#how they'd play it off like it's no big deal; they don't really care but it might be cool to stop in and take a look
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byanyan · 9 months ago
thinking about byan having a teacher submit some of their work into an art show or contest of some sort. how they'd be surprised (they've never really thought all that highly of their work; there's a reason they don't typically share it with anyone and it has a lot to do with a lack of support and a fear of having their enthusiasm for art crushed) and some part of them might even be a little excited... but they don't expect anything to come from it. (they've never actually won anything in their life. they've never had any of their skills celebrated, only been torn down over what they lack.)
thinking about them actually winning and not believing their teacher when she tells them, how they're sure she's just fucking with them until she shows them proof, maybe even hands them their cash prize. how even then, some part of them thinks that she forged the announcement and went to all these lengths so they wouldn't be disappointed over losing — the only thing that makes them accept that they really did win is the fact that no one would ever care that much about their feelings.
just thinking about how excited they'd be, once the truth of the matter finally sinks in: they finally won something, and it was for their art, of all things! maybe they're actually not terrible at it, maybe they really do show some promise! maybe... maybe they really are good at this thing that means so much to them.
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sleepy-grav3 · 9 months ago
We Became Heroes Because You Didn't
The Justice League don't specialize in much. If you ask them, they'd say otherwise. Unless they're one of the Bats, because they acknowledge that, especially with magic. They hate it, but they have connections and will at least ask for more details to deal with the situation at hand. Though they'll need proof.
That's the thing really. Proof. Because how are you going to get proof of something if everything gets repaired by the end? Or maybe you're the villain here according to the public. Or maybe everything you say is just plain crazy that nobody even knows what's going on from the start!
It was only when another group was formed when everything became clear. They were frowned upon, unknown, spoke nonsense, and never asked for help. They were the survivors that played hero. They were the shadowed version of the Justice League.
They were Justice League: Dark
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A fanfic (or multiple small ones grouped together?) that isn't really about them joining forces, but more about the discovery of more dangerous territory that's being handled by kids/teens. Lift some weight for these kids. They really want a safe net by now in their hero careers.
Like- maybe a few of these wouldn't be the JL's fault. Maybe it was the government (at least for the US). Like Danny Phantom and Gravity Falls mentions the government, maybe they blocked off those regions from outside connections.
I feel like it would be funny if maybe Constantine just ends up collecting kids like Batman with his.
They're just kids! Itty bitty toddlers. It's supposed to be our job to take care o' that shit, ain't it?
And JLD now has a bunch of young professionals cause what the fuck, kid. Why do you know this??? Ya know? Maybe the JL just randomly finds these things, calls Constantine after Zatanna fails to know wtf is going on, and he just calls over a kid. Or a group of them.
JL: We need a professional, why is there a child here?
Constantine: Cause even when you fuckers ignored their calls for help, they still at least try to help where they can
JL: We never-
Constantine: Shut your traps! School's in session
*Child tries to explain*
JL: You have to be kidding me. ___ doesn't exist.
Constantine: Oh bloody hell-
Child: And they wonder why they get more attention than us.
idk, I just like the idea of Constantine being a father for OP characters and desperately want a Young Justice League: Dark. I read a couple of Danny and/or Billy being adopted by him, but the cravings... And if it's a whole big crossover thing, that would be great. Tag me if you see or write about something like this. I wanna read too :)
Don't put too much hope in me writing it though, I'm seriously bad at continuing/finishing stuff. But if I do, I'll edit this post with links to whatever I write.
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lil13 · 2 years ago
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REHEARSAL - j. champion
You're an actress on Scream VI and your scene partner is frequently Jack Champion. The two of you soon have to film a scene where your characters give into their tension and confess their feelings for the first time, ending in a kiss — and the directors want you to rehearse outside of set. You knew you'd have to kiss Jack eventually, but the thought of rehearsing the scene alone with him made you nervous.
It's nothing, right?
You had simply just invited your castmate over to your apartment to rehearse a scene that the directors asked you to rehearse. No big deal.
Jack Champion was one of your castmates and happened to be playing the best friend of your character. Except, both characters had secretly fallen for each other and confess their feelings, ending in a steamy kiss. Apparently, when you'd gone to film the scene the day before, the directors weren't convinced with your performance — they'd even called cut before you got to the kiss.
You had hyped yourself up all day for nothing.
A couple weeks ago you'd confided in Devyn, one of your other castmates — she played a character named Anika. You told the girl that you were pretty sure you'd fallen for your castmate and were freaked out about it. Devyn assured you that this feeling was okay, and if you had fallen for Jack, it wasn't the end of the world.
So, when you'd gotten nervous about your kiss scene, you confided in Devyn then again too. She assured you once again, that you'd be okay.
When you heard a knock on the wood of your apartment door, all air left your lungs.
You wiped the sweat on your palms off on your sweatpants before walking — nervously — over to the door. You'd tried on approximately 5 different outfits before settling on sweatpants and a tank top, even told Jack to dress down as well.
"Hi." Jack smiled once you opened the door.
Your heart skipped a beat and you immediately knew that running this scene would be difficult tonight. But alas, you pushed through.
"Hi." you echoed, stepping aside so Jack could step into the apartment.
Closing the door behind him, you told Jack where he could drop his things. When you saw him looking around, you remembered he'd only been here with the group, so he hadn't really had the chance to look around. You couldn't help yourself but walk right up next to him, nudging his body with your own. It was like you were drawn to him. 
"Like it?" you questioned.
He nodded quickly, glancing down at you. "It's cute."
After a couple minutes of small talk, you agreed to get started. Your characters were standing during the scene, so you and Jack stood in the free floor space between the couch and the small kitchen table you had.
You flipped a switch inside of yourself and began to act as Piper, your character in the movie.
"Um, hello? Are you forgetting something?" This scene was supposed to take place right after a frat party.
You'd gone with Ethan and the group to this party. Whilst there, you and Ethan had flirted some, like the two of you had been doing for the past few months. Long story short, Piper and Ethan had been friends since high school, both moving to New York for college. Piper had always felt something toward Ethan, but being with him at college and seeing how girls looked at him really solidified her feelings.
Jack furrowed his eyebrows, "What do you mean?"
"For fucks sake! When you went to find Tara with Chad I went to get another drink and when I came back all 6 of you were gone. You left me at the party." Your character was supposed to be out done with his. "What happened to never leaving friends alone at parties? I could be upstairs fucking a rando right now for all you care."
His face contorted as he stepped closer. "Piper, i'm sorry! Chad just grabbed me and we left... I forgot."
You were supposed to be mad, but also hurt.
You shook your head, "No, no, no. Don't Piper me. Ever since we became friends with those people you've put me on the back burner! Do you know how much that hurts?"
Jack reached out to put a hand on your arm, but you jerked back. His facial expression fell.
Even though you knew it was acting, it still made your heart hurt.
"I'm really sorry, I just. Things have changed since we moved here."
You cocked an eyebrow, crossing your arms over your chest. "Like what?"
"Us." his voice was quiet.
Piper was supposed to stay quiet at this point, taking a step or two backwards. This was Ethan's turn to speak.
"Piper, we've known each other since freshman year and I just... the way I, see you now. It's different."
The kiss was coming up soon and your heart was going crazy. But what you didn't know, was so was Jack's.
"Different, huh?"
Jack's eyes went wide, mimicking Ethan's panic. "Good different! Piper, these past couple of months i've seen you differently than before and it scares the shit out of me. It's like every part of me is itching to be around you 24/7, and when you're finally close it feels like nothing bad will ever happen to me."
You cracked a smile, this was when Piper was supposed to realize that Ethan felt the same. Your heart skipped a beat, thinking about how amazing it would be if Jack felt the same way as you. But that would never happen in a million years.
"You like me." Jack swallowed harshly, Ethan now realized that was Piper was saying was right. He 'liked' his best friend. "You like me!" The second time was Piper convincing herself.
Jack nervously scratched the back of his neck, "Yeah, I guess I do."
This was when you kissed.
Piper was meant to initiate it. So, you took a deep breath and followed through. If you were meant to rehearse a scene, why not rehearse all of it?
You closed the space between you by walking those few steps, your hand grabbing the back of Jack's neck and pulling his face to yours. Your eyes fluttered closed right as your lips met in the middle.
Butterflies. Fireworks. All of the above.
The kiss only lasted a few seconds before Jack pulled away, a smirk on his lips. That's when the scene was supposed to end.
You wiped your mouth off with the back of your hand, taking a couple of steps backwards. "I think we did a pretty good job, think the directors will be satisfied." You were nodding as you stepped back some, creating space between you.
Jack stepped forward, "I, uh... I think we should practice again."
He did? But you'd done so well. "Which part?" You were genuinely curious.
The boy was quiet now. Something that was rare.
"J?" you called him by the nickname you'd bestowed upon him. Unoriginal, but you liked it.
His eyes wouldn't meet yours. "The kiss?"
He'd been so quiet you almost missed it. But you hadn't. He had asked to rehearse the kiss.
Suddenly bold, you decided to play dumb. "The kiss? I thought we did fine, why should we practice? We can if you want to, though."
Jack saw right through your ploy.
You mentally cursed yourself. But the blush on his cheeks clued you into the fact that maybe you weren't the only one with feelings at the moment.
With your boldness still out to play, you continued. "Or, you could just kiss me as Jack and not Ethan?" This made Jack's eyes go dark.
A smirk twitched on his lips as he crossed the floor, ducking down to crash his lips into yours. He immediately picked you up, your legs wrapping around his torso as he held you as close as possible.
You couldn’t really believe this was happening. Jack was actually kissing you. Devyn was gonna freak out.
Your fingers went into his hair, playing with and tugging on his curls. You’d dreamed about the day you’d get to play with his hair and that day was finally here.
Jack walked over to the couch, his lips never leaving yours, and sat down with you now in his lap. His kiss was rough and passionate, but everything else was so gentle. The way his hands ran of your body? It felt magical, but he was so careful, almost as if he didn’t want to do something wrong.
After a couple minutes, you pulled away. A frown flashed on Jack’s lips and you couldn’t help but smile. Your hands held his cheeks while his rested on your hips, his thumbs caressing your bare skin due to your tank top riding up.
“Did I ever tell you that I think you’re really cute?” you laughed.
Jack blushed, for the second time that night, and dropped his head against your chest to hide it. You laughed even harder picking his face up so he’d have to look you in the eye again.
He tried to fight against you, but you won. “And when you blush it’s even cuter.” This time you kissed him.
When you pulled away, his face followed yours, almost as if he wasn’t ready for the kiss to be over.
“In all honesty, i’m pretty sure that scene went badly yesterday because I was nervous.” he chuckled, lifting a hand from your hip to tuck a strand of fallen hair behind your ear. “And until you said I could kiss you as Jack I still was nervous. I like you so much, Y/N.”
“Would you say you’re itching to be around me 24/7 and when i’m around it feels like nothing bad will happen?”
Jack’s jaw dropped and he playfully squeezed your hips, “Are you quoting my character to me?”
“I might be.” You said with a smirk.
A squeal came from your lips when Jack pushed you down onto the couch beside him, his hands attacking your sides as he tickled you. Laughter poured from both of your mouths. All you wanted was to kiss him again, his brown eyes looked like coming home. He made you feel like nothing bad would ever happen.
Eventually, you managed to control the situation and pull Jack’s face down to yours. Your lips connected in a way that it felt like they were always meant to. This was something you could definitely get used to.
“Oh my god, what did I walk into?”
You and Jack both made noises of surprise, the boy falling down onto you, his head tucking in your neck. Your hands held his head, keeping his face out of sight of your guest.
