#how many candles can he take from a room before someone notices?
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thinking about Izzy walking around the whole ship pulling out every other candle from the hallways, from the rooms, especially from stede's fancy candle stashes, just for his dramatic 'relearning the basics' moment
#✨artsy loner✨#thats why the lightning is so moody in with the cursed suit scenes- its not for cinematic effect izzys just stolen all the candles#lil guy regains proper mobility and immediately tests it with theft#nyxtalks#ofmd#ofmd s2 spoilers#izzy hands#israel hands#do you think he played a little game with himself?#how sneaky can he be with his new leg? can he move so nobody hears him pass?#how many candles can he take from a room before someone notices?#im silly-little-guy-ifying him i just want him to like. fuck around with the crew a bit! have fun! giggle to himself!#really take the ex-first-mate thing seriously!! oh no this guy? hes just crew now the boss has to give him orders#theres no orders? aha! off the clock then- time for shenanigans
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Batfam x Neglected Mortal
Kombat reader

Notes: this is part eleven of Lucid Dreams.
Please read author's note at the end!
Warnings ⚠️: mentions of killing, blood ,and death. And reader does fight in this chapter. Not proofread!
The room is silent the atmosphere tense but also warm....
And looking into your father's eyes you seem warmth kindness....and dare you say love?
But before you can truly think your response through your heart speaks for you.
"You will always be my father...."
Your words hold truth. Because nomatter how far you have traveled when asked you who was your father you'd always say hanzo hassashi.
You are his daughter.
And though you've always been haunted by that. You don't feel remorse being his daughter in this moment. Because for once in a very long time you feel...wanted?
Sure jason had loved you but it always felt like you needed him more then he needed you. But seeing the desperation in your father's eyes you truly feel needed.
And it feels nice. A warmth spreads across your chest as your father begins speaking.
"Thank you ,my girl," He says.
Thank you.. He says Thank you. He's a king. He's never thanked anyone for anything. And yet he humbled himself before you and thanked you for allowing him to be your father.
Now that was something you didn't expect because in his words "A Hasashi is nothing if not prideful." He used to tell you. But as he speaks his words have no pride in them ,no ill intention, just love.
"I won't let you down... not again." He says and it's surprising how the roles have switched. It used to be you telling him that.
It used to be you begging him for forgiveness but now it's him.
The air no longer is tense it's filled with peace and acceptance. It's calming and it soothes your nerves.
The smell of his candles goes by your nose the hint of aok trees and vanilla. And it feels like you can breath agian. And you let go of a breath you didn't know you were holding.
But much to your father's dismay this moment cannot last forever.
A gaurd knocks on the door and your father huffs and tells him to come in.
"Are guest are here my king." The guard says as he bows.
Your father nods and stands up. Offering you his hand. You take it and stand up quickly pulling your hand away.
You wanted him to know he was still being tested. The you weren't trusting him fully. And he obviously got the hint with how fast you pulled your hand away from his.
He leads you out the room and you follow. Walking down the big stone walls he begins speaking.
"Many people want to see you...to see how you've grown."
You knew this would happen gossip spreads quickly here. Even faster then in gotham.
Despite there not being phone everyone knew just about everyone.
And right now you were the person everyone wanted to see.
"Their not just people...their allies who will help in the war." He says his voice still carrying softness. But you got what he was saying. He wanted you to impress them.
He needed you to impress them. This was a test. But you weren't proving yourself to your father like your test before.
No, now you were being tested by the people who are going to be fighting beside you. They need to see what you bring to the table. They need to see you.
Walking through the halls and into the main palace room where all the guest are already in. There's thousands and the big palace walls have no trouble fitting them in.
All eyes are immediately drawn to you. Thousands of eyes are all looking, observing ,and testing you.
You swallow and the pit in your stomach returns. Someone could've warned you but your sure they wanted to see how you reacted under pressure. And right now that's exactly what you feel.
A small figure makes it way to your side. And you don't have to look at them to know it's kion. His head is held up and you follow his actions.
You have to stand strong, show them who are.
Kion noticing your distress speaks up. His voice is quiet so just you can hear him.
"You look lovely sister." He says and his voice is firm he truly means what he says.
"Thank you." You say quietly not wanting to be the center of attention.
Everyone's eyes follow your form as you walk slightly behind your father. Because no one can walk before him. He is king after all.
Though everyone is watching and judging how you look how you sound even how you breath no one is looking to see if you okay.
Well except for Kion. Kioms eyes never leave you. And keeps a firm position beside you. Glaring at anyone who even thinks of talking to you.
Of course people want to talk to you. They want to know you. You, Kion ,and your father walk through the crowd of people and onto the podium that your father usually made commands on.
Behind you was his throne. Actually there was three thrones. One for the king. Another for his spouse which would unfortunately be empty now. And one bigger then the next but smaller then the kings. It stood on the right hand side of kings throne. It was yours. The heirs. Always on the kings right hand side.
Though yes the kings wife was important the more important thing was the heir
The one who would carry on the legacies the name. The power.
On your right side was a smaller but nice throne it was specifically for kion. He would be your right hand in your back up.
But by the way he stood by you and looked ready to kill anyone who even dare look at you wrong told you that you wouldn't need a back up.
You were perfectly safe.
Your father.stands in the middle of the podium. And all eyes leave. You and turn to him as he begins speaking.
"Today we welcome back my daughter. The princess." He states boldly. His voice is loud and proud and everyone erupts to claps and cheers.
"Will she be your heir?" A noble man asks and you see Kion roll his eyes at the man's stupidity.
"She is my first born." Your father states calmly but you can tell he's irrated to even be asked that.
"But who's to say she's fit to be queen? We haven't seen her in almost a decade." A loud and very annoying voice says. And though yes you have been gone over a decade you'd recognize that voice anywhere.
"Isn't that lord Khalid?" You quietly ask kion.
Kion nods his focus still on the man. But you can tell kion doesn't like the man either.
"I thought father and him hated eachother...father did take the mans eye out...right?" You ask quietly again.
And agian Kion nods. "They've made peace long ago sister...but their not as close as the once were..." kion whispers back. And this time you nod.
Your father looks at Khalid angrily and Khalid smiles. You knew how close Khalid and your father once were..but your father had accidentally cut his eye out...
You wonder if the one eyed man still hates your father or not. But you aren't looking at Khalid anymore...no your looking for his son.
The lord Khalid has seven sons to be exact but your only looking for one. He was a boy last time you seen him. And he was your dearest friend. Closest friend...
You'd spare together all the time when you were younger but he'd never hurt you even if you had hurt him.
He was kind something that this world didn't like. And you wonder if he still has that same bleeding heart.
You remember the last time you saw him. It was at his mother's funeral. Despite your father's fight you had came to his mother's funeral.
You knew how much he loved his mother. He had gotten his kindness from her.
You remember how he hadn't shed a tear at her funeral. Refusing to look weak infront of others. But you know he only did that cause his father just like yours before didn't tolerate weakness.
But when everyone had left her grave.
And it was just you two by her grave. The rain pouring down on both of you. The harsh rain drenched your clothes and hair he had begun crying.
You had never seen someone cry before. Because here it wasn't tolerated. You yourself had cried before in silence. But you never had to comfort someone.
So you did what you thought was best. You hugged him. It was awkward to you but you knew it meant something to him. He was crying on your shoulder and for while you wonder if it was his tears soaking your close or the rain.
He never let go of the hug and you never pulled away. Eventually the hug did get comfortable but sadness was unbearable.
He kept whisper things to you. Pleading with you. 'Please wake her up.' 'Tell her to wake up.' 'why won't she wake up?' He'd whisper in a heartbroken tone.
He'd repeat those words over and over and you truly did wish you could wake up his mother but you couldn't. So you held him tighter.
After that day you didn't see him. You had left shortly after. And you wish you had a better last memory of your friend but you don't. So you look around past Khalid to see if you can spot your old friend.
But you don't. There's far to many people crowed in this place. You sigh and continue watching your father talk to the stupid lord.
"You dare question my judgment?" Your father says strongly stepping forward challenging Khalid.
Khalid smirks and you know he's getting the reaction he wants.
"I do not doubt you king. I doubt your daughter. But please let her show us what she is capable of?" Khalid says smiling like he's already won. And for you a moment you feel suffocated in your big kimono.
A challenge. You hated challenges. You lost very few in your time but still you hated them.
"My daughter has nothing to prove to anyone." Your father says firmly dismissing the idea. But Khalid continues to push.
"Very well then king let it be known that the heir is nothing but a pretty face with no strength." Khalid says and you can hear the quiet gasp in the crowd your father and brother are both very angry.
How dare he insult you like that?
With a sharp scoff and narrow eyes your father agrees. "Very well then pick your challenger." He says and he doesn't spare you a glance.
Does he trust you that much to win? Or does he not care about your opinion?
Kion steps forward putting a hand on your arm and slightly pushing you behind him.
"I'll fight on my sister's behalf." Kion says his voice firm and you can tell your father is silently telling him to stand down. But kion doesn't stand down.
"That's not the agreement boy." Khalid says mockingly.
"To hell with the agreement!" Kion says glaring at the man and at your father.
"Do you just let your son speak for you king? Maybe his mother's absence has left him without manners." Khalid says and kions eyes widen.
And your eyes narrow. How dare he disrespect your brother?
This time you step forward pushing Kion behind you and shielding him from the stupidest men you've ever seen.
"Pick your challenger and I'll cut out his eye ,just like my father did to you."
Now your words are like daggers to the crowd no one expected that kind of response but your father smirks beside you.
"Very well then I'll be honored for the princesses to fight one of my sons. I'll give her the greatest fighter. Azrael." He says and no one even tries to hold back their gasps not even you.
Your sure everyone is gasping because Azrael is such a good fighter...but your gasping because you don't want to fight your old friend...
You see Azrael for the first time as he steps up beside his father. And gods you don't remember him being this beautiful.
He's taller then you now and you can tell he's strong. Jet black hair like his fathers but his hair is shoulder length but just short enough not to cover his eyes.
His eyes are the same brown as his mother's...
Scars litter his beautiful skin adding texture.
And memories of the battles he's won. Big muscle adorn his body and a beautiful face jawline.....
'Get a hold of yourself.' You say mentally. Shaking your head and trying to focus you see that Azrael is looking at you taking you in now.
Probably looking for weaknesses. Or maybe he still thought of you as a friend?
No, you highly doubt that. Your sure that after his mother's death his father had turned him cold. But one could always hope right...?
Once a friend now an alliance. Or enemy?
Your not sure but you know this fight will determine that.
"Your daughter has your mouth my king. Let's hope she has your skills as well." Khalid says and you only glare at him and your father scoffs.
"Prepare the arena." Your father says to the guards.
Why did you have such a big mouth? You think to yourself. No, you had to step up. You couldn't just let him talk to your brother like that...
You feel the arms of your maids who stand behind you pull you off the podium and away from everyone to prepare you for the fight.
"You shouldn't have spoken up princess." Loyce says her voice cold but you can tell she's worried. She was always the one who bandaged you up after fight..and she hated it every time.
"I had to stand my ground loyce. Plus this will be a way to prove myself. " You say dismissively.
"Azrael has beaten many warriors in his time...Raiden included." Loyce says as she continues to dress you into more suitable clothes for a fight.
Raiden? No one has ever beaten Raiden before....
You stay quiet trying to not worry.
Once dressed your maids rush to the arena. A place you know very well. Your father and Kion are waiting for you right infront of the door that leads to the entrance of the big arena.
Your father steps up putting a hand on your shoulder. "You've got this. If I see he'll hurt you I'll call the fight. No pressure." Your father says softly. He truly did trust you huh? No pressure he says but you know how much pressure there truly is.
Even your maids are shocked by his words. He's never excepted defeat especially from his children.
Your father walks off leaving you with Kion.
"You should've let me fight him." Kion says his voice loud and angry. He didn't want you fighting and that was clear.
"I'll be fine brother." You state as you reach over to hug him. He sighs and nods hugging you back.
"Go for throat. Show no mercy." He whispers in your ear before pulling away and following where your father had went.
Pushing the big wooden doors you step into the arena. The crowd already busting with excitement for the fight.
Everyone wanted to see you in action.
"Give them a show." Loyce says just as you pass the doors.
Walking into the middle of the big arena. You see Azrael on the opposite side.
Your father sits on his big chair in the crowd of the arena and Kions stands beside him.
On the other side of the arena is Khalid and his other six sons all screaming and cheering for Azrael.
"Chose your weapons." The announcer says loudly.
All the crows watches you as you go to the big table that carries almost every kind of weapon there is.
You think for a moment not knowing which to pick.
Katakanas are the fastest. A sword the most noble and common.
But your choice was already clear....chains.
Chains with shape edges on the daggers at the ends...just like your father's.
The crowd erupts into cheer and smiles as you pick your weapon.
Looking at hit father he shoots you a proud nod.
Azrael had chosen a sword. Noble.
Your bow to your father as Azrael bows to him.
And the fight begins.
Locking eyes with the boy who you once called a friend you try and read him. But you can't.
And that's when you know. Your fucked.
But he isn't necessarily looking at you with hate either...he looks....nervous?
His hands tighten around the sword he's holding and swallows hard..... he doesn't know what to do...he steps forward but he doesn't want to hurt you...
'So maybe...maybe I'll just tire her out...yeah! I'll tire her out and her father will call the fight off.' He thinks to himself.
And by you looking at the boy he doesn't look like the man who could defeat someone as great as Raiden.
'Why the hell isn't she attacking first? I'll guess I have to make the first move...' He thinks to himself as he steps forward.
He's quick to attack his sword drawing closer to your arm. 'Why go for my arm?' You think to yourself. All fighters usually go for the head it's more lethal..
You dodge his attack with ease. Throwing the chain dagger at him and he dismissively hits your dagger away with his sword.
'Okay so I'm a little rusty.' You think sighing as you pull your chain back in.
He goes low trying to sweep your feet. But your quick to jump back avoiding his leg and throwing a kick of your own only for him to catch your leg.
'Well shit.' You think to yourself.
His first thought is simple. 'Break it' that's usually what he would've done to anyone else...but your not anyone else.
You use your other leg to jump and kick his chest and he let's go of your leg.
The crowd cheers out your names waiting to see the outcome of the fight.
After about half an hour of fighting. And both of you with scraps well more like Azrael with cuts and scraps. You speak up.
"Stop holding back." You hiss just loud enough for him to hear.
He's dodging your attacks and your getting very impatient.
"As you wish princess." Azrael says and hearing his voice is magical.... his voice has long lost the baby tone it used to have.
It's deeper and more firm....it suits him perfectly.
With a quick move he successfully pushes you to the ground cutting your arm in the process. It wasn't even a deep cut.
But he felt horrible.
In his seconds of shock you quickly turn the tables pinning him beneath you instead. It took him by surprise not every seeing someone with such skills.
The crowd once agian full of excitement and yelling as you put your dagger to his neck.
'Cut his throat.' They all say. Everyone's at the edge of their seat waiting to see what you'll do.
But your waiting for Khalid to call the fight.
You need Khalid to call the fight... you can't lose this fight but you also won't kill Azrael to win.
Looking up to see Khalid he watches. You with wide eyes almost daring you to cut his throat.
You can't stand his arrogance. So you do exactly what you told him you'd do.
You hold the dagger over Azrael eye it's a threat and the last one you'll give before you do it.
You look up once more but Khalid is as prideful as ever. You hesitate you don't want to do it...but a quiet voice whispers in your ear.
"Do it." Azrael says as he close his eye allowing you to make your cut. To hurt him.
And you don't know who's more stupid you or Azrael.
But without a second thought you do it.
He hisses in pain as you end the cut right above his cheek.
Blood covers your hand and the crowd cheers. And you hold the dagger to his throat agian. But this time Khalid actually listen to your threat.
'The lord Khalid has yielded!' The announcer screams.
Pull the dagger away from his throat and standing up realization finally hits.
You...... you were going to kill him.
Your breathings heavy and your vision seems to be getting blurry.
Your eyes are on your hands and hoe their cover with blood....Azrael would've never hurt you like this...
You can't even look at Azrael or anyone to focused on the blood on your hands. Last time there was this much blood on your hands you had killed the joker....
Memories of everything you had done from you finding jason in jokers warehouse almost dead to killing the joker...to now what you just did....
Your vision is still blurry and your breathing had gotten worse and your eyes are still focused and your blood stained hands that you don't even hear the announcer say.
"Princess Hasashi wins! Flawless victory!"
Deep heavy foot steps can be heard throughout the temple which cause Kung Lao to walk to the sound of the steps.
No one has been in the temple recently due to the upcoming war between scorpion and sub-zero.
So Kung Lao walks hesitatently but confidently towards the steps.
But his greeted to the sight of his old friend....
"Well if it isn't the greatest warrior to ever live." Kung Loa says his voice still holding that familiar warmth that it used to hold years ago.
And your grandfather smiles seeing his old companion.
"I thought you he'd left us all behind." Kung Lao says still smiling.
"I could never leave me home...." Your grandfather states. But he leaves pit the part 'without my granddaughter.'
"I'm assuming you need something?"
"Indeed I do..." Your grandfather says nodding while the other batfamily members take in the beautiful of the temple their ancient walls holding stories and tells.
They party had lasted almost all night but you had went to your room straight after the fight. Your father seeing you in your worried state had sent you there.
Loyce and the other two maids had cleaned your new scar and given you a bath and finally you didn't feel all the pressure...but you did feel alot of guilt.
"You fought well princess." Loyce whispers in your ear her voice gentle and kind which is honestly shocking.
"That was a one-sided fight. Azrael wasn't even trying." You say as you sigh and loyce continues doing your hair.
"Well you taught him not to ever underestimate you agian." Loyce says.
'No I taught him I was ruthless' Is what you wanted to say but you didn't.
Because you know that you had to be ruthless here.... you couldn't afford to show weakness.
Laying in your bed in silence the only noise was from the small noises you could hear from the party.
It wasn't peaceful silence. No, the silence was almost mocking. You didn't dare and try to fall asleep because you just knew yoir have nightmares.
