#how tired was that border patrol guy
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shitpostingkats · 3 months ago
The most important part of the Altissia chapter is when they're being questioned by customs and Ignis looks at their party of:
1) Him 2) A college age punk 3) A man wider and taller than a fridge wearing no shirt and with several enormous scars 4) The actual crown prince of a neighboring country, making no effort to disguise himself
and decides their best cover story is
"✨We are students of the culinary arts.✨"
And it works.
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shoulderholsterfreak · 25 days ago
Look, I know Thrawn is a pragmatic, highly tactically-minded person and he works for the bad guys, but I’m kind of tired of all the cherry picking people do to portray him as the Literal Worst Person Ever.
“He doesn’t care about non-Chiss!” “People are only assets to him!” “He only cares about individuals in how they can serve him strategically!” “He’s quite literally a real-world Nazi and he should be taken outside and shot!”
Meanwhile you have passages like this:
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Just related to this event alone, in Outbound Flight there’s a scene where Thrass lectures Thrawn (who is lying in a hospital bed with a shrapnel wound to the chest) about overextending himself and getting himself killed in his quest to patrol outside the borders to deal with threats—and “humanitarian” crises—that aren’t immediately relevant to the Chiss.
And there’s a LOT more like this out there. I don’t know, it’s just weird to me that some of his fans, the people you’d think would be ready to jump to his defense, are so determined to hate him that they ignore the moments where he displays more positive and humanitarian traits.
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seethew3stwithm3 · 1 month ago
weather the storm // j. miller
this fic was a labour of love, heavily inspired by the SHIT weather down here in australia. it's hot, and humid, and damp as hell. sending love from the fiery bog, i guess.
this started out cosy and wholesome, but then gets a bit horny towards the end, but i hope you guys enjoy regardless.
you can picture show or game joel, up to you. the pictures are purely for the vibes.
- clarke xx
warnings: 18+ only. established joel x reader. smut. afab!reader, no mention of pronouns. swearing. p in v sex. apocalypse birth control (pulling out and praying. make sure to wrap it up irl.)
summary: you, joel, an ellie have a peaceful breakfast together. then, some alone time with domestic joel.
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The rain had not eased in days; an endless deluge that soaked into the soil, leaving it swollen and muddy. The boots on your stoop were coated with dried muck and clumps of grass, and one pair was noticeably missing.
Stepping out onto the sheltered porch, wrapped in an old, knitted blanket, you breathed in the wet, earthen scent of petrichor. The sun had risen, visible and bright for the first time in a week, but clouds that rumbled like a hungry beast lingered on the horizon. You’d enjoy the sun while it lasted.
With a sigh, you went back inside and swapped your blanket for an apron, securing it at your waist. Just as you were setting out everything you needed to make a few loaves of bread after breakfast, Ellie came down the stairs, rubbing her eyes. Her dark hair stuck up at odd angles, messy from sleep, and she stifled a yawn as she plodded into the kitchen.
“Hi, Els,” you whispered, huffing a gentle laugh at her bleary-eyed stare as you attempted to flatten her hair. “You sleep okay?”
A noncommittal grunt was her only answer as she burrowed further into her sweater, (one of Joel’s, you noticed with a smile.)
“Why don’t you go grab your brush, and I can try to sort this out,” you said, gently ushering her back upstairs. “Then I’ll make us some breakfast, hm?”
Ellie nodded, moving sluggishly up the steps, sliding her hand along the polished wooden railing, feet scuffing against the faded, threadbare carpet.
Joel found the two of you in the living room a few minutes later, tired from the overnight border patrol. His boots were back in their designated spot outside the door, and an unfamiliar warmth sparked in his chest as he watched you. Leaning against the doorframe, arms folded, he watched as you ran the brush through Ellie’s hair, taking care to untangle the knots.
Despite the frown on her face, he knew Ellie was comforted by the gentleness. She wouldn’t talk much about how she felt, but he knew her fear, her lingering sorrow, all too well, and Joel couldn’t imagine how much harder it would be to deal with at her age. So, to see her like this, eyes closed as you twisted her hair into a low bun. To see Ellie letting somebody else do something for her, when she’d spent so long forced into independence…
It made Joel realise that maybe, despite the state of the world, that she’d be alright. Ellie had him and, if he believed in miracles anymore he would’ve thought it was one, she had you.
They both had you.
“Mornin’,” he murmured once you noticed him, a soft expression on his face which he hoped hid the weariness. His knuckles brushed against yours as he followed you down the hall to the kitchen, breathing in the faint scent of soap that clung to your clothes. The same subtle scent that lingered on his bedsheets and, sometimes, along the collar of his jacket after you borrowed it.
He kissed your cheek when you stopped at the stove, his hands resting on your hips as you cracked a few eggs into the old iron skillet. Ellie, who had bounded through the archway only moments after you, made a sound akin to dramatic disgust.
Stifling a laugh, Joel wandered over to sit at the dining table with her. Ellie rambled about her plans for the day, something about helping out at the stables with Tommy.
“Well, don’t go about causin’ trouble,” Joel chided, one eyebrow cocked. Ellie just rolled her eyes.
The burner click-click-clicked as you turned it on, putting the kettle onto boil.
“Coffee?” Joel inquired, turning stiffly in his chair to look over at you.
“No, that stuff ain’t good for your heart, old man,” you said, fixing him with a loving, but stern stare as you set mugs and plates along the counter. Despite his grumbling, Joel knew it was for his own good. Especially when he was meant to sleep for the next couple of hours.
“Els? Can you go grab some chives from the garden for me?” You asked, handing her a small pair of shears. “Just a little bit, for the eggs.”
You plated up the eggs and toast while she was outside, watching the steam rise from the food in cloudy tendrils, lit by the sunlight streaming through the window. Just as you were spooning a dollop of tomato chutney onto the side of Joel’s plate, Ellie returned with the greens and rinsed them in the sink. You let her garnish, and she took a quiet pride in it.
“Cutlery, please,” you mentioned with a soft smile in Ellie’s direction, and Joel set about pouring and straining the tea. It was a tight fit, having the three of you crowding the small kitchen, but it was… warm. Homely. As close to normalcy, to family, as you could get these days. And when breakfast was laid out on the table, positioned perfectly in front of the window, shutters thrown wide, you dined in the morning light as warmth seeped into the house.
A short while later, with the dirty dishes stacked by the sink, you bade Ellie farewell for the day. You sent her off with a few snacks for later, and the pair of Tommy’s jeans that you’d mended for him, so she could return them.
With Ellie gone, Joel could finally give you a proper greeting. His kiss was sweet and long and slow, one of his warm hands rested firmly on the small of your back. Unhurried and gentle, you threaded your hands into his hair, cupping the back of his neck.
“Patrol go alright?” You asked quietly as he pulled away.
He nodded, stealing another quick kiss, simply because he could. He brushed his thumb over the softness of your cheek, momentarily distracted, but his gaze locked on yours when you cupped his face.
“You head up to bed, okay?” Your voice was quiet as you rested your forehead against his, noses touching. “I’ll wake you up at midday.”
“Alright, darlin’,” he murmured, shrugging out of his jacket with a quiet groan. It took more effort than usual, and Joel immediately wished he’d waited until he was upstairs to take it off when he saw the concern on your face.
“M’alright,” though the grit of his teeth told another story.
“Joel,” you chided, a little firmer this time, hands planted on your hips.
With a sigh, his head dropped, eyebrows pinched. “S’just my shoulder, nothing I can’t handle.”
Shaking your head, you ushered him upstairs and into the bathroom. Grabbing a screw-top jar from the cupboard, you pressed it into his hands.
“This should help, it’s an organic pain-relieving balm.”
At Joel’s incredulous look, you rolled your eyes with an exaggerated huff. “Maria made it, it will help. It helped Ellie when she twisted her ankle the other week.”
Joel still wasn’t sure, especially not as he unscrewed the lid and cautiously sniffed the thick, honey-coloured paste within, pulling back with a grimace.
“Stubborn, stubborn man,” you muttered, taking the jar from him, scooping some of the balm into your hand. “Turn around, take your shirt off.”
He did as you asked, accepting your assistance in tugging the fabric over his head. His shoulder wasn’t noticeably hurt, no bruising or redness, but it looked a little swollen. As you rubbed the balm into his skin, you almost swore at the tension in his muscles. Working your way across his back, to his other shoulder then down his spine, all you found were knots.
“How do you walk around like this, Joel? Christ.” You tutted.
Joel shrugged, muttering an apology that was cut off by a groan as you dug your thumbs into a particularly stubborn knot at the base of his spine, just above the waistband of his jeans.
“Alright, go on,” you murmured once you were done, pressing a kiss to the side of his neck as he turned back around. “Bed.”
He huffed a quiet laugh, resting his hands on your hips and kissing you properly. Once, twice, before you swatted him away, mock defiance on your face, despite the hitch in your breath.
“I’ll wake you up in a few hours. You need rest.”
You led him to the bedroom, closing the curtains while he took his jeans off and eased into bed. The old mattress groaned beneath his weight, and he let out a gruff sigh as he settled down, pulling the blankets over his weary body.
“Sleep,” was all you said, a whisper against his brow as you kissed his forehead.
“Fine,” he grunted, nestling deeper into the cushions.
A few hours later, midday came with the return of thunder and rain. So much for the sunlight you’d basked in that morning.
With Joel’s favourite mug in hand, you crept up the stairs, making sure to avoid the one that creaked. Despite your best efforts, Joel heard you coming, and his bleary-eyed gaze was on you as soon as you stepped into the bedroom. Years of constant vigilance did not easily fade.
“Hey, darlin’,” he murmured, huffing contentedly as you set the mug on the bedside table and slid beneath the blankets with him. He drew you in, wrapping an arm around your waist, and buried his face in the crook of his neck.
“I made coffee,” you whispered into his hair. “Just one cup, for us to share.”
Joel just hummed, more than content to go back to sleep, but a cold breeze swept through the open window and the strong scent of fresh coffee wafted over to him. With a groan, he sat up, adjusting the pillows so he could lean back against the wrought-iron bedframe.
You grabbed the mug, still steaming, and took a cautious sip before handing it to him. The two of you sat there, curled up in bed, sharing coffee and watching the storm.
“Ellie alright?” Joel asked, unable to hear any sign of her from downstairs.
“Yeah, she dropped by before the storm started to let me know they were setting up a movie in the hall.”
Nodding, that constant, quiet worry in his heart when it came to the mischievous teenager eased a fraction.
With the coffee drained to its dregs and rain lashing against the windowpane, you nestled closer to Joel. His warmth seeped through you, warming you to the bone, and you sighed.
“Sweetheart,” came his voice, soft and gravelly, so quiet it was almost swallowed up by a roar of thunder.
Your gaze flicked up to meet his, hand stilling on his chest where you’d been tracing absent-minded patterns in the coarse smattering of hair there. With a soft smile, you sat up, graciously taking his offered hand, keeping you steady as you moved to straddle him.
He reached up to cup your face, tracing his thumb over the curve of your cheek, the softness of your bottom lip. Lightning flashed outside, haloing you in pale light, limning your body with silver.
“Beautiful,” he murmured to himself as he pulled you close, warm hands heavy on your waist, until your chest pressed against his. Foreheads touching, he ran his fingers down your spine, slipping them beneath your shirt on the way back up. “So damn beautiful.”
You sighed into his mouth when he kissed you, melting under his honeyed touch; slow and sweet. It was nice to be here, with him, just the two of you. Nowadays, shared moments were sparse. There was always work to be done in Jackson.
But here, with the storm raging outside, finally there was peace.
You barely registered getting undressed, only that the moments you spent away from him to tug your pants and shirt off were too long. His boxers stretched and strained against the soft thickness of his thighs, and you leaned down to press a kiss to his hip as you pulled them off. Discarding the fabric on the bedroom floor, you climbed back into his lap, skin on skin.
His touch was warm and gentle, exploratory. Drifting from your hips to your waist to your chest, you sighed at the whisper-soft scrape of his fingertips down your spine. He mapped you out by touch alone, his gaze locked on yours. His brown eyes were heavy-lidded, swirling with desire and adoration, and you just let him stare.
With anybody else, you would’ve shied away. But not with him. Not with Joel.
Your Joel.
It felt strange to consider someone as yours when the idea of permanence was revoked as the world ended. And you felt… selfish. Selfish for claiming a little light on a dark landscape, but… If selfishness meant you knew the assurance in his touch, the safety in his embrace, then you’d take it and run. So be it.
Just this once, you had something for yourself.