“Devyn, hey.” you casually greeted the girl, “I forgot I gave you a key.”
Jack pinched your waist at your confession. You pulled his hair in retaliation.
The girl laughed, “I came over to get my phone charger I left here last night, didn’t think i’d walk in to you hooking up. I know you’re freaking out though.”
“We’re not—”
“Bye!” She grabbed the cord and walked back out the door.
You were embarrassed, taking your hands away from Jack’s head and covering your face with them. Your face was burning in embarrassment.
Jack propped himself up, looking down at you, “Freaking out, huh?”
“Ok, I might’ve ranted to Devyn about how much I liked you. Shut up.”
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pupyuj · 2 years ago
g!p ive (ot5 ofc) with a spoiled brat girlfriend 🫣🫣 how'd you think they'd deal with that?
g!p ive + brat taming?? THANK YOU FOR PUTTING THIS IN MY HEAD ANON 🤤‼️‼️
[cw: impact play (+ the usual g!p stuff but this is the one i wanted to warn you guys on)]
gaeul is a professional atp. between you and her more childish members, she gets a lot of practice!! so she doesn't really get bothered a lot when you start acting up bcs she knows the night will end with you going from an annoying brat to her obedient little girl 😊 BUT! there are times when gaeul just can't seem to get a hold of you no matter how many times she scolds you and threatens you,, like that one time you just became the bane of her existence for no reason at all?? disobeying her, ignoring her, and when you did talk to her, you put up such an attitude that gaeul just snapped and grabbed you by your hair??? "you'll know not to talk to me like that, slut." n then she's throwing you on the bed, spanking your ass and your cunt with floggers n riding crops until your skin is red and you're crying :(( and it doesn't even end there!! you're sobbing and begging for her to stop hitting you while she's got her cock splitting you open :(( you're apologizing over and over, only letting out pained cries when gaeul only forces more of her length deeper inside you 😔 you were never too much of a bad girl after that!!
yujin can tame you surprisingly well 🤭🤭 when you start acting up, she can bribe you with promises of fucking you the way you want her to 😤 but only as long as you're a good girl!! you don't keep your end of the deal most of the time of course bcs you want to get under yujin's skin. why? well! after spending a whole night of being touchy with other people and almost kissing someone, yujin likes to push you down on your knees and use your mouth as she pleases 😊 holding onto your hair with a tight grip, moving your head back and forth on her thick cock,, sometimes pulling you off to ask you if it was all worth making her angry and getting annoyed when you say yes,, slapping you across the cheek with her other hand before forcing her cock in your mouth again :((( coming all over your face and your tits several times but it's not enough of a punishment, so she uses your mouth for what seems like hours,, laughing down at you when you started riding her shoe, desperate for your own release but she would never give it to you until she's satisfied :(( she would willingly exhaust herself using your mouth before she would try to give a damn about what you needed ��� you were pretty sure that you got fucked out so good and rough that night that you became her good girl for days ����
rei is actually very tolerant and lenient when it comes to you 😭😭 like whenever you're teasing her and make jokes about sleeping with or kissing other people, rei just giggles and is like "oh really~?" 😭 she finally takes you seriously when she sees you dancing with someone at a party and letting them touch you,, but like you're so mean bcs rei was already having a bad day and there your annoying ass go making it worse 🤨 rei dragging you towards her car and practically shoving you in the passenger seat.. she doesn't touch you while she's driving,, but as soon as she parked the car in the garage, she was all over you,,, but not in a way you expected... she grabbed your jaw, her sharp nails hurting your cheek,, and she was berating you about how much of a slut you were to be letting people other than your girlfriend touch you inappropriately :((( and ofc you're talking back 😭 blaming rei bcs of her "stupid mood swings" and then getting bold and telling her that "you don't care anymore" because "her cock isn't evem that big" and OH YEAH.. SHE HAS HAD IT WITH YOU 😭😭😭😭
surprisingly strong rei forcing you to sit on her lap despite your resistance,, "my cock isn't that big? mine?? the one you're always drooling over in the mornings?? the one you're always fucking begging me to ruin you with???" she ripped your panties right off of you,, and she lifts you up before pulling out her dick and crashing you back down on top of her 🫣 screaming and sobbing as rei completely controlled your body,, forcing you to ride her in full speed and balls deep inside your tight cunt :((( your ass so red bcs she was spanking you, calling you all the mean names,,,, you're saying sorry over and over again, saying that you didn't mean it but rei doesn't care! the only way you could make it up to her is by letting her use your cunt all night, and that's exactly what she forces you to do :(((( but like.. super soft aftercare the morning after where rei is applying ointment on the places where she hit you, bathing with you bcs you can't walk, feeding you, and making you lay on her chest all day 💔
wonyoung is what happens when you pair up a bratty dom with a bratty sub 😭😭 you're both constantly trying to out-brat each other in your own ways :((( you're grinding up against other people on the dance floor while wony is basically feeling up a girl while looking at you, knowing it pisses you off </3 BUT NOBODY CHEATS!!! you're just playing with each other's heads!! even when the two of you do seemingly 'severe' things to rile each other up, neither of you would like, kiss someone else or literally fuck someone else!! bcs no matter what, you and wony are faithful to each other, and you love one another like no other!!! but sometimes you really do take it too far :((( one day you let someone pull you away from wonyoung's sights, and she immediately assumed the worst bcs the two of you argued before attending this stupid party ☹️☹️ you were doing your usual thing, just trying to poke fun at wony, but you disappeared for a long time and wony just got really angry when you returned to her :(( as soon as you got back to your shared apartment, wony was pulling you by your hair to the bedroom :((( "you wanna get fucked that bad, huh? going as far as to cheat on me in front of my face??? fine then, (y/n). i'll give you what you want. i'll fuck you until you're sick of it." omg her slapping you when you try to explain that you didn't cheat on her bcs you loved wony so much, you would never do that!!! but she's so angry that she doesn't believe you :(( she's making you scream while pounding your asshole but she's the one that's crying,,, "i can't b-believe you, (y/n)," and "i never thought you would do that to me..." she fucks you until your hole was gaping, waves of her cum leaking out of it... still sobbing but she keeps on fucking you :((
flipping you over and attacking your cunt next,,, "y-y-you think she's better than me?? did you like her cock more?? am i not the one that fucks you the best, (y/n)??" she's asking all these questions and you're answering her honestly but she's so mad that she doesn't care if you're telling the truth :((( she just calls you a liar and fucks you full of her cum :(((( "i'm making sure that it's my baby that's inside you... not hers..." wony definitely breeds you all night!!! believing that if she gets you pregnant, then you'll never want to leave her for another girl 😣
liz never fucking knows what to do with you tbfh 😭😭😭 she's timid, soft-spoken... what is she supposed to do with a brat like you???? so most of the times she just mopes when you're acting out that you feel bad🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️but if she's heated enough, she can get a little scary! she's holding your wrist super tightly, telling you to behave through gritted teeth, and berates you in your ear if you decide to be annoying in public skdjfhdif completely different from the shy lizzy that you knew 🥺 but you start seeing her in a completely different light when you caught her in a bad day 🫢 you wore a skimpy outfit without her permission, and she got sooo mad bcs a lot of perverts were staring at your ass the whole night :(( meanie lizzy punishing you by deciding that you don't get to come at all while she's fucking you :((( she's fingering you so good, hitting all the right spots with her skilled fingers but she pulls out every time you clench around her 😵‍�� n it's worse when she uses her cock 😩 liz is so thick, she fits in your tight hole just right and it feels soooo fucking good when she's pounding into you,, but she does the same thing—she denies you of your orgasm and laughs at your tears :((
"you want me to make you come?? me? i thought you wanted those other people's cocks inside you... letting them see you like that in such an outfit.. i thought you wouldn't need me..." she was saying :(( but you keep shaking your head, telling her that you only want her cock and no one else's but liz can be soooo mean 🥲🥲 she edges you all night, not caring about how loud and desperate you were begging her to just let you come once, just once!! but you should have known bad girls don't get forgiven so easily...
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Ice told Mav that he'd take this one, after getting the call from Penny.
So, when Ice walks into the Hard Deck, his eyes immediately start searching the room for Bradley, and find him in the back at the pool table.
He heads to the back area of the bar, catching Penny's eye on the way and giving her a wink. When Ice gets to the pool table area he sees that Bradley is not actually alone, he's there with Lieutenant "Bob" Floyd, who looks about as hopeless as Penny sounded on the phone earlier.
Bob suddenly notices Ice's presence, and he stands up a bit straighter as Ice gives him a nod of acknowledgement.
...All the while, Bradley just keeps playing pool and grumbling loudly to himself.
"Sir - " Bob begins.
" - Dismissed."
"Oh, thank you sir..." Bob replies, sounding extremely relieved as he leaves the pool table and heads to the bar.
"Bradley...?" Ice leans over the pool table and tries to get in Bradley's line of sight "...talk to me, please."
"Nothin' to talk about," Bradley replied, as he lined up his shot, then hit the ball over to the middle pocket, and it bounced off the edge of the pocket, missing the target. "You gonna play? Looks like Bob couldn't take the heat."
"I think what Bob couldn't take was the headache you were giving him," said Ice, as he picked up the abandoned pool cue.
"Bradley, half the bar can hear you grumbling over here," Ice told him. "You've got black storm clouds floating right over your head for God's sake. What's wrong?"
"Nothing!" Bradley insisted. "Now are you gonna play or not?"
Ice shrugged. "Sure," he said.
Ice lined up his shot, and sunk two balls into the far corner pocket, like it was absolutely nothing.
Bradley rolled his eyes as Ice straightened up and tried not to look smug.
"...But I guarantee, with the way I play and the way you seem to be playing right now, it's gonna be a pretty short game," Ice told him.
Bradley sighed. "I'm just a little off tonight, no big deal," he said.
"Any particular reason why?"
Ice gave him a pointed look.
Bradley huffed. "Just having...issues with...someone," he grumbled.
"Relationship issues?"
"It's not a relationship," Bradley countered, quickly.
"Then what is it?"
"It's....he....he left for a deployment in Italy today," Bradley grumbled. "And I went over to see him just to say goodbye, y'know, and it turned into 'Oh, Rooster, I didn't know you cared?' and so of course I was like, 'I don't care, just send my apologies to all those poor Italian people who'll have to endure your presence for the next few months.' And then it turned into talking about all the Italian guys he was gonna meet over there, and how they'd probably happily 'endure' his 'presence', and then I got mad, so I just kinda left."
"So, you didn't actually get to say goodbye then?" Ice pointed out.
"No, I guess not," said Bradley. "I just...it's so easy for him to just...annoy me like that, and then...stupid Italian guys - "
"So, your problem is that you don't want Jake Seresin to hang around with hot Italian guys, is that it?" Ice asked.
Bradley froze, and stared at Ice.
"...I never said anything about Jake Seresin," he said.
"Bradley, all you ever do is talk about Jake Seresin," Ice told him. "Did the two of you really think you were being discrete?"
"We were being - !" Bradley started, then clamped his lips together for a moment. "...It's always just been a casual thing. Nothing serious or official."
"...But now he's going to Italy," said Ice "...and he might be hanging around with 'hot Italian guys', and you don't like that."
"It's not like he's never been deployed without me before," said Bradley. "It's not like I haven't had to deal with feeling like this before. And I have! I've dealt with it just fine."
"Well, maybe this time is different because you're hitting a breaking point," said Ice. "Maybe, it's time you two finally had a serious talk about this 'casual thing' of yours."
"Why do you say 'casual thing' like that?" Bradley asked. "Like you're judging?"
