#how to delete fb page
mokubetech · 5 months
In this video, we'll show you the full guide on how to delete your Facebook account on a computer || to permanently delete your account. Follow these simple steps to deactivate your account permanently. 1. Log into Facebook from a computer. 2. Click your profile picture in the top right of Facebook. 3. Select Settings & Privacy, then click Settings. 4. Click Your Facebook Information. 5. Click Deactivation and Deletion. 6. Choose Delete Account, then click Continue to account deletion.
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fakeoldmanfucker · 2 years
"His roommates: Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. They were programmers."
Aaron Sorkin this is a brilliant script but??? No??? Where are you getting this??
Dustin only learned to program after Facebook was created because he saw it was getting big and he wanted to be in on it. According to him, he bought "how to code for dummies" and learned only after the site had gone live. And if you look at the different versions of the homepages of Facebook, this holds true. Neither Dustin or Chris showed up on the about page until early April (truthfully they could've been added any time between February 12th and April 7th, but the point is that they weren't on the "team" when the site went live; Eduardo was). Dustin is even initially described as "expendable programmer," showing how new he was to it, though his description is later altered to "no longer expendable."
And Chris, as far as I'm aware, was never a substantial aspect of the coding/development. He's described on the site as "the secret weapon" and is only ever mentioned in articles as the spokesman/press person (later, he's described on the site as "pressguy").
My point is. Mr. Sorkin you were just making stuff up lol.
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starlitangels · 11 months
Redacted Boi Social Media Headcanons
Vincent only really uses Instagram, but is required by the Department to have it private because his human name is legally missing-presumed-dead and his face has a risk of being recognized if someone from his human life stumbled upon his Instagram. That said, he doesn't really screen people who request to follow him
Darlin' and Sam don't use any social medias. Darlin' has a Facebook from teenage years, but they deactivated it. But not fully deleted, so they can still be tagged in all the group photos posted to the pack page. In high school, Darlin' was the person who got a lot of unsolicited DMs because they were hot but they hate attention so they blocked everyone but their pack and deactivated. Darlin' reluctantly keeps their Discord for the pack server
David hates social media. He maintains the pack's private Facebook group and Discord server (though the latter is really more Asher's job, David's just in charge) but will not touch anything else. David's favorite social media is YouTube because he can lookup tutorials for anything and not have to ask anyone for help
Milo's a borderline Instagram influencer. He's got a gazillion followers (who all think he's hot, and he is). His Instagram is directly linked to his Facebook, so every picture and caption he puts on IG gets automatically posted to FB too
Marie comments only on Milo's Facebook (she has and kinda uses IG, but doesn't comment). She's the one that will leave the heartfelt comments with "Call me" at the end. She knows that's a meme among younger people that their older relatives leave "what a beautiful couple. Call me" comments, but she does it anyway. And guess what? She does it because it works. Milo👏 is👏a👏Mama's👏Boy👏 and he will call her when she leaves those comments
Asher doesn't use social media much, but is perpetually on Discord. He mods the pack's server, and like 6 others just for fun. He does post lots of pictures of Babe and selfies of the two of them together on the pack's Facebook though
Damien used to get into arguments on Twitter with randos. Huxley thinks it's funny to pull them up from when Damien was a teenager
Huxley was never much into most social medias but I like to think he'd be like that one TikTok dude who pops up on my Tumblr dash occasionally who explains how to do calisthenics and other workout stuff in a really simple, easy, modified way for people who are just getting started. People started following him because he's hot, and then realized he's actually like the nicest dude and doesn't know he's popular
Lasko's a Tumblr boy. I'm not taking constructive criticism on this
Gavin refuses to get an Instagram because he knows he'd get too addicted to it. He knows he's ridiculously good-looking and would amass a following supernaturally fast, and that's why he won't. But he has his old Facebook from when it first started to be popular. He got rid of all his old friends list and now just has Freelancer, Huxley, Lasko, Damien, and a handful of d(a)emon friends who also have Facebooks like Crux
Avior doesn't have any social media at all
Neither does Caelum and Gavin and Freelancer have decided not to expose him to the negativity of the internet
Vega refuses
Cam keeps a few things for professional purposes, but doesn't use them much
Guy is a Tumblrina. Guy is a Tumblrina. Guy is a Tumblrina. Guy is
Aaron's favorite is LinkedIn. This is a joke.
