stiffly. "It's... cold in here."
Both of their gazes shift over to the crackling fire in the hearth, then back to one another. Inej raises her eyebrows at Kaz. He says nothing. The cat in his lap stands up and stretches, before walking further up his legs and rubbing its face against his chest.
"Saints," he breathes, already overtaken once more by the incessant need to sneeze. "-h-huhH... hehhiihH'kKGTtschh! ...hhH'nNGTtsh!"
"Bless you, bless you," Inej says dotingly, "Something bothering you?"
Kaz shakes his head. "No... no, nothing," he replies with an irritated sniffle, "just..jus- hhuUHh-!?"
"Bless you?"
"huHH'gGKSHHhuh! H-huhh.. thank you." Kaz knuckles at his nose firmly with his gloved fingers, scrubbing roughly at the itchy appendage in a fruitless attempt to relieve the sneezy sensation.
"Be more gentle," Inej says, "you'll just make it feel worse."
Kaz huffs and drops his hand back down to his lap, right in time for the cat to begin resettling on his thighs, turning around trying to get comfortable. The cat's bushy tail wafts right in front of his face, it's furry end brushing right across the underside of Kaz's nose - as if his situation couldn't get any worse. The soft, fleeting touch sends the tickle, pricking and intense, back up through his sinuses in sharp cracks of irritating electricity. Kaz twists his neck around, leaning away from the cat as he fights a losing battle against his allergies. He's still willing himself not to sneeze (despite knowing it's inevitable he will), but the itch is an inferno, wreaking havoc in his sinuses like he's never felt before. He knows, too, that the longer he holds back for, the more he'll end up sneezing when he actually does, but he'd rather at least attempt to save his dignity.
"HehHHh... huh-iiihHH-!" He sits up straighter. "I-Inej... th-huuhH- the-"
Inej's eyes widen in realisation and she immediately picks up the cat to remove it from his lap. There's a clear residue of thick brown fur left on Kaz's trousers, but at least the biggest of his problems is out of the way.
"S-sorryiISCHHhiew! hah-haAHh'sSCHHhuuh! 'kKSCHHhiiew! huUH'SHHHhuhh! Saints, I'm f-fuckihH'tTSCHHhiewh!"
"Oh, Kaz, I'm sorry," Inej says, sounding crestfallen, "I should have known about, well, this before I brought a cat in..."
Kaz looks up blearily from the elbow he's muffling sneezes into. "Don't apologise, you -hhuh!- you weren't t-to knowhhH...-huUHh'isSCHhiew!"
"Let me take her out-"
"No," Kaz says, voice thick but still firm, "don't. I'll be fine. I just haven't actually been-be- Saints, hhaAHh--hahH'SCHHhuh! -anywhere near a cat in a long time. Keep her."
"But she's clearly making you-"
"I said I'll be fine. Only rule is she isn't sleeping on my lap ever again."
Inej nods, still looking slightly worried, though happy that she doesn't have to part with the cat. Kaz stands up. His nose is now a bright red around the edges, as are the rims of his watery eyes. He sniffles heavily.
"Now I need to get all this fur off my trousers. Oh, shit- 'kKISCHHh-huh!"
He has no idea why he agreed to let Inej keep the cat.
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chomperblue · 3 months
I really want to catch and befriend breloom but I know it too dangerous to go near them without preparation so can you give me some tips? I heard that you know about breloom can you help me please?
1.What part of breloom body that can spray spore at me? and What part of thier should I stay away or prevent to touch and got spray by its spore? Is its spore seed on its tail and red thing on its cap?
2.I only heard that breloom spore is dangerous but what this spore really do to me if I accidentally got spray by its spore? Is its make me sleep, poison or feel numb? And how to cure its spore if its got me?
3.if I fail to befriend with them and make them angry. Is its have sign that they going to spray spore on me like its tail and head cap moving strange or thier body language?
4.is breloom spore have different color, smell and taste if its have what is its can you Describe its in detail?
