#how much can i play into my silly little universe before its TOO MUCH
ff-killjam · 2 days
How The Tables Turned [Ford x reader oneshot]
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Summary: This time, its Ford making you stop what you're going to make sure you get sleep.
Rating: SFW and very fluffy
Warnings: Aside from a slightly suggestive part, none!
AO3 version
A/N: Actually based on a period of time where I tried to learn how to use unity (before the whole drama of it happened). I refused to do ANYTHING but to work on my little project no matter how much I was starving for a few weeks straight. lol.
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It’s basically routine at this point for you to drag Ford out of his lab to head for bed. Even if you remind him of the benefits on sleeping and how the lack of it will impact his work, you still needed to get him into bed, sometimes having some food ready for him to make sure he didn’t sleep on an empty stomach.
That’s how its USUALLY IS.
Lately, you’ve started your own personal project involving learning a game engine to play around with. It was mostly just a random idea one day, wanting to try your hand at making your own little “video game”. Nothing too fancy, just something fun to put together and to learn some new skills along the way. There was A LOT you needed to look into and learn to make this happen, however.
From learning a coding language, the game engine itself, a mix between finding free to use assets and even making your own when nothing suited your taste- you had a lot on your plate. It wasn’t all that bad really, considering how this whole thing turned into a full blown hyper fixation fairly soon after starting it. It was easy to let the hours fly by as you were split between watching tutorial videos, drawing and fixing any errors/bugs in any of the codes you wrote down. You were aware of when you needed to sleep, eat and do other things for your health, but something about working on this project made you refuse to move from your chair. And you weren’t the only one to noticed this.
After a decent amount of time being with you, Ford has grown used to the routine of you coming to his lab to check up on him. It got to the point where he purposely stayed late in the lab to get you to come in and “pester” him to take care of himself better. The feeling of knowing you cared and loved him so much to go out of your way to make sure he knew that was something he relished in. Of course, he did felt a little “silly” and “immature” doing this instead of straight up telling you, but there was no harm being done anyways, so it was fine.
So when you stopped checking on him after a few nights, he couldn’t help but to worry a bit. At first, he figured you were just a bit busy, possibly even out for the night, so he didn’t think too much of it. However, when walking into your computer room and seeing you up staring at your screen with an open notebook with various random things written on it, he couldn’t help to smile a bit as you reminded him of his university days. You were just working on something, nothing too bad.
But as time passed by, he soon realizes he only ever sees you in your computer room. You barely went out for anything, even for food. Ford didn’t want to jump to any conclusions, but he was worried. Things escalated for him when he barely sees you in bed anymore.
It’s not like he didn’t talk to you as you were deep in your work. He would sometimes check in on you when things felt a little too quite after he started to noticed your absent in his lab. Ford was happy you were able to pursue something new and to take the time and effort to do it. He was aware of the little game you wanted to make for the sake of saying “I made this!”. When he had the free time, he’ll listen to you talk about the things you learned, some of the issues you faced and how you fixed them, etc etc. But he can only take so much before he had to really step in for your own sake.
The sky was dark out, and it was around 1am. You weren’t in bed yet. Again. Ford was really concerned for you now. Walking through the dim hallway, he opens up the door of your computer room. He can see you fully concentrated on your screen, looking over some codes you put together, as if you were trying to find any errors in the lines of text that was presented in front of you. It was obvious how dry your eyes were, how your body longed for rest, but the urge to keep going and to fix this one mistake kept you from wanting to sleep despite how much you felt the need to do so.
It was almost funny to him. A taste of his own medicine some would say. It reminds him of the many nights on how he too would refuse to stop for the night, always needing to do one more thing before he could let himself rest. How you would do your best to persuade him to let himself walk away from his work, to take care of himself to avoid any health complications, and to spend time with you in the comfort of your bed.
It made him feel guilty as well. The things you did for him and how much you loved him to always go out of your way to show it. Ford knew he was taking full advantage of that, and he wanted to repay it back.
You jumped a little in your seat when you felt his familiar six finger hand land on your shoulder, being so focused on the lines of text on your screen that you forgot where you were for a good bit. You look over at Ford as he stood beside your seat, giving him a weak smile.
“Oh hey! Do you need anything?” You asked before quickly looking back at the screen again.
“Love, when was the last time you ate?” Ford asked you in a gentle voice.
“Uh… I had breakfast?” You answered, only remembering you had some toast with a sunny side egg on top when you last ate. It didn’t seem like it mattered too much though.
“Its almost one am” Ford replied, a little stern this time. You quickly check the clock on your taskbar, feeling surprised from how much time had passed.
“Oh… oops” you spoke mostly to yourself, feeling a little silly for not checking the time more often. “I’ll probably head to bed soon”
“Not soon,” Ford points out, “you’re going to bed now.” His words made you look at him again, confusion viable on your face.
“Just let me do this one fix-” Ford says your name, stern voice again, causing you to stop your sentence.
“You are fully aware of the effects of not taking care of yourself” Ford spoke to you with a smirk on his face. You knew that he was referencing the many of times where you brought out the facts of how the lack of sleep and self care can affect your health and day to day life. It was the best way to convince him to come to bed and let you cuddle with him until you were both asleep. “You’re no different form me, sweetheart. Got to practice what they preach, as they say”
“Uh…. I’m built different?” You gave a half shrug and a low chuckle at your own joke. Obviously, this did nothing to change his mind. You knew he was right, and had nothing to say to argue back. Ford knew this too. “Fine… let me quickly save and shut off my computer…”
Ford watches you quickly save any progress before shutting off your computer, the light of the screen turning off and making the room dark as it was the only thing on. As you start to stand, your body fully conveyed how tired you really were. You were about to walk to the hallway door before Ford lets out a ‘let me’, and you were now being picked up bridle style in his arms. You let out a small gasp, often forgetting how much muscle the older man has as he often hides it away in his iconic turtleneck. The comfort of him holding you made the realization at your own exhaustion hit hard. You can feel yourself somewhat go limp as Ford carried you to your shared room.
Ford felt you quickly relax in his arms, feeling prideful as he carried you to your bed. Sitting you on the side and pulling the blanket back. He lays you on your pillow before fallowing suit into his usual spot on the bed beside you. Your eyes were shut as you let yourself sink into the soft mattress, the weight of the blanket being pulled over you giving a sense of security, along with how his arms wrapped around you to pull you close to his chest. You let out a sigh of relief as you feel him nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck, getting a few shivers down your spine.
“Sorry…” You mumbled to him, feeling guilty now for making him go out of his way to get you to bed. You feel him chuckle into your skin, the smile forming on his face being easily felt on your skin.
“Nothing to be sorry about sweetheart,” his replied, voice audibly sounding more tired, “I should be the one to apologize, making you go through this almost every night. I see how doing this almost all the time can be a bit frustrating for you.”
“Not if its you,” You were quickly to reply, “I’m always happy to make sure you’re okay”. Ford felt his heart flutter at your words. You always did surprised him with how much you loved him despite how many times you pointed it out.
“The feeling is mutual,” Ford placed a kiss on your skin as he caressed one of his thumbs that rested on you, “lets get to sleep now, I’ll be sure to do something for you in the morning” Ford gave another kiss on your skin, and you can’t help but to feel excited for what he had planned.
Silence followed as you two let yourselves slowly fall asleep in each others comfort. Feeling his steady heartbeat on your back lulled you to your sleep.
Ford smiled when he realized you fell asleep before he did. It was no surprise, you needed it really bad. Without fail every night when he has you in his arms like this, he feels like the luckiest man in the multiverse. He didn’t deserve you, but it was almost as if this is the repayment he deserved after many years of suffering, a way of life saying sorry to him.
And he wouldn’t ask for anything else.
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ellies-enrichment · 1 year
"omg you're so funny"
yeah haha :)
*40 minutes of sitting in silence deciding if i should make the most unhinged text post set for tommy miller or not*
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comfortless · 9 months
syl. *grabs you and shakes you* syl. i woke up in a cold sweat thinking of like… könig. already off to a great start ik. but space opera könig. (not like star wars or anything) but think like 70s aesthetics all bright and colorful. he’s a bandit in a stolen ship, formerly part of a military group making peace with other planets but something went awry and he’s just having fun now!
reader is part of a small research group that has landed on a planet he’s camped out on and he’s just like “ok” followed by “i want that”. steals all of her supplies and then her. doesn’t care how much she protests when he just hauls her over his shoulder, pats her butt bc he thinks THATS going to calm her down and throws her into his ship.
she’s happy he’s not some creepy alien but at the same time who really knows what’s under that hood anyway hmmmm and she wants to hate him but also all that’s playing in her head is that one rah band song. messages from the stars lmao please. there is something in the way you write that is so special to me and if you were to come up with a full blown story for my dumb idea i think i would scream for 20 hours straight.
lil wisp….. you have no idea what this has done to me. i am going to be thinking about this for an eternity. let’s cook.. i see your vision and i would love nothing more than this too!!
content/warnings: implied violence, abduction, dubcon groping?
König’s been on his own, drifting through the stars for so long. Only raiding the ships he comes across for food, supplies, and when he stumbles across a mechanic he puts them to work with a silly laser rifle pointed right at their head (because let’s face it— when you’re a wanted space pirate who in the universe is going to fix your ship for you??). He’s put all of human etiquette far behind him, and now his life is quite literally just one relentless adventure. He wouldn’t have it any other way!
That is, until his ship is fucked up again, displaying about thirty bright red warnings on its silly hologram screens that he just can not make sense of. The thing is old, has been shot at more times than even he can count, and it’s finally failing him if the loud sputtering and incessant orbital beeps are anything to go by. He considers his luck has run out when he lands the damned thing on some hunk of rock out on the outskirts of a galaxy most don’t even bother with, because there’s nothing out here.
Thankfully, his frustration is short-lived because a smaller ship lands only a few days later; painted in the bright, pearlescent blues and pinks of your standard peace-keeping, research vessel. It’s the perfect craft to steal and it wouldn’t even be difficult… the three humans that exit are so much smaller than him and entirely unguarded. They’re just here to study a few minerals, maybe haul some back to their little camp a few worlds over for fuel and research. He won’t even get into too much trouble for it, he thinks, because even his trashed ship could take them back home. See!! He isn’t all that bad…
At least, until he notices her, bent over admiring some silly, little cluster of crystals in her skin-tight jumpsuit that makes him see stars. The heavy boots that rise up to her knees making her look like little more than a fauness, and she’s so pretty he just can’t help but get a closer look while her teammates are off chittering away and exploring the nothing planet.
She isn’t even afraid of him when he approaches. Just straightens up with her hands clasped in front of her and a smile on her face. She hasn’t seen the holograms of him, displaying a sizable bounty for his veiled head, doesn’t take a wary note of the massive rifle he has slung over his shoulder; she just sees another person. He hasn’t been looked at like that since long before he left home!!
This sweet woman has no sense of self-preservation either, because she immediately asks him if he needs food or water; gestures over to her brightly colored ship with that pretty smile ever-present on her face, and that’s all it takes for him to decide that not only is he taking the craft, he’s taking her too.
He doesn’t say a word when he lifts her up over his shoulder, and the poor thing must be shocked because it takes her a moment before she starts squirming in his grip. König does well to remove the little radio strapped to her hip, giving her ass a firm squeeze in the process before tossing it in the dust behind him. That’s all it takes to shut his little prinzessin up before he hauls her back into her ship and demands she turn off any tracking systems. Her knees are a bit weak when she fumbles with the control panels, and he’s unashamed of his own erection when he slides in behind her to lean over the console as the ship starts up.
She whines about leaving her friends stranded, of course, but he’s in a world of his own when he grabs her by the hips and seats her in his lap while she pilots. Never mind the others, he’ll take good care of her, honest!!
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gigisnetwork · 1 month
NERDIFYING UR DEMIGODS 🗣️🗣️ (things I think they’d enjoy :3)
- Batman - in fact, the whole DC universe (he would collect figures + comics)
- The Maze Runner (he’s read all the books and watched all the movies and has a crush on thomas) (maybe newt too)
- Gravity Falls (insane lore, enough said) (also he’s the one who introduced it to Hazel) (They see themselves as Mabel n Dipper) (also went ballistic over the Book of Bill)
- Song of Achilles (LOVES madeleine miller) (Bonds over her books w annabeth i don’t make the rules 🤷🤷)
- POKÉMON (YOU DONT UNDERSTAND ITS SIMILAR TO MYTHOMAGIC I KNOW IT) (also had a HUUUGGEE hyperfixation on pokémon go) (collects cards (ofc) and plushies too)
- My Little Pony (hazel got him into it) (thinks it’s super cute) (collects plushies of them)
- Fallout (Thinks it’s sick and loves dystopian stuff) (frank introduced it to him 😇😇) (sometimes like redesigns things so they look like they’re from Fallout) (like MrsFallout on yt)
- AGGTM (you can’t tell me she wouldn’t love pipravi)
- The Hunger Games (shes read all the books and absolutely LOVES katniss) (also she definitely sees her n percy in peeniss)
- Murder Most Unladylike (idk she seems like the kinda girl to be into murder mysteries n stuff) (also i just think it’s fitting for annabeth)
- Circe (again LOVES madeleine miller) (hasn’t read medusa yet, i don’t think she would) (hubris + she isn’t fond of medusa AT ALL) (bonds over her work w nico 😇😇)
- The Sims (SHE THINKS ITS SO FUN) (she absolutely loves character customisation, and interior design n stuff) (has so much custom content it’s insane)
- Minecraft (Again, loves designing things) (makes the most intricate builds EVER) (super skilled like it’s actually insane how she makes her builds) (usually plays on creative but absolutely has a hardcore world she’s been working on for YEARS)
- Bee and Puppycat (she loves how pretty the show is) (also she kinda sees herself in Bee)
- Steven Universe (Again, pretty art) (also, the lore goes crazy and has pretty good music ‼️)
- Gravity Falls (again, pretty art n insane lore) (also she went BALLISTIC over the Book of Bill) (She and Nico see themselves as Mabel n Dipper)
- Dolls (haunted/creepy dolls, cute dolls, ball jointed dolls, figures, you name it) (she’d try and communicate w the haunted dolls w nicos help) (its actually pretty fun to her)
- My Little Pony (it’s cutesy) (also she likes the message it gives ^^) (has a ponysona) (LOVES EQUESTIRA GIRLS YOU CANT CHANGE MY MIND) (AND THE NEW GEN TOO)
- Animal Crossing (she likes all the versions but mainly plays new horizons bcus she thinks it’s like the best) (loves the character designs, and being able to basically make her own island)
- Spider-man / The Spider-verse - actually, the entire marvel universe (He thinks it’s sick) (also ABSOLUTELY relates to peter parker and miles morales) (only really got into it bcus of the movies, before starting to collect comics)
- One Direction (no one knows this) (was absolutely HEARTBROKEN when they broke up)
- The Hunger Games (annabeth got him into it) (but he only watched the movies, got half-way into the first book before being like “i can’t do this anymore” and watched the movies) (RELATES TO KATNISS 🗣️🗣️)
- SEGA/Mainly Sonic (he thinks it super silly) (also sonic boom was incredibly funny to him) (CONSTANTLY quotes him too) (has every single game w him in it)
- POKEMOONN 🗣️🗣️ (he introduced it to nico) (they both play in both mythomagic and pokémon tournaments, when they can find some) (they also love playing them together) (he has all the games)
- Unpacking (thinks it’s super relaxing and absolutely loves the visuals) (also loves how it tells a story, ykwim ???) (introduced it to hazel) (really, he’s the one who introduced hazel to all the video games that she likes)
- Resident Evil (people are like incredibly surprised when they find out he’s into that game) (he really likes the lore/story, thinks it’s super sick)
- The Last of Us (again, people were super surprised he was into this game) (he likes shooter games) (also thinks ellie and joel’s dynamic was super sweet) (has a love/hate relationship with the hbo series) (100% thinks dystopian stuff is sick)
- Yu-Gi-Oh (another card game) (idk i feel like he would really be into it) (this definitely came before pokémon to him) (he’s known this before mythomagic) (the OG 🗣️🗣️)
- Fallout (he introduced it to nico) (again, game mechanics are sick and loves the lore 🗣️🗣️) (sure, he’s the one who liked it first but he isn’t as big of a fan of it as nico)
(will update when i think of more 🗣️🗣️)
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genericpuff · 11 months
saw this pop up on /r/UnpopularLoreOlympus and I-
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Full analysis post that inspired this post can be read here, it's a good read, go check it out!
Now my natural reaction to not assume the worst (shocking, I know) is that what Rachel's actual intention behind making Leto a sun god was due to her being Apollo's mother and her clearly having a stronger relationship with him rather than Artemis. I'm abiding by Occam's Razor here, it's the simplest answer and it keeps my brain from getting too riled up right off the bat LMAO
There's a lot of emphasis put on Apollo being the god of the sun in LO, despite the fact that Apollo is one of the MOST prolific gods in the Greek pantheon, Rachel only ever really focuses on him being god of the sun with some loose references to him also being the god of music (as we see with him playing his lyre). There's really no real referencing to him being the god of medicine though (aside from that scene of him condom-bandaging Persephone's hand in Episode 22 ?? which is silly now in hindsight because she's a fertility goddess who can heal herself but ok lmao and the fact that Rachel established him as a LITERAL DAD with his doctor son Asclepius which ... just feels weird to have in LO tbh) and there's absolutely no referencing (from what I can find or recall) of him being a protector of the young, god of prophecy (for some reason he just magically gives Kassandra the ability to read prophecies... just so she can read his prophecy ??) or archery. Like, he's shown doing a lot of these things but they come across more as just side hobbies or extensions of him being Artemis' brother (like his archery) rather than aspects of his godliness or domains that he presides over. It's just like yeah, Apollo can shoot arrows and bandage people's hands I guess LMAO
All that said, I can see Rachel deciding to make him primarily the god of the sun and then going "oh! let's make his mom a sun god! then she could be a common enemy for both Persephone and Hades!" because Hades doesn't like sun gods yadda yadda.
But... we know Rachel has used front page Google sourcing in her comic before.
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(literally the 'source' was copy pasted from a 2004 study guide for Princeton.edu. And we KNOW this was taken right from the first result because it just says 'www.princeton.edu' with no slug attached, which is what showed up back when we first looked into this, the princeton version was deadass the first result with this definition word for word. She didn't even remove the typo where there's no space between Xenios:"Zeus !!!).
And while a bit more into sus territory rather than outright confirmed like the xenia thing above, there's the whole Metis / Métis theory, that has us wondering if Rachel seriously googled "Metis" on its own and accidentally used Indigenous Métis cultural depictions in her version of Metis, the Greek God.
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The fringe in her outfit, finger wings, and dark orange/red color really got my attention the first time I saw her design years ago, because she set off so many, "Wait a minute, is that an Indigenous woman???" bells in my Mi'kmaq/Cree brain LMAO And not even in a bad way, but now it feels a little :/ because of how much her character has been assassinated and how clearly accidental it was for her to look like that.
Of course, there's still a more likely explanation that her design was based on this vase:
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But IDK y'all. That vase is very distinctly orange while the character itself is depicted in dark garbs and with light skin, so Metis being distinctly red-toned with finger wings and fringe?
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While the Xenia thing is definitively copy pasted from the first search result on Google (literally there's no denying that at this point, Rachel's REALLY bad at doing research and then pretending like she was being smart by sourcing it from a university website... completely ignoring the fact that that website literally hasn't been updated since Rachel was working on The Doctor Pepper Show) the Metis and Leto depictions are definitely a lot more up for debate as to what 'research' Rachel did and whether or not they got confused with something else during her searching.
And really, the whole thing with Leto being a "sun god" doesn't make sense really when you think about it. Why is Leto a sun god? It's not even like you could argue there are "some versions" of the myths where she's a god of the sun, or other translations out there, or whatever vague source that could be used like what has been used for other gods like Hades and Persephone. Leto is not affiliated with the sun in any shape or form. Remove Apollo, her eventual son, who didn't exist when she was born and given the title of 'sun god', and it quickly falls apart as to why she would be a sun god in the first place.
She is a goddess of motherhood though, and that's NEVER mentioned in LO. If anything, Rachel makes her a terrible mom on purpose. Because god knows we can't have anyone in this comic be a good mom except for Persephone and Rhea (who are literally just carbon copies of one another). Basically the only thing Rachel gets right with Leto is the fact that she's a Titan and that she had Apollo and Artemis after sleeping with Zeus. That's it.
Unfortunately, unlike the xenia thing, there's no outright proof of what Rachel's reasoning was behind these designs or sources. So I'm not gonna accuse or outright state it as fact that Rachel confused Metis for Métis or ripped the idea for Leto being a sun god from an anime, because the odds of that being true in any way are fairly low.
But they're never zero.
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beiibeiii · 5 months
Kafka Angst, delicious, thankyou for the food. Okay this was from 11:49-12:21 jeez im tired.
Anyways, here’s thing for you!
“…I remember one morning it was just like any other, you brought coffee and I brought sweets. I remember, you spilled a little of my coffee on the table and made a surprised sound, but despite that, you looked up at me and you laughed. Your eyes were shining in the morning light— In hindsight really.. They’d always done that. A little bit brighter, with the golden sun. That’s the moment I realized I was really truly hopelessly in love with you. I told myself it was a longer mission than usual. That’s all, and yet I couldn’t stop liking you past our little meetings in the morning. I couldn’t help but want to ask more and more about yourself, the silly, little details unrelated to Elio’s script.”