Joel’s name was a hoarse exhale from your lips as his fingers found the wet heat between your thighs, dipping into you with a gentle desperation. He groaned as your arousal dripped down over his knuckles, and the sound made your breath hitch. And when he brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked them clean, your head fell back, gaze hitting the ceiling as a strangled plea tore from the back of your throat.
His cock lay hot and heavy against your inner thigh, and you rocked your hips over it. Once, twice, until the sticky strings of your arousal coated the shaft, and when the head notched in your opening, you let out a whimper.
Lifting yourself just enough that Joel could grip the base of his cock, you grabbed his shoulders as he lined himself up with your entrance. Then, once he’d guided the tip into you, his hands found your waist to keep you steady as you sunk down on him. Taking it slow, accommodating to the slight stretch inch-by-inch, you gasped at the familiar girth of him.
“Fuck,” he breathed through gritted teeth as he bottomed out, the tight warmth of you squeezing around his length. “There you go, baby. Takin’ it all, y’feel so good.”
For a moment, the two of you didn’t move, breathing in sync as you steadied yourself. He hit so deep like this, and it made dizzy. Then, with his hands guiding you, you rocked your hips.
“Fuckin’ perfect for me,” he groaned as you circled your hips. Your clit bumped against the coarse thatch of hair across his pubic bone with each movement, leaving you keening and breathless, one hand fisted in the sheets by his head, the other planted on his chest.
“Just like that, honey, just like that.”
His voice urged you on, drawing a fervour from the depths of your chest. Hazy desire whirled in your stomach, coiled like a spring, or a cat ready to pounce. Lightning flashed, and the glimpse of rugged ecstasy on Joel’s face through the gloom made you whimper.
Teeth gritted, brow furrowed, chest heaving; he was the picture of a man undone, halfway to losing his mind. And, by God, he looked so good like that.
The storm drowned out your desperate whines, but you leaned down so you could be chest-to-chest with Joel, so you could hear his ragged moans and staggered breaths. He used to stay quiet during sex, only an occasional grunt or quiet ‘fuck,’ but once, after you’d done something particularly wicked with your mouth, he’d let out the weakest, most desperate moan.
You’d told him it was the hottest thing you’d ever heard, and he hadn’t held back since.
“Fuck, Joel,” you whimpered, clinging to him as he started to thrust up into you, meeting each gentle rock of your hips.
“That feel good, baby?”
“Ye- fuck! Yes.”
“Mhm, I gotcha.” He punctuated his words with a particularly harsh thrust, and you cried out, burying your face into the crook of his neck. “I gotcha, darlin’.”
You clenched around him moments later, the strength of your release hitting you unexpectedly. Riding it out, your hips moved of their own accord. Shuddering, you rolled to the side, moaning as Joel’s cock slid out of you.
His voice was hoarse as he swore, his soft stomach tensing as you wrapped your hand around his shaft, jerking him off until he hit his peak. His cum spurted across stomach, leaving behind a mess you’d clean up later. For now, though, you just wanted to be held.
Joel was more than happy to oblige. He panted as he came down from his high, holding you as close as he could. With your legs intertwined, the sheets wrapped around your ankles, you breathed him in.
The storm still raged, the sky impossibly dark, but every flash of lightning gave you a glimpse of the sheen of sweat on Joel’s brow, his kiss-swollen lips, a little dribble of blood on his lower lip from what must have been a particularly harsh nip from you.
“Sorry,” you whispered, wiping the blood away with your thumb. You propped yourself up on your elbow to get a better look, hoping you hadn’t hurt him too bad.
“Don’t be,” he replied, reassuring you with a gentle kiss against your forehead. “Feels good.”
Sheepish, you sunk back down into the cushions, nestled safely beside him.
thanks so much for reading <3 my inbox is open if you have anything you'd like me to write, or just want to have a chat. love love love you, thank you again <3
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ily-sunghoon · 6 months ago
The Omen of Sterling | PROLOGUE
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Pairing : vampire!enha x fem!oc
Genre of this chapter : vampire, surprise visit! (almost ends up as a dinner though!)
POV : Jestel’s
Words count : 1.8k
WARNINGS : wanting to eat oc..., mentioned of blood, hunting, slight argument, heavy content and world building, the boys kinda patriotic here if you squint [eagle voice] KHAAAKKK (let me know if i miss anything)
Note : thank you for the excitement! never would i thought that the simple character introduction would have over than 150 notes... i am very thankful, thank you guys... it means so much to me (feel free to send ask if you have any confusion about the character or world building!)
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TAGLIST : @nshmrarki @capri-cuntz (let me know if you want to be added)
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“What is our feast for today?” Ricardo stares at the ceiling with boredom, waiting for dinner time, or hunting time—if I asked him to hunt today.
“What do you want to eat?” I asked all of them.
“Stray human.” Jasper answered easily.
“Well, unfortunately, they’re very rare. Almost never encountered, to be honest. They can only reach our kingdom if we brought them in, or they’re really really lost their way. It’s almost impossible to enter our borders.” Jusarlie sighed. Fake sigh.
“You’re learning how to breathe now?” Sarco laughed at Jusarlie’s attempt to fake breathing.
“I was bored, so I learnt how to do it.” Jusarlie answered sheepishly.
“It’s unnatural, try it again slowly.” Jasper guides him.
Jasper is a new member in our kingdom. He’s a new vampire that we found in the wood while we were doing a monthly patrol, we have no clue who turned him as one of our kind, so irresponsible of them. Jasper could’ve turned into a wild vampire and that’s not fun to handle. He was starving, lost his memory, and definitely very angry. Unfortunately for us, he is also very strong. It was a bit handy when we rescued him, but we named him Jasper afterward because it suits his face.
Well, he is now under our training. Good for my nation, since we’ve lost a lot of important people during the Red War, including both of my parents. So, to our advantage, Jasper is a really good start for us to build stronger soldiers.
Besides from the fact that he is a new vamp and his energy is over the limit, I’m pretty sure he’s already strong as a human. We’re all a little worn-out while training him, they always hand over Jasper to me and Hiael when they’re tired. With that strong gaze, I’m pretty sure he’s important to humankind. I wonder how they felt when Jasper disappeared.
“I want reindeer.” Saine finally speaks up.
“Reindeer sounds good.” Hiael nodded.
“We’re hunting after dusk.” I agreed with their request.
“Jestel, is that what I think it is?” Sarco stares down at the street, a bit far from us. I walked over to his spot and peeked at the big window.
There’s a human. Walking on the street like a lamb whose willingly walks into a wolf’s nest. Poor little baby.
“She smells unbelievably good. Is that normal? All humans smell like this?” Jasper asked.
To be honest, he’s not alone. My head is also spinning due to her smell. This is far from normal.
“I’ll pick up our dinner.” Saine looks so excited. He’s the best at deceiving people, no matter humans or vampires.
“Take me with you!” Ricardo is as excited.
“No, take me with you instead!” Even Jusarlie’s eyes are sparkling right now.
“No, you will instantly eat that human at the sight.” Jusarlie can totally read Ricardo’s behavior.
“Just because you love to read, doesn’t mean you can read my personality or behavior.” There you go, our youngest is kind of… bitter.
“Take note from your professor, will you? Read your books so that little undeveloped brain of yours could develop and work normally.” Jusarlie spat back. Oh, don’t worry, this is a normal fight in our house.
“Come again, Professor?” Ricardo scoffed.
“Maybe if YOU read your goddamn books, your little UNDEVELOPED brain could develop and work normally.”
“That’s enough, no one is coming with Saine.” I stopped their little argument.
They scoffed, totally annoyed at my choice. Saine nodded at me and quickly left to pick up our delicious dinner.
“Don’t give me those expressions. You’ll choose your favorite parts today.” I said without staring back at them who are giving me angry and sulky expressions.
Their eyes are sparkling again as they go back to excited mode. What a child.
The delicious, sweet, intoxicating, and irresistible smell is getting closer and closer as we wait in our living room. I saw Jasper was getting furious. Hiael is right next to him, ready to hold him down whenever needed.
“Hold it in, Jasper. Don’t let hunger wins over you.” I said to that poor new vamp. Must be hard for him to do that. He’s better than me, if I was a new vampire like him, I would’ve just run off to that human and sucks her dry. Huge respect for Jasper.
I can hear Saine opening the doors. Oh, we were so ready to strike until I saw Saine enter the house before the human does. It’s supposed to be the other way around. That’s odd. What happened? Does he not want to eat that human anymore?
I told everyone to hold their positions while I’m trying to reach Saine through our mind links.
Our dinner is clumsy enough to almost fall because her little foot tripped over our carpet. Luckily, Saine holds her steady, so she doesn’t bleed. Won’t be my fault if Jasper strikes at sight.
“Are you okay?” Saine giggles. Oh, interesting! I can’t contact him at all.
“All good, thank you.” She sounds a little nervous.
They entered the living room and the six of us were so ready to eat, but Saine quickly stopped us using mind links.
DO NOT, I SAY, DON’T YOU DARE! LET ME TALK TO JESTEL FIRST! Wow, he sounds very serious.
“Jestel, we need to talk.” Saine is smiling.
“About what?” I asked coldly.
“555.” He said the emergency code. How emergency is this?
“Alright,” I agreed. “Sarco, follow me. Ricardo and Hiael, you take care of Jasper. While Jusarlie… be polite to our guest.”
I hate you, Jusarlie said it through our mind links.
They followed my orders. Saine, Sarco, and I went upstairs to the closest working room for this emergency matter.
What could possibly happen?
“You’ve been acting odd. What is the matter?” I asked Saine.
“This letter will explain better than I do.” Saine gave me a letter. To my surprise, it was written in our ancient language. Old Krashovien.
I read the letter thoroughly with Sarco.
“She came with this letter?” I asked Saine again.
He nods quickly.
“I want to hear your opinions according to this matter.” I wait for them to speak up.
“Turn her to a vampire, duh? She’s the last Sterling. We need her.” Sarco, as usual, is a man of logic.
“No, no, no. Let’s train her first. Give her some free will, no?” Saine is a little opposed to that idea.
“The sooner the better, Saine. Human age so rapidly, we can’t lose a chance to have a Sterling for our nation.” Sarco frowned.
“Give her some time, Sarco, you heartless bastard. She just went through a lot.” Saine is showing his sympathy to her.
“Wake up, Saine. Just because she’s beautiful, don’t forgot the fact that she’s a Sterling, Saine. A fucking Sterling, she’s anything but a feeler. She’s far more heartless than I am.”
“It’s risky! Do you remember why Sterling left Krashoviel?” Saine still stands on his ground.
“She’s that child?” I joined the conversation again. Could it be?
“My father warned you, Jestel.” Saine said to me. “At least, let’s ask him first.”
“Fine. Let’s train her to our best, gain her trust, and finally turn her into a vampire. Done.” Sarco’s idea is still about turning her into one of our kind.
This is very confusing.
I called the others—except Jusarlie—to join us in our emergency meeting.
I looked at them with a heavy heart. “We’re haunting today. We will not eat our guest.”
“Oh, man!” Ricardo and Jasper are clearly annoyed.
“May I know why?” Hiael asked.
“Well,” I paused and showed them the letter. “Ricardo, translate it for us.”
“Dear, King/Queen on the throne of Sinflame. I, Tearle Sterling, gave this girl to your hand. She is my daughter, Iolana Sterling, the one that caused some trouble twenty-one years ago due to her sweet smell. By the time you read this, it means that all of Sterling is already gone and she’s the last one we have. Slevado and Axadel have been terrorized and tried to kidnap us a few times. Iolana is smart, she knows the basic history of Krashoviel. She speaks Old Krashovien. She is curious, keen to learn something new. She is also good at fighting with any kind of weapons, I teach her by myself. I left this girl to Krashoviel, you can do whatever you’d like to her. I’d rather have her end up as your feast than to be kidnapped and used as a weapon to tear Krashoviel apart. I miss my home. Sincerely, Tearle Sterling.”
“Who’s Sterling?” Jasper frowned.
“Unlock that at 3rd semester with Jusarlie.” Sarco giggled.
“They’re not some urban legend?” Ricardo is surprisingly dumb.
“Urban legend is crazy.” Hiael laughed at him. “One Sterling equals five Jestel.”
“Nice one, Hiael.” Jasper and the youngest laughed.
“He’s not joking.” Sarco’s serious face made their laughs disappear.
“Oh.” Jasper and Ricardo are kind of scared now.
“But she’s a human?” Jasper is still confused.
“Long story, ask Jusarlie later.” Sarco shook his head.
“So, we’re turning her into a new vamp? Who’s strong enough to be her host vamp? I’m not.” Hiael quickly retreats after his own question.