5.if I succeeded catching them what can I do to prevent them to spray spore in the house and around me or make breloom spray spore less than before and how to get rid of breloom spore in house if they accidentally spray its?
6.if I befriend with breloom and want to pet them can I touch red thing on its head cap or its spore seed on its tail or not? and what part of thier body should I touch them and they like its?
(Sorry for long massage and many questions)
no worries anon! I'm happy to answer all your questions, this is a question safe space :)
1: breloom spray spores from the red pores on their head cap and th' seeds on th' end of their tail. the spores harm you when inhaled, an' cause skin irritation if allergic (allergies are usually similar to skitty allergies) or in high densities. spores usually have a condensed spray from th' head cap pores, while th' tail is a passive, cloudy release without direction, an' both are activated when th' breloom is spooked by a predator or trainer.
2: breloom spore effects change with th' pokemon's diet an' region. since there aren't any clear variants officially mapped by the 'dex so far, it's easiest to tell spore type by th' color of the frills beneath their head cap (purple for poison, yellow for paralysis, pink for sleep, etc). unless you're allergic, th' spores shouldn't be a big problem if you bring a respirator an' goggles, but be aware of th' wind direction if you find a breloom an' haven't put your gear on. assume the pokemon knows the environment better than you. it will probably try to get upwind so spores drift towards you. if you get skin irritation realize that you're allergic to th' pokemon you're trying to train, an' reconsider whether or not you're ready for that kind of inhibition to bonding with your breloom
3: if you make a breloom angry, th' spores are th' least of your worries. if you have th' right gear th' spores won't effect you, but breloom still pack one of the meanest punches of all pokemon. they strike too fast for any human to keep up, an' an angry breloom won't be holding back. if you doubt your current partners' ability to defend you, I'd invest in some body armor, th' type you'd wear for a fight with a hitmonchan
4: I haven't encountered breloom spores without a respirator for a while now, an' don't know a ton about this question exactly, but I remember Jinx's spores tasted a little like...cinnamon? dunno. I just know that spores are difficult to see when released, it's best to identify th' type by th' underside of th' head cap like I explained earlier
5: house training brelooms also takes some time. they aren't used to people things an' can get spooked, leading to spore release. spores aren't good for your lungs so it's best to house train a breloom by keeping it mostly outdoors an' gaining it's trust fully, then introducing it slowly to your home. in th' meantime, you can keep it in it's pokeball or if you have an outdoor pen it can be left there to not be cooped up. there are some trainers-for-hire that specialize in house training, they're pretty popular with th' common house-type pokemon but usually their methods adapt well if th' right precautions are taken. spores are easy to wipe off non-porous surfaces, but check th' directions for any furniture fabrics. a quick wipe down won't save your lungs from leftover spores left on walls or couches from any pokemon
6: I wouldn't suggest touching anywhere that produces spores. even with Jinx's training she still releases them when those areas are disturbed. just knocking th' tail against a wall can dislodge spores, so try not to disturb those areas too much. Jinx likes her head scratches, on top of her cap not below by th' frills, they are very delicate organs. she also likes neck scritches an' belly rubs. ofc it all depends on th' individual pokemon, no breloom is made th' same, so get to know your partner when it comes to affection. who knows, maybe it won't enjoy being touched at all!
if you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask. Maeve and I have lots of experience with all sorts of pokemon, we're happy to help give good information :)
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fizhingtrawl · 2 years
I rlly rlly wanna talk about. a lot of my spookymonth head canons so I’ll list em off
This might be long so here’s a read more thing. This is only like 4 people but it’s. A lot.
you can send me asks if ur curious abt em doe (@krill-does-art helped me with a lot of these!!!)
He’s polyamorous, and johns fiancé at the moment.