You hated them. The nightmares the were almost scarier then the real thing. Always so much more intense. Always so real.
Breaking you out of your thoughts is footsteps walking down the hall and towards your room.
Your ears strain on instinct trying to see who it is. And it doesn't take you long before you know.
"Sister?" Kion whispers from behind the door incase your still sleeping.
"Come in" You say. Not sitting up or bothering to look at him. He opens the door and without hesitation sits beside you on your bed.
Your on your back looking up at him and he doesn't look as scary now. He doesn't look like a prince.
His hair is no longer tied into his signature bun making his feature softer and he actually looks like a kid.....
You don't even have to say ask him why he's here because you know. He's worried.
"Can I touch?" Kion whispers almost like if he spoke to loud it would hurt you. He points to your arm the one that Azrael had cut. It's slightly bandaged but it doesn't even hurt anymore so you nod.
His fingers gently run over the bandage careful not to hurt you.
"Does it hurt?" He questions worry sketched on his face.
"No....it doesn't hurt." You say your voice quiet. To quiet for Kions liking.
"Sister.....are scared of the war?" He questions as if he's there to comfort you but you know that he's really the one who needs comfort.
"Fear is a natural emotion, brother.....it's alright to be afraid." You say your voice no longer quiet but soft.
Kion lays down beside you resting his head on your chest. He's seeking comfort...he's seeking your comfort.
And you hold him right back. Holding Kion was diffrent from Holding Jason.
Usually it had felt like you held jason for your own comfort. But you held Kion to comfort him.
You speak up breaking the silence.
"Death doesn't scare me anymore ,brother." You say your voice no louder then a whisper but the words you say sting Kion right in the heart.
"Neither do I fear my own Death sister....but I fear yours." He says his voice almost breaking. And your heart stings at his words.
He was scared...of you dying?
Usually the younger sibling would want the older one to die so that they could inherit the throne. But you suppose Kion is no regular brother.
You don't know what to say but you don't have time to say anything before kions speaks up.
"Don't leave me sister....please." His voice is so pleading almost exactly how Jason's was the night you left.
"I never will brother...not even death can take me from you.." You say your voice so kind and it brings Kion relief instantly.
"Thank you ,sister."
But his relief is short lived before he feels regret.
"I'm sorry sister...." He says his voice cracking agian but he doesn't move his head away from your chest to look at you.
You look down at him puzzled what was he apologizing for?
"Why are you sorry?" You question confused.
"I shouldn't have brought you here...this place doesn't deserve you..." He says his voice quiet and filled with tiredness and you know that he's just seconds from passing out.
And with him in your arms you don't worry about the nightmares anymore....
To you this mightve been a bit normal considering how you used to hold jason....but to kion this was...everything.
He felt safe and warm in your arms. He felt protected......
You still hear his last whisper before he falls into complete bliss.
"And neither do I...."
Authors note: Hey guys sorry if this feels a bit rushed I've also been working on a couple of other series! So thanks for your patiences!
💗Thanks for reading! 💗
Taglist: @dhanyasri , @kore-of-the-underworld , @i-adorehannah , @plsfckmedxddy , @phoenixgurl030 @bunbunboysworld @bat1212 @skepvids @sirenetheblogger @Nervousalpacalady @118gremlin @darktrashpoetry @bitternsweet @kksmush @awawage @coffeemin @feral-childs-word @cens0r3d @sweetprincesscomputer @exactlynumberonekryptonite @rosy-myhouse34 @hebaoffside @sheep-from-rad @time-shardz @vanessa-boo @jellyedkazoo @chinxinsomnia @sillysealsies @nervousalpacalady @gwyneveire @simpingpandas @crazycaoticsimp @nickey-diano @welpthisisboring @jsprien213 @pekusofixus @ryuushou @staarflowerr @kye-chen-r @yotokx @lilyalone @yandere-transformers-rock
#yandere batfam#batfamily x reader#yandere batfamily#batsis reader#batfamily x batsis reader#mk x dc#mortal combat reader#yandere batfam x reader#neglected reader
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thinking about Mountain and his huge antlers and how the rest of his pack like to try and hang stuff off them without him noticing….
Dew likes to hang old guitar strings and see how many he can loop around before Mountain finally feels something tickling him. He has learned that bass strings are his best way to go.
Swiss is a little devil and likes to put the girls underwear or sports bras and sees how many he can put on Mountain before someone looses it and bursts out laughing.
Rain is more carefully with it, placing vines and sticks on the tallest part of his antlers, decorating his ghoul in his element (this makes rain the champion of this game, as it is harder for mountain to detect his own element until he inevitably looks in the mirror and sees the mini forest rain has placed).
Phantom likes to use Cumulus’ extra yarn and makes his own version of a cats cradle. Bonus points if it’s one of those really thick and fuzzy threads of yarn.
Cumulus always has a hard time with this game because she is prone to laughing. Seeing the earth ghoul walk out of the den with her underwear, vines, bits of yarn, and guitar string always blows their cover. But sometimes, she will sneak into Papa’s room and steal some of his tealight candles and place them in the smaller holds of his antlers. (& sometimes Dew even lights them, carefully, of course).
Aurora likes to tag along with Phantom, finding fun scraps or small forgotten pieces of last weeks board game and try to plant them on Mountain. He once walked around the entire day, and even attended Mass, with two plastic figures from Candyland stuck on the top of his antlers.
Cirrus prefers to watch. She is coy, no doubt, but she likes to be part of the action. While Swiss undoubtedly creeps up behind Mountain, she will smile and come over to the ghoul and occupy him. Mountain wants to retire to his room after an early lunch? She will grab him and take him out to the gardens and give him a back rub.
And Copia? Oh does he love this game. His favorite accomplishment was putting one of his baby rats on Mountain’s antlers, a couple sprouting pieces forming the best seat for the little rodent. All was well until dinner time came around and the little guy wanted some action, effectively jumping off Mountain and landing on his plate, in the smack center of his mashed potatoes. Mountain jumped so hard he fell off his seat.
#mountain ghoul#dewdrop ghoul#phantom ghoul#swiss ghoul#aurora ghoulette#cirrus ghoulette#cumulus ghoulette#copia#ghost band#ghost band headcanons#the band ghost#halexxsamwrites
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In honor of me moving and not having wifi the last three days I made this while I was gone:
Moving in with Rodrick Heffley Headcanons!🎀
(not proof read)

Prompt: After years of touring together, you and Rodrick finally move into your first stable home.And you two try to find compromises on your decor styles.
(You’re both in your twenties now. Think grunge/punk x coquette/girly vibes,iykyk.)
•Obviously Rodrick lives for his subculture its not just his style, it’s self expression. While you’ve lived together on tour, moving into a real apartment together feels completely different,you quickly notice the clashing of your guys’s visions for your home.
•This is the first time since high school that either of you has had a stable place to call home,not couch surfing or living out of suitcases.
•So to prepare you sat down together and made a list of what your new place needed,separating responsibilities for furniture and decor to each of you.
•Now the actual clash,Rodrick assumed your decorating style would stay simple, like it was used to be on the road,mostly black and leather,with a few pink accents here and there to bring in your personality. However now that you guys had that rockstar budget and you could buy your whole ass pinterrest board,you were way to excited to not do so.
•But when you came home and he saw the boxes filled with bows, pastel furniture,and candles, he was visibly overwhelmed.
•“Don’t you think this is a bit much?”
“I don’t fuck with pink that much, babe.”
“We don’t need, like, twenty bows in one place. Not even Santa’s elves have that many yk.“
•But before you could respond annoyed,you noticed his decor piled by the door: thrifted, torn items he’d collected over the years. Leopard print blankets, a beat-up leather couch, a black table covered in graffiti and stickers, and a few lava lamps.
•The two of you argued for about 30 minutes before Rodrick,got fed up
•: “Let’s just put everything up and see how it looks. If it’s terrible, we’ll fix it.”
•You agreed,mostly hoping your style would take over the atmosphere if you decorated faster.
•Luckily the feared clashing of your styles wasnt bad at all,to your surprise.
The apartment ended up looking like a chaotic mix of grunge and coquette.Your Yankee candles sat next to his record player, your novels next to his cds.
•Rodrick hated the pile of decorative pillows on your bed. When he found out they were “just for decor” and needed to be put off the bed every night, he lost it. Your bedtime routine didn’t help either: silk sheets, incense sticks, humidifiers, and meditative audiobooks. It drove him crazy,at first. But after the first time you gave him a sheet mask and a skincare session, he was asleep in minutes. Now, he doesn’t mind the routine,as long as he’s included.
•Rodrick is surprisingly chill about letting you take over the kitchen and bathroom essentials. He couldn’t care less if he’s drinking out of a hello kitty mug or drying off with a pink towel after showering.We know damn well that man is comfortable in his masculinity.
•Rodrick is an excellent host,being used to having many people around on tour.Your friends, family, and band members always feel welcome,sometimes even overstay their welcome. There’s ALWAYS someone around on the weekends. You two have a whiteboard by the door where guests can scribble little messages or doodles. Next to it is a Polaroid wall, filled with pictures of you and Rodrick from all the way back in high school.
•The guest room doubles as a writing/home studio.Rodrick often disappears to “work,” but you know he’s just messing around on his drums half the time,needing to clear his head.
•You constantly have to remind him of things like throwing away trash or closing the toothpaste. (Susan is so thankful for you when she sees the improvement lol.)
•It’s a little messy, a little chaotic, but filled with love and you couldn’t care less.
#rodrick heffley x reader#rodrick x reader#rodrick heffley#diary of a wimpy kid rodrick#rodrick rules#diary of a wimpy kid#coquette#coquette reader#first apartment#rockstars#grunge x coquette
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Oh my gosh!!! Don’t date coworkers was so cute!!! Would you be willing to do one similar with Hotch? <3
It shouldn’t bother him.
Aaron thinks of himself as someone who adores professional candor, and wishes that his team possessed it in spades. It’s not as though she is professional in almost any other aspect. She excels in personality, and if he had any shame, it would be harder for Aaron to admit what an actual delight she is to his daily life.
She’s kind, in a way that he’s found is rare in this world. Asks about Jack, remembers what coursework he’s struggling in and remembers to ask. She knows his coffee order, which she ascertained from reading the cup. He’s quite fond of her. David is always telling him that life is short and that any girl would be lucky to date him. In less polite terms.
She’s beautiful.
She’s all soft smiles and warm disposition, and she’s easy to like. She’s always the first to anticipate your needs, and Aaron can picture how he’d slot into her life, a part of him can see what it would be like to pick her up in his lavish car and drive her to the office, spend the weekends basking in her company. He’d be a good partner- he’d known how, once, and he’d try for her.
She doesn’t date people she works with.
The fantasy has gone too far in many ways- a version of life in his mind that lingers. She has morning ritual, and he knows it’s a little creepy he watches it from the perch of his office. She pins her hair up and puts on a coat of her lipstick, before she inevitably forgets she’s wearing it, and leaves a lip-print on her cup. It’s hard not to imagine it with her sat on his kitchen counter.
But he knows this is a boundary of hers- and even though it’s just in his fantasies, it feels…well, wrong to fantasize about her like that. He’d heard her loud and clear, telling officer Berbrook that she makes a point not to date anyone in the Bureau. It’s arrogant to think he’d be an exception.
This morning, she’s earlier than he’s ever seen her in the office. She’s got big, wraparound headphones and a skirt on, and two cups. She’d gotten him coffee. He might burst. He speaks out her last name when she realizes he’s in the room, and internally, a warmth blooms in his chest at the wide open smile she grants him.
“Hi, you!”
“You’re in early.”
“Mm,” she says, her mouth still full of coffee, endearingly eager, “I know, but that coffee shop you love had fritters, and I thought you’d like one.”
Off limits. He feels his eyebrows scrunch into a frown before he speaks.
“You didn’t have to do that.
“No one has to do anything. I wanted to. There’s two in there, one for Jack. They keep well.”
A completely ridiculously short amount of time passes before he’s able to speak again, or more accurately as Garcia would put it, word-vomit.
“I heard officer Berbrook asked you out. That is absolutely inappropriate- would you like me to handle it?”
“Nah,” she says back, “It’s all good.”
“Morgan told me that you have a policy of never dating anyone you work with-“
“I said that about Berbrook, Hotch. It’s not like, an off-limits thing.” She looks down at her feet. Her shoes are green, Aaron notices, helplessly endeared, “y’know, with the right person…I wouldn’t want to close that door, do you know what I mean?”
Her doe eyes peer up at him, and he knows that she’s hear 30 minutes before anyone else is just to be able to get him food, telling him that she’s open to dating coworkers, and once upon a time he could’ve taken a fucking hint.
In his younger years, when he was bolder and better able to ask for the things he wants, he might’ve asked her out right then. Might have run him and made a dinner reservation, somewhere with candle-light for an evening that would end with her being kissed against a wall or a car.
But for now, he takes a bite of his fritter and makes some plans. If he’s got a shot with her, that’s a revelation that’s going to need some intense planning and preparing for. He’d like to woo her, if that’s something he could ever get to do.
“Good fritter.”
“I know, right?”
#aaron hotchner#aaron hotchner x reader#aaron hotchner fanfiction#aaron hotchner x you#aaron hotchner x y/n#aaron hotchner fanfic#aaron hotchner one shot#aaron hotchner fic#aaron hotchner oneshot#aaron hotchner imagine#aaron hotchner imagines#aaron hotchner blurb#aaron hotchner blurbs#aaron hotch hotchner#aaron hotch x reader#aaron hotch imagine#aaron hotch fanfiction#aaron hotch x you#aaron hotch fluff#aaron hotchner fluff#aaron hotch fic#hotch#hotch x reader#hotch x you#aaron hotchner x fem!reader#ssa aaron hotchner#agent hotchner#criminal minds#criminal minds fic
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Greedy Little Thief
Severus Snape x Student Reader
Summary : In seventh year, an infatuation with your Head of House has been brewing for too long.
Tw : None
Grasping the vial, Severus flipped open the spout, giving a quick sniff. "Love potion." Turning his head to Dumbledore, who stared with a knowing glance. "Now we know who's been stealing for your stores, Severus."
The last few weeks had been aggravating. Thankfully, the Tri-wizard Tournament, distracting students and professors alike, especially Snape. Getting into his storage room was no easy task, narrowly, especially the greasy haired madman a time or two.
Today was no different; maybe, just maybe, you could take one more vial. That's all you needed. Strolling the dungeons with a certain stride, making way to potions class, Severus surely was watching the games, hell everyone was.
You, on the other hand, couldn't be bothered, opting to take advantage. Taking ahold on the door handle, quietly opening the door, slithering into the classroom. Shutting the door behind, you turned, eyes meeting your target. Your feet moved, light as a feather, a creeked of the floor, neither here nor there.
Another twist of your wrist, you were greeted to his office, and alike, his storage room to the left, making way. The room, only light with a small candle on the professors desk, was dim, making you squint a bit, trying not to bump into anything. As many times as you've been in here, you haven't quite mapped out his room yet.
A small breath, the scent of lavender filled your nostrils, greeting your glands with a faint smile. If there was one thing you couldn't get enough of, it was his scent.
Every time the professor walked by, handing out homework or grades, the hint of lavender had you wanting chasing for more, nearly making you drool at times.
The scent nearly driving you mad for years, yearning for slip of the fingers, getting a light touch of his quill, whenever you had to bother the poor man with mindless questions, hoping for the scent to stick.
Another breath, you blinked, adjusting to the darkness, twisting the knob. Before you could fully open the door, someone had grabbed your sweater, pushing you against the nearest stone wall, making you cry out.
"You think you could get away with it Miss L/N? You greedy little thief." Severus rushed, his eyes dark, yet not holding much distain as usual.
"P-Professor please! I can explain." Barely getting the words out, grasping the professors wrist, taking note how warm they were compared to how cold he presented.
Severus knew, he had a feeling for days now. Only thing that caught him off guard was you. The top student in his Advanced Potions class was a thief. But why? That is what bugged the tall, tasteless man.
He wasn't a daft man, watching your glances, the feeling of you two brushing against each other in the hallways, dismissing it as a mistake on your end. It was the most contact he had with anyone in a long time.
Though, he couldn't deny, the feeling was exasperating, craving more from your liking. While his mind might deny, his conscience couldn't, he had grown feelings for the Slytherin girl in his clutches.
Dumbledore noticed, from the head table to the students, eyes glancing between his Potions master and the Slytherin girl. The conniving Headmaster, making due to have the lot paired during demonstrations and tasks he brought onto them both, not necessarily needing either or to do them.
When the headmaster and professor found the storage room to be missing some bottles, the older man knew just who was the culprit, leading the Severus to figure out for himself; Dumbledore being a romantic himself. Strings are attached to people for a reason, after all.
"Give me a reason to not give you detention, Miss L/N. Stealing from my personal belongings will surely lead to punishment from myself."
The seventh year couldn't help but feel the blood rush to her cheeks, tightening her grip onto the man, glancing between his eyes and the crook of his neck, embarrassed. "I dunno, sir. I thought.." You paused, barely meeting his guaze, thinking of how to confess your endeavors. "Well..I thought it would work. You smelled the amortentia, didn't you? What else was I supposed to do?" You question, searching for an answer from the Potions master.
It was true, nearly a month ago, students were assigned to make 'Amortentia', a love potion transfixed to cast itself as the smell of your lover, yours smelling for lavender, and dust. Severus, nearly casting it as a coincidence, yet in the evening, making his own, smelling your perfume.
His grip lightened just a tad, lips narrow, screaming to move, to speak. His chest, wanting to burst, yet, steady within it's confinement. "You stupid girl." He muttered, stepping into his nose was grazing yours. "A love potion cannot enhance what Amortentia presents. All you had to do was ask."
Before your lips could part, questioning his words, you felt his own brushing yours, before melting into place, his stance softening, feeling your own relax. Your knees felt like buckling under their own weight, processing what was happening.
Many nights you craved this exact moment, and it was better than your subconscience could depict. Nails digging into pale, ghostly skin, you pushed your head forward, deepening the kiss, exasperated.