Every new vampire needs a host vamp. They need their host’s blood to be able to feel full. If not, they can be a little destructive and drink a lot of blood than a usual vampire. Just like Jasper. He needs five big bottles a day, while we only need two or three maximum, and no! It is not a small matter, they crave human blood almost all the time as well.
“Not me.” Ricardo shook his head too. “She smells so sweet it’s very sickening. Jusarlie is better than me.”
“He’s still talking with the girl?” Sarco asked curiously.
“They’re sitting next to each other!” Jasper couldn’t believe it too.
“We haven’t decided yet.” I answered honestly. “Her host vamp.”
“So… we’re going to train her first?” Hiael asked us confusedly.
“Yes.” Saine nodded. “We’ll see later, maybe she will also choose a host along the way.”
“It’s settled then.” I nod and stand up. “Hiael, Jasper, Ricardo, Sarco, you’re in charge of hunting. Fetch us a healthy delicious reindeer. Jasper, do you still remember how human food taste?”
“I don’t know?” Jasper is confused. Doesn’t matter, I’m pretty sure he still remembers.
“Great, you’re going to oversee the food. You can guide and order around our chefs and maids about the food for our special guest.”
Jasper nods hesitantly.
“Dismiss.” They obey my orders and quickly move to do as told. I went downstairs again with Saine.
“Apologize for making you wait.” I smile at our guest, Sarco is right. She’s beautiful. I offer my hand to shake hers, “Jestel Sinflame.���
“I should be the one who’s apologizing, Mr. Sinflame.” She smiles back at me, her eyes are smiling too. She shakes my hand, “Iolana Sterling.”
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© ily-sunghoon, 2024
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clangenrising · 11 months ago
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Month 13 - Newleaf
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Russetfrond scarfed down his morning meal and went over his responsibilities in his head. Sparrowpaw and the others were due for an assessment in their hunting and survival skills that he needed to design with Goldenstar and Yarrowshade. Patrols were mostly in order except for Mystique. He still didn’t like putting her into his schedule but Goldenstar had been clear that she needed daily exercise. At least she had agreed not to send the kittypet on any kind of Border Patrol, at his request.
It took him a while to balance out the patrols to accommodate her, shuffling duties around here and there, but eventually he had a solid plan. He stood, stretched, and sighed. Deciding to get the most unpleasant task out of the way first, he turned towards the elders’ den where a sleepy Ospreymask was sitting watch. If he hurried and took Mystique out now, they would hopefully get back before the dawn patrol returned. 
He stepped up to the den and flicked his ear in Ospreymask’s direction, saying, “I’ll take over.” 
“Thanks,” she yawned and slinked off towards the warriors’ den. 
Mystique stirred inside the den. Curled up in the back corner, she lifted her head and pursed her lips. She seemed to have been awake for some time although she still seemed tired and hollow eyed. Her thick fur was starting to tangle as her winter shed came out poorly. He wondered absently if she even knew how to properly groom herself or if she let her twolegs do everything for her. 
“Hey,” she said, “What’s up?” 
“We’re going out,” he said. “I want to get your exercise out of the way before it gets too late.”
“Oh, alright,” she stood, ears brushing the top of the den, and slipped up beside him with a soft jingle. He stepped out of the way and let her arch her back and stretch her legs.
“I figured we’d go to the river and you could swim for a bit or something.”
“Wait, really?” she brightened. 
“Yes,” he scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Just as long as you agree to come back when I say we’re done.”
“Yeah, of course,” she nodded. 
“Good.” He set off out of camp, confident that she would follow. The morning was still young. The sun had just started to banish the chill of night from the air and birds were singing to each other from the distant trees. He and Mystique walked in silence for a while, simply basking in the beauty of morning. 
Mystique eventually ruined it by speaking. “Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something.” 
“Oh?” He raised his brows skeptically. Hopefully it wasn’t another rendition of her ‘why does everyone hate me’ act. He’d heard from Branchbark all about her little incident during the Gathering and he wasn’t happy about it. 
“Yeah, um,” Mystique said, looking at the ground, “I’ve been thinking - About my brother and everything - and… I want to try and help you guys.”
“Pardon?” he nearly laughed. 
“I want to help,” she said, a little bolder. “Scorch is right, I’ve been way too passive. I may not fully understand what’s going on yet, but clearly you cats have a lot to lose and I want to help you. I was thinking maybe I could teach some combat drills or something? Y’know, help you hold your own.” 
This time Russetfrond really did laugh. “Yeah, right! We don’t need fighting tips from a kittypet.” The idea was completely absurd! Insulting, even!
Mystique frowned. “I’ll have you know, I’m better than most cats back in the city!”
“That’s not saying much,” he shook his head at the comedy of the situation. 
“I’m almost as good as Razor!” she insisted. “I bet I’m better than you! Hell, I know I am.” His shoulders tightened in offense. 
“Is that so?” he growled, puffing up his fur a bit. 
“Yeah,” she smirked and leaned down a bit to be more evenly on his level. “Try me and see.” 
“Fine,” he said, slowing to a stop. “Show me what you’ve got and I’ll see if your offer is worth anything.” They had stopped in the dip between two hills where pooling snowmelt had caused the grass to grow in thick and towering. It swayed above their heads gently, blocking out the rest of the world and nearly obscuring them from each other in its density. 
Russetfrond took a defensive stance. Mystique wiggled down into a crouch, tail tip twitching with eagerness. Russetfrond could already tell that she wasn’t taking this seriously - her smile was too bright, her gaze too scattered. This would be over quickly.
She moved in, tested his guard with a few swipes, and he danced easily to the side. He swiped at her ears with claws sheathed. Mystique ducked under the blow with surprising grace for her size and slipped into the opening he had given her. Her paws wrapped around his torso and her weight carried him off his feet and into the grass. 
They rolled for a beat, Russetfrond hissing and Mystique purring, and landed with him on his back looking up at her. He kicked out with his hind legs and she took the blow without a flinch, then whacked him sharply on the head causing his vision to swim. She snapped at one of his paws as he tried to swat her, twisted so the other swipe struck the back of her head, and rolled onto her side to avoid another strike of his hind paws. 
He rolled with her, onto his paws, and swatted her face twice, confident that, had this been a real fight, she would have been struggling to see through the blood. Mystiquer let out a mrrp of enjoyment and lunged. Her forepaws hooked around his neck and pulled his face into her chest before he knew what was happening. He struggled in the suffocating volume of her fur, unable to stop her as she rolled and flipped him over her body onto his side. Her hindpaws slammed into him, rabbit kicking over and over into his side. He hissed furiously and tucked his head to slam it up into her chin. She reeled, let him go, and he tumbled away. If this were real, he would be bleeding profusely from his flank, but for now he was simply panting heavily, struggling for breath. 
“That was-” he didn’t get to finish. Somehow she was on her paws again and barreling into him. His surprise let her take him to the ground again and she quickly pressed his face into the dirt with one paw. Tail bristling, he tried to rise but suddenly her teeth were in his scruff, causing his legs to seize instinctively. His cheeks flushed hotly at the predicament. 
“Alright!” he hissed quickly, “You win!” He needed her to let him go. 
“Told you I was better than you.” He could feel the shape of her grin against his fur. He forced his body to move and tried to wiggle out from under her but she shifted to put a hindpaw on his haunches, pressing him flat into the ground. His stomach fluttered, only serving to make him even more embarrassed. 
“You proved your point,” he growled, “let me up.” They were both breathing hard, her fur brushing his back every time she inhaled. 
“Say please,” she ordered smugly between breaths. 
“No,” he growled, his skin buzzing uncomfortably with some kind of energy. He felt dizzy. 
“Aww, come on,” she said, her teeth thankfully letting go of his scruff. He summoned his strength and rolled onto his back, paws ready to swipe at her if she tried anything else, but she just smiled at him and tilted her head, one paw raised as if they were playing a game. He found it hard to swallow. 
“You put up a pretty good fight,” she panted, flopping down next to him. 
“You too,” Russetfrond admitted begrudgingly, letting his arms go slack. The grass swayed above and around them, a world of lush green with a small glimpse of cloudless, blue sky. It muted the birdsong and the sound of the wind, leaving them alone with only their slowing breaths to listen to. 
“I won!” she purred, “I’d say I was more than pretty good.” He didn’t want to say it but he was inclined to agree. Neither of them spoke again until they had mostly regained control of their breathing. Russetfrond still felt dizzy though, dizzy and warm and hungry for something he couldn’t explain. 
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“Wanna go again?” she whispered, like it was a secret. He knew he needed to say no. He knew that he was standing on the precipice of something very big and very exciting and very dangerous and that if he didn’t leave now he wouldn’t be able to fight the hold it had on him. 
“Alright,” he breathed, the edge of a smile daring to pull at his lips. He swallowed hard again. Mystique grinned wider than he’d ever seen, looking like she was hungry too. 
“Hell yeah,” she said. “Maybe you can try and pin me this time.” Russetfrond thought he would like that very much. 
“Don’t go easy on me,” he said, getting back to his paws. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” she chuckled, swishing her silky tail around herself as she huddled into an eager crouch. 
“Good,” said Russetfrond. He jumped.
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bambiiboop · 1 year ago
A Breath Of Fresh Air ( Veracruz x AFAB!F!Reader )
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Summary: you get caught outside after curfew. Luckily for you, Veracruz is open to … negotiations. (This is basically a transcription of a dream I had. Whoops.)
CWs: DUBCON / Overstimulation / Double Penetration / Impact Play (Slapping & Spanking) / Degradation / Rough sex / Anal play / Unsafe PIV Sex / Oral Sex (M!Recieving) / Squirting / Extremely dirty talk / Transactional sex / Bordering on Dead Dove.
Notes: please read the warnings and consume content at your own risk & responsibility. Credit for giving Veracruz his first name goes to @ezras--moon & @ariundercovers 🩷
You just wanted some fresh air. A breather from the stuffy house you’d been confined to with the rest of your group. Generally, when a militia takes over town, you stay out of their way.
You’ve never been the smartest; rounding the corner of the alleyway, you almost walk right into him. Not just any asshole with a gun, but the leader of the unit. Fuck.
Leandro Veracruz isn’t a patient man, not really. He saves all limited patience for his job, to keep control over his unit and appear to be the cold, calculated leader that he is. You don’t rise to the rank he holds at the age he is, without being a little ruthless.
You’ve heard of his reputation. The way he doesn’t seem to care about cutting down anyone who gets in his way. You’re certain there has to be some sort of driving motive behind how he is; it’s rare for people to be the way he is without motive, but still.
“You’re out after curfew.”
You know that he is, undeniably, a bad guy, but nonetheless, that heavily accented, dark tone sends a shiver down your spine for all the wrong reasons. Maybe it’s that stupid, primal reaction that makes you choose honesty, rather than trying to craft a feasible lie.
“I know. I’m sorry, I just. I really needed some air.” As soon as the words are out of your mouth, you realise how stupid you sound. It only serves to sink in further when he raises an eyebrow at you.
“You needed some air? After curfew? Did you consider maybe opening a window?” He’s tired; it’s late, and one of his people has come down with the flu, so he’s covering his patrol instead of sleeping. It’s made him a little more short tempered than usual. “You know you could be shot for this, yes?”
You visibly shrink in on yourself, and Leo almost feels bad. Almost. He knows what it’s like to be cooped up in a small space, can’t really blame you for wanting to get out, but the rules are the rules, and he has a reputation to protect.
“Are you going to shoot me?” You ask finally.
He shakes his head, rolls his eyes. “If I was going to shoot you, pajarito, I would have done so by now. I am going to have to arrest you, though.”
You shiver again, thinking of the overcrowded cells in the local station, the lawlessness that goes on in there. You could be assaulted, stabbed, beaten, and nobody would blink an eye. Absolutely not. Which leaves…
“Maybe we can work out some sort of compromise?” The way you say the last word, the way you pause before you deliver it in a somewhat suggestive tone, makes it entirely clear to him what you mean.
Leandro has absolutely no trouble getting women; he knows he’s attractive, knows the right things to say and do. He’s not above paying for company, either. It’s been a while, though, given the latest operation, and frankly? You offering as a bribe is entertaining him… entertaining him and intriguing him.
He looks you up and down, then nods.
“I’m sure we could come up with some sort of deal, yes.” A lazy smirk crosses his face as his hand moves to almost caress the cuffs at his belt. “Do I need to cuff you, or are you going to follow me quietly?”
It doesn’t escape your notice that he’s armed; a handgun, a rifle, and a wicked looking knife sheathed in his belt.
“No, I’ll be good.”
“Good answer.” He nods approvingly, beckons you forward. He leads you through the alleyway, through a back gate into the little house he’s taken over as base; his people are inside, but his command centre outside is set up in a tent. It’s a durable, triple canvas layer thing built to withstand pretty much any weather.