At least, that’s what Kafka would like to say to you. Instead she watched through your window as you cried. Illuminated only by moonlight. It looked as though a meteor shower might be streaking across your face— quick and bright slashes. A sky full of grief, guilt, longing. Kafka couldn’t help but vaguely wondering if you must mirror her own feelings so well. Kafka was a formidable woman, that wasn’t a secret to anyone. What she wanted, she would eventually obtain. However everything else she had taken now seemed so.. Little in comparison to you. So worthless. The one thing Kafka wanted, craved— No. The one thing she needed, she couldn’t have. You. A little bit of water splashes her face. Unsurprising, there’s thunderclouds rolling overhead. Rain was bound to come sooner or later. The water rolls down her cheek, to the corner of her mouth. It takes a moment to register in her brain it’s salty, and the rain has not yet begun to fall.
She looks down at her hands, those hands that have felled many. Her tongue, which has been used to manipulate peoples minds into showing them horrors to last a lifetime, that tongue that has spit thousands of lies. Her eyes, which have watched on as an opponent met a slow, agonizing end. The eyes that showed a frenzied glee at the suffering. How could she ever be worthy of you? The shining bright light in the universe who could never be dimmed. One so pure and precious. She felt her chest tighten in shame. She could never wash the blood from her hands, it stained her entire being. Deep in her mind, a maze to all (even herself) she knew that if given the chance to cleanse her sins, she probably would not take it.
So the Stellaron Hunter turns, quickly scaling her way down to the bustling streets before you might see that familiar shape crouching across the way. Your eyes make their way to the window as you see quick movement, but as fast as it appeared it disappears just as well. And a drop of water hits the glass. And another. Until your window is pelted with the sky’s tears, and the sidewalks are a black mass of umbrellas.
I hope this was this much 🤏 entertaining to you
kafka wears gloves to try to hide the blood that has stained her hands to try to make herself feel better :(
kafka probably has you as a live wallpaper on her phone. she would press down on her phone and the short video of you on that flower field would play. your smiling brightly as the rays of the sunset glowed so beautifully on you. lighting up your smile even more. she looks at it with a bittersweet memories as she reminds herself as to why she joined the stellaron hunters - to understand herself to be a better person and see that beautiful smile on your face everyday. :(
she listens to voice messages or watches videos she has saved of you whenever shes stressed. hearing your voice and the way you smile at her clears her head. calming her down. she can't help but grow a little tired of hearing the same videos and voice recordings. shes determined to get some new ones soon. <3
whenever you post on your snapchat stories, instagram, tiktok, any social media platform, kafka is always on an anonymous account. she constantly comments sweet things under your posts.
"hope you had fun <3"
"so beautiful, like always dear 💗"
"such a pretty smile you have :)"
kafka doesnt even try to change the way she writes to make you not catch on. she likes your posts and is usually the first one to see them too. You can't help but sense the familiarity of the way the commenter writes their comments. its ever so awfully familiar as to how kafka types. you want to believe it but you know its not her :(
kafka secretly hopes you recognise that its her. she knows it won't happen, but she will still keep believing that you will <3
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sylvan-librarian · 8 months
In response to the (really good!) story for Murders at Karlov Manor, I've been seeing some (thankfully limited) discourse on the same old tired argument that Magic story has no stakes because characters can die and then come back to life as a ghost or get (seemingly permanently) turned into robot monsters and then get better eventually.
People can obviously feel what they feel and believe what they believe about Magic story, but personally, I'm just so tired of this argument. Magic story is largely a marriage of high fantasy and superhero comics. These two types of literature have much in common, but one similarity stands out in my mind: the impermanence of character death. Comic book superheroes famously won't stay dead, and while this fact has been controversial for decades, it is nonetheless a cornerstone of the genre. And hell, even in The Lord of Rings - the god-emperor and founding text of the entire fantasy genre (for better or worse) - Tolkien's wizard OC Gandalf dies and comes back to life STRONGER ... nigh invincibly powerful (if LotR was written today, people would call Gandalf [and probably Aragorn for that matter] a Mary Sue).
This not my attempt to shill for a corporation, mind you. In contrast, I'd rather see MORE people complaining about things worth complaining about:
The increasing price of the game gatekeeping so many from the hobby
Hasbro firing 1,000 employees right before Christmas
WotC sending hired thugs to someone's house over a mistake the company itself made
The focus on the collectability of cards over how they play
And I'm not even saying there aren't aspects of Magic story itself worth critiquing. To note:
The enjoyability of its prose is inconsistent at times (reread the Magic Origins stories, for example)
The messaging is sometimes off (i.e. - the worst bad guys in the entire universe are folks who use science to make their bodies more in line with their view of themselves)
The stories - especially the big epic ones - are rarely given time to breathe, and the authors are clearly asked to do a lot with very little
War of the Spark: Forsaken
Maybe asking people to have a more nuanced take on the storyline of a children's card game is too much, but I think that "story bad" is far too dismissive. I remember reading through the All Will Be One stories thinking: "Well, there is actually NO WAY WotC is going to kill off ALL of these characters that got phyrexianized." Jace and Ajani are literally two of the main characters of Magic; Nissa, Vraska, and Nahiri are maybe less popular and important to the overall setting, but they all nonetheless have their extremely devoted fans (me; I'm one of those fans; bet you can't guess of which 'walker). I find it a bit silly to assume that the mass permadeath of named characters would be how the Phyrexian arc would end. Modern Magic is just not the type of story where the creators will merc half of their cast just to appease certain sentiments about its literary value.
This post has turned into a lot of meandering nonsense, but here's what I'm largely trying to get across: I wish more people would accept Magic story for what it is, not for what they think it should be. I'm NOT saying people shouldn't have standards for their entertainment, but they also shouldn't expect Shakespeare* - or even Tolkien - from a story about wizard superheroes written to provide a backdrop for a children's card game.
*I also want to mention here: characters dying and then coming back is also present in Shakespeare.
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theharrowing · 1 year
Collateral 🗡️ 18: You, me, and our men
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Your ex-boyfriend gets in over his head working for the local mafia, and Boss Min has come to collect his payment: You.
But was it simply a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time? Or has he always had his sights on you?
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🗡️ Yoongi x Female Reader x Namjoon, Jungkook x Female Reader, Jungkook x Taehyung
🗡️ word count: 17.1k
🗡️ mafia au, strangers to lovers, graphic violence, major character injury, poly, smut, angst, fluff, nsfw, explicit 21+ 
🗡️ warnings: dear god, buckle up... discussion of drug use; very soft and fluffy moments; threesome; oral sex (m & f); screaming orgasm; multiple orgasms; playing footsie; punishment & reward; orgasm denial & control; voyeurism & exhibitionism; all of these men are shit heads; loud, sloppy oral; squirting; begging & teasing; light humiliation; safe words; Yoongi & Namjoon being domestic at a silly time; submissive Jeongguk; mc dominant for the first time; use of restraints; noona kink; hair pulling; face & body slapping; masturbation; praising; riding (forward & reverse); mirror sex; finger sucking; a little spanking; fingering; ass eating; overstimulation; after care; i love these characters so fucking much and it really shows ughhhhh.
🗡️ note: i really have no idea how i let the smut scene™ get so huge and wild, but i hope you enjoy it. after all the pent-up tension, it was fun to write. perhaps this scene being huge and gratuitous is my way of distracting you from the horrible realities of the Collateral universe, which will become extremely present in the next chapter. it feels more like a oneshot than a proper chapter, but...whatever. i know not one of you will complain. ok enjoy!!! i love you!!!
🗡️ beta read by @neoneunnajimin!
🗡️ posted on june 2023 | read on ao3
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From the moment you wake up, your nerves are haywire. 
You know two things to be true. The first is that this is the last day in the foreseeable future that you will be spending in Jimin's home. The second is that Yoongi will be home shortly after 2 PM.
When Jimin wakes you up by rubbing over your forehead and whispering sweetly, it dawns on you that this is the last time, and it causes a swirling of happiness and sadness to fill your chest. The sun blares through the window at an angle that you typically miss in your sleep, and you squint against the morning light, a sight that has become something of a stranger to you. 
With a loud yawn, you rub sleep from your eyes. Then you grumble, feeling as if you had just gone to bed moments ago, frustrated to discover that it is only 10 AM and that you have, in fact, slept far less than normal. It is sweet for Jimin to wake you early on your last day; it warms your heart to know that he is up to something. 
"I thought we could get some coffee and pastries before I send you off to the Min Mansion," Jimin suggests with a smile. 
Today, Jimin is dressed casually in a burgundy turtleneck tucked into charcoal slacks, with his hair partially pushed off his forehead. His skin is dewy and clear of makeup, radiating with natural beauty. And you can tell his patience for you is wearing thin as his smile falters and his eyes widen; Jimin does not like to wait, and he is absolutely incapable of hiding anything on his face. 
"Alright, alright," you mutter before he has the chance to complain. 
With a somewhat indignant huff, you toss the warm, pretty pink and orange comforter aside and try not to lament how you will not be returning to its embrace. Then you pad over to the closet and choose a pair of black leggings and cozy green sweater, and you get dressed in there, knowing Jimin is still sitting on your bed, likely scrolling through his phone. 
"Don't worry about your things," Jimin calls when you stand a little too long, taking in the sight of clothing and shoes scattered around, cluttering up a sliver of space in the large, walk-in closet. "I'll have Joonie come deal with it. He loves doing your peasant work."
"That is true," you respond with a smile, shutting off the light in the closet and walking out in socked feet. "If there is one thing Namjoon is good at, it is doing exactly what I want him to."
Jimin rolls his eyes dramatically, and mutters, "Gross," under his breath, and the two of you giggle as you exit the room into the hallway, and set out for a morning errand.
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Hanging out with Jimin for several hours is a blast, and you spend most of the time seated on a café patio watching passersby and commenting on everything from the cooling weather to people's clothing styles and any random little thought that crops up in between. But as time ticks by, you become antsy.
By 1:30 PM, you are a wreck, checking your phone so often for a notification that Jimin snickers and tells you to relax. 
At 1:45 PM when you get the "Almost home!" text from Namjoon, your heart becomes so frantic, you feel like you might throw up.
"Alright, let's get you home," Jimin grumbles when you announce the news with shaking hands clenched tight to your phone. Maybe caffeine was a mistake. 
You are able to distract yourself a little with chatter during the drive, and even get lost in singing a song on the radio that you recognize as one of the tracks a dancer named Cherry enjoys stripping to. The breeze coming in through the windows as you leave the city pulls you into a calm state, and you close your eyes to enjoy the way the wind feels.  
But as soon as the car pulls into Namjoon's driveway, your stomach is turmoil, sloshing and churning, threatening to make you sick. You realize you are squeezing your hands tightly when the dig of your nails begins to hurt your palms, and you open them wide, flexing and attempting to relax them before resting them against your knees and squeezing. 
All you can think is, What if he hates me? What if he remembers every horrible thing I said? What if he never wants to see me again? 
Of course, you do not fully believe any of that; you do not think Yoongi has it in him to hold a grudge over something like that, especially if Namjoon has relayed the things you said to him the other night. But you do fear that something you said could have stuck with Yoongi—burrowed deep into his subconscious to make a home, festering with hateful words during quiet moments when all he wants is peace.
"Dove?" Jimin asks softly, and you gasp, pulling your gaze from the black dashboard that had gone out of focus as you stared at it. You glance up to find the vehicle has stopped in front of Namjoon's garage. 
"I'm scared," you mutter softly before you can stop yourself, squeezing your eyes closed to fight back the urge to cry.
"I know," Jimin responds as he reaches over to rub a hand over your shoulders and down your back. "But this is Yoongi, and he loves you. He is not going to be angry with you."
Although no tears have fallen, you press the sides of your index fingers below your eyes as if willing all condensation to stay put. And, with a deep exhale, you nod and say, "I don't think I worry about him being angry. But I do worry about him being hurt."
Jimin's hand slides up to your shoulder and gives it a squeeze, forcing your eyes to close involuntarily. "Go in there and talk to him," he urges, and you swallow thickly and nod some more. 
"Thanks for everything," you mutter, smiling despite yourself. 
"Any time, dove," Jimin responds, and you know that he means it.
The seatbelt feels heavy when you unbuckle it and release it to clunk against the door as it slides into resting position. With a slow, deep fortifying breath, you reach for the door handle and tug, then you begin the process of making your limbs move, one after the other, sluggish with anticipation. 
As you approach the door, your heart pounds, and you wring your hands in front of you with each step forward that you take. It will be fine, you tell yourself over and over. It will be fine, it will be fine, itwillbefine. 
Before you have a chance to lift your hand and knock, the door opens, and you squeeze your fists tight once more while taking in Namjoon's bright, beautiful smile. The urge to cry returns and your exhale rattles something fierce from deep in your lungs. 
"Hey, sweetheart," Namjoon says, eyes soft and knowing, assessing your very clear signs of distress. He wears a fuzzy brown cardigan over a white tee with black slacks, looking soft like a teddy bear and so inviting. "Deep breaths, yeah?"
You nod and let out a chuckle of relief as you step through the threshold and lean against him. Namjoon wraps his arms around you and steps back into the house, pulling you along just enough to allow him to close the front door. Both of your hands grip onto the cardigan, and you rub over the soft fabric with your thumbs while toeing out of your sneakers one at a time. 
"Alright, clingy," Namjoon jokes, rubbing splayed palms over your shoulders and back before attempting to release the hug and take a step away. You continue to hold on tight and step with him, causing Namjoon to laugh and take you firmly by the arms. "The only way out is through. Let's go release you from limbo; Yoongi is excited to see you."
Tears spill at the mention of Yoongi's name, and you heave an exhale, then stand straight and wipe uselessly under your eyes. Even as Namjoon rotates, you feel the urge to bury yourself forward once more, allowing your body to turn while your forehead rests against his chest. 
"Darling," Yoongi's deep, soft, beautiful voice calls from beside you, "why are you crying?"
You hardly get a look at Yoongi as you back away from Namjoon and fling your arms around Yoongi's middle, gripping onto another soft sweater as you bury yourself into his chest. Yoongi wraps you in a warm, delicate hug and presses his lips to your temple, holding you there while you tremble and cry. He smells sweet and musky and perfectly him, and you are so terribly in love.
"I'm sorry," you manage to whimper. 
Yoongi's hold on you tightens, and he slides his head beside yours, uttering soft shushes while his hands rove everywhere they can reach, squeezing your neck gently and patting over your hair. 
His voice is barely above a whisper as he responds, "I'm sorry, too."
"I didn't mean anything I said," you sob, and Yoongi's hug tightens then softens. 
"It's alright if you did," he says, voice full of love; no malice to be found. Because, of course, Yoongi is soft and understanding with you. Of course, he knows your heart. "You have every right to be hurt."
Finally, you release the hug and back up only far enough to smile at the face that greets you. Yoongi's hair is wild dark waves framing his beautiful face, and with tears in his eyes, he looks softer than ever before. He wears a light blue sweater, and you rub your hands over his chest searching for the words to say; overwhelmed by a flood of emotions.
You settle on a simple, "I love you," and it feels so right when it passes your lips. It feels so right when Yoongi's lips upturn into a sweet smile that reaches his eyes. "I love you, and I'm sorry, Yoongi. I'm so sorry."
"Let's sit?" Yoongi offers, and you exhale deeply, releasing so much tension that has built and built in your shoulders and chest. 
Yoongi guides the three of you over to a large, light brown leather couch. The cushion groans as Yoongi sits, and you take your place beside him, followed by Namjoon, who sits on your other side. You bend your legs and turn your body to Yoongi, who does the same, facing you with his elbow against the backrest. 
"You look great," Yoongi says with a smile, and although you are the most dressed down you have been in weeks, you return his smile, welcoming the compliment. With a teasing lift of a brow, he adds, "Namjoon says Jimin has been teaching you to dance?"
Warmth rises to your cheeks, and you chuckle, then nod. Yoongi waggles his eyebrows, making you laugh harder. You lift a hand to swat him on the chest, but Yoongi catches it and holds your palm against him, rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand.
"Yes, Jimin has been teaching me to dance," you respond somewhat sheepishly. "And Hyejin, a little."
"Ah, Hwasa!" Yoongi responds happily, smiling widely—devastatingly. "I'm so glad you spent time getting out and making friends. I was worried about you being cooped up in a dark mansion for three weeks."
You chuckle, but something heavy settles in your chest, making you frown. "I was drinking a lot at first. But dancing helped me get out of my head. It's been really good for me."
Yoongi releases your hand and attempts to scoot closer, knocking his knee against yours. In fluid, unspoken movements, Yoongi spreads his legs—lifts one leg to rest against the backrest and slide past you—and you mold into him, shifting onto your knees to slot yourself into the space he has made and scoot onto your side, wrapping your arms around his chest. 
"Namjoon," you mutter against Yoongi's sweater. "This hug needs a Namjoon."
The sound of Yoongi's laughter rattling in his chest against your cheek is a symphony, and you squeeze him tighter, feeling love build and build and pour from you. The couch shifts behind you as Namjoon stands, and Yoongi attempts to scoot the two of you forward while Namjoon wedges himself behind Yoongi. The two of them shift around until one of Namjoon's legs slide beside Yoongi's, multiplying your hug as two more arms wrap around you, sinking you further against Yoongi's chest.
"Better," you mutter happily, tilting your head to press soft kisses to the underside of Yoongi's chin and against his throat. Yoongi sighs with a smile and tightens his hug, and you continue to kiss along the curve of his neck until Namjoon—whose lips are pressed just below Yoongi's ear—comes into view. 
"Thank you for giving me another chance," Yoongi says, tugging at your heartstrings so hard you nearly cry again. 
"You're not allowed to thank me for loving you," you complain against his skin, breathing in his musk.
Yoongi chuckles gentle and sweet and says, "On the contrary, I am extremely grateful for your love." His voice softens as he adds, "And I intend to do my best to never take you for granted again."
"I don't understand what drove you to use…" you blurt out, then trail off, unable to say the word heroin, feeling it lodge itself in your throat, sharp as a needle and thick as tar. As you swallow around the discomfort and continue, Yoongi's fingertips trace shapes against your back, and Namjoon gives your biceps a gentle squeeze. "I don't understand addiction at all, and I overreacted. Even if my feelings were genuine at the time, the things I said were awful. I want you to feel safe with me, and I want to support you through whatever you are going through. I guess I was just shocked, but that's no excuse to lash out."
Kisses litter your cheeks and forehead, firm and soft and lingering, punctuated with hums. Your eyes flutter closed, and you lean into Yoongi's lips, smiling as his body says so much without the use of words. 
"I feel safe with you," Yoongi finally says, and you sigh, content. "I can't fully explain what drives me to use…and I can't promise I won't again…but I want to try to stay clean. I deserve to feel happy, and pushing you away or putting myself at risk of overdose are terrible ways to chase happiness."
"You can always talk to me," you offer despite silently acknowledging how huge and heavy and impossible some things might feel to voice. "And Namjoon."
"I'm going to resume therapy, too," Yoongi says. "I was talking to Christopher for a while, but stopped shortly before you moved in. I think it would be good for me to return to him."
You nod and bury your face against his neck, wondering if you should also talk to the family therapist. Some nights, you wake up screaming, returned by your subconscious to the night of the crash—to the sight of Taehyung stabbing a man clear through the gut with a blade. 
Even now, the thought claws at your subconsciousness with such force that Namjoon says something softly, and you hear Yoongi hum in response, but the sounds are distant and hard to parse. You squeeze your eyes closed, determined to be present and not spiral, breathing away the memory of that night as best as you can. 
"I hope the therapy helps," you say with a bit of a pout, feeling emotionally overwhelmed but with a desire to keep assuring Yoongi that you are here for him. "I'll do my best to love and support you."
Yoongi squeezes you tight and sighs against you, and Namjoon's hands slowly rub over your arms and Yoongi's in calming motions. This feels like the right time to voice what has been weighing on you so heavily, but as you open your mouth to speak, you begin to feel nervous. But why should you feel nervous with Yoongi? Since he began opening up to you, he has been supportive and understanding; asking him what the three of you are should not be scary.
"How would you define our…" you begin, trailing off while your pulse pounds loudly in your ears. "Our, uh…our relationship."
Four arms hug you tight, and Yoongi hums softly. Then, he asks, "You mean the fake engagement doesn't make my intentions clear enough?"
"No, you're right," you chide, lifting a hand to swat at Yoongi's shoulder, making him laugh harder. "Silly me."
It takes a moment for Yoongi's laughter to die. His shoulders continue to shake, and you give him time to respond truthfully while you rub his soft blue sweater between your thumb and forefinger. 
"I consider the two of you my romantic partners," Yoongi finally says, voice low and sweet. "I consider us exclusive, but with an asterisk attached to the word, allowing you and Jeongguk to play around if that is something you still want."
"It is," you admit, feeling your cheeks warm.
"And the same goes for me," Namjoon says, making your smile widen. You already know these things to be true, but it feels so nice to hear them spoken aloud.
"Okay," you respond. "Good."
"I suppose we have never had this conversation," Yoongi muses. "We sort of just…fell into one another."
"A beautiful collision," Namjoon says, fingers tracing shapes against your shoulders. "I feel so lucky to have been pulled by such an undeniable gravitational force, creating a galaxy of beauty and warmth between the three of us."
"What the fuck," you mutter against Yoongi's sweater. "That was so poetic and cute. I want to kiss you so bad, but I don't want to move."
Namjoon chuckles and gives your shoulders a squeeze. "You have plenty of time to kiss me, don't worry."
With a dreamy sigh, you mutter, "Good."
The three of you sit like this for a while, quiet and tangled around one another. Then Namjoon's phone rings, shrill and loud, and he shifts around as he fishes the device from a pocket to answer. 