Pulling away, Severus met your eyes, a force needly pushing him back into you. "Does this mean I can skip the upcoming exam sir?" The slytherin girl asked, chest puffing up in down, catching up with itself; a smile appearing on the inner corners of your lips.
"Hardly." The professor grunted, his hands finding their way onto the stone wall, either or blocking your shoulders. "Detention. Tonight, Miss L/N." How could you say no to the man?
#severus snape#severus snape x reader#severus snape x y/n#severus snape x student reader#severus snape x you#severus#snape#professor snape#harry potter#harry potter x reader#harry potter and the goblet of fire#xreader#harry potter x you#professor snape x reader#albus dumbledore
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Gilbert von Obsidian: Even If You Were To Hate Me
From A Hidden Oath: King of the BEAST (2024 Election) - Collection Event
Thank you @dark-frosted-heart for providing the SE video!
On a quiet night, even the candle flames hesitated to flicker.
Upon returning to my room, Emma's face bloomed into a smile.
Emma: Gil...!
Gilbert: Heh, you look very happy. Did you miss me?
Emma: Yes, I always long for you–
Suddenly, Emma's face clouded over.
(Did she notice? I thought I had washed it all away.)
Gilbert: Little rabbit, what's wrong?
Emma: No... I always long for you, Gil.
She tried to hide her emotions with a smile as she prepared tea, but her trembling fingertips betrayed her.
(You're good at noticing things, but bad at hiding them, aren't you, little rabbit?)
(You were just told something like that, so you might catch a cold from the temperature difference.)
(... If I said that, Emma would worry even more.)
As Emma suspected, I had just executed a man.
The man seemed to have harbored a considerable grudge, glaring at me until the very end and declaring, "Don't think this is over. I'll tear you to pieces in hell."
(I've been hated many times before, but it's been a while since I've felt such sharp hatred.)
(He must have lived only to hate and kill me.)
(In that sense, he's the complete opposite of Emma.)
Emma: Gil? Is something wrong?
Gilbert: It's nothing. Could you wait a moment?
After changing out of my blood-soaked clothes and taking a seat, Emma gently offered me a cup of tea.
Her expression was still worried, but it seemed to have softened somewhat compared to before.
Gilbert: ...Little rabbit, you love me, don't you?
Emma: Of course.
Gilbert: How much?
Emma: I can't put it into words, but my love is enormous.
Emma: Much more than you can imagine, Gil.
Gilbert: Then what would happen if that love were to turn upside down?
Emma: Turn upside down?
Gilbert: Yes. If your incredibly large love were to completely reverse itself.
Gilbert: In other words, if you came to hate me... what would happen to you, little rabbit?
I grabbed her outstretched hand and pulled her closer.
Emma's face drew near as well, and I could clearly see her eyes filled with confusion.
Gilbert: Imagine it. What if I were to take away everyone around you, Emma?
Emma: You are a jealous demon, but... you respect me.
Gilbert: What if I destroyed everything you hold dear?
Emma: I would be angry, but you wouldn't do such a thing without reason.
(She's tough.)
I pulled her hand closer and placed it on my heart.
Gilbert: Then... what if I killed someone you loved?
Emma: ...!
Emma's hand on his chest trembled for a moment.
Emma: I will never forgive you. That much... I will never forgive you, no matter what.
Her gaze pierced me with clear anger.
(What a scary face. But, the depths of your eyes still hold love, don't they?)
(I'm used to being hated and it doesn't bother me anymore.)
(But it's strange how much better it feels when it's just love.)
(No... it's not the difference between hate and love, it's probably because of your feelings.)
Gilbert: ... Heh, I made you angry.
I let go of her wrist.
Gilbert: As an apology, you can do whatever you want with me.
I spread my arms out as if offering my body, and Emma, blushing, snuggled up to me.
Emma: Then...
She gave me a quick kiss on the lips and pulled away.
Gilbert: That's all? You can be greedier, since it's a rare opportunity.
Emma: If you say that, I'll want to do something I shouldn't.
Gilbert: Go ahead.
This time, Emma pulled my hand towards her and lightly bit my finger.
Lightly, but with more force than usual.
(I thought she was angry because I said, 'What if I killed someone you loved.')
(Could it be that there's also this reason?)
Gilbert: Little rabbit, are you jealous?
Emma: Why do you think that?
Gilbert: Because you have the same look in your eyes as I do.
Emma looked down, as if accepting the truth.
Emma: If love and hate are two sides of the same coin, then the people who hate Gil must also have strong feelings.
Emma: I love Gil more than anyone else in the world.
Emma: My love is much, much bigger than all the hate directed at you.
Emma: So please, look only at me.
Gilbert: ...
Gilbert: Ahaha. More than all the hate, huh? That's really big. It might be bigger than a continent.
(If such a great love were to reverse, it would surely be a terrible thing.)
(Even if you were to hate me, I swear I would continue to love you.)
(So keep directing those feelings at me, so much that I might drown in them.)
Gilbert: My turn.
Emma: Nn...
I bit her neck, and a sound mixed with pain and sweetness escaped Emma's lips.
Emma: You said I could be greedy, right?
Gilbert: Yes.
Emma: Can I... bite you too?
Gilbert: Hehe, yes. For every mark you leave on me, I'll leave one on you too. As proof that you're mine forever.
And so, while carefully carving our love into each other, we drowned together in the deep darkness of the night, enveloped by each other's warmth.
#ikemen series#cybird#cybird otome#cybird ikemen#gilbert von obsidian#2024 ikemen prince collection event#gilbert von obsidian short story#gilbert von obsidian collection event story#gilbert von obsidian ikepri
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Chapter 30 No woman no cry
Chapter 30 of Moonlight
A/N- Sweaty eyes that’s all it is :)
Warning- talks of pregnancy and labor, ANGST!!, swearing, violence, fire, blood, and DEATH. SPOILERS!! FOR FUTURE EVENTS OF HOTD, USING FIRE AND BLOOD, long chapter.
Pairing- Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon!fem-reader, Cregan Stark x Velaryon!fem-reader
Episode/Pages- 520-534
(If you want to be tagged let me know)
There exists a serene silence where only your soft breaths, and the sound of waves rolling over the sand fill whatever room you are in.
A much crueler chill seems to be your companion, but a light feathered touch of warmth does seem to exist dancing over your face and it makes you squint as your eyes flutter open.
Yet as gentle as that touch is on your face, when you open your eyes a stinging pain hits you as the sun burns your eyes before you give them relief as you shield them from the beaming sunlight.
“Cregan?” You call out softly and then groan as a sharp wave of pain hits your head and your chest, reminding you at that moment of the injuries you sustained and put you in a state of limbo, and now on this bed and in this…stone chamber?
Did they take the keep at Tumbleton? Is this where you are?
“Ser Cane?” You call out next since Cregan is probably attending to other matters.
However, your sworn protector doesn’t respond by walking in or speaking. There’s a continued silence where only the sound of distant waves lingers in your chambers. Which is why you sit up and only get welcomed with a pounding headache.
“Damn,” you hiss and lift your hand to hover your palm over where it hurts, feeling at that moment bandages wrapped around your head before you finally feel the bandages around your chest.
“Ser Cane?” You call out and glance at the end table to search for water, but alas there’s not even a candle. “Ser Cane?”
You drag yourself to the edge of the bed and notice your gown before you notice that someone took the time to clean all the blood off your hands.
It must’ve been Cregan. He must be so worried.
“Ser Cane?” You call out one more time and drop your hand on your belly which seems to be lower than usual, which means the twins should be coming soon.
“Add—” you cut yourself off as you remember that Addam won’t be able to respond to your calls anymore because he’s…dead…
You sigh and rub your eyes before you lift your head and avoid crying, but also finally come to recognize where you are. You try to deny it. You must be dreaming—You can’t be in your chambers at Dragonstone.
How could you be at them?
This must be a dream! You still must be in limbo, you can’t be here—unless your mother is here? How many days have passed since the second battle at Tumbleton?
Were you really unconscious for so long that you arrived at Dragonstone without knowing?
“Ser Cane?” You call out with panic and desperation replacing your patience and grogginess, and proceed to slip on some slippers before you push yourself off the bed and rush to the door.
Albeit when you try to open the door, you can’t, it seems to be locked.
“Ser Cane?” You call out. “Hello? Who is out there? Please open the door.”
You press your ear against the door and drift your eyes to the floor, catching shadows move, and hearing feet shuffle before you start to hear them recede.
“Hello?” You call out louder and with desperation rising. “Can you open the door and tell Cregan or The Queen to come? Please.”
You try to open the door, but again you’re met by the fact that it’s locked, so you have the urge to turn to the balcony to find a way out through there, but then the thought of why sets in.
Why should you find a way out? This is your home and your mother must be here. You don’t have to worry. You’ll be fine, the door is just locked for precaution. After all, your mother is being paranoid about not knowing who to trust, so the door is locked for your own safety.
“Okay,” you sigh and turn away with your hands clasped before you go to your wardrobe and change out of the gown, finding comfort in a purple and gold gown that has the skirts layers shaped like fins on a seahorse, and a golden corset decorated with beautiful designs made of sheets of gold.
It’s truly an impressive gown, and one you know Cregan will drool over, so you feel even more giddy wearing it—which reminds you of the wolf brooch Cregan gave you.
However, when you search for it you can’t find it amongst your things or on any surface. Maybe it fell off during battle or some moment thereafter?
You’ll have to ask, and if you did lose it then you’ll ask Cregan to give you a ring with the sigil on it, or a nice pendant. It’ll be easier to wear it then.
Nonetheless, you sit on the edge of the bed and look out of the window to bask in the sun's warmth, finding comfort in the sound of waves.
Besides, all the bad that’s happened as of late, you still find comfort in the sound of the sea, and it brings you joy to know you’re close. Being in those Wetlands for as long as you were was starting to make you feel as gloomy as a rainy day.
If only it was summer, you would be out lying on the sand or in the water. Alas, it’s winter and the water would surely make you freeze to death.
Nevertheless, while you’re soaking in the sunbeams, keys finally jingle outside of your door before you hear the lock click and a knock proceed to a rap on your door.
“Come in,” you greet the visitor and stand from the bed to walk toward the door.
However, as the door opens and you get close, you come to an immediate stop when your eyes fall on a man you thought was long gone—Lord Larys Strong.
“Wh-“ you gasp and step back as you quickly scan the room in search of your sword. When you don’t find it you take a step back and tilt your head down to glower at him.
“Princess,” Lord Larys greets and bows his head, making your pinched eyebrows twitch as they crease deeper in your silence.
“I am so very glad you have awoken and seem to take well to your current injuries. The servants weren’t sure if you would wake.”
“Where’s my mother?” You deadpan and start to also think about your dragon and whether she brought you here out of instinct, or they found you—Then again Cregan was so close when you last saw him on that battlefield, how did you end up here?
“Oh,” Lord Larys mouths before he gently shakes his head. “I am not sure. I heard she escaped Kings Landing after a riot. What a shame, she lost the most special gem just as she had it in her possession.”
If he doesn’t know then—
No, it can’t be!
“Where’s my dragon? How did you find me?”
Is Cregan here?
“Your dragon,” Larys says and glances outside and watches a bird fly past the balcony window. “She dropped you off in the sand. One of the guards saw you and went to your rescue. They tried to capture your dragon, but she eluded capture and flew back where she had come from.”
You blink with surprise yet find yourself letting out a relieved sigh because she’s not in the clutches of the enemy.
“Dragons truly are marvelous beasts,” he rambles and meets your gaze. “She must have thought you would be safe here, but, alas,” he sighs and flashes you a smirk. A smirk! Out of all things he smirks at you because he knows you don’t have the upper hand now.
What a little cunt.
“…it was too late when she tried to take you back,” he whispers before he digs in his pocket and pulls something out—“His Grace is ready for his audience with you,” he reveals what you had been trying to deny. Aegon is here. Aegon is still alive. He didn’t die in some ditch like you had hoped. The little bastard is still alive! And your mother…she must not know or else she would have not left Kings Landing. Damn it! Damn it!
“You had this with you when we found you,” Larys says and opens his hand to show you the wolf brooch Cregan had given you.
“I thought you would want it back.”
You continue to pierce your glare into him for a moment longer before you look at the brooch and slowly walk toward him to snatch it from his grasp.
“Are you ready?” He makes sure to ask, making you scoff.
“Do I even have an option?” You quip and he doesn’t answer you, instead, he turns and leads the way out. With no other choice you drag your feet after him and follow him all the way to the main hall where whether you like it or not, your breath catches when you see Aegon.
He sits at the other end of the hall on a wooden chair with wheels, a blanket over his legs, and a dull yet narrowed look that does reflect a glimmer when he sees you walk past the doors and stop just under the beam of sun that shines in the hall.
“You stand in the presence of King Aegon of House Targaryen, the Second of His Name, Rightful King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men. And Rightful Protector of the Seven Kingdoms.” A guard announces loudly near your ear, making your glower even more fierce.
“You’ve awoken!” Aegon interjects loudly so his voice travels down the hall. “I’m glad.”
You draw out a deep breath and continue to trudge forward, but never with your head down. You keep your head high and your nose pointed to the air. When you get close that’s all you do, get close, you never close the gap to the point you can hear each other's whispers. You stay under the sunbeam that reflects through the windows on the high ceilings and scowl.
“You,” you mutter and look at him up and down (which doesn’t take long as he’s seated on that wooden chair), and notice that he seems to sport more burn scars than before, and his legs that he keeps under a blanket are bent in a pretty uncomfortable manner. “…look more awful than before,” you say bluntly and catch his lips twitching to a frown.
However, a sinister look then makes his dull eyes glimmer.
“I recently got into a dragon battle with your cousin…Rhaena—no,” he chuckles and his malice then shows on his lips that slowly curl to a smirk as he sees your eyes lose the sun’s twinkling glow as your head slowly falls with your demeanor. “Baela,” he huffs. “Her dragon is dead and she is in a dungeon knowing what it feels like to burn.”
You blink repeatedly in disbelief and feel your breath catch as your heart skips a beat in your worry. Only making Aegon that more cocky.
“And you,” you mutter and slowly drag your eyes up with a fire slowly burning within them. “Did you burn again? It looks like it. You look even more horrifying to look at. At least Baela will have a menacing charm to her, but you,” you click your tongue and force a snicker before you suck in your cheeks to gather a ball of spit and hurl it at his feet.
Aegon’s eyes quickly fall on your ball of spit and his lips curl while his nose scrunches in disgust as well as frustration.
A guard standing nearby lunges forward and from the corner of your eyes you see him lift his hand in reaction to your “disrespect”.
Albeit Aegon then lifts his hand to motion the guard to stop, and he immediately does so before he can swing his hand over your face.
“As traitorous and disrespectful as she may be, she is still your Princess, and carrying my brother's children,” Aegon says and catches you by surprise, but still not enough to warrant a thanks or any kind of reaction.
“What do you want, Aegon?” You press impatiently.
Said man scoffs as he looks away from the guard and then sighs deeply before he gives you a response. “I wanted to see you and make sure you were okay. It seems you sustained quite a few concerning injuries, so I was just making sure you were okay.”
You huff and he slowly lolls his head to the side.
“I also do have a proposal,” he adds and piques your interest. “After the twins are born you are of no use to me, so I will kill you alongside your mother and your brother, and keep my brother's children so my mother can raise them, and Aerion can be my heir. But you,” he pauses and clicks his tongue to mock you.
“However, you may keep your life if and only if you marry me,” he throws out a rather daring offer. One that shouldn’t have surprised you as much as it did, but it did because it’s quite ballsy.
“You will be Queen, and we will show the realm that we are a united front. There will be peace—or so Larys says,” he mutters and glances at the man before looking back at you with a mischievous look in his eyes.
“No,” you deadpan before you flash him a mischievous smirk. “I am betrothed to Lord Cregan Stark,” you announce, making Lord Larys shift where he stands, and causing Aegon to lose that stupid mischievous look and instead make his face harden.
“Very well,” he grumbles and sits up straight. “So you chose death. I did not want to marry you anyway.”
“Your Grace,” Lord Larys interjects. “With the Princess betrothed to Lord Stark it will not be wise killing her, nor marrying her now. Whichever choice you go with would lead Lord Stark and his army to retaliate and possibly add more fuel to a war you want to end.”
Your smirk deepens as your invincibility is now revealed, leaving him with you as a hostage, but still unable to kill you or touch you in any way.
“So I hold you, hostage, have him bend the knee, swear his loyalty, and give his army to me,” Aegon is quick to come up with an alternative you had already started to think about before he could even form the first thought. “Thank you. You have now turned your mother's greatest ally against her.”
You don’t falter or show weakness because you know Cregan. He won’t fall under pressure, he will keep fighting because no matter what, you will be protected because of him.
Aegon doesn’t realize all of that, but he sees your smirk and his face only twists with more frustration.
“Take her and bring her back when her mother arrives to shore. She can watch her die instead.”
This time your face falls. He hits you right in your weak spot and he knows it because he counters the fear that paints your face with cockiness that he displays on his face the moment you’re walked out of the room as if showing you he had the last laugh.
How? How?
Without Astraea how can you leave this damned place to save your mother?
There’s no candle lit to burn the door down. There’s not even a fire in your fireplace and that’s probably due to the fact that Aegon doesn’t want you to use fire against him. And without any weapons how can you get out?
You pace in your chambers watching the moon rise and slowly spin around the earth as time passes bit by bit without any kind of nudge on what to do.
Escaping out the window is impossible, there's nothing to grab onto and it’s too high off the ground to jump…
Then again even if you find a way out how do you find her? You know she’s heading to Dragonstone, but from which way?
Then again why should that truly matter in the grand scheme of things? You need to save her one way or another and you’ll scour the earth to find her to keep her away from here. Even if it means…having to give your own life.
Yet what do you do?
You let out a frustrated breath and throw yourself on your bed, feeling at that moment the twins starting to move inside you.