Elliott uses Pinterest a lot for aesthetic inspiration for dreams. He doesn't use much else
Blake is on like every social media all the time. Mostly for CloseKnit. But he also stalked Bestie from afar for a long time
James had to get rid of all of his when his job started getting more secretive and he had to have limited contact with the rest of the world
Morgan doesn't have any social media just as a way to keep himself and his magic safe. The Department protections didn't require it, but he thought it was for the best
Porter totally isn't jealous that Vincent has a higher IG follower count than him and his account isn't even private. He's always trailing like 20 behind
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hyperazraphael · 4 months
So I had a FUN LITTLE DISCOVERY about Facebook today!
So today I decided to go ahead and private as much as my Facebook as possible. Why? Because the less I have to interact with it, the better. Literally the only reason I don't delete it is because I use it to keep in contact with my D&D group who won't use Discord for some cursed reason and I do have some old memories on there with a couple of friends that are nostalgic. And while I was referring to an article which had some steps for how to do so, I came across this little gem:
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To which I said, "What do you mean OFF Facebook activity??? What OFF Facebook activity would FACEBOOK be tracking???" So I followed those steps and went in there and pulled up the list of information it had stored and LO and fucking behold! Apparently Facebook has been tracking a BUNCH of shit that I've been doing online EVEN though my Facebook is registered with my old-ass hotmail account and almost everything I do online is through my modern gmail. Also, I VERY INTENTIONALLY don't have FB installed on my phone, so it is VERY much separated from anything I do. And not just my searches, oh no no. It has been monitoring a WHOLE BUNCH of fun stuff including tracking my doordash orders, etsy orders and searches, shopping on zenintcg, the fact that we have insurance through Allstate, even my old fucking HINGE dating profile which I haven't even USED since like 2018 but apparently they've been getting updates on as recently as last year.
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Seriously the ONLY thing Facebook should know about on this list is Grand Summoners, because it used to use FB to log in. NOTHING ELSE had anything to do with my hotmail, or FB. This is all information that FB obtained independently without my consent.
SO THAT'S FAN-TUCKING-FASTIC. I'm just... such a fan of that!
So for any of y'all who you know, DON'T want this corporation who is known for mishandling and selling user information to have information that it obtained about you without your consent outside of its platform, I suggest you follow those steps above to disable that. Currently it takes you to a secondary page where you you will need to follow these additional steps to Disconnect from Future Activity:
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So yeah maybe spread the word because this is sure news to me and BOY AM I PISSED. Like I expect this from Google. Google tracking my searches or whatever makes sense in a hell on earth capitalist society way. Amazon tracking what you search on Alexa (or say within the same room as Alexa), sure. But Facebook finding my information even though it's associated with a different email address and not through its platform? THAT is just insane and malicious to me. I feel like a tin hat lunatic that's like "the social media's secretly trackin' me and stealin' my information!" except this time they actually ARE.
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the-old-mayhem · 7 months
Opinion on Dark Hel?
It's a complicated thing. On one hand, I respect what she has done for the community, on the other hand... I think she should do (and should have done) better.
Her page was probably the first place I went to read about Pelle after I bought my first laptop in 2007. I think she has done a great job... in the beginning.
She put a lot of Pelle information, photos, interviews, letters, in one, accessible place.
She found some truly rare stuff as well.
I will forever be grateful to her because of this.
But now comes "but".
I think she has lost interest in Pelle years ago. I think she should move on instead of clinging to the page she obviously doesn't have passion for anymore. She is into Quorthon and I don't understand why she doesn't make Quorthon page and leaves Pelle's to rest in peace.
I also hate how she always believed anyone who ever approached her with some bs story about Pelle on her FB page and a lot of those rumors, misconceptions and lies have spread from her page because she never truly moderated it. Along with believing everyone, she never blocked people or removed their hateful / damaging comments.
She spent a lot of time hating on Øystein and when she finally realised he isn't as bad as she thought he was, she never bothered to delete her old posts where she spread wrong info about him or badmouthed him.
Her assumption that Øystein posed with Pelle's corpse (the infamous black and white pic where Øystein sticks his tongue out), still stands proudly on her old blog, and has quite possibly inspired Ezra in her crusade against Øystein and the subsequent article that she wrote. Not to mention that 99% people who think it's post mortem picture have seen it on Dark Hel's blog.
Dark hel has left Ezra to basically advertise her shitty theories and article on her FB page for two damn years while I fought bloody wars to mend the damage and havoc Ezra was causing. Ezra was free to do as she liked on her page.
Dark hel has ultimately managed to damage the community she once helped to build.
That's why I have problem with Dark Hel.
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somber-sapphic · 7 months
Hate of all kind will be deleted, antisemitism and islamophobia are not tolerated here
Written on 2/14/24
I do not normally post "political" content. Political being in quotations because I do not consider this a political issue but the world does.