"Hey, Tae," he says, and you smile to yourself; they say, speak of the devil, and he shall appear, but you only needed to think of him moments ago. 
"Hey, would you two like to join Taehyung and Jeongguk for dinner?" Namjoon asks. "Jeongguk is cooking."
"Darling?" Yoongi prompts, and you nod without taking time to consider the offer. As nice as it is to have a quiet moment between just the three of you, you imagine Taehyung and Jeongguk are eager to see Yoongi again. And you did tell Jeongguk that you would be interested in the five of you getting together soon. 
You, me, and our men.
Namjoon confirms that the three of you will be joining them, then ends the call and informs the two of you that you have just over two hours to get ready and meet at Taehyung's place.
"I need to change into something a little nicer," you grumble, reluctant to release Yoongi from your hold. 
You remember the closet of things that are at Jimin's place, and you frown, feeling torn once more. You are glad to be returning to Yoongi's bed, by Yoongi and Namjoon's side, but having a little home away from home was nice. 
"Let's head home, then?" Yoongi suggests, and you nod but continue to lean into him, breathing in his musk and feeling his warmth. 
It takes coaxing to get off the couch, and you whine and grumble the entire way, stumbling over your feet as you move, arms still slung around Yoongi and refusing to let go. Namjoon chuckles and heads to the door first to put on his shoes, and Yoongi waddles in that direction, walking you backward and pressing you into the door while he leans and bends to put his shoes back on. 
Only when you need to use your hands because shoving your feet into your sneakers proves feeble with the tongue and heels bending and getting stuck, do you release Yoongi, huffing and puffing indignantly the entire time. 
"Want a piggyback ride, sweetheart?" Namjoon offers as he opens the front door, and you gasp loudly because yes, absolutely, you do.
"Yes, yes, yes," you chant, excited, and Namjoon walks outside, steps down the three short steps onto the ground, and stands with his arms held out to the sides. You run and leap onto him, wrapping your arms tight around his neck, making him wheeze as he reaches for your legs and adjusts you in his hold. 
"Sorry, Joonbug," you mutter as you loosen your hold and place kisses along his nape, and Namjoon chuckles and says, "It'll take a lot more than that to kill me, don't worry."
Yoongi closes the door and falls into step beside the two of you, and off they walk to the dirt and gravel path that leads back to the main mansion. Yoongi reaches for one of Namjoon's hands, linking their fingers together, and you smile as you rest your head against Namjoon's shoulder, feeling safe and warm and happy—indestructible and untouchable in this soft, quiet moment. 
The walk back is peaceful, with only the sounds of footfalls crunching softly guiding you home, and you close your eyes, relaxing and breathing in the gentle bouquet of Namjoon's skin, shampoo, and laundry detergent. Despite being big and strong, with more blood on his hands than you can imagine, Namjoon is sweet, sweet, sweet, filling you from limb to limb with so much affection.
You hear the ground change underfoot and open your eyes to find yourself being carried past the driveway and garage, toward the front door. It feels good to be home, and you straighten out and watch over Namjoon's head as Yoongi takes the lead and begins to unlock the front door. Although you have cried more than necessary for one day, tears well in your eyes, and you feel so inexplicably happy to finally be home.
Yoongi takes off his shoes, then pulls yours off for you, chucking them aside while Namjoon steps from the slides he wore. There is a very light atmospheric scent to the mansion that you only now realize you have missed, and you look around at everything that is just as it was the last time you saw it—frozen in time and waiting, shrouded in dust motes that sparkle in the sunlight.
Namjoon carries you through the main hall and up the stairs, holding onto Yoongi's hand once more. Once you reach the master suite, Namjoon bends to lower you to the bed, then spins before you have a chance to fully release your hold, and closes in fast, slotting his lips against yours and sending a thrill of arousal through you. It has been far too long, and you melt into his touch. 
"We have two hours," Namjoon mutters against your lips, slotting himself between your spread legs. His mouth trails low, kissing and nipping at your neck and making you shiver. "I need to have both of you before I lose my fucking mind."
"You have me," you groan, lolling your head back with pleasure. "I'm all yours. You too, kitten."
"Kitten," Yoongi repeats in a low rasp as he climbs onto the bed behind you. 
The tangle of bodies is chaotic and haphazard—ravenous. Hands push and tug and remove articles of clothing while mouths desperately attempt to remain attached to mouths and skin, bruisingly firm touches and moaned confessions, making up for lost time. 
You slide to the floor eager to wrap your lips around Namjoon's half-hard cock, feeling him shudder beneath your fingertips while his whimper becomes lost between Yoongi's lips. Yoongi joins you on the soft rug, and you share your prize, watching with bated breath as his pretty doll lips wrap around Namjoon's hard length. And as a show of love, you graciously allow Yoongi to swallow Namjoon's cum. 
Namjoon has you on your feet and then on your back against the dark comforter so fast your head spins, and the two of them take their time pulling orgasm after orgasm from you with their mouths and fingers until Yoongi finally spins you onto your hands and knees, and fucks you so hard, you scream into Namjoon's warm, open mouth. 
"Taehyung's gonna kill us for being late," Namjoon jokes as he presses Yoongi into the mattress to stretch him on one finger, then two, all the way to four. When Yoongi makes you cum with his mouth mere moments before his own orgasm hits, it feels too good to be true. And when Namjoon's back arches and he fills Yoongi with his own release, the whorling mixture of moans and whimpers in the air lulls your trembling, achingly euphoric body deep into the comforter. 
You are so fucked out and high on pleasure that Namjoon has to carry you to the shower. 
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When Jeongguk opens Taehyung's door wide and inviting, the first words that greet you are, "Taehyung is going to kill you for being late." His eyes drift between the three of you, and you watch as his gaze hones in on the bruise you sucked into Yoongi's throat hours before. 
The savory scent of meat and spices hit your nose, and you take a deep inhale, smiling as you say, "It smells amazing."
Jeongguk beams and takes a step back, giving the three of you room to enter. He wears that damned silk leopard print shirt again, this time tucked into tight black slacks, and you smirk to yourself remembering the conversation you had at Paradise; the sweet boy took your teasing to heart. 
You wear a simple black short-sleeve a-line mini dress that stops mid-thigh, with a heavy Cuban link necklace encrusted in diamonds, and your hair pulled back tight. Although your makeup application skills pale in comparison to Jimin's, you managed to paint a smoky look to your eyelids and allowed Yoongi to pick out a bright red for your lips. Yoongi and Namjoon wear black tucked into black, with several buttons undone, revealing skin and silver chains. 
As you step into Taehyung's home and out of your heels, Jeongguk walks ahead through the living room, off to the right. Taehyung's home takes you by surprise. His furniture is extravagant and mismatched, gaudy floral velvets and curving, carved woods. Art pieces litter walls and surfaces, from landscapes to portraits and strange carvings that may be human bodies but could be amorphous blobs. 
As you walk through the space, Yoongi takes your hand and tugs you slightly back, causing you to bump into him. "You can rile Jeonggukie up if you'd like to," he mutters in your ear. "Tease him a little."
Heat licks at your senses as you remember the discussion you had with Jeongguk. Nothing could happen without the others present, and here you are, under one roof with everyone at once. Your heart soars with hopeful anticipation, and you twist to send Yoongi a wink, making him chuckle. 
As you round the dividing wall into the dining area, you find a long, sprawling table adorned with dishes and covered pots of food. Past that is a black marble island against which Taehyung stands, frowning while swirling a glass of deep red wine. He wears a burgundy shirt that nearly matches his beverage, tucked into dark brown slacks, and at the sight of him, you smile widely. 
"Thanks for the invite," you beam, pleased when Taehyung does not miss a beat, grumbling, "Thanks for finally fucking showing up."
"Sorry, Taehyungah," Yoongi says as he slots an arm around your waist, kicking butterflies up in your tummy. "I've been away from these two for too long…I couldn't keep my hands to myself."
With a hum, Taehyung kicks from the island and says, "I suppose it was my fault for only giving you two hours." Adding, with a dismissive wave, "All is forgiven."
"How gracious," you mutter under your breath as Jeongguk brings a final dish to the table and Taehyung urges everyone to sit. 
Yoongi surprises you by taking a seat beside Jeongguk, and Namjoon pulls out the chair in front of Jeongguk's for you, so you sit and scoot in while Namjoon sits across from Yoongi, to your left, and Taehyung places himself at the head, to your right. Taehyung lifts lids from dishes, revealing pan-seared steaks and sides of potatoes, steamed and pickled vegetables, and an inviting pile of glass noodles. 
"Holy shit," you mutter as your mouth waters, and Namjoon grabs your plate, asking softly what you would like and how much of each serving. 
Yoongi and Jeongguk serve themselves, discussing something lowly and impossible to hear while Taehyung fills your glass with red wine. Once everyone is settled with their plates in front of them, Jeongguk raises a toast. 
"To Yoongi-hyung staying happy and healthy," he beams, turning to face Yoongi, whose cheeks flush as he smiles wide, showing off his gums. "Whatever it is you're going through, you're never alone, okay, hyung? I mean that. You have a lot of support."
"Alright, enough," Yoongi grumbles, shoving his wine glass forward for the rest of you to tap yours against. Although he is doing his best to appear as grumpy and impassive as possible, the joyful glimmer in his eyes is unmistakable. 
Everyone drinks and then begins to eat, and you take a deep, calming exhale before digging in, bracing yourself for a delicious meal. The food is fantastic, and you fall back in your chair after only a few bites, almost frustrated by how well Jeongguk can cook.
Namjoon chuckles from your left, and you turn to find him watching you with a smile. "That good, huh?" he asks, knowing full well the physical and emotional anguish you are experiencing. 
"It's ridiculous," you complain as you sit forward and continue to eat, and when you glance at Jeongguk, he is smiling around a bite of food. 
"How are you liking the new position at Paradise?" Yoongi asks as everyone begins to slow down mid-meal. 
"It's fun," Jeongguk responds happily, having a sip of wine.
This feels like a good time to rile Jeongguk up, and you take a sip of your wine and prepare yourself with a deep breath for impending foolery. Tentatively, slowly, you stretch your leg forward, searching with your toes for an ankle or a calf. When the side of your foot brushes against the side of a leg, you lock eyes with Jeongguk, who gazes curiously at you over his glass. 
"Jimin says you've been really enjoying it there, and that everyone is warming up to you quickly," Yoongi continues, using a knife to cut off a section of his steak. 
Jeongguk clears his throat, and you drop your leg away only enough to recalibrate your aim and try again. This time, you find the inside of a calf rather than the outside, and you very delicately rub your toes against him, feeling the soft material of his slacks gather and fall away. 
"Y-yeah," Jeongguk stammers, repositioning himself in his seat so that his legs are even closer—easier for you to access. "I like it there a lot, and Jimin-hyung says I'm learning the ropes pretty fast.” 
You push your leg up, grazing along Jeongguk's knee as you ask, "Is there anything our Jeonggukie can't do well?" 
Jeongguk's eyes widen, and he clears his throat, failing to hide the effect you have on him from even a small touch. You glance at Yoongi to find his eyes flitting briefly down at the foot between Jeongguk's legs as he bites back a smile. 
"Word on the street is you're little miss popular at Paradise, too," Taehyung says, turning your attention to him. He raises an eyebrow as if studying you, and suddenly you feel nervous, like a child caught misbehaving by their teacher. You wonder if there is any way he could know what you are up to. 
You clear your throat and continue to lift and press your foot forward rubbing your toes against Jeongguk's inner thigh, and from the corner of your eye, you can see him jolting slightly before slouching himself a little closer.
"Jeonggukie," Taehyung says before you have a chance to respond to his earlier inquiry, cocking his head curiously. "Care to share with the class what seems to be the matter with you?" 
Rather than letting up, you rub your foot back and forward, inching slowly closer to his crotch and making him shiver as he responds, "No-nothing. Why?" 
Taehyung is fast on his feet, standing and rounding the table before you can move your foot away, but you still sit up quickly, feeling heat rise to your cheeks as Taehyung looks at Jeongguk, then looks at you. 
"Playing footsie, I see," Taehyung says as he approaches Jeongguk's chair, places two hands on the tall wooden backrest, and leans close. "And without my permission." 
"S-sorry, sir," Jeongguk says as his eyes fall to his plate. His entire demeanor shifts, making him seem small and weak compared to a moment ago. 
"Hyung, what should we do to punish these two?"
Yoongi's smirk is sharp and knowing, and you begin to wonder whether this was his plan, all along. You wonder if he knew that encouraging you to rile up Jeongguk would get this kind of reaction from Taehyung. What if the two of them planned this ahead of time?  
"Up to you, Taehyungah," Yoongi responds, sending a chill along your spine.
"I think Jeonggukie should get under the table and give our dollface here a taste of her own medicine," Taehyung suggests. 
"Darling?" Yoongi asks, "Do you consent to this?"
"Yes," you respond softly, feeling somewhat dazed as your eyes trail from Yoongi's grin to Jeongguk's shocked expression and finally to a smirking Taehyung. 
"You heard her, Jeongguk," Taehyung says firmly with a hint of impatience.
Without needing further instruction, Jeongguk pushes his chair back and sinks to his knees. "Yes, sir," he mutters before his head disappears under the table.
Your heart pounds, and you watch Yoongi, who sits and stares at you with his wine glass cradled between his fingers. The feeling of two warm hands spreading your legs makes you gasp and shudder, and you comply with allowing Jeongguk access, sinking further in your chair until your ass is right on its edge.
"I don't want to hear a sound from you, doll," Taehyung instructs, ripping your gaze from Yoongi to him. "If you so much as whimper, I won't let you fuck him. Understand?"
"Y-yes," you respond in time for the featherlight brush of fingers over your clothed heat, intaking a deep, quiet breath.  
"Yes, sir," Taehyung instructs, and you nod emphatically as you correct yourself, saying, "Y-yes, sir."
Warm breath wafts between your legs, and you swallow thickly, glancing between Taehyung, Yoongi, and Namjoon, who all carry on as if nothing is happening. Taehyung takes Jeongguk's seat, and the three men discuss bringing The Tigers on to take care of Jeongguk's former responsibilities, and how things have been going while Yoongi has been away. It seems Namjoon has been the family point person in Yoongi's absence, but you cannot bring yourself to listen closely to their conversation because the feeling of lips dragging over your pussy shuts out all sound around you. 
With a sigh that is as silent as you can manage, you let your head fall back against the wooden chair. Warmth laps over the mesh layer covering you, and you shiver as your pelvis angles upward, chasing the sensation. You want to beg Jeongguk to move your panties aside and touch you properly, and you bite your bottom lip to keep any sound from spilling. 
Namjoon is the picture of nonchalance as he leans forward and reaches for a bottle of wine to fill his empty glass. When he turns to you and reaches for yours, which is still half full, his voice is so sweet and soft, asking, "Don't care for the wine, sweetheart?"
As if determined to spoil any chance of fucking you, Jeongguk chooses this moment to tug your panties away and press the pads of his fingers against you, spreading your lips slowly and firmly. Your eyes roll back as he rubs over your clit, and you shake your head, doing your best to stay present as you say, "It's good," breathy and clearly on the brink of losing it. "It's a good wine."
"Well, then drink up, darling," Yoongi suggests, raising an eyebrow as your chest heaves. "There's plenty more wine; don't be shy."
You tremble as you lean forward and reach for your glass, gripping the stem tightly to lift it to your lips. Jeongguk's tongue flicks against you in quick, teasing tastes, and you chug back a large gulp, gasping for air once it is swallowed down as pleasure mixes with hints of a buzz. 
Jeongguk wastes no more time, licking and sucking your pussy with skill and vigor. He hums between your legs, making loud wet sounds with his mouth as if you are just another course in his expertly prepared meal. You wonder if he does it to taunt the men at the table, what with how loud he is.
Arousal builds quickly, flooding you hot and fast, making you scrape your fingernails into the arms of the wooden chair as you hold your lips taut between your teeth, desperate to stay silent. It feels good. So good that you have to puff out your cheeks in order to hold back from making any sound. So good that whenever one of the men attempts to speak to you, you respond in nods or a shake of the head, all the while keeping your eyes squeezed shut.
"Do you think we are too mean to her?" Taehyung teases, and you open your eyes to find the three men watching you with hungry, dark expressions. "Perhaps asking her not to make a sound was uncalled for. After all, Jeongguk loves eating pussy, and I imagine he is giving his all to our sweet doll."
"She is quite vocal," Yoongi says with a pout as if taking pity on you. 
"And she does make the sweetest sounds," Namjoon adds with a grin. 
Jeongguk slips a finger into your heat, forcing your entire body to simultaneously attempt to tense and relax. Although it is not much of a stretch, the angle forces him to press against your erogenous zone, and you tremble into the feeling. 
"Dollface?" Taehyung asks, and you turn your attention to him with wide, eager eyes. "Do you think my punishment is too harsh?"
You look around to all three men, attempting to gauge their expressions, which are all somewhere between curious and stern. Although Taehyung seems to be offering you a lifeline, you worry that outright agreeing might be more dangerous in the long run. 
"N-no, sir," you respond, sinking a little further into bliss as Jeongguk finger-fucks and eats you out. "Ah-I was naughty and deserve to be punished."
Taehyung seems pleased, eyes widening as he says, "My, what an obedient girl. You two must have a lot of fun with her, don't you?"
Namjoon leans and drapes an arm over your shoulders, and the weight of it paired with his light, distinguishing musk and delicate cologne does nothing to stave the many tumultuous sensations eager to pour from you. Already, you climb closer to orgasm; all Jeongguk would have to do is slip a second finger inside, and you would burst in seconds. 
"We sure do," Namjoon groans beside you, and the sound of his voice is too much, causing your eyes to roll back once more as you bite your lips closed.
"Since you're so desperate to be good," Taehyung says almost sardonically, "I will let you make all the sounds you need to. But only after you have been granted permission to cum, which you have to beg for."
The men in this so-called family are infuriating with their need to make you beg, and you open your mouth, letting out a quiet shuttering sigh, then lift your gaze to your devious, gracious host and ask, "Please, sir. Please, may I cum?"
"Already?" Taehyung asks, cocking his head with surprise. 
"She is extremely easy to please," Yoongi says, filling you with red-hot embarrassment. 
"Especially since we already made her nice and sensitive earlier," Namjoon adds. "I bet she will become overstimulated fast."
"I'm close," you say, voice coming out a little too broken—too close to a whimper. "Sir, please. I'll never misbehave again, please, please."
The squelch of Jeongguk's finger fucking into you becomes audible, and Namjoon shifts beside you as he asks, "Are you using two fingers, Gguk?"
Frantically, you shake your head, eager to tell Namjoon, No, please, don't encourage him. But Jeongguk is obedient as can be, and he slides his finger out only to press two deep inside. The stretch makes your mouth fall agape, and you huff out silent vowels, holding back so much you practically choke on air. 
"Please," you try again, staring ahead at Taehyung while doing your best to school your features. Pleasure tugs at every inch of you, knitting your brows and forcing your mouth open to hang wide, and you croak around each syllable, muttering like a prayer, "Please, please, please."
"Ggukie," Taehyung calls, "is she close, baby?"
Jeongguk licks a long, slow stripe over you, then calls, "Her muscles keep tensing and relaxing; she feels very close," before getting back to work, making your head absolutely spin.
"I am close," you mutter just above a whisper, desperate. "I'm so close. Please, sir. Please let me cum."
"Are you sure you deserve to?" Taehyung asks.
Petulance rises, and you rotate to glance between Yoongi and Namjoon with a look of sheer desperation that the two of them all but ignore. You confessed your love to these two monsters, and this is the way they treat you in a time of mental and emotional collapse; unbelievable!
"Please," you turn your attention back to Taehyung. You are so close to the edge, every fiber of your being trembles under the pressure of tightening your muscles and staving off release, but you are not sure you can hold on much longer. Orgasm denial is not something you are used to; pretty soon, your body will give into Jeongguk's very talented mouth and fingers and do what it wants to, permission be damned.
Yoongi stands slowly, scraping his chair legs against the wooden floor, then he rounds the table with a look of hunger, slowly stalking. Although you attempt to follow his movements, just having him nearer makes it more and more difficult to hold back. Clearly, these men are determined to torture you.
Yoongi grabs your chairback with both hands, which you see from the corners of your eyes, then he leans close, filling your senses with his musk, asking, "Is our Jeonggukie making you feel good, darling?"
You nod emphatically, biting your lips closed for fear of moaning if you attempt to speak. Jeongguk's fingers press over the sweet spot that makes you crumble so easily, and you squeeze your eyes closed in an attempt to hold your composure. 
"Use your words, sweetheart," Namjoon instructs.
"Ye—" you huff and sigh, eyes widening as Jeongguk's tongue laves and twirls, sloppy and wet. "Y-yes, sir," you practically moan, jaw trembling around each syllable.
"Poor thing," Taehyung teases, "just look at her fall apart."
"Please, sir," you mutter, closing your eyes. "Please, please, please."
With each push and pull of Jeongguk's fingers, you lose the ability to hold on any longer. Your body quakes from the storm that rages inside you, and heat pools and pools, ebbing but never flowing.
"Please," you beg more desperately. "Sir, please!"
"Can't hold on any longer, can you?" Yoongi asks, and you shake your head, muttering, "No, sir; I can't."
With a sigh, almost as if he is annoyed, Taehyung sits forward with both elbows against the table and says, "Alright, pretty doll. Cum for us."