“Yes I should sleep, but I need to…” you trail off and sit up whilst you press your hand on your belly. “Thank you,” you whisper down toward your belly before you run over to grab your goblet of water, and return to the side of the bed to spill the water on the ground. After that, you hide the goblet under the bed and sit back down to press your hands on your legs, and lean down to start crying out in pain.
“Help…” you feign pain to grab the attention of the guards outside. “I need help!” You yell out and moan as if you were in labor. “Please!” You bellow and let out another sharp cry.
When you go quiet for a second you strain your ear and hear the guards shuffling behind your door, so you yell again. “Please! I need help!”
The lock clicks before the door flies open and two guards rush in with panicked wide-eyed looks on their faces.
“Princess?” They call out cautiously as if you were something they were frightened of.
“The twins,” you say between pants as you clutch onto your belly. “I think they’re coming,” you lie and glance up, catching them looking at each other helplessly, which only excites you more.
“Get the maester or anyone who can help me!” You sneer before you cry out again to stress them out further.
“Okay—okay,” one guard breathes out as if he’s the one going to give birth. “We’ll be right back!”
Your eyes widen out of panic and before they can leave you throw your head up and blurt. “Can one of you stay? I don’t want to be alone.”
You bat your eyelashes and take quick and heavy breaths to feign being in distress and get them to pity you, because if they both leave then they’ll lock the door again, and you can’t let them bring the help you say you need or else you won’t be able to get out. Thus you feign innocence.
And luckily they believe you. One guard stays while the other one leaves, but you don’t stop pretending. You keep letting out fake sounds of pain to let the guard that left your chambers put some good distance between here and there, whilst also mentally laughing at the guard who stayed as he seems extremely uncomfortable by staying with you while you’re “in labor”.
“Could,” you pause and pant. “Could you please bring me some water?”
The guard avoids eye contact and nods stiffly before he turns and starts to walk away toward your pitcher of water. And it’s when he’s giving you his back that you swipe one of your shoes with a pointed heel off the ground, and push yourself to your feet without any struggle whatsoever.
You then stretch your neck from side to side after having it hanging for so long before you proceed to quietly stalk after him with an almost predatory glare burning through the back of his neck, and a wicked smirk curling on your lip. And luckily the guard is so caught up in his own discomfort and disgust that he keeps his attention locked on the pitcher across the room—he doesn’t even notice that you stopped complaining.
He doesn’t hear you walking toward him, nor does he feel any kind of burning on the back of his neck. He keeps his back facing you so when you finally catch up to him you raise the heel in your hand and swing down hard to dig the tip of the heel in his neck.
The man tries to yell out, but with the heel impaled on the side of his neck, all he does is gurgle and slowly turn around to face you.
“<Idiot.>” You remark in Valyrian before you mock his choking noises and snicker before you take his sword and give him the mercy of death by impaling his throat.
When he hits the ground you take your shoe out of his neck and then walk back to the side of the bed to grab the other shoe and quickly slide them on before you walk to the door.
Once you see that the ghost is clear you turn down the opposite hall the other guard took and instead try to escape through the side of the castle that leads to the hills that sit beside your home.
You don’t try to be too fast so as to be careful and stay discreet, but you also try not to be too slow and risk getting caught by someone. This was once your home, this castle was run by your mother, and the servants and guards were all loyal to your mother and your family, but since Aegon is here and spreading fear you don’t know if they can be trusted, so you stay in the shadows while also listening out for any potential danger.
You’re so focused on not being caught in fact that when you hear the echoes of the heels of someone’s shoes hitting the ground you fail to locate exactly where it’s coming from. You just quickly try to slip around a corner to hide, but that’s when you bump into a servant.
“Princess,” the servant woman gasps at the same time you let out a startled breath of air. She then looks down at your bloody hands for a second before bouncing her gaze to the bloody sword in your hand, and then lastly to your face, catching your surprise slowly starting to slip away and be replaced by something cold and threatening.
“Not that way,” the servant cuts you off just as you were going to threaten her so you didn’t have to kill her. “Follow me you can take the servant corridors,” she reveals and then snatches your hand from your side to pull you with her down the corridor.
“You will take the stairs all the way down until you reach the caves. After that follow the lights all the way out to the loading docks. You will find a small ship there. You use it and leave.” She presses as she digs her fingers on the back of your hand.
“Okay, okay,” you say breathlessly as you follow her at her pace to not slip from her grasp and fall behind. “But…why risk your life? Aegon will have you killed when he finds out you helped me.”
The servant woman peers back and with a twinkle in her eyes, she shakes her head. “I would die for my Queen. I serve only her. Therefore I serve you.”
You blink repeatedly in disbelief and when you see that she’s not being deceitful you offer her a small but proud smile. “Thank you then,” you offer and wish you could do more but that’s all you can give her. Your gratitude. “My friend.”
The lady offers you a small nod before she looks ahead and quickens her pace to drag you with her down corridor after corridor until you reach a secret door that she opens for you.
“Through there, my Princess,” the servant lets you know as she points to the corridor that leads to a spiral staircase. “That will take you down.”
You glance at your escape and then look back at her with a worried look peeking through. “Okay,” you breathe out. “Thank you once again and be safe,” you offer her one more time whilst she hands you a torch from the wall.
“I would do it again,” she says softly, making your breath hitch and a soft smile flash on your lips that you offer her before you turn around swiftly and walk in the passageway.
Once the servant closes the door behind you, you then turn to look down and try to locate your exit, but as you look down the long spiral staircase you gulp as all you see is a dark abyss that only grows deeper the longer you stare at it.
“Okay,” you say as you draw out a deep breath. “Here we go.”
You glance back at the door one more time and draw in another deep breath. This time though you gain confidence and a drive that makes your heart skip a beat. All because of the servant woman who risked her life to give you a chance to escape.
There was no question or bargaining. She risked her life for you, and you won’t waste it. You will reach that boat and find your mother to prevent her from reaching Dragonstone to save her and the rest of your family that she’s clinging onto.
You won’t fail her. Not today.
Thus with those thoughts running through your head, a spike of energy travels through your blood and hits your heart, making it jolt before it starts to race as you grow eager and determined beyond measure.
Now you know you shouldn’t go past any pace beyond a walk down the wooden staircase, but you don’t care. You could break through a wooden step, skip one in particular, or almost trip and you wouldn't care. All that occupies your mind is saving your mother, so you run and run as fast as you can down the stairs.
It’s true you run out of breath fast, so you’re heaving and panting before you can even get halfway, but you don’t care. You keep pressing as all you see is her. Her eyes. Her soft golden-silver hair. Her pain, grief, and tears. Her joy and her smile. And every single memory you have stored inside your head.
You see her. The one you cherish above all else, even life itself, and all you can do is run.
When you reach the cave, there’s no light; not even on the walls. There’s darkness and the sound of rain—which by the way, when did it start raining? Has it been raining all night? You’ve been so caught up in your thoughts that you didn’t notice.
Regardless, you hear the sound of the rain as it falls outside and brings darkness, but not discouragement because with your torch you can make out the path that leads outside and that’s enough to know that you’re closer to your destination now. You won’t reach the end until you reach your mother, but you’re close and that thought makes you take a deep breath and start moving your legs again.
At the very first second, you don’t start off fast. You take some time to pick up speed considering what’s weighing you down and the exhaustion that brings you, but you push through it. Even if the flames on the torch die out you keep going. Even if your lungs hurt. Even if your legs and every muscle in your body scream to stop, you continue pushing forward. You speed walk before you jog, and jog before you run and run and run down that cave until the weight of heavy rain falls over you and a dim natural light bombards your eyes.
“Okay, okay,” you say between pants and squint your eyes to strain your vision so you can look through the cover of night and the shadows that the rain clouds bring.
At first, as you panic through your exhaustion, you can’t make out any boat. It terrifies you because that would bring a setback, but alas, you see the boat the servant told you about and you don’t linger back any longer. You quickly make your way to the boat and carefully climb onboard.
The waves are calmer thanks to the rain, but that does mean you have to fucking row the boat to move. And you’re already under so much strain! But you…push through and manage to get away from the dock and direct yourself to the mainland.
You can figure out where to go from there. As for now maybe you can catch your breath…
Breathe…as you row.
You close your eyes and relax your body.
Alas, when you’ve put some distance between you and the dock, you come across the harbor just below the Dragonmont and notice a strange Braavosi ship called the “Violande”.
Is it Aegon’s ship, you wonder at first before it hits you that it's your mother's ship when you see a Queensguard disembarking the ship—That’s where your mother came on.
That’s her!
“No, no,” you whisper and hastily stand at your feet.
If you row to the harbor you’ll take forever to get there. Without the help of the wind, you have no support.
You have to swim. No thought about it!
With that, in the front of your mind, you drop the sword on the boat and then dive into the cold water, and gasp loudly when you resurface like a bobbing apple as the cold water feels like falling in cold and wet piles of snow.
The cold embrace makes you want to find a way back on the boat, but you have to swim and keep pushing forward.
So you do. With that same adrenaline picking up in your veins you push forward. You don’t think about the possibility of your mother already reaching the gates. You can’t or else you’ll panic and be discouraged, so once again you think about reaching her, and that’s like a triple shot of adrenaline that helps you swim as fast as your body can muster.
Once you finally get out of the cold icy water you draw in a deep shaky breath and feel the bitterness nip at your skin, threatening to drive you someplace warm, but you turn toward Dragonstone, the place you had managed to escape, and run.
The breeze that runs past you drives some water drops off your body, but then sheets of rain just pile on, making you feel like you’re getting slapped in the face again and again. And it hurts. It hurts so much, and the clothes on your back are so heavy now that it makes everything worse. You even start to cry, but you keep running.
You keep pressing forward. For your mother! For your brother, Aegon! For your son, Aerion! And everyone you lost so your mother could win this war! You run and run!
Until finally like a glorious light you see her in between the group she came with and the large host that greeted her. A host loyal to Aegon…
“Mother!” You bellow through the rain, making the party stop in their tracks, and making the woman you called out to turn and find your eyes.
Even though it’s pouring and that obscures your vision you find each other, and you reflect the panic on your face before you yell again. “Mother! Flee!”
You don’t stop there, you can’t. Words are not enough, so you start running again. You break through barriers of space to reach her and try to get her out of there. You’re so close. With every step you take on that wet ground, you get closer to her, whilst she steps away from her spot and starts to part the crowd as she attempts to meet up with you halfway out of concern.
Alas before you can reach her, before you get close to getting her out, a body slams into you, and arms hurl around you to bring you to a sudden stop.
As you look over you notice that it was one of the many guards that were probably sent to welcome your mother.
The man is a traitor and loyal to Aegon, but you don’t need to share that with your mother because the moment you were caught and your eyes fell on the guard, chaos was unleashed.
Some men from the host that were meant to greet your mother, turn around and swing their swords at the Queensguard.
You don’t watch the battle though, you know that three Queensguards cannot compete against a host of forty men strong; no matter how skilled they are. That’s why you slap your hand on the man who has you captive and dig your nails into his face to drag them down, causing him to yelp out and let go of you to hold his face and stumble away.
“Mother!” You call out and move your legs toward her with one goal in mind; getting her away.
Luckily she sees that goal clearly painted in your eyes because she shares that same dire goal, so she yells out your name and while her men are fighting and falling, she motions her handmaidens and Vanessa to follow her to try and reach you. After all, Ser Jason is with her. He could help her strike down anyone trying to stop her. He could be the very person who could help you escape Dragonstone and live another day.
However, while your mother and you are focused on reaching one another, you fail to see his conflict brewing within him.
It’s true there should be no doubt running in his mind. Ser Cane Clegane would have not thought twice about trying to help the Queen, your son, Aegon, and you escape. He would given his life for you, but no matter how hard Ser Jason is trying to be that way. No matter how hard he’s tried to change his cowardly ways; seeing two men take out two Queensguard, and seeing the only Queensgaurd knight left kill two men before dying suit gives Ser Jason no motive.
The Bastard Knight sees that there’s no possible way to find an escape. He sees men coming after him too after having killed the Queensguard, and he can’t be everything his father was. He was not even half the man Prince Daemon Targaryen was, so Ser Jason raises his sword and steps forward to get in between you and your mother, leading you to believe that he is finally stepping up to aid in your escape. Yet The Bastard Knight then turns on his heels and points the sword to your belly, causing you to come to a skidding stop, and forcing your mother to stop out of fear he’d hurt you and her unborn grandchildren.
“What?” You ask breathlessly as you’re hit with disbelief and look at him with your lips parted, and your eyes slowly widening in shock and filling to the brim with tears of betrayal.
“Take another step and I will impale her,” Ser Jason threatens as he averts your gaze and looks over at your mother slowly contorting her face to show her anger and nothing else.
“Traitorous cunt,” she sneers and glares at him with a pointed glare whilst the host of guards start to surround you, closing the last gap to escape and returning you to Aegon’s grasp once again.
“Mother,” you call out in a broken voice, and immediately gain her attention and look that breaks away from her anger to display a softness—“Forgive me. I—”
Before you can finish, men grab your mother's arms and forcefully turn her away, forcing your next words to go unspoken and unheard.
“Walk, Your Grace,” the men spat at her mockingly.
“You picked the right choice, son,” Ser Alfred Broome praises Ser Jason. “Nevertheless, you understand why we have to take your sword? Just for now of course.”
Ser Jason glances at you with a hint of panic in his eyes, but you refuse to look at him anymore. You rip your eyes away and instead let your eyes fall on your greatest friend and handmaiden, Vanessa.
She also finds you amid the chaos and pushes your son, Aerion, in the air so you can see him and see that he’s bigger, but okay and unaware of what’s transcending—perhaps that’s the best gift an infant has, being able to be unaware of the chaos that brings adults and older children so much painful distress.
When he’s older and you ask him what he remembers he will most likely say nothing. He probably won’t remember his father or how much he loved him, he’ll only know him by the words that come out of your mouth, and that’s all. He probably won’t remember a thing of his life past a certain age and you’re thankful for that. Can you say the same for your brother Aegon?
It’s hard to say. He’s young but is he old enough to cling onto some of the worst memories of his life?
It’s hard to tell. If he lives, only time will tell.
Until then what other option do you have now but to let yourself be dragged back to the castle and past the rotting bodies of Maester Gerardys, and Ser Robert Quince hanging from the battlements of the gatehouse?
Seeing their dead bodies only worked to clarify that this was not some nightmare your mother could wake from. This is real, she got betrayed at her own ancestral home and now you, her son Aegon, her grandchild Aerion, and her are getting dragged toward the castle by traitors all loyal to none other than the slippery cockroach that is her half-brother Aegon. There’s no doubt about it because all the family that was against her is already dead except for him.
And that assumption only gets proven true when you reach the castle ward and come face to face with Aegon on a balcony unable to stand up or move. He’s bound to the same wooden chair as before and he carries the same dull look in his eyes that do welcome a sinister gleam once he sets his eyes on none other than his greatest foe and eldest sister, your mother, Rhaenyra, for the first time in a long time.
“Sister,” Aegon calls coldly, but with a hint of cockiness as he now has all the control and all the power over her that he didn’t have before.
Nevertheless, when your mother looks away from Sunfyre lying on the ground of the courtyard, she never shows defeat. She raises her head and points her nose in the air just like you tend to do before responding coldly and spitefully.
“Dear Brother, I had hoped that you were dead.”
Aegon scoffs. “After you,” he says with a twitch on the corner of his lips. “You are the elder.”
Your mother huffs, feigning some humor before she rebuttals. “I am pleased to know that you remember that.”
Aegon answers with silence and then turns his attention to you and his eyes glimmer, but not with a hint of malice, but smugness. “Back again? Here I thought you were smart. That’s all people say,” he mutters and rolls his eyes. “What an incredible hero The Blood Dragon is.” He scoffs. “If they could see their Blood Dragon now.”
He shoots you a smirk and you just raise your chin and glance over at his dragon Sunfyre to note that he is not even half the dragon he used to be. He now sports new raw scars that accompany the old ones, and one of his wings sticks out at a weird angle. He only has his beauty intact, but what is that worth?
Nothing, you know that and Aegon knows that too, so you look at his dragon with a teasing smirk and then look back at Aegon so he knows that you think less of him and his broken dragon.
And when he sees your reaction his smirk falls, letting your mother slip in to interject loudly and with a ferocity that cannot be diminished. “It would seem we are your prisoners…but do not think that you will hold us long. My leal lords will find us.”
“If they search the seven hells, mayhaps,” Aegon mutters before he drags his eyes away and offers a small nod that sends men after you to keep you where you are, but makes men pull your mother, her handmaidens, and your brother to the side, while Vanessa and Aerion are dragged toward him.
“Aegon,” you now call with a shift in your tone. Rather than trying to sound unaffected, you sound desperate. “Aegon, please,” you beg even though you know his plans for your children.
“Shut up,” he throws out. “You know what will happen to him. He’s now my heir so I will keep him by my side until I return to King’s Landing, while you…” he trails off and leans forward in his seat as best as his broken body can let him.
“I thought about it,” he continues and slowly drifts his eyes to your mother. “I do not care that you are betrothed to Cregan Stark. How will he know that you did not die due to your wounds from battle, hm?”
You blink in disbelief while a horrified breath escapes you. All while your mother's face loses all its color. The defiance she proudly held falls without a fight, and she shows an agonizing fear only a mother about to lose their child knows.
“Ser Alfred,” Aegon calls out, and the man that was called stomps toward you, causing the man holding you in place to force you to your knees.
“Move boy,” Ser Alfred tells Ser Jason, but you don’t see his hesitation as he starts to realize what’s about to happen because you realize the cold truth; you’re about to die, and you don’t want to die. Not like this, not yet. You want to meet your twins, you want to raise your children. You want to live…
You don’t want to die…
“Mama,” your voice quivers as you call out to her helplessly.
And even though she was hurt and angry that you had left her again to chase after Aemond, that grudge is long forgotten. It was long forgotten the moment she saw you try and come to her rescue like a warrior only heard about in stories of past heroes. Besides, how can she be angry while you look at her like a helpless little girl searching for her mother's consolation and help?