The genocide of the people in Gaza has been going on for 130 days (+75 years). It is estimated that 20,000+ Palestinian civilians have been killed with presumed thousands unaccounted for buried under the rubble.
This is collective punishment and it is a war crime. Collective punishment is a war crime.
I waited so long to speak on this here because I wasn't really sure how to. Before Oct 7th, had no clue of what was happening between Israel and Palestine through every fault of my own. I have been reposting from creators on other social media platforms but I was unsure how to do so here.
That being said, this is my most followed platform by hundreds of people. I will continue to post my usual content, but you will also more than likely be seeing more of this.
People To Follow:
All of these are on Instagram but many (such as Bisan, Mansour, Hind, Motaz, and Plestia) have accounts on FB, TikTok, and Twitter.
@ dr.haya.gaza
@ hindkhoudary
@ alijadallah66
@ byplestia
@ saleh_aljafarawi
@ dr.ghassan.as
@ wizard_bisan1
@ motaz_azaiza
@ hatem.h.rawaghone01
@ lama_jamous9 (the youngest journalist in Gaza, a 9 year old girl)
@ wael_eldahdouh
@ dahman.eyad
@ nouralsaqa
@ youmna_elsid
@ alhelou.y
@ chalanhamza
@ mansourshouman7
If you have other people to follow please let me know, these are just the people I could think of at the moment who I am following. There are I'm sure hundreds more that I'm unaware of and would love to know them.
For boycotts:
BDS Movement Official Website
"BDS aims to end international support for Israeli violations of international law by forcing companies, institutions and governments to change their policies. As Israeli companies and institutions become isolated, Israel will find it more difficult to oppress Palestinians." - BDS website
Another company to boycott is Starbucks, they are not on the BDS list but a grassroots boycott has been started. This is because the company filed a lawsuit against a union of Starbucks workers who posted pro-Palestinian content. They are also very well known for mistreating their employees so it's really worth not going for multiple reasons. Support local coffee shops, they taste better and cost less money :)
I would like to finish this off by saying again that hate of any kind is not tolerated on my platform, it will be deleted and you will be blocked. 
Operation Olive Branch
They are an account on TikTok who has created a spreadsheet with the GoFundMe's of Palestinian trying to leave Gaza. On the spreadsheet you can see how much progress the family has made with their fundraising, why they need help, and can allow you to connect with that family or their representative via their social media. You can find Operation Olive Branch on TikTok with the handle @ operationolivebranch or on IG with the same handle. (Forgive my poor explanation, there's a lot more too it that is better explained on their page.)
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Insert heavy sigh here. Another archive bites the dust... kinda.
So, Amor Yaoi, one of the biggest slash/yaoi/yuri archives of the Spanish-speaking community went down for like... four days or so. It came back on Friday for a short period of time, with only a note of the admin (Marfil), saying an error had ocurred in the database.
Today (29/05) the site is accesible... but we suffered a great lost of data. Fanfics, accounts and updates of both things made after mid december were (are) lost. Marfil did everything she could to try and recover the data... but no luck.
And I'm frustrated. I'm really fucking frustrated. But not at Marfil, no, that'd be stupid. I'm frustrated at the community and a vast shared lack of preservation. Because when Amor Yaoi's sister, Fanfic.es, went down... who the hell did the effort to back up that site on the Wayback Machine? It was the anglosphere. It was you, OTNF, and some other kind people that chimed in. And I'm grateful for that. But the Spanish speaking community? All cries, but zero action. And believe, it wasn't for ignorance about how to archive shit. I did several posts, the big spanish FB page that announced that FFes was going to be deleted SHARED that posts and a lot of people read them... but no one made an effort. Almost all the comments were variations of "there's nothing left to do", "i don't understand", "that's too hard", "what if AO3 does anything?", "but Marfil won't do that" (bet a lot of people didn't read the damn post because I argued with this one person saying that archiving costed money and I was like... no, bitch, it doesn't).
I'm not someone with a great knowledge of coding and the like, so RN I'm investigating how to archive ALL the site (what's left on it) on the Wayback Machine, since now I have a laptop for that (I couldn't do anything when I only had a cellphone, and that's because I informed you about FFes) and I feel I can do more. Also, if someone could also point me to tutorials and all of that, I'll be really grateful.
But it's sad. I find sad that, even if they were not that many, we lost a few fics and accounts. Marfil expressed that she was sad too.
That reminds me that I need to actually finish the other project and get the links up on AO3. (Too many projects, and I've been down with covid lately. Doh.)
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blazing-dynamo · 6 months
How does one format epubs? I have a lot of free time and love formatting, I'd love contributing to the effort of fixing all the doctor who epubs!