The moment you relax, orgasm rushes through you, dragging you straight to the depths of hell. You practically scream, "Oh, god!" as Jeongguk plunges his fingers deep, sucking at your clit gently in a rhythm that pulls pleasure from every inch of you.
You grip the chair tightly and squeeze your eyes closed, gasping and panting while you cum on Jeongguk's fingers and tongue, coating him in a release that pours from you, hitting your thighs in droplets. Yoongi's arms wrap around you, one splayed hand on your chest while the other loosely grips onto your throat, holding you firmly in place. 
Overstimulation hits just as fast as your orgasm had, and you sob and begin to pull your hips back, eager to force Jeongguk to stop but unwilling to call a safe word or command him to. Jeongguk's mouth feels good—different from the ways Yoongi and Namjoon pleasure you, though you are incapable of determining how. Heat fills your cheeks at the thought of Jeongguk wanting this for as long as you have, and you begin to pull away with more intention, this time. 
"Too much," you beg. "Please, I can't—"
Jeongguk's lips and fingers fall away instantly, leaving you drenched and shivering as the air hits your exposed pussy. Yoongi lets up on his hold around you, and you catch your breath, heaving each exhale through your lungs as if you had just been drowning. 
"Magnificent," Taehyung praises with a smile. "Namjoon is right, you really do make pretty sounds, doll."
"Th-thank you, sir," you gasp, feeling equal parts thrilled and humiliated to cum with Taehyung watching you.
"Can you take more?" Taehyung asks with a raise of an eyebrow. He scoots his chair back and Jeongguk crawls between his legs, resting his head on Taehyung's lap with a dopey, wet smile that you can just barely see past the table. Taehyung rakes his fingers through Jeongguk's hair, keeping his eyes on you. "I can restrain this pretty boy and let you have your way with him, if you would like."
Using Jeongguk for your own pleasure sounds like a fantastic idea, and although you are overstimulated, you nod, slowing your breathing as you say, "I would like that, sir."
"Wonderful!" Taehyung beams, giving Jeongguk a soft pat on the head. "Get a head start, baby. I want to find you in the throne room, naked, in the center of the bed, understand?"
Jeongguk sits high on his knees, tilting his head up to Taehyung with an expression that pours over with affection. "Yes, sir," he says as Taehyung leans down and presses their lips together. Then he stands, and you notice the drool and cum that coats his chin and chest, shimmering in the light. Your gaze flickers to Taehyung just in time to notice him licking his lips, and you burn with the knowledge that he can also taste you. 
Jeongguk leaves the room, and you take the opportunity to reach for your refilled wine glass and chug its contents back, gasping on your next breath while your hands tremble. Taehyung stands and returns to his seat, to the right of you, leaning against the top of the backrest.
"How are you feeling?" he asks in a tone sweet enough to take you by surprise. 
"Good," you respond truthfully, sitting up and squeezing your thighs tight. 
"It goes without saying, but you absolutely do not have to keep going if you need to stop," he assures you, and you smile, giving a slight nod and muttering, "I'm good. I'm enjoying myself."
"Yoongi-hyung? Namjoon-hyung?" Taehyung asks.
"Perfect," Namjoon responds as Yoongi says, "I'm having a great time."
"Good," Taehyung says, clapping his hands together once. "I was prepared to have more of a conversation, but none of that seems necessary, so let's dive right in. Jeongguk and I use the stoplight safeword system, do you know what that is?"
You clear your throat and nod, having learned about this from your days in sex work. "Green for continue, red for stop," you say, unsure what their use of yellow might be, as sometimes it can vary.
"Exactly," Taehyung praises as he walks over and leaves a gentle pat against your head. "Yellow means slow down or let up, depending on what you are doing. You can check in and demand a color, but he is good about calling when he needs to. As for you—" he raises an eyebrow with his hands on his hips, "—Jeongguk and I have agreed that you can fuck him as long as I get to tell you what to do. Yoongi and Namjoon are also welcome to command you. Of course, if there is something you do not enjoy, you get the final say and can call a color, or simply tell us no. We want you to enjoy this experience to the fullest and will never demand anything you dislike. Understand?"
"Yes, sir," you mutter while wrapping your head around everything, feeling equally eager and nervous.
"Perfect," Taehyung says. "I just need ten minutes to get him ready for you…we're in the first door on the right."
As Taehyung begins to walk in the direction Jeongguk went, you sit up with a start. "Wait," you say, feeling nervous to voice your concern. "I…I've never been…dominant, before. Is there anything I should know? Or do?"  
With a grin, Taehyung turns his attention back to you, raking his eyes over you before he shrugs and says, "Just have fun. Jeongguk gets very sensitive if you tease him long enough…so you can lean into that if it's something you enjoy. That is, as long as you are being obedient to our orders."
You nod and say, "Understood," and Taehyung turns away and begins to exit the room. 
"These heathens left a mess behind," Yoongi grumbles as he gets to work covering pots of food and moving them to the stove before opening the cabinets to find storage containers. Namjoon follows suit, collecting plates and wine glasses to rinse and stack in the sink, and you sit in your chair in a bit of a daze, staring around the room, half-noticing the curved shapes of wood carvings on the chairs and the faint shapes of houseplants that you are not able to fully perceive. 
Once the table is clear, Yoongi pulls back a sleeve and checks his watch. "It's been about ten minutes," he says. "Shall we?"
"Best not to make Taehyung wait twice," Namjoon teases as he approaches and reaches a hand for you to take. 
Everything feels hazy and dream-like as the two of them lead you through Taehyung's house to the stairs near the front foyer. Each step creeks gently underfoot, and the closer you climb to the second level, the more frenzied your heart becomes. Your panties are soaked, askew, and uncomfortable, and your hand prickles with sweat in Namjoon's firm hold, which you grip a little tighter once you get to the upper landing. 
"Ready?" Namjoon asks sweetly, and you nod, muttering, "Yes, daddy," earning your palm a squeeze. 
As soon as you turn to enter the hallway, and turn again to the first room on the right, it becomes evident that this is not the master suite but a room they have specifically for sex. To the left in this large room is a king-sized four-poster bed covered in black satin with black mesh hanging down over and tied neatly to each post. Rigged between the two posts at the head of the bed is some metal bar contraption that Jeongguk is attached to, and it takes a few moments of staring at him for the scene to fully settle in.
Jeongguk is nude with his hands over his head, arms extended long, with his wrists restrained high enough that he has to sit tall on his legs. Except his thighs have leather straps around them, connected to leather straps around his ankles, suspending him in a somewhat strange position, as he does not seem able to fully sit tall or relax all the way down. 
"Breathtaking, isn't he?" Taehyung asks from a large black and gold throne to the right, overlooking the scene. He sits slouched against one arm of the square, wooden seat with a leg slung over the other arm, lounged and looking bored. 
You nod and mutter, "Yes, sir," as you turn your attention back to Jeongguk, whose head hangs slightly forward, short dark hair messy and covering his eyes. 
And he really is breathtaking. The way he sits has so many muscles taut and strained, covering his body in beautiful topography. His pierced nipples glimmer in the golden light of the room, and there is a perfectly inviting trail of dark hairs that travel from his cute, round navel down to the cock that hangs heavy and semi-soft between his legs. 
"Jeonggukie," Taehyung calls, voice magnanimous yet sharp, "eyes up, baby."
Jeongguk lifts his head, and already his eyes look glazed over and a little lost, as if the simple act of being restrained is enough to give him immense pleasure. When his gaze lands on you, a dopey smile tugs at his lips, which he wets with his tongue, dragging the inviting pink muscle slowly as if to tell you that he can still taste you—or, perhaps, that he wants to taste you again.
"Dollface," Taehyung calls, and you turn to look at him with wide, eager eyes, feeling somewhat intoxicated by this entire scene and still reeling from what happened downstairs. 
"Yes, sir?" you ask sweetly. 
"Unless we say so, from now on, keep your eyes on Jeongguk, understand?"
"Yes, sir," you respond, turning your attention back to Jeongguk.
"I imagine this setup is a bit overwhelming for you," Taehyung continues. "What is your color, pretty?"
This setup is overwhelming, but you are incredibly intrigued and find this submissive side of Jeongguk rather promising. "Green, sir."
"Good," Taehyung says as Namjoon's palm slides away from your hold and both men walk toward Taehyung, leaving you alone. "I want you to strip, right where you stand, keeping your eyes on Jeongguk. Can you do that for us?"
With a nod, you swallow a lump of nervousness and respond, "Yes, sir."
The dress zips in the back, and you reach with your right hand, fumbling with the material before reaching with your left hand to grip onto the dress and slide the zipper down. You only make it a few inches and have to bunch the dress up even more, feeling grateful this the material is actually loose and that you are not stuck having to contort yourself uselessly for an audience. It takes time, though—bunching, unzipping, bunching some more, unzipping some more—until finally, you are able to reach back with your arms lowered and get ahold of the zipper, tugging it down to your waist. 
Jeongguk watches intently as you slide the black dress down, away from your chest. You wear a thin, mesh black bra and matching panties, and you feel your nipples begin to harden beneath the material as the air hits your exposed skin, causing a very slight shiver to work its way along your back. 
When the dress falls past your hips, down to the floor, all that covers you are thin, small swathes of black material, and you fight the urge to lift your arms to shield yourself, holding your arms stiffly to your sides while you stare at Jeongguk, who stares back. 
"Strip all the way down, darling," Yoongi instructs, and you mutter, "Yes, sir," as you reach back and unclasp the bra. 
Jeongguk's gaze widens and softens as the material falls away to the floor in a heap in front of you, and his eyes follow the path of your hands, down to where your thumbs hook under your panties and push-pull them away. 
"Jeonggukie," Taehyung calls, "how is she?"
"Beautiful," Jeongguk responds in a dreamy, faraway tone. "She's perfect."
"Dollface, join our sweet boy on the bed, please," Taehyung instructs. 
"Yes, sir," you say as you force your feet to step from the pile of clothing and move forward. The bed is tall enough that you need to place your hands down and swing one knee up, hoisting yourself forward. You crawl to Jeongguk, and then sit tall on your knees before him. From this close, he is a work of art—a perfect blend of soft and firm lines that appear handcrafted with utmost care. 
"Dollface, I want you to tease our sweet Jeonggukie. You are not allowed to touch his cock or asshole unless given permission, but everything else is fair game. Rile him up, make him whine, make him beg. He likes it a little rough so don't be afraid to pinch, slap, scratch, bite…whatever it takes to drive him crazy. Does all this sound good?"
"Yes sir," you respond, unmoving as you decide where to start. It feels like you have been given too many choices, and suddenly, you feel overwhelmed. "Can I kiss him, sir?" you ask, inching closer on your knees.
"Of course, doll," Taehyung calls happily, and you continue to inch closer. 
Sitting high on your knees, you reach up and drag the backs of your fingernails over Jeongguk's cheeks, causing him to tremble and take in a deep, slow breath. His eyelids flutter, but he keeps his gaze on you, lips lifting and moving slightly, as if he has something to say. As your right hand continues to work its way up, over a scratchy shaved undercut and into thick, straight hair, your left thumb drags down, over his bottom lip, pulling it past his teeth until it stretches to its limit and pops back into place.
"So pretty," you whisper, watching Jeongguk's eyes widen. He must not be allowed to speak unless spoken to, but you have been given no such instruction. "I've never done something like this before. You're my first."
Jeongguk's mouth twitches around a syllable left unvoiced, and you lean forward and suck his bottom lip between your teeth, soft at first, then a little harder, making Jeongguk gasp, tasting skin and metal. You dart your tongue out to soothe over the scrape of your teeth, unable to hold in a whimper when Jeongguk's tongue meets yours, and you take the sides of his face in both hands to deepen the kiss, shoving your tongue into his mouth, forcing him to open around you while he moans, soft and inviting. 
You lick hints of your own arousal from his mouth, then smile against his lips as you say, "You taste like me…so sweet," watching with delight as he holds back from responding, brows knitting as if pained. 
This time, when you kiss him, you take his hair in both hands and grip. Jeongguk groans as his head is yanked backward, and you suck and nip at his bottom lip, making him whimper uselessly, darting his tongue out as if in search of a deeper kiss—desperate.
"So pretty," you say again while nipping at his jaw, holding his hair tight in your grip and letting your teeth snag and tease the skin all the way to his ear. 
Jeongguk trembles in your hold, and when you reach his ear, taking it gently in your teeth, he lets out a sweet little song of, "Ah-ah-ah," shivering madly in your grasp while his back arches. 
"Oh you are sensitive," you tease before taking his earlobe between your teeth again, a little more roughly, until he cries out a pitchy little yelp.
"Color, baby?" you ask, to which Jeongguk quickly responds, "Green, noona."
Hearing Jeongguk call you noona should not excite you so much, but arousal builds between your legs, and you feel the urge to keep pushing him for more. You nibble down the long, salty-sweet expanse of Jeongguk's neck, savoring the taste of his sweat, dragging your fingernails from his hair, to the back of his neck, over to his shoulders, and down along his spine. Jeongguk responds in jerks and gasps, and you continue down, down, until your mouth reaches one of his pierced nipples. 
With a flick of your tongue, Jeongguk responds as if he has been shocked, back bowing as his body shakes. His pebbled, pierced skin is inviting, and you lick again, this time slowly dragging your tongue over him, feeling every tiny curve, tasting hints of titanium. 
You scrape your fingernails down Jeongguk's ribs while you suck his pierced nipple into your mouth, reveling in the sweet, broken sounds he makes. He seems to be holding back, and you feel determined to make him sob. Although you two are becoming closer as friends, he was a bit of a prick to you for months, and you intend to let him know that you have not forgotten.
"Color?" you ask, knowing it'll be green, just to make him speak. 
"Green, noona," Jeongguk responds almost robotically—not good enough. 
Once more, you sit up tall, taking his hair in one hand and his jaw in the other. Your hand trembles as you pull it back and crash your fingertips against his cheek, gasping in tandem as Jeongguk's eyes widen, difficult to read. 
"Color?" you ask, receiving, "Green, noona," instantly. 
You slap again, this time a little harder, and Jeongguk gasps but holds his composure nicely. So you tug his hair harder, just enough to pull his head back, before you slap again. The skin of his cheek begins to redden, and you give it quick, softer taps, moving your fingertips little by little, covering the expanse of his cheek. 
"Green, noona."
This time, when you slap, it stings your fingertips, and Jeongguk groans. His cheeks seem to be the wrong place to tease, however, so you sit back, releasing his hair and rethinking your plan. 
"Darling," Yoongi calls, and you nearly turn to look at him but correct yourself, staring Jeongguk in the eyes as you say, "Yes, sir?"
"The way he's suspended is really taxing on the legs. If you're trying to hurt the poor boy, I recommend the thighs."
Jeongguk's eyes widen further, and you smirk as you say, "Yes, sir."
From across the room, you hear Taehyung gleefully say, "Hyung you are evil."
Slowly, you drag your fingernails from Jeongguk's shoulders, along the curves of his pecs, down his ribs. Finally, at his hips, you allow yourself to look down and find a very inviting semi-erect cock hanging between his legs. Of course, Jeongguk is perfect in every way, and you bite your lip as you attempt to pull your vision away, to his thighs instead. 
With both hands splayed open, you lift and crash your palms down onto Jeongguk's thighs, and he cries out, sobbing on the end of the sound. A thrill quakes through you, and you rub your hands over his thighs, lift both, and slam your left one down hard. 
"Fu—ahh!" Jeongguk screams. 
"Color, baby?" you ask sweetly. 
You glance up and catch him hesitating before saying, "Green, noona."
Without giving him a chance to relax, you slap your right hand down, followed by your left, watching his face as it contorts in pleasured pain while he bleats pathetically. 
"G-green, noona."
Again and again, you slap, moving your hands over to the sides of his thighs, rubbing your palms and alternating which side slaps, never in a discernable pattern, always to catch him off guard. 
Finally, you ask, "Color, pretty," impressed when he gasps, "Yellow, noona!"
Gently, you rub your hands over his thighs and sink down low, rubbing your cheek and lips over his left thigh, smiling sweetly against him. From here, there is a gentle, inviting musk coming from his lap that is difficult to resist. You lick your lips at the thought of swallowing him whole, then turn your face away, kissing the sore, warm skin of his leg while breathing through the arousal that licks at you, urging you to be selfish and take.
"Sweetheart," Namjoon calls, and you sit up, eyes on Jeongguk as you say, "Yes, daddy?"
Curiosity flashes in Jeongguk's eyes, and you wonder if he is attempting to calculate the various dynamics of your relationship. Using the term daddy with an audience is slightly embarrassing, and you shift in place, waiting for his response. 
"I don't think Jeongguk got a good enough look at you under that table. You should sit back and touch yourself for him…show him how wet he made you."
The edges of Jeongguk's lips curve, and you hesitate. It is not that you don't want to touch yourself with an audience, but it does add to the humiliation to have your two partners and one of their best friends sitting on the sidelines, watching you. 
"Color, doll?" Taehyung asks.
Somehow, the concern in his voice grounds you, and you say, "Green, sir," adding, "Thank you for the advice, daddy," so that Namjoon does not feel left out.
"Such a good girl," Namjoon praises as you sit back and scoot enough to spread your thighs around Jeongguk. 
There is more than enough room on the large bed to sprawl out, but you stay close, sweeping one of your feet against the outside of Jeongguk's restrained leg as you reach your hand between your legs and slowly drag your fingers over yourself, spreading and teasing your folds. 
Desire burns through you as you touch yourself while Jeongguk watches, eyes wide and hungry, trailing from your pussy, over your body, and back down. Slowly, you sink your middle finger inside, and although the size is nowhere near enough to stretch, a thrill quakes through you, making you moan as you gather release from your earlier orgasm and pull your finger out. 
Jeongguk licks his lips, intently watching as you use your slick finger to spread yourself and swirl over your clit. It feels good, a simmering pleasure that covers you in warmth, and you loll your head back, hesitant to let go enough to moan, whimpering more softly than usual.
"Be vocal, darling," Yoongi calls, and you squeeze your eyes closed for a second as you say, "Yes, sir," frustrated that absolutely nothing can get past these men, but also grateful for the push.
You still hesitate as you open your mouth to moan, but with each sound you make, Jeongguk appears to lose his composure more and more. With a nibble on your lower lip, you circle over your clit, then rub down to your hole, up and down, gathering more and more release, becoming wetter and wetter, all for him. 
"Do you like what you see?" you ask, eager to tease despite the tremble in your voice. 
"Yes, noona," Jeongguk gasps, swallowing thickly before his mouth falls wide. 
"So wet for you, Jeonggukie," you moan, using your other hand to rub and pinch at your breasts. "Too bad you can't fuck me."
Jeongguk whimpers and shakes in his restraints, legs straining and arms moving. His distress urges you on, and you rub over your breasts more, gathering and squeezing the soft skin between your fingers while dipping two fingers into your pussy. 
"I want you so bad," you pout, watching as Jeongguk crumbles. "My fingers aren't big enough…but you are."
"Please," Jeongguk mutters, sweat glistening on his forehead. "Please, sir. Please."
"Begging already?" Taehyung teases and Jeongguk nods emphatically. 
Jeongguk's voice sounds dreamy, and he licks his lips again. "Please, sir. I've been good."
You can hear Taehyung stand and begin to approach before he comes into view, climbing onto the bed, on his knees, reaching up to drag his fingertips up and down the length of Jeongguk's arms. At first, you feel shy to be on display for him, but Taehyung does not regard you, keeping his eyes on Jeongguk. 
"You really have been very good," Taehyung praises as he nuzzles against Jeongguk's neck. Jeongguk leans into the touch, doing his best to keep his eyes on you as Taehyung continues. "You cooked an excellent meal, and you were very obedient when I told you to make our doll cum."
"I've been good, sir," Jeongguk whimpers as if stuck on repeat. "Please, sir. I've been good."
Without another word, Taehyung reaches up and begins to undo Jeongguk's wrist restraints, slowly lowering his arms one by one and rubbing his palms from Jeongguk's shoulders to his hands. With a sigh that sounds like relief, Jeongguk sits back on his heels. 
"I'll undo your legs too, but you have to behave," Taehyung says as he begins to unhook one of the thigh restraints. "You are only allowed to do as you are told and nothing more, understood?"
"Yes, sir," Jeongguk responds with a sharp smile, eyes focused on you. 
Although your moments have slowed, you continue to tease yourself with your fingers, watching as Taehyung crawls around Jeongguk's back to free his other thigh. Taehyung crawls backward, then stands beside the bed, out of your direct line of vision. 
"Sit back," he commands, patting the bed, and Jeongguk does as he is told, sliding back and extending his legs in front of him, settling against the tall wooden headboard. 
"Dollface," Taehyung calls, and you keep your eyes on Jeongguk but instinctively begin to sit up as you respond, "Yes, sir?"
"He's all yours," Taehyung says as his voice travels back to where the throne sits. "Have fun." 
"Thank you, sir," you respond as you sit forward, getting swiftly onto your hands and knees. 
With the possibilities suddenly seemingly endless, you feel overwhelmed, but you crawl forward and cage Jeongguk's reddened thighs, hovering close to his leaking cock, which sits pretty and thick against his tummy. 
"Is Jeongguk an impatient man, sir?" you ask, watching as Jeongguk fails to keep his expressions schooled, eyes sharpening and widening. 
"Extremely impatient," Taehyung responds, making Jeongguk huff a sigh. "If you decide to go slow it might drive him insane."
With a smirk, you mutter, "Noted, sir," then lean forward, touching the very tip of your tongue to the very bottom of Jeongguk's shaft and dragging up slow, slow, slow. His skin is velvet-soft, and you drool as you lift your head just below the crown, humming as Jeongguk trembles and gasps. 