Jack has had several encounters with the cult, not good ones.
he has horrible nightmares :[
he is ross’ adoptive father along with John!!
he’s in the process of dating an ice cream clerk named beel!! (character belongs to @krill-does-art)
transmasc and autistic u can’t tell me otherwise
LOVES LOVES LOVES cake and pumpkin donuts specifically
favorite icecream flavors are chocolate and rockyroad
dad jokes :]
Ross is 17
ross doesn’t admit it but he really loves dogs even though he can’t get one
ross looks up to his adoptive dads!! his biological parents are jaune and Frank (result of a hook up that happened years ago)
Ross’ older brother is Kevin but he isn’t very aware of this, Kevin had a different father then him
Ross and jaune still meet up everyonce n awhile but he’s not much of a fan of it, he’d rather be at home
Ross is very soft spoken sometimes
his favorite ice cream is chocolate!!
he’s gay and polyamorous, currently dating Roy and Robert
he teaches Roy how to skate sometimes
has sadly encountered a cult member or two
dude is a fucking vampire and is so dramatic abt it
he’s autistic and adhd
He loves cats and feeds stray ones all the time !!
adores painting
looks up to both of his older siblings; tries to be someone to look up to for his little sister as well
loves mittens
currently learning how to knit and crochet. he can’t keep a hobby but tries his best
used to have those sea monkey things and kept them alive for so long
genuinely sobbed when he had to get rid of the tank Cus it stanky
cries easily. will crush u if u hurt his friends n fam tho
stays out really late and gets up pretty early. hates being in his own home
hates watermelon flavored anything. it makes his throat burn and he isn’t aware that it’s a light allergy and just hates the taste either way
Robert knows some German from jaune
very loud once happy
will eat like three things of chocolate if u give it to him
he wants to go to art school one day
dating Ross and Roy but can get a little jealous if he shows up late and they’re already doin stuff
makes gifts for them. he made Roy some mittens once
trans!! uses he/him and occasional he/she pronouns
currently crushing on two fine gentlemen. one definitely isn’t a technical criminal.
really dysphoric sometimes, later on he gets better with this
doesn’t hate his job— he gets small enjoyment out of it
not the biggest fan of kids but he grows onto em
favorite candy is jus milk chocolate and then those spicy ass gumballs
bad sweets intolerance he doesn’t like things with much sugar
pet rat. his name is milk
milk is his best buddy
if Kevin let’s you hold milk he trusts the fuck out of you
has a small bird watching hobby and gives all the birds dumb nicknames like “that red one with the fucking mohawk”
he owns two heated blankets
he’s not a fan of icecream. too cold
lots of sweaters
genuinely just a vibe
ocd + adhd
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sneezyminniejo · 2 years
Next Zodiac fic
It had been about a week and a half since Zodiac had been formed and all of the members moved into the dorm. One would think that a group of twelve people who are primarily strangers to each other would have a fair amount of disagreements, and there have been. However, since a fair amount of the group were working adults before becoming trainees, they also knew how to deal with any petty disputes. The most drama that has really happened has beenTaehoon continuing to push for the others to bring their pets into the dorm, or they all adopt some animals together.
Ten of the twelve members were scattered around the common area eating their breakfast. Merlin and Arthur had yet to come from their room. The group was due to leave for schedules in roughly an hour, and Jehyuk was just about ready to start pounding on their door to wake them up.
However, that wasn’t necessary. As Jehyuk started to go down the hall to their bedroom, Merlin and Arthur emerged already dressed and their bags in tow. The duo had their arms linked and Arthur sat at the table, while Merlin went to the kitchen to grab breakfast.
The group began talking about the planned practice for the day as the duo from America began eating. Junseok noticed that Arthur was once again using a fork and knife to eat his food while everyone else was using chopsticks. It’s something he’s taken note of multiple times and he’s pretty sure the others have too. When the group was getting to know each other, Arthur and Merlin had both said that they’ve only been in Korea for a couple of years each, Merlin longer than Arthur though. Even so Junseok would think that that’s more than enough time to learn how to eat with the primary eating utensil of the country.