Lit by a lantern swinging from the roof, it’s a practical, spartan, and yet somehow still cosy place. It doesn’t need to be furnished or fancy; he’s got a table, a gun locker, a duffle bag, and his bed in there. That’s all he needs.
The bed is a foam travel mattress laid out on stacked and nailed together pallets. No point carting a proper bed around on deployment. It’s not the most comfortable, but it’ll do. It serves his purpose just fine, and given the circumstances, you aren’t about to complain.
You’ve seen him shoot people in the centre of town before. Seen the way his people handle things. The fact that he’s even taking this rather than just outright punishing you for breaking the law is a good sign… you think.
He puts both the handgun and the rifle in the gun locker, then turns back to you.
“Strip.” He moves past you to flop down onto the bed, folding his arms behind his head and watching you lazily. For a moment, you consider running. You’d have a head start. But then he’d probably find you, and definitely shoot you. Besides, this was your idea.
You take your time removing each layer, trying to at least make it look somewhat enticing rather than awkward. You never quite know how people in movies manage to make stripping down for sex look enticing. Maybe you’re just clumsy.
When you’re entirely bare to his gaze, he beckons you over.
“Come here, tímida, I’m not going to hurt you… much.” A wicked grin crosses his stupidly handsome face as you nervously do as you’re told, letting him pull you onto his lap. A tiny squeak leaves you when you feel how hard he is against your core, the rough material of his cargo pants brushing against your sensitive skin.
Fuck. You’re terrified of him, yes, but you want him, you realise. Badly.
“Much?” You raise an eyebrow at him, “I thought the deal was you don’t hurt me at all.”
There’s that wicked grin again, sinfully smug this time.
“I won’t do anything you don’t beg me for.” His fingers grip your hips roughly, making you acutely aware of how much bigger than you he is. That does absolutely nothing to curb the desire that’s starting to build in you; this was supposed to be a transaction, a way to get yourself out of trouble, but you’re starting to get the feeling that you’re going to enjoy this far more than you first expected.
“Is that right?” You manage a little smirk, lips parting in an embarrassingly needy moan when he deliberately grinds you down against the length of his cock. The very, very obvious length of him. Fuck.
His fingers wander inwards, splay across your thighs, thumbs rubbing across your skin.
“Careful…” he warns, but his voice is softer than he intended. Still, it does the trick, and you nod, pliable and submissive to his touch once more.
“That’s better…” He nods approvingly, keeps one hand holding you firmly in place while the other wanders almost lazily between your thighs, finding your swollen, aching clit and rubbing firmly. It’s not the touch of someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing, and briefly, a pang of envy strikes you as you think of how many other countless, nameless women have been turned to pliant mush under his touch.
“I’ll make it good for you,” he almost purrs it as he leans up so you’re chest to chest, “though it seems like you’re more than willing as it is…”
His fingers lazily drag through your slick, teasing your core, barely slipping inside. You whimper again, louder and needy at the feeling of the very tips of his callused fingers pressing inside you. You can feel your slick dripping onto his fingers, down his hand, coating his pants. Slowly, he presses his fingers in deeper, curling them enough to make you cry out, before he’s pulling them out, spreading your thighs wider, fingertips teasing your other hole, wet with your own slick.
You shiver under the touch, but you don’t flinch away.
“Knew it,” he almost mutters to himself, leaning in to drag his teeth down your throat. “Knew you were a dirty little whore. Bet you’re going to cum the second I slide my cock into this pretty little cunt.” He punctuates the last word with a sharp slap to your clit, making you cry out and flinch away. You don’t hate it, though, it just surprises you.
“Well? Are you just going to sit here and look pathetic?” His hands seize your wrists, drag your hands to his belt buckle and settle them there, leaving you no doubt as to what he wants you to do. You’d only been waiting for express permission, really, your hands making short work of the belt, unzipping his pants and reaching in to wrap your fingers around his cock, freeing his length from its confines.
You have to bite down on your lip to keep your jaw from dropping. Fuck, he’s huge. Thick and curved and fuck, how is he going to fit? You run your fingers up and down his cock, thumb teasing at the tip before you meet his narrow eyed gaze.
“Stop fucking around.” He almost growls it at you, yanking you closer to him again, lifting you effortlessly so he can wrap his hand around his cock and notch it at your dripping entrance. “Montarlo, bebita.”
Ride it, baby. Oh, fuck, how you intend to.
The words are surprisingly soft as he guides you down onto him, inch by inch, letting you sink down onto him slowly. Your lips part in a filthy moan as you wriggle your hips, flush against him now. Taking a moment to breathe, you start to move, knowing he won’t just let you sit still for long.
You lift yourself up, slowly at first, then sink back down, getting faster with each movement until you’re bouncing on his cock, a string of little moans falling from your lips as one of his big hands seizes a fistful of your ass and squeezes tight, then slaps, hard enough to leave a mark.
Your cunt tightens painfully around him with each slap, knowing an imprint of his hand will be left there. Just when the slaps are really starting to hurt, he draws his hand away, settles both on your hips and guides you up and down his cock, rough and needy as his hips buck to meet you.
When he’s got you in a rhythm that he likes, he moves to rub at your clit again, clearly rewarding you for doing something that he likes. Veracruz doesn’t bother pretending he isn’t enjoying this, the way your eyes drop closed, the way you tighten around him every time he rocks his hips up.
You move your hands to brace on his chest as you ride him, lost in the feeling of him buried to the hilt inside you. Fuck, he feels so good, you don’t even care about the circumstances in which you ended up here, all that matters is the overwhelming feeling of pleasure building in you as you ride him.
“Fuck, please, give me more,” you beg him, desperate and needy and forgetting your place entirely. He’s not a good man, is allowing you to think you’re in charge because it amuses him, but the idea that he isn’t giving you enough somehow? Fine. He’ll see whether you can handle him.
He seizes your wrists in one hand, pushes you backwards and pins you beneath him, caging you in. You whine pathetically at the sudden emptiness where he’s pulled out of you.
“Greedy little slut, aren’t you? I bet if I cuffed you to this bed and stuffed my cock down your throat you’d thank me for it, wouldn’t you?”
You whimper beneath him, rubbing your thighs together, desperate for some sort of friction on your aching clit, cunt pulsing with sheer need.
“But that’s not what you want, is it?”
You shake your head, and his open palm lightly collides with your cheek.
“Answer me. That’s not what you want, is it? So tell me what it is that you want, and maybe, maybe I’ll give it to you.” He drags the tip of his cock through your soaked folds, practising every step of self control he possesses not to just pin your thighs up under your chin and fuck you senseless.
“N-no, that’s not what I want.” Your cheek stings from the slap, but you love it, want him to be rough with you, want to feel him all over for days to come. And somehow, you know, that all you have to do is ask, and he’ll give it to you.
“Tell. Me.” He growls, leaning down to devour your lips in a heated kiss, knotting his fingers into your hair to yank your head to the side so he can suck a deep purple mark into the soft skin above your collarbone.
“I want you everywhere,” you tell him; he releases your wrists and immediately you move to undo his shirt, help him discard it before you drag your nails lightly up his back, “I want your beautiful fat cock stuffed inside me and your fingers in my ass. I want you to make it hurt, make it hurt so good I don’t want anyone else.”
Fuck. He practically growls at the words. Roughly spreads your thighs, hooks them up over his shoulders, lines himself up and plunges into you, making no effort to be slow, bottoming out almost immediately. The sting of your nails on the muscle of his back makes him think you’ve drawn blood, but he doesn’t give a shit. All that matters is the way your eyes roll back slightly as he fills you, the way your tight, wet little cunt seemingly sucks him in deeper, molding to every curve in his cock as your body adjusts to him again.
“Is that all?” Veracruz demands as he rocks his hips slowly, drawing another tantalising moan from your lips.
“I want you to keep going, even when it’s too much.” You reply, arching your back up to get closer to him. You don’t care whether he’s a bad man, whether he could kill you, all that matters is how he feels inside you.
“Greedy,” he pulls almost entirely out of you and slams back in, throbbing painfully at the obscene mewl you make, “fucking,” he repeats the motion, “whore.”
He slams into you, hard and fast, the tent echoing with the sound of skin roughly slapping together, your needy moans and his growls and grunts of pleasure. His teeth graze your throat, the curve of your tits, sucking greedily at your hardened nipples and biting down lightly. Almost without warning, you tighten around him, milking his cock as you gush and soak his cock, your slick dripping out of your abused cunt, down his cock, dripping down his balls as he fucks you.
“Fuck, that’s it, bebita, give me another one, go on~” he tilts his hips just so, the velvet soft head of his cock hitting your sweet spot with each and every thrust, making you scream out for him, soak him again, convulsing slightly beneath him.
“That’s it,” he groans, pulls out of you briefly just so he can flip you onto your front, pausing onto to stuff a pillow beneath you to prop you up at the angle he wants you.
“Fuck,” he draws it out into a long, drawn out groan as he sinks back into you, loving the way you feel on all fours, “look at you.”
One hand fists into your hair, yanking you up into position.
“You’re going to be a good girl for me, aren’t you?”
You’re still dazed from two back to back orgasms, but you nod as best you can. You hear the impact of his free hand on your ass before you feel it, a sharp crack that echoes through the tent.
“You answer me when I speak to you.”
“Y-yes. I’ll be good.” You almost whimper it as he starts to move, releasing your hair and rubbing soothing circles on your bruised ass.
You can feel your own slick still between your ass cheeks, unbothered when his big hands spread them gently as he fucks into you slowly.
“Does my pretty, pathetic little whore still want all of her holes filled?” His voice is slightly mocking as he teases his finger around the tight ring of muscle, making you shiver. “Is my cock not enough?”
“It is,” you whimper as he slams into you again, “but please… ‘m greedy, just wanna be filled up, please~”
You’re babbling, but neither of you care. You’re too cock drunk, and he fucking loves it.
“Such a good girl for me, you should have what you want…”
As he speaks, he presses a single finger into your ass, knuckle deep, slow enough to let you adjust. When you moan and try to press yourself back against him, wanting both his cock and his finger deeper, he chuckles low in his chest, draws his finger out only to press two back in.
You moan, loud, obscene, feeling so wonderfully, deliciously full as he starts to move his fingers in rhythm with his cock, scissoring them slightly to make you mewl and wriggle beneath him.
The hand that isn’t occupied with fucking your ass moves around to roughly palm at your tits, pinching and teasing your nipples as he fucks you, harder and faster, hand moving down to tease your clit.
It’s too much, but exactly what you wanted, tears springing to your eyes as you tighten and gush around his cock again and again, his fingers insistently plucking at your clit like a practised guitarist until you collapse on the bed, unable to hold yourself up.
“Please, I need~” you simultaneously want him to stop, and don’t, because you want him to come, want him to fill you up and make you ache with need.
“Does my little whore need something?” His voice is low, breathing slightly labored with the effort of keeping his own release at bay.
“Do you want to be filled with my cum? I’m not stupid, princesa, you can have it in your mouth or your ass, I’ll be generous and let you decide.”
Slowly he draws his fingers out of your ass, slowing his thrusts to torturously languid, giving you time to decide.
“My mouth, please,” you beg him, “I wanna taste you…”
He groans, pulls out of you and smirks slightly at the sight; your cunt is swollen from how roughly he’s fucked you, drenched in your own slick and fluids and his pre cum.
“Hands and knees.” He instructs as he gets up off the bed, beckons you to the edge of it as you obey, crawling to him on shaking limbs.
You part your lips obediently, let him feed every inch of his cock into your mouth, tongue flicking at the soft head briefly before you take him, nose brushing the soft curls at the base of him.
He moans, a loud, drawn out grunt as he rocks his hips. He’s so fucking close, you barely need to do anything, but you do, sucking him greedily, working your tongue around him as his fingers curl into your hair, roughly guiding you.
“Fuck, that’s it, bebita, my pretty little whore, you have such a filthy mouth, ‘m gonna cum down this pretty mouth, you’re gonna take it, take all of it…” he groans, trailing off into broken Spanish as his hips stutter, spilling hot, thick ropes of his spend into your mouth, down your throat.
Greedily you drink him down, make a show of licking him clean, and he groans in appreciation at the sight.
When he eventually pulls his slowly softening cock from your mouth, you look up at him with a slightly cheeky smile on your face.
“So… I’m guessing you’re not gonna shoot me?”
“No.” He agrees, and then a slightly wicked grin curves his face, “but I’m not letting you go, either.”
Maybe it’s the hormones, maybe you’re just cock drunk, or maybe you’ve never been the smartest. Either way, you look him up and down with a sleepy smile.