"I'm not judging it, Bradley. I've been down that road myself before," Ice told him. "And I'm saying 'casual thing' like that because if you're feeling so troubled at the thought of him with somebody else, then maybe it's not a very 'casual' thing at all."
Bradley blew out a long, tired breath, as he stared at the pool table, supposedly looking for another shot.
"One thing I do know for sure, though..." said ice, as he walked around the table to stand beside Bradley "...is that Jake Seresin will not be 'meeting' any hot Italian guys."
Bradley glanced over at him and smirked. "What, you really gonna try and cockblock him from here?" he asked.
"Don't doubt my powers, Bradley Bradshaw, I'm the Commander of the Pacific Fleet, I can do a lot of things," Ice told him. "...Just ask Maverick."
Bradley snorted back a laugh.
"No, I mean, he may talk a big game about what he's gonna do over there, but I guarantee you, he's not gonna do any of it," Ice told him. "He doesn't want to."
"How do you know?" Bradley asked.
"Because I've been him, Bradley," Ice told him. "First he wanted to beat you and be the best pilot, then he wanted to bed you and prove that you wanted him...and now he's trying not to fall in love with you."
Bradley didn't say anything, he actually looked a little terrified now.
"And Bradley," Ice continued. "I guarantee, he may've won those first two rounds, but that last one?" Ice leaned in now and lowered his voice so that only Bradley could hear him "...I think you'll both find that he lost it a long time ago."
Bradley still didn't say anything, so Ice just smiled and straightened up, then put his pool cue back against the wall.
"Work on your game, kid," said the older man. "I'll see you at dinner on Sunday."
Ice then gave him a wave, and walked away, out of the bar.
Bradley thought for a moment, then pulled out his phone as he sat down on a nearby stool.
Can we talk when you get back? he texted.
He only had to wait about a minute before he got a reply.
Sure. You miss me already? (with a smirking emoji, of course)
Bradley took a deep breath, then sent back his reply.
...Yeah. I do.
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writingdevil · 1 month ago
Hiiii!!! Your stp writings are so good!!!! I love, love the way you write opportunist and cold!!! I was wondering if you could maybe write about a ship between them hehe 👀
(Thank you! I always wonder if the way the way I write Oppy and Cold is okay, so I'm glad to hear that! They'd be a really interesting ship, so they'll be fun to write for! Enjoy!)
(Is this the first time I need a warning for one of these? Warning-Blood, injury, knife play I guess)
"I win!"
Opportunist laughed in victory, slamming his final card down onto the deck, before his smile fell at the bored expression Cold wore across the table.
He was resting his chin on his palm, fiddling with one card between his fingers, the rest of his deck laying on the table for Opportunist to see, clear as day.
Opportunist chuckled awkwardly, reaching out to take the deck in his hands, shrugging as he went, "Maybe you'll win next round?"
Cold rolled his eyes. "I don't think so."
Opportunist's shoulders slumped at the empty tone of Cold's voice. He had hoped that Cold would enjoy cards, but it clearly wasn't as stimulating to him as it was to Opportunist, who couldn't get enough of any card game.
"You never know," Opportunist encouraged still, "I'm sure there's a card game out there that you won't be able to get enough of."
Cold snorted at his words, flicking the card in his grasp at him. Opportunist barely blinked before he had snatched it into the deck. Cold shoved the rest of his deck towards him as he said, "You said that card games were full of strategy and bluff. I'm afraid I can't see the appeal that you and Skeptic see."
Opportunist waved him away, pretending not to be offended. "Oh come on, it's fun once you get the hang of it. I promise you'll love it."
"Love staring at shapes and numbers while we sit in awkward silence?"
Opportunist looked at him in surprise, before sighing in defeat, beginning to silent shuffle the deck, if only for something for his hands to do.
Opportunist had been determined to get Cold to enjoy playing cards with him-or, well, just to enjoy being around Opportunist.
It seemed like Cold hopped from one bird to another everyday, from causing chaos with Contrarian, to trailing after Hero or Paranoid, to even pestering Smitten and Stubborn. There just appeared to be some sort of activity that Cold enjoyed doing with each flockmate-everyone except Opportunist.
Something about it left a sour taste in his mouth, and he intended to fix that. Opportunist wasn't even sure why he cared so much. Who cares what Cold does in his spare time? What does it matter if Cold didn't give Opportunist the same time he gave others?
Opportunist told himself it wasn't a big deal, but then he saw the way Cold would rather be anywhere else right now, and his chest felt a pang of pain.
He busied himself with shuffling the cards more intensely, trying to convince himself that what Cold thought of him shouldn't matter that much. Cold was reckless and illogical most of the time, who couldn't try and see the bigger picture and possibilities if his life depended on it.
But at the same time-Opportunist couldn't help but admire Cold's unflinching attitude, how nothing seemed to weigh him down, and how he was unapologetic in his stony demeanor, despite the others frustrations with him.
For that, Opportunist was trying his hardest to get closer to Cold, but that was turning out to be a fruitless task.
He didn't tear his gaze away from the cards in his hands as he said, "If this is truly not enjoyable for you, you're welcome to leave," hoping he hid the disappointment in his voice well.
A few seconds passed, but Cold hadn't moved yet, and when Opportunist looked up, he was surprised to see Cold staring at him with narrowed eyes.
Opportunist found himself unable to look away from his steely eyes, until Cold suddenly shot to his feet, barely glancing at Opportunist as he said, "I have an idea," and then walked off.
Opportunist blinked in confusion, trying to wrap his head around what was happening, until Cold returned, one hand behind his back and an intensity in his eyes.
"I propose we add something to make the game more-interesting," Cold suggested, and although Opportunist was slightly nervous, he just showed Cold nothing but enthusiastic interest, resting his head against his palm as he said, "I'm listening."
Cold's eyes flickered with delight as he pulled his hand out-and Opportunist tried to hide his flinch at the sight of a knife in Cold's hand.
Cold swung the knife side to side as he calmly explained, "Every time we play a trick card, the other person has to toss and catch the blade." To demonstrate, Cold effortlessly tossed the knife up into the air, and caught it without looking at it once, and Opportunist found it was an effort to not stare at the action.
"What does the winner get?"
Cold's eyes shone. "To see the other bleed and keep playing."
This was dumb. This was beyond dumb.
But the thought of disappointing Cold further had him smiling and saying, "I'm in."
Cold's mouth quirked into a smile, and then he sat back down, looking more invested than ever, setting the knife down next to them, and Opportunist tried not to stare at it.
Although they all knew that they would probably nevee see the blade again, some of the others still grew antsy around any of their normal knives. Cold was actually forbidden from roaming the kitchen and cooking, or just handling knives in general, and Opportunist was just flat out not allowed in the area.
Still, he was decent with a knife, and if he stayed calmed, then he might not lose all his fingers today.
He swiftly dealt out the cards, and placed the first card down, before checking his own deck. Two sevens and an ace-not bad, but it all depends on how he plays them, and on whatever cards Cold had.
Cold placed a card down, and Opportunist shivered when it was just a normal one.
Opportunist's eyes flicked between his cards and Cold's weirdly focused gaze, and the heat of those eyes had him going, 'Fuck it,' and he placed a seven down with a sharp smile.
Cold didn't appear shocked-but when does he ever- and he didn't break eye contact with Opportunist as he took the blade, and flipped it in the air.
He caught it by the tip of the metal, the handle bouncing up and down, before he unceremoniously dropped it with a clatter.
Opportunist gave him an impressed look. "Well done."
"Not quite," Cold retorted with, and Opportunist was confused until Cold showed him his hand. It was easy to miss, but then Cold stuck his thumb out, and that was when Opportunist saw a small cut on the finger, a small bead of blood dribbling down it.
It was hardly a serious injury, but the sight of the blood sent Opportunist's mind spinning, and he wonder how much pain Cold could actually endure before he couldn't dull it down anymore.
He gave Cold a pout of fake sympathy, and mockingly said in a childish tone, "Aww, do you want me to kiss it better?"
"Keep playing," Cold just instructed, but his voice was a little too rigid and firm in that moment than normal, but Opportunist didn't comment on it.
He placed a normal card down, and it was smooth sailing for the next few minutes, but Opportunist then heard a 'plop', and he looked up, to see that the blood from Cold's thumb was dripping onto the table.
He stared at it. He didn't know why, but he couldn't stop staring at the blood. Maybe it was because he doesn't often see Cold actually bleed, despite his destructive behavior. Did he do this around others? Or was Opportunist just special right now?
The thought was driving him so mad that he jumped in surprise when Cold put a card down and announced, "Ace, change to hearts."
Opportunist's gaze snapped back to the deck, but sure enough, Cold had placed an ace down.
He chuckled, because he wasn't sure what else to do, other than send Cold a confident smile, stretching his arm out as if getting ready for a workout. Cold didn't speak-just looked at him expectedly.
Opportunist felt his face begin to hurt from how hard he was maintaining his smile, but he ignored it as he picked up the knife, staring directly at Cold, just as the other had when it had been his turn.
"Ready?" Cold asked, a hint of a tease in his voice, and it only egged him further on. He took a deep breath, looked Cold right in the eyes, and tossed the knife up into the air.
He told himself to remain calm, because a clear mind was how you survived dicey situations like this-but then his mind betrayed him, and he glanced at Cold's hand again, only to find him squeezing more blood out of his cut, and it dripped down his wrist, right in front of Opportunist, whose face suddenly flushed.
He choked on a gasp, before the knife came back down.
He smelled the metal before he felt the pain.
But when he did feel it, he hissed loudly as the knife landed right on his frozen palm, slicing it open. His body twitched and convulsed with pain, but Opportunist was determined not to panic and look weak, so he forced himself to remain seated, his hand burning as blood began coating his hand.
He tried to give Cold a big smile, but even he knew it wasn't convincing, but still, he tried. He laughed, blinking back tears and trying not to move his hand too much. "Fun! How fun this is!" he said cheerfully, choking on whimpers that threatened to come up his throat.
He gave Cold a wobbly smile, who actually looked a little surprised at him. Opportunist counted that as a win-that he managed to alter Cold's expectations of him.
Cold stared at him for a few seconds, his gaze also lingering on Opportunist's bleeding palm. He actually looked at a loss for words. The heat of his eyes on his palm was almost enough to soothe the searing pain he was in, but then Cold suddenly shot to his feet, his face unbothered but his eyes wild, attention never leaving his bloody hand as he shakily said, "I'll get bandages, then we're finished."
Horror shot through Opportunist, at the thought of Cold walking away, deeming him as nothing more than a scared little birdie who couldn't manage to be interesting for even a few minutes. Opportunist wasn't ready for Cold to discard him like that.
So he ignored the pain shooting up his arm now, and slammed a card down on the deck. "Ace," he declared, smirking up at Cold, whose feathers bristled at the look, "change to spades."
Cold held his gaze for a moment, before excitement flashed in his eyes.
He sat back down and picked up the knife.
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trollhunted · 1 month ago
Oh boy, now that I'm done with the rewatch it's time to air out some of the grievances I have with the writing choices made regarding the antagonists...
Starting off a little more positive – Merlin's portrayal worked fairly well overall as this arrogant manipulative old jerk of a wizard, who may have noble goals but achieves them via not so honorable methods in the name of the greater good.
It was a pretty good bait-and-switch with the way the show had built up this image of the mysterious and benevolent mage, but left enough hints to his true character via little details that quickly turn sour in hindsight once you've actually met him. He's not a villain, but they did make him a decent morally gray character in the few episodes he's around.
However, I think he should've been held more accountable for his actions and behavior, especially when his grand plan doesn't work out because he was too wrapped up in his own head to see the truth.