"Hyung, why do you never use chopsticks?" Junseok asked. All chatter dropped at the question that seemingly came out of nowhere.
"I don't like using them. I never got the hang of eating with them, so I just use a fork and knife instead."  Arthur said this with a slight edge that clearly meant he didn't want to talk about it further. The group finished eating breakfast and it wasn't too much longer before the vans arrived to take the twelve men to practice.
The group arrived at the company building and Arthur was almost glued to Merlin as they walked down the halls. There was a brief moment while rounding a corner where Arthur seemingly fell into the younger before catching himself. Jasper had been trailing a few feet behind the older duo and unintentionally overheard the tail-end of an English conversation.
"-lin, I promise I don't need them right now. If I do I'll let you know. Okay?" Jasper has no clue what the duo was even talking about, so he ignored it. The three Americans were the last ones to enter the practice room.
The group hadn’t yet been told when they were going to start practicing for their debut. They haven’t even been given the songs for their first mini album yet. So for now, they were just practicing choreographies from other groups. Even though they hadn’t yet started practicing for their debut, the people that were going to be making the choreo for their debut track were present to get a feel for their strengths and weaknesses. It was also the first time that the group was meeting their choreographers.
The group had been dancing for about two hours, when the choreographers were making them do ‘Hot’ by Seventeen. In all honesty, it was kind of a mess. Shortly after the song started, Daehyun’s nose decided it would be the best time to have an allergy attack. He had made his way to the sidelines to deal with his sneezing that wound up lasting for pretty much the entire song. Jehyuk and Wonjae kept getting distracted by Daehyun and missing cues and beats, Jehyuk out of concern and Wonjae practically itching to douse the room in lysol spray to rid it of any germs that may be flying from Daehyun’s mouth. Fortunately, Daehyun was covering with a handkerchief, so his coverage was good.
Eventually Jehyuk and Wonjae left the formation all together to tend to their suffering member. The remaining nine members had to adjust their formation a little. When the group got to the chorus, things continued to go downhill. When the members were spinning, Arthur fell to the side and hit the ground kind of hard. The music was stopped and the choreographers rushed over to examine the potentially hurt member.
"I'm fine. Arthur said as Taehoon helped him up. The choreographers believed that he wasn't injured, seeing as he was able to put his full weight on both feet. However they also didn't want to risk it, so they told the group to break for lunch. The group didn't feel like doing anything super complex for lunch, so they just ordered ramyeon.
As the group waited for lunch to arrive, Arthur had gone over to his bag and began looking through it. "Hey Li-Merlin, did my silverware set get put in your bag by mistake?" Merlin looked a bit confused before going to his own bag and looking through it. Merlin looked up after a couple minutes of rifling through his bag and shook his head at Arthur. The older man frustratedly ran his hand through his hair.
Shortly after, the food arrived and Jehyuk passed out the containers to each member. The group was sitting in a circle eating and chatting. Arthur tried for like two second to eat with the chopsticks, but quickly gave up. The entire group had watched as Arthur held the chopsticks perfectly, only to shove them into the cup and place it on the floor. In turn the group watched as Merlin set his own food down and picked up Arthur's. He grabbed Arthur's chopsticks and began to feed his childhood friend. Arthur looked very irritated as he accepted the food offered by Merlin.
The group continued eating. As much as the members wanted to comment on Merlin feeding Arthur, they had enough tact to not broach the subject. Based on how Arthur had reacted at breakfast over the simple question of why he doesn’t use chopsticks, they all decided it would be better not to ask questions. Once everyone was done eating, the choreographers returned and did another check in with Arthur to be absolutely certain that he was okay. When he said yes, they decided to continue with the dance evaluation. The  choreographers decided to pick up where they left off and started up ‘Hot’ by Seventeen again. During the chorus, Arthur once again lost his balance. However this time, he managed to steady himself instead of outright falling over.