“Seems okay to me.”
Like you have a choice. Like you really mind, either way.
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fantasyworld4ever · 2 years ago
I would like to uno reverse and ask how the elves (yep, all the LOTR/hobbit elves you write for) would react to their s/o keeping them warm, whether it be with a blanket, an extra cloak, or even magically radiating warmth.
Istg this poor guy will survive the cold for you
You don’t realize it’s cold but when you look over at Elrond he’s quite literally shivering from cold
You quickly deduce that the poor ellon has stayed out simply because you were
You chuckle fondly, finding it sweet as you drape a coat/blanket over him and he blinks at you in surprise
He tries to protest but you glare at him and he shuts up
No, just no. 
This man will refuse to take your coat
Anyway, he wouldn't even be out in the cold
If he finds it cold, there is no way he’s letting you go out
Dude does not get cold
Have you seen him running through those snowy places?
Yeah, he's too jumpy to be cold
He will politely reject your coat if you ask though
This poor sweet innocent baby 😭
He won’t wait for you to offer it, he’s gonna just grab it then apologize as he wraps himself in it
Literally freezing
He’ll be okay, he snuggles against you for extra warmth
Dude patrols borders, he’s used to it
May actually fall asleep standing up in the cold
You just wrap the blanket around him and he’ll stir slightly
Poor bby, he’s so tired
He’ll hold you tight, swaddling you in the blanket too
He will snatch your blanket quicker than you can say his name
He’ll apologize but he aint sorry at all
He is COLD.
Let him have the damn blanket xD
Sweet bby
He won’t say anything even if the air is a bit chilly
He’ll do his best to hide it but you soon realize just how cold he is
“Thank you, meleth.” He’ll smile at you as you drape the blanket over his shoulders but insists you both share it
“My lady/lord, it’s cold” He’ll comment on the chilliness of the air as you stroll through the garden
No matter how many times you tell him to call you your name he will insist on using your title in public
When you give him your coat he looks surprised and tries to protest but soon gives in, wrapping it around himself
“Thank you, meleth…” He’ll whisper, his ears red
{Thanks for the request and hope it lives up to your expectations! Apologies for the wait. And as always, my inbox is open!}
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dizzybee03 · 1 year ago
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Something Sinful Happening on Sunday
A Beau “Cyclone” Simpson x OC (Ryan Reagan) story. #3 in the series
Warnings: slight smut (dry humping)
6 weeks, 42 days, 1008 hours, that's how much time had passed since Ryan and Beau’s first date. In that time the two had been together as much as they possibly could- between life as a police officer and Navy admiral that looked a little different for them than most couples.
 True to his word, Beau had been nothing but a gentleman and they had taken things slow and not rushed into having sex. Sure there had been lots of cuddling and making out like teenagers but there had also been many hours just spent talking until the wee hours of the morning.
Ryan’s work schedule was not normal and made it hard to plan normal dates since one week she may be off on Wednesday and Thursday while the next she may be off Friday and Saturday . Beau didn’t mind, he understood better than most what crazy schedules were like and was willing to meet up whenever Ryan was available. That meant the two met for lunch (almost everyday in fact) and a few evenings a week Beau drove to Ryan’s house to spend an hour or two with her after her shift. This week Beau had invited Ryan over on her Sunday off-he wanted to impress her with his culinary skills.
As Ryan pulled her 1970 black and gold El Camino into the driveway of Beau’s 2 story bungalow she felt the weight of the work week lift away. Work had been extra grueling this week and she was having a hard time shaking it. An evening with Beau was just what she needed though and she couldn't wait to get inside and be in his calming presence.
“Honey I’m home” Ryan said as she walked in the front door without knocking and closed it behind her.  “I’m in the kitchen '' Beau hollers in response. Ryan kicked her shoes off, placing them neatly under the bench in the entryway before heading towards the kitchen at the back of the house. Everything in Beau’s house had a place and Ryan tried to respect that when she was there.
“Smells heavenly in here” Ryan said, walking up behind Beau and wrapping her arms around his waist.  He turned around in her embrace kissing her softly on the lips before taking in her appearance. The circles under her eyes were dark and her small smile wasn’t quite as bright as it normally was when she said “try to ignore the fact that I look like a hot mess.  I had every intention of wearing something cute tonight but couldn’t find the energy to do more than throw my hair up and change into these old sweats.”
“Sweets you take my breath away no matter what you have on. Did you get your errands done this morning like you wanted?”
“No, not at all, I had every intention of getting up when my alarm went off and pretending to be a productive member of society but instead I slept until noon and then binged The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. I didn’t move off my couch until it was time to drag my lazy ass over here.”
“ I think you’re allowed to have a lazy day after the week you had. I know you're tired and stressed out.  Did you end up saying anything to Sgt Hollon about your concerns for Officer Roberts not being cut out for patrol?”
“I’m not sure she wanted to hear what I had to say but yeah I talked to her. I get that his dad is a big wig on the city council, but that shouldn’t matter when the kid continues to make big mistakes. I asked him twice last night if he had searched the suspect we were getting ready to transport to the jail. He told me twice that he had and yet when I searched the guy I found 2 crack rocks in the toe of his sock. Not to mention the fact that twice this week he failed to do an inspection of our squad car before our shift started….I’ve taught him to do this not only to CYA (Cover Your Ass) but for officer safety.  Luckily I didn’t trust that it had been done and went ahead to check the back seats. I’m glad I did too because someone had ditched a knife under the bench seat. It’s bordering on an officer safety issue. Not to mention the fact that he sucks at building rapport, can’t write a report to save his life and instead of de-escalating situations has a way of making them worse.  Last night  I thought about leaving my gear in the driveway and telling command to just come get it cause I quit.  Shit I’m sorry for just throwing that all at you.”
“Don’t apologize, that’s what I’m here for. Sometimes it helps to just get that stuff off your chest even if it just comes barreling out in a jumbled mess. ”Beau said while running his hands up and down Ryan's back.  I’m just sorry your week has been so stressful and that the department seems to be showing so much favoritism because this douchebag's dad is on the city council. Maybe…..”Beau started to say before being interrupted by Ryan’s mouth covering his own in a kiss that was meant to stop him from talking.
“I don’t really wanna talk about work anymore tonight” she said before kissing Beau again quickly.
He chuckled saying “what DO you wanna do then?”
“Well…..first I wanna eat whatever yummy goodness you’ve got in the oven and then I wanna cuddle up on the couch with you…….and maybe make out like horny teenagers”.
“It’s chicken parmigiana and garlic bread and you definitely make me feel like a horny teenager. I’ve taken more cold showers in the last month and a half than I care to admit” Beau said while fixing a plate of food and handing it to Ryan.
“I’d apologize but I’m really not sorry” Ryan said, smacking Beau’s ass before taking the food and sitting at the small table in the kitchen.  “How was golf with Solomon?” She asked.
“It was alright, like usual he kicked my ass. I’m honestly not sure why I keep agreeing to play with him. Sol wants to have you and I over for dinner with him and Muriel one night soon. I told him I’d talk with you and see what your next nights off looked like.”
The conversation continued to flow while they ate dinner and once the dinner mess had been cleaned up they settled in the living room. Beau turned the TV on changing it to the NFL RedZone channel saying “Chargers are playing the Steelers tonight, mind if we watch for a bit?”
“Nope, I don’t mind” the two spent the next half hour sitting side by side on Beau’s couch watching football. Ryan was absent-mindedly running her fingernails up and down Beau’s thigh. Twice Beau’s breath hitched as Ryan’s hand got dangerously high. Ryan shifted closer to Beau on the couch, his arm behind her back and his hand caressing the side of her breast. Silently Ryan turned and straddled Beau’s lap. Her hands went to his hair as she whispered “I’m gonna need you to kiss me.”
“I think I can handle that.” Beau said, his voice thick with lust. His hand that was  tangled in Ryan’s hair  pulled her head down so that their noses were touching, their lips seeking each other out in the most sensual kiss. It was as if their tongues were dancing the tango. The kiss was slow, but intense. Beau’s other hand was kneading Ryan’s firm ass. The sensation caused her to rock her hips back and forth. There was no denying how turned on they both were. Ryan could feel Beau’s impossibly hard erection underneath her as she continued to rock her clothed hips back and forth over Beau’s. Kissing down his chin and neck  Ryan moaned “God Beau I’m gonna cum.”
“Do it baby, you've got me close too” he said as the hand that had been on her ass came around and started palming her covered pussy. His thumb stroked her clit causing Ryan to rock her hips in a frenzied manner, Beau's own hips jerked up the faster that Ryan went bucking up one last time as he climaxed while Ryan leaned back slightly squeezing her covered breasts as she rode out her own high. Ryan slumped over Beau’s shoulder, tucking her head into the side of his neck chuckling. “What’s so funny?” Beau asked.
“Oh just the fact that it’s been long enough since I’ve had sex that you barely touched me and I came like it was my first time. Can you imagine how good it’s gonna be when we do this with our clothes off? God it’s almost sinful the way you make me feel.”
“Honey I think about it all the time. Now if you’ll excuse me I need to go clean myself up and change my pants because you aren’t the only one that came like it was your first time.” Beau said, rising up from the couch.
“Don’t take too long Admiral, the football game is almost over and then it’s my turn to pick a show.” Ryan said, pinching Beau’s ass as he walked off towards his bedroom. “Aye aye ma’am” he said, giving her a mock salute.
Ryan settled back on the couch chuckling to herself “we are such horny teenagers.”
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cosmica-galaxy · 1 year ago
Do the boys have friends? Who do they hang out with and talk to outside of the human? As cool and fabulous as they are, they can't spend all their time obsessing over the human; that's just plain unhealthy! You've got to have a healthy balance between all of your friend groups! ^v^
Yes, they do actually! All the alliance members have some units they talk to outside of the human's influence. Usually members of their own faction. Such as Vee talking to the tv woman and her bodyguards regularly or Camron talking to Malco or the newbie group he first arrived with. DJ has a whole battalion of friends and buddies he hangs out with regularly. Buddy has gotten to know a few units around the base. Primarily the main trio, like Camron. They hang out from time to time, but his priority is usually the human and the pack. But he's not glued to their side like I make him seem he is. He patrols the territory of the base and does routine checks for any mimic nests that get too close to the base border for comfort. He also oversees any other camera mimics that join the pack after all the main guys do. Pal visits his old pack regularly! He flies out from time to time to go visit them and check on how his older home is doing. It's natural for speaker mimics to visit old nesting grounds and it's akin to him visiting his childhood hometown before he moved away to join the human and the alliance. It brings peace of mind to him that his old friends and elders, as well as their new youngins, are okay and out of bombing range of the skibidis. His old home is also called "sanctuary" by the way! Fiend...doesn't really have many friends. It's mostly because he's pretty introverted and very intimidating to the units. Whom avoid him whenever they can. He's a lonely soul deep inside, but how he was raised combats the desire to reach out and befriend others. TV mimics are solitary and don't meet up or pair up with outsiders...well...typically. How he joined the human was because he grew tired of the lifestyle. TV mimics also don't visit their parents once they're older. They get pushed from the nest and they have to make a living for themselves and survive. It's a hard-knock life for TV mimics. But when the opportunity to change his desolate lifestyle came to him in the form of a strange group of mimics traveling with, and being LED by, a prey item...he decided to take the chance and change his fate. So now, he's friends with the human. Even if he won't admit it, he's friends with Buddy and Pal too. They all filled that deep cold hole in his heart and he would sooner die than admit it. But the human knows.
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talonslockau · 7 months ago
Forest of Secrets - Chapter 31
Chapter 30 || Index || Chapter 32
The sun was just beginning to light the sky as Fireheart plodded alongside Lionheart, doing his best to refrain from yawning. He had been assigned to yet another dawn border patrol, and between his heavy eyelids and the cold it was hard to keep moving. Still, he didn’t want to disappoint the mighty warrior beside him, and so he did his best to trudge along through the slush of half-melted snow.
“I don’t see why Tigerclaw has to keep sending four of us out on Riverclan patrols. I haven’t scented any intruders in ages.” He perked his ears as Mistspring groaned behind him, doing his best to suppress another yawn as he glanced back at her. “It seems Riverclan finally heeded Bluestar’s warning from the Gathering.”
Fireheart was grateful he was already bushed out to keep the cold at bay; none of the other cats could see the tingle of anxiety that laced down his spine at the thought of the Riverclan intruder, who he knew to be Silverstream. Thankfully, she seemed to have been keeping her word since the Gathering, and only meeting with Graystripe at Fourtrees.