That leads me to Morgana, the big evil "mastermind" of the show. I have to say, I love how utterly unhinged they made her in the first half of season 3, though she loses some of that by the end of it. I don't really have many complaints about her as a villain, but rather like to nitpick aspects surrounding her character and some missed potential.
Design-wise I find her a little lackluster as someone called "the Eldritch Queen" and while it definitely was a fun idea to contrast Merlin's dark armor with all that gold, I believe they missed the mark a little. They should've gone a step further and contrasted the design even more by giving it a creepy and organic direction. Her "armor" could've been more insectoid and reminiscent of bones or dead wood.
Also, a small thing that always bothers me are the green accents on her, when that was being established as Merlin's color. It does connect them visually in a way, but mostly just feels out of place to me. Now, about that missed potential...
As a queen of shadows, I would've liked if they'd played up her insidious nature a little more. As Claire, instead of immediately trying (and badly failing) to kill the Trollhunter, they should've dragged out the possession a little. She could've used this position to destroy the team from within, test their limits, tear them apart to weaken their will, only to have it all backfire with how much they trust and care for each other. It would've paralleled Angor's approach, because considering his background, he must've picked up these methods from someone, no?
Another writing point that bothers me is her imprisonment. No matter how you look at it, sealing an ancient evil sorceress inside (or even near) the heartstone – a MAJOR source of pure energy – just sounds like an all around bad idea. Wouldn't it make sense for her to feed on that energy? And even if not that, shouldn't you be worried about her corrupting it??
I get that from an animation standpoint it's an extremely convenient way to have everything happening in one place, so you don't actually have to set up so many new assets, but man... it's just kind of stupid lol.
Honestly the way I would've rationalized this whole deal is: instead of having her sealed up in Arcadia Oaks, California of all places (why did they even end up there?) she could've been imprisoned within the previous Trollmarket in europe. Her and Gunmar have tried to bring about the Eternal Night before and almost succeeded, which led to the battle of Killahead, where both were sealed away.
Imagine Gunmar and his forces had taken the old Trollmarket and used its heartstone for that spell, draining it in the process. Although they were stopped and defeated, Trollmarket was destroyed and their rock of sustenance dead, which would prompt the trolls to leave and seek a new home across the globe.
Merlin could've trapped Morgana in the empty heartstone as a way to contain her powers, using the last of his magic. Maybe the reason he was so sure she would be weak and easy to vanquish after her imprisonment is because he had intended to slowly syphon her energy to empower himself and never considered that she would figure out how to reverse the spell to drain him instead.
And to add some flavor to this location, Morgana's presence could've twisted the old Trollmarket into something eery and barely recognizable, giving others reason to avoid this place. It could've served to show the heroes what may become of their beloved Trollmarket if Gunmar wins, given them more incentive to fight for what they have.
That's just an idea though.
Angor Rot was always a big pot of missed potential to me and his return in season 3 just ended up feeling, well, hollow lol. He was introduced as a great antagonist but in my honest opinion kinda fell off the moment they destroyed his soul and just turned him into an angry beast. Besides the overall bad taste it leaves behind, we really didn't need a Bular 2. And it's a little annoying they somewhat continued with that direction even when he was revived and supposedly got his soul back.
I like that they cared enough to dig a little into his conflicting emotions given his history & enslavement, but these moments should've been brought up in the climax of the first season. He should've regained his soul back then and suddenly be forced to reconcile with the atrocities committed in the name of his mistress. His revenge on Strickler should've conflicted with his newly regained conscience...
And, oh man, Strickler is a bit of an annoying case. It's kind of absurd to me that they would choose to give this man an easy "redemption" while tossing around Angor's corpse like that.
Angor Rot literally had his soul and autonomy taken from him and while these actions definitely twisted him throughout the ages, at the end of the day it was never his choice. Strickler was in a somewhat similar situation as a changeling made to serve Gunmar, but the major difference is that he did have a choice. Multiple even.
Even in his predicament, Angor chose to offer the Trollhunter a deal to free both of them of Strickler's control. Whether he actually would've honored that deal is hard to say, but I think even if he'd betrayed Jim's trust, it would've made for a good opportunity to speak of who he used to be and what he's become, and have his first real choice in centuries be to spare them.
Strickler on the other hand is far more vile and self-serving at his core. At first you could argue that it's mostly the (very real) threat of Bular breathing down his neck that pushes him to harm Jim despite his soft spot for the kid. But when both Bular and Gunmar are out of the picture, instead of using this freedom constructively, he doubles down on killing the Trollhunter while finding every opportunity to get under his skin.
This man literally chooses to continue beefing with a teenager and don't get me wrong, I love it. Comedy aside, it is genuinely a fun exploration of his character and what makes him work as a complex personal antagonist. But the fun quickly stops when they try to rush him into a lackluster "redemption arc" to get him on the main team.
I'm aware that tons of people love the stricklake pairing and "lady x monster man" is very much a del Toro staple, but I really don't think Strickler should've been "redeemed" given everything he did, there should've been FAR more serious repercussions. It would've made more sense to me to put him in a "reluctant, not entirely trustworthy, sort-of-ally" position than suddenly have him be one of the Good Guys because... romance?
Not to mention the quality of their writing and characterization took quite a dip to mend their relationship and make said last minute romance happen. The drama surrounding it was cheesed up to such a degree it felt like they were putting on a play and didn't tell anyone.
Nomura's turnaround makes perfect sense narratively speaking because she was a straight-forward, impersonal antagonist, who only began to sympathize with the enemy when they were forced into the same position and she had nothing left to lose. She probably gave Jim a few nightmares, but the Lakes don't have anywhere near the number of reasons to hate her as they should with Strickler.
Oh and on the topic of changelings, let's get to the Janus Order. In my honest opinion, I think the Order was an overall waste. What made the changelings fun to me was precisely how they jumped between playing human and the cruel brutality of their monstrous nature. They weren't really a blend of these two worlds, but rather just putting on an act.
That's what made examples like Strickler, Nomura, and NotEnrique emotionally toeing the line of what it means to be human so interesting. Because they aren't human, but have learned to love the world they live in. And it's also what would've made Jim's transformation so strange/special, because he actually would've embodied joining those worlds.
The Janus Order both visually and narratively throws a wrench into that for no reason. (And don't get me started on the whole "evil, politically powerful organization secretly controlling the world" deal..........)
The way I could actually see a point to that direction, is if it had been a relatively inconsequential side-plot where the Janus Order is more like a small-scale cult of humans or even low-grade sorcerers worshipping the Pale Lady. It could've been a one or two episode issue that would've mainly served to build up some lore & foreshadowing surrounding Morgana, before she would've made her big entrance in the third season.
Ah... and even Gunmar could've been handled much better in the later seasons. Bular isn't a perfect character, but he serves his purpose as the introductory villain fairly well and for a kids show like that, it's a sensible execution.
Gunmar's character started out very strong – as the presumed endboss, they combined Bular's intimidation factor and Strickler's conniving nature with him and added some class as a millennia old monster warlord. It works fantastically. While that image falls a little here and there, his portrayal in the Darklands still makes sense as someone who seemingly lost all hope and resigned himself to his eternal prison... and even then he displayed a malicious sort of patience by wanting to break Jim's spirit instead of simply killing him.
So for that to quickly turn into an impatient old man, who just barks out threats and orders and blindly follows whatever anyone tells him the moment he's on the surface... it, well, is pretty disappointing. It's understandable for Bular, the younger and less experienced son, to be rash and impatient, but a warlord? That's a position that requires a ton of patience and tactical prowess.
I really wish they would've kept the way he was presented in the first season and give us this big villain who's not only physically scary, but observational and dedicated enough to send Chompsky back with a message saying he'll kill all those Jim holds dear for killing his son and then listing literally everyone the kid knows.
Plus, his origin as some kind of actual monster born from a corrupted heartstone should've been explored! They could've gone into that endless hunger he apparently displays, that would've made him consume countless living creatures and even drain the magic energy out of crystals...
Instead we ended up with Bular 2 again, but even worse somehow, and it just made Gunmar about as threatening as a parked truck.
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tobiasdrake · 4 months ago
Dragon Ball Daima 01x09 - Thieves
Alright, one Dragon Ball down. What's next?
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It's a perfect plan. I'm not hearing any objections. Look at those eyes. Those are the eyes of someone who likes this plan and is excited to be a part of it.
Worst case scenario, we get caught, Goku fucks up a few more cops, and then we can fall back on sleeping on rocks. He just defeated a Tamagami. It is pretty firmly established that there is nothing in Daimakai that could ever touch him.
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Yeah, it's the Nyoibou that stands out here. Only nyoibou. Out of every single thing about Goku's appearance right now, the stick is the part that will make people jerk straight up in their seats and go "Holy shit, it's him."
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Thank you.
These clowns were legit about to walk right in there, flashing the spoils of Goku's unprecedented and historic victory against a Tamagami around. I'm glad Kaioshin, at least, has two brain cells to knock together.
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Goddammit, Kaioshin. You know better than to leave Goku unsupervised during a stealth mission! This is on you!
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...from who?
Who would buy one Dragon Ball out of a set that still requires you to defeat two impossibly powerful ultra-foes to collect the others? This is a terrible plan.
The Three-Star Ball in Goku's bag is invaluable. But also kinda worthless. I can't imagine there's much overlap on the Venn Diagram of "People capable of claiming the other two Dragon Balls" and "People buying stolen goods from the black market."
These guys really want to risk an altercation with the guy who defeated the Tamagami in order to steal an artifact that no one would ever buy. They'd be better off calling the cops and asking if there's a bounty on Goku's head.
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Appropriate response. You're nasty, Goku. At least ask Piccolo to teach you Clothes Beam so you can conjure fresh dogis out of thin air.
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Okay, so we are now using Panzy's Not-Dragon Radar to track a Dragon Ball.
Is it weird that I'm kind of proud of them for this? Like. Someone went out of their way to contrive a new way in which Panzy could be specifically Bulma-adjacent and make it work in-universe. It was a long walk to this pier, and I don't know why they wanted to come to this pier but I'm proud of them for making it.
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Is it, though, Banana Beak?
I think Goku's the one making a lot of sense here. And you should probably feel ashamed of yourself when you're losing a debate to Son Goku.
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Goku has to be letting them play Dragon Ball Keep-Away for shits and giggles. He can teleport.
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Aww, she won his approval. I mean, he sucks and who cares what he thinks, but still. D'aww.
The funny thing about Glorio, now that we know what his deal is, is that he thinks he's going to be allowed to betray them. He honestly seems to think that is a thing that will happen.
Sorry, my dude. Once you're in an anime nakama, there's no going back. Just ask poor Vegeta, who once made a temporary alliance to face the Ginyus together that spiraled wildly out of control, and now he's Bulma's himbo arm candy. This team owns your soul now.
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"I'll stay up and keep watch" says a person whose only interest or hobby is one that physically fatigues him. Goku made bad choices.
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XD It's good to know that Makai #3 is just fucking lousy with plane thieves. Bulma and Vegeta's first day in Daimakai is exactly the same as Goku and Kaioshin's.
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XD That's really all he knows about it.
Why do I feel like this is going to be important?
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Gomah really thought he could just go zap all the people who vanquished Majin Buu with cosmic fuckery, kidnap their deity, and then fuck off. And they'd just... let him go.
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Oh, there we go. I forgot about that. That's definitely the thing on Hybis's belt.
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At last, the most important characters meet.
They will either instantly hit it off or ironically hate each other.
When Team Goku was landing in the cop shuttle, I was half expecting for it to be actual cops and then there's a big mistake altercation.