You kiss over the crown, right where the skin is softest, pressing your lips nice and wide before sucking and lapping at the skin in slow, gentle movements. Jeongguk groans, sounding almost pained, and you continue to lick languidly, teasing the skin, giving him just enough pressure to feel something but not enough to satiate any hunger. 
"Please," Jeongguk whispers, and you glance up, tongue outstretched against him, to find a look of desperation tugging at the corners of his eyes. You hesitate to respond for a fraction of a second, feeling momentarily astounded that this is happening.
"Please, what?" you urge, watching as his jaw trembles. 
"Please, noona. Please touch me more."
Teasing Jeongguk is a thrill, but you are quickly losing your composure, and as much as you want to listen to him beg and beg, you are also too eager to continue holding back. In a swift movement, you tilt your head forward and swallow Jeongguk's cock, taking him only halfway while sucking on the tip. 
Jeongguk moans loud and eager, music to your ears. You hear Taehyung say, "Hands at your sides," and imagine Jeongguk must have been moments away from taking your head in his hands, sending a thrill down your spine. 
With a pleased groan, you lift your head and settle a little higher on your knees between Jeongguk's spread legs. At this angle, you can take him into your mouth much more easily, and you sink down until he nearly hits your throat, feeling the tight squeeze of your lips accommodate his girth. 
"Fuck," Jeongguk mutters, "you feel so good."
Jeongguk's words of encouragement spur you on, and you hum happily as you bob your head slow but steady, lodging his cock into your throat just enough that it nearly makes you gag before coming back for air. You can hear the sound of his fists gripping the sheet below, soft material scratching against blunt fingernails—a quiet, tactile cry of desperation. 
As you lift your head, you swirl your tongue over his shaft, then release, opening your eyes and looking upward, watching as Jeongguk melts from the sight of you holding your mouth wide, saliva falling like garland hung between your tongue and his cock. 
"You taste good, Ggukie," you say as the spit breaks and falls against your chin and chest, some dripping onto your knees. Eager to tease but nervous to dirty talk, you swallow thickly and do your best to sound confident as you crawl high onto your knees and begin to straddle his lap. "I could do this all day…but I want to feel you so badly."
"God, yes," Jeongguk groans, gripping tightly to the comforter at his sides. "Please, noona."
"What a shame you can't touch me," you pout while wrapping your arms around his shoulders, sitting high on your knees. "I bet you could make me feel so good."
You tilt your hips low, dragging yourself over Jeongguk's length, coating him in your arousal. Jeongguk whimpers and it sounds so sweet and so needy, you bite your lip and smile. Slowly, you push your chest out, dragging your breasts over his clavicle and pecs, and Jeongguk looks pained from how little you are giving him. 
You lean close and mutter, "Kiss me. Show me how badly you want me."
With a groan, Jeongguk tilts his mouth to yours and eagerly sucks at your bottom lip before prising your mouth open, making way for his tongue. You hold him steady, keeping his head close, but still, he leans his face into yours, groaning desperately, rough in the way his forehead and nose press against yours, desperate in the way his teeth gnash and nip between wide, ravenous licks. 
You part from the kiss and grip onto Jeongguk's chin, smirking as you angle your hips forward, surprising yourself with how easily you snag Jeongguk's cock on your entrance and begin to lower yourself on him. Jeongguk's eyes widen then roll back as you lower and lift your hips just enough to tease his tip, sighing through the stretch. 
"Please," Jeongguk mutters, eyes and mouth fluttering and trembling so pretty and so wrecked. "Noona, please fuck me. Please, please, please."
"Awe, baby," you tease, lowering yourself further, gasping a silent sob from how incredible he feels. "You sound so pretty when you beg."
"She caved so quickly," Taehyung grumbles, reminding you that you have an audience, causing your cheeks to warm with humiliation.
Yoongi chuckles as he mutters, "I'm actually shocked by how long she held out."
You roll your eyes despite Yoongi being correct about your impatience. Holding back for as long as you have has not been easy, and truthfully, you deserve to be praised for your efforts. 
"Typically, she's begging us in an instant," Namjoon adds, and you bite back an indignant smile.
You would absolutely run your mouth if you thought the three doms chiding you would let you away with it, but you are not eager to test them—not with Taehyung, who seems to have the firmest willpower and most sadistic tendencies, present. You finally have Jeongguk nestled deep inside you, and you are not willing to fuck this up for either of you. 
The unraveled straps of the restraints that were wrapped around Jeongguk's wrists hang low, about a foot above his shoulders, and you reach up, gripping onto the leather. You hold on tight and moan as you lift and swivel your hips, teasing Jeongguk's tip and pulling a soft, impatient huff from his chest. 
Jeongguk's eyes rove over your body, up to your face, as he cranes his head back. He opens his mouth, but no sound comes out, and you tilt your head to the side to ask, "What is it? Speak, boy."
"Beautiful," Jeongguk mutters sweetly, and you feel your heart skip a beat. You smile, then bite it back, trying to be a tease, not feel fluffy. 
"Shut up," you grumble quietly, lowering your hips just enough to make Jeongguk croak out a soft moan before lifting. With the help of the straps, you find a good angle for your back to arch, allowing you to bounce your ass just enough to tease his tip. 
Jeongguk whines and huffs, squeezing the sheet below him, causing peaks of material to form—mountains of tested patience reaching a breaking point. And although it feels good to stretch yourself around just the end of him, you want the rest, so you release one strap and then the other, settling with your hands on his shoulders and sinking down deep with a moan and pleasure flows through you in waves.
"Fuck," Jeongguk whimpers, dragging the word out long.
The stretch is enough to make you quake, but you do not have the ability to keep teasing yourself, even if it means finally caving in and giving Jeongguk what he wants. You lift your hips and drop them, choking on a sob that is punctuated by a deep moan. Pleasure bursts and settles into your limbs, tingling through you like electricity, and you wrap your arms tight around his shoulder and neck and begin to fuck yourself on his length.
"Feels so good," you moan, eyes shut and head tilted back, using Jeongguk to chase your high, eager to cum all over him and make a fucking mess. 
Jeongguk's lips drag over your neck and shoulder, huffing hot breath that turns your skin sticky, and you do your best to keep a steady rhythm, climbing closer and closer to bliss, reaching the precipice little by little. 
"God, look at her," Namjoon groans, making you shiver. You shouldn't be so greedy, but you do wish Namjoon could climb onto this bed and help you use Jeongguk.
"Stunning, always," Yoongi responds, and your heart and soul yearn for him, desperate to feel Yoongi once more, even if it has only been hours since the last time. 
"Our poor Gguk is going to rip holes in this sheet by the time I allow him to touch her," Taehyung teases. "I haven't seen him this wound up in ages."
Jeongguk sighs and groans, then leans slightly back as his head lolls from side to side. He looks like he is about to burst, and you slow your hips, watching intently as he shakes his head and frowns, muttering, "Please, noona, please don't stop."
Rather than listen to his pleas, you lift your hips all the way, sending his cock to hit his tummy in a wet splat. Jeongguk grumbles, and you lean in to nibble at his chin and jaw until he shivers, then you back away from his lap and spin around.
As soon as you turn away from Jeongguk and lift your head, you are met with your own reflection, staring back from a floor-to-ceiling mirror that runs from the door to the conjoining wall. You gasp as you take in the sight of yourself on your hands and knees covered in a sheen of sweat, with Jeongguk sitting high on his knees behind you. 
Jeongguk watches the mirror, smiling as you regain your composure and back up on your knees, grabbing for his cock with one hand while lowering yourself down. As soon as you are partially seated on his erection, you use both hands to spread your ass, arching your back as you lower yourself, eyes on the mirror to see Jeongguk staring down, moaning with his mouth hung wide. 
"Like what you see, baby?" you ask as you begin to raise and lower your hips. 
Jeongguk's eyes snap to the mirror, and he appears dazed as he says, "Yes, noona."
You sit up high on your knees and anchor your hands against your thighs as you begin to ride Jeongguk, finding a steady rhythm that sends your pleasure building once more. At this angle, his tip rubs over your erogenous zone, and you tilt your head back, moaning and gasping with each delicious drag. 
With one hand gripping to your thigh, you reach the other between your legs, rubbing over your clit, desperate to cum. Your hope is that once you orgasm, you can barter with the doms to allow Jeongguk to touch you; you want his hands on you, groping, squeezing, and holding you down. Just the thought alone has you speeding toward bliss, and you press your fingertips just a little more firmly against your clit and slam your hips down so hard it stings. 
"Fuck," you whimper, chasing your high faster and faster, "Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum."
The sound of one of the men clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth makes you jolt, and you begin to fear the worst. Sure enough, Taehyung asks, "Did we say you could cum, pretty?" and you begin to feel frantic, though you do not slow your movements. 
"N-no," you mutter weakly, "but, I thought—"
"I'm just toying with you, pretty," Taehyung interrupts with a chuckle, filling you with relief. 
"If I cum, will you let him touch me, sir?" you ask, watching Jeongguk's lips twitch through the mirror. 
"I suppose I could allow that," Taehyung responds. "Since you've been so obedient."
"Yes," you whimper, lifting and slamming your hips, so close to the edge. "Thank you, sir."
"Fucking squeezing me," Jeongguk groans behind you, and you glance into the mirror to find him sitting tense, staring down at your ass. 
Jeongguk looks fucked out and on the brink of collapse with sweat dripping down his neck and his face screwed up in both pleasure and impatience. You imagine him holding you down against the mattress to use you just as you have used him, and that thought is exactly what you need to plummet into euphoria. 
"Fuck," you whimper, "I'm gonna—"
Your orgasm crashes through you, snapped suddenly with a burst of energy that throws you forward as you quake and sob, gripping onto the black satin sheet with both hands while you desperately move your hips, chasing more and more until you are no longer able to move, moaning and sobbing as your muscles tense and release around Jeongguk. You squeeze around him, eager to chase more bliss, but your body feels tired, and your legs quake. 
"Sir, please," you whimper as your hips slow and you become too overcome to keep a steady rhythm, "please let him touch me."
"Jeongguk really has excellent stamina," Taehyung says, sending a chill through you as he adds, "if we allow him to fuck her, he might just break her in half."
"She can take it," Yoongi insists in a tone that is familiar and dangerous. "She can handle the two of us, after all."
After a short pause, Taehyung calls, "Jeonggukie," and you glance into the mirror, watching as Jeongguk's mouth twists into a sharp, dangerous smirk. 
"Yes, sir?" he responds, eyes on your reflection.  
"You have permission to touch and to speak," Taehyung says, and you watch as Jeongguk releases the poor sheet from his grip, stretching and squeezing his palms at his sides. "The hyungs say she cums really easily…but I bet you can't give her three more orgasms by the time you're finished."
It should be terrifying the way Jeongguk looks down at you suddenly as if you are a piece of meat, licking at his teeth while dragging his hands from your hips to your shoulders, and back down. Jeongguk adjusts behind you, still buried deep, and he settles with one hand on your hip and the other gripping the back of your neck. 
"Stay on your hands and knees," Jeongguk instructs firmly, making you shiver. "And keep your eyes on me."
You barely have a chance to mutter, "Yes, sir," before he pulls his hips back and snaps them forward, spearing you on his length far deeper than when you were riding him. The pleasure-pain is incredible, and the moan that falls from your lips is broken, no more than rough a burst of air. Jeongguk wastes no time digging his fingertips into your soft skin and setting a pace that is brutal enough to make you scream. 
It feels impossible to keep your eyes open and on Jeongguk's reflection, but you do your best, only allowing your eyelids to flutter closed momentarily. Jeongguk is very clearly punishing you for teasing him so much, and you do your best to take everything he gives you, moaning and sobbing with each deep thrust. 
"Fuck, you feel so good, doll," Jeongguk groans, digging his fingertips deeper. "Do you have any idea how hard it was to keep my fucking hands off you?"
The hand around your neck moves up to your face, and Jeongguk slides two fingers into the side of your mouth, gently tugging as he holds your head up, keeping your back bowed and ass held high. 
"Shit, you're so fucking tight," he groans, lifting the hand on your hip to smack your ass, making you squeal around his fingers from the tingle of pain. "So fucking wet."
Jeongguk's praises make your head spin, and it takes no time at all to chase another high. Your reflection is absolutely debauched, and you stare ahead at yourself and at Jeongguk, still unable to shake the surprise that this is actually, finally happening. Jeongguk is absolutely ruthless with his thrusts, and you squeeze around him in a rhythm that matches his, building and building your next orgasm, quaking uncontrollably as it begins to roll through you like a hurricane. 
"You're fucking cuming again, aren't you?" Jeongguk groans as your muscles flutter around him. 
"Yes," you mutter, attempting to nod with your head stuck in place. "Yes, please, please make me cum again."
Jeongguk slides the hand from your mouth, down to your shoulder, and fucks into you, moaning to match your sounds as your orgasm reaches its peak and causes you to sob and slip forward, unable to hold yourself up. Although you are disobeying his rule to stay on your hands, Jeongguk seems unphased, and he rubs his hands over your back and then presses your shoulders down into the soft sheet while his hips stay just as steady.
"She really is fucking easy," Jeongguk teases as he leans forward, pressing his weight into you. 
You turn your head to the side and lock eyes with Namjoon, who sits on one wide, wooden arm of the throne with his legs spread wide, watching you with a fire burning in his gaze. 
"Incredible, isn't she?" Yoongi asks, and you move your focus to him, on the other arm of the wooden throne, leaning forward with one elbow on his knee. 
Jeongguk pulls out, and you sob, clenching around nothing while his hands move down the expanse of your back, to your ass. He spreads you wide with both palms while bending lowly then licks from your clit all the way to your asshole, and you gasp then whimper, sinking deeper forward while arching your back to present yourself as best as you can.
The sloppy, hungry way he laps over your cunt is intoxicating, and when he curves up to your ass to dig his tongue into your tight rim, you grip roughly at the satin sheet, babbling nonsense at the sensation. Two fingers slide into your pussy, and Jeongguk slurps at your ass while his fingers stroke your erogenous zone, humming and groaning loudly. 
"Oh my god," you whimper as Jeongguk's ministrations intensify. There is no way you are going to last long like this, and you do your best to relax despite how taut you feel pulled from every delicious movement. You knew Jeongguk would be good, but this is practically soul-crushing with the way your pleasure builds and builds.
Jeongguk's fingers squelch inside you, and you feel the spray of your arousal hit your thighs while his tongue slurps and prods, breaching your hole and making a sloppy fucking mess.
"Please, Jeongguk," you whimper like a prayer into the sheet, which is sticky-warm with drool. "Please don't stop. Please, please, please."
Jeongguk groans into you, plunging his tongue and fingers in deep, pulling you apart at the threads. Orgasm hits like a freight train—fast and sudden and unforgiving, a crash without casualties. You scream and claw at the blanket as your release squirts from you, coating your thighs, sloppy and loud.
You quake and sob uncontrollably, lips dragging against satin as Jeongguk pulls his fingers from you and sinks low enough to lick over your cunt in firm, broad strokes. He hums as he devours you, squeezing at the backs of your thighs and filling you to the brim with oversensitivity. 
"Two down, one to go," Jeongguk gasps as he sits back and releases you from his hold. 
He pushes against your hip, sending you crashing into the mattress, and you mutter equal parts indignant and incoherent as he begins to turn you onto your back in a haphazard twist of heavy limbs. You feel exhausted, but you do your best, digging your head into the bed while settling onto your back.
Jeongguk towers over you tall and pretty like a demon of pleasure, glistening and muscular and so fucking handsome. You attempt to smile, panting around each breath, and Jeongguk crawls between your legs, lifting one over his shoulder while spreading the other wide. 
"You look fucking wrecked, doll," he teases as he leans forward and rubs beneath your eyes, undoubtedly to clean up a mess of mascara that has smeared. You pout, and he chuckles, adding, "Still gorgeous though. Perfect, even. I would have been gunning for this pussy long ago if I had known how much fun you are."
"Shut the fuck up," you mutter breathlessly, making Jeongguk chuckle. 
"Never made someone squirt before," he continues, lining his cock up with your aching entrance. "You've done wonders to inflate my ego, doll."
"Great," you mutter, attempting to roll your eyes indignantly, instead rolling them involuntarily as he slides in deep, filling you in one swift thrust. 
You moan as your body responds, pelvis lifting and arousal crashing. Jeongguk begins to roll his hips in a dizzying, tantalizing motion, and you do your best to relax despite the turmoil that already builds, threatening to tear you asunder. You are dangerously close to overstimulation, but you do not want to call your safe word. Jeongguk still has not cum, and you desperately want him to. 
"She's a goner," Namjoon chuckles, and you hate how well he can read you. "This will be her last orgasm before she becomes too overwhelmed, Gguk, so make sure you cum."
Jeongguk feigns a pout, reaching down to press two fingers between your lips, smiling softly when you do your best to suck around them. His hips are steady and much slower, dragging in a way that lets you feel every perfect inch of him along your swollen walls.
"I won't be able to last much longer," Jeongguk assures, voice dipped low and sweet. "Taehyung bragged about my stamina, but you got me so fucking worked up. You can call your safe word if you need to, though. Yoongi told me it's sakura."
You suck on Jeongguk's fingers and allow your eyes to close momentarily, drifting into a state of full-body bliss. Despite how heavy your limbs feel, you are floaty and weightless. Euphoric. 
"How do you stay so fucking tight?" Jeongguk groans as his hips pick up a quicker pace, skin slapping against skin. "How are you so fucking wet?"
You want to complain and tell Jeongguk to shut up, but the thought of speaking feels like too much, so you continue to suck mindlessly while Jeongguk uses you. He needs to finish before you lose your grasp on reality, and you are teetering dangerously close to that edge, lulled by the rhythmic thrust of his cock. 
Jeongguk moans and sighs, becoming louder the harder he fucks you. His voice is sweet when lilted high and pitchy, and inviting when it is deep and dulcet. You could drown in him, really—in fact, you think you just might. 
Time and space slip—float away like vapor in the air. You lay pliant and malleable as Jeongguk bends forward and leans back, changing angles, spearing you deep, rubbing places inside you that are carved wide just for him. When he finally pulls his fingers from your mouth to press them against your clit, you feel like you are dreaming. 
"One last orgasm," he pleads gently, twirling over you in incorrigible movements. "I won't last much longer."
You pull your arms over your head and stretch your back, arching into Jeongguk's steady, determined thrusts. With the final ounce of energy you have left, you tense and relax around his length, working your muscles to a rhythm that will help you cum. Not that you need to help him; Jeongguk's fingers work over your bud, pulling you closer and closer with each swipe of skin against skin. 
"Close," you whimper, feeling pleasure build. 
Jeongguk must take your affirmation as incentive to fuck harder, deeper, faster. Your eyes roll back as his pace reaches heights you have come to expect, and you grip at the satin sheet above your head as you stare into oblivion. 
And then, you drop. All at once, without warning, your arousal reaches its breaking point and bursts. 
"Fuck," you squeak through a sob, mouth frozen in bliss, desperately forming broken syllables until you are finally able to create words. "Oh fuck, I'm cuming. Jeongguk!"
Jeongguk leans forward, dropping your leg from his shoulder to the mattress and placing both hands beside your head. His pace falters as he leans close and slots his lips against yours, moaning and whimpering into your open mouth while he licks and sucks at your lips and tongue. 
"Feels so good," Jeongguk groans into your mouth. "I'm gonna cum, holy shit."
Jeongguk trembles, body lurching forward before he is up on his knees, pulling out and spraying his release onto your tummy, warm and viscous, quickly turning cold. You giggle, though you are unsure what is funny; you feel absolutely fucking broken.
One of the men begins to clap—you assume Taehyung—and then the others join in. You drag your arms down, over your face, cringing as you attempt to roll into a ball and disappear. "Please don't make this weird," you grumble as you turn to your side, only slightly bothered by the trickle of cum that runs along your tummy, down to the sheet.
Jeongguk hovers close, chuckling and pulling on your shoulder to get you to return to your back, and you resist, sleepy and no longer in the mood for any of these men; fucked past your limit and reeling from everything that has transpired. 
"Let's get you into a bath," Jeongguk offers, and you loosen your limbs a little, willing to tolerate them a little more if it means a nice hot bath. "Hyung has a huge jacuzzi in his room, and I bet he would be more than happy to turn it on and get it nice and warm for us."
"It would be my pleasure," Taehyung responds, and you hear the sound of wood creaking as he stands and walks out of the room, footsteps quieting the further he gets. 
Behind you, the bed dips, and you roll onto your back, eager to find out whether Yoongi and Namjoon are here to bother you—pleased to see that it is both of them.
"Darling," Yoongi says with a grin, dancing fingertips over your leg, which is bent at the knee. His touch tickles, and you shiver but do nothing to make him stop. "How do you feel?"
"Great," you mutter without thinking, voice wrecked and rasped from screaming. 
"That was quite the performance," Namjoon adds, sitting beside your head and wiping his hand over your forehead. "I'm surprised you had no issue with letting all of us watch that."
You shrug, still not fully grasping the gravity of the situation. "We're all friends," you mutter, making Yoongi chuckle.
Taehyung returns, and you grin widely, appreciative of him for letting you fuck Jeongguk. And sure, you are aware that your thought process is a bit ridiculous, but you feel drunk from this scenario—far more intoxicated than the two glasses of red wine could have made you. 
To your surprise, Taehyung holds his arms out and asks, "May I?" 