“Aegon,” she cries out desperately before Ser Alfred can get his sword out of his sheath, and tries to press forward, but she’s yanked back by the guards. “Please…please, don’t hurt her. Please,” she begs on behalf of not just her child, but her firstborn. The child she let sleep on her bed even against the wetnurses and handmaidens’ wishes because you were such a sick child, and the only way Rhaenyra could sleep at night was to have you next to her to hear you breathe and help the moment you needed it.
“She’s my daughter. My only daughter,” she tries to argue in her defense while also trying to touch any inkling of his heart. “She’s my firstborn, she’s mine,” her voice cracks as what’s left of her withered heart aches for you, for the life of the only companion she had while her father was getting sick, Laenor was mourning his lost love, and Alicent relentlessly bullied her and alienated her in her own home.
“Please,” Rhaenyra begs with tears slipping past her eyes. “Let her go. Let her live, and if you do, we will leave. I swear. We will run and never come back. We won’t raise any swords against you and we will never turn Astraea on you. You will rule for the rest of your life without any resistance from me. Just please let my girl live, please,” she cries for the only daughter she ever had. Her pride and joy, and the child that turned her into a mother only a year after her wedding to Laenor.
She begs with all her heart. She begs desperately and like never before because she needs you to live.
“Ser Alfred,” Aegon presses as he holds his sister's pleading gaze, causing her to snap her eyes to you whilst you start to weep, but also keep your head held high.
“<I love you,>,” you tell her in Valyrian and offer her a wobbly smile that makes her cry out.
The sword that was getting brought to your throat stops, but you still wait for the sharp blade.
Alas, it doesn’t come, so you look over at Aegon and he has his hand in the air to motion Ser Alfred to stop and let the guards let you go and fall on your hands.
Ser Jason immediately comes to your aide, but you refuse his help by pushing him away.
“Take her,” Aegon orders, and once again the guards grab your arms to pull you to your feet and drag you to where your mother is.
“Mother,” you whisper out weakly and she examines you but only for a brief moment because guards then drag her away.
“Mother!” You call out as if that would stop them.
“I just wanted to see the great Rhaenyra look defeated first,” Aegon muses. “You will die now because there's no way I would let you go. Do you think I believe you and your promises? No. Fuck that,” he spats. “We can’t both live, sister. It has to be you.”
Your tears dry from your eyes as they almost bulge out with your utter disbelief.
“No,” you whisper a broken whisper and watch in horror as they drag your mother toward the broken Sunfyre. The dragon you had only moments ago looked down upon.
“No,” you whisper again and examine the scene, realizing that Aegon is going to use Sunfyre to kill your mother. Not a sword, a dragon. Fire you can save her from…
Thus with a spike of adrenaline, you yank yourself away from the clutches of the guards holding you captive and run with the purpose of saving your mother. The one you cherish the most. The only reminder you have left of your old life, your brothers, your father, and everything good; all the light in this world, all the warmth, and all the love and mercy.
“Mother!” You call for attention so she knows you’re coming to her rescue and throw your hand out even though there’s still some distance between her and you.
Nevertheless, reaching her and saving her could only be left as a beautiful dream because before you can reach her and as you reach the middle of that courtyard, Ser Jason tackles you to stop you, letting the guards catch up and pull you from his grasp to forcefully shove you to ground so you wouldn’t try to run again and make them look bad in front of the King.
In doing so though they slam your belly and hit your head on the ground—Not hard, but they did hit the spot where that arrow scraped you, so the wound opens and warm blood begins to ooze out.
“Let me go!” You bellow without caring about the fact that you were just hurt. “LET ME GO!” You growl and squirm. “Aegon! Mother! Mother!”
Said woman is left there before the broken dragon, and Aegon utters the word. “Dracarys.”
You squirm harder, but the guards keep you pressed against the ground.
“NO! PLEASE! MAMA!” You cry out desperately and sharply, feeling tears run down your face as they leave your eyes. “AEGON!”
Albeit even if Sunfyre gets closer to your mother, he doesn’t seem to find interest in burning her to eat her. He sniffs her but doesn’t open his jaws, giving you a false sense of hope.
But you should have known better because as you held your breath and thought your mother would be spared because of the dragon's defiance, Ser Alfred stomps to your mother and nicks her breast with the tip of his sword.
This time Sunfyre begins to sniff your mother as his eyes go dark, making you realize what’s going to happen.
“AEGON PLEASE!” You plead with all your will and all your strength for some sliver of hope that you could gain his mercy. “Please don’t do this! Please!” You cry and beg at the same time as you thrash around like helpless prey caught under a trap. “Please!” You bellow out your plea for the first person you ever loved. For the person keeping your hope and will alive.
“The time for pleading is over,” Aegon mutters and then continues to repeat the same command. “Dracarys.”
This time Sunfyre starts to open his mouth as he builds up fire in the back of his mouth.
“Mother! Mama!”
Said woman turns her head and looks you in the eyes with tears welled in her eyes and a small smile only meant for you and you alone. “<I love you,>” she redirects those last words you had given her when you thought you would die.
“Mama!” You mewl out and throw your head back to try and hit the guard pinning you down. “Please!”
Alas, Sunfyre spits out a ball of fire as your mother points her head to the sky and shrieks one last curse before she’s bathed in fire, and then torn apart by Sunfyre’s jaw, robbing her of her life in an instant, and leaving you stunned on the ground in your numbing disbelief that leaves you speechless and robbed of breath.
Your brother Aegon begins to cry, but he sounds so distant that it almost sounds like some illusion coming from your mind.
The flames still dancing on the ground slowly lose their bright color way before it completely dies out, and the coldness nipping at your skin is forgotten; not because the first sunbeams of the new day break out of the horizon and reflect through the window behind you, embracing your back with its gentle touch and almost making it look like a glorious crown around your head. No, it wasn’t that. It isn't even the warm trickles of blood that leak from your head wound and roll down your cheek, no. The coldness didn’t hurt because you were numb to it.
As your eyes stay on the blood that spills from your mother's corpse you are numb. As you watch Sunfyre open his jaw to go for another bite you are numb, but you don’t stay paralyzed, you finally snap from your stupor.
“LEAVE HER ALONE!” You bellow and push yourself off the ground, slipping from the guard's gentle grasp to try and run over and pull your mother's corpse from Sunfyre’s jaw, but Ser Jason sees clearly that there’s nothing of your mother left to save. All you’ll do is piss Sunfyre off by interrupting his breakfast, so he captures your arm and yanks you back against him.
“Stop, stop,” he whispers sharply. “She’s gone. She’s gone.”
Even though a part of you knew what he was telling you, another part of you throws your hand out to try and push him off you whilst you thrash your body in an attempt to slip away, but his grip is harsh and he manages to keep you against him.
“Mama! Mama!” You cry out as if her burnt corpse getting torn apart could hear you. “Please! Someone help her! Mama!”
Sunfyre takes his third bite, and then forth, and with each bite that part of you that was in denial starts to accept the truth, making you slowly lose the last fragment of who you were and the person you became to a fire burning inside. All while your heart; that withered thing Cregan had brought back to life loses its rhythm as you lose yourself.
“Cregan,” you mutter helplessly. “Someone get me, Cregan!”
Sunfyre takes his fifth bite and your legs start to shake as your weight starts to become too much for them to hold.
“STOP IT! PLEASE!” You cry out and slowly start falling to your knees. Ser Jason can’t hold you up as you continue to squirm so he falls to the ground with you.
“Mama…” you trail off as you lose your breath the moment Sunfyre takes his sixth and last bite before leaving just her leg and nothing else.
There’s nothing left of her but that single piece of limb. She’s gone…every fragment of your old life is gone with her. Your happiness, your heart, and who you were and who you grew to be dies out with her, leaving nothing but a frail soul that finally found her breath, but only to wail out all the agony and grief that slams into you like waves angered by a terrible storm.
You hadn’t cried when Addam died, and when Aemond died you wept, but right now you scream as you know the one you loved the most is gone forever. Along with everyone else you loved.
There’s nothing left…
Even your voice is lost due to the strain not so much later, leaving you weeping silently on the ground. Ser Jason tries to console you, but you shove him away and stay put without even trying to fight back.
You stay there with your body bent over and your head hanging even if your body is still pampered with rain and ocean water, and you’re shivering.
That is until a sharp pain shoots through your lower body and you can’t help but grunt out and shoot straight up to cry out to the sky.
“Princess?” Vanessa whispers out as she notices your hand fly to your belly before you cry out again.
“Princess!” Vanessa yells out and turns to try and run to you, but the guards keeping her in place stop her—“She’s going into labor!” Vanessa says as she recognizes the signs without having to wait for more signs to show.
“She needs help!” She throws out and snaps her head to Aegon. “She can’t do it on her own. Not in the state she’s in.”
“Princess, you’re going to labor, try and keep calm,” one of your mother's handmaidens offers her help behind her captors keeping them from reaching you.
“No, no,” you mutter as you shake your head. “Not now. Not now!” You bellow before you let out another strained cry.
“Your Grace!” Vanessa yells out as she looks at you.
“Very well,” Aegon waves her off. “Let those women help the princess deliver my brother's twins,” he says and looks over his shoulder to let the guards know he’s had enough of being on that balcony.
After that the guards holding Vanessa and the other handmaidens' back, let them go, and they all scurry to you, forcing Ser Jason to carry Aerion and your brother Aegon.
“Get them out!” You shriek as another wave of pain hits you and lasts longer than the others.
Then again as paralyzing and agonizing as the pain of labor is, none of it truly compares to the pain of grief that riddles you.
Your mother's death plays over and over again as if someone was trying to torture you. It heightens the intensity of your distress, while also making the entire process of labor a blur.
One moment you’re in that courtyard, the next you’re in your quarters again, pushing and crying while also trying to fight against giving birth—not like it stops the twins from coming. The pain only worsens and your distress keeps growing until…it’s all gone the moment your twins, Daenys and Daenerys, come out crying and kicking into their new world.
Albeit you couldn’t find joy in your newborns. When you look at them it's with a distant look and no exhausted smile.
Your lips didn’t even twitch. Your eyes are cold, but in your icy demeanor, deep inside, a fire burns and turns your sadness to ash, letting a fierce rage rise from its remains.
Tagged- @namelesslosers @stargaryenx @chainsawsangel @lauftivy @winxschester @cloudroomblog @llarue @padsdarlg @sofietargaryen @gracielikegrapes @dreaming-of-the-reality @itzelpeyton @patdsinner33 @mrsdominickstark @elaena-aerrin @todoroki-slut @snh96 @urmomsgirlfriend1 @nifujiswhore @sweethoneyblossom1 @kaetastic @lightdragonrayne @squidscottjeans @oh-you-mean-me @wallacewillow0773638 @icefrye19 @thescottpack @fiction-fanfic-reader @crazymusicgirl104 @r-3dlips @strangersunghoon @just-pure-trash @ethereal-athalia @missyviolet123 @callsignwidow @xunquish-blog @tabathastan @weepingfashionwritingplaid @answer-the-sirens @silverlightsaber @rosey1981 @amortentiaaaa
#fanfiction#damn-stark#moonlight#house of the dragon fanfiction#hotd#hotd fanfiction#fire and blood#house of the dragon#rhaenyra targaryen#Cregan stark fanfiction#cregan stark x reader#cregan stark x you#cregan stark x y/n#cregan stark x female reader#cregan stark x targaryen!reader#cregan stark x Velaryon!reader#cregan stark x fem!reader#aemond targaryen fanfiction#aemond targaryen x reader#aemond targaryen x you#aemond targaryen x female reader#aemond targaryen x targaryen!reader#aemond targaryen x velaryon!reader#aemond targaryen x fem!reader#aegon iii targaryen#aegon ii targaryen#larys strong#chapter 30
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pairing steve harrington x fem!reader
summary steve's overwhelmed by the love he feels for you and blurts out a question he can't take back. he's sure you'll think he's crazy, but do you?
warnings language, but it's basically just a whole lotta fluff and steve being the cute cutie he is
author's note did i pull inspo from haley’s dad’s speech in oth?? hell yes. also, i'm really happy with how this turned out, not gonna lie. please read if you have the chance, it'll make my day ♡︎
steve masterlist
When Steve steps through the door after work with an exhausted sigh, he’s pleasantly surprised. He’s spent his entire life coming home to an empty house, always filled with a blaring silence that acted as a daunting reminder of how lonely he felt deep down inside. There was never anyone around to ask him how his day was. What was going on in his life, or if he was happy — and not the phoney kind.
He’s so used to weathering the storm on his own, day in and day out, that he’s completely forgotten someone will be there for him this time. The previously empty home is now occupied by you and your bright, loving energy. The quiet was replaced with your music bouncing off the walls. You’re active in the mostly untouched kitchen, baking to your heart’s content and constantly stuffing your Stevie’s face full of sweets.
Steve finally feels as if he truly has a home, and not just a place where he stores his belongings and rests his head at night.
He makes his way through the halls, finally reaching the entryway to the kitchen and leaning against the doorframe. The dimmed lights glow throughout the room, and the artfully scattered candles burn brightly in the darkened space. Further adding to the already homey atmosphere, the sweet aroma of fresh baked goods fills the air, thanks to the chocolate chip cookies you have baking in the oven. Even with all of this going on, though, Steve can only seem to focus on one thing.
Your frilled socks glide against the kitchen floor as you jump and twirl around on the tiles. The sound of Say You Love Me by Fleetwood Mac quells the silence, your record player turned up the highest it can go (because, in your professional opinion, there was no other way to listen to music). You pull out your signature dance moves, screwing your eyes shut and kicking your legs in the air so many times that Steve fears you’re in an imaginary fight with someone — and losing. Terribly. He also takes notice of the spatula in your hand, acting as a stand-in microphone while you lip-sync along to the lyrics.
You’re a goofball, through and through. Still, though, Steve is utterly smitten.
“Sweet moves, baby,” he says, loud enough to be heard over the music.
Your eyes go wide as your body stills, completely mortified that Steve has caught you in your own little world. You turn the music down, swiping the stray hairs away from your slightly sticky forehead and clearing your throat.
“Steve! H-hey. I was just, uh…cleaning the floors. You know, makin’ them all nice and shiny for you,” you laugh uneasily. It’s complete crap and you both know it, but you’re desperate. Frankly, you’ll say anything if it means distracting Steve from this whole performing your own world tour in the middle of the kitchen thing.
Steve cocks a brow, tongue poking his cheek as he tries to hide the grin that threatens to come into view. “Hm,” he hums, “cleaning the floors, huh?”
“…With your socks?”
“Yeah,” you breathe, still slightly breathless, “It’s a…great way to incorporate exercise into daily household chores.”
Steve tries to stop it, but he can’t help but let a laugh escape from his lips. He walks over to you, arms wide open and ready to encircle around you. “C’mere, you goof. Gimme some sugar.”
You break out into a grin, happily stepping into your boyfriend’s embrace and giving him a tight hug. You feel his hands smooth down your back before wrapping around your waist and holding you tighter to him. After a moment, you pull away, and your hands come up to his face so you can press your lips to his. He hums into the kiss contently, melting into the touch he’s been longing all day for.
“Missed you so much,” Steve pouts, his bottom lip jutting out adorably.
“I missed you too,” you reply, granting him another kiss. “How was your day?”
Before Steve can answer, Say You Love Me comes to a stop, and the soft sounds of Landslide begin to bleed into the silence. Choosing to let you enjoy your favourite song, Steve shrugs it off, “We can talk about that later, wanna dance with you.”
Steve extends his hand toward you, silently asking for you to join your hand in his. You smile, sliding your palm into his and letting him pull you to his chest. He keeps his other hand on the small of your back, and your free arm curls around his shoulder as the two of you begin to sway together in time with the music. Steve feels you nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck and relax further into his hold, and he lets the voice of Stevie Nicks wrap around you both like a warm blanket as he holds you.
The two of you sway back and forth, taking a peaceful moment to feel your hearts beat against one another. Steve never wants to let go. This is the closest and most intimate he’s ever felt with anyone, and that should scare him, he thinks. But it doesn’t, because being with you feels like heaven on earth. He can’t believe that he’s found someone who makes his heart soar the way you do. Who makes him smile so hard his cheeks hurt, and gives him a love so deep and true that it’s become a vital part of him. Just thinking of you makes his knees weak.
He’s completely enamoured by you.
“What are you thinking about?” You ask, breaking him free from his thoughts as you pull away from his grasp slightly.
Steve looks down at you, remaining silent, and his gaze flashes over your features. The kind eyes he feels he’s always known. The tiny scar near your temple from where you’d gotten stitches as a child. The curve of your lips and how he swears he can feel them gliding over his own every single time he thinks about them. He then moved onto the oversized t-shirt your body is clad in — one you’d obviously stolen out of his closet, and the pair of boxers hanging from your hips (also swiped from his wardrobe). Your aforementioned frilly socks pulled your signature at-home look together, one that brought an incredible amount of comfort to Steve. It shows him that you consider his home to be your home too. That you’ve found a home in him, just as he has with you.
He can see himself doing this whole life thing with you forever, and he can’t explain it, but he suddenly feels compelled to speak up, and the words tumble from his lips before he can stop them.
“Do you wanna get married?”
Your head shoots up, and you peer up at him with a look of shock. “I’m sorry, w-what?”
Steve’s eyes threaten to bulge out of their sockets, and his heart rate skyrockets as the panic waves through him. “Oh god, I- I said that out loud,” he says, slowly letting go of you and running a hand through his long chestnut locks. “Wow. Uh— Okay.”
“Did— Did you just ask me to marry you?” You stammer, quiet as a mouse. You don’t move. Steve doesn’t think you can.
It’s obvious that you think he’s gone certifiably insane. His hands raise in defence, and he manages to start blurting out everything he can in an attempt to rectify the situation. “Listen, baby, we can totally act like that never happened—”
“—In fact, it didn’t. I have no idea what you’re talking about, babe. No freakin’ idea—”
Finally, your hand cups over his mouth to stop him from rambling any further. His last few words sound muffled before they eventually come to a stop once he realizes what’s happening. His fingers curl around your wrist, moving your hand from his lips before giving you a small, sheepish smile. His cheeks flush profusely, “Sorry.”