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Team Goku seriously just came to say, "Hi, how ya doin'. Anyways," and then fuck right off. The two parties are remaining separate even though we just reunited. XD Why is Team Bulma even in the show? Comic relief?
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Oh, that's... actually a pretty cool idea. Bulma and her crew will go handle the plot while Goku's off fighting the unbeatable Tamagamis. And then, presumably, they'll come back together for whatever Next-Gen Majin Buu thing Dr. Arinsu is whipping up.
I'm here for this.
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Now that he's officially part of the show for realsies, Vegeta gets an establishing fight that's basically the same as Goku's bar fight, just more.
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And also Piccolo is nearby, getting to throw exactly one punch. To be fair, I made a point before of how Goku technically did defeat Majin Buu but really doesn't actually, like... He can throw hands with Buu, but he's still sorely outclassed. Gohan's the only one who can face Buu in a straight fight and win.
But on the spectrum of characters who can throw hands with Buu, Piccolo is....
Piccolo is just not. He peaked in his Android 17 fight and ceased to be a relevant fighter afterwards.
Since we're in the area of "Less than Cell" for most of the powers we're going to encounter here, excluding the Tamagamis and Dr. Arinsu's project, that's fine. Being able to throw hands with 17 makes Piccolo reasonably well-leveled to this environment. But being attached at the hip to Vegeta? ...yeah, it makes sense he only got to throw one punch.
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...they're not seriously saying that Saibamen are Majin too. They can't... No, I refuse. Do Saibamen even have ears!?
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Oh goddammit.
Not everything in the Dragon Ball universe has to be Majin. Can't wait to find out that Frieza and Cold were secretly Majin all along too, and their... whatever's going on there is just a fancy version of pointy ears. Somehow.
Namekians and Kaioshin, I was like, "Yeah, okay, sure, whatever. This was already kinda-sorta canon." But this one actually bothers me.
I still love that Dr. Arinsu's witch's broom is a hookah. She's just over there getting stoned while Marba works.
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He looks like Golden Frieza.
Why is he Golden Frieza.
I was being sarcastic. So help me, if this does end up being somehow linked to Frieza I will throw things.
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queenofbaws · 3 months ago
Hii, can you write a story about my theory for the bathroom couches
There was a series of frowns at that, the gang momentarily lifting their heads from what they'd been doing to shoot each other suspicious glances. Clearly it hadn't been any of them who'd done the talking - the voice was strangely distant and, somehow even more strangely, excited - but still, the sentiment remained.
"I-I'm sorry?" Hannah said after a moment, glancing up towards the ceiling as if it'd been some higher power to shout at them.
And then, making all the noise of a suit of armor come to life, Mike came barrelling down the lodge's staircase, sock-sliding across the great room's hardwood until he bumped against the sectional. "Thirty-ooone," he repeated, bracing himself against the back of the couch. "That's how many fucking couches you guys got in this place, you know that? What gives?"
Hannah's head was instantly in her hands. "Oh God."
"Yeah, y'know...I've been wondering about that too," Sam said slowly, setting down her big book of crossword puzzles to glance around the lodge instead, the tally in her head almost visible as she counted couch after couch. "I mean. I guess I figured it was because, uh...ski lodge. Company. That kind of thing. But...you guys do have a lot."
"And the one in the bathroom?!" Emily cut in. "The one in the bathroom is pretty heinous."
Instead of bothering to deal with their chatter individually, Beth heaved a sigh and raised her voice, speaking up over them as if she didn't care. She also continued smashing buttons on her controller as if she didn't care. And her eyes? On the tv, baby. Like she didn't care. (Spoiler: She didn't). "Once upon a time," she began, "there was this wormy little kid named Josh."
"Wormy, huh?" he asked, offhandedly at best, hunched over with his elbows on his knees as he pulled off another sick combo on-screen. "That's a new one."
"The thing about Josh," Beth continued, paying him literally no attention as she wrung his health bar dry, "was he never slept."
"Still don't! It's one of my fun little quirks. Gives me personality."
"And it took Mom and Dad forever to figure out, but - " she paused long enough to wrench her body to the side as if it would help her character dodge, and, miraculously, it did, " - eventually they noticed he'd conk out on a couch even if he wouldn't fall asleep in bed."
"Know where monsters like hiding, B? Under beds. Know what you never hear about? Monsters hiding under couches."
Tapping her pencil against her crossword book, Sam scrunched her mouth together. It was a good point. She didn't say that part out loud. A quick glance around the great room told her the others were thinking the same.
"So," Beth kept saying, "Mom, being the worry-wort she is, filled this place with couches just in case little Joshy needed a little nappy-nap. And Dad, ever-resourceful, used the ski lodge excuse every time so he could get a tax write-off or something, I don't know. It sort of snowballed. Our family isn't really known for, like, restraint."
"No," Emily pretended to gasp. "The family that bought a whole goddamn mountain? You don't say."
"...and the one in the bathroom?" Mike repeated, his emphasis clear. "Please...please don't tell me you were napping in the bathroom, dude. There...there have to be limits."
"Tub takes an awful long time to fill, my man. Anyone would get sleepy waiting for that shit."
On the other side of the sectional, having until-then been silent, Jess let out a huge, whooping sigh of relief. "Oh thank Gawwwwwd," she groaned, dramatically slumping across the cushions. "I was so sure it was gonna be some weird pervvy sex thing."
"It can be both," Beth and Josh said in unison, deadpan and only half-paying attention as they kept playing their game. Joke or not, it was too much for poor Hannah, who slid off the couch altogether, moaning and groaning and huddling onto a ball of mortification on the floor.
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freakshowtwopointoh · 1 year ago
Marie ducks out of the gala, praying that no one will try to stop her. She can feel Cate's eyes on her, Emma's eyes, Jordan's eyes.
Did they tell the others about their past? Did they even care? The way they treated her in Brink's office, it was like they had no memory of her. Then the club, Luke, outside the crimefighting building, the interview... a collection of charged and confusing conversations. Never a confirmation that they even remembered her, but there was so much emotion in everything they said to her.
Maybe they thought she didn't remember...
But she remembers. She remembers everything. The games they'd play, the secrets they'd shared, the late-night playstation tournaments...
Her first crush, her first kiss. Of course she hadn't forgotten, how could she.
But she moved away. And then her life became a horror movie. And even if she'd been allowed to contact anyone, what do you say to your best friend after you've done the unimaginable?
So when she walked in and saw them at the desk for Brink's office, what was she supposed to say?
"Remember me, I'm the weird kid you were friends with until she moved away and vanished, who kissed you in her sister's princess tent in the backyard? Also, I found out I'm a supe and my schedule's fucked."
Yeah, no. That doesn't really work. So she played a bit dumb. But now... she sees Jordan leaning up against the side of the building, watching her.
She sucked in a breath through her teeth.
"I'm not in the mood, Jordan. You can attack me in the morning." She rolled her eyes, and attempted to walk away.
"I'm surprised you can walk straight, with everyone's tongue lodged up your ass."
"You don't know shit about me anymore, Li, so shut the fuck up." And she tried to keep walking away.
"So you do remember me." God fucking dammit. "And I do know you, and I know your type. Brown-noser. One-upper. Mommy and Daddy's perfect little hero." The words stopped her in her tracks. She spun on her heel.
"Yeah, well that's definitely not me. Because my parents are dead. Because I killed them." The words fell from her lips before she could stop them.
"Bullshit." They say, but they don't sound like they mean it.
"That answers a whole lot of your questions, now doesn't it?" She snapped. "Questions that I could've fucking answered, if you'd ever bothered to ask. It was just a few months after I moved. I... I had my first period, my mom came in and.... and the blood sliced right through her neck. Dad came in, same deal. Annab-" Her voice broke. She took a deep breath. "After that, I was sent to a facility called Red River. I didn't really have the option to email or anything for.... awhile. Happy now?" She was ready to storm off, but Jordan placed something cold in her hand. A flask.
"I always thought you just... forgot about me. And when I saw your name in the pile of incoming students, it wasn't hard to invent all sorts of reasons why you'd lie to me. And then... well..."
"Shit got complicated real fast." She said simply, after swallowing a gulp of the lukewarm rum in their flask. "I.... wasn't sure what to say when I saw you in the office that first day."
"You're telling me! I'd spent like 5 years being pissed at you and missing you at the same time, then all of a sudden you waltz into my office, demanding I un-reject you from his class, and at that point, I still didn't even know what your powers were." They laugh.
Marie looked at them, taking in their straight bob, their big brown eyes, their chiming laugh. God, she'd missed them so much. She'd missed her best friend more than she even understood until this very moment. They missed out on so much - so many late night chats and lazy weekends and... her eyes flicked to their lips. And before she's even registered what she's doing, her hand is on Jordan's cheek and she's pulling them in, and kissing them. Pouring years of pining, missing, loving, hating, everything, into this kiss under the moonlight.
When they pull away, there's a look she can't read in their eyes.
"I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't that." They said. And then their hands are on her hips and they're kissing again and everything is magical and beautiful and perfect and there are no words needed. And then someone coughs behind them.
"Uh, guys? I fucked up." Andre and Cate are standing there awkwardly.
~ au idea by @mariejordans
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songsofadelaide · 11 days ago
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tags and cw: xanxus x (f) actress reader, mentions of mafia dealings, murder, canon-typical violence, and sleeping together.
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The "wild" photos of you and your bodyguard instantly went viral. Many of your fans have noticed him in your background recently and have speculated about how deep your relationship with him went by how you acted around him.
That photo in question, now plastered all over social media and printed tabloids, featured you laughing in complete elation as your "gorgeous, olive-skinned bodyguard who looked like he stepped out of a dark mafia romance novel" easily threw you over his shoulder. (You laughed as you read the papers to him, the perpetual scowl on his handsome face unchanged even as he was praised. He said he didn't give a shit.)
Bodyguard wasn't exactly the right word to describe him. Xanxus was, first and foremost, a family friend— who clearly wanted nothing to do with you at first, if not for his father, who now considered your safety his mission now that the concern was brought to him. You were a favorite goddaughter of Don Timoteo Vongola, a child of one of his associates who worked closely with him. The old don always believed you would make it big in show business, and the fact that you were now facing issues with your safety only proved him right.
As a beloved and rising actress with an ever-growing fanbase, you've had your fair share of brushes with "fans" who borderline on strange. It didn't faze you at first since they probably just adored you more than the regular fan would... but when your staff and manager were physically assaulted and threatened if they didn't bring him to you, you knew you were in deep trouble. This wasn't just some devoted fan but a crazed stalker— a dangerous one at that.
When your father brought that concern to his good friend, you expected your godfather to loan you at least two armed bodyguards. That would've been enough to scare off your stalker. But imagine your surprise when Don Timoteo assigned the Varia as your security detail. You had an entire team of skilled assassins at your disposal, all innocently disguised as mere bodyguards from an elite security agency.
What's even odder is how Xanxus took the role rather seriously.
He said it was overkill at first— to have his entire squad focus their efforts on guarding one actress. Weren't there more important things to worry about? But there was no ignoring a direct order from the Ninth, no matter how much he wanted to balk. Even when he insisted on handling the entire affair on his own, since it was charged to him directly, his own subordinates never allowed it. The Varia always moved as one body, after all, and they even dared to question why he was pulling so much weight because they know for certain he'd rather be doing something else.
He never really gave them a truthful answer, but just a half-truth. He told them, "the brat's worth millions", so they'd surely be paid generously. Vongola income meant Varia income, too. Not that money has ever interested him.
Second is that you were pretty. And he was able to tell from your expression when you were first introduced that you thought him likewise.