It’s complicated, but doable.
First, it depends on the style of PDF. There are some that are crisp scans of every page, scanned by the Camels, (btw the camels if you’re still around you’re a real one.) and for those, I open them in Microsoft Word, because word is like 80% good at converting it, where other PDF eaters suck.
From there, I check out some common problems:
1. Footers: just remove them all. They don’t help in ePub land
2. Headings: for consistency, I change all the Headings to Agency FB, because it’s included in windows and matches the vibe of the headings in the book
3. Chapter Breaks: I turn on the “View Whitespace” mode, and delete everywhere that says section break, and then make sure there’s a page break at the end of every chapter, after the title page, foreword, etc. I also add “Chapter X” on the line before the title of the chapter. The EDAs are not consistent in how they handle chapter titles and I crave consistency so I add it.
4. Table of Contents. Word is Too Powerful™️ and recognizes the table of contents and imports it as a smart, clickable ToC, which, again, we don’t need. You can’t really edit it or anything so I just delete it, and type up a new one, leaving off the page numbers because we won’t need them in epic land.
5. Formatting. This is the bulk of the issue. I use word WildCards, which are similar to RegEx, to find all cases of a lowercase letter or comma followed by a paragraph mark, and replace it with the same character followed by a space. Then I also look for instances of a paragraph mark followed by a lower case letter, and replace it with space plus the letter. Then I replace all Tab characters with a space. Then I look for paragraph marks followed by a space and replace them with just a paragraph mark. This gets like 94% of the bad formatting that the Calibre/kindle/etc auto ePub conversion makes reading insufferable. I try to catch as many of the rest while doing the remaining steps.
6. Formatting cont’d: then, I change the Normal style to be 12pt Garamond. This isn’t important because this is ultimately up to the reader’s chosen font in their eReader, and I don’t embed Garamond, but putting it in Garamond makes it easier for me to notice when something is wrong because I’m used to seeing Garamond while making these.
Then, I use Find/Replace to add a highlight to everything that has the same indent as the Normal style, so I can then see everything weird because it won’t be highlighted. I then scrub through the book and set the problem paragraphs to the Normal style, which then Corrects the indents. I make sure when I do this to watch for italics and make sure that the style didn’t revert them to normal. This happens on short paragraphs with one or two words, and one of which is italicized, as well as paragraphs where the entire thing is italicized.
I also in this step scrub through to find mid-chapter breaks, the favorite storytelling device of the EDAs, and make them uniform. Word will make it into various levels of after-paragraph spacing, but I set the paragraph to normal, and then just leave two empty paragraphs between the sections. This tends to import the best across devices and fonts.
Finally, I make sure that after each chapter and chapter break, the first paragraph isn’t indented, to match the style of the print EDAs.
7. Still formatting, but different. I then do a scrub through and make sure I didn’t screw anything up or forget something. The problem with RegEx is that it will do exactly what you tell it to, even if that’s not what you wanted to happen. So oftentimes my table of contents or copyright page is borked, and I have to go fix it. Once I have it in a decent shape, I
8. Import into Calibre. Just drag and drop the DocX into Calibre and it’ll get added as a book. I then use the metadata editor to download the metadata from the web, so it’ll have good info on it. None of the online sources regocnize this as a series, though, so I add it myself.
9. Convert to ePub: in the Calibre library list I right click the book and convert it to ePub, default settings. DocX->ePub conversion is really simple because they are both just HTML pages under the hood, so it imports perfectly.
10. (Bonus steps) once an ePub, I press T to edit the book, and import Agency FB and Agency FB Bold, and then press the Table of Contents button, to select where the in-reader chapter list points to. And then I use just hyperlinks to make the in-book ToC clickable to take it to the same place.
The uglier, hand-typed PDFs are basically the same, but then I also have to do a bunch of spell check to catch all the typos. And then those don’t have italics at all, so depending on the book, and if I have a copy of it physically, I scan the physical book with my eyeballs to catch italics and add them back to the DocX. It’s not perfect, but it’s better than the baffling choice to just remove them completely.
I know from importing the PDFs a long time ago there’s another person who scanned/typed the books, but I haven’t seen the state of them to know if they’ll need extra TLC.
It’s kind of a whole lot! But also if I get a The Camels PDF I can knock it out in about an hour.
If you wanted to take a crack at it, by all means! Though I really need a proofer, so if you wanted to just start reading and use the form links I have in the folders to report the issues you find, that would be wonderful. Bonus points, you get to read the EDAs lol.