Oh, the things Steve would do if it meant he could take back the last few minutes of his life and go back to before he opened his big mouth and ruined everything. It’s not that he doesn’t want to marry you. That’s definitely not the case. But the regret he’s currently feeling after watching your horrified reaction play out…it’s enough to make him want to jump into his pool and never come back up for air.
But then…when your eyes seem to light up and a small smile curves your lips upward, he thinks there just might be some hope left for him.
“You wanna marry me?” You questioned, your hands finding solace on his lower arms. “Why?”
His brows pull together in confusion? Why? He can see the doubt eating away at you by how small you’ve become in the past few seconds. Are you truly doubting how much you mean to him? How much you’ve spun his world on its axis and changed him forever?
“I— What?”
“Why would you want me to marry you?”
“Yeah, I got that, I just…are you serious?” You nod, giving him the slightest shrug. Your shyness is peaking through far too much for you to offer him any more of a reaction.
A soft and gentle laugh slips past his lips and his body relaxes. His warm palm smoothes up your arm and finds its resting place at the base of your jaw. His thumb swipes over your skin, and his warmth bleeds through your flesh. All the love he holds in his heart for you floats up to his eyes, and his chocolate orbs soften. He’s never felt so tender and full of affection as he does now.
“You have no idea how special you are to me, do you?”
He says it with such conviction that you know the words are true to his heart. Still, the way they hit you is all too much, and you can’t help but deflect them with a tiny joke. Your eyes fall away from his. “I mean, I figured you liked me a little.”
“Stop,” he chides, albeit gently. He guides your gaze back onto his. “I’m serious.”
It’s your turn to apologize as your cheeks heat up. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry. Just, hear me out.”
“Okay,” you murmur.
His left hand mirrors the hold his right one has on your face. The ring you gifted him for your first anniversary is cold against your skin. His tongue darts out to wet his lips, and he takes a breath before speaking. “You— You’re staggering, honey. You’ve given my heart a home. You’ve had it since the moment I met you, and you’ve kept it safe. Cherished it and nurtured it. You’ve given me everything I’ve ever wanted. I— I look into your eyes and it's like I can see the rest of my life inside ‘em.”
Your heart melts, and you feel the tears start to pool in the brims of your eyes. “Steve,” you whisper.
“I have no idea what’s going to happen in the future. Not a freakin’ clue, especially with all the supernatural shit that goes on in this town. But I do know that you’re supposed to be in it. You are my future, baby. I might not know a lot, but I do know this. You are the girl I’m going to spend my life loving. And I’m gonna give you everything if you’ll let me.”
His heartfelt words are almost enough to make you forget about your doubts. You want them to. But you can’t seem to quiet the worries circling inside your head.
“Steve, I love you. You know I do. But, aren’t we too young? I don’t want to risk losing you. I don’t think I could take it if I did.”
His hands slide down your neck and land on your shoulders. His warmth spreads through you again, and already, you feel better. It’s almost as if all he has to do is exist to wash your fears away.
“I know. I know we’re young. But, so what if we are? To me, that just means I get to be with you even longer.” One hand abandons your shoulder, and he hooks his index finger under your chin. The pad of his thumb strokes over the tip of your chin. Eyes boring into your soul, he holds them captive. “You can drive at sixteen, drink at twenty-one, retire in your sixties. How old do you have to be to know that your love will last? ‘Cause I know my answer, down to the second.”
You can’t seem to hide the smile that forces its way onto your lips. The sincerity in his gaze, the vulnerability he’s shown you since day one, it’s all too much. You can’t imagine ever walking away from him, can’t imagine what your life would be like if he wasn’t in it. Mornings you shared where he’d pout as soon as you mentioned getting out of bed. Picnics on warm summer days. Hearing him sing along to the radio in the car. You want those memories and every single one that would come to you in the future — your future with him.
“Ask me again.”
“Yeah?” He smiled.
“Yeah,” you confirmed. But just as he’s about to do as you asked, half of the words leaving his mouth, you can’t contain the excitement. Your lips slam onto his as you pull him closer. You murmur a few yesses against his lips and feel them spread into a grin. Soon, his arms are wrapped around your waist and he’s lifting you up and into the air, spinning you around with joy. The kitchen is soon filled with giggles, and Steve is exclaiming your news loudly, even though you’re both alone.
“We’re getting married, sweetheart!”
STEVE TAG LIST (JOIN HERE): @oncasette @taintedxkisses @findapenny @bmo-bri @hemogloban @slytherhoes @shawnspoems @vigilanteshitposting @poppet05 @earth2starkey @aerangi @cantstoptherecs @sarah5462 @slut4drudy @cilliansangel @darleneslane @sya-skies @gillybear17 @lovelyxtom @rcbuttercup @redhead1180 @runningfrom2am @thejuleshypothesis @scarlettocean @subconsciouscollapse @violetmacher @iluvteyqmm @buckyisveryhot
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I was pondering on what horrors to write for Halloween and when I remembered how many times I’d hoped for Valak content…I ran and whipped out my Grimoire and started typing in delirious inspiration.
Yandere! Valak x Reader
Featuring the Infernal President and a blissfully unaware reader backpacking through Romania. Warning: NSFW, blasphemy, non-consent
[Horror Masterlist]

“Mommy told me something
A little kid should know
It’s all about the Devil
And I’ve learned to hate him so
She said he causes trouble
When you let him in the room
He will never ever leave you
If your heart is filled with gloom”
"Now, you can't really say you've visited Romania until you see at least one monastery! Most Romanians are very religious, so churches and monasteries are popular attractions for tourists and locals alike." The tour guide is awfully enthusiastic for a cloudy Sunday morning. You nod politely and follow the group, although you can already feel yourself become distracted.
You're mostly interested in the old castles and bucolic hiking trails that Transylvania has to offer. Religious places...not so much. Alas, it's part of the experience. You check the flyer containing today's travel plans and google the location mentioned by the guide. Cârța Monastery. Seems to have some ruins included, and you'll be right on time for the Sunday chorus service, huh. Maybe that's why they picked today for a visit.
You hurry along the cobblestone path until the first traces of a building come into view. Somehow you can't shake the feeling that something is off. You scan over the visible windows, wondering if someone is watching from above. Nothing. Once you lower your gaze again, you notice the tour guide vigorously waving his arm and encouraging you to enter the church with everyone else. You were at the very front of the group, so how long did you stare at walls? You flash an apologetic smile and rush inside. The wooden door closes with a grating creak and you fumble to the first available seat. There's a few coughs and shuffles and eventually the Liturgy begins. Your eyes wander until they find a clear window, so you entertain yourself with the sights outside. It's not like you understand the words of whatever is currently happening, and you're not religious to begin with.
"How long is this going to take?" you groan internally and switch your focus to your hands, intertwined and resting in your lap. The monotonous chants cause your eyelids to feel heavy and they gradually lower themselves until all you see is black. It's okay, you're not sleeping. It's just a short nap, until...huh...the voices of the singing men diffuse as if distorted by distance and now everything is quiet.
"Took you long enough."
You jolt awake. You turn your head to check if whoever is sitting next to you has just spoken, but the room is suddenly empty. You jump from your seat and the thud of your feet hitting the stone floor creates a cavernous echo that sends a shiver down your spine. Ah, could it be that you're dreaming? The candles of the chandelier flicker, as if startled by a breeze, and abruptly go out.
"I don't like waiting. Especially for mere humans like you."
The same voice as before reverberates through the chamber. It's deep and jarring, sounding almost unnatural. You don't like it. You tilt your head, afraid to find the source of speech but too curious nonetheless. It's a person dressed like a nun. For a brief second you relax your shoulders, assuming it's one of the people living here. But after one step ahead the figure becomes vaguely illuminated, and you can discern the features bearing on this creature's face. Blood drains from your face and you can feel the bile pooling at the back of your throat. A blasphemous deformity, oozing with blight and evil. From within the hollow, dark sockets, two yellow orbs glisten with raw malice. You realize you've held your breath until now as your lungs contract in a pitiful attempt to pump more oxygen. The movement brings back your senses and your flight instincts kick in. You immediately sprint for the door and use your elbow to slam it open, nearly collapsing to the ground. Your eyes squint under the flash of bright light.
As you pant for air you notice you're back outside. There's people taking photos and talking cheerfully, and inside the church your group seems to have gathered before the iconostasis, listening attentively to a hearty discourse from your guide. The liturgy ended. What on Earth did you just witness? Before you can ponder the event, you feel a tug at your sleeve. It's an old lady, short and comically hunched. She's dressed all in black, with a head covering that hides most of her face, though you can still see the deep wrinkles that cross her features.
"Oh? Sorry, I don't speak-"
"L-am văzut și eu. Diavolul, maică. Aici nu mai e demult casa Domnului. Pleacă cât mai poți, am să mă rog pentru tine."
Her voice is shaky and she seems in distress. She strokes your arm once before limping away hastily. You blink and spend a moment trying to collect your thoughts. There's no one else nearby to ask for a translation, so you can only hope she finds help somewhere else. You return to the group and hope you won't have to deal with any other adventures.
"This is the annex. You can still see some details in the arches." Your guide points around the pillars and mossy brick patches. You take out your phone for some photos and your arms tremble slightly.
"It's suddenly very cold here, don't you think so?" you remark to your neighbor.
"Really? I'm quite literally sweating right now" they respond, baffled.
"It's a shaded area, that's probably why."
"Or you're just that excited to see me again."
Your eyes widen. It's the voice. You blink, and you find yourself in the empty church once more. No, no, no, this isn't happening. No. You're dreaming. This is an absurdity. Some hallucination of sorts. You try the door handle, except this time it's locked.
"It's not often I become interested in a mortal. In fact, this is the only time."
The nun is sitting on a bench, hands together in a praying motion. There's a mocking grin on its face.
"Maddening, truly. Deplorable, disgraceful, outrageous. Humiliation would await me if they suspected my intentions with a perishable being like you."
"Who the hell are you?" you interrupt the erratic monologue. The nun stands up and locks eyes with you, instantly making you nauseous.
"The Sixty-second Spirit, President Mighty and Great. His Office is to give True Answers of Hidden Treasures, and to tell where Serpents may be seen. The which he will bring unto the Exorciser without any Force or Strength being by him employed. He governeth 38 Legions of Spirits."
"Valac." the creature extends a hand, as if expecting a handshake. "At least that's how they introduce me in the Lesser Key of Solomon." The fingers spread out and you feel a gravitational force pull you closer. It chuckles.
The cold fingers sink into your back and feel like claws digging your flesh. You let out a scream of protest and try to push away without success. It hurts. The touch burns your skin and spreads out like a wicked plague. What would this fiend even want from you? You search your mind for potential meanings and explanations. Truth be told, however, you're not well-versed in theological fantasies.
"You can't just possess someone's body. I won't accept it. You don't have my permission."
The creature erupts in hysterical laughter and you feel your knees weaken at the sharp, grotesque teeth that creep their way out. Everything about it is vile, scandalous. Unholy.
"If you want to call it like that...Then sure. But for this kind of possession I don't need your input, I'm afraid."
Your limp body is picked up and sloppily thrown over the altar table. The impact of the hard surface against your stomach causes you to gasp. You try to turn your head and look behind, but the large, clawed hand locks around your neck and keeps you in place. You can only glance ahead. You can sense your garments being ripped apart with one swift move and shudder at the unexpected contact with the cold air on your bare body. The creature's other hand slides over your forms before stopping on your bottom, adjusting it. The realization sinks in and you begin to panic. Is this the time to say a prayer? You don't know any.
"Our Father..." you mumble, trying to remember the continuation.
"Go on. I'm sure He'd love to hear from you while you're being fucked on His altar. Send Him my regards."
He forces your hips upwards, exposing your intimacy. Without any further delay he thrusts his member in, painfully stretching your entrance around it. Tears well up in your eyes at the sudden discomfort. The iconostasis in front of you blurs and sways with each violent plunge into your frail body.
"Oh, God" you sob.
"God ends here."
#the nun#the nun 2#the conjuring#valak#valac#valak x reader#valak smut#the nun smut#yandere#yandere x reader#demon x reader#ars goetia
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Late nights

It was late at night when you heard the familiar creak of the door to your shop. The soft rustle of footsteps followed, accompanied by a sigh. You didn’t need to look up to know who it was.
Julian let out another heavy breath as he stepped into the dimly lit room, his silhouette barely visible in the soft glow of the candles iluminating the shop . He froze when he noticed you standing by the counter, arms crossed.
"O... oh? Darling, whaaaaat are you doing up this late?" Julian stammered, his voice carrying a mix of surprise and guilt. He averted his gaze, clearly flustered.
"I should be the one asking that," you replied, arching an eyebrow. "You're late, Julian."
"Darling, dear, I'm always late," he chuckled, trying to play it off as he hung his coat on the nearest hook.
"Julian..." you sighed deeply, the disappointment evident in your tone.
"Okay, okay," Julian admitted, raising his hands in mock surrender. "Maybe I’m later than usual, but only because we had so many people at the clinic tonight. It’s been.... hectic ya know ?."
You softened slightly but kept your stern gaze. "Julian, we’ve talked about this. You’re working yourself too hard!"
He looked at you, his usual mischievous glint now replaced with guilt "I know, dear, but it’s hard to say no when people need help."
You sight stepping closer, gently taking his hand in yours. "I’m not mad, Julian. I’m just worried about you. You can’t ...haah...you can't keep running yourself into the ground like this."
Julian seemed to melt at your touch, his tension easing as he intertwined his golved fingers with yours. "I’m sorry, love. I don’t mean to worry you. I just... I guess I don’t know how to stop."
"How about this," you suggested, squeezing his hand gently. "Take a break tomorrow. We can make it a date, just the two of us.Please?"
A tired but genuine smile spread across Julian’s face. "I... haha, you know I can’t say no to you. But can we go to bed now? I am positively exhausted."
"Only after you take a shower," you teased, scrunching your nose. "You stink, Julian."
"Aww, but I thought you liked me in all my stinky, grimy glory," Julian protested, dramatically draping himself over you.
"Julian!" you laughed, struggling to keep the both of you from tumbling over. "Go take a shower, damn it!"
"Fiiiine," he groaned after a moment, dragging out the word as he stood up. "But you’re coming with me."
"Wha-" before you could protest, Julian swiftly scooped you up into his arms, carrying you towards the small washroom at the back of the shop.
"Julian!" you squealed, half-laughing, half-protesting as he carried you effortlessly. "Put me down! You’re going to hurt yourself silly !"
"Not a chance," he grinned, his exhaustion momentarily forgotten as he carried you through the door. "Besides, I need someone to scrub my back."
He finally set you down inside the washroom, the sound of the water beginning to run as he prepared the shower. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight of him, so disheveled yet still managing to look like the most beautiful person in the world ,the way way his hair draps perfectlyover his face ,the way his shirt draps perfectly over his paper white skin .
"You’re impossible," you muttered fondly, watching as he began to strip off his grimy clothes.
"And you love me for it," Julian shot back with a wink.
Idk how to write a shower scene lol but if yall want I can make a part 2 [after I research how to write a shower scene cus tehe <:3]
ALSO THIS I MY FIRST TIME WRITING READER X CHARACTER sooo criticism is welcome! >:3 [be nice or I'll cry jk jk ]
Also !!! Smol thanks to @wxnderdream and @blueblobbing for encouraging me to post this tehe 👉👈 [sending yall virtual kisses]
Oki I've rambled enough lol ama go sob in the corner for being cringe
#julian x reader#the arcana#julian devorak#julian the doctor#mako bieng silly#hes so babygirl#the arcana julian#julian x mc#mc x julian#the arcana writing#writers on tumblr#writing#writeblr#the arcana mc#the arcana fanfic#the arcana fandom
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warnings: dub-con/non-con, stalker-ish sodo, sexual mentions, mostly wholesome though?

darkness surrounds the room, the only light being the soft glow of the candle you lit before you accidentally fell asleep. it smelled of burning campfires, a scent that always reminded you of sodo, though you would never tell him that's why you bought it. today's antics had knocked you out before you had even gotten ready for it, and while that wasn't the best for you, it was perfect for sodo.
your blankets are halfway covering you, your stomach up exposed to the semi-warm air, having a fireplace in your room came in handy for staying a comfortable temperature. it also comes in handy for sodo to have him time alone with you, being able to pop in and watch you whenever you were asleep and he wanted to. he would never stay that long, as much as he wanted to. he knew it was dangerous, but how could he resist seeing you, in your natural state, hair falling over the pillow, body unposed, face relaxed and peaceful. of course, he would watch you in the halls, the library, the dining hall, but you never looked this peaceful awake, the days of hard work and stress laying heavy on your shoulders.
he didn't watch you out of a sexual nature, no matter how much he did want to have you, more out of this internal tug he couldn't explain, something instinctual inside of him that wouldn't let him leave you for too long. something he thought you reciprocated to some degree.
the side of your bed dips slightly as he puts just barely any of his weight on it. the need to be close to you overcoming all of his senses. all he can smell is you, all he can hear is your steady heartbeat, and all he wants to touch is you. he just stares for a while, not risking touching you quite yet. he watches as your chest rises and falls with every soft breath you take, content to see you safe.
the tug at his heart only grows when you roll over to face him. now lying on your side. the blanket falls off of your hips with the sudden shift, sodo's eyes following the edge of the blanket to see your exposed waist. his hand reaches out, and he knows he shouldn't, but he just needs to feel your skin. the tips of his fingers lightly brush the exposed skin on your side, and he immediately rips them away. the heat from your body is overwhelming to him, it shoots up his arm and straight to his heart, making it hammer in his chest even harder.
he calms his breathing, you're just a human, he shouldn't be afraid to touch you, you should be afraid of him. that's never stopped you before though, even in your first weeks at the ministry, you always tried to appear kind to the ghouls, no matter how many warnings you've gotten of how dangerous they could be. but anyone could be dangerous, you could kill someone if you wanted, so there's no reason to not be nice to someone just because of acts they could commit. hell, you weren't even scared of trying to befriend sodo, even with his reputation of being the trickiest ghoul.
so why is he so apprehensive to touch you? it's not like you could hurt him even if you tried. not physically, that is. sodo knew the answer deep down, but he'd never cared about a human before, and it frightened him that he even could.
his hand reaches out again to touch your warm skin. this time instead of cowering away he leans into the heat of your body. your skin is so soft and feels so good under his fingers, but he knows this whole thing has to end, at least for tonight. before leaving though, he grabs the blanket and pulls it up over your hips and clear to your chest, knowing that you often run cold.
he stands and is about to walk to the door before he notices your hair has fallen over your face. and sooner than he realizes, his hand is once again moving to you. his nimble fingers push the hair out of your face and over your shoulder, but then it's gravitated back to your cheek. he pauses for a moment, trying to use his better judgment, but it never comes. instead, his palm cups the skin while his thumb caresses the area right under your eye, and the rest of his fingers fall around your ear.
his actions halt when your body shifts, but is caught by surprise when your face nuzzles into his hand. he lets out a soft sigh, whether from contentment or relief, he doesn't know. he is sure about two things though.
one, he cares deeply enough for you that leaving physically hurts his heart.
and two, the next time he feels your skin, you'll be awake, and you will be his.