(You cried a little when he begrudgingly told you how he got his scars, after pestering him about it for the last few weeks.)
Third is that... Well... Nothing was ever stipulated in your contract that you couldn't sleep together.
Xanxus didn't care much about getting caught in bed with showbiz's hottest new thing. In fact, it all played out in his favor. Now that you were posted all over the news and social media with that look of ecstasy on your face as you were hauled away like a piece of luggage, the more your obsessive fan would try to reach you. The more aggravated that stalker of yours became, the more likely he is to reveal himself, and it'll only take a single bullet to pacify your thoughts and make the problem disappear— if only you agreed.
"You don't have to k..." You told him once, drawing lazy circles across his broad chest as he lay next to you, legs and limbs tangled in your silk sheets. "Kill anyone, you know..."
"That's a stupid thing to say. You think that piece of trash that's terrorized your staff will stop there? One of these days, it's either gonna be you or him," he stated as he swatted your hand away, to which you responded by thumping your fist against his rib cage, though it didn't seem to hurt him at all. A low, deriding chuckle left his mouth when he grabbed your wrist and saw a pout grace your face. "Is it fun? This sick habit of yours."
"What habit?"
"Sleeping with your bodyguards."
You narrowed your eyes at him before eventually shrugging off his remark. "Only if they're as good-looking as you. Didn't you know that my previous bodyguards were all from my family? They're all old men. Friends of my father, to be exact."
"Can't see why that stopped you."
"I can't believe you'd insinuate something so—" You snapped at him, to which he replied with a lazy, wide-mouthed yawn that served to irritate you. "You know what? Fuck you."
You glared at him, catching the glint of mischief and mockery in his sharp crimson eyes. You thought you'd be used to his lack of delicacy by now, but how he ridiculed you wounded your ego in ways you couldn't explain.
"I believe you already did, brat."
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The realization dawned on you in the middle of makeup and styling for a photoshoot, surprising your glam team enough for them to pull away from your face in fear of ruining their work so far.
"Sorry! I just remembered something," you said apologetically, nodding at your makeup artist to resume their work. It was rare for you to give voice to your thoughts, but this one escaped your lips pretty easily.
Xanxus and one of his subordinates stood by the door of your dressing room, matching pressed suits and arms uniformly crossed over their chests. They played their role as bodyguards surprisingly well even though they'd surely rather be burning down the homes of dissidents of the Vongola Family.
"Still pretty?" You playfully asked your makeup artist, to which they replied with an ecstatic, "Of course! The prettiest!"
You were the object of everyone's affection, and the mere fact that your crude bodyguard thought you were easy work offended you.
But now that you mentioned it, it was you who invited Xanxus to your bedroom that night. You were slightly wine-drunk after a long, long, packed day of photoshoots and interviews, and you did melt like putty when he placed his warm hands on you. That couldn't be helped, and it was fully your fault.
He's handsome, too. And amazing in bed. Too bad not much could be done about that nasty attitude of his.
Yet for all his severity, Xanxus did his job well. His decision to momentarily spread out the Varia to cover all the people relevant to you was a smart move, and your staff felt incredibly safe and confident heading their own ways with reliable people watching over them. You kept the fact that those bodyguards were actually mafiosi to yourself, though.
And for all their rather intimidating personalities, the Varia proved to be the most reliable people to handle your situation with the dangerous stalker. You've seen the articles discussing their relevance— not just to you, along with the disturbing statistics of actors who were killed by their so-called fans.
As he gained notoriety for being an incredibly handsy bodyguard, Xanxus became the paparazzi's new public enemy number one. He was a menace to those who invaded your privacy— and his, he added— and found great and gratifying pleasure in incinerating the cameras of those who ventured too close to your residence. As more of his face appeared alongside yours— and his touch all the more precarious— he believed it was only a matter of time until that obsessive fan of yours made his next threat.
And that threat came in the least unexpected way— by infiltrating your photoshoot and raiding your dressing room— all while Xanxus and the Varia were busy setting up a perimeter around the place. Your staff and the rest of the crew were alerted by the sound of glass shattering in your dressing room, followed by muffled voices and a loud metallic clanging hitting something over and over again.
Well, shit. Xanxus tried not let the panic show in his face, but it was clear that whoever was in the room with you was making a mess. But importantly, he had to find an excuse as to why his old man's favorite goddaughter was beaten to a pulp right under their noses. He elbowed through the crowd that gathered outside your dressing room and incinerated the knob before hastily kicking it open. Gasps erupted in the hall as eyes peered into the room, color draining the many faces that care for you as they found you in that harrowing moment.
"That's enough," Xanxus grunted as he grasped your raised wrist. You looked at him through your blood-smeared hair and lashes and felt the spike of adrenaline in your body slowly die down. "You said you didn't wanna kill anyone, but look at what you're doing to this piece of scum."
The stalker was hardly recognizable from the way you did his face in. He was barely breathing and choking on his own blood as he gasped for air and reached out for anyone to help him.
"You said it was either going to be me or him," you stated, catching your breath as you unceremoniously dropped the bloodied and dented metal baseball bat, a clang resounding in the room that looked like a hurricane passed through. The blood of the stranger streaked your face and fine clothing, your fingers and knuckles cold as the same red dripped from the tips. "Him, then."
Xanxus caught your wavering form in his arms while members of the crew gathered around your bloodied stalker, attempting to do first aid on him while others rushed to call the cops and an ambulance.
"Hmph. All this time you've been a goody-two-shoes, only to release that much rage in a single day. The old man ought to be proud," he stated as he bundled you in his arms, ignoring your worried manager and staff scurrying around him to check up on you.
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"The bat was Squalo's idea," you said between sips of your favorite hot tea as you sat comfortably on your bed. You had just been discharged from the hospital following that close encounter with your deranged fan, not at all hurt save for your strained wrist and bruised knuckles.
Xanxus only observed you from across your bedroom, long legs set on your posh coffee table as he sat on your emerald green divan. He had the same look of indifference on his face, his brows furrowed and sturdy arms crossed over his chest.
"More importantly, what the hell are you doing way over there, Xanxus? As you can see, I am perfectly fine," you told him as you patted your plush comforters with your bandaged hand, beckoning him to approach you. "Come here, please."
"What am I, your dog? I don't recall you losing your ability to walk," he scoffed at you. "You said you're perfectly fine. You want something from me? You come over here."
A sigh escaped your lips. As expected. His even fouler mood can only be attributed to the fact that word reached Don Timoteo about what happened— and how the Varia wasn't there at such a crucial moment. Of course Xanxus would've gotten a light lashing after that. As the people say, you had one job.
The Varia never left anything to chance, except for that one instance. They must've thought that nothing could happen in a span of minutes, but those very minutes could have been the difference between life and death.
A low tsk left your bodyguard's mouth, his gaze grim as you approached him barefoot and lightly dressed.
"I'm sorry you got in trouble with Zio Timoteo, but for what it's worth, I think I actually learned a thing or two from you," you said as you placed a tender hand on his lap. The gesture was enough for him to finally set his feet down and open his arms to receive you, though his face had the very same scowl of utter annoyance.
"The hell did you learn from me, brat?"
You let out a low laugh as you sat yourself comfortably on his lap, his arms circling around you like a mechanism locking in. Yes, for all his severity, maybe Xanxus actually cared. He wouldn't be here after that punishment from his father if not.
He wouldn't be holding you like this if he didn't care.
"Rage is actually a pretty damn good weapon. It was... cathartic. B-But I don't want people thinking I'm some kind of barbarian who takes pleasure in anger-induced violence. I guess I'll need some kind of creative outlet," you said with a small smile. "I was thinking of baseball... Ah, but with that said, and since you've been such a great help to me so far..."
It was cathartic in a sense that you finally did something about your own safety. Xanxus said it wasn't selfish to choose yourself over anyone else, otherwise you'd have been the one beaten to a bloody pulp. You grasped his sleek black necktie and gently drew his gaze down to yours. There it was all in his crimson eyes— a look of derision and adoration that only you could truly decipher.
"Haven't you heard? Dating handsome bodyguards is all the rage recently," you chuckled at him. "Since everyone's eyes are on you, why not give the people something else to talk about, hm?"
A surprised yelp left your lips as he stood up and brusquely bundled you in his arms, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes as he stalked over to your plush bed once more. "Let's leave the fucking curtains open, then."
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whore-crusher · 1 month ago
nightguard au idea for all my oldhead fnaf fans
I'm sure at this point people are sick and tired of hearing about Rebornica's AU but it was a big part of my childhood so! I always tried to put my own spin on it but this is probably one of the more cohesive ideas I've had about it! Yes it gathers a few more of Rebornica's old OCs, but I do plan on making my own at a later date, so they're more there for filler than anything.
This is just a big, kind of ramble-y post about all the characters and the roles they'd play. Since this is so long, everything is under the cut so I don't annoy any tag scrollers.
Owners ; William, Henry
In this, I think I'd keep William and Henry as the owners & founders of Freddy's. William would be the hands-on, business, in-office type of guy whereas Henry bothers himself more with the robotic aspects and such, much like how it is in canon. As opposed to Vincent being a murderer, William would stay the murderer in this AU, however he kept up his charade for much, much longer and was spread out over more years. He doesn't really know that the animatronics are haunted, or care much. Not his problem. If anything, he sees himself as more of a help to Henry as after the animatronics become haunted, they become much more realistic and develop their own personalities.
Henry is much more shut off, after the death of his daughter. His wife either left or killed herself, probably the latter but I'll figure it out when I have more fleshed-out ideas as she could serve a point later in this timeline. The only people he really talks to anymore is Michael, since he practically raised the boy with William, William himself for business reasons, and Scott for general updates on what's going on and what people are looking for in the animatronics. He has no idea why his creations are taking on a life of their own, but he's under the idea that it was all his doing and he's developed sort of a complex about it.
Waiters ; Scott , Vendetta
Scott and Vendetta work as the waiters and both are the only ones in the group who can actually deal with kids. Scott is too calm for his own good (which makes it MORE worrying when he shows extreme emotions) and Vendetta is described in the wiki as a 'emotional perfectionist', so he tries hard not to show any negative emotions either. The others also see them as the leaders of their group, going to them for advice yet also avoiding them when scheming due to their more mature nature. Vendetta is older than the others (excluding Jeff), not by much, but still sometimes flaunts his seniority to the group.
Scott doesn't have a phone head in this au, rather a headpiece in a bright red color (Vendetta has a normal black one, though). Since he's decidedly more human in this, I like to envision him as maybe Korean? Longer black hair, maybe shoulder-length, and brown eyes. I see him being a bit tan. Vendetta for now looks pretty much the same, but like I state in the beginning of this post I'll probably make my own oc based off of him to replace him.
Chefs ; Jeff , Mahogany
Jeff is here too, yay! He's the head chef of the joint. Mahogany is his second in command, and together they get all too serious about making sub-par pizza for kids. They make an unlikely team. Jeff, as stated before, is the oldest in the group by quite a lot. He's almost as old if not older than William and Henry themselves. Because of this, although he doesn't get into any of the other's hijinks, the others do see him as the unofficial father figure of the group. Well, not in the traditional sense as he is definitely more like a 'cool uncle', but I digress. He doesn't have any kids of his own so he appreciates that the others see him as a mentor of sorts, even if his advice isn't the best. He has his moments. Mahogany is pretty bubbly and social but more reserved than Dolly, the only other girl in the group. The others view her as an older sister (excluding Vendetta, obviously) and she is very protective of the others. She's the kind to stand up for Fritz and Jeremy in their more anxious moments and she lays into anyone who questions her, part of the reason she was hired as a chef and not a waitress.