Your assumption is that he either wants to hug you, or that he plans to carry you off to the jacuzzi, and both options sound nice, so you roll onto your side and then to your knees and crawl haphazardly into his open arms. 
"Do you always turn into such a little baby after getting fucked?" Taehyung asks, to which Yoongi and Namjoon say, "Yes," in tandem. 
"Sometimes," you respond dreamily as Taehyung scoops you up bridal style, holding you close to his chest while whisking you away.
"It's cute," he responds, dulcet voice soft and pleasant. 
"You're cute," you grumble as you reach your arms to lazily hang around Taehyung's neck, burying your face into his chest. He wears a cologne that is earthy and a little spicy; unique.
Taehyung chuckles, chest rattling softly against your cheek, and you close your eyes and hum into the feeling. 
"I'm glad you had fun," Taehyung says as his slippered feet softly patter while he carries you down the hallway. "If you come to have any regrets or complaints later, we can all sit down and talk. I want you to feel comfortable with us; relationships are built on trust."
"I won't," you say, certain that there is nothing to regret. "I love you guys."
"We'll see how you're feeling in a few days, but it makes me happy to know that you feel good about everything now."  
The sounds of Taehyung's footfalls change, and you open your eyes to find that you are in a room with wainscotted walls of what you imagine to be mahogany, though you are not certain. Then he turns once more, and you are in a bathroom that is a lot like Yoongi's, but everything is white and gold instead of black. 
"Jeongguk has my permission to see you without my presence required. So as long as the hyungs are okay with it, the two of you can do anything you want. Personally, I don't care who sees you. Fuck on the stage at Paradise if you'd like."
"Now, now," Yoongi says, causing you to peek over Taehyung's shoulder, smiling when you see him entering the room and unbuttoning his shirt. "Let's not encourage them to fuck in public. Jeongguk might actually take it as a challenge, and we don't need rumors flying that Boss Min is a cuckold."
"For once, the rumors would be true, hyung," Jeongguk says gleefully as he sidles up to Yoongi, still fully naked and covered in sweat, slinging an arm over his shoulder.
Jeongguk winks at you, flashing a wide grin, and you bury your face against Taehyung's shoulder, feeling shy. 
"Are you getting in too, hyung?" Jeongguk asks as Taehyung begins to set you down, lowering your legs until your toes touch a soft rug.
With reluctance, you release Taehyung, and he keeps an arm around your waist, holding his other arm out for you to grab onto while you step one leg over the side of the large, white jacuzzi tub. The water is warm enough that you hiss and nearly retract your leg, but you quickly acclimate and lean in, finding the seat with your foot and standing on it. 
"Of course I'm getting in," Yoongi says, and you can hear the sounds of clothing being removed behind you. "Can't let our pretty darling have all the fun."
Taehyung sighs and mutters, "No fucking in the hot tub, hyung," making Yoongi chuckle.
It takes a lot of concentration to make your limbs cooperate, but you manage to get both feet into the jacuzzi and lower yourself enough to step into the center and wade over to the far seat. The warmth is soothing, and you sink down until only your head remains above water, watching through squinted eyes as Yoongi and Namjoon get undressed to their briefs. 
Jeongguk is turned around, rubbing his hands over Taehyung's chest, muttering lowly, and you enjoy a glance at his round, muscular ass before closing your eyes, smiling to yourself. 
The water sloshes gently as bodies enter the tub, and you do not need to open your eyes to know that the arm wrapping over your shoulder from the right belongs to Yoongi; his musk greets you, followed by the familiar weight of so many hugs. You sit up slightly and lean into Yoongi while familiar hands lift your feet onto familiar thighs and begin to massage thumbs into your tired arches. 
"I had fun spending time with everyone at Paradise, but the real paradise is here with you," you mutter somewhat sleepily, feeling Yoongi laugh against your cheek. 
"Corny," Yoongi teases with a squeeze of his arms around you, and more bodies enter the tub, shifting the water around to your left. 
You want to open your eyes and take in the bright, happy smiles of the men around you. You want to thank them all for the fun and show your gratitude for the affection they have given you. Taehyung is a wonderful host, Jeongguk is an excellent cook, and both Yoongi and Namjoon have shown a great deal of trust in you for encouraging you and Jeongguk to enjoy each other; Taehyung, as well. 
Your heart feels so full of joy, and your sore, aching body is soothed so perfectly in the warm tub. But your eyelids are heavy, and the warmth pulls you in. You hug Yoongi while the men chatter about things you are unable to keep track of, doing your best not to drift to sleep. 
At least you know that you are not at risk of drowning. With Yoongi at your side, it is impossible not to feel safe. 
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Just look at me, baby, day and night Don't make me bad, make me bad, I'm addicted to you 이미 길들여진 내 맘을 자극해 Don't make me bad, bad, addicted to you 시작해 버린 이상 내 게 아님 안 돼
🎵 visit the playlist
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this chapter was more or less an oasis, but the rest of the desert is to come. i cannot stress enough how shit is really about to spiral in the final arc.
thank you for reading!!! 💜💜💜 reblogs and comments make the world go ‘round, and likes are nice too!!! i love you, stay hydrated!!!
tag list: ⭐@sweetestofchaos⭐ @acquiescence804 @afangirllikeme-blog @annacroft23114 @angel-121 @artgukk @btsiguess-kpop @bts-ficreviews @che-er-ful @codeinebelle @curryshesus @dasexydevitt13 @giriiboyy @fakedanger @fringe-frank @illnevertrustmyselfagain @jalexad @juju-227592 @kissme-ornot @leanimal90 @likeshatteredrainbowglass @m1sss1mp​ @mayeolorie @mgthecat @mushroom-main @mwitsmejk @openup-yourmind @pamzn @sleepilysworld @stocking221 @spookyminyunki @thelilbutifulthings @valhallawhispers @xjiminsthighsx @xyahrinx 🗡️ comment or dm to be added!
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Collateral is copyright 2022-2023 theharrowing, all rights reserved.
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lostiolite · 2 months
Two request ideas (sorry if that’s too much)! One for my boy Hyuk (I’m down bad ofc I’m gonna ask for him) and one for Hyun because I have a cute angst/comfort idea.
One - Some basic Hyuk romance headcanons. How does he deal with and express his feelings, how does he confess, what is he like in the relationship, etc.
Two - Can be a fic or headcanon. Hyun obviously has gone through a lot, so how would he open up to his S/O about everything? What topic does he lean towards first and how does it come up? Can work both in universe or even no-apocalypse AU.
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LEE EUN HYUK romantic headcannons
(dw ill do the hyun one, just in a separate post :P)
when it comes to most things, Hyuk best shows his affection through silly actions and jokes. “If you really loved me, you’d binge watch the entirety of maria with me ^_^". In return he'd probably play/watch/read that one piece of media you’re obsessed with.
If he goes out and sees anything related to the media you really like, he'd buy it and say something like "i thought of you". It would be an unconscious thing, before he'd realize he likes you. Obviously the buying of little trinkets catches the attention of his little sister. They aren't too well off & buying treats is usually reserved for special occasions.
I feel like when he realizes his feelings he'd be conflicted on wether to go for it or not. Esp eun, she really likes you and really wants hyuk to pull bitches. 💯💯💯
She'd probably not-so subtly try and interogate your opinion on him. To which he lowkey panics because he doesn't want things to get awkward.
He would make flirty jokes then immediately retract them because he feels like its out of place.
He can be serious, just he perfers not to.
But he has to.
He'd probably ask you out outside so if things go south he could just leave and lock himself in his room.
Hes very thoughtful, he already knows who you are, what you are and the type of things you like / dislike.
Generally hes very protective, i dont feel like he'd be jealous all that often. Theres definitely anxiety in him that makes him think that you would leave him for somone "better" but hes also very rational and will ignore it because he knows its not true.
I feel like in the very rare occasions where those thoughts do get to him, he'd become a bit more attention seeking. "Would you love me if i became a worm? :P" he'd ask you stupid silly questions because he doesn't wanna go "do you love me???" .
Arcade dates. Gaming dates. Plays sims with you and your sims are married btw, Your bed's are together in Minecraft, he visits your island all the time in animal crossing, he does your commissions in genshin / Honkai impact/star rail.
Love's doing the stupid crane games with you.
You've memorized the maria lore, because hyuk always plays it as background noise. You somtimes just lay down in each others presence not doing anything, its nice, its calm.
HALLOWEEN!!!! You cosplayed as maria in the sky characters btw!!!!
Matching pfp's on your socials, he doesn't really post
If you post alot, your friends are so confused cus whos the guy that you tag in your photos with a matching pfp.
Lowkey wanna do a smau (social media au) with hyuk but i fear id mischaracterize him💔
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jayweek · 2 months
'Just the Two of Us' - where two best friends who secretly have feelings for each other go camping, but they didn’t expect to fall under the effect of a rare spell.
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Just for entertainment. It’s a totally fictional universe. Thank you! Have fun! Stream xo! <3
genre: fluff, friends to lovers. sunghoon ff. words in this chapter: 1.4k.
Welcome! You are on the final chapter! First chapter here 💌
© jayweek on tumblr
Part 2: The Spell.
7:30 PM.
"Shall we put on some music?" Sunghoon said.
"Sure! How about 'Pompeii'?"
"Our song!" - they are both much happy about it!
"Sure! Between us 'nothing changed at all'!"
"I’m very happy with that, Y/N! We’ve always been by each other’s side through all our phases since we met."
"Really!" - she smiled. It's like she is on cloud 9 right now. Sunghoon is always caring but words like that are light for the heart.
The wind blew gently. Y/N and Sunghoon sat in front of the now lit campfire, trying to keep the fire alive despite the wind and occasional dust coming from the ground road they took to get to the plain. Away from the city lights, the stars shine like never before.
Y/N pov.
The stars remind me of your eyes... If only he knew how safe I feel beside him. His voice, his kindness, his care... One day I’ll have to confess.
The friends spent more time star-gazing, enjoying the snacks, and listening to the playlists chosen for the camping trip.
"Stitches" started playing, and Sunghoon couldn’t control the blush on his face. He couldn’t stop and didn’t quite understand why he was so red at the moment. Maybe it was this closeness to Y/N. How had he never thought of this before? Could he be... in love?
7:58 PM
They both heard a strange noise. It was two dogs. Destroying one of the tents!!!
They were so distracted that they forgot to look up at the tents.
"Oh my God! Let’s go before they take the other one!" - Sunghoon jumped up.
8:00 pm - The Spell Begins
“Damn! What now?” Y/N was shocked. “Where are we going to sleep?”
“Oh, I don’t mind sleeping in the tent with you.” 💭 Oh my God, what did I just say???
“I-I said that out loud, Y/N, I’m so sorry, I-I don’t know why I said that…” He started stammering, trying to explain.
“It’s okay, Sung! I don’t want to leave you out in the cold either.”
Y/N’s smile calmed the moment. Sunghoon wasn’t the type to say things impulsively, and this really scared him because he had said out loud exactly what he was thinking at the moment. He simply couldn’t control it, and that was very strange. It was as if someone made him say it…
Little did he know that it was all part of a very old love spell that he had activated by spinning so many times around that tent stake. Ah, the full moon and its charms!
The spell was prepared by a very powerful witch and could only be activated with the correct movements and a heart ardently in love. The spell was divided into two moments: one for a softer effect, but potentially revealing – because the couple’s thoughts could come out loud. After that, the spell would pause. And then, in the other moment, nothing would be the same as before.
Okay? What did he mean by that? Anyway… I hope my thoughts don’t come out of my mouth like that too!
“What did you say?”
💭 Sunghoon heard me???
“Huh? Uh?” I tried to play dumb.
“Oh! I thought you said something. We can go back home if you want…”
“NO! No need.” I put my hands over my mouth. 💭 Why did I have to shout??
“Sorry for shouting, Sung.”
“It’s okay, silly silly! Shall we go see the lagoon then?”
8:11 pm – Spell Pause
“Let’s go!”
The crystal-clear water was really beautiful and reflected the light of the full moon, also presenting the reflection of the two of them. There was no more sign of the dogs that ran off with the tent.
“Well, maybe the dogs needed the tent more than we did!” - said Y/N.
The two laughed a little nervously at the incident and they didn’t know what was stranger – the tent being taken by the dogs or the thoughts that came so out loud. That really don't happen every day.
“Are you crazy, Y/N? We’re going to end up out in the open, I’m telling you. We left the remaining tent there. The next one to take the tent will be the bear!”
He imitated a strong and violent bear to make Y/N laugh at the events. He is like a huge bear going to attack his prey (or tent!).
“I don’t doubt it! This is some kind of magic!”
“Nonsense! You’ve always been unlucky anyway!” He laughed, friendly and playful.
S/N started rubbing her hands from the cold, so they decided to go back near the campfire. It would also be good to return to keep an eye on the tent that was still left for them.
9:00 pm
“Shall we play ‘truth or dare?’”
“Let’s! It’s just going to be a little weird because it’s just the two of us, so the questions or dares will always be for one of us.” Sunghoon said that, sweating cold inside, he was always skeptical of these kinds of games, but it could be fun as long as he didn’t expose himself too much like he did the moment the tent was taken by the two mischievous dogs.
They gathered by the campfire, and Y/N turned on the flashlight, pointing the light at her face, trying to scare her best friend with a spooky story vibe:
“Not at all!” - he giggled.
They laughed and started the game.
Sunghoon’s POV
“So, truth or dare?” I started.
“With whom was your first kiss?” - I can't believe I had the courage to say that.
“My first kiss… was a bit of a tragic story… it was with Lucas, from our class, remember him? He went to kiss me when he said he liked me. We went on a few dates, but things didn’t work out between us, and we went our separate ways.”
“Wow… I didn’t know…”
That made me tremble with rage. Just thinking about a guy being so close to S/N… I don’t want to lose her, I can’t lose her… How did I not realize that Lucas liked her? I thought my enemy all this time was Jake for living so close to her. He’s always walking his little dog around the neighborhood shirtless.
“But do you still like him?” - Please, I need to know.
“No, no, Sung. It really stayed in the past.
Your turn. Truth or dare?” she said calmly, which relieved me a lot because of the truth in her voice.
“What makes you fall in love with someone? You always reject everyone.”
Y/N seemed concerned with her own question, she laughed awkwardly, so I thought: it’s time to be honest.
I moved closer to her, sitting in a way that allowed us to face each other near the campfire. I just wanted to see her reaction. I looked into her eyes and saw everything I had always wanted in life. I could see my life as a movie; everything we went through together as best friends was so wonderful.
Y/N, I realize I love you so much… more than as a best friend…
“Y/N, do you see me as a man?”
“A-as a man? What do you mean?”
I lost all my shyness and gathered all my courage:
“I always rejected everyone because I only have eyes for you, my silly. I didn’t know when we were younger, but when I look at you now, I’m sure I love you, Y/N. I love you. Truly. Not just as a best friend but also as someone who wants to be and love you as the man of your life. Please, tell me if you feel something for me too.”
“Sung… I love you so much! I always knew I loved you! I just didn’t think I was your type, haha!”
“But you’re so silly! I love you so much!”
With the moonlight and the flames crackling in an intense dance, I found love. I moved in closer, and when she placed her hand on my chest, my heart raced. Her soft lips touched mine, and I didn’t know how much I wanted this.
I can’t believe it! I can’t believe it! I must be dreaming! How can he love me the same way too? Sung, I loved you first! I love you so much!
“I could kiss you all night while counting the stars, my beautiful silly!”
“Dummy! I liked you first, you know!”
“Lies!” Sunghoon laughed. “Hey, I’m so grateful for you.”
“I’m also very grateful for you, my love! I love you so much!”
“I love you so much, my beautiful!”
At midnight, the spell would return to complete its final moment: they would declare their feelings for each other involuntarily, as happened before with the thoughts that were spoken out loud. But they didn’t need that — just a little, let’s say, push.
The End. ❤❤❤
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navi-n0 · 7 months
🎀Stoner!Choso Drabble🎀
Choso x femreader 18+ literature ig lmfao MINORS DNI!! Includes: weed usage, fellatio!! Infidelity
A/N: this is my first Drabble pls be nice ;-;
I’m also stoned so I should be able to do this right idk
CONTEXT: You’re just starting to fall in love with Yuji Itadori, 4 months of dating in and you have one fateful night with his OLDER BROTHER CHOSO!
After a long, cloudy day of classes at University, you’re eager to get going to Yuji’s house. He loves watching movies, cuddling, and snacking with the weather so gloomy, Yuji always knew how to create sunshine on a rainy day (literally). The clouds above you darkened with a deep blue, and thunder boomed through the school grounds, the shit was so loud you flinched. It was that loud! You hurried to the train station to hopefully catch the soonest one to get to Yuji’s neighborhood, it wasn’t a far ride from University, but at rush hour the station can get pretty.. hectic. You send a quick message to Yuji to let him know you’re on the way, anticipating the large crowds already.
Y/N: Waiting for the next train! Should be 10 minutes :P movie night?
YUJI: YOU KNOW IT CUTIE ❤️❤️ I’ve got to run to the store to grab extra snacks and stuff. If you get there before me the door should be unlocked! I shouldn’t be long baby I can’t WAIT to see u 🥰🥰🥰
It didn’t bother you that you might be alone in Yuji’s apartment. He only lived with his older brother Choso, and he was either never home or isolated in his room, playing video games, his obnoxiously loud guitar or smoking weed. The dank reeked from his room each time he lit up, but it didn’t bother you much. You weren’t a little bitch about drugs. You’ll be on the couch picking options of movies for Yuji to pick through when he comes home from the store anyway.
With that thought, your train arrived, the doors slid open with the automated system announcing its departure to its destination. You stepped into the car and began to mindlessly scroll through your phone because let’s be honest, wtf else are you gonna do?? Updates on pop culture, memes, and the occasional thirst post is all that you see, nothing important but something to numb your brain until you arrive at your destination. Rain began to batter the train car and flashes of lightning filled the windows, followed by the inevitable crash of thunder. This storm showed no sign of stopping. You rolled your eyes because you forgot an umbrella, well you forget it every time because who just carries an umbrella with them? Not y/n, you barely get out of bed on time in the morning. The train stopped once again and the alarm chimed, vocalizing the arrival of the destination. You gathered yourself and your singular backpack, bracing yourself to run awkwardly through this pelting rain. The drops were thick and slapping the ground hard, shit looked painful. The doors slid open again and you began to speed walk towards Yuji’s apartment complex.
By the time you reached his unit, you were drenched. It wasn’t even a far walk but the rain was unforgiving, soaking your hair and clothes. The white button up that was your school uniform is now translucent, making it all the more obvious you forgot to put on a bra today too. Y/N is a hot mess tbh. Your skirt clung to your thick thighs and practically gave you a wedgie. After straightening yourself out and pulling your wet cardigan over your chest, you went to push the door handle down to enter the unit… Why is it not pushing?? It’s not moving.
The fucker forgot to leave the door unlocked.
You couldn’t help but groan and throw your head into your hands. Your silly boyfriend can be… something. With a few deep breaths you collect yourself again and pull your phone out swiftly, sending your grievances to your boyfriend expeditiously.
Y/N: Thanks for leaving the door unlocked cutie 🙃🙃
*One Photo Attachment*
You chuckle out loud, adoring the fact that he actually sent a photo of his pinky. Yuji took pinky promises very seriously, so you had no reason to not believe him. But that doesn’t answer why the door is still locked?!
Y/N: Okay babe I believe you! Is Choso home? Maybe he locked it behind himself?
Yuji: He wasn’t when I left 😞 he went to go pick up more weed I think. He asked me to grab him some stuff too, I might be a little longer. IM SORRY BABY!!!! 😭😭😭😭
You can’t be mad at Yuji, you had no reason to. This is a mild inconvenience, not the end of the fucking world. You send a sweet message to calm your anxious boyfriend.
Y/N: It’s okay Yuji!❤️ I can wait for you here.
Yuji: You’re the best babe! I’m grabbing your favorite m&m’s now!
Your shoulders relaxed at the message, grateful for the sweet gesture. Yuji is seriously perfect. Your eyes dart up to the upper right corner of your phone,
5% is all you had. Well fuck… this was going to be harder than I thought. Hello boredom.
Just then, you hear loud muffled rock music approaching. A familiar black Subaru speeds into an empty spot near Yuji’s building, music still blaring through the small car, the beat was basically vibrating the windows. You recognize the song, even through a closed car you recognize Deftones anywhere. It’s Change, the guitars blaring through the complex. It’s Choso, though you can’t see him because of the white glaze over the windows, smoke seeps out of the small openings of the Subaru and the music keeps playing. He must be smoking while watching the storm, Choso was dark and moody like that. But you’d do the same thing if you partook in those activities. Your patience began to run out as Choso showed no sign of coming inside. You’d have to go ask him for his house key so you can get out of this fucking rain, it’s still coming down like a monsoon. You quickly walked back out into the downpour and frantically knocked on the black Subaru’s driver window. It was then opened to only a fucking inch or two, probably to contain his session. The veil of smoke escaping the car was opaque white, it caught you off guard with the sheer volume of it. The volume of the metal music died slowly. Two dark eyes glared out, staring at you in annoyance. Can’t he see it’s pouring and you’re trying to get inside!! The rain soaked your damp clothes again, causing a chill to run down your body, you nuzzled your wet cardigan closer, doing absolutely nothing for you.