#sodo ghoul#sodo ghoul x reader#dewdrop ghoul x reader#dewdrop ghoul#the band ghost ghouls#the band ghost#hoe writes#nameless ghouls#nameless ghoul x reader#ghost bc
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Summary ~ Daryl finds a journal on a supply run and reads it, what will happen when he sees the world through someone else's perspective? Comment if you wish to be added to the Tagslist.
Words ~ 2400ish Warnings~ A time jump other than that none. Sorry for any mistakes!! (Gif not mine, all credits go to angelwings-crossbowstings)
The Entries Chapter 2.
8 months pass, and Daryl spends the months working in the Commonwealth, going between all the communities, helping them build more houses for the new survivors, going on supplies runs, hunting and expanding the map for areas that they have explored and cleaned out. The latest run took him 4 days by bike. Daryl always checked out the big supermarkets first, before hitting the smaller ones.
Daryl reaches behind him and grab a single arrow, tapping it on the glass to attract anything inside, he waits for a few before entering the building, the smell of decay hitting him, but he ignores it, he quickly glances around before his eyes stop on a book, almost the same to the first one he found. He walks over to it, opening it to the first page, he notices your handwriting.
Like a child guarding your diary from anyone who dares to read it, it reads. "The journal of Y/N Y/L/N. Keep out (Just kidding keep reading. It's fine)"
He places the journal into a basket as he searches the shelves for anything these days, he has been keeping an eye out for seeds to plant in the gardens, he found that those were one of things that many left behind in a hurry. He wonders how long it has been since you have been here. Were you the one who killed the walkers inside?
That night he takes shelter in the office of the supermarket as the wind picks up outside and the rain pitter patters against the windows. Daryl was not wanting to risk getting caught in a horde in this weather. He sits with his back against the door, candles lighting up the small room. He opens the book, the paper crinkling as he flips through, looking at drawings, photos and small writings at the start. Entry update number ????? "It has been months since my last update, I just had to find the right book to keep writing, as if it matters though and if you found my old journal than you know what I am doing, you know my name and a bit of my story, I am wondering if you are enjoying it so far?. I know it is not an award-winning journalism but for the end of the world, you gotta take what life gives you, it's hard to write daily about the same thing that is why I try to write when big things happen, can you imagine how boring each entry would be if they were all the same? I am sure that if this was a blog you would be reading it (I joke trust me I would never write a blog)
I have come across some nice folks, I even have a group now, its small but we are doing ok, we are surviving, it is not living but it does the trick. I have learnt how to fight and hunt a little, Manny is teaching me how to track wildlife. They have a camp, it has high walls and rooms for us, it's safe enough. I can never trust anyone is 100% safe; I take my turns keeping guard and helping on supply runs. We are talking about moving to a bigger location, but we are yet to find it. We want to build crops and have animals to raise." Once again there are pictures some of before the end of the world, others from your camp. He notices the changes on your face, the way your face now tells a tale that you don't need a journal to read, a tale of survival. You glued a before and after on the page, before was you dressed up about to go out, makeup and hair done, handbags and high heels and now the after was jeans, combat boots, a t-shirt and jacket, you traded the handbag for a rifle and your hair is brushed back into a bun, he notices the scar that starts above your eye then under, wondering when that happened. If Daryl was being honest, he prefers the now you over the old you.
Entry 20 something~ "I can't remember that last entry of my old journal, so I'll start at 20 this time. My camp is on the move, we started getting more biters daily that we feared for our supplies, bullets mostly. Manny and Tim distracted them and moved them away while we loaded the cars with what we had and moved out, unfortunately we lost Tim. Biter got him on the way back to the meet up point, Manny had to put him down, I tried to comfort him, but it was hard. I no longer feel sadness; it is like I have gotten used to losing people that tears don't form so easily these days. I try not to make too many attachments. I have had to learn to shut emotions off, some of the group hate that other get emotional over people's death, they view it as weak. I will miss Tim, but I can't mourn him, that is just the way it is now." Daryl blows the candles out and places the book next to him, as he lays in the darkness, trying to sleep. He understands where you are coming from. This new chapter isn't made for the ones who are constantly sad over losses, they are viewed as a liability. He can recall the two times he has shown weakness, the first when he found Carol and friends after the losing the prison, the second was the death of Beth. Growing up Daryl was used to being beaten by a parent and as child he learnt to shut down when you just want to break down, he always had Merle there but even his brother taught he that men shouldn't cry, it makes you weak and pathetic.
The days and weeks roll into one for Daryl, he continues reading you journal whenever he can, Carol catches him one day while he is meant to be working on his bike, reading an entry, detailing about your latest kill of a deer you had hunted yourself, how you tracked it and bought it back to the camp. "What's that you got Daryl?" She asks, he looks up at her. "Nothin'" Daryl responds gruffly, grabbing the book and shoving it into his bag. "Nah uh Dixon, you're reading something" The older woman says, smirking "Tell me is it a romance novel? Or a drama novel?" Carol jokes but stops when she takes note of Daryl's face. "It's nothin' like' 'hat" He tries to defend it. "Come on Daryl, tell me" Eventually Daryl gives in and explains what it is exactly. "So there some random girl out there leaving journals around and you just happen to keep finding em?" She asks flipping through the pages, going over them a little. "I find them intriguing ok" He shrugs, carol nods. "I am not judging Daryl, mind if I read the first one?" She asks, he nods and goes inside to retrieve it for her, passing it over to her. "Bring it back, ok?" Daryl asks. He is not too sure why he is protective of your journal, but he was. "I will Daryl don't worry" Carol walks away, her reading the pages already.
He pulls the book back out and continues reading. Entry 24 (I think) "First time eating deer and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was, the men skinned it and got the meat ready for dinner, we are going to try and use the fur for the winter, the kids need new clothing, warm clothing. We are lucky, the meat will feed us for a couple meals, our community is big enough that we won't waste it. Biter- 60 Human- 6 Animal- 18
Entry 25 (I truly don't know, I have lost track of time)
"Can one truly lose humanity in this world? Can one only kill the dead and let the living free? Where does the line blur for good and bad these days? Where does the line between friend and enemy start? Who is to govern the right and wrong these days? I lay here wondering, so many thoughts go through my mind daily, what we lost from the old days. What are we trying to gain? Is there really a future for the generations that are being born now?"
Daryl wipes his dirty hands on the rag and shuts the book again. He puts it away and places his tools back on the shelves, heading inside to start having dinner. Going to bed that night, he wonders if you were still out there. Somewhere.
You were running, again, the groans of the undead behind you, but you couldn't stop. Your chest is burning with each breath you took, your legs starting to feel like jelly. You have no doubt blood running down your legs from the stick and branches that have stabbed you while you run but you can't stop, you have to keep running. Your friends scattered to the winds after a horde came through your community. You break through the trees to the road, a car comes speeding down the road, skidding to a stop in front of you, adrenaline that once flowed through you quickly gets replaced with exhaustion as you pass out, your backpack taking most of the fall as they hop out of the car, rushing over to you, the last thing you hear is a male's voice commanding them to load you carefully into the car. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Daryl's bike flies down the road, the wind whipping through his dirty hair, he doesn't care, getting out off the walls that keep them safe is something Daryl enjoys. The truck behind him following him to the next location for scavenging, this destination is almost a 5-day drive one way, but everyone knew they needed to expand further out, so taking the truck for the items was the plan. This run consisted of Daryl, Carol and Morgan. As night fall came, they used the truck as shelter for the night, Daryl's bike pushed against the side of the truck while Morgan and Carol sat in the back, talking. Daryl sat in the corner, leaning against the cold metal of the truck he used the torch to continue reading. Not really in the mood to socialize. Entry 26-
"I don't know how much longer I can fake happiness. I can't keep pretending like everything is going to be ok. I do it for the kids, they are so scared most days. I hear them crying to their mothers at night, afraid of the darkness, after of the biters. They will learn over time, they will need to learn how to fight to survive. Life wasn't meant to be like this though, not for them." Entry 27-
"Mother Nature gave us a lucky break, with the storm that hit last night, we were able to fill barrels of water, finally we have clean drinking water for the kids. It felt so nice to be able to wash all the dirt and grime off me in that rain, washed my hair, we were able to wash our clothes during the day as the rain hung around.
You never notice how much you truly take for granted till you don't have it. I miss having running water, hot showers, fast food my god I could down a hamburger right now. I miss being able to go out, have fun, go to the movies, even missing shampoo and conditioner. I miss my friends, miss being able to go outside my house without having to fight for my life daily. The rain gave us a chance to be happy, even if it was just for the short time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You start to stir in the back of the car, you hear voices talking around you. Your eyes flutter open, and you try to sit up. "Woah be careful" A male voice says beside you. You look over at him. "Where am I?" You croak out, the man passes you a bottle of water. You quickly open it and chug it. "You are currently in our vehicle heading back our community, we almost hit you as you rushed out of the woods last night" "Who are you people?" "My name's Aaron, Michonne and Maggie in the front seat." "I'm Y/N." "Where do you come from?" Michonne asks. "I had a small set up, but a horde of biters came out of no-where and we got spilt up" You explain sadly. "Biters? You mean the walkers?" Maggie says, looking at you quickly You grunt in pain,"Ain't they the same thing?" "We need to ask you some questions if you don't mind. The first being how many walkers have you killed?" You try to think of how many you might be up to know "I would say around 120ish, I have lost track" "Next question. How many humans have you killed?" "Ten" You answer.
"Why?" Maggie asks the last question. "The first couple of people, they were out to hurt me, they wanted not only my supplies but my body" You look away ashamed. "One was he didn't want to turn, but he had been bit so I had to put him down before he died. Each person after that I had to do what I needed to survive, to protect the ones within my small community."
They all look at each other, before Maggie focus is back on the road.
"I'm sorry did I say something wrong?" You question them. "No it's not that, you just said you had a small community, we just got a radio call while you were resting saying they found some straggles coming to the gate, we just wondering if perhaps they were some of you folk"
I look out the window to the trees passing us, should I be thankful that there might be some of us left? Aaron passes you back your backpack and smiles. "Why don't you get some rest, we not too far out from our community, we will have the doctor check you over, you have some nasty cuts on your legs, I assume from running" Aaron says, his eyes on the road while Maggie drives. You do just that, you close your eyes and let the sound of the car put you to sleep.
Tagslist ~ @clairealeehelsing
#daryl dixon x yn#daryl dixon fanfiction#daryl dixon and reader#dixon vixen#daryl dixon x you#daryl dixon x reader#the walking dead fanfiction#the walking dead#norman reedus#TWD story#daryl dixon fluff
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heyy girl i think if u haven’t what abt u write a dbf miguel x reader ik i see so many but theyre so gd to read they get me so invested every time🤷🏽♀️
summary: you’ve just come home from college for christmas but there’s a stranger in your bedroom
a/n: dbf as in dads best friend or dad boy friend? 😭 i’d do either but for this i’ll do dads best friend bc… yh. also tysm for the request it means sm 😚😚😚 also I guess this is a fic now? Bc I kinda hate one shots bci can never cut down on lore and stuff.
You hadn’t realised how easily college had managed to seep its way into every aspect of your life, pulling you away from both your family and social life, until you came home for Christmas.
Everyone looks so different, your mum is more colourful and chirpy, your father is healthier and your brother is surprisingly mature. But what takes you most by surprise is the lack of silence that has taken them by storm. When you had come home for the summer most of your stay had been filled with an uncomfortable but unfortunately familiar silence following you around but now, you can’t shut them up.
The entirety of the drive home from the train station is full of chatter, and for once they include you. They seem so genuinely invested about you that you don't even question the randomness of their questions, ranging from the journey home and the local shops that surround your campus.
“I heard that there's one of those pretentious, hipster coffee places nearby,” your dad claims from the driver's seat, not bothering to look around at you.
“Vegan?” you offer dryly, unsure of it he knows you work there or not.
“That's it!” he clicks proudly, resulting in both you and your brother sharing a sigh.
Part of you hopes that it’s because of you; that maybe they realised how much they loved you while you were gone and now feel overjoyed at your return. There’s a feeling of doubt floating around in your mind, telling you that this is just a random occurrence, but you push it to the side, wanting to focus on the positive and unrealistic.
Your brother helps you lug your suitcase into the house claiming, ‘It’s the least I can do’ which is surreal coming from someone who hasn’t written to you the entirety of your time away. You hand him your antler clifton all the same, glad you didn't have to carry it across the drive as well as up the stairs.
The warmth from the house welcomes you in, the softness of the heated air a stark difference from the harsh bitterness from outside. The sweet smell of cinnamon and gingerbread candles lures you in so soothingly that you don't even notice the extra pair of shoes neatly paired together with the rest by the front door.
“I'll leave it here,” your brother mutters before sliding across the floorboards towards the living room on the heels of his feet- not as mature as you presumed. You smile half-heartedly with a small nod, jealous of how easily he can dismiss himself.
And suddenly you’re alone again, left to your own devices as your parents go start dinner and your brother now yelling into his mic from the living room. It hurts slightly, moments ago they were all over you, so invested in you and your life that you forgot what they're truly like. It's the way it always been and you're a fool for thinking otherwise.
You scold yourself for being so naive as to believe that they'd changed, that they weren't as self-absorbed as they used to be, before pulling yourself away from your sea of negative thoughts.
You stare at your suitcase, bright white light shining on it from the lamp hanging above your head, and decide to leave it there, too tired to carry it upstairs to your room.
The steps creak under your weight as you slouch up the stairs, one hand idly dragging across the chipped bannister. You can't count how many times your dad’s tried to repaint it, how much money he's spent on overpriced glosses and varnishes, how many hours he's spent sanding the thing down.
As you cross the landing, thick carpet dampening the sound of your steps, you the bathroom door left ajar and the soft heat emanating from it. Which is… weird because both your parents and your brother are downstairs. But you shrug it off, too fed up to care, and drag yourself over to your bedroom, head drooping downwards with fatigue.
Casually, you push your door open, expecting the room to be empty and your bed freshly made as it often is when you come home for the holidays. Except it isn't.
Soft jazz music hums throughout the room, playing from a speaker you can't quite place, and the smell of an intoxicatingly strong aftershave clings to the air. Your walls are still decorated with the wallpaper you had when you left but it's covered in various posters. Some are boring and presumably scientific based on the array of symbols, whereas others are insanely niche but you don't really put too much effort into trying to understand them- you're too distracted by the man standing in the middle of your room, half naked and dripping with water.
He's tall, intimidatingly so, but the soft dimples that form in his cheeks as he smiles down at you soothe your nerves- slightly.
“Hey,” he grins down at you, head now cocked to the side and pats his ear causing water droplets to drip onto your carpeted floor.
You blink at him, completely dumbstruck and unsure of what to do. “What the fuck?” you breathe shakily, palms clamming up as your brain desperately flickers between arousal and fear.
The man’s brow furrows at your anxious tone and his smile falters slightly. “I think I should be the one cursing here,” he jests, tone annoyingly light, “you’ve just walked into my room without knocking or anything.”
“You're room?” you scoff, arms folding across your chest. “You're the stranger here, not me.”
He grins at your attitude, those dimples presenting themselves again. “I’m offended, has it been that long since you've last seen me?” he questions, large hand splayed across his chest feigning offence.
You pause for a moment and let your gaze scan him for a moment. He looks familiar, dark slicked back hair and mahogany eyes that are simultaneously scrutinizing and sympathetic.
“A la mierda, querida, have you really forgotten me?” he teases.
And then it clicks. You feel so embarrassed now, for not recognising him. Miguel, your dad’s best friend who you haven't seen for years, is finally visiting again.
He does look different now, though. He's still tall and his face is as chiselled as ever, though there are creases in his skin from when he's smiled too often or squinted too hard at the sun, but he's bulked up a considerable amount. His biceps look bigger than your thighs, tensing and relaxing with every slight movement and shining with the shower water in the yellow light of the evening sun. In fact, his entire body is covered in muscles, and what you can see of his lower half is toned, covered in dark tufts of hair, yes, but the curvature of each muscle is still visible.
He clears his throat and you realise that you’ve been staring longer than intended, shame burning hot on your neck.
“Sorry,” you mutter, “about not recognising you.”
He shrugs off your apology, which irks you slightly but you push past it, and smile once again. “I look different, old age is catching up on me.”
That's definitely what's different.