Janitors ; Chris , Dolly
Chris is quiet. He's more of a listener than a talker, which fares just fine with Dolly since she loves talking. Dolly is the gossip, bubbly, energetic person in the group. She's bouncing off the walls half of the time and talks a mile a minute about all kinds of things. Some people see her as another dumb blonde, but when you listen to her ramblings you'll find she's smarter than what you would think. She loves all things science and history, and whatever niche topics find their way into her brain are sure to be deeply investigated. Chris appreciates her smarts, and feels like he has grown much smarter by listening to her. They have a very close relationship. He doesn't really understand how a girl like Dolly managed to start dating a guy like Mike, but either way he's glad that the short-tempered man makes her so happy. As for Chris himself, he's definitely too much of a shut in to have a girlfriend. He doesn't go much outside of home and work, unless Dolly is dragging him somewhere with the others. He appreciates that even with his introverted nature the others see him as part of their group.
Day Guards ; Michael , Fritz
Michael refuses to work the night shift. Ever. He begged and pleaded with his father never to make him go into the building at night again, and William agreed to finally get his son off of his back. As for Fritz, he works two jobs so he needed the day shift to work the night shift at another job. How much sleep does he get? Not much but the break room has a coffee machine so he doesn't mind. Together, they are the day guards. Unlike Scott and Vendetta, they don't do as well with the kids. This is usually fine since they're in the guard room most of the day, but whenever one of the waiters go on break one of them has to get up to patrol around so one waiter isn't required to keep an eye on everything the camera's don't see. Kids are annoying, sure, but it's not really that the kids make them angry. The kids remind Michael too much of his deceased siblings and Fritz is far too anxious to actually put his foot down if a kid is annoying him. Michael only ever reprimands kids if they get too close to any machinery or are doing something dangerous, kind of freaking out after he witnessed his brother get his head shredded by Fredbear.
Night Guards ; Mike , Jeremy
Do you think you hate your job? They hate their job more. Mike is way more open about it, but Jeremy dreads coming into work every night. If they're not talking about whatever TV show or anime they're watching, or current news, they're complaining about their jobs. They get along fine, though. Like two peas in a pod, although Jeremy is way less easy to anger than Mike is. Mike is angry at the world. Jeremy always says that he's glad they chose to call Mike 'Mike' and Michael 'Michael' instead of the other way around because Mike sounds like the name of a guy who gets angry at everything. (And, yes, Mike and Michael are different. They are both legally Michael, just one is Schmidt and the other is Afton. Mike was particularly nonplussed when he found out that he shared a name with the Boss' son.)
Vincent Bishop ;
Vincent does a bit of everything. He's really just put wherever they need him, so he jumps around a lot. Because of this, he seems to just be kind of everywhere. He's a big reason the group even formed, acting as the glue of the group. He doesn't even really work shifts, per se, and is more just called in when he's needed. Therefore he spends most of his days at Freddy's just so he's there if they need something right away, like repairs on the animatronics or an extra cook during lunch hour on weekends. He's Vendetta's younger brother, so when he's not shuffling around the building doing fuckall he's annoying his brother or flirting with Scott (he makes a game out of how red he can get Scott, which no one appreciates besides himself and Dolly, as she finds it hilarious). If you're in Freddy's, he's not too far away. For someone who dyes his hair purple, he somehow blends into the shadows too well. Because of his sneaky habits, he knows far too much about the establishment, finding out things that not even Michael knows about the history of the place.
To this day, no one knows how he gets access to files in William's office when not even Michael is allowed in there, and everyone is a bit too intimidated to ask.
General Info ;
This AU takes place during FNAF 2, as that's the timeframe I usually think of when I hear 'night guard AU'. I have no real set ships for this AU yet, other than maybe Mike/Dolly and Scott/Vincent, but even then I like exploring their relationships with other characters too!
I'll be making art of this soon, hopefully, to showcase specific designs. I mentioned briefly how Scott looks but I also have updated designs for... well, all of them basically. I still have to come up with designs for Mahogany and Vendetta, but I may keep their names for brevity's sake.
The animatronics in this AU are sentient, but just enough to be able to interact with each other and kids. They still become murderous at night, but instead of that just being because they think the night guard looks like their murderer, I see it as more of a ritual thing. Like they were murdered at night or something, so now when it gets dark outside they like enter a state of mind or something. I'll think more on it.
I doubt anyone has read this far but if you have, hey, thanks! If you have any ideas or things you wanna see, let me know. This is still a skeleton to me, and things are very subject to change. I'd love to hear other people's thoughts!
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commanderteag · 4 months ago
Me? Making a new character? Never- Anyway here's my lil dragon scion Morivitae
Death's creation He went by Morivitae (Dying Life) and was made by Zhaitan to share the pain of death. Of course, the dragon of death struggled to create life so he stole it and shaped it in his image. He lives in continuous pain and as Zhaitan had no idea how to create a fresh life he had to be stitched together as parts of him rotted away not agreeing with other parts of him until he came to a stage where he stopped rotting. To keep his body functioning he consumes others' life forces like that one demon from the domain of the lost. While under Zhaitan there was no order for who he consumed if he were to be freed he'd be more picky with who he consumed. He's bitter about what his life became and jealous of mortals while he understands their lives aren't easy they aren't a stitched-together freak of nature. He'll judge others by following them around for a while before deciding to strike or not. If he believes they don't value their lives he'll take it. His definition of "value their lives" is a bit grey as he doesn't much care if they are a "good" or "bad" person. He has never cared to bond with anyone outside the dragon of death and he was twisted company at best. If someone was to try to befriend him they'd probably die from old age before they got through to him. He's sly cunning and heartless (literally) only really caring for his survival and trying to find peace with himself that he can't find.
Zhaitan made him heartless cold and mean to make sure he'd stay a good little scion to do his bidding. It's not that there are no feelings at all just locked in so deep that it looks like there aren't any or well any good ones. He's messy.
He lived in Orr since it rose again and chills there. Once the pact comes knocking he tries to blend in to see what they are plotting. He has mixed feelings about these people. He was curious about the pact and how they planned to take down his creator so he made himself a mortal form (which didn't work very well) dressed up as someone from the order of the whispers and just sorta watched. Trahearne was aware of his existence so Mori thought he'd take his chances and try to strike a deal with him. He played the role of a helpless creature who just wished for freedom. He didn't just Trahearne at all but at the minimum his creator would go down with him should he be killed after his usefulness had passed. Trahearne didn't trust him at all but Mori's info and insight proved useful and truthful so during the cleansing of Orr Trahearne would be able to break the bond between him and Zhaitan. Zhaitan used him against Trahearne and Comm being a big boss fight for them to get through. Once weakened Mori let Trahearne use his blood to cleanse Orr and in doing so weakened Zhaitan enough for Mori to fight against him.
Mori had much to learn about mortals and their ways and needed to fix his diet. While he was free of Zhaitan part of the deal was for him to work with the pact so they could keep an eye on him. Trahearne was stuck with him but decided the commander could do with company so he sent off to bother the commander instead.
Another ending is the pact letting him go and him running amuck seeing no point in bonding with mortals only taking what he needed as he explored around Tryia in search of a new purpose for himself. He causes problems lol.
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bories · 2 years ago
masterlist ⋆。˚☆
can you guys tell i love werewolves?
quick background info: i like to imagine reader as charlie's "adopted shortly after bella left him" kid. so she's close w bella but also kinda lagging behind when it comes to hearing about whats going on around her. this also takes place in eclipse <3
!!! i took some inspiration from @the-wolf-moon-diaries' Hold a Light Back to My Soul and the idea from @lunajay33's My Beast and i highly recommend their stories!
i definitely gotta write a pt 2 where we meet up again, don't i? damn
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weird dog ... seth clearwater x reader
word count: 1512, warnings: swearing, running away, giant wolf?? a tad boring
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Some days can be rough as hell around here, and dealing with them can be just as hard. There's not much to do in Forks, besides drive down to La Push, or wander in and out of the small stores around town, or even wander the hiking trails. But regardless, you need out, you gotta go.
Everything keeps piling up, looming over you, and it's all about to come crashing down. You're sick of hearing about some vampire army, and Bella's stupid love triangle, and now even werewolves--so you decide to leave. Slipping into some boots, you run out the door, barely caring if you make noise.
Not sure of where to go, you just pick a direction and run. You break out into a sprint until you get stomach cramps.
Slowing down, you walk and catch your breath as you reach the entrance to a hiking trail. It's far too late into the night for anyone to be out there unless they're camping, and even then they'd be holed up in their tents for the night. Regardless, though, you deviate from the path and just wander through the trees, not wanting to run into anyone.
Never slowing down, you begin to think about your safety in the forest so late.
It'll be fine, you tell yourself, Besides, if I get lost, someone'll just come find me like they found Bella that one time. With vampires and werewolves, it can't be that hard.
You roll your eyes at the thought of both species of weird being unable to track you down.
Your stomach stops hurting and you keep strolling through the forest, dodging trees and hopping off any big rocks you find. Taking in the forest around you, you start to wonder how long you've been gone.
No more than, like, half an hour. Maybe 45. D'you think Dad has noticed yet? you ask yourself. Definitely not.
After a few more minutes worth of walking and avoiding thinking too much, you stop in a little clearing. It's less of a clearing and more like trees getting a little more sparse, but you don't mind.
You sit on a rock and look up. The trees here are far apart enough to get a small, but clear shot of the sky.
"Nice," you smile. And for a few minutes, all you do is stare at the stars in silence.
Your eyelids start to feel heavy as your body really relaxes. You slide off the rock so you're sitting on the ground, leaned against it, still looking up.
I mean, this isn't the most uncomfortable pillow I've used. And I don't think I'd make it home anyways, you think, justifying sleeping against that rock to yourself. I'll go back in the morning if no one finds me by then. Sounds like a solid plan.
You yawn and close your eyes while turning onto your side against the rock. The quiet sounds of the forest lull you to sleep as your mind wanders. It wanders from the Cullens, to La Push, to how you miss the beach, to how you might go there next time you want to run away for a night, to how you'd even get there alone.
Being nearly asleep, you don't pick up on the fact that the forest is suddenly void of sound. Any animals around you have left, the leaves having stopped rustling, even the wind no longer blowing. But it's not until you hear the crunching of twigs behind you that your eyes shoot open, wide and aware. You hear panting, slow and steady, and you don't dare move.
Shit, is it a bear? 'If it's black, fight back,' right? We only have black bears around here. God, should I get up? Playing dead only works on brown bears--shit. Mind racing, your eyes squeeze shut until you come to a decision.
You abruptly stumble to your feet and start screaming, trying to scare away whatever's behind you, until you actually turn around. Your scream shifts from "trying-to-assert-dominance" to "trying-not-to-die-tonight" as you register what's found you. Not a black bear, but a brown wolf. A huge brown wolf. It even pulls away from you, startled by your screaming.
"Holy shit! Holy shit!" You stagger backwards and trip over a small rock, falling on your ass. You curse to yourself and look back up at the beast. It watches you, and for a moment, you two just stare at one another.
Your eyes are full of fear, mouth open, ready to scream, chest rising and falling with every uncertain breath. The wolf huffs and its head dips down towards you as it sniffs you. In response, you weakly try to shuffle backwards, unsure of what to do. It lets out another huff, backing away, never breaking eye contact.
To your surprise, it sits. It sits there and just looks at you.
You take a deep breath in and out and try to calm yourself. "Hoo... Okay," you're cautious to speak, afraid of what might happen. "Hey there, uh, buddy?"
It doesn't move. "You, uh--you won't hurt me, huh? Right?"