“You broke the box,” Was all Choso groaned, hand resting on his chin with a blunt between his painted fingers. Was that supposed to mean something to you? “Choso, I need to get in it’s~”
“Get in then.” He smirks, pushing the unlock button inside, the audible click of the doors unlocking made you want to scream in frustration. The storm raging outside was still as strong as it started, the wind was now blowing. Twigs and branches were being swept across the parking lot. A lightning bolt hit a little too close for your comfort, and the crash of thunder that followed startled you right into Choso’s passenger seat. The black interior had LED lights strung across the dashboard and glovebox, you had to admit the car was pretty nice. The smoke didn’t really bother you either, at this point you’re getting used to it. What bothered you is that you’re still in your soaked school uniform, hungry and your boyfriend still isn’t here yet. You’re stuck with his stoned older brother, you have never spent time alone with him like this. Especially in his domain.
Your eyes are met with his after you scanned his car’s interior. He can see you have a look of approval and he’s smirking, a brown rolled cigar that can only be the source of this smoke is now in between you two. His index and middle finger holding the blunt as his nudges it towards you, “Wanna hit?” He asks lowly. The expression you give him tells him his answer. It’s not that he wanted to peer pressure you, he just enjoyed sharing his weed. Choso didn’t like smoking alone as much as most stoners would and he’s never really gotten to know his younger brother’s girlfriend. After his eyes read your clear NO expression, they floated to your soaked uniform. Your cardigan was not doing a good job of covering your chest, Choso noticed your nipples poking through the white blouse. He’d be lying if he said it wasn’t a beautiful sight. Choso took another deep drag off the blunt and inhaled sharply, puffing out his chest with an exaggeration. He pulled out his phone and typed a quick message, the swoosh of a delivered message played through his phone. “Where’s Yuji? He said he’d be back by now.” You finally said with a concerned tone, you tried to tap your phone to wake but were only met with a low battery flashing at you. You groaned again, Choso sees your distress and once again, offers his best solution. “You won’t feel so anxious if you hit it,” He raised the blunt between his fingers once more and gestured towards you. You scoffed at him and waved off his offer, “I think I’m already feeling it.” Your body did feel lighter and heavier at the same time. The seat sunk in with your body weight and you feel like you couldn’t move. “Lightweight,” Choso teases, and now he’s smiling.
You never really noticed Choso’s looks or even personality. This was your first time having a conversation other than the casual small talk you give to someone when you’re entering their house. He was cute.. hot would be a better word. His lips wrapped around the blunt and he took another deep inhale, the sound of his breathing was kind of.. erotic. Was the weed making you feel this way? This was all an entire new feeling and space you were in. It felt like you weren’t even on Earth anymore. The sun was setting, the storm was still raging on and the sky was getting darker, darker than normal because of the ominous clouds in the sky. The soft red glow of the car’s LED lights and Choso’s touchscreen dash were the only lights illuminating the black car, rock music was still playing too although it was at a much tolerable volume. Why was Yuji still not home? You directed your attention back to Choso who was rolling yet, another blunt. How much can this fucker chief? His long slender fingers split the cigar perfectly, he took his index to slide the guts into his cup holder ashtray. Now that was erotic, you suddenly thought about what his finger would look like sliding down your folds. He lifted the now empty cigar to his lips and licked the ends delicately, like a mother cat cleaning her newborn kitten. His spit trailed from his lips to the cigar and he wiped his mouth, setting the cigar on his rolling tray to prepare to break down the weed. “I know you’re curious over there,” He slyly said, making direct eye contact with the final lick. At this point you didn’t know if he was talking about smoking or him. You laughed, what he said wasn’t even funny but you’re laughing. Choso became hard not to stare at while he was rolling, he was gentle and grateful with his movements. His hair tied into messy space buns with face framing pieces falling into his face since he was staring down at his tray. He picked apart the weed nuggets into smaller portions and sprinkled it into the empty cigar. You never cared about drugs or smoking, but you weren’t totally opposed to trying it. Besides, Choso seems like a trustworthy guy you could have your first time smoking with. He seemed relaxed and happy too, what’s the harm in trying?
He lifted the filled cigar to his lips again, carefully placing his fingers around it to pinch the folds of the cigar together, licking in between like an envelope and sealing it shut. Choso noticed you staring again and decided to have some fun with you, he knows this look, you only give this look to Yuji but now it’s directed at him! Choso loved his younger brother more than anything, but he thought it was selfish that Yuji never brought your pretty ass around more. You’re cute, funny and hella curvy in the right places. Totally Yuji’s type, nah. You’re totally Choso’s type. With the blunt finally sealed, he picked his light up to his face. You couldn’t help but squirm at how hot he looked with the blunt between his lips and sparking it alive. His large chest rising and falling with each puff he took, ensuring that it would burn evenly. He took a moment to admire his work, smirking at the blunt then at you again. You froze in your seat, his hand generously offered one last time, he knows what it looks like when someone wants to but won’t ask. After a moment too long of debating, Choso took the blunt back to his lips and took a hit, “Hah, I’m just teasing princess, you don’t have to unless you want to. No pressure.” He says with a wink. Your flustered face made him laugh out loud, making him cough and choke on his hit. He beat his chest rhythmically and caught his breath again, “You’re cute,” He mutters and you both stiffen. The air became thick with tension and you weren’t sure if it was sexual or just plan awkward. Choso took another drag and that broke the silence, the heavy smoke that’s filled this tiny car for the past 15 minutes was like a chamber of marijuana for you. You were definitely high, your thoughts were everywhere but with Yuji, he was sweet, kind and everything you want. But something about Choso has you intrigued, he’s like a new flavor you want to taste, ride you want to take, a feeling you want to chase. Choso feels your longing, at his heightened level, he can read people better than before. He can see the way your legs clench together when he licks his lips, he can see you playing with your bottom lip, an obvious sign you’re thinking about something. Fuck it he thought, he sent Yuji on a wild goose chase anyway when you first got in his car. That’s what that last message was for, he asked Yuji to run to his favorite Rice house to pick up dinner. That should buy Choso enough time, he didn’t care about the consequences that will come from this. He was too high to care anyway, he felt needy, hungry, and so fucking horny. If he was going to make a move, he had to do it now.
Your body was boneless and your head was swimming, the effects of Choso’s hot box literally got you high. It felt great actually, you finally understood why so many people did it and felt bad for your previous judgement on Choso. Speaking of, he’s staring at you. This time his eyes were darker, there was something more than just a casual conversation inside and you got your clarification as Choso involuntarily adjusted his hardening cock in his sweats. They did no help covering his arousal, the mushroom head of his dick was so defined. He realized that you had caught him and a shade of red flushed his face. You’ve never seen such a calm guy so embarrassed, yet you weren’t embarrassed. You weren’t appalled or uncomfortable, you liked that you could make him feel out of control. And now that the ball was in your court, you took the chance. As if your brains connected and a spark blew, you’re climbing over each other to get in his back seat. Choso sits in the middle as you straddle his clothed lap, his hard cock pulsing in his sweats and you make it known that you’ve noticed. You whimper as your hips sway, grinding on his throbbing dick, he must be huge if you can feel him this much. Choso’s hands go to your waist then grip your ass aggressively, as if he’s holding on from you dry humping him and he’s absolutely loving it. He can’t imagine how good your pussy must feel, how your tits would look free from the chambers of your shirt and bounced while you’re riding his dick. He needed to focus so he doesn’t bust before he can actually feel you. He’s groaning and panting heavily as he claws at the buttons on your shirt, desperate to see what those perfect tits look like, or what they taste like. You follow his lead and quickly undo the rest of your shirt, he peels it down your back as his dark eyes widen. For the first time you actually see the white of his eyes, they’re always so dark with eyeshadow or dark period. Choso’s mouth watered at your figure and his hands eagerly quenched his thirst. They started at the sides of your jaw, he pulled your face down to look into his longing eyes. “Please, can I touch you?” Was Choso begging to touch you? The sight was all too beautiful, but could be better. You gave a smirk as your hands went around his waist to lift the black hoodie over his head, he adjusted his body so that it would come easier. This time your own mouth was watering at choso’s chiseled body. He didn’t wait for your answer again, you both just began to caress and squeeze each other. This felt like you’ve known each other and have been secretly in love, it shouldn’t feel this good the first time meeting your boyfriend’s older brother.
Unfortunately for you, with the combined sensations of being fucking high for the first time and Choso’s intoxicating touch, you forgot you even had a boyfriend. You were no longer on earth again, you and Choso were in this crazy spaceship filled with sexual tension. You couldn’t even think anymore with choso’s warm mouth against yours, his tongue teasing and lightly sucking on your own. Heavy breathing and fumbling limbs made the car all the much smaller and hotter. “You’re beautiful, y/n” His eyes drinking in your half naked, lustful body. Choso’s hand went up and down with a hard smack. Your back arched into him, shuddering at the sudden pain. You let out a half whimper half squeal and that made Choso all the more harder in his pants. “Fucking perfect,” he sneered again, taking the fat of your ass in his hands and squeezing again. The top of his fingers find the lace of your panties, “Off,” he quietly demanded. You decide it’s your turn to have fun with him. Your hand reaches down to fondle the hard length in his gray sweats, feather like fingertips grazed against his cock and he winced in agony. He bucked his hips up at an attempt to get more from you, your own smirk staring back at his flustered face. “Where’s those sweet fucking manners?” You whisper in his ear, fully emerging your hand into his sweats, no boxers. What a fucking slut~ you hummed darkly. You gripped his dick tightly, precum oozed out of his needy cock and he makes the most beautiful sounds, a whine with shuddering breath followed by pants. Music to your ears. “F-Fuck y/n,” he hisses, he didn’t expect you to take control so abruptly, but it’s making his balls ache for your warmth more. Choso doesn’t sleep around, but he’s not a virgin either. He didn’t care for casual sex at all, but this felt right to do. He definitely felt your body call him right? You were giving him the fuck me eyes right?
Choso couldn’t waste another fucking second overthinking the situation, he needed you now damn it!
“Please, y/n! I wan’ your pussy..” He lets out the most pathetic whine you’ve ever heard a man make. Now he’s really wanting you, hot, sweaty, high, and straddling him half naked in the backseat of his Subaru while the storm continues. Flashes of lightning were the only source of illumination, which is why you could miraculously see his beautiful blushing face. His bangs were sticking to his forehead and his space buns were more like ragged ponytails from your hands exploring his beauty. His tinted windows were fogged on the inside, a faint cloud of smoke still lingering in the small cabin of the car. You put your weight on your bottom and Choso holds your waist for stability, you spread your legs right there in his lap, your back now touching the center console. Thunder and lightning strike and assault the sky, giving Choso flashes of your half naked body and it makes him tremble. With one hand you pull the front of your skirt up and your fingers take your panties to the side, revealing your glistening cunt, it’s literally fucking glistening it’s so beautiful. Choso could’ve came in his pants right there, practically having to look away from your gorgeous cunt so that he can contain his own orgasm. He’s now understanding how Yuji can make those ridiculous sounds when he overhears you guys having sex. Fuck he wants to see if you can make him sound those high pitched moans and whimpers, hell you’re already doing it now. He’d bark if you asked him to, he’s all yours in this moment, he doesn’t want to waste another not knowing what that pretty pussy tastes like.
You lock hungry eyes and he leans in to ravage in your marinating mess waiting for him. Your longing bodies craving to be one, you can feel his hot breath on your fluttering pussy when suddenly-
Choso’s phone starts to ring.. it’s Yuji..
I’m throwing an edging party but you guys can’t come! :P
Tags for my pookie wookie bookies I love u: @comicalgrievance @milkpup
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patheticpaprika · 2 years
Goncharov: Fandom's Struggle Between Fanon vs. Canon and How That's Created A Mythos Rivaling The Greeks
A tag ramble to this post that got away from me and became too long to feel okay putting in the tags lol. It can be easily read as a stand alone though.
It's absolutely FASCINATING to me being able to both watch and participate in the Goncharov (?)fandom(?). It's taking everything that fandom culture is and letting it run free without any barriers to stop it.
Because frankly, I can't think of anything (to my knowledge) quite like it in recent history to reach such a scale. Both the ability to write stories down and the rise of copyright have had a significant impact on the way stories are told. We went from a storytelling culture that slowly evolved each story told by the person telling it, to one that is very close-handed to the narratives created.
And yes, to some extent, this twisting and evolving still happens in fandoms to the point that fanon and canon can become so separated it feels jarring. But that's just it isn't it? There always remains the canon. That will always be the true story. Fanfiction will forever be fanfiction, no matter how much we want it to be "real." You can whittle away at the narrative to shape it into something more appealing, but it will always be stuck as a block of wood.
Yet, the very fact that fanon exists proves that we never lost that want to change stories and make them a little bit our own. All that we lost was the medium to do so. Evolve something too far, and it won't be the same, will it? We're stuck in the confines of "canon."
I have seen fanfiction of fanfiction before, but it tends to quite quickly pitter out without its own foundation to stand upon. More can be added to the universe, but what's there does not change. It does not evolve the way a story passed down orally does; in a story spoken, the canon is forced to slowly change by the memory and style of the speaker. A classic game of telephone.
Goncharov however? There is no original story; there is no true canon. Not only is the story evolving freely from storyteller to storyteller, but the only reason there is even a coherent story in the first place is that there are multiple storytellers weaving the tale at once yet also expecting you to fill in the gaps.
It's like we're all playing that one writing game where each person writes a sentence back and forth to create a story. Yet, instead of you and one friend, we're playing it on this gargantuan sitewide scale that can't possibly all be connected into a singular coherent narrative. But you're not supposed to be able to. Each person can choose what they want to know it as. It's like some big giant exploratory choose-your-own-adventure book. The framework is there, but it's going in 50 different directions and you can always add another one in just for fun. You discover the story as you read, but only the bits you like get added on.
It's fucking incredible.
We all see each piece of media through our own personal lenses but never like this?? Not to this extent. We're all collectively joining together to obsess over the little ideas in our heads we got from each other's prompts and are excitedly spewing them regardless of how contradictory they are. We do something similar brainstorming with others but not with 12k messages in a single day.
Would this have even been possible before the rise of social media? Not to mention the strong sense of community Tumblr has that is so rare to see with such a large amount of people. There's more people than you could ever know on this site but we all act like some deranged extended family. Yes, people can work together but so rarely do people that vary so greatly in personality and life experiences, get together in such larger numbers to do a little silly goofy CREATE AN ENTIRE STORY THAT DOESN'T EXIST.
We pull shenanigans like this all the time. But this time it's not like eeby deeby or even the mishapocolyse; this time we're seeing the power of an entire community working together to create not only layers and layers of memes but layers of memes shaping an entire mythos. It's like we're the Greeks thinking up stories of our gods but instead it's a homoerotic mafia movie from 1973 written by Matteo JWHJ 0715 and Martin Scorsese that all started with a picture of a shoe.
We have stumbled across something fascinating and new. This may not be the first mafia movie that's been thought up and played around with but this is absolutely the first to be created by thousands of people working together but also towards their own individual goal/story. We're seeing the power that created mythology being wielded by fandom culture, and it's letting it evolve like no other story has.
It's free from the confines of prescribed canon, but there is so much being created that can be canon if you want it to be. This isn't changing one by one like some spoken tale towards exponential growth either. This has been created like one spectacular big bang. We had a funny post of a boot, and then we had a poster and that was enough to make Tumblr go collectively insane. (Not that we weren't already.) I want to (politely) shake all of you by the shoulders till everyone realizes how crazy this all is.
This story is ours, all of ours. Goncharov (1973) is held together by the power of belief and love for it. We have fragments of canon, yes, but it only exists because we want it to. And God-damn it, I hope we do it again. Together we can create things that we'd never thought could exist (and in this case still doesn't).
-We- are strong. Please never forget that.
As it now 6am and I have not slept, I will leave you with a quote; Goncharov's final solemn plea as he slowly bled to death, for I feel it's in an odd way rather fitting.
"What is the dust but a remnant of what we once were, all around us coated with it.
But we brush it away in search of something else. Not everything that mattered once matters now.
Yet you seem to think that's the only way, just keep dusting it.
You never stop to think that some things we search for might not be worth keeping.
Nothing has meaning unless we continue to think it does.
So please... I beg of you, can't we just move on and let this sickening contempt between us dissolve into dust?"
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ellsjoint · 8 months
Demosthenes Part 1 - Ellie Williams x Reader
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Synopsis: Two British university students decide to go to their online friends’ university – what could go wrong? A lot, considering the reader has absolutely no social skills.
A/N: Hi! This is my first TLOU fanfic, and I haven't written fanfiction in years so I hope this is good. This part's pretty much just setting the scene, there's no interaction with Ellie and the reader YET (and it's short as)... But I hope you enjoy this for now! P.S I won't be writing any smut in this just because I don't want to, and at parts this is pretty much just going to be a comedy and me imagining me and my best friend being awkward in this situation.
Future Content: college!ellie, loser!ellie maybe, slow burn, angst (because I'm funny like that), fluff, not really sure yet but we'll see!
Your POV:
This conversation had repeated itself time and time again for the last month.
‘At this point, why not?’ your best friend laughed lightly, ‘this place is a shithole. We should put ourselves out there!’.
‘Do you really think going to uni with these people you’ve never even met is a good idea?’ you stared at them, shaking your head. ‘My family’s here, my dance team’s here, all the small gigs I do are here. Everything is here - I can’t just drop that.’ To you, the idea was laughable. How could you just move across the globe to what, play house with your best friends’ online friends that you’d spoken to maybe once? It seemed silly, and you knew you’d struggle to interact with new people – not because of any form of anxiety you had, but because you sucked at socialising to the extent that you just stopped at one point. Some people didn’t even know you could speak, whereas those you were closer with (like your close friends and dance team) were well aware of your predicament.
‘That’s why you should go! Bro, you hardly speak to anyone here. In a new environment, you could just… I don’t know, maybe try and develop some social skills? Plus, they’ll be starting their first year too.’ your friend shrugged. ‘Please! It’ll be so much fun! Oh, and you can visit your family, and your family can visit you! And there’s probably another dance team at this uni!’ They continued to ramble, trying to persuade you that dropping everything would be worth it. You weren’t exactly convinced, even if you did think her friends seemed okay from the little you had seen of them from your friend’s phone screen.
Continuing to mull the idea over in your head, your friend continued to rant about the situation. ‘You’ve talked to them once! Give them a chance. They think you’re suuuper cool, which is why you should come! You’d be iconic at their uni. And the girls would be all over you! Maybe Ellie would. Did you know Ellie’s gay?’ You’d seen what, 2 memes that this Ellie person had sent your friend on their phone? You knew literally nothing about her other than a portion of her humour.
‘Good for Ellie…?’ you sighed. You knew they weren't going to stop.
‘Come on, you need to give the world a chance. This would be so good for you to just get yourself out there!’ your friend pleaded.  Of course, they tried to focus on its benefits for you (repeating theirself in the process) instead of the large benefit it would have for them – a meeting with their online friends. ‘Please, I don’t want to go by myself. I can’t leave my best friend, and think about it, all my friends getting on? That would be so cool.’
Once again, you let out another sigh, before nodding. ‘Fine, I’ll try it. But if I don’t like it, I’m going home.’
Your friend let out an excited squeal, and you stared at her, a deadpan look on your face. What were you signing yourself up to? Nobody knew, and only time could tell.
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morganrat · 8 months
The Resurrection of John Ward
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A Faith: The Unholy Trinity alternate universe, created by me :3
(probably contains some game spoilers)
How it is...
✦ THIS ISN'T SUPER IN DEPTH, it is SIMPLE!! My Father Ward wasn't created with anything deep in mind, the headcanons just diverged too much and I ended up making a mini story hdjdjshdshj
✦ I BARELY KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT!! I've never actually played FTUT, I'm just going off of fandom wikis and youtube videos
✦ IM PROJECTING A LOT!! This is MY little thing IM working on that I created. This isn't for any of you, it's a way for me to cope and look into myself and my religious trauma and yall are just here for the ride
✦ I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT PLOTHOLES!! It really ain't that serious 😭 (it gets less serious and more casual as i keep writing LMAO)
now that that's outta the way,
How he came to be...
✦ After submitting to the evil he was destined to defeat, allowing the initiation of the Profane Sabbath, Father Ward is no more. Everyone's memories, the Martin house, Amy, Michael, his entire existence wiped clean from the face of the universe.
Well, in HIS universe...
✦ Meanwhile someone not that far away was observing very intently. Being plastered onto millions of screens, he would come to be FAR from forgotten.
✦ Fueled by surges of passion, obsession, and the usage of way too much ink, Father Ward would come to be yet again.
✦ His soul being handed to the one holding the pen that brings him life, Father Ward is rebirthed as an angel in the new world. The honoring of him despite his faith being destroyed, gives him another chance.
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How he is doing...
✦ After a little while of confusion surrounding the sudden change in his environment and physique, he quickly became adjusted to his new home.
✦ He slowly starts to loosen up, wandering the new universe appreciating its unusual beauties.
✦ He has nearly nothing to dread now, for his vengeful god and twisted devil have no reign over him here. You can say his faith is dwindling especially after what happened, realizing his god is not in fact infinite.
✦ He DOES still suffer from horrible nightnares, about Amy and the Profane Sabbath...