The group did a few more songs and finished with Stray Kids ‘Hellevator’. All throughout practice Arthur had been struggling and this song was no different. Just like the first runthrough of ‘Hot’ Arthur had completely lost his balance at one point and once again fell to the floor. Practice came to a halt and the choreographers once again checked to make sure that Arthur wasn’t hurt. When it was established that he wasn’t hurt, Jehyuk suggested that they end practice for the day. Everyone was tired, and it was clear that Arthur in particular was having a bad day. The choreographers agreed and packed up their things before leaving the room. Despite not being injured, Arthur had yet to actually get up.
“Merlin, can you grab my crutches?” Arthur asked in English. Jasper’s eyes widened when he heard this thinking that Arthur might have actually gotten hurt, but was down playing it. Although that wouldn’t explain why he had a pair of crutches on him. Merlin nodded his head as he went to Arthur's bag.
Jehyuk had helped Arthur stand up and was slightly concerned when he noticed that Arthur was leaning kind of heavily on him. He was about to ask Arthur if he was truly okay, when a semi loud sound could be heard from where Merlin was.
"Sorry, I thought I had that better balanced." Merlin called as he picked up one of the crutches that had fallen to the floor. The others watched as Merlin brought the crutches over to Arthur, looking completely unconcerned.
"Are you absolutely sure you're okay? It doesn't seem like it." Jehyuk said after Arthur was now on his crutches.
"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine. I'm just having a bad day. I'll explain when we get back to the dorm." It was clear that Arthur wasn't the slightest bit concerned either, so that made the others less worried. They all packed up their bags and left the building to go to the dorm and have a talk.
The ride back to the dorm was a bit awkward to say the least. Jehyuk, as the leader and the oldest, was really wanting to ask questions to make sure that Arthur was truly fine. However, Arthur was also an adult, so if he said he was fine, he probably was. He was playing back the day in his head, trying to see if there had been any outward signs of Arthur struggling aside from falling during dance. Ultimately, he couldn’t think of anything, so he just went back to trying to figure out how to text their manager that something may or may not be wrong with Arthur.
When the group got back to the dorm, it was actually Wonjae that called a group meeting. Jehyuk was still formulating a text to the managers, and Daehyun was once again occupied with his nose. All twelve members gathered in the living room, although Taehoon decided to make hot chocolate for everyone and grabbed Jasper and Minseok to help him out. So it was a few minutes before the meeting actually got started.
“Arthur, I have a text ready to be sent to the manager saying you need a couple of days off. From what I’ve seen today, I really think I should send it. However, you said you would explain when we returned to the dorm.” Jehyuk said. He showed his phone to Arthur so the younger could see the message.
“Hyung, I meant it when I said I’m fine. I just have balance issues that sometimes get to the point that I need crutches to walk.” Arthur paused to take a sip of his hot chocolate.
“Hyung, you look like you’re about to combust. Let me explain first. When I was six, I was in a pretty bad car crash. I sustained a traumatic brain injury and it was bad enough that I needed to relearn everything. Walking, talking, using my hands, etcetera. There’s some lasting muscle and nerve damage that makes fine motor and some gross motor things difficult. It’s why I don’t use chopsticks. I can’t hold them and grab food without things flying. It affects my balance too, but normally it’ll just cause me to go off balance for a split second when I’m rounding a corner.” Arthur paused so that everyone could properly digest the information.
“So, how often does it get bad enough to need help walking?” Jehyuk asked.
“Once every couple of months I’d say. It was way worse in elementary school though. It usually lasts a day, then my balance is back to what it normally is.” Everyone just kind of stared, not fully knowing how to respond.
“Arthur, you should tell them the rest since we’re having this conversation.” Merlin said. Arthur rolled his eyes a little in response before continuing.
“I have hearing loss in my left ear, so if I ask you to repeat yourself or you have to call my name multiple times, I’m not being rude, I genuinely didn’t hear you. I also have sensory processing disorder, so occasionally I’ll get overwhelmed by my surroundings and need to leave the room. No, I’m not fully certain how this will translate into doing concerts yet, but I’ll figure it out.”