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anwiel13 · 2 years
@tinnike 31 days idol challenge
Flake's edition, because our ✨golden boy✨ can't not be left behind
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Day one - at the airport
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I love this photo by Jens. I can clearly see Jens waiting at the airport with Flake's book in hand, just to wave to him with it and capture his reaction. And Flake's reaction is priceless.
Photo found on Jens instagram
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This photo is so funny. To me, it looks like Schneider is a parent, demanding explanation from child Flake. And Flake is trying so hard to think some that would be better than true. And Richard is the other parent who is just waiting how everything will end and for a clean air.
Photo was originally posted on Rammstein instagram, but it is deleted now, you can find it on Rammstein Belgium FB
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Two photos from Quebec from 2016. I like how they just walk there among few fans and casually waiting outside for a ride. Can you imagine something like this would happened now? Fans would probably smash them, just remember videos from Mexico airport this year.
Photo found on Journal Quebec page
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One lucky fan with Flake back in 2019. To me, he always look so surprise and happy that somebody did recognize him.
Photo found on Rammstein Belgium FB
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Bonus photo, technically it is not at the airport, but it still counts, right?
Photo found on Rammstein-Lorenz Tumblr
Oliver's challenge @derwahnsinn
Schneider's challenge @cynoodn
Richard's challenge @kitthefox
Till's challenge @singfurmich
Paul's challenge me =)
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sweetrebelpersona · 8 months
Wednesday 17th January 2024 - The Impact of Gen Z Culture and Mental Wellbeing
If there's one lesson I've learnt from this book, should a person suffer from mental health issues over social media, get out and do something else instead of raging over typical stuff.
Hello Gen Z by Claire Madden summed up everything about the online world in terms of Gen Z culture and the negative impact on mental well-being. I was born under the Generation Z category at the time when the Internet was invented because many people want to go on the computer to play games, watch videos, blog about their daily lives, download music from a P2P streaming platform, write a review on the latest trends in pop culture, look at porno pictures, et cetera.
I am tech-savvy when it comes to using computer technology; you would build me a custom AI to have conversations with in case I'm down on my feelings lately. But seven months ago, my Facebook got locked temporarily because of some hacker who took hold of my personal information, my online friends, and my content. If I hadn't deleted that FB reset code, I would've done it straight away and kicked that hacker's arse to the curb.
Anyways, what I'm about to show you are my favourite pages from 170-171 and 176-177 in the seventh chapter of Claire Madden's Hello Gen Z:
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I loved how the author put down some tables on the pros and cons of how to be a positive leader and how to collaborate in a group because when you lead a team of Gen Z citizens in making a better revolution in the digital age, this explains how serious technology affected people who were born under the Generation Z era and it could make an impact in the future, preferably in the next five to ten years.
If I were to read it again, I would save it for the next uni module as a citation where it would talk about music and its influence on wellbeing towards listeners who have a passion for listening to music in general. It would be so much better to include it in the reference list at the bottom if I had to.
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harmcityherald · 8 months
Also. I dunno. Cosmonaut roger. I been following that page since my first day on tumblr. I won't be unfollowing just on that basis. Sure its a decision. And not that I condone stealing another's art. But I didn't join the bum rush when sixpence got run off for having an Asian maid. Half the homes I used to deliver to have that in common. I'm not going to delete russiawave because I was there that nite he said of course I'm against it wtf you want me to do? I'm not going to clear my page of Jewish or Israeli pages either. Real people in real situations. Now there's things I will cut you for. The first, of course, is nazi shit. Second would be predator or sexual assault shit. Terf shit. the biggies. Yes stealing art is a biggie.
But. I myself have used art I didn't own in my music videos. Would I do it differently now? Yep. But I did. And I own that. Part of my rebellion against the music industry was using everything from everywhere it didn't matter what I sampled it didn't matter what I used the way I looked at it I was using capitalism itself against itself in my own art. Weather that is right or wrong Is of course up to argument.
This is what I mean when I say I do not subscribe to mob rule.
I mean do you all realize how many memes I steal from facebook daily? And do you think I feel some kind of guilt over that? Absolutely zero fucks about fb or twittyverse. They deserve that. Now. Minor artist on tumblr? Yes. That's fuked. So roger, do better. But I won't jump ship just yet. What's that, over a decade. Friends allow friends to make mistakes.
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stardustmade009 · 9 months
12/29/23 Hasan Piker said to please defend him more, finally I have been given the permission I need to sephiroth post. Late Christmas Early New Year Miracle!!!! Drama frog rejoice
(cross posting from reddit)
Hi long time lurker. And look, this is a page about HASAN PIKER. This is the place for what I'm about to do, I'm a girl with a bunch of interests and sometimes those interests intersect in ways I just sit on for years cause quite honestly I'm using "girl" v loosely and I'm 31 woman and I know what "cringe" is because I wrote the book, so I just kinda shit post in comments on twitter to release the stress of being a fan of Hasan, and I don't have a twitter anymore, so I thought I was just going to have to die on this.