✦ He also still smokes, his asthma is still very much present, and he has been to the emergency room on several occasions (and counting 😭)
✦ Though it seems like every day he starts to look younger and healthier, with no bible to read he picks up gardening, now carrying with him a flower instead of a cross. His cassock is also now a comfy onesie :3
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More about him... (silly)
✦ Before picking up gardening, he attempted to cook and bake! That didn't last long though, he set the ovenstove on fire four times now... When he isn't causing a grease fire though, he can make MEAN scrambled eggs 🗣❗ im talkin GORDON RAMSAY typa shit
✦ Severely allergic to dandelions, he finds ONE in his garden and he freaks the fuck out, Father Ward is vehemently against using any kind of pesticides though
✦ Holding hands with him is nice, his paws are calloused yet gentle from manual labor, he clips his claws regularly so he doesnt accidently hurt the flowers <3
✦ He has paw beans
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✦ He secretly sings silly little songs when nobody's around (and when there are people, he hums), it helps him calm down from waves of anxiety, kinda like @littledoof's panic singing LMAO
✦ Father Ward is also growing accustomed to the other residents, the millions of people he reaches in the online space. He's a bit closed off (for now) but still kind to everyone he meets
✦ YES Father Ward IS interactive!! You can talk to him through my ask box, and he will frequently mingle with other posts he finds to be interesting!
✦ Settling down from all the fighting demons and counting the days, slowly but surely he is beginning to find peace, and you all are with him for the journey if youd like to be :)
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taggin you bc u said u were excited :>
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glazedsnail · 4 days
We're closing in to the end (not yet there's like at least 4 parts left lmao)
Misery Loved Company
ShanexOCFarmer (♀️) 18+ / swear words/substance misuse/explicit/suicide ideation/mention of abuse/Blood/injury
I know a good fanfic writer links her parts but I don't feel like it tonight I dribbled tea on my chest and that's tea that'll never end up in my belly.
Look at my family waiting for the jellyfishes. I'm taking Jas with me and there's nothing you can do about it.
Look at us all purple fresh and then there's goober with brown hair smh.
(I have a full folder of screenshots that can last me until I actually play the game again) (I had purple hair/green eyes combo before even knowing the existence of Shane this was truly meant to be)
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‘Ok she’s back. Thank you Maru.’
‘I’m back?’
‘The hematoma isn’t new, do you recall when it might have happened?’
‘What do you mean I’m back?’
‘You dozed off a little, Maru got the blood needed. Fern, do you remember anything?’
‘Yes, I mean, yes. I fell face first. What’s this? How do you know my blood type?’
Harvey sighs, I’m obviously being difficult. Maru is softly laughing, removing the empty perfusion bag from the stent in my arm.
‘We have your medical records, on top of having a bank of universal donors if you want to know everything. Now can you answer MY questions? Fern?’
‘My medical records?’
‘When did you fall? Was that before the cut? Do you feel nauseous?’
‘Last night, or early this morning I’m not sure. I’m sorry.’
‘You are in a safe space, alright? Maru thank you again for the stitches. If anyone’s still outside let them know she’s fine.’
The young nurse starts walking towards the door.
‘But no one is allowed in until I say so, is that clear?’
She nods, getting herself ready. 
‘Ok Fern’ Harvey starts ‘I’ll keep you in tonight for observation. But tomorrow we’ll have to send you to Zuzu city for an MRI, alright?’
‘What about my arm?’
‘It was deep, but the shards missed any major arteries or tendons. You’ll get some blisters from the boiling water but’
‘Wait a minute, how do you know?’
He chuckles.
‘Wow you were really out weren’t you? You told us about the glasses and the tea and all.’
‘And all?’
‘Actually that was pretty much it. Do you want to keep the pieces of glass Maru extracted?’
He casually hands me a porcelain bowl with glistening small bits of glass, bloodied gauze, and a pair of tweezers. 
‘I, huh.’
‘I’m joking’ he adds, replacing the bowl on its tray. ‘There’s a bell if you need anything during the night. Anything urgent that is. I’ll phone Gus, see if Emily can deliver you some dinner. Craving anything in particular?’
‘I’m not hungry.’
‘The fusspot special then. Fern you’ve lost a lot of blood, you need to eat. I’ll be upstairs, ok?’
He disappears behind the curtains and I hear the door closing. It’s odd to have a friend turn on their bedside manners…
I feel so silly. Everything hurts so much. And I’m terrified of the town speculations.
Marnie did see it happen, she’d be able to help me dismiss any rumours. Then again, this is the perfect opportunity for her to confirm her narrative. That I’m way too unstable for Shane. 
What a thing to say. Coming to my house, waste my tea, drink my juice. Question my sanity. Forbid me to see her nephew. Nephew who made it clear he didn’t want to see me anyway.
I fall back on the large pillow with a sigh. The stitches are already itchy. The hospital gown is thin like toilet paper. The duvet is too thick. The perfusion stent is uncomfortable. Wait, hospital gown? How long was I out? Where are my clothes?
I’m too upset.
And hungry.
I pass my hand on my tired face. I try to remember what happened and what was said during the panic. I think about Vincent and Jas. Way to traumatise a generation. I carefully touch the bump on my forehead. “I’ll take you to Harvey’s in the morning.” He said. I scoff. Right. I didn’t believe a word he said anyway. That whole date was an absolute disaster. I had no fun, no laugh. Nothing. I faked through the whole ordeal. Comfortable arms? Soft lips? Warm smile? Kind eyes? … I slap myself. Left hand against my forehead.
‘Ow, ouch, oh what a fucking idiot’ I wince, folding myself over in pain. I never want to see him ever again.
Someone knocks on the door and doesn’t even wait for an answer to open. I assume it’s Emily with my food. ‘Ugh Emily I’m so happy to see you. I hope you brought something good, I’m starving. I have so much to tell you, you’re… Oh. It’s you.’
The curtain opened and out appeared Shane, holding a box.
‘What are you doing here?’ I ask, crawling back under the duvet.
‘Emily told me she had to deliver this to the hospital. I knew it was for you, so…’
‘Very professional of Emily I see…’
He puts the box on the bedside table and grabs a chair.
‘I’m not going to beat around the bush, Fern. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I left so abruptly last night.’
‘It’s ok, no sweat.’ I lie.
‘It’s absolutely not ok. It’s never ok. Especially after… the time we spent together.’
My thighs tense up at the reminder. I try really hard not to look at him, lest I see his lustful eyes and sleazy smile on top of me, his sweaty body all over my naked skin.
I shiver.
Well that was an exercise in futility.
‘What do you want.’ I say in the coldest tone I can while my brain showers me with millions of images of me and Shane completely naked. 
Hardly appropriate. ‘I mainly came to see how you’re doing.’
‘I’m fine.’ I cut short
‘Do you mind telling me what happened?’
‘Ask your aunt.’
‘Excuse me?’
‘You heard me.’ I’m bitter. Who wouldn’t? ‘I have no idea what you’re talking about, Fern. Did Marnie come to visit you?’
I scoff. How dare he?
‘Shane, please, don’t piss on me and tell me it’s raining, ok?
‘At least look at me.’
‘Fern, I’m sorry I hurt you. Leaving you there, in the chicken coop I… Well I panicked. I simply panicked. I don’t have any excuses other than I fucking panicked. Remembered how and why I was being so… rude to you in the first place, and seeing how we were now, it just…What if in the end I’m just… reverting back to that jerk… Fern, look at me!’
‘You know there’s a bell I can tug at to get Harvey down.’ 
‘You wouldn’t do that.’
‘Try me’
‘You wouldn’t bother anyone to get rid of me, one, you’re too polite, and self conscious. And two, for some reason I can’t understand you.. Like me? Still?’
‘So you came here to insult me, I see.’
He carefully grabs my heavily bandaged arm.
‘Did you… do that yourself?’
‘I said ask your aunt.’
‘Did SHE do that?’
I chuckle, what an idiot.
‘Yes, actually. She came in and said “if you touch my nephew again I’ll cut your arm, worthless farmer!” and did this to show me she wasn’t kidding.’
He laughs, the bastard.
‘It’s not that far from the truth, you know.’
He stays silent, dumbfounded.
‘W-what?’ He stutters after a moment. I finally look at him. He’s out of his Joja uniform, making me realise how long I did pass out. He looks even more tired than usual. And worried. His cold hands are cradling mine, softly rubbing it with his thumbs. He brings it to his lips and kisses it. His other hand reaches my hair he tucks behind my ear.
‘Nasty bump there.’
‘See, I ended up at Harvey’s without your help’
He bites into his lip and looks down. We stay silent for a while, his hand rubbing mine, and I feel terrible to play with him like that. I, probably, didn’t need to bring Marnie in the conversation, when he’s already confused. ‘I broke a glass, in…Hum, in anger. And instead of, you know, doing the sensible thing like going to the hospital, I spend too long trying to fix it myself…’’ 
He softly kisses the bandages. I remember him seeing the wound and asking what I did, in the panic of it all. I kinda see where he’s coming from. But I’ll never admit it.
‘So’ I start ‘ What did Gus prepare for me?’
‘I actually don’t know, I just grabbed the box and left.’ He hands me the warm lunch box.
‘No notes this time?’ He dares say, in a laugh.
‘Like you’re in a position to make jokes. Aw! Some fried mushrooms and eggplant parmesan. Nice.’
‘So, does he know your favourite too then?’
‘Only one of them is my favourite’ I say, biting into a mushroom. ‘I’ll let you guess which one.’
‘I’m a terrible cook but I’m willing to try.’
I almost choke on my mushroom bite. Who said anything about cooking what for who now. I sigh.
‘He also packed some cookies. Do you, erm. Do you want to join me and grab some?’
‘You don’t want me to leave you alone? You won’t ring on Harvey?’
I laugh.
‘If anything happens, know that I have the power to make him come down in an instant!’
‘What pyjamas do you think he wears?’
‘I can ring to find out.’ I joke, extending my arm to the chord.
He laughs, timidly, and smiles at me. I smile back. I can’t fight it. I shuffle slowly to the side and pat the bed.
‘Come on. Let’s have a cookie sleepover.’
He chuckles and joins me.
‘Aren’t you cold in that gown?’ He asks, looking at me out of the cover, before lifting it for himself. ‘Oh shit that’s heavy duty stuff.’
‘Yeah I barely need the gown at all, it’ll make me sweaty.’
He laughs, locking his eyes into mine. I feel myself breathing heavily, looking back at him. He softly caresses my cheek, my neck, reaches my shoulder and undo the first knot of the hospital  gown. He sighs, breathing heavily too.
‘Harvey could hear us’ I say in one whisper, helping him put the box of food aside and get rid of his belt.
‘I’ll have to keep you quiet’ he says in my ear. I shiver, let him devour my neck, climb slowly, delicately, on top of me.
‘Watch for the stent.’
‘I’ll be very careful, the softest.’ He slowly inserts himself inside of me with incredible ease. He tries to conceal a groan as he feels my wet inside surrounding him, ready for him.
He breathes heavily against my neck. I grab him, letting him fall completely into me. He moves ever so slowly, making me taste every inch of him in a delicious soft dance, punctuated by his breathing and low growl.
‘You ok baby? I’m not hurting you?’
I shiver.
‘N-no’ I whisper back ‘This feels..Ah..Great.’
I fail at concealing a moan. Shane softly covers my mouth with his hand.
‘Shh. You’re gonna get us caught.’ he whispers directly in my ear, moving with the only goal of making me explicitly squeal.
He’s enjoying it. This is outrageous. I’ve never been so turned on in my life. 
‘That’s my good girl.’ He looks at me, still covering my mouth, moving his hips to overwhelm me, forcing me to stay silent. I try to keep my muffled whimpers as down as possible.
He kisses me with such intense softness. I grab the back of his head, kissing him back. My eyes are getting wet from the multiple sensations, the edges of pleasures Shane is balancing me on. The risk of getting caught, the self-inflicted restriction of making any kind of noise, while subjected to the creaking of the bed, the wet sound of our bodies merging, and his slow breathing against my skin. 
I lift my bandaged arm to him.
‘Ha shit.’
‘Are you ok?’
‘Yeah I’m sorry ah.. No, don’t stop… It’s only my arm. I almost forgot why I was there.’
‘Almost?’ He replies, kissing all the free skin he can find. ‘Then I’m not doing a good job.’ he laughs, moving inside me, making me yelp.
‘You certainly are enjoying yourself’ I say between gasps and heavy breathings. ‘Are you not?’ He asks, attacking me with a stronger thrust.
‘Fuck, Shane!’
‘I said: “are you not?”’ I yield, like I’m able to do anything else. ‘I am…’ I grab him by the back of his head, locking him with my legs. ‘ I love feeling your hard cock inside my warm pussy.’ I feel him try to conceal a spasm. Despite it all, it seems I know how to get the upper hand.
I’m overstimulated by his slow passionate fuck, the low sound of his whispering voice.
‘F-Fern.’ he repeats, slowly moving between my legs.
He buries his head in my neck. I bite into his shoulder. Tears fall down my temples as I conceal a scream, barely. I hear him growl, feel him tremble, feel his warmth covering my walls. 
‘Fuck Fern I’m sorry.’
‘It’s ok… It’s ok, don’t worry. No please stay… stay inside of me…’ 
‘I couldn’t…Control anything I’
I laugh
‘Shane it’s fine. Come don’t worry.’ I grab him back to let him fall on me, give him some rest. He works on getting his breathing back to normal, I play with his hair, feeling my heart pumping in my chest. I try to process how we came at the same time, like two stupid romance protagonists. I laugh to myself. After a while, disappointingly, he slips down next to me.
‘Are you gonna leave?’ I try to sound completely disinterested whatever he chooses. After all, about an hour ago I said I didn’t want to see him ever again. Then I saw him again, and invited him on my hospital bed, made him comfortable in between my legs, cried at the overwhelming pleasure he inflicted on me I… I need to stop and reevaluate my convictions. ‘No, unless you want me to.’
‘I guess you got what you came for.’
‘Fern’ He shuffles against me, moving his fingers delicately on my tender skin. ‘I know you don’t believe that of me.’
‘There’s been precedent.’
‘I had no clue this would happen’ he simply says, now kissing my chest ‘It’s certainly not why I came here.’
‘Then why?’
‘I still haven’t had any of those cookies for starters’
I slap his shoulder, failing to push him off the bed. He has no right to make me laugh.
He gains back his composure and sits up. ‘First of all, I wanted to check on you.’ He grabs me in his arms, making himself more comfortable on the hospital bed. He accidentally pushes his shorts, all with belt and set of keys, off the mattress. It all falls in a loud repeating clink of noises. We both brace ourselves, keeping an ear out for “old man Harv’” running down the stairs. Nothing. Fortunately. We both sigh and he continues. ‘When Caroline ran into Joja she was white as a sheet. She was shouting for Harvey. I was trying to calm her down and help her find the doc but then she said your name.  I let her there, and took off. As stupid as it was of me. She was panic stricken, about something that happened to you. I was so scared.’ I see his eyes shifting left and right. The memories of this afternoon are mixing with distant ones. Distant memories of hurt loved ones he’ll never be able to process. He wasn’t there. He couldn’t be there. It haunts him. I grab his shaking hand.
‘And then I saw everyone outside the clinic. Jas ran to me, crying. Penny’s hands covered in blood. I tried to ask what happened, Jas was crying on my shoulder. I got no answers. I had to run in. This.. rush overrode every sense in me, telling me I had to see you now, just in case.’  He’s trembling. I realise he’s having some sort of PTSD episode. I catch him, pulling him towards me.
‘Take a deep breath, Shane. You’re fine. I’m fine. It’s ok.’ I cradle him in my arms, swaying side to side, softly humming. ‘I did tell you about Jas’ parents.’
I nod, feeling the tears gathering in my eyes.
‘And you did the best you could. For her, and for yourself.’
I tightens my arms around him as much as my injury and this stupid stent allow me. ‘I’m fine, Shane. Look at me. All I’ll get is a stupid scar. We’re all fine, ok?’
He removes himself from my arms.
‘I’m sorry, I…I’m not sure what happened.’ He says, wiping his wet eyes.
‘You’ve had to process so much on your own, to keep strong for others, on your own.’ I recall Marnie’s words from this afternoon, asking me to leave Shane alone, for his own sake. Is she right? Would I bring him down? I’m in such a better place than ever before, that’s got to count for something, right? I don’t want to die anymore.
‘I said “how’s your arm?” You’re rubbing it.’ I didn’t even realise I’ve been doing that.
‘It’s ok. Harvey said it looked fine. He even asked if I wanted to keep the shards but he was joking.’
He laughs ‘That’d be kinda cool.’
‘Right? And he just threw them away.’
‘What if he actually keeps everything and has a collection box or something.’
‘Shane that’s so gross’
‘I know but imagine, everything that’s been inside someone’s body! A Pelican Town time capsule, a keepsake of some sort.’
‘So, he’s got shards of glass from me, what else?’
‘Well, I’m not sure how well pumped stomach content would keep.’
‘Oh of course, that night…’ 
I look to the side, to the empty bed in the corner Shane was occupying that night I stumbled upon him on the cliff. Harvey had done a great job preventing Shane from falling to alcohol poisoning. I shudder at the idea of what could’ve happened.
Shane grabs my chin, turning my head to him instead of the empty bed full of bad memories.
‘I’m fine.’ he says, knowing exactly what I was thinking about. ‘I mean, not…”fine”, but, I’m ok.’ he quickly adds, laughing. 
‘Can you stay with me a little longer?’ I ask, nuzzling into his chest. ‘I don’t want to be alone in this room.’
‘You can always ring for Harvey to come down’ he answers with a grin. ‘Yeah, you know what. I might. He seems like a good cuddler. Good night, Shane.’ I reply, turning my back on him and covering myself with the heavy blanket. ‘Don’t forget your pants on the way out.’
He laughs, I feel him shuffling down, lying next to me. He passes his arm under my neck and intertwines his fingers with mine. I’m too stunned to say anything. His other arm is resting on my waist, his hand on my chest. His leg pushes mines to insert himself in between.  I hear him sigh, and he kisses the top of my head.
‘G’night, baby’ he says in a soft whisper.
I’m, err, surprised? Pleasantly surprised that is.
I can’t help but feel bitter. I should have told about Marnie, about what she wants, what she knows, from his own mouth.
I didn’t say anything, I let him make love to me. Ha! Let him. Like I didn’t want it as much, if not more. I let him weaken me, make me laugh, remind me that I fell in love with him. He genuinely seems to not know about Marnie’s little visit. It wouldn’t be his choice. If he didn’t want me around he wouldn’t be spooning me right now.
But perhaps Marnie’s right. I can be a bad influence on him. All my talks about trying to be together and see, were they just to serve me? I don’t know properly why I fell for him. The only certain thing is that I want him happy. Do I want it enough to let him be happy without me? What if his happiness is kept at bay because of me? Every day he’d look at me and know that I tried to kill myself once. I can’t possibly bring him any good.
I can’t choose for him.
He holds me closer, as if to calm my troubled thoughts.
‘Good night, Shane.’ I finally whisper back.
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dangopango00 · 8 months
Pt. 1 because I have more to say somehow erm.
Theres basically no content for him but hes sosooo cuteeeeee
Context: In my head he is a fly he has compound eyes like the fly loswr he is
CW: Leaks maybe spoilers??
[ Design/Symbolism (IMG A)
OK FIRST OBSERVE FLY EYES; Theyre compound and have millions of ‘bubbles’ in them. So in my head on elio would represent the different “bubble universes” or rather the millions of possibilities that although generally the same, slightly differ with different choices and outcomes
ELIO IS ALSO AKSHUALLY THE FLY ON THE WALL that phrase represents him really well considering although hes the leader hes the one in the limelight the least out of everyone and just gathers info while making plans. Flies are also considered filthy and sly and bottom feeders n pests and as a stellaron hunter he gets the same treatment as well
[ Function (IMG B)
But besides the appearance the actual function: This is pretty good symbolism for what he sees bc not only does he see a wider range of possibilities than the average person but he can also notice even the slightest movements which is ofc the slightest changes in a scenario that makes the outcome completely different and about flies being able to see things at a quicker pace; I heard that when u swat at a fly they see it in like slow motion and this is pretty symbolic of elio since he sees FARRR into the future wayyy before its even close to coming to fruition
[ Theories (IMG C)
A silly lil hc theory i have bc of this fact and because his alias is “Destiny’s Slave” is that he cant rlly control seeing the future much kind of like a premonition..????? Idk but i like to play with how herta calls all the stellaron hunters lunatics and him a maniac bc like. Its a little true. Theyre all a lil bit cray cray from what weve seen but theres method to their madness so im like hm well elio must have his quirks SO seeing the future so often without wanting to has him a little bit (crazy person hand gesture) so i imagine its a little overwhelming when he suddenly gets a “premonition” like when he suddenly sees the future its a bunch of scattered possibilities filling his mind but when he focuses on it they can converge to create a “perfect reality” where everything goes the best way possible
Also theres so many different “paths” the future holds like it could be the future for that day or the fate of the world or even the fate of the universe so i imagine he was either made/given this power specifically to puppeteer this specific outcome or “story” but its a little draining to think of the big picture constantly or think about things the bigger they are which is why he makes scripts day by day or week by week (????)
I also think he gets like reminders kinda like little flashes into some specific aspects that although he has seen hasnt really focused on or been able to think of bc theyr pretty far ahead and his head is already full so it being so overwhelming, just slipped his mind to kind of create a whole “chain of events” URGGHHH THIS IS SO HARD I CANT TELL IF HES OMNIPOTENT OR LEARNING ALONG THE WAY
I also found it interesting that he told kafka that she and stelle would “change each other” it heavily suggests that maybe he can force the thought of specific scenarios OR MAYBE in his “perfect reality” he has an already decided script which he doesnt deviate from so he already knows what to say. Otherwise how would he know how vague or how exact to be about what he tells people
In the alt ending in the credits hes listed as screenplay director and the screenplay directors are the ones pulling the strings yeah but as another character in the story or “movie” that means he knows exactly what his part is too and is therefore another puppet to be controlled OU LET ME COOK 👩‍🍳🍔🔥
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