“Or perhaps they’re just content with their own territory now that the ice is beginning to thaw.” Lionheart pointed out from beside him. “If it gets cold again, I’m sure they’ll start wandering across our borders once more. Crookedstar was also quite aggressive during the last Gathering, too. I can’t blame Tigerclaw for being cautious, given all of that.”
The ginger tom glanced down at the river, which was still held at bay by a layer of ice. Lionheart was right that it seemed thinner than before, more transparent than he remembered it. He didn’t dwell on it too much, instead focusing up ahead as they approached a border marker.
“I guess. I just wish we had something exciting to do, to break up the monotony. At this point, I’d almost welcome-”
The entire patrol turned in surprise at the yowl that had cut Mistspring off. He blinked in confusion as Cinderspark bounded towards them, ice clinging to her fluffy pelt. “Cinderspark? What are you doing out here? I thought you were supposed to be guarding Brokentail this morning.” Once again, a tingle of anxiety raced up his back. Why was she here? Surely he hadn’t done anything else wrong-
“I went all along the border looking for you guys! You’re so hard to find sometimes, you know that?” She complained loudly, scaring off several birds in the trees above. He squinted at her, still confused as to why she was here, and flicked his tail for her to hurry up. “Anyways, Dewpaw says Princess wants to see you!”
His heart began to beat faster. “Princess? Did she say why? She’s not in danger, is she?” Suddenly a thousand possibilities were racing through his mind. Had Dustleap been right? Maybe his sister had tired of the forest life, after all, and wanted to return back to her Twolegs. Maybe he had expected too much of her, to hope that she could be as comfortable in a Clan as he was. Maybe-
“Oh yeah! Dewpaw also said to tell you that Princess was kitting, and you should come quickly.” Cinderspark answered brightly, seemingly oblivious to what she was actually saying. 
Princess was kitting?
He felt as though he had been shoved into the river below, his blood going ice-cold in an instant. “Princess- okay- she’s?” He stuttered out, his tongue feeling useless in his mouth. He turned to Whitestorm, the leader of the patrol, with a silent plea to let him return to camp early.
Whitestorm dipped his broad head smoothly in response, anticipating his question before he could figure out how to ask it. “Of course, Fireheart. Cinderspark, why don’t you finish the patrol with us instead? I imagine you already got someone to cover guarding Brokentail in your place.”
“Of course! It’s so boring and stuffy in camp, anyways.” She grinned and waved her tail farewell to Fireheart as the patrol began to slowly move on, leaving him to sprint back to camp in the cold.
It felt like an eternity before his paws finally found their way down the side of the ravine, though the sun still had yet to peek above the trees. He raced through the bramble tunnel to camp without a second thought - thankfully, there was no one choosing to leave at that particular time. 
Camp was largely empty, save for Bluestar, who was sitting by the prison and cleaning her face. His eyes widened at the sight. Cinderspark had managed to get Thunderclan’s leader to cover guard duty for her? He wondered how she would feel if she knew Cinderspark was currently on patrol and had no plans to return any time soon - but he didn’t dare approach, out of fear of what Bluestar might say to him.
Instead, he took a deep breath and trotted over to the nursery. Just as he was approaching, a gray tabby form emerged from within. “Fireheart! There you are!” It was Dewpaw, carrying some dirty moss destined for the dirtplace. “Princess has been waiting for you. She’s tired, but… well, you can speak to her yourself.” The healer apprentice quickly departed from camp, leaving him to nervously enter the den in her place.
It was dark inside, and it took him several heartbeats for his eyes to adjust. There were only three cats inside; his sister, Yellowfang, and Peppermask. All three looked at him as he approached, but his eyes were only on his sister. “Fireheart!” She purred weakly, her paws kneading faintly. “You came.”
“Of course I did.” He replied softly, reaching out to nuzzle her comfortingly. She lifted her head a whisker-length off the ground to accept it, but he could tell from her half-lidded eyes that she was exhausted from the kitting. “They’re beautiful, Princess - almost as much as you are.”
“Oh, you.” She glanced down at her belly, where several round shapes were squirming around in the moss. “Yellowfang says that three are toms, and the other two are mollies.”
He looked down on the newborn kits with wide eyes. “Five kits! That’s so many!” Even now as he looked down at them, he could begin to pick out their individual pelts - especially the largest one, which was a bright white compared to its darker mottled siblings.
“Yes, especially for a leafbare litter.” Yellowfang grunted in her usual grumpy demeanor. “She’ll need lots of fresh-kill to have enough milk for all of them.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll help you with that.” Peppermask chirped next to him. She nosed a half-eaten cardinal at her paws. “I went out and caught this as soon as I heard the news Princess was kitting. I figured you wouldn’t have time, what with being on the border patrol.”
He blinked at her gratefully. He hadn’t even thought of how hungry his sister would be, and while he was a proficient hunter any cat would struggle to catch prey in leafbare. “I’m sure between the two of us, Princess will never go hungry.” 
The kits crawled around as they searched blindly for a teat to latch on, oblivious to the eyes watching them. “They’ll need names, you know.” Princess mewed, interrupting the silence after a long, peaceful moment. “Good Clan names, to match the warriors they’ll grow up to be.”
Fireheart stared down at them, the pressure of the momentous task suddenly weighing down on him. It felt as though every name he’d ever heard had suddenly fled his brain as soon as she’d spoken. What was a good Clan name? There was his name, of course, but none of these kits were the same ginger color as him, not to mention it felt a bit pretentious to name one after himself.
His eyes followed the squirming of the white kit, nosing angrily against a dark gray sibling. “Well, uhm, the white one looks like a cloud on a sunny day. And the one next to it looks like a cloud when it’s about to rain. Maybe we could do something with that?” He suggested, though even that made his whiskers curl in embarrassment. 
“Those are my first and second born.” Princess mewed softly, leaning down to give them each a lick on their little foreheads. “I think Cloud and Rain sound like lovely names for them. He looks like a little cloud, and his brother is the rain that comes after a cloudy day.”
“Clan names for kittens always end in -kit, so they’d be Cloudkit and Rainkit.” Peppermask interrupted gently, her green eyes soft as she looked down on the kits in front of them. “What about the others? Do you have any ideas for their names?” She prompted the new mother gently.
Princess slowly looked over each kit, carefully pondering the question. “This little molly is the runt of the litter.” She said at last, gently sweeping her tail to point out a tiny tortoiseshell struggling to suckle. “I want to give her a strong name, one that will give her the strength she needs to survive. Maybe something after one of the Great Clans that Goldenflower’s been telling me about, the ones Tigerclaw and Lionheart are named after.”
Fireheart bristled at the thought of naming one of them after Tigerclaw, but if Peppermask thought the same, she didn’t show it. “How about Lynxkit, after Lynxstar of Leopardclan? She was one of their greatest leaders, and I always did love listening to One-eye tell stories about her.” Peppermask suggested readily, her green eyes focused down on the kits.
“I like that. Lynxkit it is, then.” She purred, as the little tortoiseshell squealed angrily at a calico kit knocking her over with a shove. “And this one - I want to name her after a flower, something as pretty as she will be one day.”
The two mollies stared expectantly at Fireheart, causing him to gulp slightly. He barely knew any flowers! He wasn’t a healer, after all, why would he know any flowers? He thought hard, trying to think of any flower names he’d heard before. “What about, uh, sorrel? Er, Sorrelkit?” He stumbled over his words as he recalled Peppermask talking to him about the flower moons ago, when they had found Windclan’s camp. She’d mentioned sorrel flowering, so surely it was a flower, right?
“Sorrelkit.” Peppermask nodded slowly as she pondered it. “It’s a bit unusual for a molly, but it’s a good name for a warrior. Any cat that meets her will surely know she’s not to be trifled with.” 
He sighed gratefully, glad that his suggestion wasn’t too absurd. There was only one kit left now - a dark gray tom-kit, almost black in color. “What about this one? Maybe something to do with night, or darkness?” He offered weakly.
His sister shook her head as she watched her kits tumble over each other. “I want to name that one after you, Peppermask, and your sister - Dewpaw is your sister, right?” The two warriors both nodded agreement. “You two have helped me so much since I’ve joined Thunderclan. I want to honor that, if I can.”
Fireheart squinted as he puzzled over that, trying to figure out how to combine the names. Depperkit? Peppewkit? Or perhaps something to do with how dewdrops looked on pepper plants, maybe? 
Thankfully, Peppermask spoke up before he could voice any of these thoughts. “How about Sootkit? Mom told me once that if she’d had a second tom-kit after Graystripe, they would’ve named him that.” Her ears drooped as she recalled the memory, but after a heartbeat she shook her head and nudged Fireheart beside her. “Plus, soot is what comes after a fire burns, so he can be named after you as well!”
“That’s a lovely name. Sootkit it is.” Princess purred happily. The kits at her belly were beginning to settle down now, falling into a dreamless sleep as she spoke. “Cloudkit, Rainkit, Lynxkit, Sorrelkit, and Sootkit. Lovely names for lovely kits.”
“Yes, yes, just beautiful.” Fireheart startled slightly as Yellowfang spoke up - he’d almost forgotten that she was there. “Now that they all have names, why don’t you two get out and let her get some sleep? It’s been a long morning, and she could use some peace and quiet.” The old gray molly yawned ferociously, showing off her namesake to all three of them. “And frankly, so could I. Unlike you warriors, I don’t particularly like getting up before dawn.”
He dipped his head respectfully to the healer. “Of course. You need all the beauty sleep you can get, after all.” He replied cheekily, quickly dodging away as Yellowfang gave him a hiss and a clumsy, half-hearted swipe. 
He and Peppermask quickly bundled out of the nursery, saying their farewells to Princess as they departed. The gray tabby beside him sighed contentedly as she glanced up at the quickly brightening light above them, her eyes slightly misty. “I suppose I should replace Bluestar on guard duty, since Cinderspark doesn’t seem to have returned with you.” She sighed wearily before giving him a slight nudge. “As for you, why don’t you catch a few winks before Tigerclaw gets back? He never seems to let you sleep for long these days.”
“Don’t I know it.” Fireheart muttered bitterly, even as he waved goodbye to his friend. He couldn’t remember the last time he hadn’t been woken before dawn, either for guard duty or to patrol the borders. Just as he was about to turn and find his nest in the warriors’ den, he felt another cat amble up beside him.
He turned to see Yellowfang beside him, her copper eyes dark as she looked upon him. “Fireheart.” She mewed gruffly by way of greeting. “You should know that Clan queens typically don’t name kits before they’re at least a half-moon old. Before that, they tend to get sick, become frail, or just fade away with no cause, especially in leafbare.”
His fur prickled nervously as he glanced back at the nursery. “I- I guess I understand, but Princess seemed so happy…” He trailed off, suddenly unsure of himself. Should he have warned her? No, if any cat were to tell a queen such things, surely it would be Yellowfang herself. She’d had plenty of opportunities to interject, after all.
“The runt - the one you called Lynxkit, I believe - is so small, I don’t think she’ll survive more than a couple of nights.” The healer’s voice was low as she spoke, careful to keep it from drifting farther than the two of them. “I’m telling you this because if - when - it does happen, your sister will need your support.”
“I know - and I will.” Fireheart replied quietly. The implication that he was too mousebrained to know to comfort his sister in distress stung, but she had certainly been witness to some of his worse moments; he supposed it only made sense that she might think that. “I’m the reason she’s here now, and not under the care of Twolegs. I’ll do whatever it takes to take the best possible care of her, Yellowfang. I swear it on Starclan.”
The old healer grunted noncommittally in response, turning away for her den before he could say anything else. He watched her leave, his heart aching at the thought that he might never get to see any one of his sister’s kits again. He glanced up at the bracken ceiling that covered camp, sending a silent plea to Starclan above that all of Princess’ kits would survive and thrive.
As he found his way into his mossy nest, the warriors’ den devoid of the normal slumbering cats inside, he had to marvel at how much had changed in such a short amount of time. Less than a half-moon ago, he hadn’t even imagined having family in the Clan; now, he was already mourning the thought of one of them leaving to Starclan so soon. Snuggling down into his nest, he imagined being surrounded by his kin, each great warriors in their own right; and somehow, as he fell asleep, he could feel a faint warmth, almost as though they were really there.
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silkclan-gossip · 5 months ago
SilkClan – Moon 1 By Snakepaw 🐾
Hey there, it’s Snakepaw climbing my way up to the top—literally and figuratively! I’ve been keeping my ears open and paws busy, and trust me, there’s a lot going on in SilkClan that no one’s talking about. Good thing I’m here to break the silence. Let’s get into it, because things are getting interesting.