But finally, on this day I was watching a clip from the 12-29-23 at 4 in the morning cause I got off work early (https://youtu.be/kMwQQmVMcAw?si=XhjWf6R_O5UgH9MX&t=294) and I got all I need to let out about 4 years of built up Hasan drama. So mods, Daddy said I could so please please please don't delete this. This is perfect fodder on who to block personally and as I will elaborate, I done my time in this community, just let me have my soap box.
Who am I and what give me this authority? (a disclaimer) As stated above I'm up at 4 am, and this is "off early", I work nightshift factory job in middle america who's worked there for 10 years with a long side story I will not bore you with. I found Hasan when he did the breakdown on fb and just liked the way he broke down the news. Is he a perfect person? No. There are many things I wish he didn't do. (Hoobastank) But on the whole, solid person who's world view is refreshing to listen to and I don't lose sleep in supporting my like in him because he tries to be ethical with his spending and its like $5, come on, I can spend $5 to enjoy myself ad free at that top of the hour if I want. I work 12 hour shifts.
But as I said, I work 12 hours, and where Hasan sometimes makes 10 hours of content, I also have other interests and sometimes I'm doing that, sometimes I'm a drama girlie (and it's super sexist if you judge me), sometimes I'm a goblin. And boy howdy how I wish the drama girlies would rally around Hasan because he's chill with QT and Rae, cause then I wouldn't have to do this myself. But alas, we must all sometimes be the change we want to see in the world, and the drama girlies don't know about this filth, so here I am. Youtube channel-less and angry. So I'm gonna vent about the latest drama here for a moment cause I've been sitting on this need since Hasan's biggest mistake, befriend the worlds more admired online deadbead father since Onision, Steven Kenneth Bonnell II (wiki).
The Meat and Potatoes (If you don't want my auto-bio but wanna be a drama goblin with me) I find it ABSOLUTELY INSANE that ANYONE in the dgg orbit thinks they get to get their fucking panties in a twist over "edgy jokes" like mocking Claira "Harassed a woman over a tweet about a cookbook for two years" Sorrenti doing cocaine with a Road Runner gif when she went on a very public bender and harassed every fucking person she could and hides behind being a fucking addict instead of showing even a drop of remorse for her action past the "I want to keep my job and keep calling myself the one true leftist so I'm sorry uwu" video/clip from a stream she didn't even have the time to do on its own, I don't remember but I watched it and she was full of shit cause I don't believe the cocaine bender was 2 years, aka the amount of time she harassed Roslyn Talusan, unless those "tasty noodles" has the flour subbed out with cocaine.
"Oh but but but Hasan said the r slur that one time" harks the orbitor. oh, wow. The community where if I even could edit there is no program around that could make a montauge of the amoung of time even one of your favs has said it, and Hasan has, say it with me, changed and tries not to be a fucking asshole, something you orbitor fucks could never understand.And the most insane of it all is the worse thing you could list of things Hasan REALLY did and has shown zero remorse for, beside the cracker thing, they cheered gleefully because they liked his more dirtbag shit. Hasan having the most unhinged reaction to being asked to not do a fundraiser with Hogwarts Legacy for the trans community, I've never seen them gargle balls harder. WHY?? Cause they wanted to bully Jessie Gender, a truly respectable person.
That was the only real thing. (a bit tongue in cheek I'm too high and this is much longer than I planned on he has done some other things. but they were mouth to sack there too)
"Oh but he was wrong about RUSSIA!!!!!" Do you fire the weather person for being wrong? Shut up.
So to all of them, either get a real job other than being the most annoying online cult or hurry up and drink the coolaid or whatever your own cults endgame is. I've blocked you and you're still leaking through. Idk. Idc. Just leave Hasan Piker Alone.
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concentriccookies · 2 years
Could you tell us about the type of loom you're using? How much it was, how easy it is to learn/use, etc. I've been wanting to branch out into weaving more and have a very simple basic lap loom for little things, but I don't really know much beyond that or where to go from there, and I'd love your insight!
Omg got most of the way thu answering this question then i went to search for like a correct termonology or smthn and poof everything got deleted.
So short(er) answer i have a tiny Sample It™ loom from ashford that was gifted to me and got me hooked (which is now being leant out to get someone else hooked heheheh im gonna spread the weaving bug) i also have a 24" rigid heddle loom from ashford. They are expensive, ngl. I did a very hard reflection on how serious i was longterm abt keeping with this hobby before i bought a bigger loom.