It huffs. "Great. Very trustworthy."
Standing up slowly, you're wary of the wolf still watching your every move. You relax as the wolf seems uninterested in attacking you.
You sigh, "Now what? One wrong move and I might as well scream for the Cullens to come bite me."
You start talking to yourself, "This is what you get for being stupid. 'Oh, it's just the big bad trees. What's the worst that could happen?' I said. Yeah, right. Idiot."
The wolf's head cocks to the side as you scold yourself.
"And you," you gesture towards the wolf, "what're you gonna do? God, what am I doing? Threatening a giant wolf? I really am a genius."
You stop rambling and take a breath. "Okay. This is fine."
Your shoulders finally slump as you take in the wolf. It's as tall as the average human, taller even, with brown fur that looks darker at night. It's eyes are brown and captivating, almost unnaturally humanlike. Regardless, you can't help but find it beautiful.
"You're not that scary, are you?" You flash it a weak smile, "I bet you're just like a big puppy. You're so big that if you were red I'd call you Clifford," you laugh.
Taking slow steps towards the wolf, you raise your hand as non-threateningly as you can. "Can I pet you?" It watches you with curiosity.
"That's kind of a dumb question, isn't it? You can't really," your hand is inches from its head, "...respond." It leans into your touch as you begin softly stroking its fur.
"See," you chuckle, "you're not so mean."
It huffs and lies down. "What, you're tired? I bet you had a long day of scaring campers, didn't you?" You sit down beside the wolf, "I'm tired, too, you know? You actually kind of woke me up."
It watches you blankly. "I accept your apology, don't worry."
With a yawn, you start petting its fur again. "Pretty soft for a wild wolf," you mutter.
Your eyes start feeling heavy again and you lean against the wolf. "You don't mind, right?" Your words come out slowly, tired.
A huff in response. "Great, thanks. You're a much better pillow than that rock was," you trail off and close your eyes.
As your body relaxes against the wolf, the pace of your breathing matches the wolf's, and your mind starts to wander again. Wandering from how warm the wolf is, to the sun, to how you used to stare at the sun as a kid, to how you miss sunbathing on the beach, to planning your next day at the beach.
You barely mutter a "G'night," and drift off to sleep.
Throughout the night, the wolf watches over you as you sleep curled up with it. At sunrise, it stands, leaving you lying on the ground, and it begins to nudge you awake with its snout. You're startled awake by the wolf in your face and sit up, finding your bearings.
"Oh," you say, rubbing your eyes. "Right, good morning, I guess." The wolf pants at you, mouth open. "God, I really spent the night out here... Shit--has dad noticed?"
The wolf watches as you stand up and look around, looking for the direction you came in. Once you recognize the way home, you turn to say goodbye to the wolf. It stares at you, tall and unmoving.
"Don't look at me like that, I'm about to be in huge trouble."
Its tongue licks its nose. You smile with a sigh and shake your head, "I'll miss you, too. Don't scare too many people while I'm gone, alright?"
It bows its head as you pet it goodbye. "I'll find you again. I'll come back, tonight or tomorrow. And you better be here."
You turn and begin walking away, thinking to yourself, Weirdest dog I've ever met.
You look back once and it's gone. As silently as it had snuck up on you the previous night, it had gone.
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jeonaachu · 1 year ago
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Genre: Established relationship, fluff
Pairing: Jung Hoseok × Fem. OC
Words: 1.1k
Summary: Hoseok and OC are on a mini countryside vacation and he's scared of bugs.
A/n: Spring is here so I HAD to write something related to it.
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“Shh…. It was just a bug-” Haneul starts, to comfort her very frightened boyfriend who is currently clinging to her body like a giant koala, but is cut off when a high pitched voice speaks up.
“It landed on my neck!” He lets out, burying his head into the crook of his girlfriend's neck for some comfort. “And it was as big as my palm.” He adds. 
Haneul laughs softly and wraps her arms around his slightly shivering body. He's just too adorable. “Hobi…. It was literally just a dragonfly. They are harmless, love.” Her voice is gentle as she tries to get him to calm down, knowing very well how scary bugs are for him. 
The male was quick to shake his head. His body curling up against hers even more. “I don't care if it was a dragonfly or an elephant fly. It was scary!” 
She sighs. Maybe bringing him to the countryside for a chill weekend outing wasn't a great idea. He had quite a scare because of a grasshopper last night too when they arrived here. He's always been a scaredy cat, always startled easily by one thing or the other. 
This little trip was planned to give both of them some time to unwind, away from the hustle and bustle of the fast city life both of them lead. Go on picnics, run around in the fields of daisies, pick strawberries and just enjoy each other's company. And what season would have been better than spring itself? But the trip was turning out to be a little stressful for Hoseok because both of them skipped the part where they'd have to deal with the insects and bugs that also reside in these open fields and farms. 
“You're such a baby sometimes.” She comments in a playful manner, giggling a little but lets him snuggle close to her on the couch.
It was Hoseok himself who had gone out in the garden of the rented cottage house to pick some daisies for his girlfriend, wanting to make her feel special but instead he himself was the one seeking comfort now because he had encountered a huge and unpleasant bug outside which was as big as his palm.
Well, that was definitely an exaggeration. 
She wasn't really bothered by it though. He can go around being as dramatic as he wants and she'd still be ready to calm him down and soothe his scared self. 
The male raises his head from her neck and squints his eyes at her. “I'm going to tell you the same thing when you ask for chocolates next time.” A small pout forms on his lips as he looks at her with an unimpressed expression at her teasing remark. 
Oh, and he can be petty sometimes! 
“Are you really going there now?” Haneul looks down at him, her lips spread wide in an amused grin.
He nods with his eyes closed which makes her let out a small chuckle at his boyish attitude. She props her head up which was previously resting on the armrest of the couch and leans in, softly pecking Hoseok's lips before returning back to her spot. “Alright, I'm sorry. How can I make such a huge mistake!” She states, her eyes shining bright with mischief. 
It wasn't really an apology made because she felt bad for calling him a baby but rather because she wanted to be on the safe side, not wanting to risk losing her chances of getting her beloved chocolates from him. 
Her playfulness makes him groan and nuzzle his head in the crook of her neck once again, their bodies tangled together as they lay on the couch. “That does not sound very genuine but I'll take it.” His voice is filled with a certain tenderness as his fingers trail up her arm, fingers gently tracing her soft skin. 
Haneul smiles and lovingly caresses his back. The both of them stay like that for a while, a blanket of comfortable silence surrounding them. Her hand plays with his soft hair while he lays his arm over her torso, being cozy together. 
“I don't know if it's going to help you with your fear but according to a legend, a dragonfly around you is actually an angel from heaven visiting you.” She speaks up, wanting to put him at ease. She herself is pretty skeptical about the legend but if it helps him enjoy this little outing, she won't mind doing an extensive research on different mythologies, legends, fairy tales, folklores and what not. 
She smiles at the curious glint in his eyes. She's so in love with this guy, it's unbelievable. He's got this innocent vibe to him that it makes her want to wrap him up in a bubble wrap. 
“Mhmm..” She nods her head to which Hoseok's mouth forms a little ‘o’ shape. “So what do you say? Go out and pick strawberries?” 
He blinks in contemplation and glances out through the window. It's still noon. The sun is shining bright but not in a way that makes the skin burn. It's the gentle kind of warmth, the type that fills one with joy. 
A small yawn escapes her mouth and she stretches her limbs a little, breaking the comfortable embrace they were laying in and gets off the couch. She was feeling lazy and it wasn't what she wanted, not when she's out on this mini trip with her boyfriend. She was here to explore and have fun, not laze around. With a small grin, she takes his hoodie from the armrest of the couch and quickly puts it over her tank top. 
Hoseok is quick to rise up on his feet. “Hey, that's mine!” He exclaims, amused by his girlfriend's never-ending mischievous antics. Before he could protest against her act of stealing his hoodie, she was already at the door with her playful giggles filling up the entire place which only added up to the lovely environment inside the cottage. 
“Okay at least wait for me!” He calls for her when she just runs out into the field of daisies adjacent to the place they were staying at. 
Haneul laughs, a mischievous tone lying under that sweet, bubbly sound. “Catch me!” She replies back which makes him shake his head, a silly grin on his face. 
Only if she knew that he'd catch her no matter how far she goes, follow her everywhere no matter where she goes. Even if it's the afterlife. Just so he could see that beautiful face of hers and stay with her forever.
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teenage-mutant-ninja-freak · 5 months ago
Hello, how are you? I hope so, so if it's not too much trouble could you make the mob!boys find out that their daughter is a lesbian, like their daughter is very close to a friend they already know and they catch them kissing, I'm a lesbian and I really wanted to see their reactions, I'm in love with your writing.
I am also a lesbian and love this idea! Also thank you so much <3
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Mob! Leo
utterly clueless about the signs that his daughter is gay as fuck
until he walks in on a full on make-out session between his kid and her "best friend"
kind of just stands there in the door way, staring, mouth agape for a second or two
then it's "right....I'll let you get back to it"
there will be a conversation later, he's not thrilled because he had big plans for his kid and this isn't quite how he saw her life going but he's not upset/angry
just a little taken by surprise
"were you worried about telling me, is that why you kept it a secret"
she nods her head
"You know nothing would make me love you less, right?"
there's a hug and some tears from his kid that he wipes away as he holds her
he does, however, have some words to say about his daughter's choice in gf...
turns out the whole "no one is good enough for my babygirl" this extends to women too
at the end of the day, he just wants her happy with someone who treats her right
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Mob! Raph
He also had no idea
when he walks in on her and her gf kissing he's stunned
immediately closes the door tho and walks away
he's actually happy she's a lesbian, although he did not see that coming at all
"hey, at least I don't have to worry about you getting knocked up, right?"
big dad hug after she's worried he'll be pissed
he isn't upset at all, loves her for who she is
"I have gay friends, you know. Why would you think I'd care? Besides, I like [insert gf's name here], she's a nice kid"
buys her a coming out present
100% goes to pride with her
no "dad hugs" t-shirt at pride tho, he does not want random strangers coming up to him for a cuddle
would totally wear a "proud of my gay kid!" t-shirt tho
sends her photos of every gay/rainbow thing he sees
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Mob! Mikey
Doesn't know, doesn't care, it's not a big deal to him
there's not much to say on this one
Mob! Mikey is so fucking chill with the queers it's unreal
literally does not give a fuck, doesn't treat her different, doesn't need a conversation about it
when he walks in on his daughter kissing a girl he just asks what he went in to ask and leaves because 0 fucks given
like he would open the door, his daughter and her gf pull apart and freeze out of fear and he'd be like: "your mum wants to know if you want the chicken or the lasagne for dinner. Also if you don't pick lasagne I'm disowning you. Is your girlfriend staying to eat with us?"
that's it
so chill
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Mob! Donnie
He knew, he knows everything
like from a young age he knew
it was the way she played with her dolls
(having the girl dolls sacrifice the boy dolls brutally and then they'd go out shopping and live together happily without a man as "the bestest friends")
he also doesn't care at all though
He would walk in, see, say "oh, sorry. I'll leave you to it" and walk off
but, being his kid, she knows how he is and would still want to talk about it
"What's there to say? You like women, congrats, so do I. Do you want a prize for it?"
1 one thing he isn't chill about is the lesbian breakup drama
he doesn't like it because, even though he will, he isn't the biggest fan of hurting or getting revenge on women and girls,
so it pisses him off when she get's her heart broken and he has to come up with a way for her to get even
is kind of invested in the drama though, secretly.
like, he learnt a whole bunch of terminology from his kid that he found cool about lesbians.
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