🌕 Major Events:
Twoleg Nonsense: While I was up in my favorite tree (don’t ask how high), I spotted a Twoleg playing with a kittypet near our border. I swear, it looked like they were trying to teach it to pounce. Good luck with that! The warriors brushed it off like no big deal, but something feels off to me. Twolegs and kittypets don’t just “hang out” for no reason.
Duskkit’s Breaking Point: Look, I get it—being treated like a helpless kit can be a real thorn in the paw. Duskkit is fed up with being babied, and I’m here for it. He’s especially tired of Minkpelt hovering over him like a hawk. Not sure if he’s got a plan to deal with it yet, but knowing him, he’ll blow up eventually. Can’t wait to see how that plays out.
🌿 Warrior Drama:
Larkweb Scares Off a Rogue: So get this: Larkweb basically scared a rogue out of our territory with just his words. Yeah, no claws, no bloodshed—just a stare and some threats. It was pretty epic. But what’s up with Basilstar? She looked like she was annoyed by the whole thing. Maybe she wanted some action? Who knows, but something tells me she’s not exactly Larkweb’s biggest fan.
Wisteriaspeckle and the Chicken: Wisteriaspeckle strutted into camp with a Twoleg’s chicken dangling from his jaws. I gotta say, it was a bold move. But he’s been acting kind of… distracted? I heard him mumbling about Saplingstar and StarClan. Maybe he’s feeling guilty about taking from the Twolegs, or maybe he’s just trying to impress someone. Either way, that chicken didn’t last long—tasted great!
Burrowfleck’s StarClan Musings: Speaking of StarClan, Burrowfleck has been off in his own little world lately. He had another dream, but surprise, surprise—he’s not talking. I saw him staring at the sky like he’s waiting for something. Whatever it is, it’s got him all riled up. And he’s still holding a grudge against Pondquill. Can’t say I blame him after last moon’s fiasco.
🐾 Snakepaw’s Gossip Corner:
"You know what’s been bugging me? I keep feeling like I should be doing more around here. Yeah, I might be young, but I’m not useless. At least Posyclaw is cool enough to listen when I talk about it on patrol."
"Oh, and did you see the way Duskkit snapped at Minkpelt? I swear, he’s going to lose it one of these days. Bet you a mouse he makes a scene soon."
"I overheard Wisteriaspeckle, Burrowfleck, and Posyclaw having a pretty tight conversation by the stream. They’re getting really close, but what are they planning? Makes me wonder if they’re up to something big."
Relationships Rundown:
Crush Alert: Word around camp is Minkpelt has a thing for Pondquill. Seriously? That guy? Well, Minkpelt’s always been a stickler for rules, so I guess they’d balance each other out. Whatever happens, I’m keeping an eye on this one.
Posyclaw, Wisteriaspeckle, and Burrowfleck: This trio is tighter than a thornbush. They’re always whispering about something, and I don’t trust it. Either they’re planning something, or they’re just best friends who love a secret. We’ll see.
Basilstar vs. Larkweb: Tensions are still thick between these two. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a showdown soon. Just saying.
That’s it for now, clanmates! Stay on your toes, because things are only going to get crazier. Until next moon, keep your claws sharp and your secrets sharper.
– Snakepaw 🐾
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izzysarchivedblogs · 2 years ago
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Actions Speak Louder Than Words -> Accepting All Memes // sometimes, you stargaze on your buddy's roof together with pizza, and need to lay your head down, don't ya @crisispider -> rest, sender rests their head on receiver's shoulder. - for Clint
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YOU EVER JUST FEEL TIRED? That's a question that's been on his mind a lot. Knows for a fact that may be the mid to almost late forty blues kicking in, when he's been doing this for the better half of two decades. The argument could be made that he has been doing this for longer. Since the day, he ran away for the circus at a crisp age of eleven. That one day could be the argument made when this started.
Not anything that had to do with the Bartons, their parents' death, the orphanage, the man who fostered them the government checks. IT WAS RUNNING AWAY TO THE CIRCUS. He could say it was further down, the day that Buck Crisholm showed up and put a bow in his hand. If there were more recent events to reference for that tired feeling, he would need more fingers on his hand to count them. Have to be a mutant.
The other question that had been on his mind was WHEN DID HE GET OLD? There's the rational, literal answers that he could come up with. Logic there being that he was human and aging was a natural process, but it was meant more than he was the second of the new avengers to ever join. He was there before there had even been more than ten avengers.
Now he looks out and sees so many teams, so many superheroes; new and old, and so many avengers out there. That's where this old feeling was kicking in. He was Avenger number seven. NOW LOOK WHOSE ALL THERE.
Clint would hate to say that, but as the years went on and decade two stretched on to whatever year he was on now; he came to prefer the smaller work, street level stuff, and vigilantism although he didn't wear a mask, which maybe he should've; should be. It's too late for that.
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TONIGHT HE HAD BEEN OUT WITH SPIDERMAN. Doing a patrol, partly together and partly not, they had ended up working together and taking care of your common run-of-the-mill, NAH, SPIDEY, I'D AGRUE THESE GUYS ARE D-LISTERS, as they took down a trio of TWITTER CALLS THEM C-LISTERS and let the cops sweep them up.
There's an ache in his bones, but he's snorting at some dumb comment that Spiderman said. Clint knows the guy under the mask, one of the handful few to know; he remembers that time and asking him to unmask, everyone else had. He can only hope that leap of faith he had asked the man to take felt like it was worth it, that it had paid off, and hadn't left him with any regrets. HE GOT THE WHOLE SECRET IDENTIY THING. Wonders if he should have cared about that more himself, sometimes regrets not.
Clint would die than give that up, and he knows when he's clad in red, the only name coming out of his mouth was SPIDER. ❝ Hey, good web-slinging tonight, whaddya say my roof in like ⸻ ❞ He looks at his wrist, there was no watch. ❝ NOW, and I get a pizza on it's way? ❞ ASKED AFTER A GOOD LAUGH.
That's how they had ended up here, on his roof. His feet dangling over the edge, as he had gotten up to sit on the wide concrete half wall that served as the border of the roof top. A beer in his hand, and freshly brought up pizza. SPIDERMAN'S STILL SPIDEY and he knows he had gotten here first. ❝ SHOW OFF! ❞ He had called him when he had opened the roof door, than locked it behind him.
❝ I locked the door, no one should be able to come up here, Spidey, if you wanna breathe a little more. ❞ He informs him, knowing the rules but wanting to offer that PETER can take the load off too. It's just them, pizza, and a pack of beer. They eat, in well, neither of them are particularly silent individuals, but it's light conversation and quieter laughs.
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AT SOME POINT, the other superhero leans his head against his shoulder as they sat on the roof and talk, shoot the shit, and among other things. Clint goes silent, heaves out a sigh and ever so slightly leans in to show that he doesn't mind. What are friends for if not to let off the weight on their shoulders?
There's a sigh let out, and Clint knows that it doesn't come from himself. ❝ Yeah, I feel that one too, buddy. ❞ BIG INHALE, THEN EXHALE. A sigh and he thinks their breath sinks. Let the moment sit there as looks out onto Brooklyn. He knows Pete's in Queens, but that's a ways to sling on back. Clint'll probably offer up his couch if that's too much. Grab a spare change of clothes and duffel to stash the suit; wouldn't be the first time nor the last time that someone has changed on this roof.
Head starts to turn, to look at the other hero for a moment, ❝ When'd we get so old? ⸻ You know my doctor tried to talk to me about slowing down. ❞ One of the most absurd thoughts he had ever heard of. Especially considering what all Clint had in life, which was himself, his doctor, and Kate Bishop also a superhero and Hawkeye. Why slow down, and how could he ever stop?
Look at the goddamn world, how could he stop? He couldn't, thinks he'll be using his bow and skills to fight when he's old, going blind and hearing aids won't even help him being deaf, with long silver locks of hair; still playing Hawkeye. ❝ Could you imagine? ❞ He laughs, trying to bring the conversation back up.
❝ Actually, could you imagine any doctor saying that to a speedster? ⸻ That'd be like telling you, you can't lay your eggs in webs. ❞ OH GOD. CLINT THAT'S WEIRD. ❝ Spiders do that right? ❞ At least he said that to Peter of all people, he's pretty sure that Jdrew would maim him or shove him off the roof.
Way to ruin a moment. Just going to cover up that embarrassment with a sip of his beer, try to get back on track. Shovel more pizza into his mouth.
❝ You, uh, alright tonight? ❞ Peter did, in fact, lean his head on Clint's shoulder and if that isn't some universal sign that even he with his poor friendship skills should see as maybe a sign to ask that question. HE COULD JUST BE TIRED LIKE YOU.
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noireservoir · 2 months ago
This whole thing just reminded me of how a few other instances of calling out antiblackness went like way back when: Someone makes a point that didn't need to include some lowkey racist shit, Black people say "we're not denying that's true but maybe don't be racist about it", people act as if it's a classic case of people not knowing what privilege is and taking that shit n running with it. If anything I'd compare it to how this site handles transmisogyny but that's a discussion for another time.
Im gettin tired of people making these Trojan horse ass posts, using one topic as a foothold to say whatever the fuck they want, bc now we got white people taking that "(Black) Amerikkkans" thing and running with it. A bunch of other nonblack people just shaking their head like "those monkeys I mean hitlerites think theyre not part of the problem.... expected of a colonial minority😒🙄", so now we all gotta keep saying "We know we aren't the exception and that's not the argument being made" since no one wants to focus on the racist part of this. Like thats what this is all about. You keep saying "usamerikkkans" "gringos" "yanks" when this is JUST about Black people, and it's irkin me bc its white americans AND nonblacks all parroting this shit! And you can insist it isn't racist or even bias but we see it and we're not callin it nothin but what it is.
There isnt a single Black person with sense who saw that post that denied that Black people in the states contribute to imperialism. No one said we don't join the military or that we don't go on tiktok sayin ignorant shit about fried chicken in South Korea. We have these discussions amongst ourselves constantly and there is a term for niggas who think climbing the imperial ladder will make up for the privilege they lack. Believe it or not, we are capable of saying stupid and downright ignorant shit like everyone else, hard to believe but we already know that.
But holy shit we keep telling you, repeatedly, that if you're gonna single us out, you need to come correct, express *why* you single out Black americans, and you really need to watch how you talk because I refuse to entertain anymore nonblacks makin posts like that under the guise of "criticizing USAmericans" bc it is never just about that with you people.
So now I'm gonna be that guy bc we *should* mean *all* usamericans when we say it: Do you make these same posts about Asian Americans? About Chicanos? Latino Americans or white immigrants? You sure as hell wouldn't make these posts about Indigenous people here, but believe it or not they all join the military, the police force, border patrol, and they all grab for opportunities like this just like Black people do. They also have their own individual conversations about these people. Because a USAmerican is a USAmerican is a USAmerican, so that means all of us. Even if you acknowledge that some of us aren't here by choice! But do you hop out your seat when they also do and say things indicative of their privilege as Americans?
Or are you just focusing on Black people because you believe we think we are exempt, for whatever reason that is? Genuine question.
I have one last thing to say n im puttin this shit to rest bc im still seeing people say shit thats like. Really odd about the whole thing
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thegreatestsandwich · 2 years ago
Namor telling the reader he loves them for the first time! I think it would be really cute and meaningful
I find everything I thought I lost before (Namor x f!reader)
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Pairing: Namor x F!reader
Word count: 838 words
Summary: The avengers managed to bring everyone back after defeating Thanos, Namor had been saving his feelings for quite some time
Warning: Nothing really, well I really don’t think there is a warning, just fluff or my idea of fluff
A/N: Hey! I just want to say that I am really grateful that everyone is still keeping the love for Namor and Tenoch alive, plus I'm enjoying all the fluffy requests you guys gave me, so thank you so much!
Coments, Reblogs and Asks are happily received!  
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Namor stared at his hands, completely frozen, not knowing what to do. He stood up and turned around, his eyes opening in fear, trying to find you anywhere across his cave. His hands were trembling but he force down the need to throw up as he began calling desperately at you.
“(Y/N)!” He screamed, moving inside his cave, throwing things out of his way. “(Y/N)!” He tried again.
Namora was the one who found him sitting on the floor, his gaze completely lost, she kneeled in front of him when she gave him the news. It wasn’t only you, it was most of his people.
It took him one year to be able to step inside of his home, it took him two years to be able to sleep on his bed, it took him almost four years to be able to sleep without nightmares.
The first years without them (without you) were the hardest for everyone as for him. The others were lost and even if Namor wasn’t in the right mind to continue helping them, he force himself to just suck it up and keep a strong façade.
At first, the others waited outside of their homes for the returning of the lost ones but it never happened. So they began putting altars in honor of the dead.
Namor almost broke down when he saw your name in one of those.