The conversation tapered off after Arthur’s explanation. There were a few questions here and there, but any and all concerns had been firmly squashed. Junseok had felt the need to apologize over his question that morning about the chopsticks, but Arthur quickly brushed him off. The question made sense, and even if the younger could’ve found a more polite way of asking, Arthur wasn’t about to hold it against him.
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benji-the-art-blog · 2 years
The Need For Escondido Ca Carpet Cleaning
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There are many benefits to having your carpet cleaned. It helps clean your house, prolongs the carpet's life and can help reduce symptoms of allergies. Aside from this it also helps eliminate unpleasant odours.
Carpet cleaners that are experts
Are you curious about how a professional carpet cleaning Escondido California could benefit your home? One approach is by improving the appearance of your home. It can improve the appearance of your carpet and also prolong its life.
Carpets create an inviting, warm feel. They also aid in keeping rooms dry and warm. They can accumulate dirt and dust over time. This could lead to the worsening of breathing disorders such as asthma or eczema. Professional carpet cleaners are equipped with the tools and expertise to eliminate the toxins and keep your carpet looking and smelling fresh.
A good carpet cleaning service Escondido CA will also guarantee your family's security and employees. The most frequent source of respiratory ailments is due to dust mites. This could result in employees being absent from work.
While vacuuming may remove visible particles, it's not able to reach the deeper, more embedded dirt. In addition, vacuuming can produce dangerous fumes.
A spot-cleaning method won't get rid of your carpet of the dirt. It's essential to conduct an extensive deep clean.
Avoiding allergens
If you're someone who is prone to allergies, then you'll know how important it is to maintain your carpet's cleanliness. Carpets can make you sneeze or sniffle because of allergens. The most common allergens are dust mites, mold spores and pollen. There are several ways you can be taking to prevent these symptoms.
A vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter can keep your carpets clean. This vacuum cleaner can reduce allergens released into the atmosphere.
The National Asthma Council of Australia has identified house dust mites as the most significant triggers of asthma. Dust mites, which appear like insects thrive in humid, moist environments. They feed on human skin flake and release tiny, undetectable spores when disturbed.
The most effective way to prevent allergens during the cleaning process is to ensure that it's completely dry prior to vacuuming it. To eliminate allergens that are trapped clean the rug's most deep portion.
Extending the life of your carpet
Carpeting is an extremely popular choice for flooring in business and homes. It comes with many benefits including its capacity to reduce noise and improve the comfort of your home, as well as its aesthetic value. It is important to know how to take care of your carpet to ensure that it lasts as long as is possible.
A good vacuum cleaner can prolong the life of your carpet. It is also important to regularly sweep off any dirt. If you don't do these items, your carpet may become soiled very quickly.
Another option is to purchase and put several areas rugs in busy areas. This will keep dirt from entering the room and can also help keep the rug in good condition.
You can prolong the lifespan of your carpet by removing your shoes before entering. A few minutes to get rid of your shoes can help prevent permanent stains from appearing on your carpet.
Eliminating odours
When you have a smelly carpet There are a variety of options to rid it. One of the simplest ways to do this is by using baking soda. It is a naturally occurring substance that assists in neutralizing the odors in the bottom of your carpet.
Baking soda can be sprayed directly onto your carpet directly from the container. It is also possible to mix baking soda into a solution with vinegar and water. This will absorb smells.
Another method of removing smells from your carpet is to use hydrogen peroxide. It can be applied to your carpet and let it overnight. Once dried clean it off by using warm water. Repeat the process several times if are worried about the strength or odour.
If you own pets it is possible to place them in a separate room. Be sure to have a spot-cleaner to use on the carpet before scrubbing it.
Baking soda has the ability to absorb odours, therefore it's an excellent choice for your family's health. Baking soda is safe for pets.
Carpet Cleaning Escondido
Escondido, California, USA
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