Rigid heddles are one of the simpler looms, so its pretty easy to pick up. Theres a couple different brands like Schacht and Kromski, but idk anything about them because my local place doesnt carry them.
There are lots of resorces to learn from, i used library books and youtube vids, and this fb group called "rigid heddle loom weaving" the people in that group are so helpful and there is great knowledge there, so it offsets the awfulness of going on fb.
So idk! Take a deep dive into googling abt these things! There is literally so many different types of loom it is mind boggling. Also if u wanna buy check fb marketplace or your local weaving guilds buy/sell pages, there can b good finds there sometimes.
Goodluck! ❤
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skiplo-wave · 1 year
You missed a lot today. Let me spill the tea. Go to Hoover (AL) Police Department FB page to play back the LIVE press conference they had today. They revealed that they found no evidence of a toddler and they don't believe there ever was one. They don't believe that there is a risk to the public. They found some sketchy stuff on her search history on Google about stealing cash, movie about abduction and amber alerts & age ranges of amber alerts. And how much does issuing a amber alert cost. She stole from her work place. She went to the store and a restaurant to get food. The only thing she left in the car was the food from the restaurant. She took the food and the stuff she stole from her work place with her. When she made that 911 call, she was still on the road and she lied to the 911 operator and told them she had stopped. That was untrue because they traced her phone during the time of the 911 call which they now released that audio. She was still moving down the interstate. This all was premeditated by her! And now her boyfriend deleted her off social media. He deleted all her photos and it shows he is single now.
TikTok lives are going crazy right now. Even Mamatot who used her huge platform to help find this woman issued a video about her and what came out today. So far as we know Carlee has not been arrested but she in Altanta, Georgia right now. She is out of Alabama and probably because she knew all this stuff was about to come out.
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That's a lot to fucking unpack
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littlequeenies · 1 year
Why Do We Love...
Jo Jo Laine
We can't recall when we first heard of her, but it was when we were on facebook as Little Queenies profile. We did an album with lots of pics of her we found over the internet back then. Then FB forced us to put our real name instead of "Little Queenies", we refused, so we made the Little Queenies page, but eventually we closed it down as we prefered just to be here in tumblr, and many of our muses just "vanished" as we deleted the page, and Jo Jo was one of them...
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[Jo Jo Laine and Bebe Buell at backstage of "Paul McCartney & Wings" concert in Wembley, October 1976]
Until last year (2022) we think, that Bebe posted the footage of this video at her instagram profile, we suddenly remembered about Jo Jo!!
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[Happy pregnant Jo Jo pictured in 1973]
What we liked about her is her big smile and her natural auburn hair, and we loved the fact that in the early 70s photos she looked really ethereal, like a fairy queen. As with some of the other muses, we read over the internet that she dated lots of famous musicians and we got surpised that she didn't have a proper website. She had a Myspace profile (remember that?) and we saved some cool photos of her from that place, but as we deleted our facebook and her Myspace doesn't work anymore... lots of pictures were gone forever...
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[Left: The happy family on the boat they lived in 1973, Jo Jo is pregnant with her daughter Heidi. Right: Very beautiful photo of Jo Jo and her daughter Heidi taken mid-late 70s]
What we learned ajout Jo Jo Laine is that she was very passionate, she really loved The Wings and wrote some letters to Paul McCartney before meeting him with the dream of being partners... Well, the day they met, she fell for Denny Laine, who had no money at all at that time as The Wings weren't famous at all. Both of them lived in a caravan and in a boat with little things, but they were really happy and had two beautiful kids that Jo Jo adored and protected from the rock'n'roll lifestyle.
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[L: Jo Jo pictured in 1973; C: Jo Jo pictured at a Buddy Holly party, 1977; R: Jo Jo & Denny Laine wedding, 1978]
Jo Jo had a difficult lifestyle, she struggled with drugs when she was very young and then, more seriously, she struggled with alcohol to cope with her husband infidelities and the sudden death of a beloved boyfriend (Randy Rhoads) due to an accident, but despite this and all the parties she and her musician friends had at home, she always hid that to her children and gave them a very normal and stable life, and when her daughter Heidi turned 18 she explained her everything.
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[Jo Jo debut album released in 1980]
Sometimes we think Jo Jo deserved more recognition for what she did with her kids as it wasn't easy and that's what we like about her, she was very protective towards them and a cool mum ad her daughter recalled Jo Jo was always dressing up and making fun things to them and the three of them had much fun and happiness. Thanks to her mum Heidi has really fond memories of her childhood. Jo Jo was really an angel and a strong woman.