> next
#atsv miguel#miguel o'hara#miguel spiderman#miguel spiderverse#spider man 2099#spiderman 2099#miguel x reader#miguel x you#miguel au#dilf miguel#older Miguel
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Prosciutto x nurse!fem!reader (sfw, nsfw)
headcanons are like,,so fun. I'll actually be at work writing these bc i love doing them 🤧
(also, very loosely based off of the matchup trade i did with endless lady (and by very loosely i mean not that loosely))
(authors note: i have not been to a doctors office in literal years, and the last time i spoke to any sort of nurse was when a hospice nurse came to help my grandmother pass, so i apologize for any inaccuracies)
-you met him when he was admitted to your hospital for a head injury. The grown boy accompanying him (Pesci) was wailing and generally causing a big scene out of worry, and he was just coherent enough to watch with awe as you managed to calm Pesci down enough that he could sit in the waiting room without him
-After that, when you came to his side to tend to his equipment, he mustered up the courage to ask you
-"You helped my overgrown manbaby brother...why?"
-You'd laugh and say "He definitely wasn't the worst patient I've ever had. Besides, he's only worried about you, it must be scary to see your big brother hooked up to all these intimidating machines."
-which, yknow...is understandable
-After he's been released from the hospital, he puts in a request to Risotto to have you as the squad's personal medic
-youd be paid handsomely, of course, with whatever the Boss decided you were worth. But Prosciutto knew your worth.
-if you're accepted to work for La Squadra, congratulations! You've got an arrogant man constantly in your infirmary!
-Even if the Boss denies Prosciutto's request, he'd still find his way to your hospital.
-Prosciutto's not even injured most of the time, he just wants to see you.
-his form of courting you is...weird. He critiques tiny things about you; how you've organized your equipment, how you've organized your files (how did he even get into those? those are confidential-), how you talk to your patients
-Honestly, at first, you actually don't even notice that he's romantically interested in you. he just seems so rude and mean and critical
-really though, he's just tryna keep you "up to his standards"
-he's got a bit of an ego, he believes that when he wants someone by his side, he wants them to be as presentable as he is, or even more than he is. (which is the case with you, he already thinks you're pretty perfect, but it's a habit he can't break)
-it really takes a long time before you notice he wants to date you
-when you finally do notice though, you're a little endeared by his odd habits. you learn to brush off his nitpicking, learn about his friends turned family.
-when he introduces you to them, his family, formaggio in particular is shocked. like, what? Prosciutto?? found this super hot nurse chick?? AND managed to impress her enough that she'd date his hot mess ass? like....why?
(nsfw below the cut)
-he tends to switch between wanting something slow and sensual, real love-making, or something raw and fast and mean, depending on his mood.
-when he's feeling something slower, he'll bed you right, believe it
-candle lit dinner in his apartment, flowers, rose petals on the bed, the whole fucking show
-when he's feeling rough, though...pray for your legs and yo pussy, gurl, bc he's mean.
-he don't care where you two are, he'll fuck you in a bathroom stall, a greenhouse, his fucking car, even in your own fucking nurse's office. he does not care. he's taking you wherever he can
-he loves BOOBS
-he's giving you specific outfits with very pretty boob windows just so he can stare at you in them. and then fuck you in the cafe restroom, because he just cannot help himself.
-and oral
-this man has an oral fixation, and he wants his mouth on you ALWAYS. giving you nASTY head, or sucking on your tits, or leaving so many hickeys on you that you need to wear concealer even WITH your scrubs.
#jojo kimyou na bouken#jojos bizarre adventure#jjba part 5#jjba vento auero#jjba x reader#la squadra x reader#la squadra#jjba prosciutto#prosciutto x reader
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When Penguin starts finding petals littered around the bunk room on the Tang, in the beginning he thinks nothing of it. People track in dirt and leaves all the time— or maybe Clione was trying to pretty up the place at some point. There was an incident a while ago with ornamental candles that stopped after Bepo took a bite of one.
He takes more notice when the flower petals keeps happening, though.
They’ve been at sea for weeks with their only stop being a winter island to stock up. There’s no way someone’s tracking in bright, fire-red petals from a barren landscape like that.
He considers going to Law about it, but decides against it. It feels like overreacting. It’s overreacting, right? Just some flower petals from time to time, surely it’s nothing.
Well, it’s nothing for about a week.
A week before he’s walking into the mess hall at dinner and spotting Shachi coughing into the collar of his boiler suit before surreptitiously drawing out a handful of crumpled red blossoms when he thinks no one is looking.
Well, fuck.
Penguin corners Shachi in his bunk later when everyone else is doing actual responsible things.
“Who is it?” Penguin asks, sliding over Shachi and sitting down heavy on his stomach.
Shachi groans from the weight. Rude. “Who is what?”
“Whoever you can’t get over,” Penguin says.
He knows he’s right when Shachi shifts uncomfortably beneath him. “None of your fucking business,” Shachi says, and Penguin can tell even with the sunglasses that he’s avoiding his gaze.
“Fuck off, I told you the second I was crushing on Killer,” Penguin pouts.
“You tell me the second you find a stranger’s ass hot,” Shachi points out. “That’s not special.”
“Well it’s still important.” Penguin leans forward, arms bracketing Shachi’s head, brims of their hats almost touching. “Come on. Why aren’t you confessing? The flowers mean you’re not confessing.”
“Or that I got rejected,” Shachi points out peevishly.
Penguin blinks. “You got rejected?” he screeches. Impossible. Who would reject Shachi?
Unfortunately, his screeching alerts Hakugan, apparently passing by out in the corridor, who comes barging into the room.
“Hey! Penguin you were supposed to be on cleanup duty with me and I just had to swab the whole mess myself!”
Shachi manages to slip out from under Penguin’s hold while Penguin makes flimsy excuses that Hakugan doesn’t buy.
Damn it.
Shachi avoids him after that, or at least avoids one-on-one situations. And that drives Penguin insane. When has Shachi ever kept secrets from him?
“He doesn’t do this!” Penguin moans, face planting into Killer’s thigh.
“Maybe he’s embarrassed,” Killer suggests, petting his hat.
“Shachi tells me every time he takes a shit and half the time he wants me to rate them,” Penguin grouses. “He can’t be embarrassed.”
He feels Killer’s hand pause for a moment before resuming petting. “Taking a shit might not be as personal as getting rejected,” he suggests. “If that’s what happened. Which we don’t know. But especially so since it’s someone he clearly has actual feelings for.”
Penguin, very briefly, considers the possibility that Shachi has a crush on him.
But then he dismisses it. They’ve made out (and more) many times over the years and Penguin knows he’s not Shachi’s type. Shachi likes them passionate. That’s the word he uses, at least. Penguin’s not exactly sure what he means.
“How long are you lot docking here?” he asks, shifting the conversation out of frustration.
“Log pose resets for us in three more days, so should be four for you guys.”
“Excellent. Lots of time to make out.”
Killer laughs. Penguin likes it when Killer laughs.
Law’s never been a fan of the Kid pirates but he’s made certain allowances since Penguin and Killer started dating. When they’re on the same island, they dock within room-ing distance so that Penguin can be deposited on the Punk’s deck like a child of divorced parents.
But usually it’s just Penguin. Which is why he’s so confused when he comes out of Killer’s room in his skivvies and hat for a midnight snack only to catch a brief glance of Shachi sneaking around the end of the corridor.
“Wha—?“ Penguin says before taking off running after him.
He doesn’t catch him. He turns around the bend and Shachi’s nowhere to be seen.
Returning to Killer’s room, where Killer is splayed out and snoring on the bed, Penguin sits on his stomach and says, “What’s Shachi doing here?”
“Hnnnm,” says Killer, throwing an arm over his face. “What happened to snack time?”
Penguin snaps his fingers at him. “Keep up,” he says. “Shachi’s on your ship. Why is Shachi on your ship?”
“Fuck should I know,” Killer mumbles, turning over onto his side, leading to Penguin tumbling off of him.
But a thought has occurred to Penguin. “Oh no,” he says. “Is it you?”
“Is what me?” Killer asks, pulling Penguin in and clearly trying to go back to sleep.
“Are you the reason he’s got Hanahaki? Does he like you?”
Killer snorts. “Shachi doesn’t like me, babe.”
“How do you know?” Penguin stops. He considers. “I guess you’re going to have to date us both.”
“Peng, I’m not the only person on this ship. You know that, right?”
“But you’re the only hot one!”
Killer opens his eyes and gives Penguin a flat look. “You’re biassed,” he says. “If Shachi liked me, he’d tell you. Your first instinct upon learning that he might light me is to try to share me with him. You know he’d tell you.”
He tugs Penguin back down vertical. “Also, I’m not good at sharing.”
“Yeah, I’ve seen the way you get with noodles,” Penguin mumbles. Trapped under Killer’s arm, he figures he’ll corner Shachi tomorrow. For now, he tries to rank the other Kid pirates in order of hotness, listing them off on his fingers as Killer ignores him. Heat? Wire? Mosh? Boogie? Obviously no one compares to Killer.
Of course, the next day he can’t find Shachi.
He goes back to the Tang (two days until the Kids set off) but no one has seen him. Ikkaku thinks he might have gone into town. Jean Bart says he didn’t sleep there last night. Law rolls his eyes and says nothing, but that’s perfectly normal.
He snoops around the Victoria Punk but he doesn’t know the layout of the ship quite as well, and eventually resorts to asking around. Quincy says she saw him on the upper decks. UK says he was near steerage. Dive says she watched him steal the good pancakes. So he’s been here. Somewhere.
But why?
And then, down another corridor looking for clues, Penguin finds the petals.
It’s a handful of them, smushed and hidden under some equipment boxes in the hallway right outside the captain’s quarters, ironically just two doors down from Killer’s room.
Penguin abandons decorum and throws Kid’s door open.
Which, in hindsight, was not a smart move, but Penguin’s critical thinking is not what it could be right now.
And hey, he finds Shachi.
He finds Shachi leaning over Kid, the fucking captain, swapping spit.
A strangled sound comes out of Penguin’s mouth.
Shachi scrambles off of Kid in a hurry and Kid wipes his mouth, cursing in Penguin’s direction.
“What the fuck you can’t just barge in here,” he snaps, all the metal in the room shaking a little in response.
“Him?” Penguin yells, ignoring Kid entirely and looking at Shachi. “That’s who?”
“Shut up,” Shachi yells, which is very un-Shachi like. He does yell, but he doesn’t yell at Penguin.
But his yelling immediately devolves into coughing into his fist and Penguin turns on Kid, who’s getting up off the floor.
“You,” Penguin shouts at him. “You rejected him?”
“What the fuck are you on about?” Kid yells back, and at the same time Shachi rushes forward, clamping his hand over Penguin’s mouth and trying to drag him out of the room.
That’s not going to fucking work though because Penguin’s mad and he’s going to be mad.
He bites Shachi.
Shachi lets go.
There’s crumpled flower petals on the floor around him.
“You rejected him,” Penguin accuses. “What, so you’re just using him now, instead? He’s not good enough to date but he’s good enough to make out with!?”
Metal bits swirl through the air around them.
Shachi lets out a very quiet “oh shit” as the door slams behind them, trapping the both of them in the room with a now seething captain.
“What the fuck are you accusing me of,” Kid bellows. “I didn’t do shit. Your little crew member is the one who’s been coming onto me every time we see you! HE’S the one who initiated this, he’s the one who said no string a-fucking-tatched!” He points a metal finger at Shachi, who’s shifted to standing slightly behind Penguin, his fingers digging into Penguin’s upper arm.
“You,” Kid shouts, pointing over Penguin’s shoulder at Shachi with an accusing finger.. “What’s your fucking problem, was this a joke to you?”
Shachi stammers something incomprehensible but Kid continues. “What was your fucking plan, fuck the captain and then go brag to your fucking friends about it?”
“Hey,” Penguin shouts back.
He takes a step forward, held back by Shachi’s hands digging into his arm. “Don’t talk to him like that!”
Shachi, a little shakily, says, “I didn’t! I wouldn’t say shit!”
“I don’t fucking believe you,” Kid yells. “Get out and don’t fucking come back here!”
The door behind them is wrenched open, but before they can go, Shachi is collapsing onto the floor, hacking coughs wracking his frame as flame-red petals spew from his mouth and cover the wood. Penguin falls to his side but he can’t do anything to help, and this— this is so bad.
“What the fuck…” says Kid, but it’s quiet now, voice shifted to something between shock and concern.
And then, suddenly, Killer is there. Scooping up Shachi’s shaking form and taking him out of the room. Penguin follows, not knowing what else to do. This feels like his fault.
The infirmary on the Victoria Punk is colourful and crowded like the rest of the ship, but the cot Shachi rests on is clean and sparse.
UK has made him tea, something in it to help soothe his throat and keep the plant in his lungs at bay.
Killer and Kid are both there, sitting on mismatched chairs, silent and serious.
Despite feelings like he’s in deep shit, Penguin wasted no time in crawling onto the cot with Shachi as soon as he could, wrapping himself around him like he could protect him. Shachi didn’t protest (he rarely does) but he’s not making eye contact, staring down at the tea in his hands.
“I think your ship’s surgeon will be a better fit than I am to get that thing out of your lungs,” UK says after looking Shachi over. “Should be a simple enough operation. Only complication is that you’ll forget the, uh, target of the affections.” He looks sideways at Kid.
Kid continues to look fucking livid, but he’s stewing in silence, shoulder to shoulder with Killer, who’s donned his mask and is giving little away.
After UK takes his leave, Shachi downs his tea in silence, coughing only a few stray petals.
“We should leave,” he says.
Penguin’s about to agree but Kid interrupts them. “No you fucking should not,” he says, leaning forward and pushing Shachi’s chest back down with one hand. “I know you well enough to know that if you leave you’re never coming back here.”
Penguin lets out a low whistle. He’s not wrong.
“What was your plan?” Kid asks. “Just fuck around with me until I fall in love with you?”
“Fucking Christ,” Shachi mumbles, his voice raw. “Of course not!” Then, quieter. “Just planned on doing it as long as I could, then… getting the surgery when I couldn’t handle it anymore.”
Penguin frowns. “You weren’t ever going to tell him?” he asks.
“No!” Shachi shouts. “I’m not naive, Peng! I know this wouldn’t have had a fairy tale ending! I just wanted to— to indulge as long as I could.” He peters off, staring into his cup again.
Kid is back to looking furious but Killer leans forward before he can say anything. “For clarity’s sake,” he says, his voice shockingly even next to Kid’s. “Why wouldn’t this have had the ‘fairy tale ending’?”
Shachi looks at him confused. “Because?” he says, like it’s obvious.
When it seems like no one is on his page, he points to Kid. “He’s a captain? He’s not just a captain, he’s a Worst Generation captain! He— he owns this fucking ship! He’s one of the most powerful men in the world and he’s got a sickass devil fruit. And listen, I know I’m hot. But I’m not, like,” he gestures to Killer. “I’m not even first mate! I’m just some guy!”
“Hey—” Penguin starts to argue but Shachi shuts him down.
“Peng it’s not about being hot or whatever. A captain, especially a Worst Generation captain, can’t just date a scrawny fucking nobody. It’ll fuck up his image! He’s gotta strike fear into the heart of the Marines!”
He coughs and a few stray petals come out. “That’s why Law can date Luffy but Kid can’t date me, even though I’m objectively much sexier than Luffy.”
“Ehhh,” Penguin says while Killer makes an uncertain hand motion.
“Anyway, this has been good,” Shachi says.“I’m going to go now before I can embarrass myself more. Gonna go get the dumb surgery and then make out with Hakugan or something until I feel better.”
He goes to stand up but is almost immediately pushed back down by a slightly crumpled metal bar levitating through the air and attaching itself over the bed.
“Shut up,” Kid says, pointing his finger accusingly at Shachi. “You talk too fucking much, you know that?”
Shachi gives him the middle finger. “Well you use too much tongue when you kiss.”
“Your teeth are too sharp to bite my neck, UK made me get a rabies shot,” Kid shoots back. “Shut up. Your reasoning is stupid.”
“My reasoning is not stupid,” Shachi argues back flippantly.
“I don’t give a flying fuck what the marines or anyone else thinks of who I date,” Kid says. “That’s a dumbass thought process and you’re dumb as fuck for thinking it.” His scowl deepens. “And you’re dumb as fuck for being such a coward that you weren’t even going to tell me! What kind of idiot lets himself almost die for the sake of a good fuck?”
“Many people,” Shachi says petulantly.
“Shut the fuck up. You’re an idiot. If you get that surgery, I’ll kill you.”
Shachi gapes at him. “What the hell?” he says. “You just want me to die, then? Gonna choke on some flower petals, is that metal enough for you?”
“No you fuckskull, I want you to stop being a fucking coward and ask me out!”
Killer has his head in his hands.
Shachi fishmouths at him. “Well maybe I don’t want to do it right now!”
“Yes you do,” Penguin says soothingly, well aware of how much of an idiot Shachi can become when he gets mad. He’s also been sort of uncomfortably trapped on his side by the bar Kid has stuck over the bed. “Please be sensible and just ask out the pirate captain known for murder.”
Shachi scoffs, throwing his hands up. “Fine,” he says. “Even though it’s a dumb decision on your part if you say yes, will you go out with me, Captain Kid?”
“Yeah,” Kid shouts. “For some reason I like your scrawny ass, so i will!”
Killer’s head is somehow more in his hands.
“Fine.” shouts Shachi. “Move this bar so I can make out with your dumb face, then!”
The bar moves very quickly.
Shachi is on Kid’s lap almost as fast.
Penguin makes eye contact (probably) with Killer through the mask. “Can we be… somewhere else?” He asks.
Killer nods. “Please,” he says.
They evacuate the infirmary and close the door firmly behind them.
“They’re going to have sex in there,” Penguin says.
Killer nods in agreement. “They’re going to have sex everywhere.”
A thought occurs to Penguin as they make their way to the upper deck. “Oh, Law is not going to be happy about this.”
Killer snorts. “Your captain isn’t happy about anything.”
Well that’s true.
The rest of the day is spent dodging bits of metal debris that levitate and shoot off at the most alarming of moments. Penguin learns that this means Kid is “extremely happy”.
He hates having this knowledge.
Shachi will love it.
#shastass#kilpen#kilguin#my writing#okay if you see this on ao3... yes i put it on there too#im trying out posting my more finished shortfic on ao3#it's an experiment#but to be fair usually i would put them on here well before ao3#i just got real excited. becasue i like this one.
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