He became a bit secluded (even more than before), only going out to patrol the borders of the city or to help when his people asked him to. He began recollecting his food and bringing it to his home, not wanting to another one rob the job of you.
Then it happened, five years into your disappearance, he felt the waters go stiff, a part of himself growing in anger at the prospect that the surface-dwellers occasioned another fight that could affect the life of his people. He took his spear and without mentioning anything to the others he swam up with anger.
As his head manage to break the water surface, his eyes could see how some of them began appearing out of air. He frowned before that tiny voice inside of his head urged him to go back home, quickly.
He didn’t even had time to speak as Namora and Attuma announced the re-appearance of the lost ones.
Everything was so overwhealming that he needed some time, he asked for help, told them to help the others, that he needed some time and they accepted without any question. Namor swam to his cave, tired and confused at what was happening when he saw you there, sitting on the floor completely confused at your surroundings.
“K’uk’ulkan?” Your sweet voice brought him back but he couldn’t move. Namor stared at you as if you were a dream and couldn’t help himself but to slap his cheek with force. “K’uk’ulkan!” You quickly stood up, stopping your hand. You were real, you were here.
“Pa’atik.” Wait. Namor gently spoke, making you halt your movements and look at him in confusion. “Justo... pa'atik.” Just wait.
“Ma'alobech? Ba'ax úuch. Ma' a wilik Jach ma'alob k'uj 'túun K’uk’ulkan, wáaj a yaax yaantal wenel ma'alob.” Are you alright? What happened? You do not look so good, K’uk’ulkan, have you been sleeping well?
He laughed at your observation. “Jach a culpa in wilo'obe' beyo'.” It is your fault I look like this.
“Bixi?” How so?  Your eyes couldn’t help but widened at the accusation. “Ba'ax ts'o'ok in meentik jump'éel ba'al?” Have I done anything?
Namor shook his head, “Tin tukultaj ts'o'ok u sa'atal.” I thought I lost you.
His hand gently touched your cheek, you could feel the anguish of them, it hit you so deeply that it brought tears on your eyes. Before you could say anything, he hugged you tightly against his body, you doubt for a moment before placing your hands gently on his back. “In yaakunech.” I love you.
Your breath caught in your throat. “Wáaj ba'ax?” What? You whispered.
“In yaakunech.” I love you. He repeated as his hands trailed upwards your body and held your face in them. “Táan jach cegado u, ba'ale' desapareciste tin k'abo'ob, in yaakunech, ma' je'el in K'astal a ka'a.” I was so blinded to see, but you disappeared in my hands, I love you, I cannot lose you again. Namor leaned his forehead against yours, closing his eyes and holding you against him.
You just stood there, watching him, holding him as his words echoed inside of you. He loved you, Namor loved you. His words made you cray in a way you thought never had cried before. You wanted to hate him for making you cry but you knew the truth and you didn’t have the nerve to deny it.
“I-In yaakunech xan.” I-I love you too. You whispered so quietly that Namor thought he imagined you say it. He couldn’t help but laugh, a huge smile forming on his face, softly dragging your face so he could kiss you.
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thespiral · 4 years ago
INTRODUCING THE 80S DOCUMENT... a comprehensive doc on this funny mentioned-only raider faction that is incredibly fucking cool and a crime no one has mentioned them yet
this is more or less a compilation of different canon, semi-canon and fanon references! most of it taken from the hearts of iron 4 mod old world blues, joshua sawyer's simple and sprinkled some fanon from my head in here as well. this is to hopefully make other people aware of these guys!
a MASSIVE thanks to my partner alex for helping me write this up, the tops server members for lore council, esseress and everyone else who i rambled on and on about these guys. thank you so much
you can find the document here!
(and also under the cut!)
The 80s are a gang of raiders that operate along the Northern California 80 Freeway, mostly in the region northeast of the lawless, uncontrolled city of Sacramento. They occupy their own territory stretching between New California and the shores of Great Salt Lake, bordering the land of their longtime enemies the White Legs.
They are known for raiding frontier towns for supplies, kidnapping people, their tireless pursuit of enemies and for their occasional use of motorcycles. They are rightly feared for their ability to cover large areas of land with very few men using said motorcycles. They have recently spread out over a larger area, notably the I-80, due to the collapse of the Nevada Desert Rangers and the NCR's inability to patrol or keep tabs on the territory.
After the bombs desolated the country, the 80s began as a group of people that banded together out of necessity and trekked through the I-80, believing that the highway had to lead somewhere safe. The early origins of the 80s are muddled by word of mouth and mostly forgotten, but they fully coalesced into a raider faction when others learned to fear them.
The first peak of the 80s’ was reached when they took Sacramento for their own. For the first time, many 80s began to settle down and build a raiding community, often attacking smaller settlements in the area. These transgressions eventually led to the New California Republic expanding and securing its borders by taking Sacramento back, forcing the 80s out of the city.
The 80s then tore through Nevada, following the I-80 and launching massive raids on almost every community they came across for supplies and equipment, including NCR cities such as New Reno or Vault City. This led to even greater notoriety and, despite having been mauled by the NCR, drove fear into the heart of the Republic as they made their way to Utah.
Currently, the 80s have mostly settled in Wendover, expanding it into a town. Most of their conflicts lie with the neighboring White Legs, and they await the opportunity to strike back at the NCR and reclaim Sacramento.
The 80s primary philosophies are that other 80s come before all else, that the enemy of their enemy is their friend, and that settling down is the opposite of freedom. They value a wild and free lifestyle, cheap thrills, mechanical and driving prowess, and the road. While some communities support them along the roads, they are their own priority above all, and many relations with other groups are sustained through physical threat.
While all 80s can be defined by a few common traits, most of them are decentralized and spread across various chapters. Each has their own rules, hierarchies and banners. Some chapters are nomadic, while others settle in towns they have conquered, and others live in self-made settlements by the road.
Identification between each chapter varies from chapter to chapter, with the most common traits being tattoos, body art, patches on armour and jackets, and so on. While in-fighting between chapters is common, the 80s are generally extremely close-knit compared to other raider factions. In most chapters, higher-ranking members wear red or blue I-80 road signs, while regular members wear the more common green signs, and initiates and hangarounds have no signs.
While most 80s are born into their respective chapters, the 80s will occasionally take on new initiates that are young or have potential when it comes to driving and repair skills. An initiate, or hangaround, mostly runs errands for fully-fledged 80s until the others have decided they are eligible for an initiation ritual. Most potential initiates have to go through a ritual to prove their worth, such as salvaging a motorcycle and making it their own.
When the 80s started out, they were disorganized and originally had to rely on raiding to get by. During their early years, raiding was quite profitable in the wasteland, and this time period would later be called the golden age of raiding. As time went on, however, theft and slavery became unsustainable as societies grew, and many chapters of the 80s were forced to turn to other means of survival.
Using their vehicles to travel greater distances faster than any other society could manage, many chapters of the 80s turned to drug trade, gun running, package delivery, caravan running and trading. Many chapters have become their own communities, and some have settled in certain locations to farm. There are still active raiding chapters, but in the present they are few and far between.
Despite no longer solely relying on raiding, some chapters still intimidate weaker communities into giving tribute to them, having no issue doing so with their vehicles. They also charge a travel tax on all outsiders that would cross their roads.
Military and Technology
The 80s are well-known for their expertise in and quantity of vehicles ranging from the common motorcycle to the large semi-truck. The 80s scavenge, repair and even build their own vehicles, and almost every member at least has their own motorcycle, as a common initiation rite requires new members to salvage their own bike. They also find and use old schematics to improve upon their designs, or create their own from scratch.
Most 80s make their own equipment when they cannot scavenge, from tires and tools to homemade fuel. Many bikes have been made to run on ethanol and other biofuels, while others run on energy cells, fusion cells, or any energy source that’s available.
Using these vehicles, the 80s utilize speed to break through enemy walls in battle, and often overwhelm their opponents before they can truly attack. They rely on hit-and-run tactics, and as a result have great offense and poor defense. For example, one common attack involves holding out a machete while driving by the enemy; destructive, but leaves the rider open for many attacks.
The most commonly used weapons are anything close and decimating. Many 80s carry shotguns, automatic guns and throwable explosives that are relatively easy to use while riding.
Politics and Diplomatic Relations
The cultural tenet of the 80s coming before anyone else carries into their politics. Little of the outside world affects their internal politics or laws (or lack thereof). They are somewhat hypocritical in that they believe in freedom for themselves and no one else. The 80s have no one leader, and overall are decentralized as a faction.
Each chapter has their own subset of laws, or none at all. While most 80s are close-knit, there is currently infighting between chapters as they debate on whether to settle down or continue raiding. Some believe that settling down goes against what the 80s stand for and would be abandoning their origins, while others believe they won’t stand a chance against other factions if they continue to raid.
The 80s are relatively cold toward other factions, with few allies and many enemies. They are generally neutral toward other raiding factions, such as the Jackals or the Vipers, but would put aside their differences for the sake of attacking the greater enemy, such as with the Great Khans or the Powder Gangers. No matter what, however, they will make it clear that they are their own priority.
The New California Republic is one of the 80s greatest and most powerful enemies. From the very beginning, the 80s and the NCR have fought each other as the 80s raided civilians and the NCR tried to stomp them out along with other raider factions. This culminated in the NCR taking Sacramento and forcing the 80s to leave for Utah, marking the NCR as the 80s’ worst enemy. Any 80s would not hesitate at any opportunity to get back at the NCR, no matter how petty or who they would have to ally with.
After the 80s were forced to travel to Utah, their territory began to border the White Legs’, and they frequently intruded on their land. This has led to many skirmishes between the two factions as they compete for their own territory.
While Caesar’s Legion does not have much presence in the West, many 80s have heard of this new threat against the NCR, and most who have are eager for any potential ally to get back at the NCR for Sacramento. The 80s know little of the Legion or what would happen to them if the Legion was successful, but are willing to do anything if it meant victory.
J.E. Sawyer’s Fallout Roleplaying Game
Hearts of Iron 4: Old World Blues
And all the other people that helped contribute to this document
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theladyofbloodshed · 3 years ago
I don’t usually talk about ships and stuff, but I agree with you on why Elain is uncomfortable around Lucien in sf and dude it’s so weird like I find the whole dynamic of that supposed “love triangle” weird, it just feels off and makes Lucien look like a comic joke.  Like your having this guy come to the River house,every winter solstice with gifts for this girl ,who ignores him and is actively thinking about fucking another guy in the same house as him,over and over again and it seems like the whole ic even knows that Elain and Azriel want to fuck each other. So, what really is stopping you from just putting an end to the whole thing and making Elain just reject the bond or whatever, why keep putting him through all that. It’s weird that she hasn’t put a stop to it. Which is why this might seem far-fetched but after reading the scene when cassian was talking to Lucien like shit in ACOSF and Azriel was saying Lucien is not good enough for Elain , now I honestly lowkey think that those are just what SJM thinks herself and she is using this mating bond stuff to punish Lucien for what happened in spring court, that and the fact that she’s obsessed with Azriel and wants everyone to suck his dick because what other reason is there? Lucien deserves so much more than SJM, its actually appalling at this point and this is coming from someone that only cares about Nesta in this books, it’s like if you are tired of his character, then just dump him in the human lands and leave him there, stop forcing him into weird situations like this. 
I know. I don't think Elain "owes" Lucien anything, but equally from his POV: she has spoken to him publicly and privately, has kept his gifts, is overcoming a broken-down engagement and trauma. At no point has she conveyed to him "no, I don't want gifts from you, please leave me alone".'
Maybe she doesn't understand the significance of mate bonds - but Azriel does. Sneaking around while Lucien is asleep in that house is so gross. I kind of want e/lriel to happen just so a bond snaps with Gwyn and Az too and Gwyn and Lucien are like "ew no thanks, you two can have each other" just for the sheer drama lmao.
Rhys putting his foot down is the best thing that character has ever done imo - but that's because Rhys knows just how crucial Lucien is to like the whole of Prythian.
I did make a post about the Blood Duel here but essentially, if Azriel attacked Lucien: Autumn would get involved (you know Beron wouldn't let it slide even if Lucien is exiled), Spring would likely be involved, Lucien has the mortal land backing, Helion would turn against the NC. Lucien is the most valuable male in Prythian. The only thing tying him to the Night Court is Elain and Rhys very well knows that.
SJM assassinated his character. Book 1 Lucien was the best. I hope he realises soon that he is worth ten of the IC and lives his best life with his band of exiles, unbothered and care free. He'll be high lord one day. My man was on border patrol with Spring with company, his manners are exquisite, he can fish with his hands. He walks past females and they're like this
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