So, today, for her 71st birthday, we wanted to share with all of you, dear followers, how we knew about Jo Jo and what made us love her.
Here we share:
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helielune · 1 year
i looked at threads so you don't have to
the point of social media is to feel like you can connect with EVERYONE there, and in that sense, since Threads (by meta) is the only twitter competitor with a userbase pre-baked-in, i think they are by FAR the only actual threat to twitter in the near future
i love watching drama from the sidelines so i gathered some info about it, for all of us curious but cautious creatures:
toc: 1. features 2. acct deletion 3. home feed 4. privacy etc
1. threads is purposefully launching with MINIMUM POSSIBLE features. they are not shy about saying this. (wikipedia literally begins the history section of their Threads page by talking about twitter) they saw an opportunity to launch when and where it hurts and they TOOK it, instead of waiting to build an actually full service. and it's WORKING.
as of now, you can post/like/comment, repost, un/follow, mute and block things, and search (for accts). no dms, hashtags, web app, searching for posts, and your home feed IS your explore page (more on this later).
for more details here is a basic rundown of the app so far (nbc news), and here is a list of features they don't have yet (forbes)
2. they are 'looking into' a way to delete your threads account without deleting your entire instagram. (instagram ceo, via threads, and mentioned in other sources scattered around here)
from a slightly tech standpoint, threads is officially built as an offshoot of instagram. it literally calls itself an instagram app. when you sign up, you can only sign up via instagram. so depending on how they developed threads, it's likely that it was literally just easier to build a version of threads that is basically instagram with a hat, where removing the hat removes the body (??). if i give them some benefit of the doubt, maybe they just haven't figured out how deletion should work, since they seem to want every insta acct to have exactly one threads acct (so they'd need to plan ahead in case of returning signups and all). and since they wanted to get threads out as fast as possible, this is just what it came out as.
still, they don't seem to be promising much. imagine if they finish 'looking into' it and decide it isn't worth implementing. lol. also it was still definitely greedy of them to link those deletions together now so no one can leave when they realize there is no functionality yet! the same greedy that made them release this half-baked idea in the first place.
but, if you already made a threads, it is Possible that you will eventually be able to delete it without affecting insta.
3. from what i understand, getting used to threads is like training your fyp on tiktok. (i've also never had a tiktok lmao, but my friends do) it does not have a chronological timeline. it does not even have a Following timeline. you are served whatever the algorithm desires and you just have to deal with it, and you WILL be wading through default shit for a while (the verge but also Everyone is complaining about this lol)
they say that they are working on it too (instagram ceo again, via threads-- with much more conviction than they had for the deletion feature)
4. yes, it is asking for WAY TOO MUCH DATA ACCESS in the app store. meta does this with all of their apps (the general permissions list for threads on the app store is identical to fb's and insta's).
i've seen some people say that threads might not be actively using (or collecting??) every single category. notably, threads does not have ads yet, so a lot of visible surveillance things that fb is known for have not shown up.
this might be true Now (though it's an awfully generous opinion!), but they are At Least actively opening the doors to do so in the future. if you've already agreed to those permissions when downloading or logging into the app, you will NOT be notified if a new update suddenly starts siphoning all the data they ignored before. just so yall are aware.
this is likely not as big of a deal if you already have insta and/or fb downloaded, but it's always great to be informed :)
and yes, meta is withholding official launch in the entire EU, almost certainly because of their data privacy AND new anti-trust legislations. (some links may require subscriptions, but not all) there are other posts about this already though.
basically, threads is hardly even meant to be used at this point. it's almost completely unusable compared to other competing sites, which already existed. it's also run by a Notoriously Evil, massive company, with 114 Blazing Red Flags for personal security. (one for each type of data they ask for, plus 100 extra for saying "other data")
they are launching now to attract as large of a userbase as possible, and then just squatting on it as they figure out which functions to add and how to do that. from what i see, most people are joining for the same reason-- claim their username, and then squat on it as they wait for the app to be functional. no hate to them, because meta is nothing if not a master of marketing, and also there are a lot of legit reasons why you may want to claim your name, or make sure your following can stay with you, etc etc.
but what i'm going to be doing, and recommending to everyone else as well, is just grab a snack and watch this crazy competition from a Safe Distance as it goes down. i said that threads is probably the only twt competitor in the immediate future, because it's the only one with the pre-established market control to be one. but if we don't want to hand our entire society over to a soulless megacorp, we can play the long game. i mean, we're already Here, right? might as well just settle in for a long haul🍿
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